28910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE November 8, 1999 out-of-town parents of cancer patients. He was fundraising arm of the First Baptist Church of the first and second games of the 1919 World someone who truly recognized the joy of giv- Orlando, to be used for the expansion of a Series to the Cincinnati Reds; ing and making a difference in the lives of chil- Christian school. Whereas in September 1920, a criminal dren. In the most recent years of his life, Payne court acquitted ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson of Payne was also a devoted family man, who the charge that he conspired to throw the Stewart devoted his life to his family and his 1919 World Series; was proud that his faith in God provided him faith in God. Whereas despite the acquittal, Judge with strength and peace. Though his love for Payne Stewart’s love for America was a Kenesaw Mountain Landis, baseball’s first the game of golf ran deep, his love for his great credit to the game of golf and to our commissioner, banned ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jack- family ran deeper still. He was a dedicated fa- country. son from playing Major League Baseball for ther and husband. On more than one occa- I urge my colleagues to join me in extending life without conducting any investigation of sion, Payne commented publicly that he most the House of Representatives’ deepest condo- Jackson’s alleged activities, issuing a sum- enjoyed being at home, being a father, making lences to Payne Stewart’s family, and to the mary punishment that fell far short of due process standards; breakfast, and taking his kids to school. families of Robert Fraley, Van Arden, Michael I know that many Floridians will miss him Whereas the evidence shows that Jackson Kling, Stephanie Bellegarrigue, and Bruce did not deliberately misplay during the 1919 deeply. Many in Central Florida will miss him, Borland. World Series in an attempt to make his team not only because of his golf career and be- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, lose the World Series; cause of his wit, but because of his charitable I have no further requests for time, and Whereas during the 1919 World Series, contributions. But a lot will miss him person- I yield back the balance of my time. Jackson’s play was outstanding—his batting ally. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- average was .375 (the highest of any player from either team), he set a World Series But I think the people who are obviously BONS). The question is on the motion going to miss him most will be his wife, Tra- record with 12 hits, he committed no errors, offered by the gentleman from Florida and he hit the only home run of the series; cey, and his two wonderful children, Chelsea (Mr. MILLER of Florida) that the House and Aaron. Our hearts go out to them, to Whereas because of his lifetime ban from suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Major League Baseball, ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Payne’s family. He was a great man, a great lution, House Resolution 344. Jackson has been excluded from consider- golfer. His life ended in tragedy, but he gave The question was taken. ation for admission to the Major League so much to so many. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Baseball Hall of Fame; Although we continue to mourn the loss of on that I demand the yeas and nays. Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson died in Payne Stewart and his contributions to the 1951, and 80 years have elapsed since the 1919 The yeas and nays were ordered. world of sports, his community and to his fam- World Series scandal erupted; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ily, we are blessed to have been influenced by Whereas recently, Major League Baseball ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the his enthusiasm and love for life, which none of Commissioner Bud Selig took an important Chair’s prior announcement, further us will soon forget. Payne Stewart is husband, first step toward restoring the reputation of proceedings on this motion will be ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson by agreeing to in- father, golfer and friend who will be long re- postponed. vestigate whether he was involved in a con- membered and long cherished. f spiracy to alter the outcome of the 1919 Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, World Series and whether he should be eligi- Payne Stewart transcended the game of golf EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE ble for inclusion in the Major League Base- and will always be a timeless symbol of ath- ball Hall of Fame; and THAT JOSEPH JEFFERSON letic talent, spirited competition, and a role Whereas it is appropriate for Major League ‘‘SHOELESS JOE’’ JACKSON BE model as a Christian gentleman. Baseball to remove the taint upon the mem- APPROPRIATELY HONORED FOR That’s why I’m proud to join my colleague ory of ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson and honor his OUTSTANDING BASEBALL AC- from Missouri, Congressman BLUNT, in spon- outstanding baseball accomplishments: Now, COMPLISHMENTS therefore, be it soring H. Res. 344, a resolution recognizing Resolved, That it is the sense of the House and honoring Payne Stewart, and expressing Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I move to of Representatives that Joseph Jefferson the condolences of the House of Representa- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson should be appro- tives to his family, and the families of the other lution (H. Res. 269) expressing the sense priately honored for his outstanding baseball victims who perished in the October 25th of the House of Representatives that accomplishments. plane crash. Joseph Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jack- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- At the age of 42, and while experiencing the son should be appropriately honored ant to the rule, the gentleman from best year as a professional golfer in his life, for his outstanding baseball accom- Nebraska (Mr. TERRY) and the gen- U.S. Open Champion Payne Stewart, a de- plishments. tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) voted father and husband, tragically was killed The Clerk read as follows: will each control 20 minutes. in a plane crash along with Van Arden, Steph- H. RES. 269 The Chair recognizes the gentleman anie Bellegarrigue, Bruce Borland, Robert Whereas Joseph Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ from Nebraska (Mr. TERRY). Fraley, and Michael Kling. Jackson, a native of Greenville, South Caro- GENERAL LEAVE Payne Stewart, attired in plus-fours and a lina, and a local legend, began his profes- Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- tam o’shanter hat was one of the most indomi- sional career and received his nickname imous consent that all Members may table personalities in the game of golf. while playing baseball for the Greenville have 5 legislative days in which to re- He made history when he won his second Spinners in 1908; vise and extend their remarks on this U.S. Open sinking the longest putt ever to win Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson moved to legislation, House Resolution 269. the U.S. Open in the tournament’s 105-year the Philadelphia Athletics for his major The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there league debut in 1908, to Cleveland in 1910, and history. to the Chicago White Sox in 1915; objection to the request of the gen- As a member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team, Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson’s accom- tleman from Nebraska? he displayed his patriotism and pride for his plishments throughout his 13-year career in There was no objection. country, and his sportsmanship in helping lead professional baseball were outstanding—he Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the U.S. team to victory. was one of only seven Major League Baseball self such time as I may consume. Payne Stewart was more than just a role players to ever top the coveted mark of a .400 Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of model to many aspiring athletes in the United batting average for a season, and he earned House Resolution 269. I would like to States. a lifetime batting average of .356, the third thank my distinguished colleagues He truly recognized the joy of giving and highest of all time; from South Carolina, the delegation, making a difference in the lives of children. Whereas ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson’s career for their interest in American baseball He donated his winner’s check from the record makes him one of our Nation’s top history and their sense of justice in at- baseball players of all time; 1987 Bay Hill Invitational to the Florida Hos- Whereas in 1919, the infamous ‘‘Black Sox’’ tempting to restore Shoeless Joe Jack- pital Circle of Friends to aid the families of scandal erupted when an employee of a New son’s place that his performance on the cancer patients. York gambler allegedly bribed eight players field earned him. Just last year, Payne Stewart and his wife of the Chicago White Sox, including Joseph I would also like to thank the chair- donated $500,000 to the first Foundation, the Jefferson ‘‘Shoeless Joe’’ Jackson, to throw man of the Committee on Government VerDate jul 14 2003 13:43 Jul 12, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H08NO9.000 H08NO9 November 8, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 28911 Reform, who recognized the timeliness ing but lead where my brains ought to Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I yield of this measure and expedited this op- be. That was fine with me. I was able such time as he may consume to the portunity for consideration before the to fool a lot of pitchers and managers gentleman from South Carolina (Mr.
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