If yoa sccl( a delightful· pcnimula, loolj about you. 1 A great city i.~ a gmH ]: , -Motto of M chlgan. solitude; a little city yiclcl.v l great friends,,: ' lNG·HAM YNEWS l 12 PAGES. NO MIN A'rED FOR MAYOR J~WETT ~HO~fN MAYOR, INOIIAI~( IS }rfllll'll IN A~IOUNT OF OASII RJDCElVED, OI'~CNINO Olr IIUNTING SIDASON RfGAINS SfAT IS NICX'l' 'l'UESDAY, DOUBTS '1111AT REAL SANOl'IONS ~liNTON \VJlLL UE A!l'l'UED, ' ,J, A. UHOWER NO~rJNA'l'JIJO AS Army Of lluntorK AwrtUM Opening, JUS'l'IOE OF l'Et\OE. Scrt~on Bu.g Umll.!! Arc Clumgcll Olu.llns Ethllljlla llu.M UeBn European On ·PhOtloSun J,~. Prtwn For ntatny Yeur111 Conntry Ila&s Sllwlu: Value. Ulg Crowd Att~miH Caumu, Inetun· bcntl!i ltot.nln OlflcoM, .ll~M. Wttg"· Ethiopians scunylng for covor to goner Nnmod TreJILSIJrcr, esca.pe the bombing· of Signor Musso· lint's sky troops will havo the sym­ pathy of Michigan gamo birds next wcelt, The upland gamo season opens Tuesday morning, October 15, at sun­ rlso nnd continues until sundown on · October 27. Fox squirrels may be hunted until sundown of October 21 and ralls may be hunted until Novem­ ber 10. Tho·seasoJJ onrnbblts Is stag· gored, North of th!3 norlh line of 'l'own 1B tho season Is, open from Oc­ tober 15 to January 81; soutl1 of that line, the season closes January 1. Ga.me which may bu Jogully hunted In the lower peninsula next Tuesd~y Includes pheasants, ruffod grouse, prairie chlclten, sharp tailed grouse, fox squirrels, ralls, except coots, woodcock and rabbits, Season bug limits on several species of birds have been lnca·ensed over la.st year by the 1935 legislature. Six pheasants may be shot during the opon season this year, Instead of four which was the season limit last year. The season limit on ruffed grouse Is 25 and on prairie chlcl1ens and sharp­ tails, combined, 25. Last year it was 10. Da.y and possession limits are the same us last year. Pheasants cannot legally be hunted this year before sunrise. · Open seasons In the upper peninsula on ruffed grouse, prairie chlcltens, sharp tailed grouse, fox squirrels, rnb· 1. Georwe '11h<11llJISIID of White Oak has the lend In a contest for the oldest bits, woodeoclt and ralls eltcept coot subscriber to tho Ingham County News. He sent In subscription No, 60 Ja~t opened October 1. Legal hunting of weelt. For 59 years he has been on tho Ingham County News subscription duclts, geese, brant, jacksnlpe and list. Mr. Thompson Is now 8~ and has been o. reader of the NEWS since lJe coats Is from October 21 to November was 26. In that length of time he nus missed but two Issues. He didn't say 19, Inclusive, In both tho upper and so but that may ex.plaln why he has only had n doctor twice In his life. Then lower peninsulas, he was not copfined to his bed. Mr. Thompson now·maltes his home with his I\lus.t Alter Quns daughter; Mrs. Thad Clements. Mr. Thompson Is of Scotch descent. His Plugs that l!mlt tile capacity of mother was a member of the Turner clan which settled In White Onlt HO automatic and repeating shotguns to years ago, The Thompsons were pioneers of Wasb.tcnaw county. The Turn­ two shells In the magazine and one In ers, John and Henry Clements from New Yorlt and the Dryer brothers were the chamber must be used by bunters tho first five families to erect cabins and take up la.nd In White Oalt, They of 'all migratory game birds this fall came In 1836. Then White Oak WllB be(lvlly timbered. The first settlers In accordance with 11 ew federal regu· chose oal£ openings for cabin sites, Now the wllderness has given way· tCl lations, fertlle fields. The Clements family owns and farms hundreds of acres of the "Tb 0 111 tl 1 th 11 t pmducllve soli. new regu ons requ re 2. En1·1 Wb\tiPic Is one of the busiest men In Ingha.m county. The above thatthese theyplugs cannot be so bobuilt removed and attached readlly picture was talten at the site of Gus I

When the FERA passed out of the plclurn a few weeks ago tile school tennis court wns left pat'tlnlly com­ pleted and the school board was faced with the necessity of smoothing the area and erecting a fene!3 to guard children from falling off a retaining wall. The Wilson Packing company and the SMA Corporation collaborated to aid the school, They donated used pipe and fittings for standards along the north retaining wall. The school board wlll purchase fenc· lng to complete tho construction of the bacltstop. School board members hope that tho tennis court can be completed under WPA and that It can be used next spring. Page Two INGHAM COUN'I'Y NEWS, MASON, MI CliiGAN, THUltSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19311

------.. H~ ·---· What Other Editors Have to Say J jljatura.l GWi For ·~ho ·l'oo(llo p,to '10,000 to t11o lilftA for rel!ef pur- Or l'r()111oOOI'!I poses P,nd It furthet• Is said thu.t If the INGHAM NEWS Thoro wlll be O:n Interesting set of bo11rd faUu to appropriate tlllo num, SAFER facts disclosed when tho hoEirlng on tho county mny be glvon the job of the Michigan natural gas o!tuatlon caring for all unemployed and all of Member of Entered uu eecond PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AF'rERNOON IN THE clfl.aB m 11 t t c r at comes up In Lanalng aoon. At lollllt those on relief rolla. CITY OF MASON, MICHIGAN poatollloe, Maaon, throe propoal11o hElve boon made und When the fedora! government toolt -than at home! Mlchlg11n, u n 4 or applications flied to bring nntural gas over tho job Of caring for unemployed V. J. DROWN & SoN, Publlshcro actofMarcbS, from tho fields north of us to Lnno!ng It did not recognize agonc!os t~lroudy 1670. and environs nnd to Detroit. eatabllllhod In each county of the nn- V. ]. BnowN and NeLIION D. BoowN, Editora It might be well to remember thEit, tlon. It set up Ita own offices, ap­ !n order to bring gas to tho people, pointed Its own executives and cited Burglars are busy again . , slwrtcr days ADVERTISING RATES throe th!nga 11ro noceBBEiry: First gllll tho po11c!es that must be followed, BUBSORIP'l'ION RATES (l'ay11bl11 In AdvUlloo) must be EIV111lable at tho fielda, Noxt, Naturally, the fedora! government do­ give them longer nights and more work­ Dlaplay ndvertlll!ng rateo on nppllcatlon; BUD Incas lo· there must be 11 p!poUno to carry that o!red to control expenditures of money Ono yeur In Ingham and lldjolnlng Countles-----$1.50 cnla and rending notices on first 1111d local pages, lllc a gas, Third, there muat be a di.Btr!bu· appropriated by It for rel!ef purposes, ing time. Then there's fire ..• cooler Six montha in Ingham o.nd udjolnlng Countlco___ .71> l!ne; No reading or buulnosa advcrtllllng less than 2llc; t!on system to get It Into people's 'l'he sumo thing app11ea to a board weather increases the hazards of loss by Card of Thanlm, lc a word; Obituary. notlcco of 125 homes. of aupervlsors of this or D.llY otlwr Three MonLhs ------.. ------.40 Loose tnllt that the Consumers Pow- county. It the county Is Elppropr!Eit· fires I Why risk needless loss of valu­ words free, more thll.ll 125, lc a word. Announcement& or Company Ol' other ut!Ut!es arc un- lng tbous11nds of dollars for rel!ef Single Copies ------.01> of entertainment!! whore lldmloelon Ill churged or of any willing to have this gas used Is hardly worlt It wlll want to and should have ables when you can rent an individual outside InghEim o.nd adjoining Countles------2.00 plun to ralae funds ll)UBt be paid In advance at regul11r borne out by fEictll. In the case of the 11 voice In tho manner of spending and ratea. · proposed plpo11ne from the Crystal through Its supervisors, Its poor com· Safe Deposit Box in our modern Vaults All papers mulled outa!de ·tho U, S. one yenr----- 2.50 field to Lansing, the Consumers com- m!as!on und Its county farm, tho coun­ pany has made appl!cat!on, Thoy have ty should be able to malta $10,000 do for as little as $1.00 per year? It is well the trees are giving cover to game and song birds. An· tho gas contracted for at the fiold nnd a groat deal In the way of re11ef. THE BEST DEFENSE have the diatrlbution system In LEin· The rellof problem In Allcgun coun. worth the modest rental to lmow that The best defense is a good offense. That 'a whrLt Coach other few years and the Consumers trees will be a valu­ sing and about twenty nearby cities ty is not really so great as m11ny be· Clmr!es BrLchman rLnd Michigan State football players be· able addition to the trunk line scenery. and towns. Ueve. It has been made more do· your jmportant papers, jewelry, securi­ Of further Interest Is the proposed mandlng because of the questlont~ble lieve ;mel their opinion was proved to be sound at Ann If the road commission would take a tip from the Consumers and usc a little more discretion on brush cost of some of these proposed pipe- policy pursued by tho federal govern­ ties and silver are adequately protected Arbor SaturdrLy. The speed, determination [lnd driv~ of lines. One proposal calls for a pipe· mont 11nd It has become difficult In the Spartans bewildered their beefy opponents. The hght cutting, Ingham highways would be prettier. It certainly Hne costing $1,900,000 from tho field that many of ·those nccopt!ng relief against loss, theft or damage. Come in forward wall of Michigan State knif~d .throu~h the seems foolish to slash all the brush which has grown with­ to Lansing. Another estimates tile have lldopted the attitude that relief cost of a pipeline from the fields to Is their just due and tbey malce no ef­ this week, and reserve the size box to heavy Michigan line continually. The Mtclugan lme was out expense to the taxpayers and then to turn around and replant the roadsic.les with trees and shrubbery pur- Detro!t at $4,500,000. Both of these fort to care for themselves. outplver to be were 011 the ground but they lacked the breath .to utter or theret~bouta. istered, o.n Its proper basis, the the words. Michigan plrLyers were beset on rLll s1des and Before condemning the utll!tles, It for the tax paying peoplo. at all times by a constant scoring threat. Had .State eased MICHIGAN VS. THE PHILIPPINES might be well to consider these est.!· f11il to sec where the country The Dart National Bank up after the first touchdown Michigan might ha~c caught Rumors persist that Governor General Frank Murphy mo.ted costs of pipelines. Also, people he malting n great mistake by Oldest NATIONAL Bank in Ingham County should bear In mind that the cost of ·and administering Its own its breath and stagcc.l a comeback by sheer wetght, But of The Philippines is expected to return to Michigan to the plpel!nes must be paid In the cost funds. The only hard part would Member of Federal Reserve System St:ltc gave Michigan no chance for a br~athi~g spell. run for governor. Just why the governorship of The of the gas used by the consumer. It is convincing many of our able bod- Under Government Supllt"Vision State kept pounding away to earn a sparklmg v1ctmy .. Philippines should qualify a man to serve as governor of one thing to bu!ld a pipeline as part that worlc has once more There are many Michigan supporters who are sull Michigan is not stated. Certainly, conditions, climate and of a distributing equipment. It Is an· nccess11ry.-Allegan News. This is Fire Preuention Week---Oct. 6 to 12, 1935 grieving over the game. They should take a !esson _from people are widely different. other to bu11d It as a promotional scheme.-C11nton County Republican­ •MUk vs. Olg11rettes SrLturday's outcome. Regardless .of the pr~tlge en1oycd We can•not get excited over the Murphy talk. When News. I was just reading that if the young by a big nation, a huge corporatiOn or a btg m~n; 1f the we think of the Asiatic potentate who is wanted as ruler man wants to develop physique and ...... , rup!dly d wlndllng and many of tbe opposition is smart and fast and ,keeps p~undmg away of Michigan we hear the refrain of a hard-bitten ser­ WIIQ Owes Yon n Living? the young lady form rosy cheeks, the camps are to be closed, It Is sl11d. something is bound to happen. A good ltttlc man can geant of mrLrines whose favorite tunc was "He may be a M!lllons of people are being educat· best wo.y to do It wns to drlnlc more ed in our country tod11y to bel!eve tbEit mille. This is 11uthentic information, WAKEFIELD-Within a weelt op­ beat a good big man if the little man is smatter and fast• brother to William H. Taft but he aint no brother to someone owes them a 11v!ng. The t'' ~~?~~?. ~~E ~~~~~~ J cr. If a little nation, a small corporation or a small man me." The "he" was an allusion to the Filipinos whom print~d seriously, and the thought tions to Isle Roy11le !nnd wm be nslted. laws of nature do not seem to recog· came to me that it wns a waste of WHITE CLOUD-Three be11rs have The federal government Intends to go keeps continually firing with both barrels something is the late President Taft called the little brown brothers nize this doctrine. time to argue about volume for the been seen near White Cloud the past ahead with the plan to malple5Amuse Business OouncU Appears to matic guns aimed at migratory waterfowl is a good regu· THE SUPERVISORS :;::======:.======::=====~ lation and a step in the right direction. Considering the fact th11t MOST of -o- Next week the Ingham county board of supervisors the members of the Council never will be in session. It is the most important meeting of made n howllng success conducting CIGARETTE ADVERTISING the year and usually continues for week. There arc 2 any private business In their own be· a 3 half, It Is strange how they dip Into The Ingham County News has advertising space for members of the county board and those 32 men have private , affairs regnrdlng which they Clothes sale but contrary to the belief of some people a news· grave responsibilities. It is they who draw up and execute have no lcnowledge or experience. We paper docs not sell its space to :tnyone who wants to the policies of county government. They must decide on have creamery executives who earn buy. We refused to sell the advertising space to a cig· appropriations. They elect the officers charged with op­ more tho.n the entire NINE members arette manuf:tcturer which wanted to inflict a nasty of that senile body, yet It appears that erating the detention home, the county infirmary, the they do not !mow how to conduct the habit on young girls anc.l boys. The greed and avarice of tuberculosis sanatorium anc.l the county road department. business they are hired to operate. So Close Ups! cigarette mrLnufacturers drive them to crawl down into There arc times when political patronage and section­ the Counc!l tukes a hand nnd decrees kindergarten ranks to broaden their markets. If the cig· alism plays a part in county affairs but on the whole the that it shall be 111egal to deliver a arcttc manufacturers bclievec.l a profit was in sight they quart of mlllt before 7 a. m. WHY? Hart Schaffner & Marx lmow the styles young men board of supervisors performs honestly and capably. The Nobody !mows, except tbnt every two would invade pre-school nurseries for recruits. supervisors appreciate their responsibilities and do their yeo.rs this group just before election want. They also know how to cut and tailor clothes Whether an adult smokes or does not smoke is no best to provide the county with good government. must show its competency. moral issue. Certainly he is a loser if he docs. The smok· If one would learn the problems of the county a visit Now having demonstr11ted that they that will fit the g1·owing figure. They're here now, for ing habit is costly and harmful. But the habit which had to the board session next week would be time well spent. !mow how to run the mlllt business, In which not 11 single one of the members the opening of school-suits tlmt you can't equal for males in its grip was not costly enough so cigrLrctte man· The supervisors do their work quietly and without hn· of the Counc!l ever had ONE HOUR ufacturers set out to tell the public that it is smart for fare of trumpets. They arc serious men giving their level of experience, It IH planned to talte a looks, for service and economy. women to smoke. There is not a man or woman smoker best to their jobs. whirl at barberlng. An ordinance is who docs not actually know better. But the selling cam• The job of supervisor is often distasteful and their now before that body which provides paign addressed to women has been successful. You ca11 that barber-shops should not open be· acts arc sometimes misunc.lcrstood. Of course, supervisors fore 9 n, m. Not one of them ever $27.50and $32.50 hardly pick up a novel without the heroine puffing a are not and arc not expected to be supermen. They make was a barber, or even a porter In a cigarette. The society pages of the newspapers show the mistakes and sometimes politics and sectionalism rears its barber shop, yet they !mow just how colonel's lady and Judy O'Grady smoking the same head. But all in all the supervisors arc the strongest argu· that business ought to be conducted. brand. Well, anyways, It is nll right to taltc "STYLE PARK" HATS mcnt for home rule. Ingham county has been particularly n bath any time one may desire aod CertrLinly, refusal of space in the Ingham County fortunate in this respect. The county went through the the breweries are st111 running 24 News will not make any apprecirLble difference to cig· depression without county government breaking down. hours a day. As the Counc!l only bas New fall "Style Park" hats in all the new dark colors. arcttc manufacturers. Denial of space by the Ingham That fact in itself is proof that the supervisors arc S11ly Fits every two years we can look Get your new fall hat now and be well topped out all County News is just a tilt at the windmill. Members of functioning well, · aheEid with a feel!ng of rellef at the prospect of a nice vacatlon.-Detrolt the Ingham County News staff are· among the best cus· -o- Legal Courier. during the football season. tamers of the tobacco companies so it is not any Sir ARMY AND NAVY SERVICE Galahad act of the newspaper. 1t is just the fact th~kon.ary Society .!\loots Mo.son, Tuesday. - GEL.~1.'INE Margaret Owen: juniors, Gero.ldlne Tile Junior M:lsslonary society of the Ed My all and Don Anderson of M. DESSERT 3·PI\.OS. SwayBr nnd Dorothy Titus; sopho· Free Methodist church wlll meet at S. C., spent the weclt end with the ROYAL 17 c mores, Esther Yerlts o.nd Rlcb11rd u1e home of Mrs. Coria. Haylloe this Iutter's mother, Ma·s. Rosa Anderson. AND PACKAGE OF CHOCOLATE PUDDING FOR.ONLY Hayhoe; freshmen, Mary Jo.nus and so.turdo.y, October 12. Meeting will be Mrs. Anno. Gilbert of MilSon, spent Keith Evans; eighth grade, Joan culled o.t two o'cloclt wltll Mrs. A!mo. several d11ys with Mrs. Rose Freer. ONE CENT WITII EAOII PAOICAGE PUROHASED Cline; and seventh grade, Elaine lves In charge. Mrs. Olvera. Myera and niece of Musser. The purpose of the student Jacltson, were Wednesday visitors of council Is to prepare assembly pro· Y{)ung Pc01ple's Soc.lety ·1\lcels Mr. nnd Mrs, George Bacon. SUNBRITE CLEANSER 2 CANS 9c grams, sponsor cln.ss parties and for The young people's Missionary so· Mrs, Jaclt LaFoU!ltaln of Lo.nslng, the general welfare of the school. clety of tbe I!'roe Methodist.· church l.s spending n few days wltil her moth· SUPER SUDS PALMOLIVE SOAP Meetings nrc held every other Tiles· wlll meet Friday night, October 11, er, Mrs. Ellen Simons, wbo is quite !II 6 BARS 25c ~SALE~ day. with Mrs. Alma Ives. Evo.deen Hay- nt this time. 3 s;~os~Sc hoe, presldcn t of the society, will Jlre- L. C. Wolcott of Detroit, Is visiting Hold 0111.'!11 Party side over tbe meeting, his grandmother, Mrs. Addle Smith. In Full Swing for the balance· · The first clEIIIs party wn.s held In tbe Mrs. Merna Cla.rlt of Aurelius, wo.s hlgll school gym ln.st Tuesday night, St.aruror Benel!t Bridge Party a Sundny visitor of Mr. o.nd Mrs. S. Bananas a~t:: lb. 5c of .This Week. tile sophomores honoring the fresh­ Next Tuesday night, October 15, Briggs. men. About 50 were present. Games there w!ll be another benellt bridge Mr. o.nd Mrs. Arthur Dewey of Mu­ pa.rty sponsored by the 0. E. s. in the nlth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and were played, and Ught refreshments APPLES 16'·10c See your big bill for full list of bargains. were served. MU!s Boonstrn, MU!s Masonic ha.ll. Mrs. Zaldee Allen Is: Mrs .. R. L. Dewey, Jonathan 3 Murphy and Mr. Briggs were present, chairman of the committee. Mrs .. Mo.ry Elizabeth Fosdlclt re- Fine for Eating Miss Murphy being sophomore patron turned Wednesday from Detroit after A good Remedy for every Ailment at a 2 for 1 nnd Mr. Briggs the freshman patron. Who Do 011111!1 Par!Jy Hold a visit with her daughter, Miss Mabel About 40 members of the Who· Do Fosdlclt, APPLEs ·slb·-10c price, pl.us cent. 4r•H Olub Holds Il.egular Illeetlng class of the Methodist Episcopal SU!l· Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Utter and Wealthy 1 Next Monday night, October 4, the day school enjoyed a class party Frl· family have moved from the Sharland­ 4-H club wlll meet a.t the school for day night at the home of Mr. o.nd Mrs. Dunscho residence to Fred Vn.nVorce's their regular meeting, which Is for the A. 0. Greenough. Games were plo.y· residence, 1 5lbs.}Oc Toilet Goods, Water Bottles and Stationery purpose of completing their records ed during the evening, Tills wn.s tho . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grimes wero Sweet Potatoes for the year, • annual meeting of the year with elec· Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. El· Fine for Baking or Candied are not to be overlooked. tlon of olflcm·s, resulting as follows: mer Chapmo.n of Leslie. Mr. Chap- Aggles WID A&'llln President, Julio. Wo.llter; vice presl· man Is reported very 111. Dansville Aggles won another game dent, Mrs. Ethel Hayhoe: secretary- John Schutte n.nd family of MEI.!Ion, Stalk 5c We appreciate and solicit your business. IEIIIt Friday when they met tho Dlm· treasurer, Mrs. Zaldee Allen, After last weelt moved Into the Emma Day­ Michigan Celery andale eleven on their own lleld. The the soclo.l hour refreshment-s were ton residence. Large, Well Bleached Tender Stalk score was 39 to 0. The tenm played served by the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen attended Improved footbnll over tbelr two pre- tbe Michigan State·Mlchlgo.n football Smooth Harrison's Drug Store v!ous games.. Go.rold Kelly, new quo.r· OhUtl Slntdy Olnb 1\loots game nt Ann Arbor, Saturday. terbaclt, in place of Junior Vogt, who The Child Study club met lo.st Clifford Allen accompanied by Mrs. Idaho Bakers £1Jen Size Bag35c has not yet been able to play on o.c- Thursday afternoon at the school for Elsie Stobie o.nd daughter Leono. and count of o.n Injury In the first game, a social meeting. Readings were glv· Mrs. C. J. Keesler of Mason, left Sun­ California Sunkist played, a. line game, Crllltes, Green- en by Mrs. Luelle Proctor, Merna Ar· do.y on u lO·day trip to North Dnltota. ougll and Bo.lter were the outstanding nold 11nd Helen Young, followed by a. to visit Mrs. Stobie's sister. Oranges sweet3::!cy, PREPARE men on the line while Woods and "Question Box." Jello and cake were Mrs. Irma Hulllberger o.nd· do.ugh· Doz. 15C Haggerty o.lso played good .games, In served u.s refreshments. Mrs. Mont· ter Fo.y o.nd Mrs. Helen Young accom­ tbe ba.cltfield Worden did nice work gomery was .a. guest. There will be pn.nled by Mrs. Rex Hulllberger of YOUR CAR currying tho bllll 11nd Berger played another meeting Thursday afternoon, EBSt Lo.nslng, left Wednesday morn· his W!Ulll good game. When Scrlpter October 17. lng to attend the 0. E. S. Gro.nd with was removed on 11ccount of o.n Injury, Chapter a.t Grand Rapids. BEEF POT ROAST Meaty Cull lb. 14c Ronald Wo.lker substituted In fine Glve SJ.IOOinl ·1\f!Woliu.ry ·Program Mrs, George Vogt n.nd Junior, Wlll shape. The team ns a whole shows sunday morning n spcclnl mission- Richards, Mr. o.nd Mrs. Walter AI· splendid running attack, but lacks o. a.ry program wo.s given o.t the Metho· mend and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Otis ROLLED RIB ROAST lb. 22c PRESTONE passer and a. !ticker. All· but one of dlst Episcopal church •. Tho service were among those who attended the the touchdowns were scored In the was under the direction of Mrs. Ruby Fowlerville fair. first half of the· game. Dimondale Dixon and tile Misses Agnes Pollok Mr. and Mrs. Vern .Dayton were CHUCK ROAST Chuck Cute lb. 17c for Winter threatened to score once but Dansvllle and Ernestine Keene, who described Sunday guests of Mr. ,nnd Mrs. Rus· ' held them to their five yard line, This the work and the newly organized sell Robinson of MBSon. The reason we recommend Prestone for your radiator is Friday the team journeys to Haslett Queen Esther Circle. The ma.ln feat· Mr. an'd Mrs. Wayne ·Otis and sDn BOILING BEEF lb. 12c because it is the. safest and also the cheapest for you. Only where they will Ulldoubtedly meet ure of the Sunday school hour was of Lo.nslng, were dinner guests Sun­ $1.35 a year to protect your radiator against freezing witlt a stiffer cnmpetltlon. class promotions•. A large attendance day of the former'& pnrento, Mr.· and lb. 17c solution that will not boil out. Let us explain the advantage made tho da.y o. success. Mrs. L. E. Otis. FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE of Pt·estone to you·. · See Ann Arbor-Stu.~ Game . - Miss Katherine Smltb spent tho Coo.ch Briggs accompanied the toot· Melbodbt L. A. s. Mecbt WedDO!day week end with her parents, Mr. and FILLET OF HADDOCK lb. 12~c BARGAINS IN TIRES ball team to Ann Arbor last Saturday Tbe Methodist Ladles Aid society Mrs, Ralph Smlth. · to see State and Michigan meet wlth will meet next Wedneaday nftornoon, Miss Marguerite Denno enjoyed the . These tires are guaranteed for one year. A big bargain the result of State 25 and Mlchlgo.n 6. October 10, at the home of Mrs. Min· week end with her parents, Mr•. and lb. 9~c About 20 of the boys witnessed this p.le Grimes, for a. social and buelness Mra. Arthur Denno. DRESSED PAN FISH at these low prices: gnme, which they thoroughly enjoyed. meeting, Everyone Is BSked to come Mrs. Margaret Burgess of Mason, . . 4.40~21-$4.40 4.75-19--$5.12 _, prepared to piece a quilt. was a SU!lday visitor at the home of STEAKS· Round or Sirloin · lb. 19c 4.50-21-$4.65 Tubes to match 95c · Exhlblt •' ~e F&lr Mr. and .!lira. B. B. Backus. Quito a few boya from I. T. A. S. :ll'fte Melllodlat OJ.~ Eldlra 8~ IJ'ylar·or 28 exhibited atock &t the Fowlerville fair Vernon J. Anderson, Pastor Don't miss the Bunkerblll dance this OYSTERS ...... l'lat: c lut weok, ha.vl.Dr 18 head or aheep and sunday school 10:30 a; m. Friday evening, October 11. :Muelc by 12 dllry cattle. The boyl rocelved a Hornlni aervlce 1l :SO. Nick Oilon•a orchestra. Admltlelon aat premium. or •uo per alleep, ud Ev'nllla aervlce 'l:SO. 2~c. Uwl "\ . \ INGIIAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, Ml CIUGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 .. ----1 Page Flve The Roving Reporter army wm ndd from throo to five yor1rs ~--"'-'''"' eluting, Intermont Wll!J In tho Onon· to tho uro tho rwo&·ugo young man, oxamlnutlon, Mrn. Benedict IB t11lclng , Bornloo S11!or hilS roturnod to -tho ot Ancient History dngo. cemotory. hoi' husbnnd'o plr~co tbla weolt, homo of hnr pnrontu, M1•, and Mr11, A~lliOtletl - Mrs, Harriott Baumg&·aa, Nelson Claronoo Foster has boon culled A.thlotlcs form a gror1t purt of tho Glllluwd rwm Ncwa J.l'Uce of , Legion William Nichols arto1' ho.vlng apent Loml ~rlllun Wi.J1s Gtune Farr and Robert WcBt, board oftlcorn brwlt to worlt In Lrmalng, soldlfjr's lifo, mvory orrort ts mc1do Yerll's l'aat tho pnBt 11 woolta at UuivorHlly hos· News 'rho Stocltbrldgo high school foot­ of Community school, nttondorl tho pita\, Ann .f\rbor, where uho undO!'• Mr. 11nd Mrs, John Colllnn 11ro t.llo to provide wholosomo athletic amuse· ,...... ,.,.,_,.,••• - ... 1·-.... -,. school of'flcorB' mooting nt Muson only pooplo on Routo 1, that llvo !11 a menta, aamcs of all Jtlnds arc m·· 4 - bull team journeyed llol'e Frldt1y aft. wont rm oporr1tlon on July 2. Silo Is ornoon and met defeat ut tho hands of Monday, ' to return to tho hospital on December log homo. ranged between dl!toront Ol'grmiZil· Fltlly Ycr1rs Ago Mrs, Frances Howitt of !Dust Lnn· Tho Wc'·b School club mot Thura· tlons and !won Interest and rivalry A. fine team of buys wa• atoJon from Lynn WriRht ••••••••••••••••• Oommanclor tho Losllo squad 12·0. Neither of tho 1, fOI' unothor oporullon. " " u Ollfloa·d IILutl •••••••••••••••••• 1\dJut•n~ to11ms scored In the first or third per· alng, who formerly llvod on a rurm dr1y, October 3, with Mra. Jonnlo Ell· nrc maintained, Practically all posts Ira Adams, southwo'at of MilSon, last Donr1ld Wroolt vl~ltcd Ralph H111'l Wcmt~xUia17 lods of tho g11me, bu~ In tho second nnar Oltomos, and a mombor of Cll.pl· Sunday afternoon. ' llott of Route 1. A. good attondlliiCO hrwe bi1Beball, football, baslcotbull rmd Thursdlly night. 'l'ho horses woro I>rcRio!ont •••••••••• Ma·a, Hobort D, Wnllnco lol Orange,- died Monday night after n ported, Cavort got o.way for a touch­ Mrs, Juno Mlllorlllo spent F1·ldny wus 'roporlod. boxing, Soma of tho best profosslon· stolen from the p11sturo, Tho thief Soe~•otna·y ••••••••••••••••• Mr~, ~o Durton down on a SO-yard ond run, Dowllng long Illness, Mrs, Ella. Thompson and Mr. nnd 111 busob11ll plnyors bo.vo been develop· then visited Baldwin Silts und stolo a artol'Doon with Mrs, F. Oolsonhaver, In tbo lo.ttor part of tho fourth quo.r­ There will bo o. business mooting of Allee Hart had hm· tonsils romovocl Mrs. Horace Lontlnuth of Big Raplda, cd In tho urmy. Alvin (General) humoso, Next tbo farm of John tor scot·cd llnothor tu.lly for tho victors tho Community A.ssoclallon 11.t Com· wore recent visitors of Mr. und Mrs, Crowder, one of tho pitchers for the Sweet was visited and a Coqulllard Comrades Robert B. Wallneo und 11t tile Mason hospital last woolt, on a PllBS from Vlc11ry, 'fho referee munlty h111l, Wednesday ovonlng. Mr. 11nd Mrs. Maurice Price have Lapis Jacobson, 1035 A.morlcnn Le11gue Champions- wagon was talten Tho ll'llclts of tho Nath11n s. Davis wlll roproscnt WllS Nlclc Lusltomh, , .. • , , , , • ,...., movod In their new homo, which Is lo- Bllltor Thurlby Is repulrlng his car tho Detroit •rtgors served In tbo Phil· tblof wore traced' i1B far west us the Browne-Co.vondor post ut t!Jo sixth •,1 1 1 1 tn preparation for u trip to li'lorlda, lpplncs, und his dlscllurgc WllB pur- Lunalng-llluton Rapids rond wlloro tho district convention to be hold In Lun- Whltc Oak f catod on tho Wm. Nichols flll'm, Robort osborn Is busy harvcstlng a chased by u blg longue toum, so thut trall WllB lost •. However, about four sin'? Saturday, October 12, Commun· Mr, nnd Mrs, Gorald Gro.ham and Ml'!l. ll'rod Jlm"'t Mr. 11nd Mrs. James Hurt und Rlllph son Mlclty of L11nslng, urc spending o. • , • , ... called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rlcd, largo cnbbllgo crop. he could on tor orgnnlzod busebull. o'cloclt on saturday morning u farmer dcr Lynn Wright and Adjutant Cllf· G 1 1 :;::,:!_. ""' Miss Josle Bntomo.n Is visiting hoi' Jerome (Dizzy) Do11n, groat pitcher Hvlng noo.r A.lblon hellrd o. nolso In his ford Hurry nrc tho ulte&·nutos. fe\\' days wttlt their paronts, Mr. and "' Wednesday evening. brother, B, •r. Bateman, o.nd fllmlly, for tbo St. Louts Cnrdlnnls, 11lso scrv· burn. He jumped from bod, grubbed Mrs, George Gmham. Mrs, Fred Wright spent tho woolt Mr. and Mrs, En1•1 Nichols spent Mrs. Jumoa Ecko.rt of Route 1, who od In tho army, only o. few years o.go, .a .revolver, and rnn to tho bo.rn. He Louts Marlow of tbc Ann Arbor Mrs. B, 0. Lumburd left Tucsdr1y end tn Lansing, Saturday night with her p11rents, Mr. for New Yorlt city, whore she will be .Mrs, Murvln Hartsuff spent lust and MI'S, Dan Willis, of Eaton R11plds. Is o.t tho University hosplto.l 11t Ann ut li'ort S11m Houston, TexllB. • found o. mu.n stcullng hay, 'l'he farm- post und William E. Wotring of the Arbor, i1B tho result of u fall In wblcb Recreulilun or forced the thlof to hold his arms Pontine post, both now rcgldlng In the guest of her sister 11nd husband Thursday with hor parents Mr a d M'r. and Mrs. Fl'!l.nlt Golsonho.vor ono arm cannot. be used, hilS mi1Btcred During leisure hours soldiers amuse 11bovc his head while tho hired man Lansing, wore guests of tho MilSon Mrs. Boyd and Dr, Lynn Boyd, forth~ Mrs, Fred Hnyboo, ' ' n and Arthur spent Sunduy with Mr. the urt of \Ji1Bltot and mat weaving lhcmselvos by huntlng, swimming, roused neighbors. Tho band of farm- post Thursday night. Both men nrc next four woelts, Mrs, Jaclt Yeo.gor o.nd daughter or !l.l1d Mrs. Loon Prc11dmore In Lansing. with one ho.nd, fishing, riding and other forms of' ora then marched the thief down the buglers, Wotring the organizer of tho Mrs. H11rrlot Carpontcr and Mrs. L11nslng, visited her parents lust woelt 'Mr. 11nd Mrs, Theo Rurdocn have Mrs. Sto.nloy Holmes Is taltlng care sport. There arc moving plcturo road to the homo of u constuble. A.t chumplonshlp Pontluc drum and bugle Grace Steo.rn o.nd daughter, Suo Shur- ond. moved to tbolr new homo near Eaton of tbo house for bet• father and ·moth· thoo.tres In nolll'iY every post, ut a the constable's guto lhc till of made a corps. They came down to practice on, moved to Detroit lllBt weelt. I Mrs, A.nn Nelson, son and duughtor Rnplds, !mown as tlto Sargeant farm. or while Mr. und Mrs. H11rry IJ'rcabour nominal price. The boat f!lms nrc break und eluded tho posse The with tho local blowers. Both men Mrs. Ernest Edger Is o. p11t1ent ln A.nn 11 called on her daughter Mrs Mr. 11nd Mrs. Joe Hurt and famlly u.rc on u two weelts' tour of tho Eua t· shown at these post threutrcs. Thoro team, wagon and h11rness were' those wo.nt to fill In If and· when tho MilSon Mercy hospital Jacltson, whore sho Is Donald Maynard und family lllst 11.nd Mr. and Mrs, A., Toolmr spent ern states, nrc dunces and stmll11r soclo.l func· stolen neur Mason und h11vo been rc- musicians need aid, undergoing scveml days' trcutment as Tllursdo.y night. . · SrLturdlly evening wllh Mr. and Mrs, part of 11 series of treatments for un Mr. und Mrs, H. Williams und Levere Tooltcr, nem· Eaton R11.plds. Mrs, Herrington Is tultlng care of tiona. Each post operates a library. turned to the owners. s. Illness dating mo.ny months bnclt. family culled on their pm·ents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frod Mille rille en tct·· little Dorothy Robinson while Mr, and Many posts have a golf course and H. v. Jesse of Stoclcbrldge reports Lloyd Donne, John Singh and No.th· Mrs. Fred Huyhoo, Sundo.y. talned company from Jaclcson, Sun· Mrs, 'l'bomn.~ Robinson o.rc Ju Wll· bowling alloys; some posts u. gymnas- 1111 onion yield of 750 bushels to the o.n S. Davis are on a committee to ur· llamston, where Mr. Roblnson"ts em- tum o.nd swimming pool. acre range u d11nce to be hold In the school Mr. and Mrs. John Seelhoff enter- day. talncd guests over tho wcelt end. Mrs. Agnes Clark of Mason, spent played. Furloughs 1\nd· V4w•1tlons Tlie members of the fire dcp 11rtmcnt gymnasium. The profits nrc to bo Mrs. Wllletta Wllcox of Lansing Monday and Tuesdo.y with her dnugh· E. D. Frunldln has one po.tch of Soldiers arc usuo.lly grunted a fur· dclcgutcd to haul the fire engine now rcst~ntcd10 to lhc high school orchestra and Mr. und Mrs. Charles Ie and lnsunltary Mrs. Hurrlet Marlett of Lansing, Wheatfield Center 1 Rev. Sutherland pleased with two vo· conditions. spent Sundo.y with her p11.rents, Mr. f By Mrs. George Pratt I co.! solos, with pluno uccompunlment " ...... ,_, , .... _ _,__ __. by Mrs. Lynn Jewell. Dr. R. H. Nfch- Clotlllng and Mrs. J. R. Seelhoff, 1 Every soldier receives an amplo Mrs. IJ'rleda Wilcox und Mrs. M11.ry --- ols, in belmlf of the orgnnlzll.tlon, wei· monoy allowance for all his clothing Kendrick c111lcd on Mr. and Mrs. L. Mrs. Mary Sparling Is spending the corned the pastor o.nd Mrs. Sutherlo.nd needs. By using care a soldier may Blacltman und M. Warfle of Dansville weelt with Mr. and Mrs, Dell Wolf und to the community. Rev. Sutherland save u portion of this nllowunce, und last Thursd11y 11fternoon. family. In response tallted a brief time ex· the saving, in CI1Bh, is p11ld him upon Mr. and Mrs. C. Kirby and family of Elwood Sparling of Michigan st11tc pressing gratitude for extensive rc· discharge, Eden, visited at J11mes Wilcox's, ro· college, wus u Sunday afternoon call· modeling of the parsonage for their Dentul And· 1\ledlcal At;t;eutton cently. er at Mr. und Mrs. Dell Wolf's. benefit and pledging for both be and The most thorough dental and me· Mrs. Tom Dayton wus talcen from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Truvls of Mll· Mrs. Sutherland full cooperation with dlcal attention, Including operations the St. Lo.wrence hospllul to Charlotte ford, 11nd Andrew Bourns of south the members und friends of the society and hospital curo, Is provided soldiers one do.y lust weel1 to the home of her Lyons, were Sunday dinner guests of for the benefit of the church lllndly absolutely without charge. daughter, Mrs. Harry Willett. She ls Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Frost 11Dd famlly. requesting all Interested to help multo Physical •rrulnlug reported recovering nicely. Mr. und Mrs. Claude Getty llnd the your's. program outstanding. Rev. The physlcul training In the army L. P. Williams Is finishing wlrlng family were calling on old neighbors Sutherland came from Dearborn US· Owned by Those it Serves f[)r those on the new electric l!ne here lust Saturday. sumtng the pustorute here In Septcm­ builds up any mun o.nd strengthens south o.nd ei1Bt of Vantown. · tbc stronger m11n. Medico.! men Jay Mr. and Mrs. W. B. IJ'rost spent scv· ber. great stress on army physical train· era! days lust weelt In Berrien county. Wlfc-"If lt Wi1Bn't for me, you'd Hem!lln ICrlmse Dead lng. Some of them go I1B far i1B to Mrs. George Frost and Mrs. Arthur THE ownership of the Michigan Bell telephone us a necessity vital to mod· be the biggest fool In Long Be11cb." Frost o.ttonded tbe school officers' Herman Kro.use, 76, died at his so.y thut because of the physic11.l train· home In Onohdo.ga Saturday evening. lug received, one cnllstment in tbe Hubby-"Well, ·I'm glo.d somebody meeting ln MilSon Mondo.y, October 7. Telephone Company, ns a part of the ern business 111111 social life. Such is 11beud of me." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webster spent He Is survived by one brother Charles Sundo.y ufternoon wlth his po.rcnts, of Petoskey, und two nieces, Miss AI· Bell System, iB shared among 850,000 public confidence is n tribute to the Mr. und Mrs. Herbert. Hume, 11t Los· t11 Kro.use und Mrs. Alma Mandeville, lie. of Ann Arbor. Tbe body wus ut the people in all sections of the country. policies of tho manugcmcnt; it made Bohren funeral home In Leslie until Mr. o.nd Mrs. Frunl1 Biggs 1111d More than half the stockholders nrc Howard were Sundo.y afternoon call· Monday afternoon. Funeral services possible the dcvclo),lmcnt iuul ex• ers at Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hoyts, Eust were held from the residence In Onon· womcJJ. Of these, 210,000 are house· Winter ·Suggestions dngu Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty .pansion of the service throu"ll a Lansing, with tbe Rev. Edward J. Cross off!· " Mr. and Mrs. A.. J. li'rost were Sun· wives. There nrc 115,000 employees half-century of unhalting progress. FOR day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ------­ Charles Frost 1111d children at Lan­ of tbe Bell System who own shares. Wilhout that money, without that sing, and co.lled on Mr. und Mrs. Edd The othet· owners include thousands Petty In the afternoon, confidence, telephone service could Car Comfort The electric com puny have tbo poles of clerks, salesmen, mechanics, doc· not exist as we know it today in this set for the new line. Mr. und Mrs. George Frost und tors, teachers, farmers, laborers - State and Nation. It con1d not havo fnmlly, Mr. and M&. Dell Wolf und fo.mily und ·Bertha. and Roy Shower­ people' in ull walks of life. attained the degree of ),lerfoction HEATERS man attended Fowlerville fair 111Bt The ayerage holding per person weelt. which makee it indisputably the ~et u~ put a he~ter in YOill' car and enjoy summer com­ is only 28 shares. And nobody owns fot~ durmg the. wmter. ~ropie-aire, Oldsmobile and other fineet, most. efficient tc1ephone scr• rna es. Let us mstall one m your car now. As low as ·B as mucl~ as one per cent of tlae stock. vice. in the world. y ..,~lcott .. .., L, A, News Doxtador $6.95 Thus, the tremendously valuablo Such wide·sprend ownerehip is a Mr. 1111d Mrs. Guy Speers of .Albion, equipment behind your telephooo measure of public confidence in tho U. S. L. BATTERIES Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tindall and son was built by the uvinge of many .Why take chances on a cold morning of Rending, were Sunday visitors of telephone in this State and Nation. Charles I(yser and family. thousamde of small inveetore. Wl.th a wca~ battery. We have just re­ Mrs. Swift Is spending a few days ·,}.G'.rt- ...,10-Tht Boe111 d«lare war on It ie a gauge of the people'e ceived a shipment of U. S. L. batteries ::..-.-r• Great Britain, I BW. That' money was invc8ted with her son In Eaton Rapids. be· estimate of the 110lid, eodur• · and have olie that will fit your car. Get Mr. 1111d Mrs. Will Maitland, Mr. 11-ll'irot naval baulo or Ravo• cauac· people believed in the a powerful new U. S. L. battery now and and Mrs. Verne Maitland and children ~ lutlonary War, New York, iog worth of tlte wvice. from Clark Lake, were recent callers 17711. stop your winter worry. . As low as of Mr. 1111d Mrs. Charlie Kyser. Mrs. Floyd Hawley Is 111 with the ® $5.35 . J!'l t IZ-<:olumbua Ianda at Ba· mumps this week. fi 'll llama btanda, 1492. Blld, your old battery Wlll Clo.rk Is painting hls barns be built this summer. · 4JIIil! • ~1-London bombarded h MICHIGAN BEU TELEPHONE COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams and f l~M Zoppelina, 71 die, 1915. A. G~ Spenny & Sons children were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Doxtader and .11ons. 14-Fint Unlttd Statoa Bab). Ph011e 408 . · .. Muon,, Miehigan Miss Frances Kyeer Ia working In :~;. iiKiw, lprlqfield, Ohio, Battle Creek. ·· ':.'\»" 1154. ~·I'll / -~--:---~---- 1 D'OR SALm..:,.2o n~r1i'd ni)att'liuH~ta,· Shipmen{Ot Wa~h~ ~ . no {r:~v;;;~~~~ turt;.;;;;~~;n~~;"~~g::·. "· ·· •" about Hoven montho' .old, laying, 0. . . . · . . . , . . ·8 :·. , !llar:aorvioo~ ,I\~ ~lie Folt,r)JlhJQ ~huroh - 'CLASSIFIED Ill, Rumbaugh, U. ml)onol'th ·Of tho . ·.Breaks :City Record .lihmday mol'ltt!ig-nt 9:3o.··· Ulu' uubjoot Ma!Jon-Howoll road, no1'th of Dans- ' · ·· · . · ....:.:.;.,;__; · , _,, ,,. H , :w ·c ,will iPQ .. ~,'A .J,::IY~ .• F.IIl~. .J~~.~.~ .Qt OlJJ\1'•, AJJVER'l,ISING vll!o. ' ' .. .. ,Jlwlp ... & ';SON. :1\CI:.ors". Churoll .school at 10:30. couou· Rl!lOilliV~'···oA:'n-' .••·j ' ' -----...... ,_,_ LOt\D !Ofi"·('MAl''l'A'dS 1~. ,,. MDr111ng WOI'BbiJl, II.~ t.liQ ,Edon church )W' HOUSEllOLD GOODS ' ' a\lOiso,.churcil fiCIJDol.nt lO:no. Mru, (~ .,·,• r~ •• \1>,• ... 1 t !'"("i'v Wfi'OCJ\..,..'l'OOLS ·, 'c .. w. couch. & son received a oar- Phyllsa Oll'ntllilan wlll ~o sololnt at the J. ·~ .• 14.; .... ; ' ---- FOR SALE-Hard coni burner In ex­ lof!d of Maytllg wo.uhlng . m!lchlnes church sarvlco. Tho Aurelius-Eden D'Olt SALJ!l-Ono J.l'ordson tmctor In cellent condition, cha\).p. ·Mrs. Mllr• trpm tho factory In Newton, Iowa, young poople'u meeting will be hold o.t goQ'd .. l'imnlng qondltlon and a No. 4 gnrot Curry;' DansvUic.i .., 41w1 ~his woillc. · i:t Is tho l!lrgost Bhl[lmcnt Edon Sunday evonlng at elg)lt .o'eloclt, Jptin ~.D~pro ..Plow, 12.·1n. bottom, If at washing machlnos ever rocolvcd In Mld-woclc prayer service w111 be Wed­ dpslr~d,\ · Danlol Rico, Webberville, FOR SALE-Small beating stove, '3; the city, !t·lu claimed, The shipment ncfida.y evening at the church there, Iron pump, ~a; . Carl Warner, phone L·O.OKJNG lcl,il~~n, R. 2. . · wl Includes all types of mnchlnos w!tb · 703 Aurollua, ·· 41wl both olr.ctr!c and· g11oollne motors, Bit1en.ltS t:o •l..oolll Olub ].1'0 SALE-Yo,arllng and lamb Ox· FOR SALE-Childs brown mota! bod William Couch and Clarence Haugh, MI'S, Luelle Congor, a former. LesUo ford ri.lms. l.l', J. Dolbee, Mason. tho sales maD!lger, say that the de· resident, and now associated wltb al­ 1 · · 41w2p and m11.ttress, ·also reed baby cllr· rlngc, both In good condition. Mrs, mand tor May tags Is stendlly lnorcns- umnl worlt ~;~t .,Ann Arbor, was guest FOR f;!ALE--Purebred. Poland Chinn Orin Maino, 2Q2 Milson street, or !ng and that their sales for September spenlcor at o. meeting of the Outloolc spring boars, ·ready for service, C. phone 274-J. 41w1 and October are far nbove the quotll club held Tuesday afternoon at the sot, home of Miss F~or~ Br!gg_s, The offi­ AHEAD H. jlllllson & Son, first farm· west of cers and program .. commlltee of the st11to. game f11rm. U·tf FOR SALE-Good electric stove, In . ,...... A·1 condition, Will sell cheap. Mrs, End of tho Twentl~th Century club FOR S'ALE-High grudo Guernsuy Charles Farley, Leslie. w1p were guests, Ref1·eshmcnts was serv- cow, due November 15; also part I:::::=~~~:::::::: J ed, · Holstein and Jersey cow with three· FOR SALiil-Used heating stoves, all nionths'·old helfor calf by sldo. Both sizes, large cabinet beater, small Uoooredi ut ·Lunuheon Edi\vtn w. slriniton!l Dllall After cows oxtra good ones, T, B. and coolt stove, Perfection on stovo, 3·. Mrs. Franlt Corbin and Mrs. Harry Funeral sorvlc'es for Edwin W. Slm· blood test.od. Jerome Tanghe,, llf., burner, used furnace, complete with Harwood entertained 25 guests at 11.n moils, who died Tu~itdtiy morning· at IJ).lles east of Etcholl'a Corners. registers. The Rothman Shop, Los·. afternoon bridge luncheon Mondl).y In the homo of llls brother~ln·law, Wll­ i _ 41w2 llo, 40w2p .. honor of Mrs. Robert Burnette, who lla.m Wlll!o.ms, on the Lnnldn farm was the recipient of many beautiful northeast of tho village wlll be beld FO~ SALE-10 bead youllg draft MISCELLANEOUS gifts, Mrs. Christy Baylis and Mrs, fmrn t11e Bohren funoral homo Thurs· mares; two matched pairs. Snle or Lillian True assisted tho hostesses. day afternoon at two o'cloclc with the 443 Years trade. L. T, Bo.rlts, phone DeWitt, FOR SALiil-No . hunting or ti;es­ Rev. 0, B. Thurston otr!clntlng. Bur­ · 4lw1 passlng signs for snlo o.t the Ingham Plu.n Hu.ll~>wO'en En!erLulnm~nt Ial wlll be In Woodlawn here, Mr. S!m­ Ii'OR SALiil-Three cows: one yenrl· County News office. 41~1 E. E. Young of Jnclcson, as spea!ter mllns who has resided at the home In log Jersey bull, 18 monU1s old, good of the regular monthly meeting of tho which he died the past eight years, Is one: cheap horse; two walfons and Citizen's club, held Monday, had for survived by two atepchlldren, Mrs. 0, racks; plow and drag. A. Green, his subject, "Getting the Most Out of 1\ellcr of Leslie, and Delbert M111er of Life," A six-thirty banquet under the Mason, n .. L.,:' .. · 1lh miles west and % mlle south of management of Glenn Rear!clt preced· Holt. . 11wlp ...,.. •;').·: ·'· •.. od the program, At the business MJ•s. Estella Ranney, worthy matron meeting a decision was made to pro­ of Leslie Chapter No, 155, 0I'der of vide wholesome entertainment for tho the ElllBtern Star, Is attending, as a Columbus might have been called a banker by Queen Elizabeth when boys and girls of the v1llage on Hal· delegate from this chapter, Grand lowe'en eve, This will be under the Cllapter held In Grand Rapids, Wed­ she entrusted him with funds to make his noted voyage, As a b111iker, Col­ direction of E, T. Blnclcmoro, superln· ncsda.y, Thursday and Friday of this tendeilt D. E. Clay and other members wcolt. umbus kept to his course regardless of criticism. He was insistent that of the club. Tile loco.! F. F, A. boys are planning those who had placed funds with him for investments should not be the for their November meeting a banquet Orang" to .Meoct for the freshmen boys and their fath­ loset·s because of his lack of courage. So it is with this bank, through AU members of Leslie Community ers. Grange No. 1736, nrc requested to be Plans are already being ·formulated times of advet·sity we have charted a steady course that our investors may present at a meeting to be held Snt· for the coming fall school- ·and ·,com· urdo.y evening In the G. A. R. ball for munity fair, A feature this year wll! the purpose of electing officers for the be assured of the retums on their deposits. - FOR SALE-One steel safe; 30"x30" bo various forms of entertainments coming year. A short program under presented by nearby ruml schools, FOR SALE - Guernsey hu!fcr, has x36". Reasonable, 315 E. Maple tbe direction of Mrs. Barbara More­ freshened, Joe Ribby, 2\1:, mlles street. 41w1p who will compete In the presentation not·thenst of Holt. 41w1p house wm be presented, and a solicit­ for prizes which will be awarded by ed supper wll1 be served, with tho fol­ FOR SALE-Large blooming do.hllo. three judges. FOR SALE-Oxfot·d rams and Duroe lowing committee in charge: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cochrane wlll be hos­ toes, a very nice selection, 54 vnrie· Mrs, H, S. Pulver, Mr. and Mrs, Den­ Jersey boars. Leo Glynn, first house ties. Dahl!a toes, 25c apiece, Dig­ tess to the members of the Wllllng The Farmers Bank east Douglas school. 41w1p nis Underwolld and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Worke1·s society Thursday of Mxt ging now-anytime. Mrs. Ray Glea­ Slnneman. Member Federal Reserve Syst:em son, Leslie, Michigan, 5% miles wee it. FOR SALE-Six-year-old g1·ey geld· M1·. and Mrs. Logan Rex were lng, weight 1600 pounds, your south of Mason, 3% miles north of Fedoral Deposit Insurance Corporation Leslie; on U, S. 127, 41w1p E. 0. T. C. Olub Holtlls 'Meeting guests tlw week end of Mr. and Mrs. choice of three. Eugene Lyons, One Mrs. Bertha Myers of Jnclcson, was Grant Rex, Sunday the two couples milo west of golf course, :Mason. 1p FOR SALJ!l-1929 Harley Davidson guest BP.OO.Iter at: "Founder's Day" visited Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Wndell of motorcycle, very good condition. meeting of the E. 0. T. C. club held Three Rivers, FOR SALE-Mare, 13 years old: four Tuesday evening, Mrs, Myers, o. have a me·etlng at the church Wednes­ Prayer meeting each Wednesday towards rally day now, endeavoring tll pigs; Beagle hound, 2% years old; Hugh W. Silsby o.t Ford Garage. 1 Mrs. J. E, Sull!van returned home charter member of tho club, spolte of Wednesday from Dowl!ng where she day evening at seven-thirty. There evening at 8:00, o.t the church. bave all members present each Sun· 12-gnugo shotgun. Joe Budurin, FOR SALE-Chinch!lla fur coat, size the early days of the organization. will be music, an out-of-town spealcer The rally day has been postponed day with newcomers for rally day. Star Route, Mason. West of Dans· has been visiting her parents since 8, Inquire o.t Smith's, 901 S. Barnes Fitting tribute was also paid to mem· Sunday. and refreshments. until further notice due to a. change With everyone in Ills place let us see ville to second corner, first house to St., Mason, 41w1 bers now deceased, and Mrs. Mina AI· in spenlcei'S, Let us begin worlclng what we can do. right. 41w1p M1·s. Viola Miers Is a guest tbls len, as o. memoriam to Mrs.· Phoebe weeit of bel' cousin, Mrs, Clyde Jewell, 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I I FOR SALEJ-.-2(1 Blacktop coarse wool FOR SALE-Winter pears, 50c bush- Wood, presented the club with o. floor of Detroit, F.irst Pr. e. sbyterlan Church I ewes; ono Blaclctop ram; one Ox· el. .317 E. Columbia St., Mason. 1p lamp. Refreshments ware served. AI a meeting of Girl Scouts .held f Jolm Adams, Mln!llter f ford Down ram, Earl D. Wheeler, Monday afternoon, the following offi­ ' ...... A~PLES-The Tuttle Orchards have· Townsend Olub su11per Plunned cers were elected: First lieutenant, on Hattie Lyons farm, 1% miles 1ecent!y Installed o. now fruit wash-, Members of Leslie Townsend club west of golf course, 41w1p Jule Fogg; second l!eutenant, Emma- Sunday, October 13, 1935, morning er to remove spray residue. Wash- No .. ~ •. w111. se~ve o. "Maggie and b worship and Commun!lln Meditation ed apples will be on sale after Octo- J!ggs" corn beef and cabbag·e supper gene Pat·sons: scrl e, Mo.rcel!ne Cbev· at 1o:oo o'clock with the minister ,Auto Radiators FOR SALE - Two sprinif heifer r!e and trensurer, Ueillia Friedman, calves, $22.00 for the pall'. R, L. ber 7. · 40w2p ' Thursday evening, October 17, begin· Mr. a.nd Mrs. Harold B!sbop and lending. The subject of his discourse Scribner, 2lh miles east of Mason FOR SALE-By original owner 1929 ning at five-thirty nt tho G. A. R. hall. daughter, Eleanor, of Sunfield, were w!ll be "My Pence." · On and After Mond~y, Octob.er 15, on Dansville road. 41w1p Chevrolet coupe; In line shape: This E. A. Brattain wll1 be In charge of hall weelt end guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. During the morning service o. nur· car has been completely recondition· arrangements, and Mrs, Mildred Rap· E, Clay. sery Is conducted· in the southwest FOR SALE-Two good milch cows. Tl 11 1 i h room. · Mrs, M. A. Bement, supervl· ed, Inquh·o Harrison's drug store, pe!ye, assisted by Mrs. Marsella Blo.clt le first a 1 g school party will sor, is assisted by Misses Mary Zlm· cows. Minnie P. Henians, Aurelius Mason, · 41 w1p and Mrs. Mae Aldrich wi!l be In Cente1·. 41 w1 ba held Friday evening in the gym. merman and· Maxine Barhyte. E. W. DE.NICK -:;::;:;;:;:;:;:~~~::;:;:;:~~::;:;;:;:;:;:; charge of the supper. Following sup- Tile F. F. A. are organizing !Ill or- Church school 11:30 a. m. The par· ' •"f per and.· o.t·the regular business meet· FOR SALE- One . cow; cbout 30 chestra, the first of Its lc!nd In tbe ents are asked to nsslst the officers . . . .; '.·/i·''•ii • - . 1 . For Rent · t ing a former newspaper man and county, . shoc!cs of corn: potatoes, fiOc bush· ._, • • • • • • ·-·..,_,_.._ _...... __...... speaker,· W·, S;·}{ellogg, of Lansing, The lltb and 12th grade home eccin- arid teachers by urging prompt and will Clean and Repair alhnakes of A~omobile · el. Earl Sigler, 3 miles north of FOR RENT-House, 1% miles south will address those present. Invitations 1 i 1 1 regular attendance. Mason on Qlcemos road, 3rd house om c g r s are p anning a style show. Young people's society 5:30 p. m. of Mason on Barnes street road, AI· have been extended to Townsend club Tile date not yet decided upon. Radiators at the shop of C. H. Fuller east on south side of road. 41w1p so blo.clttop ram for sale or trade, members of Lansing, Grand Ledge, The girl's soft ball team from Holt Union service 7:30 p. m. o.t the FOR SALiil-Purebred OxfOI'd Down Phl11ip Cavender, Mason, R, 2. w1p Dansville, Mason and Webberville, played the loc>ll girls here Tuesday Methlldlst Episcopo.! church. · on West ColumbiaStreet,.Mason Monday, October H, 8:00 p. m...... ' . ram. Also P &. 0 two bottom trac­ ·:-:----:---::-----:-- The proceeds of this supper w111 be even ing with a score of 19·28 in favor. Church school council (all officers and tor plow. M. R ..Beebe, Mnson. FOR RENT-Furnished 6-room .. bun· used to defray expenses llf delegates, llf Holt. The boys from Holt also Phone 131F22. 41w2 galow and bath, newly decorated. James Blaclc and Fred Rnppelye, to played the local boys ln a. similar teachers) w111 meet nt the Manse, On South Jefferson,. ·C. S, ·.Merry- the national Townsend convention to game with a score of 18·13 favoring Tuesday, October 15, 7:30 p. m. tho Expert Workmanship ~t ·Reasonable Prices FOR SALE-10 brolcen mouth ewes; Ieos. 41w1p · be held In Chicago October.24 to 27. Holt, · one hundred and first annual meeting 12-gauge singe barrel shotgun. llf the· Synod of Michigan, Presbyter· FOR RENT-Furnished light bouse· !an church U. S. A., will convene at George A, Thm·burn, six miles north lweplug apartment, Lights, water Tu.J~es F. F. A. •rrlt' ...... , of Mason. 4lw1 Char.les Whitney, local president of ...... th~ Masonic Temple, Ann Arbor. The and heat also furnished. 433 W. the Future Farmers of America, and f BunkerhiU and Ingham sessions wm continue through October FOR SALE-Harness and team of Ash St. 41w1p son of Mr. and Mrs,' Hugh Whitney, Town Line t 17. Dr. Joseph A. Vance, Moderator 1 ~ By Mrs. Henry Dunsmore f of General Assembly wll1 address good sound work horses, 3 1 and will leave here October 10; enroute to ,,t and 4 ~!! years old, weight about 3,- ... -.~ :.. ::J Kansas City, as a delegate to the Na­ ...... Synod at 4:00 p. m., Wednesday, Oc· 000 lbs. W. V. Waltman & Son, 1\6 L__ ...,!Y_.fl!l_•w_(_: -- --oao4-- tional F. F. A. convention to be held tober 16. miles north of Mason on Water- WANTED-One dozen laying pullets. th~re, This trip. which is sponsored by Hnrry VanCamp of Owossll, and Mr. Saturday, October 19, 7:30 p. m, worlts road, 41wlp Harold D. Dakin. 41w1 the State Farm Bureau will embrace and MI'S, Mac Vaughn of Mason, were Choir rehearsal at the church. a. period of four weeks, during which Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ Members.o.nd friends of the congre­ FOR SALE-75 Lowden Barred Roclc WANTED-Three or four furnished time things of interest in varlous cit­ ford Blltes. gation are reminded of the church pullets, ready to lay, Oscar Ohl!ng­ rooms for light houselceep!ng. In· les contacted will be visited. Repro· Mr. a.nd Mrs. P. H. Dunsmore, VIn­ family dinner (potluclt) In the church et•, phone 106·F15, Leslie, 3 miles quire K E. Maddox, corner Ash and sentatlve men from the State Bureau ton and Ci!nton, spent Sunday with dining rooms at 6:30 p, m. on Thurs­ east of Teaspoon Corners. w1 Cedat·, Mason. 41w1 will chaperone. the boys. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dunsmore of Wil· day of this weelt (Oct, 10). Reverend Ernest G. Hlldner, D. D., will bring FOR SALE-16 Jersey cows, fresh Hllmston. WANTED- Feeding lambs. Phone Spcclt~l Servlci!11 Held Mrs. Jerome Tanghe and son were us "Interesting Sidelights From the and springers. E. A. Haynes, 5 1935 Assembly." miles east of Mason. 41-tf Mason 211-F2 or Leslie 100-F2. C. Special Rally Day services comb!n- JILCI{son v!sitllrs, Saturday. A. Davis, Eden. 41w2 In~ the usual church school and hour Mr. and Mrs. Franlt Blakely enter­ The young people's society are re­ FOR SALE-Registered Sliropsbire wANTED-One or two rooms close of morning worship will be held sun­ tained their daughter llf Leslie, Sun· minded of the "Overalls Party" at the buck; also registered Blacktop. to business district, Addt·ess box , day morning at the Methodist church day. Ma.nse on Friday of this weelc (Oct. 5 11) at 4:00 p. m. Both good ones. Each $12.50. Cllf· Ingham County News. 41w1p here at 10:30 o'cloclc. 'l'he pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Richey enter­ ford Ward, Leslie, one mlle south of the Rev. R. M. Lawrence, w111 give an tained their chUdren from Lansing, Housel school. 41 w1 WANTED-Carrot pullet's, Ben Har· address and Mrs. Bertha Varrlel will Holt and Stoclcbridge, sunday, 1 • 1Coh1ns1·' :.-~~ • , ;i"enl ~e~ So''.,t!elt'y' 1 t' r!s, Route 3, Mason, four m!!es west be· in charge of. a. short program. A Mrs. M. J. Cavender of Mason 1 Mrs. 1 • _ 8...... FOR SALiil-Some good Sl1ropshlre and one mUe south of Mason. 1p vocal solo by Mrs, Marsella Black and Clifford Bates and Mrs. P. ·H. Duns- rams o.t farmers prices. G. B. Dls­ a special number by the young peo· mora or this place were !n;Stoclcbrldge -- enroth, * mile east of Aurelius WANTED-To trade l{!mhall player pie's choir wlll be .Included. Epworth Frfdt~y afternoon. They ·called on Chr!st!o.n Science services are held ·Center. 40w2p plano for good cow. Call after '1:30 League wllJ be held at 6:15 p, m. and Mr!f, Albert Malcho. · . · . 'over Aselt!ne's jewelry store every p. m, John Casper, phllne 228-Fl3. preaching services nt 7:30. The pns· Gerald McCabe. left Monday morn- Sunday morning nt 10:30. FOR SALE-D. I. C. boar, -Also WeS: 41w1p tor's subject will be "Seven Attitudes !ng for a CCC camp. Primary Sunday school Is hid dur- tern Electric home lighting plant -;:::;:::;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;;;;:;:;::;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;; of the Spiritual Life." Leslie choir Mrs. Charles West spent Thursday tng the service, with new large size Delco batteries. Lost"an-dF~und • • practice will be Wednesday evening at with her mother, Mrs, Clifford Bates. Wednesday evening testimony meet· H. W. Mann, Dansville. 40w2p I "l 7:30 at the home of Mrs. George Mit· ing at 8 o'clock. ...,._.._..... __ chell. M!d-weelt prayer service w111 "Are Sin, Disease and Death Reo.!?" FOR SALE-Shropshire yearling and LOST-One coarse wool buclc. Finder be Thursday evening at the parsonage. Methodist Episcopal Church f wm be the subject of the lesson-ser· two-year-old rams: also timothy please notify Arthur Miller. w1p ------J!miCs Bowlcer, Pastor mon In all Christian Science churches seed, B. A. Marshall, fo~r mlles f ONGRATULATIONS- •1\IASON •1\IAUii:lllTS throughout the world on Sunday, Oc· south and 1lh mlles west of Mason. LOST-Maltese bob-tall cat. Phone tobcr 13. . because in choosing Heat· Pho!le 702, Aurelius. 39wtf. 358. Mrs. Ross Hilliard. 41w1 Wheat ------~ .88 $ .88 C Beans, cwt. ------1.90 1.90 "The Imperious Call" Is the subject rola you're investing your FOR SALE- Purebred Ramboulllet FOUND-Rll!l of wire, about three Red kidney beans, daric__ 4.00 4.00 of the sermon: Mr. Bowlcer wiJI pre· 1 money in the home heater • • • Baptist 'ch~~ch' Nti~~ and Blaclctop rams. E. M. Moore, m!les west of Mason on Columbia Red kidney beans, l!gbL_ 4.00 4.00 sent at the morning service. The choir · · •l that makes you a present ev· two miles south of Olcemos. 38w6p road. Owner m11y have same by Oats ------.25 .25 will sing two anthems, one entitled, f D. L. HWlt\vorlt, Pastor . t paying for this o.d. Harold D. Oak· Rye ------.45 .40 "The Morning Light is Brenlclng", and lllllillllllllllllllllll•l ery year. Of extra comfort FOR SAL!ll-Shropshlre rams. Roy ln. 41w1 Feeding barley ------.80 .75 the other "The Heavenly Love Abld· Thursday, : p .. m. prayer meet· and convenience- of extra Hobart, one mile north of Dansville. 7 30 Malting barley ------1.10 .75 lng." Organ numbers will Include, 1 whole-house warmth. And, '·. . . SS·tf I I r B sl ... ,..~, • 'I Cream ______27c "Pilgrim's Song of Hope", by Batiste, nfiunday, October 13: Morning wor· best of all, of extra dollars FOR SALE-Bulls, two shorthorns, .... u ness ~g~~s ------1'8--i:c "~nt~mez:·:: ~ gellbe~, and "Mar- ship, 10:00; Bible school, 11:30 a. m.: ·saved in fuel:· That's why · ,weight 850 pounds each, reasonable NOTICE-I positively forbid hunting L~ghorn&-::::il~ii9-12~;~p~[;i'ger~· 14 ~ c ;hll o~:en~g Jnlo~u~~r~lce wlll be young people, 8:00 p. m. Union ser· you can't buy Heatrola- it . ·prices.' J. H .. Haley, ¥.1 mile east on the 290 aci·es northwest of Ma- held at the Methodist church at :SO. vice at Methodist church, · ="""'~·~~,..--..,.--,,--..,.----- 7 pays itself l ·of Ploasant Lalce. 40w2 son lcnown as the Evans farm. Last PEONIES-Now Is the time to plant Rev, Bowker wm be the preacher for wi!~r~\~~·~u~~:~.~ornlng: "The Ma.n for PULLETS-Michigan certified white year I had several cattle shot and peonies. We offer 100 varieties at the service, assisted by the other min .. Letters from hundreds of owners , h ks this must not be repeated. All tres- cut rates this month, Both double lsters part!c!p•tlng [n .... union ser· R11lly !)ay this Sunday In the Bible tell us that Hoatrola has cut their :leghorns and barred pl:;mollt roc 111 b · dl 1 ~ ""• h 1 o 1m for rally day Is "Ev six· weeks old and older. A Mlclll· passers w e ·arrested. E. D. ll.lld single vis 008 and whole vice. The subject wlll be, "The Cor· sc ~0 • ur a . ·· ' • fuel bills·'froin 25 to 40%. They t_oll . . . Franlclln, Mason. · 41wl clumps. By mo.U or express. West's nerstone of the Church." Tho organ. ery Member Prlcent." Following Is the ue, too, that in tho ton years (and .gll.ll· R. · · 0. P. · breeder. Lowden Peony Gardens, phone 792·F3, Lan· !•t will use ns the pr." lude, "At Sun· program for t e day: Opening exer· ·:Farms. · Located near Pleasant FORTMAN'S CIDER MILL will be sing R 1 East Lansing 40w3 " ~ clses, Pioneer clnss; songs a.nd reclta- moro) they've u10d the Hoauota It :Lake. Postoff!ce Rives Junction, opened every Wedn·esdo.y, Thursd11y, ' ·, ' ' set", by Sellars, as an offertory, "Pas· tlllns, primary department; welcome haan't colt them a ponny for repalra, :phone Jackson 815·F2B. 28·tf Friday and Saturday, starting Octo· SHRUBS AND. PLANTs-We. are toral", by Salome, and "Cornelius to graduating :juniors, Superintendent L------...... ,..J. Como In-let il11how you tho beau­ ber 16, for the rest of the season. now moving peonies, bleeding heart, March," by Mendelssohn as the post- J. H. Davis; play, young people's de· tiful now 15th Annlverury Heat­ : FARMS-REAL ESTATE Elmer Fortman, lh mile east of the delphiniums, foxglove, cll.llterbury lude, Tho cbolr will also prllvide spe- partment, NEW 70·B SERIES HEATROLA. rolu, with all tho now features, In­ White Oak. town hall. 41 w1p bella, spireas; hllneysuckles, barber. clal music for the service. _.:.;... _____ Lower in prlc• than other genulno. Heatrot11s, but whh ovcry 0118ontlal eluding tho Pod-a-Lever Food Door FOR SALE-Seven-room house, mod- ry, evergreens, etc. Don't wll.lt till Tile Epworth Leajl'Ue will meet at Hourola reaturo .. Three sizo11. and the now overweight ftv•-r••r· .ern eltcept furnace,. '1600 Cll.Sb or THftE PRE! SEN;CE of ~"dbouqhuet of next summer and then wish you had 5:4TBhe.SWlmdlda!weeveken!ns~gr.vl· ce wll.l be held guarantood ftre .pot. Lot ua help .$1'100 'trn time. Inquire B17 Ell.St owers n any room, "" a c eer. A some growing. Plant now. Bash· on Thursdlly even.lng •t 7·.30 .. The ch000t ;rour modtl at ;your prlco, .Columbia...... 4lw_1p gift of flowers Is always appreclat- ford's Nursery " ed. Jewett's Flower Shop, phone =::7:~·~·=:':':'-:-::' :--=---:-:~--::--: mlnlster,'pJnns to use at the mld·week FOR'' SA._LE.;..Or . trade. Farm, 225 61, Mason, ' · 41wl DEAD ANWALS.....:.For quick dead service for the next severo.! weeks the . lkmda;.--- . acr~!, botwecii ,Leslie e.nd Mll.Son. animal- serVice, call central Dead caurse of.study entitled, "The· Life of Prayer 1ervlce 9:80 a. m. 'or will dlvldti'and selllOO ~cres and DIESEl.-Men Wll.llted to start lm- Stock Company, Mason, Michigan, Our Lord", ll.8 arrll.llged by Dr. Wm. Sunday 1chool 10 a. m. '125 acres. 2911 south Ceclar.street, mediate trll.li:Jln·g In this v!c!illty to pbone 180, Reverse telephone H. Phelps n.nd presented In tho Mich- Morning worahlp 11:00 a. m . . Lan~~g. · · Uw1p !.n8tall, operate ·and service Diesel charges, sunday and hDllday ser- lgan Christian Advocate. . N. Y. P. S. 1ervloe G:SO p. m. engines In .power plants, . trucks; ·.vice. · · aswsp Tile .-Men's Community club wm lllvtiiiDg. lll'vlce 'l :SO. FOR SALE-00 acres, all workable, tractors, etc, Consultation service . Milt-Week · ~good ·ground ll.lld tencea,· .A.·l build· and tools furnished; Wrlto· giving ~: : : 1 : •.. . . • . Tueaday D!fllt, cottage prayer meet; STBP ON 1'1'1 'J"ovoh a/ever with :rour foof ud file fHd door Olltftt. ;!ngs, modern 10-room house, 25 mechan!co.J. quallflcatiDns. Schoeck I MiaDaneo~: ·: t 0 p 0 lng,. M11011 (roUp; :acres new seeding, berries and as· Diesel Training, Alton, nunols.' : - • · • - .. • . • • c. .. n st I at I n i paragua. Ray Glell.SOD, II% miles . · . . '. '40w3p ~A.RD 01!' THANKS-I wlsll to thank i ·~~~g~ 1{f:.l~~~h~':,";:lG~og,";J,J;: south of Mll.Son, 3% mllell north of =====-==-==----,...,... -,..,-:.·~ · my.:frlenda,-nelghbora, 0. E.·S. No. ~ Bkla, aet quiok rello!·wlth ADLil· North AureUus Union Church 111 ..· Lesllo, on U. S. 127. 41w4p STOMACH UL.., .... R, 8'81 palne, lndi- 150, Lea Anita club and Circle No 3 11~ 10lt~:~~~h o~~. aeuoa Jot " • . . Barol4. DlldD, PM1or. • Mason. Plumbing & Heating Co. geetlon vlctlma, why llufter? For of Preabyterlan church for the · ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a..e ~No man care• to· bear· a woman quick relief get ·a free INUllple of beau(lfl.il ftov.'en and fruit sent me ADLERIKA WUm. be laU ICrfl4 oall ho~lf .otcl.- tJ'dgll; . a doctor'•, ~~~~!'iptlon at ~ ..a!ld oth~r k~llllllll during my re· Kornlni' worablp aL ·10:00, · Geofie Koore: Ware a Drug Store. . · l~ZTp· cent lllne••· Mn; Ferrla Reaaon. lp Sunday ICbOOl &t 11 a, IIi, ... :. P11c Seftll ... . ., . Jllvorott CI)Jlar was a Sunday_ night ' ' ··:· I 'UEG YOUR, •l'i\:I~DON . ·noll CU\1 will b9, "Tho: Nam'oa at your committee corlaluta or Mrn. Marg~rot' guoat ot hi~ Hlutor, Mru. lll. B. Potter, ''· •-:.,, ...... ·'·-' ' ''An ~rror ·Watl' niade ·Jn lnat woolt'o :Two Grlindt~thord," 'Mro; N. P. Hlnlt• Burgaua, Mrs, Charleo Clinton ·and·· . Mr. and Mra. Go raid Rocuo ot De· ·toauo or tho NIDWB whon It wan otatod Icy to chairman ot 'tho 'program com- Ma·n, a. w. Browne, Tranoportp.Uon 0r· SOCIALI EVENTS troll wore gucota sunday ot Mt·, and , . . . , '·.' ..tll!it•'Ml•ll .. ll'Joyd Tl.).ylor.wllllln tho city mtttoo for tho. mooting. :Tho menu Ia In cbnrgo ot Mr11, o, F. Schull$,.,' 1 &lrlbnor-l~rood!K.\11~ Lncau-nta~bt , ·Mro. Mr, Leo and Bul'ton. Mra. Laurence Q, Jonoa ot ... 1· 1 i,--7"- ,., •; 1•: ·1 ':'.':'.:. .. ,.. , 1.. 1 ••·.':~; •Mrp.hospital, J~loyd,Qojlar,. It Wllll not wbo Mr11, Willi Tayl"r, 111. at. buttho t~~~·~~··~~-: ~·~~'~···~·~·:~~·~~~~~~~~§§~~~§~~~r· . J:'' Announeomont Ia m11enslvc Smllrllno's!l • •· • ' In · tile school gymnslum Tueado.y Mr. and Mrs, Leland crum l)f Lo.n- October 16, for potluck dinner. A so.lc mont and the natlvea of Al118ltll.. The ,..v ~ Mrs. Richard Mllls entertained at o. night, Octc>ber 15. Tlcltets for the sing called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard. of needleworlt and candy w111 be held next meeting !s ached1.1led to be held Mrs. Dltby Sml~!i;. ·Prt~l~· birthday~~M~~~hl~~q~d=~~qro~a~~~M~~~~ anniversary l)f her husband. committee reportB. Rev. D. L. Huntworlt and Mrs. Webber~~~L~~~~~~t~t~h~e~W~"~m~o.;n;•;s:-~H~o;m~e~l~n~L~n~Dil;~~g~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ have charge, Mrs, Opdylte Honl)rs at cards were awarded to Miss • • • Huntworlt wore Thursday dinner hns chargo of the program. Encll ono Indo. DuBois, Mrs. Ross Thorburn, About 30 court house employees guests l)f Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hlnltley. bring table service, Leo L, ICelly and Clltrord Walcott, were present at a shower In honor of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mlllcr of Flint ___ • • • · Mrs, Harry Sawyer given at the borne s d ft "'U sta of Mr M A W J tt t t I d 15 Of Mr•, Mary Hill lust Thursday nlgllt. were un o.y a ernoon " e ' The Patriotic club wlll meet Frldo.y rs. • · ewe en er a ne w and Mrs. Stanley Mnrsllall. . with Mrs. Macy Southwlclt. A pot· friends l)f her daughter, J11nlce Ann, A co!l)r scheme l)f rose and gold WllS A daughter, Roberta Lou, was born luclt dinner wlll be served at noon. Tuesday, October 8, In honor l)f Janice used. Mrs. Sawyer Wll8 presented t M d M L 11 B Tuesday A ' 1 th bl thd 1 wltll a brld•l bouquet and the guestB 0 r. an rs, es e run", Each member Is to bring needle, nn s s x r ay ann verso.ry. ~ at the Mason llospltal. thimble and scissors. Games were played and refreshments with corsages. A lump Wll.B given Mrs. Betty White and daughter, were served. During Ills radio prl)· to the guest of honor. Bridge was Betty Ellen, of Flint were weelt end gram, Uncle Nell told Janice Ann played, high score being won by Mrs. guests l)f Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wlllte. Tile Womo.n's Relleft ~b"rps wlfll ho1 d where to find her glftB. Leo Burton and low by Mrs. Ruehl A daughter Patricia Ann was born a banquet Friday, 0 c o er 18 , or a1 1 • * + Kruse. to Mr. and Mrs. carl Do~er at the district officers; Miss Jean Bartlett and Mrs. Earl • • • M118on hospital Tuesdo.y. King entertained at n miscellaneous Mrs. Floyd Burgess entertained last Mrs. Wilmont Lewis of Iosco Is vis- Tile Eden P. T. A. met o.t the school shower at the King home Saturday Saturd!Ly. night for her mother, Mrs. lUng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. s. H. Friday night. President Ambs pre· afternoon In honor of Mrs. Curtis Mary E. Francisco, the occasion being Huddy, and her slater, Mrs. E. J. Scar. sided. Two songs were sung, Mrs. Bartlett, who was Miss Myrtle Bren· Mrs, Francisco's 83rd birthday annl· lett, in Lansing, this weelt. CI'DWI leading the singing, Glenna! ner before her recent marriage. Fall versnry. Mrs. Francisco Is one of the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Otis and Mrs. Cltllds at the plano. Rev. Beardsley flowers decomted the house, About early settlers of Ingham county, llav- Carlton Hunter spent Sunday wltll offered pr11yer. The secretary gave 20 guests were present and played lng come llero from New Yorlt state Homer Otis at the Lansing so.nltar· the report. A contest wlll be put lln games. Mrs. Bartlett received sever· wlth her parents nt the o.ge of three lum this year between the men and the al gifts, weeks, traveling most of the way with Mr. and Mrs. Maraho.ll Bo.rr and son women, Mrs, Crowl had charge of the "' * ~ oxen. Mrs. Francisco received many Mox and Mrs. N. T. Hazelton spent program, Mrs. Watters gave an ad." A:ltollhor .Benefit •Pn.Tcy gifts, Including two birthday cultes Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown dress of welcome to tile new tenchet, Knights of Pythlll8 o.re sponsoring made by ller granddaughters, Mrs. southeast of Leslie. Miss Dlsenrotll, who responded. Music another lteeno party Thursday night, James Dart and Mrs. R. E. Doo.ne. Mr. and Mrs. Wourt Every and was enjoyed by Mrs. Childs and Glen· October 17, for the benefit of the The evening Wllll spent In visiting o.nd Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Otis na, who gave an encore. A rc11dlng school band. Merchandise gifts wlll curd pl~ylng o.fter which lunch was were dinner guests sunday of Mr. and by Bonnie Jean Hodges, two songs by be awarded. served. Mrs. Earl Otis. Grace Chapin and Glenna Childs, and -:;:;:;:::;:::======;.:;:;:;:;:;t"-M";::-;;;;d"M;:;.-Joi~Sci;;rt:te""~i{;:;;;. Mrs. o. s. Clipper and llcr sister, two musical . numbers by Warren tl'"" ...... _ • ..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , t Mr. and Mrs. John Schutte and fam- Mllltde M. !{urn of Colorado Springs,· Ch.o.pln wore given... Rev. Beardsley 1 l!y have moved to Dansville from Colorado are vlsltlng In West Branch gave nn address on Where Do You f PERSONALS I M118on. this weel~. Live," Mrs. Chllds and helpers serv· t t Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kelly visited Mr. E. W. _mnnlson has returned t" hls ed bananas and crackers. ••• GOOD STYLES! i•l I I I o-1 I • I I I • • I I I I .._ I I •-' ' and Mrs. Hugh McLaughlin In Jo.clt· home after spending the past month -- •• ;COMFORT! ••• SVPER VALUE! Mr. and Mrs, Walter Co.rven vfere son Sunday. with Ills son, Clare, lind fnmlly of Tile M118on Child Study club met In A wina tip of choice c•lf. Built on sood fitting l1st. The utmost lor your shoe dol­ Mrs. H. B. Yo.xley of Penn Yan, Nortll Canton, Ohio. the school dining room Tuesday night. slcin. Just one of the m•ny 1h1t ~ssurc day-long com· Jan ..• when you wear Brown· called to Ann Arbor Tuesday bcco.'u~e New Yorl{, who has been spending 8 Mrs. C. A. Parkhurst and Mrs. Allee John Lee of tile rehablllto.tion dcp111't· of the serl"us lllness of the former's sm1rt slylcsyou'll find fort. Calfskin in 1 modified bilt qu~lity shoes. Choice c~Jf. mothea·, Mrs. J. W. Carven, ~:;:l~a:::~J~~crr~ :~rd ho~\r!dll~: Bell attended a board meeting held at ment of the state, spoltc to the group. here, 11., · French toe.· •kin in • l•v"dle Slyle. the Woman's Home in Lo.nslng Wed· -- nesday The women members of the MP.Son -======~=:::===:::::::::======:;f Mr. 'and Mrs. Harris Hemans of Golf club wlll sponsor a benefit bridge Dearborn spent the weelt end with o.t the home of Mrs. J, B. Ro.kowslty, $J.OO $4·00 $5·00 Mrs. Minnie Hemans and :Mrs. Wll· 234 Ea.st Oalt, Friday afternoon, Octo· Snyder~-& Grocery llo.m Sear. · · ber 18, nt one-thirty. Mr. o.nd Mrs. Harry yreslwur and Free Delivery Phone .12 AU Day Service Mr. and Mrs, Norinan D11rt lire enjoy· Tile Cl)unty Seat Orange wlll enjoy lng a. two-weelt's tour thrl)ugh the a H111lowe'en party with Mr. and Mrs. Cranberries Grapes Can-ots Eastern sto.tes, Ellsworth Brown, Wednesday night, Doane's ·Fam·ily Shoe· Store 18c lb ...:...2 for 35c 3lbs.10c 3 bunches lOc Miss Marian Jncobl of Detroit, and ------Cabbage Fresh Tomatoes were~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ weelt end guests of Mrs. Jennie the week end at ller home here, ; Royal-Jello Solid Heads Barlter. Mrs. Ida Turnbull and son Normo.n 3 lbs. 10c 3 pkgs. 25c 2c lb. Mrs. Ellen Wright of Lansing, Is of !{alo.mnzoo, spent tile week end quite seriously lll nt tile home of.her with Mrs, Loretta White. Sweet Potatoes 1 pkg. Royal Choc. Jumbo Celet·y sister, Mrs. Nettle Bordner, Mrs. Len- Mrs. Maude Berger of Grand Rap· 6lbs. 19c Pudding for lc 8c-2 for 15c nagene Swearingen Is caring for her. Ids, spent Thursday night with Mrs. Mrs. Elsie Stobie, Miss Leona Stob· Loretta White, Eating Apples Watermelons Cooking· Apples le, Clifford Allen of Dansvllle o.nd Mrs. Mls~ Lorraine Smith of Middleton, 10 lbs. 29c each 10c 10 lbs. 29c C. G. Keesler left Sunday for a trip spent the weelt end with her parents, to Tlogu, North Dllltotll, where they Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith. Chore Girls ____ .__ each lOc will visit relatives of Mrs. Stobie. Mrs. Anna Ellsworth and Alethn of Del Maiz Niblets_2 cans 29c Mr. and Mrs. Wlll H. Sanderson Dearborn, have been visiting Mrs. Maxwell Hottse Coffee _28c 20 Mule Team were In MP.Bon Saturday. Monday Coral Neely and Mrs. H11ttle Lyons. Rose Bud Green Borax ___ 16-oz. pkg. 15c they moved the housellold goods of the Fred Keister, Ionia newspaperman, Tea ------% lb. 23c Libby's Kraut, No. late Mrs. P. H. S11nderson to tlteil• cn.lled at the l)fflce of the Ingham 21;2 can ______3 for 25c home In Pontlo.c. County News, Thursday morning. Tomatoes, No. 2 Albert Forcbe to.ught science cl118s· Mrs. A. W. Herrick and Miss Mur- can ______3 for 24c LaFrance Powder_3 for 24c es at the M118on school the fore part guerlte Herrlclt of B11y City, were Washburn's Pancake 0. K Brown Soap, of the week to llll tile Vllcancy caused guests Saturday of Mrs. Coro.l Neely Sauer Flour ______2 boxes 19c 7-oz. bar ______4 for lOc by the absence of Cyrus Pierce, whose and Mrs. Cora Robertson. For Our Second Molasses, gal. can _____ 65c Staley's Starch Cubes ___ 9c father died suddenly Sunday. Mrs. Donald Hunt and son Robert of Mrs. C. A. Parkhurst, Mrs. Carlton Albll)n, have been spending the week Kraut Kellogg's Breakfast · Crystal White and Miss Nellle Brown were In Lan· with Mrs. V. J. Brown. Thursday Foods ______2 for 25c Cleanser _____ 3 cans 10c sing Tuesday to attend a luncheon of they were guests of Mrs. Walter Ellls the Mary Vomberg P.Bsoclatlon held nt In Lansing. Anniversary Sale! Corn Meal Cracl\ers Pastry Flour the Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neely and M1·. 4c lb. 5 lb. sack 19c Mr. and Mrs. Clare IC!nnlson of and Mrs. W. S. Rhodes spent Sunday 2 lb. box 19c 5 lb. sack 21c North Co.ntl)n o.nd Mr. and Mrs. Flor· at the Crystal all fields. They nlsl) Lard Compound Reynolds Bulk Coffee In Kinsley of Middlebranch, Ohio, visited Mr; and Mrs. Carl Plank o.t 18c lb.-2 for 35c Mill\ and Cream lb. 17c spent ~he weelt end at the E. W. Kin· Carson Clty. ' BEEF STEAK nlson home. Mr,.and Mrs. H. H. Snyder were In SWISS STEAK Miss Mo.xlne Qhamberlaln and Miss Jackson Sunday night a.t o. dinner nt Vero. Cho.mberlnln of. Ann Arbor re· the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wll· Any Cut from Round and Sirloin turned t" Ann Arbor Wednesd11y after ltlM In honor l)f the birthday annlver­ Phone 36 We Deliver vlllltlng the former's paren tB, Mr. and s~ry l)f Mrs. Snyder. lb. 22c lb.17c Mrs.Lawrence J. H. Cho.mberlnln. Kruse Is having a week's -;;:;;::;;::======~, leo.ve of absence from the Lansing Sanitarium and Is visiting Mr. and Calendar of ·Events G. S. THORBURN Mrs. Wllllam !{ruse and Mr. and Mrs. BEEF·FreshChuckMeat lb.16c· Ruehl Kruse. For Comin~ Week GROUND Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Kruse, Law­ rence Kruse and Mr. and Mrs. Ruehl ltJI OCTOUa .... ~ r ...... , .., ,...... Kruse and dnugbtet· visited Mr. and Groeeries and Meats Mrs. Phllllp Rlchmenscllnelder In 1 a s 4 s Chelsea Sunday. • 7. 9101111 Beef Roasts Meaty-Pot Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Densmore were IJ 14 IS 16 17 18 19 SPECIALS FOR THE WEEI{ OF OCTOBER 11 'fO 18 in Wllllo.mston sunday to visit Mrs. Center ·- Densmore's sister, 'Mrs. Mlna Dains, ao a1 .u· u u as • lb. Sauer Kraut, Libby's M S C Catsup and her. niece, Mrs. Merrlll DeWitt, 17 Z8 19 SO Sl Chuck Cuts lb. 1.4c Roasts • ' ' ' and fo.mlly, fancy No.2% ·, 14-oz~ bottle ___ 11 c Mrs. Robert Thomp3on and son, Friday, October sll, thPatrklowltlcth clutb Bobby, are vlsltlng Mrs. Mary Hill. with Mrs. Mo.ry ou w 1c po • can _____ 3 for 25c Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are moving luclt dinner at n"on. BEEF STEW Famo Pancake Flour, from their former home nt Gny!l)rd to Friday, October 11, Walters commun· Tomatoes, No. 2 Lansing and expect tl) be In their new lty club with Mr. and Mrs. Ml)ntle 5 lb. sack _____ 25c home wlthln two weeks. 'Woodard. can ---- _3 for 24c Mrs. G. D. Eggleston of Parma has Monday, October 14, Aurelius home come to Mason to spend the winter economics group with Mrs. Lnur· .Rol,ed Rib Smoked Picnics· La France Powder, Silver Nut with Mrs. D. P. Whitmore. Mrs. F. lndiL Clark at 10 o'clock. . Reg. size 3 for 24c ;. H. Glass, Mrs. Eggleston's sister, of Tuesday, October 15, W. C. T. U. o.t Margarine, lb~ _14c Almo. was In M118on Wednesday. Mrs. twl)·thlrty with Mrs, Harry Peelt. 1 Maxwell House · . Glass and Mrs. Egglliston formerly Tuesday, October 15, Benellt dance Roast b·1Bc· Shankless lb. 24c Mason Milk, llved In M118on and have many friends sponsored by Mllllon Child Study Coffee, 1 lb. here. club at schol)l gymn118lum. 3 tall cans ____ 20c Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dibble and Mrs. WednthesdMily, OcctoAberD1a.6v'tEs den L. A. S. Vac. Tin ____ ---28c Milan Cook and daughters, Shirley w 1 rs. . . · Home-Made BOLOGNA· Grade 1 and Muriel l)f North Bto.r were din· Wednesday, October 16, Mizpah clo.ss Defiance Coffee, ·1 Seedleaa Raisins, ner guests' Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. of Methl)dlst Sunday school with ' ' F"rest Smith and famlly. Mrs. can. Mrs. E. B. Kelly. lb. pkg. steel · 15-oz. pkg., · dace Long of. Adrian, who spent the Wodnesdlly, October 10, Regular cut ______22c week end In MIUlon, returned to North meeting Mason Rebekah Lodge No. :MichiganFuiiCream Bacon Squ'rs. ·:·: 2'for -~------15c star.wlth them. .... ' . 324. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY · Mr. o.nd Mrs. Ea.rl Dunsmore, Mr. Wednesday, October 16, County Seat . . and Mrs. Lee ·Barnhill, Mrs. Lulu Grunge Halll)we'en pa.rty with Mr. lb. WhileThev . Whipple Mrs. Will Chalker, Mrs. and Mrs. Ellsworth Brown. ·Cheese 21c Last lb. 24c:. .. . . LARD, bulk· ROLLED ROAST, Clnrenc~ Eifert lllid Mrs. Elmer 1Thursday, October 17, Band benefit Strope of the Mo.son Rebekah Lodge 1 keeno party .11ponsored by Mllllon 21ba. - ~- ~--- _35c rib or rump_-- _22c: expect t" leave Sunday to attend Ll)dge No. 70, K. of P., at hall .. grand lodge o.t Dearborn ·october 13, Thursday, October 17, Circle No. 3 of GROUND BEEF, · OYSTERS, pint_ _28c 14 and 111. · Prellbyterlan L. A. S. serving chick· LAMB CHOPS Professor W. C. La.tta and Mrs. La.t· en pie supper beginning at llv~- 2 lbs. _·- ______35c Extra Standards ta and the Misses Bertha and Mary thirty. .· . . · Latta of Purdue University Lo.tayette, Friday, October 18, Woman's Relief CITY CHICKEN MADE ON ORDER AND Indiana, and Mrs. c. I. Ba.ilard of In· Corps banquet for district' oftlcers. dlana.polls, Indiana., have been guests Frlda.y, October 18, Special meeting Smit·h's' • ., ' ' '·.:Market .• I, SEASONED JUST RIGHT ~----- __ Sc each. at the Maplo Ridge and Elm Side Mason Cha.pter No, 150, Q,. E. S; farms west of Muon the put week. Friday, ·october 18; Phlla.theu:of Bap. ... ' .. ~ OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30; SATURDAYS TILL 12:00 Mrs. La.tta 11 a allltcr of 1111'1. J. E. tlllt chu~ch wilh Mn. Alfred Allen .,, Tantwell and Ml'l. W. L. Chtney. · at two o'clock. '---~~---~~.;.;...;.....;.,,;;,;;~.-;~;.;;,;~;;,;;;,;;;.;..~~~~.-.------...;~~~. ~--~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ·. ,. '•' ~ ' . : INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MI CIIIGAN, 'riiURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1035

"A':".•l·,·,-S.:;-D, ,I:A, •R• 'y' • ... , don and wlfo, "Bog, at a point tho.t !a dcth•y husbandry dopo.1•tmont at Michl• a fi7 .:log, W 330 ft. from SW corner Mlchlgnn ohlclt hntollorlca to Ullo nll LDilnl Notlco -· gnn St1~to collogo, SURVEY PROVES VAlUf L of LGt 004 of Urbandule No, 2, Lan. moans to lmpl'Ovo tho quality of tho y ltOSS FARQUJIAR · ulng Twp. for a plo.co of beg; 50 fARM MORTGAG[ fiElD Abnormal llo.vor11 due to boot topo chlolts sold by th01n Is [!roved by tho ------=------­ s NOTICFJ 01' ltlWIII'I111ATION' ·-..o • • • • o ..., .. o • ...- dog, W 103 ft; a 30 dog, 30 min. lD O.l'o not noticeable unlll tho cows aro time dovotod by tl!om to loarn moth· 'CUI' of MMon 100 2 getting at leaijt 2ll pounds of tops ads of ollmlno.llng o.ny disease car­ Of STATE'S RAil~OADS Frldny-Joe Hixoa wlfo naun ehe It; S OS dog, lD 4 ft.: N 23 dog, Ill dally, Tlto 1invor ocoua·s moat often 'l'o tho ''""llflod olouloi'H or tho OILr or MtUIOI\ I • 126 It,: N 32 dog, so min. w 171 rt, lED BY ~O-~rEM liVES rloro from their breeding fioclts ac· Nollco Ia hot•ohy uivon thn~ fell' tho 11\II'IIOHO· a NOW duuuont boloa.vo enny moro that wine to bo ... •, bolng altuatod on Sli. of sec- In night's miYt, and Is decrcnsed when COI'dlng to Lho poultry dcpartmo~t at of a·ovlowin~r the l'Cfti»h·nllon 11•1• or tulltl oily INOIIA!M ltAif, WOIIJHCR,"' · !s good for fainting Uon 2a, T4N, R2W," • 1,00, "' STOOit IN FlmiDIML J,AND DANit tho cows' nrc fed hay and grain along Mlchlgn!l Sto.to college. und fm• ·tho JUII'JlOhct of I'ORIIIl.cJ•Inu H\ll'h (jtluJJ .. Nu·MDJDit SilO. 11 8 bccu J o 'I' 0\VNED Ul' 000 0"0 with tho tops, SJod oJoalol'H 118 llhnil lll!lHlllr nnd )II'OIJOt'i:V IL)IJII.Y spe z 0 By1•on T, White to· John Worden, ' • ' Slxty-sovon men WOl'O awarded ocr· llterorm·l I will bo nl tho council l'onm• on Boot top~ should be fod an hour m· bo.s bon ltavelng "N 00 acres of lD% of NEP,1 or Soc, Ullcatos stntlng thoy woro IJUall!lod WotlnoUI ny, OoloboJ' !B, I Olin. Big Dccllno Noted In Itnll Sy!·lom, fo.lntlng spolia 2 or 14, 'l'lN, R2W," $1,00 otc, •Farm Credit Admlul.~llruil.ou 'llead moro olthot• beforo or o.ftcr milldng. Tho houro clnrlnu which rovlow mny ho hrul 'l'ruciUI Chlll'god Wlt·h Wreclc­ to m~ltc tests on birds In tholr tloclt nnd clm•lng whlnh roglntrnllon• will bo t•otoiv"l · three times a wonlt Clnrcnce 0, Mosher and wife to Tho OllllllUI llllillr~t ILil~~ 'lluvc Ueen When fed at mllltlng time, abnormal lng Itullrmul LincH, llulvt'll In Two Dcmui(!B, to dotormlno If tho bh;d was a co.rrlor nro hotwoon olght o'clovk In tho forenoon nnd and sho got him mnton Depositors' Corporation, "l,ot tlo.vora are mora apt to occur. in tho of pullorum dleonso. 'l'he ccrtillcatos oh:rht o'oloelc Jn tho ovonlnR' or Huld il1ty, sum wine for his 57 1 F 1 fl ld mlllr. Mungers should bo cleaned out Tho Inn! dny pt·ocotllng tho city clct:(inn I~> I I fainting SPOils and . 0 'a r · e Oardons, Twp, of Lan· Tho. 000,000 far·mors wl1o own stoclt often If boots nrc fed because tho wore givon after tho men completed bn hold Novomho1· ti, 1036, UllOII which tUUllflH WhcLt the rallroud moans to ng mm sing," $1.00 etc, . t d nn lntcnal.vc courso or tmlnlng glvon ot olect.oa·n tnllY ho I'Ccelvcd for l'tlH'IHtmiiDn lu 1 1 prosonco of decayed or frozen tops In county is Illustrated In the l!rst study now Joe hu.s a Voight Mntthews to Kennrd 1 Crlt· n the c ern! and bo.nlts through no.· by bacteriologists 011 tho college staff, 81Lttmlny, Ootobm· 20, tonn. RcgiHlJ'nllon mr1y over mad11 of tho economic vnluo of fainting spell most tendon and wlfo. "Com, at p~lnt on tlonnl farm loan assoclntlons In ox- tho stable will cause bad flavors and ho rnttdo by RJ1tlllonUon to me on nny duy rn·o-. 0 odors In tlto mlllt, The teats cnn bo mo.do t•o.pldly o.nd ccdln~ nnrl Including OctolJnt' 211, 1036, Its railroads to Michigan, recently pre- gonrclly every do.y, Mifflin St. 04 ft. a of SW corner of cess or ~100,000,000 have bunt a pcr- tho person doing U10 testing can toll Unlllllfl tho oloctar IH IJI'OPOI'IY rcglttlfll'l!fl In Tho abnormal flavor In mlllt docs prLrcd by tho Michigan Rnllroad lDm· sum times 2, Lot 581 of Urbando.le No of pnrt of manent cooporo.tive fli'SI fnrm mort- 11 RCCOI'lhmcm with tho lnw, ho Ia not entitled J.o 2 before he rcloaeos bird whether It Ia voto 1~t tho olcatlon. Eloctoa·u who havn mov~d ploycs and Clllzons League, Saterday- Pa Ia S\! of Soc 14 and Nll. '· Sec 23 gage system which Is an important not develop to a vory mnrltod dogroo a carrier or not, Birds which react 01 unless tho cows got boot tops as o.l· rrom ana wm·d to tho olhcr Hlnco ln~tt \'oll111: Four linea, Grand Trunlt Westel'n, still wlrrylng over T4N R2W' S along Ml1flin St 94 ft' f(lctor In the farm lending !lold and as can be removed from tho floclt lm· muat. ro~roR"Iftlul', Pere Marquetlo, Michigan Ccntrul nnd his bad luck witch m to' tho C~dnr River N'ly o.Jong rive~ such will continuo to htLvo n whole- moat the sole food, the tops arc of modlo.toly. Pullorum dlsoaso Is one (Signed) OEORO!iliCELI.OOG, Cit~ Clork. poor quality, or ft•ozen tops are stored · 40w2 Now York Central, operate in Inghnm ho had when he to a polnt directly m' of polnt of beg somo cfrect on Interest rates and of tho serious maladies affecting baby county, They hnvc a combined total betted on tho Bare w to point of beginning." $l.OO otc.'' terms of farm mortgnges, .This state· In or close to the mllldng room. Mlllt with only a mild dogrco of boot flo.vor chlclts and Is transmitted through the I'IIOUATB 01' WIIJL. IIWIIFJSIIEIMim of 88.38 miles of traclt, and employ Lewis prize !lght, Floyd 0 Hallock and wife to Arth- mont was made by W. I, Myers, OOV• eggs of dlsonscd mature birds. Re· Stuto or Mlchlgun, rrho Pa·olmto Court for 330 worlwrs earning $349,022.00 an- Ho bet 2 $ with ur Brlldley and wlfo "Lot 147 of ernor of tho Farm Credit Admlnistra- Is Improved by pasteurization but It moving those mature birds roducos tho County of lnnhnm, can not bo classed as 'high quality a or nunlly. The county also receives ns Mr. Gillem and. If Fostol" Farm Lansing, $1 00 etc tlon, nt the nnnunl meeting of the the chance of cltlclts being aft'octed, At BQIIRion Raid Court. hold nt tho Fm­ Its share of the primary school fund it ltnd ended In tho St. Lo.wre~ce hospito.l ~ ArUmr Mortgnge Banlters Association o t mnrket. mlllt, huto OfTico In tho Olty or Mmmn, in IUlld roun .. Clean, well ltept beet· tops fed In Tho cost of the tost is only about ty, on tho 2nd dn.y of Octohor, A, D. 103fl, and In dlect levies $173,609.01 of the fortcentl1 round ln· Bradioy nnd wlfo. "Lot 6 and S% of America, two cents por bird. Tile men awardep Pt•oacnt: liON. L. D. McARTHUR, Jlldge taxes Michigan's rallroo.ds pay Into sted of tho 4th and Lot Bloclt , Original Plo.t of Lo.n- Governor Myers cited tho fact that quantities up to 25 pounds per cow per or PI'Olmto, o, 41 cortlficntes are not permitted to test In tho Mnttct· or tho E•lntc or l.&WIS the state treasury. Bnro had noclted out Lewis pa wood sing " $l 00 etc · Interest rates on farm morlgngcs av- day should not cause any noticeable the flocl1s of others but they co.n elim· HIEDESHEIMER, Dcectc•ctl. Tho picture of the sto.te's ro.ll net- of win 2$ Instead of loselng It, , G~orgo Heldt ~d wife to Arthur J. ero.ged around 8 per cent 19 yoars ngo flavoa· In mlllt If the mangers and Philip II. DlcbcHhclmcl' h11vlng filet! In nnicl !nate pullorum dlsonse frt>m their own court hl11 fJDtltlon prn.ylnR thnt n co,·tnln ln­ worlt Is one of largo proportions. Sundo.y--Los Wllldns & hl.!l wife Rickel and wlfo. "Lot 4 of Bloclt 2 when the banlts wore chartered and stables nrc ltept freo from any por­ floclts.. This will cut tho losses of tions of tho beets not eo.ten by tho atrumot~t In wa·ltlng, pm·not•LinR' to ho tho hllll Twenty-one lines, exclusive of belt, had there baby out rldelng today for of Lyman Add., Lnnslng." $3,000,00. thnt these pormo.nent cooperative in­ baby chlclts purchased by Mlch!gnn will unci tOHtnmont of Kllid f!cconRcd now nn file local o.nd Industrial ro.llways, operate the 1st time sence it was horned. they lillmer F 1\tcCarty and wlfo to Ho.r· atltutlons slnce then have made loans cowa. High producing cows and low farmers. In 1udrl uaurt. be sulmltt~d to rn·obnto, nn•l thnl tho ndmlnlstrn.tlon of auld eHbltc ho Rl'llntml wholly or In po.rt In this state, 'rheir told Ant Emmy they felt free to tnlte ry '1', Kn~wlton and wife. "Lot 35 n.t 5 to 6 par cent on a nntlon-wldo producers appear to bo affected equal· Michigan is one of the Important ly by beet tops as far as abnormal fla­ to Chnrlcn L. Hulett nncl Holler Ilulott Ol' lo Mlchignn tro.clmge totals 8085 miles It out now on acct. they finished pay- Adams Add., Lo.ns!ng," $l.OO etc, basis, Following the establishment of centers of tile chlc!t hatching Indus­ Homo olhol' AUI U\blo IJOI'Hon, and they employ 27,160 worlwrs, earn: lng for It yest!ddy. Octnl.ier 3 the Farm Credit Administration, he vors nrc concerned. Storage of the try. The reputation gained by lhe It IH Q,•,loa·od, Thnt lho 20th ch~y of Oc\ohlll'• ing $33,329,122,311n.1931. The roads ·Munday-Tim Blunts olo made Ant F'rnnlt B. Spaulding. o.nd wife to Ed- said, rates have been pushed dowti to milk does not seem to infons!fy any A. IJ, 103/i, nt Lon o'clocl< In tho forenoon, nt state will be malnta.lned if all lto.tch· Rnld Pt•obntc Office, he nnd is hcl'chy ll!lJHJ!nlctl tEIX bill ran .$8,009,859.77 last year, of died the uther day and ho went to wnrd Belknap and wife. "Lot 81 the all-lime low In this field-4 per flavors which may be present. erymcn use every endeavor to 1m­ foz· hcm·lnR' Hnld fiOlltlon; which all but approximately $250,000, her Funernl today and he told po. that North Highland Subd., Lansing." cent. · provo the quality of their brooding It. IH Furtbct• Ordct-cil, Thnt nubile notice~ locnlly assessed, went Into the primary de honestly belco.ved the onley 2 do.tes $l,OO etc. The governor stressed the fact that thereof bo Jdvon hy )Hihllcntfon of 11 COllY of Learn Way To Raise floclts. thla ot·dcJ•, fo1· thrco 11\ICC'CHKlvo wcclHJ JJrcvl011H school fund. , slte ever had was the ones they were A.lbert H. Smith and wife to Arthur these bnnlts are not government to Hnld dny of hcfll·lnJr, in the Inghnm County Comparing tho states current rail putting on her Toom stone. B. Klnco.ld, Sr. and wife. "Lots 106 banlts, that prior to tbe emergency Quality Of Flocks NcwH, n llOWIIJlllJICl' Jll'lntcd 1uul cll·cullltccl In system with that in peak times, the Teusdo.y-Wird got out that Lilly and 107 Alamo Heights Subd., Lnn- tho farmers owned pro.ctlcally 100 por Prayer must never be answered; If nultl county, r,, D. McAnTHUit, it Is, It ceases to be prayer and be­ (A tt·tiO copy,) Judge or Pl·nbldc. survey shows that In former ycnrs Spriggs win the rolling pin throwing sing Twp.'' $1,00 etc. cent of the stoclt nnd thJLt they now IIIATOHEitiES. WILL PRODUOID comes eorrespondence.-Oscar Wilde. Miln'rHA 'l'Hi\YER, ycnrs 11,274 men were In rn,.llroad contest o.t the PTA plcnlclt last week carl H. McLean and wife to Milton own nearly half, and the way is open UErl'ER OHIOl{S AFTEI~ CULLING Deputy Reglntcr of Probnlc. 4Bwol work In Michigan, eo.rnlng annually and sence then she hllSsent had no J sanford. "Lot 42 Foster Farms for them again to own them com- $G9,512,515.75, and In the Interval 610 dates with her Intended husbend, Add., Lansing." !jll.OO etc. plotely. We ask advice; we mean approba· You cnn't get a high [!esthetic taste, The Intention of the owners of bation.-Colton. lllto trousers, ready made.-S. Gilbert. miles of track ho.ve been abandoned Wensday-Pa seen In tho paper First State Savings Bank to Fannie "Because these banlts havo been and porml~s!on Is now asked to aban- where a man witch was refused a lone A. Mumo, Myrl s. Munro and Rhoda don 516 males more. Tbis decline, at- by tho bo.nlt went and set a bum under Munro. "lil% of SEY, and S% of the temporarily cnlled upon to handle· trlbuted as much to unregulated for- It and blue the banlmp. Po. called the E\!! of NEl!J all on Sec . TlN er.ergency rel!nancing lonna from 1 20 hire truclt competition as to depre~sod bo.nlters attenshun to It here In town. R2W ~xcept portlon of Orand River.': government-appropr!o.ted funds, there conditions, Is noted also in Ingt1am Thlrsday-Phll Jinkins has stnrted $l.oo' etc. . may be some justification for tho mls­ county where In peak days 432 men, to lern tho barber blsness but pa says Duplex Truck Co to Stanley F belief that they are not coopero.tive eo.rnlng $780,129.51 were employed ln be will never get o. long very well at Wellman and wife. ·"Und. 7_16 Inter: and belong to tho government," the locnl rail service. It becuz he has got a stoppage In his est In W 2 rods of E 1 rods of Lot 8 governor conccdod, "Poople forget "This surver vivid!~ proves tho.t speech, of Narmore's Second Add. to Lan· that the federal land bnnlts were as- everyone has a stalte 1ln the rail· sing" $l 00 etc to.bl!shed as farmers' coopero.tlvc ronds," said Floyd E, Dralt,e,, exo,cutlve ...... _.,.,_,,...,.._ .. _-...... , · · Oc.tober • credit institutions. They h~vo a 19- Hoot, Mon! t 0 f th 0 L gu That s t t ·~ yeo.r recot•d of malting sound first secrc ary eo. e. rue l REAL ESTATE Bailey Real Estate, Incorporated, to mortgage fo.rm loans, having built up even though we personally mo.y not j tho Michigan Trust company, "Lot send or receive freight or. travel or TRANSFERS . 24 Block 11 of the Plat of Manufac· o. two billion dollar business on that 1 f th 0 II 0 r own th 0 lr sto I • • basis and are con tinulng to mnlw andwort bonds, or becausero. s they bring in ctho ts ,_,. __,__,.,_ __ ,_,__~ $1turer's 00 etc Add ' No ' 2 ' City of Lansing." loans on a cooperative basis· without things we cat and weal' and live with, Roland z. Herman and wife to J. W. any essential change. tnl:e away the products thnt provide (By Ingham Abstract & Title Co.) Wilford and wife. "Beg. at o. point In "These banlts have given farmers out llvlihood, and they make our lives · Selttomber so W line of Elf.. of NEY, of Soc 27 ln bettor terms thnn they could secure more modern, more closely lt~lt with Merritt J. Sto.bl to William 0. Jnclt· T2N, rum, l.f rods N ~f 1;, se~. line, elsewhere not only n.s to Interest the world by their certain, ICgular, son. The south 22 feet of the east 45 thence S 14 rods, thence lD 6 rods, 9 rates but also the long terms for which muss-movement service. In addition, feet of lot 1, bllt. 84, City of Lansing. ft th nee N rds thence W rds the loans run and Ute provision for 0 14 6 their big property Investments mo.ltc $1 00 t 0 ., .. • • systematic, orderly repal'mont in our county wealthier and our own ' e ' b 9 ft. to beginning. Twp. of Lansing. small Installments.. Compared with 1 property more valuable· they employ s H I"' IOcW dors t c Ada A. VanGorder to Fred H. Van Interest rates previously paid, farm- local men who spend tb~lr pay checlts ' · .-"tc ts an ons 0 ar1 E. Gorder and wife. The E% of lot 10 ers with federal land banlt and land locally o.nd l•eep our buslnesses and Gibbs. Beginning at a point that Is of blk, 11, Bush, Butler and Sparrow's b ' 57 deg. W 339 ft. from SW corner of Add to Lansing $1 00 etc anlt commlsslonor loans will snve merchants , prospet·ous; their taxes Lot 564 of Urbandale No. a Lansing 'l'l~eo Merlo J~lmston to 'Marlon A. over $55,000,000 this year on Interest support om schools Emd malte our own Twp thence s 55 deg w 103 ft s 30 J h t Tl N" f tit NWY, f alone. tax burden lighter and their stoclts de g. ''m 100 ft. s 68 d~g. 42 ft. 'N 23 t~e ~s~Y,; of ;~ct!o~ 2~. an~ also ~0 ~ "The total loans by the federal land a~d bonds back up our lnsuro.nce poll- dog. lD 126 ft. N 32 dcg. 30 ft. w 171 at SW col'ner of the m1,{. of the NW'A. banlts," he said, "now exceed $2,000,· c!Ps, savings accounts, trust and pen- ft. to place of beginning, being situat. of snld sec. 23, thence N 58 rds. 3 ft., 000. One out of every four mortgng­ SI~~l funds; ed on S% of section 23, T4N, R2W, thence E 110 rds., thence s 58 rds. 3 ed farmers lias a cooperative loan, for Yet we ve allowed this major econ- and containing 0.55 acres. Twp. of ft., thence w 110 rds, to beg., all in the number of federal land bank loans om!c factor to become endangered as Lansing. $1.00 etc. TlN n2w $1 00 etc · now exceeds 600,000, the decline In employment and wages. Edward J. Elsenltclmer and wife to · P~ul Judson· and Wilbur Judson "Building along much ti1e same nbovc reveals by compelling them, ex- Fred Lutz and wife. Lot 380 Urbnn- Trustees of the Estate of Natilan Jud: lines as the cooperative fedora! Jnnd THIS SCOTCHMAN cessivuly regulated as they are, to dale No. 1, Lansing Twp. $1.00 etc. son, dccco.sed, to Clyde G. Boello and banks, 560 production .credit assocln­ compete witb unrcgulnted, Improperly Fred I-Cing to Claude A. Gorsline wife Lot 5 Bllt 10 Po.rlt Heights tiona. have been orgamzed and have restricted commcrcio.~ usc of our hig~- and w. Ro.y Gorsline, Co-pal'tnors do- Subd., City of Lan~lng: $1.00 etc. been furnishing short-term production ways, In selfish protection to out· ing business as Gorsline Brothers. Tho Antolnette H Blo.clt and Lowell credit during the lu.st two years, now solves, If nor ?o other re~son, w~ N 11, of lot 1 and the Wlf., of tho N% Blnclt to John Mathieson nnd wife. having loans outstanding amounting ought to stop fighting the 1all roads of lot 2, all In Bloc!t "A" of Spauld- Tho N 41 312 ft of the w 75 ft of to $110,000,000. Similarly, credit has IS THRIFTY and give them the competitive equal- ings Addition to Williamston. :p.oo Lot 78 of· Engle~ood Park Add.' to been mnde available to farmers' coop- ity tlt~y need and t,~at Is theirs Wl a etc. City of Lansing. $l.OO etc. eratlve buying and sellln!f organiza- matter of fair plo.y. I Phillip Seyfried to Crist Passarelll. October 5 tions, through tbe establishment of 13 Lot 5 of Blackwood Subd, to City of McPherson Real Estate co. to John banlts for cooperatives. These bnnlts Educating a child Is teachln!f l1lm Lansing. $1.00 etc. Rupp ~nd wife lot 37 McPherson •s have served the credit needs of over how to get along without us.-Ernest Robert s. Shaw and wife to Law- Heatherwood s'ubd. N~. 2, Lansing; 1,000 local cooperative marlt~llng and Legouve. renee E .. Osmer and wife. Lot 72 of $1.00 etc. o purchasing organ!zo.tlons whteh Is five But he would blush for Glen Cairn Subd., City of lDast Lnn· Amy Marie Campbell to P[lul M. times the number served at any one sing. $1.00 etc. Axline and wife lot 23 Broolts Add time by the old Federal Farm Board." DR. C. W. CLEAVER Archer J. Gllbe1't to Helen G. Park- to the Dell;a E~t Lansing; $1.00 etc: "In brief," Governor Myers said, er. "W 22 ft. of N 8 rods of Lot No. ' "the Farm Credit Administration Is a shame if he knew the 1 nnd E 6 ft. of N 8 rods of Lot 2, cooperative credit system th1·ough MwlOn-Phone 11Sl 0 1 1 1 1 0 Bloclt 2, Hall's Add., Lansing." $1.00 E'' ' o ' ' • • ~ ' ' ' o ' ' ' '' l which fo.rmers reach the investment etc. HEALTH AND HYGIENE marltet and obtain funds for long-term Plates $10.00 1 Willard A. Greenman and wife to -·.. , ,.· _ .._,t credit, short-term credit and credit for 0 Cleanlng $1.00 Archer J. Gilbert. "W 22 ft. of N 8 - -· • ·- cooperative marltetlng and pmchasing returns Jerome Tanghe rods of Lot 1 and E 6 ft. of N 8 rods organizations. Tbese loans ure made of Lot 2, Bloclt 2, Hall's Add., Lo.n- N~:·~;~~~~~~t~t~":J~~~t ~~~rt~~~n

Chiropractic Health Service

I"nura: 9 to 12 a. m. 2to flp.m. 7to Sp.m.

Physical Culture Hotel, Inc. Dannvillc, New York IDEAL lor Health Tralnlnr, Va· catlona and Recreation. NATURAL METHODS ONLY­ NO MEDICINES, DRUGS OR OI'ERA TJONS, l'racllcally all ollmenlo r01pond fCI&dlly to OUr l]'ltcm Of Jleoltb Tralnin• and reault1 are often mlro.culoua. MODERATE RATES-no extru­ lhc waakly rato covara all char1ca. Tblo lo not a boopllol-bodrldden ptraone and thoae aurterlnr from cantaaloua, vanaual, tuberculAr er JDtntal dlaorde~ra not &Lcc:aptad. Llterat11re Free - No Obligation II JOU wloh to enjoy tho prlcolooo blo11lnl' of GOOD HEALTH uk for complete Information, It may bo tho turalar point In Jour Ulo, Lari'Ut but oqulppod and mool ouccoulul lnolltutlon of tho kind In lho world. Thouoando tutllr lo tha 1DarYC1Iou1 r11ult1 of natural rna thode. Founded b D1rnarr Mac• IAddon wbo baa 1p1n1 WOLVERINE lllollmo teochlna · ' A lc•gal r01161'Vo stook oomp11.11y provJnr Ph71lca lpt!Oiallztng lo Culturo m1a1urn In• COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE aura JODd baaltb lor PROTECTION all, Barno" Mocflllldtn HERSCHEL JEWETT WRITE TODAY Mention thl1 pa_por and nc1IY1 Phone 273-M valuoblo Health llooklot. PHYSICAL CULTURE HQTEL, lac. Danovllle, Now York

STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, OffiOULA· WINDS BLOW TION, ETO., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF OONGUES8 OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AND il\IAROH S, 1988 Of The Ingham County News, published weeldy at Mason, Michigan, the year around, our WIND­ ~IAROONS WIN A GA~IE for October l, 1935. VIctory-hungry Maroon followers STORM policies pay for any were perlced up slightly Monday night State of Michigan, County of Ingham, ss. when the Mason reserves downed the Before me, a notary public In and for the state and county aforesaid, wind damage. Charlotte reserves 7 to 6 at Athletic pe1·sonally appeared Nelson D. Brown, who, having been duly sworn ac­ field, Mason came from. behind to win cording to law, deposes and says that he Is the business manager of the In the fourth quarter. Some of the Ingham County News, and that the foJlowing Is, to the best of his ARE YOU INSURED? young Maroons showed promls9 In the lmowledge and belief, a true· statement of the ownership, management, tilt. (and If a dally paper, the circulation), etc., of th-e aforesaid publication Better be safe than soiTy, our for the date shown In the above caption, required by the Act of August IIIASON TEAMS WIN 24, 1912, u.s amended by t~e Act of March 3, 1933, embodied in section rates are lower. Mason elementary grades defeated 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reserve _side of tbls Dansville elementary grades In a dla· form, to. wit: mond ball game at Mason Tuesday l, That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing McCOWAN night. The Mason girls also beat the editor, and business managers are: Dansville girls. The Mason ball play­ Publisher, V. J. Brown & Son, Mason, Michigan. Abstract Office ers came from behind In the lo.st two Editor, V. J. Brown, Mason, Michigan, Innings to win 15 to 11. There wo.s Business Manager, Nelson D. Brown, Mason, Michigan, heavy hitting on both sides. 2. That the owner Is: (If owned by a corporation, Its name and ad­ dress must be stated and also Immediately thereunder the names and I FAR MALLS Now in 3 Si:e.s­ ...... addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of a Si:c for Eve~· Fam1. ...,,,,,,, , ," total amount of stoclc. If not owned by' a corporation·, the. names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, Its name and address, as well as those of each Individual member, must be given): v. J. Bro1vn Ma:· Tractor ·Power Is eon, Michigan; Nelson D. Brown, Mason, Michigan. · ' O.UWUoo! ~ ~~loTha.t everyone :2M~'~~~~ who ho.s money here Is a partner in the bus!· ~~ 3, That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold· ness? · • ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If' there are none, so state.) None. ~ That It Is owned by everyone who has a dollar or more In- ~ Power For Speed ! · vested here? · 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own· DANSVILLE WINS ers, stockholders, and. security holders, if any, contain not only the llst ~ That the officers and directors are acting In the nature of. ~ Dansville aeventh and eighth grad· of stockholders and security holders as they appe11r upon the books of This is late season, corn is late, beans are late, and fall trustees, and do not own the business? ers trimmed M:88on seventh and eighth the company but also, In cases where the stockholder or security holder ~ That It Is an Institution of the people, by the people, for the grllders 6 to 3 In dla.mond bllll at appears upon the booka of the company as trustee or In ll.lly other work is piling up on us. Now is the time to get that Farm· .. • people and the home? •··.... ~ DansvUle Tuesday afternoon, The fiduciary relation, the. name of the person or corporation for whom such , · That there bavo b. een no failures of building and loan asso- Mason team went higher than Gilroy's trustee Is acting, Is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain All to speed up the fall plowing and wheat drilling. Regard- · ciations In M:lcblgan during the po.st three years of trying ~ kite In the first Inning to allow Dans- statements embracing lloftlant's full knowledge and bellef as to the cJ.io- ~ vlJle to make five scores on three hits cumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security hold· less of the size of your farm there is a Farm-All that will and four l)rrors, From that, point on era who do not appear upon the books .of the company as truateea, hold fit your acreage. Mason settled down and played good atock and aecurltles In a capacity other than that of a bona flde owner; .~ ,,..,, Wll! Nat!nnat ir!!!!!! & ~ baseball. · Dansville added another tn and this lloftlant bas no reason to belleve that any other person, asaocla· the fourth,. Maaon picked up two tlon, or corporation bas any Interest direct or Indirect In the l&ld stoclt, McCormick-Deering plows are built to go with the Farm- . runs in the second and another In the banda, or other aecuriUea th&D as so stated by him. ~ Jnurstmrnt Qtompang ~ third. Better bo.se running would li. That the average number of copies of each Issue of thla publica· All but they can be adapted to most any tractor. ' These have given Muon the game. Chief tlon sold or distributed, through the malls or otherwlle, to paid sub. ~ Established 1889 Detroit, Mich. ~ Kabgegab, Muon center gardener, scribers during the twelve month& preceding· the .d&te shown above Is plows are built to ~~ar and while light in construction are 1250 Griswold Street · ~ was the star, Re handled five hard 228i, (This Information Is required from dally publications only), Detroit's Oldest Building. & Lonn As· · EOERAM.i!R E hit balls perfectly and poled out a · NELSON D. BROWN, Bualneas Manager. strong. The plows balance and the draft is light. - ~ 11oclatlon. Member Federal Home NK YS;:;:::-.·"""'" ~ double and a single, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of September, 1935. L Loan Bank Sy11tem. . . There is one thing you can bet your D. C. DART,· ~ · Local R~preHDtatlve: Wm. H. Jolwlo11, LuUi , last nlckle on and· that 11 the "soak (SEAL) (My commission expires Oct. 11, 1985.) C. W. Couch & Son. the rich" Idea will wind up by soaking Notary Public, Ingham County~ Michigan Ph~ne 362 ·~~'-''...... , '''''' everybody.-Eureka, Kana., Herald. '------J


ROSTER OF COUNTY OFFICERS @IROUI1; OOURT OTIIIDR OOUNTY OFFIOERS Tlllrtlcth Judlollll Olrcult Treasurer Clarence W Loclt Muaon Torma January 2nd Mondny In Jnnunry at MIIBon Register ot Deeds mthel L. Phllllpa Mason March 2nd Monday In Mnrch nt L11nalng M11y Dra n Comml8sloner Fr11ncls N B11temnn Lnnolng 2nd Moodily In M11y at Mll8on September 2nd School Commlaoloner Fred m Searl MIIBon Mondny In September at L11nolng Judgco Hon CharlcD B Collingwood and Hon county Surveyor W111tcr Ill Zimmer Maeon Leland W C11rr Road Commlls11lon C H Murray cho.lrman Bunltor Prosecuting .A ttorncy Don D McCUllough I an sing hUI L T L118cnby Mason A H PbUJipa Lan ~..Balotant Benj11mln F Wal:.!lon Lllnelng Main sing office Capital Blllllt 'IIower Lanolng C1>unty Hlghw11y Engineer Jaclt Raltowslty M118on Sherlct Alliin A.. M11cDonald Manon Dog Warden Clay Brllden M118on Court 01l'lcer Chauncey Wymllll Lanolng County Relle! Commlsalon C R Hotter mllBt Lan Probation Officer and Friend of tho Court Laird s ng A B Ball Y:11aon Joseph Dunnebnclte Troyer Lansing Lan.slng Circuit Court Commlosloncra C11rl H McLean 11nd Alvin A Neller Lansing Sold ers and S111lors Relief Commlsalon Rob&t J Inghram M11son C J Whiting Million B W PROBATE OOUR'I F.!WJhnell Lealie Malo office In Mason branch at Lllllelng In Bauch Bldg open Mondays and Tllursdaye State Conservation Olrlcer Glen Murplcy Judge Hon L B McArthur Mason Residence 210 Ill Maple street Probate Register Charles A Clinton Mllion County Welfare Agent Mrs Ch118 Lawton Lanslng Juvenile Probation 01llcer J M Hewitt Masoa Old Age Pension Boo.rd Mrs ChllB Lawton Lao Suporvlaor of Mother e Pensions Mrs Karen L~ sing chairman Judge L B McArthur Mason man Lansing MrB Terry Corliss Lansing OOUNTY OLERI{ Superintendents of Poor S S Main Lansing C C Ma n off ce at MIIBon branch In Lansing city ball Foster Hll81itt William S Rhodes Mason Clerlt C Ross Hllllnrd M118on Dog Wardens Clay Brll.dcn Mason John Mycre Lllllslng Chief Deputy Flora G Dewey Lansing La.nsln!;'

·························~ l PROCEEDINGS OF MORTGAGE SALE SUMMARY CIRCUIT COURT I Listed below are dates placea at sale condeneed descrlptioae of Talten trom Journal Eatrlee of property approximate amounts of mortgages the mortgagors and f t:lw Circuit Oourt mortga~;cea and the attorneys In foreclosuree occurring within the t ...... ~····~~~ next thirty ~aye While great cure has been tr.lten In the compiling of this summary thu publishers of the Ingham County Newe do not guarantee Its 11ccuracy and will accept no responslblllty therefor This summary Is complied and puhl shed for the protection ood conven lence of both mortg11gora and mortgagece and oilier Interested portiea

DcfBult having been modo n t.ho condiUono of a rca Clltnl8 111ort1!'1180 whe c~r tho powor ot Bnlo there n contained becnmo operative modo br Arthur E. Nichola and Ethel G Nlch olo buobMd nnd wlfo to tho Ma110n Build ng and Loon AoaoclnUon of Moaon Michigan dated Julr 6th 1n2B and reco ded In tho or fico of tho Rcll'lo18r of Dccdo of Ingham Coun b' Michigan on luiJ' lOth U23 In Llbcr 22T of .,..._ aa P- Cll Said mortna bavlnll' been aoolgncd bv tho mortgaace to A A Blfiii!M br .,,hrnmcnt recorded In oald rccocda In Llber 216 of Mort­ RIIIICI! on Pap 219 oald mortsue lndebtcdncu ba lng been Mourned by Gorald A Parson• and A8'11 .. M Paraono huaband and wife upon which mortgap \hero to bOW duo and unpaid tho prlnc pal aum of U62C 69 and ln18reet In tho sum of 16 09 and no ou t at low bovlag been atortcd to reeover l&id dcbta or onr part thcl'IIOf Notice Ia horeb7 riven thot on Frld11 the 18th da1 ol October 1915 ot to o clool lcrvlllo on Wedn·o~day night, Novom· . OmlcB dc[l.. • b 13 Members of school boards from rur· Arthur Nichols, socond ·VIce president; Loonard Walllno Is president of lhc at $1.95. I. tho teachers held lmslneas sessions, or ' ------. al and grfldod acl1ools and sup'orlnton· Mrs. Leo Burton, secretary; Mrs, V. freshman class, Bernard Fancher Is ! Arthur Iianson or Stocltbrldgo was dents of graded ichool systems met In L. Plllmer, treasurer; Mrs. Montio vlco president and Bernard Bush Is 1cloctod president. of the nasoclatlon At sovcnty.aevcn It Is time to bo the court room ·In Mason Monday to Woodard, chaplain; Mrs. Wnltor sccrotary and trcnsuror, 1 AND SO TO BED IN A and Joseph D. Wyman of Mason was onrnost.-Samuel Johnson, hoar explanallons of new school aiel Il Commlssll>ner Freel E. Searl Wllodon [Jl'esontcd gifts to Mrs. Bur- reporter. and County T!'oasuror Clarence W. ton and Mrs, Palmer In appreciation Printed ot· plains-only the idea is related to Loelt appeared before the scho1>l of their loyalty as secretary flnd trcas· your gmnny's nightie-the styles arc new- board members and explained new uror during her rogimo as president. Death Claims Father cozy long sleeves •. Priced 59c and up, '· COLD WEATHER legislation affecting the operation of Mrs, Wiled en was given a gift by Mrs. schools. C. W. Browne, who expressed the Of Mason Inetructor IS ON Dr, Elliott explained the provisions gratitude of tho auxiliary f1>r her ser- -- or the Thatcher·Saur law which was vice. Refreshments were served f1>l- iMAN SUFFEitED STit oquallzo seho1>l tuxatlon lowing tho ceremonies. LIS'I'I!lNING 'J.'O S~RIES, THE WAY and to lower the property tux' for The members of the, Baptist Wo- Wllllam E. Pierce, 7(), father of KID DIES! school support, and which provides for man's Union have set November 8 as Cyrus Pierce, Mason high school payment l>f high sohl>ol tultll>n by the the date for tlielr annual chlelwn pic science teachm·, died Sunday at tho state and for higher wages for teach- supper. home In Middleton; Mr. Pierce suf- One, two and three Jliecc sets; blues, bt·owns, ors. He also explained that the state fered a atrolto of apoplexy. at the reds and greens. Sizes up to Hi and. priced wlll grant teachers~ certificates, wlll The Pllllathcas of the Baptist church close 1>f Friday's ll·lnnlng game be· aid In providing junior college tuition ill t , ld t b ttl tween Delroi,t and Chlcug1>, Ho had $:3.95 and up, · .. ' ancj pay a portion of transportation w mec •' r ay, . 0 c 0 or 18 ' w 1 b t hb h d 11 t costs in rural consolidated schools. Mrs. Alfred Allen at two o'cll>clt, eon a a ne1 g or o1> gllBo no s a- tll>n listening to the broadcast. At ·Fewer Baclt Taxes Tho Mason 4·H Needlecraft club tbe finish of the game be slumped Mr. Lock told the board members met Saturdfly, October 5, at the home back Into a chair. It was several NOW IS THE TIME not to banlt too heavJiy l>n tho [lilY· 1>f the leader, Miss Ethel Arend. Of- minutes before his friends l'Ofllfzed Mr, mont of delinquent tuxes In malting up fleers wero elected as foll1>ws: Joyce Pierce's condltll>n. I-Ie was then tak­ budgcts, He explained that future Every, president; Marjorie Eifert, en to his homo but failed to regain to think of maldng Pillow Cases for Christ· payment of delinquent tax money wlll vice president; Jefln Collflr, secJ·etary; consciousness and died Sunday flfter· mas gift giving, A fine quality linen finish bo but 50 or 00 per cent of the pay· Doris Th1>mpson, treasurer; and Mar- noon. ments of the plll!t year In which many garot S[Jarllng, t•ecreatlonal leader. Mr. Pierce was a frequent visitor to tubing ideal for fancy work. 42 inches wide .. property owners toolt advantage of Mrs. D1>rls Puffenbarger, county ox- Mason. He is SUI'VIvcd by the widow, Yat·d 25c, m1>ra.torlum legislation. Both Mr. tension chairman, was present t1> OX· a daughter, Mrs. Earl wmort 1>f Ai· L1>clt and Dr. Elliott said, that In their plain to tho group of 12 girls enroJied. ma, Clnd the son and a grandson of opinion tux cancellation has become tho requirements 1>f first, second, and Mason. a dead Issue. Under tho Moore-Hoi· third year clothing projects . .';t'he next beclt bJll many of the delinquent taxes meeting wUI be held at "Margaret They call it slum removal and slum PARKHURST'S wlll be spread over a 10-year period. Sparling's h1>me 1>n Saturday, October clearance in Washington and under Mr. Searl prefaced his discussion of 19. After the business meeting was tbese titles they sell Lt to the Amcri· scho1>i problems by stating that he Is adjourned, those present listened to Cfln people as something socially de· ...... ,...... "il....., northern woods ab1>ut this time of now In his 25th year as bead of the the world series game at Chicago. slrable. But what It all comes to Is year Is the cell growth on the leaf Ingham school ~ystem and his 51st Later rofl'oshments were served. the rem1>val of bum real estate from year as teflcher In the Ingham schools. WEATHER base which gradually choltes off tho DON'T WAIT! the ha.nda of owners who don't !mow ! t down'ward flow of sap. Frost has noth· He said that he had been subjected to The first meeting of tl10 Mns1>n Wo­ what fo do with it and ought to be f OBSERVATIONS f lng to do with leaf coloring, although Combination storm and screen doors will almost pay for crltlcism because of low wages paid man's club was held Tuesday at the glad to be rid of It at alm1>st any the notl1>n prevails that it has, The rural teachers. h1>me of Mrs. Mattie Webb, with Mrs. price,-Chicagl> Tribune...... ~ ...... , acids of the hardwoods produce red themselves this winter in fuel savings. Furthermore, the "Because I saw the whole problem Ida M. Kerns and J14rs, .Cora Robert· leaves, and the combined act11>n of and !mew of the t1>ttering financial son assisting the hostess, Roll call was given by Mrs. c. w. Browne. Re· Ice nearly a quarter Inch thlclt was acids and alltli!ls are responsible for doors can be changed to screen doors for the summer. This structure of the !'Ural schools, because was "It Happened During Vacation!' froshments were served. Mrs, Jaclt formed Saturday night. SI>Uthwcstern the yellows, purples and o the r of duties as a member of the tax al- Mrs. Allee Bell, president, greeted the Eames was named as dolegnte to the Michigan grape growers were hard shades." means a saving in time and labor and comfort for summ~· location committee of the county and members. The new year bo1>lts were district c1>nvention at Ann ArbQr, hit, losing 95 per cent of their cr1>p in as well as winter. Let us show you the adv~ntage of com­ because of experience as a taxpayer, presented by Mrs. Jaclt Eames, Mrs. Mrs, c. F. Schultz is ulternate, li!l sections except those close to Lalte Warmer weather 'lllld frequent show· I realized that wages must be ltept C. A. Parlthurat gave a report of the Michigan and except In ICalamazoo ers have made up the weather menu bination st01m and screen doors, li>W if schools were to remain open," triennial convention held In Detroit In The w. c. T. u. will meet with Mrs, county. The frozen grapes are no the past week. At Ann Arbor Satur­ Mr. Searl sflld. "Now the state has the summer. Mrs. Parlthurst told of Harry Peolt Tuesday at two-thirty. good for grape juice and jelly but can day there WllS a flurry of snow be· c1>me to the aid 1>f the sch1>ols and .I the spealfers and Illustrated her tallt An tntoresting program has been pre· be used In wineries. However only tween halves but Sunday and Monday A storm sash will also aid in cutting the fuel bills. By am heartily In favor 1>f doing the right with photogmphs. She also told of pared. one-sixth the grape crop goes Into brought warmer weather . being put on over other windows, it lreeps the inner window· .thing by the teachers. There can be meeting Mrs. Roberta Cllmpbell Law- . wine and the growers face heavy no hard and fast rules drawn up to son, the sister of the late Wlll Rogers, Rehearsli!s have begun on the play, losses. Slicing of beets will begin flt the from frosting over, and g·ives clearer vision and also reduce~. cover ·teachers' wages, Wages are who was elected president at tho con· "Here C1>mes Charlie", to be present· Lansing factory this week. Haulers for sottlemerit ·between school boards ventlon. Mrs. Webb was presented ed by the Mas1>n College club Friday Joe sturgeon of the Delta Re[Jorter stai·ted worlt Tuesday and the stoclt the amount of cold air that can get into your home. . ' · and :teachers."' · · with a b1>X of candy monogrammed night, November 1, at the school. The at Gladstone, Is going Into the weath· plies are growing rapidly. . · At uie . suggestion · of the school with her Initials, as a birthday annl- play Is being directed by Mrs. Robert or 1>bservollon field. He Is studying "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING''. · I stoner a committee was ap versary gift from the club. A rep1>rt Bolin, Other members of the c1>mmlt- the action of frost on leaves. Here Is The state highway department is (. · ~~fn~J to worlt with a· committee t~ of the picnic at the Woman's Home tee are Mrs. Nell Hinkley, Miss Cora what he has to say on the subject: going Into action against Insects at. be chosen· from teachers· in ascertain· ------~ McCurdy· and Miss Sylvia Barbour. "The belief Is common that Jaclt t!J.cldng trunlt line trees. Three spray. lng needed clianges In textboolts. Mr. of Aurelius and Get•ald Diamond of The cast Includes Mary Morris, Don· Frost brings the autumnal colors, and ing outfits have been purchased for s'ea.rksald that some tex:ts tised for Vevay. nan Davidson, Mrs. N. S. Davis, Brew- It Is l'llther difficult to correct that tiae next season. This year al1>ng miles Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. . upwards of 10 years have become ob· C. H. Whitney of Stockbridge pre· ster Ellis, John Yale, Bertha Hays, Impression. of trunlt lines Insects defoliated wnl· solete and should be changed. The dl- sided at tbe meeting of directors. He Roy Adams, Sylvia Barbour and John "There Is an old saying ·that 'Jaclt nut, butternut and 1>alt trees. War Is Mason Phones 16 and 17 rectors chosen to malte the study are was re-elected president of the ass1>cl· Dart. The name of ono member of Frost paints the forests', but the real to bo waged on leaf-eating worms and E. A. Tyler of Alniedon, R'ay DeCamp ation for the coming year. the cast wJll not be revealed. reason for the vivid coloring of the bugs next year. ·

MAYTAG DEMAND BRINGS FULL CARLOAD FORMASON Now is the time to get your Maytag. A full carload shipment-of .the latest models is here. Come in and .see the famous sqqare, I cast-aluminum tub Model 30, with latest improvements. .It has the Maytag gyratator washing action, roller water remoy~r, sed· iment trap and other Maytag advantages. / . . ; ·, . . . A Maytag gives you greater value, many exclusive advanta.ges, and more years of satisfactory service. Easy terms 'make 'the · purchase convenient. / \ For houses without electricity, any Maytag may be equipped with rasoline Multi-Motor. \ \ C. W. O,OUCH & 50~ Mason, Mloh. Pho'ne 362 \, I . •,