Mission Concepts Enabled by Solar Electric Propulsion and Advanced Modular Power Systems K.Klaus¹, M.S.Elsperman² and F. Roger², ¹The Boeing Company, 13100 Space Center Blvd, Houston, TX 77059;
[email protected], ²The Boeing Company, 5301 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92647,
[email protected],
[email protected] margin for science experiments and spacecraft operations at Jupiter, and even as far out as Saturn. AMPS is based on previous DARPA and AFRL solar power and propulsion system technology development. Advanced Modullar Power Systtems ((AMPS) FAST Solar Concentrator IIBIIS Fllexiiblle Bllankett and FFAST Sollar Concenttrator - Power Generation, Deployment, PMAD and SWD BDS | PhantomWorks BDS | PhantomWorks Multifunctional Concentrator Assembly (MCA) x170 Integrated Blanket/Interconnect System Fast Access Testbed Spacecraft (FAST) – Spacecraft Deployed Sunlight (IBIS) - Flexible Blanket with 33% IMMs 12.5:1 Concentrator with 33% IMMs Configuration MCA String • Less susceptible to combined environment effects • More radiation tolerant due to inherent shielding and and contamination concerns due to more benign small solar cell area Mirror Radiator Thermal temperatures and conventional materials on a • More suitable for reusable vehicles delivering cargo Tether Beam x4 Conduction flexible substrate through the Van Allen belts (e.g., LEO-to-L1 transport) 12.5:1 Geometrical BDS | PhantomWorks Concentration Ratio • Reduced pointing requirements Bow • Effective in low intensity light (i.e. outer solar system) Sp