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Bergenfield Public Schools District Newsletter WinterWinter EditionEdition FebruaryFebruary 2002008 “Where Children Come First” DISTRICT NEWS From the Desk of the Superintendent by Dr. Michael Kuchar, Superintendent of Schools instituting learning experiences within this community through tutoring programs and summer bridge programs. Despite busy schedules, students have also give their time, without pay, through tutoring, mentoring, senior servic- es, and outreach as part of the BHS Com- munity Service Program. Meanwhile, The BHS Interact Club has developed a special partnership with the Bergenfi eld Rotary Club and their “Gift of Life” Foundation. The Bergenfield High School Interact Club helped sponsor a Rotary Gift of Life Child and contributed to her obtaining the life-saving surgery she needed. Our students assisted with a Gift of Life Vol- leyball Tournament, several bake sales, Mug on a Jug, Teacher Hangout, and The inspirational American writer, Excellence is a goal for our stu- Rotary Kids For Kids Walk-a-Thon to aid Helen Keller, once wrote, “When we do dents. They are continuously setting and their Rotary Gift of Life Child. The result the best that we can, we never know what achieving higher goals. Many combine was nothing short of a miracle. miracle is wrought in our life, or in the their rigorous academic curricula with I once heard Colin Powell say, “Ex- life of another.” Here, in the Bergenfi eld stringent practicum requirements in ca- cellence can be obtained if you care more School District, students and staff are reer preparation courses offered through than others think is wise, risk more than doing their best daily, and the resulting our Nursing, Teaching, and Technology others think is safe, dream more than oth- achievements are having a miraculous Apprenticeship Programs. Others are ers think is practical and expect more than impact on our community. We can only already enrolled in college level courses others think is possible.” With all that our begin to imagine how our exceptional stu- at nearby universities. Meanwhile, many students are accomplishing, added to the dents will reshape tomorrow into a better are dedicated participants in after school success of the ninth grade academy, our day for everyone. activities and many are holding down part fl ourishing alternative programs, our na- Overwhelmingly, Bergenfi eld High time jobs at the same time. tionally recognized initiatives for autism, School students are intentionally put- Our administrators and staff con- our high expectations and dreams for the ting themselves to the test. Rather than tinue to investigate and present new future, it is clear that Bergenfi eld School “cruising” to graduation, record numbers educational trials and experiences; our un- District is moving swiftly along the path are willingly challenging themselves to daunted students continue to accept them. towards excellence. expect more than others believe is pos- In fall, 2008, one of these new activities sible by enrolling in Advanced Placement was MIT’s STEM Program (The Science level courses in core content areas. The Technology Engineering and Math Pro- With Bear Pride, number of BHS students striving hard for gram). The STEM program is designed academic excellence exceeds the New to enhance this community experience for Dr. Michael Kuchar Jersey state average and has increased students majoring in the fi elds of Math- dramatically by 20% from 2006 to 2007. ematics, Computer Science and Physics By June 2008, the percent of BHS students by fi rst creating a casual and open learn- enrolled in and excelling in AP courses is ing environment through organized social expected to increase even further. events and peer mentoring, and second, by AROUND THE DISTRICT Bergenfi eld High School 9th Grade Academy Receives High Marks! The Ninth Grade Academy’s inau- grade failures decreased 23.4% from the academic achievement and data driven gural school year began in September of previous year. This program is in line with decision making. We expect more great 2007. The main goal of the academy is to Board of Education goals of increasing news in the future. increase student academic success. This is facilitated by developing interdisciplin- ary curriculum and by providing teams of teachers who interact with the 9th Grade guidance counselor, administrators, stu- dents, and parents. The academy provides differentiated instruction, varied assess- ments, and enriching academic activities. The academy creates a small learning community with a shared goal of increased student success. High School Principal Hank Sina- tra and Science Director Lenny Niebo im- plemented a new program which housed all incoming 9th graders into a wing of the high school and kept the teaming approach that the students were accustomed to at RWB Middle School. The teachers were trained in interdisciplinary work. The end result after one marking period was that in 2006-2007 there were 49 out of 299 stu- Pictured Left to Right; Front Row: Judy Soporowski, science; Ralph Messina, Board dents in 9th grade with multiple failures, Trustee; Cathy Wada, Board Trustee; Mary Lou Rabadan, math; Dana Hirstius, math; while this fi rst marking period there were Pete Turnamian, Asst. Principal. Back Row: Joe Tanzola, science; Joel Thorton, math; only 5 failures out of 280 students (1.8%) Joseph Kozay, social studies; Dr. Joe Amara, VP BOE; Hank Sinatra, Principal; John of the class. This past marking period 9th Codomo, Guidance; Leonard Niebo, Director. Advanced Placement History Class Makes Government Come Alive! This historical building serves as the seat was fl own over the Capitol, will be hung of the United States Government for the in their classroom where it will make the United States Congress and the legislative abstract concepts of freedom, citizenship branch. It is located on top of Capitol and justice tangible for these leaders of Hill at the east end of the National Mall. tomorrow. Although not in the geographic center of Class members who participated in the District of Columbia, the Capitol is this event included: Stephanie Berman, the focus by which the quadrants of the Daliya Poulise, Christen George, Kati district are divided. Lapi, Brian D’Esposito, Suzanne Baptiste, Ms. Jennifer Brunet, stated that Natalie Selcik, Phillip Morris, Astina On February 4th, 2008, members presentations from people such as the Sader, and Julie Cherian. of the Bergenfi eld High School Advanced Congressman really make history come Placement Government Class had the hon- alive for her Bergenfi eld students. She or of hearing Congressman Garrett present added, “For the students to be part of the to the class on the democratic process and political process in this historic time when current bills that were in Congress. Con- we are in the midst of a presidential elec- gressman Garrett presented the class with tion that features both a woman and an the American Flag which was fl own over African American as leading contenders the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. is remarkable. The American Flag, which AROUND THE DISTRICT Bergenfi eld Public Schools Celebrates Black History Month famous Rosa Parks story of refusing to Graham and Mrs. Varcaisia, a mother of a give up her “seat on the bus” to a white 3rd Grader at Lincoln School. The songs man, sparking the boycott of busing in the included, Get on Board, Turn Me Around, South and the civil rights movement led by Back of the Bus, and Amazing Grace. The Dr. Martin Luther King. It was powerful performance was extra special for Kylan to learn that, according to Ms. Lacey, Rosa Brown, a fi rst grader from Ms. Janet Big- Parks was seating in the “colored” section gins class who recently moved to Bergen- of the bus and the white section was full. fi eld from Montgomery, Alabama. Therefore, when a white man entered the bus, the driver ordered Ms. Parks to give up her seat in the “colored” section for the white man to sit down. Bergenfi eld’s Lincoln Elementary The students also heard a medley of School under the leadership of music civil right songs performed by Ms. Janet teacher Ms. Janet Graham celebrated Black History Month with an assembly featuring Ms. Theodora Lacey who was recently featured in the Bergen Record as a “ living link to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Ms. Rosa Parks. Ms. Lacey grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, when segrega- tion and racism were rampant, leading to the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. Ms. Lacey’s mom was a classmate of Rosa 1st Grade student from Ms. Janet Big- Park’s, and she remained lifelong friends gins Class, Kylan Brown who just moved with Ms. Parks until her death. The stu- to Bergenfi eld from Montgomery, Ala- dents at Lincoln School heard about the bama. United States Military Academy Band Visits Bergenfi eld academic achievement. In attendance to celebration. Mr. Suarez has been voted recognize our students were veterans from “Bergefi eld High School’s Teacher of the various branches of the military who were Year” for 2007-2008. acknowledged with the playing of their branch’s song by the West Point Band. Bergen County Executive Dennis McNer- ney, Assembly Representatives Gordan Johnson and Valeri Huttle, Bergen County Superintendent Dr. Aaron Graham, Mayor Timothy Driscoll, Council Members The Bergenfield High School Barry Doll and Rob Gilman, and Police Renaissance Program recognized the Chief Rich McGarill were just some of second marking period award winners the dignitaries honoring our students and of the Renaissance Program with a per- veterans. The Bergenfi eld Social Stud- formance by the United States Military ies Department presentied a PowerPoint Academy Band from West Point led by Presentation of US Presidents and the LTC Timothy J. Holtan, Commander and outstanding Music Department opened Conductor. The assembly was planned to the program with a musical medley.