100 Volunteers Will Take Unique Parish Census DENVER Catuaic

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100 Volunteers Will Take Unique Parish Census DENVER Catuaic Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulattons 100 Volunteers Will Take Unique Parish Census Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Permission to Reprodaee, Except on Human Beings Must Be Considered First, Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Asserts Catholic Rural Life Leader Entire District of National Land Policy, Christian DENVER CATUaiC St. Francis’ to Be Contracts Needed, Says Preiate Covered in 2 Days (By V irginia B eck Sm ith) would benefit the small, family- to safeguard those rights that fur­ He was introduced at the con­ type farmer. ther and promote the common good. Secret Spiriiual Report Will Be Available lo vention of the Fanners’ Union A giant in physical and mental “ What provisions, for example, stature, in breadth of vision and REGISTER Tuesday night as “ one of the out­ does society make for the child The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Pastor; Comprehensive Lie! of Service standing men in the country who greatness of heart. Monsignor of a sharecropper?’’ Monsignor Li­ fights for the ‘little people’.’’ The Luigi G. Ligutti believes strongly gutti inquired. “ He is born, he has Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Men and Women Also Songhl delegates present were predomi- in two things: 1) that a national a right to those things which will Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. nantlyntl: Protestant and yet they ac­ devdop his personality. He starts land policy is necessary; and 2) a family; he has a right to main­ One hundred volunteer workers will take a 48-hour cepted this Catholic prelate as one VOL. XL. No. 12. DENVER* COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1944. $1 PER YEAR who has striven for the same aims, that contracts must be Christian­ tain it in accord with his dignity census of St. Francis de Sales’ parish, Denver, next Mon­ who has courageously supported ized. As executive secretary of the as a human being and his own day and Wednesday evenings, it was revealed this week by and initiated any program that National Catholic Rural Life con­ state in life. Pope Pius says, ‘ It is ference with headquarters in Des the primary purpose of society to THANKSGIVING BIRD-1944 Father Gregory Smith, pastor. The plan of the census is Moines, Monsignor Ligutti travels arrange' for such as he and yet to visit evej7 door within the parish boundaries on Monday widely, preaching everywhere the there are no laws in existence ade­ evening with the simple inquiry whether any Catholics principles that are part of sound quate to provide for him.’’ live in the house visited. A census blank is left in each Catholic philosophy and theolon A sound land policy exists in Catholic "home, with instructions for filling it out, and an but that are understood by the other countries, the prelate as­ envelop^ in which the blank IS commonest farmer because they serted, in Norway, Finland, and sealed before the worker calls for touch the roots of his own exist­ the three Baltic states. The Cana­ it on Wednesday evening. OFL ence, and, more fundamentally, dian program is an excellent because they have th^r basis in model, although differing circum­ The canvasser does not ask any FAIRER i l l A R i the natural law that all minds, edu­ stances would demand differing questions regarding the spiritual cated or illiterate, must recognize solutions to specific land problems status of the family, nor does he F and accept. in the United States. In Canada, see the report returned by the fam­ Under that natural law, said however, if a family wishes to go ily he has visited. In addition to a Monsignor Ligutti, ail human be­ on the land, it makes application complete report of the state of souls ings have the right to access to and is allowed a stipulated number obtained from the census blank, The permanent appointment of natural resources as Pope Pius of acres with the municipal, state, Father Smith hopes to obtain an Col. R. P. Todd, a command pilot XII explained in his Pentecostal and national government each up-to-the-minute report of the men with more than 4,000 hours in the address in 1941, and again in his paying one-third of the cost. and women from the parish serv­ III ENREISR RASE air and a specialist in technical radio address of September, 1944. “ Any land policy,’’ Monsignor ing in the armed forces of the training problems of the army air country. The special service record From the beginning the land policy Ligutti insisted, “ must be estab­ forces, as commanding officer of of the United States has been blanks carry spaces for informa­ Lowry Field, Denver, was an­ lished first with the people and in­ An Eighth Air Force Bomber nebulous; it has been easily turned dividual families in view. The fam­ tion regarding name, rank, home nounced by the War department. towards wrong purposes, mis­ address, branch of service, casual­ Station, England.—The pet project Although a non-Catholic himself. ily should be the favorite unit in understood and misapplied. society, and this applies not only ties, and citations of all in the of Capt. William J. Monahan of Col. Todd is well known in Catholic service. Denver, Catholic chaplain at this circles since Mrs. Todd and their A land policy, the Monsignor to the question of land but also to explained, is an attitude, a funda­ taxation, and here is where we con­ Parish Debt Eighth air force B-17 Flying two children, Raymond LeRoy, aged Fortress base, has been to make 4, and Lois Anne, aged 8, are mem­ mental principle regulating 1) the demn the existing concept of con­ acquisition of land; 2) the mode tracts. To Be Liquidated the base chapel more like “ ths bers of St. John’s parish in Denver, church in the old home town,’’ where Lois Anne attends the paro­ of ownership; 3) the use of land; “ Legal contracts at the present No solicitation will accompany chial grade school. and 4) inheritance. Just as con­ time are thoroughly against the the census-taking, but the homes In order to carry out his idea, Mrs. Todd, who is chairman of stitutional laws lay down the prin­ natural law. They demand first re­ Capt. Monahan has been forced to turn to the state, in taxes; second will be visited later by members of the Lowiy Field Women’s Red ciples concerning general rights of improvise and innovate in many return, in interest on the invest­ the same organization to enlist Cross activities, is the former Ann human beings, so should there be ways. He has spent a large part specific laws for the use of land, ment, and the farmer who works promises of contributions to a spe­ of his free time inventing, and Monsignor Ligutti maintains. For, the land comes in a poor third. cial monthly collection in 1945 to helping the GI’s who have volun­ in accordance with natural law, This is a gravfe injustice. The in­ liquidate what remains of the par­ teered to redecorate the chapel. no one may own or use land ex­ dividual comes before the state, ish debt after the highly success­ cept for the common good of all and the fruits of the soil belong ful jubilarian campaign which men, and it is the duty of society (Turn fo Pages — Column i ) closes its books with the end of the year. The $61,500 debt of two years ago will have been reduced to $14,000 by Dec. 1, and probably to Soldiers Recover Health $10,000 by the close of the year. Subscribers who were unable to meet all their payments in the two- year collection period are being By Making Christmas Toys asked ,by Father Smith to make a cash settlement according to their ability, or to cancel their subscrip­ Twenty years ago at this time O’Toole, wearing fatigue pants, tion for legitimate cause before John J. ©“Toole was playing foot­ sweat ^irt, and a gas mask, at Dec. 31, so that all can participate ball on the St. Louis university work operating a paint spray gun in the 1946 debt liquidation team against such opponents as on the completed toy trucks and monthly collection. Notre Dame’s Four Horsemen. doll beds the convalescent soldiers Today, he is staff sergeant in the have built He does the painting, army air forces training com­ he says, since most of the QIs Dr. Ketrick Attends mand, the non-commissioned offt- wtraid-Tather-build than tMthtt. cer in charge of the convalescent looking Mars-like fn his eerie at­ training program on Lowry Field, tire, he contends that paint odors Catholic Educators’ Denver. make him dizzy if he does not put O’Toole is a lawyer by profes­ on the mask. Parley in Chicago Col. R- P. Todd sion. By inclination, he is a good- Under O’Toole’s direction daily work eight to 10 Lowry sol Dr, Paul J. Ketrick, president McCarthy o f Woburn, Mass. She natured, softhearted Irishman, Loretto Heights college,Ikof at­ diers, all volunteer convalescents, met her husband in 1943 when he who is at present wrapped up ip tended the meeting of the prob­ Chaplain Monahan was a commercial pilot in Boston, making Christmas toys for the whom the army finds return to Officers Are Announced lems committee of the National and she was working as a nurse. REGIILIS (Construct benches, and build a more children of Lowry Field soldiers duty much quicker by keeping Catholic Educational association.

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