December 2019 Šri Mahã Ganapati THE HINDU TEMPLE SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA, NY Šri Mahã Vallabha Ganapati Devasthãnam 4557 Bowne Street, Flushing, New York 113552202 (: (718) 4608484 ext. 112 ● Fax: (718) 4618055 ● email:
[email protected] December 2019 ● Vol 4219 ● No. 1N ● 2 Issues per Year AA LetterLetter FromFrom thethe PresidentPresident Dear Fellow Devotees, Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year. The year 2019 marked another year of growth and progress and we proudly celebrated 42nd Anniversary on a grand scale. Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations were once again grand with thousands of people participating in all the functions and especially the Ratha Yãtra on the last day. Devi Navarãtri and Deepãvali Celebrations were just as grand. Several cultural programs were conducted in the last 6 months. Some of the highlights included ‘Dance Showcase’ presented by senior students of five dance teachers in the Auditorium. This was a grand and a successful program and funds raised were credited towards Kumbhãbhishekam 2020. Among a few others included celebrations of ‘Swami Vivekananda’s Legacy, Life and Influence’ on August 11th, 2019. Devi Navarãtri celebrations with Ras Garba on October 4th thru October 6th, 2019, Deepavãli celebrations for the Pãtašãla students in the Senior Center on October 19th and the celebrations at the Queens Museum on October 26th, and Anniversary celebrations of the Senior Program on October 12th with variety entertainment. All these celebrations were grand and very well participated. Annual Health Fair was conducted on July 14th and Mini Health Fair was organized on November 10th, 2019.