
Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research

8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442 ISSN: 2582-3760

The Effectiveness of the Use of Aquatic (Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctata and ) in the Phytoremediation Process of Catfish Aquaculture Wastewater

Amyati1*, Zahidah Hasan1, Dedi Supriadi1 and Herman Hamdani1

1Fisheries and Marine Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Bandung – Sumedang, KM. 21, Jatinangor - 45363, Indonesia.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author Amyati designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors ZH and DS managed the analyses of the study. Author HH managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI:10.9734/AJFAR/2020/v8i430144 Editor(s): (1) Dr. Emmanuel Tetteh-Doku Mensah, CSIR- Research Institute, Ghana. (2) Dr. Pınar Oguzhan Yildiz, Ataturk University, Turkey. (3) Dr. Luis Enrique Ibarra Morales, State University of Sonora, Mexico. Reviewers: (1) S. S. Padmapriya, Dharmapuram Gnanambigai Govt Arts College, . (2) Jahangir Alam, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/59442

Received 05 June 2020 Accepted 10 August 2020 Original Research Article Published 21 August 2020


Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine aquatic plants (Lemna perpusilla, Landoltila punctata and Azolla pinnata) that have the most effective ability as phytoremediation agents for catfish cultivation wastewater. Study Design: This research was conducted by an experimental method, with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of three treatments and four replications. Place and Duration of Study: This research is located at the Wet Laboratory (Ciparanje) of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University. Water quality testing is carried out at the Water Resources Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. Research was carried out on 20 July-24 September 2019.


*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected];

Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

Methodology: The test wastewater was collected from catfish pond culture and put into twelve aquarium with a volume of 8 litre. Physical and chemical parameters observed include BOD5, dissolved oxygen, CO2 acidity, temperature, nitrate, and phosphate. Results: Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctata and Azolla pinnata were able to improve the quality of catfish culture wastewater such as increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH, and reducingBOD5, CO2, nitrate and phosphate. Lemna perpusilla was able to reduce the concentration of BOD5, CO2,carbondioxide, nitrate and phosphate from catfish cultivation wastewater by75%; 77.7%; 23.4%; 44.2%, respectively, during the phytoremediation process, and Landoltia punctata was able to reduce the concentrations same parameters by 52%; 68.3%; 17.8%; 18.3% and Azolla pinnata by 41%; 84%; 15.3% and 28.4%. Conclusion: Lemnaper pusillamay improve the quality of catfish culture wastewater better than Landoltia punctata and Azolla pinnata. Lemna perpusilla can be recommended as phytoremediation agents catfish cultivation wastewater to remediate organic matter before being discharged directly into water bodies.

Keywords: Azolla pinnata; catfish; Landoltia punctata; Lemna perpusilla; phytoremediation.

1. INTRODUCTION fish is more awake and does not pollute the surrounding environment. Catfish (Clarias sp) is one type of fish that is easily maintained, can grow quickly and has high The application of wastewater management economic value,. This potential encourages technology has been developed with the aim of community interest in conducting cultivation not polluting the surrounding . One of the activities. Aquaculture activities produce solid wastewater management technologies is waste and liquid waste originating from feces, cultivation with phytoremediation. The urine and fish food waste. The accumulation of advantages of phytoremediation are that it can waste can cause a decrease in water quality that work on organic and inorganic compounds, the affects the physiological processes, behavior, process can be done in situ and ex situ, easy to growth, and mortality of fish [1]. apply and does not require high costs, not harmful to the environment, can reduce The amount of accumulation of aquaculture contaminants in large numbers and there is a waste produced by each fish is different. synergy relationship between the environment Aquaculture waste in floating cages in the Cirata and organisms [5], while the weakness of Reservoir has a water content of 92.5–92.4%, phytoremediation is that the process takes a long 1.11-3.22% and 0.43– time, depending on climatic conditions, can 0.93% [2] while catfish cultivation produces liquid cause the accumulation of heavy metals in nitrogen waste an average of 1.32%, nitrogen tissues and and can affect the balance solid waste 6.23%, phosphorus liquid waste of the in the ecosystem [6]. The use of 2.64% and phosphorus solid waste 4.46%, and aquatic plants as a phytoremediation agent in potassium liquid waste0.35 %,potassium solid wastewater management has now been widely waste 3.21%. As for the concentration of C- carried out including research by Satya et al. [7], organic liquid waste, an average of 0.63% and who used the Eichhornia crassipes plant in an an average solid waste of 21.67%, the value of effort to remove nutrients contained in the C / N ratio of the average solid waste is wastewater in semi-recirculated fish ponds. 6.71% [3]. Ipomoea aquatica, molesta and Eichhornia crassipesare also studied in an effort The amount of waste generated from catfish to remove nutrients from the waste making farming can cause a decrease in the quality of tempeh [8]. aquaculture media. Decrease in the quality of aquaculture water, among others, decreased Aquatic plants Lemna perpusilla and Landoltia concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), punctata belong to the family of Lemnaceae that increased turbidity of water and increased waste, can function as phytoremediation agents, which especially organic nitrogen and phosphate [4]. A have biological filters and ability to improve the decline in aquaculture water quality can results in quality of aquaculture wastewater. According to disruption to fish survival, therefore applications Landesman [9] the type of are needed that can improve the quality of Lemnaceae (Lemna perpusilla and Landoltia aquaculture wastewater so that the survival of punctata) can multiply the biomass in only 2 days


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

under optimum conditions, so that the lemnaceae method with Completely Randomized Design has a high enough growth power. The difference (CRD) consisting of three treatments with four between Lemna perpusilla and Landoltia replications each. punctata is from the width and color of the lower leaves. Landoltia punctata has a red color on the 2.1 Research Stages underside of its leaves with a slimmer leaf size while Lemna perpusilla is green on the underside The steps taken during the phytoremediation of the leaf and has a more circular leaf size. process were:

Another aquatic plant that has good potential to 1. 12 aquariawere cleaned and given a code: be a phytoremediation agent is Azolla pinnata. LM = Lemna perpusilla Azolla pinnata is widely distributed in many LD = Landoltia punctata areas. According to Arifin [10] Azolla pinnata has AP = Azoll apinnata fast growth, is able to adapt to acidity, infertile 2. Aquatic plants (Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia soil and pollutants are quite high. Sadheghi et punctata and Azolla pinnata) were al.[11] revealed that Azolla sp growth is fast, 2-5 acclimatized for two days. days to be able to double the biomass.Based on 3. Aquatic plants wereput into an aquarium the description, Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia containing 8 L catfish cultivation punctata and Azolla pinnata aquatic plants have wastewater. the ability as phytoremediation agents. The 4. The measurement of nitrate and aquatic plants are used in remediating catfish phosphate concentration uses The aquaculture wastewater. The purpose of this Spectrophotometric Method and BOD5 study was to determine aquatic plants (Lemna concentration uses The Winkler Method. perpusilla, Landoltia punctata and Azolla pinnata) that have the most effective ability as 2.2 Research Parameters phytoremediation agents for catfish cultivation waste water. Observation of DO, pH, temperature and CO2 wascarried out every day, while analysis of 2. METHODOLOGY BOD5, nitrate, phosphate wasdone every 7 days. The method used are presented in The research was carried out on July-September Table 1. 2019 at the Green House, Ciparanje Area,

Padjadjaran University. Eight litre of waste water for each treatment aquaria were collected from 2.3 Analysis of Data the catfish ponds of the Ciparanje area, Padjadjaran University. Water plants consist of 3 This research used quantitative descriptive types (Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctata and analysis. Decreased concentrations of BOD5, Azolla pinnata), were supplied from Limnology nitrate, phosphate and CO2 were analyzed using Research Center. The plant weight used for each ANOVA with the F test (p = 0.05). Differences treatment was 20 g. The study was conducted for between treatments were analyzed using 14 days by measuring the concentration of Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (p = 0.05). Analysis of the calculation of the reduction BOD5, Nitrate, Phosphate and carbondioxide. Chemical analysis was carried out at the rate of BOD5, phosphate, nitrate and CO2 based Laboratory of Aquatic Resources, Faculty of on calculations from [11] the formula used is: Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University carried out in September 2019. The P= ( – 1) x 100 % method used in this study was an experimental

Table 1. Physical and chemical parameters of water

Parameters Unit Method Analysis Tools Physical Parameters Temperature 0C - Thermometer Chemical Parameters BOD5 mg/L Wingkler Wingkler Bottle DO mg/L Potentiometric DO Meter Nitrate mg/L Spektrofotometric Spektofotometer Phosphate mg/L Spektrofotometric Spektofotometer CO2 mg/L Titration Erlenmeyer Glass pH - Potentiometric pH Meter


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

Information: increase in dissolved oxygen supports the decomposition of organic matter by the P= Rate of decline BOD5, phosphate, nitrate organism. Phytoremediation of aquatic plants and CO2 (%) could increase dissolved oxygen because of the Ct= Water concentration after photosynthesis process that produces oxygen phytoremediation (mg/L) [18]. (Fig. 2). Co= Water concentration before phytoremediation (mg/L) One of the factors that influences the t= Trial time (days) concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) is temperature. Temperature during phytore 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION mediation research continued to allow organisms to carry out metabolic processes and respiration. 3.1 Water Quality Parameters The increase in dissolved oxygen in treatment

aquatia of Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctata 3.1.1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand5 (BOD5) and Azolla pinnata in sequence on the second The treatment of Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia day was recorded7.10 mg/L; 5.93 mg/L and 6.9 punctata and Azolla pinnata, during the mg/L that have met the SNI [19]which is a phytoremediation process, can reduced the minimum of 3 mg/L.

BOD5 concentration respectively by 75%, 52%, 3.1.3 Carbondioxide (CO2) 41% (Fig. 1). The difference in BOD5 decrease of Lemnaperpusilla, Landoltia punctata and Azolla Phytoremediation of catfish cultivation waste pinnata might have influenced by the root using Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctate and characteristics of each aquatic plant. The three Azolla pinnata reduced aquatic plants have different root characteristics. concentrations. Carbondioxide (CO2) absorption Lemna perpusilla has a longer root network with by Lemn aperpusilla, Landoltia punctata and more amount than Landoltia punctata and Azolla Azolla pinnata during the phytoremediation pinnata that helped Lemna perpusilla to be process took place in sequence, namely 77.7%; superior in reducing organic matter.The high 68.3%; 84% (Fig. 3). Carbondioxide (CO2) microbes in the roots will affect the degradation absorption of Azolla pinnata was quite high activity of organic matter. The length of Lemna compared to that of Lemna perpusilla and minor roots is around 0.5-15 cm [12,13]. Lee et Landoltia punctata, this was influenced by the al. [14] stated that the root length of Landoltia biomass of the three plants. The average Azolla punctata is 0.81-3.16 cm and has the number of pinnata biomass at week 1 and 2 was the highest root hairs which is 7-12 [15]. Azolla pinnata has so the CO2 demand was in line with the high roots of 1-5 cm long and has 3-6 root hairs [16]. biomass because it was used for photosynthesis. The presence of carbon dioxide in water is Decreased BOD5 concentration of catfish needed by plants for photosynthesis. aquaculture wastewater by Lemna perpusilla, Carbondioxide (CO2) concentrations are used in Landoltia punctata and Azolla pinnata, during the the photosynthesis process which triggers plant phytoremediation process was able to increase development and triggers the emergence of new the concentration of dissolved oxygen which is shoots [20]. the result of photosynthesis of aquatic plants and phytoplankton. Oxygen from photosynthesis is The temperature during the research ranged used by bacteria to decompose organic matter in from 27.4 to 300C which is the optimum water. Organic matter is degraded by temperature for the growth of Azolla sp. The microorganisms that grow on the surface of the appropriate temperature for growth of Azolla media and plant roots [17]. microphylla ranges from 20-350C [21]. The optimum temperature of Lemna is around 6-330C 3.1.2 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) [22].The temperature range of Lemna sp is lower

Phytoremediation of catfish cultivation waste than Azolla sp so that in this study Azolla sp using Lemna perpusilla, Landoltia punctata and grows more optimally.

Azolla pinnata increased the concentration of 3.1.4 Acidity dissolved oxygen due to the photosynthesis process of aquatic plants that produce oxygen. The pH value of catfish culture wastewater Dissolved oxygen (DO) is used by aquatic before phytoremediation test was 6.26. organisms for the process of respiration and Wastewater generally has an acidic pH [23].The decomposition oforganic matter so that an initial pH value of catfish aquaculture wastewater


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

does not meet the quality standards based on temperature value was27.40C and the highest the SNI [19] which is 6.5-8.(Fig. 4) was300C (Fig. 5).Factors affecting water temperature include the presence of shade The average pH during the phytoremediation (trees, buildings, plants), air temperature, process was volatile but tends to increase weather and climate [25]. towards neutral pH. Phytoremediation could increase the pH of wastewater to neutral The temperature during the study was relatively pH[24].An increase in pH indicates the high, this is because the research was located in occurrence of the nitrification process. The a greenhouse which in principle had been increase in pH during the research took place designed so that the optimum room temperature meeting the SNI [19]which amounted to 6.5-8. could be maintained. The optimum water temperature for aquatic plants is in the range of 3.1.5 Temperature 0 26.69-28.34 C [26]. The water temperature in the test media during the research fulfilled the SNI The average temperature during the research 0 showed fluctuating figures. The lowest [19]which was 25-30 C.

0 0 0

25 , , , 0 0 0 1 ± ± ± 4 8 7 7 7 , 9 , , , , 0 2 2 2 0 ± 2 2 2 1 ± ) 3 2 8 3 , 4 L 3 , , 0 0 /

20 5 , 7 1 ± 5 g 7 1 , ± 0 1 1 0 0 m , ± 6 ( ,

5 8 4 4 1 3 9 n , , 1 o 3 0 i 1

15 ± t 4 a 5 r , t 0 n 1 e c 10 n o C 5 D

O 5 B

0 0 1 2 Observation (Week) L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 1. The BOD5 values during the observation

8.00 n o

i 7.00 t a

t 6.00 n

e 5.00 c n

o 4.00 ) C

L / n 3.00 g e g

m 2.00 y ( x

O 1.00


e 0.00 t t v p p p p p p p p p p p p p l g g e e e e e e e e e e e e e o A A S S S S S S S S S S S S S

s ------s 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 i 3 3 1 1 1 1 D Observation Time

L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 2. The daily dissolved oxygen value


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

0 0 0 , , , 0 35.00 0 0 ± 7 ± ± 2 3 6 2 2 ) , 4 6 4 4 L , , 2 , , 8 / 4 2 30.00 2 2 ± 7 , g 3 ± 0 3 3 7 3 4 0 3 6 , , m ± 8 4 , 2 ( , 2 3

0 25.00 2 4 ± 5 3 2 n , ± 1 6 8 o , 2 5 i , 1 4 0 t 6 20.00 , ± a 5 1 8 r 1 5 t , n 15.00 1 1 e c n

o 10.00 C


O 5.00 C 0.00 0 1 2 Observation (Week)

L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 3. The CO2 values during the observation



7.00 H p 6.50



Time Observation

L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 4. The daily pH value


) 30.0 C 0

( 29.5

e 29.0 r u

t 28.5 a

r 28.0 e

p 27.5

m 27.0 e

T 26.5 26.0

Time Observation

L.perpsuilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 5. The daily temperature value


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

3.2 Nitrate Concentration during the phytoremediation process took place sequentially at 23.4%; 17.8%; 15.3% (Fig. 6). Nitrate is a form of nitrogen in the waters that functions as nutrients for plants for the growth 3.3 Removal of Phosphate Concentration process. Decrease in nitrate concentration of wastewater occurs because it is absorbed by Phytoremediation using Lemna perpusilla, aquatic plants so that aquatic plants experience Landoltia punctata and Azolla pinnatacan reduce an increase in biomass. Plants absorb nitrates the concentration of test media phosphate. for cell growth through their roots [27]. Decrease of phosphate by Lemna perpusilla, L. Concentration of nitrate in water are influenced puncatata and Azolla pinnata respectively was by several parameters such as dissolved oxygen 44.2%; 18.3%; 28.4% (Fig. 7). Lemna perpusilla and organic matter content [28] Dissolved reduced phosphate higher than L. puncatata and oxygen concentration is low, the activity of Azolla pinnata This was influenced by differences microorganisms in decomposting of organic in the size of the leaves and roots which are the matter and nitrification process will be affected. parts that absorb nutrients. Lemna perpusilla has Increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen a greater leaf width than Landoltia punctataand (DO) in the first week supports the activity of Azolla pinnata. Lemna perpusilla has a leaf microorganisms in decompossed organic matter diameter of 6-8 mm [30] while Landoltia punctata and the process of nitrification. has a leaf diameter of 1-5 mm [31]meanwhile Azolla pinnata has a small leaf shape about 1–2 Nitrate is a source of nitrogen that can be utilized mm in diameter with overlapping leaf positions directly by aquatic plants, because nitrates are [32]. The broader leaf identifies the high very soluble in water. Nitrates are formed from chlorophyll so that more phosphorus is needed to ammonia which is oxidized to nitrite with the help store and transfer energy in the form of ATP and of the bacterium Nitrosomonas, then nitrite is ADP [28]. oxidized to nitrate with the help of the bacterium Nitro bacter [29]. Factors that cause Lemna The absorption of phosphate in the second week perpusilla to absorb nitrate higher than Azolla wasnot as high as the first week, this pinnata and Landoltia punctata that mught be wasinfluenced by the decrease in water plant Lemna perpusilla has more and longer root hairs biomass. Decreased biomass of test water plants so that the absorption range of nitrate waswider causes a decrease in phosphate absorption. and optimal. Decreased nitrate concentrations by Phosphate uptake is in line with the increase in L. perpsilla, Landoltia punctata and Azollapinnata plant biomass [33].

4 1 4 4 0 0 0 5 , , , 5 7 8 6 0 8 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0.7 2 , , , , ± ± ± 0 0 ± 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 , 5 ± ± ± ± 6 6 6 0 , , , 8 7 8 ± 9 2 0 0 0 ) 6 4 8 5 3 5 , L 0 0.6 5 5 5 5 , , 0 , , / 5 , 0 0 0 0 g 0 m (

0.5 n o i t

a 0.4 r t n e

c 0.3 n o C

e 0.2 t a r t i

N 0.1

0 0 1 2 Observation (Week)

L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 6. Average nitrate concentration during research


Amyati et al.; AJFAR, 8(4): 10-19, 2020; Article no.AJFAR.59442

2 6 0 0 0 7 , , , 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 , 0.7 0 0 2 3 ± ± ± , , ) 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 L , ± 0 ± ± / 0 0 0 0 3 3 , 0 8 6 6 6 g ± 1 0 0 , , ,

0.6 8 4 2 0 5 ± 0 0 0 , , 5 5 m 6 6 , , ( 0 0 4

3 0 0 , ± 4 e 0 3 ,

t 0.5 8 0 a 3 , p 0 s

o 0.4 h P

n 0.3 o i t

a 0.2 r t n e

c 0.1 n o

C 0 0 1 2 Observation (Week)

L.perpusilla L.punctata A.pinnata

Fig. 7. Average phosphate concentration during research

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Peer-review history: The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/59442