28910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 8, 1999 out-of-town parents of cancer patients. He was fundraising arm of the First Baptist Church of the first and second games of the 1919 World someone who truly recognized the joy of giv- Orlando, to be used for the expansion of a Series to the Reds; ing and making a difference in the lives of chil- Christian school. Whereas in , a criminal dren. In the most recent years of his life, Payne court acquitted ‘‘’’ Jackson of Payne was also a devoted family man, who the charge that he conspired to throw the Stewart devoted his life to his family and his 1919 ; was proud that his faith in God provided him faith in God. Whereas despite the acquittal, Judge with strength and peace. Though his love for Payne Stewart’s love for America was a , ’s first the game of golf ran deep, his love for his great credit to the game of golf and to our commissioner, banned ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jack- family ran deeper still. He was a dedicated fa- country. son from playing for ther and husband. On more than one occa- I urge my colleagues to join me in extending life without conducting any investigation of sion, Payne commented publicly that he most the House of Representatives’ deepest condo- Jackson’s alleged activities, issuing a sum- enjoyed being at home, being a father, making lences to Payne Stewart’s family, and to the mary punishment that fell far short of due process standards; breakfast, and taking his kids to school. families of Robert Fraley, Van Arden, Michael I know that many Floridians will miss him Whereas the evidence shows that Jackson Kling, Stephanie Bellegarrigue, and Bruce did not deliberately misplay during the 1919 deeply. Many in Central Florida will miss him, Borland. World Series in an attempt to make his team not only because of his golf career and be- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, lose the World Series; cause of his wit, but because of his charitable I have no further requests for time, and Whereas during the , contributions. But a lot will miss him person- I yield back the balance of my time. Jackson’s play was outstanding—his batting ally. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- average was .375 (the highest of any player from either team), he set a World Series But I think the people who are obviously BONS). The question is on the motion going to miss him most will be his wife, Tra- record with 12 hits, he committed no errors, offered by the gentleman from Florida and he the only home of the series; cey, and his two wonderful children, Chelsea (Mr. MILLER of Florida) that the House and Aaron. Our hearts go out to them, to Whereas because of his lifetime ban from suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Major League Baseball, ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Payne’s family. He was a great man, a great lution, House Resolution 344. Jackson has been excluded from consider- golfer. His life ended in tragedy, but he gave The question was taken. ation for admission to the Major League so much to so many. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Baseball Hall of Fame; Although we continue to mourn the loss of on that I demand the yeas and nays. Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson died in Payne Stewart and his contributions to the 1951, and 80 years have elapsed since the 1919 The yeas and nays were ordered. world of sports, his community and to his fam- World Series scandal erupted; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ily, we are blessed to have been influenced by Whereas recently, Major League Baseball ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the his enthusiasm and love for life, which none of Commissioner took an important Chair’s prior announcement, further us will soon forget. Payne Stewart is husband, first step toward restoring the reputation of proceedings on this motion will be ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson by agreeing to in- father, golfer and friend who will be long re- postponed. vestigate whether he was involved in a con- membered and long cherished. f spiracy to alter the outcome of the 1919 Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, World Series and whether he should be eligi- Payne Stewart transcended the game of golf EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE ble for inclusion in the Major League Base- and will always be a timeless symbol of ath- ball Hall of Fame; and THAT JOSEPH JEFFERSON letic talent, spirited competition, and a role Whereas it is appropriate for Major League ‘‘SHOELESS JOE’’ JACKSON BE model as a Christian gentleman. Baseball to remove the taint upon the mem- APPROPRIATELY HONORED FOR That’s why I’m proud to join my colleague ory of ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson and honor his OUTSTANDING BASEBALL AC- from Missouri, Congressman BLUNT, in spon- outstanding baseball accomplishments: Now, COMPLISHMENTS therefore, be it soring H. Res. 344, a resolution recognizing Resolved, That it is the sense of the House and honoring Payne Stewart, and expressing Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I move to of Representatives that Joseph Jefferson the condolences of the House of Representa- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson should be appro- tives to his family, and the families of the other lution (H. Res. 269) expressing the sense priately honored for his outstanding baseball victims who perished in the October 25th of the House of Representatives that accomplishments. plane crash. Joseph Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jack- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- At the age of 42, and while experiencing the son should be appropriately honored ant to the rule, the gentleman from best year as a professional golfer in his life, for his outstanding baseball accom- Nebraska (Mr. TERRY) and the gen- U.S. Open Champion Payne Stewart, a de- plishments. tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) voted father and husband, tragically was killed The Clerk read as follows: will each control 20 minutes. in a plane crash along with Van Arden, Steph- H. RES. 269 The Chair recognizes the gentleman anie Bellegarrigue, Bruce Borland, Robert Whereas Joseph Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ from Nebraska (Mr. TERRY). Fraley, and Michael Kling. Jackson, a native of Greenville, South Caro- GENERAL LEAVE Payne Stewart, attired in plus-fours and a lina, and a local legend, began his profes- Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- tam o’shanter hat was one of the most indomi- sional career and received his nickname imous consent that all Members may table personalities in the game of golf. while playing baseball for the Greenville have 5 legislative days in which to re- He made history when he won his second Spinners in 1908; vise and extend their remarks on this U.S. Open sinking the longest putt ever to win Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson moved to legislation, House Resolution 269. the U.S. Open in the tournament’s 105-year the Philadelphia Athletics for his major The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there league debut in 1908, to Cleveland in 1910, and history. to the White Sox in 1915; objection to the request of the gen- As a member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team, Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson’s accom- tleman from Nebraska? he displayed his patriotism and pride for his plishments throughout his 13-year career in There was no objection. country, and his sportsmanship in helping lead professional baseball were outstanding—he Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the U.S. team to victory. was one of only seven Major League Baseball self such time as I may consume. Payne Stewart was more than just a role players to ever top the coveted mark of a .400 Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of model to many aspiring athletes in the United for a season, and he earned House Resolution 269. I would like to States. a lifetime batting average of .356, the third thank my distinguished colleagues He truly recognized the joy of giving and highest of all time; from , the delegation, making a difference in the lives of children. Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson’s career for their interest in American baseball He donated his winner’s check from the record makes him one of our Nation’s top history and their sense of justice in at- baseball players of all time; 1987 Bay Hill Invitational to the Florida Hos- Whereas in 1919, the infamous ‘‘Black Sox’’ tempting to restore Shoeless Joe Jack- pital Circle of Friends to aid the families of scandal erupted when an employee of a New son’s place that his performance on the cancer patients. York gambler allegedly bribed eight players field earned him. Just last year, Payne Stewart and his wife of the , including Joseph I would also like to thank the chair- donated $500,000 to the first Foundation, the Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson, to throw man of the Committee on Government

VerDate jul 14 2003 13:43 Jul 12, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H08NO9.000 H08NO9 November 8, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 28911 Reform, who recognized the timeliness ing but lead where my brains ought to Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield of this measure and expedited this op- be. That was fine with me. I was able such time as he may consume to the portunity for consideration before the to fool a lot of pitchers and managers gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. House today. and club owners I wouldn’t have been DEMINT), the author of this resolution. The resolution is presented 80 years able to fool if they’d thought I was Mr. DEMINT. Mr. Speaker, I thank after the World Series in which the smarter.’’ both gentlemen for their wonderful re- Chicago White Sox lost to the Cin- How and why marks. cinnati Redlegs. During that series, got his name is exaggerated. One day, Mr. Speaker, some might ask why, Joe Jackson had the highest batting after getting blisters from his new with all the important issues, prob- average on either team, set a World Se- baseball cleats, Jackson played one lems, and challenges that this Congress ries record by collecting 12 hits, includ- game in his stocking feet. One game. faces, why consider and vote on a reso- ing the only on either team, Not a season and not because he could lution about a man who played base- and was not charged with a single not afford to buy cleats, as is widely ball 80 years ago and who has been dead on the field. reported. almost 50 years? Why is he important Shoeless Joe Jackson remains an Then, there is the well-known re- to me today and why should he deserve American icon, a perennial symbol of a frain, ‘‘Say it ain’t so, Joe,’’ that sup- the attention of the American people young man who unknowingly became posedly took place after Jackson was today? involved in the intrigues that sur- arrested for conspiring to throw the I am speaking of Joseph Jefferson rounded his activities. On the field, 1919 World Series. As the story goes, a Jackson, Shoeless Joe to those who are Shoeless Joe Jackson’s records speak boy approached Joe and pleaded, ‘‘Say familiar with baseball. He is important for themselves. Only and Rog- it ain’t so Joe,’’ and Joe replied, ‘‘Yes, because he is here today in spirit ask- ers Hornsby’s surpassed his .356 life- kid, I’m afraid it is.’’ As Jackson would ing for justice. America has learned the time batting average. His 13-year ca- later tell it, that tale is just that. hard lesson that when injustice can reer with the Philadelphia Athletics There was no kid, and no arrest. Char- prevail upon one of us, it is a threat to and the Chicago White Sox provided a lie Owens, a reporter with the Chicago all of us. So our consideration today is background of consistent accomplish- Daily Times made the story up and not only about injustice against one ments. published it. man, it is about protecting justice for Shoeless Joe Jackson was never con- What is the truth about Joe Jackson? everyone. victed of a crime. In fact, found not He was a rising baseball star until he And while we believe that our efforts guilty. Nevertheless, when Judge was banned from baseball for allegedly today will be good for baseball, Amer- Kenesaw Mountain Landis became participating in the 1919 Chicago White ica’s favorite pastime, we are equally , he used Sox gambling scandal. In 1921, Jackson convinced that our efforts will protect Shoeless Joe Jackson and his seven was acquitted of all charges and left the American Dream, the dream that teammates to demonstrate the firm- the courtroom an innocent man. How- even the poorest American, with hard ness of his commitment to the integ- ever, despite three attempts by his work, can end up at the top of the rity in our national pastime. He im- home State of South Carolina, Joe world. posed a lifetime ban from baseball Jackson was never reinstated. Shoeless Joe worked his way from where the courts could not act. The only interview Joe Jackson con- being a poor, illiterate mill worker, Shoeless Joe Jackson died in 1951, ducted regarding the Chicago White which is where he started, to becoming having endured more than 30 years the Sox scandal was in the 1949 edition of one of the best baseball players of all exile that baseball imposed upon him. Sport Magazine. In the article, entitled time. No one who has lived that Amer- His records remain on the books and ‘‘This Is the Truth,’’ Joe Jackson ican dream and achieved so much his level of accomplishments far exceed maintains his innocence and states, ‘‘I should be stripped of his honor and his the feats that earn today’s baseball have never made any request to be re- dignity and his livelihood without due players millions of dollars. instated in baseball, and I have never process, even without a hearing. When Americans are people whose fairness made any campaign to have my name this can happen to one of us, it can can allow them to recognize these cleared in the baseball records. This is happen to any one of us. great accomplishments without in any not a plea of any kind. This is just my Mr. Speaker, I introduced House Res- way compromising the standards of ex- story. I am telling it simply because it olution 269, along with the entire cellence and integrity that we must de- seems 30 years after the World Series, South Carolina delegation, earlier this mand at the highest levels of any pro- the world may want to hear what I summer. This resolution simply states fession. Shoeless Joe Jackson has have to say.’’ He goes on to say, ‘‘Base- that Shoeless Joe Jackson should be earned a place among the immortals of ball failed to keep faith with me. When appropriately honored for his out- the baseball world, and this resolution I got notice of my suspension 3 days standing baseball accomplishments. provides a fitting opportunity for this after the 1920 season, it read that if This resolution has gathered broad sup- House to remember the accomplish- found innocent of any wrongdoing, I port from both political parties. It is ments of his excellent career. would be reinstated. If found guilty, I fitting that even in the tension of these Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of would be banned for life. I was found last days in Congress that we pause and my time. innocent, and I was still banned for find common ground in paying tribute Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield life.’’ It would seem that you are inno- to a hero of our great national pastime. myself such time as I may consume. cent until proven guilty in a court of While there are important issues to Mr. Speaker, it is interesting to hear law, but not in baseball. consider and to complete before we fin- the tales that have been spun about The South Carolina delegation re- ish Congress’ session, it is worthy of Shoeless Joe Jackson. Called one of the cently sent a letter to baseball com- this body to take a few minutes to saddest figures ever to play baseball, missioner Alan Selig to have stand up for fairness and to right an Joe Jackson was reported to be an illit- Joe Jackson posthumously reinstated. old wrong by honoring a baseball leg- erate country boy who only knew how They have also introduced this resolu- end. As most baseball fans know, to play baseball. tion, expressing the sense of the House Shoeless Joe Jackson was one of the As it turns out, Joe Jackson died a to appropriately honor Joseph Jeffer- greatest baseball players ever to play successful businessman at age 61, earn- son Jackson. I urge my colleagues to the game. ing between $50,000 to $100,000 a year. join me and the South Carolina delega- The people of my district are very fa- During an interview, Jackson is quoted tion in supporting this resolution. It is miliar with Shoeless Joe, since he grew as saying, ‘‘All the big sports writers time for the truth to be told. up playing baseball in the mill leagues seemed to enjoy writing about me as Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of in Greenville, and he spent the last an ignorant cotton-mill boy with noth- my time. part of his life in that city as well.

VerDate jul 14 2003 13:43 Jul 12, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H08NO9.000 H08NO9 28912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 8, 1999 While he could not read or write early, thrill. He said he will continue to fight the Commissioner a petition with 10,000 and he only learned to sign his name for ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe until his last day, names signed from my home district, later in life, as has already been point- and he thanked all of us in Congress all pleading with the Commissioner to ed out, Shoeless Joe was very smart, in who are going to bat for Joe today. give Joe his rightful due. addition to being a great baseball play- I am not going to debate whether or The resolution which I have placed er. Throughout his life he never tired not the Commissioner’s verdict was the before the House today on behalf of the of teaching kids to play the game he right thing to do. He made his decision people in my district and baseball fans loved. There is even a baseball park and never reviewed it, despite the fact everywhere simply states that named after him in Greenville where that Jackson was acquitted of partici- ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe Jackson should be ap- kids play his game today. There is also pating in twice, once in 1920 by propriately honored for his outstanding a revitalization effort in a poor neigh- a friendly Chicago jury, and once in baseball accomplishments. Commis- borhood in my town named in his mem- 1924 by an impartial jury in Milwaukee. sioner Selig has agreed to review the ory to improve everyone’s life there. In fact, the jurors in Milwaukee were matter, and I have been following the And if anyone would like to see some of asked in a special interrogatory wheth- review process carefully. his memorabilia, we have some pic- er ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe had conspired or par- I appreciate the Commissioner’s will- tures and other information in my of- ticipated in the fix of the Series. The ingness to review this matter, and I un- fice. answer was an emphatic no. derstand a decision is imminent. I am Those unfamiliar with Shoeless Joe I am also not going to debate if Jack- absolutely confident that a fair and im- have heard some of the facts, but let son was given money. According to the partial review will result in ‘‘Shoeless’’ me recount some of his amazing ac- story, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe’s roommate, Joe finally being allowed to receive the , left $5,000 for Jackson complishments. Of his hitting, Babe honor he has long deserved and which on his bed. Whatever the debate, four Ruth once said, ‘‘I decided to pick out he displayed throughout his life. things are clear. Mr. Speaker, on his death bed, one of the greatest hitters to watch First, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe tried to give ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe said, ‘‘I am about to and to study, and Jackson was good the money back before the Series start- meet the biggest umpire of them all, enough for me.’’ Joe Jackson batted ed but was rebuffed. .408 his rookie year, a feat which has Second, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe tried to in- and he knows I’m innocent.’’ Fifty years after his death and 80 never been equaled. He has the third form the owner of the White Sox of the highest batting average of all time, be- fix, but the owner refused to see him. years after the infamous Series, and hind only Ty Cobb and Roger Hornsby’s Third, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe offered to sit after the most unfair judgment, it is .689. Over a 10-year period, he never hit out the Series but was again rebuffed. time for Baseball to right a wrong and below 300. Fourth, and most notably, restore the honor of a good man. I was born in Greenville, South Caro- b 1615 ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe played to win. He led all players by hitting .375, and he had lina, the same year ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe His fielding skills in the outfield the only homerun in the Series. His died just about a mile from where he were legendary, and his glove was fielding was flawless, throwing out sev- died. I am glad to be a small part in named ‘‘the place where triples go to eral men at home plate. He set a World this process today, and I hope all of my die.’’ Series record with 12 hits, and he com- colleagues will join me in supporting Unfortunately, while these are Hall bined with , the other this resolution. of Fame numbers, Shoeless Joe is not player who was unfairly punished, for Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield in the baseball Hall of Fame. His bat is 13 hits, a record that stood for 60 years. myself such time as I may consume. there. His uniform is there. His shoes I have no doubt of ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe’s Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the are there. But he is not. This is be- innocence. In the end, he proved his in- gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. cause, in 1920, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe was nocence in the only way he could, with DEMINT) for his comments in shedding banned from playing baseball for life his bat and glove. additional light on the life of by the Commissioner for allegations For my colleagues’ information, Fox ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe Jackson. that he took part in the infamous News did an excellent two-part review I think the thing that comes through ‘‘Black Sox’’ scandal, allegedly throw- of the case just a month ago. I have a clearly, Mr. Speaker, is that the gen- ing the 1919 World Series. In that Se- copy of the tape if anyone would like tleman from South Carolina (Mr. ries, a group of New York gamblers to see it. DEMINT) and the South Carolina dele- bribed a number of players on the Chi- In July, , Tommy gation and many others merely want cago White Sox to throw the Series to LaSorda, and filed a peti- to right a wrong and give someone Cincinnati. tion with Commissioner Selig. That pe- their due. When the news came out in 1920, the tition does not ask Major League Base- And clearly, ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe Jackson new Commissioner of Baseball, Com- ball to exonerate ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe or has earned, has earned, the right to be missioner Landis, acted swiftly. In a even to endorse his candidacy in the appropriately honored as the resolu- summary judgment, without an inves- Hall of Fame. To quote the petition: tion states. tigation, the Commissioner banned 8 ‘‘Those issues are moot as he served a So I want to thank the gentleman players on the White Sox from ever very difficult sentence over a long pe- from South Carolina (Mr. DEMINT) and playing Major League baseball again. riod. The Commissioner of Baseball is I want to thank the South Carolina ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe was included in the merely asked to acknowledge that delegation because I think what we are ban. ‘Shoeless’ Joe has fully paid his debt to attempting to do here today sends a While he insisted on his innocence all society and to the game, that he satis- clear message that, when we see wrong, the way to his death bed, ‘‘Shoeless’’ fied the sentence of the first Commis- we will do what we can to right it. It Joe served out his sentence with dig- sioner with dignity and humility and may be many, many years later, but we nity and honor and without rancor. without rancor. Because he has ful- can bet our bottom dollar that there is Recently, a number of baseball he- filled his sentence, Baseball has no fur- someone who is looking at what we are roes, including Ted Williams, Bob ther call or jurisdiction over ‘Shoeless’ doing and saying that they admire us Feller, and Tommy LaSorda have Joe.’’ for taking up the time, we can be doing taken up the cause of restoring the I believe this petition provides Major a whole lot other things, but they are honor of ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe. This is a League Baseball with a graceful and taking up the time to make sure that cause that has long been championed dignified way to finally let the issue a wrong is made right. in ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe’s hometown of rest and to let ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe receive And so, with that, I want to thank Greenville. the honor he has long deserved. the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. BUR- I had a chance this morning to talk Today, the Mayor of Greenville, Knox TON), chairman of our committee, and with Ted Williams myself. What a White, added his support by sending to the gentleman from California (Mr.

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WAXMAN), our ranking member, and I H. Res. 344, by the yeas and nays. Kaptur Morella Shimkus Kasich Murtha Shows want to thank the gentleman from Ne- The Chair will reduce to 5 minutes Kelly Myrick Shuster braska (Mr. TERRY), and I want to the time for any electronic vote after Kennedy Napolitano Simpson thank certainly the gentleman from the first vote in this series. Kildee Nethercutt Sisisky Florida (Mr. SCARBOROUGH) in his ab- Kind (WI) Ney Skeen f King (NY) Northup Skelton sence, the chairman of our sub- Kingston Norwood Slaughter committee. RECOGNIZING GENEROUS CON- Kleczka Nussle Smith (MI) The fact is that I think that this is a TRIBUTION BY LIVING PERSONS Klink Oberstar Smith (NJ) WHO HAVE DONATED A KIDNEY Knollenberg Obey Smith (TX) very, very good resolution. I urge all of Kolbe Ortiz Smith (WA) my colleagues to vote in favor of it. TO SAVE A LIFE Kucinich Ose Snyder Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Kuykendall Oxley Souder of my time. LaFalce Packard Spence pending business is the question of sus- LaHood Pallone Spratt Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- pending the rules and agreeing to the Lampson Pastor Stabenow self the balance of my time. resolution, H. Res. 94. Lantos Paul Stark Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 269 Larson Payne Stearns The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Latham Pease Strickland provides a fitting commemoration of tion. LaTourette Pelosi Stump his accomplishments as a professional The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Lazio Peterson (MN) Stupak baseball player. We applaud the stellar question is on the motion offered by Leach Peterson (PA) Sununu performance of Joseph Jefferson Jack- Lee Petri Sweeney the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. BLI- Levin Phelps Talent son on the field and call upon all Amer- LEY) that the House suspend the rules Lewis (CA) Pickering Tancredo icans to recognize his 13 years of excel- and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 94, Lewis (KY) Pickett Tanner lence. Linder Pitts Tauscher on which the yeas and nays are or- Lipinski Pombo Tauzin In a generous spirit, we encourage dered. LoBiondo Pomeroy Taylor (MS) professional Baseball to provide The vote was taken by electronic de- Lofgren Porter Taylor (NC) ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe Jackson the honors he vice, and there were—yeas 382, nays 0, Lowey Portman Terry fully deserves. Lucas (KY) Pryce (OH) Thompson (CA) not voting 51, as follows: Lucas (OK) Quinn Thompson (MS) I ask the full support of all Members [Roll No. 574] Luther Radanovich Thornberry of this resolution. Maloney (CT) Rahall Thune YEAS—382 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Maloney (NY) Rangel Thurman Abercrombie Coble Gallegly Manzullo Regula Toomey of my time. Ackerman Coburn Ganske Markey Reyes Towns The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- Allen Collins Gejdenson Martinez Reynolds Traficant BONS). The question is on the motion Andrews Combest Gekas Mascara Rivers Turner offered by the gentleman from Ne- Archer Condit Gephardt Matsui Roemer Udall (CO) Bachus Conyers Gibbons McCarthy (MO) Rogan Udall (NM) braska (Mr. TERRY) that the House sus- Baird Cooksey Gilchrest McCarthy (NY) Rogers Upton pend the rules and agree to the resolu- Baker Costello Gilman McCollum Rohrabacher Velazquez tion, H. Res. 269. Baldacci Coyne Gonzalez McCrery Ros-Lehtinen Vento Baldwin Cramer Goode McDermott Rothman Visclosky The question was taken; and (two- Ballenger Crowley Goodlatte McGovern Roukema Vitter thirds having voted in favor thereof) Barcia Cubin Goodling McHugh Roybal-Allard Walden the rules were suspended and the reso- Barr Cummings Gordon McInnis Royce Wamp lution was agreed to. Barrett (NE) Cunningham Goss McIntosh Ryan (WI) Waters Barrett (WI) Danner Graham McIntyre Ryun (KS) Watkins A motion to reconsider was laid on Bartlett Davis (FL) Green (TX) McKeon Sabo Watt (NC) the table. Barton Davis (IL) Green (WI) McKinney Salmon Waxman f Bass Davis (VA) Greenwood McNulty Sanchez Weiner Bateman Deal Gutierrez Meehan Sanders Weldon (FL) RECESS Becerra DeFazio Gutknecht Meek (FL) Sandlin Weldon (PA) Bentsen DeGette Hall (OH) Metcalf Sawyer Weller The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bereuter Delahunt Hall (TX) Mica Saxton Wexler ant to clause 12 of rule I, the Chair de- Berkley DeLauro Hastings (FL) Millender- Schaffer Weygand Berry DeLay Hastings (WA) McDonald Schakowsky Whitfield clares the House in recess until ap- Biggert DeMint Hayes Miller (FL) Scott Wicker proximately 6 p.m. Bilbray Deutsch Hayworth Miller, George Sensenbrenner Wilson Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 24 min- Bilirakis Diaz-Balart Hefley Minge Serrano Wolf Bliley Dickey Hill (IN) Mink Shadegg Woolsey utes p.m.), the House stood in recess Blumenauer Dicks Hill (MT) Mollohan Shaw Wu until approximately 6 p.m. Boehlert Dingell Hilleary Moore Shays Wynn f Boehner Dixon Hilliard Moran (KS) Sherman Young (AK) Bonilla Doggett Hinojosa Moran (VA) Sherwood Young (FL) b 1800 Bonior Dooley Hobson Borski Doolittle Hoeffel NOT VOTING—51 Boswell Doyle Holden AFTER RECESS Aderholt Gillmor Owens Boucher Dreier Holt Armey Granger Pascrell Boyd Duncan Hooley The recess having expired, the House Berman Hansen Price (NC) Brady (PA) Dunn Horn was called to order by the Speaker pro Bishop Herger Ramstad Brady (TX) Edwards Hostettler Blagojevich Hinchey Riley tempore (Mr. GIBBONS) at 6 p.m. Brown (FL) Ehlers Houghton Blunt Hoekstra Rodriguez f Brown (OH) Ehrlich Hoyer Bono Jefferson Rush Bryant Emerson Hulshof Callahan Kilpatrick Sanford Burr Engel Hunter ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Calvert Largent Scarborough Burton English Hutchinson PRO TEMPORE Carson Lewis (GA) Sessions Buyer Eshoo Hyde Chenoweth-Hage Meeks (NY) Stenholm Camp Etheridge Inslee The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cook Menendez Thomas Campbell Evans Isakson ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Cox Miller, Gary Tiahrt Canady Ewing Istook Crane Moakley Tierney will now put the question on each mo- Cannon Farr Jackson (IL) Everett Nadler Walsh Capps Fattah Jackson-Lee tion to suspend the rules on which fur- Fowler Neal Watts (OK) Capuano Filner (TX) ther proceedings were postponed ear- Frost Olver Wise Cardin Fletcher Jenkins lier today in the order in which that Castle Foley John motion was entertained. Chabot Forbes Johnson (CT) b 1823 Votes will be taken in the following Chambliss Ford Johnson, E. B. order: Clay Fossella Johnson, Sam So (two-thirds having voted in favor Clayton Frank (MA) Jones (NC) H. Res. 94, by the yeas and nays; Clement Franks (NJ) Jones (OH) thereof) the rules were suspended and H.R. 2904, by the yeas and nays; and Clyburn Frelinghuysen Kanjorski the resolution was agreed to.

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