An inverse method for 3D figures with motion data

Taku Komura, City Univercity of Hong Kong, [email protected] Atsushi Kuroda, GSport Inc, [email protected] Shunsuke Kudoh, University of Tokyo, [email protected] Tai Chiew Lan, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,[email protected] Yoshihisa Shinagawa, University of Illinois at Urbanna Champaign, [email protected]

Abstract kinematics control. In this paper, we propose a new in- verse kineatics method to interactively control 3D multi- This paper presents a new method body characters together with motion data. First, we ex- that utilizes the motion data for realtime control and edit- tract the characteristics of the motion by calculating the ing. The key idea is to extract parameters necessary for weight matrix and the relative velocity of the end effec- inverse kinematics from the motion data. These parameters tors ”throughout the sequence”. Then, users are are the weight matrix, which determines the motion of the allowed to pick and drag some body segments in a frame redundant joints, and the transformation functions that de- using the mouse. The motion of the entire body is then fine the motion of the end effectors. User can control the determined by the pre-calculated parameters. Since the re- motion by dragging a body segment using a mouse, and the sponse of the character is based on characteristics extracted method calculates the new motion using the pre-computed from the motion data, the character posture is edited while parameters. The method enables interactive editing, warp- retaining the basic features of the motion. With realtime ing, and retargeting character motions. response, the method is suitable as a user interface for inter- Keywords: inverse kinematics, , human an- active manipulation of 3D contents. imation 2 Related Work

1 Introduction Inverse kinematics is one of the oldest methods for in- teractively control of 3D multibody systems. Researchers Interactive graphics tools are attractive means for design in the area used inverse kinematics to control robot and communication. However, despite their attractiveness, manipulators. As the demand for creating 3D character an- interactive technologies for 3D graphics such as VRML and imation increased, inverse kinematics method plays an im- Java3D, have been slow in gaining popularity. The follow- portant role in determining the keyframe postures of such ing are two main reasons. First, broadband internet is not characters. widely available for users to download large data sets. Sec- Phillips et al [6] created an interactive inverse kinemat- ond, interactive technologies for handling complex 3D char- ics system that can handle multiple constraints. They later acters in cyberspace have not been well developed. extended it to control bipedal articulated figures [5]. Zhao Inverse kinematics is one of the most popular method for and Badler [11] proposed a numerical inverse kinematics interactive control of hierarchical characters in 3D space. It method for determining the human posture, which is also addresses the problem of calculating the joint angles of the applicable to any tree structured system. Mas et al [4] and body segments given the motion of some body segments in Boulic et al [1] proposed an inverse kinematics method that 3D space. As the degree of freedom of the character is usu- allows the control of the center of mass, Koga et al [2] cre- ally larger than the degree of freedom of the motion spec- ated a motion planning system for the arms that can move ified by the user in cyberspace (usually 2 or 3), this is an objects from one position to another. They used an inverse under-constrained problem, which has infinite number of kinematics algorithm based on neurophysiology to deter- solutions. mine the joint angles of the arms and shoulders from the Although many methods have been proposed to solve in- position of the hands. verse kinematics problems, very little research tried to ex- These days, it is becoming more popular to use the mo- tract features out of motion data for application in inverse tion capture device to create human animation. In this pa-


Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE per, we propose a new motion control method based on in- Inverse kinematics problem can be defined as follows: verse kinematic. It allows motion to be edited while re- Problem: When segment i moves from (P0,Θ0 ) to (P0 + s is is is taining the essence of the motion data attached to the body ∆P,Θ0 +∆Θ), how do the values of the state vector change? is model. There have been research efforts that use motion This problem is redundant, because n, the DOF of the body, capture data to solve inverse kinematics problem. They is larger than the dimension of (∆P,∆Θ), which is six. The come under two categories. relationship between (∆P,∆Θ) and the incrementation of One category uses the motion data to define a function the state vector can be written in the following form: that determines the relationship between the position of the ∆ end effectors and the redundant joint angles[10, 7]. Wi- P = ∆θ. ∆Θ J (1) ley et al[10] synthesized the target posture by interpolat- ing various similar postures in the database. Their method The set of ∆θ that satisfies equation (1) can be written in D requires O(2 ) examples to create the motion, where D is the following form: the number of postures of the human figure. Rose et al[7] ∆ improved this performance by reducing the number of ex- ∆θ = + P +( − + ) J ∆Θ I J J k amples needed to O(D). A limitation of this method is that a great amount of motion similar to the target posture must where k is an arbitrary vector, and J+ is called the pseudo be prepared in advance. inverse matrix of J, which can be calculated by Another category uses only a single motion data to solve + − the redundancy problem of inverse kinematics. Tak et al[8] J =(JT J) 1JT . solved the redundancy problem and then calculated the tra- Whitney [9] proposed a method to solve the inverse kine- jectory of the end effectors so that the posture of the body matics problems by optimizing a quadratic form which can resembles the posture in the original motion. Our method be written as: also comes under this category. However, in contrast to the approach in [8], we extract the feature of the motion at the Q(∆θ)=∆θ TW ∆θ moment the user controls the model, and apply it to solve × the redundancy problem and move the end effectors. There- where W is a n n positive definite symmetric matrix, that fore, although the approach by [8] is superior for retargeting is called the weighting matrix. ∆θ that optimizes this form can be obtained by motion, our approach has an advantage in creating new pos- tures that retain the feature of the original motion. ∆ ∆θ = −1 T ( −1 T )−1 P . W J JW J ∆Θ (2)

3 Inverse Kinematics Therefore, + ∆P Let us specify the posture of the human body model by ∆θ = J the vector with degree of freedom (DOF) of the model: ∆Θ θ =(θ ,θ ,...,θ ) gives a solution that minimizes the norm of ∆θ. 0 1 n−1 For example, the state vector of a 4DOF robot manipula- where n is the DOF of the human body. Let us also represent θ =(θ ,θ ,θ ,θ ) tor shown in figure 3 can be written by 0 1 2 3 the position and rotation of body segment i in Cartesian θ s where i is the joint angle of joint i. In this case, the weight- space by ing matrix is a 4 × 4matrix. W ,W (P ,Θ ). If the following two matrices 1 2: is is     10 0 0 0 0.10 00 where P is a three dimensional vector for segment is’s po- is  0100 0  00.10 0 sition, and Θ is the euler angle vector. Suppose the current W =  ,W =   is 1 000.10 2 00100 state of the body is 00 00.1 00010 θ =(θ 0,θ 0,...,θ 0 ), 0 0 1 n−1 are used as the weighting matrix to move the end effector

and the state of segment is is of this manipulator to the left, the joint angles of the system would change as shown in right side of figure 3. This means (P0,Θ0 ). is is that the incrementation of joint angle j is determined by ( j, j) Obviously, the state of segment i is a function of the body’s the value of element of the weighting matrix. When s ( j, j) state vector: the value of element is large compared with the other elements, the incrementation of joint angle j is small. On (P0,Θ0 )=g(θ 0,θ 0,...,θ 0 ). the other hand, if it is small, the incrementation is large. is is 0 1 n−1


Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE Joint3: w=0.1 # where W is the weighting matrix, Jall is a matrix that verti- Joint2:w=0.1 cally lined the Jacobian matrix of all the end effectors: and Joint1:w=10 r˙ is a vector that vertically lined down the velocity of the

Joint0:w=10 end effectors in the cartesian space: Joint3: w=10 r˙ =(P˙0,Θ˙ 0,···P˙m−1,Θ˙ m−1)T Joint2:w=10 i i i i Joint1:w=0.1 Think about solving for the weighting matrix using equa- Joint0:w=0.1 tion 4. Since we have only n equations as equality con- straints, it is possible to solve only for n unknown variables. If we make an assumption here that W # is a diagonal ma- Figure 1. Using two different weighting matrix trix, the number of unknown variables in this matrix can be for inverse kinematics decreased down to n:   ... w0 0 0  ...  4 Calculating the inverse Jacobian matrix  0 w1 0  W # =  . . , from the motion  . . ... 0  ... 00 wn−1 In previous inverse kinematics methodologies, constant ,..., values such as inertia or mass of the body segments were where w0 wn−1 are positive values. Then, equation 4 can used as the weighting matrix elements. However, when be rewritten in the following form a multibody system such as a human body moves in 3D θ˙ = f (w ,...,w )r˙. space, it is obvious that such values change all the time, i 0 n−1 because the distribution of the joint angles changes accord- where f is a newly defined nonlinear function. By defining ing to the motion. To accurately reproduce the motion by another function g in the following form: inverse kinematics, it is necessary to change the weighting matrix according to the posture and motion of the body. In ( ,..., )=θ˙ − ( ,..., ) , g w0 wn−1 i f w0 wn−1 r˙ this section, we propose a method to calculate the weight- ing matrix of the multibody system from its real character solution for the weighting matrix can be obtained by solving ( ,..., ) ( ,..., )= motion. Once the weighting matrix is calculated for each for w0 wn−1 that satisfies g w0 wn−1 0. We have ( ,..., ) posture, the user can change the position or rotation of each tested various methods to calculate w0 wn−1 such as segment any time during the motion using inverse kinemat- the Newton-Rapson method, sequential quadratic program- ics with the weighting matrix obtained in advance. ing (SQP) and so on. The best results could be obtained us- θ˙ 2( ,..., ) Suppose the velocity of the system is i at time ti,and ing the SQL method by minimizing g w0 wn−1 .The the translation and rotation velocity of end effector j in the advantage of using the SQL method is that it can handle in- ˙ j,Θ˙ j ( = , ,..., − ) Cartesian space is (Pi i ) j 0 1 m 1 where m is equality constraints which is necessary to keep the weight- the number of end effectors. All these data can be obtained ing matrix possitive symetric. We have used the library θ˙ from a motion data. The relationship between i and all the called CFSQP [3] for solving this problem. P˙ j,Θ˙ j ( i i ) can be written in the following form: In summary, the following optimization problem is   solved to calculate the weighting vector: (w ,...,w − ). ˙0 0 n 1 Pi  Θ˙ 0   i  2  .  minw ,...,w g ,where,w > 0,...,w > 0. θ˙ =( #,..., # )  .  0 n−1 0 n−1 i J0 Jm−1  .  (3)  P˙m−1  i The inequality constraints w > 0,...,w − > 0 are added to Θ˙ m−1 0 n 1 i keep the weighting matrix a positive symmetric. #,..., # where J0 Jm−1 are the inverse Jacobian matrices of the #,..., # 5 Calculating the relative velocity of the end end effectors. If an assumption is made here that J0 Jm−1 calculates a velocity vector that minimizes some quadratic effectors form, according to equation 2, equation 3 can be rewritten in the following form: If the weighting matrix is known, the velocity of the joint angles between the root of the body and the controlled seg- − − θ˙ = # 1 T ( # 1 T )−1 ( ). i W Jall JallW Jall r˙ (4) ment can be calculated using inverse kinematics.


Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE The velocity of the DOFs which do not lie between the motion by segment p. As the user move segment p to ar- controlled segment and the root of the body are not deter- bitrary direction, the motion of end effector e j is calculated p,e mined unless the motion of the rest of the end effectors are by function T j . These motions are based on the original i specified. However, such motion must keep the character- motion, and if p is transfered to the direction parallel to the istics of the original motion. In this paper, this is done by original motion, the end effectors move as they do in the using the relative velocities of the end effectors in the orig- original motion data. inal motion. Suppose at time ti, the velocity of segment p As the motion of the end effectors relative to the mo- P˙ p Θ˙ p is ( i i ), and the translation and rotation velocity of the tion of the controlled segment p is known, the last work to 0,..., m−1 ˙e j Θ˙ e j end effectors e e could be written by (Pi i ). We be done is to determine the incremental vector for the re- define here the functions that determine the relative motion dundant joints. This is done using the inverse kinematics of the end effectors and segment p by method explained in the previous section. As a result, the user can use inverse kinematics to control p,e , T 1 ,....,T p em . i i segment whole body while taking into account the charac- teristics of the original motion data. The motion created These functions can be written in the following form: using this method keeps the essense of the original motion. p,e e e T 1 (P˙ p,Θ˙ p)=(P˙ 1 ,Θ˙ 1 ) i i i i i p,e e e 6 Experimental results T 2 (P˙ p,Θ˙ p)=(P˙ 2 ,Θ˙ 2 ) i i i i i . An experiment to calculate the inverse kinematics pa- . , rameters such as the weighting matrix and relative veloc- T p em (P˙ p,Θ˙ p)=(P˙em ,Θ˙ em ) i i i i i ity of the end effectors from motion data was done. Then, p,e , using these parameters, the multibody systems were con- There are various solutions for T 1 ,....,T p em .Inthispa- i i trolled using inverse kinematics in the Cartesian space and per, we define them by a combination of rotation and scaling their motions were observed. A 60 DOF human body model functions: (DOF 60) shown in Figure 2 was used for this experiment. p,e p,e p,e p,e p,e The method proposed in this paper was applied to pitching T j =(R j S j ,R j S j )( j = 0,...,m − 1) i t t r r , , p e j p e j where Rt is a rotational transformation, and St is a lin- ear scaling transformation. The axis of the rotation is de- fined by

P˙ p × P˙e j , i i

where × is an outer product operator. The rotation angle is Figure 2. Human body model calculated by motion (Figure 3), dancing motion (Figure 4), and running acos(P˙p · P˙e j ), i i motion (Figure 5). First a motion was loaded, then, the where · is an inner product operator. The transformation , p e j matrix of St can be written by   ˙e j Pi  P˙ p 00  i   ˙e j   Pi   0 P˙ p 0   i  ˙e j Figure 3. The human body model with the Pi 00P˙ p pitching motion i where operation x returns the norm of vector x.Toavoid ˙e j weighting matrix was calculated through the motion, and Pi becoming too large, an upper limit is prepared for this P˙ p finally, some part of the body were dragged to arbitrary di- i scaling. rections to check the effects of inverse kinematics. p,e , By defining T 1 ,....,T p em as explained, it is possible to In Figure 6, the results of applying our inverse kinemat- i i determine the motion of all the end effectors relative to the ics method to a pitching motion is shown. In this example,


Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE our method. However, there are some limitations of our method. Since the interactive motion by the user depends only on the relative velocity at the time the posture is edited, rhythmi- cal high frequency motion, for example during dance such as Samba, do not appear duing the interactive control by Figure 4. The human body model with the inverse kinematics. dancing motion Since the weighting matrix of the motion is calculated only by the motion, joint limits are not taken into account, and thus the motion can look unnatural when a segment is pulled in a great amount.

Figure 5. The running motion ↑ the left hand is dragged to various directions. It is possible to observe that all the body segments are moving at the same time. The motion of the other end effectors (right hand, left and right foot, neck) are defined based on the basic motion data. ← → The effects of applying the same operation to the dancng ↓ motion is shown in Figure 7. The left hand is dragged in this example as well. Next, an example to edit a posture during a running mo- tion is shown in Figure 8. The posture shown in Figure 8 (a) (side view) and (b) (frontal view) is a snapshot of the orig- inal motion. Think about creating a posture jumping over something while running such as one shown in Figure 8 (c) (side view) and (d) (frontal view), from the posture shown in Figure 6. Using inverse kinematics method Figure 8 (a)(b). Using previous inverse kinematics method, proposed in this study to control the pitcher’s the user has to go through a number of procedures, such as left hand pulling up the left leg, moving the left hand to the front up- ward, tilting the chest, and so on, to reach the final posture. However, using our method the user only has to drag the left foot to the upper front to obtain the jumping posture. This 8 Conclusion and Future Work is because our inverse kinematics method keeps the feature of the original motion. In this research, we have proposed a new method that enable users to directly handle motion data of characters 7 Discussion using inverse kinematics. Our inverse kinematics method takes into account the characterstics of the original motion, and therefore, users can easily edit the posture of the figure As seeing the results shown in Figure 6, 7, and 8, it is during the motion. The method is based on the concept to possible to observe the effect of adding parameters of the extract parameters from the motion: calcluating the weight- original motion to the inverse kinematics procedure. ing matrix and the relative velocities of the end effectors One concern about motion editing is keeping kinemat- during the motion, and using them for inverse kinematics ical constraints. For example, the feet must keep ground- operation. contact constraints, and sometimes the hands must keep For future work, the following extensions can be consid- contact with some other end effectors of the body. Since ered: we use relative velocity of the end effectors calculated from the motion for inverse kinematics control, such kind of con- • In this research, we only used a single motion to deter- straints are naturally kept. This is one large advantage of mine the effects of inverse kinemtics. It is also possible


Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE to calculate the inverse dynamics motion by taking into account a series of similar but different motions. Using multiple data to determine inverse kinematics parame- ters, the inverse kinematics engine can be more robust. • Our idea can be easily extended to multibody models whose scaling factors change during the motion. Scal- ing effects are often used in computer to ↑ exaggerate the feelings of the characters, or to empha- size physical phenomena such as crashes. By adding such kinds of effects to our inverse kinematics engine, users can have more exciting interaction with the char- acter models.

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Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International (CGI’03) 1530-1052/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE