Electric, Power & Renewable Energy Indonesia 2013

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Electric, Power & Renewable Energy Indonesia 2013 Contents Welcome by A.V. Novak (А.В. Новак), Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation ..................... 3 Reliable Power Supply at the Universiade is the Result of Power Engineers’ Coordinated Work .......................................................................................................................................................4 By Zulfat Mingaliev (Зульфат Мингалиев), JSC “Grid Company”, Kazan New Energy for the East of Russia .........................................................................................................................8 Spotlight Interview with first deputy general director for investment and development of JSC “Far East Energy Management Company” (FEEMC) Dmitry Selyutin (Дмитрий Селютин) The Role of Electric Grid Companies in the Development of Solar Energy .........................................12 By Oleg Basenko (Олег Басенко), director for development of NonCommercial Partnership “Association of solar energy enterprises” Wind energy in Russia: state, trends, prospects ..........................................................................................16 By Ekaterina Miroliubova (Екатерина Миролюбова), senior analyst, RBC.research, RBC Consulting Department; Marina Karnaukhova (Марина Карнаухова), RBC.research analyst Distributed resources control system for rescue and recovery operations ....................................20 By Ruslan Magadeev (Руслан Магадеев), Director, Oleg Sukhov (Олег Сухов), director deputy, Department of operations and process management at Russian Grids JSC, Sergei Kuzhekov (Сергей Кужеков), director deputy of Department of automated systems of technological management, JSC “Russian Grids” Russia's power equipment trends ......................................................................................................................24 By Ekaterina Miroliubova (Екатерина Миролюбова), senior analyst, RBC.research, RBC Consulting Department EDITED BY: Chief Editor: Ekaterina Guseva, e-mail: [email protected] Deputy Chief Editor: Elena Stavtseva, e-mail: [email protected] Director for the strategic planning: Alexander Pavlov, e-mail: [email protected] Senior analyst: Anton Petrov, e-mail: [email protected] 6 Yelektrodny proezd International Development Director: Moscow Russia 111123 Dzhamilya Abuzyarova, e-mail: [email protected] Head of the PК department: Marina Efremova, Tel/ fax: + 7 (495) 645-1221 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Art and Design: Elena Ermakova, e-mail: [email protected] www.eepr.ru Proofreader: Vladimir Petrovsky, e-mail: [email protected] 2 4–7 September, 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia Welcome Remarks to organizers, participants and guests of International Energy Generation and Distribution Exhibition “Electric, Power & Renewable Energy Indonesia-2013” On behalf of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation I would like to welcome organizers, partici- pants and guests of International Energy Generation and Distribution Exhibition “Electric, Power & Renew- able Energy Indonesia-2013”! Across the years this event has gained the reputation of the most ambitious one, providing the biggest grounds for discussion and exhibition dedicated to energy in the Asian-Pacifi c Region. Traditionally the attention of a wide experts’ community and representatives both of public and private sectors, of scholars from all over the world is focused on this event. In the context of rapid growth of Russian-Indonesian relations over the recent years, incremental growth of mutual sales turnover and the increasingly larger role that Indonesia plays in the global economy, the main purpose of the exhibition in addition to demonstrating state-of-the-art technology in electric energy and renewable energy sectors is to attract investment and unlock the foreign trade potential of both countries. I am absolutely sure that despite the great distance between our two countries and all the differences of our cultures and traditions, our common aspiration is to jointly search for new ways of effi ciency and competitiveness improvement, to promote the development of new markets in order of assuring global energy safety. I wish you productive work and successful achieve- ment of the established goals! Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation A. Novak [email protected], www.eepr.ru 3 Events Reliable Power Supply at the Universiade is the Result of Power Engineers’ Coordinated Work By Zulfat MINGALIEV (Зульфат МИНГАЛИЕВ), JSC “Grid Company”, Kazan ead of Tatarstan Government Ildar Khalikov systems of 35 Universiade key infrastructure facilities met with Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia were prepared in accordance with the aims and objectives Andrey Cherezov, who supervises preparation set by RF and RT Governments and the International H of electric power facilities for holding the University Sports Federation (FISU). The power supply Olympic Games in Sochi, in order to summarize on the systems operated without fail and in compliance with the power supply of Universiade-2013 in Kazan. The meeting key conditions for holding large-scale sporting events with was attended by members of the Government of Krasnodar more than 100 thousand people participating. Krai and chief managers of power companies of the In order to prepare for the Universiade JSC “Grid Russian Federation (RF) and the Republic of Tatarstan Company” carried out major reconstruction of the (RT). Unanimously, the participants of the meeting highly facilities of KER bulk and distribution power grids. The praised the work of Tatarstan power engineers on the most extensive and complex works were required at power supply of the Universiade. “The positive experience Kinderi Substation 500 kV, Central Substation 220 kV and of JSC “Grid Company” in organizing power supply of ZaiGRES—Kinderi overhead line 500 kV. Two combined the facilities of XXVII World Summer Universiade should cable and overhead lines 220 kV — Kinderi-Central and be thoroughly studied and analyzed, while Tatarstan Bukash-Central — were built with liquidation of the power engineers’ best practices, especially in the fi eld of Y-joint of Kinderi-Bukash-Central overhead line 220 kV; their interaction with the owners and managers of sports in addition, a number of other works were conducted and a facilities, should be implemented in preparation of electric number of other measures were taken as regards the power power facilities for holding the Winter Olympic Games in grid 6—110 kV. The KES system reliability was greatly Sochi”, emphasized Andrey Cherezov. improved by JSC “FGC UES” by means of preemptive The power grid of Kazan Energy Region (KER), as construction of Pomary-Udmurtskaya overhead line 500 kV. well as the schemes and devices of internal power supply Commissioning of this line provided for an additional external connection 500 kV in the intersystem section of the united energy system “Centre-Middle Volga-Urals”. In cooperation with the Regional Dispatch Offi ce (RDU) of Tatarstan, a complete set of works on modifi cation of emergency control operation algorithm and settings in KES and the adjacent grid was performed. Observability and control of main power supply centres of sports facilities were improved. Moreover, there were conducted calculations, adjustment and selectivity matching of protection devices in the distribution network 0.4—6(10) kV and internal power supply schemes 0.4 kV of the Universiade facilities. FISU imposes strict requirements to the From left to right: Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia Andrey Cherezov, Head of provision of uninterrupted power supply Tatarstan Government Ildar Khalikov. of the Universiade facilities as regards 4 4–7 September, 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia Photos by ITAR-TASS / Stanislav Krasilnikov Photos by ITAR-TASS July 6. The Opening Ceremony of XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in “Kazan Arena” stadium. Kazan, Russia. continuous electric power supply during competitions, consumer electric installations and functions of operating ceremonies and TV broadcasts. Modern equipment switching. The electric engineering personnel of sports of sports facilities is extremely sensitive not only to facilities attended advanced training courses there as well. voltage dips and outages, but also to voltage fl uctuations During the period of preparation for the Universiade insignifi cant by time and amplitude. Every sport and every a power supply scheme for the following facilities was facility have their own key electric loads and peculiarities developed and commissioned. of their power supply, failures of which can suspend sport • Power supply of critical sections of consumer loads competitions. was carried out from temporary diesel-generator units The company experts thoroughly studied the (DGU) generally connected to buses of transformer requirements of FISU, IOC and FIFA as well as the world substation 0.4 kV or section boards. The connection and Russian practices in holding similar sporting events. was executed in accordance with the schemes of A concept was developed following the examination temporary power supply from DGU, with performance of facilities, which was further used for developing a of a set of commissioning works to their full extent. technical solution for power supply of every facility, with The electrical network was in a standby mode, with regard to specifi c requirements to a given sport and current possible manual and (or) automatic activation. This condition of schemes and equipment. group of loads included lighting systems of sports fi elds A temporary operation and maintenance
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