MD. AINUL HAQUE REC. NO. : 08-3214 Lchrar 1) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty ofAgriculture Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka in partial /izlfihlment of the requirements for the degree of



Dr. Md. Abdur Ranaque Md. Azizur Rahman Mazuinder Professor Professor Department of Agricultural Chemistry Department of Agricultural Chemistry Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Sher-e-Rangla Agricultural University Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Professor Dr. Rokcya Begum Chairman Examination Committee - - DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207

Memo No: SAUl Agricultural Chemistry


This is to certif' that the thesis entitled "Assessment of Major Chemical constituents of Saline Soil of Greater " submitted to the Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, in partial thlflhlment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agricultural Chemistry, embodies the result of a piece of bonafide research work carried out by Md. Ainul Haque, Registration number: 03214 under my supervision and guidance. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma.

I further certi& that any help or source of information, received during the course of this investigation has duly been acknowledged.

Dated: 0722012_- Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque Dhaka. P ro lb S S or Department of Agricultural Chemistry Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Dhaka- 1207 :


All praises are due to Almighty Allah, the Great, Gracious and Merciful, I'Miose blessings enabled the author to complete this research work successfully.

The author likes to express his deepest sense of thankfulness to his respected supervisor Professor Dr. Md. Abdu r Razzaque, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SA U), Ohaka, Bangladesh for his scholastic guidance, support, encouragement and valuable suggestions and constructive criticism throughout the study period in conducting and successfully completing the research work and in the preparation of the manuscript.

'Tue author also expresses his gratefulness to his respected Co-Supervisor, Professor Md. Azizur Raliman Mazumder, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Slier-c- Ban gla Agricultural University, Dhaka for his scholastic guidance, helpful comments and constant inspiration, valuable suggestions throughout the research work and in preparation of the thesis.

The author also expresses heartfelt thanks to all the teachers of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, SAU, for their valuable suggestions, instructions, cordial help and encouragement during the period of the study.

The author expresses his sincere appreciation to his brother, sisters, relatives, well wishers and friends for their inspiration, help and encouragement throughout the study period.

The Author






CHAPTER III MATERIALS AND METHODS 13-27 3.1 Soil sampling site i

3.2 Morphological description of sampling soil 13

3.3 Chemical constituents of soil sample 18

3.4 Collection of soil samples IS

3.5 Methods of analyses olsoil chemical properties 19-26

3.5.1 Soil p1-1 19

3.5.2 Electrical conductivity ([C) (as soil salinity) of soil

samples 19

3.5.3 Estimation of nitrogen by macro kjeldahl method 20-23

3.5.4 Exchangeable cation 24

3.5.5 Determination of available phosphorus 24-25

v (Cont'd)

TOPICS PAGE NO. 3.5.6 Determination of available sulphate-sulphur 25-26 3.5.7 Exchangeable anion chloride 26 3.5.8 Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of soil 26

3.5.9 Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) of soil 26

3.6 Statistical analysis 27

ChAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 28-50 4.1 Soil p1-i 28 4.2 Electrical conductivity (EC) 29 4.3 Total nitrogen 32 4.4 Available phosphorus 32

4.5 Available sulphur 35 4.6 Exchangeable Na 35 4.7 Exchangeable IC 38 4.8 Exchangeable Ca2 38 4.9 Exchangeable Mg2' 41 4.10 Available Cl 41 4.11 Soluble Sodium Percentage 44 4.12 Sodium Absorption Ratio 44

4.13 Relationship between pH and EC, pIt and SSP, pH 47 and SAR. EC and 551', EC and SAR. SSP and SAlt

VI (Coni'd)





TABLE TITLE PAGE NO. NO. 1,1st of specific study areas (upazilla and district vise) of soil I collection 14 2 Morphological descriptions of the soil sampling sites of AF!, Gangas Tidal flood plain and saline calcarious and non-calcarious subregion I)

pH of soils of different areas of greater Khulna district 30



FIGURE NO. - - TITLE PACE NO. 1 Map of Bangladesh showing coastal zone 16

2 Showing the spots of sample collection 17

3 Graphical presentation of soil EC of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 samples taken from each sampling areas) 31

4 Total nitrogen content in soil of 24 different locations in greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 samples taken from each sampling areas) 33

Graphical presentation of available phosphorus of diIlèrent locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 samples taken from each sampling areas) 34

6 Graphical presentation of available sulphur of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of each village) 36

7 Graphical presentation of exchangeable sodium of different locations of greater Khulna distric (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 37

8 Graphical presentation of exchangeable potassium of diflerent locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 39

9 Graphical presentation of exchangeable calcium of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 40

10 Graphical presentation of exchangeable Magnessium of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 42

ix (Cont'd)

FIGURE TITLE PACE NO. NO. 11 Graphical presentation of available Cl - of different locations of greater. Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 43

12 Graphical presentation of soluble sodium percentage (SSP) of different locations of greater Khulna district. (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 45

13 Graphical presentation of sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village) 46

Relationship between soil p11 and EC of the soils of study areas of 14 48 greater Khulna district

Relationship between pH and SSP of the soils of study areas of 15 48 greater Khulna district

Relationship between soil p11 and SAR of the soils of the study 16 49 areas of greater Khulna district

Relationship between EC and SSP of the soils of the study areas of 17 49 greater Khulna district

18 Relationship between electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of the soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district 50

Relationship between SSP and SAR of the soils of study areas of 19 50 greater Khulna district



APPENI)ICES - TITLE PAGE NO. NO. Values used to classify soil pH 60

IL Values used to classify soil salinity 60 Values used to classify soil water salinity III 61 Value used to classified soil salinity. IV 61 Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the soils of the study V 62 areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Total nitrogcn content of the soils of the study areas of VI 63 greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Available phosphorus content of soils of the study areas VU 64 of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Available sulphur content of soils of the study areas of VII! 65 greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Exchangeable Na content of soils of the study areas of IX 66 greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Exchangeable K content of soils of the study areas of x 67 greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Exchangeable C2 content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh 68

Xli Exchangeable Mg2 content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh 69

xi (ConCd)

APPENDICES TITLE PACE NO. NO. Available Cl- content of soils of the study areas of greater 70 Khulna district of Bangladesh

Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) of soils of the study xv 71 areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of soils of the study areas xv 72 of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Correlation between different properties XVI 73


Abbreviated Form Elaborated Form EC Electrical Conductivity dS Dcci Siemens m' Per meter

L' Per Litre g Gram mL Milli Litre el al. and others ppm Pans Per Million

SSP Soluble Sodium Percentage

SAlt Sodium Absorption Ratio LSD Least Significant Difference

CV % Co-efficient of variation percentage ABSTRACT

The experiment was conducted to assess the major chemical constitunLs of saline soil. A typical saline area of Bangladesh namely Khulna (J)omoria and Ratiaghata

lipazil ) , Bagherhat (Sadar and Rampal ) and Satkhira (Samnagar and Kaligonj upazila) districts were selected. Four villages from each upazila were

selccted. The surlhce soil of 0 to 15 cm were collccted from 24 village of saline zone

of greater Khulna district during the period from February to March 2010. The chemical analyses of soil constituents include total nitrogen, available phosphorus '-t 2' and sulphur, exchangeable ions of Na K , Ca Mg and Cl and chemical properties such as pH, PC, SSP and SAR were determined and recorded. The pH and

PC of all these soil samples varies from 4.82 to 7.56 mhos cm and 1.20 to 5.35 dSnf

expressing acid to slightly alkaline and non saline to moderately saline in nature

respectively. I'otal nitrogen ranged from .01 to 0.15 % at Madardia of Rampal

upazila and Soondarmohal village of l3atiaghata upazila respectively. The available

sulphur and phosphorus were recorded as 0.13 to 0.86 and 16.52 to 55.23 m.e/l00 g

soil respectively.The dominant exchangeable cations and anion were Na', Ca2' Me,

Cl' and K 4 . The range of these ions were found as 1.93 to 14.13, 4.68 to 14.56, 3.03 to 5.85, 1.73 to 4.72, 0.13 to 0.60 m.e/100 g soils respectively over 24 villages of greater Khulna district. The SAR of the soil of these villages were recorded from 0.90 to 5.93 which were very sensitive to crops. The SSP of the soil samples ranged from

19 to 56%. The soils of these village were permissible to good for cultivation. The

soil of I3hagmari, Noornagar and Hajipur villages were acidic, the soil of Shanpara, Ashan-Nagar, Chatchotia. Dulibola, Palit-Katti. Dakkin-Kooltali and Kooltali villages

were slightly acidic, the soil of Radha-Ballop, Cioojiati, Katoora, Deema, Badra- Sannashi, Suto-Sannashi, Mollikaerbeard, Soondarmohal, and Kodla village were particularly neutral and the soil of Madardia village was slightly alkaly in nature.

xiv CHAPTER I 12


Agriculture is the vital sector of the economy of Bangladesh that employ the

majority of the work force and the economic development of the countiy is

basically based on agricultural development. Salinity creates a problem due to its

effcct on crop species which are predominantly sensitive due to presence of high

concentration of salts in the soil and it is one of the oldest and most serious

environmental problems in the world (Mc William. 1986). In Baiigladesh that has

obstructive impact on crop production and that draws attention of many scientists

to overcome this obstruction by adopting improved salt tolerant genotypes/lines.

In Bangladesh. over 30% of the net cultivable land lies in the coastal zones and

these land are distributed unevenly in 64 thanas of 13 coastal districts covering

portions of 8 Agro Ecological Zones (AEZ). Out of 2.85 million hectares of

coastal and off-shore land, about 0.833 million hectares of arabic land are affected

by valying degree of salinity (Karim etal.. 1990). The large portion of saline land

(0.65 million hectares) locates in the districts of Khulna. Satkhira, l3agerhat.

Barguna. Patuakhali, Pirojpur. on the western coast (West of Meghna) and the smaller portion (0.18 million hectares) in the district of Chuttagong, Cox's Bazar,

Noakhali. Lakshmipur. Feni and Chandpur on the eastern coast (East of Meghna).

Agricultural land used in these areas is very limited and is lower than country's average cropping intensity (175.45%), which is 173.96% in Chittagong coastal region and 136.93% in Khulna coastal region (BBS, 2000). Coastal area of Bangladesh becomes saline due to sea water intnision through

rivers estuaries. On the other hand, the freshly deposition of alluvium from

upstream in the coastal areas of Bangladesh become saline in contact with sea

water and continues to be inundated during the high tides and ingress of sea water

through crakcs and that influences soluble sodium percentage (SSP) which varied

from 13.63 to 55.74 (Razzaque ci at, 2011). Also coastal areas are occasionally affected by cyclones with high tides that severely damage standing crops and may inundate vast areas. The severity of salinity problems in Bangladesh increases with the drying of the soil. During the wet monsoon the severity of salt injury is reduced due to dilution of the salt in the root zone of the standing crops.

Crop production in the saline soil is constrained by salt accumulation in the root zone. These salts are water soluble and are easily transported by water. If evaporation exceeds leaching, the salt accumulation in the root zone and interferes with the crop growth when concentration exceeds the tolerance limit. The plants will suffer from water stress if enough water is present in the root zone. This is because of high osmotic potential created due to the presence of salt in the system.

SAR of irrigation water should be less than 10, especially when young plants are grown. 50 ppm (mg/L) of sodium in irrigation water is too high for most crops

(Davidson ci al.. 2000). Fertility status of the most saline soil ranges from low to very low with respect to low organic matter content. The continuous addition of saline water may damage the physical condition and chemical properties of soil.

I The salinity problem did not receive proper attention in the past, but now

emphasis has been given on this issue. Crop production is possible in salt affected

soils when the salt concentration in the root zone is diluted or leached down below

the root zone. Razzaquc ci at (2011) reported that chloride (Cl) content varied

from 36.9 to 76.2 ing over 20 water samples of Kushtia, Bangladesh. In

Bangladesh the following mechanisms operate in farmer's held in the salt affected areas during monsoons. Rainfall or tidal rainwater (non saline) dilute the top soil salinity and numerous open channels help remove salts by both vertical and lateral leaching from the soil during low tidal period. Sustained and prolitable crop production in salt affected soil is possible if appropriate farm management decisions are made. For butler management of the soils, land and soil type. knowledge of soil chemical properties has significant importance (Rahman. S. NI.,


The crop yield per unit area of Bangladesh shows a decreasing trend due to poor management practices. From the foregoing discussion, it is apparent that a comparative study of chemical constituents of saline soil is very important for successful crop production. 'l'lie present study was therefore conducted taking 24 villages of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh with the following objectives:

- to observe soil reaction and electrical conductivity:

to determine the nutrients status in soil such as N. P. K, Na, Ca. Mg and S


to study the suitability of saline soil for crop production. CHAPTER II


Salinity is one of the most serious environmental problems in the world as well as

Bangladesh for successful crop production. Coastal area of Bangladesh becomes

saline due to sea water intrusion through rivers estuaries but that was less attracted

in respect of soil properties by die researchers in various aspects especially soil p11. Electrical Conductivity (EC), exchangeable cation and anion concentration.

SSP. S.AR etc. However, some of the important and informative works and research findings related to chemical constitunts of saline soil so far been done at home and abroad in different aspect reviewed below -

2.1 Soil pH

Manchanda and Khanna (981) reported from an experiment that the pH value of moderately saline surface soil was 9.80 and of strongly saline soil it was found to be 10.05 in 1-latyana (India). Duhe and Sharma (1987) stated that the pH value was 8.2 to 8.3 and 8.0 to 8.5 at two highly saline areas of Gujrat (India). Sharma c/ at (1987) reported that the p11 value ranged from 8.5 to 8.6 and 7.5 to 9.2 in two salt affected soils of Narmada Valley (India).

Joshi and Kadrekar (1988) conducted an experiment and observed that the pH value of saline alkali soils ranged between 4.3 to 7.9 and in saline non-alkali soil the value remained within 4.0 to 6.6 in salt affected vertisols in Maharashtra

4 (India). Tewatia ci 01(1989) stated that the salt-affected soil in Hatyana (India),

the pH was found to be 8.0 when the EC was 15.0 dSni'.

SRDI (1989) reported that the p11 values were found to be within 7.5 to 8.1 in

Jhalakhati series and 6.9 to 7.2 in Barisal series which are tinder saline zones of


Sharma (1992) reported that the pH range between 9.2 to 9.4 in salt affected soils in Gujrat (India).

Anwar (1993) observed that the soil pH of Patuakhali and I3arguna districts of

Bangladesh varied from 6.21 to 7.88 and at some locations increased with the soil depths. SRDI (1993) reported that tile p11 values of Jhalokathi series varied from

7.2 to 7.6 in Barisal series from 6.9 to 7.7 and Ghaor series 5.3 to 7.4.

Sahoo c/ at (1995) conducted an experiment in the Sundarbans Mangrove soils and found that the pt-I value decreased with depth in all the profiles with its content ranging from 7.1 to 8.4. Prakash ci al. (1995) conducted an experiment in salt affected soils of Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh and found that the pH of the soil ranged from 8.8 to 10.6.

SRDI (1999) reported that the p1-i value varied from 5.7 to 7.7 in salt affected

Satkhira Sadar soils of Bangladesh. 2.2 Electrical Conductivity (EC) as Soil Salinity

In coastal areas of Bangladesh tidal water intrusion and drought condition during

the Boro rice growing season increased the salinity level and the EC may develop

upto 5 to 30 in inhos cm' (Annonyrnous. 1980).

Manchanda and Khanna (1981) found that the EC value of moderately saline soil ranged from 3.2 to27.6 in mhos cnf' and in strongly saline soil the value was 2.47 to 47.60 in mhos cm 1

In a green house study. Ahmed etal. (1985) observed that grain yield of rice was unaffected at the salinity level of 8 dSm-1 but was seriously affected at 16 dSin' when saline water was applied.

Rahman (1987) conducted an experiment with two salt-affected soils of

Bangladesh and found that the EC value ranged from 1.2 to 11.1 m mhos cmd at different depths. Sharma et at (1987) observed that the EC of salt-affected

Nannanda valley was within 1.6 to 8.9 dSm and 3.0 to 64.0 dSnf' in two soils.

They also found that the EC values gradually decreased with the increasing of soil depths.

Joshi and Kadrekar (1988) found that the EC of saline alkali soil from 4.5 to 30.8 in mhos ciii' and in saline non-alkali soil it was 7.8 to 30.0 in mhos cnf' in the vest coast of Maharashtra (India).

Tewatia ci aL (1989) found that the EC value was 15.0 dSni' in salt-affected soils of Ilatyana (India). Francosi cial. (1989) conducted an experiment using different salinity levels and concluded that each unit increase in salinity level above 11.4

dSm1 reduced the yield of Rye by 10.8 percent in the USA.

BARC (1990) reported that the soil salinity of different horizons ranged from 2.4

to 3.4 dSnf' at Asasuni and 3.1 to 4.0 dSrn" at Kalapara in Khulna, during

December 2008. Sharina (1992) measured the EC of 37.2 to 46.7 dSnf' in stTongly saline area of Gujarat which had decreased significantly with the increase of depth.

Sahu and Dash (1993) performed experiment in salt affected coastal soils in

Orissa (India) and observed higher EC value in the surface and it decreased downwards. SRDI (1993) reported that the EC values ranged between 0.44 to 6.4 and 0.54 to 10.2 in mhos cal' in the salt-affected Rupsa tharia of Khulna district and Satkhira Sadar soils respectively.

Prakash ci cii. (1995) conducted an experiment in salt affected soils of Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh and found that EC value decreased with depth in all the profiles with its content ranging from 0.6 to 16.8 dSm* Sahoo ci a/. (1995) conducted an experiment in the Sunderbans Mangrove soils and found that the EC value ranged from 1.36 to 21.47 dSm*

Power and Nlchta (1999) observed that the salt affected soils of Karanja. I3ankot,

Kundika. Mazagon, Dharanitar-Jite, Dharamtar-Dewali Ranjan. Rain, Rajapuri and Mhasala (India) contained EC ranging from 5.40 to 17.20 dSm'. and also observed that those soils were slightly alkaline. .Azad (2000) worked with saline

7 and non-saline soils of Bangladesh and reported that the EC value ranged from

0.387 to 0.461 dSm4

Ahmed (2002) reported that the EC value ranged from 14 to 15 1.tS cm1 in Barkol

soil series. 15 to 20 tS cni' in Khadimnagar soil series. 9 to 14 giS cm1 in

Subalong soil series, 12 to IS jiS cuf' in Tejgaon soil series. 11 to 18 LLS cm' in

l3elabo soil series 54 to 93 3.iS cni' in Sonatala soil series and 56 to 94 1iS cal' in

Silruondi soil series.

Debnath (2002) conducted in experiment and reported that the EC value of

Tejgaon. Sonatala. Subalong and Khadinrnagar were 24 iS cnf' . 122 1iS cm4

14 jiS cnf1 and 20 jiS cnl' . respectively.

2.3 Nitrogen

Saheed (1994) conducted an experiment and evaluated the status of land, water and plant nutrition resources of . The soils on ridges of the Young and Old Ganges Rriver Floodplain have nitrogencontent ranging from 17-30 ppm and the soils in the basins and in the infilled chaunels of the Ganges floodplain have nitrogen content of 10-24 ppm.

Karim ci al. (1990) carried out an experiment on coastal area and reported that the total N contents of the soils are generally low, mostly around 0.1%. The low N content might be attributed to low organic matter contents of most of the soils.

Basak (2008) conducted an experiment on coastal saline soil and mentioned that the nitrogen level ofOld Meghna Estuarine Floodplain (AEZ-19) varied from

0.11 to 0.14% at a depth of 5 to 45 cm of soil. Basu (2011) conducted an experiment and found that the nitrogen content varies

from 0.03 - 0.33% in the soil.

2.4 Phosphorus

Karim cial. (1990) carried out an experiment on coastal area and reported that the

available phosphorus status of the soils ranged from 15-25 ppm. Some P deficient

soils were also found in Chttagong. Barguna. Satkhira and Patuakhali districts.

Saheed (1994) carried out an experiment and evaluates the nutrient status of the soils of Khulna division. The soils of this division contained phosphorus ranging

from low to high (10-50 ppm).

Karisson (2010) conducted an experiment at abitic sea soil and water and found that the phosphate range varied between 9 and 170 tg/ L with a mean value of 25

W L.

2.5 Sulphur

Saheed (1994) conduct an experiment aud evaluated the status of land, water and plant nutrition resources of Khulna division. The sulphur concentration of the soils in the basins and in the mulled channels of the

Ganges floodplain have high sulphur content (42-69 ppm) and the soils on ridges of the Young and Old Ganges River Floodplain varied from moderate to high (15-49 ppm). 2.6 Na, K. Ca and Mg contents

Pathak and Pate! (1980) found that the concentration of Ca2 Mg2 Na and K

was 3.6, 1.21, 6.5 and 0.1 m.e./lOOg soil, respectively in Gujrat (India) salt-affected soils.

Rahnian (1987) studied two salt-affected soils of Bangladesh and found that Na was dominant in the cationic composition of two soils followed by Ca2 and Mg2

Dube and Sharma (1987) found Na', Ca'. and Mg2 at the concentration of 362.5.

40.0 and 18.0 m.e./lOOg soil, respectively in salt-affected soil of Guirat (India).

Sharma ci at (1987) observed the ions of Na . Ca2 and Mg2 at the concentration of 86.5. 0.5 and 1.5 ime/lOOg soil. respectively in salt-affected soils of Narmada valley (India).

Tewatia cial. (1989) reported that saline soils contained the exchangeable cations of Ca2" Mg Na2' and K at the concentration of 8.60, 1.09. 2.5 and 0.44

;n.e/lOOg soil, respectively in Haryana (India).

Karirn ci al. (1990) observed that the saline soils of Bangladesh contained of Na

K. Ca2 . and Mg2' at the concentration of 2.5 to 21.7,0.2100.7, 11.5 to 28.5 and

3.9 to 18.2 me/tOO g soils at exchangeable state.

Sharma (1992) found that the salt-affected soils of Gujarat (India) had cations of

Na2 ' and K at the concentration of 790 and 331 Kg' 100g. respectively at surface soils solutions.

10 Anwar (1993) observed the cations such as Na, K. Ca2' and Mg2 at the

concentration of 1.84 (05.51. 0.06 to 0.61. 0.63 to 1.98 and 0.62 to 3.45 me/bOg

soil, respectively and also found that Na was dominant cation and the SAR. ESP.

BSR and ESP values were recorded higher at the surface layer.

SRDI (1993) reported that the Mg2 values ranged between 1.5 to 6.0 m.e/lOOg soils in Rupsa thana of Khulna District.

SRI)l (1999) reported from an experiment that the available potassium (K) values ranged between 0.20 to 1.02 m.c/IOOg soils in salt affected Satkhira Sadar soils of Bangladesh.

Debnath (2002) reported that the exchangeable K content of Tejgaon series.

Subalong series and Khadimnagar series were 133.75 ppm. 27.5 ppm and 36.87 ppm. respectively.

Naher ci al. (2011) found that the potassium status of the soils of different horizons varied from 0.09 to 0.18 meq/ 100 g soil.

2.7 Chlorine Concentration ((I)

Yaalon (1963) conducted an experiment to evaluate the ehlorid ions from different sources of soil of Israel and reported that the ocean soil and the earth crust contains chloride ions of 19g Kg and 1.5 g Kg' soil respectively.

Flowers (1988) carried out an experiment on surface soil and sea water and found that the surface soil contains chloride of 0.10 g Kg' and sea water contained 0.31-1.20 Kg 2.8 Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP)

Davidson ci cii. (2000) found that the adiusted SAR of irrigation water should be

less than 10, especially when young plants are grown. 50 ppm (mg/I) of sodium in

irngation water is too high for most crops.

Naher ci ci. (2011) observed that the SAR values varied from 1.72-2.22 at

Asasuni upazila of and 1.94 to 3.33 at Kalapara upazila of

Patuakhali district soils.

Razzaque c/ at (2011) conducted an experiment with 20 water samples and reported that the soluble sodium percentage (SSP) of all 20 water samples varied from 13.63 to 55.74%.



The soil samples collected for this experiment during the period from February to

March 2010 to assess of major chemical constituents of saline soil in greater

Khulna district. The detail materials and methods that were used for conducting

the cxperinient are presented below:

3.1 Soil sampling site

A typical saline area of Bangladesh was selected 10 study the chemical properties

of saline soils. The sites for soil samples were chosen by the help of employees of

the Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI). Khulna Regional Office. The

soil samples were collected from 24 villages in greater Khulna district in

Bangladesh. All the soils belongs to fellow land. The soil samples were collected

from Domoria and Batiaghata of Khulna district, Bagherhat Sadar and

Rampal upazilas of Bagherhat district and Samnagar and Kaligonj upazilas of

Satkhira district. Samples were collected from 4 villages of each upazila. The soil samples at surface level were collected from five different locations of each village. [)eiailed list of studs' areas are presented in lable I.

3.2 Morphological description of sampling soil

The selected locations for collecting soil samples were situated under Agro- ecological zones of the Ganges Tidal Alluvial and Coastal Flood-plain. The sites were selected in such a way that the salinity intensity may differ from one to another due to advancement towards the coastal region. Brief morphological descriptions of the soil of sampling sites are given in Table 2 and Fig.2.

Table I: List of specific study areas (upazilla and district wise) of soil collection

SI... Sample Nos. - Sampling Location

No. Village Upazilla District

' I. (A, B. C, D, £ = 5) Radha-BalIop Bagerhat Sada Bagerhat 2. (A, B, C, D. E = 5) Goojiati 3.(A,B.C.D.E5) Katoora 4.(A,B,C,D.E=5) Deema

(A, B. C, D, E = 5) Badra-Sanriashi Ratnpal (A, B, C. D, £ = 5) Suto-Sannashi (A. B, C. D, E = 5) Madardia

(A, B. C. D, E = 5) Mollikacrbeard

9 (A. B, C, D, E = 5) Soondarrnohal Botiaghata Khulna ID. (A, 13. C, D, E = 5) Botiadia

ll.(A, 13. C. D, E = 5) Shanibunagar (A, B, C. D, E = 5) Kodla (A. 13, C, D, E = 5) Jhaltola Donioria (A, B, C. D, F =5) Shanpara

(A, B. C. D. E = 5) Ashan-Nagar

(A. 13, C. D. F = 5) Chatchotia (A. B, C, D, E = 5) Dulihola Kaliganj Satkhira IS. (A. B. C. D. £ = 5) Bhagmari 19, (A, 13, C, 0, E 5) Palit-Kani (A, B. C. 0, F= 5) AshomnaQar (A, B.C. 1). E=5) Noornagar Shamnagar (A. 13, C. D,F = 5) Hajipur

(A. B. C. D. £ = 5) Dakkhin-Kooltali (A. B. C.!.), Ii Kooltali =


Table 2. Morphological descriptions of the soil sampling sites of AEZ Gangas Tidal flood plain and saline calearious and

non-calcarious subregion

Location - Parental material Drainage Vegetation Irrigation Flood level

Districts Upazilas _____ -

Ganges Tidal alluvium Domoria Poorly Rice, pulse etc. I Irrigation given when required I Above flood level drained

Bat iaghata Ganges Tidal alluvium Poorly Rice, pulse etc. Irrigation given when required Above flood level drained

Bagherhat sadar Ganges Tidal alluvium Poorly Rice, pulse etc. Irrigation given when required I Above flood level Ct drained

Rampal Ganges Tidal alluvium Poorly Rice, pulse etc. I Irrigation given when required I Above flood level drained

Samnagar J~ange7sl alluvium Poorly Rice. pulse etc. Irrigation given when required Above flood level drained

Ganges Tidal alluvium I Poorly Kaligonj Rice, pulse etc. Irrigation given when required Above flood level drained

15 Map of Bangladesh

Bhutan N•cp1 _ PPrr

.Thakurgaán - 26 'key Bratmapura R Pirga" • ..srnan Saidpur flinajpur I n d i a

w • Janalpur laria Aam l

\ • z,aritahor, a •Moranganj •% - ensnyli • GUU pu . .Ratshahi ngIadesh 'Haaanj . rurd India 24 pabni KtJ ak 3Tm I n d i a ao 7 -

Ccrir$a.- -.

asharn., .< ag'athban

H - Kulna -'+: • rgarnaI' . rdrag- "ana


ffI)Th lcVR'

UKrn Myanmar fl 2i 997 MAGLaAN Ge3qraphix ' 92 (2 urrna ~8051 5-T O www.traps corn

Figure 1. Map of J3angladesh showing coastal zone

11 Saline zone of Bangladesh


F' t 'p • \ Sti1 ._ '. ci

+ Studi

Figure 2. Showing the spots of sample collection

17 3.3 Chemical constituents of soil sample

Soil samples were collected to assess the following chemical constituents:

Soil pH

Electrical conductivity (EC)

Total nitrogen content

Available phosphorus and sulpher content

Exchangeable ion elK, Na, C'a2 . Mg2 and CV content

Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and soluble sodium percentage (SSP)

3.4 Collection of soil samples

The experimental locations selected for collecting soil samples situated under gro-ecological zones of the Ganges Tidal Alluvial and Coastal Flood-plain that are presented in Figure 2. The soil samples were collected from twenly four villages of coastal areas in greater Khtilna district. Five samples (replication) were taken from each village at a depth of 0-15 cm for laboratory analyses. The soil was collected by an auger and kept in polyethylene bags so that they remain in field moist condition. The collected soils were air dried in the laborato;y, processed and sieved through 2 mm (10 meshes) sieve and packed with specific tag for further analysis.

II 3.5.3 Estimation of nitrogen by macro kjeldahl method

P ri nci pie

The macro kjcidahi method was used to determine the total nitrogen consisting of

organic and ammonium forms. It is a wet oxidation procedure where complex

form of nitrogen in sample was converted to simple nitrogen. Three steps were

involved in this method. These are as follows:


In this step the organic nitrogen was converted to ammonium sulphate 1w

sulphuric acid and digestion accelerators (catalyst mixture) at a temperature of


N (organic form) I-12S0------(NU4)2SO4


In this step, the solution was made alkaline for the distillation of ammonia. The

distillated ammonia was received in boric acid solution.

(NH4)SO.1 + NaOH Na2SO4 + NI-I3 -- H2() NH3 + H3BO (NFl.)2BO3 ± H20


To determine the amount of Ni 1, ammonium borate was titrated with standard sulfuric acid.

(NRj)3BO.j i I I,SO4 '(NI (.1)2SO4 + H31303

20 3.5 Methods of analyses of soil chemical properties

The methods followed to determine the different soil chemical constituents of the

collected soil samples are briefly given below.

3.5.1 Soil pH

Soil pH was determined by glass electrode p11 meter as described by Jackson

(1967). 'l'en grams of air dry soil from each sample was taken in 100 niL beakers

separately and twenty five niL of distilled water was added into the beaker. The

suspension was stirred well for several limes during the next 30 minutes and

allowed to stand for about an hour. The position of the electrode was adjusted in

the clamp of the electrode holder. Then the electrode was immersed into the partly

settled soil suspension and p1-1 was measured. The result was reported as "Soil

pl-l" measured in water (Soil: water ratio being 1:2.5).

3.5.2 Electrical conductivity (EC) (as soil salinity) of soil samples

The electrical conductivity of collected soil samples was determined

electrometrically (1:2.5 = soil : water) by a conductivity meter ( model 31

conductivity bridge ). Ten grams of air dry soil from each sample was taken in

100 mL beakers separately and twenty five mL of distilled water was added to the

beaker. The suspension was stirred well for several times during the next one hour

and a half and allowed to stand for about an hour. Then the electrical conductivity

was determined by an electrical conductivity meter (calibrated with 0.01 N KCI solutions). The results of EC were expressed in decisimens per meter (dSm').

19 Apparatus required

Kjedahl flask 2. Distillation apparatus 3. Volumetric flask 4. Burette with stand 5. Pipette 6. Electric oven 7. Kjeldahl digestion stand 8. Conical flask 9. Measuring cylinder TO. Electric balance Dropper 12. Beaker

Chemicals Required

I. Sulphuric acid (142SO4) - concentrated Potassium sulphate (K2SO4) - AR grade Copper sulphate (CuSO4.51-120) - AR grade Selenium powder Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (commercial) Boric acid 013130%) Bromocresol green (C21 H14 Br4O5S) Methyl red (C1 5111 5N307) Sodium carhonale (Na2CO3)

Preparation of different reagents

I. Preparation of boric acid solution (4%)

20g H3BO.1 was taken in a 500 mL volumetric flask containing about 150-200

ml. distilled water. The flask was shaken thoroughly and the volume was made up

to the mark with distilled water.

2. Preparation of mixed indicator solution

0.5g bromocresol green and 0.1 g methyl red was taken in a IOU ml, volumetric

flask containing about 30-40 mL methanol. The flask was shaken thoroughly and the volume was made up to the mark with methanol.

21 Preparation of sodium hydroxide solution (40%)

400g NaOH was taken in a one litre volumetric flask containing about 200mL

distilled water. The flask was shaken thoroughly and then the volume was made

lip to the mark with distilled water.

Preparation of standard 112SO4 solution (0.05N)

Exactly 1.4 rnL of concentrated H2SOg; was taken is a one litre volumetric flask containing about 300 mL distilled water. The flask was shaken thoroughly and the volume was made tip to the mark with distilled water

Preparation of N82CO3 solution (O.OSN)

Exactly 0.265 g oven dried Na2CO3 (AR grade) was taken in a one litre volumetric flask containing about 3040 inL distilled water. The flask was shaken thoroughly and then the volume was made up to the mark with distilled water. l'hen 112SO4 was standardized by this Na,CO3 solution.


A. Digestion

I) Exactly 5.0 g soil sample was taken in a keldahi flask. The sample was

preously oven dried.

About 5.0 g catalysts mixer (K2SO4: CuSO4. 51-120: Ses 100: 10:1) was

added in to the flask.

About 25 ml. HSO4 was also added in to the flask.

The flask was heated until the solution become clear.

The flask was then allowed to cool and the about 120 mL of distilled

water was added and 5-6 glass bead into the flask.

'1 B. Distillation

I) After digestion 325 mLof 40% NaOH was added in to the kjeldahl


The flask was attached quickly to the distillation set and then the flask

was heated continuously.

In the meantime. 25mL of 4% hoiic acid solution and 2-4 drops of

mixed indicator was taken in 500 mE receiver conical flask.

About ISO mL distillate was collected into receiver conical flask.

The conical flask was then removed.

C. Titration

I) The distillate was titrated with standard H2SO.1 taken from a burette

until the green color completely turned to pink color at the end point.

The same procedure was followed for a blank sample.

The result was calculated using the following formula

Ca Ic ul at ion:

% N = (1-13) N 1.4/S


T = Titration value for sample (mL.)

B = Titration value for blank (niL)

N Normality of lbSO4

S = \Veight of the sample (g)

1.4 = Conversion factor

23 3.5.4 Exchangeable cation

The cation such as Na2 , K Ca2 ' and Mg2' were determined by ammonium acetate extraction method, in this method, exactly lOg of each soil sample was

saturated by NI-14OAc solution and the superriatant clear solution was separated and collected. Then Nfl.1OAe solution was added again to make the final volume up to IOU nil, for each sample. For Na and K cations, the flame photometer was separately adjusted and different standard curves were prepared to find out the concentration of the cations but the extracting solution used for each sample was same. Mg and Ca ions were determined by atomic absorption spectro photometre.

The analyses for the chemical parameters of the samples were carried out following the established anal viical methods. Na and K were determined by tianie photometry (Jackson, 1967): Ca and Mg2 . by atomic absorption spectro photometre (Jackson. 1967 and Page ci at, 1982). Flame photometer reading was taken. From each reading the concentration of each ion was obtained from their respective standard curves and was expressed as m.e/IOOg of soil.

The soil samples contain sutlicient amount of moisture. For laboratory analysis the moisture content of the soil was estimated and adjusted with the soil weight.

3.5.5 Determination of available phosphorus

The amount of available soil phosphonis was determined coloilnietrically using ascorbic acid as a reductant (Page c/ aI., 1982). For the extraction of available phosphorus from soil. Olsen's method was followed, where sodium bicarbonate

0.5 M solution (p11 8.5) was used as an extractant which repressed the actiity of

24 calcium ions by precipitation as CaCO3. and aluminium, iron ions as hydroxide.

20 ml. soil extract was taken in IOU ml. volumetric flask and 20 ruE, color

developing reagent [2.63 g ascorbic acid dissolved in 500 niL mixed reagent

where mixed reagent was produced by dissolving in ammonium molybdate

{(NJ44 )1, M0704.4H20 and 0.15 g antimony potassium tarlarate in 500 m[.

distilled water and mixed with 500 mL of SN lhSO4 in I litre volumetric flask]

was added slowly and volume was rnadc with distilled water. Then it was allowed

to stand for IS minutes for complete colour development.

The colour intensity (% absorption) was read in a spectrophotometer at 660 rim

wave length. The colour was stable for 24 hours.

The principal hypothetical reaction was as follows:

Lç\ F-l!PO4 + I2H2MoO.1 - 1-l3P(Mo-010)4 - I2H()

3.5.6 Determination of available sulphate-sulphur

The available sulphate sulphur was determined from the soil extract by

(urbidimetric method with the help of a spcctrophotometer (Coleman junior.

Model No. 6A). For the soil extraction, lOg soil and 50 mL of IN animonium

acetate was taken in a conical flask and after 10 minutes shaking, the contents was

filtered through Whatman thy fIlter paper. 10 mL of filtrate was taken in a 50 mL

volumetric flask and I mL of each gum accacia solution and 6N HO were added.

Then 0.3g of BaCl2.21-120 was added and mixed thorughly and allowed to stand


for the development of turbidity. The optical density was read in a

spectrophotonieter after 20 minutes at 420 nm wave length (Black. 1965).

3.5.7 Exchangeable anion chloride

The anion Cl' was determined by ammonium acetate extraction method. In this

method, soil sample was saturated by NH.1OAc solution and the supernatant clear

solution was separated and collected. Then distilled water was added again to make

the final volume up to 100 mL for each sample. Exactly 2 ml. of extract was taken in

a conical flask and 50 ml, of distilled water was added to it and 8 drops of K1CrO4

was also added. Then it was titrated with AgNO3 (Jackson, 1967). Red brick color

indicates the presencc of CF ions. The reaction is as follows:

NaCl + AgNO,; - AgCI ± NaNO3

K2CrO.i+ 2AgNO3 = Ag2CrO4 (Red ppt.)+ 2KNO3

3.5.8 Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) (Davidson. (?/al., 2000 ) of soil

Na SAR (Ions were expressed in meq U') jf ca + 2

3.5.9 Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) (Todd. 1980) of soil

Na+ +K' SSP 100 (Ions were expressed in meq L) Ca++ + Mg+Na+ +K+ X

26 3.6 Statistical analysis

The data obtained for different chemical constituents of soil were statistically analyzed to find out differences for different location of greater Khulna district.

The mean values of all the estimated properties were evaluated and analysis of variance was performed by the F' (variance ratio) test. The significance of the difference for different locations mean was estimated by the Duncan's Multiple

Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level of probability (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).



The experiment was conducted to assess the major chemical constituents of saline soil in greater Khulna district. Data on different chemical constituents were estimated and recorded. The analyses of variance (ANOVA) of the data on different chemical constituents are presented in Appendix I-Ill. The results have been presented with the help of tables and graphs and possible interpretations given tinder the following headings:

4.1 Soil pH

Soil p1-I varied significantly ranging from 4.82 to 7.56 in the soil sample of the different locations of greater Khulna district (Table 3). On the basis of results in appendix-I, the soil of Uhaginar. Noornagar and llajipur villages were acidic, the soil of Shanpara. Ashan-Nagar. Chatchotia. Dulihola. Palit-Katti. Dakkin-Kooltajl and Kooltali villages were slightly acidic, the soil of Radha-Ballop. Goojiati,

Katoora, Ocema. Badra-Sannashi. Suto-Sannashi, Mollikaerbeard. Soondarmohal. and Kodla village were particularly neutral and the soil of Madardia village was slightly alkaly in nature. The maximum value of soil pH (7.56) was recorded in the soil of Madardia village under Rampal upazila of Bagherhat district and the minimum value of soil p'1 (4.82) was recorded in Shagmari village under

Kaligonj upazila of Satkhira district. Anwar (1993) observed that the p1-I of

Patuakhali and l3arguna varied from 6.21 to 7.88. SRDI

28 (1999) reported that the pit value varied from 5.7 to 7.7 in salt affected Satkhira

Sadar soils of Bangladesh. According to soil p11 maximum soils are suitable for

crop production.

4.2 Electrical conductivity (EC)

The electrical conductivity in soil sample of the different locations of greater

Khulna district differed significantly under the present study (Appendix V). The soil of Deema and Soondarmohal village are non-saline.the soils of Radlia- t3allop. Goojiati, Badra-Sannashi, Suto-Sannashi, Botiadia. Shambunagar, Kodla

Jhaltola, Shanpara. Ashan-Nagar. 131agmari. Noornagar. Hajipur. Dakkin-Kooltali and Kooltali villages are slightly saline and the soil of Katoora. Madardia.

Mollikacrbeard. Chatchotia. Dulibola and Palit-Kaili village are moderately saline.The highest (5.35 dSnf') EC was recorded from the soil of Mollikaerbear dunder Rampal upazi La of Bagherhat district, whereas the lowest (1.20 dSm') EC was recorded from Soondarrnohal village under Hotiaghata upazila of Khulna district (Figure 3). BARC (1990) reported that the soil salinity of different horizons ranges from 2.4 to 3.4 dSm' at Asasuni and 3.1 to 4.0 dSnf' at Kalapara.

SR 1)1 (1993) reported that the EC values ranged between 0.54 to 10.2 dSm' in the salt-affected Satkhira Sadar soils of Bangladesh. On the basis of EC values all the soil samples were cultivable except salt sensitive crops.

29 Table 3. pH of soils of different areas of greater Khulna district

L.. Location - --___ District UpaziIa I Village Bagerhat BagerhatSadar Radha-Ballop 7.06 a

Goojiati 6.93 a

Katoora 7.02 a

Deema 6.95 a Rampal Badra-Sannaslti 7.05 a

Suto-Sannashi 7.39 a Madardia 7.56 a

Mollikaerbeard 7.12 a

Khulna . Botiaghata Soondarmohal 7.17 a Botiadia 7.14 a

Sliambunagar 6.99 a Kodla 6.94 a

Domoria ihaltola 7.00 a

Shanpara 6.08 b

Ashan-Nagar 6.21 b

Chatchotia 6.19 b

Satkhira Kaligani Dulibola 6.22 b

l3hagrnari 4.82 c Palit-Katü 5.99 b

Ashoninagar 5.80 b Shamnagar Noornagar 4.96 c

Ilajipur 5.00 C

Dakkhin-Kooltaji 6.27 b Kooltali 6.291) __ Significant level 0.01 8.44

*Rcstllts are the mean of 5 samples taken from each village.

In a colinun, mean values having similar letter(s) are statisticath identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ significantly at 0.05 lcvcl of significance. in a column, numeric data rnprnscnrs the mean value of 5 replications.

10 M.


2 jH 0±Lu. ,,, / gO It/ 9 i c/ Village

Figure 3. Graphical presentation of soil EC oldiflerent locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village).

31 4.3 Total nitrogen

Soil sample of the differeni location of greater Khulna district showed significant

variation for total nitrogen (Appendix VI and Figure 4). The maximum (0.15%)

total nitrouen in soil was recorded from the soil of Soondarmohal village under

Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district while the lowest (0.0 1%) was recorded from

Madardia and Mollikaerbeard villages under Ramnpal upazila of Bagherhat district

(Figure 3). Karim vial. (1990) also reported similar results.

4.4 Available phosphorus

The available phosphorus content in the soil samples of the different villages of greater Khulna district differed significantly (Appendix VII). The maximum avaliable phosphorus (55.23 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of

Dakkhin-Kooltali village under Shamnagar upazila of Satkhira district and the minimum available phosphorus content (16.52 me/I 00 g soil) was recorded from

Suto-Sannashi village under Rampal upazila of Bagherhat district (figure 5) which was statistically identical with Gooliati and Botiadia villages of Bagherhat district

(Appendix VII). Saheed (1994) reported that the soils of Khulna division contained phosphorus ranging from low to high (10-50 ppm).

32 0.16



0.1 -





O <;>' ' 00 I, C,


Figure 4. Total nitrogen content in soil of 24 different locations in greater Khu)na district. (Results are the mean of 5 samples taken from each sampling areas).

33 Available PO4 - P (m.e/100 g soil) 0 0 0 0 0 0 I

c I d 10,' 00 ,0

— Cd,



2 I 0

0 t.



tic— 0191 C) a —' 1 ½'

' S 1 a -t 4.5 Available sulphur

The available sulphur in the soil samples of the different villages of greater

Khulna district differed significantly. (Appendix VIII). The maximum available

sulphur (0.86 ine/lOO g soil) was recorded from the soil of Suto-Sannashi and

Mollikaerbcai-d village under Rampal upazila of , whereas the minimum available sulphur (0.13 rne/lOO g soil) was recorded from Kooltali village under Shamnagar upazila under Satkhira district (Figure 6). Saheed

(1994) reported that the sulphur concentration of the soils in the basins and in the infilled channels of Ganges Flood-plain have high sulphur (42-69 ppm) content and the soils on ridges of the Young and Old Ganges River

Flood-plain varies from moderate to high (I 5-49 ppm).

4.6 Exchangeable Na'

The exchangeable Na in the soil samples of the different village of Khulna.

Bagherhat and Satkhira districts differed significantly under the present trial

(Appendix IX). The maximum exchangeable Na' (14.13 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of Palit-Katti village under Kaligong upazila of Satkhira district. On the other hand, the minimum exchangeable Na (1.93 tne/lOO g soil) was recorded from Soondarmohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district (Figure 7). Karim eta! (1990) observed that the saline soils of Bangladesh contained Na at the concentration from 2.5 to 21.7 meIIOO g soils at exchangeable state.

35 0.9









111 4 I i.i .iii. I1l IL

Liii 41 I IVO


Figure 6. Graphical presentation of available sulphur of different locations of greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of 5 locations of

'p 31.) 16 -




4' S •a' ' ' 4°

C, .c.


Figure 7. Graphical preseniation of exchangeable sodium of different locations ot greater Khulna district (Results are the mean olS locations of'a village). 4.7 Exchangeable K

The exchangeable K' content in the soil samples of the different locations of

greater Khulna district diflrcd significantly (Appendix X and Figure 8). The

maximum K content (0.60 me/100 g soil) was recorded in the soil of Kodla village wider Boliaghata upazila of Khulna district (Figure 8), which was statistically similar to that of Shambunagar (0.57 m.e/lOOg soil ) and Chatcgitua

(0.53 m.e/lOOg soil) village of Khulna district (Appendix N). On the other hand, the minimum (0.13 me/100 g soil) K was recorded from Suto-Sannashi village under Rampalupazilaof Bagherhat district. SRDI (1999) reported that available potassium (KS) values ranged between 0.20 to 1.02 me/I OOg soils in salt affected

SatkhiraSadar soils of Bangladesh.

4.8 Exchangeable 02

The exchangeable Ca2 content in the soil samples of the difkrent villages of greater Khulna district differed significantly (Appendix Xl). The maximum exchangeable Ca2 (12.35 me/lOOg soil) was recorded from the soil of Palit-katti village under Kaliganj upazila of Satkhira district (figure 9). whereas the lowest value (4.68 me/100 g soil) was recorded from Soondarinohal village under

Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district (Appendix Xl ). Karini e.' at (1990) observed that the saline soils of Bangladesh contained Ca from 11.5 to 28.5 me/lOO g soils at exchangeable state.

38 0.7

Ali 0 1 04 803

!04 1 I


liii III U 0.2


Iii 0-

0 0 / C ° 40 ç0



Figures. Graphical presentationof exchangeable potassiumof different locatlonsof greater Khulna district (Results are the mean of

39 Exchangeable Ca2 (ni.e/IOO g soil) 'p 00, - pa ui c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 'S 04 6' .fl 00..

'ft or cE3 0 Oo, e (2 0

.r. 4, 00

40,t • 44'

—o s' 6 % 010-

04 S


o 0 404


C4\ 4" 0 0. a (.0 - a Q p S 0. '1

IPO 00 "

4-0 Ole 4.9 Exchangeable Nlg

Exchangeable Mg2 inthe soil samples of different locations of greater Khu!na

district differed siificantIy (Appendix XII). The maximum (5.42 me/IOO g soil)

N482 content was recorded from the soil of Ashomnagar village tinder Kaligonj

upazila of Satkhira district and the miniriwrn (3.93 zne/100 g soil) Mg2 content

was recorded from Soondarniohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna

district (Figure 10). SRDI (1993) reported that the Mg2 values ranged between

1.5 and 6.0 m.e/iOOg soils in Rupsa thana of Khulna District

4.10 Available Cl'

Concentration of Cl- in the soil sample of the different village of greater Khulna

district differed significantly (Appendix XIII). The maximum Cl- (4.72 m.eIlOO g

soil) content was recorded in the soil of Noornagar village under Sharnnagar

upazila of Satkhira district and the minimum C1 (1.73 me/lOU g soil) was

recorded from the soil of Dccma village under under

Bagherhat district and Shainbunagar village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna

district (Figure II). Yaalon (1963) conducted an experiment to evaluate the

chlorid ions frail) different sources of soil of Israel and reported that the ocean soil

and the earth crust contained chloride ions of 19 g Kg and 1.5 g Kg' soil respectively.

41 04. 4 1/0


- 0


- o tc) 20

o ; 4- 0 e 'O 4, V 1 >

.t 4. C / 0

-0 0

______/ 4- .r C- 0 $t 4)4 • 0 00 /4 k 45


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Lfl rv) r4 -

2 WJL,aw) .zo[ ajqita2uut1n1 4.50 EE

o e t < ;,i i1/>Ideé////



Figure II. Graphical presentation of available ('I ofdiffereni locations oIgreater Khulnadistrict (Results are the mean of S locations of a village).

43 4.11 Soluble Sodium Percentage

The soluble sodium percentage (SSP) in the soil sample of the different locations of

greater Khulna district differed significantly (Appendix XIV). The highest (56%)

SSP was recorded from the soil of Palit-Katti and Ashomnagar villages under

Kaligonj upazila of Satkhira district, while the minimum (19%) SSP was recorded

from the soil of Soondarmohal village tinder Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district

(Figure 12). Razzaqueeiai (2011) reported that the soluble sodium percentage (SSP)

of all 20 water samples of Comilla soils varied from 13.63 to 55.74%. According to

Appendix-Ill IS soil samples ( 000jiati. Deema, l3adra-Sannashi. Suto-Sannashi,

Madardia, Soondarmolial. Rotiadia. Shambunagar, Kodla, Jhaltola, Shanpara. Ashan-

Nagar, Chatchotia, Noornagar and Hajipur) were of good class and rest 9 samples

Radha-l3allop. Katoora. Mollikaerbeard. Dulibola, 13hagmari. Pal it-Katti.

Ashomnagar. Kakkhin-Kooltali and Kooltali) were under permissible class.

4.12 Sodium Absorption Ratio

The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) values of the soil samples of the different villages

of greater Khulna district differed significantly (Appendix XV). According to

Appendix-TV all the soils of 24 villages were very sensitive to crops. The highest

SAR values (5.74%) was recorded from the soil of Palk-kati village under Kaligonj

upazila of Satkhira district, whereas the minimum (0.90%) from the soil of

Soondai-rnohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district (Figure 13). Naher ci aL (2011) observed that the SAR values vary from I 72-2.22 at Asasuni upazi Ia of

Satkhira district and 1.94 to 3.33 at Kalapara upazila of Patuakhily district.

44 50


1fl%&4, ,,, F


Figure 12. Graphical presentation of soluble sodium perceinae (SSP) ofditTerenc locations of greater Khulna district. (Results are the mean of 5 locations ola village).

45 7.00






\Q ç'b ' > 2' G0 b <0 C1 <7


Figure 13. Graphical presentation of sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of different locations of greater Khulna distric (Results are the mean of 5 locations of a village).

M. 4.13 Relationship between pH and EC, p11 and SSP. pit and SAR, EC and SSP. EC

and SAR. SSP and SAR

A linear relationship exists between the soil p1 1 and EC . It was evident from the

Figure 14 that the equation y = 1.75 lx gave a good fit to the data, and the co-

efficient of determination (R2 -7.89) showed that, filled regression line had a significant or non-significant regression co-efficient. It is evident from the

regression line and equation that, the EC decreased or incresed with the decreas or increase of p1-1.

The regression line between pH and SSP was y = 5.881x and the cofficient of determinent. R2 -0.39 (Figure 15). The correlation study between pH and SSP was not significant and between EC and SSP it was significant (Appendix XVI).

Correlation study was done to establish a relationship between EC and SSP. From the study it was revealed that significant correlations existed between the properties (Figure 17). The regression equation y - I l.24x gave a good fit to the data and the value of the co-efficient of determination (R2 = 0.372). From this it can be concluded that SSP increased with the increase of EC.

The regression line between p11 and SAR. EC and SAR, 55J) and SAR were y =

0.483x. y = 1.0941 x - 0.4263 and y 0. 206x. The co-efficient of determination

(R2 = 0.18. 0.372 and 0.88) shows that the regression tines had a significant or non-significant relationships respectively.

47 10 -

8• 7. 4. 4 6 4.0 4. S EC 3 yr 1. 751x 2 = -7.89 1 n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 pH Figure 14. Relationship between soil pH and EC of the soils of study areas of greater Khulna district,


y=5.SSlx . .0 So R'r.O.39 r

40 30 tO



0' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

pH Figure 15. Relationship between ph and SSP of the soils of study areas of greater Khulna district.



6 y = 0.483x S LA = -0.18 S SAR

3- AS 2

0 0

-;pH Figure (6. Relationship beteen soil pH and SAR of the soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district

70 y= 11.24x 60 R2 0.372 50 40 30 EC(dsm-') 20 10 0- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 17. Relationship between tiC and SSP of the soils of the study areas of greater Khuina district.

49 7 ------ -- ------ - ______ ______

y- JO1341,.O42O3 - 07G14 -t

6 EC

Figure 18. Relationship between electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of the soils ofgreater Khulna district.


6 y=O.206x = -0.88 ss 5 0

SAR Figure 19. Relationship between SSP and SAR of the soils of study areas of greater Khulna district.



A study was caiTied out during the period February to March 2010 to assess major

chemical constituents of saline soil in greater Khulna district. •Fhis is a typical

saline area of Bangladesh. Twenty four villages of Khulna (Domoria and

Batiaghata L'pazila). Bagherhat (Bagherhat Sadar and Rampal IJpazila) and

Satkhira districts (Samnagar and Kaligonj) were selected for this study. From each village soil samples were collected From five locations at surface (0-15 ciii) level to assess the different chemical constituents which include soil pH. EC. total N. available P. S. Cl and exchangeable Na, K, Ca, Mg and also SSP and SAR.

The maximum soil pU (7.56) and IX (5.35 dSm') were recorded from the soil of Madardia village and Mollikaerbcard village under Rampal upazila of

Bagherhat district respectively. The minimum soil pH (4.82) and ER' (1.20 dSmj were recorded from Bhagmari village under Kaligonj upazila and Soondarmohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Satkhira and Khulna districts Respectively.

The maximum total nitrogen (0.15%) content in soil was recorded from

Soondarmohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district while it was lowest (0.0 1%) in Madardia and Mollikaerbeard villages under Rampal upazila of

Bagherhat district. The maximum available P (55.23 mc/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of Dakkhin-Kooltali village under Shamnagar upazila of Satkhira district and the minimum P (16.52 meIlOO g soil) was recorded from Suto-

Sannashi village under Rampal upazila of Bagherhat district. The maximum

51 available S (0.86 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of Suto-Sannashi and

Mollikacrbcard villages under Rampal upazila of Bagerhat district, whereas the minimum S (0.13 me/100 g soil) was recorded from Kooltali village under

Shamnagar upazila under Satkhira district. The maximum exchangeable K (0.60 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of Kodla village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district, white the minimum (0.13 me/100 g soil) K was recorded from Suro-Sannashi village under Rampal upazila of Bagherhat district.

The maximum exchangeable Na' (14.13 inc/TOO g soil) was recorded from the soil of Palit-Katti village under Kaligong upazila of Satkhira district, while the minimum Ni (1.93 me/100 g soil) was recorded from Soondarmohal village

under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district. The maximum exchangeable Ca2

(12.35 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of the village Goojiati under

Bagerhat sadar upazila of Bagherhat district, whereas the lowest amount (4.68 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the village of Deenia under Bagerhat Sadar upazila and Badra-Sannashi under Rampal upazila of Ilagerhat district. The maximum exchangeable Mg2 (5.42 me/100 g soil) was recorded from the soil of

Dulibola village under Kaligong upazila of Satkhira district and the minimum

Mg2 (3.93 me/100 g soil) was recorded from Ashan-Nagar village under

Domoria upazila of Kluilna district. The maximum (4.72 me/I00 g soil) CF was recorded from the soil of Noornagar village under Shanmagar upazila of Satkhira district and the minimum (1.73 nie/100 g soil) Cl'was recorded from the soil of

Deema village under Bagerhat sadar upazila under Bagherhat district and

Shambunagar village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district. The highest

52 SSP (56°/c) and SAR (5.74) were recorded from the soil of Palit-Katti and

Ashomnagar villages under Kali.-on-i upazila of Satkhira district respectively,

while the minimum SSP (19%) and SAR (0.90) were observed from the soil of

Soondarniohal village under Botiaghata upazila of Khulna district. As regards to chemical analysis the soil samples of the villages were acidic, slightly acidic. particularly neutral and slightly alkali in nature on the basis of soil pH.

Based on the results of the experiment, the following conclusion may be drawn-

I. The experiment needs to be conducted in other saline areas of Bangladesh.

2. As the chemical constituents may vary depending on seasons and depth of

soil. study may be conducted in dry and weight seasons and at different

depth of soils.



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Appendix I. Values used to classify soil pit (RARC. 1997)

p-I values Classification

5.5 and below Acid 5.6-6.4 Slightly acid

6.5-7.5 Practically neutral

7.6-8.0 Slightly alkaline 8.1 and above

Appendix If. Values used to classify soil salinity(1IARC, 1997) ('lass EC value

Non saline EC less than 2 dSm Slightly saline EC varies between 2-4 dSnf' Moderately saline EC ranges between 4-8 dSm

Strongly saline EC ranges between 8-15 dSnf1 Very strongly saline EC more than IS dSni' j

60 Appendix Ill. Values used to classify soil water salinity (SRI)!. 1993) C lass SSP value (%) Excellent <20 Good 20-40

Permissible 41-60

Appendix IV. Value used to classified soil salinity (http://www lenntech.comiapplications/irrigation/sar/sar-liazard-oi-irrigation- water.htmüixzzl rub9LlKqO)

SAR Tolerance for crops 2-8 Very sensitive 8-18 Sensitive 18-46 Moderately tolerant 46-102 Tolerant Appendix V. Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location Electrical conductivity District )_Upazila Village (dSni5 * Bagerhat BagerharSadar Radha-Ballop J 3.65 cdeig G ojiati 330 cIghio Katoora 480 abc Ocema 1.65jk Rampal Badra-Sannashi 3.30efghi Suto-Sannashi 3.20efghi Madardia 4.40 abede Mollikaerbcard 5.35 a Khuina Botiaghata Soondarmohal 1.20k IJotiadia 2.30hijk Shambunagar - 2.10ijk Kodla 3.05ighi Dornoria ihaltola 2.10ijk Shanpara 2.65ghij Ashan-Nagar 2.45ghijk Chatchotia 4.20 abcdef Satkhira Kaflganj Dulibola 4.60 abed l3hagmari 3.75hcdefg Palit-Katti 4.90 abc Ashomnagar 5.00 ab Shamnagar Noornagar 3.50 defgh Hajipur 2.45ghijk Dakkhin-Kooltali 2.80ghij Kooltali 3.25 efghi 1.093 SigniflcantIcvcl 0.05 cy() ______14.12

*Results are the mcan of 5 samples taken from each sillage.

In a column. mean values having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar lettensi differ significanth at 0.05 level of significance.

In a coluilTin. numcne data represents the mean value of 5 replications,

62 Appendix VI. Total nitrogen content of the soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location Total nitrogen District Upazila Village Bagerhat I3agerhatSadar Radha-BalIop 0.09 bed

(ioojiati 0.08 cde

Katoora 0.13 at)

Deerna 0.11 abc

Rampal lladra-Sannashi 0.08 cde

Suto-Sannashi 0.07 edef

Niadardia 0.01 g

\1ollikaerbcard 0.01 g

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 0.15 a

Botiadia 0.09 bed

Shariibunagar 0.06 del

Kodla 0.05 defg Domoria Jhaltoia 0.03 fg

Shanpara 0.05 defg Ashan-Nagar 0.03 itt

('hatchotia 0.03 fg Satkhira Kaliganj Dulibola 0.04 efg

Bhagniari 0.03 fg

Palit-Katti 0.05 det'g Ashorunagar 0.04 efg

Shamnagar Noornagar 0.03 fg

Hajipur 0.07 edef Dakkhin-Kooltalj - 0.06 del Kooltali 003 fg 0.039 - Sitzniflcant level 0.01 ('V(%) 7.91

*Results are the mean of 5 samples taken from each village.

In a column. mean values having similar letter(s) are statisticall.N identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ significantly at 0.05 level of significance.

In a column. numeric data represents the mean value of 5 rcplicalions.

63 Appendix VII. Available phosphorus content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location Available phosphorus District Upazila Village (me/100 ssoifl *_____ Bagerhat I3agerhatSadar Radha-BalIop 2348 gh

c;oojiati 17.42h

Katoora 19.23 gh

Deerna 24.26 fgh

Rampal 13adra-Sannashi 19.35 gh

Suto-Sannashi 16.52 It

Madardia 19.35 gh

Mollikacrbeard 32.39 cdeig

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 2968 det'gh Botiadia 18.45 It

Shambunagar 19.74 gh

Kodla 4232 bcd

Donioria Jhaltota 32.39 cdefg Shanpara 44.13 abc

Ashan-Nagar 50.19 ab Chatchotia 40.77 bcde

Satkhira Kaliganj Dulibola 37.55 bede

l3hagrnari 32.26 cdefg

Palit-Katti 3716 bcdef Ashoninagar 20.39 gh Shamnagar Noornagar 47.35 ab

Hajipur 40.00 bale

Dakkhin-Kooltali 55.23 a

F Kooltali 2774 elh______LSDo. - 1137 Significant level 0.05 CV() 18.09

* Results arc the nican of 5 samples taken front each village.

In it colunut mean values having similar letter(s) arc statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ signifieanih' at 0.05 level of significance.

In a column, numene data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

64 Appendix VIII. Available sulphur content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location available sulphur Districi Upazila Village (me/IOU g soil) * l3agerhat BagerhatSadar Radha-Ballop 0.81 ab

Goojiati 0.48 defgh

Kaloora 0.35 fghij

Deema 0.73 abc

Rampal Badra-Sannashi 0.63 bed

Suto-Sairnashi 0.86 a

Madardia 0.80 ab

Mollikaerbeard 0.86 a

Khulna l3otiaghata Soondarmohal 0.55 edef

Boliadia 0.28 hijk

Shambunagar 0.40 efghi

Kodla 0.39 efghi

Domoria Jhaltola 0.59 ede

Shanpara 0.51 def'g

Ashan-Nagar 0.21 ijk

Chatchotia 0.39 efghi

Satkl'tira Kaliganj Dulibola 0.55 cdct'

lihagmari 0.40 efghi

Palit-Katti 0. ISjk

Ashonmagar 0.49 defg

Shamnagar Noornagar 0.50 defg

Hajipur 0.52 del

Dakkhin-Kooltali 0.30 ghijk

Kooltali 0.13 k 0 182 'SignH'icarn level -______004

*lcciIlts are the mean 015 samples taken from each village.

In a column, mean values having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ significantly at 0.05 level of significancc.

In a column, numeric data represents the mean 'attic of 5 replicalions.

65 Appendix IX. Exchangeable Na' content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

I nrtinn ,wnhnn..nLt. Distdct Upazila Village (me/IQO g soil) Bagerhat BagerhatSadar Radha-BaIlop 10.16 abed

Goojiati 9.04 cdef

Katoora 13.57 ab

Deerna 4.52 gh

Rarnpal Badra-Sannashi 4.52 gh

Suro-Sannashi 5.61 efgh Madardia 7.23 edefg

Mollikaerbeard 13.57 ab

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 1.93 Ii

Botiadia 4,52 gh

Shambunagar 493 fgh

Kodla 6.78 cde

Doinoria Jhattola 4.52 gh

Shanpara 4.10gh

Ashan-Nagar 5.34 efh

Chatchotia 10.76 abc

Satkhira Kaliganj , Dulibola 13.57 ab

Bhagmari 7.26 cdefg

I ' Palit-Katti 14.13 a

Ashomnagar 13.57 ab Shamnagar Noornagar 7.91 cdefg Hajipur 7.35 cdefg

Dakkhin-Kooltali 6.22 defgh

Kooltali 9.61 bede LSD 3.646 Significant kvel 0.01 9.03

*RcsulIs are the mean of 5 samples taken front each village.

In a eoltziitn. mean values having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ signiticantiv it (LOS level of signiFicance.

In a column, numeric data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

66 Appendix X. Exchangeable iC content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

-- Location j Exchangeable K' District jupaziia Village (me/tOO g soil) * Bagerhat BagcrhatSadar Radha-Baflop 028 ede

Goojiati 0.23 ef

Katoora 028 cde Deema 0.21 cfg

Rampal Badra-Sannashi 0.15 I

Suto-Sannashi 0.13 g______Madardia 0.27 de

Mol!ikaerheard 0.27 de

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 0.30 cde Botiadia 0.33 bed

Shambunagar 0.57 a

Kodla 0.60 a

Donioria Jha!tola 0.33 bed

Shanpara 0.30 cde

Ashan-Nagar 0.40 b

Chatchotia 0.53 a

Satkhira Kaliganj Dulibola 0.27 de

Bhagmari 0.30 cde

Palit-Kani 0.37 be Ashomnagar 0.40 b

Shamnagar Noornagar 0.27 de Hajipur 0.27 de

Dakk-hin-Kooltalj 0.27 de

Kookali 027 de 0.079 Significant level 0.01 CV()

*ResIllts are the mean of 5 samples taken from each village

In a column, mean values having sinilar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ siguificauth at 0.05 level of significance.

In a column, numeric data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

67 Appendix Xl. Exchangeable Ca2 content of soils of the study areas of greater Ehulna district of Bangladesh

Location Exchangealle Ca District Upazila Village (mefloOgsoih* Bagerhac BagerhatSadar Radha-Ballop 7.93 cdcf (ioojiati 12.35 a Katoora 8.19 ede Deema 4.68 g Rampal Iladra-Sarinashi 4.68 g Suto-Sannashi 494 g Madardia 871 ccl Mollikaerbcard 7. 15 cdefg Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 520 fg Botiadia 7.15 edefg Shambunagar - - 8.71cd Kodla 5.72 efg Domoria Jhaltola 9.37 be Shanpara 11.83 ab Ashan-Naga.r 11.83 ab Chatchotia 11.56 ab Satkhira Kaliganj Dulibola 8.19 ede Bhagniari 6.37 dcfg Palit-Katti 5.72 efg Ashomnagar 5.98 defg Shamnagar Noornagar 7.80 cdef Uajipur 7.15 cdefg Dakkhin-Kooitali 5.72 efg Kooltali 5.20 1 LSDo,na 2.296 0.05 CV(%) 14.66

*RefflEs are the mean of 5 saniplcs taken from cacti village.

In a column, mean values having similar leErer(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) diffcr significantly at 0.05 level of significance.

In a column. numeric daia represents the mean value of 5 replications.

68 Appendix XII. Exchangeable Mg2 content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location Exchangeable N4g2' District Upazila Village (m&l0O g soil) *

Bagerhat BagerhatSadar I—Radha-Ballop 4.98 bc Goojiati 4.55 cie Katoora 4.42 efg Decrna 4.47 ef Rarnpal Badra-Sannashi 4.47 ef Suto-Sannashi 4.90 be Madardia - 4.42 efg Mollikaerbeard 4.85 cd Khuina Botiaghata Soondarmohal 4.12 gui Botiadia 4.90 he Shambunagar 4.12_ghi Kodla 4.20 t'ghi Dornoria Jhaltola 4.33 cfgh Shanpara 4.35 cfgh Ashan-Nagar 3.93 I Chatchotia 4.07 hi Satkhira Katiganj I Dulibola 5.42 a

I I Bhagmari 4.93 be

I Palit-Katti 5.03 be Ashomnagar 5.20 ab Shamnagar Noornagar 5.02 be Hajipur 4.92 ed Dakkhin-Kooltalj 4.47 ci Kooltali 4.55 de

LSDjQ pp 1 0.289 Significantlevel cV(/0) 0.44

*t(esLtlls are the mean of 5 samples taken from cach village.

In a column. mean values having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissinular letter(s) differ siptificantiv at 0.05 level of signiltcancc.

In a column, numeric data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

69 Appendix XIII. Available Cr content of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location -Available CF District _ Upazila _Viliase (melIOOgsoil) * Bagerhat BagerhatSadar Radha-Ballop 228dcfg (ioojiati 2.60cdcfg Katoora 3.07 cde Deerna 1.73g Rarnpal l3adra-Sannashi 1.81g Suto-Sannashi 2.13 4 Madardia - 2.05fg Mollikaerbeard 3.15 bed Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 2.36 cdefg

I Botiadia 2.28 detu Shambunagar I.73g Kodla 2.52cdefg Dornoria Jhaltola 2.44cdefg Shanpara 2.28defg Ashan-Nagar 2.05fg Chatchotia 2.99 cdef Satkhira Kaliganj Dulihola 4.56 a Bhaizmari 2.83edef Palir-Katti 4.56 a Ashomnagar 4.01 ab Sliamnagar Noornagar 4.72 a Flajipur 3.15 bed Dakkhin-Kooltali 2.60cde% Kooltali 3.31 be LSD( ,sI - - - 0.817 Sigpiiicant le),el 0.01 CV(%) 6.03

*Ftesttlls..JTC the mean Of 5 samples taken from each village.

In a colunitt mean values having stun ar letler(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ significantly at 005 level ofsignilicance.

In a colunin, numeric data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

70 Appendix XIV. Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) of soils of the study areas of greater Ehulna district of L3anglaclesli

-______ Location SSP (06) * Upazila -- Village - Bagethat BagerhatSadar Radha-Ballop 45 be

Goojiati 35 def'g

Katoora 50 ab

Deema 37 edef I Rampal l3adra-Sannashi 36 defg

Suco-Sannashi 39 ede

Madardia 35 deig

Mollikaerbeard 52 ab

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal TO I

Botiadia 31 efg

Shambunagar 30 fg

Kodla 40c.d

Domoria Jhaltola 31 efg

Shanpara 21 hi

Ashan-Nagar 28 gh

Chatchotia 37 cdef

Satkhifa Kaliganj Duliboa 50 ab

l3hagmari 41 cd

Palit-Katti 56 a

Ashomnagar 56 a

Shaninagar Noornagar 38 edel

Uajipur 38cdef

Dakkhin-Kooltali 41 cd

Kooltali 50 ab LSD 0.0 7.322 Signiflcant level ______. ______0.05 CV(%) - I 1743

*ResuIis are the mean of 5 samples taken front each village.

In a column, mean values having similar letter(s) are sialisticalls' identieal and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ significanuv at 0.05 level of significance.

In a column, numeric data represents the mean value of S replications.

71 Appendix XV. Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of soils of the study areas of greater Khulna district of Bangladesh

Location -- SAR * District Upazila - - Village Bagerhat Bagerhat Sadar Radha-Bal lop 4.00 bed

Goojiati 3.11 edef

Katoora 5.20 ab

Deema 2.24 efgh

Rampal Badra-Sannashi 2.24 elgh

Suto-Sannashi 2.67 defg

Madardia 2.72 dcfg

Mollikaerbeard 5.32 ab

Khulna Botiaghata Soondarmohal 0.90 Ii

Botiadia 1.92 Igh

Shambunagar 1.95 th

Kodla 2.90 del'

Domoria Jhaltola 1.95 1211

Shanpara 1.43 gh

Ashan-Nagar 1.96 fgh

Chatchotia 3,46 cde

Satkhira Kaliganj Dulibola 510 ab

I3hagrnari 3.14 cdcf

Palit-Katti 5.93 a

Ashomnagar 5.74 a

Shamnagar Noornagar 3.08 edet'

Ilajipur 2.93 def

Dakkhin-Kooltali 2.90 del

Kooltali 4.35 be

I - L212 Significantlevel 0.01 (TV(°) _..I 12.09

*ResuItS are the mean of 5 samples taken from each village.

In a colitnin. mean values having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimitar lettefls) differ significantly at 0.05 level of significance.

In a colunrn, numeric data represents the mean value of 5 replications.

72 Appendix XVI :Correlation between different properties






* =Significant (at r01,5).

NS= Non-Significance

Data source:

I) Soil-Crop Suitahilüy C'tassilicauon fbr Bangladesh, Brammer, 1985, FAO.

Guidelines: Bhumi-O-Mrittika Sampad Unnayan Nirdeshika, 1985, SRDI,

Land Evaluation and Crop Suitability Classification, Field Legend, 1985, SRDI.

Wilcox. I. V (1995) Classification and use of irrigation water. UnitedStates

Depanmem of Agriculture Circular No.969. Washington. D.C.p. 19.4


water.htmllixzzl rub9UKqO

0. 'I te,b, Ac 2q.