~ .. , -_. ----~ (l) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 21 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JANUARY 3l, 1986 LARGE CHUNKS OF CHALLENGER, Reagan Mourns CAUSE OF EXPLOSION STUDIED Loss Of Crew In By HOWARD BENEDICT Aware of the posslbll1ty hu­ pOlntlng to a unlt that rescuers tv1emorial Service AP Aerospace Wrlter man remaIns m1ght be found, would open In case the shuttle CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla -- Spe­ NASA today 1ssued thIS state­ dItched at sea and was Intact By MICHAEL PUTZEL c1a11sts exam1ned at least f1ve ment InSIde the unIt are sWItches AP Whlte House Correspondent large chunks of shattered Chal­ "No comment wIll be made by that would permIt a rescue team HOUSTON -- PresIdent Reagan lenger's fuselage today, and NASA off1c1als today on any­ to shut down the ShlP'S elec­ today mourned the loss of "our stud1ed the poss1blllty that a thIng concernIng personal ef­ tronlC systems and blow the top seven star voyagers," blddlng blowtorch of flame from a SOlld­ fects or human remaIns out of off the cabIn them farewell whlle prom1s1ng fuel booster rocket trIggered respect for the astronauts' fam­ A member of one of the Inves­ Amerlca will forge ahead w1th the explOSIon that destroyed the ILIes " tlgatlon team panels who dId not an "effectIve, safe and effl­ shuttle and ItS crew The famILIes were attendIng want to be Identlfled sa1d, "The Clent but bold and commltted" OffICIals of the NatIonal Aer­ a memor1al serVIce today In Investlgatlon was slgnlflcantly space program onautIcs and Space Adm1nlstra­ Houston helped by the amount of space­ The pres1dent spoke at the tl0n were surprIsed that so many Some observers suggested craft parts recovered We had WIndswept outdoor memorlal af­ large pIeces survIved Tuesday's that the pressurIzed cabIn mIght worrIed that we would not come ter a prIvate meetIng lns1de fueball have burst durIng the explOSIon up wlth as many pIeces as we the Johnson Space Center WIth The SIze of the objects raIS­ and that the rema1ns of the as­ have, and we're anXIOUS to learn familles of the crew of the ed the possibility the pressur­ tronauts would not be found what the bIg object IS on the Challenger Ized module in WhICh the seven A NASA vIdeotape of the un- bottom " The ceremony was wItnessed astronauts rode mIght have sur­ 10ad1ng of debrIs from search The wreckage was spotted by more than 10,000 people -­ vIved the explOSIon and IS 1n­ ShIPS showed the Challenger's floatIng about 60 mIles north­ survlvors, NASA co-workers, tact at the bottom of the Atlan­ nose and part of the cabIn, east of Cape Canaveral, and It polltlclans, dlplomats and tIC parts of a cargo-bay door, and was hOIsted aboard the Coast frIends of the astronauts Sonar detected a very large sectIons of wIng and tall The Guard cutter Dallas Reagan compared the flve metal object on the ocean floor, largest p1ece of the latest MeanwhIle, doctors at Pat­ men and two women to the P10- 140 feet down, 1n the area f1nd was about 20 by 8 feet rIck Alr Force Base examIned a neers of the AmerIcan West, where the fuselage parts were IronIcally, on the sIde of fragment of bone and tIssue that "the sturdy souls who took d1scovered, and dIvers were pre­ the cabIn area was a yellow ar­ floated ashore to determ1ne If theIr famliles and theIr be­ pared to go down to look at 1t row, w1th the word "rescue" It belonged to any of the crew longIngs and set out Into the frontIer " "Often they met WIth terrI­ HAITIAN PRESIDENT DENIES Tremor Reported ble hardshlp," Reagan saId "Along the Oregon TraIL, you In Nine States can stIll see the grave mark­ COLLAPSE OF GOVERNMENT By CHARLOTTE PORTER ers of those who fell on the By ART CAN DELL Assoclated Press Wrlter way But grIef only steeled Assoclated Press Wrlter Duvaller had fled the country them to the Journey ahead and that hIS InformatIon wa~ A strong earthquake rumbled "Today the frontIer IS PORT-AU-PRINCE, HaItI based on a report from the U S beneath nIne Great Lakes and space and the boundarIes of Pres1dent-for-Llfe Jean-Claude Embassy In HaItI But U S of­ Oh10 Valley states, the DIS­ human knowledge," Reagan sa1d Duvaller, who declared a 30-day fIcIals later saId Duvaller ap­ trIct of ColumbIa, and Canada "SometImes, when we reach for state of sIege today, was on peared to be In control today Some damage was reported the stars, we fall short But the radIO to deny reports h1s Duvaller's state-of-slege but there were no reports of we must plck ourselves up government had collapsed WIt­ declaratIon follows the most InjUrIeS agaln and press on desp1te nesses saId Duvaller was seen sustaIned antI-government pro­ The quake was reported felt the paIn " drlv1ng through the capItal test In HaItI SInce the Duva­ In PennsylvanIa, Kentucky, At a ceremony brlng1ng to­ thIS mornIng ller dynasty was establlshed In OhIO, West VIrgInIa, Indlana, gether mourners from allover "My dear fr1ends Because of 1957 Duvaller assumed the Ililnols, Mlchlgan, New York the natlon to share theIr WIld rumors and nonsense CIrcu­ pres1dency upon the death of and WIsconSIn and as far north grIef WIth the vlct1ms' fam1- lated by good-for-nothIngs for hIS father, FranCOIS "Papa Doc" as Barrle, OntarIo lIes, Reagan saId, "Our na­ some tImes (S1C) now, I'm Duvaller, In 1971 The U S Geologlcal Survey tlon's loss 1S fIrst a pro­ obliged to take to the streets:' SIX people have been report­ In WashIngton, DC, estImated found personal loss to the he saId "The pres1dent 1S here, ed kIlled and at least 30 In­ that the quake, WhICh occurred famlly, frIends and loved ones strong, f1rm as a monkey's Jured SInce antl-Duvaller dem­ at 11 47 a m EST, had a magnI­ of our shuttle astronauts tall," accordIng to a tran­ onstratIons began Sunday In tude of SOon the Rlchter All of Amerlca stands beSIde scrIpt of the broadcast provId­ Cap Haltlen, Haltl's second­ scale of ground movement you 1n your t1me of sorrow " ed by the U S Embassy It was largest CIty of 60,000 people unclear whether the broadcast on the north coast was taped or lIve MaggIe Steber, a freelance WItnesses saId that Duva- photographer In Cap Haltlen, 11er, WIth heavy mILItary es­ saId the army called a curfew cort, rode through the streets thIS mornIng and used clubs of the capItal CIty at about and tear gas to get people off 9 a m the streets WhIte House spokesman Larry "I saw several InCIdents of Speakes, accompanyIng PresIdent the army hIttIng people WIth Reagan aboard A1r Force One to clubs to get them InSIde," she Houston, earlIer reported that saId In a telephone call to AP South Korean Diplomat Kidnapped In \Vest Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -­ when flve gunmen In a green Heav1ly armed gunmen kldnapped Mercedes Intercepted h1s car a South Korean dIplomat today about 50 yards from the embas­ after shootIng out the t1res of sy In Belrut's seafront Ramlet hIS car as he drove to work 1n al-Balda dlstrlct Moslem West BeIrut, a Lebanese The assallants, armed WIth army offICIal saId plstols and Sovlet-made AK-47 The offICIal and the South assault rlfles, shot out the Korean ForeIgn Mlnlstry In front tlres of Do's car Malou- Seoul IdentIfIed the dIplomat 11 saId the kldnappers forced as Do Chae-sung, 43, the South the dIplomat out of the vehI­ Korean Embassy's second secre­ cle at gunpolnt, bundled hlm tary and consul Into thelr car and sped off Lebanese authorltles had InI­ There was no Immedlate tIally sald the Vlctlm was cul­ clalm of responslbl11ty for Remembering Christa tural attache Sl Chang Du the abductlon, and neIther Leb­ Col Mun1r Maloull, ch1ef of anese authorltles nor offlClals Teacher-astronaut Chrlsta McAullffe and crew member Greg­ a speCIal Lebanese army force from the South Korean ForeIgn ory Jarvls rlde blcycles Jan 26 at Kennedy Space Center In charge of protectIng forelgn Mlnlstry clted a motlve Now, ln the aftermath of the shuttle tragedy, Amerlca remem­ embaSSIes In BeIrut, saId Do's Twelve other kldnap vlctlms bers Chrlsta See Page 4 (AP Laserphoto) abductIon occurred thlS mornlng are stlll mlsslng LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1986 C-7A Flight Schedule World Population Worship Services FIt Manl Dep Arr Manl Dep Arr CATHOLIC No Close KwaJ ROI Close ROI KwaJ Climbs To 4.9 Billion Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Monday through Frlday* WASHINGTON (AP) -- The world's popula­ 5 IS pm, Island Memorlal Chapel t10n clImbed to 4 9 b1ll1on 1n 1985, addIng Sunday Masses 1-2-3R 0620 0625 0650 0650 0655 0720 85 mllllon people -- the eqUIvalent of an­ 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel other MeXICO -- the Populatlon Instltute 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel 4R 0720 0725 0750 REMAIN AT ROI reported Thursday 11 15 am, R01-Namur CommunIty Center The world's populatlon lS expected to Monday-FrIday Masses 5R 0720 0725 0750 0750 0755 0820 reach the 5 blillon mark by mld-1987 and 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel 6 bllllon by the end of thlS century, ac­ Confesslons 6R 0720 0725 0750 CARGO AS REQUIRED cord1ng to the Washlngton-based populatlon Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacra­ study group ment Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, 7R CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Although populatIon growth rates have call 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call decllned slIghtly ln recent years, that has 84535 beforehand 8R 1225 1230 1255 1255 1300 1325 been offset by the overall Increase ln slze, SInce a larger number of people can produce CHURCH OF CHRIST 9R AIRCRAFT DEP ROI 1540 1545 1610 many offsprlng despIte seemlngly low rates, Sunday worshlp 1S held at 9 a m In Inst1tute offlclals sald Room 20, George Seltz School Vls1tors are lOR CARGO 1445 1510 1540 1545 1610
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