Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan 2009

Map of Parish Boundary

Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan



The reason for the preparation of the Community Plan is the necessity to inform the County Council, District Council, Primary Care Trust and all other agencies who provide services in the North West part of about the requirements of the parish. When any organisation is making policy it now refers to published documents that have been prepared by all other organisations representing residents of a particular area before it decides on the policy that it will adopt. The Community Plan was prepared by way of a questionnaire which was delivered to every household in the parish in the summer of 2008. The answers to the questionnaires were analysed and from that it has been possible to ascertain what peoples requirement are for services. By the very nature of the way the Plan was prepared it is at best “a snap shot in time” of the issues that were concerning people on the date that they filled in the questionnaire. It will therefore be necessary to re-new the Community Plan in five years time. If you disagree with any of the items that have been raised in the Community Plan please contact Kirkbampton Parish Council who will pass your concerns to the appropriate authorities. The plan is in two parts, the first part includes a narrative on the issues and an action plan while part 2 contains the results of the questionnaire.

Kirkbampton Church

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During the Norman settlement Kirkbampton was part of the Barony of Burgh. The Barony was sold in1685 to Sir John Lowther.

The church in Kirkbampton is dedicated to St Peter and dates from 1194. It has an early Norman style of chancel arch. Stones from Hadrian‟s Wall may have been used in the construction of the church.

Kirkbampton Church

The parish is very close to the border with Scotland, during the 16th century this was wild country and raiding by reivers from across the border was commonplace.

One such raider by the name of Boothill, whose body lies in Kirkbampton church yard, had his head severed from his body by a Kirkbampton man called Hody.

There are still the remains of numerous defensive works from this period around the parish. The largest of these was located south of Kirkbampton village on rising ground commanding an extensive view along the shores of the Solway. It consisted of a strong enclosure covering more than an acre and it was surrounded by ramparts.

No evidence of exists on present day maps so the most likely site is at Watchtree Nature Reserve where construction of Aerodrome in 1942 necessitated the levelling of a large area of land.

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Issues affecting Kirkbampton Parish


General The questionnaire revealed that the people of the Parish are concerned about its appearance. The majority of respondents thought that everyone was responsible for protecting the environment. Sixteen people said that they would volunteer for environmental improvement schemes such as tree planting. Thirty people would be prepared to take part in a clean-up of the area once or twice a year.

Litter and dog dirt Litter and rubbish dumping across the Parish has been highlighted by many respondents. Dog dirt is a health hazard and it spoils pavements and verges, it was a concern of 25 respondents.

Verges Twenty respondents considered that the grass verges around the Parish are poorly maintained.

Pavements Some pavements and public rights of way are neglected or they are in a poor state of repair reducing people‟s enjoyment of the area.

Utility poles Utility poles and overhead cables were considered by 10 out of 33 respondents to spoil the appearance of the area.

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Roads and Traffic

Vehicles exceeding speed limits This is major concern of people with 71% stating it was a problem. Residents are aware that a significant number of vehicles travel in excess of the prescribed speed limit and that nothing is being done about it.

22 out of 45 people are in favour of speed indicators while 19 want speed cameras. 16 think additional signage would help and 13 want traffic calming zones. Speed humps were the choice of 6 people

Danger spots on roads Overall 56% of respondents thought that there were danger spots on the roads in the Parish these include, parked cars in the centre of Kirkbampton, speeding in and on the main road at .

In particular, the discontinuous pavements in Kirkbampton are a danger because pedestrians proceeding along the village must either step into the road or cross over, the danger is more pronounced when this is combined with vehicles exceeding the speed limit, one third of respondents considered this to be a serious problem and 13% thought it was a danger.

State of repair of roads 3 respondents considered them to be in a good state of repair, 23 thought they were okay but an overwhelming 43 thought they were in a poor state of repair.

Street lighting While many respondents (63%) considered that the street lighting was satisfactory 26% thought it was poor. 37% thought more street lighting was required while 53% said no more lights were needed. Regarding the location of more street lights the main road at Kirkbampton and Little Bampton village in general were identified.

Cycle paths To consult with interested parties about the viability of obtaining a cycle route or lane alongside the main road.

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Police presence People generally felt that there was little crime in the Parish, however when asked to describe the service offered by the Police in the area 4.5% thought it was good, 22.5% thought it okay while 24% though it poor, the remainder did not know. In general 65% of 55 replies thought that the Police presence was too light.

97% of 70 respondents do not know who their community police officer is.

Local Services

Primary/community health care services While most respondents never had any difficulty getting to health care facilities such as hospital, doctor‟s surgery, chemist, dentist, optician etc, a significant number said they would use locally provided health care services.

Public Transport and Communication

Bus service Of those people who use the bus service 42% considered it essential and 27% thought it was important to the community. The bus routes to and from the area only meet the needs of 14% of the 58 respondents.

Broadband connection 26% of the 27 respondents could not get a broadband connection at their property because of where they live.

Young People

Lack of activities The survey showed that the majority of people who responded thought that there were not enough appropriate activities for young people of all ages in the Parish.


The question “If money was no object what do you think would improve living in the parish?” received many suggestions, a sample being:

Suggestion Number out 82 replies from 72 respondents Shop 11 Pub 11 Youth club 6 Post Office 5 Buses to all villages 5 Park 4 Kirkbampton – good public transport 4

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Theme Issue Action Priority Timescale Lead Body Monitored by

Environment There is concern about litter, There is a need to provide doggy Low 1 to 2 Borough Council PC rubbish dumping and dog dirt. bags and place litter bins in worst years Harry Dyke(CEO) affected areas. Environment The appearance of the area is Carry out regular maintenance such Low 1 year ABC - Harry Dyke(CEO) PC spoiled by poorly maintained as cutting and removing litter. verges within villages. Environment The enjoyment of the area is Repair or up-grade pavements and Medium 1 year Cumbria County Council PC spoiled by the poor state of public rights of way to an acceptable Jill Stannard (Acting CEO) pavements and public rights of state. way. Environment The appearance of the area is Put the overhead cables Low 5 to 10 United Utilities PC spoiled by utility poles and underground. years overhead cables within villages. Roads and Vehicles exceeding the speed Police to increase speed checks. High 1 year Cumbria Constabulary and PC Traffic limit within built up areas is CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting Paint speed limit on roads. potentially dangerous. CEO) Provide permanent speed indicator devices.

Roads and A major danger spot is identified Provide pavements. High 1 to 2 CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting PC Traffic as the lack of pavements years CEO) particularly on main roads in villages.

Roads and The state of repair of the roads Carry out repairs. Medium 1 year CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting PC Traffic in the area is considered poor. CEO)

Roads and There is a complete lack of cycle Investigate the possibility of providing Medium 5 to 10 ABC - Harry Dyke(CEO) PC Traffic paths within the parish cycle paths within the parish. years

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Roads and Parked cars obstructing Enforcement of law regarding driving High 1 year Cumbria Constabulary and PC Traffic pavements is considered to be a on pavements. ABC - Harry Dyke(CEO) danger to pedestrians.

Roads and There are areas within villages Request CCC to carry out light Low 1 to 2 CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting PC Traffic where the street lighting is poor. measurements to confirm levels meet years CEO) statutory requirements. Community There is little consultation about Produce a Community Plan. Medium 1 year KPPWG PC the needs of the community

Community Many people feel that police Increase police presence and advise Medium 6 months PC – John Lightowler PC presence is too light and few community police officers name and (Clerk) and Cumbria know the name of the contact details in parish magazine. Constabulary community police officer

Local Services Some people find it difficult to Arrange for surgeries to be held in Medium 1 to 2 NHS PC get to primary care providers Kirkbampton Village Hall on a regular years and who like these services to basis. be available locally

Public The bus service is important to Carry out survey to establish what Low 2 to 5 CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting PC Transport and the community although some the timetable should be. years CEO) Communication people find the timetable poor

Public Some properties within the Improve broadband provision to more Medium 2 top 5 BT PC Transport and Parish cannot obtain a remote communities. years Communication broadband connection Young People There is a lack of activities for Provide more local activities for Medium PC 1 to 2 CCC - Jill Stannard (Acting young people of all ages up to young people. Encourage local years CEO) the age of 16years. agencies and volunteers to provide service.s ABC - Harry Dyke(CEO)

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Pub at Little Bampton note utility poles

Kirkbampton Parish

Kirkbampton Parish is a small parish of some 470 people living in approximately 200 dwellings, located in the county of Cumbria between 6 and 8miles west of the city of . The parish extends over about 5 square miles.


The parish includes the villages of Kirkbampton, Little Bampton and Oughterby, together with the hamlets of Flat, Studholme and Ploughlands.

Neighbouring parishes include Burgh by Sands, Kirkbride, Aikton and Great Orton.

Local services for the parish are provided by Allerdale Borough Council which has its headquarters in Workington, which is 35 miles from the parish. The nearest council office is in the market town of .

Kirkbampton Parish is wholly within the Parliamentary Constituency of Penrith and the Border

There is one public house located at Little Bampton and one church at Kirkbampton.

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The main business in the parish is farming.

Baling straw.

Other businesses include a garage, building contractors, landscape gardeners and computer services.

The majority of people commute to their place of work outside the parish.

The school in Kirkbampton provides pre-school and nursery facilities and primary education. The school serves the local community as well as providing education for children from further afield.

Beef Cattle.

What is a Community Plan?

A Community Plan is three things:  It is a document setting out what local people value in their community, and what they would like to change.  It is an Action Plan for projects to achieve local aspirations with local people.  It is a process which the community goes through, a process which has its own value quite apart from the document it produces. In November 2000 the Government‟s Rural White Paper „Our Countryside –The Future‟ launched the concept of Community Plans and outlined their purpose which was to:  set out a vision of what is important.  find how to preserve valued local features and to map out the facilities.

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 which the community needs to safeguard for the future.  identify key facilities and services  set out the problems that need to be tackled and demonstrate how distinctive character and features can be preserved.

Background to Kirkbampton Community Plan

In 2007 Kirkbampton Parish Council held a public meeting to introduce the concept of the need to develop a Community Plan. Community Plans have no formal status but they can be used to influence a wide range of organisations that provide services and funding to rural communities. The Parish was to be involved with creating a Community Plan along the lines of those produced by other parishes throughout Cumbria.

Sculpture at Reserve

At a subsequent meeting people were asked to volunteer to form a new independent group to develop the Community Plan and Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan Working Group was formed to produce a Community Plan to highlight local needs and aspirations, with a view to developing and implementing local projects/services to improve the quality of rural life. The role of Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan Working Group was to raise awareness of the purpose of Community Plans, to design a questionnaire to send out to all households in the parish to ascertain the views, needs and aspirations of local people. The Group used the information collected to prepare and publish a Community Plan for Kirkbampton Parish. In early 2008 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan Working Group prepared a cost estimate for the production of the Community Plan and submitted to Cumbria County Council in March 2008. The application was approved in May 2008.

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Apart from funding from Cumbria County Council contributions were also made by the Parish Council A Community Plan questionnaire was developed and distributed to 200 households within the Parish. There were 72 returned questionnaires which equates to approximately 36%. This is about average of parishes in . All the information from the questionnaires has been used to develop the Community Plan.

Oughterby Green.

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Analysis of Replies.

The total number of completed questionnaires collected was 72.

The analysis of the responses is shown below. The answers include those where there was a zero returned mainly to show that such requirements or facilities do not exist within the parish. Some questions include comments made, but these are limited to those that it is felt add constructively to the Plan.

Contents of this section

1. HOUSEHOLDS ...... 14 2. ENVIRONMENT ...... 18 3. ROADS and TRAFFIC ...... 20 4. COMMUNITY ...... 22 5. LOCAL SERVICES ...... 26 6. PUBLIC TRANSPORT and COMMUNICATION ...... 33 7. CHILDRENS‟ FACILITIES ...... 36 8. GENERAL ...... 38

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1.1. Where do you live?

Flat 1 Kirkbampton 47 Little Bampton 9 Longrigg 2 Oughterby 10 Ploughlands 1 Studholme 2

There were 72 replies to this question. 1.2. How many people in your household including yourself are in the following age groups?

0-4yrs 5-10yrs 11-15yrs 16-18yrs 18-25yrs 25-60yrs 60-75yrs 75+yrs 1 6 6 8 2 6 10 7 8 2 1 5 4 0 4 33 11 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1.3. What is the main form of transport used by household members?

Adults attending Adults not in Students Aged Children up to work work 16+ 16 On foot 5 3 0 1 By bicycle 2 1 0 0 By motorcycle 0 0 0 0 By bus 1 1 1 6 By car 43 20 1 2 Other 4 0 0 0 Not applicable 2 0 2 0 1.4. Do you live in?

House 51.4% Bungalow 47.2% Purpose built flat 0.0% Maisonette 0.0% Bedsit 0.0% Mobile Home 0.0% Sheltered 0.0% Other 1.4%

There were 72 replies to this question.

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1.5. Is your home?

Being bought with a mortgage 35.7% Part of a shareholding co-operative 0.0% Shared equity part-owned part-rented 1.4% Rented and tied to your job 0.0% Rented from an RSL/Housing Association 1.4% Rented from a Local 0.0% Privately rented 2.9% Owned outright Other 1.4% 57.1%

There were 70 replies to this question. 1.6. Which of the following amenities does your property have?

Central heating in all rooms 62 Central heating in some 7 Mains electricity 64 Mains gas 1 Mains Drainage 48

1.7. How well do the following amenities in your home meet your needs?

Adequate Not adequate Don't know Replies Cooking facilities 100.0% 71 Laundry facilities 100.0% 71 Bathroom 100.0% 71 Toilet 98.6% 1.4% 70 Garden/yard 95.8% 4.2% 71 Bedrooms 97.2% 2.8% 71 Off road parking 92.9% 5.7% 1.4% 70 1.8. Does your property have any of the following energy saving features?

None of these 0 Solar energy 1 Cavity wall insulation 32 Lagged hot water tank 49 Loft insulation 61 Secondary glazing 2 Double glazing 70 Triple glazing 0

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1.9. Which of the following, if any, is a problem in your home?

Poor heating/inadequate hot water 1 Flooding / Drainage 3 Electrical wiring/too few plug sockets 4 Plumbing 0 General disrepair 0 Wall-tie failure 1 Draughty windows/doors 6 Leaking roof 1 Noise 5 Damp/condensation 10

There were 31 replies from 20 respondents. 1.10. What sort of home would you like?

House Bungalow 41.2% 56.9% Flat 0.0% Maisonette 0.0% Residential/nursing home 0.0% Housing adapted for disabilities 0.0% Sheltered housing 0.0% Supported housing 0.0% Bedsit 0.0% Other 2.0%

There were 51 replies to this question. 1.11. How many bedrooms do you need?

1 2 2 14 Bedrooms 3 29 needed 4 9 5 1 Over 5 0

There were 55 replies to this question. 1.12. If cheaper housing were available would those members of your family that have moved away from the parish be likely to return?

34.0% 31.9% 34% There were 47 replies to this question.

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1.13. Are any members of your household living with you because they cannot find or afford alternative accommodation of their own?

12.1% 87.9% There were 66 replies to this question. 1.14. Are you concerned about any of the following?

Poor air quality 4 Poor water quality 5 Litter/rubbish dumping 26 Dog dirt/fouling 25 Flooding 4 Traffic Noise 5 Stray dogs 6 Graffiti 1

There were 75 replies from 37 respondents. 1.15. Would you prefer to keep the weekly collection of general rubbish from your home?

95.8% 4.2% There were 71 replies to this question.

1.16. Do you think there are enough specific play areas near you?

60.9% 39.1% There were 64 replies to this question.

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2.1. Do you feel that any of the following spoil the appearance of this area?

Utility poles 10 Poorly maintained paths/pavements 14 Poorly maintained verges 20 Untidy gardens/yards 4 Poorly maintained properties 3 Boarded up houses 1

There were 52 replies from 33 respondents. 2.2. Would you say that any of the following are a serious problem in your area?

Uneven pavements 13 Poor street lighting 11 Lack of cycle paths 11 Discontinuous footpaths 16 Motorbike riding - Joy riding 2 Traffic travelling too fast 39 Nowhere to park/illegal parking 3 Traffic noise 4 Lack of safe places to cross roads 2 Heavy traffic 10

There were 111 replies from 49 respondents. Comment.  The roads in this parish are a disgrace, but no-one, apparently seems to want to know or do anything about it. 2.3. To what extent do you think should the following be responsible for protecting the environment in this area?

Completely Partly Not Replies Don't know responsible responsible responsible Residents 28.6% 69.0% 0.0% 2.4% 42 Local community 15.8% 71.1% 2.6% 10.5% 38 groups The Council 46.2% 51.9% 0.0% 1.9% 52 The 5% 1% 0% 4% 42 Government Everyone 53.2% 40.4% 0.0% 6.4% 47

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2.4. Would you be prepared to become involved as a volunteer with environmental improvement schemes, such as tree planting?

27.3% 72.7% There were 66 replies to this question. 2.5. If the answer to above was 'Yes', where would you like to see trees planted?

School field 14.3% Near Kirkbampton c/w preservation order 14.3% Large areas of public grass 14.3% Flat Green 14.3% Finglandrigg 14.3% Depends on permission 14.3% Anywhere 14.3% Don't know 28.6%

There were 9 replies to this question. Comments. There were other comments regarding trees and where they could be planted.

 Anywhere they can go, trees are wonderful and are very beneficial to the environment both locally, nationally & globally.  In the school field as replacements for those that have been vandalised.  On the green at the Flat.  In existing nearby woods with a preservation order on existing trees for nesting birds and red squirrels.

2.6. Would you be prepared to take part in a clean-up of the area once or twice a year?

44.8% 32.8% 22.4% There were 67 replies to this question.

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3.1. What do you think about the state of repair of the footpaths such as across open land and pavements in this area?

Good 6 Okay 27 Poor 11 There are no local paths 11 Don't know 13

3.2. What do think about the state of repair of the roads in this area?

Good 3 Okay 23 Poor 43 Don't know 1 3.3. Do you think there are any major 'danger spots' on the roads in this area?

56.5% 32.25% 11.25% There were 62 replies to this question. 3.4. Where are the major 'danger spots' on the roads in your area?

Centre of Kirkbampton 2 Dangerous driving in Kirkbampton 2 Garage in Kirkbampton 4 Lack of footpaths in Kirkbampton 5 Main Road in Kirkbampton 4 Near School in Kirkbampton 3 Parked cars in Kirkbampton 2 State of road in Kirkbampton 1 Syke Road in Kirkbampton 1 West end of Kirkbampton village 2 Kirkbampton to Oughterby road 1 Mud on road in Little Bampton 1 Speeding at Little Bampton 2 Bend at Outerby 1 Crossroads for Wigton at Outerby 1 Fisher Gill Crossroads at Outerby 1 Main Road at Outerby 2 Road at Ploughlands 1 Studholme to Finglandrigg Lane bend 1 Studholme Bridge 1

There were 38 replies to this question.

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3.5. Is speeding traffic a problem in your area?

71.0% 27.5% 1.5% There were 69 replies to this question. 3.6. If the answer to the previous question was 'Yes', what measures would you like to see used?

Speed indicators shows vehicle speed 22 Speed cameras 19 Additional signs 16 Traffic calming zones 13 Speed Bumps 6

There were 76 replies from 45 respondents. Comment. Speed Cameras[sic] (Indicators). Already in operation on a 10 weekly cycle, to little effect. 3.7. How would you describe the effectiveness of street lighting in this area?

Good Okay Poor None Don't know 27.1% 35.7% 25.7% 10.0% 1.4%

There were 70 replies to this question.

3.8. Do you think more street lighting is needed in your area?

36.8% 52.9% 10.3% There were 68 replies to this question. 3.9. Where in your area do you think more street lighting is required?

Back roads 1 Holly Bush Farm 1 Kirkbampton Main Road 6 Kirkbampton Outskirts 1 Kirkbampton Side Roads 1 Kirkbampton to Thurstonfield 5 Little Bampton at Bottom of village 1 Little Bampton – General 2 Little Bampton on Village Green 1 None 2 Studholme Bridge 1

There were 22 replies to this question.

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4.1 Whilst living in your present home have you had a major disagreement with your neighbours about any of the following issues?

Fences/walls between properties 5.6% Behaviour/attitude 3.7% Children 1.9% Animals 1.9% Car parking 1.9% Noise 3.7% 85.2% No major disagreements Other 1.9%

There were 54 replies to this question. 4.2. Do any of the following make it difficult for you to visit friends or relatives who live outside this neighbourhood?

Family/friends live too far away 31.0% Caring for an elderly/sick person 3.4% Lack of support with child care 10.3% No time 20.7% Cost of transport 31.0% Lack of public transport 41.4% Lack of private transport 3.4% Other 10.3%

There were 44 replies from 29 respondents. 4.3. Do you play an active part in any of the following groups?

Sports/social club 14.3% Place of worship 37.1% Youth activities/club 8.6% Village Hall 14.3% Parent and toddlers/play group 17.1% School governing body/PTA 17.1% Self-help/support group/pressure group 2.9% Local Neighbourhood Watch scheme 8.6% Residents'/tenants' association 0.0% Other 25.7%

There were 51 replies from 35 respondents.

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4.4. Which of the following have you done in the past twelve months?

Done some voluntary work 52.5% Stood for election in any organisation 12.5% Attended a public meeting 45.0% Signed a petition 35.0% Contacted a Member of Parliament 7.5% Contacted a local councillor 25.0%

There were 71 replies from 40 respondents. 4.5. Have you ever been consulted about any of the needs of your local community?

43.3% 56.7% There were 60 replies to this question. 4.6. Which of the following is a problem in your area?

Conflict between young and old 0 Graffiti 0 Poor street lighting 12 Car parking 9 Traffic travelling too fast 37 Gangs of youths hanging around 3 Theft of and from cars/vehicles 2 Noise 2 Vandalism to property/cars 2 Burglary 0

There were 67 replies from 44 respondents. 4.7. Which of the following bother you at all in your area?

Broken paving stones pavements 6.9% Traffic noise 5.2% Dog noise and mess 25.9% Noisy neighbours 0.0% Street lighting 24.1% None of these 53.4%

There were 67 replies from 58 respondents.

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4.8. How many times has anyone attempted to break into your home in the last 12 months?

None 98.5% Once 1.5% Twice 0.0% 3 or more times 0.0%

There were 67 replies to this question.

4.9. Where do you and your family members usually park your car(s) at night?

On the street outside my home 3 On the street some distance from my home 0 On the footpath 2 In a garage 24 On my drive/property 52 Other 1

There were 82 replies from 69 respondents. 4.10. How many times has anyone deliberately damaged or defaced your home or property in the last twelve months, including your vehicle?

None 97.1% Once 2.9% Twice 0.0% 3 or more times 0.0% There were 69 replies to this question. 4.11. Do you have any special locks or other security devices in your home to protect yourself against crime?

74.2% 25.8% There were 66 replies to this question. 4.12. Do you suffer as a result of any of the following anti-social behaviour?

Racism 0.0% Victimising people 0.0% Violence 0.0% Nuisance to others 50.0% Verbal abuse 25.0% Threatening … 0.0% Vandalism 25.0% Graffiti 0.0%

There were 4 replies to this question.

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4.13. How would you describe the service offered by the Police in this area?

Good Okay Poor Don't know 4.5% 22.7% 24.2% 48.5% There were 66 replies to this question. 4.14. Do you think the police presence in this area is:

About right 32.7% Too light 65.5% 1.8% Too heavy There were 55 replies to this question. 4.15. On average how often do you see the police in this area?

Several times a day 0.0% Once or twice a day 0.0% Once or twice a week 2.9% Once or twice a month 1.4% Several times a month 1.4% Hardly ever 63.8% Never 29.0% Don't know 1.4%

There were 69 replies to this question. 4.16. Do you know who your community police officer is?

2.9% 97.1% There were 70 replies to this question. 4.17. Do you think your area needs a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme?

Yes No Already got one Don't know 30.8% 13.8% 18.5% 36.9% There were 65 replies to this question. 4.18. Would you be interested in joining a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme?

Yes No Already a member 50.0% 37.9% 12.1 There were 58 replies to this question.

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5.1. Have you used any of the following services in the last twelve months, and if so, how would you rate them?

Number of Good Okay Poor Not Used replies Home care 2.7% 0.0% 0.0% 97.3% 37 Meals on 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 35 wheels Respite care 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 35 Day centre 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 35 Occupational 2.9% 2.9% 0.0% 94.3% 35 therapy Aids and 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 97.1% 35 adaptations Support from 0.0% 5.6% 0.0% 94.4% 36 social worker Social services 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 35 nursery Education 26.3% 0.0% 2.6% 71.1% 36 Other social 2.6% 5.3% 0.0% 92.1% 35 services 5.2. How would you rate access for disabled people in the following places?

Number of Good Okay Poor Not Used replies Nearest shops 3.9% 15.7% 25.5% 54.9% 51 including mobile shops GP/health 28.3% 19.6% 2.2% 50.0% 46 centre Village Hall 70.7% 8.6% 0.0% 20.7% 56 Local 56.0% 12.0% 0.0% 32.0% 50 schools Ramps on footpaths for 11.8% 19.6% 15.7% 52.9% 51 mobility scooters

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5.3. Are you caring for an elderly or long-term sick or disabled person on a regular basis?

7.5% 92.5% There were 67 replies to this question. 5.4. What sort of things do you do for them?

Bathing/toilet 2 Dressing 2 Housework 2 Cooking 3 Shopping 4 Feeding 0 Getting around the house 1 Friendship and support 2 Trips out 3 Other 1

There were 20 replies from 6 respondents. 5.5. On average how many hours a day does this involve?

1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-8 hours 9-16 hours 17-24 hours 0 2 3 0 1 There were 6 replies to this question. 5.6. If you receive support as a carer where does this support come from?

Social Services 1 Carers' group 0 Partner 3 Other family/relatives 3 Friends/neighbours 0 Voluntary group 0 Other 0

There were 7 replies from 4 respondents.

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5.7. Which, if any, of the following would make life easier for you as a carer?

More money 3 More support from Social Services 1 Someone to share the work with 0 More time off from caring 1 Better advice and information 1 More aids and adaptations 0 A carers' support group 0 Greater recognition of the work involved 0 Other 0 None 3

There were 8 replies from 6 respondents. 5.8. Do you ever have any difficulty getting to the following?

Number of Often Occasionally Never replies Hospital 6.5% 8.7% 84.8% 46 Doctor 8.2% 12.2% 79.6% 49 Chemist 4.4% 11.1% 84.4% 45 Dentist 4.3% 10.9% 84.8% 46 Optician 2.5% 10.0% 87.5% 40 Chiropodist 3.1% 6.3% 90.6% 32 Ante/Post 4.8% 0.0% 95.2% 21 Natal Other medical 3.8% 3.8% 92.3% 26 facility 5.9. Which of the following primary/community health services would you use if they were available locally?

GP/health centre 62.2% Health visitor/community nurse 22.2% Dentist 62.2% Family planning 0.0% Ante-natal clinic 0.0% Baby/child health clinic 4.4% Community midwife 0.0% Counselling/community psychiatric nurse 0.0% Chiropodist 28.9% Optician 55.6% There were 45 replies to this question. 5.10. Are you registered with an NHS dentist?

44.1% 55.9% There were 68 replies to this question.

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5.11. If you are not registered with an NHS dentist why is this?

Never seen the need 2.8% Have not got round to it 2.8% No dentist close enough 2.8% Dentist not taking new patients 11.1% Cannot afford the charges 5.6% Use non NHS dentist 75.0% Other 11.1%

There were 36 replies to this question. 5.12. On average how often do you visit the dentist?

Every six months 77.1% Every twelve months 14.3% Less than this 2.9% Never 5.7%

There were 70 replies to this question. 5.13. On average how often do your children visit the dentist?

Every six months 87.1% Every twelve months 6.5% Less than this 6.5% There were 32 replies to this question. 5.14. Do you ever have difficulty paying for dental treatment?

Often 8.2% Occasionally 9.8% Never 82.0%

There were 61 replies to this question. 5.15. How easy is it to get from your home to the following facilities?

Very Don't Not Very easy Okay Replies difficult know applicable Village Hall 72.7% 21.2% 3.0% 0.0% 3.0% 66 Local school 67.8% 13.6% 3.4% 0.0% 15.3% 59 Mobile Library 46.0% 12.0% 2.0% 18.0% 22.0% 50 Mobile Post 46.2% 15.4% 1.9% 11.5% 25.0% 52 Office Work 55.8% 23.1% 5.8% 0.0% 15.4% 52 Secondary 25.0% 20.5% 6.8% 6.8% 40.9% 44 school/college

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 29 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan

5.16. How easy is it to get from your home to the following facilities?

Very Don't Not Very easy Okay Replies difficult know applicable Supermarkets 29.9% 52.2% 13.4% 0.0% 4.5% 67 Local shops 22.4% 44.8% 15.5% 1.7% 15.5% 58 Post Office 25.0% 45.0% 20.0% 0.0% 10.0% 60 Bus stop 41.9% 19.4% 19.4% 3.2% 16.1% 62 Public 38.7% 21.0% 12.9% 8.1% 19.4% 62 telephone 5.17. Which clubs or community centres do you use? Include those outside of the local area. i.e. Wigton

Aspatria RUFC 1 Kirkbampton Village Hall 14 Beavers 1 Morton Manor Carlisle 3 Burgh School 1 Morton Pool 1 Carlisle - Botcherby CC 1 None 13 Carlisle - St Herberts 1 NTCT 1 Carlisle Bridge Club 1 Oulton Village Hall 1 Carlisle Health Club 1 Rugby Club, Wigton 1 Carlisle Rambling Club 1 Silloth Golf Club 2 Christian Youth Club Carlisle 1 Tennis 1 Dalston Junior Football Club 1 Wetheral 1 Dalston Village Hall 4 Wigton CC 1 Inglewood, Wigton 1 There were 54 replies to this question. 5.18. Would you like the facilities of the local school to be made available to the local community outside of school hours?

27.6% 20.7% 51.7% There were 58 replies to this question.

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 30 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan

5.19. How important is/are the schools to the local community?

Very important 81.5% Important 13.8% Not important 1.5% Don't know 3.1%

There were 65 replies to this question. 5.20. How important is pre and after school care to your choice of school?

Extremely important 34.0% Good to have, but not essential 40.4% Would not consider it 6.4% Don’t know 19.1%

There were 47 replies to this question. 5.21. Which of the following would you use for advice or information?

Internet 43 Police 15 Place of worship 7 GP/Health centre 25 Town hall 7 Social Services office 5 Housing office 1 Village Hall 13 CAB/Local advice centre 18 Library 29

There were 163 replies from 60 respondents. 5.22. Do you think you get adequate information about local services?

65.2% 34.8% There were 66 replies to this question. 5.23. If a local service was available to advise people, would you use it?

49.3% 13.4% 37.3% There were 67 replies to this question.

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 31 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan

5.24. Where do you usually do your food shopping?

At local shops include mobile shop 17 At a city centre supermarket 29 At an out-of-town supermarket 48 On-line shopping 12 Other 2

There were 108 replies from 70 respondents. 5.25. Do any of the following cause you problems when shopping locally? This includes Wigton.

Not enough shops/poor range of shops 43.60% Poor choices in shops 33.30% High prices 3.80% Difficult to get to shops 30.80%

There were 63 replies from 39 respondents. 5.26. Do you think the local shops offer a good choice of food and other goods and that they are reasonably priced?

44.8% 27.6% 27.6% There were 58 replies to this question. 5.27. If there was a shopping service for the elderly & disabled, would you use it?

12.0% 48.0% 40.0% There were 50 replies to this question. 5.28. How often do you go into Carlisle?

More than 3 times 40.0% 2-3 times a week 20.0% Once a week 0.0% Less than once a week 17.1% Never 2.9%

There were 70 replies to this question.

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 32 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan


6.1. Would you be prepared to car share, or participate in a Voluntary Social Car Scheme?

11.9% 56.7% 31.3%

There were 67 replies to this question. 6.2. What is the main form of transport that you use?


2.9% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4%

Car Bus Walk Cycle Taxi Other Not applicable

There were 69 replies to this question. 6.3. What is the main form of transport that is used to take your children to school/nursery?


22.0% 14.0% 8.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Car Bus Walk Cycle Taxi Other Not applicable

There were 50 replies to this question. 6.4. What is the main form of transport that you use to travel to work?

55.9% 33.9%

0.0% 0.0% 6.8% 1.7% 0.0% 1.7%

Car Bus Train Walk Cycle Taxi Other Not applicable

There were 59 replies to this question.

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 33 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan

6.5. Do you regularly experience transport difficulties in getting out of this parish to other places?

11.5% 88.5% There were 61 replies to this question. 6.6. How would you rate the availability of public transport?

Number of Good Okay Poor Don't know replies 1.5% 12.1% 74.2% 12.1% 66 6.7. How important is the bus service to your community?

Essential 42.4% Important 27.3% Not important 4.5% Do not use the bus 25.8%

There were 66 replies to this question. 6.8. How do you rate the following aspects of the bus service?

Good Okay Poor Don't know Replies Route 28.8% 21.2% 15.4% 34.6% 52 Timetable 0.0% 9.6% 57.7% 32.7% 52 Reliability 10.2% 22.4% 18.4% 49.0% 51 Cost 8.3% 16.7% 25.0% 50.0% 48 Friendliness 14.3% 26.5% 2.0% 57.1% 49 of drivers Waiting 6.1% 12.2% 34.7% 46.9% 49 environment Bus stops 15.7% 25.5% 21.6% 37.3% 51 6.9. If you never or almost never use the bus, why is this?

I use other public transport 4 I prefer my own transport 45 Bus stops inconvenient 9 Bus takes too long 4 Bus is not reliable 9 Drivers are unfriendly 1 Routes do not meet my needs 19 Other 15

There were 106 replies from 64 respondents.

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6.10. Do you think that the bus routes to and from this area meet your needs?

13.8% 55.2% 31% There were 58 replies to this question. 6.11. Would you be prepared to take part in a local community transport/taxi service?

7.8% 57.8% 34.4% There were 64 replies to this question. 6.12. If a local voluntary transport scheme was in place, would you?

Contribute to the running costs 19.0% Use it as a customer 52.4% Contribute your time and/or your vehicle 38.1%

There were 21 replies to this question. 6.13. Do you already have, or are able to get, broadband in your property?

68.2% 31.8% There were 66 replies to this question. 6.14. If you do not have broadband in your property, why is this?

I don't want it 22.2% It's too expensive to install 18.5% It's too expensive to rent 14.8% I cannot get it because of where I live 25.9% Don't know 25.9%

There were 27 replies to this question.

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7.1. For how many hours a week do you currently make use of any of the following kinds of childcare?

Childminder Social services nursery Education nursery Private nursery Relative Friend/neighbour 0-4 hours Nanny 5-9 hours Out-of-school group Play group 10-14 hours Play scheme 15-19 hours

0 2 4 6 8 10 Number of Children

7.2. Do your children participate in any of the following activities?

Before/after school clubs 13.5% Holiday play schemes 10.8% Youth clubs 13.5% Church groups 5.4% Uniformed groups 13.5% Sports clubs/teams 21.6% Not applicable 62.2%

There were 37 replies to this question. 7.3. Are you concerned for your children's or other peoples’ safety in any of the following situations?

At home 2.7% Travelling to/from school 16.2% Out in the street 35.1% In local park/play ground 10.8% In the city/town centre 13.5% Elsewhere 2.7% 56.8% Not applicable

There were 37 replies to this question.

October 2009 Issue 1 Page 36 Kirkbampton Parish Community Plan

7.4. Are there enough appropriate activities for younger children, between the ages 0-5, in the area?

11.3% 32.1% 56.6% There were 53 replies to this question. 7.5. Are there enough appropriate activities for young people between the ages 6-11 in the area?

7.7% 44.2% 48.1% There were 52 replies to this question. 7.6. Are there enough appropriate activities for young people between the ages of 12-16 in the area?

1.8% 50.9% 47.4% There were 57 replies to this question. 7.7. Are there enough appropriate activities for children in your area?

Ages 0-5 62.5% Ages 0-5 51.9% Ages 0-5 96.3% Ages 6-11 12.5% Ages 6-11 33.3% Ages 6-11 0.0% Ages 12-18 25% Ages 12-18 14.8% Ages 12-18 3.7% Replies 8 Replies 27 Replies 27

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8.1. If money was no object, what do you think would improve living in this parish?

Youth club 6 Swimming Pool 2 Street Lighting 2 Shop 11 Pub 11 Post Office 5 Park 4 Nothing 2 Little Bampton – Shop 1 Little Brampton - Kids Play Area 1 Kirkbampton - Traffic calming 1 Kirkbampton - Street Lighting 2 Kirkbampton - Sound proof village hall 1 Kirkbampton - Road re-surfacing 1 Kirkbampton - Pedestrian Crossing 1 Kirkbampton - Litter Free Countryside 1 Kirkbampton - Good Public Transport 4 Kirkbampton - Cycle Paths 1 Kirkbampton – Children’s Playground 1 Hedge cutting 1 General - Better roads 3 Garden allotments 1 Field left to set aside 1 Facilities for young people 2 Don’t Know 1 Carlisle By-Pass 1 Cafe 1 Buses to all villages 5 Bus to Wigton 1 Bus to Carlisle 3 Ban HGV's from Villages 1 Activities in Village Hall 3

There were 82 replies from 72 respondents.

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8.2. What events have you attended in the last two years at Kirkbampton Village Hall?

Advent Lunches 1 Harvest Supper 1 Art class 1 Lent Lunch 7 Bingo 5 Lunches 2 Blues Evening 2 Mother and Toddler 4 Bowls 2 Musical events 3 Car Boot Sale 10 None 8 Ceidlhi 1 Parish Council Meeting 3 Charity events 2 Community Plan Meeting 3 Children‟s parties 3 Pilates 1 Christmas Lunch 1 Plant Sales 8 Christmas Sale 1 Plays 4 Church events 6 Quiz Night 2 Coffee Mornings 1 School events 9 Craft Fair 2 Shows 3 Elections 1 Social events 1 Family events 7 Summer Fete 4 Fashion Show 15 Table Top Sale 2 Friday club 2 Tea Pots & Plants 1 Fund raising events 1 Thursday Club 3 Garden Day 5 Various 2 Good Friday Service 1 WI events 7 There were 150 replies from 72 respondents. 8.3. Are disabled facilities / accessibility provisions within the parish adequate?

If not, what and where would you like changes made?

Unsafe Roads 4.3% Ramp access to Church 4.3% Pavement -obstructed by parked cars 4.3% Pavement 8.7% Footpath Required 4.3% Don't know 52.2% Cycle path required 4.3% Adequate 26.1%

There were 25 replies to this question. Comments

 The roads are not safe for wheelchairs, mobility scooters. There should be a foot or cycle path fenced but running beside the road all the way to Carlisle.  Request made to L.A. to lower pavement at school entrance to no avail.  Difficult to walk through village because of cars parked on pavement.  Ensure pavements are cleared of parked vehicles.

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8.4. Why do you live in the parish?

Village Community 1 Views 1 Suitable home 8 Pleasant environment 6 Personal Choice 20 Peace and quiet 8 Needed bungalow 1 Near to chosen school 4 Near Carlisle 4 Location 5 Irrelevant 1 Convenience 3 Community Spirit 5 Close to work 7 Close to amenities 1 Birthplace 7

8.4. Does anyone in your household use a public telephone?

6.0% 94.0% There were 67 replies to this question. 10.5. Do you have any other comments you wish to make about any of the issues covered in this survey?

Irrelevant Kirkbampton - Events needed in Village Hall Kirkbampton - No bus shelter Kirkbampton - No community transport Kirkbampton - No crossing Kirkbampton - No crossing patrol Kirkbampton - No dog warden Kirkbampton - No facilities for children Kirkbampton - No facilities for teenagers Kirkbampton - No shop Kirkbampton - Speeding Kirkbampton - Unreliable bus service Little Bampton - Keep roads clear / safe Little Bampton - Maintain village green Little Bampton - Shelters for school bus Oughterby - Cutting Village Green Waste of time

There were 31 replies to this question.

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 Many of the questions were irrelevant to this area and therefore difficult to choose an answer from the choices given.  The bus service - have tried to use but buses have been so unreliable have given up.  No timetable at bus stop and no shelter for school children either.  Lack of facilities for older teenagers to meet indoors.  Lack of play area (football pitch, proper cricket pitch etc) for children to meet, problems for children not being allowed to play at school without problems being caused by rowdy behaviour, noise disruption. Area at school too small for football match for teenagers etc.  Dog mess on pavements for small children who walk to school. Installing dog litter bins has only helped people who already scooped, has not encouraged other dog owners to use them.  Village hall - since new hall was built, don't think it is used as much as old one. Used to have local pantomimes and more going on with community, new hall activities dropped off.  Speeding through village of most traffic, surprisingly it is parents taking and collecting children from school.  There are a lot of activities for children in the area, but all need transport to get there in Carlisle, Dalston etc.  Without a shop there is no heart to the village. Events, classes, societies in Village Hall during day for people at home would help

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