.. PB82-910404 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT .SKY TRAIN AIR, INC. GATES LEARJET 24, N44CJ FELT, OKLAHOMA OCTOBER 1, 1981 2' 1 NTSB-AAR-82-4 0, I UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE . Report No. 2.Government Accession No. 3.Recipient's Catalog No. NTSB-AAR-82-4 PB82-910404 . Tit le and Subtitle Aviation Accident Report--Sky 5.Report Date Train Air, Inc., Gates Learjet 24, N44CJ, Felt, May 18,1982 Oklahoma, October 1, 1981. 6.Performing- Organization- Code , . Author(s) 8.Performing Organization ~ Report No. 88 National Transportation Safety Board 3435A Bureau of Accident Investigation 11.Contract or Grant No. Washington, D.C. 20594 13.Type of Report and Period Covered 2.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Aircraft Accident Report October, 1, 1981 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD - Washington, 0. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code 5.Supplcmentrry Notes l6.AbstractAbout 1502 c.d.t., on October 1, 1981, a Sky Train Air, Inc., Learjet 24, N44CJ, crashed 2.5 miles southwest of Felt, Oklahoma. The flightcrew and one passenger, the only occupants on board, were killed. At 1449:39, while in cruise flight at Flight Level 450, en route to McAllen, Texas, from Casper, Wyoming, the flightcrew made initial contact with the Albuquerque Air Route Traffic Control Center. About 1 minute later, the flightcrew failed to respond to a frequency change instruction and the aircraft's transponder beacon code was lost. The controller made several attempts to contact the aircraft but to no avail. Witnesses at Felt heard an aircraft overhead at a very high speed; one witness who saw the aircraft momentarily, stated it was in I a descent angle of about 45'before it struck the ground.
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