Curriculum Vitae

Family Name: Khan Given Name: Shamshad Ahmad

Gender : Male Date of Birth: January 18, 1980

Nationality: Indian

Email id: [email protected]

Phone: 0097-0503854340


2005 –2010: Ph.D in International Relations (Japanese Studies Division)/ School of International Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi and the topic of the research was “Political debates on amending Japanese Pacifist Constitution”. The topic analyses Japan’s effort to normalize itself by amending no war clause of its Constitution.

Apr ’07 - Dec ’07: Studied at Waseda University, Tokyo as a Research Student (PhD level)

Jul ‘03 – Jul ’05: M.Phil in International Relations (Japanese Studies Division)/ School of International Studies from JNU, New Delhi and the topic being “Japanese Constitution: Relevance of Pacifism in the Post Cold War Period”.

Jul ‘01 – Jul ’02: Advance Diploma in Mass Media from CIL, JNU, New Delhi.

Jul ’01 –Jul 03: MA in Arabic from Centre for Arabic and African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi Jul ’1998 –Jul 01: BA in Arabic from Centre for Arabic and African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

Fellowship/ Awards

Visiting Research Fellow (2010-2011) at Hokkaido University’s Slavic Research Centre, Japan.

Details available at

Govt of Japan’s Mombukagakuso Fellowship 2007 (Studied at Waseda University’s Department of Political Science as part of the Fellowship)

Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Economies, Chiba, Japan (Dec. 2012 to February 2013) details available at

Visiting Research Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs, (JIIA), Tokyo, Japan, ( November 2014 to January 2015), details available online at

Japan Foundation Fellow (Japanese Studies and International Relations programme) affiliated with Keio Research Institute, Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, (October 2015 to September 2016), details available at

Nakasone Yasuhiro Award (2011) for research on East Asian Security and Indo-Japan relations, details available at and also at


1. Dr. Alexander Bukh, Senior Lecturer, School of History, Philosophy, Political Science & International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington, Room 509, Murphy Building, Kelburn Pde, Kelburn Campus New Zealand, Phone: 04 463 9450, email id: [email protected] 2. Prof. Yasushi Watanabe, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Graduate School of Media and Governance Keio University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Kanagawa, Phone: 0466-49-3599, (extension: 53432), email id: [email protected]

3. Dr. Norio Kondo, Director, South Asian Studies group, Institute of Developing Economies, 3-2-2 Wakaba, Mihama-Ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 261-8545, Japan Phone: 0081-43-299-9619, Email: [email protected]

Field of Specialization:

International Relations, East Asian affairs, Contemporary Japanese Politics and -Japan Relations, China- Japan relations, China’s policy towards south Asia, Japanese language

Present Employment:

Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Department of International Relations, University of Sharjah, UAE.

Previous employment:

January 2017 to December 2017 and January 2014 to October 2015: Assistant Professor (Guest), Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University. Also taught Japanese Language at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi from January 2017 to December 2017.

October 2015 to September 2016: Senior Researcher at Keio University’s Keio Research Institute (on Japan Foundation’s Post-Doctoral Fellowship).

October 2013 to September 2015: Research Fellow at Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), New Delhi involved in research activities related to Japan and East Asia.

June 2009 to September 2013 Researcher at Institute For Defense Studies and Analyses and researched on Japan and East Asia. Feb 1998 to March ’07: Program Monitor for Radio Japan NHK, Tokyo (Japan) with the responsibilities of content analysis on NHK’s weekly programs.

List of Publications and Presentations

A. List of Publications


Changing Dynamics of India-Japan Relations: Buddhism to special strategic partnership, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2017.


“India-Japan Politico-Economic Engagement: between the entrepreneurial interests and strategic objectives” (Monograph) VRF Series No. 482, Institute for Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, Japan, May 2013, also published online at

Papers in Journals

“Obama’s Policy towards East Asia” (co-authored with Dr. Rajaram Panda and Pranamita Baruah) in Strategic Analysis, Volume, 34, No. 3, May-June 2010

“Japan’s new defence guidelines: An Analysis”, Strategic Analysis, Vol. 35, No. 3 May 2011, pp.391-395.

“China and the South China Sea: Future Power Projections” (co-authored with Dr. Rajaram Panda), in Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, vol.5, no.3, July-September 2010, pp. 305-323.

“Further strengthening India-Japan strategic cooperation” (In Japanese), Gaiko, Volume 24, No. 2, pp 40-44, March, 2014.

“India-Japan Relations: Assessing a decade of Strategic Partnership”, Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Vol. 3, No. 22, December 2014.

“Indo-Japan memorandum on civil nuclear cooperation: Concerns and Challenges,” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 51, Issue No. 14, 02 April 2016.

Book Chapters (refereed/ peer reviewed)

“Japan’s Response to US’s Pivot to Asia”, in edt. S. D Muni and Vivek Chadha, Asian Security Review 2014: US Pivot and Asian Security, Pentagon Press, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-8274-769-2.

“China’s ADIZ over East China Sea: Reactions from regional countries”, ICWA Global Review 2013, edit. Rajiv K. Bhatia and Vijay Sakhuja, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-83445-04-2.

“Japan-SAARC Relations: Tokyo’s initiatives for regional peace, prosperity and stability” in Srabony Roychaudhury, (ed). Japan-SAARC Cooperation: A Way Ahead, Pentagon Press (supported by Sasakawa Peace Foundation), New Delhi, 2014.

“Japan’s Defense and Security Policies”, in edt. S. D Muni and Vivek Chadha, Asian Security Review 2013, Pentagon Press, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-8274-719-7.

“Indo-Japan Strategic Cooperation: Issues, Expectation and Challenges” in India-Japan Dialogue: Challenge and Potential edited by Akihiro Iwashita, paper No.6, Comparative Studies on Regional Powers, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan, July 2011, ISBN: 978-4- 938637-63-7.

“China’s Relations with Japan and Koreas: Measured caution” in China Year Book 2011, (edit) Mandip Singh, ISBN 978-93-82169-04-8, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. China’s Relations with East Asia in 2012, in edited, Rukmani Gupta, China Year book 2013, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi.

Issue Briefs

As Dragon flexes muscle, the Rising Sun Goes Defensive (Issue Brief), Co-authored with Rajaram Panda and Pranamita Baruah, Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, September 9, 2010.

Japan’s nuclear energy debate a year after Fukushima crisis (Issue Brief), Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, September 9, 2010.March 22, 2012.

“The Implications of Noda’s visit to India”, (Issue Brief), Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, January 13, 2012.

India-Japan Relations: Deconstructing “Tokyo Declaration 2014” , (Issue Brief), Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, October 2014.

“ Obama's Visit to East Asia: Reinvigorating the Rebalancing Strategy?”, co-authored with Dr. Rahul Mishra, (Issue Brief) Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, May 21, 2014.

“Renewed Mandate to Japanese PM Abe: Assessing Issues and Challenges to His Cabinet,” (Issue Brief) Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, February 20, 2015.

Policy Briefs

“ India-Japan Economic and Trade Partnership: Suggestions to make it Balanced and Mutually Beneficial,” (Policy Brief) Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, July 9, 2015.

“India-Japan Relations: Suggestions to further deepen bilateral strategic and global partnership,” (Policy Brief) Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, December 5, 2014.

“ The Elusive India-Japan Nuclear Deal: It is time to bridge the differences to clinch the deal,” (Policy Brief ) Indian Council Of World Affairs, New Delhi, December 5, 2014.

Have also contributed a number of short articles/ commentaries to various research institutes including Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses ( New Delhi), Indian Council of World Affairs, (New Delhi), Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies ( New Delhi), Keizai Koho Centre, Tokyo, Japan, Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS), Lisbon.

Major Research Projects

Did a three month Research Project on India-Japan Strategic Partnership at Slavic Research Centre, Hokkaido University. The Final research was published as a Chapter in a book authored by Professor Iwashita Akihoro, mentioned above.

Did a three month Research Project on India-Japan Economic partnership at Institute of Developing Economies, Chiba, Japan. The Final research was published as a Monograph, mentioned above.

Did a two month Research Project on Japan and India’s search on new global order at Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Japan. The Final research was published as a special paper on JIIA Website, “India-Japan Cooperation towards a Rule-Based Order in the Asia-Pacific: Mapping Indian and Japanese Strategic Thinking,” December 2015, available at

B. List of Presentations

Major Presentations

60 Years of India-Japan Relations, Embassy of India, Tokyo, Represented India in panel discussion, January 18, 2012, details available online at http://www.indembassy-

India-Japan Relations in the 21st Century Pacific Era (Symposium), Keizai Koho Centre, January 16-19, 2012, details available online at

“Japan-SAARC Cooperation for regional Peace and Prosperity,” paper presented at Japan-SAARC Conference, Le Meredian, New Delhi Nov 14-15 2013.

“India’s Look East Policy & Japan’s engagement with ASEAN: Analysing the convergences and Divergences,” paper presented at Northeast in India’s Look East: Issues and opportunity, seminar jointly organised by Jadhavpur Association of International Relations and Political Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati ( India)October 28-30,2014

India-Japan Maritime Cooperation, paper presented at Centre for Foreign Policy and Security Studies, Gujarat National Law University during an international conference On "India's Foreign Relations - Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean: Strengthening the Political, Economic, Security and Cultural Prospects", Ahmedabad ( India) 12-13 September 2014.

“Japan’s Engagement with Myanmar,” paper presented at seminar on MYANMAR AT THE CROSSROADS: CURRENT REALITIES, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES, organized by National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India, July 20-22, 2015. “India-Japan Political and Strategic Partnership: Is China a factor?” Paper presented during Conference on Regional and Global Dynamics in India-Japan Relations, organised by Japanese Embassy New Delhi and Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi , October 8, 2015, New Delhi.

“Updates on Japan-India Relations,” paper presented in Japan-India workshop for Young Scholars at Japan Institute of International Affairs, (JIIA), Japan, March 17, 2016.

Presentations at Track 2/ Track 1.5 dialogues

“India-Japan- Trilateral: Prospects and Challenges” participated by Tokyo Foundation ( Japan), Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (South Korea) held in New Delhi, June 29, 2012.

“India-Japan Cooperation: Trends and New Developments,” Annual Bilateral Dialogue between National Institute of Defense Studies (Tokyo) and Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses (New Delhi), September 25, 2013.

“India-ROK Strategic Partnership, Ways to strengthen the Korea-India Bilateral Partnership,” Annual Bilateral Dialogue between Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (South Korea) and Indian Council of World Affairs (New Delhi), held in Seoul on November 17, 2014.

Book Reviews

P.V. Rao (ed), India and ASEAN: Partners at Summit, in India Quarterly Volume 66, 1 ( 2010), pp.121-123.

Japan’s National Identity and Foreign Policy: Russia as Japan’s ‘Other’ by Alexander Bukh, Routledge, New York, 2009, pp 192. in Strategic Analysis, Volume, 34, Issue 5, 2010. pages-784- 785.

Japan’s Re-militarization, by Christopher W.Hughes, Routledge, London, 2009, in Strategic Analysis, Volume 34, (4), 2010. pp. 644-645.

Punjabi Taliban ( Urdu) by Mujahid Hussein, Nigareshat Publishers, Lahore, pp. 272 in Strategic Analysis Volume 35, Issue 3, May 2011.

Chemical Weapon and Warfare, by Brig (Retd) K R Padmanabhan, Surendra publications, Delhi 2010 in Chemical and Biological Warfare Magazine, Summer, Jan-June 2011, pp-25-27.

Japan’s Border Issues: Pitfalls and Prospects, by Akihiro Iwashita, New York and London: Routledge/Taylor Francis, in India Quarterly , Volume: 73 issue: 1, page(s): 137-141, 2017.

Web based Commentary and Issue Briefs

Political Change in Japan: Implications for Foreign and Defence Policies

Japan rethinks its pacifist security policy 0809

Japan’s Quest for East Asian Community

Japan unveils existence of a secret nuke pact with the US

Media’s Constructivism and the India- Peace Process PakistanPeaceProcess_skhan_020210

Japan mulls granting right to franchise to permanent foreign residents skhan_210110

Is Japan ready to shun the Peace Constitution?

The Soft Coup in Pakistan

( Co-authored with Ashok K.Behuria)

Towards Indo-Japan nuclear agreement: Prospects and Challenges han_240810

As Dragon flexes muscle, the Rising Sun Goes Defensive (Issue Brief), Co-authored with Rajaram Panda and Pranamita Baruah

China Japan spat in East China Sea

China threat propels a new defence thinking in Japan (December 20, 2010) 1210

No Solution in sight for Russo-Japanese territorial dispute (February 24, 2011)

Japan debates the viability of nuclear power plants (March 16, 2011)

Why Culture matters? (co-authored with Col. P K Gautam) March 18, 2011

India Pakistan Talks: Media’s role crucial for normalization of relations, June 29, 2011 available at

Japan-South Korea spat over Takeshima/Dokdo, August 10, 211 available at

The India Strategic partnership through the eyes of Pakistani Urdu Media, October 17, 2011, available at staniUrduMedia_sakhan_171011 The MFN Debate in Pakistan’s Urdu Press: Sign of Cracks, (Co-authored with Amit Julka), January 13, 2012, available online at Signofcracks_AmitShamshad_231111

The Implications of Noda’s visit to India, (Issue Brief), (co-authored with Rajaram Panda) January 13, 2012, available at

Japan’s nuclear energy debate a year after Fukushima crisis (Issue Brief), March 22, 2012, available at

An internal push in Japan to nationalise Islands in East China Sea, June 8, 2012, available at an_080612

Japan’s (un)clear nuclear ambition, July 11, 2012,

available at

Japan-South Korea Diplomatic Stand-off over Takeshima/Dokdo, August 14, 2012 available at _140812

Japan’s nationalisation of Senkaku: Internal and External Determinants, September 25, 2012 available at

LDP “Take(s)” Back Japan: Creation of a National Military Force on Abe’s Agenda ( Issue Brief), December 26, 2012 available at

Japan-Russia Territorial Disputes: Finding a Solution, May 27, 2013, available at

Fukushima Impact: A new Nuclear safety Regulation in Japan, July 22, 2013, available at

“Will North Korea propel Japan to go nuclear”, July 27, 2009 available online at

“Is Pacifism limping back in East Asia,” July 16, 2008, available online at

“India’s quest for stable and re-integrated Asia”, published online at a_Pacific_Era__Rev_.pdf "Japan-South Korea Relations under the DPJ Government: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" (IPRIS Viewpoints, No. 109, August 2012).

India-Japan, Limitations of the “Natural Partners”, Tehelka magazine, June 4, 2013 available at

“Abe’s agenda of revising Japanese Constitution: The motives and internal challenges, IPRIS Viewpoint no. 136. Availale at

“China’s ADIZ over East China Sea”, December 18, 2013, IIT Madras, China Studies, available at

“Japan: Revised Defense posture, January 2, 2014, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, available at 4234.html

“Japan’s new national security strategy: India Factor” January 2, 2014, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi, available at new-national-security-strategy-india-factor-4231.html

“Abe’s Agenda of Revising Japanese Peace Constitution: The Motives and Internal Challenges”, Viewpoint No. 136, December 2013, Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS), Lisbon. “Japan-Russia engagements generate hope for a Peace Treaty” February 28, 2014, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, available online at

“Assessing Japan-India Relations: An Indian Response”, Article, No. 4328, March 7, 2014, Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), New Delhi, available online at 4328.html

“Obama’s Visit to East Asia: Reinvigorating Rebalance Strategy?” (Co-authored with Rahul Mishra) May 21, 2014, ICWA Issue Brief, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, available at

“Japan expands role of its security forces: Assessing internal and External Response” ICWA viewpoint, July 14, 2014, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, available at

“Japan-North Korea rapprochement: Will it lead to normalization of ties”, ICWA viewpoint, August 1, 2014, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, available at

“Renewed mandate to Abe: Challenges before his cabinet”, Issue Brief, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, February 22, 2015.

MPhil/PhD Thesis Evaluation

On the panel of Department of East Asian Studies, SIS, JNU for M.Phil /PhD thesis evaluation. Evaluated six M.Phil dissertations so far.

Media Interviews

Zee TV news, “China over reacted to boat row with Japan,” on September 27, 2010 also available on zee

Zee TV news, “China is cautiously watching India Japan ties”, on October 29, 2010 also available on zee,

Lok Sabha TV ( Indian Parliament TV) /Insight Programme, Indo-Japan Defence Cooperation on Nov. 11, 2009

Lok Sabha TV (Indian Parliament TV) /Insight Programme, Indo-Japan Economic Cooperation, March 30, 2010.

Lok Sabha TV (Indian Parliament TV) /Insight Programme, Indian Prime Minister visit to Japan and Malaysia, October 27, 2010.

Zee TV News, “Japan may take a decade to contain crisis”, March 30, 2011, available on

Aj Tak (Hindi), “Hiroshima Catastrophe, lesson learnt and unlearnt”, August 6, 2011.

Lok Sabha TV “Security crisis in Korean Peninsula,” April 16, 2013.

Lok Sabha TV, Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Japan”, May 28, 2013.

Zee News, Manmohan Singh’s visit to Japan, June 4, 2013, excerpts available at unruffled-by-chinese-media_6396.html

Lok Sabha TV, Upper House Elections in Japan, July 27, 2013.

Lok Sabha TV, Abe’s visit to India, January 27, 2014.


Proficient communication skills in four languages; English, Hindi, Urdu and Arabic, Proficiency in Japanese language up to level 4.