Language and Violence in the Poetry of Ingrid Jonker, Ingrid De Kok, Gabeda Baderoon and Phillippa Yaa De Villiers
Surviving that place: language and violence in the poetry of Ingrid Jonker, Ingrid de Kok, Gabeda Baderoon and Phillippa Yaa de Villiers. MARIAN DE SAXE No foreign sky protected me, no stranger’s wing shielded my face. I stand as witness to the common lot, Survivor of that time, that place.1 Witness literature, or the literature of testimony, has been the focus of much analysis in South Africa since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of 1996 to 1998.2 Heidi Grunebaum maintains that ‘reconciliation discourse … places very particular boundaries around what is spoken, written, remembered, represented, mourned and claimed.’3 In this paper I intend to juxtapose these boundaries with rhythm and poetic formalism, of which Finch writes: ‘I can think of no more poignant a model for the paradox of boundaries than the way a vibrant, living, boundaryless poem flows in the consistent, defining shape of its form.’4 This paper deliberates the paradox of boundaries in a broad sense: how boundarylessness, language and rhythm within poetic form or formlessness gives or withholds freedom to write the witnessing of violence and death. 1 Anna Akhmatova, ‘Requiem,’ Against Forgetting ed. Carolyn Forché (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1993), p. 101. 2 For example Antje Krog, Country of my Skull (Johannesburg: Random House 1998); Eric Doxtader and Charles Villa-Vicencio eds., To Repair the Irreparable (Claremont: David Philip Publishers, 2004). 3 Heidi Grunebaum, 'Talking to Ourselves: Among the Innocent Dead: On Reconciliation, Forgiveness, and Mourning,' PMLA 117, no. 2 (March, 2002): p.307. 4 Annie Finch, ‘Female tradition as feminist innovation,’ In The Body of Poetry (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005), pp.
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