Im 1000 Sriagoport

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Im 1000 Sriagoport I ' - !! It I- -' Newtown l 1887! ATi if VOLUME X. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, iTTJMBER :l FETON, J I L. D M. ARSON P. EDWARDS M. SMITH, M. D., WILCOXSON, D., SMITH, If. D., Merchant L. B. Booth ha9 a noble The wild Texan stear was nowhere, last Glad of Physician and Surgeon, Physician and Surgeon, Sandy Hook. pair It PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON". of oxen that tip the scales at 4625 week. Mr H. B. Coger a Newtown, Ct, Connections by telephone ; calls may be left at pounds. bought, couple We were glad to read the excellent re Successor to DOCTOES WILE & SMITH. Dick's - uf steers Mrs Maurice Hartnett of Visitors Residence and Office at Bjck's Hotel. Telephone. or at Taylor's hotel. fat of in one cf the concern Buyers delighted Office and Residence Newtown street. Mrs Fairchild now Great breath- port given papers, surprised, OSCAR Sylvia makes tier Ring, where they mast have delJT- - Telephone connections. PITZSCHLEE, t ing a recent lecture on temperance and Hair home with her son, Mr Henry H. Fairchild ed in the untamed wildness of that steed 8 to 9 a 1 to Shaving Cutting, ered in Huntington by Re? D. G. Lawson. Hours, m; 2pm." Hot and Cold Hair of Cold of Mr Lillis is never Baths, Cigars and Tobacco, Spring Patrick that driven. He baa a id tbia Hair Tonic and Cosmetics. most thrilling eiperieoce Oil, Anyhow the steers didn't steer worth a invita- A.T THE Mr Minard Harder of Cobleskill, N. Y., line and we hope will receive many GEORGE W. BOTSFOED, cent, bat got Harry np a tree and the rest Don-comb- tions to on the Ilia lectures Botsford Conn. has been guest at Mr George F. e's speak subject. Depot, over the fence, while they escaped into are calcalated to do and to awaken and blacksmithing To of Broadview and a new advertise- good THE GREAT Carriage making repairing, People Taste: the luxurious fastnesses of the High Rock the to awful evils of and jobbing. ment tells of Fearless powers, etc. Broad- ' peeple the intemper- woods. The steers were finally got as far - view also invited Dea A. ance. C N. y. CLOTHING HOUSE. A. W. OEGLEMAN. the families of C. as Mr Nathan Burr's, last Friday, when Hook. Ct. Messrs L. C. C. B. BARGAIN HOUSE Sandy Moore, Morris), Taylor one of them got into the woods again, Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, Saddles, and W. H. Fairchild to its Winter goods at the National Clothing , ' Thanksgiving where it had to be killed and drawn to the Bridles, Collars. Blankets, etc. The Store, Bridgeport. You can buy a nice Designer's Skill,the Dyer's bounty. -- on a stone boat. - WELLS & ' m m slaughter Winter overcoat to fit a man for ?6 St OF I. J. SON, -- - mm Sandy Hook, Ct. Cunning, the Weaver's Patience Mrs Mary A. Weeks of Norwalk and a child for $3 50. Children 'a short pants Shoes and Eubbers of all there DO THE WORK. Boots, descriptions. Mrs Henry Beard of Bethel were guests in If Are any of our readers wanting suits ?2 50, sizes from 4 to 14 yesrs. God FINE GOODS,LOWEST PRICES Making and at short notice. ajrid our own Brains have been repairing the Street, last week. steady work at good pay, they mould do strong all wool auitu, ?4. Children's short """"" mm-- JAMES F. BEENNAN, racted until almost well to read the advertsement "Work for pants, 25c per pair. In men's suits you Newtown. exhausted, We are Leaders in Latest Styles and Guiding W. B. HALL & CO. Mason and Builder, Mr Patrick now boards the Winter" in' another column the can & handsome black Cheviot - Keating (Pilot) by buy suit. j All work First-Cla- ss and Warranted to Give on all account of our inexhausti with Mr John Haugh of Botsford. Chasenur.series of Geneva, N. Y. cut in either sack or frock, Rtnr fnr Fnll & Winter- Bargains. Finest line of Satisfaction.,- f fWVW K ble efforts to provide for the pub A real strong,good wesringjill wool Scotch EBSON W. wood-hou- se in WILSON, ' Mr George O. Banks has added a Mr James Blacktnan's , pony got away goods suit, $10. Handsome dress suits Overcoats ever shown in this county. Furniture and Undertaking, lic an of corkscrew Men's overcoats in Offers Ct. incomparable variety 12x14 feet to the Cold Spring house from him in the Rackets, last week and gooda. $18. and the Assortment of Sandy Hook, and brown We have all the Latest Styles Largest everything new and fresh in which he occupies. Merchant L. B. Booth gave the old carriage a rough passage be stylish black beaver, f!5. has had Mr of r fore it Mast be Uncle Jim Youth's cut sack suits, f8 50. with irresistible DAVENPORT & Henry Wilmont Bridgewa-te- stopped. that square Fashionable Fabrics in rich and elegant patterns, O'HAEA, mixed and Counselors at CARPETS.FLOOR COVER- build some 30 ya ids of stone wall on gives the pony too many oats! Choice patterns in silk goods, va- BRILLIANT & EXCEP- Attorneys Law, An immense Post-Offi- sacks nob- inducements beyond competition or comparison. Office in Building, & the field near by. these are cut in stylish for the Conn. INGS DRAPERIES Prince Albeit novelties TIONAL VALUES IN Bridgeport, Sam, son of Mrs Emma J. Peck, who has by young men's trade. of and Children's Overcoats and Suits; leading To Mr Michael Qualey cot his foot brown and black, a re the riety Boys' JOHN H. BLACKMAN, suit all tastes. Our combin recently been studying to become an electrician, suits, quite thing lowest ever known with a hoof knife at Mr P. Keaue's Cold for dresi occasions; we have them from 20 and standard styles of the season. Prices the Newtown Market. ed efforts has been in poor health and expects to go etc. have been successful. ?23- - Our black and blue Elysi-a- n class Just let us that it will do you good to Dealer in fresh and cured meats, etc., Spring shop to California, this Winter. to brown, for first goods. whisper S"Terms Cash."C Our are overcoats in young men's wzes are very of the latest prices always the lowest Mr Charles Ives has a contract to material see our stock of Gents' Furnishings, consisting JDress Goods CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., get cheap considering the qualitr of big out 40,000 or 50,000 this seas Mr John Glover of Dubuque, Iowa, has to meet. And don't Physician and Surgeon, Seeing is believing. hoop poles, and workmanship: ?15, ?18,? 20. ?23. Rub- and best at prices nobody cares on. visited the old Newtown home and Messrs styles qualities 228 State St., Bridgeport. ber coats of all sizes and kinds, just th for if of the AND Of- A. C Hull and Hawley Jennings have that there will be no hard times you, you buy Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. thing for weather. Don't fail to forget 10 to 12 2 to 4 m. Mr II. B. has built a been him make it for the rainy fice hours from a. m. m, p. Cojrer recently helping lively look us over when in the National slaughter near his barn. birds. city. WILLIAM B. PEINDLE, Clothing Co . A. H. Davis. Undertaker, Newtown, Ct-- , CHAS. W. MUM Mouse, I'CORD, Mr W. II. The Winter of the State Board lothing Suitings is prepared to furnish anything in the above line Fairchild of Cold Spring, who meeting at short notice and at reduced prices. has clerked for the Nichols market and of Agriculture will be held at Hartford, Mr J. A. Phelps, general agent of the 311 Main street, corner State, Bridgepori,Conn. i.fBce. Cole & Green at Bethel, talks of starting December 14, 15 and 16. Homestead, buzzed into the Bee Monday. 56-in- 1)11. (J. li. BAKER, a meat market at Cannon on the Danbury ch B. & Co's.. 375 Main Repellant. 45 Cannon St., Near W. Hall Street, and Norwalk road. Mr B- - Smith, now at work vn the Ct. Henry 54-in- Bridgeport, BRIDGEPORT. The D. M. Bead Co. need never be ch Check Cheshire watch, was recently home with Suitings. ashamed of for are al- Mrs D. B. Northrop has had her heme his wife; Mrs George Taylor of Danbury their prices, they DOMESTIC WOOLS, EMBEOIDERY 45-in- ch LEADING HOUSE FOIl FOREIGN AND Bison Cloth. IDBITTIST. in Palestine and its front fence was the same time. ways the lowest that honest goods can be AND moderate rates. Eeferences from paiated by there at MATERIALS TOYS, Dentistry at Mr W. sold for. Their new advertisement treats 38-in- ch Mixed the citizens of Newtown. Telephone. George Northrop. CONN. Suitings. leading ymm in dress and 420 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT, Children may not be always wise, but of figures their cloak, goods GOODS. -- Miss departments and no floor need go GRAND OPENING OF FALL 38 inch Tricot Cloths. K. VAN Hattie C. Benedict of Newtown has they are trenerally observing. One of carpet INDIA SILKS AND I. ICIPKIt, a buildinsr lot of Edward An- Newtown's bare with a good ingrain selling at 23 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLS, PLUSHES, 38-in- purchased yonng Iadies.visiting Neburg, IN ch Plaids. THE BETHEL BAKES, cents a PONGEES. drews, near the house of Frank L. Bene- in company with a Danbury friend, was yard. Arrusene, Chenille and Wash Silks.
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