Celest Mech Dyn Astron manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Chirikov Diffusion in the Asteroidal Three-Body Resonance (5, −2, −2) F. Cachucho · P. M. Cincotta · S. Ferraz-Mello Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract The theory of diffusion in many-dimensional Hamiltonian system is ap- plied to asteroidal dynamics. The general formulations developed by Chirikov is ap- plied to the Nesvorn´y-Morbidelli analytic model of three-body (three-orbit) mean- motion resonances (Jupiter-Saturn-asteroid system). In particular, we investigate the diffusion along and across the separatrices of the (5, 2, 2) resonance of the − − (490) Veritas asteroidal family and their relationship to diffusion in semi-major axis and eccentricity. The estimations of diffusion were obtained using the Mel- nikov integral, a Hadjidemetriou-type sympletic map and numerical integrations for times up to 108 years. Keywords Chaotic motion, Chirikov theory, asteroid belt, Nesvorn´y-Morbidelli model, three-body resonances 1 Introduction The application of chaotic dynamics concepts to asteroidal dynamics led to the un- derstanding of the main structural characteristics of asteroids distribution within the solar system. It was verified that chaotic region are generally devoid of larger asteroids while, in contrast, regular regions exhibit a great number of them (see for instance, Berry 1978, Wisdom 1982, Dermott and Murray 1983, Hadjidemetriou and Ichtiaroglou 1984, Ferraz-Mello et al. 1997, Tsiganis et al. 2002b, Kneˇzevi´c 2004, Varvoglis 2004) It was soon accepted that chaos was related inevitably to F. Cachucho E-mail:
[email protected] P.M. Cincotta Facultad de Ciencias Astron´omicas y Geof´ısicas Universitas National de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina E-mail:
[email protected] arXiv:1009.3558v1 [astro-ph.EP] 18 Sep 2010 S.