Federal Communications Commission § 1.925

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Federal Communications Commission § 1.925 Federal Communications Commission § 1.925 contracts either with or without an op- denced by a properly executed certifi- tion to purchase; below-market financ- cation made on FCC Form 404±A. ing). (d) [Reserved] (Sec. 310, 48 Stat. 1086, as amended; 47 U.S.C. (e) Unless the FCC otherwise pre- 310) scribes, an applicant already licensed [28 FR 12454, Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at 31 in the Amateur Radio Service, upon FR 2600, Feb. 10, 1966; 36 FR 19439, Oct. 6, 1971; successfully completing the amateur 36 FR 21679, Nov. 12, 1971; 42 FR 8327, Feb. 9, radio operator examination(s) required 1977; 44 FR 31651, June 1, 1979; 45 FR 55201, for a higher class, may operate his/her Aug. 19, 1980; 47 FR 57051, Dec. 22, 1982; 48 FR amateur radio station consistent with 8455, Mar. 1, 1983; 49 FR 30944, Aug. 2, 1984; 51 the rights and privileges of that higher FR 2703, Jan. 21, 1986; 59 FR 9101, Feb. 25, 1994; 59 FR 59949, Nov. 21, 1994; 61 FR 26671, class for a period of one year from the May 28, 1996] date of the most recently completed examination(s) for that operator class § 1.925 Application for special tem- in accord with the provisions of § 97.35. porary authorization, temporary (f) An applicant for a Ship Radio sta- permit or temporary operating au- thority. tion license may operate the radio sta- tion pending issuance of the ship sta- (a) A licensee of or an applicant for a tion authorization by the Commission station in the Private Radio Services for a period of 90 days, under a tem- may file either a formal or informal application for a special temporary au- porary operating authority, evidenced thority not to exceed 180 days for (1) by a properly executed certification operation of a new station or (2) oper- made on FCC Form 506±A. ation of a licensed station in a manner (g) An applicant for a Business Radio which is beyond the scope of that au- Station license (other than an appli- thorized by the existing license. (See cant who seeks to provide commercial § 1.962 (b)(5) and (f). The nature of the mobile radio service as defined in part extraordinary circumstance which, in 20 of this chapter) utilizing an already the opinion of the applicant justifies authorized facility may operate the issuance of a special temporary author- station for a period of 180 days, under a ization, must be fully described in the temporary permit, evidenced by a prop- request. Information presently on file erly executed certification made on with the Commission may be included FCC Form 572, after the mailing of a by reference, except the applications formal application for station license for special temporary authority under together with evidence of frequency co- part 90 must be clear and complete ordination, if required, to the Commis- within themselves and shall not rely on sion. The temporary operation of sta- any pending applications. Applications tions, other than mobile stations, with- for special temporary authority must in the Canadian coordination zone will be filed at least 10 days prior to the be limited to stations with a maximum proposed operation. Applications filed of 5 watts effective radiated power and less than 10 days prior to the proposed a maximum antenna height of 20 feet operation date will be accepted only upon a showing of good cause. In situa- (6.1 meters) above average terrain. tions involving the safety of life or (h) An applicant for a radio station property or where equipment has been license under part 90, subpart S, of this damaged, a request for special tem- chapter (other than an applicant who porary authority may be made by tele- seeks to provide commercial mobile phone or telegraph provided a properly radio service as defined in part 20 of signed application is filed within 10 this chapter) to utilize an already ex- days of such request. isting Specialized Mobile Radio System (b) [Reserved] (SMRS) facility or to utilize an already (c) An applicant for an Aircraft Radio licensed transmitter may operate the Station License may operate the radio radio station for a period of up to 180 station pending issuance of an Aircraft days, under a temporary permit, evi- Radio Station License by the Commis- denced by a properly executed certifi- sion for a period of 90 days under a cation of FCC Form 572 after the mail- temporary operating authority, evi- ing of a formal application for station 213 VerDate 12<NOV>98 09:49 Nov 13, 1998 Jkt 179187 PO 00000 Frm 00209 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179187T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179187T § 1.926 47 CFR Ch. I (10±1±98 Edition) license, provided that the antenna em- bile Radio Services (part 90 of this ployed by the control station is a maxi- chapter), the General Mobile Radio mum of 20 feet (6.1 meters) above a Service (part 95, subpart A of this chap- man-made structure (other than an an- ter), and the Interactive Video and tenna tower) to which it is affixed. Date Service (part 95, subpart F of this (i) An applicant for an itinerant sta- chapter) shall be submitted on FCC tion license, an applicant for a new pri- Form 574±R when the licensee has re- vate land mobile radio station license ceived that Form in the mail from the in the frequency bands below 470 MHz Commission. If the licensee has not re- and in the one-way paging 929±930 MHz ceived the Commission-generated Form band or an applicant seeking to modify 574±R within sixty (60) days of expira- or acquire through assignment or tion, application for renewal of station transfer an existing station below 470 or system license shall be submitted on MHz or in the one-way paging 929±930 MHz band may operate the proposed FCC Form 405±A. station during the pendency of its ap- (2) Renewal of marine coast station plication for a period of up to 180 days authorizations (§ 80.19 of this chapter) under a conditional permit. Condi- and aviation ground station authoriza- tional operations may commence upon tions (§ 87.33 of this chapter) must be the filing of a properly completed for- submitted on FCC Form 452±R. mal application that complies with (3) Renewal of aircraft radio station § 90.127 if the application, when fre- authorizations and ship radio station quency coordination is required, is ac- authorizations shall be submitted on companied by evidence of frequency co- FCC Form 405±B. ordination in accordance with §§ 90.175 (4) Renewal of an amateur operator and 90.176. Operation under such a per- license or a combined amateur opera- mit is evidenced by retaining with the tor/station license shall be submitted station records the original conditional on FCC Form 610. licensing 572C Certification Form con- (5) Renewal of an amateur club, mili- taining the certifications that satisfy tary recreation, or Radio Amateur the provisions of § 90.159(b). Civil Emergency Service (RACES) sta- (j) An applicant for a General Mobile Radio Service system license, sharing a tion license shall be submitted on FCC multiple-licensed base station used as Form 610±B. a mobile relay station, may operate (6) Renewal of station authorizations the system for a period of 180 days, in the Private Operational Fixed under a temporary permit, evidenced Microwave Service (part 101 of this by a properly executed certification chapter) shall be submitted on such made on FCC Form 574±T, after mailing form as the Commission may designate FCC Form 574 to the Commission. by the public notice in accordance with the provisions of § 101.13 of this chap- (Secs. 4(i), 303, Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 154(i) and 303); 47 CFR ter. 1.429) (b) All applications for renewal of li- cense must be made during the license [28 FR 12454, Nov. 22, 1963, as amended at 47 FR 56637, Dec. 20, 1982; 48 FR 4785, Feb. 3, term and should be filed within 90 days 1983; 48 FR 24890, June 3, 1983; 48 FR 39072, but not later than 30 days prior to the Aug. 29, 1983; 48 FR 41770, Sept. 19, 1983; 48 FR end of the license term. In any case in 45658, Oct. 6, 1983; 49 FR 30312, July 30, 1984; which the licensee has, in accordance 49 FR 37384, Sept. 24, 1984; 50 FR 37190, Sept. with the provisions of this chapter, 12, 1985; 51 FR 31304, Sept. 2, 1986; 54 FR 50238, made timely and sufficient application Dec. 5, 1989; 54 FR 51550, Dec. 15, 1989; 59 FR 59949, Nov. 21, 1994] for renewal of license, no license with reference to any activity of a continu- § 1.926 Application for renewal of li- ing nature shall expire until such ap- cense. plication shall have been finally deter- (a) Application for renewal of a sta- mined. tion license shall be submitted on the (c) Reinstatement of an expired li- appropriate FCC Form indicated below: cense in the Private Land Mobile Radio (1) Renewal of station or system au- Services may be requested up to thirty thorizations in the Private Land Mo- (30) days after the expiration date 214 VerDate 12<NOV>98 09:49 Nov 13, 1998 Jkt 179187 PO 00000 Frm 00210 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179187T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 179187T.
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