Integral and Sustainable Use of Agave
INTEGRAL AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF AGAVE INTEGRAL AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF AGAVE Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACYT, Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco A.C. CIATEJ, Red temática mexicana aprovechamiento integral sustentable y biotecnología de los agaves Agared, 2019 Sustainable and Integrated use of Agave is under Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) Creative Commons License ( The CIATEJ promotes for the fair and appropriate use of information of this document. When using copyrighted third-party images or texts to promote their material. It is required to be cited appropriately. This publication is available in electronic format (PDF) on the institutional website at Compiled and reviewed by: Thematic 1: Gutiérrez Mora, Antonia, Ph. D. & Rodríguez Garay, Benjamin, Ph. D. Thematic 2: Estarrón Espinosa, Mirna, Ph. D.; Gschaedler Mathis, Anne Cristine, Ph. D.; Kirchmayr, Manuel Reinhart, Ph. D.; Moreno Terrazas, Rubén, Ph. D. & Lappe, Patricia, Ph. D. Thematic 3: Camacho Ruiz, Rosa María, Ph. D. & Ortiz Basurto, Rosa Isela, Ph. D. Thematic 4: Aguilar Uscanga, María Guadalupe, Ph. D. & Aguilar Juárez, Oscar, Ph. D. Thematic 5: Gallardo Valdez, Juana, Ph. D.; Hernández López, José de Jesús, Ph. D. & Sánchez Osorio, Ever, Ph. D. Editorial coordinator: Antonia Gutiérrez Mora, Ph. D. Style correction: Antonia Gutiérrez Mora, Ph. D. & Mirna Estarrón Espinosa, Ph.
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