reAder AppreciAtiOn this WeeK OnlY EDITIOn Bus Routes Class Enrollments SCHOOL Open House Schedules BACK-TO- and so much more!!! 50¢ August 13, 2009 thursday ThE BakER COUNty PREss 80th Year, Vol. 16 • Winner of 9 state awards for journalism excellence in 2008 Woman dies in flipping pickup Mud bog permit A Glen St. Mary woman be- came the county’s ninth traffic fatality of 2009 when the pickup may end in court truck she was driving the morn- ing of August 8 overturned on CR 127 north of Cuyler. Hearing August 25 Tamara E. Marich, 43, was JOel AddingtOn cause the vacant tract is zoned dead at the scene after she was for agricultural use, which ex- partially thrown from the 2006 NEWs editOr
[email protected] cludes mud bogs whether com- GMC pickup. Two passengers, mercial or not, said Planning Autumn Retcho, 10, and Mary The conflict that began about Director Ed Preston. Merkle, 7, both also of Glen, re- two months ago over a pro- Mr. McCullough immedi- ceived minor injuries. None of posed mud bogging site in the ately appealed the LPA’s deci- the occupants had on seat belts, south county may not end with sion to the Baker County Com- according to FHP Trooper D.L. a ruling from the Baker County mission, but said this week he’s Myers. Commission expected later this also considering alternate mud Ms. Marich was southbound month. bogging locations. on 127 when she swerved to Both Troy McCullough, who “I’ve been looking at some avoid animals in the road.