Astronomy Magazine Subject Index (1973–2000)
Astronomy magazine subject index (1973–2000) # 11/97:48–49 100-inch Hooker Telescope, 9/81:58–59 55 Canri (star), 2/99:24 11999UX 18 (17th moon of Jupiter), 10/00:32, 624 Hektor (asteroid), 5/80:61–62 8/79:62 1208+1001 (quasar), 11/86:81–82 A 128 Nemesis (asteroid), 8/79:62 A0620-00 (binary star), 2/91:24 1937+214 (pulsar), 11/83:60 as candidate for black hole, 3/92:30–37, 7/92:22 1957D (supernova), 4/89:14 general discussion, 2/91:22 1984QA (asteroid), 2/85:62, 64 AAT (Anglo-Australian Telescope), 2/77:57, 1986 DA (asteroid), 10/91:26 5/78:60–62 1986 TO (asteroid), 3/98:30 Abell 2218 (luminous arc), 4/87:77 1987A (supernova) Abell 370 (luminous arc), 4/87:77 companion to, 9/87:74–75 Abell (galaxy cluster), 5/95:30 explosion of, 7/87:68–69, 7/88:10 AC 114 (galaxy cluster), 7/92:20, 22, 1/93:22 gamma ray bursts from, 4/88:74 Acton, Dr. Loren, 10/86:28, 30 observing, 6/87:90–95 Adams ring, 1/00:34, 36 remnant of, 9/87:75 adaptive optics, 3/90:10, 12, 9/91:22, 1/98:37–41 rings of light encircling, 11/88:12, 14 Adler Planetarium (Chicago), 6/91:28 1988 A (supernova), 8/88:88 20-inch telescope introduced, 8/87:64–65 1988 U (supernova), 12/89:12 art exhibit, 9/96:28 1989 FC (asteroid), 8/89:10 Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF), 1989 PB (asteroid), 4/90:38–40 12/88:14, 8/92:21 1990 MF (asteroid), 11/90:24 AE-5 (Explorer-5 satellite), 9/81:59–60 1990 (year), length of, 12/90:24 Africa, skylore of, 1/79:61 1992 AD (asteroid), 6/92:22, 24 AIC Miranda Laborec Astrocamera, 10/75:28–37 1992 (year), length of, 6/92:24, 26 airplanes, observation
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