Socialising can be a owerful tool Dementia Awareness Week began on Monday 3rd June with the tagline, "Nobody should go through dementia alone". Laura Whittall and Ann Williamson of the branch of Alzheimer spoke to ADAM CIVICO about whysocialising is so important.

" t isna just for people with dementia," Laura explains why the cafes work well. right thing and helping people to go to the Isays Alzheimer Shetland's dementia "They're different in different areas. The things that they [have always} gone too, be adviser Ann Williamson. one in Brae is at the Moorfield Hotel that it yoga, dance classes or whatever." She's talking about the local service and they host for us, coming out and having If more people felt comfortable enoughto what it offers. "It's very inclusive and we morning coffee and scones and fancies. to do that it would go a long way welcome families and friends and really They have been very supportive that way. creating the "dementia aware" community anybody in the community that wants to "The Walls one joins in the 'cafe in the that Ann and Laura would like to see join in. church' in Walls. The South Mainland around Shetland. "The whole point or our activities is one is a soup and snack lunch. We have Ann said, "Giving people the confidence about social interaction and social contact. got people coming from Cunningsburgh, and having a general level of dementia Reducing isolation and keeping people ,right down to Sumburgh." awareness is positive because it helps connected." A dementia resource centre employee, people continue doing the activities they In that sense, Ann takes the view that often Laura, is always on hand at the cares have always done." the more people who attend Alzheimer but one of the mainto ideas behind it is to get One thing they would like people lo Shetland events, the better. people together, keep folk socialising become more aware of is that dementia is The ·based branch opened in and to raise awareness. much more than memory loss, a common 2012 with Ann coordinating things from "Social contact is really important for misconception. Some people find the the dementia resource centre at the bottom people with dementia," said Ann. "We find disease has an impact on their sight or of Burgh Road. She was joined by Laura people are more motivated, more animated hearing, or their perception of what is Whittall a year later and the service has in a general sense of wellbeing, being out happening around them may change. developed greatly over the years. among people and having things to talk Laura explains, "Sometimes noise Initially all the services were based in the about. becomes overbearing for people with town, but there has been a concerted effort "Isolation is a really bad thing for people dementia and some carers have had to take them to the outer isles and other living with dementia." that 'lightbulb' moment [when that is rural communities. The simple act of socialising, however, explained}." "That's what we have done and some can be a powerfultool to address that. The charity continues to work with super stuffhas happened," said Ann. Laura adds that socialising does groups, businesses and organisations Perhaps the biggest success is the not have to be at events organised by to spread that knowledge and Dementia Memory Lane Cafe that now has regular Alzheimer Shetland. Continuing to go to Awareness Week is a perfect time for them events in the north, west and south the clubs and associations that people with to do that. Mainland as well as in the town. There dementia have always attended is equally "I suppose we are always looking for ue also other projects, including a link important. opportunities to encourage people to think Jetween the school, which runs a Laura and the team are happy to give about dementia.'' ;afe,and the care home on the Bonnie Isle people support, if necessary. "It gives If you have read this far, then that see separate article). people confidencethat they are doing the objective has been achieved. 13

CLOCKWISEFROM TOP LEFT Handing over a cheque, front row l·r: Ruby Hutchison, Robbie Kay, Chrissie Burgess,Hughlna Eunson. Back row l·r: Magnus Wllllamson, Cara Monlgome1Y, laureen Bolger, Alison Irvine, Jeni Polson and Angela Irvine.

Top right: All hands on deck In the kitchen.

This page left:Magnus Wiiiiamson plays lo Gracie and Tommy Arthur. PHtoscourltsy of �