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VOLUME XXIII, NO 21 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JANUARY 3l, 1986 LARGE CHUNKS OF CHALLENGER, Reagan Mourns CAUSE OF EXPLOSION STUDIED Loss Of Crew In By HOWARD BENEDICT Aware of the posslbll1ty hu­ pOlntlng to a unlt that rescuers tv1emorial Service AP Aerospace Wrlter man remaIns m1ght be found, would open In case the shuttle CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla -- Spe­ NASA today 1ssued thIS state­ dItched at sea and was Intact By MICHAEL PUTZEL c1a11sts exam1ned at least f1ve ment InSIde the unIt are sWItches AP Whlte House Correspondent large chunks of shattered Chal­ "No comment wIll be made by that would permIt a rescue team HOUSTON -- PresIdent Reagan lenger's fuselage today, and NASA off1c1als today on any­ to shut down the ShlP'S elec­ today mourned the loss of "our stud1ed the poss1blllty that a thIng concernIng personal ef­ tronlC systems and blow the top seven star voyagers," blddlng blowtorch of flame from a SOlld­ fects or human remaIns out of off the cabIn them farewell whlle prom1s1ng fuel booster rocket trIggered respect for the astronauts' fam­ A member of one of the Inves­ Amerlca will forge ahead w1th the explOSIon that destroyed the ILIes " tlgatlon team panels who dId not an "effectIve, safe and effl­ shuttle and ItS crew The famILIes were attendIng want to be Identlfled sa1d, "The Clent but bold and commltted" OffICIals of the NatIonal Aer­ a memor1al serVIce today In Investlgatlon was slgnlflcantly space program onautIcs and Space Adm1nlstra­ Houston helped by the amount of space­ The pres1dent spoke at the tl0n were surprIsed that so many Some observers suggested craft parts recovered We had WIndswept outdoor memorlal af­ large pIeces survIved Tuesday's that the pressurIzed cabIn mIght worrIed that we would not come ter a prIvate meetIng lns1de fueball have burst durIng the explOSIon up wlth as many pIeces as we the Johnson Space Center WIth The SIze of the objects raIS­ and that the rema1ns of the as­ have, and we're anXIOUS to learn familles of the crew of the ed the possibility the pressur­ tronauts would not be found what the bIg object IS on the Challenger Ized module in WhICh the seven A NASA vIdeotape of the un- bottom " The ceremony was wItnessed astronauts rode mIght have sur­ 10ad1ng of debrIs from search The wreckage was spotted by more than 10,000 people -­ vIved the explOSIon and IS 1n­ ShIPS showed the Challenger's floatIng about 60 mIles north­ survlvors, NASA co-workers, tact at the bottom of the Atlan­ nose and part of the cabIn, east of Cape Canaveral, and It polltlclans, dlplomats and tIC parts of a cargo-bay door, and was hOIsted aboard the Coast frIends of the astronauts Sonar detected a very large sectIons of wIng and tall The Guard cutter Dallas Reagan compared the flve metal object on the ocean floor, largest p1ece of the latest MeanwhIle, doctors at Pat­ men and two women to the P10- 140 feet down, 1n the area f1nd was about 20 by 8 feet rIck Alr Force Base examIned a neers of the AmerIcan West, where the fuselage parts were IronIcally, on the sIde of fragment of bone and tIssue that "the sturdy souls who took d1scovered, and dIvers were pre­ the cabIn area was a yellow ar­ floated ashore to determ1ne If theIr famliles and theIr be­ pared to go down to look at 1t row, w1th the word "rescue" It belonged to any of the crew longIngs and set out Into the frontIer " "Often they met WIth terrI­ HAITIAN PRESIDENT DENIES Tremor Reported ble hardshlp," Reagan saId "Along the Oregon TraIL, you In Nine States can stIll see the grave mark­ COLLAPSE OF GOVERNMENT By CHARLOTTE PORTER ers of those who fell on the By ART CAN DELL Assoclated Press Wrlter way But grIef only steeled Assoclated Press Wrlter Duvaller had fled the country them to the Journey ahead and that hIS InformatIon wa~ A strong earthquake rumbled "Today the frontIer IS PORT-AU-PRINCE, HaItI based on a report from the U S beneath nIne Great Lakes and space and the boundarIes of Pres1dent-for-Llfe Jean-Claude Embassy In HaItI But U S of­ Oh10 Valley states, the DIS­ human knowledge," Reagan sa1d Duvaller, who declared a 30-day fIcIals later saId Duvaller ap­ trIct of ColumbIa, and Canada "SometImes, when we reach for state of sIege today, was on peared to be In control today Some damage was reported the stars, we fall short But the radIO to deny reports h1s Duvaller's state-of-slege but there were no reports of we must plck ourselves up government had collapsed WIt­ declaratIon follows the most InjUrIeS agaln and press on desp1te nesses saId Duvaller was seen sustaIned antI-government pro­ The quake was reported felt the paIn " drlv1ng through the capItal test In HaItI SInce the Duva­ In PennsylvanIa, Kentucky, At a ceremony brlng1ng to­ thIS mornIng ller dynasty was establlshed In OhIO, West VIrgInIa, Indlana, gether mourners from allover "My dear fr1ends Because of 1957 Duvaller assumed the Ililnols, Mlchlgan, New York the natlon to share theIr WIld rumors and nonsense CIrcu­ pres1dency upon the death of and WIsconSIn and as far north grIef WIth the vlct1ms' fam1- lated by good-for-nothIngs for hIS father, FranCOIS "Papa Doc" as Barrle, OntarIo lIes, Reagan saId, "Our na­ some tImes (S1C) now, I'm Duvaller, In 1971 The U S Geologlcal Survey tlon's loss 1S fIrst a pro­ obliged to take to the streets:' SIX people have been report­ In WashIngton, DC, estImated found personal loss to the he saId "The pres1dent 1S here, ed kIlled and at least 30 In­ that the quake, WhICh occurred famlly, frIends and loved ones strong, f1rm as a monkey's Jured SInce antl-Duvaller dem­ at 11 47 a m EST, had a magnI­ of our shuttle astronauts tall," accordIng to a tran­ onstratIons began Sunday In tude of SOon the Rlchter All of Amerlca stands beSIde scrIpt of the broadcast provId­ Cap Haltlen, Haltl's second­ scale of ground movement you 1n your t1me of sorrow " ed by the U S Embassy It was largest CIty of 60,000 people unclear whether the broadcast on the north coast was taped or lIve MaggIe Steber, a freelance WItnesses saId that Duva- photographer In Cap Haltlen, 11er, WIth heavy mILItary es­ saId the army called a curfew cort, rode through the streets thIS mornIng and used clubs of the capItal CIty at about and tear gas to get people off 9 a m the streets WhIte House spokesman Larry "I saw several InCIdents of Speakes, accompanyIng PresIdent the army hIttIng people WIth Reagan aboard A1r Force One to clubs to get them InSIde," she Houston, earlIer reported that saId In a telephone call to AP South Korean Diplomat Kidnapped In \Vest Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -­ when flve gunmen In a green Heav1ly armed gunmen kldnapped Mercedes Intercepted h1s car a South Korean dIplomat today about 50 yards from the embas­ after shootIng out the t1res of sy In Belrut's seafront Ramlet hIS car as he drove to work 1n al-Balda dlstrlct Moslem West BeIrut, a Lebanese The assallants, armed WIth army offICIal saId plstols and Sovlet-made AK-47 The offICIal and the South assault rlfles, shot out the Korean ForeIgn Mlnlstry In front tlres of Do's car Malou- Seoul IdentIfIed the dIplomat 11 saId the kldnappers forced as Do Chae-sung, 43, the South the dIplomat out of the vehI­ Korean Embassy's second secre­ cle at gunpolnt, bundled hlm tary and consul Into thelr car and sped off Lebanese authorltles had InI­ There was no Immedlate tIally sald the Vlctlm was cul­ clalm of responslbl11ty for Remembering Christa tural attache Sl Chang Du the abductlon, and neIther Leb­ Col Mun1r Maloull, ch1ef of anese authorltles nor offlClals Teacher-astronaut Chrlsta McAullffe and crew member Greg­ a speCIal Lebanese army force from the South Korean ForeIgn ory Jarvls rlde blcycles Jan 26 at Kennedy Space Center In charge of protectIng forelgn Mlnlstry clted a motlve Now, ln the aftermath of the shuttle tragedy, Amerlca remem­ embaSSIes In BeIrut, saId Do's Twelve other kldnap vlctlms bers Chrlsta See Page 4 (AP Laserphoto) abductIon occurred thlS mornlng are stlll mlsslng LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986 C-7A Flight Schedule World Population Worship Services FIt Manl Dep Arr Manl Dep Arr CATHOLIC No Close KwaJ ROI Close ROI KwaJ Climbs To 4.9 Billion Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Monday through Frlday* WASHINGTON (AP) -- The world's popula­ 5 IS pm, Island Memorlal Chapel t10n clImbed to 4 9 b1ll1on 1n 1985, addIng Sunday Masses 1-2-3R 0620 0625 0650 0650 0655 0720 85 mllllon people -- the eqUIvalent of an­ 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel other MeXICO -- the Populatlon Instltute 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel 4R 0720 0725 0750 REMAIN AT ROI reported Thursday 11 15 am, R01-Namur CommunIty Center The world's populatlon lS expected to Monday-FrIday Masses 5R 0720 0725 0750 0750 0755 0820 reach the 5 blillon mark by mld-1987 and 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6 bllllon by the end of thlS century, ac­ Confesslons 6R 0720 0725 0750 CARGO AS REQUIRED cord1ng to the Washlngton-based populatlon Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacra­ study group ment Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, 7R CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Although populatIon growth rates have call 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call decllned slIghtly ln recent years, that has 84535 beforehand 8R 1225 1230 1255 1255 1300 1325 been offset by the overall Increase ln slze, SInce a larger number of people can produce CHURCH OF CHRIST 9R AIRCRAFT DEP ROI 1540 1545 1610 many offsprlng despIte seemlngly low rates, Sunday worshlp 1S held at 9 a m In Inst1tute offlclals sald Room 20, George Seltz School Vls1tors are lOR CARGO 1445 1510 1540 1545 1610 InstItute Presldent Werner Fornos noted, welcome For more lnformatlon, call 83569 for example, that In 1970 the growth rate 11R 1510 1515 1540 1540 1545 1610 was 2 percent, and the world galned 75 mll­ CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS lIon people to total 3 7 bIllIon Serv1ces are held In Room 18, George 12-13- In 1985, the rate of 1ncrease had fallen Seltz School PrIesthood meet1ng lS at 8, 14R 1610 1615 1640 1640 1645 1710 to 1 7 percent, but that meant a blgger nu­ Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are merIcal Increase than In 1970 at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at 15R CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FamIly plannlng IS WIdely used ln many 11 a m V1s1tors are welcome For more In­ natlons In the developlng world, Fornos formatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82285 16R*** 2050 2055 2120 2120 2125 2150 pOlnted out, but a large share of the popu­ SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m Saturday* latlon 1n those regIons IS young and In the In the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call prIme reproductIve years Len Cooper, 99660, for lnformatlon, and 1-2RS 0655 0700 0725 0725 0730 0755 Forty percent of the populatIon of the Richard Smlth, 99467, for transportatlon developIng natIons IS under age 15 3RS 1100 1105 1130 1130 1135 1200 PROTESTANT Sunday mornlng worshlp serVIces wlll be 4-5RS 1550 1555 1620 1620 1625 1650 II.IIIII.,.ttlllltlllt.,1 held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal & Chapel ChaplaIn Robert Johnson wlll 6RS CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE CHICKEN BBQ RIBS preach the sermon tltled "Cod's Present to Sunday/Hol1day** Us " Holy Commun10n WIll be served TO GO Speclal mUSIC at both serVlces WIll be IRS CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE provlded by Wes and Brenda slnglng FROM THE WC Sunday school classes for all ages are 2RS CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 a m Adults are present to aSSIst newcom­ * The alrcraft contlngency plan (GA Pro­ OF cedure 1275) w1ll be actlvated when less BUCKET CHICKEN ers In flndlng theIr classrooms The Sunday evenIng worshlp serV1ce on than three aIrcraft are aVd1lable 5-plece $ 4 50 R01-Namur w1ll be held at 6 30 ln the Com­ ** Sunday/hollday C-7A chaplaIn support 10-plece 8 00 munlty Center and WIll be led by ChaplaIn fllghts have been rescheduled as hellcopter l5-plece 11 50 flIghts AvaIlable seats are restrlcted to Todd LaBute Holy CommunIon WIll be served duty personnel and ROI reSIdents Gospel serVlce WIll be held Sunday eve­ BBQ SPARE RIBS nIng at 7 In the chapel JOIn us for an *** Operates M-T-W-T only By the Pound EFFECTIVE FEB 3, 1986 lnformal t1me of song and worsh1p llb $ 6 50 5 lb Speclal 24 00 DID YOU KNOW?

INCLUDES Cole Slaw or Potato Salad Kwai Met Rocket and Rolls From GLOBAL OPERATIONS A meteorologIcal rocket launch These as well as Plzza are avallable operatIon from Kwa]aleln Isla ld cs dally fran 5 30 pm through 9 30 pm scheduled for Monday, Feb 3 Weekends and Holldays fran 10 00 am In connectIon With thIS operatIon through 9 30 pm cautIon areas WIll eXIst ln the ocean and on KwaJaleln between the aZ1muths Call or stop by the :lub today' , , 0 0 8-3409 TOASTMAST ARE XN of 225 true and 275 true The ocean .... "5" COUNTRXES_ cautIon area extends out from KwaJa­ R~ KO~O~O TOASTMASTERS le1n for a dIstance of 75 nautIcal ,.,11111.,.,1111111, •• 111 ( .....II IE 5 T 5. a.,IIE IL c. .[]I ...... IE mIles The KwaJaleln ground hazard area IS that area contaIned WIthIn a clrcle haVIng a 400-foot radIUS from YOl\WE 'tUK CLUB NEXT MEETIN~ FEB O~ the rocket laurcher All personnel TA~O nODM VOKWE CLUB and craft must stay out of the ocean caut10n area between the hours of 8 30-10 30 a m Monday, or Surf And Sun unt1l the restrIctIons are lIfted AS OF 12 01 A tv! The ground hazard area must be evacu­ Frlday, Jan 31, 1986 ated not later than 8 30 a m Mon­ Dally ralnfdll o 09 day Monthly total 3 11 Yearly tutdi 3 11 TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN ~unrlse 7 10 a m Sunset 6 55 p m Moonrlse ~l()t)nsel 11 36 a m HI Tldl 9 03 a m 4 3'-9 16 p m 3 7' Corne over, relax and enJo) our speCIal Lo Tlde 2 36 a m 1 4'-3 21 p m 1 9' pupu extravaganza and mUSIC FrIday from SUNDAY 5-7 p m After relax1ng for a few hours C;unr-l'-.t' 7 10 a m MoonrIse 12 17 a m dance to the dISCO from 9 untIl mIdnIght Sunc.,et 6 56 p m '1Llonset 12 22 p m Hl TIde 10 25 a m 4 1'-11 01 p m 3 2' Saturday - D1SCO mUSIC from 9 p m untIl Lo TIde 3 34 amI 8'- 5 16 p m 2 2' mldnlght ~IONOAY Sunrlse 7 10 a m MOllnrlse 12 a m Sunday - ~ovle tlme at 2 and 7 p m 6 56 p m ~loonset 1 12 p m -12 22 p m 4 2' Tuesday - TaCO/PIzza NIght, free pupus 5 07 a m 2 0'- 7 36 p m 2 0' from 5-7 p m Fl)R rOTAL FORU A<,l CAl L 8~ 7uO --______-J

t .. 7 COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, ; FRIDAY , JANUARY 31, 1986, PAGE 3 Brady's People Dizzy, Satchmo and 'Ie jazz hot' ;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... by James Brady;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DIZZY GIllespIe was In town, was SIttIng In that nIght I smoke comIng out Into the soft had to be told who Cosby was a bIg, pleasant black man wIth don't know, don't remember the LOUISIana nIght InSIde the They knew DIZZY, they knew a vast talent, and we were talk­ name of the place, but I remem­ bartenders poured the cold beer "Ie Jazz hot" Ing about Jazz ber the sound and the gIrls were beautIful And we talked about Woody "Oh, It'S not Just people There was a tIme In London but always, up there behInd the Allen, who plays clarInet In a our age," he saId, "the kIds when we hadn't found an apart­ bar, the Jazz bands worked New York bar called MIchael's are Jazz fans too I go around ment yet and were staYIng In a That was why these places eXIst­ Pub every Monday nIght to a lot of schools and col­ small hotel In MayfaIr and ed, that was why we were there "Yeah," saId DIZZY, grIn­ leges and they all want to talk LOUIS Armstrong was staYIng Some of the Jazzmen were nIng, "and thIS tIme I was In Jazz, to hear Jazz" there too Satchmo There he black, older men. WIth solemn Europe and they had thIS bIg No one talks It better, few was, the man hImself I shared faces There was nothIng solemn full-page ad for me and thIS have ever played It as well For the elevator WIth hIm once, too about the mUSIC Others were teeny lIttle ad for Woody a whole generatIon now we have shy even to talk to hIm Who whIte, younger men In strIped Allen " been lIstenIng to and danCIng needed to talk, I'd heard hIm blazers and straw boaters When we were fInIshed talk­ to and talkIng about rock And play WhIte or black, It dIdn't mat­ Ing he got Into hIS overcoat now DIZZy GIllespIe was plaYIng There was New Orleans An­ ter In one of the 10Ints when and pIcked up an old, worn at a JOInt downtown as If ElVIS other guy and I were there, they started to play "The leather case that had hIS horn and the Beatles and the Stones staYIng In a boardIng house In SaInts Come Marchln' In" the InSIde and he went downtown never happened and we weren't the Old Quarter, the Vleux band got up and left the plat­ to play agaIn Maybe It was In New York at all but In a Carre We dIdn't have very much form and strutted along the bar the ten thousandth nIght, may­ smoky bar on Bourbon Street or money so we went to bed early Itself, kIckIng over glasses be the fIfteen thousandth some dIve In ChIcago and set the alarm for 10 o'clock, and steppIng on soggy dollar nIght lIke thIS, sometImes It was nIce, the mUSIC and 11 o'clock at nIght and then bIlls and careless fIngers And here and sometImes there Only the talk And the memorIes we'd go over to Bourbon Street no one cared the faces In the crowd would There was a place In San where the clubs and the bars I talked to DIZZY about all be dIfferent The smoke and FranCISCO one nIght a quarter were just warmIng up that and about places he had the mUSIC and DIZZy would be century ago and behInd the bar, It was summer and all along played He knew the places, knew the same, unchangIng and up on a narrow platform, Earl Bourbon Street the WIndows and the names He talked about sweet and wonderful (Fatha) HInes was plaYIng DIZ­ the doors were open WIth the France, where he went WIth BIll Copyn ght 1986 zy worked WIth HInes, maybe he mUSIC and the laughter and the Cosby, and where the French Klng Features Syndlcate Inc PETER WEAVER: MIND YOUR MONEY $$$

"The Ideal sItuatlon," says ] ow pages oranges seem to have a dash Credit Card CruIsing credIt counselIng expert Mary If you need help on selectIve less VItamIn C than other com­ Would you pay as much as QUInn, "IS to only slIde Into credIt and debt management, call merCIal types But. agaIn, 19 percent to 21 percent on a revolVIng credIt when you have your local Consumer CredIt not enough to worry about loan If you could get the same to for major purchases And. CounselIng SerVIce (most banks As for squeeZIng your own amount of money for as lIttle then payoff the balance as and store credIt managers know oranges, It may be more a mat­ as 13 percent to 15 percent? soon as pOSSIble " the address) ter of taste and lIfestyle Of course not But that's QUInn, who IS dIrector of Or, for a referral, wrIte than VItamIn content Some Just what mIllIons of us are the NatIonal FoundatIon for NatIonal FoundatIon for Consum­ squeezers say they get a sort dOIng when we rack up revolVIng Consumer CredIt. says some er CredIt, 8701 GeorgIa Ave, of therapeutIC pleasure out credIt on some bank credIt people Ju~t automatIcally pay SlIver SprIng, Md 20910 It of the mornIng rItual Others cards and major store cards the mInImum amount due. thInk­ could save you some money say the JUIce seems to taste Interest rates, In general, Ing -- erroneously -- that better than the frozen of­ have come down But not those they're squared WIth the world Q&A ferIngs for these major credIt cards [n a way, QUInn explalns, Q Is 1t true that the But a lot of workIng people, They've gone up from 18 per­ hanks and stores seem to make process1ng of frozen orange students, busy mothers and cent to theIr present, all­ It dIffIcult for you to payoff JU1ce destroys much of the dads lIke the grab-and-gulp tIme hIghs your monthly credIt card bIlls v1tam1n value? Wh1Ch 1S the convenIence of frozen orange Not only are many of us pay­ by hIghlIghtIng such words as best buy, frozen orange lUlce Ing exorbItant rates on our "Amount Due ThIS Statement," JU1ce, canned or squeeze 1t Read the JUIce labels The revolVIng credIt, we're often or "Amount Due ThIS Month " yourself? A G , Buffalo, N Y word "pure" should be In there dOIng It In spades by SIgnIng The box gIves you a relatIve­ AccordIng to the U S somewhere OtherWIse. you're up for a whole handful of VIsa ly moderate amount to pay and Department of Agr1culture and gettIng a dIluted, sugared and MasterCard plastICS from you pay It, thInkIng "That's nutrItIonIsts who speCIalIze concoctIon dIfferent banks tha t " Bu t the money you real 1 y In the VItamIn fIeld, vltam1n * ,'( "' When asked why we pIle up owe IS In another box and the C found 1n oranges and other Q I have a car that I use thIS kInd of costly debt, the amount IS usually much, much frUIts IS eaSIly destroyed a lot for bus1ness What are answer IS usually "Conve­ more than the fIgure you wrIte by OXIdatIon and overexposure the rules on the m1leage rec­ nIence " on your payment check to heat ords I have to keep? Dldn't But, what a prIce we're ASIde from cuttIng back on In the squeez1ng and freez­ Congress make the record-keep­ payIng Banks say that the the number of bank cards you Ing process. however, the lng a lot less str1ngent? E C , average contInUOUS credIt bal­ have and tryIng to keep out of heatIng process IS qU1ck Very St LOU1S, Mo ance on most cards IS In the the revolVIng credIt mode. QUInn lIttle VItamIn C IS lost A It's true The rules were $600-a-month range urges debtors to hunt around In a USDA publIcatIon, eased But you stIll have to And If you have several for better Interest rates "CompOSItIon of Food," you can keep records to substantIate cards -- all up at that level Just because one bank or see that the type of orange how much your car has been used you can see where hundreds saVIngs InstItutIon has a VIsa and where It comes from has for bUSIness purposes upon hundreds of dollars are or MasterCard that charges more to do WIth VItamIn C con­ You should keep some sort gOIng down the draIn each year 19 percent plus, It doesn't tent than the freeZIng pro­ of dally or weekly record in Just to pay Interest on thIngs mean all banks charge thIS much cess a notebook 1n your car or on you may have consumed ages ago Some banks, usually the CalIfornIa oranges seem to your desk calendar that shows If you could use credIt smalJer ones In any g1ven com­ have a lIttle more VItamIn C your bUSIness mIleage, the cards for "convenIence," and munIty, mIght charge as lIttle than Flor1da oranges. but not purpose of thp trIp and any payoff the balance every month, as 12 5 percent to 14 percent all that much to make any real expenses you Incurred (parkIng, you'd save a lot of money Check them out In the yel- Impact on your dIet ValenCIa tolls and the lIke)

The KwaJale~n Hourglass ~s an unoff~clal publ1cat~on author1zed under the provls1ons of AR 360-81 It lS publ1shed by Global Assoc1ates Monday through Frlday (exclud1ng hol1days) at the d1rect10n of the commandlng off1cer, U S Army Kwa]aleln M1ss1le Range Marshall Commandlng Offlcer Col Wllilam A Spln Islands under contract DASG60-82-C-0063 ThlS lS an offset publlcatl0n wlth a dally Publlc Affalrs Off1cer Pat Robblns c1rculat10n of 1,950 The V1ews and op1n1ons expressed here1n are not necessar1ly those Edltor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Commun1cat10ns should be addressed to the Hourglass P 0 Local News/Feature Wrlter Ruth Horne Box 23 APO San Franc1sco 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Mater1als appear1ng Copy Edltor Clrculat10n Jeanne Vlncent 1n the Hourglass may not be repr1nted wlthout the approval ot the commandlng off~cer, Sportswr1ter John Lee U S Army Kwa]aleln M~ss~le RangL All want ads and notlces must be submltted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 p m the worklng day prlor to publlcatlon WORLD NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986 Botha Offers America Says How Sorry It Is Arab League Rejects To Negotiate That Teacher Christa McAuliffe Died Khadafy's Demand By GEORGE ESPER Mandela's Release AP Speclal Correspondent llbrary along wlth 20 floral For Retaliation By ANDREW TORCHIA arrangements lncludlng red By JEFFREY ULBRICH Assoclated Press Wrlter CONCORD, N H -- We mlSS roses and carnatlons sent by you Chrlsta McAullffe's leglons of admlr- Assoclated Press Wrlter CAPE TOWN, South Afrlca North, south, east and west, ers TUNIS, Tunls1a -- A speclal Presldent P W Botha offered from the Whlte House to M1S­ "We love you Chrlsta," sald meetlng of the Arab League re­ today to negotlate the release soula, Mont , Americans are a slgned poster with printed Jected Llbyan leader Col Moam­ of black guerrllla leader Nel­ saylng how sorry they are that block letters attached to a mar Khadafy's demand for re­ son Mandela In return for the space teacher Christa McAuliffe maple tree outside the hlgh tallatory economlC action freedom of Sovlet dlssldents dled aboard the shuttle Chal­ school along wlth her photo, agalnst the Unlted States, and Andrew Sakharov and Anatoly lenger the peom "Hlgh Fllght" by John lnstead lssued a condemnatl0n Shcharansky, and a South Afrl­ More than 500 cards, let­ Glllesple and seven black rlb­ of U S economlC and mll1tary can commando captured In Angola ters and telegrams have ar­ bons In memory of her and the measures agalnst Llbya Botha also sald In a speech rlved at Concord Hlgh School, SlX Challenger astronauts Only elght forelgn mlnlsters openlng a seSS10n of ParI lament where she taught, lncludlng "We wlll not forget the from the 21 Arab League members that hlS whlte-led government one from Presldent Reagan Of­ teacher who taught us all such attended what was bllled as a wlll enact laws thlS year to flclals have flelded more than a lesson In courage," sald one one-day forelgn mlnlsters' meet­ extend black cltlzenshlp and 1,000 telephone calls One per­ letter from the Mlssoula Ele­ lng property rlghts, and to lnvolve son offered $10,000 for a me­ mentary Educatlon Assoclatlon They and lower-level del ega­ black communltles In declslon­ morlal fund In Montana tlons from other Arab countrles maklng Concord Mayor James MacKay "We are sure you are very showed llttle enthuslasm for In a last-mlnute addltl0n proclalmed today "A Day of Re­ proud of her contrlbutlons to anythlng stronger than the mor­ to hlS speech, Botha sald he membrance and Mournlng," capped the space program and educa­ al support they already have was prepared to conslder the by a l5-mlnute memorlal servlce tl0n as a whole," wrote the glven Khadafy release of Mandela, former planned at the Statehouse staff and students of Plne Val­ Presldent Reagan ordered leader of Afrlcan Natlonal Con­ Plaza ley Intermedlate School In San economlC sanctl0ns agalnst Llb­ gress guerrlllas, on humanltar­ Students assembled Thursday Ramon, Callf "We belleve that ya followlng the Dec 27 at­ lan grounds Mandela, 67, was at the school for a prlvate her splrlt and courage wlll be tacks at the Rome and Vlenna sentenced to llfe In prlson In memorlal servlce that lncluded an example for all years to alrports that left 20 people 1964 for plottlng sabotage but the readlng of Reagan's letter come " dead, lncludlng flve Amerlcans remalns a symbol of the black The press was excluded A letter from Sequola School and four Palestlnlan terrorlsts campalgn agalnst apartheld The letters and telegrams In Westminster, Callf , sald, The Reagan admlnlstratlon has The South Afrlcan commando were lald out ln the school "Our hearts share your pain " charged Llbya flnances and lS Capt Wynard du TOlt, cap­ tralns terrorists tured last May In a falled com­ The Un1ted States also has mando rald In the oll-produclng Black Sailor Guilty Of Premeditated accused L1bya of harborlng Abu prOVlnce of Cablnda Nldal, the renegade Palest1nlan Botha dld not lndlcate con­ Murder In White Officer's Death whom the Reagan adm1nlstrat10n dltlons for Mandela's release By MITCHEL ZUCKOFF and Italy blame for englneerlng except to repeat that preVl0US Assoclated Press Wrlter the death penalty In 1849, the alrport attacks offers to free hlm have lnclud­ when two men were hanged for Reagan ordered all Amerlcans ed the condltlon that he reject NEWPORT, R I -- A black attacklng an offlcer and throw­ and Amerlcan companles out of vlolence sallor who fatally stabbed a lng h1ID overboard so they Llbya as of Feb 1, and froze whlte offlcer whlle at sea has could JOln the Callfornla gold $12 bllll0n of Llbyan assets In been convlcted of premedltated rush U S banks Reagan May Revamp murder, and a Jury wlll now The offlcer survlved, and try to declde lf he should be the men were charged wlth mu­ MemOria I Service Held WeHare Programs the flrst person executed by tlny and desertl0n wlth lntent the Navy In 137 years to klll, among other charges For HawaIIan Astronaut By MICHAEL PUTZEL HONOLULU (AP) -- About 700 AP Whlte House Correspondent A prosecutor sald after Navy courts-martlal have Thursday's verdlct that he sentenced others to dle Slnce persons attended a memorla1 WASHINGTON -- Presldent Rea­ would begln presentlng eVldence that case, most recently In serVlce last nlght to pay thelr gan, In hlS State of the Unlon today to show there were ag­ 1960, but those sentences were trlbute to Hawall astronaut address next week, lS expected gravatlng clrcumstances In Pet­ ultlmately reduced, mll1tary Elllson Onlzuka and hlS SlX to call for a sweeplng over­ ty Offlcer Mltchell T Garra­ authorltles say comrades who dled Tuesday haul of the programs deslgned way Jr 's attack on Lt James The defense and prosecutl0n aboard the space shuttle Chal­ to protect the natl0n's needl­ K Sterner have sald the key motlve was lenger est cltlzens, admlnlstratlon The Navy must prove such Garraway's bellef that Sterner Speakers at the serVlce at sources say clrcumstances eXlsted before had unfalrly blocked hlS pro­ Honpa HongwanJl M1SS10n of Reagan plans to propose a capltal punlshment could be motlon The defense contended Hawal1 recalled Onlzuka as a "pro-famlly" approach to wel­ lmposed lt stemmed from Garraway thlnk­ symbol of Amerlcan strength fare and support programs that The elght-member mll1tary lng Sterner was a raclst, and B1Shop Yoshlakl FUJltanl ex­ would pressure more poor people Jury dellberated nearly four hlS oversensltlvlty to real or pressed prlde of the fact that to work and ellmlnate prOVl­ hours before flndlng Garraway percelved raclal tensl0n Onlzuka was a Buddh1st Slons that tend to encourage gUllty of plottlng the attack aboard ShlP "But at the same tlme," he the breakup of famll1es, the on Sterner aboard the frlgate Garraway had pleaded gUl1ty added, "on thlS occaSl0n we are sources sald Thursday, speak­ USS Mlller on June 16, 1985, to unpremedltated murder, suddenly made aware of the fact lng only on condltl0n of ano­ whlle lt was off the Bermuda WhlCh carrles a maXlmum sen­ that we are very proud and nymlty coast tence of llfe lmprlsonment, grateful that Amerlca lS a na­ Reagan has contended for Garraway, 21, of SUltland, but the Navy declded to try tlon that makes achlevements years that many people wlthout Md , showed no reactl0n when for a premedltated-murder con­ posslble for people of all rac­ Jobs don't want to work And he the verdlct was announced In vlctlon, punlshable by elther es and creeds " has charged that the welfare the Newport Naval Base court­ a llfe sentence or executl0n A dozen boxes of lels and system tends to dlscourage them room by a method chosen by Navy nawallan flowers were shipped to from looklng for work The Navy last carrled out Secretary John Lehman Houston for the serVlce there Financial News Briefly scrlbed IUD, because of the nla lndlctment that charges Dollar closlng ln cost of defendlng the product they trled to pay a campalgn Tokyo was ALBANY, N Y (AP) -- A agalnt lawsults and the com­ rlval to qUlt the U S Sen­ 192 80 yen, posslble gubernatorlal elec­ pany's lnablllty to obtaln ate race and ln Zurlch was tl0n between Henry Klssln­ adequate lnsurance * * * 2 0275 SW1SS francs ger and Gov MarlO Cuomo * * * ATLANTA (AP) -- The Mar- CLOSING METAL:'> tln Luther King Jr Center dellghts New York Republl­ NEWARK, N J (AP) -- Har- Gold $350 50 should get money from "Amer­ cans, but the lncumbent says rlson A Wllllams Jr , who be­ Sllver $ 6 08 lca's enemles, not from the matchup would put hlm came the flrst U S senator to DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES Georgla's taxpayers," former ''In the underdog posltlon" be Jalled In 80 years when he 30 Industrla1s Gov Lester Maddox sald of a and he'd Wln Cuomo, 53, was lmprlsoned more than two Up 18 81 at 1570 99 state grant to the center who lS In hlS flrst term, years ago for hlS brlbery con­ 20 Transportatlons named for the slaln C1Vll sald Thursday he felt he vlctl0n ln the FBI's Abscam Up 3 57 at 748 58 rlghts leader could beat Klsslnger probe, was released today from 15 Utllltles Gov Joe Frank HarrlS de­ a halfway house, a spokesman Up 3 03 at 176 91 * * * c11ned comment Thursday on CHICAGO (AP) -- G D sald 6S Stocks Maddox's Opposltlon to Har­ Searle & Co announced to­ * * * Up 6 82 at 632 52 day lt lS wlthdrawlng from WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rep Bob- rls' proposed $104,000 annual VOLUME 143,510,000 shares the U S market ltS two In­ bl Fledler sald Thursday she grant to the Klng Center for SEE LISTINGS trauterlne devlces, lnclud­ plans to marry her top alde Non-Vlolent Soclal Change, IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY lng the natlon's most-pre- and co-defendant In a Callfor- founded by Klng's wldow

...... " .-_I..II ______--~·~- .... -l?'r"' ..... ""-'4-~-..._,._I1!11111 ______...... SPORTS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986, PAGE 5 Hockey Action By KEN RAPPOPORT AP Hockey Wr1ter UNIONDALE, N Y -- "It's almost lIke a bad photocopy of us," Phlladelphla Flyers captaln Dave Poulln sald in descrlblng hlS team's efforts thlS season agalnst the New York Islanders Scott Thomas Repeatlng a pattern that has been the moves 1n for a norm thlS year, the Islanders Jumped off to header He scored a a blg lead over Phlladelphla ln the flrst second-half goal 1n perl0d and went on to an 8-4 vlctory over h1S Spartans' W1n the Flyers ln the Nat~onal Hockey League's over the Hackers only game Thursday nlght It was the Islanders' fourth vlctory ln flve games agalnst the runaway Patrick D1V1Sl0n leaders The contest was vlrtually over after the flrst perl0d, when the Islanders Jumped to a 5-0 lead after the flrst 17 mlnutes and led 5-1 gOlng lnto the second Bowling Highlights In the Thursday Nlght Mlxed League }fen's Division Hlgh Game Bill Hale, 208 Spartans I Move By Second-High Game Henry Cabasag, 193 High Series Orlando Paulo, 546 Roi Hackers Second-Hlgh Series Bill Hale, 543 By JOHN LEE Women's Division Hlgh Game Kathy Paulo, 183 Spartans I used good pass~ng up front Second-High Game Joyce Sanderson, 153 and tenac~ous mark~ng ~n back to shut out High Serles Kathy Paulo, 456 the Hackers 4-0 ~n Men's D~v~s~on soccer Second-High Series Joyce Sanderson, 424 Thursday J P Corey showed outstand~ng ball con­ Hartman Resigns As trol and scored three goals, two ~n the f~rst half and one ~n the thlrd quarter, to lead the Spartans offense Scott Kansas State's Coach Thomas rounded out the wlnner's scorlng MANHATTAN, Kan (AP) -- When the fun is w~th a thlrd-quarter goal Coaches clted gone, it's time to go NotIng that college Spartans' halfback Greg Thomas for hlS mid­ basketball lS a dlfferent game and that fleld hustle he's had enough, Kansas State's Jack Hartman Hackers Manager Larry Scally sald hlS became the latest college basketball coach team played better Thursday than In thelr to announce hls retlrement prevlOUS meetlng wlth Spartans I "Paul "Nothlng could have happened to keep me AlIas worked hard to get some offense from reslgnlng," the 60-year-old Hartman gOlng, and we dld have a few unreallzed sald at a locker room news conference thurs­ opportunltles thlS tlme," he sald day nlght "I thlnk I'm satlsfled, I've had enough" Hartman lS the latest of several well­ Soccer Schedule known major college coaches to announce TODAY'S GAME reslgnatlons In recent days Mlnnesota's 5 15 Spartans I vs Spartans II (women) Jlm Dutcher, Florlda State's Joe Wlillams. SUNDAY, Feb 2 and Houston's Guy LeW1S are the others 3 00 Spartans I vs Spartans II 4 30 More Blood vs ROl Hackers MONDAY, Feb 3 Sports In Brief 5 15 Bull-ltS vs Spartans II LARAMIE, Wyo (AP) -- Three Wyomlng play­ TUESDAY, Feb 4 ers scored In double flgures, led by FennlS 5 15 Spartans II vs Ex-Termlnators Dembo's 21 pOlnts, as the Cowboys romped to THURSDAY, Feb 6 a 77-58 vlctory over Hawall ln Western 5 15 ROl Hackers vs Ex-Terminators Athletlc Conference actlon Thursday nlght FRIDAY, Feb 7 The trlumph llfted Wyomlng's record to 5 15 Bull-ltS vs Spartans I J P Corey controls for Spartans I 11-8 for the season and 5-2 In the WAC All games are played on Brandon Fleld He led the Spartans over the R01 Hackers Hawall dropped to 4-16 overall and 1-8 ln JUniOr, Peewee Soccer 4-0 Thursday the conference play SATURDAY, Feb 1 (Photos by BETH SHOLAR, Kentron Photo Lab) * * * Brandon 9 30 Florlda vs Princeton (AP) -- The Baltlmore Orl0les on Thursday Rlchardson 9 30 Alabama vs Auburn became the flrst team ln the major leagues Brandon 11 00 Stanford vs Yale to announce the formatIon of a voluntary Rlchardson 11 00 Harvard vs Arlzona Olaiuwon Blocks 18-Foot Shot drug-testlng program, and the baseball play­ WEDNESDAY, Feb 5 By WILLIAM R BARNARD ers' unl0n -- whlch has strongly opposed Brandon 5 15 Florlda vs Yale AP Basketball Wr1ter mandatory testlng -- dld not object Rlchardson 5 15 Alabama vs Harvard But there were problems wlth a slmllar Akeem OlaJuwon normally doesn't venture plan announced by the New England Patrlots, Cavaliers Break Losing Streak away from the basket on defense, but wlth who thIS week became the flrst team In pro four seconds to go and Houston leadlng by SPOTtS to adopt such a plan The Natlonal two pOlnts, he declded that the tlme was Football League Players Assoclatl0n, WhlCh To Beat North Carolina rlght opposes the program. flIed an unfalr labor CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va (AP) -- Olden The 7-foot center for the Rockets practlces complalnt WIth the Natlonal Labor Polynlce led fIve Vlrglnla players ln dou­ blocked an 18-foot shot by Sacramento's Relatlons Board ble fIgures and the Cavaliers WIthstood 6-10 LaSalle Thompson wlth four seconds And In another drug-related development, an early second-half rally Thursday nlght to go Thursday night, preservlng a 111-109 the UnI~ed States BOXIng Assoclatl0n WIthdrew for an 86-73 Atlantlc Coast Conference Natl0nal Basketball Assoclatlon vlctory crulserwelght champIonshIp recognltlon from basketball vlctory over top-ranked and pre­ over the KIngs Stanley Ross, who tested posltive for a drug vlously undefeated North CarolIna "Akeem was out ln shallow water," after wlnnlng the tItle from Boone Pultz on Polynlce, a Junlor center, scored 19 Houston Coach Blll Fltch sald "Normally a splIt declsIon Dec 7 in Washlngton pOlnts as Vlrglnla moved to 14-5 overall he plays back ln deeper water on defense " * * * and 4-3 ln the ACC The Cavallers broke a "I saw hlm comlng up and I trled to put PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) -- Three-tlme seven-game loslng streak agalnst the Tar some arch on the ball," sald Thompson, who bOXIng champIon Roberto Duran returns to the Heels datlng to 1982, Ralph Sampson's had 17 rebounds but was held to seven ring ln hlS hometown tonIght after 18 months Junlor season pOlnts "If I had gotten lt off wlth the of hlgh 11vlng In retIrement John Johnson added 13, Mel Kennedy arch he wouldn't have blocked It " A vlctory agalnst Banuel Esteban Zambrano and Rlchard Morgan, 12 apIece, and Tom In other games, lt was Seattle 89, New of Colombla ln the 10-round mlddlewelght Sheehey, 11 for Vlrglnla Jersey 82, 101, Chlcago 91, San flght at the l6,000-seat New Panama Collseum North Carollna, 10slng for the flrst Antonlo 112, Cleveland 99, Denver 102, would gIve Duran a chance at an unprecedented tlme after 21 stralght Wlns and faillng to New York 97, Mllwaukee 120, Golden State fourth world tltle 5-1 ln ACC play, was led by Brad Daugher­ 108, and Lakers 118, Portland Duran says he has been preparlng careful­ ty's 21 pOlnts Kenny SmIth added 20 and 94 ly for the flght and says he plans to seek a Steve Hale, 14 for the Tar Heels Llsten to AFRTS 1224 AM radIO for sports' fourth world tItle ------.----~-

FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986 Their Words Tell The Story Ann Landers By JOAN MOWER Dear Ann Landers I en­ Assoclated Press Wrlter Joyed the letter from "Joe's Wlfe" 1n Arkansas "I'm gOlng to watch the astronauts and as long as (She was annoyed by the they're not scared, I'm not g01ng to be," schoolteach­ way he mlspronounced cer­ er Chr1sta McAullffe sa1d before she flew the space taln words -- one ln par­ shuttle Challenger "I feel, probably. safer d01ng tlcular, "heerd" for somethlng 11ke that than dr1vlng around the New York heard) streets " Sounds as 1f Joe has '~1ck (Scobee) sa1d once that some day we would lose some p10neer stock ln hlm someone." sa1d Mary Ann Rogers, a ne1ghbor 1n Houston "Heerd" 1S a deterl0rated "Hl.s wlfe sal.d that every tlme we go up. there 1S a derlvatl.Ve of the Scottl.sh sense of apprehenslon " Scobee. 46. was the Challenger for heard and there used commander to be plenty of people Dear Ann Landers I "All rlght All rlght Go. baby. go." NASA technl­ around here who sald would llke to comment on Clans yelled as they watched the Challenger 11ft off "lecterclty " the letter s1gned "Joe's from Cape Canaveral. Fla. Tuesday Dad was ra1sed on a Wlfe " She was the stuck­ "Go, Chrlsta'" read the banner dlsplayed by th1rd­ pralrle frontler ln Canada up lady who complalned grade classmates of Scott McAu11ffe, Chr1sta's 9-year­ by Scottlsh parents He about her husband '~e old son who was at Cape Canaveral w1th her daughter. called a mlrror a "murrow" makes a good llvlng." she Carollne, 6. and husband, Steve and pronounced 011 as sald. "but I'm embarrassed "Roger. go at throttle up," were the last pub11c "lsle " When I was small to death by h1s poor words of Challenger pllot M1chael Smlth. acknowledglng my mother dr1lled lnto me grammar " to M1SS10n Control that the shuttle was operatlng at that a chlmney was not a I hope Joe learns one full power "chlmley." as Daddy called more word -- "glt " -- "Fllght controllers are looklng very carefully at lt V K IN CLEVELAND the sltuat10n." sa1d Mlssl0n Control commentator Steve How I'd love to hear my DEAR V K Thanks for Nesbltt followlng the exploslon. WhlCh occured 74 sec­ father curl hlS tongue my laugh for the day onds after l1ftoff "Obv10usly a major malfunctlon We around some of those words have no down11nk " today (He d1ed ln 1971 ) Love lS more than one "Oh. my God, no." sa1d f1rst lady Nancy Reagan. Joe's w1fe shouldn't sweat set of glands caillng to watch1ng the flreball on televlslon at the Whlte House the small stuff Llfe lS another If you have "They're dead They're dead," crled Lynette Young, too short HEERD IT ALL trouble mak1ng a d1stlnc­ watch1ng the shuttle wlth her fourth graders at the IN SASKATOON tl0n. you need Ann's book­ Allce Bell School ln Knoxvllie. Tenn , where she DEAR SASS I know what let "Love or Sex and How teaches you mean My father dldn't To Tell the Dlfference " "The vehlcle has exploded," a NASA off1c1al told speak perfect Engllsh el­ Send a SASE w1th your re­ Grace Corrlgan. McAullffe's mother, who vlewed the ther, but he was one of the quest and 50 cents to Ann launch from a spectator's stand at Cape Canaveral wlsest, dearest and fun­ Landers. POBox 11995. "The vehlcle has exploded?" Corrlgan asked ln dlS­ nlest men who ever llved Chlcago. III 60611 behef "Damn 1t There's a major malfunctlon Shut up so we can hear." sald a student at Concord Hlgh School. where 200 puplls and teachers moments earller had been Your Indj¥jdual cheer1ng wlldly Pres1dent Reagan and top aldes stood ln "stunned sllence" and watched replays of the exploslon "I Just Horoscope can't get out of my mlnd her husband. her chlldren, ===== Fraaces Drake =====:::=::::=== as well as the famliles of the others on board." Rea­ FOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1986 gan sald ARIES SCORPIO "We don't know what could have exploded," sald Matt (Mar 21 to Apr 19) s..t (Oct 23 to Nov 21) Slebel. Natlonal Aeronaut1cs and Space Admlnlstratlon Matters of conscience concern you It's a tune to watch your pennies, to manager at the Martln Marletta plant near New Orleans now, especially regarding a CdJ"eer do bookkeepmg, and to be extra endeavor Students find that teachers attentive about fmanclal matters A The shuttle's external fuel tanks are assembed there mean what they say Buckle down to possessIOn has seen better days "I don't thlnk thlS lS the end of the space program, senous study SAG fITARruS no," sald Chuck Yeager. the flrst pllot to break the TAURUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21) sound barrler ln 1947 (Apr 20 to May 20) ,. You seem to be carrymg the whole "I offer a fervent prayer to God to accept the There may be some problems to world on your shoulders today Don't deal WIth In a partnership now Some let serIousness lead to self doubt Be splrlts of these courageous ploneers of progress for meet With responSibility In connec philosophical about responSibilities SClence and man." sald Pope John Paul II tlOn With grandparents Be dutiful CAPRICORN The famliles -- and the natl0n -- suffered an emo­ GEMINI (Dec 22 to Jan 19) tlonal blow (May 21 to June 20) ~ You re given to introspection and A fear of reJeC'tlOn could be your perhaps a lack of confidence today "My wlfe lS ln very. very bad shape." sald John worst enemy In romance today What s more, you re lIable to keep Ladd, stepfather of astronaut Gregory Jarvls. 41 Dealmgs WIth banks aren t especially your wornes to yourself or to exagg "I am a very strong person," sald Sarah Belfer of favored Be attentive to bills that erate theIr Importance Bedford Helghts. Ohl0. the mother of astronaut JUdlth need to be paid AQUARruS Resnlk "I'll be all rlght I Just want to be alone CANCER (Jan 20 to Feb 18) (June 21 to July 22) -ote It seems you have to attend a social I told my famlly I want to be alone for a whlle " There IS senous work to be done function today, but It may not be your "He never had fear Ronald always sald you've got on the Job today, but do take some cup of tea Or perhaps a friend asks a to dle somewhere. somehow," sald Josephlne McNalr of tune off for recreatIOn Then, work favor of you Do what you can Lake Clty, S C , the aunt of Ronald McNa1r, the second productIOn Will Increase PISCES >4Ib' LEO .~ (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ black astronaut (July 23 to Aug 22) 'r{{ Some adVIce you receive gives you "You have to be out there on the frontler taklng Trymg too hard can mterfere WIth a new perspective Career seems your rlsks," Presldent Reagan told the natl0n's school­ spontaneity Some face responsibility maJor PrIOrIty today Extra duties chlldren ln a televlsed address "Make lt clear that In connectIOn With children You may may be placed on your shoulders h~dJ" from a past romance YOU BORN TODAY are creative 11 fe must go on " VIRGO and adventurous You have a way The astronauts wlll not be forgotten (Aug 23 to Sept 22) ~! With words and are liable to be drawn "Thank you for trYlng to reach for a star, even A parent need" your help Don t be to some speakmg or wntmg occupa­ though you dldn't catch one." wrote 10-year-old Mere­ too l'luch of the perfectlOflist or you tIOn You would make a good foreign won t get anythmg done at home base correspondent Your zest for life dlth Coeyman of Concord. N H "We love you Sharon to you. satisfactIOn could cause you to scatter your Chrlsta McAullffe " LmRA energies somewhat Try the new, but (~ept 2J to Oct 22) ~ see It through Acting, advertiSing, A Thought For The Day You re Inclmed too worry too much sales and brokerage may also appeal now dnd should realize that delays to you Keep yow mnate sense of "To conquer wlthout rlsk lS to trlumph wlthout are ollly temporary Some receive a humor, for sometimes you tend to glory" -- Plerre Cornelile. French dramatlst cold shoulder from a neighbor Don t overreact when feehng slighted (1606-1684) overreact c 1986 King Features Syndicate Inc

••• 111 I Mil. g H Garry Trudeau DOONESBURY ANY/QAY, THE RtJTC CfYrlMANfJ£R SWrlEl? 7lJ TAKe A I?EAJ..5HIN~ YOIII?eNOT 70 Me. IM HOPINfS HE'U, ~ EVERY ~ 8RJN(jIN(j • A8lE 7D PffT Me " =="':7 CONTR4C- ANYOFTHI3M 7 COMICS " ON THe. PPtX1/1?e - 7DRS 8ACI<. 7lJ TIE : MI3NT F,49T -re4CK. RIJQ+f, M& YOfJ? HOURGLASS






C,.osswo,.d By Eugene Sheffer 58 "A foolish 10 Wellaway' Wow/ thmg was 11 Karate /. but - ' ranking DOWN 19 Mass lObi Wan, neighbor for one 21 SWitch 2 Plzzena posItion fixture 24 West of 3 Lane s co Hollywood worker 25 '- httle 4 Swallow teapot 5 'Shane" 26 Door sign star 28 Author BEETLE BAILEY Mort Walker 6 - Alte Levin (Adenauer) 29 Chess WHOS THE' COMPANY 7 Throw off opening THAT RUNNER, SIR' 8 Sound In 30 X, to the OUT vestment? Greek" n-IERE 9 Dockside 31 Pig out '2

23- de lance 24 Offend 27 Blue ~ Angels J~~:bJ:l::J~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~=====~W§AAliEILP£~D 32 employerFriend to I FrancoIs 33 Actress Joanne

BC 30 MANY GS6WHm~5 HoN WHAT'; THe; CO r NeeD ft?R AN Bf£,TWAYfo 38 AN6€L R:VD CAKE; ? 56PAR'A"fG "THeM ?



OFFICIAL NOTICES ADAGES, FOLK TALES AND TALL TALES Rl Ko­ ALL BICYCLE OPERATORS SHALL CARRY and op­ nono Toastmasters have them all thIS Sun­ erate a llghtlng devlce emlttlng contlnu­ day at 7 pm, YYC Taro Room Guests wel­ They're out ous whlte llght faclng forward when rld­ come 83170 for lnfo lng a blcycle durlng hours of darkness or low V1Slblllty (KMR Reg 386-6) EMON LODGE NO 179, F&AM, wlll hold a spe­ for blood. CIal communlcatlon Monday evenlng, Feb 3, GREENS FEES AND GOLF AND BOWLING LOCKER at the lodge hall Work beglns promptly at fees are due for the perlod January-June 7 30 All apprentlce Masons are lnvlted to 1986 Rent must be pald at Speclal Servlc­ attend For further lnfo, Blll Merrltt es Monday-Frlday (Speclal Servlces) EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE WPCF wlll meet Mon­ NOTICE TO HOUSING AND TRAILER OCCUPANTS day, Feb 3, 7 pm, In the FellowshlP All furnlture movements must be documented Center by the Furnlture Warehouse Unauthorlzed furnlture movements may result 1n charges COME AND SEE OUR NEWLY DECORATED MIC SHOP belng made to the quarters' occupants at the Termlnal We have a new shlpment Please keep all documentatl0n pertalnlng from Truk w1th beautIful carved story­ to household furnlshlngs Any questlons boards, heads and masks, baskets, Toklko should be dlrected to the Furnlture Ware- trays and much, much more' house at 83434 (GA Furnlture Warehouse) THE KCUC (KWAJ COMMODORE CLUB) WILL MEET rlECAUSE OF APPROVED AQUATIC TRAINING ac­ Monday, Feb 3, Rm 18, George Seltz tlvltles, the KwaJaleln Adult Pool wlll School at 7 p mAny lnterested persons At first, It was only not be avallable to the publlC from 7- welcome 9 30 p m Feb 5 (Speclal Servlces) once a week Then three STORYTlME IS HELD EACH TUESDAY at the times Now they're out for FOR SALE Grace Sherwood LIbrary at 10 a mAll 3-, blood every night VHS MOVIE TAPES ORIG Rambo Flrst Blood II, 4- and 5-year-olds are welcome And they're not alone Rush; Pale Rlder, Code of Sllence, A Vlew To A Klll, Ffolks Flrecracker, Mlsslng In They're Just two of the Actlon II, Walklng Tall I, II, III, Lone­ thousands of people all wolfe Mcquade, many more Call Joe, ~1103 over the country who are finally starting to do BEDROOM SET, ORIENTAL DESIGN ln dull black something about the diS­ lacquer w/gold accents Includes klng/ queen headboard, 2 nlte tables, 6-drawer ease that kills almost wardrobe chest, TV/dlsplay/storage unlt 32,000 Americans every For appolntment to see, call 83624 year-and afflicts another 38 million SCUBA TOW KITS, hlgh-grade components at a It's high blood pressure fractl0n of the cost, $100 each, prores­ s10nal rowlng machlne, perfect for a BQ And once you know you've room, $200 O'Brlen graflte water Skl, got It, you can usually $175 W8l562 or H84568 control It By follOWing your doctor's adVice on USED 19,000-BTU AIR CONDITIONER If In­ exerCise, weight control terested, please call 82766 salt Intake, and medication OMPC35MM SLR w/ESP METERING Complete out­ Talk to your doctor today flt 35-70 lens, 65-200 lens case wlnder 2, about getting started on a flash T-20 lens fllters Outflt 2 months program that Will keep old Catalog prlce w/o camera bag $621 50 $575 complete or best offer 99434 you out for blood And In the running STD BOOM, MAST & BASE, 1 68" & 2 59" salls $300 Call 84278 after 6 p m

ANTENNA MAST - 18ft x 2 25 ln , $10, cast­ WE'RE FIGHTING FOR lng rod and reel, $50, assorted lures, YOUR LIFE stereo receIver, Kenwood llGX, 120 watts lnput for 2 tape, 1 aux, 2 phono, 1 mlC, 3 speaker sets, w/Dolby & Mac 82136/2834 American Heart SEVERAL ORIENTAL COOKING ITEMS, Chlnese/ Japanese, new, unopened, several unavaIla­ Association ble on KwaJ Includes HOlSln sauce Re­ It'll Kill duced prlces Call Mrs Hargus, 84632 KWAJ-CONDITIONED RECLINER, $5, large flca Ya! tree, $50, Hummel fIgurIne "The Postman," $80 Call 83730/83375 Tonight At The Movies Yokwe Yuk - Tonka 'VANTED 6 30 ------G TO BUY WIND-SURFER, Rocket 99 Ted The Brldge H83536, W81687 8 30, 12 30 ------R Tradewlnds - Baby Lost Legeld TWO MORE 5-MAN TEAMS NEEDED for the FrIday 8 00 ------PG Nlte FIve men's bowllng league Couple oth­ er teams need 1 or 2 more guys WIll start Tonight On Television ln about 3 weeks Please contact Pete Kwajalein AqUIno at 82410 eves 4 45 General HospItal HELP WANTED 5 30 Double Trouble 5 55 ABC News/CNN Sports NEED EXTRA MONEY??? Global ASSOCIates has 6 50 NatIonal Geographlc an openIng for an adult part-tIme proJec­ I 7 15 Glmme A Break (ends) tlonlst ApplIcants must be able to work 7 40 The Jeffersons approxlmately 15 hours per week Interest­ 8 05 Cagney & Lacey ed persons should apply at the Global Per­ 8 55 "Touch Of EVIl" sonnel Offlce, corner of Lagoon Road and 10 30 CNN News/Nlghtllne NInth Street, Bldg 781 11 30 Tonlght Show RELIABLE BABY SITTER WANTED for 2-year-old Channel 13 7 00 MacNeIl/Lehrer News Hour Hours flexlble Call after 6 p m 82417 7 55 Memorlal For The Seven 8 55 Flrlng Llne/Larry Klng COMi\/IUNITY ACTIVITIES Roi-Namur DANCE SO THEY CAN WALK Shrlne Valentlne And that's • • • 6 10 ABC News/CNN Sports dInner and dance Feb 15, 6 30 start 7 05 Peter Gunn/Hlghway To Hvn Vets Hall See a Shrlner for tIckets 8 20 St Elsewhere/Cagney&Lacey NO 10 00 "Horror Express" ATOLL 8'S SQUARE DANCERS meet at Communlty 11 30 Larry KIng Center Class at 7 30 pm, Feb 3, club at 7 30 pm, Feb 4 JOKE

., I '" .... ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS~ FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986, PAGE 9 Channel 9 Television Channel 13 Specials LIVE TAPE DELAY PROGRAM Kwajalem Saturday KwaJalem Friday 8 00 Ch~ldren's Programs 10 00 Today Saturday 11 00 N~ckelodeon Theater 11 55 Take Two 6 a m 3 p m BKB St John's vs Syracuse 12 50 Hee Haw 1 45 Gu~d~ng L~ght 8 a m 5 p m BKB Maryland vs V~llanova 1 40 V~deo Soul 2 30 Donahue (Computer Subculture) Noon 7 p m BKB Tennessee vs Flor~da 2 30 Rockworld 3 20 Lat~n Tempo 9 p m "HItler's Last 10 Days" 3 25 AmerLca's Top 10 3 45 Sesame Street 10 45 p m Larry King 3 50 Last Chance Garage 4 45 General HospLtal/Double Trouble 4 20 "Adventures Of Nell~e Bly" 5 55 CBS News/CNN Sports Ton~ght Sunday 6 00 CNN News 6 50 Nat~onal Geograph~c 6 a m 4 p m BKB Kentucky vs N CarolIna St 6 30 That's Incred~b1e 7 15 Four Seasons 8 a m 6 p m NFL Pro Bowl 7 20 Peter Gunn 7 40 The Jeffersons 1 p m NHL Washington vs Hartford 7 45 Cutter To Houston 8 05 Ronnie M~lsap In Celebration 9 p m "Innocent Bystanders" 8 35 St Elsewhere 9 45 Cagney & Lacey (Mature Theme, 9 25 Cover Up Parental Discretwn Adv~sed) 7 p m MacNe~l/Lehrer News Hour 10 15 "The Onwn Field" 10 35 CNN News/Nightline 7 55 p m Meet The Press _lQO_ ~tEe~t_S~tlB~c~s!a~e_P~s~ ___ ~.11.. 3~5~~T~0~n~i .. glh.t .. Sh.. ow...... ~ 8 20 p m Face The Natwn 8 50 p m Newsfront Kwajalem Sunday ROI-Namur Saturday 9 20 p m Amer~can Interest 9 00 Ins~ght/Hour Of Power 7 30 Fat Albert/Mr T 10 20 Sunday Morn~ng W/Charles Kuralt 8 20 World Of Travel (ends) Tuesday 11 50 This Week With David Br~nkley 9 05 Hee Haw/Video Soul 2 p m 7 p m PreSIdent's State Of The UnIon 12 50 Fishing In The Northwest 10 45 The Waltons/Just Jazz Address/Democratlc Response 1 15 WLld Kingdom 12 00 BKB St John's vs Syracuse 8 p m Wide World Of Sports 1 40 America's Mus~c 2 00 BKB Maryland vs Vllianova 8 55 p m Larry KIng 2 40 Fa~ry Tale Theatre 4 00 Sohd Gold 3 40 Just Jazz 4 50 Just Our Luck Wednesday 7 p m MacNeIl/Lehrer News Hour 4 05 Journey To Adventure 5 15 NASA Memorial SerVlce 7 55 p m McLaughl~n Group 4 30 New Tech T~mes 6 15 CNN News 8 20 p m Pro BowlIng Tour (starts) 5 00 Abbott And Costello 6 45 CBS Reports Challenger 9 35 p m Larry K~ng 5 25 Death Valley Days 7 40 Cutter To Houston/The Jeffersons 5 50 CNN News 8 55 RonnIe M~lsap In CelebratIon Thursday 7 p m MacNeIl/Lehrer News Hour 6 20 The Muppet Show/Just Our Luck 10 35 BKB Tennessee vs Florida To Be Announced 7 10 Family T~es 12 35 Street Set VIdeo Larry KIng 7 35 Newhart ------8 00 Blue Thunder ROI-Namur Sunday 8 50 "Ev~ta Peron" Part 1 6 00 Rellg~ous Programs 10 25 Dav~d Letterman 7 50 Amer~can Interest/Newsfront Movies ------8 45 WIde World Of Sports S WIlly Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, Teen Center, 1 (G) Kwajalem Monday 9 40 FIshIng In The Northwest A Baby Secret Of The Lost Legend, RIchardson, 7 30 (PG) 10 00 Today 10 05 Wild Kingdom/American Almanac T Fast Forward, Rlchardson Theater, 9 30 p m (PG) 11 55 Take Two 11 30 BKB Kentucky vs N C State Perfect, Tradew~nds Theater, 8 p m (R) 1 45 Gu~d~ng L~ght 1 30 "Ev~ta Peron" Part 2 S Darby O'Gill And The LIttle People, Teen Center, 1 (G) 2 30 Donahue (Pol~ce Undercover) 3 10 Sunday Mornlng W/Charles Kuralt U Perfect, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m (R) 3 20 Puttin' On The H~ts 4 40 Famlly TIes/New Tech Times N The BrIde Yokwe Yuk Club 7 p m (R) 3 40 Sesame Street 5 30 Legmen Tonka, fradewlnds Theater, 8 p m (G) 4 40 General Hosp~tal 6 20 CNN News M Guns In The Heather, RIchardson Theater, 7 30 p m (G) 5 25 Congress, We The People 6 50 /Blue Thunder T Tonka, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m (G) 5 55 NBC News 8 30 NFL Pro Bowl L The Br~de, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 (R) 6 25 CNN Sports Ton~ght 11 30 Davld Letterman E Perfect, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m (R) 6 50 The A-Team ------W Baby Secret Of The Lost Legend, Richardson, 7 30 (PG) 7 40 H~ghway To Heaven ROI-Namur Monda y E Tonka, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m (G) 8 30 Legmen 12 00 Today T Fast Forward, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 (PG) 9 20 N~ght Court 2 00 GUIdIng LIght H Baby Secret Of The Lost Legend, Trade~)lnd", 8 pm (PG) 9 55 The Love Boat 2 45 Puttln' On The HItS F Guns In The Heather, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m (G) 10 45 CNN News/N~ghtl~ne 3 10 Pop Goes The Country IR To Be Announced Pend~ng ArrIval Yuk Theater, 8 30, lL 30 _ll !:5_ !og~.8.h! ~h9.w______3 35 Strange But True I Fast Forward, Tradewinds Theater, e p m (PG) 4 00 Donarue (Transsexuals) KwaJalem Tuesday 4 50 General Hospltal/Four Seasons BABY SECRET OF THE WIllIam Katt, Sean Young 10 00 Today 6 00 NBC News/ESPN Sportscenter LOST LEGEND Adventure RT 135 PG 11 55 Take Two 7 00 Dallas/The Love Boat Just as a newspaper reporter and hIS researcn clentist 1 45 Gu~d~ng L~ght 8 40 Amerlcan MUS1C Awards WIfe are about to return to the UnIted States from AfrIca, 2 30 Donahue (Pol~t~cal Spouses) they learn of the pOSSIble eXIstence of some dInosaurs deep 3 20 Inspector Gadget ROI-Namur Tuesday In the bush They fInd three and fIght to save the baby 3 45 Powerhouse 12 00 Today brontosaurus from some unscrupulous men 4 10 Read~ng Ra~nbow 2 00 GUIdIng LIght/Info Speclal 4 40 General Hosp~tal 3 35 Journey To Adventure THE BRIDE Stlng, JennIfer Beals 5 25 World Of Travel (ends) 4 00 Donahue (CIA) Drama RT 118 R 6 10 CBS News 4 50 General Hospltal/Kate & Aille Baron FrankensteIn brings to lIfe a female counterpart for 6 40 CNN Sports Tonight 6 00 CBS News/CNN Sports Tonlght his orIginal creature but once alIve the beautIful woman 7 05 Kate & All~e 6 55 Cover Up/Dynasty spurns hIm and sends the creature away, leaVIng the baron to 7 30 60 MInutes 8 35 " The Miracle teach and care for h~s new creatIon 8 25 Contlnues" 9 15 "The FBI Story AlVIn Karpls" lO_lQ _N~g~tll~eLB~s! Qf_C~r~o~ FAST FORWARD John Scott Clough Don FranklIn 10 55 CNN News/Nlghtllne MUSIcal Drama RT 110 PG _ll 25_ !Ogl.8.h! ~h~w____ _ ROI-Namur Wednesday E~ght hlgh-school students form a danCIng/SIngIng group 12 00 Today and leave OhIO to enter a bIg talent contest In New York KwaJaleln Wednesday 2 00 GUldlng Llght C~ty When they are told that the contest has been delayed, 10 00 Today 2 45 MUSIC CIty USA they use the lIttle money they have brought WIth them to 11 55 Take Two 3 10 Abbott And Costello rent and straIghten up an old apartment and, to raIse more 1 45 GUIdIng LIght 3 35 Death Valley Days money they dance on the street 2 30 Donahue (ForeIgn Teen Sex) 4 00 Donahue (Record Industry) 3 20 Mr Rogers 4 50 General Hospltal/D~ff'rent Stks GUNS IN THE HEATHER Glenn Corbett, Kurt Russell 3 50 Sesame Street 6 00 ABC News/CNN Sports TonIght Western RT 89 G 4 50 General HospItal 6 55 60 Mlnutes/Hlll Street Blues ThlS contemporary espIonage thrIller, fIlmed entIrely on 5 35 Strange But True 8 35 "Marclano" locatIon In Ireland offers spIne-tInglIng eXCItement as a 6 00 ABC News/CNN Sports TonIght !O_lQ _L~rEy_K~n.8. ______young AmerIcan boy and hIS IrIsh companIon become Involved 6 55 EntertaInment ThIS Week In a dangerous plot to free an Iron CurtaIn scientIst from 7 45 KnIght RIder ROI-Namur Thursday the clutches of hIS country's secret polIce An AmerIcan 8 35 Dallas 12 00 Today agent, aIdIng In the defectIon, welcomes the boys' clever 9 25 "The Chron~cle Of 1812" 2 00 GUldlng LIght aSSIstance In dIstractIng the SInIster enemy agents and 11 00 CNN News/Nlghtl1ne 2 45 People's Court/AmerIca's MUSIC aVOIdIng capture _ll QO_ !ogl.8.h~ ~h~w______4 10 Donahue (AIDS) 5 00 Gen Hosp~tal/Charles In Charge PERFECT Jamle Lee CurtIS, John Travolta Kwajalem Thursday 6 10 NBC News/CNN Sports TonIght Drama RT 115 R 10 00 Today 7 05 Entertalnmert ThIS Week A reporter for RollIng Stone magaZIne IS aSSIgned to 11 55 Take Two 7 55 The A-Team/KnIght RIder wrIte a story on how health clubs are becoming the singles 1 45 GUIdIng LIght 9 10 Nlght Court bars of the '80s DurIng hIS reportIng he falls for a sexy 2 30 Donahue (The MilItary) 9 35 "The Daydreamer" aerobICS Instructor who In the past was mistreated by the 3 20 Mr WIzard .!l_12. _N!g~t!lge ______press and reSIsts hIS attempts to InterVIew her 3 45 Vegetable Soup 4 15 People's Court ROI-Namur Friday TONKA Sal MIneo, Jerome Courtland 4 40 General HospItal 12 00 Today Adventure RT 97 G 5 25 The Waltons 2 00 GUIdIng Llght/Rockworld BlaZIng across the screen WIth terrIfIC Impact, yet often 6 15 NBC News/CNN Sports Tonlght 3 40 Congress We The People offerIng moments of tenderness and warmth IS the story of an 7 10 SOlId Gold 4 10 Donahue ('60s MUSIC) IndIan youth's love for a wlld stallIon and hIS struggles to 8 00 Allce 5 00 General Hospltal/Al~ce save It from extInctIon ThIS thrlll-a-mlnute adventure of a 8 25 DIff'rent Strokes 6 10 CBS News/CNN Sports Tonight boy who became a warrIor a horse who became a hero 8 50 Dynasty 7 05 Peter Gunn/Hlghway To Heaven and Gen Custer who became a legend bUIlds to the cllmax 9 40 "Dog And Cat" 8 20 St Elsewhere of one of AmerIca's most herOIC -- and tragIC -- moments 10 55 CNN News/Nlghtl~ne 9 20 Cagney & Lacey the battle at LIttle BIg Horn 11 55 TonIght Show 10 10 "Mae West" -AFTV pr~gra;s-s~bJect-t~ change- - 11 30 Larry KIng ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 10, HOURGLASS FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE ShowbIZ Kwajalein Roi-Namur Saturday Saturday No More Apologies Hee Haw Hee Hawers are JOIned by Loretta Lynn, Hee Haw Hee Hawers are JOIned by Charley Pride. RonnIe McDowell and Sawyer Brown MUSIC RIders in the Sky, VIctoria Shaw and the For Sally Field "Always On My MInd" "Leona," "ThIS Much," MIllion Dollar Band MUSIC "RIde WIth 'Oh, Susannah" and "It's The Season" The WInd," "Chariots Of FIre," "Everything By SEAN MITCHELL "ADVENTURES OF NELLIE BLY " NellIe Bly, one of Could Happen," 'Do Lord," "Tonight The the world's most well-known JournalIsts, Bottle Let Me Down" and "NeedIng A Night Sally Field, the CalIfornIa Southerner, IS struggles WIth her male-domInated newspaper LIke ThIS" makIng apologIes for her offIce, whIch IS really run by a chaUVInIstIc edltor as she covers Sunday a large and pleasant office by the standards of the plIght of abused sweatshop workers and "EVITA PERON" Part 2 (1981 Drama) The conclu­ normal people but which may not be a layout to Inhuman condltlons In lnsane asylums in SIon of this fact-based drama chronicles match Jane's or JeSSIca's or GoldIe's or who in the 1880s Her aggreSSIve the years 1945-52 when Eva through her knows whose "Hollywood IS nothing If not about style gets her In trouble, but she gets marriage to President luan Peron, becomes appearances It's my first one," the actress her story every tIme LInda Purl, Gene first lady of ArgentIna and the most power­ says in its defense Barry, John Randolph, Ray Bukenlca, J D ful and loved woman in her country Faye It is a first-floor SUIte In Producers BUIld­ Cannon, ClIff Osmond Dunaway in a title role, 1ives a flamboyant ing 4, rIght down the hall from Stacy Keach at "THE ONION FIELD" (1979 Documentary/Drama) performance as Evita -- extraordinary the Burbank StudIOS and It comes equipped WIth ThIS IS a true story of a cop kililng A manIpulator of polItics, propaganda and modern furnIture, secretarles, typewrIters and pollceman IS shot to death In an onIon the emotions of the people ThIS made-for­ sunlIght compllments of ColumbIa PIctures, whIch patch near BakersfIeld, CalIf , In 1963 TV movie was based on the books "Evita -­ has Just released "Murphy's Romance" the fIrst HIS partner WItnesses the murder John FIrst Lady," by John Barnes, and "Eva Peron," movie to emerge from FIeld's 3-year-old Savage, Janes Woods, Ted Danson Ronny by NIcholas Fraser, and IS not related to FIlms company Cox Program VIew Alert Mature theme the Broadway musIcal' EVIta " Faye Dunaway, After plaYIng GIdget Sunday James Ferentlno, Pedro ArmendarIZ Jr , and the FlyIng Nun and "EVITA PERON" Part 1 (1981 Drama) Eva Duarte, ~igne Hasso, Katy Jurado JIgglIng her way born In 1919 and raIsed amld the squalor DAVID LETTERMAN DaVId's guests are a~tors th~ough all those Burt of rural ArgentIna, flees to Buenos AIres Robert UrIch and Judge ReInhold, comedIan Reynolds pictures, as a teen-ager to seek success In the Margaret Smlth, and the Paul Schaeffer FIeld IS an executive theater It's a vlctlmlzlng experIence Band now, In the current fashIon of mOVIe stars forCIng Eva to develop the steel WIll of a Monda~ surVIvor James Farentlno, MIchael Constan­ DONAHUE Transsexuals often face discrImInation who are gIven theIr own tIne, Robert Vlharo, Katy Jurado, Slgne not unlike blacks and other ethnIC groups corner of a StudIO to Hasso Jose Ferrer, RIta Moreno Four people who have undergone sex-reas­ read scripts, hold Monday SIgnment surgery discuss theIr experIences meetIngs and put proJ­ DONAHUE Is It ethIcal for polIce and detectIves WIth Donahue Program VIew Alert Mature ects In development for to develop personal reiatlonshlps or to use treme throughout themselves and, their ~J"t dlsgulses to entrap suspected crImInals? Tuesday landlords hope, for the ~ Donahue examlnes thIS questlon WIth guest~ DONAHUE Should the CIA's polItIcal assaSSIna- StudIO Clyde WIlson, owner of Clyde A WIlson tIon team be reVIved as a means to deal She has won the oscar ___S,...a_l_l_y_F_,_e_l_d __ _ InternatIonal Detective Agency, KIm Paris, WIth terrorIsts such as those who hijacked for best actress twice ln the last SlX years, a 23-year-old prIvate detectIve who romanced a TWA flight? Donahue's studio audience including thIS year for "Places In the Heart," a man Into confeSSIng hIS role In a hired and local viewers give theIr opinions on but she's also a remInder of how thIngs have murder, and Robert Blecker, a New York law thIS lively tdlk show changed SInce the day In 1942 when Warner Bros school professor Program VIew Alert "HELEN KELLER THE MIRACLE CONTINUES " (1983 suspended Bette DaVIS WIthout ~ay because she Mature theme throughout Bio/Drama) BlInd and deaf SInce Infancy, refused to appear In "God's County and the Wom­ Tuesdav Helen Keller could neIther speak nor com­ an DONAHUE to polltlcal spouses dwell In the prehend the dark and fearful world around "Murphy's Romance" began In this offIce, on shadows of theIr more publIcly vI~Ible her The Kellers hIred AnnIe SullIvan to the softly carpeted floor where she and her mates, or do they lead actIve suc(essful try to reach and control the young Helen, former partner, Laura Zlskln, sat one day and lIves of theIr own? Today Donahue examIneq and through AnnIe's determInatIon and dIscussed a short novel by Max Schott that Zlskln the lIfe of the WashIngton spouse WIth guest perSIstence, Helen emerged from her SIght­ had read Marty DaVIS WIfe of Robert DaVIS RepublI­ less and soundless world ThIS made-for-TV FIeld passed the novel on to the wrItIng team can congressman from MIchIgan, and others mOVIe focuses on the Lontlnuing relatIon­ of IrVIng Ravetch and HarrIet ~rank Jr , the "THE FBI STORY ALVIN KARPIS ' (1974 Documentary/ ShIP between the two women as Helen, WIth husband ~nd WIfe who wrote "Norma Rae" and have Drama) SubmachIne-gun blasts fIll the screen AnnIe's constdnt and devoted presence, been regularly suppllod WIth Ideas by FIeld ever as 1930s kIller AlVIn Karpls and hIS gang makes her way through college, eventually SInce "I take evervthlng to the Ravetches " she run rampant, kIdnappIng and robbIng banks WInnIng fame a~ a wrIter and lecturer says between delIcate bItes of an apple "About and traIns It takes J Edgar Hoover the Blythe Danner, Perry KIng, Mare WInnIngham, once a week, every Wednesday, I call up and say, new head of the FBI to naIl the (old-eyed Vera MIles Peter CushIng Jack Warden 'Hey guys, I've got somethIng else for )"ou '" hoodlum, but not before Karpls teams up WIth Wednesday NothIng proved workable untIl the Ravetches Ma Barker, a lady hood WIth a weaknesq for DONAHUE Should the record Indubtry label theIr came back WIth a screenplay about a recently whIte gloves, and her sons Robert Foxworth, products In the style ot the mOVIe Indus­ dlvorced woman who buys a rundown ranch In a Kay Lenz, EIleen Heckart, Cary Lockwood try so the publIC IS aware of what they are small ArIzona town and backs Into a romance WIth Anne FranCIS, HarrIS Yulln bUYIng I ThIS and more on today'~ Donahue an eccentrIC older man, played by James Garner Wednesday Program VIew Alert Mature theme throughout For Fleld It lS a varlatlon on the role of the DONAHUE StatIstICS Indlcdte that the abortIon MARCIANO" (1979 Blo/Drama) He was Rocco Mar­ scrappy, lndependent woman she has come to rep­ and pregnancy rates among U ~ teenq are cheglano born a shoemaker's son In 1924, resent both on and off screen SInce "Norma Rae " dramtlcally hIgher than those of teens In Brockton, Mass But the world knew hIm In her own mind, It was more than a varlatl0n In foreIgn countrIes -- yet the same as Rocky MarCIano, the ndme he took when The fact that Emma, her latest' character was statIstICS reveal that qexual actIVIty IS he became a pro fIghter In 1948 MarCIano a lIttle less scrappy and that the pIcture, di­ comparable In both groups Donahue takes an fought hIS WdY to the top knockIng out rected by MartIn Rltt, was relatIvely e,sy to In-depth look at the factors thdt account Jersey Joe Walcott In 1952 to WIn the world make actually scared her "I feel much more com­ for these dIfferences Program VIew Alert heavyweIght crown After SIX tItle de­ fortable when I'm in a great deal of paln the Mature theme throughout fenses and 49 profeSSIonal bouts, Rocky re­ entIre tIme we shoot If I can thInk 'agony,' "THE CHRONICLE OF 1812 " (Drama) ThIS Botlsh tired, the only heavyweIght champ to do so I feel better " verSIon of the battles along the CanadIan undefeated Tony Lo Blanco VIncent

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