2.32 Implicit P. Perruchet, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France

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2.32.1 Introduction 598 2.32.2 Rules, Instance-Based Processing, or Sensitivity to Statistical Regularities? 598 Learning Rules 598 The Instance-Based or Episodic Account 599 The Sensitivity to Statistical Regularities 600 Rules versus Statistics: A Crucial Test 601 The Phenomenon of Transfer: The Data 601 The Phenomenon of Transfer: The Interpretations 602 Rules? 602 Explicit inferences during the test? 602 Disentangling rules and abstraction 603 A Provisional Conclusion 604 2.32.3 Learning about Statistical Regularities 605 What Is Learnable? 605 Frequency, transitional probability, contingency 605 Adjacent and nonadjacent dependencies 605 Processing multiple cues concurrently 606 Does learning depend on materials? 606 About the learners 607 Statistical Computations and Chunk Formation 607 Computing statistics? 607 The formation of chunks 608 Are statistical computations a necessary prerequisite? 608 2.32.4 How Implicit Is ‘’? 609 Implicitness during the Training Phase 609 Incidental and intentional learning 609 Is attention necessary? 609 Implicitness during the Test Phase 610 The lack of conscious about the study material 610 The Shanks and St. John information criterion 610 The Shanks and St. John sensitivity criterion 610 The problems of forgetting 611 The problem of the reliability of measures 611 An intractable issue? 611 The subjective measures 612 The lack of control 612 The lack of intentional exploitation of acquired knowledge 613 Processing Fluency and Conscious Experience 613 Summary and Discussion 614 2.32.5 Implicit Learning in Real-World Settings 615 Exploiting the Properties of Real-World Situations 615 Exploiting our Knowledge about Implicit Learning 615 2.32.6 Discussion: About Nativism and Empiricism 616 References 617

597 598 Implicit Learning

2.32.1 Introduction years ago (Reber, 1967). The implications of the results issued from IL research for the nativist/ All of us have learned much without parental super- empiricist debate will be addressed in the final dis- vision and outside of any form of planned academic cussion, after having examined what is learned in this instruction, and more generally without any inten- context, how ‘implicit’ is implicit learning, and the tional attempts to acquire information about the relations of laboratory research with real-world surrounding world. Countless examples could be situations of learning. found in domains as diverse as first-language acquisi- tion, category elaboration, sensitivity to musical structure, acquisition of knowledge about the physi- 2.32.2 Rules, Instance-Based cal world, and various social skills. All of these Processing, or Sensitivity to Statistical domains have several features in common. In partic- Regularities? ular, they are commonly described as governed by Learning Rules complex abstract rules by scientists, whether they would be linguists, musicologists, physicists, or A large part of the literature on IL exploits the sociologists. Also, learning in those situations mainly artificial grammar learning paradigm, initially pro- proceeds through the learner’s exposure to a struc- posed by Reber (1967). Participants first study a set of tured environment, without negative evidence (i.e., letter strings generated from a finite-state grammar without direct information about what would contra- that defines legal letters and permissible transitions dict the rules underlying the domain). between them (Figure 1). Typical instructions do Despite the pervasiveness of these forms of learn- not mention the existence of a grammar and are ing in real-world settings, it is worth stressing that framed so as to discourage participants from engaging they have been virtually ignored by experimental in explicit, intentional analysis of the material. for decades. At the beginning of the cog- Participants are then subsequently informed about the rule-governed nature of the strings and asked to nitive era, the study of learning was essentially categorize new grammatical and nongrammatical let- devoted to classical and operant conditioning on the ter strings. Participants are typically able to perform one hand, and to the formation of concepts or prob- this task with better-than-chance accuracy, while lem solving processes on the other. The above remaining unable to articulate the rules used to gen- phenomena seem hardly reducible to simple condi- erate the material. This empirical outcome has been tioning effects in regards to their complexity, and unambiguously confirmed by a vast number of sub- research on concept learning and problem solving sequent experimental studies involving many does not provide a priori a better account, primarily variants of the situation. due to the fact that the hypothesis testing strategies Reber’s (1967) original proposal was that partici- essential in these research domains do not seem pants have internalized the constraints embodied by applicable in situations where negative evidence is lacking. This empirical and conceptual vacuum opened the door to the upsurge of the nativist per- spective, which characterized the cognitive approach T from its outset. V Out This chapter presents a stream of research that is primarily aimed at exploring the forms of learning M T illustrated in the examples above through laboratory In X Out situations involving arbitrary materials (for over- R views, see Berry and Dienes, 1993; Berry, 1997; V M Cleeremans et al., 1998; French and Cleeremans, Out 2002; Jimenez, 2003; Perruchet and Pacton, 2006; X Reber, 1993; Seger, 1994; Shanks, 2005; Stadler and R Frensch, 1998). This field of research evolved essen- Figure 1 tially from the end of the 1980s, although its roots are The artificial grammar used by Reber and Allen (1978), Dulany et al. (1984), and Perruchet and Pacteau in the pioneering studies of Arthur Reber, who (1990) among others. For example, MTTV and VXVRXVT are coined the term ‘implicit learning’ (IL) about 40 grammatical, whereas MXVT is not grammatical. Implicit Learning 599 the generation of rules during training. Rule abstrac- invariant digit. The authors inferred that participants tion is assumed to occur during the study phase, had learned the critical rule unconsciously. when participants are exposed to a sample of letter These results, and most of the others in the early strings generated from the grammar. During the test IL literature, have been shown to be empirically phase, participants are assumed to use the acquired robust in subsequent studies. However, two other knowledge, stored in an abstract format, to judge the interpretations have been proposed. Their common grammaticality of new items. Other illustrations of intuition is that people do not abstract the rules of the this reasoning can be found in many subsequent domain, but instead learn about the product of the studies. Let us consider those by Lewicki et al. rules. (1988) and McGeorge and Burton (1990). In the Lewicki et al. (1988) paradigm, participants were asked to perform a four-choice reaction-time The Instance-Based or Episodic task, with the targets appearing in one of four quad- Account rants on a computer screen. They were simply asked to track the targets on the numeric keypad of the The first historical alternative to the abstractionist computer as fast as possible. The sequence looked position in the field of artificial grammar learning is like a long and continuous series of randomly located the so-called instance-based or -based model targets. However, this sequence was organized on the proposed by Brooks (Brooks, 1978; Vokey and basis of subtle, nonsalient rules. Indeed, unbeknown Brooks, 1992). In Brooks’ model, subjects who are to participants, the sequence was divided into a suc- shown grammatical strings during the study phase cession of ‘logical’ blocks of five trials each. In each store the strings in memory, without any form of block, the first two target locations were random, condensation or summary representation. During while the last three were determined by rules. The the test phase, they judge for grammaticality of test strings as a function of their similarity to specific participants were unable to verbalize the nature of stored strings. The instance-based model works the manipulation and, in particular, they had no because, if no special care is taken to generate the explicit knowledge of the subdivision into logical material, grammatical test items tend to look globally blocks of five trials, which was a precondition that more similar to study items than ungrammatical test had to be satisfied if they were to grasp the other items. rules. However, performance on the final trials of Vokey and Brooks (1992) made independent the each block, the locations of which were predictable usually confounded factors of specific similarity and from the rules, improved at a faster rate and was grammaticality, in order to assess the size of the effect better overall than performance on the first, random, of each factor on grammaticality judgments. Test trials. Lewicki et al. (1988) accounted for these results items were classified as similar when they differed by postulating that the structuring rules were discov- by only one letter from one study item, and dissimilar ered by a powerful, multipurpose unconscious when they differed by two or more letters from any algorithm abstractor. study items. The authors obtained a reliable effect of In the McGeorge and Burton (1990) study, which specific similarity on grammaticality judgments (see initiated a stream of research on the so-called ‘invar- also McAndrews and Moscovitch, 1985). As iant learning,’ participants were asked to perform an expected, similar items were more often classified arithmetic task on a set of four-digit numbers. as grammatical than dissimilar items when their Unbeknown to them, each four-digit number con- grammatical status (i.e., their consistency with the tained one ‘3’ digit (the ‘invariant’). In a subsequent grammar) was kept constant. However, the gramma- forced-choice recognition test, participants were ticality factor also had a significant, and usually shown 10 pairs of four-digit numbers. They were additive, effect. Similar evidence was collected by told that one of the numbers in each pair was seen Cock et al. (1994) in invariant learning. The authors during the study phase, and that they had to find it. In demonstrated that similarity to instances in the study fact, all the numbers were new, but half of them phase was even a more important factor than appar- contained one ‘3’ as in the study strings, while no ‘3’ ent knowledge of the invariant feature in the occurred in the other half. Participants choose above McGeorge and Burton (1990) paradigm. chance the numbers containing a ‘3,’ although they To account for the fact that the similarity to a were unable to report anything pertinent to the specific training item fails to account for all the 600 Implicit Learning variance in performance, Vokey and Brooks (1992; of the bigrams, which precludes the use of any high- Brooks and Vokey, 1991) suggested that the similar- level rules, should not change the final performance. ity may also be computed with the whole set of study The prediction was confirmed; the performance of items instead of a single one (see also Pothos and participants who had learned using the complete Bailey, 2000, for another measure of similarity). The grammatical strings (as usual) and those who were currently prevalent interpretation keeps the idea of trained using the bigrams from which these strings some kind of pooling or summation over multiple were composed were statistically indistinguishable. episodes, but privileges a formulation in terms of Other experiments from the same study and other statistical regularities. studies (Dienes et al., 1991; Gomez and Schvaneveldt, 1994) confirmed the importance of bigrams knowl- edge, although they showed that participants also The Sensitivity to Statistical learn other piecemeal information, such as the location Regularities of permissible bigrams and the first and last letters of the strings. While the instance-based model considers whole The question is now: Does this interpretation episodes (e.g., VXVRXVT in artificial grammar work in general? It could be argued indeed that learning), this alternative account considers elemen- artificial grammar learning is especially well-fitted tary components (e.g., the individual letters). The to a statistical interpretation, because the rules can consequences are considerable. Indeed, large epi- be easily translated in terms of statistical regulari- sodes are idiosyncratic, and hence they generate ties. To address this question, let us consider how distinctive and independent memory traces. By con- the Lewicki et al. (1988) study presented above can trast, elementary components occur iteratively under be reinterpreted. that a precondition to grasp the same or other combinations, and hence it makes the complex second-order dependency rules struc- sense to describe the to-be-learned stimuli using turing the sequence was a parsing of the whole statistical concepts, such as frequency, probability, sequence into logical blocks of five trials, and that or contingency. For this reason, this approach is participants were fully unconscious of doing so. designated here as the statistical account, even However, Perruchet et al. (1990) demonstrated though it is most commonly referred to as the ‘frag- that participants could learn the task without ever mentary’ approach in the conventional IL literature. performing the segmentation of the sequence into It is worth noting that the term ‘statistics’ does not logical blocks. Instead, they could become sensitive necessary entail that learners perform statistical com- to the relative frequency of small units, comprising putations, an issue that will be addressed later (see the section titled ‘Statistical computations and chunk two or three successive locations. Some of the pos- formation’). sible sequences of two or three locations were more The general principle of this account is straight- frequent than others, because the rules determining forward: Organizing rules generates statistical the last three trials within each five-trial block regularities in the world, and people adjust their prohibited certain transitions from occurring. In behavior to those regularities. Understanding how particular, an examination of the rules shows that this account works in artificial grammar learning is they never generated back-and-forth movements. As easy. Looking at the grammar shown in Figure 1,it a consequence, the back-and-forth transitions were appears that that some associations between letters less frequent on the whole sequence than the other are possible (e.g., MV), and other impossible (e.g., possible movements. The crucial point is that MX), and that among the legal associations, some these less frequent events, which presumably elicit are more frequent than others (e.g., RX presumably longer reaction times, were exclusively located on occurs more often than RM). If participants learn the random trials. This stems not from an unfortu- something about the frequency distribution of the nate bias in randomization, but from a logical pairs of letters (bigrams) that compose the study principle: The rules determined both the relative strings, they should perform subsequent grammati- frequency of certain events within the entire cality judgments better than chance. Perruchet and sequence and the selective occurrence of these Pacteau (1990) tested this hypothesis. They reasoned events in specific trials (for an alternative inter- that, if subjects learn only bigram information when pretation based on connectionist modeling, see faced with the whole strings, the direct presentation Cleeremans and Jimenez, 1998). Implicit Learning 601

A similar reanalysis was performed by Wright and the full set for all aspects. For instance, the frequency Burton (1995) on the McGeorge and Burton (1990) distribution of the observed bigrams has a high prob- invariant task. Wright and Burton observed that a by- ability of departing to some extent from the frequency product of the invariant rule was to modify the prob- of the bigrams composing the full set of strings. Reber ability of occurrence of observing a digit repetition in and Lewis argued that if participants abstract the rules the strings. More precisely, the strings that contain of the grammar, they should be sensitive to the bigram one ‘3’ include, on the mean, a smaller proportion of frequency of the virtual full set of strings, and not the repeated digits than the strings in which no ‘3’ occurs, frequency of occurrence of the bigrams composing the all simply because the chances of generating repeated strings actually displayed in the study phase. They digits are lesser over three than over four successive provided empirical data supporting this hypothesis, drawings. The authors showed that at least a part of and Reber (1989) construed these data as one of the the participants’ above-chance performance during main supports for his contention that studying gram- the test was due to the fact that they tended to reject matical letter strings gives access to the abstract the items containing repetitions, rather than the structure of the grammar. The logic of the argument items violating the invariant rule. is indeed sound, but unfortunately, the supporting What is new in these examples (for a similar data turned out to be due to various methodological illustration, see the reinterpretation of Kushner drawbacks inherent to the Reber and Lewis procedure et al. (1991) by Perruchet (1994b)) with regard to (Perruchet et al., 1992). In fact, participants are sensi- the artificial grammar-learning situation is the fact tive to the frequency distribution of the bigrams they that the link between the generating rules and the actually perceived. distributional statistics of simple and salient events is In the preceding example, the possibility of dis- far from obvious. The fact that rules may have criminating interpretations based on rules and remote consequences, the learning of which having statistics stems from the fact that the subset of items effects similar to the learning of the rules themselves, to which participants are exposed are not represen- may obviously be thought of as a drawback in the tative of the whole set of items due to sampling experimental designs, without any implication out of biases. The same logic may be implemented in a the laboratory studies. However, it may also be more systematic way, by training participants with a thought of as a quite fundamental outcome, essential given material and testing them with different mate- to understand the power of the statistical approach in rial. The following section examines the findings the natural situation of learning, as the section titled obtained in these so-called ‘transfer’ situations, ‘Discussion: about nativism and empiricism’ will which have been heavily used in IL research. emphasize. The Phenomenon of Transfer: Rules versus Statistics: A Crucial The Data Test In the standard paradigm of transfer in artificial How can rule-based and statistical interpretations be grammar learning, the letters forming the study discriminated? When the rules of a domain generate a items are changed in a consistent way for the test of set of events so restricted that all the possible events grammaticality (e.g., M is always replaced by C, X by can be exhaustively experienced by a subject, it may P, etc.). Reber (1969) and several subsequent studies be impossible to discriminate between the two types of (e.g., Mathews et al., 1989; Dienes and Altmann, 1997; interpretations. However, this case is largely deprived Manza and Reber, 1997; Shanks et al., 1997; of interest. Indeed, the power of the rules is that they Whittlesea and Wright, 1997) have shown that par- make people able to adapt to new situations from ticipants still outperform chance level under these previous exposure to a subset of the events the rules conditions. The principle underlying the ‘changed can generate. Here is the hint for a crucial test. letter procedure’ has been extended to other surface For a first example, let us consider an argument for changes. For instance, the training items and the test rules put forth by Reber and Lewis (1977) in the items may be, respectively, auditory items and visual context of artificial grammar learning. In a given items (Manza and Reber, 1997), color and color experiment, participants are exposed to a subset of names, sounds and letters (Dienes and Altmann, the virtual full set of strings generated by the grammar, 1997), or vice versa. Successful transfer was observed and this subset cannot be perfectly representative of in each case. 602 Implicit Learning

The phenomenon of transfer has also been existence of transfer of knowledge across stimulus observed in invariant learning. McGeorge and Burton domains. (Reber, 1993: 121) (1990) found that the selection of number strings con- A rule-based interpretation may have difficulty taining the invariant digit persisted when study strings accounting for the entire pattern of data, however. were presented as digits (e.g., 1234) and test strings as First, the traditional emphasis on positive results their word equivalents (e.g., one two three four; see must not overshadow the fact that transfer failure Bright and Burton (1998) for similar examples of trans- has frequently been reported in the literature on IL. fer in another invariant learning task). In the conclusion of their review on transfer in the Transfer has even been observed in infants. In most current IL paradigms, Berry and Dienes pointed Marcus et al. (1999), 7-month-old infants were out that exposed to a simplified, artificial language during a training phase. Then they were presented with a few ...the knowledge underlying performance on test items, which were all composed of new syllables. numerous tasks ...often fails to transfer to different For instance, in one experiment, infants heard 16 tasks involving conceptually irrelevant perceptual three-word sentences such as gatiti, linana, or tanana, changes. (Berry and Dienes, 1993: 180) during the study phase. All of these sentences were constructed on the basis of an ABB grammar. The This empirical finding leads the authors to propose infants were then presented with 12 other three-word that limited transfer to related tasks is one of the sentences, such as wofefe and wofewo. The crucial point important key features of performance in IL tasks. is that, although all of the test items were composed Moreover, in experiments where positive evidence of of new syllables, only half of the items were con- transfer is reported, performance levels on transfer structed from the grammar with which the infants situations are generally lower than performance had been familiarized. In the selected example, the levels on the original training situation. This so- grammatical item was wofefe. Wofewo introduces a called transfer decrement phenomenon raises a prob- structural novelty in that it is generated from a con- lem for a rule-based standpoint. In an authoritative current ABA grammar. The infants tended to listen discussion on the use of abstract rules, Smith et al. (1992) posit as the first of their eight criteria for rule more to the sentences generated by the ABA gram- use that ‘‘Performance on rule-governed items is as mar, thus indicating their sensitivity to the structural accurate with unfamiliar as with familiar material’’ novelty. In another experiment, infants were shown (Smith et al., 1992, p. 7; see also Anderson, 1994, p. 35; to be able to discriminate sentences generated by an Shanks, 1995, Ch. 5; Whittlesea and Dorken, 1997, AAB grammar. Similar studies using more complex p.66). Manza and Reber (1997) acknowledge this material have been performed with 11-month-old implication of their own abstractionist view. infants (Gomez and Gerken, 1999). Clearly, this prediction of rule-based accounts has scarce experimental support at best. However, observing that rule-based interpretation The Phenomenon of Transfer: of transfer is, after all, not so well-fitted as might The Interpretations expected has limited interest until better interpreta- tions are put forward. Are there alternatives? Rules? Marcus et al. concluded that infants have the capacity to represent algebraic-like rules and, in addition, Explicit inferences during the ‘‘have the ability to extract those rules rapidly from test? small amounts of input and to generalize those rules In the standard situations of artificial grammar learn- to novel instances’’ (Marcus et al., 1999, p. 79). ing, most people are able to learn the abstract rules of Demonstrations of transfer in more complex situa- the grammar when they are instructed to search for tions in adults have elicited similar comments. For rules (Turner and Fischler, 1993) or when they are instance, Reber, talking about performance in the given incidental instructions which guide them changed letter procedure in artificial grammar learn- toward the deep structure of the material (Wittlesea ing studies, claimed that and Dorken, 1993). A first alternative possibility to account for transfer in IL studies is that transfer is ... the abstractive perspective is the only model of due to the involvement of explicit reasoning, despite mental representation that can deal with the the instructions given to participants. Implicit Learning 603

This account finds support in the examination of abstraction is indicative of rule formation and rule the tasks in which transfer routinely succeeds and use has been heavily challenged. As cogently argued tasks in which transfer fails. As noted by Newell by Redington and Chater (2002), ‘‘surface-indepen- and Bright (2002), the tasks that trigger transfer are dence and rule-based knowledge are orthogonal those in which participants are instructed to use concepts.’’ knowledge that they have acquired during training, To begin with a simple case, let us consider Manza such as artificial grammar learning tasks and invar- and Reber’s (1997) results, showing a transfer between iant learning tasks. These instructions inevitably shift auditory and visual modalities in the artificial gram- subjects to a rule-discovery mental set. The tasks in mar learning area. These authors interpret their which subjects are not explicitly engaged to rely on findings as providing support for their abstractionist, what they saw in study phase, such as serial reaction- rule-based view. However, the phenomenon can be time (SRT) tasks and control interactive tasks, are far easily explained otherwise. Any sequence – such as less prone to transfer. In SRT tasks, for instance, a VXMTR – presented orally will be immediately target stimulus appears on successive trials at one of a recognized when displayed visually, irrespective of few possible positions on the computer screen. whether this sequence is generated by a grammar or Participants are simply asked to react to the appear- not. This is because the perceptual primitives, namely ance of the target by pressing a key that spatially the letters V, X, and so on, are processed to an abstract matches the location of the target on a keyboard. level that makes them partially independent of their Typically, the same sequence of trials is repeated sensory format. The differences between the two throughout the session. Participants exhibit a explanations is worth stressing. In the former case, a decrease in reaction times with regard to a control rule-governed pattern is assumed to be extracted from condition, without ever being informed about the the auditory stimuli before being applied to the visual presence of a repeated structure. In this case, transfer stimuli. In the latter case, matching is directly per- to dissimilar surface feature typically fails (Stadler, formed at the levels of the perceptual primitives. The 1989; Willingham et al., 1989). same comment can be applied to many other studies. The role of explicit reasoning in changed-letter For example, the transfer between colors and the transfer in artificial grammar learning is further sug- name of colors (Dienes and Altmann, 1997) and the gested by the fact that transfer is performed better transfer between digits and their word equivalents when the training session involves intentional (i.e., (McGeorge and Burton, 1990) can also be accounted rule searching) rather than incidental instructions for by the natural mapping between the primitives (Mathews et al., 1989). Whittlesea and Dorken involved in the experiment. (1993) failed to obtain changed-letter transfer in sub- At first glance, the above explanation does not jects whose attention was not focused on the apply to all transfer results. As a case in point, it does structure of the situation. In the same vein, Gomez not seem to work for the studies by Marcus et al. (1997) showed that changed-letter transfer occurred (1999) in which transfer is observed between, say, gatiti only in subjects who had sufficient explicit knowl- and wofefe, because there is no natural mapping edge of the rules. between ga and wo,orti and fe. Reinterpretation of Although these studies suggest that transfer per- the Marcus et al. data is possible along the same line, formance partly depends on the involvement of however, if one assumes that the perceptual primitives conscious and deliberate processes, it is difficult to can be relational in nature. The relation that needs to account for all the positive results in those terms. To be coded is the relation ‘same-different,’ or, in other evoke only one counterargument, the observation of words, the only ability that infants need to possess is transfer in infants (Gomez and Gerken, 1999; Markus that of coding the repetition of an event. Indeed, as et al., 1999) can hardly be explained by the recourse pointed out by McClelland and Plaut (1999), gatiti, to intentional rule-breaking strategies. Is it possible wofefe, and more generally all the ABB items, can be to account for transfer in IL without any recourse to coded as different-same, whereas none of the other rules? items can be coded using the same schema. As surprising as this conclusion may be, the Disentangling rules and demonstrations of transfer stemming from the more abstraction complex situations of artificial grammar learning in There is no doubt that the evidence of transfer is adults imply the coding of no more complex relations indicative of abstraction. However, the view that than event repetitions (e.g., Tunney and Altmann, 604 Implicit Learning

1999; Gomez et al., 2000; for an overview, see situations in which regularities cannot be described Perruchet and Vinter, 2002, Section 6). Lotz and by a set of rules, as the concept has been defined Kinder (2006) confirmed and extended this conclu- above. As a consequence, the only possible question sion. They showed that the sources of information is: Do we need rules, in addition to statistical learn- used in transfer tasks in artificial grammar learning ing, to account for implicit learning in rule-governed studies concern the local repetition between adjacent situations? elements, as well as the repetition of nonadjacent Here is the end of the consensus. On the one hand, elements in the whole items. many authors respond ‘‘no.’’ Their position is based Overall, this analysis demonstrates that transfer, on the fact that the sensitivity to statistical regulari- such as observed in IL settings, is in no way indica- ties is able to account for performance in most of the tive of rule knowledge. It is fairly compatible with a experimental situations that were initially devised to statistical approach, provided one acknowledges the provide an existence proof for rule learning, includ- possibility that statistical processes operate not only ing transfer settings. In addition, when a direct test on surface features (such as forms or colors), but also has been performed to contrast the predictions of the on more abstract properties and on simple relational two models, predictions of the statistical account features, such as the repetition of events. The idea have been unambiguously confirmed (see also that transfer does not imply rule abstraction has also Perruchet (1994b) on the situation devised by gained support from the possibility of accounting Kushner et al. (1991) and Channon et al. (2002) on for transfer performance within a connectionist the biconditional grammar). On the other hand, other framework (Altman and Dienes, 1999; McClelland authors (e.g., Knowlton and Squire, 1996) argue that and Plaut, 1999; Seidenberg and Elman, 1999; empirical evidence requires a dual process account, Christiansen and Curtin, 1999). Note also that trans- mixing statistical learning and rule knowledge. Their fer has been claimed to be compatible with an position stems from experimental studies in which interpretation focusing on instance-based processing, learning persists in test conditions where the simplest thanks to the notion of abstract analogy (Brooks and regularities – those that are presumably captured by Vokey, 1991), although Lotz and Kinder (2006) failed statistical learning – have been made uninformative to find an empirical support for this account. (e.g., Knowlton and Squire, 1996; Meulemans and Van Der Linden, 1997; but see Kinder and Assmann, 2000). This kind of evidence is not fully A Provisional Conclusion compelling, however, because it is not possible to There is evidence that the analogy with specific ascertain that all the possible sources of statistical items may account for a specific part of variance in knowledge have been taken into account (see for performance. The Vokey and Brooks (1992) demon- instance the reanalysis of Meulemans and Van der stration, presented in the section titled ‘The instance- Linden (1997) by Johnstone and Shanks (1999)). A based or episodic account,’ has been challenged more principled demonstration, in which some spe- (Knowlton and Squire, 1994; Perruchet, 1994a), but cified content of knowledge would fail to be additional evidence has been provided since then approximated by statistical learning, would provide (Higham, 1997). The interest of the instance-based a far stronger argument. model resides in its highlighting the fact that behav- The remaining of this chapter focuses on statistical ior may be implicitly affected by individual episodes learning. This does not mean that the possibility of rather than simply by large amounts of training. implicit rule learning can be considered as definitely However, there is a consensus on the idea that this ruled out. This presumably will never be the case, account cannot be thought of as exclusive. It seems because proof of nonexistence is beyond the scope of inevitable to jointly consider the pooled influence of any empirical investigation. Needless to say, this a series of events to account for the whole pattern of approach does not mean either that rule learning data. does not exit at all; there is clear evidence that humans The two main views accounting for the influence are able to infer and use abstract rules when conscious of multiple past events are based on rules and statis- thought is involved. The very existence of science tics, respectively, but there is no symmetry between should provide a sufficient proof for the skeptic. the two accounts. Indeed, no one disputes the exis- The implications of focusing on statistical learn- tence of statistical learning. This consensus comes ing are that the questions and their experimental from the human ability to learn in the countless approach will be considered irrespectively of Implicit Learning 605 whether the to-be-learned materials can be described to this variable. Indeed, all the measures of associa- in terms of rules or not. Note that this focus is in tion are generally correlated, so evidence collected to keeping with the recent literature on IL, which typi- support one specific measure is equivocal if no spe- cally includes a number of situations that are not cial care is taken for controlling the other measures. governed by rules such as SRT tasks with repeated Aslin et al. (1998) demonstrated that participants sequences and word segmentation (e.g., Saffran et al., were sensitive to the transitional probability in 1997), as well as other situations, such as contextual word-segmentation studies. These results have been cuing (Chun and Jiang, 2003), that are not described replicated in visual tasks (e.g., Fiser and Aslin, 2001), in this chapter due to space limitations. so that most recent studies on statistical learning take for granted that the statistics to which people are sensitive are transitional probabilities. This conclu- 2.32.3 Learning about Statistical sion could be premature, given the correlations Regularities between the different measures, and the paucity of studies including different measures. In fact, the lit- Before examining the question of what processes erature on conditioning has long suggested that even underlie behavioral tuning to statistical regularities, animals such as rats or pigeons are sensitive to DeltaP one needs to identify the kinds of regularities to (Rescorla, 1967). Perruchet and Peereman (2004) which humans are sensitive. compared several measures of associations, and they found that participants were more sensitive to the bidirectional contingency than to simpler measures What Is Learnable? of associations (although in a specific context). A Frequency, transitional conservative conclusion could be that people are probability, contingency sensitive to more sophisticated measures of associa- For many people, claiming that behavior is sensitive tions than co-occurrence frequency, and further to statistical regularities amounts to saying that be- study is needed for assessing more precisely which havior is sensitive to the absolute or the relative statistic is the more relevant in each context. frequency of events. For instance, participants in an artificial grammar experiment may have learned that Adjacent and nonadjacent MT occurred n times, or that a proportion p of the dependencies displayed bigrams were MT. Considering only fre- A dimension orthogonal to the previous one concerns quency provides limited information, however. It the distance between the to-be-related events. The may be interesting to know the probability for ‘M’ early studies endorsing a statistical approach in the to be followed by ‘T,’ a measure called conditional or IL domain focused on adjacent elements (typically transitional probability. To assess whether ‘M’ is the bigrams of letters). The importance of adjacent actually predictive of ‘T,’ this probability must be relations, however, does not mean that it is impossi- compared to the probability that another letter pre- ble to learn more complex information. A number of cedes ‘T’. The difference between these two studies in SRT tasks have investigated how reactions conditional probabilities is called DeltaP (Shanks, times to the event n improved due to the information 1995). In addition, it may be worth considering the brought out by the events n-1, n-2, n-3 (known as reverse relations, namely the probability for ‘T’ to be first-order, second-order, and third-order depen- preceded by ‘M.’ This ‘backward’ transitional prob- dency rules, respectively), and so on. Second-order ability may be quite different from the standard, dependencies can be learned quite easily and are now forward transitional probability. The normative defi- used as a default in most SRT studies. Third-order nition of contingency in statistics (such as measured, dependency rules can also be learned, although less for instance, by a 2 or a Pearson correlation) clearly (Remillard and Clark, 2001). However, requires a consideration of the bidirectional relations. higher-order dependency rules are seemingly much When data are dichotomized, for instance, Pearson harder, or impossible to learn. For instance, even correlation is the geometrical mean of the forward after 60 000 practice trials, Cleeremans and and backward DeltaP (for a more detailed presenta- McClelland (1991) obtained no evidence for an effect tion, see Perruchet and Peereman, 2004). of the event four steps away from the current trial. The focus on frequency in early studies on IL In the situations discussed so far, the relations does not mean that human behavior is only sensitive between distant events are not considered 606 Implicit Learning independently from the intervening events. By con- connectionist networks (e.g., Christiansen et al., trast, in the AXC structures investigated in several 1998), a feature that strengthens the plausibility of recent studies, a relation exists between A and C irre- such a possibility in humans. spective of the intervening event X, which is statistically independent from both A and C. Examining whether learning those nonadjacent rela- Does learning depend on tionships is possible was prompted by the fact that materials? these relations are frequent in high-level domains An impressive amount of data suggests that statistical such as language and music. The studies investigating learning mechanisms are domain general. For the possibility of learning nonadjacent dependencies instance, although most studies in artificial grammar between syllables or words (Gomez, 2002; Newport learning involve consonant letters, a large variety of and Aslin, 2004; Perruchet et al., 2004; Onnis et al., other stimuli have been used occasionally, such as 2005), musical sounds (Creel et al., 2004; Kuhn and geometric forms, colors, and sounds differing by their Dienes, 2005), digits (Pacton and Perruchet, in press), timbre or their pitch, without noticeable difference. and visual shapes (Turk-Browne et al., 2005)report Conway and Christiansen (2005) directly compared positive results. However, most of them conclude that touch, vision, and audition, and found many common- learning nonadjacent dependencies presupposes more alities, although sequential learning in the auditory restrictive conditions than those required for learning modality seemed easier than with the other two senses. the relations between contiguous events. Gomez (2002) Likewise, data on word segmentation have been suc- showedthatthedegreetowhichtheA_Crelationships cessfully replicated with tones instead of syllables (e.g., were learned depended on the variability of the middle Saffran et al., 1999; Saffran, 2002). element (X). For Newport, Aslin, and collaborators However, the fact that IL processes have a high (e.g. Newport and Aslin, 2004), the crucial factor is level of generality across and within sensory modal- the similarity between A and C. Learning seems also ities does not mean that they apply equally well to much easier in a situation where the successive AXC any stimuli, as if statistical learning mechanisms were units are perceptually distinct (e.g., Gomez, 2002), than blind to the nature of processed material. The well- in situations where they are embedded in a continuous known difficulty of publishing null results certainly sequence (e.g., Perruchet et al., 2004). By contrast, accounts for a part of the apparent universality of IL Pacton and Perruchet (in press) provided support for mechanisms. A closer look shows, for instance, that a view in which nonadjacent dependencies can be learning may depend on aspects of the material that learned as well as adjacent dependencies insofar as could seem a priori irrelevant. For instance, there is the relevant events are actively processed by partici- overwhelming evidence of rapid learning in standard pants to meet the task demands. SRT tasks, in which a target appears in successive trials at one of a few discrete locations. Chambaron Processing multiple cues et al. (2006) explored a similar situation, except that concurrently participants had to track a target that moved along a Up to now, we have examined how the learner continuous dimension. They fail to obtain evidence exploits one source of information, for instance, of learning in several experiments, hence showing event repetition. However, taken in isolation, a that, in spite of a close parallel between continuous source of information often has a limited value in tracking tasks and SRT tasks, taking benefit from the real-world settings. The system efficiency would be repetition of a segment in continuous tracking task considerably extended if various sources could be appears to be considerably more difficult than taking exploited in parallel. The number of studies explor- benefit from the repetition of a sequence in SRT ing this issue is still tiny, but they provide converging tasks. Moreover, recent research on statistical learn- evidence for a positive assessment, as well in artificial ing has shown that learning was highly dependent on grammar learning (e.g., Kinder and Assmann, 2000; low-level perceptual constraints. For instance, for a Conway and Christiansen, 2006) as in SRT tasks (e.g., given statistical structure, the acoustic properties of Hunt and Aslin, 2001). Studies on word segmentation the artificial speechflow have been shown to be have also demonstrated the possibility of combining determinant for learning to segment the speechflow statistical and prosodic cues (e.g., Thiessen and into words (e.g., Onnis et al., 2005). Shukla et al. Saffran, 2003). The concurrent exploitation of var- (2007) provides evidence that possible world-like ious information sources can be simulated by sequences, namely chunks of three syllables with Implicit Learning 607 high transition probabilities, are not recognized as nonhuman primates (e.g., Hauser et al., 2001)oreven words if they straddle two prosodic constituents. rats (Toro and Trobalon, 2005). The efficiency of learning may also depend on These data have crucial implications for a number high-level expectancies about the structure of the of fundamental and applied issues. They do not material. For instance, Pothos (2005) used an artifi- mean, however, that everyone shares equivalent abil- cial grammar learning task in which the consonant ities whenever statistical learning is concerned. In letters were replaced by the name of cities. The fact, comparative studies often select situations the sequences of cities were presented as the routes a difficulty of which is a priori well-suited for the full salesman has to travel. In one group of participants, span of the investigated population. When the level the training sequences matched the intuitive expec- of difficulty is increased, a difference often emerges. tation that the salesman follows routes that link For instance, a deficit of performance has been nearby cities, while in a second group, they conflicted observed in complex IL tasks in elderly people (e.g., with this intuition. Learning, as assessed by the com- Howard et al., 2004) and in amnesic patients (Curran, parison with an adequate control group, occurred 1997; Channon et al., 2002). This dependency of IL only in the first group, as if a conflict between the with regard to learner’s general competencies when- knowledge acquired by processing the statistical ever the learning settings become complex enough is structure of the stimuli and the intuitive expectations confirmed by studies on adult healthy people. For about stimulus structure prevented learning from instance, Dienes and Longuet-Higgins (2004) occurring in the second group. observed that only participants experienced with atonal music were able to learn artificial regularities following the structures of serialist music. About the learners Any discussion about learnability is meaningless Statistical Computations and without considering the characteristics of the lear- Chunk Formation ners. Most of the studies reported above have been performed on healthy adult participants. Computing statistics? Regarding first the effect of age, recent research Observing that performances in IL tasks conforms to on statistical learning has shown the surprising learn- statistical regularities may lead us to infer that lear- ing abilities of infants. These abilities have been ners compute statistics. Certainly, the idea that initially revealed with auditory artificial languages learners unconsciously compute statistics using (e.g., Saffran et al., 1996), but they are in no way the same algorithms as a statistician would use is limited to language-like stimuli. They concern somewhat implausible. However, the possibility sounds or combinations of visual features as well of approximating the outcome of analytical com- (e.g., Fiser and Aslin, 2001, 2002). Several studies putations through connectionist networks (e.g., have also investigated IL in children. They suggest Redington and Chater, 1998) offers a much more that there is no noticeable evolution from 4- or 5-year- appealing alternative. Learning is performed by the old children to young adults (e.g., Meulemans et al., progressive tuning of the connection weights 1998; Vinter and Detable, 2003; Karatekin et al., 2006). between units within multilayer networks. Although Other studies suggest that IL does not decline with different types of networks have been used (see healthy aging (e.g., Cherry and Stadler, 1995; Negash Dienes, 1992), the Simple Recurrent Networks et al., 2003). Furthermore, a number of studies have (SRN), initially proposed by Elman (1990), have reported impressive IL abilities in children (e.g., been the most widely applied to IL. SRNs are typi- Detable and Vinter, 2004) and young adults (Atwell cally trained to predict the next element of sequences et al., 2003) with mental retardation, and in patients presented one element at a time. Cleeremans and with psychiatric (e.g., Schwartz et al., 2003) and neu- McClelland (1991) have shown that an SRN was rological disorders, including (e.g., able to simulate the performance of human learners Meulemans and Van der Linden, 2003; Shanks et al., in an SRT task in which the successive locations of 2006), Alzheimer’s disease (Eldridge et al., 2002), the target were generated by a finite-state grammar, Parkinson’s disease (e.g., Smith and McDowall, 2006), and the ability of SRNs to successfully account for closed-head injury (e.g., Vakil et al., 2002), and performance in various IL paradigms has been con- Williams Syndrome (Don et al., 2003). Statistical firmed since then in a number of studies (e.g., Kinder learning abilities have been shown in animals such as and Assmann, 2000). Certainly, due to the impressive 608 Implicit Learning ability of connectionist networks to simulate learner’s Are statistical computations performance, the idea that learners actually perform a necessary prerequisite? statistical computations is taken for granted by a Chunks consistent with the statistical structure of the number of authors. This idea is not compelling how- material can also emerge without prior statistical ever. Inferring statistical computation from statistical computations. Simple memory mechanisms could sensitivity may amount to repeating the same error be sufficient. To begin with, let us consider the as the early researchers in IL, who inferred rule ubiquitous phenomenon of forgetting. Because fre- abstraction from the behavioral sensitivity to rules. quently repeated events tends to be forgotten to a An alternative interpretation emerges from the lesser extent than less frequent events, forgetting observation that IL generally leads to the formation leads us to be sensitive to event frequency, without of chunks. any statistical ‘computation.’ Several models of IL (Servan-Schreiber and Anderson, 1990; Knowlton and Squire, 1996; Perruchet and Vinter, 1998a) rest The formation of chunks on this intuition. Again, in the example, the chunks The fact that learning leads to the formation of ‘AB’ and ‘CDE’ would emerge from the fact that A chunks is largely consensual. This is obviously the and B on the one hand, and C, D, and E on the other case in recent studies on word segmentation and hand, occur more often together than any other object formation, in which performance is directly combinations of events. In Perruchet and Vinter’s assessed through chunk formation. But this is also Parser model, those chunks emerge simply because true in most of the other situations of IL, in which other associations of events (such as ABC), if they chunks are not the explicit end-product of learning. occur, are forgotten due to their relative rarity. The A number of studies have shown that participants difference with the statistical account is that, instead learn small chunks of two or three elements in arti- of being inferred from the results of statistical com- ficial grammar learning settings. Chunking the putation, chunk formation is the primary mechanism, and the cohesive chunks are those that are selected material, far from being a degraded procedure, is a among a number of other ones due to well-known highly efficient mode of coding. Indeed, dealing with laws of associative memory, primarily forgetting. small units facilitates transfer and generalization. Chunking is often thought of as exclusively sensi- This happens because, given the structure of finite- tive to the raw frequency. This would indeed be the state grammars, new items are formed by recombin- case if the strength of memory traces only depended ing old components. However, this is true only if the on the repetitions of events. However, it has long chunks respect the statistical structure of the mate- been known that forgetting is due in large part to rial. To put the matter simply, assuming five events the interference generated by the prior or subsequent (A, B, C, D, and E), forming the chunks ‘AB’ and events that are related in some way to the target ‘CDE’ is beneficial only if A and B on the one hand, event. Now, and this is the crucial point, taking into and C, D, and E on the other hand, form cohesive account the effect of interference in chunk formation structures. If ‘AB’ is frequently followed by C, and amounts to considering other measures of association ‘DE’ frequently occurs in other contexts, then this than the raw frequency of co-occurrences. For mode of chunking would be ill suited (Perruchet instance, implementing forward interference is suffi- et al., 2002). cient to make chunk strength sensitive to transitional The formation of chunks forming cohesive struc- probabilities (Perruchet and Pacton, 2006, Box 3). tures can be easily accounted for by the idea that Moreover, Perruchet and Peereman (2004) have learners compute statistics. For instance, for Saffran shown that the Perruchet and Vinter’s (1998a) and Wilson (2003), verbal chunks are inferred from Parser model, thanks to the role ascribed to interfer- statistical computations and then serve as the stuff for ence in chunk formation, was even sensitive to further statistical computations. Fiser and Aslin contingency, that is, to a measure of association (2005) also consider that the visual input is chunked more comprehensive than conditional probabilities. into components according to the statistical coher- To recap, the current debate is between those who ence of their components. To use the five-event argue that statistical computations are performed example, AB and CDE would emerge as from some first, with the chunks inferred on the basis of their kind of cluster or factorial analyses once the correla- results, and those who argue that the chunks are tional structure of the events has been computed. formed from the outset, with the sensitivity to Implicit Learning 609 statistical regularities being a by-product of the selec- Implicitness during the Training tion of those chunks as a consequence of ubiquitous Phase memory laws. Note that the two interpretations are Incidental and intentional equally consistent with associative learning principles. learning One advantage of the second option is its parsimony. A feature which is a part of virtually all definitions of Indeed, no additional computational devices have to IL is the incidental nature of the acquisition process. be imagined to extract chunks from distributional IL proceeds without people’s intention to learn. This information. In addition, the chunk model can be characteristic is sometimes the only one to be easily unified with the instance-based model, because retained, thus conflating the notion of IL and inci- both are grounded on standard memory laws. A uni- dental learning (e.g., Stadler and French, 1994). The fied view could find an integrative framework in the SRT tasks are often considered as those that offer the so-called processing account of IL. This account bor- best guarantee of the incidental nature of learning, rows, from research in memory, the idea that memory because this task is endowed with its own internal traces are no more than the by-product of the proces- purpose, and it leaves quite limited time for thinking sing operations engaged during study, and that about the task structure. In most of the other IL tasks, retrieval depends on the overlap between the proces- instructions distract participants from thinking about sing undertaken during the study and the test phase the overall material structure, by focusing partici- (e.g., Roediger et al., 1989). Support for this view in IL pants’ attention on individual items. For instance, in studies stems from the demonstration of the encoding artificial grammar learning, participants are generally specificity effects in research into artificial grammar. asked for the rote learning of individual letter strings. For instance, Whittlesea and Dorken (1993) show that In invariant learning, participants are asked to per- performances in the test phase are better if the proces- form some arithmetic computation on each digit sing involved during the test (pronouncing or spelling string. In other tasks, such as the word-segmentation the letter strings) matches the processing involved task, participants are simply asked to listen to the during the study phase. Although the processing artificial language, without specific demands. account is historically associated with the instance- based models of IL (e.g., Neal and Hesketh, 1997), its grounding principles could be applied to chunk-based Is attention necessary? models as well. A question of major interest is whether performance These considerations, however, cannot be consid- improvement depends on the amount of attention ered as compelling. At this time, the available paid to the study material during the familiarization experimental studies intended to tease apart the pre- phase. The main strategy consists in adding a con- dictions from statistical and chunk-based models current secondary task during the training session, have produced equivocal results (e.g., Boucher and then observing whether performance improvement is Dienes, 2003). Clearly, the outcome of the debate is equivalent to that observed in a standard procedure. pending further empirical investigations. A few early studies claimed that the addition of a secondary task had no effect, or even could facilitate learning in very complex experimental settings. This 2.32.4 How Implicit Is ‘Implicit leads to contrast the concepts of ‘selective learning’ Learning’? and ‘unselective learning’ (e.g., Berry and Broadbent, 1988), with the latter being assumed to occur when What defines implicitness in IL is far from being the situation was too complex to be solved by atten- agreed upon. A distinction is made, in the following tion-based mechanisms. The original results were not sections, between what occurs during the training replicated, however (e.g., Green and Shanks, 1993), phase and the test phase of an IL session. The study- and to the best of our knowledge, the notion of test distinction has limited interest, insofar as in most unselective learning, as initially discussed in the real-world situations, and in several laboratory situa- studies conducted by Broadbent and colleagues, is tions (such as SRT tasks) as well, any event both no longer advocated. influences subsequent events and is itself influenced The idea of two forms of learning, differing by the prior ones, hence serving the two functions according to whether attention is required or not, simultaneously. However, this distinction provides a has also been proposed in another context, but with convenient means to tease apart different issues. the opposite stance. The hypothesis was that 610 Implicit Learning attention is required for learning complex sequences knowledge through postexperimental tests. Overall, in SRT tasks, while nonattentional learning is effi- a number of studies report that participants are aware cient for the simplest forms of sequential of the knowledge they have acquired. However, dependencies (Cohen et al., 1990). However, obser- other studies report that participants fail in the test ving learning under dual-tasks conditions does not of explicit knowledge. The question is: Are those imply the existence of a nonattentional form of learn- negative results reliable? A number of potential ing, because the secondary task might not deplete the drawbacks have been raised. attentional resources completely (Stadler, 1995). Closing their survey on the role of attention in im- The Shanks and St. John plicit , Hsiao and Reber concluded: information criterion We view sequence learning as occurring in back- The first problem is linked to the fact that exploring ground of the residual attention after the cost of the whether knowledge is consciously represented pri- tone-counting task [commonly used as a secondary marily requires that the knowledge relevant for task in this context] and the key-pressing task. If there performing the task has been correctly identified. In is still sufficient attention available to the encoding of an influential synthesis of the literature, Shanks the sequence, learning will be successful; otherwise, and St. John (1994) coined this requirement as the failure will result. (Hsiao and Reber, 1998: 487) ‘information criterion.’ The information criterion sti- pulates that the information the experimenter is Regarding artificial grammars, Reber (e.g., 1993) has looking for in the test needs to match the also acknowledged that attention to the study mate- information responsible for the performance change. rial is necessary for learning to occur. In support of Although the cogency of this criterion may seem this claim, Dienes et al. (1991) have shown that the obvious, it must be realized that it entails that any accuracy of grammaticality judgments was lowered conclusion about implicitness entirely depends on when subjects had to perform a concurrent random the response given to the ‘what is learned’ question number generation task during the familiarization raised in the prior sections. Any error in the hypothe- phase. sized content of knowledge, far from being a ‘‘slightly Note also that other studies have shown that, with- embarrassing methodological glitch’’ (Reber, 1993, out at least minimal attentional involvement, even note p. 44, 114-115), has dramatic consequences on simple covariations or regularities turn out to be the inference that one may drawn about the implicit/ impossibletolearn(Jimenez and Mendez, 1999; explicit status of the acquired knowledge. For Hoffmann and Sebald, 2005; Pacton and Perruchet, instance, Reber and Allen correctly pointed out that: in press; Rowland and Shanks, 2006b). The conclusion according to which improved performance in IL situa- ...clearly a considerable proportion of subjects’ tion requires attention has been recently supported by articulated knowledge can be characterized as an studies on statistical learning using continuous speech awareness of permissible and nonpermissible letter flow (Toro et al., 2005) or visual displays (Baker et al., pairs. (Reber and Allen, 1978: 210). 2005; Turk-Browne et al., 2005). This conclusion However, the authors did not realize that this form of comes as no surprise, because the major role played knowledge was sufficient to account for performance. by selective attention in acquisition processes is an old Instead, they attributed performance improvement to and robust empirical finding (for another approach rule knowledge, which they concluded to be the that emphasizes the role of attention, see Frensch result of unconscious abstraction. A large part of the et al., 1994). earlier claims for the lack of conscious knowledge about the study material seemingly stems from this problem, also known as the problem of the ‘correlated Implicitness during the Test Phase hypotheses’ after the seminal studies by Dulany The lack of conscious (1961) and Dulany et al. (1984). knowledge about the study material Is it possible to improve his/her performance with- The Shanks and St. John out being conscious of what has been learned? A sensitivity criterion considerable amount of studies have addressed According to Shanks and St. John, a second criterion this question by exploring participants’ explicit is that the test of explicit knowledge is sensitive to all Implicit Learning 611 of the relevant conscious knowledge. A test of free The problem of the reliability recall, such as used in the early studies on IL, is of measures notoriously insensitive. For instance, participants The scores in implicit and explicit tasks are often may not report some knowledge they have about found to be correlated. For instance, in SRT tasks, the material structure, because they have a conserva- Perruchet and Amorim (1992) reported that Pearson tive response criterion that makes them respond only correlations over the sequence trials between RT and when their knowledge is held with high confidence, recognition scores ranged, in three experiments, from or simply because they think this knowledge is irre- .63 to .98. However, some authors (e.g., Willingham levant or trivial. For this reason, most studies now et al., 1993) have argued that evidence for uncon- involve a test of recognition, in which participants scious knowledge was given by the fact that learning have to discriminate items belonging to the training could be still observed when the analysis was materials from new items. However, performing no restricted to the subgroup of items (or the subgroup better than chance in a recognition test is not neces- of participants) for which no evidence of explicit sarily a proof that participants lack any explicit knowledge was gathered. This argument is question- knowledge about the task. For instance, Reed and able, however. As discussed in Perruchet and Johnson (1994) used a recognition test after an SRT Amorim (1992), the method, in effect, dichotomizes task and observed that recognition scores were at the scores on the implicit measure on the one hand, chance. In an attempted replication involving the and on the explicit measure on the other, to assign same procedure, Shanks and Johnstone (1999) found the items or the participants to a fourfold contin- instead very high levels of recognition. The only gency table. Then inference for dissociation is difference between the two studies was that partici- drawn from the observation that some items or pants in Shanks and Johnstone were rewarded by an some participants fall into the discordant cells of the extra sum of money for each correct decision. contingency table, or in other words, that the corre- Performing the recognition test is somewhat tedious, lation is not perfect. The problem with this method is and presumably participants in the Reed and Johnson that a prerequisite for obtaining a perfect correlation study were not motivated enough to make the effort is perfect reliability of measures. This condition is required to perform the task correctly. highly unrealistic for psychological measures, espe- cially for the scores on implicit tests (Meier and The problems of forgetting Perrig, 2000; Buchner and Brandt, 2003). Shanks In the standard procedure, the explicit tests are post- and Perruchet (2002) have developed this reasoning poned after the task of IL, thus raising the problem into a quantitative model, which assumes that the of the retention of the knowledge exploited during sources of error plaguing implicit and explicit mea- the implicit test. For instance, Destrebecqz and sure are independent. Although the model involved a Cleeremans (2001) reported chance-level recogni- single underlying memory variable, it turned out to tion in an SRT paradigm (at least for a group of be able to generate a dissociation between RTs and participants). Notably, the test of recognition was recognition in SRT tasks that mimics fairly well the administered after participants had performed dissociation the authors reported themselves (despite another task, in which they had to generate sequences the temporal synchrony of measures). under various instructions (see below). Shanks et al. (2003) attempted to reproduce Destrebecqz and An intractable issue? Cleeremans’ dissociation between RT measures and To sum up, the current evidence for the lack of con- recognition scores, but in conditions in which the two scious knowledge about the study material is weak at kinds of measures were taken concurrently. In three best. There is currently no identified condition allow- experiments, they failed to replicate the Destrebecqz ing one to obtain a reproducible dissociation. Most of and Cleeremans’ dissociation and obtained instead the experiments reporting above-chance performance clear evidence of recognition. Note that the problems in implicit measures and chance-level performance in of forgetting are made especially important due to explicit tests have been replicated in more stringent the fact that a recognition test necessarily includes conditions, and it turns out that, as a rule, the dissocia- the exposure to new sequences (generally half of the tion no longer appears when appropriate controls are test items). Because these new sequences are highly made. similar to old sequences, they are prone to generate These data do not allow clear conclusions. On the interference for the subsequent test trials. one hand, the preceding discussion makes it clear that 612 Implicit Learning it is impossible to conclude to the existence of learning the bases of their decisions, the correlation between without any conscious counterpart. But, on the other confidence and accuracy should be null. hand, it should be also unwarranted to infer from the Can performances on standard IL tasks be called current findings that conscious awareness of the mate- implicit according to these criteria? The literature rial structure is necessary for performance again does not provide a clear response, with some improvement. The first reason is a logical one, which studies reporting positive results and others negative has been met with regard to rule abstraction, namely, it results. In fact, the general picture appears similar to is not possible to prove that something does not exist. that observed with objective measures, with initially There is yet another reason, linked to the fact that no positive findings being not replicated when more task is process-pure, as has been well documented in sensitive measures are used. For instance, Dienes the literature on . This is especially and Altman (1997) reported a zero correlation true for the most sensitive tests, such as recognition. between confidence and accuracy in an artificial Jacoby (1983), and many others since, have argued that grammar learning task involving a transfer paradigm. the relative fluency of , which relies on Notably, participants had to assess their confidence implicit process, may be used as a cue for discriminat- on a continuous scale ranging from 50 to 100, where ing old from new items in a recognition task, thus 50 was a complete guess and 100 was absolutely sure. making a variable contribution to recognition judg- Using the same scale, Tunney and Shanks (2003b) ments over and beyond a directed memory search replicated this result. However, based on a study by factor. This entails that above-chance recognition Kunimoto et al. (2001), Tunney and Shanks reasoned after an IL task does not provide a compelling evi- that a binary confidence judgment could be more dence for explicit knowledge. To date, it is not clear sensitive, maybe because participants might find it how further studies could solve this conundrum. Some easier to express subjective states on a binary than on authors (e.g., Higham et al., 2000) have suggested that a continuous scale. When participants had to express those problems are intractable and should prompt their confidence on a binary scale, they were found to researchers to give up any attempts to demonstrate be systematically more confident in their correct learning without concurrent . decision than in their incorrect decision in several independent experiments. To conclude, irrespective of the a priori validity that one decides to ascribe to The subjective measures subjective measure of implicitness, it appears that The measures discussed so far are often called ‘objec- there is to date no identified procedure that fulfills tive,’ because it is the experimenter that judges the subjective criteria in a reproducible way. level of awareness of participants from their perfor- mance in specific tests. Another way of defining The lack of control implicitness starts from the consideration of the phe- One possible meaning of ‘implicitness’ is that of nomenal state of the participants such as it may be ‘automaticity.’ One of the key features usually attrib- directly expressed. Two such ‘subjective’ measures of uted to automatic behavior is that it is irrepressible, implicitness have been proposed in the literature, the irrespective of people’s intentions to do so. Although guessing criterion and the zero-correlation criterion recent literature on automaticity has questioned the (Dienes et al., 1995). In both cases, participants are possibility that any learned behavior - even reading, submitted to a test of explicit knowledge such as a which is often construed as prototypical of automa- recognition test, and they have to rate how confident ticity – could actually be outside of control (e.g., they are about each decision. To check whether the Tzelgov et al., 1992), the question of whether the guessing criterion is filled, the scores on the recogni- expression of knowledge in IL tasks shares this prop- tion test are restricted to those of the decisions erty deserves to be raised. Such a demonstration was that are accompanied by a subjective experience of provided by Destrebecqz and Cleeremans (2001) in guessing. If participants achieve above-chance dis- an SRT task. In an application of Jacoby’s process crimination while they report to be guessing, the dissociation procedure ( Jacoby, 1991) to this task, the guessing criterion is met. The zero-correlation cri- authors asked participants to generate a sequence terion rests on the idea that, if knowledge is implicit, under two successive conditions during the test participants must not be more confident when they phase of an otherwise standard SRT procedure. In are correct than when they are incorrect. As a con- the first condition, they were told to generate the sequence, if participants have no introspection into sequences they were previously exposed to, and if Implicit Learning 613 they fail to remember them, to generate sequences as relevant aspects of the situation would have the they come to their minds (the inclusion instructions). very same effects as those induced by unconscious Then participants had to produce a sequence of key- processes. As a consequence, it has been suggested presses that did not overlap with the training that performance in IL tests can be accounted for by sequence (the exclusion instructions). Crucially, par- the use of explicit knowledge about various aspects of ticipants - at least a subgroup of participants trained the experimental situation (Dulany et al., 1984; without any interval between the response to a target Shanks and St. John, 1994). It is certainly impossible and the appearance of the next target - were influ- to rule out this contention in general. However, it enced by the training sequences despite their should be unwarranted to generalize it to all IL tasks. intention to prevent this from happening. They per- Indeed, there are cases in which the conscious exploi- formed in the same ways irrespective of the tation of explicit knowledge does not coincide with instructions, and under exclusion instructions, they the expected results of unconscious processing. One generated the training sequence more than would be example is provided by the grammar learning studies expected from an appropriate baseline. involving preference judgments. Indeed, there should These findings, however, have proven to be diffi- be a priori no reason for the knowledge about the cult to replicate. In the same conditions, Wilkinson material to be used to guide a preference judgment. and Shanks (2004) found that participants were more However, participants consistently prefer grammati- influenced by the training sequence under inclusion cal items (e.g., Manza et al., 1998). than under exclusion instructions (see also Vinter and Perruchet (2000) proposed a new task Destrebecqz and Cleeremans, 2003). In three experi- of IL that was especially devised to eliminate the ments, Wilkinson and Shanks also failed to replicate potential influence of intentional control. When the results according to which parts of the training adults are asked to draw a closed geometrical figure sequence were generated more often under exclusion such as a circle, their production exhibits a striking instructions than in the baseline, even after more regularity. If they begin the circle in the lower half, extensive training than used by Destrebecqz and they tend to rotate clockwise, and if they begin the Cleeremans (2001) - although they did not get any circle in the upper half, they tend to rotate counter negative difference either, as it could be expected if clockwise. In Vinter and Perruchet experiments, par- participants were able to withdraw the parts of the ticipants were guided to draw geometrical figures in training sequence from influencing their production. such a way that this natural covariation was inverted. Overall, these and others results (see for instance This training induced important and long-lasting Dienes et al., 1995; Tunney and Shanks, 2003a) modifications of subsequent free drawings. The offer only quite limited evidence for the conclusion point of interest is that, even if participants had that knowledge gained in IL settings lies outside of become aware of the inverted covariation between intentional control. the starting point and the rotation direction they experienced during the training session, they should The lack of intentional have no reason to modify their usual mode of draw- exploitation of acquired knowledge ing as they did. This study provides clear evidence The fact that participants are seemingly able to with- for an adaptive mode in which subjects’ behavior draw the influence of prior training when they are becomes sensitive to the structural features of an asked to do so does not mean that, under standard experienced situation, without the adaptation being conditions, this influence is intentionally mediated. due to the intentional exploitation of subjects’ expli- The lack of intentional exploitation of stored knowl- cit knowledge about these features. edge seems to be a hallmark of the real-world examples given at the outset of this chapter. Processing Fluency and Presumably nobody has the intuition of applying Conscious Experience strategically a core of learned knowledge when speaking his maternal language, hearing music, or Let us now reverse the direction of the potential conforming to physical or social rules. Is this intuition relation between learning mechanisms and conscious confirmed in experimental studies? thought, in order to examine the level of dependency The question is made difficult by the fact that, in of conscious thought with regard to IL. most cases, influences expected from the intentional An influential model of how training in IL settings exploitation of conscious knowledge about the leads to a change in performance posits that training 614 Implicit Learning induces a modification in the subjective experience of Christiansen, 2006; Kinder et al., 2003) is consonant the learner. More specifically, the underlying idea is with the idea that the training-induced modifications that training improves the fluency of perceptual pro- are relatively inconsequential. It is also possible to cessing for the studied materials. This account was consider that the changes in the conscious experience initially proposed by Servan-Schreiber and Anderson of the learner are much more striking. For instance, (1990) in the context of their chunking theory. In fact, in artificial grammar learning, participants normally however, the improved processing fluency can also learn to perceive the grammatical strings as a be attributed to other forms of knowledge, such as sequence of chunks the content of which is consonant rules or memory for specific instances. Thus a flu- with the structure of the grammar (e.g., the sequences ency theory has been advocated as well by those of letters composing a recursive loop have high researchers who maintain a role for rule-based pro- chance of being perceived as chunks, see Servan- cessing (Zizak and Reber, 2004) and by those who Schreiber and Anderson, 1990; Perruchet et al., consider that statistical computations are sufficient 2002). Likewise, in word-segmentation studies, the (e.g., Conway and Christiansen, 2005). speechflow, which is initially perceived as an unor- Let us examine how this account works in artifi- ganized set of syllables, turns out to be perceived as a cial grammar learning paradigms. The assumption is sequence of units, which match the words composing that, after training with a sample of grammatical the language. More generally, an essential function of strings of letters, new grammatical strings are pro- IL could be that of making the conscious perception cessed fluently, or more precisely, more fluently than and representation of the world isomorphic with expected (Whittlesea and Williams, 2000), hence world’s deep structure. Because this change in sub- generating a feeling of familiarity leading itself to jective experience can be construed as a simple by- endorse the strings as grammatical. The two steps of product of the attentional processing of the incoming this hypothesis have received experimental support. information, Perruchet and Vinter (2002) have sug- The fact that exposure to the training strings gested the concept of ‘self-organizing consciousness’ improved processing fluency has been shown by to express the idea that IL shapes new conscious Buchner (1994). The test strings were displayed in percepts and representations in a way which make such a way that they emerged progressively from them increasingly adaptive (see also Perruchet, 2005; noise, a procedure known as a perceptual clarifica- Perruchet et al., 1997). tion procedure. It turned out that grammatical strings Neither the fluency account nor Perruchet and were identified about 200 ms faster than ungramma- Vinter’s (2002) self-organizing consciousness model tical ones. The fact that improved fluency in turn is aimed to account for all behavioral changes influences grammaticality judgments has been observed in IL settings. For instance, although the demonstrated using a method well documented in fluency account is relatively consensual (partly due the literature on implicit memory, which consists in to the fact that it is mute with regard to the nature of artificially enhancing the fluency of processing of knowledge inducing fluency), this account explains selected items. During the test phase of an otherwise only a part of the performances observed in IL settings. standard artificial grammar learning experiments, Even in the artificial grammar learning paradigm, Kinder et al. (2003) exposed participants to test which is a priori a well-suited field of application, strings that did not differ in their grammatical status relative processing fluency does not seem to be able (they were all grammatical). The test strings were to account for the whole pattern of grammaticality displayed in a perceptual clarification procedure as in judgments (Buchner, 1994; see also Zizak and Reber, Buchner (1994), except that some strings were clar- 2004, p.23). However, these models point to the pos- ified slightly faster than the others. Participants sibility of considering IL and consciousness not in judged the former more often grammatical than the terms of dissociation or independence, but rather in latter. terms of dynamic interplay. The fluency account suggests that IL modifies the subjective experience of the learner. However, the Summary and Discussion induced modifications appear to be quite minor, insofar as they are prompted by a gain of some frac- To sum up, research of the last few decades has tions of second in processing speed. The frequent shown that it is surprisingly difficult to specify in rapprochement of the concepts of IL and priming what sense IL is implicit. The notion of unselective, (e.g., Cleeremans et al., 1998; Conway and nonattentional learning has vanished in light of Implicit Learning 615 studies demonstrating that learning requires at least training is not extensive enough to allow the full some forms of attentional processing of the incoming development of rule abstraction. Pacton et al. information. Likewise, there are quite limited sup- explored the development of the sensitivity to certain ports to claim that while they perform the implicit orthographic regularities not explicitly taught at test participants (1) have no conscious knowledge school. They showed that the decrement in perfor- about the study material, (2) have the subjective mance due to transfer persisted without any trend experience of guessing, or (3) have no control over toward fading over the 5 years of experience with the expression of their knowledge. Of course, it is printed language that they examined, hence possible to include one or the other of these features strengthening the claim that IL is not mediated by within a definition of IL, and some authors did so (for rule knowledge. a sample of definitions, see Frensch, 1998). However, endorsing this kind of definition leads to the some- Exploiting our Knowledge about what paradoxical consequence of giving to a research Implicit Learning domain the objective of checking whether this domain actually exists. To date, there is no specified The knowledge gained in laboratory studies is aimed paradigm in which one or the other of these criteria at improving our understanding of world-sized can be asserted in a consensual and reproducible way. issues. Explicit loans from the IL literature have A feature that can be retained with higher con- been made occasionally in a number of domains, fidence is the lack of intentional exploitation of including child development (Perruchet and Vinter, stored knowledge. This does not mean, obviously, 1998b), second-language acquisition (e.g., Ellis, 1994; that this condition is fulfilled in each and every Robinson, 2002), spelling acquisition (Kemp and study, but rather that the existence of the phenom- Bryant, 2003; Pacton et al., 2005; Pacton and enon can be reasonably asserted on the basis of Deacon, in press), and the development of gustatory reproducible evidence. Accepting the role of uncon- preferences (Brunstrom, 2004). To various degrees, scious influences, however, does not lead us to the concepts and the of laboratory conceive IL and conscious experiences as divorced studies have inspired researchers to progress in the one from each other. There is indeed extnsive evi- understanding of these domains. In regard of the dence that these unconscious influences primarily potential relevance of IL mechanisms in these and affect the conscious experience of the learner. other domains, much more could be made in this direction, however. The only domain in which a sizeable amount of literature has emerged concerns 2.32.5 Implicit Learning in the relationships between IL and natural language Real-World Settings acquisition (e.g., Gomez and Gerken, 2000). This rapprochement is partly due to the fact that research Exploiting the Properties of on language has evolved on its own toward methods – Real-World Situations the use of artificial languages – and concepts – notably Although most of research on IL uses artificial, around the notion of statistical learning – that are also laboratory situations, natural situations have been at the heart of IL research. used on occasion to shed light on specific issues. In The practical applications of IL, for instance for this case, only the test phase is carried out in well- educative purposes or the reeducation of neurologi- controlled experimental conditions, while implicit cal patients, appear to be still sparser. Some methods training is assumed to have occurred previously in have evolved that exploit principles which can be a natural settings. For instance, Pacton et al. (2001) posteriori related to IL principles, such as using con- exploited the very extended time scale on which ditions as similar as possible to natural learning to real-world learning takes place to examine whether teach second language (after Krashen, 1981) or read- transfer decrement (see the section titled ‘The phe- ing (for a review, see Graham, 2000). An extensive nomenon of transfer: the interpretations’) is a literature also concern the use of errorless learning transitory or an enduring phenomenon. The issue is for reeducative purposes in a neuropsychological important, because it can be argued that the transfer perspective (see review in Fillingham et al., 2003). decrement commonly observed in laboratory set- But most of these attempts have been conducted tings, which is one of the arguments used against a without considering the possible contribution of IL rule-based view, is simply due to the fact that research (for a recent exception, see Saetrevik et al., 616 Implicit Learning

2006). The explanations for this relative paucity are performance is generally attributable to the learning certainly manifold. One of them may be that learning of some indirect, correlated aspects, which can be in real-world situations most often involve some easily captured by elementary mechanisms. Every- mixture of implicit (or incidental) and explicit (or thing happens as if IL often captured only nonessen- intentional) learning. Now, the interactions between tial aspects of the task. In experimental contexts, these forms of learning have not been at focus in the these correlated features are often considered as literature on IL, because, except in a few studies (e.g., potential drawbacks, which need to be eliminated to Matthews et al., 1989), the objective has been to reach the deep substance of the training material. For isolate implicit processes to examine them in their instance, studies in artificial grammar learning are maximum state of purity. Further studies are needed often designed in such a way that bigram distribution to assess how, for instance, the learning of rules in becomes noninformative, studies in invariant learn- explicit conditions may be combined with implicit ing often are controlled in such a way that the statistical learning. repetition of digits brings out no information about the invariant, and so on. On the face of it, these data seem to provide fuel 2.32.6 Discussion: About Nativism for a perspective in which the role of learning is and Empiricism minimized with regard to innate abilities. This is indeed the case if one considers that the knowledge Let us return to a question raised at the outset of this base underlying the mastery of language and of the chapter, which stemmed from the lack of considera- other high-level abilities alluded to above should be tion during the behaviorist era of issues such as first- of the same form as the knowledge base that the language acquisition, category elaboration, sensitiv- scientist - for instance the linguist - acquires from ity to musical structure, acquisition of knowledge an analytic investigation into his or her domain, that about the physical world, and various social skills. It is, a formal, rule-based set of principles. This form of was pointed out that this situation opened the door to knowledge seems indeed to be definitely out of reach the upsurge of a nativist perspective. Where do the of IL processes. studies reported in this chapter leave us? However, a quite different perspective is possible. At first glance, the mechanisms of IL, as they are The general idea consists in assuming that learning in revealed in laboratory studies, appear as definitely real-world setting proceeds as in the laboratory, that underpowered. The picture given by recent research is, through the capture of correlated, apparently sec- stands far from the idea of the extraordinarily power- ondary aspects that can be grasped by elementary ful processes that were imagined once, for instance by associative processes and that allow a good approx- Lewicki et al., when they contended that ‘‘our non- imation of the behavior that would result from the conscious operating processing algorithms can do knowledge of the formal structure of the domain. In instantly and without external help’’ the same job as order to be viable, such a perspective requires that our conscious thinking achieves in relying on ‘‘notes the objective analysis of specific domains provides (with flowchart or lists of if-then statements) or com- evidence for such correlated features. Quite interest- puter’’ (Lewicki et al., 1992, p.798). In fact, IL ingly, recent research on language has revealed a processes are probably unable to bring out to genuine number of such features. The best-documented rule knowledge, and the possibility of transfer are example is certainly the past-tense formation in limited. In addition, the involvement of these pro- English, in which it has been shown that regular cesses seems to be dependent on selective attention. and irregular verbs differ according to the distribu- As pointed out above, the experimental study of tion of their phonological and semantic features. learning around the 1960s was essentially devoted Connectionist simulations have shown that exploit- to classical and operant conditioning on the one ing those correlated cues leads to a very good hand and to the formation of concepts or problem- approximation of the performance that would result solving processes on the other hand. To make a long from the formal knowledge of the -ed suffix rule, story short, IL mechanisms seem to be much nearer along with the knowledge of the exceptions (e.g., to the former than to the latter. McClelland and Patterson, 2002). To consider To be sure, experimental studies show that another illustration, it has been shown that simple participants generally perform above chance in com- co-occurrence statistics (e.g., Redington et al., 1998) plex experimental settings. However, above-chance as well as phonological cues (e.g., Monaghan et al., Implicit Learning 617

2005) turn out to be highly informative about gram- Buchner A and Brandt M (2003) Further evidence for systematic reliability differences between explicit and implicit memory matical categories. These and other studies suggest tests. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 56A: 193–209. that, as far as language is concerned, abstract classes Brunstrom JM (2004) Does dietary learning occur outside and categories are often associated with simple sta- awareness? Conscious. Cogn. 13: 453–470. Chambaron S, Ginhac D, Ferrel-Chapus C, and Perruchet P tistical properties that make them tractable by (2006) Implicit learning of a repeated segment in continuous general-purpose statistical learning mechanisms. tracking: A reappraisal. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 59A: 845–854. If further studies on language corpuses confirm and Channon S, Shanks D, Johnstone T, Vakili K, Chin J, and Sinclair E (2002) Implicit learning spared in amnesia? 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