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Snaps Visa Opinion A new column Proof of Viking « Jeg venter på våren hele året about aquavit og hele livet. » visitation? Read more on page 14 – Jens Stoltenberg Read more on page 6 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 127 No. 7 February 19, 2016 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy An for all seasons recipe on page 8 plus:

Norway’s Saint of Manhole Covers?

M. Michael Brady Asker,

One of the enduring legends of Norway dates from an event that took place in 1043 in Husaby on the northeast bank of the Drammen Fjord, southwest of . Hallvard Vebjørnsson (1020-1043), the son of Vebjørn, a major local farmer, and his wife Thorny, the cousin of Photo courtesy of VisitOslo.com St. Olav, became a local small trad- Oslo municipal manhole covers are just one of the many places one will notice the coat of arms er who traveled often on business. featuring St. Hallvard. One day in the spring of 1043, as he was preparing to row his boat across and stealing from a house, which she had killing him. the fjord, a young, pregnant thrall not done. Hallvard believed she was inno- The three men tried to hide the evi- (modern respelling of the Old Norse cent, took her into his boat, and started to dence of the murder by bludgeoning the þræll, a Viking Age serf in Scandi- row across the fjord. Just then, the three men woman to death and burying her on the navia) woman ran up and begged pursuing her got to the shore and resumed shore and by tossing Hallvard’s body into him to take her with him, as she was their pursuit in another boat. They called to the fjord after tying a millstone around his being pursued by three men. Hallvard to demand that he hand the woman neck. A few days later, Hallvard’s body She explained that the men over to them. Hallvard refused. Furious, they had accused her of breaking into shot arrows that struck Hallvard in the neck, See > saint, page 10

What’s inside? News 2-3 Business 4 Sports 5 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Obituaries & Religion 11 In Your Neighborhood 12-13 Norwegian Heritage 14 Arts & Entertainment 15 Back Page 16 $1 = NOK 8.623 updated 02/15/2016 In comparison 01/15/2016 8.8197 08/15/2015 8.2083 02/15/2015 7.5904 Photos: (snaps visa) Kaj Bune Photograhy; (cake) Christy Olsen Field 2 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter US Marines i Stjørdal Kongehuset Utelukker gratis skolemat US Marines har kommet til Stjørdal for å Stortingsflertallet sier nei til gratis begynner ny skolemat for landets 619,000 skoleelever forberede seg til storøvelsen Cold Response i grunnskolen. Saksordfører Kent Gud- mundsen (H) i Stortingets utdannings- komité er veldig tilfreds med at skolemat gavepolicy ikke skal serveres som et gratis måltid på skolen for norske skoleelever i overskue- Kongehuset vil ikke lig fremtid. Regjeringspartiene Høyre og Frp med støtte fra KrF og Venstre, ut- lenger ta i mot gaver gjør flertall for å si nei til et forslag fra Audun Lysbakken (SV) om å utrede gra- fra kommersielle tis skolemat i barneskolen og ungdoms- skolen vårhalvåret 2016. Gudmundsen aktører støtter seg på en undersøkelse fra Forsk­ ningsrådet, som viste at 86 prosent av alle Aftenposten elever i grunnskolen har med seg matpak- ke til skolen. 14 prosent av 619,000 elever Kongen bekrefter i intervju med NRK Dagsrevyen at de ikke lenger vil ta i mot i grunnskolen tilsvarer over 86,000 elever. (VG) Foto: Bent Lindsetmo / NRK gaver fra kommersielle aktører. Båt og bil på samme tid—disse farkostene tar seg like godt fram over alt. — Vi har jobbet hardt med gave­ Store forskjeller i levealder i Norge situasjonen. Og det er ganske komplisert. NRK — Amerikanerne har fått kjøretøyene ut Men vi prøver å gjøre dette for helt klart Nordmenn flest kan forvente seg et langt i sjøen og gjort sine tekniske prøver, dette å vise at vi ikke har bindinger, sier kong liv, i snitt over 78 år som menn og over 11. februar testet de utstyr som står lag­ lover veldig godt for øveslen. Harald. 82 år hvis de er kvinner, viser Kommune- ret i Norge. Og selve NATO-øvelsen Cold Response Dagsrevyen viste til at tidligere har flere helsas statistikkbank. Siden 1900 har for- Det var blant annet amfibiekjøretøyene starter om få uker. Over 15,000 soldater fra medlemmer av kongehuset fått biler i gave venta levealder i Norge økt med over 30 som ble testet, med raske “splash-tester” 15 ulike land skal delta. av næringslivet. Kongen fikk en seilbåt av år. Nedgang i spedbarnsdødelighet, bedre ut i sjøen litt nord for Stjørdal. Utstyret ble — Det er veldig fin mulighet vi har med næringslivsaktører, og Kronprinsen fikk et levekår, boforhold, ernæring, utvikling av klargjort og testet sammen med norske fly- å komme over hit for å trene, spesielt med par ski da han besøkte en skifabrikant for vaksiner og behandlingstilbud er noen av og bakkestyrker. nordmennene som er så fenomenale, sier ikke lenge siden. årsakene, ifølge FHI. Den nylig publiserte Til vanlig står utstyret på såkalte løytnant Mathew Kennedy i US Marines. Også kronprinsesse Mette-Marit har Folkehelseprofilen for kommunene 2016 “forhåndslagre” i fjellhaller dypt inne i fjel- — Det er fint å få utstyret ut fra lageret vært i søkelyset fordi hun har fått en del kjol- viser imidlertid at det er store forskjeller let. og få visshet om at det fungerer—i tilfelle vi er som var private gaver. mellom landsdelene. Folk på Vestlandet — Å komme over hit og ta ut både tanks, noen gang skulle få bruk for det, sier han. Det førte også til mye rabalder i fjor og i Akershus har lengst levealder. Kort- amfibiekjøretøy og helekoptre er en veldig 11. februar sa NATO-sjefen at de vil sommer da kronprinsfamilien reiste på en est levealder har innbyggere i Oslo, Øst- fin mulighet for oss, sier Will Bently iUS legge planer for mer bruk av forhåndslag­ påspandert yacht-tur, men de nektet å si fold, Hedmark, Aust-Agder og Finnmark. Marines. ring, for å sikre forsterkninger østover. Og hvem som betalte for den. Ifølge Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI) henger Norge sin oppgave er å holde utstyret i ordfører Ivar Vigdenes i Stjørdal, som fikk Kongehuset bestemte seg allerede i forskjellene i dødelighet sammen med orden, amerikanerne kommer flybårne over inspisere utstyret, tar gjerne imot mer utstyr 2015 for å begynne med ny gavepolicy, men sosiale forskjeller, som hvor høy utdan- og bruker det. enn det de allerede har fra før i kommunen. skriver på nettsidene sine at de ikke ville gå nelse og inntekt man har. Levealderen — Dette virker veldig bra. Vi har fått til ut med dette offentlig med en gang fordi de er generelt lavere for de med kort utdan- operasjonen med å forflytte kjøretøyene ned English Synopsis: US Marines traveled to Stjørdal to ville være trygge på at rutinene var gode. nelse og dårlig økonomi, men det er store fra lageret på Frigården, sier Egil Haave, test military equipment stored in Norway and prepare — Det er en lang tradisjon med gaver til — for the upcoming exercise Cold Response. forskjeller fra kommune til kommune. nestkommanderende i HV 12. kongehus. Vårt kongehus får ofte gaver fra Det er også ulikheter i levevaner som er folk og vertskap på reiser rundt om i landet kjent mellom for eksempel Vestlandet på og i forbindelse med merkedager. Dette har den ene siden og Finnmark, Østfold og de kongelige satt stor pris på, heter det i en Hedmark på den andre siden, forklarer pressemelding fra Slottet. Camilla Stoltenberg, direktør i FHI. Stol- Cruise-dynamitt i Oslo — Samtidig er samfunnet i forandring tenberg trekker fram røyking som den på dette området, og vi forandrer oss med viktigste enkeltfaktoren som påvirker Store mengder dynamitt skaper både bølger og samfunnet. Kongehuset har derfor gått gjen- dødelighetsstatistikken. Andre faktorer politiske bølger i Indre Oslofjord nom praksisen for mottak av gaver, og for å som spiller inn på forventet levealder er fjerne eventuell tvil om uheldige bindinger, alkohol, kroppsvekt, usunt kosthold og har vi nå vedtatt nye og klare retningslinjer VG fysisk inaktivitet. for gaver til de kongelige, heter det videre. (NRK) 24 skjær i sjøen skal fjernes slik at flere Kongehuset vil fortsatt ta imot gaver i cruisebåter skal få komme til Oslo. offisielle sammenhenger. Da foregår - over Politimesteren vil selv kunne stenge rekkelsene i hovedsak i full åpenhet med russergrensen Sprengningsarbeidet har allerede startet og har vakt lokal motstand i flere kommuner presse til stede. Andre gaver sendes til Politimester Ellen Katrine Hætta i Finn- langs Oslofjorden på innsiden av Drøbak. Slottet. Private gaver fra kommersielle ak- mark politidistrikt ønsker fullmakt til selv Årsaken er at Kystverket mener det må tører blir returnert til giver. å kunne stenge grensen mot Russland. til for å bedre sikkerheten og at det da vil Kongehuset har også offentliggjort en Hun ber regjeringen utrede muligheter for være mulig å få inn større og flere cruiseskip liste over alle gavene de fikk i fjor som er å fysisk stenge grensen over Storskog for og tankbåter. beregnet å være verdt 1000 kroner eller mer. et tidsrom basert på sikkerhetsvurdering- — Det må gripes inn umiddelbart, fordi er. Fullmakten foreslås også å bli lagt til grunnene med aller størst konsentrasjon av English Synopsis: The Royal House of Norway has henne som politimester, melder NRK. stated that they will no longer accept gifts from com- miljøgifter mellom Oslo Havn og Nesodden Forslaget fremkommer i politidistriktets mercial enterprises. etter planen skal sprenges nå i februar, sier høringssvar på regjeringens forslag til Are Dammann som sammen med kona Elin innstramminger i asylpolitikken. Hætta Leer-Salvesen har engasjert seg i saken og støtter de foreslåtte endringene i utlend- sørget for at Samferdselsdepartementet har ingsloven som innebærer at asylsøkere bedt Kystverket om en redegjørelse. Foto: Serge Tchernyakov / Flickr som ikke har krav på realitetsbehandling Abonner Norconsult har laget en konsekvens­ Oslo vil være Norges sentral cruisehavn. av søknaden, skal bortvises på grensen. utredning. på norsk Bortvisningen må imidlertid skje før ved- — Den viser at det er mye mer sterkt ningsgrad av en eller flere av miljøgiftene kommende faktisk har krysset grensen til forurensede løsmasser rundt grunnene enn TBT, kvikksølv, kadmium, bly og benzoper- amerikansk ukentlig! Norge, og dermed må vedtaket skje mens man har trodd. Dette er informasjon som ylen, sier Dammann. asylsøkeren fortsatt befinner seg i Russ- Ring til (800) 305-0217 verken Fylkesmannen eller aktuelle kom- land, påpeker hun. munestyrer hadde fått av Kystverket. Der English Synopsis: Many locals are worried that the Send e-post til (Aftenposten) står det at samtlige grunner mellom Nes­ blasting work in the Oslofjord, intended to make room [email protected] odden og Oslo havn har høyeste forurens­ for larger cruise ships, will cause environmental harm. Norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 3 news from norway Home improvement Ambassador This week in brief Norway’s “effective” border checks confirmed extended Norwegians are The Norwegian Government said on Feb- Europe’s biggest After more than three ruary 12 that passengers on all ferry arriv- years without an als from , Sweden, and Germa- spenders on homes ny would be subject to personal checks ambassador to Norway, for an additional 30 days. Michael Sandelson Senate confirms Sam Heins In announcing the extension, the The Foreigner government said that the number of asy- lum seekers coming to Norway has gone Staff Compilation down significantly since the country im- Norwegians lay out NOK 14,190 per plemented controls of its inner Schengen person (about EUR 1,470 / $1,644 USD), on After a long battle, the U.S. Senate has borders on November 26. average. This equates to approximately NOK finally confirmed Minnesota attorney and hu- The move was originally to last ten 420,000 (almost EUR 44,000 / $49,000) on man rights activist Sam Heins as the Ameri- days but this marks the third extension of a national level. can ambassador to Norway on Feb. 12. the border controls and will keep them in Finns and Danes rank second and third, President Obama originally nominated place until March 15. spending NOK 12,796 and NOK 11,369 Heins 276 days earlier. His previous pick, “The control tactics have had a good each, respectively (some EUR 1,300 / $1,500 George Tsunis, withdrew following a con- preventive effect, and we have reason to and EUR 1,175 / $1,325). The amount per firmation hearing where he proved to know believe that many will refrain from trav- Swede is NOK 7,636 (roughly EUR 790 / embarrassingly little about Norway. eling to Norway because of the border $885), according to figures provided by Os- GOP presidential candidate Senator Ted Photo: Jess Pac / Flickr controls,” Justice Minister Anders An- lo-based construction market analysis com- Norwegians want a “koselig” home. Cruz of Texas originally placed holds on these undsen said. pany Prognosesenteret. nominations seven months ago due to his op- “Many unregistered foreigners in the Inhabitants of Hungary, Poland, and improve their homes undertake this initia- position of President Obama’s nuclear deal. Schengen area may wish to move on to Slovakia spend the least amount per capita. tive “every 1.5 years,” on average, painting Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota another country. Norway therefore still Prognosesenteret provided spending data on “something.” has described Cruz’s actions as an unfair po- needs to have control of its own maritime 19 European countries, with the Euro Area “But we often define Norwegian home litical maneuver and has repeatedly gone to borders,” the government statement read. average being NOK 7,524 (roughly EUR improvements as being a ‘continuous proj- the Senate floor to fight for the confirmation. Denmark and Sweden have also im- 778 / $872). ect’: either just finished, or in the pipeline,” “I went to the floor every day for six plemented and repeatedly extended bor- he tells The Foreigner. days in a row to ask for consent or give a der controls. Asylum claims in all three “Constant work-in-progress” Top of the list of common home im- speech about it,” Klobuchar said. countries have dropped significantly since The company’s Bjørn-Erik Øye says the border controls were put in place. that the Norwegians who are most eager to See > homes, page 6 See > heins, page 6 In addition to the checks on its Schengen borders, Norway is also now immediately rejecting asylum seekers at its Storskog border station if they have “Mystery films” shown in Voss been residing in Russia. (The Local) A public viewing Tourist brought 125 kilos of Norwegian of film reels left coins to Oslo A Chinese tourist was stopped at Oslo unclaimed for 36 Airport with four burlap sacks filled with 125 kilos of Norwegian coins, customs years was somewhat officials said on Feb. 8. anticlimactic The tourist arrived in Oslo from Shanghai via Moscow on Feb. 5 with four sacks full of Norwegian 10 and 20 kro- The Local ner coins that he said he had purchased from various coin dealers in China. The A few years ago, Voss artist Kjell-Erik 29-year-old Chinese citizen also had Ruud came into possession of a package coins in his checked luggage. containing three film reels that an American “On the luggage trolley were a rolling named David Jon Long sent to himself at a suitcase and four colorful burlap sacks,” local hotel in 1980 but never claimed. customs official Hans Wilhelmsen said. Ruud decided to show the contents of The tourist told officials that he had the film at a public showing without know- Photo: kjelleriken / instagram paid the equivalent of 15,000 kroner for ing much of anything about their contents. Voss artist Kjell-Erik Ruud searched for the long-lost owner of the films on social media, finding him the coins, a steal. “Officials uncovered “The worst-case scenario is that the footage just before the screening. coins worth 220,970 kroner in the man’s is pornographic,” he joked to NRK. baggage and checked luggage,” the state- Ruud’s attempts to track Long down Americans viewed skiing. He had planned to and music that remain stuck in my head,” he ment from customs said. proved unsuccessful for years, though he return to Norway but his mother fell ill so he told NRK. Because the man had not declared was able to discover that the American had remained in the States longer than expected Ruud posted a clip of one of the films, the currency, he and his coins were trans- once lived in Voss and worked at the now- and eventually forgot all about the film reels. entitled Spirit of the West, on Instagram and ferred to the Oslo Police. He risks having closed Hotel Jarl. But on the night before the Although Ruud’s quest to track down it resembled a classic 70s Western. the entire amount confiscated if Norwe- showing, an email from Long landed in Ru- Long succeeded at the last minute, his show- He said he wasn’t disappointed that Long gian Customs suspects criminal activity. ud’s inbox telling him that the films primar- ing of the films went ahead as planned. An revealed the film’s contents before show time. If no criminal activity is suspected, cus- ily contained ski footage, somewhat killing audience of around 20 people watched the “It couldn’t have happened any other way and toms officials will impose a 20 percent the mystery surrounding the public showing. footage, and even without the mystique it was a very fine experience,” he said. penalty on the money. Long said he had visited several ski re- Ruud said it was a fun experience. And thus ended a 36-year-old mystery A similar incident sprung up in Den- sorts in the U.S. and acquired footage that “I was really excited. It was a pleasure that stretched from Voss to Long’s former mark in 2013 when two Chinese citizens he hoped to use to show Norwegians how to see film from the 70s with the nice clothes home in Wisconsin. were detained for 48 days after bringing a large bag of Danish coins that were origi- This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: nally thought to be counterfeit. The two tourists were allowed to go free after the Danish central bank deter- mined that the coins, which totaled over €32,000, were legitimate. (The Local) www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no 4 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes DNB to close branches as customers million visits to its mobile bank and 91 mil- Moving beyond go digital lion visits to its internet bank. Almost all of DNB’s customers have be- • Over-the-counter services in branch- come digital. The bank is now implement- es have been reduced by 82 percent in the ing extensive measures to adjust branches last two years. card payments and staff numbers to the new banking re- • Vipps, DNB’s payment app, is now ality. Parallel to this, additional resources used by more than one million Norwegians. mCASH connects banks, merchants, and are being allocated to the customer service “Customers make extensive use of our center. self-service channels, and therefore it is a customers through their smartphones “Developments over the last two years logical consequence to adjust our physi- have shown that customers have more con- cal distribution network. Consequently, we tact with us than before, but in completely will reduce the number of branches serving asmus alck different ways. They would like their bank our personal customers from 116 to 57 dur- R F to be available all the time and use their ing the first six months of this year,” says Oslo, Norway mobile phones for everything from pay- Bentestuen. mCASH is a Norwegian startup that ing bills to applying for a mortgage,” says DNB will still have branches in all has developed a unique payment service. It group executive vice president Trond Ben- counties in Norway, and most custom- is based on a new infrastructure connecting testuen, head of Personal Banking Norway ers who live close to a branch that will be banks, merchants, and consumers for instant in DNB. closed will have less than thirty minutes to smart mobile payments. Last year the skiing The pace of the digital banking revo- drive to their nearest DNB branch. basecamp Sognefjorden used mCASH for lution is much faster than many envisaged The reduction in the number of branch both ticketing and sales during the festival. just two years ago: offices will entail that fewer employees They partnered with the company so they • 85 percent of Norwegian banking are needed. In 2015, staff at the branch of- could sell tickets directly from their website customers no longer use a bank branch for fices was reduced by 200 full-time posi- and Facebook. Also all payments for food everyday banking. tions, mainly by natural attrition. The new and drinks at the basecamp could be done by • Nine of 10 Norwegians do their bank- changes announced entail a further reduc- phone. ing online, and an increasing number use tion of some 600 full-time positions at our Back in the day, a bank needed to stand their mobile phones or tablets. branches during 2016. together with other banks in order to reach the • In 2015, DNB had as many as 156 (DNB) customers. The cost of developing a payment service was astronomical. The banks needed Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance cards and machines to read cards, phone lines, (Feb. 15, 2016) Winners Losers huge computers, and engineers to make the whole thing work. Then they had to start con- Norsk Kr. 8.6231 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change vincing people that paying with a card was Dansk Kr. 6.6925 Bergen Group 1.10 15.79% Storm Real Estate 8.34 -9.84% Golden Ocean Group 6.38 14.75% TTS Group 2.26 -9.60% better than cash. To reduce risk and share Svensk Kr. 8.4871 Petroleum Geo-Services 24.34 14.06% Bulk Invest 0.37 -7.50% costs, the sector agreed on a set of standards. Islandsk Kr. 127.51 Polarcus 0.91 13.75% Havila Shipping 1.45 -6.45% The standard was made so rigid that it would Photo: iTunes App Store Canadian $ 1.3828 Siem Offshore 1.70 11.84% Avocet Mining 0.54 -5.26% be expensive and cumbersome to join so that mCASH’s phone-based payment can be used at an Euro 0.8965 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. non-banks were kept at a good distance. But increasing number of retailers. all of this is changing and at a pace that scares bankers. invested more than 50 million NOK. mCASH mCASH dates back to 2006. The idea is licensed by the Financial Supervisory Au- was to enable anyone, anywhere, to pay and thority of Norway to operate as a payment get paid using a mobile phone. A lot of busi- provider and e-money institution, in accor- ness development has been done. The result is dance with the UE payment services directive. that mCASH is changing the way people pay The largest bank in Norway (DNB) and get paid, leading the ongoing upheaval launched its own solution last year, brutally Sealift Inc. within payments by mobile phone. Behind it going against unwritten laws of bank cooper- is an infrastructure that connects banks, mer- ation. To meet the competition, to strengthen chants, and people. It allows the consumer to the bank’s mobile development, and to posi- • Ship Owners • pay with any funding source in any payment tion themselves to meet the digital future, situation. The product was launched in 2014 SpareBank 1 acquired mCASH for an un- and since then a growing number of stores, known amount in October last year. • Ship & Cargo Brokers • restaurants, and online shops allow their cus- tomers to pay with their phones. They want to Rasmus Falck is a strong set the standard for easy and safe payments. innovation and entrepre- • Steamship Agents • The founder of mCASH is Daniel R. neurship advocate. The au- Døderlein. He is a serial entrepreneur with thor of “What do the best background from several IT and Telecom do better” and “The board startups. He was named “Entrepreneur of the of directors as a resource Year 2014” by the Norwegian Venture Capital in SME,” he received his Association. The company is owned by the masters degree from the founders and employees. In early 2014 the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently venture funds NortZone and Entrée Capital lives in Oslo, Norway. Advertise in the Weekly! Reasons to advertise in NAW: Reach a targeted audience of • Affordable! $13/col inch for B&W, $19/col inch for Norwegian-American readers color EVERY week! • Competitive ad design • Support the country’s 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 only Norwegian- Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 American newspaper! www.sealiftinc.com E-mail: [email protected] For details, call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 5 sports Sports News No more “skiing into a race” & Notes North Americans reflect on changes in the Holmenkollen 50 k Cross-Country Skiing: Johaug wins again Therese Johaug took her second straight vic- tory in the Swedish woods at Falun when she won the 10-kilometer freestyle on Sunday, Gabby Naranja Feb. 14. Heidi Weng achieved second place, Faster Skier while Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen secured a triple Norwegian podium with third place. One one thousand. Two one thousand. (NRK) Three one thousand. Four years ago, each of these seconds was a place, with skiers in the top 10 finishing within 10 seconds of the Track & Field: Norwegian records in winner. Not the case for the men’s 50-kilo- 400m and 800m meter classic mass start at the World Cup in Hedda Hynne achieved the World Cup re- Holmenkollen on Feb. 6 in Oslo, Norway. quirement and set the Norwegian indoor re- “It’s a battle from the start now. The cord for the 800-meter race during Norden- days of skiing your way into the race are kampen in track and field on Saturday, Feb. over. You have to be ready to hurt from the 13. Hynne finished in 2:01.82. gun,” Devon Kershaw said on the phone af- Earlier in the day, Amalie Iuel set the ter placing 23rd, 6 minutes and 8.8 seconds Norwegian indoor record for the 400-meter behind Norwegian winner Martin Johnsrud race at a competition in the U.S. with a time Sundby. of 52.73. The 33-year-old Canadian believes that (NRK) since the start of his ski racing career, chang- es have developed in the way these types of Photo: Fischer / NordicFocus / Faster Skier Biathlon: Norwegian gold in the Youth men’s distance races unfold. Canadian Devon Kershaw leads American Noah Hoffman, Norway’s Vebjørn Turtveit and, Germany’s “Before it would be kind of like bigger Thomas Wick during the men’s 50 k classic mass start Holmenkollen race on February 6 in Oslo, Nor- Biathlete Sivert Guttorm Bakken won the pack that would get whittled down to 20 or way. The race is “a battle from the start,” according to Kershaw. pursuit race in the biathlon and took Nor- 30 people. That pack would be surging all way’s first gold at the Youth Olympic Games the time,” he explained. Norwegian teammate Niklas Dryhaug and few hungry-for-more racers, the atmosphere on Feb. 15. The Norwegian started as num- The major difference between the 50 k 1:05.4 ahead of third-place finisher, Maxim of this year’s annual 50 k mass start struck ber two after the sprint but in the end beat four years ago and this year’s mass start, ac- Vylegzhanin of Russia. just as strong as previous years’. Russian Egor Tutmin by over one minute. cording to a few North Americans, seemed Of course, that’s not to say that the pace “You don’t know how many more years (NRK) to hinge on one factor: speed. is not maintainable, pending equipment, wax you get to race the Holmenkollen 50 k at “Today the men raced like a women’s support, and fitness. my age,” Kershaw said. “While I’m disap- : Stjernen on the podium race. There was no dillydallying around in Canada’s leading man on Saturday, Alex pointed in the result—very disappointed in took his second victory in Vik- a pack. Even the first time climbing we were Harvey, skied within the top 10 for the first the result—the experience is something that ersund when he won the event on Feb. 14. moving pretty quick,” American Scott Pat- 10.5 k, sitting in seventh at the 5 k mark, 1.5 I’ll always take with me and it’s something He took the victory ahead of in terson, of Alaska Pacific University, wrote in seconds behind the race leader at the time, that I think even as an older athlete, it’s not second place and Andreas Stjernen in third. an email. Norwegian Sjur Røthe. lost on me. (NRK) In his third individual World Cup race, “I felt like I should have been able to “It’s really special as a Canadian to the 24-year-old Alaskan came close to his stay with the main group,” Harvey said in a be able to come to Norway and be able to Biathlon: Norway wins relay first World Cup points in 32nd, 8:47.8 be- post-race phone interview. “But when you’re race in such a fabled stadium with 50,000 to The Norwegian team of Lars Helge Birke- hind the winner. losing so many positions in the downhills 60,000 screaming fans,” he added. “It makes land, Erlend Bjøntegaard, Johannes Thingnes “It is a change from the 30-person sprint like that and then and trying to make your you really love ski racing even if you’re hav- Bø, and Tarjei Bø won the 4x7.5-kilometer [to the finish] that you would have at times way back on the uphills in a 50 k … it’s frus- ing not the best day.” relay on Feb. 13 at the World Cup event at in the past,” the U.S. Ski Team’s leading trating.” Presque Isle, Penn., 30 seconds ahead of distance skier, Noah Hoffman said on the The Canadians have previously cited Read the complete Faster Skier article at France. The team finished in 1:12:09.8 with phone. He placed 24th, 0.7 seconds behind wax problems as a hindrance, and both Har- fasterskier.com/blog/article/no-more-skiing- seven missed targets. Kershaw and 6:09.5 behind Sundby. vey and Kershaw said they were disappoint- into-a-race-north-americans-reflect-on-hol- (NRK) “I actually think the change in the way ed with their skis’ inability to keep up with menkollen-50-k. guys are racing these probably helps me,” the pace on Saturday. Harvey ended up 20th, Hoffman added. “Because in a 30-person 5:49 out of first. sprint, I’m very likely to finish 29th or 30th. “We’ve had a lot of problems this year So, for winning these races, I need to win it with classic skiing, especially in wet klister in the same way that Sundby does.” conditions,” Harvey said. Kershaw elaborated on the race-pace With humidity hovering around 99 precedent currently being set by the leaders. percent and a haze veiling racers from the WHEN IT COMES TO RETIREMENT, “[A] couple kilometers in and it’s al- spectators’ view, Holmenkollen’s conditions ready pressing at a strong, even pace. It’s were no exception. ARE YOU READY TO ROLL? not a surge. That’s just the pace you have With some 200-meters of climbing per Thrivent Financial offers solutions that can help you protect retirement assets, defer taxes to go for 46 k and if you can’t hack it, you 5 k, and six grueling ascents for each 8.6 k or enjoy a guaranteed stream of income for blow up,” Kershaw said. “With Martin, he’s loop, the Holmenkollen mass start is cer- life. Plus, you may be able to take advantage of changed the way that men’s racing happens.” tainly not a race many athletes choose to toy recent tax law changes that offer more Covering the 50 k in time of 2:08:41.9, fancifully with. choices for your retirement income strategy. Sundby won the event by 18.8 seconds over Even with its unforgiving course and Find out how a rollover can help! Contact a Thrivent Financial representative or visit Thrivent.com/ready2roll. MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE

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Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 28358NB N12-14 6 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in < heins From page 3 Norway and the United States

“I am really pleased ... We once again Join the conversation! have a Minnesotan in the embassy in Nor- On the EDGE way. History has been repeated,” she contin- ued, now that Sen. Cruz has lifted his hold In defense of the Kensington Runestone: waterways and Norway once again has an ambassador from the U.S. after 869 days. Along with Heins’s confirmation, the Senate also confirmed Iranian-American Bob Voyles Wall Street executive Azita Raji as the am- Bloomington, Minn. bassador of Sweden. Could this Lake Superior petroglyph discovered far inside America’s interior < homes be depicting a medieval Norse sailing From page 3 vessel? Could these be snake heads—of all things—at each end of the ship? It provement targets are living rooms followed would make sense, given that medieval by kitchens and bedrooms. Norsemen commonly used snake heads, Norway’s weather also means that the like dragon heads, to decorate their ships. population spends more time indoors than The obviously very aged petroglyph other Europeans. “At the other end of the pictured here helps to convince me, a be- scale, we find outdoor work, with the lowest liever in the Kensington Runestone, that frequency regarding roofing,” says Øye. medieval Scandinavians were traversing More than eight in 10 own their homes far-inland American waterways at least in Norway, with 60 percent of the housing a few hundred years before the time of stock being large detached family houses. Columbus. The Scandinavian website Photo: Library of Congress But while everyone is responsible for pre- “Maritime Topics on Stamps” (www. “Copper Harbor Norse Sailing Ship,” a rock carving found near Copper Harbor, Michigan. serving the quality of their properties, only shipsonstamps.org/Topics/html/viking. 80 percent of the Norwegian population re- htm) confirms that snake head features exploring Norse came down from Hudson These same watery roadways had helped ports that they are involved on the DIY (Do were used at the time. According to the Bay, and when they came west from Vin- American Indians from getting lost for It Yourself) front—either claiming or doing. site, “both bow and stern were decorated land through the Great Lakes, they couldn’t thousands of years, and it was no differ- Prosperous economic conditions have made by ornamental carvings. Dragon heads help but notice that the two dwindling wa- ent for the Norse, or for the later French. their mark. were the most common designs, closely ter routes ended up at the same place … and This may be startling news for some, “It’s dropped from being 90 percent five followed by bulls, snakes, and worms.” more importantly, that this far-inland water- especially for our academic friends, for or 10 years ago,” Øye explains. Look closely, and you can even see way convergence completed a huge circle, whom the notion of medieval Scandina- that the carver attempted to show what initiated from two different oceanic sources. vian history in inland North America con- Home comforts appears to be “banding” in the sailcloth, Numerous clusters of stoneholes and tradicts the “official” view that the 1600s Norwegians are also famed for having though this is mostly distorted by lichen. other evidences at this spot reveal that Norse French were the first Europeans to arrive “koselig” (“cozy,” translated literally) homes. Triangle-shaped diagonal banding was explorers were interested in settling in at that in America’s Upper Midwest. Sadly, not Norway may have entered a new eco- done on medieval Norse sailcloths to stiff- location. So instead of beginning a settle- many historians, professional or other- nomic reality with a slump in oil prices and en up the sail. (These details help prove ment or colony on a coastline, these pro- wise, know about the clusters of medieval weaker NOK exchange rates, but these factors the petroglyph’s authenticity, since a pre- spective property owners seem to have been Norse stoneholes at the remote spot near did not affect purchases of expensive items internet hoaxer would not have thought to intent on beginning a settlement from deep the Minnesota/South Dakota border—let such as consumer electronics and furniture. include the little-known details I recently within the North American continent—pre- alone what they stand for. 2015’s sales of household electrical discovered while researching online.) cisely in the location where the circular wa- We may now appreciate that the Chip- items resulted in a record turnover for that Might the ill-fated Kensington terway is completed. pewa River was almost certainly the last year. Statistics from the Consumer Electron- Runestone party of 1362 have continued In Europeans in North America before leg of the long waterway journey that ics Trade Foundation show a 6.6 percent on from the location of this petroglyph Columbus, a book by Dr. Duane Lund, a brought the Kensington Runestone so- turnover rise year-on-year, with 2015’s year- by Lake Superior to reach their campsite naysayer asks, “what possible object could journers close to Runestone Hill. Anthro- end figure being NOK 32.9 billion (over destination in Minnesota a few weeks they have had in sailing into Hudson Bay, pologist (and archaeologist) Alice Beck EUR 3.39 billion / $3.8 billion). later? Again, absolutely, and I’ll explain or through Lake Superior to the portage, Kehoe came very close to identifying the Moreover, Norwegians bought more in this essay just why the notion of water- and striking out into the wilderness?” Well, precise waterway routes to Kensington, things to soothe both body and soul last year. way travel far into America’s heartland how about to acquire furs, or land? Howev- showing in general the Hudson Bay and “2015’s sales of furniture and interior prod- by medieval Scandinavians should be er, these intrepid men actually didn’t strike St. Lawrence approaches to the Kensing- ucts were up some 6 to 7% (about NOK 1 recognized as one of the foundations of out into the wilderness much at all. Rather, ton area on a map. However, she didn’t billion) on 2014’s, which was between NOK our country’s true history. they kept primarily to the waterways, since 28 and 29 billion (some EUR 2.9-3 billion It is my contention that when the waterways were the highways of the time. See > waterways, page 7 / $3.25-3.33 billion),” remarks Egil Sundet, The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not head of branch organization Norsk Industri’s an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. furniture and interiors division. Just the right amount of NAW

Want to try NAW on for size? Name: ______Phone: ______Looking for a lower-priced gift Address: ______for the Norwegian in your life? Here’s a secret: we’ll pro-rate City/State/Zip: ______subscriptions to fit your budget. Visa / Mastercard: ______Expiration: ______CVV: one year: $70 Email: Questions? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. Or buy part of a year for less! You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Do you have something to say? 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Publisher Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Spoon rings Editorial Assistant Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, Taste of Norway Editor I was very pleased to read the article Daytona Strong [email protected] NAW notes about Mr. Selmer Simonsen and his rings. Spelling change Advertising As of this issue, we’re In 1996 the Luren Male Chorus hosted Drew Gardner [email protected] the Sangerfest in Decorah, Iowa. Both my changing our preferred spelling Subscriptions husband and father sang with Bjornson Male of aquavit. We had been using John Erik Stacy [email protected] akevitt, the Norwegian spelling. Chorus in Chicago and since the wives in But we had a few questions on all of the auxiliaries love to shop while the Contributors that and it finally dawned on men are rehearsing, there are usually quite Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. us that we speak English here, a few vendors selling their wares. I bought Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands two different rings with their matching pen- Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. mostly, so we’re switching back Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. to aquavit for the sake of clarity. dants, earrings, and one bracelet. My mother M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway bought a ring, and I know that Carol Stern- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. berg from Bjornson also made some pur- table of their spoon jewelry, as there are Daughters of Norway Members Various Survey Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. As part of our continued chases. The one ring is so very comfortable quite a few new singers and wives and I have Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway efforts to capture new subscrib- that I wear it all the time and forget that I two daughters in law! Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland have it on. I receive so many compliments on Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. ers, we want to know who the Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. current ones are. If you’d like to my spoon jewelry. Sincerely, Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway help us by answering five little This year’s Sangerfest will be held in Eileen Olsen Ronning Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. Sioux Falls, and now my husband sings with Hastings, Minn. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. questions, please visit www.na- Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. weekly.com/awesome-surveys/ the Minneapolis Norwegian Glee Club. It Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. who-are-you. Takk! sure would be nice if the family had a long Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. < waterways the river. Which begs the question: why was her wonderful little book, The Kensington Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. From page 6 the Runestone Hill site chosen a few hours’ Runestone—Approaching a Research Ques- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. walking distance from the river? This writ- tion Holistically, she astutely sums up the Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Darin Lietz Seattle, Wash. specify the end of the route, showing how the er thinks the reason was so that noise and seriousness of the debate at hand by advising Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Chippewa River connecting to the Minnesota campfire smoke would be undetectable from her readers: Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway River leads to both Runestone Hill and to the the river—the closest highway. “It does matter that educated Americans Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. ill-fated campsite a day’s journey north. Kehoe mentions that the St. Lawrence/ realize how much of the history they have David Moe Sun City, Calif. I think some scholars (such as Hjalmar Great Lakes route “would have looked famil- been taught has been biased. It does matter David Nikel , Norway Holand) may have missed the significance iar to Scandinavians who had traversed their that Americans understand that authorities can Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. of the Chippewa River because Runestone eastern fur trade route through northern Rus- be dogmatic, that good thinking seeks a range Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Hill is four miles or so overland, east from sia,” and within the concluding paragraph of of data and carefully weighs probabilities.” John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten Sushi!!! Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a Yummy yum! question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- 1389) is published weekly except the first week of January, the week after Easter, the last week of July, and the first two weeks of August by Nor- wegian American Weekly, INC. 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Periodicals postage I’m bringing paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing Super, bro! The kids Unle B! Food, Three hot some good Hi! Now it’s out with offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send address are really hungry! Food, food, dogs, yes! That’ll be food from those trashy hot dogs, changes to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 food! food! Shrimp salad? too culinary! the city! in with delicious... No thanks. 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy countries. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Oh good afternoon. Formerly Norway Times I missed you*, Ola. Western Viking & Washington Posten

Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven


And I missed you, Mari.

Old love never rusts. « I wait for spring throughout the What in the I’m gonna start in It looks like he It says By jiminy, with pigs. I bought wants to land. Ola, it’s Mari, whole year and my whole life. » world will you “Norway and Son of a gun 75 full-blood sows. What’s written your wife! * takk for sist means “thanks for last use all this USA Airline.” it is too! – Jens Stoltenberg on it? time,” but that implies that you missed fence for? the person and are happy to see them. 8 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway An almond cake for any occasion

Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash.

I love to bake . A simple cake can be a lovely finale to dinner with friends, a fitting tribute for a special occasion, or my favorite reason: it’s Tuesday! My new favorite cake recipe is Butter Almond Cake. I first came across the recipe in the memoir Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals that Brought Me Home by Jessica Fector, which was the book of the month in our Foodie Lit book club. (Yes, we read books about food. And it’s wonderful.) When Fector was 28 years old and a Harvard graduate student, she suffered a brain aneurysm that nearly killed her. Stir is a memoir of her recovery as she found her way back to wholeness through cooking. It’s not a cookbook, but features 27 of the recipes that brought her comfort during her journey. The recipe for Marcella’s Butter Al- mond Cake called out to me as I chose a dish to make for our book club discussion. The original recipe was created by Marcella Sarne of Long Beach, Calif., who entered this recipe in a baking contest sponsored by C&H Sugar. She won the grand prize, a $40,000 custom kitchen! It’s the cake that inspired the name of Fector’s food blog, Sweet Amandine (sweet- amandine.com), and I felt like it deserved a place at the table. And it was a total hit! At first bite, it tastes like kransekake, the ethereal confection made of concentric rings Photos: Christy Olsen Field of almond cake found at special celebrations This “Norwegianized” almond cake recipe is Butter Almond Cake reminiscent of kranseake but simple enough to in Norway and Denmark. It has the charac- Adapted from Stir by Jessica Fector teristic chew of kransekake that I love, and a make for any occasion. heady almond flavor. ¾ cup (1½ sticks; 170 grams) unsalted vanilla extract) But unlike kransekake, this cake comes pan with a removable bottom, which makes butter ¼ tsp. kosher salt together in a few minutes while the oven for a beautiful presentation. But in my quest 1¼ cups granulated sugar (248 grams) 1½ cups (188 grams) all-purpose flour heats up, doesn’t require any special equip- to simplify, I found a 9-inch round cake pan plus 1 tbsp. for finishing ¼ cup sliced (22 grams) ment, and can be eaten for breakfast. It’s my works just as well. 2 large eggs Finishing salt, such as Maldon or kind of cake. With its simple ingredient list and tech- 2 tsps. almond extract Fleur de sel (optional) I set out to Norwegianize this cake and nique, this is a cake for all seasons. Try it 2 tsps. vanilla sugar (or substitute simplify the recipe even further. warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, First, I substituted vanilla sugar (vanilje- fresh berries in the summer, or just straight Preheat the oven to 350°F. Generously butter and flour a 9-inch round cake pan and line sukker) instead of using extract. Have you from the pan for breakfast. It might just be with parchment paper. baked with it before? It’s common in bak- your new favorite cake. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Once melted, remove ing in Norway and many countries through- from heat and let cool for five minutes. Whisk in the sugar until combined. Whisk in one egg out Europe. I purchased mine from Bjorn until fully incorporated, and then the next egg. Add the almond extract, salt, vanilla sugar, Christy Olsen Field was at Scandinavian Specialties here in Seattle on the editorial staff of and whisk well until smooth. With a rubber spatula, fold in the flour until just combined. (scanspecialties.com), but you can purchase the Norwegian American Spread the batter in the prepared pan and spread the sliced almonds on top. Sprinkle with it at your local Scandinavian shop. Call the Weekly from 2008 to 2012, finishing salt (optional) and remaining 1 tbsp. sugar on top. NAW office if you need help finding one! and the Taste of Norway Bake for 35 minutes. Fector writes, “this cake blushes more than it browns,” and she’s Next, I eliminated the need for a sepa- page was her favorite sec- right. Look for a slight rosy color of the cake, and use a toothpick inserted in the center to see rate bowl for the ingredients. The batter can tion. Today, she is a free- if it comes out clean. Cool on a rack for 15 minutes. Use a knife to slide around the edges to be stirred together in a pot on the stove; my lance grantwriter for small remove it from the pan and cool completely. two-quart saucepan worked great for this. to mid-size nonprofits with her business, Chris- Wrapped and stored at room temperature, this cake will keep well for several days (if The recipe calls for a 9-inch fluted tart ty Ink. Learn more at www.christy.ink. you don’t eat it first). Hjemmelaget Vaniljesukker (Homemade Vanilla Sugar)

Commercial vanilla sugar is made 1 cup powdered sugar with synthetic vanillin, an inexpensive 1 vanilla bean (available at chemical vanilla substitute. Synthetic well-stocked grocery stores or vanillin was primarily made from the lig- online; I like Beanilla beans) nin-containing waste of preparing wood pulp for the paper industry, but today it Put the powdered sugar in a small is made from guaiacol, a petrochemical lidded jar. Split the vanilla pod length- precursor. wise, and scrape out the fragrant paste If you have some time and you’re with the dull side of a knife. Put the paste looking to simplify your ingredient list, and the pod into the sugar, screw on the consider making your own vanilla sugar lid, and give it a few shakes. Shake the jar at home. every couple of days for four weeks, and then it’s ready to use. It keeps indefinitely. norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 9 travel Once more to St. Olav’s Way: Reflections on the SON virtual pilgrimage and refurbished and, therefore, pilgrims and hikers are once again walking along the Christine Foster Meloni route. The Norwegians, however, tend now Washington, D.C. to cover only the section in their local vicin- ity, usually on weekends, not the entire route. The Sons of Norway offered its mem- (Who today would have time for such a pil- bers an interesting challenge at the begin- grimage?) ning of 2014: become pilgrims and walk the Those of us who completed the virtual 387 miles of the Old King’s Road (St. Olav’s pilgrimage may go to Norway in the future Way). This route begins in the ancient sec- and actually walk a short distance along part tion of Oslo and continues north along Lake of the Way. The most popular starting point Mjøsa, up the Gudbrandsdal valley, over the for an abbreviated walk is Dovre. Some of Dovrefjell mountains, and down the Oppdal my ancestors came from Dovre, so that and Gauldalen valleys and ends at the site sounds like a good place for me to start! of St. Olav’s tomb in Nidaros Cathedral in Was the Sons of Norway program a suc- Trondheim. cess? “Absolutely!” says Erik Evans, the SON Keep in mind, however, that it was a Communications Manager. “The feedback we virtual pilgrimage. What did this mean? In received from our members who participated this particular instance, it meant that the has been overwhelmingly positive.” pilgrimage had two parts. First, the pilgrim Ninety-six members from the U.S. and was to cover the distance, the 387 miles, in Canada completed the pilgrimage. Washing- any convenient location. I myself walked ton State topped the list with 23 pilgrims, Il- every day in my own neighborhood in the linois had 15, and Minnesota and Montana Washington, D.C. Metro area and recorded tied with eight each. We look forward to the my miles. Then I would go to my computer next cultural challenge. Maybe we will break and follow the same number of miles on the the 100 mark the next time! Way outlined on the website of the Sons of The Sons of Norway is preparing a prize Norway. It was the next best thing to being for each finisher. What will the prize be? It in Norway. Photo: CH / visitnorway.com is still a mystery, but I will definitely let you By participating in this pilgrimage, I not Nidaros, endpoint of the pilgrimage. know when I receive mine. Maybe it will be only got some healthy exercise (I did actually a round-trip airplane ticket to Norway. Per- walk 387 miles) but I also learned a great deal from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Church in the Middle Ages. The Church also haps that is too much to hope for! about Norway as I visited historic landmarks Greenland, Russia, the Baltic countries, Ger- sold badges to the pilgrims that they would and tourist destinations along the route. many, and Britain. The journey usually took attach to their clothing. These badges were Christine Foster Meloni is What perhaps interested me the most 25 days and the pilgrims timed it so that they made of medal and had an image of the saint. professor emerita at George was the history of St. Olav’s Way. It was es- would arrive at their destination on July 29, The Way was popular for the 500 years Washington University. She tablished in the 10th century in commemora- St. Olav’s Day. There was a network of hos- that Norway was a Catholic country. Then has degrees in Italian lit- tion of Olav, the King who became a Saint. pices along the way where the pilgrims could the Reformation arrived in 1537, and the erature, linguistics, and in- Pilgrims walked it for over 500 years. It eat and sleep. country became Lutheran. The official ven- ternational education. She was the fourth most important pilgrim route The pilgrims would bring gifts and of- eration of St. Olav came to an end, and pil- was born in Minneapolis in Europe, after those of Rome, Jerusalem, ferings with them for the Church. This would grimages were prohibited. and currently lives in Wash- and Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims came be an important source of revenue for the Recently, the Way was “rediscovered” ington, DC. She values her Norwegian heritage. Where in Norway? Academic Achievement & International Goodwill June 25 - August 5, 2016 How well do you know Norway? Match this photo to its location and email your answer to [email protected]! Photo: UiO, Mantas Grigaliunas Correct answers will be entered to win one month of NAW.

uio.no/summerschool ∙ [email protected] ∙ (800) 639-0058


Photo: John Barry / submitted by Pat Barry Have a photo for “Where in Norway?” Submit it to [email protected]! Hardanger Bunad and jewelry: $1500 thank you for reading the Weekly! tusen takk Contact [email protected] for more info 10 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections The birthday tree—a Valentine with a cause Young cancer survivor is working hard to help others make it through the disease

Larrie Wanberg Features Editor

Never in my lifetime have I received a handwritten birthday card from someone that I have never met—until I opened one from a 9-year-old young girl named Ava Jacobs. With the card was a birthday gift that I’ll cherish daily forever. There was a connection, though. I had worked with her grandfather on community development projects out of Bismarck, N.D., beginning in 1995, and we’ve been friends since. Therefore, I knew the story of Ava and her ordeal with pediatric cancer at 13 months of age. Today, she plays volleyball, is a lead- er on the cheer/drill team, plays piano and guitar, sings in the school choir, performs lead roles in her local youth theater, and is cancer-free.

Dear Mr. Wanberg, Photos courtesy of Jeremy Jacobs I heard that you had cancer. Adley and Ava Brae make a Night Light version of the Birthday Tree (left), and Ava poses with the finished product (right). BraveHearts4Kids sells these to Bummer. finance operations so that all donated money can go to help families of children with cancer. In the summer too, right? All this treatment this. All this treatment Your parents told me that you wrote But you are suggesting, as I hear your POWs, Wounded Warriors, and some years that. the letter entirely on your own, showed it to message, that the “C” word means other on oncology wards in military hospitals in But, our job is to work together, to help them, and asked for help in packing your B- things—Caring about others, developing a my career role as a child and family thera- other people out! Tree for shipment. Community of success stories, participat- pist. So, let’s be strong together. Yes, I’m with you, proudly. ing in a grass-root Citizen initiative with the The next day after my birthday is the I heard you worked for BraveHearts. My We are both cancer survivors. voices of survivors, and recognizing how the 29th—a good time to leap forward and Grandpa started it! We need to work together across gener- generational Culture of our forefathers in launch your message of BraveHearts4Kids Maybe we could both be BraveHearts! ations, as I’ll be 86 years old on my birthday North Dakota link us together. to a world of others from voices of survivors. Now, let me tell you about this special on the 28th of February. I know that you’ll I’d be happy to work with you in carry- tree. be 10 years old on February 14th—Happy ing your inspiring message of empathy and In today’s world of postal mailings for It’s called a Birthday Tree. Valentine’s Day. I think you were born to understanding to others. non-profit appeals and TV ads asking for do- It’s not just for birthdays, it’s also for bring happiness to people, as well as hope to In its intent, the B-Tree should replace nations, Ava’s genuine outreach for a cause, making people happy! those who experience pediatric cancer, like New Year’s Eve resolutions to commit annu- which shares her story of BraveHearts4Kids, I have one, and now I’m giving it to you! yourself as a survivor. ally during one’s birthday how one wants to has a unique, compelling way of a family I hope you get better with this yucky, I’ve followed your dad Jeremy’s career grow and develop each year. I’m adding my giving back with gratitude for her recovery. blucky cancer, and together we can help peo- over the years and know of his important resolutions on a square piece of paper and A core idea of BH4Kids is that the orga- ple all over the world. position on NASA’s team for the upcoming folding my written commitment into an ori- nization self-generates its revenues through Are you with me? Orion spacecraft to outer space and how his gami whooping crane to hang from the B- balancing traditional fundraising with a Can’t wait to meet you! studies helped in your recovery. I’ve known Tree as both an ornament and a reminder of business model, such as creating and selling Sincerely, your creative grandfather Adrian for years my civic resolutions until my next birthday. Birthday Trees and producing healthy food Ava Jacobs and we’ve worked together on projects. Even These majestic cranes that once nearly products, such as the inherent value of wild knew your great grandfather Walter, who in died out migrate from the Gulf to N.D. every natural berries found on the prairies with I responded with the following letter, retirement was a journalist, columnist, and spring to nest, raise their young, and lead healing benefits from antitoxins. which was not as concise as Ava’s but de- media-man like me. them back intuitively before winter to teach The intent is that no charity money is tailed the history and the promise of the fu- What we could do together is tell your the young how to navigate the way. Your used for overhead—100% goes to families ture in the language of a career educator. story to a wide audience. VP Biden recent- family does this too for reunions, vacation being supported by BH4Kids. Both tradi- ly organized a White House proposal on a fun, and festivities over generations. tional fund-raising through sponsored events Dear Ava, “Moonshot” initiative to research and even- I am happy to share some of what I’ve and interactive social media outreaches Thank you for your heartwarming let- tually eradicate cancer—the “C” word that learned over the years in teaching and prac- through web-based platforms are being used. ter and sharing your Birthday Tree with me, up to 35% to 50% of the population will hear tice, especially from my 27 years in mili- which now lights my desk. as a diagnosis in their lifetime. tary service, when I worked with families of See > birthday tree, page 14

< saint adopted Hallvard as its patron saint and de- publishing in 1915 and now is available in From page 1 vised a coat of arms depicting his murder. both paper and online editions. There’s a St. Through the years, it has been altered many Hallvard craft brewery, and Arcus, Norway’s was found floating in the fjord, the millstone times. The present version, designed in 1924, leading importer, wholesaler, and distiller of still securely tied to his neck. Friends who shows Hallvard on a lion throne, the three alcoholic drink, offers St. Hallvard liqueur, had been searching for him fished his body lethal arrows in his left hand, the millstone sold retail by the Vinmonopolet state shops. up and wrapped it with stalks of osier shrub in his right hand, and the nude woman he at- Each year since 1956, the Mayor of native to the area, and then buried him near tempted to save at his feet. There’s a motto in Oslo awards the St. Hallvard Medal for his home. Latin around the periphery, reading Unanim- meritorious service to the city. But most Soon the stalks of osier shrub at his iter et Constanter (Unanimous and Eternal). prominent in everyday life, the city coat grave miraculously began to sprout. The man Today in Oslo, St. Hallvard is a frequent of arms appears on municipal stationery, who had died defending an innocent woman theme in the scene of the city as well as on notices, and other publications, as well as became a local and then a national martyr. websites (most in Norwegian). The St. Hall- on official vehicles. Underfoot throughout Veneration followed. In the early 12th centu- vard Cathedral, Oslo’s first, is in ruins, but the city there are city utility manhole cov- ry, a cathedral was built in memory of him at the main body of it is in the cathedral memo- ers cast in designs centered on the coat of the market square in what is now Old Oslo. rial park. The St. Hallvard Church and Mon- arms. It was used as a church for about 500 years, astery now is home to the city’s largest Cath- Photo courtesy of Oslo Kommune until 1655. olic congregation. St. Hallvard is a schol- The coat of arms of Oslo, depicting patron Saint In the mid 14th century, the city of Oslo arly quarterly journal on the city that started Hallvard. norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 11 obituaries & Religion In Loving Memory Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Peter P. Lee Marv Soiland May 1, 1941 – June 28, 1927 – Music that lifts the spirit January 2016 February 8, 2016 I am a person who doesn’t like a lot has lifted the hearts of countless worship- Peter died of a heart attack on Blanchard Marv Soiland died on February 8 in of drama in his movies. When choosing ers ever since. Mountain sometime at the end of January. Santa Rosa. He was 88. a movie to watch, I look for those that The Lenten hymn, “Beneath the He was hiking alone to Oyster Dome, some- Born in San Francisco on June 28, 1927, are fun and uplifting. Lately I have no- Cross of Jesus,” exemplifies a hymn that thing he had always wanted to do. He died Soiland graduated from high school at 16 ticed that you can tell a great deal about a has lifted the hearts of worshipers for over either going up or coming down. We think and earned a bachelor’s degree in engineer- movie by the music chosen for the open- a hundred years. Here are the first two he made it. ing from Oregon State University. He served ing credits. If the music seems happy and verses of that great hymn: Peter was born in Bellingham, Wash., two tours of duty in the U.S. Navy, one dur- light, you can count on the movie being Beneath the cross of Jesus, on May 1, l941, to Gladyce and Raymond ing World War II and the other during the the same. Music has the ability to set the I long to take my stand. Lee. He is survived by his brother, Roger Korean War. He began his 50-year career in mood for movies of all different kinds. The shadow of a mighty rock, Lee of Houston, Texas; two sisters, Margie Sonoma County shoveling ditches for an un- In a similar way, music in the church within a weary land. Lee of Portland, Ore., and Georgie Bailey of derground utilities contractor. He launched has the ability to set the mood in a wor- A home within a wilderness, Bellingham; niece Anne Piatt of Bremerton, Soiland Company in 1962, and his children ship service. The difference lies in the fact a rest upon the way, Wash.; and nephew Fred Bailey of Beaver- continue to run it and related businesses to- that church music, almost without excep- From the burning of the noontide ton, Ore. Peter was preceded in death by his day. Soiland’s biggest project was a 2,700- tion, lifts our spirits. Even during the cur- heat and the burdens of the day. parents and his wife, Berit Lee. acre development at the edge of Santa Rosa rent season of Lent, church musicians will Peter graduated from Bellingham High that includes Shiloh Estates, the Mayacama be hard pressed to find music that doesn’t Upon the cross of Jesus School in 1959. He then attended college at Golf Club, and Shiloh Ranch Regional Park. lift spirits. Martin Luther knew the power my eye at times can see, Western Washington University and Cornish Soiland, who was born into a family ac- of music to lift one’s spirits. Sometimes The very dying form of one School of the Arts in Seattle. Many people tive in the Norwegian Lutheran Church, was Luther would take a particularly uplifting who suffered there for me. enjoy his art in their homes. Peter was also recruited to join Cal Lutheran’s Board of Re- tune from popular culture and give it pow- And from my contrite heart, with into music. He sang for years with Our Sav- gents in 1974. He served on the board until erful words. Before Luther, there was little tears, two wonders I confess. iour’s Lutheran Church choir and the Nor- 1995 and headed the Administration and Fi- or no congregational singing in worship. The wonder of his glorious love wegian Male Chorus. His impersonations of nance Committee for 20 years. He went on to He introduced singing into worship, and it and my unworthiness. Elvis Presley were “famous.” Peter served serve on the California Lutheran Educational in the Navy. Later he owned and managed Foundation Board of Trustees and as an ad- a record store (Syndicate Of Sound) and a visory member of the Board of Regents. bookstore (Peter Poppin). Still later, he was a Cal Lutheran presented Soiland with Community Connections caregiver for his mother and volunteered for a Distinguished Service Award in 1996, an RSVP doing yard work for elderly people. honorary doctorate in 2004, and the Christus Gratulerer med Dagen! Peter was humble, gracious, and apprecia- Award in 2010. tive. Thanks be to God for Peter and our Soiland died of natural causes after bat- memories of him. tling congestive heart failure. He is survived Happy birthday / by Fran, his children, his brother, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. engagement / etc!

22. februar Karen Bendixen Boyd Olympia WA Your name and Inga Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway Mrs. Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA message here! Elisabeth Grambo Seattle WA

23. februar For more information, call Mrs. Richard Beck Victoria BC Canada Lorraine Carlson Mandan ND us at (206) 784-4617 or email 19. februar Ross Davidson Seattle WA [email protected]. Anna Alquist Santa Cruz CA Jay Erikson Tully NY Berdines Froyland Sauda Norway Svenn K. Lovlie Bremerton WA Martha Halseth Outlook Sask Canada Annie Mathiesen Las Vegas NV Florence Johnson Running Springs CA Gerd Nelson Bloomington MN Agnes Larson Porterville CA Inger Opdal Mjøndal Norway Justin Sund Olympia WA Sivert Stupstad Hagen SK Canada Henry Syvertsen Gilford CT Kari Megan Virding Tigard OR 24. februar Judith Wood South Colby WA Julia Anderson Scottsdale AZ Sidney F. Anderson Lititz PA 20. februar Oline Dokken Benson MN Mikael Hoem Kristiansund Norway Bill Gosnell Pawnee OK Halstein Morken Ålen Norway Wolfgang Jacobsen Milwaukee WI Rev. Joel C. Rolf Radcliffe IA Maurine Phelps Seattle WA Mike Sevig Minneapolis MN David Sund Olympia WA Roy Thornton Strongsville OH 21. februar Lisa Chavez Goleta CA 25. februar Karen Marie Hicks Custer WA Hilda Danielsen Surrey BC Canada The Scandinavian Hour Marie Anne Rinell Oak Harbor WA Egil Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Celebrating over 50 years on the air! HM King Harald V Oslo Norway Lyleth Gjovik Madison WI Stevie Gjovik Madison WI KKNW – 1150 AM Roger Johnson Seattle WA Kristi Samuelson Sheffield IA Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Streaming live on the internet at: Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! www.1150kknw.com 12 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california Whittling Klubb for Kids Nordic Evening Prayer Washington Annual Pancake Breakfast March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m. Skål! Scandinavian Spirits March 6, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. 3:15—5:15 p.m. Saint Paul, Minn. now—Feb. 28 Oakland, Calif. Decorah, Iowa Nordic Evening Prayer returns to Pilgrim Lutheran Seattle, Wash. Join Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson for a pancake After learning about safety and sharpening tech- Church. This year’s theme is “Mystery, After All, Skål! Scandinavian Spirits shares the history breakfast at Bjørnson Hall. Cost is $10 for niques, new students will practice by carving Is God’s Other Name.” Services are held at 6:50 and traditions of drinking culture in the Nor- adults and $5 for children 12 and under. a Minnesota loon, and if time permits, a fjord p.m. with an extended musical prelude featuring dic countries, from their origins in Vikings horse. More experienced students will choose each month’s guest artist beginning at 6:30 p.m. times, to how those traditions continue to the Vikings in Ireland Corned Beef and Cabbage their next project. Taught by Rebecca Hanna. All This service is titled The Beginning of Wisdom present day. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. March 12, 5:00 p.m. levels; youth ages 10-17. Tuition is $30 with $5-15 and features the Cloudberries Women’s Choir. Santa Rosa, Calif. materials fee. Tools and safety supplies provided. Flora Metamorphicae If you’re Irish, love corned beef and cabbage, new york now—Feb. 28 or feel drawn to Viking history, this is the event Exploring Your Heritage: A Writing Sampler From Here to There Seattle, Wash. for you. The cooks at Freya Lodge Sons of Nor- Weekend March 8—29 Flora Metamorphicae explores the relation- way will present their third annual Corned Beef March 11—13 New York, N.Y. ship between nature and culture and is an and Cabbage Dinner. The acclaimed Vikings of Decorah, Iowa Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature the original evolving artistic collaboration where masses Bjornstad will present an entertaining program. This workshop taught by Kathleen Ernst will intro- work of Oslo artist Lars Aukrust. Much of the fresh- of ceramic flowers interact with their environ- At Norway Hall. Cost is $24 for adults and $8 duce you to writing poetry, memoir, fiction, and ness of Aukrust’s compositions is derived from his ment, from seashores to museum spaces. At for children eight to 14. Tickets are available at creative non-fiction. Enjoy short writing activities approach to the canvas: the paint is poured onto the Nordic Heritage Museum. www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2492847. designed to help capture memories or explore the flat canvas, where colors are allowed to seren- Additional info is available at www.freyalodge. what interests you. Inspired by Vesterheim’s col- dipitously mix. What results are images that are Arne and Carlos’s Valdres Hat Class org or by calling (707) 894-1807. lections, personal memories, or heirlooms, you’ll ripe for viewer contemplation for many years to Feb. 27, 1:00—4:00 p.m. & leave with drafts of several poems, character come. A reception will be held March 10 from 6:00 March 12, 2:00—4:00 p.m. district of columbia sketches, essays, or short stories. No writing ex- to 8:00 p.m. Admission is free. Seattle, Wash. perience necessary. Bring a few personal memen- Reading Circle: Norwegian by Night Karen Clausen has studied with Arne and Car- tos for inspiration if you wish. 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m. north dakota los in Norway and has been approved to teach on Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sat. and Washington, D.C. Sons of Norway District IV Dance Workshop this hat pattern using stranded colorwork Sun. $153 for members; $203 for non-members. The Reading Circle of the Sons of Norway’s March 11—12, 1:00—10:30 p.m. knitting. Part one of this workshop will get you Washington, D.C., lodge will discuss Derek Mill- Jamestown, N.D. started; part two, nearly finished! Cost is $30 er’s Norwegian by Night. To RSVP and learn the massachusetts Sons of Norway District IV and Wergeland Lodge for members or $35 for general admission. At meeting’s location, contact Christine Meloni Nordic Color in Jamestown invite you to join in a weekend of the Nordic Heritage Museum. at [email protected]. Everyone is wel- now—March 31 dancing and fun, including several hours of in- come—even if you haven’t read the book! West Newton, Mass. struction with our experienced teachers, Bob Aquavit Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres with Maine artist Elizabeth Hunter presents rugs and and Maren Holmen, and digital access to instruc- Tumble Swede florida watercolors infused with Nordic color and simplic- tional materials following the workshop. We will Feb. 27, 4:00—6:00 p.m. ity. Hunter studied in Oslo, Norway, and Reykjavík, Norwegian Church Service also have live music with Jon-Anders Persson Seattle, Wash. Iceland. At the Scandinavian Cultural Center. March 6, 3:00 p.m. and Valeria Thompson. The weekend is capped Join Tumble Swede for a hands-on workshop Cape Coral, Fla. off with a banquet and an evening of dancing featuring aquavit cocktails, mixology, and the Author Series: Darra Goldstein Four times a year, Sjømannskirken Scandina- to show off our bunads and what we learned. newest Scandinavian food trend: Snapas. These March 12, 12:00 p.m. vian Church and Center in Davie, Fla., sends All levels of experience are invited. Singles and artfully presented small bites are designed for West Newton, Mass. a pastor (currently Pastor Brit) to Messiah couples welcome. At Knights of Columbus Lodge. pairing with aquavits. Learn about picking the The Scandinavian Cultural Center is thilled to Lutheran Church. Although the service is con- right aquavit and how to find the best pairings, host author Darra Goldstein as she talks about ducted entirely in Norwegian, congregants are ohio and then mix and fix your own combinations. her time in Scandinavia and her beautiful book provided both a written English translation Reading Circle Afterward, stay for a Nordic cocktail party! At Fire and Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking. She will be and Norwegian version of the service. Follow- March 5, 2:00—3:00 p.m. the Nordic Heritage Museum. signing books after her talk. Please reserve your ing the service, coffee and homemade sweets Cincinnati, Ohio seat at www.eventbrite.com/e/author-series- are provided as well as plenty of conversa- Choose a biography or autobiography of a no- Vikings, Voyages & Volvos fire-and-ice-classic-nordic-cooking-with-darra- tions in Norwegian. If you would like to car- table Norwegian and join Edvard Grieg Lodge for March 10, 7:00—9:00 p.m. goldstein-tickets-21063415242?ref=ebtnebregn. pool, call Maxine Batrawi at (239) 405-4026. their reading circle. At Panera Bread across from Seattle, Wash. Tri-Country. For more info and to RSVP, contact See a presentation about Hurtigruten’s Classic Gulf Coast Vikings Lodge Meeting minnesota Carol Luiso (513) 683-3631 or [email protected]. Norwegian Coastal Voyages; learn about Vol- March 11, 5:00—8:00 p.m. “Don’t Hug Me” vo’s Overseas Delivery Program, a unique way to explore Europe; and AAA Travel will be on Fort Meyers, Fla. now—March 13 oregon hand to help plan your trip. You could win a A board member of Trønderlag of America, Coon Rapids, Minn. Cook & Eat: Lefse coastal voyage for two on Hurtigruten! Ticket guest speaker Jon Satrum will present on “The The original “Don’t Hug Me,” musical comedy will March 12, 4:00—6:00 p.m. includes one raffle ticket, one drink ticket, and Shetland Bus,” a secret WWII base, which sup- play at the new Bunker Hills Dinner Theater. It’s Portland, Ore. smørgåsbord. Cost is $15 for members and ported the Norwegian resistance in the winter, the coldest day of the year and cantankerous bar Join the Scandinavian Heritage Foundation for $20 for general admission. Visit nordicmu- in the dark, and in the worst seas possible. The owner Gunner wants to move from northern Min- lefse time! This is a hands-on class taught by Jean seum.org/events/vikings-voyages-and-volvos unlikely heroes were Norwegian fisherman in nesota to Florida. His wife wants to stay. When a Akre where you practice rolling and cooking. At for tickets. At Nordic Heritage Museum. small boats. One Norwegian became the most fast-talking salesman promises to bring love into the end, participants get to taste their unleav- decorated allied naval officer of WWII. For their lives through karaoke, all heck breaks loose. ened potato lefse. Cost is $20 for SHF members “Nordic Immigration in the Pacific Northwest more info call Maxine Batrawi at (239) 405- 16 original songs including, “I’m a Walleye Woman and $25 for non-members. Purchase tickets at from Then to Now” Conference 4026. At the Plantation at Somerset. in a Crappie Town,” “My Smorgasbord of Love,” www.scanheritage.org/c-11-cook-eat.aspx. and “I Wanna go to the Mall of America.” Call (763) March 16—18 iowa 951-7244 for tickets; use code HUG for $5 off. Visit Seattle, Wash. www.DontHugMe.com for more info. pennsylvania The Nordic Heritage Museum will host an Im- From Tradition to Protest: Lila Nelson’s “Soup-er” Social migration Conference devoted to immigration Weaving Life Eliesa Johnson, Photographer March 12, 2:00—4:00 p.m. in the Pacific Northwest. The conference will now—Nov. 13 now—May 1 Bensalem, Penn. be a collaboration between the Nordic Heri- Decorah, Iowa Minneapolis, Minn. Enjoy home-cooked soups and fresh breads with tage Museum and several museums, archives, Lila Nelson, Vesterheim’s first Textile Curator, Join Norway House in celebrating the beauty of coffee and . Cost is $5 per person. At and academic institutions throughout the was an accomplished textile artist in her own the Nordic way of life, as captured by Eliesa John- Fredriksten Lodge Hall. Nordic Region. right. This exhibition shows how she mastered son. This exhibit features photos inspired by the traditional Norwegian weaving techniques, photographer’s travels in Norway and in the culi- south dakota then used them in fresh and contemporary Wisconsin nary world. At Galleri at Norway House; visit nor- Torsk & Meatball Dinner & Bake Sale ways. This exhibition includes 76 pieces from Torsk Supper and Bake Sale wayhouse.org for more info. March 4, 4:00—7:00 p.m. Vesterheim’s collection and private collections. Feb. 27, 4:00—7:00 p.m. Sioux Falls, S.D. Milwaukee, Wis. Edvard Grieg Society: Ladyslipper Ensemble This annual dinner, bake sale, and silent auction Coloring Event Inspired by Lila Nelson’s The buffet includes boiled cod, Norwegian Feb. 28, 4:00—6:00 p.m. is our fundraiser to support youth scholarships Weavings meatballs, boiled potatoes, vegetables, pick- Minneapolis, Minn. for summer camps Skogfjorden and Masse Moro Feb. 23, 7:00—8:30 p.m. led beets, cranberry sauce, flatbread, , During its 10th anniversary season, the Edvard Heritage Camp. Tickets cost $17 for adults and $7 Decorah, Iowa and coffee. It also includes sales of homemade Grieg Society presents Ladyslipper Ensemble, for children ages six to 12. Frozen torsk and lefse Vesterheim invites adults 18 and up to enjoy baked goods. Cost is $13 for adults and $5 for featuring Sahar Hassan, mezzo-soprano; Claudia will be pre-sold; order by March 1 and pick up some creative coloring. Come relax and learn children ages four to 11. Open seating is on a Chen, piano; and Arek Tesarczyk, cello. Tickets March 4 after 4:00 p.m. At Nordic Hall. about Nelson’s weavings while coloring pages first come first served basis. At Norway House. are $20 or free with student ID. At Mindekirken— based on her work. Refreshments, colored The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church. pencils, and coloring pages will be provided. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 13 In your neighborhood Dancing from Wisconsin to Washington Stoughton, Wisconsin, high school Norwegian Dancers perform in Ballard this March

Special Release their lunch hour. In order to put in more time, Leif Erikson Lodge they began holding practices at 7:00 a.m. Since the early years, the group has grown to Leif Erikson Lodge and Leikarringen 20 dancers and three keyboardists. of Leif Erikson Lodge, Sons of Norway, are By the third year of their existence, the proud to sponsor the Norwegian Dancers interest of the school and community grew to of Stoughton, Wis., on Tuesday, March 22, such extent that Reek felt she must uncover 2016, at 7:00 p.m. This lively group of high all there was to know about Norway and schoolers present the dances of Scandinavia its customs. She advanced the performance at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th, Seattle, level of the troop through talks and inter- WA 98107. Donation at the door. views with Norwegians, but found very little In 1952, Stoughton, Wis., held its first recorded information about folk dancing. In Syttende Mai celebration. This recognition the summer of 1964, she went to Norway to of the Norwegian Constitution Day was to gather information firsthand. She spent sev- become a tradition in the community. Al- en weeks there filming folk dances, getting bert Molderhauer was the administrator of translations to accompany the films, explor- the schools at the time. He was of German ing costume shops, and taping music. ancestry but felt that because the area was Other people in the community helped primarily populated with second and third in developing these authentic folk perfor- generation Norwegians, the schools should mances. Shirley Ralph (Welch ancestry) has support ethnic pride in Stoughton. worked on recording on paper the music to He approached Jeanne Reek (Eng- accompany the dancers. In the beginning Photo courtesy of Leif Erikson Lodge lish ancestry), the girls’ physical education years, accordions were used, but today, the The Norwegian Dancers are goodwill ambassadors who have danced for millions of people. teacher, and prevailed upon her to begin a dancers are accompanied by keyboardists. Norwegian dance group that would be ex- Alma Tenjem played an important role in representing different districts in Norway, ited Madison. Another highlight in the Danc- pected to perform during future Syttende copying, designing, embroidering, and con- while the guys all wear the same. ers’ career came when they were invited to Mai celebrations. Reek was reluctant, as structing costumes. The first costumes were With the support and assistance of com- perform in Norway in Bergen and Oslo. she had limited folk dance background and all handmade in Stoughton with materials munity members, school personnel, and Each year many students in Stoughton try little knowledge of Norway and its customs. available in the U.S. Today, the bunads con- parents, the Stoughton Norwegian Dancers out for the nine to 10 vacancies in the group However, because she was convinced of the tinue to be constructed in Stoughton, but all have become “goodwill ambassadors” who left by graduating seniors. Being a Norwegian value of such a group, she began the program the patterns, fabrics, and threads are import- have performed for millions of people. Each Dancer is held in high regard among the stu- by choosing six girls who in turn chose their ed from Norway so that all the bunads are spring they go on tour to a different part dents and community. The group is pleased partners to form the first group. authentically Norwegian. Even the shoes and of the country. In 1968 they were asked to to have the opportunity to bring a little of the The group began by practicing during jewelry are imported! The girls wear bunads dance for King Olaf of Norway when he vis- traditions of Norway to you.

Norwegian American Weekly Concordia cuts Scandinavian Program

Photo of the Week Molly Jones tor of the Norwegian and Scandinavian Stud- Norwegian American Weekly ies Program, leaves the college. Concordia states that the program cuts Following a rich history of Norwegian were made as part of a $2.7 million target education and heritage, Concordia College in cost savings and new revenue generation. has decided to discontinue the Norwegian The review was led by the Dean and Vice and Scandinavian Studies Program. President of Academic Affairs, along with The administration of the Lutheran division chairs, the Dean of the Offutt School liberal arts college, located in Moorhead, of Business, and key faculty members. Minn., announced the decision on Janu- “These decisions align budgets and ary 29. The program changes affect several staffing with the majors for which there is the other departments as well, including Classi- most evidence of demand from current and cal Studies, Classics, Latin, Latin Education, future students,” writes Concordia on their French, French Education, German, Health, Questions and Answers page. and Humanities majors. According to the announcement, pro- While the programs are now closed to grams with decreasing rates of enrollment new students, the announcement states that were reviewed, and student/faculty ratio and students already enrolled in these majors will average class size were taken into consider- be assisted in finishing their coursework, ation to determine which programs would be through courses by arrangement, indepen- discontinued. dent studies, or substitution of requirements. “It is sad a moment in the history of Minors will still be available in Classics, the college,” says Dr. Halvorson, emphasiz- Photo: Jean Gregory French, and German, but minors in Norwe- ing Concordia’s beginnings as an institution Honorary Consul Kim Nesselquist presented Knut Einarsen with The Defense Medal, or Deltagermedaljen 9. april 1940 - 8. mai 1945, as it is formally named in Norway, on Feb. 10. gian and Scandinavian Studies have also founded by Norwegian settlers and its cen- The medal is awarded to military and civilian personnel who participated in the fight against been cut. tury-long history of promoting Norwegian the German invasion and occupation of Norway between 1940 and 1945, whether they were Therefore, no Scandinavian Studies language education. Norwegian citizens or not. classes will be offered after the spring of “I hope and wish that it would be intro- In early 2015, Jens Inge Egeland started to create a group of veterans of WWII. They 2017, when Dr. Milda Halvorson, the Direc- duced back in the near future,” she adds. have been trying to find those who have not yet been awarded to rectify the situation. As Nesselquist said during his brief presentation: “Knut—for your participation in the resistance of the German invasion of Norway in l940, that took the life of your brother Business and individual Marelius and many others, and for the dangerous work that you continued until you and tax returns; audits; forensic Haldis in dramatic fashion had to escape to Sweden in l943—the Ministry of Defense in Norway has decided to honor your service and bravery with the Participation Medal—or accounting; financial deltagermedaljen of WWII... statement preparation; “I am sorry that it comes so late—so the only thing I can say is better late than never—thank you for your service during some very dark years in Norway’s history—and Certified Public Accountants litigation support. congratulations.” 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Seattle, Washington 98119 Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] 14 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian words in English: Telemark Snaps Visa Aquavit, Cocktails, and Nordic Snaps Culture by Lexi of the Old Ballard Liquor Co.

Introduction M. Michael Brady Photo: Happy-marmotte / Wikimedia Commons Akvavit. Aquavit. Akevitt. Akvavii- troduced to the American market. Asker, Norway Telemark ski racing. tti. No matter how you spell it, this savory This new generation of distillers gen- Look up the word Telemark in the dic- pine skiing techniques and equipment of caraway spirit is as much a touchstone of erally has little or no experience with tra- tionary of almost any European language, the 1970s. But in 1974, its historical sig- Scandinavian culture as Vikings, Lefse, and ditional aquavit, due to the lack of imports and you’ll find that it’s a term in skiing nificance was honored by naming a resi- Torske Klubben. Whether raising a glass on and varieties available to try. This has given meaning a swing turn with one ski ad- dential street in Oslo Kristianiasving. Christmas, enjoying with a sing-along over a rise to a broad swath of interpretations about vanced and the other ski trailing with the The designator Telemark survived summertime crayfish party, or sipping from what aquavit is and should be, and distinct skier’s knee bent, used to change direction in ski jumping, as it also was used in the that “special” bottle, few things belong quite U.S. regional styles are developing already. or stop. If the etymology of the word ap- word Telemarknedslag (Telemark land- so specifically to Scandinavian Culture as Without Scandinavian language skills or pears, it will state that that the technique ing), the jumping rules specification of aquavit. available educational materials, enthusiastic is named for the fylke (county) of Norway style for completing the flight of a jump. A century and a half ago, Scandinavian distillers often learn from each other, copy- where the technique originated. The “Telemark turn” also survived in back immigrants brought their aquavit culture and ing and modifying domestic brands to match The story of that naming is straight- country ski touring, from whence it came. traditions across the oceans to the Ameri- their own tastes and imaginations. Although forward. Shortly after the turn of the last Then in the 1970s, American recreational cas, where the booming demand was met a purist may raise an eyebrow at some of century, the first ski-jumping rules com- skiers experimenting with new techniques with home brews and imports of all brands the unfamiliar interpretations coming out of mittee met to work out the norms for judg- used the Telemark turn in lift-hill Alpine and flavors. Fruity Swedish aquavits, rich U.S. distilleries, it is, in the end, a thoroughly ing ski jumping style at the annual Hol- skiing. The usage spread, and Telemark Norwegian aquavits, and dry Danish taffels American way to go about it, and brand new menkollen meets held in the capital city skiing became popular around the world. were all available in a rainbow of flavors flavor profiles are becoming available for the of Christiania, also spelled Kristiania, as Ski industries responded by making mod- and colors. But as immigration dwindled first time ever. Oslo then was named. In defining terms els of skis, boots, and bindings for it. A and the population grew older, demand for Through this column, we will explore ca. 1903, they chose to honour the two cult of Telemark skiers grew, and Tele- aquavit declined and one by one, the imports aquavit in its various forms, reviewing im- main groups of competitors, those hailing mark became a racing event, similar to stopped. By 2012, only one lonely import port and domestic brands, discussing the from Telemark county and those from the Alpine ski racing but differing in the ways (Lysholm Linie) remained on liquor store politics and history of aquavit, and looking capital city itself, by giving the names of turns were executed. shelves, as a new generation of Americans at how it’s changing in a modern age. We their two home locales to the two styles of A linguistic historian might ask what grew up without it. will talk about cocktails and food pairings, turns then used by ski jumpers in turning to the name of that newer style of recreation- In 2008, loosening craft distillery laws discuss flavorings and styles, and hopefully a stop after landing. The style of turn with al and competitive Alpine skiing might be across the country gave rise to a whole new have the opportunity to share some new in- one ski trailing was called Telemarksv- today had the 1903 ski jumping rules com- generation of American distillers and prod- formation with established enthusiasts and ing (Telemark turn), and the style with mittee assigned the two names the other ucts that previously had only been available curious newcomers alike. So join us twice skis parallel was called Kristiania­sving or way round. Certainly there would be much from large, corporate producers were now monthly for another adventure with aquavit! Christianiasving (Christiania turn). The argument, as in 1925, the name of the city being created regionally, on a smaller scale. naming was arbitrary, as the jumpers from of Christiania was changed to Oslo. Might With an estimated 11 million descendants of Lexi is the owner and founder of the Old Bal- both locales used both styles of turn. we have an “Oslo turn,” or would we have Scandinavian immigrants in the country, it lard Liquor Co. in Seattle, which produces The Christiania turn became the retained the “Telemark turn” with the ex- was inevitable that some distiller somewhere more varieties of aquavit than any distillery in “Christy” of Alpine skiing, a term that fell planation that it was a historical name? would eventually turn their sights to aquavit, the U.S. After growing up with the Scandina- into disuse with the improvements in Al- and so it was saved from the brink of extinc- vian-American farming culture of the Skagit tion. Valley and a three-year residency in Sweden, In the intervening years, this spirit has she settled back into Seattle life where she < birthday tree If the “Moonshot” proposal from a gov- been slowly but steadily gaining in popular- now operates the Old Ballard distillery and From page 10 ernment launchpad can be successful, a num- ity. At the time of this writing, 18 domes- a Nordic café and fine dining Scandinavian ber of collaborative auxiliary innovations or tic distilleries are making over 35 different restaurant called Tumble Swede, and travels A blog is being planned where Ava’s contingency crews need to be planned and aquavits, and for the first time in memory a the U.S. teaching classes on contemporary message reaches out to a wide audience of in place for its overall success. A grass-root discontinued import (Aalborg) is being rein- Scandinavian food and drink. followers and supporters for comment or family-based approach like BH4Kids could sharing information. work alongside of national organizations that I should acknowledge that Ava’s moth- are lead by experts in the field in a long-term er Amy plays a huge role in her daughter’s goal to reduce or prevent cancer. wellbeing and healing, only that I don’t have I believe that Ava and others like her the generational connection with her side of will lead us along a path to progressively the family. However, I do know that her clos- give hope to children and families with the est family circle includes a number of pro- diagnosis of cancer by sharing their firsthand fessionals in the field of health, healing and experiences and personal outcomes of be- holistic medicine. coming cancer-free.

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Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Photo: Old Ballard Liquor Co. You’ll learn all about drinking like a Viking in this new regular column. norwegian american weekly February 19, 2016 • 15 arts & entertainment From Oslo to Tehran: Visjoner Teater performs Hedda Gabler in Iran

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

At the end of January, Visjoner Teater brought its unique production of Henrik Ib- sen’s Hedda Gabler to a new destination: Iran. The Norwegian theater company per- formed as part of the Fajr International The- ater Festival, an annual festival held in Teh- ran to celebrate both local and international theater. Actress and artistic director Juni Dahr founded Visjoner Teater in 1988 and has since produced several productions, many of which are performed in untraditional venues. The theater company’s well-received Hedda Gabler på Sæterhytten production Photos courtesy of Visjoner Teater premiered in 2011. It presents Ibsen’s 1890 Visjoner’s performances of Hedda Gabler take place in intimate settings, before small audienc- play in the intimate setting of Hedda’s liv- es. Few changes were needed to adapt the play for performance in the Muslim country, though ing room, staged in Sæterhytten on Oslo’s of course the women were required to wear headscarves. Bygdøy peninsula. The unique production was nominated for the Norwegian theater ternational festivals and very attractive for MJ: What is it like to perform in a award Heddaprisen the same year and par- our company Visjoner Teater. As artists we country with such a different cultural ticipated in the Oslo International Ibsen Fes- are interested in communicating, and in 2014 framework than Norway? tival in both 2012 and 2014. Visjoner Teater Ibsen Women and actress Juni Dahr won The JD: I think Ibsen’s text gets more im- first presented Hedda Gabler internationally Fajr Festival’s jury’s special prize! This was portant, and we all felt saying the words had MJ: How has the production been received? in 2014, when it was performed at a theater a great honor and opened up a very interest- a deeper meaning. JD: Our two performances were sold out, and festival in Łódź, Poland. ing collaboration with Iranian theater artists. we had an extra performance. The audiences The Fajr Festival marked the second in- And we have created a project called “The- MJ: In 2011, Iranian authorities banned a were very open and interested in our work. ternational performance. Lars Øyno, Robert ater Beyond Borders.” production of Hedda Gabler in Tehran after Skjærstad, Nina Woxhollt, Hauk Heyerdahl, the Fars news agency described it as “vul- MJ: Do you alter the production in any way Tonje Gotschalksen, and Marianne Roland MJ: What makes your production different gar” and “hedonistic.” Have you encoun- according to the cultural background of your joined Dahr in Tehran. from traditional performances of Hedda Ga- tered any censorship? audience? Interested in Visjoner Teater’s decision bler? JD: The Iranian censorship was reluctant to JD: Only some adjustments were necessary. to perform Hedda Gabler in Iran despite cul- JD: The artistic concept for our production Hedda Gabler and to show Visjoner Teater’s Of course the actresses Hedda and Thea had tural differences and the possibility of cen- of Hedda Gabler is site specific. Our inter- performance. But after they had seen the vid- to wear shawls to cover the hair, and wom- sorship, I interviewed Dahr on their experi- pretation of Hedda was originally created eo and our organizers in Iran who had highly en and men should not touch. Alcohol was ences at the festival: for a small house with glass windows bring- recommended our version of Hedda Gabler, also an issue, so Løvborg was drinking juice ing the nature into the plot. The site-specific which takes place in a site-specific space, instead of wine, but he acted as if he were Molly Jones: Why did Visjoner Teater decide space in Oslo was transformed in our mind they found the most beautiful house for us drunk, so there was no misunderstanding in to participate in the Fajr International The- to be Hedda Gabler’s home, and we invite to perform in. the action. We were informed about the cul- ater Festival? the audience into her house. Juni Dahr: This is one of the prestigious in- See > hedda, page 16

Norwegian-American photographer captures essence of Norway

Special Release Norway House

Eliesa Johnson | A Collection of Pho- MPLS.St Paul, and Delta Sky magazines as tographs from a Norwegian-American Pho- well as in many consumer-advertising cam- tographer is a dynamic new exhibition that paigns. Johnson is the owner of Photogen showcases the talents of a Norwegian-Amer- Inc., Rivets and Roses, Eliesa Johnson, and ican photographer working to honor her ELIESA CONSULTS. cultural heritage through artistic efforts in- “We are thrilled to host an exhibit that spired by the simple elegance of Norwegian showcases the depth of talent from emerg- culture, foods, and landscape. Photographer ing artists in our community,” says Scott Gil­ Eliesa Johnson’s work is currently on display yard, interim Executive Director of Norway at the Norway House Galleri. House. “Eliesa’s ability to capture the simple “Norway is absolutely stunning and as nuances of everyday life in Norway, as well you round every bend along the fjords, you as the sheer magnificence of its landscape, are in complete awe of the land that sur- provides viewers with an authentic glimpse rounds you,” said Eliesa Johnson, Minne- of the natural beauty of all-things Nordic.” apolis-based photographer. Johnson’s first memories are from her grandmother, who Norway House is a Minnesota-based non- kept the time-honored Scandinavian tradi- profit organization dedicated to providing a tions alive through the holiday celebrations link to the heritage and culture of Norway, and by preparing foods using Old World and to modern-day Norway. Norway House techniques for family favorites like lefse. partners with individuals, organizations During recent travels to Europe, Johnson and businesses in the Norwegian-American experienced the contrast of traditions of her community to promote an appreciation and heritage and the modern momentum that understanding of the American Norwegian drives Norway today. experience and its relationship to modern Her work is regularly featured in Food Norway and the world. For more info, please & Wine Magazine, Bon Appetit Magazine, visit www.norwayhouse.org. 16 • February 19, 2016 norwegian american weekly back page Norwegian Language Corner < hedda NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS From page 15

tural rules before we went to Tehran, and the adjustments were easily made. Dahr also noted that they are continu- ing to reflect on the experiences in Iran and Volume 2 opportunities to expand their collaboration With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now with Iranian artists. serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Later this year, Visjoner Teater’s Hedda Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Gabler will continue its international jour- Raneng. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. ney with performances planned in both Por- Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. tugal and Japan.

Photo courtesy of Visjoner Teater The organizers of the theatre festival in Iran found 14.NAW.Kings.CMYK.27Oct2015.qxp_Layouta beautiful house for Visjoner Teater to perform1 10/27/15 7:52 PM Page 1 in and around, enabling them to take their site- specific production on the road.

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the Hearthstone Guten og jøtulen og jenta The Boy, the Giant, and the Girl del 6 part 6

Dagen etter var guten tidleg oppe. The next day the boy was up early. Då han kom ut i tunet og skulle gå til jøtu- When he came outside into the yard and len, trefte han på jenta. — Håpar lukka er was going to the giant, he met the girl. “I med deg i dag også, sa ho. hope that luck is with you today as well,” — Kva vil jøtulen eg skal gjera i dag? said she. spurde guten. “What does the giant want me to do — Å, i dag treng du ikkje ta det så today?” asked the boy. hardt, du sleit så tungt i går. Eg vil berre “Well, today you need not work so at du skal gifta deg i dag. hard, as you toiled so hard yesterday. I — Dette kan koma til å kosta deg only want you to get married today.” livet, sa jenta då ho fekk høyra kva jøtu- “This can cost you your life,” said the len hadde sagt. — For no tek jøtulen deg girl when she heard what the giant had med seg inn i ei stove der det sit ni jenter said. “Because now the giant will take Welcome to the Neighborhood! rundt eit bord. you into a hut where there are nine girls Alle desse jentene er så like at du sitting around a table. greier ikkje å kjenna meg att. Så tek eg “All these girls are so alike that you opp veska mi, og det same gjer dei an- cannot distinguish which one is me. So dre også, men då flyg det ei fluge opp frå I will pick up my bag, as the others will veska mi. also do, but a fly will come flying out of Denne fluga flyg bort til deg og så til- my bag. bake til meg, og slik ser du kvar eg er. “This fly will fly to you and then back Guten lova jenta å hugsa på dette, to me, and then you will see where I am.” for han ville gjerne ha jenta til kone. The boy promised to remember this, Så gjekk guten ut i tunet. Ei stund et- because he rather fancied the girl for a ter kom jøtulen. — Ja, no skal vi finna ei wife. fin kone til deg, sa jøtulen. So the boy went out into the yard. A while later the giant came. “Now we shall find a good wife for you,” said the giant. the Tune in next week for the next Hearthstone chapter in this fable! Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com (206) 517-2213