Ije State Intent Editor Raps His College T PRICE

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Ije State Intent Editor Raps His College T PRICE Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 5-9-1934 The aB tes Student - volume 62 number 04 - May 9, 1934 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 62 number 04 - May 9, 1934" (1934). The Bates Student. 582. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/582 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \3 T«1 Any war is a national calamity — Gen. Von Moltke FROM GAME THE NEWS WITH MAINE HERE FRIDAY AFTERNOON Give Dillinger a Badge Ije State Intent Editor Raps His College T PRICE. 10 CENTS The Mother's Day Stamp VOL. LXXEso. 4 LEWISTOX. MAINE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 1934 Here and There—National Garnet Nine Loses Series Game DeMarco And His Band Our Scorn of Politics 4 -A QROUP PRESENTS A College Prexy Speaks As Bowdoin Scores Four Tallies To Appear In Europe Soviet Press Celebrates Norman DeMarco, leader of SPRINQ PLAY the Bobcats, has just announ- ANNUAL 3*. THOMAS MUSGRAVE JeC While Bates Gets One Lone Run ced that his orchestra is to .ILLINGEJl. the notorious des- play this summer at Vaucluse, perado, is still very much at Captain Millett Starts On Mound—Darling And one of the popular French IN LITTLE THEATER D' large. Last week he gave the Gordon Finish Game—Walker Proves resorts. According to present Chicago police 24 hours to leave plans, they will cross on one town, but he was misled, for as far To Be Ace For Visitors as men such as he are concerned the of the North German Lloyd police of that city have been gone tor Bates opened its state series liners, leaving New York Bernard Drew Outing Club Sponsors Two Big years. His capture was solved in campaign yesterday afternoon June 27 or 28. Their stop at theory here. It was pointed out by Select National Vaucluse is to be four or five a local man that when a Chinese with a 4-1 defeat at the hands oi Has Dual Role Events To Open Spring Season brigand becomes too bothersome for IJowdoin on the new diamond at weeks in length, with the the president of the republic the in- Garcelon Field. Debate Question possibility that they may sub- surgent is made a general. That Doug Walker. IJowdoin pitcher, sequently play at some of the In Production Of Bates Week-end Activities stops his banditry. Why not, the sug- other resorts on the continent. gestion continues, make Dillinger was too much for the garnet, lie For Coming Year head of the American police—appar- allowed but three hits and fanned, When their engagements in Margaret Perkins And i Men To Take Canoe Trip Down Saco River On ently the only way to stifle him. eight men. It was not until the Problem Concerns Fed- Europe are concluded, the sixth that Bates connected for a Bobcats will return on a ship Wmfam Haver Have May 12th And 13th While Mixed Group Will THE EDITOR of the Tufts Week- eral Government Aid of the same line that they Climb Mt. Tumbledown Sunday ly "with some hesitation" and hit. Aldricu getting a single. He Leading Parts four years background states went to second on Toomey's out In Education crossed on, playing as they Starting off the activities of the spring program, the Outing Club will two of the oustanding faults of his and scored on two passed balls will also on their way over. PRESENTATION ON ponsor this cumin* week-end. -May 12 and 1.1th. a two d«, canoe trip college. He says: The average Tufts for the lone Bates tally. In the TO BE ADOPTED IN The rest of the summer will own. student is not up to the level of the be spent at the Ritz Ballroom TOMOROW EVENING I down the Saco River and a climb up Mt. Tumbled average college student in character, eighth Millett singled after Gillii SCHOLASTIC LEAGUE mind, and general refinement. The had fanned and Aldrich got on by in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Walter Gay '35. Director of trip? unity of the college is weakened be- Kent's error but both Toomey anc All Bates student who have 'The Firsl Mrs. Fnaser" by for men. has charge of the canoe *rof. Baird, Former Hate: trip and of the men on the mountain Two Freshmen Win cause more than 50 per cent of the Dillon flied out to center, (ialla danced to th? Bobcats' music St. John <i. Ki-vine in students are commuters. After this Instructor, Member of are sura they will find a l rip. In planning out this first canoe he suggests more encouragement to gher singled to start the ninth but Three Acts trip for the year, the group is to use Prizes In Contest Committee hearty welcome, and will four or five canoes and will leave out of state students, more emphasis after Sherman's out both Marcw Climaxing a month of prepar- on personality and less on credits. please others as much as they campus early Saturday afternoon for and Callahan fanned to end the Prof. Brooks Qnlmby. Bates IV- iiion and a dross rehearsal this Fryeburg where they will embark 1 Ernest K. Robinson of Hous- Advertising is the way to attract new- game. 'lating coach, announced Saturday have us. This engagement is ton, and Mlllircnt 1. Thorp of blood he asserts. Manifestations of ■vening. ih<> 4-A Players will pre- on the Saco River on the first leg of Manchester, N. H., were the hat the national debate question recognition well deserved, the trip. the low level of students are. he says: Captain Millett started on th« 'or 1934 and 1935 will concern the and we all join in congrat- sent in tlic Little Theater to- winners in the annual Freshman noisy chapel audiences, undue in- mound for Bates and was touchei. problem of federal aid to education The paddling will he all down I prize speaking contest for the ulations for Norm and his morrow night anil Friday night at stream, and the route will swing fluence of fraternities in campus pol- lor two runs in the first when Shaw This was the problem selected by a 8 o'clock the three act play. "The second division. Robinson was itics, an overly large number of walked. Stone singled and Kent vote of the various debating leagues fellow musicians. around Mt. Tom and end at Lovell's 1 recently elected Treasurer of "greasy grinds", and a scarcity of doubled. Millett retired the side with of the United States. The National First Mrs. Praser", by St. John <!. Pond. Overnight camp will he on the the Freshman class. students in extra-curricular activ- three strike outs and added two University Extension Association in Ervine. This annual Spring Play banks at the halfway mark on Sat-, urday night, leaving Sunday morning Other contestants were: Rob- ities. Introduce, he says, "necessary more in the second after Johnson cooperation with 10 or more state by the Bates Thespians has been ert Row'e, Donald Window, and cultural courses administered by had singled. In the fourth Bates iebating leagues and debating Freshmen Teams tor the shooting down the rapids and •o.nhed by Bernard Drew ':t4. the remainder of the trip. Donald Welch, George Spencer. a faculty not too old-fashioned, not turned in the best play of the day. coaches all over the country direct- Jason I/ewis, George Scou/fas, too dogmatic in viewpoint." Hempel doubled and Toomey. after who has also on short notice taken Frances Hayden. Director of trips, ed the choice of this subject. for women, and Walter Gay are in. Cora Meservey, Elizabeth Stock- faking a throw to first, threw him The problem, once chosen, «a< Conclude Season the par! of Xinian. Due to iinex- well, Muriel Tomlinson, Flor- HE American Artists Profession- out at second while Johnson was l submitted to a national wording pectS eireunistances Eaw.rd!K^-|'V' WK ence Young, .Margaret Melcher, al League leads in the protests then caught off first by half the committee of well-known debate jCurtin .'!(> had 10 relinquish ins ■ down |s a fairly easy one to conquer. Ralph McMahon, and William T against the new stamp com-. Bates team. coaches and directors of debating. Prof. Quimby Pleased Mete, memorating Mother's Day next Sun- Darling went in in the sev- Included on this committee were Dr. ! part in the play. being only about three thousand feet; day. The League says that James Ab- enth and was greeted by a Baird, formerly of Bates and now With Yearling- De- high and havng well defined trails. The setting is the pleasantly furn- Membership on this hike will be, gates hiked to the Bear Caves be- bott McNeil Whistler's portrait of his double by Walker. After Hil- debating coach at the University of bate Results ished sitting-room of Janet Praser limited, and there will he no charge. fore starting their two hours of dis- mother has been defaced. The back- dreth w-as out, Toomey to Aid- [owa, and Prof. Brooks Quimby. It cussion groups, and finished the : .Margaret Perkins '35) in a flat Pi Outing Club Conference ground has been eliminated, the rich. Walker scored as Bennet s interesting to note that Dr. Baird morning with another short hike pictures on the wall are gone, her was debating coach at Bates when SOPHOMORES SEEK one of the attractive residential dis- At the third annual intercolle- got on by Darling's error.
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