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View / Open KEZI 1985 Story Titles by Date.Pdf CASSETTE____ __..,, 698 72C: N-47 ~t' 19 : 13 cnn sub, 'ay vi!.: il c1nte ,-1~ 718 "J 9:08 198/:'.cr::.?1:e vcurend e 1 ·' . ' '· miday wil lam' ecu · pass \ I . new yea r s eve rides home N-Li4 ye ar .ender 1984 aborti nr, cli n ic bombings N-46 subw~y ! hooting suspect N-45 new ,·e:;1s eve drinking 698 \ 1/1 /85 ~,• : 8:42 vi rgi n island hijacking N-46 , p;:ffs day world wide N-45 21 :03 N-47 20:33 SI. y vigilante pr6file :4 2 spear fest 50th anniversary 722 }. 22:0 3 \ abc ion bombing folo N-45 3:07 .' ' ~"' ·'·· .· • killer/01c: go n l22 , f .:;l: .'.:>l mery dec ker weds 698 !42 so . amazon becomes togman park 725 ; : /, l ti mber buy out regs 723 724 .~: :4 3 osp •.id 1 · a rr est. gas tax upp ed 718 720 on~ d~1y old 100 year old man -~. 719 tax c re ep halt/so . security up N- 49 ar ms ta l ks preview N-46 , N-48/ ! 198 5 as future . .,...., i t oll house pre . N-44 · 27: 18 pol ar water f skie~s 703 i-: • ,.. ~·. 38:50 j CV midwest ~weather 704 ! •. 21:45 jesse 1jackson/mide~st? N-47 ~ .;'-I(. -·-. \, ~s~,,-ffr,"~ ~ i?. ·' i;.· ;· · ,t}1 .- ·- / I I ,,..----..::...=:.~..:..;CASSET' f ..r:::_ _ _ ___ ,\DIJRESS_ __ __ NOTES-...:..:.::;_, ___ \ ..:_::,; i'; I .'t --- ------~T!iiY- --- 698 · i6 : 23 i I ' 720 · 4 :01. '!J N-47 19: 13 cnn sub, 'ay v.if i l8nle 718 9:08 r . 19Rl k r ::.:1:c yc;;,ender 719 8:36 miday wi1t !mer.t<:· pas s I S~:23 I ne w ~ ar·s eve rides home abc year fender 1984 abc N-46 aborti nr, cli11ic bombin gs abc t . N-45 s uI1way !hooting suspect · 1w , \ ' 698 ' new r~;J\Seve drinking .... ~ l' \ ...... .\ I I 1 /l /85 J 8:42 ·f:nn virg i n ~sland hijacking N-46 21 :03 c1Lr: world wide N-45 20:33 cnn subwEY vigilante profile N-47 :42 so. oie shak E ·pear fest SOth anniversary 722 N-45 22:03 cnn abor1 · on bombing f olo 122 3:07 cnn f~'-'''" · · •'j.· ki 1 I uc egun 698 .:;1 : Sl I mary 11t!•:ker weds so. amazon becomes togman park 725 723 tim ber buy out regs 724 :43 osp 1Jd1 c:1rrest . 718 vo. gas tax upped 720 4:47 one day old I' I 10:48 100 yea, old man 719 39 : 19 abc tax c ,·eep halt/ up N-49 9 .'4,;- . "~-~ - ·, .) at-c arms talks p;.eview N-46 s :4 2 abc : : N-:-~ / - I 198 5 as futu .re 43:24 abc t olJ house fire N-44 27:18 po 1 ar water ;t s k'1ers 703 j 38:50 icy rnidwesd ·weather 704 N-47 21:45 jes se jackson/mideast? '-1,·-·-· .. \, 'cS,c.tiol\-~ tJ.; • \1::,0l r --,. ,I \ •\ '\ .... .•. Ii· A I' ~ ~ ·· •''.J 1/2/85 -·, STORY CASSE'ITE ADDRESS NOTES lane co./ swear in 721 7: 16 pres. political yearender N-45 23: 12 ,. adventist fire aftermath 706 38:15 miday detker/slaney wedding 721 8:56 raw astralia export woes 722 4:46 agent orange filing deadlines 725 1 :32 uo girls math 716 24:26 adventist fire aftermath 717 13:39 boliva ' plane crash #2 N-49 2: 15 cnn ;, . wx 711 34:21 trees/sun;et... '~:'\' mortuary reopens 725 3:25 katu -·~> state pay talks 717 14:48 katu v & r: mick & maude 698 42:56 new ptld zoo director 720 7:36 katu subway shootings N-49 4:17 bolivia plane crash# 2 N-48 3:15 .cnn union pickets picked 723 1:56 co. courts fast tracking 715 22:56 ag report 718 14:42 portland mayor sworn in 714 20: 16 state of co./swear ins 724 1:44 1/3/85 STORY CASSEITE ADDRESS NOTES new home sales N-44 44:03 cnn downs gun(miday) 721 12:05 willamette pass expansion 708 46:16 congress convenes N-46 20:27 cnn bolivia plane crash N-45 25:41 cnn charnelton ax 726 :40 midwest storm N-49 5:03 cnn willamette pass expand reax 717 15:24 osu cholestrol study 720 9:03 :· hardest mt. eagles 725 3:59 '85 tax changes 706 39:10 I beltline truck ax 715 24:40 i' i wx 711 35:47 racoon outdoor report 723 3: 13 packwood threat 718 17:01 abortion bombing-reagan/local reax 703 29: 17 credits 705 28:09 downs gun(llpm) 716 25:28 penscola abortion cases N-48 4:37 star wars defense N-46 21:28 congress opens N-47 22:32 cnn riew telescope 707 44: 10 cnn martin execution 724 ·3:53 freeze escapee caught 710 40:25 lane plywood/hopper fire 708 47:53 wosha salem/psych site 712 34: 11 1/4/85 STORY CASSETTE ADDRESS NOTES ethiopia/jewish airlift N-45 26:54 abc osu cholesterol study 720 9:03 hardesty mountain eagles 725 3:59 outdoor report 723 3:13 hillsboro ax 708 48:45 katu tree clean up 724 4:47 horton retros pective 722 7:01 federal courtroom dedication 705 29:46 two parent adc rules 719 12:20 1 packwood on good morning america/nazis 721 12:50 paulus/post el ection plans 723 5:37 welfare benefi i 72t, 1:35 fair share/ tax relief 720 11 :42 tax assistanc e 704 40:36 views & reviews 718 18:06 johnny danger gil~s ethics/atiyeh 725 6:30 springfield sc~ools/epa asbestos report 706 41:15 ) cleveland ai r port shooting N-45 28:56 cnn cleveland ai rport shootings folo N-44 44:28 cnn/abc ethiopian jews evacauaiton N-46 25:48 cnn w.palm beach kid killings N-47 24:17 cnn vigilante wrap N-48 6:24 cnn soviet missle admission N-49 6:06 abc 1/5/85 world war 2 bombing: medford 703 30:29 ktvl clark inaugural ball 704 41 :30 katu± scar upadate 712 36:29 rajneesh firearms expo ('1-4 ~"j, "~&O .,614 'I 43i\1.) katu house democratic caucus 706 TI:31 frohnmayer/gil ~s investigation 715 25:44 alcohol level tester 716 27:41 frohnmayer/rajneesh 714 21:07 f~ l\ttsh: ,kow6-'4.I\S, 7~ *:lflf, . 0tl'9'A•tlfe,6ti VA) fetmit l I 5 SUNDAYCONT. STORY CASSETTE ADDRESS NOTES Sheridan Parachute Jumper 910 27:55 f·I Shuttle Delay N-81 29:46 Dalkon Shield/Ad Campaign N-82 15:45 abc Portland Child Murder 918 l: 34 Will. Valley RAil Abandon 921 1: 29 O.S.U. /B.L.M. Cope Research 920 : 41 United WayMoney 916 19:08 WOSC/CaptionDecoders 914 24:49 Ontario Ice Jam 919 : 41 1/6 MONDAY Reagan: Libya Econ Sanction N-79 27:33 Gore Nuke Ax Update N-82 16:30 cnn Tuty: So.Africa Speech N-81 30:36 cnn Winchester DamSaf2ty 916 20: 17 Weaver: Roseburg 917 15:59 Obit:Capt Steve Nelson 913 24:31 Wx 902 36:01 birds in tree Sweetheart/heart donor N-80 18:02 cnn Harrisburg H.S. Vandalism Reward 897 30: 17 Roosevelt Fire Update 906 28:44 Eugene Youth Commission 911 37:20 Harrisburg Vandal Update 910 29:38 Eugene: State of City Address 915 17: 18 Corvallis Declares Brotherhood Year 899 37: 19 Dalkon A.H. Robins Program 912 26:56 Bruce Long Announces 909 36:01 United WayN.C. 920 3:32 Cigarette Tax 921 3:30 Corvallis Spending Initative 919 l :43 Eugene P.C. Annex Prevue 914 27:07 I ,. • ~-l l t I -"". ., ..' 1/6/85 STORY CASSETTE ADDRESS NOTES wiley rett's syndrome update 717 17:20 canby snale 710 41:16 katu corvallis billfold flap 714 22:32 anti-seatbelt flap 708 49:37 ryan water trouble update 715 27:05 jos. co. jail overcrowd 712 37:39 ktvl demo leg silver falls wrap 726 2:34 hopewell body found 716 29:47 1/7 /85 crab season 719 14:50 packwood nazis 721 12:50 gma driftwood business 723 8 :04 ktvl 4-j maintenance nichols 725 7:59 obie inaugeration prevue 722 11:46 guardian angel/sliwa warrant 716 30 :41 katu seattle rocket fuel leak 708 51:18 komo johnson arms control expert 705 30:4 2 march tax frau d hrg 717 18:21 katu agent orange settlement 715 28 :50 katu cleveland airport shooting N-45 28:56 cnn transamerica walker 724 5 :48 seat belt balance 726 4 :48 gilhs/huntley phamphlet problems 720 13:07 gypsy moth ea 4 conifers 718 20: 18 lively/spfld . councilors sworn in 714 25 : 10 obie swear in/inaugeration 707 46:48 co . ad. johnson 706 43:48 wx 711 37 :47 sunset J 1/8/85 STORY CASSETTE ADDRESS NOTES pres. people shuffle N-48 7:03 cnn arms talk update N-47 26:31 cnn just produce 712 40:00 rajneesh tents 717 19:08 katu junction city swear in 710 45:04 co . victims asst./new admin 724 7:49 . libel law loosened 723 10: 10 spfld. bancroft sale 720 14:39 uo asian population 726 6:31 organ x plants: bioethics 725 9:05 libel ruling N-48 8: 13 katu expressway amend. repeal/effort 722 14:06 philomath chief hostage 715 30:20 beta theta pi suit 719 16:48 philomath shooting folo 716 31:14 wx 711 39: 15 jolin/hendriksen anti-abort 718 23 : 17 mt.
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