
10/02/21 Issues in Journalism: Ethics & Law (JOU020N208A) | University of Roehampton

Issues in Journalism: Ethics & Law View Online (JOU020N208A) (Academic year 2021-2022)

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BARNETT, STEVEN. (2013). Leveson Past, Present and Future: The Politics of Press Regulation. Political Quarterly, 84(3), 353–362.

1/12 10/02/21 Issues in Journalism: Ethics & Law (JOU020N208A) | University of Roehampton

Barnett, Steven;, & Townend, J. (2014a). ‘And What Good Came of it at Last?’ Press-Politician Relations Post-Leveson. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 85(2), 159–170. https://capitadiscovery.co.uk/roehampton/items/eds/edswss/000340573800009?resultsUri =https%3A%2F%2Fcapitadiscovery.co.uk%2Froehampton%2Fitems%3Fquery%3Dbarnett %2Bgood%2Bof%2Bit%26target%3Deds%26facet%255B0%255D%3Dfulltext%253Ayes#a vailability

Barnett, Steven;, & Townend, J. (2014b). ‘And What Good Came of it at Last?’ Press-Politician Relations Post-Leveson. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 85(2), 159–170. https://capitadiscovery.co.uk/roehampton/items/eds/edswss/000340573800009?resultsUri =https%3A%2F%2Fcapitadiscovery.co.uk%2Froehampton%2Fitems%3Fquery%3Dbarnett %2Bgood%2Bof%2Bit%26target%3Deds%26facet%255B0%255D%3Dfulltext%253Ayes#a vailability

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Brock, G. (2011). Road to regaining the high ground. British Journalism Review, 21(4), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956474810393600

Burgh, Hugo de. (2008). Investigative journalism (2nd ed). Routledge. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id =Roehampton&isbn=9780203895672&uid=^u

Carter, C. (2019). Journalism, gender and power. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,.

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Crook, T. (2013b). The UK Media Law Pocketbook. Taylor and Francis. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/roehampton-eboo ks/detail.action?docID=1154300

Crook, T. (2013c). The UK Media Law Pocketbook. Taylor and Francis. https://roe.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/roehampton-eboo ks/detail.action?docID=1154300

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Dworznik, G. (2006). Journalism and trauma. Journalism Studies, 7(4), 534–553. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616700600757977

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