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At 625 First & Oxford First Nations Studies agreement signed 4 Movember: Month of mighty Mos 5 The threat of international terrorism 6 Falcons receive OCAA honours 22 Volume 47 Issue No. 11 November 3, 2014 At 625 First & Oxford Name this Building CONTEST OCT 1 - NOV 30 Win ONE year FREE rent enter at SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION NEWS 2 INTERACTIVE Volume 47 Issue No. 11 November 3, 2014 LI#FESTFSUYLInterrobangES @apurvpatre @nachiket_k @nachiket_k SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION Share your pictures on Instragram using #FSUInterrobang† ‡ for a chance to win FREE LUNCH at the or NEWS! †TERMS & CONDITIONS: Submit your original photos on Instagram with the designated #FSUInterrobang hashtag to have a chance to be printed in next week’s issue. By including the hashtag, you agree that we may print your photo and that your photo does NOT contain: (a) copyrighted works (other than owned by you); (b) contain vulgar, pornographic, obscene or indecent behaviour or images; (c) defame or libel any third party; (d) been licensed; or (e) contain any watermarks or other notices, whether digital or otherwise obstructing the Photo Entry. Photo entries that do not comply with these Terms & Conditions or that otherwise contain prohibited or inappropriate content as determined by Interrobang Staff, in its sole discretion, will not be shared. ‡FREE LUNCH: Contest only open to full-time Fanshawe College students. Offer consists of a $10 gift card, given out monthly, that can only be redeemed at Oasis or The Out Back Shack during business hours at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. INTERACTIVE LIFESTYLES SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION NEWS INTERACTIVE LIFESTYLES SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION 3 Volume 47 Issue No. 11 November 3, 2014 NEWS Robert Downey Jr. not just Tony Stark FRANCIS SIEBERT INTERROBANG Sweet Tweets When Fanshawe College profes- INTERACTIVE sor Erin MacDonald was looking of the Week for a book to read about actor Robert What style of Downey Jr., she couldn’t find any. moustache would you “Being a fan and an academ- ladies and gents want ic, I was looking for things to to sport during all of read about his performances, and Movember? In other I wasn’t finding any,” the profes- words, what kind of mo sor at Fanshawe’s School of Lan- are you bros going to guage and Liberal Studies said. “I grow? thought, ‘There should really be a book about this man’s performanc- LIFESTYLES es. He’s such a great actor, and he’s Dylan Findlay [got] such unique stories. He’s got @D_Findlay13 @fanshawesu the monkey such a great survival story.’” tail for sure! Last month, MacDonald did just that: She published Robert Downey 12:39 PM - 29 Oct 2014 Jr. from Brat to Icon: Essays on the Film Career, a collection of essays Rachel Moffat covering the actor’s performance in @rachmoffat3 more than 25 of his films. @fanshawesu a creepy porno MacDonald grew up in Manitoba, stache will forever be a where she liked writing short stories classic :) #FSUInterrobang and poems as kid. She later moved 12:14 PM - 29 Oct 2014 to Thunder Bay and pursued a bach- elor’s degree in English literature B at Lakehead University and then @baileylowry moved to southwestern Ontario for @fanshawesu handlebar her master’s and doctorate’s at the #fsuinterrobang University of Waterloo. She’s been 12:13 PM - 29 Oct 2014 teaching at Fanshawe since 2005. MacDonald first became inter- Alyssa McNicol ested in Downey when he played CREDIT: ROBERT MUHLBOCK @AlyssaMcNicol77 a drug addict in the 1987 film Less Fanshawe professor Erin MacDonald published her new book last month on the performances of actor Robert @fanshawesu I’ll be sporting Than Zero. Downey Jr. the fake moustache out “His performance in that was of the vending machines just incredibly moving,” she said. all of his performances, but that characters – including his portrayal academic work that’s heavy in style at oasis #girlproblems “The film itself, overall, wasn’t there was just something unique of Sherlock Holmes. While Sher- and created a work that is appealing #FSUInterrobang a great-quality film, but he really about his performances. lock Holmes is not an openly ho- to a much broader audience and yet 11:36 AM - 29 Oct 2014 stood out for his performance.” “He likes to use an improvisa- mosexual character, she says there is still very well documented.” It was Downey’s raw emotions tional style, and he likes to com- were references in the two films MacDonald says her goal was to and his ability to connect with au- bine roles with his own personali- that might suggest some sort of love make a book about Downey’s per- Facebook: diences in a down-to-earth way that ty,” she says. affair between Holmes and his side- formances that was informative and caught her attention. She says he For Robert Downey Jr. from Brat kick, John Watson. entertaining. Sofia ‘G’ Eidsath still does that in his performances. to Icon, MacDonald wrote the intro- “I think she’s done a brilliant “And also to contribute to the Twirly evil villain style “I’ve always followed his films,” duction, a biography, a chronology job with this book,” said Stefanie idea that he’s not just Tony Stark,” she said. “Any time a film came out and a filmography. Ketley, a professor at Fanshawe’s she said. “He’s got a fantastic career Katherine Fischer and he was in, I would see it just She’s also edited all of the essays School of Language and Liberal of really good films behind him and Hulk hogan because he was in it.” and wrote three: one on his perfor- Studies who helped edit MacDon- some amazing performances that mance in Chaplin and a two-part ald’s essays. “She has bridged ever young people today don’t even She says not all of Downey’s Join the FSU essay on his performances of LGBT so well the traditional gap between know about.” films were great and neither were Movember team – Not only can you help change the face of men’s health, but you could win an iPad Mini Municipal election: in the process. Visit for details. The results are in #Movember: FRANCIS SIEBERT INTERROBANG WARD 1 Jason Bateman Former Ward 7 councillor Matt Michael van Holst (50.7 per cent) @batemanjason Brown was elected mayor on Octo- Get those mustaches growing WARD 2 guys! Support #Movember ber 27 along with 11 new council Bill Armstrong (39 per cent) members and three re-elected coun- and men’s health awareness! cillors. WARD 3 Sign up & learn more at Brown was elected with over 57 Mo Mohamed Salih (52.5 per cent) ! per cent of the vote, beating oppo- WARD 4 12:25 PM - 28 Oct 2014 nent Paul Cheng by nearly 26,000 Jesse Helmer (59.2 per cent) votes. Former councillor Joe Swan WARD 5 Next week’s question: came in third with over four per Maureen Cassidy (57.4 per cent) Spice Girls tribute act cent of the vote. WANNABE comes Brown campaigned on simpli- WARD 6 to Fanshawe on Phil Squire (28.3 per cent) fying the process of starting and November 11 (get your expanding businesses in London, WARD 7 tickets at the Biz Booth keeping taxes low, improving the Josh Morgan (56.6 per cent) or at bus transit system, government If you were made an transparency and improving the WARD 8 Paul Hubert (83.1 per cent) honourary Spice Girl, downtown core, among other things. let us know what you’d As for the election of ward coun- WARD 9 want (what you really, cillors, Londoners elected mostly Anna Hopkins (46.2 per cent) really want) your spice newcomers, voting out of office WARD 10 name to be. Tell us those associated with former mayor Virginia Ridley (51.2 per cent) using #FSUInterrobang Joe Fontana: Bud Polhill, Stephen by 2 p.m. on Wenesday, Orser, Paul Van Meerbergen, De- WARD 11 Stephen Turner (54.1 per cent) November 3 and you’ll nise Brown and Sandy White. enter a draw for a $10 Bill Armstrong, Paul Hubert and WARD 12 Oasis/Out Back Shack Harold Usher were the only three Harold Usher (48.4 per cent) gift certificate. members who were re-elected. WARD 13 The total vote turnout was 43.2 Tanya Park (39.8 per cent) per cent, up from 39.9 per cent in CREDIT: JUSTYN SMITH 2010 and the highest since 1994, WARD 14 Students came out to Rock The Shack on October 23 and saw bands according to the London Free Press. Jarad Zaifman (39 per cent) like the black frame spectacle. #FSUInterrobang SPORTS&LEISURE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR OPINION 4 NEWS Volume 47 Issue No. 11 November 3, 2014 Nearly half of Ontario colleges have a fall reading week, so why doesn’t Fanshawe? FRANCISINTE SIEBERT RAbreakCTIV from three weeksE to two, tion between the school’s registrar INTERROBANG which students – especially those office and other student services, While Fanshawe College stu- who have to travel to go home for including the FSU. This means dents were busy attending classes the holidays – may not agree with. students have a say on the academ- and doing assignments on the week Most programs in the 10 colleges ic calendar and whether students of October 19, thousands of stu- that have a fall reading week op- should get a fall reading week or dents from 10 of Ontario’s 24 pub- erate on 14-week terms.

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