Arabic Books Published in India an Annotated Bibliography
ARABIC BOOKS PUBLISHED IN INDIA AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LIBRARY SCIENCE 1986-86 BY ISHTIYAQUE AHMAD Roll No, 85-M. Lib. Sc.-02 Enrolment No. S-2247 Under the Supervision of Mr. AL-MUZAFFAR KHAN READER DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH 1986 ,. J^a-175 DS975 SJO- my. SUvienJU ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is not possible for me to thank adequately prof, M.H. Rizvi/ University Librarian and Chairman Department of Library Science. His patronage indeed had always been a source of inspiration, I stand deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mr. Al- Muzaffar Khan, Reader, Department of Library Science without whom invaluable suggestions and worthy advice, I would have never been able to complete the work. Throughout my stay in the department he obliged me by unsparing help and encouragement. I shall be failing in my daties if I do not record the names of Dr. Hamid All Khan, Reader, Department of Arabic and Mr, Z.H. Zuberi, P.A., Library of Engg. College with gratitude for their co-operation and guidance at the moment I needed most, I must also thank my friends M/s Ziaullah Siddiqui and Faizan Ahmad, Research Scholars, Arabic Deptt., who boosted up my morals in the course of wtiting this dis sertation. My sincere thanks are also due to S. Viqar Husain who typed this manuscript. ALIGARH ISHl'ltAQUISHTIYAQUE AAHMA D METHODOLOBY The present work is placed in the form of annotation, the significant Arabic literature published in India, The annotation of 251 books have been presented.
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