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Gemma Deller, Whatsup@Gemmainspires.Com Published by Gemma Deller Email: Whatsup@Gemmainspires.Com Legal Notices Copyright Notices No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electric, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors. Requests for permission or for more information should be sent to: Gemma Deller, [email protected] Published by Gemma Deller Email: [email protected] Legal Notices The purpose of this book is to educate, entertain and provide information on the subject matter covered. All attempts have been made to verify information at the time of this publication and the authors do not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or other interpretations of the subject matter. This book results from the experience of the author and if legal assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be engaged. The purchaser or reader of this book assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other area is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. The author assumes no responsibility or liability on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of this book. Copyright © 2015 Gemma Deller. LLC All Rights Reserved. Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS About Gemma................................................................................ 4 Introduction.................................................................................. 5 The Blame Game ............................................................................7 Stay In Your Garden.........................................................................9 Oh Know You Dont.......................................................................... 11 The "Perfect" Plan..........................................................................13 Rack Focus...................................................................................15 And Action...................................................................................16 Flying Solo..................................................................................18 Resources....................................................................................19 Copyright © 2015 Gemma Deller. LLC All Rights Reserved. Page 3 About the Author Gemma Deller is an Intuitive Career & life Advisement Specialist; a Soul/Spirit Coach who works with businesses, creatives and anyone who wants to get to the next level of their life. She helps clean out the gunk between what your heart wants and what is going on in your actual life. She’s a naturally gifted Intuitive and Medium. Her unique energetic gifts enable her to tap and channel into where you are, where you're headed and what your potential is. She also speaks with your “Speople”, Gemma's word for spirit people; those who have crossed over and are on the Other Side. She gets their advice and healing messages to further your journey towards your amazing full potential. Gemma’s website: Gemma’s Facebook: Gemma’s Twitter: @gemmainspires Gemma’s Instagram: gemma_inspires Reach Gemma by email – [email protected] Copyright © 2015 Gemma Deller. LLC All Rights Reserved. Page 4 Introduction I've had my energetic “gifts” all of my life. Growing up in a strict catholic family, it wasn't something readily (or at all, for that matter) talked about at the dinner table. “Hey, so grandma (who died 3 years ago) is standing right behind you mom, can I have more pot roast please?” I kept it completely on the hush. I didn't even have a name for it and in the small town of Seaford, NY, where I grew up there was nothing en vogue about it at all. Sure there were times when it slipped out, like when I confronted my parents about a family secret that I would have had no way of knowing about. Or when I urgently cut a sleep over short and had my friend's dad drive me home, 45 minutes away at midnight, in a blizzard, because I just knew I needed to be there. I, the only light sleeper of my 7 siblings, would find my mom on the kitchen floor having a stroke the next morning and would call 911 just before the phone lines went dead; which would ultimately save her life. Oh and then there was the time when a friend and I were walking down the street and I grabbed her because the street lamp was going to blow and rain shattered glass down on her. But for the most part, people just assumed I knew stuff because I was observant, a good listener and intelligent. All true but intuitive was also a huge part as well. Flash forward... I just gave birth to my son. I see a Montel Williams episode with guest star Sylvia Browne. She describes her gifts and I'm like, “Holy crap! That's me, I have the same thing.” So I go buy her books... All of them. Finally I start understanding my gifts. Only one problem, I'll be damned if I'm gonna be walking around telling anyone “I'm a psychic medium.” Hell no. I'm way too practical. That's all kinds of woo woo. People will laugh at me and won't take me seriously. There is no way that I'm saying a word, so again I go hush. Flash forward again... My son is age 9 and I'm a single mom living in Brooklyn, NY. Not having a lot of money, my friends came to my apartment, whenever we would hang out. My best friend Tracy buys me a deck of tarot cards just for fun. A group of us make it a weekly event to sit around drinking Cosmos throwing the cards. With my huge book called “The Tarot Bible” (because I didn't have the meaning of the cards memorized yet) one by one, I would read my friends. Unbeknownst to me, this is making my gift stronger because as I throw, I am channeling. I feel myself different, sort of in a zone, but blow it off to the martinis. However Tracy, who is very observant, finally whispers to me, “Hey, you aren't even looking at the cards and you are telling us things that you can't begin to know and aren't in the book.” Red alert! The jig is up. Oh God, I've been found out. I'm panicked but know to stay cool on the outside. So I calmly lean over and with clenched teeth, I lovingly respond, “Shut up! Don't say a word to Copyright © 2015 Gemma Deller. LLC All Rights Reserved. Page 5 anyone.” So, like any true best friend would do when they know you have a huge gift to share with the world, Tracy lets the cat out of the bag. I continue to do the cards, but no longer just for fun. I start to use them for guidance for myself, my friends, and friends of friends. I do this for years; through a marriage, a move to the suburbs, a move back to Brooklyn, through my kids middle and high school and through several more relationships. I use the cards as a tool to give myself and my loved ones insight. Truth be told though, Tracy's right, I don't even look at the cards anymore. I just use them so that people don't stare at me awkwardly when I suddenly know all this stuff about them. One day, while hanging with my 3 of my friends and my girlfriend at the time, in “the vortex,” (the nickname we called my living room) they decide to have an “intervention” of sorts. Ultimately the demand that they will each host a party where I will “read” people. They feel that with a gift like mine, I need to give it a shot as a business. I'm scared. I'm angry because I'm scared. I'm scared. Throughout my whole life I've had the blessing of always having super authentic, close friends around me who I trust implicitly and this was no exception. So I begrudgingly agree and the rest is history. These are only the diet details of the crazy adventure that I call my life. Don't worry though, the full details will be in my autobiography (to come at a later date.) This eBook highlights 5 common myths many of us fall prey to, that can seriously thwart your dream life. I discovered them and subsequently how to avoid them, throughout my journey. I want to share them with you. I hope the info in this eBook leads you to live the most fabulous life you're entitled to! Got thoughts? Holla at me— Gemma Copyright © 2015 Gemma Deller. LLC All Rights Reserved. Page 6 The Blame Game “Other people “make you feel” bad, angry, jealous, etc.” “I'm angry with someone and it's “their fault” that things didn't go my way.” Other people are “luckier” and have better lives than you You feel justified when other people “feel bad” for your horrible situation” You say stuff like, “You made me do that, you shouldn't have got me mad!” or “I got fired because the manager didn't like me and was just looking for reasons to get rid of me” when you actually spent most of your time surfing the internet and texting friends instead of working. Or, “Finally someone who understands how unfair life treats me.” Sound familiar? Then you got a victim mentality! Here's the deal... We've all at one point or another been a victim of something, someone's wrong doing, a horrible violation, or an unfair or deceitful action. That's life and life is not always supposed to be easy. The question in those moments is, who are you or better yet, who do you want to be; the victim or the victor? If you chose “the victim,” delete this book it's not for you.
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