Board of Works to Be Formed the New Mayor
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THE CHATHAM PRESS VOL. XX. NO. 2 CHATHAM, MORRIS CQUNTYr N; J.f JANUARY 8, '19UT PRICE, iTVE CENTS which should be replaced with new as Jeremiah C. White, a Democrat, for BOARD OF WORKS soon as possible. The report was ac- THE NEW MAYOR many years, was abolished, and J. THE HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION cepted and filed. • Fred Runyon was elected clerk of com- A tentative budget of $17,000, the mittees at a salary of $100 a month. TO BE FORMED same as last year, was adopted, which ' IS SWORN IN His predecessor received $75. It was LOOK—REMEMBER. their eyes as they come In sight of budget will be revised, downward we stated tliat Mr. Runyou muBt give his the home-place. hope, when the various committees An Ordinance Providing for F. L. Auble To SUC* time to the work, audit all bills sub- Dr. Florence Richards will speak at If this is the worth-while-thing In have made their estimates of the mitted, ami keep track of things In the Public School Auditorium this Sat- life, home-dwellers must train the Such a Body Introduced at amounts to be expended during the Ceed Him HS a Member general. urday afternoon, January 8th, at 2.30 young for home-making; boys for year. The present budget is made up the Council Meeting A tentative budget of $450,175 was o'clock,. Admission free to all mothers fatherhood and girls for maternity. It of the following amounts: Roads, LIST OF APPOINTMENTS^.,lopted as against $505,000 for 1916. and daughters over twelve years. Sub- is too serious for guess work. $4,000; fire, $500; health, $300; sink- OTHER BOROUGH BUSINESS ject, "Eugenics for Girls." ing fund, $1,700; general borough, The new Council for 1916 met on I Special Music Herrice. $3,000; police, $1,200; joint sewer, KATCRE NOTES FOB LITTLE Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to I special music service will be held At the first regular councll^meetiuK $1,800; sewer maintenance, $2,600; A The education that the world most PEOPLE. of the new body on Monday evening, organize for the new year. The elec- to-morrow evening at the Ogden Me- needs is for good parent-hood, that liKht th« feature of the session was the in- maintenance. $2,000. tion of last November completely church, under the direction of which will help all of us to understand This week we had expected to bare The annual report of the police de- troduction of an ordinance providing changed the control of the Council, liss Esther White, the director of the that In every child are infinite pos- something about sheep, but there was for the establishment of a Hoard of Partment showed thirty-two arrests, from that of a fusion of Democrats, hoir. The order of service for this sibilities for good, and that to know not time to do the little story. It may Public Worp, which Is to pcrtbrm the thirty-two complaints, forty-three given j Progressives and Independent Ilepub- , vening will be as follows: how to develop them is to render the come for you next week and here are work hlthi lodging Three were committeed to Means, who ran on a reform ticket Irgan Prelude—Pastoral Matthews earth and Heaven the highest service. four little verses while we wait: Water CoAiissionerB, which will be jail, one discharged, fourteen lined, one two years ago, to Republican. Then inthem—Jubilate Deo Schilling The Sheep. held for grand jury, two dismissed, one \ is now only one lone member of this legislated out of office, and in addition Invocation and the Lord's Prayer "The Girl or To-day Is the Mother of "Lazy sheep, pray tell me why 1 will take charge of the sewerage and reprimanded and discharged, three sen- reform party left, Councilman Wesley' (chanted) To-morrow." In the grassy fields you lie, drainage work of the Borough. tences suspended, one turned over to R. Conklin, a Democrat. The Creed and the Gloria Last week, our talk upon sex educa- Eating grass arid daisies white, other police, one paroled,- one turned From the morning till the night? The ordinance, which Is based on Mayor-elect William G. Badgley-Re8ponsiV(, Reading tion was plain. It is no time for low Everything can something do, Chapter 219 of the Laws of 1912, pro over to Rahway reformatory, two com- tendered his resignation as council- Carol- Let All Men Sing God's Praises mumbling, or "beating about the But what kind of use are you?" vides that Immediately upon its pass- plaints withdrawn, and costs imposed man, which was accepted, and he was old Bohemian bush." We are arriving at the answer age It shall be the duty of the mayor upon one. The lines imposed Including then sworn in as Mayor. The two Hymn 320—Coronation to our realest problem, and we are "Nay, my little master, nay, Do not serve me so, I. pray; to appoint six "suitable citizen"??" of the costs, amounted to $87.85. The new councilmen, Charles H. Van Wert ScrlpUm- Lesson facing it In the light. was accepted and filed. and Lewis R. Brown, were sworn in p Don't you see the wool that grows Borough as a Roard of PublTc Works. raver Neither are we "picking up" a learn- On my back to make you clothes? Two of these are to be appointed for Mayor lladgley appointed Ezra F. as counellmen and took their seats as Offertory- MyiShepherd Sartl ing aa to how it Is right to rear Robert Cold, ah! very cold you'd get * one year, two for two years and two Ferris constable, and the council con- members. Former Mayor L. S. Page Hymn 152 Faber and Rose. We think we are going If I did not give you It. curred In the appointment. was Invited to sit with the council- Address for three years. about It intelligently. To be sure that "Sure, It Beems a pleasant thing They are to have charge of the water The annual report of Overseer of the men at this organization meeting. Carol—Gloria in Excelsis Old French it is entirely true, come and hear Dr. Mayor Badgley then appointed Floyd p yer To nip the daisies in the spring. plant, and the water distribution sys- Poor William H. Shuster was read, and ra Florence Richards. She will talk to But many chilly nights I pass L. Auble as councilman tor one year Hymu .135—Diadem tems, with power to fix rales and gov- showed that several families had been us about preparation for mother-hood. On the cold and dewy grass, to succeed himself, and the Council .Benediction ern the business generally; and the helped to small amounts, two sent to This is essentially an/opportunity for Or pick a scanty dinner where unanimously confirmed the appolnt- All the common's brown and bare. same applies to the electric light sys- the county poor house, and two chil- Organ Postlude- Quest of the Magi showing our girls how they belong in tem. They have power to make exten- dren to the Children's Home at Parsip- ment. Matthews the home, and for a beginning ac- "Then the farmer comes at last, sions, Improvements and alterations, pany. Mr. Shuster said that clothing The Council, as at present consti- quaintance with a personal ideal, When the merry spring Is past. except that they cannot bond the Ilor had been given him by some of the tuted, consists of Lawrence Day, which is the image that a girl forms And cuts my woolly coat away To warm you In the winter's day; ough for any purpose, and all their acts women's organizations of the local Wesley R. Conklin, Louis R. Brown, of her own possible later Belt. ihtmhe:. which he had given to needy EMPLOYMENT Little master, this is why are subject to the approval of the coun- F. L. Auble, Charles H. Van Wert and In this boasted age of progresB, we In the grassy fields I lie." poor. There are no needy cases in the cil^ Joseph Walden. Lawrence Day was are paying scientific attention to ani- —ANN TAYLOR. So far the powers of the Hoard of | borough at present. The report was ac- elected president of the Council. OF CHILDREN mal industry, and to drawing out the Public Works coincide with the pres cepted. After prayer by the Rev. Laurens hidden energies of the soil, but only (JIOTTO, THE SHEPHERD BOT. ent Board of Water Commissioners, but 1 A coinniunlcatiun from A. L. Page H Seelye, pastor of the Congrega- County Superintendent a few mothers are training theii the ordinance gives the new body fur- 'thanked th > road committee of the tional Church, who asked for a unity 'laughters to the truth of what they aken From Marion M. George's Book. mil for the prompt response to his I of spirit for community good, with a ther powers In the care and mainte- Claims That Such Work are. Girls approaching the age of There once lived in Italy a shep- special plea that more and better pro- nance of the sewer in the bor- request that the road at Stanley be re: : Is Illegal grown-up womanhood whose minds erd boy named Olotto. His home vision be made for the needs of the ough and with the drainage system. It paired, and asking that when the are nourished chiefly on airy dreams was a little stone cottage on the side children, the Council got down to Is specifically enjoined, however, from weather was suitable further work be of parties and clothes, are looking f a hill.