The Impact of the WPI PLAN on Students. a Report of a Three Year
18 Mr. fAhies 1,,,low show the numher students on the Plan and the number in fhadifional pro,;ram who tool,.the examination and either passed lyf from the data is that there was a sLafisri.illy ficAnt d111,,riecc hctt...t.en the s-ores ot thy Plan students who Ihe Plan i And the non-Plan students w11,, did likewise. AverAd 8 t. a. h thei sc ii s tfhis includes scures both Af fhose nased And wit, did a i,ass, Assn ,i,ht that tunics ho d d not pass received rain S;c., i.e., 65--fhe lioarJ would no m,lanert: whi i e the non-Pian students figured on a sc)res of 8.37. W10 Look the examination, 887, passed (average score not AL WPI, the Plan students who Look the examination pat;sed and h At.terage passing score was 8 .8;for the non-Plan students, only pas'-ed tne xam and their average passing score was80.6. In hriet, no matter hot,one examines the data, itis readily apparent ngineering competency, there is no way that t1taf, an rht:-; part ( lar index ,i .)ne can say that tiw P1An studeats did notsurpass the non-Plan students to some extent. hi a indexis only one indicatP,n ot actual engineering competency,and many other factors ths: he Laken into account, manyprofessionals in the field r,,ard thy EIT test_ ic ores As sili,nificant. and "hard" datawhich indicates the This EIT result: then, points to the valueof value of -1 petf.*Aa a An en'f;i.neer.
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