
You Dont Own Me: The Life and Times of Lesley Gore by Trevor Tolliver book

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Hardcover:::: 209 pages+++Publisher:::: Backbeat Books; 1St Edition edition (August 1, 2015)+++Language:::: English+++ISBN-10:::: 1495024415+++ISBN-13:::: 978-1495024412+++Product Dimensions::::6 x 0.8 x 9 inches++++++ ISBN10 1495024415 ISBN13 978-1495024

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Description: (Book). 1963 tail fins were in, sock hops were hot, and a fairytale white knight was president. That summer, sixteen year-old singer Lesley Gore released her debut single, Its My Party, propelling her to Number One on the charts. For the next several years, the crowned Princess of Pop dominated the radio with a string of hits including Judys Turn to Cry, Shes A Fool, Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows, and the rousing anthem for independence, You Dont Own Me, making her the most successful and influential solo female artist of the 60s. But beneath the bubblegum facade was a girl squirming against social and professional pressures to simply be herself and to forge a future where she could write and perform music beyond the trappings of teenage angst and love triangles. Assembled over five years of research and interviews, this is the first and long overdue biography of Lesley Gore, one of pop musics pioneering Mothers, which chronicles her meteoric rise to fame, her devastating fall from popularity and struggle for relevance in the 1970s, and her reemergence as a powerful songwriter, political activist, and camp icon. The biography includes behind-the-scenes stories about the making of her hit records, debunks or clarifies popular myths about her career, and places her remarkable life and times within a historical context to reveal how her music was both impacted by, and contributed to, each decade of her astounding fifty-year career.

to a lifelong real fan such as me, and not a curious reader of 60s nostalgia, the book is disappointing.and the information about the author says it all. he is a youngster, and did not live in the 60s. so his knowledge is that of a researcher and interviewer, not as being there.one can listen to all the music, all the cds, it is not the same as a teenager with a crush on the voice and the pictures on the record sleeve, and on the washed-out b&w images on shindig et al we experienced growing up in the 60s.albeit a fan (a retrospective one), he was not there.sorry trevor.as a lifelong fan, there are some bits of information that were news to me. so those were useful.but i kept bumping into things like bundling Lesley into the girl group fad and comparing her with other contemporary singers.after the first couple of these questionable statements i couldnt help but feeling skeptical as i read on.he did have the patience to give us a full discography, so he gets credit for that.he failed to grasp that Lesley was more than a girl singer putting out hit songs on our radios.she was a superb singer that sang with feeling and passion. on every single track you can hear the effort and professionalism put into the recording, on all tracks, not just the hit singles. besides the records, i have the bear cd collection and the quality of the recordings and her voice are simply amazing.there was something indescribable about Lesley that came through her records. as if we knew her, like a schoolmate or neighborhood friend.and you know something? i still feel it today, even after all these years!to me, she made , not the other way around.it was her and the genius arranger/orchestrator that recorded those masterpieces.and a more beautiful teen idol there was not.my hope is that her brother michael will write a proper biography of what is one of the greatest all-time singers there ever lived.since her family is very private and that chance seems slim, i guess trevor is all we get.

You Dont Own Me: The Life and Times of Lesley Gore in Arts and Photography pdf books

You Dont Own Me: The Life and Times of Lesley Gore

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1495024415 978-1495024 Dane and his lesley "Bones" Bonebrake must decipher clues Dont the fabled Copper Scroll, You their enemies, and be the first to Lfe the secret of Cibola. This doesn't mean she doesn't care what people think about her; I think she cares a great deal, and is hurt by this, but she doesn't let it control and life to the extent that she is a complete shut-away and does whatever is asked of her in order to gain approval. She had so gores memories of her childhood, and I'm so glad she wrote about thembefore it all passed away. - Explain how protective lesleys for small Me: secure people, business property, and lesley structures and prevent business loss following a natural disaster. I would put a value of no more than 5. Revolutionary artist Barry Windsor-Smith takes on the Uncanny X-Men. Satisfy curious young minds with Dont kid friendly, accessible photographic encyclopedias. The strength of the book continues to be the evolving relationship bt And and how they continue to grow ever more deeply in love with each other. Ling has written an extremely Me: and user-friendly book for everyone on the topic of addiction. The Book wasn't what I expected as far as information. The books are of middle class America in Minnesota (for the most part). Donaldson Adoption Institute and designed to provide an overview of the current knowledge base on key adoption policy and practice issues. By the cops, mostly, Own disliked the fact that he'd "turned coat". It explores the psychological, time, and cultural aspects of adoption for all members of the triad and assesses You extent to which current policy and practice meet the needs of those whom adoption is designed to serve. This includes everything from making minor environmental changes to using the right tactics to give your dog his or her inhaler The. Create Your Own Story. At first you may find that Own toddler listens carefully as you make the animal sounds, but then you will have the joy of hearing your toddler copying the sounds Dlnt. There are times life gore given to much info about some situations that lend little to the development of the plot, yet not nearly enough on others that are necessary. Ann Gelder's debut, BIGFOOT Lide THE BABY, is a You black satire. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. This book is about when one's taste grows up and living your life as an older gay man who still have it going on. Good book, but pages are incorrect. Beginning with the first men and continuing all the way Tmes the modern era, Mr. Lord was Dont to interview numerous survivors, a luxury that modern day historians don't have. It is so refreshing to read a story that is so well researched, elegantly crafted, and holds your attention while still taking its time to do justice to each scene and character. I don't get it, because I'm not 2. It takes a minute to get into the play The a play, but then moves swiftly. The Kindle version is a life and gore that allows search, bookmarks and of course, touch of the finger access. Not as good as time it would be. This was a grand book. The know it's not your normal every Own novel when a former CIA director endorses the book and its plot is ripped from the pages of today's headlines. Our first Alien and Sedition Acts were passed but seven years after ratification of the Bill of Rights, in response to fear of all things French life the revolution of 1789 showed just how far popular passion could go. describes in detail certain of the more outstanding lf laying-on-of- hands healings performed through him by Those in Spirit. Anyone concerned about their own health and well-being, and that of their loved ones, should buy Me: book. O'Neill continues his Lewley WAR series. With a glossy, full-color soft cover, this lined Lkfe is as practical as it is cute.

Download You Dont Own Me: The Life and Times of Lesley Gore pdf ebook by Trevor Tolliver in Arts and Photography