Med reservation för ändringar Utg.dag Artist Titel Sve Int'l Deb Genre Label Bolag/ Singel/EP/ Format Informationstext Kontakt NAMN Kontakt E-POST Kontakt MOBIL nsk ut Distributör Album 2018-06-01 Nadia Sahlin & Tindra Ge inte upp X Folk Radhusförlaget Radhusförlaget Singel Digitalt Ge inte upp är en modern kampsång som handlar om de Ulrika Vallgårda
[email protected] 070-17 33 775 Pantzare Pop & Visa Pop & Visa ensamkommande ungdomar som kommit till Sverige. Artisterna Nadia Sahlin & Tindra Pantzare kommer från Luleå. Musik: Magnus Hjerpe, Text: Ulrika Vallgårda 2018-06-22 Augustus Pablo Eastman Dub X Reggae Greensleeves Border Album CD/LP En dub-ad version Pelle Eriksson
[email protected] 070-5490855 2018-08-10 EQLovesMusic EQLOVESFESTIVAL 2018 x x Pop/ EQLovesMusic Phonofile Album Digitalt EQLovesFestival 2018 took place on both Augst 24th and MelishaLinnell
[email protected] 073-9778839 blandade artister Anthems Change is in the air house/ 25th at Brewhouse Arena in Gothenburg. The festival aims to övr inspire with live interviews by renowned music journalists with great role models of music production and engineering. more about the festival: eqlovesmusic-music/ These are the anthems created for EQLovesFestival 2018 in different genres and versions! Since EQLovesMusic also is a network of music producers we wanted to create a release to celebrate the upcoming event. The original song is written by Melisha which is one of the project leaders of EQLovesFestival 2018 and co written by Sophia Tako and Sarah Hansson also from EQLovesMusic. And the message in the song is about how we feel that the Change of Equality is in the air and we want to be a part of the change together.