Member of %iMit Bureau of CtfefitaHoM 48 OF HIERARCHY WILL ATTEHD IHSTALLATION

Contenta Copyrighted by the Catholic Preu Society, Inc., 1941— Peimiasion to Beprodaee. Excepting American Hierarchy Piedge on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Isgtte______Officers Announced Complete Patriotic Support DENVER CATHaiC For Ceremonies in Bishops’ Ael Showing Calholie Stand Romi- Registorials Denver Jen. 5 and 6 niseoni of Affirmation to ProsidonI Wilson m m WINSTON CHURCHILL In Provions World War Over 200 Priests AeespI invitations to AHend CONFERS IN WASHINGTON REGSTER When Winston Churchill, prime Washington.— (Special NCWC Wire)—The Bishops of Sotemn PonKfieai Mass in Caihedrai For - minister o f Great Britain, came to the United States on Dec. 24 once more attested their full The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Washington, D. C , by airplane patriotic support of the nation in its hour of need. Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service. Seven Smaller Services, Esiabiishmont of Arehdioeeso from London this week to confer Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. with President Franklin D. Roose­ In a letter to President Roosevelt, the Bishops velt, somebody asked us: “ Did he pledged to marshal all spiritual forces at their com- ____ Up until Thursday, 48 members of the Hierarchy had come to take orders or to give mand to safeguard “ our God-gdven blessings of VOL. XX^VII. No. 18. DENVER, COLO., TJHURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1941. $1 PER YEAR them?" accept^ invitations to be present at the formal establish­ After watching F.D.R. for nine ~ freedom.” ment of the Archdiocese of Denver in the Cathedral Tues­ years, we are convinced that Uncle Theirs was an act reminiscent of that_^ti^ing^day in day, Jan. 6. Besides the Apostolic Delegate and the Most April, 1917, when the Bishops, " " Sam, under the present administra­ "DEAR MR. PRESIDENT Rev. Urban J. Vehr, there will be seven Archbishops present. tion, is taking orders from nobody. clergy, and laity, ' “moved to the "As chief executive of our na­ More Colorado Catholics Reported Washington correspondents do not very depths of our hearts,” told tion, you have called upon the Archbishop-Elect Vehr has announced the names of all the call Roosevelt Mr. Big merely be­ President Wilson that "we reafBrm American people for full service visiting Archbishops and Bishops, together with the priests cause he happens to be President in this hour of stress and trial our and sacrifice in a war of defense who will act as their chaplains at the ceremony, and also Probably neither side is “ taking most sacred and sincere loyalty and Missing in Action m Pacific Area against wanton agression. Con­ the full list of officers for.the Sol­ patriotism toward our country, our orders” in the Washington parleys. gress, in grave and inspiring unity, emn Reception to the Apostolic Democracies know how to co-oper' government, artd our flag.” has spoken the will of a great na Three more Denver Catholic Delegate in the Cathedral at 4 p.m. ate. Text of Letter tion determined to be free. We, the youths are reported missing in Monday, Jan. 5, and for the instal­ Catholic Bishops of the United action in the Pacific occafi, an lation ceremonies and the Solemn FAIRER MRLCARI The type o f war being waged by To President States, spiritual leaders of more Englewood man stationed on Pontifical Mass Jan. 6 at 10 both America and Great Britain has The text of the letter to Presi­ than 20,000,000 Americans, wish to Guam island has not been heard o’clock. many puzzled. Except in North dent Roosevelt follows: assure you, Mr. President, that we from, and a Pueblo Catholic lad More than 200 priests, up to Africa and the Near East, England are keenly conscious of our re­ is missing in the war zone. Two this time, have indicated their 10 BE has fought almost a completely de­ sponsibility in the hour of our na of the Denver men are brothers, intention o f attending the Jan. 6 fensive war. The United States Messages Are Short tion’s testing. With a patriotism John Martin Callaghan, 24, and ceremonies. seems to be doing likewise with that is guided and sustained by the From Hawaii James Thomas Callaghan, 26. Following are the lists o f offi­ Japan. All the aggressiveness is on Christian virtues o f faith, hope, cials and members of the Hier­ the Axis side. Perhaps the Allied The third Denver youth missing is LI and charity, we will marshal the Edward Gomez, Jr. Robert Jones archy as announced by the Arch­ military experts believe that, in spiritual forces at our command to of Englewood, who was stationed bishop-Designate : the long run, this is the wiser render secure our God-given bless­ SO L E M N R E C E P T IO N OF on Guam island, has not been Announcement w a s made policy. Certainly he can hold out ings of freedom. THE APOSTOLIC DELEGATE longer who conserves his resources. heard from since the war started. Wednesday that the Rev. William AT THE c a t h e d r a l ; MON­ Hitler’s losses in Russia have proved Not for Vengeance, James R. Philbin o f St. Lfeander’s J. Mulcahy, civilian-military chap­ parish, Pueblo, is missing in the DAY AFTERNOON, JAN. 5, at that aggression is poor business But for Common Good 4 P.M.: lain of the army camp at Fort Pacific war zone. Logan since last March, has when it works in reverse. "W e will do our full part in the Deacons of Honor to His Excel­ national effort to transmute the im­ The Callaghan brothers are the lency, the Most Reverend Apos­ passed his physical examination American stamina w a s never pressive material and spiritual re­ sons of the late Police Sgt. Cor­ tolic Delegate— the Rt. Rev. Mon­ preliminary to his being commis­ shown better in history than by the sources of our country into effective nelius M. Callaghan and nephews signor Joseph J. Bosetti and l^e sioned as a chaplain in the regular long holdout o f the little garrison strength, not for vengeance, but for of Assistant Fire Chief Patrick J. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Matthew army. Permission for Father Mul- on tiny Wake island against the the common good, not for national Boyne. Both were born in Denver Smith. cahy’s decision to devote his full Japanese fleet. We all believe that aggrandizement, but for common and attended Holy Family grade Deacons of Honor to His Excel­ time to the military forces o f the American manhood has something swurity in a world in which indi­ and high school. They are survived lency,' Archbishop-Elect 'Vehr— the United States has been granted by paralleled nowhere else. The rea­ vidual human rights shall be safe­ by four sisters, Mrs. R. J. Catlett, Very Rev. Monsignor John R. Mul- Archbishop-Elect Urban J. Vehr. son is that we are not fighting for Father Mulcahy will be the sixth guarded and the will to live on the Mrs. J. P. Davis, Mrs. George roy and the Very Rev. Charles dynasties and hereditary nobles or part of all nations, great or small, Miroslavich, and Rosemary Kalce- Hagus. for the glory o f dictators. When we shall be respected — a world in vic, all of Denver, and two broth­ SOLEMN BENEDICTION OF battle, it is for ourselves and our which the eternal principles of ers, Daniel of Denver and Frank THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: precious heritage of liberty. The justice and charity shall prevail. J. of Long Beach, Calif. James Celebrant, the Very Rev. William heroes o f Wake island proved us Real Strength Is in was a boatswain’s mate, second Higgins; deacon, the 'Very Rev. right.— Monsignor Smith. class, and had served six years in Thomas D. Coyne, C.M.; subdea­ Things of Spirit the navy. John was a gunner’s con, the Very Rev. Robert Kelley, WAVE OF ANTI-RELIGION “ The ultimate strength of a peo mate, second class, and had served S.J.; choir, seminarians of St. IS FACING US IS pie is in the things of the spirit. five and one-half years. Thomas’ seminary. Perhaps it would be just as well The historic position of the CaUiolic Sisters in Denver said they had OFFICERS OF THE INSTAL­ for us not to be worried about Messages from Hawaii are short Church in the United States gives not given up hope that the men LATION CEREMONY AND PON­ what is going to happen after this these days. Here is one from Philip were safe, although a telegram us a tradition of devoted attach­ John M. Callaghan, left, and James T. Callaghan TIFICAL MASS Jan. 6,10 o’clock: war has been fought and won by us 1.. Read, radioman, first class, in ment to the ideals and institutions from the naval department said To His Excellency, the Most Rev. until the fighting and winning have the air fleet at Pearl harbor, T. H of government we are now called it was presumed they were lost Amleto G. Cicognani, D.D., Apos­ been accomplished. Mail that comes “Dear Mom and Dad: Our mail is upon to defend. Our predecessors, Mankind Must Get Down on Knees, Says in action. Both the army and navy tolic Delegate—Assistant priest, to our desk, however, shows beiyg censored, so can’t say much. in the Third Plenary (Council of Msgr. McMenamin in Christmas Sermon are listing men as missing if any the Rt, Rev. Monslgnor Matthew viciousness on the part o f an ex­ I received your letter dated Dec. 7. Baltimore, solemnly declared: “We reasonable doubt about their fate Smith; deacons of honor, the Very tremely small minority that gives Please do not worry about me as believe that our country’s heroes remains. In the confusion o f war Rev. Monsignor John R. Mulroy IIS pause as to the present and I am well and happy and enjoying were the instruments of the God of several men weae erroneously re and the Very Rev. William Hig- makes us wonder as to the futur^ fhe best o f health. Our chaplain nations in establishing this home Prayer Is Only Hope for ported as dead in the first few 'ns; deacon o f Mats, the Very We are not alarmists, but wa t|^ kave the whole crew absolution dur­ of freedom; to both the Almighty dayl o f fighting. fev. Harold Campbell; subdeacon to be realists. Hence the lone o f ing battle, so I am not the least and to His instruments in the work, Brother in Air Corps of Mass, the Very Eer. Aloysius our cowardly an on ym ou s mail worried. Love to you all and keep we look with grateful reverence; Edward Gomez, Jx-, the spp o f IMiller; minor officers o f Mass, stu­ makes us realize—thaf"therC“ are you'i^tdiins up. Mine is!” and to maintain the inheritance of Return of Peace to World Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gomez o f dents of St. Thomas' seminary. people who would gladly lend their Young Read’s parents are Mr. freedom which they have left us, 1990 S. Huron street, was a mem­ To His Excellency, the Most efforts to a persecution not only and Mrs. P. M. Read o f 2510 Cali­ should it ever—^which God forbid ber o f St. Louis’ parish, Engle­ Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Arch­ Rev. lyilliam J. Mulcahy o f Catholicism but o f all religion fornia street, Denver. He has had —be imperiled, our Catholic citi­ ‘Christ, our King, is still the wisdom or eloquence could add wood. He was bom in 1921 and bishop-Elect of Denver— ^Deacons as well. They are anti-clericals o f eight years’ service. An indication zens will be found to stand for­ King of Peace. Peace on earth is one jot or tittle to the announce­ joined the navy Aug. 3, 1940, He of honor, the Very Rev. Charles priest of the Archdiocese o f Den­ the worst type who even now are o f the armed forces* feeling about ward, as one man, ready to pledge still the will of God and as Cath­ was a seaman, first class. A Hagus and the Very Rev. Joseph ver to enter the service of the gov­ trying to place the blame for our ment: “This day is bom to you a the conflict may be seen in another anew their lives, their fortunes, olics and Christians you must pray brother, Alfred, is in the army air O’Heron. ernment forces. The others are participation in the war on the re­ Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” short letter received this week: “ I and their sacred honor.’ as you never prayed before that corps at St. Louis, and the third Masters o f ceremonies o f the the Rev. Henry Ford, a captain, ligious leaders o f the country. They “ As we approach Bethlehem in im­ feel confident that we will win the Solemn Pledge Reaffirmed God may,not desert u§. Patriotic in the family, Richard, is a stu- Mass and procession — The Rev. who now is stationed at Fort Leon­ would have us stop fighting the agination to see this wonderful war. I went to church today [Dec. "Today, in the face of the peril pleas, books and sermons, bomb­ den*; in high school. Bernard J. Cullen, the Rev. Ed- ard Wood, Mo.; the Rev. John W. thing that has come to pass,” the (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) 14]. Do not worry about anything." (Turn to Page 9 — Column i ) ing planes, and bursting shells may (Turn to Pages — Column 7) (TumtoPageB — C o lu m n s) Scannell, a first lieutenant, now speaker went on, “we hesitate, It*8 a Man-Sized Job, But... end the war but they cannot bring at Camp Callan, Calif.; the Rev. peace to earth. One thing and one for, looking back through the ages, In Christmas Broadcast Joseph H. Koch, a captain, whose thing only can save the world and we remember how terrible God has duty station is France Field, Pan­ 1941 Ranks Historic for that is the return to Christianity. been in His manifestations when ama Canal Zone; the Rev. John B. W O M i EXCELS Prayer is the only hope. It is time from time to time He drew aside Pope Urges Progressive White, a retired priest of this for families to turn off the radio the veil that hid His Face from archdiocese, who has herved many and get down on their knees to man;” how He drove mankind years in the army and now is chap­ Catholicism in Colorado recite the Rosary. It is time to from Eden, the flood, the destruc­ lain at the United States hospital fill the churches and plead with tion o f Sodom and Gomorrha, the Limitation of Armaments in Washington, D. C., and the Rev. III HER ROLE IS God for a return to peace.” terrible thunder at Mt. Sinai. . . . Damon McCaddon, a captain, who “But there come floating to' our As 1941 fades toward 1942— this year are the Penrose pa This was the stirring plea made has been a CCC chaplain in this ears the voices of the angelic Washington.— (Transcribed from as final preparations go ahead on vilion for cancer research at by the Rt. Rev. Hugh L. McMena­ o f minorities, just control of its area since his ordination in 1934. choirs: ‘Fear not, I bring you good Broadcast)— Pius XII, in his an­ the formal erection of the Arch­ Glockner sanatorium, Colorado min, rector of the Cathedral, in his raw materials “ so no nation shall Father Vincent McCartan, C. SS. tidings o f great Joy which shall nual Christmas eve message to the R., who was an assistant at St. diocese of Denver and the installa­ Springs; the large, beautiful home sermon at the Solemn Pontifical suffer unfairly,” and when there be to all the people.’ world, laid down a five-point plan (Turn to Pago S — Column 3) tion of the Most Rev. Urban J. for nurses at Glockner, given Midnight Mass on Christmas, cele­ “ is no place for oppression.” Vehr as its first Metropolitan— by Mrs. Vem er Z. Reed in memory “ Fear not, and yet we know that for future world peace, predicated “ Cowboy Serenade” may not be brated by the Most Rev. Uyban J. Now, “he said, “ there is an un­ Catholiaism in Colorado points for of her daughter, Margery Reed, Vehr. Ceremonies o f the Mass and the power o f darkness ruled the upon “ an adequate and progpres- her favorite song, but Mrs. Myra sive” limitation of armaments. bridled impulse toward expansion, an ever more glorious future and St. Patrick’s $53,000 school in Monsignor McMenamin’s sermon world at that moment with a Gopyrighfed Ronald, prominent member of St. The Holy Father, brbadcasting the idea that force creates righ t” under this country’s youngest Denver. Other additions included were broadcast by KOA, Denver. power that seems supreme. . . .” Peter’s parish, Gunnison, knows a Archbishop. Also it looks back , steeped in paganism and over the Vatican radio, said that “ In some countries the atheist good deal more about the care and the rectory purchased by St The Nativity of Our Lord, which anti-Christian idea of state is over a remarkable year made his­ idolatry; Athens, weaving its hope­ in the world of the future there The contents of this paper marketing of cattle than hundreds Andrew’s parish, Wray, and the we commemorate on Christmas, toric in its final stanzas by the es­ less and false philosophies; bar­ must be no place fo r: Any kind of spreading its tentacles. The war, are copyrighted and mutt not of run-of-the-mill cowpunchers. recreation center, once a Prot M onsi^or McMenamin called a far from mitigating these evils, tablishment under Vatican orders barians, in the mire o f harsh and aggression, oppression of minori­ be reproduced in any form until She is the owner and manager o f (Turn to Page 5 — Column S) "prodigy o f mercy.” No human aggravates them. The ruins of this of the Denver archdiocese, the cre­ sanguinary religions; poor lost ties, designing nations seeking a after 12 noon Friday, Dee. 26, three large ranches in Gunnison war are only too evident” ation of the Diocese of Pueblo, Judea, waiting for a King who monopoly on economic wealth, total 1941. county. Eleven years of ranch­ (Turn to Page i — Column 7) which, with the Diocese of Chey­ Fr. McDonald Was Sodality Leader would rule from sea to sea and a war or annaments races, or perse­ managing life, she modestly ad­ enne, Wyo., was made a suffragan Father who would break rebellious cution _ directed against religious mits, have taught her a few things see o f the new Metropolitan, and nations into pieces. . . . “This denominations or churches, be­ Regis Professor Paints Sad Picture about cattle, hay— and cowboys. Noted Jesuit Succumbs to powerful King came in the form cause faith ‘‘is one of the rights of Approximately 1,860 acres of the appointment of the R i Rev. Monsignor Joseph C. Willging, o f the most lovable o f all that is mankind.” land and a constant herd of Vicar General of t h e Helena sweet and lovable upon eirth; He “ There must be a progressive Religion Places Last in more than 500 cattle in one of the came as a Babe who was wrapped limitation of armaments,” he said. state’s most thriving cattle areas (Mont.) diocese, as the first Bishop of Pueblo. Heart Attack at Age of 45 in swaddling clothes and lying in “True respect for treaties must be are ample explanation for Mrs. a manger, and yet in that Babe observed.” The principles of free­ Ronald’s almost-white hair. But Catholics saw the Confraternity was combined King and Savior, dom and equality o f rights for all Nazi Education Program she has found the secret, she says, of Christian Doctrine expand its program with the distribution of The Rev. George A. McDonald, consumer co-opei»tives an(( credit Judge, and Holy Priest” people must underlie that new day. of successful executives from Wall S.J., an associate editor o f the 500 revised New Testaments and unions, on both of which subjects _ “ The religion o f Christ is so “ Great responsibilities for the street to Timbuktu—it is loyal Queen's Work, 3742 W. Pine future of mankind rest on states­ Exiled from his homeland. Max Hannauer, instructor in German. saw the entrance into Denver of he had written extensively, was a simple,” Monsignor McMenamin help. boulevard, St. Louis, and an asso­ men o f the world,” he averred. “ We Werminghaus, a former teachetin Religion is still taught in Ger­ the National Catholic Community son of the late Dr. and Mrs. continued. “ Love God above all and Born in Wisconsin, the pleasant ciate national director of the So­ need men of courage, vision, and man schools, Mr. Werminghaus Service, member agency of the Allan McDonald of Leadville. He your neighbor as yourself. That German Catholic schools who is Gunnison rancher came to Colo­ dality of Our Lady, died Satur­ conscience to reconstruct the now on the Regis college faculty, says, but it ranks last in the edu­ United Service Organizations. is survived by two sisters, Mrs. was the religion taught by Christ rado with her parents at the age day, Dec. 20, at St. John’s hospi­ worla.” paints a sad picture o f the condi­ cational program. Under Nazi edu­ Demands o f $831,00.0 met by James McCaffrey of Salt Lake to His followers; that was the re­ o f 11. Her girlhood was spent for tal, St. Louis, of a heart attack. cation, boys and girls are sep­ Diocesan Catholic Charities, the City, Utah, and Mrs. J. R. Lavelle ligion taught by the Apostles and His Holiness outlined a prog;ram tion o f Catholic education in Ger- the most part in the town o f Gun­ He received the last" rites of the for the world when its great states arated at an early age and placed appointment of several Denver of Strafford, Pa., and two broth- disciples, and by it they did con- nison, where her worries about the Church before he died. He had organize it in the “ interest of all,” under Nazi-controlled teachers. family ranch, she admits, were few clergymen to prominent positions, (Tum to Page 2 — Column 3) (TttmloPagei — Column 6) plans to integrate expanding when there is respect for the rights Education Here Ii Superior and slight. But with the death of Mr. Werminghaus believes that her mother in 1930 she suddenly youth activities, and wide gains made by lay organizations were the average American child re­ found herself at the head o f a ceives a much better education business that has proved too much other highlights o f the past 12 Original ‘ Little Lord Fauntleroy’ and months. than the average German boy or for scores of her hardier brethren girl. Boys in Germany are now in the past decade. The mother, Representing an outlay of $36,- 000, St. Patrick’s new church and taught that they are to grow up to herself the kind o f rancher who be good soldiers and, while still in could saddle a pony and ride the rectory in La Junta were erected ‘Tex’ Guinan Met at Dinner in Denver their ’teens, learn to shoot a rifle range as long and as well as any this year and blessed Dec. 15 by Archbishop-Elect Vehr; and plans and to drill. In addition, they are cowpuncher on the Western slope, given courses similar to those turned over her holdings into com­ are going forward,to provide four checked cloths. On which shone tall ranged in rainbow-colored mound. petent hands. churches— at Oak Creek ($5,000 silver-plated casters ringed with taught to American school boys. (One of a series of dramatic Her word picture took on sudden Great stress is placed on physical Depression, war, and every con­ structure), San Pedro, Estes Park, metal-stoppered glass bottles of stories of pioneer Colorado life as life with a tug at the appetite, in (Turn to Pages — Column 1) ceivable type of ranchers’ woe and Briggsdale (where a renovated related by Joseph Emerson Smith, olive oil, vinegar, tabasco sauce, your youth like a door ever ajar have been thrown into the path o f bank building will house the a Catholic, who is dean of news­ and other condiments favored by to the zestful relish held by hunger, the daughter. Even the famed town’s first Catholic church). A papermen in Denver.) the boarders, who stamped in with and now it swung tantalizingly New Year’s Day Mass parish drive for a Julesburg “water rights” romanticized by (By Millard F. Everett) good natured jibes and booming wide open simultaneously with tiie Hours for Downtown movies and novels without end church is under way. The Park "I first saw him in the cafe of laughter. Without benefit of wash screen door bearing the swishing have played a part in the dramatic, Hill convent, a two-story brick an amiable middle-aged Italilin room, in gustful hunger, with skirt of^ n g strips cut from news­ Churches Announced pioneer life of Myra Ronald. edifice to accommodate the Lo- couple on lower Nineteenth street hands oily from use o f swipe rags papers l o d iscou rse flies, also But it would be the highest kind retto nuns teaching in Blessed near the railroad tracks. Winifred on wheel greasing jobs, they broke hungry and discriminating in their Ma«(ai will be offered in Den­ o f nonsense, she says, to claim sheJ Sacrament school, was started in Black, longing for the delectable into chunks the long loaves of choice o f a place to dine. They ver’* four downtown churches would still be "the boss” if it were June and completed this month. dishes at Luchetti’s in her beloved buoyantly crusty dark bread and left in a buzzing cloigl, and the beU on Thursday, New Year’s day, not for the Lord’s having blessed Denver’s Annunciation parish, San Francisco, had been told of devoured it bqfore the squinting attached to the lintel tinkled its at the following hours: Cathe­ her withwiin loyalloyai help.neip. AndAna hownow tolo to' relieve its crowded high school, this railroad men’s hotel, its bricks waiter with the club foot kneed announcement of new ^ e s ts as dral, Colfax and Logan streets makee and keekeen the help loyal— purchased and remodeled at $'7,- dingy from years of locomotive open the swinging dootwfrom the we crossed the threshold wat warm Max Werrainghant — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:30, and 12:1S; onceI theyiave been convinced that 000 a two-story structure for smoke. She now led us t o . the kitchen with the tray of thick late afternoon in the spring of Holy Ghost church, 19th and not all ranch hands can be cow- grade school use. many today. All Catholic and paro­ Father McDonald linoleum-carpeted room where un­ white bowls o f golden onion soup 1900, and drank in tiie rich savory California streets — 6, 7:15, boys? A 400-per cent i^swing in busi­ chial schools in his homeland have shaded ihcandcscent bulbs brought steaming through its film of odor of the room half-filled with 8:1S, 9:15, 10:15; 11:15, and ' The formula is absurdly sim­ ness forced the St. Vincent de just completed the annual eight- been closed. out, not too brightly, from the grated cheese. diners. 12:15; St. Elizabeth’s, 11th and ple in the opinion of Mrs. Ron­ Paul Salvage bureau in July to day spiritual retreat prescribed shadows the gilt-framed litho­ “ Winifred had described this “ ‘Say, this is a surprise!' Mr. Werminghaus, whose home Curtis streets— 6, 7:30, 9, ald. Fundamentally, it is no more purchase at $17,500 the old New by Jesuit rule. He would nave been graph of Garibaldi hanging on the with the promise of what she had “ Thin, red-headed, boyish look­ w a s, formerly in Munich, was 10:30, and 12; St. Leo’s, West of a question than the problem of England Electric building for a 45 years old next month. green-painted wall, the plain stiff- heard: Genuine Old World Veal ing Jimmie Monihan, artist on the appointed to fill the vacancy on Colfax and Tenth street— 7, 9, treating employes as you would new store location. i Father McDonald, an interna­ backed chairs drawn up to the Scallopini, Spaghetti Genovese, and Republican, came from a table near the Regis faculty arising from the , (Turn to Pago ^ — Column 3) 10:30, and 12:15. Impo^nt projects dedicated tionally recognized authority on tables with their red and white a mystifying vegetable salad ar' (Turn to Paget — Column 4) recent death of Frederick A. p a )g e t w o Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatonJ 4205 Thursday, Dec. 26, 1941 RELIGION RANKS U S T IN ^ Original ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ and REGIS MATHEMATICS COURSES INCREASED FOR 2ND SEMESTER NAZI EDUCATION PROGRAM ‘Tex’ Guinan Met at Dinner in Denver (Continued From Page One) who claim that President Roose­ PiVlS F ill III (RsfS* Collegs) agan, S.J., dean, announced education, and a child who cannot velt has made a dictatorship out Regis college has increased its Wednesday. (Continued From Page One) Don’t think because he’s a sardine Burnatt Seriously 111 Courses in intermediate algebra, pass in physical education is un­ of this country, Mr. Werminghaus Second semester offerings in a window where potted red gera­ he’s fishy—he’s a real good artist, One hot noon in July Burnett college algebra, solid geometry, able to advance to the next grade replies: “I who lived under a dic­ but his managing editor, Mr. Wil­ didn't show up at the Republican. mathematics courses, .in order to trigonomet^, analytical geometry, niums screened the flaming sun­ tatorship |or many years still feel F R l l i l l L D liam Stapleton, won’t see it that He was living at the Broadwajr enable students to'prepare them­ and calculus are being offered. The no matter how intelligent he may set. Hands outstretched, he grin­ be. '' very free in this American dicta­ way and won’t pay him what he’s hotel next to John Kuykendall’s selves better for military and non- mathematics program has been ar­ ned, and his blue eyes were alight. worth, and so I just gave this livery stables, facing the peak- ranged to accommodate the stu­ Girls are given courses in torship.” military service to the nation in (Continued From Page One) ‘Gome over and meet the wife and toast,” and she repeated it with, roofed Bates firehouse in the tri­ the war, the Rev. John J. Flan- dents who wish to start their col­ feminine hygiene, which include W o Versailles, ers, Allan B. McDonald o f Kim­ Burnett, new man on our paper’,” this time, a high-pitched piercing angle where now stands the Pio­ lege work in the second semester, birth control, as well as courses in berley, Nev., and Donald McDon­ he said. Joseph Emerson Smith, bray. neers’ monument, at -Broadway and which starts Jan. 29. No Hitler* beginning another reminiscence of W. Colfax. That afternoon some­ More Catholics From the care o f children and in other ald of Strafford, Pa. 'To Your Health!’ With the other study programs “Had there been no treaty of forgotten days in Denver, paused, one at the hotel telephoned Burnett at the college the mathematics pro­ domestic matters, besides the “ Encore! Bravo! Ata gal! Down Versailles, there would have been Father McDonald resided at St. chuckled as he lived again the with Staple-a-tone!” yelled the was sick. ’The next day Willie Col­ Area Reported Missing gram is being revised in order to ordinai'y subjects, such as history no Hitler,” he continued. It is also Louis university high school, 4970 scene. “ I think it not amiss," he boarders. A white-haired solitary lier, a reporter on the Republican, speed up as much as possible the and German. his opinion that, if the Allies win Oakland avenue, where his body said, “ to dwell on what followed, diner raised his glass. “A voetra called to find Burnett very ill, In Pacific War Zone completion of college work. the war, there should be no repeti' for Jimmie’s wife was a character, tossing with typhoid fever in the Since arriving in the United lay in state until Tuesday morn­ salute!" “ To your health!” echoed Sodality Cheers Needy even then, and none of us suspected hot little roof facing the alley. tion of Versailles. Germany should others, and Tex kissed her fingers, The Regis college sodality, States in 1939, the new Regis in­ ing. The Rev. Daniel A. Lord, Willie, realizing no one knew any­ (Continued From Page One) be given a square deal and not put what the future held in store for gustily blowing the kisses to them. through a committee composed of structor has corns to at least one thing about the sick lad, went Robert Jones is the son o f Mr. under the French heel, as it was S.J., offered the Funeral Mass at her, or how famous she was to be­ Jimmie, glassy eyed, slumped in Frank McCabe, Joseph Coursey, through the dresser drawers and and Mrs. Simon Jones of 3843 S. definite conclusion on America after the last war. “ Give to Ger­ St. Francis Xavier’s (College) come with ‘Odd’ McIntyre delight­ his chair. The onion soup came Louis Boggio, and Leo Ashen, dis­ and the American form of govern­ many what is Germany’s,” he ad­ edly writing her up in his daily found an empty envelope addressed Sherman street. His father served church, Grand and Lindell boule­ with spoons of a half-pint capacity in the last World war. Young tributed provisions to needy fam­ ment. There is undoubtedly more vises. This includes all the Ger­ column from New York, and the and guaranteed to be noise-makers; to Mrs. Stephen Townesend, Wash­ ilies in Sacred Heart parish on man-speaking people, including vards, Tuesday morning. Burial Jones, graduated from Englewood freedom here. In answer to those nation laughing at her oriprinal Tex said, “ Gosh, it’s good! Excuse ington, D. C. A telegram was sent Christmas day. The distribution those in Austria,. Alsace-Lorraine, was in the cemetery at St. Stanis­ high school in 1938, joined/the slang in a voice as billowingly my noise, please.” Burnett re­ her and Managing Editor Staple- was arranged by the Rev. Edward the Polish Corridor, the Czecho­ ton arranged with his friend, Di*. navy two and one-half' years ago laus’ novitiate in Florissant. fresh as the wind over her Texas plied, “ Here noise needs no excuse. S. Preusch, S.J., moderator o f the Sisters Grateful For slovakian frontier next; to Ger prairies. .Indeed, there were two Jayne, to attend Burnett. and was sent to Guam island April Father McDonald is responsible The Italians have a saying: La ■sodality, and the Rev. William F. many, and the German-speaking 5, 1941, as &vt aerographer. Com­ for the establishment of many of unusual persons at our artist fame non vuol leggi." “ Townesend?” Ben Bradley, city Ferrell, S.J., assistant pastor of part of Southern Tyrol. friend’i^ table and we from the munication with the island was de­ Success of Silver Tea the most successful co-operativq, Winifred turned, with spoon in editor, repeated the name thought­ Sacred Heart parish. Post had no idea that one held stroyed after attacks by the These sections, Mr. Werming­ enterprises in North America. A midair. “Do you know Italian?” fully as he opened the door to the locked in this hurt young heart a Japanese. He was a member of The Rev. Edward Maher, S.J., of haus believes, should be formed director o f the St. Louis, Mo., He shrugged. “A little, enough to newspaper’s library. He found a St.' Louis’ Young People’s club Loyola university, Chicago, visited The Dominican Sisters and into a confederation that should be story that would have been ‘first Co-operative Consumers, he, since get by with,” and to Tex, who bulky envelope of clippings. Of and was an assistant scoutmaster Regis college on Sunday, Dec. 21, Friends o f the Sick Poor Aid so­ very loose, looser than that o f the page’ material for newspapers the 1937, had been chairman of the asked, “ Were those cuss words?” recent date was one telling of the o f Boy Scout troop 136. when he was in Denver with .the ciety wish to thank all who con­ United States. If the confederation country over.” he laughed, “ No. It means marriage of Frances Eliza Hodg­ tributed to the success of the silver co-operative consumers of the Na­ A brother, Edward, graduated Loyola basketball team. must be policed, Americans, in the Mr. Smith continued: ‘Hunger will obey no laws’.” son Burnett, author of Little Lord tea which was held Sunday, Uec. tional Catholic Rural Life confer­ from Englewood high school in The Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, opinion o f Mr. Werminghaus, A Striking Amazon That began an evening so filled Fauntleroy, a surgeon named 21, at the Corpus Chri.sti convent. ence. In addition to his efforts in 1940, joined the navy two days president of Rogis college, would make the most impartial Mrs. Monihan’s smile was in with laughter even “the shrimp” Townesend who, as “ Will Dennis,” The sisters are grateful to all who behalf of co-operatives, he was an after the attack on Pearl harbor. preached the sermon at the Solemn guardians. character with her amplitude. She thawed out, especially when Tex had turned actor and collaborated gave both their time and donations expert on credit unions and study He belonged to the parish Boy Mass at the Queen of Heaven or­ was still in her teens, but a second swooped down and planted a moist with the famous novelist in some to help them in their work for the Above all, advises the German clubs. Scout troop and the Young Peo­ phanage on Monday, Dec. 22, com­ chin was beginning tq show and kiss on his forehead and a heavy of her plays. Bradley read on: Christmas needy. An especially teacher, keep an eye on the East He attended St. Loiuis univer­ ple’s Gubs. A sister, Mrs. John memorating the anniversary of her biceps resembled those of a Frances Hodgson, born in Man­ large donation was given by Cath­ Elbians, who impress on National sity, St. Louis, Mo.; Mt. St. Mi­ pat on his shoulder. Winifred led the Denver Council of Young Peo­ the death o f Blessed Frances Xav­ prizefighter. Easily a head taller on Tex to tell comical stories of chester, England, Nov. 24, 1849; erine Mitchell in memory o f the Socialism their cruel efficiency. chael’s, Gonzaga university, Spo­ ple’s club. A sister, Mrs. John ier Cabrini. The Rev. Lawrence than her husband, the lady with a bar childhood and improvise rhymes came to America with her parents late Mrs. Carey, who was a life These are the present Nazis who kane, Wash., and Ignatius college Rice, lives at 2709 S. Logan street. Cusack, S.J., professor o f philoso­ of curly reddish-gold hair at which she was surprisingly apt, in 1865; settled in Knoxville, Tenn., member o f the society, and it is subjugated Germany and are now in Valkenburg, Holland, where he James R. Philbin, 26, is the son phy, was .subdeacon of the Mass. and the long-fringed blue eyes was an indication of her exuberant gift where she started writing stories greatly appreciated. striving for world domination. was ordained to the priesthood in o f Mrs. Genevieve Philbin, 1127 The Rev. Gerald Sugru, S.J., of at least twice his size in girth, and for entertaining. One rhyme, given for magazineli; in 1873 married These East Elbians are the trouble­ 1928. E. Sixth street, Pueblo. Mr, Phil­ San Francisco university high A musical program was enjoyed makers of Europe. she appeared ail firm muscular for the benefit o f the boarders who Dr, L. M. Burkett of Washington, school, visited Regis college on as Christmas carols were sung After holding a professorship at bin, a member o f St. Leander's ‘German,’ ‘Nazi’ Not Synonymous flesh and bone. Not pretty, but remained glued to their chairs, D. C., whom she divorced in 1898 parish for many years, attended Ssiturday and Sunday, Dec. 21 throughout the afternoon by Mrs. St. Louis university high school strikingly handsome, she reminded shamelessly listening to our hilari­ Became famous with her tale of and 22, Leonard Tangney, Cecelia Patsey, Mr. Werminghaus will not say and St. Louis university, he joined St. Leander’s grade school and me o f an Amazon in a pink-flow­ ous table, went something like her native Lancashire, That Laes o' Centennial high sqjiool. He en­ Elmer Grant, and John Casey. Mrs. that Austria was the first victim the Ltaff of the American central ered cottUn dress with lace collar, this, I remember: Lowrie'e, in 1877, followed by other of the Nazis, because Germany listed in the navy June 6, 1940. John J. Sullivan and Carleton Bow­ office of the Sodality of Our Lady and I thought what a knockout Spaghetti, spaghetti, you cute volumes, notably Through One Ad was the first, in his view, to fall man were soloists. Mrs. Nina and of its official publication, the she would be in the chorus of little pieces cut like confetti. minietration, 1883, and Little Lord take, I know now, for it almost LIQDOR MART to National Socialism. The word Hendricks and Miss Guydonia Rob­ Queen’e Worli. He was in charge The Black Crook. A not un­ You’re easy to eat and I’m glad Fauntleroy, 1886, which was dram' broke mother’s heart. But I “ German” in his careful English is 333 E. Colfax TA. 3304 inson played violin and piano se­ of personnel, director of men’s so­ attractive square chin was relieved that I met ye; atized and had a great success. thought; in niy soreness over things, lections, respectively. Miss Helen not; synonymous with the word dalities, and organizer o f study by dimples in the smooth peach But those slippery white ropes they There was more, much concern­ she was so busy with her plays and Featuring Christian Bros, and Neumann and Mrs. John Schilling, “ Nazi” because the Nazis are only clubs and of student co-operatives. bloom cheeks o f her large head. call maccaroni ing the litigation around that the theater—which flither hated so Garrett ITines who was the program chairman, a party and not the whole of He was editor of the study club “ Forget the Missus, just call me For a lady to eat are certainly world-famed book; in 1888 her law much— and writing new books, my were the accompanists. Germany. outline series—Study Club Hand­ Tex, Winnie and lads,” shq said phoney! suit had broright about a stronger going wouldn’t matter much to book, The Maet, The Command­ to our delight, her voice carrying They wriggle from fork and flop copyright law. In the Litile Lord her.” ments, and The Supernatural Life. above the clatter of tableware and in a mess. F*duntleroy case, the person who “ And so,” concluded Joseph JOSEPH A. OSSEN In 1936 he toured Mexico to conversation. They land in my lap, and they ruin dramatized the novel o f another Emerson Smith,” Vivian Burnett study conditions of the Catholic The young man o f medium ray dress! without, his consent, an qperation went east and lived happily. After COMPLETE SUPPLIES Church under the persecution.. In height introduced as Burnett The stars had long been shining until that time believed to be un­ his mother’s death, he wrote a for the Photographer, Amateur 1937 he toured Nova Scotia to bowed from the wAist to Winifred when, filled with an opulent dinner assailable in law, was attacked sympathetically revealing biogn^a- and Professional. study co-operatives. Since 1934 he Black, who said, “ I’ve ’ heard the that more than lived up to the successfully in court in England, by phy of her, a best seller in 1927, had been a member of the faculty Republican had a new reporter. reputation of the signora's kitchen, preventing him from using printed The Ronuintick Lady, And now 1546 Clenarm— Near 16lh St. of the summer school of Catholic What part of the East are you and in love with life, thanks to the or written copies of the play either ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ is gone, Action, lecturing on study clubs mirth that had engulfed us, we said and Jimmie and Tex. What about from ?” to deposit with the lord chamber- The Beat is and co-operatives at sessions of the “ Is it as bad as that? And I’ve good night. lain or as prompt books. them? Well, after spanking him enterprise in various parts of the Within the month, one night at efficiently one early mominfe on II been priding myself on a good imi Bradley whistled. Of course, the Used United.States. tation of you Westerners!” another restaurant where he was silent, reserved lad doing police Seventeenth street when he re­ We laughed. His gray white dining on his day off, Burnett was the novelist’s son, Vivian, fused to return to its post a red Furniture striped two-piece flannel suit and beckoned me to his table. He said, around whom she had written the lantern he had grabbed at a eewer soft white shirt with the wide disgustedly, that covering police for book, and everyone in America and excavation, Tex took Jimmie east ALSO NEW Father Mulcahy Byron collar made for coolness, the Republican was distasteful, England knew that he was the real where salaries were larger. Their stay in Denver had been brief. Cash or Credit but perspiration beaded the clear and I knew without his telling me “Little Lord Fauntleroy!” What BstISS* that they were playing Jokes on We didn’t hear of them for years. skin at the edge of the wavy brown a story— but the boy was very ill. A FULL LINE OF To Be Chaplain hair at the temples. His brown him, subtle, reiined, enjoyable his identity was known to Bradley Then word came that Jimmie was Jim McConaly, Jr. James P. McConaty, Sr. eyes were large and friendly. I jokes similar to the one that alone; it would be better to wait no more and Tex had ‘made’ New OFFICE FURNITURE 41 Yurs Exptritnes liked his quiet poise, a presence not helped “ initiate” me when the until his mother had arrived, or at York as, its greatest and, I am We rent Folding Chain, Card and ■ M . severed little finger of a woman sure, most spectacular night club In Regular Army exactly shy but bordering on re­ least a couple of days, before Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silver­ serve. I thought, “ If he’s an cook murdered by a Japanese springing it. entertainer and hostess. She had houseboy at the big Crippen ranch resumed her maiden name. As Tex ware, anything in stock. Easterner, why the perspiration on Ran Away From Home (Continued From Page One) near Denver had been surrepti­ Guinan she queened it on Broad' May all joy an^ blessings be this comparatively cool Colorado Mrs. Townesend took the first Established 1888 tiously wrapped in my handker' way, and she wowed it over the Joseph’s church in Denver for four day?” and then saw a possible ex­ train to Denver. Upon arrival she chief by an attendant at the morgue radio.” [Tex, a Catholic, died with PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 years until he was called to active planation in his build; he was heard Vivian was recovering and yours throughout the while I was taking notes. I re the last rites.] OPEN rsou I A. U. TO t P. U. duty as a reserve chaplain last broad chested and carried weight read the well-written Republican membered how sick I had been June, now is at Pendleton Air that, with maturity, might lead to story, which, however, lacked the when that waxy finger had rolled New Year base, Pendleton, Ore. Father Mul­ stoutness. He was around 20, real story that Burnett told me the out to the horror of Reva Sapp, cahy will enter the army as a first about my age, I judged, and re­ day before his mother, a handsome young society editor of the Poet, lieutenant, as do all chaplains. markably good looking. distinguished woman with hair be who had come to the verge of Father Mulcahy has been chap “ Let’s draw up another table, so ginning to turn gray, took the hysterics. I reached out to the lain at Loretto Heights college and we can all eat together,” Jimmie convalescent east. Burnett said lonely young fellow this night at pastor o f St. Patrick’s parish, Fort suggested in his eager voice. he had run away from a broken Tortoni’s, and Burnett and I be Logan. He received his appoint “We’ve just ordered.” home haunted by recollections of came friends, ment as civilian-military chaplain “ Hadn’t you better ask them his dearly loved father, and from "Federal at No. Speer at Fort Logan from Bishop John first? Maybe they’d prefer being Homssick for the notoriety— he called it— as the F. O’Hara, C.S.C., Military Dele­ by themselves,” frowned his wife. We laughed, recalling the other oripnal of the velvet clad, lace- gate. Turning to Winifred, she added, dinner. I referred to his quota­ collared little lord with the long GRand 1626 "The shrimp hasn’t any manners.” tion in Italian and he said: Native of Boiton curlSj whose father had made a “I have, too,” retorted the flush­ “ I’ve been downright homesick marriage distasteful to the gouty Bom in Boston, Mass., on Aug ing Jimmie. “ They’re friends . . ever since for Fiesole, where once old earl. Little Lord Fauntleroy I spent a part of the spring with 21, 1906, Father Mulcahy studied “Pipe down! Can’t you see suits were worn by nearly every at St. John’s Preparatory college, they’re in a party?” my parents. It’s on a high hill in “ party-dressed” small boy in the Danvers, Mas.<*.; St. Charles’ col­ “ That doesn’t make any d if Tuscany, you know, near , United States and, “wherever I lege, Catonsville, Md.; the Cath­ ference ...” and quaintly ancient, 13th century, went, first at school, then at col­ olic university and the Sulpician “I told you to shut up!” I wish I could show you the photo­ lege,” Burnett continued, “ every­ B u i l d e r i s seminary in Washington, D. C., Jimmie looked as though the graphs— but mother has them— where and anywhere, I was pointed and S t Thomas’ seminary, Denver. sharp command had been a sting­ of the battlemented campanile, St. out as Fauntieroy until I loathed He took the three-year Basselin ing slap. Roraolo’s Cathedral, the Palazzo myself. course in philosophy at the Cath­ “We would love to join you if Pretorio, the medieval castle of “ I just decided I’d be happier on olic university and has-the Master you will have us, Tex,” smiled Vincigliata, and the Franciscan my own, making my own way, andj of Arts degree from that institu­ Winifred. “ Let us be all together; and Dominican monasteries. I so came to Denver. It waS-^m is tion. Father Mulcahy was or­ it’s more jolly that way.” could spend my life in the Domin Section dained by Archbishop Vehr in the lean monastery where Fra Gio­ “Sure you’re not saying it be­ Denver Cathedral on June 6, 1936. cause he forgot his bringing up?” vanni Angelico, the great painter, He served for the next four years Mrs. Monihan’s eyes wtre suspi­ lived back in 1400-something. It as assistant at Blessed Sacrament cious. “ But anyway, it’s real nice is all very lovely, a place to bring FOX & COM PANY parish. For two years he has been of you. Well, get to moving a out any gift a person may have on the faculty of Loretto Heights. table,” she shot at Jimmie, “ you for writing. Lord Chesterfield, you.” “ A little earlier than this the A Happy New Year to Sheet Metal Manufacturers and Contractors Architecture Students I’ll do it, ma’am,” grinned the fields around, and on the hillsides, 1620 Blake Street CHerry 7404 \ squint-eyed waiter. Jimmie reached are covered with violets, large yet BAKVth E. FOX DENVKB, COLORADO Are Given Mentions into his pocket as a large table exquisite violets, of a purple drenched in fychsia, so that at Washington, D. C.— Eleven stu­ scraped against his. sunset the earth glows in a magical dents of the school of architecture “Take your hand out!” Tex or­ dered. “ Any tipping’s to be done, living magenta, and you can All from Miller’s! o f the Catholic university have imagine weeping been awarded mentions by the I do it. All right, folks, seat your­ Holiday Greetings Beaux Arts Institute of Design for selves. Now, bring our food with with joy at the beauty!” their work in architectural dpsign theirs, not before,” to the waiter He was facing, but did not see who, in the absence o f menu card.s, me. “ At Fie.sole,” he mused, “ you LEMON Stroctortl StMl began reciting the bill of fare. We throw yourself down upon the MARASCHINO BAR X Corrufited IroD Calrtrt* DENVER WRECKING GO., 1000 S. Bdway ordered Chianti with our meal, violets and their fragrance re­ DENVER STEEL and the red, green; . and white freshes like a bath in cool clouds straw-wrapped bottles were that have feathered up and carry CHERRIES JUICE brought first. with them the perfume of sun- MIXER 0 IRON WORKS “No, you don’t; you know you warmed blossoming orchards. You THIS IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE W. Colfax and Larlaar Straat can’t hold anything liquorish,” ad­ sleep and wak% drowsily to the TAbar SI71 monished Tex as Jimmie reached song of a passing peasant, and P.O. BOX IIM, DENVER 1 Qc for an empty goblet. She half sleep again. And you dream . . .” with slenis, ^•pint Hidden * WALLPAPER He saw me with a start and filled the glass with the red wine 5-ox. bottle...... H ^ bottle...... Gold, can...... and then added water from the broke off with, “Little goldfishes! Prices Low - Quality Best W H Y N D T carafe until it came to the brim. You’ll think me a blooming senti­ Jimmie glared but held his tongue. mentalist instead o f the barely HTgiraW E FAINTS o/rA “Here’j a toast I thought up,” tolerated companion in the odorous and Tex kicked back her chair, ris­ ‘Black Maria’ of the police surgeon CANADA CLICQUOT T U P ^ ing like the Goddess of L i^ rty in and his stomach pump.” majestic height, one rigid arm It was on my lips to tell him he holding, not the torch, but her was a poet, but I said instead, DRY RDDF goblet. “ To the managing editor “ You will return some day, and I CLUB Ginger Ale, Sparkling Water, who won’t pay a decent sala^ to hope I can be with you, for I would Ginger Ale, Sparkling Ckknd V Lime Rickey, Tom Collins, YOUR HOUSE FOR the artist; may he jump up like a like to see those violets.” Church’s, jack rabbit and come down the “ Not on $22.50 a week, we won’t While Soda, c h o ic e , pint Water, Choice Pint BotUe THE LAST TIME? plain jack he is 1” and, startlingly, go to Fiesole,” he smiled and then, bottles. Quart her strong vocal chords emitted a ruefully, “I thought until I ^ t For tha moat besallfal Bottle ...... for a lone period of years T weird long-drawn hoarse “ Hee-hah into newspaper work I had in­ of modem llzht fixtures, Go^ rooflnx, properly applied, will hee-hah-ah-waughahah!” so like herited the gentle art of writing, rth Broadway ! But I inspect our ditpisrs to- solve the problem of patehiuf when Welch’s, dsy. New 1»41 fUturs* leaks occur . . . will prove to be sn the bray o f a donkey, every head but I’m not so sure now.” cost surpristndy little. Investment rather than a Uability. For Let us make a llxhtinx jerked in her direction. “ Shucks!” I remonstrated. Quart Decoraton Approve the NEW or REROOF job, be sure to “ Hey, lady!” an overalled laborer "You’re in the greatest training effieieoey test of your .specify , . . Bottle ... New U ^ l Jixturee home, today. called, “ do it again.” school in the world for good writ­ PHILADELPHIA. PA — In­ She did. Palms tough as boards ing.” terior decorator* who have heartily beat together with such thunder “ I don’t ag^ree, my friend. Maybe, if they’d brost me to $26 or $30 approved Ui« increaied efficiency the swinging door burst open and H. G. REID S t f i t P i M t P the bai^ana-turbaned signora, I’d feel differently. But you may of Modeni Jigfating arc now agreed thl ELECTRICAL CO. red faced from the range, smiled be ^right. A t Fiesole I learned a that 1941 fight fixtnr« fiav« solved Phone CHerry 6651 toothily in relief and waved her saying attributed to Fra Angelico: artistic u well u scientific prob­ ELECTRICAL CON­ hand. W in ifre^ au gh in gly, said, La poverta e la madre di tutte le lem*. add real for Free Eslimates ’They beanty to TRACTING — REPAIR­ “ Why not tell them what the toast arti." Ginger Ale, Lime room fateriora" it the concentoa of ING and FIXTURES is?” “ As Tex would say, are those Rickey, choice opinion. “Friends,” began Tex, \hoving cuss words?” MESTERH ELATERITE pint £ MAin 2303 her generously proportioned hand “ It means, ‘Poverty is the mother ROOF/NC COMPANY inside Jimmie’s collar and yanking of all arts,’ and, if it’s trut. I’m bottle* V bottles... 329 14lh SL him, sputtering, to his feet, “ this being mothered into an artist all SUPER mBBKETM tuimaBif BllilDluo - i ■ is the artist of tha Bepubliean, bright.” \- Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE CHRISTMAS CHEER BROUGHT TO PATIENTS AT HOSPITAL

(St. Philoinaiia't Pariih) every Saturday afternoon through­ Christmas cheer was brought to out the year from Rita La Tourette the Catholic patients o f the Jewish and Marge Mohan, enjoyed a National hospital by the Legion o f Christmas tree and gifts furnished Mary and the Sodality of trie by Elizabeth Flaherty and the Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday sodality. evening, Dec. 24, Each adult was Parish Group Entertains presented with a copy of the New St. Philomena’s pariah group l e / u x c c c Testament. The children, who was host at a buffet supper Sunday have received religious instruction evening, Dec. 21, at the NCCS- USO club, 222 E. 17th avenue. The Very Rev. Dr. William M. Higgins and the Rev. Dr. David Maloney were present. F i i l The following women were in charge: Mrs. Joseph G. Henry, chairman; Mmes. Robert Emmett Lee, Thomas J. Halter, Leo Sibert, FOi ClIH EDl Paul J. Ketrick, Robert M. Schmitt, The American/National Bank of Denver is proud of its long Mary Lillian Hatton, Helen L. Burke, Marie C. Smith, and Mary “ service record” — and sincerely thanks its more than TW ENTY Agnes Connors. Deposits Rita La Tourette’s sodality Deposita THOUSAJfD patrons for their endorsement of. the progressive F group was present and rendered December 1, 1941 several beautiful carols. May 1, 1905 policies that have made its steady growth possible! MAY' THE Masses on New Year’s day will A Requiem Mass was, offered in HOLIDAY SEASON BE JOYOUS—AND THE NEW YEAR St. Philomena’s church Saturday be at the same time as on Sundays. $34,378.00 $11,723,617.34 The Boy Scouts will receive at 10 o’clock by the Very Rev. Dr, BRING A RETURN TO THE WAYS OF PEACE AND William M. Higgins for Elaine Communion Sunday at the 8:15 Mass. Taylor, who only last October had NORMALCY. been cho.sen queen of the day at the The following clubs convened in the week: Mrs. M. A. Hickey’s met freshman initiation social held in with Mrs. Elizabeth Curcio at the the Cathedral school gym. Death ended many months of painful ill­ Daniels & Fisher tearoom. Hon­ ors were awarded to Mrs. J. F. ness. Elaine, a native of Denver, was Reinhardt and Mrs. P. H. Williams. Mrs. Esther Deike’s club was in perfect health until two years THE ONLY BANK IN TH^ CITY OFFERING FOR YOUR entertained at the home o f Mrs W, R. Randall. Mrs. J. J. Torpey, Jr., made high score. Mrs. J. W. O’Neill will be hostess to the club Jan. 6 at her home, 944 Hudson ■CONVENIENCE AND PRIVACY street. , N. Mrs. J. F. Hyde entertained Mrs. P. F. Giblin’s club. Mrs. D. R. Costello received the honor. Mrs Costello wilt be hostess to the club Jan. 15. Mrs. T. C. Rhoades will entertain Ijer club Dec. 30. Marzette Hickey and Betty Co- Modern-Personalized Teller Windows villo returned Dec. 20 from Leav­ enworth, Kans., where they have been attending the St. Mary col­ (Below) Close-up of new Modern- lege. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Henry will Personalized Teller Window—showing have as houseguests Mrs. Henry’s the complete privacy it affords to every cousin, E. J. Burke o f Tulsa, Okla., and his daughter, Mary Evelyn, patron in every, department. WE who will be en route to the Port­ INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE BANK land air base to visit Mr. Burke’s son and Miss Bertha Callahan o f SOON — AND SEE THIS UNIQUE Colorado Springs. \ NEW BANKING SERVICE — THE Return From Chicago ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND IN THIS Mrs. R. P. Walden and son, Jerry, have returned from Chi­ REGION. Elaine Taylor cago, 111., where they visited Mrs. Thomas Vernia. ago. While hurrying to a party Lt. Eugene Carey returned to when she was in the eighth grade Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., following she fell on a stairway and bruised a brief visit at the home of his ber left leg. An infection set in parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Carey and the pain became so great she Frank Abcgg, Jr., who is attend­ was unable to attend the closing ing college in Ames, la., will spend classes at St. Philomena's school the holidays with his parents, Mr. She did take part in the May and Mrs. Frank Abegg, Sr. crowning ceremonies and in the Mary Jane Costello will be graduation exercises. Shortly after ho.stess to 12 of her friends at a commencement, she went to the hos­ buffet supper and dancing party pital, where she underwent an op­ Monday evening, Dec. 29. eration and had her leg in a cast Phil Clarke arrived in Denver for eight weeks. Dec. 20 from South Bend, Ind., She enrolled as a freshman' at where he has been attending Notre Cathedral this fall, but her doctor Dame university, and Mac Stewart would not allow'her to attend class came from Santa Clara, Calif., to regularly. She kept with her class­ spend the holidays at their re­ mates by studying Latin, English spective homes. algebra, religion, and other .sub- Marzette Hickey, Betty Covilloi .iects at home with the help of her and Patsy Youdg were the guests mother. For recreation she listened of honor at a breakfast given by to the radio, read mystery stories Shirley Owens Sunday, Dec. 2l, and played the piano. About once Mrs. T. P. MbAndries left re­ a week or so one of the family took cently for Syracuse, N. Y., where her to a movie in a car. she will visit at the home o f her Because of her handicap—she daughter for some time. Again—the American National Bank of Denver takes a “forward .step” in modern banking could walk only with the aid o f Robert Schmitt is recuperating —by bringing to its patrons the privacy and convenience of new MODERN-PERSONAL­ crutches—she was unable to take from an appendectomy performed part in the freshman initiation Ded 22 at a local hospital. IZED TELLER WINDOWS. These new booth-like, streamlined glass, marble and bronze ceremonies held at Cathedral high M ill Hammel Wed enclosed teller windows protect you from public gaze! No eyes but your own— and the school on “ appreciation day.” She Kathryn Hanimel will be­ did, however, attend the activities come the bride o f Eugene Bolmer, teller’s— can watch—as you transact your business. The bank extends a cordial invitation of the day and evening even though son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bol­ to YOU—to view this newest facility for modern banking — an improvement in keeping she had- to sit on the sidelines and mer o f Longmont,- Colo*., .Saturday, watch the others. Her hour of Dec. 29, at 4 ' p.m. in St. Philo­ with the progressive aims of the American National Bank of Denver. triumph came when her cla.ssmates mena’s church. The Very Rev. Dr. voted her queen of the festival and William H i^ in s will officiate she received her crown amid the The bride wilj wear a blue suit plaudits of the more than 200 per­ and her corsage will be of Talis­ sons present at the social in the man ruses. evening. She will be attended by her sis­ Her condition became worse the ter, Mrs. Aloysius Taylor o f Wich­ O f f i cers ita, Kans., who will wear a dusty STATEMENT first part o f last week. Elaine died Thursday at the home of her pink suit and a corsage o f Talis­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren F man rose.s. As of the close of business, December 1,1941 FRANK KIRCHHOF..... ^...... President Taylor, 1614 Steele street. She Mr. Bolmer’s best man will be was their only child. Her father AloysiUs Taylor. ADOLPH KUNSMILLER...... Vice President, Cashier is a musician in the Denver Sym­ Following a wedding trip to phony orchestra. Colorado Springs, the couple will C. S. Haiigliwoiit...... Vice President reside in Longmont. Hammel ” Resources Liabilities Interment was in Mt. Olivet, Fritz A. Nagel...... Vice President Olinger service. has made her home with her aunt. Miss Mamie Hotz, 1062 Fillmore Cash on hand Capital W . A. Woods Jr...... Viee President street, since the death of her par­ and on deposit Stock ...... $500,000.00 ents some years ago. Party to Honor with Federal V. Marple...... Assistant Cashier Brida-EIect Feted Reserve and Surplus ^ • Mrs. Robert Gray and her daugh­ $6,662,422.&1 $1,344,646.00 J. C. Barl>er...... Assistant Cashier ter, Geraldine, entertained at a other banks....$4,580,562.34 Fund ...... $500,000.00 Negro Children United States bridge breakfast Sunday, Dec. 21, H. F. Feuclit...... Trust Officer in honor of Rita Jane Flaherty, Government Undivided bride-elect. The guests included : Vhe Negro children o f .Sacred Bonds ...... $2,081,860.50 P rofits...... $344,646.80 A. W . Brown...... |...... Assistant Trust Officer Heart parish will be the honor Mmes. Thomas Flaherty, J. R. guests at a New Year’s party at 3 Plank, Michael Flaherty, George J. A. Fitzpatrick...... Auditor o ’clock Sunday, Jan. 4, at the Hancock, Mary McCormack. P. H. home of Mrs. Ada Thomas, 23.30 Williams; Misses Elizabeth Jo 0 Downing street. The entertain­ •4nne and Margaret Flaherty, Vir­ ment will be in charge of the ginia Beck, Anne Kalsbeek, Mary Municipal and Listed Csr- Reserves ...... $ 134,140.65 mothers o f the St. Peter Claver Ellen Parisoe, Betty McConaty, poration Bonds...... $ 2,035,483.97 Denver Housing Convert class and is available Annette and Rita I,a Tourette, Stock in the Federal Re­ Eleanor Ripberger, Mildred Wier, Deposits ...... $ 406,978.46 Directors through the co-operation of Joseph serve Bank...... 30,000.00 Little, local Catholic attorney. Peggy Mahoney, Ruth Elma Mar­ Loans and Discounts...... 4,364,495.98 Deposits ___ 11,316,638.88 H. E. Huffman Ralph W. Kelly There are approximately 50 Col­ tin, Phyllis and Frances McCor mack, andJBlizabeth and,Rose Mc­ Bank Building...... 110,000.00 ored children in Sacred Heprt C. S. Haughwout Fritz A. Nagel school this term, and additional Dermott. ” Furniture and Fixtures...... 1.00 Total Deposits...... $11,723,617.34 Mrs. James E. Gaule and Mr Negro hoys and girls, convert^ to Other Assets...... 1.00 I Frank Kirchhof Albert E. Seep the Church, attend other grade and Mrs. Joseph Barry returned to Denver from El Paso, Tex. and high schools. These children $13,202,404.79 Adolph KunsmiUer Fred G. Walsen will have included in their party a $13,202,404.79 •musical program and refresh- I wents. Little Sisters The ,St. Peter Claver Convert class now has more than 150 mem­ MIember of the Fedora! Reserve System bers, including 35 adults and 15 Greet Benefactors Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation youngsters who now are being in­ structed by the Rev. Arthur F. The Little Sisters of the Poor Versavel, S.J., and who will be at the Home for the Aged, W, baptized in M»rch. The mothers 30th and Meade streets, find it o f the group will do the baking and a pleasing duty once again, at otherwise prepare for the affair. the beginning of another year, to thank their kind benefactors and Jos. Craven Heads Board friends for the generous support they have given in 1941, which has For Enemy Alien Cases enabled the sisters to take care An announcement from Wash­ of their old people. ington by Attorney General Fran­ “ We realize many a sacrifice cis Biddle told of the appointment has been made in this difficult of Joseph A. Craven, Denver at- times in order to assist us,” the , torney and member of Blessed nuns declared, “ and we ask our I Sacrament parish, to head a hear- Divine Savior to bless our dear 1 ing board that will make reco'm- benefactors and reward them I7TH AND LAWRENCE4 STREETS mendations on the disposition of abundantly. We confidently rely enemy aliens in Colorado. Other on their co-operation for the fu­ members of the board are George ture and wish to all and each Crowder and Edgar McComb, Den­ o f them a joyous Christmas and a ver lawyers, and Platt Rogers, very happy New Year; a peaceful IISTEN TO FULTON LEWIS JR. •MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY • 9:30 P.M.»KFEL I Pueblo. The board, after review^ year, that peace which the world I fig each case, will recommend in- cannot give and which is the posi Itemment, parole, or freedom. tion of all men of good wilL” PAGE FOUR Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 \ The Denver Catholic Register In the Catholic News of 1941 POPE URGES PROGRESSIVE President...... ______..M ost Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D E ditor..'------....R t Rev. Ms^. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.O., Jonr.D LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS Manapng Editor.------Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J. McNeill, A.B. (Continued From Page One) He spoke of "men who have turned from Christ” and of souls without Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, J.C.L., Litt.D.; Rev.'John Cavanagh Millions of persons are separated from their families and enduring faith with the result that "all of M.A., LittD.; Rev. Edward A. Breen, M.A., LittM.; Leonard Tangney great pain and sorrow while “ harsl civilization’s values are endatt* A.B., Jour.D. violence rage.s all over the world, feered.” like a storm,” the Pontiff averred. His Holiness said “ the whola Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. world is awaiting the triumph of Christ.” "W e are torn with an­ Osly Defeal Gan Bring guish for your sufferings,” he went Published Weekly by on. Liberly to Oppressed .-The Pontiff referred to "the new . THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) order whiph must arise out of tha war,” and said that "this new order 938 Bannock Street San Antonio, Tex.— In a Christ­ must be based on moral principle.” Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0 . Box 1620 mas pastoral, Archbishop Robert "There can be no new order i^th. ,Jl,ucey of San Antonio declared out freedom and equality of rights that "we hold no hatred in our of all people . . . It is for the great powers to collaborate so that no Subscription: $1 per year. hearts for those unfortunate gov­ fresh evils may arise for man­ ernments who have freely declared kind.” Thursday, Dec. 25,1941 themselves and their people our “ It is not the first time,” to# adversaries in this mighty strug­ Pontiff said, "that people are in­ gle. Those who have taken up arms volved in a fight for something OFFICIAL, DIOCESE OF DENVER which they think will be a new and against us are not free peoples; The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approvaL, better order and for which people they are the subjects of despotic We confirm it as the official publication of the Diocese. Whatever have been thrown into misery governments. Only by passing appears in its columns over the signature o f the Ordinary or those but which, in fact, turns out to be a through the portals o f defeat can stupid, vain distortion.” of Uie Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. they hope to enter the mansion of We hope The Register will be read in every homo o f the civil and political liberty.” He also Diocese. said that, "although our cause is Eight Priests Observe We urge pastors, parents, and^achers to cultivate a taste in just, we as a people cannot escape the children o f the Diocese for the reading o f The Elegistcr. some measure of responsibility for Jubilees in Quebec « URBAN J. VEHR, present world disorders. . . . We Aug. 5, 1931. Bishop o f Denver. as a people have refused to sup Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, Qua, port the law o f nations and it has — A unique observance was held at disintegrated. We have declared Ste. Anne’s college here on tha that we ■will be neutral when inter­ Feast of the Immaculate Concep­ national gangsters rob and mur­ tion when eight priests were hon­ der.” ored on the occasion of their golden ^ Registorials ^ jubilees. They are Monsignor Wil­ frid Lebon, superior of the college, High School Students and Fathers Stanislaus Roy o f St, Fabien, Esdras Castonguay of St, fContinued From Page One) Send Letter to F. D. R. Alexandre, Odilon Guimont of Ste. (Continued From Page One) empting 'religious, charitable, and Fort Wayne, Ind. — "Make Anne, Auguste Lessard of Mont- war, stop defending ourselves, have welfare workk.from taxation is a America worthy of God’s favor” magny, Alfred Dupont o t St. Ro­ muald, Joseph Bourque of Ste. us lay ourselves at the mercy o f the constant one. It bas been waged in is the motto proposed by the more Gilorado more than once in i;ecent than 1,200 students o f Central Foy, and Georges Noel Pelletier of totalitarians. years. Only this fall the f^eral Catholic high school in a letter Beauceville. It is not enough for lu to hold government, by imposing an ad­ they sent President Roosevelt. The them in contempt because o f their mission tax on charitable benefits, students promise "their daily Students Joining Armed anti-patriotism, since it will be weakened the pillars on which this prayers for an early victory of these same people who will pose as tradition rests. the United States armed forces, Forces Treated Specially patriots and will try to wipe out Section 5 o f Article X o f the leading to a just peace for the Notre Dame, Ind.— Students of religion a few years hence. Colorado state constitution provides entire world.” the ,«n- A congressman from the state of that property, real and personal, tering the armed forces through Washington, John M. Coffee, just which is used solely and exclusively Noted Surgeon,-Dentists the draft or enlistment in the last week had inserted into the school year will be given individual for charitable purposes shall be The Jre»r 1141 WU crowded with evenU NCC8. G. Howland Shaw (11), aaaiatant Attended Georgetown U. Congressional Kecord a letter from exempt from taxation. Chapter 94 of Catholic intereet. Piua XU (1) con­ aacratary of alata, alactad praaidant of tha consideration by the university in what he termed “a constructive o f the Session Laws of 1937 estab tinued hii nntirinz efforta for ^ a c t and National Confaranca of Catholic C^ritiaa. the waiving of academic require­ liberal” (whatever that means) hii eolicituda for refofeea and priaonera William F. Montavon (17) of WaiWngton Washington.— The medical and ments for credits or for degrees. lished the annual specific owner­ of war. The Pope’s representatiTo in the waa named an adviaor of committoa on with an attack on religion. This ship tax on motor vehicles and ex­ United Statee, Archbiihop Amleto G. policy. Office of Co-ordinator of Coramar- denta^chools of Georgetown uni­ liberal lakes us to task for the war empted only publicly owned vehi­ Clcoznani (2). presented the Pope's blessing ctal and Coltaral Ralatlona with tha Ameri­ versity have made many personnel Prominent Canadian in the Pacific, as follows: cles. On Dec. 14, 1937, however, to the annual meeting of the Bishops and can Rapnblici. William t . Waiih (18). contributions to medical and den­ articipated in the Sulpician Tercentenary educator, author, of Naw York, was tal work in the U.S. army, navy, Catholic Woman Dies “ But what can one expect when the state's attorney general, then Jetebrationi at Baltimore. ’ Cardinal O'Con­ awarded tha annual Laatarc medal. Among even the clergy o f all denomina- Byron C. Rogers, in a letter to the nell (3) of Boston obsereed hii 30th year the U. 8. Hierarchy ebangee ware two and public health service. Some of London, Ont.— One o f Canada’s tioAs — all organized religions of clerk and recorder o f Jefferson as a Cardinal and hii 83nd birthday. Car­ naw Archbiahope and four naw OMi- the most notable included Dr. Wil­ most prominent Catholic women, dinal Dougherty (4) of Philadelphia wsa narita. Archbiahop Robert £. Lacey (II) liam M. Cogan, cofounder of the Mrs. Evelyn McCann, a past presi­ the day— join the (^od o f Moses county, expressed the opinion that Papal Legate to the Ninth National En- of San Antonio; Archbiahop-Elect Urban and Aaron to the god o f profit? the ownership tax does not change charlitic congreia in St. Paul. Bishop von J. Vehr (SI) of Denver; BUhop Lanranea navy dental corps; Dr. Thomas N. dent of the Catholic Women’* The golden calf on his pedestal the constitutional exemption and Galen (5) of Mueniter denounced tha Nail J. FitsSimon (21) of Amarillo; Blahop Parran, surgeon general of the League o f Canada, is dead. Mrs. Gestapo. Cardinal Fumasonl-Biondi (0) Francia J. Magnar (22) of Marquette; U.S. public health service, and Dr. McClann was honored by the Pope can smirk at the havoc he has that vehicles used solely for bene­ was named Camerlengo of the College of Biahop Jamae J. Swaanay (23) of San brought to the peoples men call hu­ ficent works are exempt from this Cardinals. Dr. Howard Shapley (7). Franciaco. flrat Blahop of Honolulu: Biahop- Lee Fairbanks, chief of the U.S. for her work for Catholic immi­ man beings.” levy. American astronomer, won the PontiScal th« BUhopc* commiitM. in charft. Tli« Honaignor Mlehaal J: Stady

r. Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4208 PAGE FIVE

Columbia’s U. S. Tank Warrior Far East Chief 1941 Recorded in History as Year of Vast Ready for Winter Importance to Catholicism in Colorado

(Continued From Page One) ' tion of a Missionary Co-operation Francis Lyons, S J., ex-Regis stu­ lain, Denver, observed his 40th esUnt church in Louisville, moved plan to group parishes for specific dent, in St. Marys, Kans. year as a pjiest in June. to S t Ida’s parish, Lafayette. mission aid.■ The“ h( Rt." ~Rev. Thomas Various Catholic buildings re­ J. McDonnell, national SPF di­ Catholic Organizations Milestones Passed by ceived considerable remodeling; rector, explained that the system Continue Pro'gress Catholic Institutions St. Mbit’ s church. Brush, having allo'ws a mission organization a Lay organizations continued to Trinidad’s first Field Mass in been enlarged to seat nearly twice single yearly visit to a parish. make gains in membership and May, attended by 5,000 laymen its form er capacity o f 150, was Hospital Service Cuts program activities, with the and 35 priests, featured the'dia­ JAMES P. CRAY rededicated by Archbishop-Elect ACCW, K. o f C., Holy Name so­ mond jubilee celebration of Holy Vehr in February; an addition to Demand on Charities ciety, St. Vincent de Paul society. Trinity parish. The 60th anniver­ Optometrist 212 COLORADO BIDG. the church proper in Hugo in­ Demands on the Archdiocesan Legion o f Mkry, C. D. o f A., and sary o f St. Patrick’s parish, Den­ 1615 (jilifomia TA. 888S creased its pews by half; Holy Catholic Charities expenditures, parish groups taking the lead. ver, in June also marked the public Family convent, Denver, opened in May set at $831,099, were fewer Some 300 delegates from 15 opening of its $53,000 school. The COMFORTABLE VISION AND EYE CARE labor on a $3,900 addition, and in the year because of the Colo­ states registered at the NCCW re­ launching of a building drive, the former nurses’ quarters at rado Hospital Service association, gional conference in Denver in the annual Holy Name parade, St Anthony’s hospital were re which, through its Blue Cross plan, August, which drew more than and a Solemn Field Mass opened built for hospital use, concluding paid to 14 member hospitals $179,- 600 to a session highlighted by the the 50th-year o b s e r v a n c e of the institution’s $300,000 con­ 326 for the care of 4^297 patients. call of Bishop Louis Kucera of Pueblo Catholic high. A two “Why Pay More?” struction program. The Very Rev. Monsignor John R. Lincoln for aggressive religious day celebration in January hon­ (Trademark) , A drive to rebuild St. Patrick’s Mulroy is president of the agency. unity on social fronts. Co-opera­ ored Cathedral high’s golden church and Central Catholic high, jubilee. Under President John J. Sulli­ tion with the NCCS and Civilian Pueblo, subscribed $65,000; con­ Other 'silver jubilees were ob­ The chief o f CBS in the Far van’s direction, the ’ 41 Commu­ Military Hospitality association struction was deferred till 1942. served by St. Elizabeth’s school, Eaiit «rar zone is William J. Dunn nity Chest drive, which benefits keynoted the annual state conven­ WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES Mrs. Spencer Penrose, through Denver; Mt. St Scholastica’s acad­ (above), whose headquarters are various Catholic programs, was tion in May. the El Pomar foundation, an­ emy, Canon City, and St. Patrick’s INCORPORATED in Manila. His orbit o f operations jointly sponsored for the USO. By Opening the year with the in­ nounced a gift of $150,000 for church, Rockvale. ranfes several thousand miles from December the campaign raised stitution of a blood donors’ group Colorado Owned Stores the construction o f a Central o f 34 members, the K. o f C. pro­ the Philippines. His latest hop was Catholic high school in Colorado $766,867, Priests Honored gram included the celebration by Sliown in the turret o f an M-3 from Chunitking, China, to Ran­ Springs, a development o f St. Ave Maria clinics reported this Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. 27 state councils o f the 59th birth- By Appointments tank is a soldier o f the Fourth goon, Burma. Mary’s high school. In Denver, month that 5,233 sick poor in dhy ef the order, the annual Com­ Armored division at Pine Camp, Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California work was far advanced on the Denver were cared for in 1941 Singular honors came to the munion series in Colorado Springs, N. Y., attired in winter combat new Holy Ghost church, the gpft their volunteer staff of doctors Rev. Joseph L. Lilly, C.M., former 15th and California Pueblo, Boulder, Walsenburg, and clothing. He wears an alpaca-lined of Helen Bonfils Somnes, although head o f the Scripture department Great Christian and dentists. I'his represented an in Denver, where nearly 2,000 parka, a heavy woolen face toque war conditions have somewhat im­ of St Thomas’ seminary, who in Wa Do Not Hava Spaclal Sale* But Sail Yoa at Our Lowest approximate gain of 100 cases gathered at the Cathedral; the under hi* crash helmet, and woolen peded the operations. above the ’40 returms. April was named by the CCD Price* Every Day on All Drug Merchandise. Ideals Revived state convention at Del Norte in Episcopal committee to the edi­ alove*. Highlights of CCD Soldiers, War Draw May, which voted to extend Colum­ torial board for the New Testa­ bian Squire work; and the real ment’s revision. In August, he was Nun Gives Her Life to Hit Varied Fields Catholic Response estate survey submitted to the in Britain Today transferred to St. Mary’s semi­ Save Orphans, Aged “DENVER’S M ost PROGRESSrVB LAUNDRY* Highlights of the Archdiocesan Gathering war clouds, which Denver Housing authority in Sep­ nary, Perryville, Mo. St. Lin, Que.— Sister Louiw de Confraternity of Christian Doc­ found Catholic agencies well pre­ tember, which reported on the de­ The Very Rev. Dr. William Hig­ la Charite, 30, gave her life to trine, directed by the Rev. Gregory pared for the crisis, were mir­ preciation o f religious institutions gins, pastor of St. Philomena’s; THE 1 ASt ADE- LAEADKY Washington. — Fearful that the save others in a fire which de­ Smith, pastor of S t Francis de rored in the all-dut parish enter­ resulting from the unwise location the Very Rev. Harold V. Camp­ “ TRY OUR NEW SERVICE* spirit of the English people would Sales’ parish, Denver, included the tainments for service men, in the of public works projects. stroyed St. Anthony’s hospital bell, pastor o f Ble.«»ed Sacrament here and imperiled 100 old per­ be broken by the horrors of war. vacation schools, distribution of establishment o f the regional Legion Break* Retreat Record* Complete Laundry Service parish, and the Very Rev. Dr. sons and orphans with 15 other Father Martin D’Arcy, S.J., of the revised New Testament, com­ NCCS office in Denver, and the Breaking all existing retreat Thomas D. Coyne, C.M., rector of 1S47 Msrfctt WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER TA. UTS-UTt pletion of a study club text and a dedication by Archbishop-Des­ nuns. Oxford university, found, on re­ records in the state was the Legion St. Thonlas’ seminary, were in diSdhssion syllabus based on the ignate Vehr of the first Rocky of Mary second annual retreat at January appointed synodal exam­ Oldest St. Louis U. turning home after some time in New Testament, and signal prog­ Mountain REPAIR At 53 years, the Rev. John named to the advisory council for school basketball team brought • TIRE AND BATTERT SERVICE father of twins on the eve of the five weeks the teams talked before Golden, Denver native, was or­ cagni, and I Pagliacei, by Rug­ erings — Window Shades attack in the Pacific that brought more than 15,000 persons in 13 St. Francis’ high school, set up at further laurels to its school by Draperies — Upholstering 5100 E. COLFAX EA. 2251 dained by Anthony J Father Gregory Smith’s direction. giero • Leoncavallo, will be pre­ winning the third annual Catholic AT ADAMS ED TOWEY the United States into another towns. A boom to this venture Schuler, S.J., o f El Paso. An ill sented. 3237 E. Ckilfax EAst 7758 ■World war. Like his father, Ken­ came in February, when a com­ St. Coletta’s school for exceptional tournament and won the right to ness o f 18 years had postponed Lay Retreat* Popular ton Kilmer is a writer and has con­ children, Longmont, was opened by compete in the National Catholic plete manual on street-preaching his advance to the priesthood.' He The lay-retreat movement tributed poetry to many newspa­ five Sisters o f St. Francis o f Mil­ tournament in Chicago. Holy Fam­ was published at St. Thomas’ semi­ sang his first Solemn Mass in Loy' showed gains in the two retreats pers and periodicals. nary. waukee in October. ily high and the Abbey school of Blessed Sacrament ola church, Denver. for women, at Loretto Heights col Canon City also sent teams to the Missionary Co^Op Plan Other ordinations of local iu Clergy Hit lege, Denver, and St. Scholastiea’s latter event. St. Mary’s of Wal­ 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION tereat were; The Rev. Joseph Har- Hard by Deaths academy. Canon City, and in the senburg won the state Catholic At SPF Directors' Meet four for men at Regis college and kS^.*5.l a w s o m d r u b c o . . f r . L Week of Dec. 28: Good garten, former Regis student, for Deaths in the year claimed grid title by defeating Regis, 18-0. The regional directors’ of the the Grand Island diocese, and the the exercises at Holy Cross abbey In addition, Regis college was PrMcrlptloB SpscUllsts — W* ApprMlat* Catlwll. Pstnnac* Shepherd convent, Denver, three pastors, one former Bene­ Society for the Propagation of Rev. George Bischofberger, SJ., dictine pastor, the seminary Canon City. The Laywomen’s Re­ represented by basketball, base­ and Mercy boipital, Denver. the Faith announced the forma- of Denver and the Rev. John spiritual director, and several treat society has scheduled three ball, and boxing aggregations, other priests. sessions for next year. The four with the latter team making the The Rev. Patrick J. MeSweeney, exercises of the Regis Laymen’s most creditable showing; a Denver MONACO PHARMACY Retreat league drew 203. pastor 27 years o f St. Mary’s, CYO basketball league composed 6401 East Colfax OLSON’S .T r S Aspen, died May 4. The Rev, Jos­ Novitiate Established of ten teams played a complete EM. 4762 eph H. Brunner, in charge o f the Development of the Western schedule, and the Junior Parochial Blessed Sacrament Mancos parish 28 years, passed irovince o f the Poor Sisters o f St. league, which includes Denver WE SPECIALIZE IN PRESCRIPTIONS 5019 E. Colfax EM. 2731 away Aug. 27. He had spent his FVancis, whose mother-house is grade school teams, enjoyed great Fn* D«llT.r7 Downtswa PrIcM entire 36 priestly years in Colo­ St. Joseph’s convent at St. An­ success in baseball, basketball, and IN ADVANCE OF NEED rado. The Rev, William E. Larkin, thony’s hospital, Denver, was ex- football. pastor o f St. Patrick’s, La Junta, THE HEALTH from 1924 to 1989, died Dec. 8. two selecleea In Uncle BEN ROLDT, JR. Out of consideration for their families, The Rev. Edmund Btjtz, O.S.B., Refugees 6 Years Ago, Sam’e armored force are CREAMERY PRODUCTS many persons consult us regarding funeral former pastor in Florence 20 pictured after they were reunited following a chance meeting at Fort FLORIST years, died Sept. 20 at S t Francis’ Knox, Kjr. The pair are Pvt. Ernest Kovary (left) and Pvt. Martin 22*1 K.amej St EM. 7272 Member Florists Telegraph arrangements in advance of need. hospital, Colorado Springs. The Lebovics, boyhood chums in Bratislava, Czecho-Slovakia, who bade each Pure Pasteurized Grade A Milk Delivery Assn. There is nothing unusual about this. It is Rev. Robert M. Hennessy, C.M.; other farewell when one left to enlist in the Hungarian army. The other Ggilon 35c, Qts. 12c, two for 20c Phon. EAst 7701 - Night No. EAst 1521 spiritual director at St. Thomas’ O^en Sundays—Every Day 7:15 A. M. 4125 East Celfsz At#. escaped the Nazi persecution a year and a half ago and came to the to 7:90 P. M. Groceries as sensible as drawing up a will, creating seminary, was taken Jan. 8. United States. They were ignorant o f eacli other’s whereabouts until a trust fund, purchasing life insurance or Other clergy deaths of local in­ their reunion at Fort Knox. terest were thosb of the Rev. Wil a cemetery lot. liam M. Hayden, S.J., Regis H. F . Nelson & Son To plan all necessary arrangements pre­ instructor and member of a promi­ Fancy Groceries and Meats ORIES MARKET nent Denver fam ily; the Rev. BIRDS EYE FROSTED FISH 4730 E. (kUfax EA. 1831 vious to need is an act of thoughtfulness. Thaddeus Hall, O.F.M., formerly AND POODS HOME OP CORN FED HEAT One who does so relieves loved ones of the at St. Elizabeth’s monastery; the 2212 Eeamsr' St Op«n An Account With Us Rt. Rev. Ernest A. Antoniolli, Phans EAst 1121 or 111* FREE DELIVERY necessity of making difficult decisions at exiled from Italy by Mussolini, a difficult time. who died at the Canon City abbey; Monsignor Hugo A. Meisekothen, With our Pre-Arrangement Department, Ely, Nev., pastor well known in St. Hlarj IHa^dalene we have made it easy for people to make the state; the Rev. A u ^ s t ^ink, pioneer Kansas priest, who died in pre-arrangements. Anyone interested is Trinidad; the Rev. Thomas C Gift Headquarters Collins Pharmacy invited to visit the Horan establishment Powers, C.M., DePaul university and investigate this plan. No obligation is vice president, who died in Denver. 5e M IK E ’ S lOc 5000 West 29ih Ave. incurred. Clergymen Phone GL 9942 Observe Jubilees VARIETY STORE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Tsar BnsInM. Is ApprKlaUd Our 1942 supply of the OFFICIAL ART Seven o f the state’s priests 5^1 WEST COLPAX CALENDAR of the Catholic Church Extension and one Bishop, formerly of Denver, observed jubilees. The Society is now avaffable. You may obtain your Rev. Henry R. McCabe, 79, Home-Cooked Meals x> PEAR copy by calling at the mortuary. pioneer Colorado priest and Idaho ^ PHARMACY Springs pastor, marked his golden LAKE SHORE CAFE Shtridsn st West Calfsx sacerdotal anniversary in July Phones TAbor 1*11 or TAbor 0*51 Bishop Anthony J. Schuler, S.J. 5209 W . 25th of El Paso, former rector of 1 Doors Off Operated hy PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Sacred Heart (now Regis) college, Sheridan Blvd. P. F. MOORE Proocriptions Onr SpocUltr passed, in June, the 40th year HORAN since his ordination. Silver jubilees AND SON CHAPFLS were noted by the Rev. John R Holj Familj Vidal, C.M., o f S t Thomas’ semi­ nary; the R t Rev. Abbot Leonard KEystone 6297 # KEystone 6296 Schwinn, O.S.B., o f Holy Cross For Quality Bakery Goode IS2.7 Qeveland Place abbey; the Very Rev. Angelas Berkeley Liquor Store Tintle, O.F.M., S t Elizabeth’s Guarding Forever our Founder^ Ideals pastor; the Rev. Urbkn Schnitz> ACROSS PROM ELITCH'S hofer, O.S.B., of Holy Cross abbey, WEISS BAKERY CHRISTIAN BROS. WINES and the Rev. L. M. Doherty of PHONE GLENDALE *117 lOrdway. The Rev. Josep 4024 Tea^yaon Sh 4411 W. Uth At*. Dtartr, Cetas ■Trudtl. S.S.I ICtrcy hoipiul obsp* r f PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 New Winter Chapel Is Used Abbot Celebrates MISSION HELD IN JULESBURG CUUrei-Have Colorado Spring^ Nurses PARISH IS DECLARED SUCCESS Fo r Firs t Time in Aspen Present Colorful Pageant Pontifical lla$ Julesburg.—The mission con­ Miraculous medal. As a result of QrishBsPar^ ducted in St. Anthony’s church by the mission, several marriages will Aspen.— The new winter chapel by, and Cora McKenna; clarinet Father Martin was very succesa- be rectified and a score of Cath­ Colorado Springs.— At one of Christmas in Chicago Is the holi­ Grand Junction. — Under the recently completed through the solo, James Skiff; trumpet solo, ful. The Mass, and sermon every olics will have returned to the prac­ the most impressive pageants ever day plan o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ Canon City.— (Abbey School) sponsorship of the Knights of efforts of the Altar and Rosarj' Donald Elisha. morning and the Rosary, Bene­ tice of the faith. It was the best produced in Colorado Springs, the rick Brinker, Jr., who will b« The Rt. Rev. Leonard Schwinn, Columbus and the Catholic Daugh­ society and several members of diction, and sermon every night preparation thq parish could have students of the Seton school of guests o f Mrs. Brinker’s parents, A one-act play, Chrittmaa Eve at ters, the children of St. Joseph’s the parish was used for the first O.S.B., celebrated a Pontifical Sol filled the church to capacity. made for the coming of Christ at nursing presented the scenes of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Howard the Poor Farm, was presented by school had their annual Christmas time on Sunday, Dec. 14. The emn Mass on Christmas day as the Practically every member of the Christmas. On Sunday morning, the Nativity before a large crowd. O’Brien. sodality members. Characters were program, tree, and treats Monday chapel is liturgically simple and parish went to. (Donfession and rc- at th-i closing of the mission, the The Nativity in Tableau was given Home to spend the holidays with Mrs. Whitcher, Lucille Snyder; Feast of the Nativity was cele­ afternoon. quite suitable for its winter pur­ ceived Holy Communion. On entire congregation joined in the in the Little theater o f the new her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mrs. Shaw, Alice McKenna; Mrs. brated at the abbey. Assisting the Receiv** Commiition poses. Several cash contributions Saturday night, all who made the renewal o f the Baptismal vows, and Margery Reed Memorial nurses’ Colburn, is Miss Marie Colburn, a Williams, Lillian Popish; Mrs. Abbot were the Rev. Aloysius Po- James Leon Daily, son o f Mr. and donations of materials were mission were enrolled in the Mirac­ the missionary accentuated the home on Dec. 20 at 8 o’clock. Ac­ student at Webster college, Web­ Clemens, Josephine Zelnick; Mrs. and Mrs. P. A. Daily o f Grand made to the chapel. Langdon, Frances Zelnick; Miss tochnik, O.S.B., assistant priest; ulous medal and received one of necessity of persevering in the companying each scene was music ster Grove, Mo. • Junction, who has completed a by a string ensemble and the Seton After the holidays the men of James, Helen Mishmash; Miss W at­ the Rev, Stephen Sustrick, O.S.B., the blessed medals from the mis­ resolutions made at the mission On Tuesdty, Dec. 16, a Christ­ navy flying course, has been com­ school chorus, directed by Frank the parish will contribute their son, Ruby Mautz, and Mrs. Shaw’s deacon, and the Rev. Vincent Peter, sionary. Father Martin explained and prayed that God would grant mas party was given by Miss Mary lasting results. missioned an ensigm in the United Gilles. A verse choir read the services in renovating the re- granddaughter, Cora McKenna. O.S.B., subdeacon. the meaning of the picture of Our Kelleher( who entertained her Lady of Perpetual Help which States naval reserve. Scriptures. The unique lighting mainirfg vacant rooms in the base­ Other special features included NEW CHURCH FUND junior dancing class. The Mass was preceded by the hangs in the sanctuary and also Mr. Daily attended Mesa college effects accentuated the excellent ment o f the church in order that tap dance, by Gladys Leaver; PASSES $2,000 MARK The Kensin^on (jub will meet chanting of Matins and Lauds. A the origin and meaning of the for two years and Western State costuming and polished perform­ the parish may be provided with flute solo, by Michael Brand; trum­ large crowd was in attendance. Contributions made recently to college at Gunnison for one. Monday, Dec. 29, at the home of adequate and comfortable meeting ance of the students. Conpratnla- Mrs» J. Lyons. A former member, pet solo, by Glen Beck; clarinet Benedictine Fathers of the abbey the new church fund by Peter He enlisted March 17, 1941, and hhll facilities. It is hoped that tions from all who saw it have Mrs. David Cramer, who is here solo, by Josephine Oblock, assisted at various parishes Christ­ Radke, Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius and received first instruction at ' the St. Patrickis day diner will been received and there are many for the holidays from Denver, will Donations ReceiTed mas day. The Rev. Cyril Zupan, Hirschfeld, Mrs. Anna Hirschfeld, the naval reserve aviation base be held in the new hall. urgent requests that the pertorm- be the honored guest. A generous Christmas package O.S.B., and the Rev. Bonaventure Jacob Meier, Jim Brogan, and at Oakland, Calif. Completing his ance be made an annual affair. Mrs. Elise Dodd left Saturday On Sunday evening. Dec. 21, the was received by the Altar and Ros­ Bandi, O.S.B., were at St. Mary’s, Adam Lechman boosted the total training at the air station at Cor­ On Saturday night the students to spend Christmas with her young women of the sodality pre ary society from the Tabernacle Pueblo; the Rev. Kevin Carr, over the $2,000 mark to $2,048 pus Chri.sti. Tex., he specialized of the Seton school of nursing held mother, Mrs. Dennis O’Connell o f sented a Christmas program for society. A new white vestment of OSB., was at St. Patrick’s Pueblo, Various activities o f the parish, in­ in flying tne navy’s fast carrier their annual Christmas party in Bedford, Ind. On her return trip the children and parents of the exquisite design and material to­ and the Rev. Jerome Hcaly, O.S.B., m m m to cluding Confirmation and the mis­ planes. the gymnasium o f the nurses’ she will visit her sister. Miss Mar­ parish. Father Charles P. Sanger gether with a generous supply of at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Pueb­ sion, prevented the systematic can Leave for Vi*it home. Mrs. V em er Z. Reed, who guerite O’Connell o f (Chicago. spoke words of welcome and greet­ needed altar linens was included lo. The Rev. Regia Barrett, vassing of the people who live in Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clegg of awe the nurses' home in memory ings. The program included: Mrs. Jose'ph P. Murray left in the gift box. The parishioners O.S.B., was assigned to Ouray; the valley. A fter the Christmas 1437 Ouray avenue left by auto of her daughter, personally pre­ Trio, Christmas selections, Mrs. Thursday to visit her mother In are very grateful for the concern the Rev. Harold Glentzer, O.S.B., season, the campaign will be ze Saturday morning for the North- sented each student with a large Robert Ritchier Frances Willough- New Orleans, La. o f the Tabernacle society in their assisted at St. Joseph’s, Salida, sumed. 'west, where they will visit rela­ gift beautifully wrapped in colored regard. and the Rev. Philip Boyle, D.S.B., An ice-skating party and i tives in Walla Walla and Yakima, cellophane and gay ribbons. Tuesday, Dec. 30, Mr. and Mrs.' was at Cripple Creek. James Gallagher will be honored The monthly meeting of the Al­ Durango. — A beautiful taber­ sleigh-ride and social are being Wash., and in Portland, Ore. They Games Party Is Jan. 16 Pueblo Newsboys With the Rev. Dominic Sclafini, planned by the members o f the will be away about two weeks. at a dinner at the home o f Mrs. tar and Rosary society and a card nacle, donated by Mr. and Mrs. At a meeting o f the Holy Name O.S.B., pastor of St. Benedict’s Junior Newman club in the Arriving home from the St. Gallagher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. party will be held on Thursday Matt Schaefer, was used for the society on Dec. 17, the president. church, Florence, confined to the Christmas holidays. The details Mary college, Leavenworth, Kans., Frederick Lane, the occasion be­ evening, Jan. 8. Mrs. Violet Lavey, first time Dec. 21 in St. Columba’s Dr. William Craron, presided. Feted at Party hospital, as is the Rev. Augustine will be announced and discussed at last night were Margaret Hall, ing their fifth wedding anniver­ Mrs. John Snyder, Mrs. Louis church. After the members had fully dis­ LaMarche, O.S.B., the church at the regular meeting, which will Frances Eble, Emma Mary Mar- sary. Vedic, and Mrs. Sadie Haught will The committee sponsoring the cussed the matter, it was unani­ Florence is being served b y ' the take place after the first Mass this ron, Helen Covin^on, Jeanne Sunday afternoon St. Mary’s • Pueblo.— The annual Christmas have charge of the entertainment Christmas party Wednesday, Dec. mously decided to hold a games Rev. Justin McKernan, O.S.B., Sunday in the basement of the Goettelman, and Katherine Foster. students gave a presentation of the party of the George F. McCarthy The Newman club will meet on 24, included Mrs. Agnes Moran, party on Friday, Jan. 16, in the while the Rev. Urban Schnitzhofer, rectory. A large sleigh will be Dorothy Tharp accompanied the sacred drama, Another Christmas. newsboys was held at the* Vail Wednesday evening, Jan. 7. This Mrs. Nina Smith, Mrs. Ed Bren­ American Legion hut. Edward O.S.B., is acting chaplain at St. borrowed from one of the neigh­ girls as far as Denver, but re­ Those taking part were Catherine hotel. A turkey dinner was served will be a social meeting and will nan, and Mrs. Herbert McGtegor. Williams was appointed chairman, Thomas More hospital. boring farmers and the parents of mained there to be with a sister- Duffy, Agnes Gaughan, Carl Hart­ and after the dinner the fol­ be held in the basement o f the The tables were beautifully deco with the following members to act some of the Junior Newmanites in-law who is seriously ill. man, Thomas Stanton, Bob Zecha, lowing program of talks and vocal church. Miss Lucille Snyder and Club Has rated with evergreens and pine as a committee: Jack Murray, Joe John Singer, ann Jack Bailey. cones, and the place cards were will provide the team or teams of ChairmBn Named and instrumental solos was pre­ Michael Brandt will have charge Ash, Jimmy Finn, Alfred Rieden, Presented this year again was Yule Party miniature gardens of juniper horses. Francis Shiel and Irene sented: “ God Bless America,” of the meeting and entertainment. William J. Callahan o f this city Dave Harris, L. A. Walters, sPaul The Prelude, with Mary Ellen sprays loaded with berries with a Lambrecht, president and vice Tom Price and the McCartlw On Thursday evening, Dec. 18, has been appointed chairman of McCarville, and Harley Reming­ Sand and David Garvin playing Christmas candle in the middle president, respectively, of the newsboys; welcome, George F. the Monogram club held its annual the ambulance unit of the civilian ton. Full particul^ will appear the leading role's. Refreshments were served and club, will constitute the committee McCarthy, sponsor of the club; Christmas party and final meeting defense for Mesa county. in a later issue. gifts were distributed. in charge o f the affair. The date Pioneer Buried “ I Don’t Want to Set the World on of 1941. Mr. Callahan received word o f The Rev. Reginald James, C.P., The C. D. o f A. and the Young will also be announced Sunday. A Requiem Mass was offered Fire,” Carmen Rivas; “Gay Ran- 'arisli in Pueblo President Bob Buser opened the his appointment from R. E. Smith, has gone to Mancos, where he is Saturday at 9 at St. Mary’s churca chero,” Henry Romero; “Elmer’s Ladies’ sodality received Holy Study Club to Be Organiied meeting, and the financial report chairman of civilian defense for assisting the Rev, Joseph Lane, for John F. Maloney, who died Tune,” John Galifano; “Tips,” Communion in a body Dec. 21. was read by Treasurer Walt Sobba At the beginning of the new the eighth corps area. pastor, in the Christmas holidays. Thursday, Dec. 18, at his residence, Tom Price; “ Chattanooga Choo Masses on Christmas were at The Rev. Justin McKernan, year a study club will be organized Mr. Callahan is to furnish in­ Father William Ferrell, S.J., of 505 N. Nevada avenue. Burial Choo,” Paul Califano; “From midnight, 8, and 10 o’clock. Con­ Has New Kitchen O.S.B., national secretary of the in the parish. The purpose o f the formation concerning companies Sacred Heart parish, Denver, spent was in Evergreen cemetery. Newsboy to Lawyer,” Philip Ca^ Alumni association, was given an fessions were heard Tuesday eve­ ■ !ub will be to offer instruction in several days in Colorado Springs operating ambulances and organ! Mr. Maloney had resided In bini; “Says My Heart,” Ernest honorary membership in the club; ning from 7 :30 until 9 o ’clock and the faith to all men and women recently. zations with equipment that could Colorado Springs for 49 years. He Romero; “ Home on the Range,” Pueblo.— (Sacred Heart Parish) he gave a short talk. on Wednesday afternoon from above high school age. All pa­ be used for ambulances if the Miss Mary Reisinger left Sun John Rivas; “ Song- and Dance of to 6 and from 7:31 to 9 o'clock. was born in Paola, Kans., June 22, •The sisters o f Sacred Heart The meeting was then turned rishioners, as well as non-Catno- emergency required. All Mesa day for a two weeks’ visit with the Jitterbug,” Louis Sena; “ Shep­ The Rev. Bernard Murray, S.J., of 1869. He was a member o f St. school cooked their Christmas din­ over to “ Dr. I. Q.” and each mem­ Hes, will be invited to join. There county organizations, firms, or friends and relatives in Cincinnati, herd’s Serenade,” Arthur Romero; Denver assisted the Very Rev, Mary’s parish, the Knights of Co­ ner in the new kitchen that has ber present was called upon to an^ will also be a social side to the individuals having ambulances or 0., and Milwaukee, Wise. presentation of awards, Meyer Francis Cawley with the Christ- organization, particularly in the lumbus, and the Holy Name so­ just been completed through the swer some question relative to convertible equipment that could Mr. and Mrs. John J. Durcan ciety. On Aug. 6, 1900, he was Hatch. was services. form of card parties at regular in efforts of the members of the PTA spjrts. Pennies were the prizes be used if necessary are asked to spent Christmas in Denver and married her^ to Ester May, who Mrs. Mary Bell Seabourn was tervals. Naturally, it will be im­ The kitchen was moved from the instead of “silver dollars.” Fol­ call Mr. Callahan, telephone Grand Fort Collins. survives. Other survivers are a able to return to her home from possible for people who live far June Neary of Pueblo basement to the first floor o f the lowing this, Santa Claus came Junction 959. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Murray, son, George Edward Maloney, building and is a large cheerful upon the scene and distributed Mercy hospital Sunday, Dec. 21. out in the country to be present at 2112 N. Nevada avenue, left on Announces Engagement Lillian Pearce, Margaret Galla- all the meetings; still, there is a Denver; two daughters, Mrs. J. L. room with cupboards lining the Christmas gifts. The meeting was Saturday for Pasadena, Calif., to Werntz and Mrs. Walter J. wall and with many other modern van, and Mary Virginia Duggan sufficient number who live within closed with refreshments. spend Christmas with their son, Brooks, Albuquerque, N. Mex.; a Pueblo.— At a party given at fixtures. are home from college to spend the convenient distance. James, who is engaged in govern­ Christmas holidays with their brother, Patrick Henry Maloney, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph The cost, totaling m'ore than Jacob Meier, Sr., o f Ovid is sick Altar Society ment work. Paola, and a sister, Mrs. Agnes parents. Neary, the engagement of their 1!300, will be paid through a series and was unable to make the mis­ Mrs. Hugh H. Charlton, 2416 N. Sullivan, Salina, Kans. daughter, June Marie, to William of card parties to be given after Genevieve Gorman is here from sion but received the sacraments at Tejon street, left on Sunday for a The gleam o f lighted Christmas A. Sarconi, Jr., of Denver was an the holidays by the school circles, Boulder Chaplain college to spend her Christmas home. Anna Marie Macht will short visit in Brighton, where she trees and the I^lt of carols featured nounced. The officers of the PTA thank all vacation with her mother and return home from Denver for Holds Meeting will spend a few days with her the Progressive Book club meeting Guests of Miss Neary through those who helped make this splen­ sisters. Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Renez mother, Mrs. Mary McMorrow. Sunday at the home of Mrs. Edwin the evening were Miss Mary Eliz­ did improvement possible. Those who sang in the choir at Eckhout are spending the hoHdays Coletta O’Rourke and Miss McClinty, where the club mem­ abeth McCarthy, Miss Geraldine the Midnight Mass Christmas in­ Geraldine Amidei visited their Miss Rosemary Stowe is recov .Goes on Vacation at Lincoln, Nebr., with Mrs.'Eck- Steamboat Springs.— The Altar bers entertained their husbands at Daily, Miss Joanne Daily, Miss cluded : Sopranos — Mrs. Mary parents in Walsenburg in the holi ing from an appendectomy at St hout’s mother. society met Thursday, Dec. 19, at a turkey dinner. Margaret Sajbel, Miss Bernadette Conklin and Misses Sarah Cath­ days. Mary’s hospital. Ellen Donnelly, a graduate the home o f Mrs. Geraldine Mrs. Mary McLaughlin o f Den­ Bishoff. Mrs. Robert Wooldridge erine Cummins, Winifred Conway, Miss Lela Hang, Grace Savago, nurse of Mercy hospital, Denver, Muench, with 11 members present, ver spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gene Bragg, Miss Rudell Theresa Clark is in ,Parkview Boulder.— (Sacred Heart Par­ Catherine Gallavan, Francis Pin- is visiting her parents, Mr. and After a short business meeting a and Winifred Barnes spent Christ­ Dr. and Mrs. Ora Moonaw. hospital suffering a knee injury ish)—Father Edward Vollmert grey, and Annabelle Soens; altos— Roblek, Miss IJorothy Rausch Mrs. John S. Donnelly., They have mas with relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Nellie Bauers has returned she received in an auto accident O.S.B., chaplain of the Newman Anna Marie Engler, Helen Gor­ luncheon was served by Mrs, Miss Kay Dymond, and Mrs. Jos­ heard recently from their sons, At a candlelight banquet in the after a six weeks’ trip to Texas She is recovering rapidly. club at the University of Colorado, man, Margaret Gorman, and Lor M«ench, assisted by Mrs. Studer, eph Baumgardner. A June wed' two of whom are in the U. S. navy Mexican room of the Antlers hotel and Arizona. The Masses on New Year’s day is spending two weeks’ vacation in The next meeting will be Jan. 8 at ding is being planned. raine Richerson; tenor — Jack and one in the U. S. Coast guard Thursday night. Miss Margaret will be at the same time as on the southern part o f the state in the home of Mrs. L. C. Fick. , O’Rourke; basses— Robert Ayres, on the Pacific coast. J T,_- X -X ii. Daly was installed as president of Sundays — 6, 7, and 9 o’clock, the interest o f the Abbey school’s Paul McCormick, and Pat Father Edward Prinster said the the n ,. Alphaai- u. Betar . a. chapter o f Epsilon The utilities department of the M / z y T O There will be the recitation of summer camp. O’Rourke. first Mass in the new St. Michael’s Sigma Alpha sorority. Miss Daly CLASSIFIED ADS city of Julesburg preSented the church at Oak Creek Christmas the Rosary and Benediction of The celebration of the Nativity Augusta M. Davidson is a graduate o f St. Mary’s high parish with a Christmas gift— the morning at 10 o’clock. Frank Light Rate 25e per word per laiut: mlnlmom 12 the Blessed Sacrament in the eve, began in Sacred Heart church with organist and Frances Pingrey was school. word«. If four or more consecutive iwuee ning. director. November bills for light, heat, and accompanied Father Prinster to CHICAGO the singing of carols at 11:45 on are used, the rate ia 20e per word per li* power were marked paid. Oak Creek as organist, and two Newman Club Feted sue. Payment must accompany all orders. Two converts were baptized Sat­ Christmas eve. Father John For altar boys came along to serve Sunday evening the Sacred Ads received on Monday will appear in urday afternoon. They were Mrs syth, O.S.B. was the celebrant o f John, Edward, and Adolph Sla­ 3 G m r ir m in s the issue printed for the following week. Mass. The Oak Creek people were Heart Junior Newman club, under Margaret Thompson, with Charles the Solemn Midnight Mass, with vic and Adam Lechman gave one / / happy to have the new building the direction of the Rev. Joseph R DIAMONDS WANTED and Mary Thompson as sponsors, Father Paulinus Hammer, O.S.B. afternoon to the erection of the ready for Christmas services. Kane, O.M.I., held its annual and Mrs. Mary Larson, with John as subdeacon and Father Law crib fin the church. Ignatius HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR DIA­ Christmas party for members and MONDS. Send by insured mail and re< and Eleanor Larson as sponsors. ence Lutz, O.S.B. as deacon Hirschfeld and his son, Joseph, Members of the Steamboat N B O f E ^ . T ceiva cash by return mail. Satisfaction friends. On the program were The infant daughter o f Mr. and 'ested choir of 40 altar boys sang took care of the other decorations Springs choir are: Organist, Mar­ guaranteed. Free information. National of the church. The outside deco­ guerite Sec; director, Mary Beeve; music, a social, and the distribu­ EXPOSITION Diamond Company. 1500>H Hennepin Mrs. John Sandoval was baptized Gregorian Mass No. 8 with the tion of gifts. The tree program Avenue, Minneapolis. Minn. Proper of the Mass intoned by a rations, which are very beautiful, Mmes. McLaughlin, Muench, and FLYER and named Josephine Dolores Dec. was under the direction o f Presi OLD GOLD w a n t e d 21. The sponsors were Ernest Do­ schola eantcrum, composed were done by Clarence Vest, Williams, and Margaret Weiner, Lt. Denver . . 12:15 noon dent Eugene Portner, assisted by minquez and Sylvia Sandoval. George Reinert as soloist and Renez Eckhout, and Mr. Allen Margaret Squire, Imogene Barber, Ar. Lincoln . . 9:23 P.M. GOLD--S35.00 Ounce. Mail old gold teeth, Pueblo.— (St. Patrick’s Parish) Ann Kilday, Eleanor Craft, Joanne diamonds, iewelry. watchee^recelve cash Peter Bessol, Doqald Dekker, Ray Leo Schuman and Alex Lambrecht Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fick, Donald Ai. Omaha . . 10:45 P.M. There will be Holy Hour on the — The annual Christmas party of Sand, Dorothy Portner, and Mary by return mail. Satisfaction guaranteed mond Cumrine, Charles Becker, erected the small crib and dec­ Hill, and Walter Heid. The boys’ Ar. Chicago . 8:55 A.M. fS^e information. Paramount Gold Refln first Friday -evening at 7 :30. Pueblo Catholic high school had Gleason. Refresh ments were and Alfred Bessol. At 10 o’clock orated the rectory choir has Charles and Jack Eck- Observation-lounge car, standard and ing Co., 1500«B Hennepin, Minneapolis. To Hold Open House as its feature this year a play, •served by Mrs. Neal Craft, Mrs. Minn. another High Mass featured The parish hopes to win one of stine, Alfred Smith, Philip Cox, tourist Pullmans, de luxe chair cars, Tke Inn, staged by the members (Jeorge Bohrson, Mrs. A. G, Witt- Miss Maris Stella Scott was the same group of boys with the prizes awarded by the city Frank Light, Kneeland Light, and dining car, hostess-nurse. PHOTO FINISHING of the sophomore class. The Glee man, Mrs. Jesse Garvin, Mrs. Ed­ the g;uest o f Miss Mary Hecker at Father Hammer as celebrant. Miss annually for the most beautiful Jimmy Smith. ROLLS DEVELOPED — Twe beautiful club formed the choir of angels as ward Van Malter, Mrs. Patrick the St. Rose residence in Denver Anna Marie Bittner was organist decorations. Lieut. H. P. Heid, Jr., was home Double Weight Professional Enlargements. for Christmas. Miss Scott has background. The cast included Mahon, Mrs. Roy Waldron, and - 8 Nev'er Fade Deckle Edge Prints, 26c. for both Masses. Mrs. Alex Lambrecht, Mrs. from Pine Camp, N. Y ., to spend CENTURY PHOTO SERVICE. U Crosse. taken the Casa Maria cottage at the following: Robert Horvat, Mrs. Aileen Malloy. William Brough is recuper­ Clarence Vest, Mrs. Renez Eck- Christmas with his parents. Charles Wisconsin. Pinecliffe for the winter. She will Mary Louise Venditti, Norma Auter also planned to come home The Catholic Dramatic guild return shortly after Christmas to ating after an emergency opera Siegal, Phyllis Weimer, Robert hout, Mrs. Roy Crawford, and Mrs. gave its fourth annual Christmas tion performed in a local hospital Ignatius Hirschfeld cleaned the but his furlough was cancelled and Would You Like to hold open house for the remainder Parga, Homer O’Neill, Carl Pa- he was sent to Southern California party for needy children Wednes­ of the holidays. She is expecting Sunday, Dec. 21. chek, James Hunyada, Jack Boggs, rectory. day afternoon at the Antlers hotel. EPHYR. Become a I.,ay Brother Students of the parochial with the coast guard. DENVER as her guest Miss Ethel Dawdell James Venutto, Lane, Robert There was a large tree with gifta Lt . Denver . 4:00 P.M. school, their parents, and young Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith were of South Dakota, a former class­ Balleweg, Mary Agnes Venutto, for alj and Santa Claus distributed Ar. Lincoln . 11:38 P.M. Would you like to consecrate your* brothers and sisters were enter gmesta at the Willard Smith home self io God as a Lay Brother, devoting mate at St. Mary’s college, Notre and A1 Long. the presents. Miss Jennie Conway Ar. Omaha . 12:44 A.M. tained at a Christmas party spon Christmas day. your life to prayer and work In the Dame, Ind. Miss Dawdell is spend­ The 5 o’clock Mass Christmas Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Light enter­ was the chairman o f the commit­ Ar. Chicago 8:38 A.M. peace and quiet of the Monastery? ing Christmas in Old Mexico. sored by the local council o f the day was a Solemn Mass. William Monoxide Nearly tee, which included Jean Brod­ Observaiion-lounge car, standard and If you know a trade, plaes it in the tained the R. W. Light family and Knights * f Columbus in the school Carrara was master of ceremonies; erick. Mary Brickell, Marion Mad­ all-room Pullmans, reserved-seat chair service'of-Cod 1 If you are not skilled auditorium on Friday, Dec. 5. Olin Light at Christmas dinner. in a trade, we shall bs glad to teach William Durkin, thurifer; Bob Hu­ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fick were at den, and Margaret Ann Gaughan cars, Hlninj car, cocktail-lounge, hocteM you one. Develop whatever good m in Bob Dale, son o f Mr. and Mrs, ber and Bernard Baxter, acolytes. you for God's Cause. Write for our Pueblo City Council the E. V. Beeve home Christmas Mrs. Lawrence Storsmore is booklet “The Selvatorian Brother. Frank Dale o f this parish, is now The seminarians from the parish Takes Mans Life day. president of the guild. Through The Very Reverend Fether Provincial Promotes H. E . Bowlds stationed on North island, San were on the altar. Fletcher’s Mass All members o f the W. J. the co-operation o f the Chief the Society of the Divine Savior. Salva Diego, Calif., where he is A ma in Honor o f the Blessed Virgin tnrian Seminary. St Naxians. Wia. Werner family were at the Werner ater every child wgs given a ticket chine gunner on a marine lighter Mary was sung by the high school Pueblo.— (St. Leander’s Parish) home for Christmas dinner. to see a special performance of Pueblo. — Preparatory to being plane and is attending the motor choir. The program included No — Overcome by carbon monoxide M rj and Mr. B. T. Chase are in Three Cockeyed Sailors, The placed in charge of a four-man mechanic school of training. He vello’s “ Adeste Fideles” and “ Gesu fumes, Paul Keller, St. Charles North Carolina where they spent proceeds from the guild’s play, ARISTOCRAT was formerly a student in the Uni­ Bambino” as a recessional. Mem­ 5% to 7% traffic squad. Police Officer Har­ }^esa, was saved from death Sun- Christmas with their daughter, presented under the direction of Lv. Denver...... 8:00 P.M. versity of Colorado. bers o f the fifth, - sixth, seventh, old E. Bowlds was promoted by the dSy evening by the fire department Mrs. William Sloan. Elinore Jackson Gray, were used Ar. Lincoln ...... 6:.3S A.M. and eighth grades sang carols be­ INTEREST FOR LIFE city council to the rank of detec­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beamis and first aid crew, of which his broth­ to defray expenses o f the party. Ar. Omaha ...... 8:20 A.M. fore the Mass. Father Joseph F. ON tive-sergeant. The appointment three children, all recent converts er-in-law, C. C. Wood, is a mem Ar. Chicago ...... 8:30 P.M. is effective Jan. 1. Bowlds is a in this parish, are leaving Boulder Higgins was the celebrant and ber. Mr. Keller breathed the Colorado Girls Home Parents Fight Protest CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY graduate of Pueblo Catholic high this week to make their home at preacher. fumes from a g&soline-operated Dining-lonnge car, standard and ioni* Against Nun-Teacher ist Pullmans, da lure chair cars. (PEKING) school. He also attended a traf Crete, Nebr. Miss Mary Amado has returned weed burner he had been running From Webster College from St. Mary’s hospital to her London. — The Wellingbor­ fic school at Northwestern univer­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holitza for several hours. Realizing he D irect cewneeflens wHh la st trahm home. ough Free Church council, North- ANNUITY BONDS sity for nine months on a scholar­ went to Hartington, Nebr., was ill, he managed to walk to his East aiMf Sootb A1 Birrer of 312 Polk is in St. Colorado girls home from Web­ ants,. has made a strong protest Write fo ship. After returning to Pueblo spend Christmas with Mrs. Holit- home where Mrs. Keller telephoned Mary’s hospital, where he is criti­ ster college, Webster Groves, Mo.-, to authorities over the fact that a BURUNGTQN TRAVEL BUREAU the officer made a survey .of local za’s relatives. for help. He is recovering at his REV. FATHER RALPH traffic condittons. cally ill. home. for the holidays are Miss Martha Sister of Mercy appointed Ssvsntsentli and Professor and Mrs. Hazen Ken The Christmas party for the Jane Barnes, a junior, daughter teacher in the Northants council Qwaipe Straeta He was high man on the civil The annual Christmas party 176 W. Adams St. - Gi icago dricks are spending the holidays grade school consirted of a pro­ of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barnes, 4960 school retains her' religious garb. service list for promotion to de­ sponsored by the CPTL of St. Builington Tsiepbane in New York city. gram o f plays, music, and refresh­ Perry, Denver; Miss Judy Biller, Many of the parents of the chil­ tective-sergeant. ( Leander’s school was held in the Kaytleaa 1113 Wesley Sniveley is spending the ments. Freshman, daughter o f Mr. and dren have signed a petition fight­ school hall on Friday afternoon, Route holidays with his family. He On Friday, Dec. 19, Puelfto Cath­ ing the protest. Dec. 19. The WPA orchestra gave Mrs. Walter W. Biller, 471 Mil­ teaches in the high school olic high’s Shamrocks journeyed waukee street, Denver; Miss Marie at an enjoyable concert and accom­ WORK FOR THE Tucumcari, N. Mex. to Rocky Ford for a basketball Colburn, sophomore, daughter of panied the school children in the game with the Meloners. The Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Colburn, singing of Christmas carols. A Shamrocks were in top form and 424 Cheyenne road, Colorado Patronize These noticeable quiet prevailed as the the game was close for three peri­ children awaited the arrival of Springs; Miss Nancy Jane Maruca ods. In the final period Rocky freshman, daughter o f Mr. and Santa Claus, who distributed gifts Ford found its stride to run up a of candy and fruit to them under a Mrs. T. J. Maruca, 1204 Albion 31-21 victory. street, Denver; Misses Mary and P u e b lo beautifully decorated tree. On the, following night the COLORADO Margie Prinster, freshmen, twin Shamrocka'swamped Fountain high Mri. Robinion Honored daughters o f Mr, and Mrs. F. J. in a game played there. The score At a recent meeting of the Altar Prinster, Grand Junction, and Miss was 40-22. and Rosary society, Mrs. Claude Dorothy St. John, junior, daughter IV ATCB ES On Friday St. Patrick’s grade Robinson, retiring president, was of Mr. and Mrs. E, Roy St. John SPRINGS school eked out a 23-21 victory presented with a daily Missal as a Fort Lupton. DIAMONDS over the Sacred Heart juniors. On token of appreciation of two years Another Webster collegian. Miss M erchants.. They are aiding lYOUR Sunday the grade schoolers of faithful service in the society. Barbara Gleason, a senior, o f swamped the members o f the ninth Mrs. Margaret Sollee is the new Rolla, Mo., is spending the holi Catholic press GOVERNM grade, 44-16, but the tables were president, succeeding Mrs. Robin­ days in Denver as the house-guest $1260 to $2100 Year turned Monday when the ninth son. of Miss Mary Jane Noland, 770 MEN—WOMEN— ______grade won by a similar margin, Mrs. E. W. Shaffer has suc­ Clarkson, a former classmate at Pnpan Immcdiattlr PKANKLIN INSTirCTE D«rt. F IM, BodmtM, N. T. 22-9. ceeded Mrs. Lloyd Birrer as pres­ Webster college. . The Shamrocks bowed to Cen­ ident of the Catholic Parent- FOOTWEAR Ideal Gleaners, Inc. lor 1 9 4 2 ^ .ft eharfo (1) ^ » UitUat of tndand lollfull cxsjainitioiis. “ of' V. 8. fevamment" Joba; (2) Frm copy of lllua- tennial Monday evening in the Teachers’ league of St. Leander’s O.S.B. Charles Hoffman acted BEST IN qoALrrr. n ew est in O. D. POTTS MaU CoopoB y **-«“ «• >>ook. "How to Got a U. 8. GoTtiwcat Job"i Junior college gymnasium, 80-14. school. The Birrer. family have as sponsor. STTtB (t) Tall ma how to qualify for a U. 8. Goiremmont Job. <1 Ttan la tbs PIkw Psak Esgtsa Ohara the Charm o f Newnmae todar— , Opposite Post Office Banns o f marriage were an­ gone to San Francisco to make Ushers for the Midnight Mass Is Restored 8UBB / nounced Sunday for Irma LaNier their home. at St Leander’s were Thomas -And Just me R J u M f THEVORHESSHOECO. Mata Isa 221 R. PUns Psak Ave. ^ ^kd^caa I o f this parish and Louis Orazen, Glen Sutton was baptized in the Murphy, Robert Chapman, Leo COLORADO SPRINGS. COLa Colsrsds Spriaci. Gala. Cia Thii CeipoB Btfm Tm Uitar It Writa w PH»t Watni^ [Jr., o f Francis’ parish. p u t week by the Bev. Fanl Fife, Reinert, and Oacar Gruwold. * r-v^-

Thursday, Dee. 25, 19fl Office, 9S8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC RBGISTEB Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN FI FCTinii HFI nWIDNIGHT HOLY HOUR TO BE L O U PiPIlS' Preferred Parisli regardtog ru i uiut NEED HELD Ml ST. DOMINIC’S JAN. 1 PROTECTION forthee*- Trading List CONSULT tire fiuHly>^«ndUetir j/aipb (St. Dominic’s Paritb) society. The-Very Rev. Raphael M. i O L i f PLiy To return thanks to the Blessed Burke, O.P., P.G., of Houston. CfR, write mr teUphem MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER Savior fo r the blessings and Tex., well-known missionary, will graces of the year 1941 and .to deliver the Holy Hour sermon. SIXTEENTH BOULDER m*reliaaU raprMantad ia tl^i tecUoa arc boottar*. Thaf ara iLTim soGim beg for peace and Divine guidehce The public is invited to attend. s aaxieat to work aritb yoa aad ara dataraiag of goar patroaaga. Co< in the year 1942 a solemn midnight Masses on New Year’s day will SPEER AT SHERMAN Holy Hour will be conducted by be at 5:30, 7:30, 9, 10:80, and 12 eparata witk tham. the Dominican Fathers in St. \ y ■•■TinilES (Annnnciation Pariah) o'clock.. (Sacred Heart-Loyola Parish) Dominic’s church. Federal boule­ G Lco d a lc 3663 A t the monthly meeting o f the Man Conduct Drive Against a background of Christ­ vard and' W. 29th avenue, from The officers, councilmen, direc­ Cathedral Altar and Rosary society the fol­ 11:30 o’clock New Year’s eve to mas trees and a fireplace hung lowing officera were elected unani­ tor, and members of St Dominic’s with stockings, pupils of Loyola Betwoen Locust It Monaco BWd. 12:30 a.m. New Year’s day. Spe­ Holy Name society, who in ^ e mously: President, Mrs. William school gave an admirable perform­ cial music for the occasion will be past week canvassed some. homes Schwieder; vice president, Mrs. ance of the play entitled A Topsy Economy Liquor Store Mac’s Grocery & MM. rendered by St. Dominic’s Choral in the parish in order to enroll Walter Anderson; secretary, Mrs, Turvy Chrittmaa. The sisters new members and arouse new in­ Preferred Parish Ntxt to Clarke'* Church Good* John Feely; treasurer, Mrs. J. Con­ drew commendation for their un­ We Carry a Select Line of terest in the Holy Name society, *‘When low in ipirit$ call Jerry’* nolly. tiring efforts in making this a Foodstuffs report highly satisfactory re­ fine entertainment. Robert Haw­ I The Altar and Rosary society Trading List 1634 Tremont KE. 4534 OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS P a r U i O w i sults. This work will be resumed ley made a jolly Santa Claus and UN'HL 1 0 :» will receive Holy Communion Sun­ FKBK DELIVERY FREE PARKING immediately after the holidays. handed each child a package of 13lh and Pennsylvania day at the 7 :30 Mass. St. Dominic’s Choral society Christmas candy given by the The Christmas party netted $9, sang Christmas carols at the 7:30, PTA. The Rev. E. J. Morgan, MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER PETE G O LD EN ’S and because all the names on the 10:30, and 12 o’clock Masses S.J., was presented with a spiritual Goes Cirolini Th* laarckaat* r*pr***«t*4i ia this ••etlea ar* boosters. They are pillow cases were not turned in Christmas day so that those who bou^et from the children, and Shamrock Tavern the cases will not be given away were not able to attend the Mid­ E. Frei, the sexton, was given a eaxions to work witk yea aat ar* rfeserrlaf of year patroaaf*. 'Co< The Shirley Garage 18TH AND DOWNING until the next meeting. (Bl.ssml Sacrament Pariah) night Mass were privileged to hear crucifix by the nuns. Both also operate with theai. OFFICIAL AAA GARAGE Bernard Magor Visit* Homa The girls’ choir of Blessed Sacra­ them. received a gift from the PTA. PHONE TABOR 5111 Plata Lunches Mrs. Ed Hebert, the president, ex­ Day and Nifht Bterar*. Repalrinr, Bernard Magor, g;raduate stu­ ment church, under the direction .The Choral society will visit and Waahina and Greaainc. Gaaolin* and OU* Beer — Wines — Mixed Drinks tends season greetings to all mem­ dent at the University of Chicago, of the Rev. Richard Hiestcr, spent sing carols at institutions for the St. * 1511-S7 LINCOLN ST. sick and aged in the parish Sun­ bers and friends. HOT A COLD SANDWICHES is visiting his parents, Mr. and Sunday evening singing Christmas day afternoon, Dec. 28. Recai* in Game* Partie* Mrs. 0 . W. Magor, in the holidays carols at various places throughout Lineoln Creamery Best Grades of Coal PATRONIZE and will resume his studies Mon­ Park Hill. Members first -visited PTA Ha* YuU Party There will be a recess of the all the wards at the Colorado Gen­ Wednesday night games parties in lit B. Bxpadtisa SP. 33U At Lowest Prices RITCHEY’S CORONA DRUG 00. day. The members of St Dominic’s 1745 •. Breulwar IP. 1413 eral hospital. After singing at a the holidays. Tney will reopen, Whsrs Yon Buy In Coafidencs PTA enjoyed a delightful Christ­ PROMPT SERVICE BEAUTY SHOPPE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowes are the number of places throughout the with special prizes, on Jan. 7. Dairy Product! Dallvarad arents of a girl, born Sunday, mas program at their meeting Dec. dnytehara In City, ITIf Bambeldt CBerrj 1717 ITa Specialita in Preieriptions parish, including the convent, they 18. The sixth grade students pre­ St. Jude’s PTA circle was enter­ IF ith Sudden Service ec. 14, at St. Joseph’s hospital. concluded their evening at the tained at a Christmas party Tues­ TRY OUB Ray Goal Company NORMA E. RITCHEY, Prop. The baby will be named Carol. sented the first number, in wWch SUPERB BABY MILK home o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank they were grouped to form a day at the home of Mrs. C. E. Wil­ Ills So. PtantylTaala ^Earl 4604 PERMANENT WAVES A SPECIALTY 9ih Are. at Corona TAbor 8173 Roy Snider, who is in the navy, Gulry, where refreshments were lighted Christmas tree while sing­ liams, 2935 Elizabeth street, co­ is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. serv^. hostesses being Mrs. Ed Hebert Margaret Murray. ing carols. They also presented a CB. 4565 JACK 8PEBGLE. Pr*». The first Mass in the new con­ and Mrs. James McCarthy. Those The German Social club will pageant of the little town of Edwin F. De Line G O A L -65.95 up 534 East Colfax— Cor. Paarl MAYFLOWER vent chapel was celebrated on present were Mmes. Worland, hold a social in the hall Wednes­ Bethlehem, in which Joann Burke Wednesday morning, Dec. 24. The O’Brien, Jochim, Nalty, Sr.; Mat- PACKAGING ENGINEERS NO MONEY DOWN CLEANERS and DYERS day evening, Dec. 31. All are in­ portrayed the part of the Blessed ARGONAUT WINE pastor, the Very Rev. Harold V. jeka, Sullivan, Clark, Fitzpatrick, PACKAGING AND CONVEYING PE. 3771 4 HOS. TO PAT Export Claaninr and Dycinr vited to attend. Mother and Charles Sillstrop, the Campbell, was the celebrant, and McCormick, Alward, Hawley, Kir­ HACBINEST AND UQUOR CO. 315 EAiT 17TH AVE. Ed Kelly thanks all who in any part of Joseph. Solo parts were CANNEB8 EQUIPMENT he was served by Jack Kelly, for by, O’Haire, Durlin, Esher, Bible, M.Ain 2645 taken by Therese Ph{^en, piano SHIPPING CA8B8 STITES COAL CO. W* Featar* Christina Bros. Wins* way contributed to the success of several years the head altar boy. Reischman, and Gruninger. A de­ DENVER. COLO. the recent turkey games party. and voice; Richard Zarlengo, ac­ Plioa* KE. 3344 lUiUTrakw)* I t BEER ON ICE The tabernacle, crucifix, a n d cordion; Margaret Grant, Jean­ licious luncheon was served. The 170 W, VIRGINU Larrest and Flarat Stock ia Oanrar MOTHERS ENTERTAIN ' statues were blessed by Father ette Haynes, and Jane Moore, next meeting will be at Mrs. J. T. 7.4 E. I7th Are. CBarry 3531 Campbell on Titesday morning, as­ O’Brien’s, 3354 Josephine street, WINES LIQUORS FOOTBALL PLAYERS voice; Georgia Lampe, Joan Sill- Wednardey, 4 to 8 P, M. Naw In Naw Location at The mothers of football team sisted by Father Harley Schmitt strop, and Mary Ann Mahoney, Jan. 20, with Mrs. Fitzpatrick, co­ 735 SOUTli BROADWAY WAYNE’S hostess. * SWISS STEAKS AND Nadorff Liquors, Inc. members entertained the boys and The St. Vincent de Paul so­ recitation; John McDermott and ANCHOR MARKET ciety this week prepared Christ­ Joann Haeffner, announcers. The Choir Boy* Acelaimeil MUSHROOM SAUCE BOMB OP GOOD SPIRITS their fathers at a dinner Monday Strictly Corn Fed Mcati evening in Hagus hall. Among mas baskets which are given to students were under the direttion Thursday the Loyola choir boys, ROTOLO’S Wher* you set th* most of tha best Freeh Dreeeed Ponliry — Freeh FUh Fonitrlr at 815 So. Broadway for the least the poor each year. Some 60 fam­ of Sister M. Servatius and w6re vested in cassock and surplice, en­ BIDE-A-WEE Every Day the honored guests were Father SINCLAIR PRODUCTS FREE DELIVERY ilies were cared for this year. accompanied at the piano by Sis­ Call EM. 0677 for Prompt Ralph Michaels, C.SS.R., president tertained the Rotary duo at its 815 Broadway KE. 9731 PEarl 3883 735 So. Broadway Delivery A Complete Line of Steam'e of the Parochial league; the Very One family helped is com post of ter M. Alphonsus and on the vio­ banquet in the Silver Glade of the Dairy Products 17 children, in addition to the ISIS E Colfax Are. Colfax A Williams Rev. Charles Hag;us, Fathers Barry lin by Henry Burtscher. ■ Cosmopolitan hotel by . singing Wogan, John Guzinski, John Jud father and mother. The children The Denver firemen’s quartet, Christmas carols and hymns. This IVEW FASmON BUCHANAN’S nic, Edward Leyden, and J. C. Ma­ of the school and the Boy Scouts led by Captain Ed McWilliams program was broadcast over The firms listed here de­ brought a great many cans of , CLEANERS and DYERS Krng’s Meal Market honey; Dr. and Mrs, J. Harrington, and assisted by D. V. Parrish, KMYR, and Mr. Burkhardt and JOHN H. JOHNSON LIQUOR STORE serve to be remembered Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ammon, Mr. food and other articles last week. Captain Paul F o r s ^ , and Wil­ the boys received a great ovation. The Boy Scouts t>£ Blessed Sac­ Mala OHie*i IM E. Alui*4* At*. Quality Meats, Poultry and Mrs. Frank Simington, Mr. liam Van Heukelem, sang a group The boys singing were: SPn** 5171 Fine Wines and Liquors when you are distributing rament parish are not meeting this and Mrs. Harry Zumtobel, Mr. and o f Christmas numbers. 'They were Robert Hawley, Robert Madden, PUati 151? B. C*U*a IM, Fish week because o f the Christmas W* Pastor* Chrlatlan Brot. Wine* your patronage in the dif­ Mrs. Steve Clnocco, Mr. and Mrs. accompanied by Mrs. Ed Mc­ Ray Sullivan, William Daniels, Au*r* S3 ’ o y s t e r s in sea so n holidays. The next regular meeting BEER ferent lines of business. Ed Gates, Hugh McDougal, Jerry Williams. Donald Cullen, Charles Haag, Jack rURNTTURE CLEANED 1333 Eait 13th Art. Phan* TAber 1473 will be held on Jan. 2. RUGS SHAMPOOED Piwn* PEarl. 3T7T 377 South Broadwaj McClain, Dan Horvat, John Pap- The Rev. Hubert Newell gave Nalty, James Sparkman, Eugene rocki. Bill Shea, George Kelly, Joe The Very Rev. Harold V. Camp­ an inspiring thought fOr the Durlin, Thomas Phelan, Robert bell, his assistants, the Rev. Harley Holzman, and the cheer leaders, Christmas season when he said O’Haire, James McGowan, Frank Annonciation Where Friends M eet... Charlotte Ryan, Betty Glasmann, Schmitt and the Rev. Richard Heis- that, in spite 'o f all the terrible Ryan, Jack Ryan, Donald James, Rose Heit, Marleen Lyden, and ter; the sisters- of Blessed Sacra­ things going on in the world today, Charles Edelem, William May, Paul ment convent, Mrsl? Milton W. W. Nora Thornburgh. there are hope and consolation in Meder, William Blanchard, Robert AT LOWEST Allen*, chairman; Mrs. Mark J. Axford, William Burke, Charles DE SELLEM The Rev. Frances Pettit acted knowing that God is still ruler of DRUBS PSICBi IN DENTBB AVENUE GRILI__D rin ks Felling, president of the Altar and Burke, Stanley Gibson, William i>UEL A N D FEED CO. BYRON AND, MARIE WILLIAMS as toastmaster and Father Hagus the worid. Rosary society, and Joseph Rihn, Heiney, John Heiney, Edward Mc­ CBABLES A. DoSEUJM 17th and Washington MAin 9797 gave letters to the following boys: chairman of the ushers, extend The Rev. Leo L. Farrell, O.P., Carty, Terrance Sloan, Donald Captain Jim Horvat, Co-captain announced that a Requiem Mass Wa Ship by Rail their thanks to everyone who as­ Taylor, James Bible, William Sher- THE ETOBl Stanley Paprocki, Buddy Benson, sisted in any way toward the suc­ .would be said Monday fo r Ed art, Patrick McGrail, Robert W w E S S S PHONE TA. 3251 . Morrissey, whose parents reside Bill Sullivan, Jim Forcade, Bob cess of the reception and tea given O’Donnell, Charles Stubbs, James 3451 niANKUN ST. SITB AND WALNUT in St, Dominic’s jmrish. Mr. Mor­ RES. PHONE MA. 5544 HILLCREST HOME Gracey, Leo Cooke, Bill Monckton, Sunday for the opening o f the new Collins, Kenneth Pollock, William UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT <^onrad Honiker, Frank Makowski, rissey was ons of the first to die convent. The past presidents of Nevins, Gerald Light, Norman MAIN 5154 MAIN 5151 For people who care, we offer *' real home with every modern convenience, Art McDougal, Jim Gracey, Ralph in the present war. food beat, food food—where an air of reflnement axiat* a* you would havt it the Altar and Rosary society Weber, Russell Bierich, and Leo 31 Yeart o f Satisfaction In a private home of your own, at prices you conld not meat in your own home Moore, Sig Nowacki, Amercus poured and were assisted in the Father Farrell extended to all DOWNIIVG S T . at thii time. W* cater to people of hixh trhe and feel we can meet their require­ Kemnedy. Quintana, Joe Marques, Philip serving by the captains and chair­ a wish that they would receive Recently members of the girls? LIQUOR STORE ment* in avery sens* of th* word. Visitors are cordially invited. Aak to see the Hepp, and Wilber Herman. Anderson- Harrington beautiful mural painted dome. It is very unusual when lighted. Out of Denver men of the various parish activ­ many blessings on Christmas and choir, servers, and choir boys were VIRGINIA DARE WINES inquiries are welcome, The dads who attended^ were ities. The. ushers were stationed throughout the coming year. He the guests of Father Morgan at a 1113 CLARKSON— LEST YOU FORGET „ —HILLCREST HENRY BARNETT. Prop. Mike Horvat,- Frank Benson, Ed at points of vantage throughout also urged the people of St theater party. Coal Go. Paprocki, R. Perko, J. McDougal, Dominic’ s parish to do all they can CH. 9373 3267 (]hampa St. the building to direct the crowds. CireU Eatertained COAL—WOOD F. Makowski, J. Honeker, J. to entertain the soldiers at the Some 800 persons were present at St. Ignatius’ PTA circle met at 3ITH AND WALNUT Holj Ghost Monckton, and R. Moore. various army posts in the vicinity the reception and on every hand the home of Mrs. Emiel Frei, 2316 o f Denver in the Christmas season. were heard pleasing comments on Gaylojd, Thursday evening, Dec. When buying from the Charlotte Ryan Is Invitations to the soldiers may be DOiWNING COAL We make eld shoes Work calltd fori the beauty of the convent and the 18, with Mrs. John Cleary, acting given through Mrs. JeriTr Buckley, firms advertising in this look lik* naw and dtlivtrad *Miss Annunciation* furnishings. as co-hostess. AJter a business GOOD CLOTHES NEED deanery representative, g L 2864. AND HOWE. 00. Miss Charlotte Ryan, a senior The Rev. Andrew Warwick of discussion conducted by Mrs. paper, please mention that Your Master Shoe NOT BE EXPENSIVE Julesburg was a visitor at the rec­ Charles J. Stubb, sponsor, the eve­ "SINCE 1314" o f the high school, was honored Andrew Hagerty, will be the same as on Sunday— that day, Dec. 19, until Jan. 7. CLEANERS 6, 8, 10, and 11:80. Service Station (St. EHsabotVs PaLrisk) Fred Cashin, Giles Foley, Ed Holy Hour on 1028 80. GAYLORD ferent lines of business. 575 JoaephlM The Christmas music will be ro Grocery Company Splear, Chester Wjbel, Karl Neu- Direct Plant Service EA. 5535 On Dec. 18 the school children buerger, Glen Volzke, L. £. peated at the 8 and 10 o’clock New Year’s Eve —Batabllahad 1335— presented the Prineer of Peace. Masses this Sundajff Nn keeping with an old custom in Finest Quality Dry Cleaning Wunsch, D. B. O’Rourke, Frank CORN FED MEATS The beauty of the cantata in­ Antonellij Paul Kirley, Paul Reu­ The altar boys donatad a steel the parish, the Blessed Sacrament At Reasonable Prie^ spired the audience with the real ser, Curtis Frieburger, Karl May­ cabinet for use in the isacristy; it will be exposed for an hour on the PEarl 1350 v Marjerl* Arnold 1093 So. Gaylerd CaU PE. 4601 Christmas spirit and in every way er, James Cassels, and James Mo- was a Christmas present to the eve o f the .N ew Year. Special the entertainment proved a suc­ sier. church. prayers will'be offered in thanks­ cess. The scenery and lighting Many families in the parish who The Denver Sodality union will giving to the Lord lor past favors Washington Park Tour Patronac* la Appradatod at were again under the direction of plan to have Christmas dinner at sponsor a social in the parish hall and to ask His blessing upon the Joseph Smith, Jr. home are extending their hospi on New Year’s eve. Tne parish­ parish and homes during the year Service Station SOUTH GAYLORD to come. Following the program, the tality to the soldiers at Lowiy ioners are invited to take part in Ca»— Oile— Battery Service HARDWARE CO. GIVE A FAVORITE BRAND OF LIQUOR OR WINE the evening’s entertainment The order of Masses for New children surprised the sisters with Field, Fort Logan, and Fitzsim Auto Repairing COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE 'The Very Rev. Joseph P. O’­ Year’s day will be the same as on You'll Make a Hit Every Time a pantry shower. The sisters are ons. Those inviting soldiers to SUPPLIES grateful for the generosity shown dine are the Frank J. Hills, D. W. Heron addressed the students of Sunday. Thir rule applies at both 1001 So. Caylord 8P. 9931 IN I Soelh Gaylord . SP. 3M1 GET OUR SPECIAL PRICES ON CASE LOTS by the parents and children. Flints, E. A. Splears, Forbes Park- Englewood high school at their as­ Sacred Heart and Loyola Gift Packager Wrapped Free "" hills, Bernard F. Fitzsimmons, S sembly Friday on the subject, churches. Confessions will be A. Riesenmans, and many others. "Christ the Prince of Peace,’’ heard on New Year's eve before St. Louis’ Peggy Flint, Shirley Eakins, This Sunday will be Communion and during the Holy Hour. The St. Patrick*s 6th AVE. LIQUOR STORE and Evelyn Hull have invited 200 day for the young people’s organ­ Holy Hour w ill begin at 7:4;5. ENGLEW OOD of their friends to a tea on Sun­ izations o f the parish. Organiza­ 6tb at Josephine day, Dec. 28, between the hours of tions participating will be the SPECIAL PRICE DIXIE The firms listed here de­ 3 and 5 p.m. at the home o f Miss sodality, the Marian sorority, the SH O E S H O P ONE MONTH ONLY CLEANERS & DYERS serve to be remembered Flint, 2620 Colorado boulevard Young People’s club, and. the jh H ff ReeoTtr 2 pe. *et with EA . 6675 Repairins That Intarta Health. Eaaaemx Talour or Upeatry Comfart Miss Ella Horan left Sunday for Junior Newman club. Free Call and Delivary when you are distributing Tucson, Ariz., to spend Christmas Members of the Holy Name so­ COLORADO 3160 Tejon St. E. HAMLYN & SONS with her mother, Mrs. E-. J; O’Fta UPHOLSTERED your patronage in the dif­ ciety are presenting tab Christ­ CoaV^aatTenu PUaNITURE CO. GLendal* 0228 FR1CB8 RXA80NABL1 herta, and Dr. and Mrs. Harold mas presents to the USO lo r the tut IIU S t GLaadal* 1504 H. a. MAPLES. Piae. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! I. B3*a4«v riHM CMS. in K o ^ her brother-in-law and sister, soldiers. ferent lines of business. PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941

Home— Travel— Recreation DENVER CATHOLIC FAMILIES American Bank Day-by-Day News Briefs Numerous Gifts inVESTIGHTE Gives Employes Are Mailed to PROVE WESTERN HOSPITALITY Of War-Engulfed World Proof that traditional western of the Christmas spirit, according Wage Increase State Missions hospitality had not been dimmed to the list of activities for the PRRH by the war was given by hundreds period as announced by Mr. Behe. WEDNESDAY, DEC 17 British o ff Tunisia with loss o f of Denver Catholic families over Friday night the soldiers will be The American National bank Two U. S. sub* successful in 5,000 men; Dema airport taken a* ’Twenty $10 checks, six boxes the Christmas holiday, and in some guests at a dance to be given at instances that hospitality went St. Joseph’s School o f Nursing, said “ Merry Christmas” to its em­ action against Japanese, says Ad­ Atd* 'Cprces are pu sh^ 195 miles of altar linens, three sets of vest­ ttfOU YOU ivr, iUllB OK UHT begging, especially when the NCCS- while Saturday night the Sodality ployes and stockholders in a special miral Hart, Asiatic fleet com­ into Lihyf, ments, an altar cloth, hand-painted mander. Nazi* admit Red penetration on USO club sought to fill the many union will sponsor a dance for FORBISHED RITCRERETTC way this week. At a recent meet­ cibo);ium covers, and stole collars ing, it was voted to give the 70 Jap an ese w a rcra ft Russian front. requests for men in service at them at the K. of C. hall. Music FIH|IV IM ITBEITI employes of the bank a ten-per again_ ? penetrateA S A UHawaiian » a . . M a . M w* B were mailed Sunday by the junior Christmas dinners. will be furnished by Tony Fer­ W h EN you want to win U. S. subs sink another Japanese rari’s band. Indu^ r«fri9«raHoii, cent wage increase, as well as the waters and shell Johnston Tabernacle society to varioukOolo- Paul F. Behc, club director, dis­ transport and probably a destroyer The usual buffet supper will be maid s*rvk** «fc P4fnS«i cMdr«a a man’s praise for your cook­ usual Christmas bonus, and to give island and northeast off Philippines; Nipponese bombs rado missions. closed that there were more family irmftd. Pt«y9round. an additional dividend of two per coast o f Maui, dinners than men to eat them. More given in the club at 5 p.m. Sunday. set fire* at Cavite naval base out­ Following the distribution of Entertainment will bo provided by ing. give him a delicious» cent to all stockholders. And, as Stalin considers immediate of- than 300 soldiers from Lo^Ty field. From $88.08 side Manila. these articles, a supper party was Professor Linaberry, w«U;known a Christmas gift to its clientele, fensK'e against Nazi* on Eastern Fort Logan, and Fitzsimons hos­ 450 SO. MARION Japanese drive in Malaya brought Denver magician. On I(Ibn4ay tempting cake that fairly the bank in the past week installed frtint and invasion o f Germany “ to enjoyed by the council at the home pital had registered at the club, to standstill, but Penang island is night SL Joseph’s School of Nur'^-- PE, 4611 new, modern personalized teller beat enemy on his own soil.” of Miss Catherine Maloney in but at least a hundred more fam­ abandoned. ing will be the scene o f another . 6. BATTEY, G«n. Her, melts in his mouth. It’s easy windows, which permit patrons to Allied supreme war council may ilies had besieged the NCOS with Littleton. Mrs. Mary Kinkel was dance for the service men. make deposits in complete privacy. soon, be set up in Washington to SATURDAY, DEC. 20 their invitations. Enemy subs attack two U. S. co-hostess. Enjojnng their hospi­ to do with Pikes Peak. Thus the American National draft “ master plan” o f strategy. Proof, too, that the various par­ ship* o ff Pacific coast, sinking bank exemplifies a^in the pro­ tality were Mmes. Marion Kelly, ish groups and organizations in In sweeping army and navy one and missing other with eight Ann Kitto, Helen Wehrle, and Denver sought to keep the festive HOTEL O’ NEILL gressive banking policies that have shakeup a* result o f U. S. forces’ salvos; Axis submarines also re­ characterized its 36 years o f time a happy one for the men in PRIVATE SHOWER BATH AND TOILET IN EVERY ROOM “ not being on alert” against sur­ ported o ff Atlantic seaboard. Emma Celia, and Misses Mary service to the people of Denver. service was attested at the Christ­ BztonslTtlz nmodtJnl and bcaotitullj returniibid In 1939. Qnlet location tral prise Japanese attack on Hawaii Nadorff, Jessie Pasquale, Helen sdjscnt to Ui* thoppinz. biuintn, and tbcator nuUtt, Known as one of the strongest Four Japanese transports unload mas party held at the NCCS club, a Dec, 7, Lt. (Jen. W. C. Short is Flynn, Margaret Madden, Cath­ Rata*—IL75 tinzl*. 33.50 donbl*. Wtckly rate*. Thomaa L O.’NtOU UanazM banks in the West, it was founded relieved as army’s Hawaiian de­ at Davao, Mindanao, P. 1., where roomful of presents being distrib­ erine Mall, Margaret Lynch, Mar­ PIKES PEAK in 1905 by the late Godfrey partment commander, being re­ heavy fighting r a g e s ; Manila’s uted in the progressive fete UTH AND STOUT ST. DENVER, COLO. KE. 1277 garet Taney, and Clella Carter. Schirmer. Upon his death in 1928, placed by Maj. (Jen. D. C. Eam- Nichols Field bombed. which had its inception at the C. Frank Kirchhof, widely known mons; Brig, (^n. C L. Tinker is Dutch flyers score direct hits on Miss Helen Flynn will entertain D. of A. club-house earlier in the ^ ^ F I O V K Catholic, was elected president named as army air corps chief at Japanese plane carrier, two cruis­ the Morning Star circle at a holi­ afternoon. and has served in that capacity Hawaii in place o f Maj. (Jen. F. L. ers, and one transport o ff Borneo, day party Friday evening, Dec. 26, Decorated in a gay Yule style, ever since. Adolph Kunsmiller, Martin, and Rear Admiral C. V. Moscow claim* 40,000 Nazir lost at her home. the NCCS was crowded for the executive vice president and Nimitz becomes new commander of in two weeks’ fighting; two o f Hit­ Mrs. Marion Kelly, president of program, which included group cashier, has been in the service of Pacific fleet, relieving Rear Ad­ ler’s top generals, von Brauchitsch the Junior Tabernacle society, singing and entertainment. Bartley AT YOUR GROCERS the bank in the entire 36 years o f miral H. E. Kimmel. and von Bock, are relieved o f their plans to entertain the Mystical Allen of station KLZ conducted its business life. House o f representatives ap­ commands on Eastern front, and Rose circle Monday evening, Dec. the singing o f Christmas carols fol- I Hitler takes over as commander- 29. The employe service record at prove* bill creating itotential draft lowng the opening of the party at ^e bank is unusual in the fact army o f six million men between in-chief. the C, D. of A. club, where initial that the average length of service 21 and 44 and requiring male* Hong Kong holding out against Race Prejudice Called refreshments and entertainment Christian Bros. employes is in excess o f 20 from 18 to 65 to register i attempt were provided. Japanese ring o f fire, although Blow to National Unity Wines years. Life insurance for em­ to reduce below 21 the age limit British say only a miracle can save Club Director Behe made the ployes is provided and arrange­ for draftees is rejected. Legisla­ besieged garrison. presentation of gifts, and the pro­ ments are made for health protec­ tion granting FDR censorship and Roosevelt said to be forming Philadelphia. — “ The fostering gram was concluded by Miss Elea­ 99c Bottle tion and assistance in the case of other extraordinary powers to carry supreme war council, which would o f race prejudice and all the prac nor Newman, who sang several hospitalization. TEN on war effort approved by senate. be subordinate only to him. tices based thereon” were con­ solos, accompanied by Miss Vera OELiaOUS In keeping with its policy of pro­ U. S. plane attacks enemy sub (Jonviction grows among senators demned “ as destructive of national Mace. A communal song fest was FLAV0K8 viding a well-rounded service for o ff West coast. that U. S. must land an <\£F, (Htth unity” in a pronouncement issued also directed by the duo. DRY AND classes of clientele, the bank in­ Hong Kong reject* “ surrender” ably first in Africa, the Azores by the Philadelphia Catholic Inter­ The weekend will likewise be full 1)^ 5 1 6WEET stalled its personal loan depart­ ultimatum; Singapore further (Portuguese), or the (Janary islands collegiate Interracial council fol­ ment in 1937. The problems of threatened when Japanese make at (Spanish). lowing its joint meeting here with Cedar Falls, la., School At Your small depositors and businessmen representatives of the Catholic In­ least three landings on British President signs bill making esti­ Favorite Dealer have always received the friend­ terracial councU of New York. Was Founded in 1891 Rom eo; English troops’ withdrawal mated seven miUion men between SERVE COLD liest consideration. The success south o f Malayan peninsula peril* 20 and 44, inclusive, available for this policy is demonstrated by SAVES MONEY. Penang island. compulsory military service; regis­ Fr. Murray, ‘Athletic Cedar Falls, la.— Members of NU-KOL the fact that today patrons of the the congregation of St. Patrick’s In estimate o f fighting man tration may reach 40 million. Se­ hank number more than 20,000, Priest’ of New York, Dies church and friends observed the IT GIVES MAXIMUM HEAT ALWAYS HAVE YOU power between 18 and 35, census lectee* to get less thorough medical and deposits have increased from 50th anniversary o f the parish bureau says Allies could have 56,' examinations after Jan. 1. NU-KOL Lump or Egg ______S 7 . 2 5 $34,378 at the close of the first MODERNIZED YOUR 643,000 under arms a n d Axis Admiral E. J. King is placed in New York.— Solemn Requiem school at an informal celebration. 3 to 5 in. nut______6 . 7 5 day o f business in 1905 to $11,- powers might muster 28,560,000. charge o f entire U. S. fleet, includ­ Mass in St. Mary’s church, Bronx, KING Labeled Lonp or Err. Cream of the Northern Field_6*.50 INSURANCE? 316,638.88 today. BOUTT COUNTY NUT NU-KOL. Addition of (Jhina and India force* ing Atlantic, Pacific, and Asiatic was offered for the pastor, the New Orleans NCCS Is a apecial nnt for kitchen ranze, onir______$6.50 Rev. Joseph G. Murray. Father would give Allies 163,887,000 men. commands. Coal for All Makes of Stokers Protect jroursel/ against new Publishes Priest’s Mass Murray, often spoken of as the To Operate New Club hasardt. Fifty pounds of waste paper to Buy Defense Stamps! “ athletic priest,” was activ# for The Fastest Selling Coal That Ever Came to Denver be saved a month per family in New Orleans.— The South’s most SUNDAY, DEC 21 many years in the Catholic Youth It’s Hot, Very Little Ash, No Soot HORACE W. BENNETT U. S. is quota set for need* o f war. elegant clubhouse in the 1880’s is Father Ziccardi’s Manila’s communications with organization and represented Man­ being rehabilitated to serve as a From our own mines at Routt County to you at lower cost, & CO. Buy Defense Bonds! hattan college on the board of gov­ USO club for soldiers and sailors sit Tabor Bide. Pbono TA. U71 Japanese-invaded Davao are cut THURSDAY, DEC 18 off. ernors of the Amateur Athletic here. The National Catholic Com­ FRANK ENGLAND, Jr.. MaDasat Boys’ Band to Be union. He had attended the Olym-, munity Service will operate the Inraranca DoDartmant Japanese motorized unit trapped At least 14 ^lalo-German and CROW BAR COAL CO. pic games regularly since 1904, center. The building was erected inland on Luzon island and routed several Japanese subs sunk or dam­ Joe F. Stremel TA. 2336 and was himself proficient in in 1882 for the Pickwick club, the Typewriter Exchange, Featured Dec. 28 after three-day battle. aged by U. S. navy in Atlantic and ASK THE FRIEND WHO’S USED A TON Japanese admit loss o f five sobs swimming and track. second oldest club in the country INC. Pacific encounters. and 29 planes in attack on Pearl Axis retreating too fast even to A Good Typewriter Trinidad.— The annual concert harbor. defend Bengasi, claim British Afri­ Means Better Grades and entertainment given under the Portuguese island o f Timor, be­ can quarters; Italians say they sank direction of the Rev, F, S. Zic- tween Java and Australia, occupied English destroyer a n d damaged SALES — SERVICE cardi, S.J., will take place Sunday by Allies. other warships o ff North Africa. evening, Dec. 28, at 7:30 o’clock Axis front completely shattered Buy Defense Bonds! MA. 3297 ..717 17th St in the Mt. Carmel music hall in Eastern Libya, report* Cairo. MONDAY, DEC 22 Featured in the evening, the pr«alt«d mlx«d ships Gneisenau and Scharnhorst, MOREHOUSE’S o f Sister Mary Angus Miller, Chicago CYO Planning noU and candj. Oar pricM art roaaon- renewing efforts to help hu­ both 26,000 tons. ORCHESTRA followed by a “Tantum Ergo” Program of Expansion ablt. manity. And to we say with all three-quarter time. The latter is President signs new draft expan­ FAVORS in commemoration of George E sion bill calling for registering o f Wiihtnf all of jon a Uerrr Chrlitmas sincerity, “ (k>d Blest Them, No Cover Charge Chicago.—At a meeting of priest men between 18 and 64. PULLETS, YOUNG HENS, ib------2 »e Mullare. district advisers with Archbishop Everyone.” SPECIAL-FED FRYERS, lb------32e Father Ziccardi dedicated the Samuel A. Stritch and Auxiliary Buy Defense Stamps! THE ADDISON’S YOUNG DUCKS AND GEESE, lb..30e strong and majestic measures of Chicken Livers and Gibiet* . , Yonnz GEO. A. PULLEN Bishop Bernard J. Shell, plans TUESDAY, DEC 23 Guinea Chickens and Squab#— “Hymn to the Most Holy Trinity” were considered relative to intensi' American reinforcements rushed No I.«fhomsI Stove & Furnace to all members o f the parish. He fying and expanding the religious- to Lingayen gulf in effort to stem CHICAGO IRARKET follows it with a joyful and mar educational - recreational - social Japanese invasion;.,at least three SIS iht, Repair Company tial hymn to the Holy Father, service work among the youth of invader transports sunk; U. S. “ Long Live the Pope.” the archdiocese. tanks go into action. We Carry Stoker Part* The concluding number, “ In Reds gain on all fronts from Stove and Furnace Repairs— Memoriam,” with subtitles, is di Steam and Hot Water Crate* Hawthorne’s Daughter Leningrad to Sea o f Azov. vided into ten organ interludes Three Japanese transports and a Water Front*— Fireplace Grate* for Requiem Masses and fnnerals Will Be Radio Topic 133} Lswrcnc* Streot MAln *736 sunk o ff Borneo by Dutch An Angel*s Voice TABOR 1321 DEICER. COLO. They are in memory o f Edward subs. G. Soebbing. New York.—The life o f an Japanese admit loss o f two more , • . could lend music to our American woman, Mrs. Rose destroyers in attack on Wake message but honestly, it could Body of Murdered Man Hawthorne Lathroip, daughter of island; fate o f U. S. marine gar­ make this wish no more sin­ St. Francis Cafe Found on Church Steps the famous novelist, Nathaniel rison on Wake in doubt when navy NOON LUNCHES 25c Hawthorne, and founder of a re­ announces invaders have made cere. Our Christmas hope is that SPECIAL (X)RN FED (XUB ligious community to care for the landing on iMand. for everyone o f you this will be Sioux City, I*.— The body of a STEAK DINNERS 45c poor suffering from incurable can­ Tanker* again bear brunt o f CHRISTMAS 401 I4th (at Tremont) murdered man, James T. Hayes, a gay time and a happy time— cer, will be dramatized on the Japanese tub attack on Pacific HarkI The Angels a. CHEER Under Minsaement o( Jimmy Short Jr., was found on the steps of St, Ave Maria hour broadcast Sun­ that your hearts will be. brim­ (Checker Cah Co.) Joseph’s church here by early coast with three moiv torpedoed day, Dec. 28. o ff California; no loss o f life re­ In the heqvens the herald ming full. The Guiid Card Shop Is just bulzint morning worshipers. Shot angels sing of glory to the full of eute, clever New Year through the heart, the man ported. • cards I H undr^ of beautiful and Patronize These Firms. They may have been killed elsewhere Congress Recalls Life Allies roust not depend on inter' King of Kings. It is the distinctive deslzns, priced from 3e Are Co-operating With Your and his body placed in front o f the Of Missioner in Chile nal collapse o f Axis, but mutt whip season of the year when all to 36c each. Paper, church after death, officers said. Tripartite powers by external Rome. — One of Chile’s first men must bend their knees BUY FROM knockout blows, warns Winston apostles, Father Antonio Correa, Churchill in declaring Hitler it far in humble homage to the a soldier fighting under Pizarro The Guild Card Shop from beaten. spirit that makes Christmas. JESS SUPER mflRKET in Peru who later joined the Fa­ IN THE ARCADE We extend to you, our thers of Mercy to carry on mis­ Marshal Petain reported to have A Branch of The Readers' GaiM sionary work in South America, resigned when Nazi troops stream DENVER FRUITS 115 14th St. friends and patrons, the was recalled at the Chilean na­ through Unoccupied France toward Season's Greetings. tional Eucharistic congress that Spain, possibly to open attack on PRODUCE marked the fourth centenary of Gibraltar, to aid hard-pressed forces the country’s foundation. in Africa, or to launcJi invasion o f TA. 1369 Plan to have your ([lirist* British Islet. Patronize Our Adwertisers mas and New Year British claim six more Axis ships College Professor Is tent to bottom o f Mediterranean. Dinner here. Lending Aid to Navy Positions of Hong Kong defend­ Oars* Tarkcy Dinatr Winooski Park, V t— Dr. Andre er* remain unchanged. VQSS BROS. MERRY CHRISTMAS Htny olbtr cbole**. 4 0 c Gleyzal, head of the mathematics Buy Defense Bonds! depatment at St. Michael’s college WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24 for the past three and a half years, Japanese novr pressing on Manila MERRY WIRTH Bi-Lotr has accepted a position at the from both northwest and southeast David W. Taylor Naval Model with landing o f heavy force at RAY’S CAFE basin, which has been called the Atimonan, 75 miles from capital CHRISTMAS 1518 CALIFORNIA ST. “proving ^ound for the navy,” o f Philippines; thns, huge pincers FOOD CENTER near .Washington, D. C. land drive begins. Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 Office, 988 Binnock Street TUB PCWYIER CATHOLIC REGISTER _ lEyitone 4205^ PAGE NINE . --

Yonr§ to Enjoy 48 OF HIERARCHY TO AHEND Latest in Sound Equipment, for tddtd plttnrt, ntirula at tb* P CoimapoIiUB - PIONEER DININC after iu iiulallation ia Sl. Mary’s high school, Chicago, the oldest school for girls in the archdiocese. ROOM ERECTION OF ARCHDIOCESE Officiating is the Rev. John Brown, pastor o f St. Malachy’s church. Auisting st the ceremonies is Ann C O P P B E Regan (right), senior class president. With the new set, St. Mary’li is the first educsUonal institution in the nation to have FM equipment in ila public addresa system. It includes two-way inter-room com­ SHOPPE (Continued From Page One) BAMBOO BUDDY, D.D., Bishop o f San munication, an automatic record-player, a radio receiving set with FM attachment, and a fire siren. The TO S[HV[ H ward M. Woeber, the Rev, Hubert ROOM. Rm - Diego; chaplains, the Rev. Martin unit also may be used as a public address system.— (Vin Agar photo.) ' Newell, the Rev. Elmer Kolka, the ommrad t b * Arno, O.S.B., and the Rev. Charles Rev. David Maloney, the Rev. Wal­ Fors^^h, O.S.B. Ooimopolitu) ter Cana van, the Rev, Francis to eut>o{-towa THE MOST REV. PAUL C. ;s Kappes, and the Rev, John Vidal, SCHULTE, D.D., Bishop o f (ritnd*. C. M. Leavenworth; chaplains, the Rev. Cosmopolitan Hotel Cathedral Vested choir and Ernest Dannegger, S.J., and the (St. James’ Parish) BRADBUST a UOBSB. Gn. Mgr. seminarians, 126 male voices, the Rev. J. Donnelly, S.J. • A group of St. James’ women DON’T FORGET Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. THE MOST REV. JOSEPH M. has been put in charge of serving Bosetti, V.G., director. GILMORE, D.D., Bishop of the buffet supper at the Denver Radio narrator, the Rt. Rev. Helena; chaplains, the Rev. Roy NCCS-USO cluD on Sunday, Dec. Monsignor Hugh L, McMenamin. Figlino and the Rev. August 28. They will be the first parish Notary, the Very Rev. Thomas Kneipp. < group to serve as host at the D. Coyne, C.M., president o f St. club for these affairs. John Ruth- THE MOST REV. ALOISIUS is chairman of the St. James’ com­ Thomas’ seminary. J. MUENCH, D.D., Bishop of mittee assisting the club. MEMBERS•OF HIERARCHY Fargo; chaplains, the Rev. Thomas A committee of the Altar and ATTENDING with their chaplains Barry and the Rev, John Doherty. e n r ic h e d b r er d Rosary society taking part in the; (in order of entrance): THE MOST REV. GERALD T. work of decorating the church for BISHOPS BERGAN, D.D., Bishop of Des Christmas included Mmes. Paul THE MOST REV. JOSEPH C. Moines; chaplains, the Rev. Clar­ Fitzgerald, T. J. Vieau, H. E. WILLGING, D.D., Bishop-Elect of ence Kessler and the Rev. Eugene Burg. Paul Gappae, and J. W. Everyens needs the Vita­ Pueblo; chaplains, the Very Rev. O’Snllivan. Higgins. The work was done on Thomas J. Wolohan and the Rev. mins and Iren with whicii! THE MOST REV. WILLIAM D. Tuesday, Dec. 23. Joseph Higgins. O’BRIEN, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop Parishioners who extended the this breod is enriched at THE MOST REV. LAURENCE o f Chicago; chaplains, the Rev. hospitality of their homes to sol­ part oF the Netlon’t Health J. FITZSIMON, D.D., Bishop o f Robert Wilhelm and the Rev. Jos­ diers on Christmas day included Amarillo; chaplains, the Rev. eph Bauer. Mr. and Mrs. M. W, Ludwig, Mr. ,«nd Welfare Program^ Philip Ryan and the Rev. Francis THE MOST REV. CHRISTIAN and Mrs. L. H. Behrens, Mr. and Potempa. H. WINKELMANN, D.D., Bishop Mrs. J. A. Gallaher, and Mr. and THE MOST REV. BERNARD T. of Wichita; chaplains, the Rev. Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald. ESPELAGE, O.F.M., D.D., Bishop Anthony Weinzapfel and the Rev. James Reddick, formerly an ac­ of Gallup; chaplains, the Rev, M. Blenkush. tive member of St. James’ Junior Claude Kellerman, O.F.M., and the Newman club, is spending the THE MOST REV, JAMES H. Rev. Rembert Miller, O.F.M. Christmas holidays with an uncle, RYAN, D.D., Bishop of Omaha; Capt. A. R. Marron, U. S. navy, THE MOST REV. VINCENT J. chaplains, the Rev. William Mona­ iii'jr in Washington, D. C.' He will re­ RYAN, D.D., Bishop of Bismarck; han and t h e Rev. Lawrence chaplains, the Rev. Adam Ritter Walter. turn to Bishop England high and the Rev. Paul Slattery. school in Charleston, S. Car., after ^ KE.639I THE MOST REV. CHARLES vacation and will again live with THE MOST REV. SIDNEY M. H. LEBLOND, D.D., Bishop of Lt. Com, R. V. Marron o f the METZGER, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop St. Joseph; chaplains, the Rev, coast guard. of Santa F c; chaplains, the Rev, Mrs. L. R. Cusick Arthur Lucy and the Rev. Fridolin Mrs. Frank Curran of York, Leo Patrick and the Rev. Edward Has Opened Shockley, O.F.M. Nebr., and Mrs. Robert Rea of Prinster. THE MOST REV. GERALD North Platte, Nebr., spent Christ­ THE MOST REV. WILLIAM 0, YORK BEAUTY SALON S H A U G H N E S S Y , S.M., ^ .D ., mas with their mother, Mrs. BRADY, D.D., Bishop of Sioux Bishop o f Seattle; chaplains, the Thomas Degan, o f this parish. lOASTEO ANO S E lI V n iB In Colfax Mart (Colfax at York) Falls; chaplains, the Rev. Herman Rev. Edward Breen and the Rev. Mrs. Marguerite O'Shea, with Rear o f Building Leite and the Rev. Peter Mormi. John Regan. her mother and Peggy and John, FRESH DAILY THE MOST REV. JOHN H. Free Parking EAst 3807 THE MOST REV, STANIS­ is spending the Christmas holi­ Velues xmexcelted hvQoMitf Teeit PESCHGES, D.D., Bishop of LAUS V. BONA, D.D., Bishop of days with her sister in Minne­ Spices,'Exjcractt, Beklag Powder Crookston; chaplains, the Rev. Grand Island; chaplains, the Rev. William Gallagher and the Rev. apolis, Minn. Richard Hiester and the Rev. Har­ Margaret McDermott of Tul- KE. 7181 Clean Curtains Joseph Kerb. ley Schmitt. rosa, N. Mex., was at the home of M«in • THE MOST REV. FRANCIS A. brifhUr hora»— THE MOST REV. THOMAS K. her parents, 1440 Niagara, for THE W% do them ap THILL, D.D., Bishop of Concordia; GORMAN, D.D., Bishop of Reno; beaati folly. chaplains, the Rev. Joseph Erger Christmas. SPICE chaplains, the Rev. Edward Fraez- Mr. and Mrs. Fr4d Smith left PLAIN and the Rev. Henry Ernst. kowski and the Rev. Edw. Leyden. this week for a holiday visit to Curtains THE MOST-REV. STEPHEN 2lit ^ Market Sts. Denver THE MOST REV. KARL J. Kansas City, Mo. Pair— S. WOZNICKI, D.D., Auxiliary ALTER, D.D., Bishop of Toledij; ^^jUOLORADOS»^^ Bishop of Detroit; chaplains, the chaplains, the Rev, Edward Con­ ScM ilelistH 30c m Rev. John Judnic and the Rev. Spiritual Forces of French Parish Mourns way, S.J., and the Rev. Raymond William Byrne, U.S.A. Tully, S.J. Death of Youth in War Phone THE MOST REV. DUANE 0. THE MOST REV. EDWIN V. HUNTj D.D., Bishop of Salt Lake Lynn, Mass.— A Solemn Mass 0]HARA, D.D., Bishop of Kansas A .B . C. Doll Shop City; chaplains, the Rev. George For Sl Join’s o f Requiem was celebrated at St. City; chaplains, the Rev. Richard Church at Command INDRY i l g Spehar and the Rev. John Guzin- John the Baptist’s (French) A Itmltsd namber of Impoitsd doUi Duffy and the Rev. Joseph Abbott. church here for Leo A. E. Gagne, stiU Isft in stock. 2412 Curtis St. ski. THE MOST REV. LOUIS B. THE MOST REV. GEORGE J. (St. John’s Parish) first Lynn resident to lose his life Expert Doll Repairing KUCERA, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln; REHRING, D.D., Auxiliary Bishdp The Masses on the Feast of the in the present war. He was killed chaplains, the Rev. John Nelson, To Guard Freedom Doll Parte o f Cincinnati; chaplains, the Rev. Circumcision, Jan. 1, at St. John’s in the Japanese attack on Hickam O.M.I., and the Rev. Joseph Kane, PboB* 6L. T77T 2StS W. S2nd A m Matthias Justen, C.SS.R., and the will follow the Sunday schedule, Field. O.M.I. CHECKER Rev. Mark Van Gnrp, C.SS.R. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 o’clock. THE MOST REV, CHARLES F. TH0MOST REV. JOSEPH H. (Continued From Page One) that will be a blessing not for our The program of music sung at ttie ALBERS, D.D., Bishop of Lan they feared, we reaffirm their nation alone, but for the whole Ghristmaa Midnight Mass will be CABS sing; chaplains, the Rev. Forrest solemn words. We give you, Mr. world. repeated at the 10 o’clock High KD DUNDON, M»r. Allen and the Rev. John Kelly. President, the pledge of our whole­ Mass Sunday, Dec. 28. THE MOST REV. ROBERT J. “ The undersigned chairman of TA. 2233 LowMt Zontd R.U* hearted co-operation in the diffi­ The Rev. Deacon Robert Mc­ GROUP 10 MEET ARMSTRONG, D.D., Bishop of cult daw that lie ahead. We will the Administrative board, National Mahon of St. Thomas’ seminary Sacramento; chaplains, the Rev. zealously fulfill our spiritual minis­ Catholic Welfare Conference, assisted at the Midnight and 6:30 Francis Brady and the Rev. W il­ try in the sacred cause of our authorized to forward th^ letter' o’clock Solemn Masses on Christ­ In the Denver’s liam Coyne. country’s service. We place at mas. THE MOST REV. EDWARD J. your disposal in that service our in the name o f the Bishops o f the Catherine Miller was received InTltsUoni ftnil AnnoanccBtnts KELLY, D.D., Bishop of Boise; institutions and their consecrated United States, has the honor, Mr. into the Church by the Rev. John After-Christmas Clearance O K WITH DOUBLE »P chaplains, the Rev. John Forsyth, personnel. We will lead our priests President, to be, with sentiments P. Moran, pastor, on Tuesday eve-/ ENVELOPES ** (Our Lady of Mt, Carmel Parish) O.S.B., and the Rev. Edward Voll- and people in constant prayer that of high consideration.” ning, Dec. 23. Sample* Upon RtquMt mer, O.S.B. On Dec, 29 the members of St. God may bear you up under the THE MOST REV. HENRY P. Boys Will Study Theresa’s society will meet It heavy burdens that weigh upon Archbishop Mooney UBWTT'X will be an important session. The ROHEMAN, D.D., Bishop o f Dav­ you, that He may guide you and Board Chairman Gregorian Chant Section o f the 1942 officers is to enport; chaplains, the Rev. An­ all who share with you responsi­ The Christmas novena, sung by F ar-Trimmed The letter is signed by the Most be held. The meeting will take thony Elzi and the Rev. Michael bility for the* nation’s governance the newly formed boys’ choir, un­ Optometrist and Optician Harrington. Rev. Edward Mooney, Archbishop place at 8 p.m. in the school hall. and security, that He may der the direction of Father J. Roy o f Detroit and chairman o f the All members are urged to attend. THE MOST REV. THOMAS A. strengthen us all to win a victory Figlino, was closed on Christmas NCWC Administrative board. Helen Walsh Refreshments will be served, WELCH, D.D., Bishop of Duluth; eve. The attendance a't all the chaplains, the Rev. John Clark, In addition to Archbishop services was quite large. Begin­ A beautiful crib has been set up AmocUu C.M., and the Rev. Albert Dundas, Mooney, the members of the board ning in the new year, the boys’ in the garden of Our Lady of Mt. C.M. are the Most Rev. Samuel A. W. R. JOSEPH Carmel church. It was erected un­ Priest Describes choir will hold practices regularly THE MOST REV. JAMES A. Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago; in order to learn Gregorian chant EYES EXAMINED der the direction of the Rev. Hil­ Printzess GRIFFIN, D.D., Bishop of Spring- the Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman, melodies fo r use at the various Phont TAbor 1880 debrand Brunetti, O.S.M. There is field in Illinois; chaplains, the Rev. Archbishop o f New York; the a stable with miniature statues of church services. 2 1 8 .8 1 9 MajMUe Bldr John Mahoney and. the Rev. Fran- Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, the Christ Child, St. Joseph, the James McMullen was called to ci.s Pettit. Cbristmas Spent O.P., Archbishop of Cincinnati; Sterling in the past week by the Blessed Virgin, the Wise Men, and THE MOST REV. JOSEPH C. the Most Rev. John Gregory Mur death of his father. the Shepherds, which were painted PLAGENS, D.D., Bishop o f Grand ray, Archbishop o f St. Paul; the by the sisters of the parish school. Mrs. Edmund Mullen is confined Rapids; chaplains, the Bev. Charles Most Rev. John F. Noll, Bishop in St. Joseph’s hospital, where she Christmas carols are played Sanger and the Rev. Robert Bani of Fort Wayne; the Most Rev through a house distaphone. ’The In Switzerland was transferred from Clinton gan. Coats John Mark Gannon, Bishop of County hospital, Frankfort, Ind. trees in front of the crib are deco­ THE MOST REV. DANIEL J. Erie; the Most Rev. Hugh C. George Mallett, soft of Dr. and "WHY NOT TREAT YOURSELF TO A rated with Christmas wreaths and (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish) GERCKE, D.D.* Bishop of Tucson; Boyle, Bishop o f Pittsburgh; the Mrs. George M a lle ^ is home from PLEASANT SURPRISE” lights. The Rev. Richard Hiester, assist­ chaplains, the Rev. Jerome Weinert Most Rev. John A. Duffy, Bishop_^ Virginia university, where he is a On Dec. 31, thanksgiving services ant pastor of Blessed Sacrament and the Rev. John Cavanagh. / o f Buffalo, and thb Most RevV law student. will be held at 7:30 p.m. All are parisn, addressed the Altar and 59.95, 79.95 VALUES THE MOST REV. EDWARD Edwin V. O’Hara, Bishop o f Mrs. Fred Koch will remain in urged to attend. Rosary society in St. Francis’ rec­ Books for Christmas F. HOBAN, D.!)".', Bishop of Rock Kansas City. Ohio over the holidays. On New Year’s day Masses will ford; chanlains, the Rev. William tory Dec. 19. Father Hiester de­ be at 6, 7, 8, 9,10:30, and 12 o’clock. scribed a Christmas day he spent GIVE GIFTS THAT LAST Doyle, S.J., and the Rev. William The Christmas musical program Ferrell, S.J. in Switzerland a few years ago and THRUOUT THE YEAR wjll be repeated at the 10:30 Mass, THE MOST REV. CHRIS­ explained the significance of the Ancient Palestine Getting with Theodore Zarlengo as guest TOPHER E. BYRNE, D.D., Bishop melodious Alpine yodel. organist. The Mass will be fol­ o f Galveston; chaplains, the Bev, Mrs. Eugene Smith donated J%ice Selection of lowed by the singing of "Veni beautiful tatting for an altar cloth. > 2 8 -* 4 3 John Connell, O.P., and the Rev, Creator” and: Benediction. John Schneider, O.P. Mmes. Margaret Murtha, Marga­ Its Taste of Modern War I^ew Year Cards On Jan. 2, the first Friday, THE MOST REV. JOHN M. ret E. Penrose, and Thomas J. Pen­ (tax included) Masses will be at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock. GANNON, D.D., Bishop o f Erie; rose were enrolled as perpetual Confessions will be heard on chaplains, the Rev. William Ken- members in the society. Washington.— In special corre­ Air-raid shelters in modernistic THE Wednesday, Dec. 31, from 3 to 6 neally, C.M., and the Rev, James The following women volun­ spondence for NCWC, Brother An­ new buildings are being con­ o’clock and from 7:30 o’clock on teered to care for the sanctuary: thony Bruya, O.F.M., describes the O’Sullivan, C.M. structed. Elsewhere ancient caves, Rena Marie, daughter ofG eorge THE MOST REV. ANTHONY Dec. 27— Mnies. Volz, Tremlett, effect the war has had on Pal­ shelters that have existed for cct- FRIENBLY SHOP and Virginia Lunnon, waS bap­ J. SCHULER, S.J., D.D., Bishop of Verlindan, and Smith; Dec. 31— estine, w'hich has been the battle­ They’re sample coats of the tized recently. Virginia Lombardi Mmes. Hughes, Schroedt, Loeffcl, ground of nations almost since the turies, are being readied for use. (j4nd ire mean it!) El Paso; chaplains, the Rev. Ed­ and William Rerri were sponsors. ward Morpin, S.J., and the Rev. and McKone; Jan. 3— Mmes. dawn of history. Brother Anthony Besides other precautions, there famous Juillard and Forst- Howard Carlisle became a Cath­ Hanes, Wilson, and Dyoh; Jan. for three years has been stationed is the omnipresent blackout. 61 So. Broadway R.A. 0848 Andrew Dimichino, S.J. olic on Dec. 21. He is the son of THE MOST REV. PATRICK A. 10 — Mmes. Leonard, Glavins, at Terra Santa college in Jeru­ Despite the war some 20 Amer­ marm fabrics; such fine furs Howard and Vivian Carlisle. He Lowe, and Sheieman. The cande­ McGOVERN, D.D., Bishop of salem. He formerly was attached ican Franciscans carry on their as mountain sable, kolinsky, C n Portonalised (Jirial- $ 4 .00 received his First Holy Com­ Cheyenne; chaplains, the Rev. labra will be in charge o f Mrs. to the Commissariat of the Holy work at the Holy Places and in the mas Cards for only ■ munion on Dec. 22. His sponsors Barry J. Wogan and the Rev. A. Smith, Dec. 29; Mrs. Schroedt, Land in Washington and was edi­ scattered missions of the Custody were James Lombardi and ^ r - Sommaruga. Jan. 5; Mrs. Yeager, Jan. 12; Mrs. tor of the Crusader's Almanac. o f the Holy Land as if nothing had fox, skunk, squirrel, Persian raine Grosso. Masterson, Jan. 19. THE MOST REV. JOHN J. The holy cities o f Bethlehem, happened or would happen. One lamb, leopard and wolf. Sizes LAWLER, D.D., Bishop o f Rapid St. Joseph’s circle will hold a Nazareth, and Jerusalem have not young friar from Baltimore, who City; chaplains, the Rev. Louis Christmas party at the home o f been bombed. But the Holy Land has been repeatedly “ near missed” Mrs. A. Lamport, 460 S. Logan 12*/2 to 241^.' Other values DR. W. P. C A R LIN Mertz and the Rev. William has seen destructive air raids a in the frequent raids on Alexan­ street, Tuesday. Dec. 30, at 1 Miilcahy. number o f times. The modem dria, Egypt, complains only that DRNTIST o’clock. All members are invited to 89.95, now $49 and ARCHBISHOPS Jewish Babylon called Tel-Aviv “ it is all a lot o f unneceaary 1458 (»RONA STREET to attend. THE MOST REV. ROBERT E. (Hill of Spring, or Hope) has suf­ noise.” (Tax included.) OFFICE HOUH8: ( to 12 A.M., I to I PJL LUCEY, D.D., Archbishop o f San Lemieux and the Rev. Leo Flynn. fered serious damage in raids on An invasion of the Holy Land is TELEPHONE CHERRY 3124 Antonio; chaplains, the Very Rev. THE MOST REV. FRANCIS non-military objectives. The neigh­ occurring every day, but it is one f- Robert Kelley, S.J., and the Rev, J. L. BECKMAN, D.D., Arch­ boring Jaffa was untouched, but of peace, and even of prayer. Day Leo Farrell, O.P, bombs fell near enough to this bishop of Dubuque; chaplains, ^ e after day throngs of khaki-clad Sptcisl Six. Cost*—flscond Floor THE MOST REV. JOHN J, Very Rev. (Christian Darley, ancient Joppa o f the Bible to shat­ PRODUCERS CREAMERY PRODUCTS MEAN military of many nations visit the CANTWELL, D.D., Archbishop of C. SS.R., and the Very Rev. ter windows of the Franciscan Holy Shrines in a spirit of manly QUALITY PRODUCTS A1 REASONABLE PRICES Los Angeles; chaplains, the Rev. Angelus Tintlc, O.F.M. monastery, near which St. Peter faith. British, Australian, tmd William Powers and the Rev. THE MOST REV. EDWARD once wondrously sojourned at the New Zeland troops. Free French Gregory Smith. D. HOWARD, D.D., Archbishop of house of Simon the Tapner. Haifa, soldiers, including jet-black Sene­ Ice Cream THE MOST REV. RUDOLPH Portland m Oregon; chaplains, the snuggling in the shelter of Mount galese; stocky Greeks, and swart A. GERKEN, D.D., Archbishop of Rev. Henry Geisert and the Rev. Carmel, has been the target o f Italians are there while numerous Milk - Cream Santa Fe; chaplains„the Rev. John Rev. Louis Grohman. several raids. Polish pray and sing beside their Moran and the R en E. J. Ver- THE MOST REV. JOHN T. Perhaps the Holy Land will Czecho-Slovak cousins. It is not schraeghen. McNICHOLAS, 0 . P . , S.T.M., suffer no greater damage than it BuHer 933 Bannork Sl uncommon to see British, Polish, "Where Denver Skopt With Confidence" — Phone E. 2111 THE MOST REV. JOHN G Archbishop of Cincinnati; chap­ already has from the sporadic and and other soldiers serving Mass on KEytione 3297, Denver, Colo. MURRAY, D.D., Archbishop of lains, the Rev. Manus Boyle and relatively minor attacks, but the Calvary and within the very tomb St. Paul; cbaplainsi the Bev. D. A. the Bev. Jamei Flanagan. authorities are taking no ch^ces. of the Savior.

-\3 w w t iT .1^

P A G E T E N t h e ; p e n v e r c a t h o l i c r e g i s t e r Telephone, J^ystone ' '4205 Thursday, Dec. 25, 1941 Gaston Santi Is 20 Given Grid Letters 15th Prep Cage 2 10 -Pound Tackle Elected MERRY CHRISTMAS New Basketball Season Begins Our Sincere Wish (fOach at Regis Captain o f’42 Abbey Team Sunday, Jan. 11 • — Canon City.— (Abbey School) other to Bob Kane, tackle. Both May the gifts of the Yuletide bring you and Replacing Paul Celia, whose The Parochial league will begin —Anthony ^ oon ) DiOrio, 210- boys proved pillars of strength on career as a Regis college basket­ its 16th annual cage season Sun­ yours the peace an^ happiness of this pound tackle of the Abbey Bears, the Bruin forward wall the past ball coach'was baited before bis day, Jan. 11, in the state armory, JoyouiX,Season. was named captain of the 1942 year. team ever saw action in a collegi­ E. 3rd avenue and Logan street, Abbey gridsters at a sports as­ .\wards were presented to the ate game, Gaston Santi this week when ^ e first o f seven triplehead­ H. W . SwicERT SR. sembly held Friday morning, Dec. stars of the pre-Christmas basket­ assumed the reins as Ranger cage ers will be held. The schedule, 19. DiOrio succeeds Joe Berta ball league. These honors were H. W . SWICERT JR. BERT EVANS coach for the 1942 season, it was approved at a meeting of loop of­ pilot of the Bears. Strangely announced Monday, Dec. 22, by conferred by Captain John Aram- ficials Friday, Dec. 19, will end G. J. SCHAEUBLE GOLDA E. LILLEY enough, both boys hail from the Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., ath­ bel of the Bruin basketball team. Sunday, Feb. 22, and, according to DAVID O. EVANS MARION KOGEL Brookside, a coal camp suburb of HAPPY letic director. Championship ribbons were present tentative plans/the fourth Canon City. given to the league-winning Long annual state tournament will bfe Santi, who had been basketball Friday’s assembly was opened horns in the persona o f Captain and football mentor at Wabenbuig held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. by the Rev. Augustine La Marche, Larry Holden, Jim Linnebur, Jerry 28 and March 1. Biuy Dayt Demand Typewriters high school fo r the jiast seven O.S.B., rector, and was attenc^d Dignan, George Wheelan, Wilson years, comes to Regis with a repu­ by the faculty and entire studiht Cooper, and Jock Erramouspe. Because o f the lengthy schedule NEW YEAR ALL MAKES STANDARDS AND tation for molding representative body of the school. After ex­ The all-league teams were as that carried four of the league teams at the Southern Colorado PORTABLES — ALL PRICES tending holiday greetings to all, follows: Senior division — Jim teams well into December,, the cage school. A graduate of Grinnell season has been slow in getting the rec'Gr turned the meeting over Hogan, Pete Arambel, Jim Linne­ All Makes Typewriter Service college, Grinnell, la., where he under way, but reports from all to the Rev. Jerome Healy, O.S.B., bur, Fox Haipmond, Walt Sobba, starred in basketball for three schools indicate that progress is 43S 14th St BABNES SCHOOL BLOG. MAIN S4>i athletic director. Frank Wolters, Joe Adams, Jack May it bring us all Victory, and years and was captain of the 1934 being made and that all teams will Football letters were given to Walker, George Corrigan, and team, Santi is 30 years old. He be ready fo r the opening whistle. 20 members of the varsity squad Bemie Willers; junior division— was chosen on the all-Midwest con­ Because Regis high, state champ Peace, and renewed Prosperity! of '41, and four minor, awards Mickey McKenna, Jock Erra ference cage squad in 1934, last year, has nine members of were also given. Then the O’Han­ mouspe, Herby Barkow, Junie its ten-man squad returning, the REQUIESCANT The new coach, whose contract lon gold football award for out­ Roche, Otis Dorman, Tommy Gar THEODORE i Reds have beep installed as top- runs for one year, succeeds Celia, standing play was presented to rett, Harry Funke, Wilson Cooper, hcpvy favorites to win their first who left last week for Oakland, Captain Joe Berta, one of the Jackie Ton, and Bob Etcheverry. IN P A C E loop crown since 1939. The Holy Calif., to become a pilot for United greatest gridders ever to wear the Cager* Drop Two Family Tigers, Denver titlehold- HACKETHAL: Air Lines. Abbey gold. ^This is the fourth Abbey’s cage forces hit a pair ers last year, lost four of their five The Rangers, who face a tough year this awara has been given by of snags and dropped gaiues to the A.FEWAV MRS. MARY ANN FALLICO, 3253 Bernard* O’Hanlon, prominent starters by graduation. Air Conditioned J Mariposi, Wif® of Jim Fallico. mother 14-game schedule, will open their FitzRoy team of Pueblo on Thurs 1 ^ of Chftrlet. Amelioi Pete. Henry, and ]}lay against collegiate opponents alumnus. In 1938 it went to day, Dec. 18, and then were Teams that are expected to give Jtmei Ftllico, Jr.; Mri. Thomas Scar- Jan. 9, when they oppose the Colo Prank Mooney, in 1939 to Joe whipped by the Centennial Bull­ the Reds their strongest compe­ dlno, Mrs. Harvey McGranahan, Mrs. rado college Tigers in the first Murphy, ..nd^last year it was won tition are Cathedral, St Joseph’s, MORTUARY Dominc Picconc, and Mrs. Huso De dogs at Pueblo on Friday evening. Sabato. and sister of Mrs. Louis Spal- of a two-game series. Other foes by Mark Dujmovic. The rector’s With Snyder, twice all-state and Mullen home. All three are 1449-51 Kalamath St lone. Requiem Mass will be oRered Sat­ booked by Regis . are Colorado citation for ^ e outstanding senior forward from Colorado Springs loaded with veterans from last Phone oiAin 4006 urday at 10 in St. Patrick's church. Mines, Adams State, Western linesman 'ended in a deadlock this year, and, with the seasoning Interment Mt. Olivet. Olinger service. high, leading the way, the lanky State, Chadron Normal, Greeley year and two were give.., one to FitzRoys were able to take a 39- gained in the 1941 campaign, any ARGONAUT HOTEL ^ ^ ^ M a <> JOSEPH C. FORD, 2665 Humboldt or all three may surprise the critics street. Father of Mrs. Claudia M. Alsop, State, and Lowry Field. A lf Santarelli, guard, and the 30 decision, but the Bruins played Where Deaver’e Society EnterUdnt for Lanebeont aod Dinner* Denver, and Daniel T. Ford. Hollywood. the best game of the season, even who have conceded Regis the De­ FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES. Requiem Mass was oRered Saturday. Dec. Sports Review by George V. Kelly in defeat. While playing boys cember pennant Miles & Dryer 20, at 10 in St. Francis de Sales' church. their size, the Bears had the better The complete schedule follows: DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN SlOl DELLA MILLER, 156 S. Lincoln. Mass Printing Co. wasWI oRered Saturday, Dec. 20, at 9 in of the going, but with such men Jan. 11— Annunciation team vs. St Francis de Sales' church. Bruce Smith, Catholic, to as Fishencord, 6-6 center, Baret, Holy Family team; Mullen home Beantifnl Ballroom* Private Dining Room* JOHN YARD, Kiowa. Husband of Mrs. 6-4 guard, aad Snyder, 6-2 for­ vs. St. Joseph’s; S t Francis’ vs. Wheel TickeU for KatherineKi Yaro, father of Mrs. Mary ward in the game, the little Bruins Cathedral. VerspUli,V« Mrs. Anna Kois. Mrs. Helen Baxaara and CamiTab Brock,Bi Mrs. Katherine Stanko, Mrs. just could not cope with the sit­ Jan. 18— St. Joseph’s vs. Annun­ AznesA| Hudka. and Joseph Yaro. Requiem Be Center of Attraction in uation, especially on rebounds. ciation team; Holy Family team MassM was oRered Wednesday at 10 in The passing of the Golds, however, Catholic Work Our St Ann's church, Kiowa. vs. Mullen home; Regis vs. St. was much improved over former Francis’. LOOP MARKET Specialty games and Bear followers have Jan. 25— Mullen home vs. Regis; FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE MRS. ALICE M. COFFIN East-West Battle on Jan. 3 hopes that by mid-season the 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST. Requiem Hsie will be oRered Seturdey S t Francis’ vs. Annunciation Fre* Parking With Pnrchai* of 60o or Moro at 1429 Lawrenea •t 9 in the Cethedril (or Mr«. Alice M green Grizzly forces will develop team; Cathedral vs. St Joseph’s. Coffin, 65. wife of Georse W. Coffin into a fast club. Arambel, as Feb. 1— Annunciation team vs. KEystone 6348, 6349 local meat packine builneasman, who When the annual East-West game is played in the Deep usual, led the Abbey scorers with Regis; Holy Family team vs. Ca­ died Wedneiday in St. Joaeph'a hotpital nine tallies. The floor play of The firms listed here de­ She was born in Paterson, N. J., tqd South Jan. 3, a lad from the North will be the magnet draw­ thedral ; Mullen home vs. S t Fran­ came to Denver in 1901. Stewart wa» outstanding, as was cis’. serve to be remembered SOLES ing the interest of the 78,000 fans who will attend the fray that of Costigan, frosh forward, Survivinir are five ions, Raymond. Feb. 8— Holy Family team vs. M«n‘i Women'*, *nd ChlldraiW SERVICE QUALITY Robert, and H. B.. all of Denver; Wil­ in the Sugar bowl at New Orleans. That solitary figure, of and Berberich, a sophomore center. when you are distributing S t Francis’ ; Cathedral vs. An­ H*If Sol** liam of San Francisco, snd H. P. of Sac­ On Friday evening, playing ramento, and a dauchter, Mrs, Clarence course, could be no one but Minnesota’s limber-limbed, aston­ nunciation team; S t Joseph’s vs. your patronage in the dif­ without Stewart, flashy guard, HARTFORD-ALCORN 6. Bromstead of Parco, Wyo., and ten ishing Bruce Smith, the No. 1 football player of 1941, winner Regis. Loop Shoe Repair Shop Erandchildren. and on the half-acre floor o f the ferent lines of business. Interment ML Olivet. W. P. Horan of the Heisman trophy, the highest award granted to any Feb. 15— Holy Family team vs. Loop Marktt Lawieac* gtieet 8M* mortuary A Son service. Pueblo Junior college, the Bruins collegiate gridder. Smith', like his predecessor. Tommy were lost. As a result they went Regis; Mullen home vs. Cathedral; 620 E. Cotfu KEjetene 2779 Harmon of MicbigAn, is a Catholic, down to a 38-11 defeat at the S t Joseph’s vs. St. Francis’. MRS. JOSEPHINE ALLGIRE Feb. 22— Cathedral vs. Regis; Requiem Mass will be oRered Monday and, on the word of the Rev. Louis gridders, known as the Iron hands of the fast Pueblo Centen­ at 9 in St. Dominic’a church for Mrs. Forrey, director of the Newman Knights, with a squad that num­ nial Bulldogs. Two of the Bull­ Annunciation team vs. Mullen Josephine Allgire, a resident of Denver foundation at Minnesota U., a good dog’s best guards were assigned home; St Joseph’s vs. Holy Family (or 20 years, who died Monday in her bered but 19, captured the title MARKET Call a one. to John Arambel, Abbey’s hard- team. COLFAX home, 2109 Perry street, following a long by defeating Mesa high, 19-13. COLFAX A t illness. COLFAX AT Bruce, the son of an old-time The Knights entered the big battle playing captain, and the diminu­ DOWNING MARION ZOIVE CAB She was born and reared in St. Marys. Minnesota star and captain, of this with a record of eight straight tive Bruin was held without a field Mo. She was married to John Allgire in wins, but were underdogs since goal, although he connected, for MAin 7171 1900 and they came to Denver in 1021 year’s Gopher team, which was LE6AL NOTICES conceded the mythical national their star back, 195-pound Quincy five free throws. This game From thtir Cdifomi* NeviU*t* tho Pnrapt. Conrteoai Service She is survived by her husband, (our Chri*U*n Brothtr* *«nd you Un raperh BURK’S FLUWERS CHEAPER RATES sons, Joseph, Norbert, and Clyde, all of championship, is the pride and joy Fowler, was held out of the game evens the count for the victories wince. Th* Brother* nelnUin SL CLEAN NEW CABS Denver, and Floyd Allgire of Summit because his eligibility was ques­ scored over the Big Reds by the Mary’* Colleg* «nd other eehool* CUT FLOWERS N. J .; two daughters, Mrs. Ines Cabrey of Faribault, Minn. Standing six LEGAL NOTICE tioned. St. Mary’s was equal to Bruin hoopsters last season. through tho *al# of their groat win*. POTTED PLANTS of Salt I.ake City, Utah, and Mrs. Nevona feet even and weighing 193, Smith NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION ARTISTIC FLORAL SPRATS Grant of Sacramento, Calif ;,a sister, Mrs, revealed his true value this year the task, but two minutes before The game ended the pre-Christ­ We, the unilenisrned, Morton R. Smidt, ALTAR BREADS Rose Armbruster of Denver, and the end of the fray, when the tilt mas season for Abbey, as the aa Pruident and Dorothea A. Smidt aa PAWL’S Wear a Mam te the Guae. brother, Herman Mathis of Portland by his absence, not his presence, Secretary of South Denver Dnuc Co., a SEWING Ore. when Minnesota took the field. was tied, 13-13, another Knight players departed for their homes corporation formed under the lawa of the KE. 6171 Free Delivery Free Delivery TA. 3662 Interment M t Olivet. Boulevard serv When the Faribault phantom was back was carried from the field in widely scattered parts of the State of Colorado, do hereby Kive notice Little GiiU' Drenca, Eiibroldery. ice. bench-ridden with injuries, the with an injured leg. Undaunted, country. that at a apeeial meeting of the atock- Monosrrunins, Etc. holders of said eorporation, duly held at mighty Gopher machine sputtered the Knights pulled a sophomore Father Healy, athletic direc­ the office of the corporation in the City THE SISTERS OF THE MARTIN HENRY and at times nearly died. But when tackle back to the spot vacated tor, attended the meeting of the tnd County o f Denver, State of Colorado, SPECIAL FED Bruno’p for better seafoods Lobsters— Mertln Henry, 42. a Denver building by the injured player and, on the Denver Parochial league Friday, on December 6, 1941 at 3 F. M., punuant 'FRESH-DRESSED' and poultry. GOOD SHEPHERD Bruce the baffler was clearing to written consent and waiver of notice trades craftsman, died Thursday, T first and only time the soph, Joe Dec. 19, in Denver and booked alive or TELEPHONE PEARL 2491 18, in a Denver hospital. sod the devastating Minnesotans signed by all the atockholder* of said cor* Free He was bom in County Mayo, Ireland, moved with the ease of a panzer Ayres, carried the ball, he galloped three games with capital city poration for the purpose of considering Fries, cooked, and came to the United States in 1920, 59 yards fo r a touchdown and the teams. Regis and Mullen home the propriety of disiolvinsr said cor­ unit pitted against a rabble armed poration and winding up lis affairs, the Delivery shrimp, For several years he lived in Chicago, state crown. What makes the will vhit Bearland while the Squabs, where he took out his eitisenship papers with clubs. stockholders by vote of the entire issued TA. 1776 DOiYLE’S tnd was naturalised. In 1927 he moved Minnesota was more than fortu­ victory even'more amazing is that Abbey will make its only pre- snd outstanding capital stock of said cor­ Guineas, crabs, oysters to Denver. His home was at 3948 S t Mary’s has been a senior high toumament Denver appearance poration ordered said corporation tt> be dts- Federal boulevard. nate in having Smith as its lead­ lolved. on the half PHARMACY ing man, but he was not the only school for only two years and has against Holy Family high in Feb­ We further certify that all debts owing Roasting. Surviving are two brothers, William J. shell, etc. The Perlleulat DraggUt Henry and Thomas Henry, and two sis Catholic on the squad. The entire an enrollment o f but 168 boys. ruary, by said eorporation have been fully paid. ten. Miss Mary Henry and Mrs. M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have made Chickens, 17TH AVE. AND GRANT CliRord. aU of Denver. first-string q-;artet, which, in ad­ CAUGHT ON and signed this Notice of Dissolution and THE PICK OF IN K. OF C. BOWLING PICK OF THE. E. 5937 ncEB OEUVERT Requiem Masi was oRered Saturday, dition to Bruce, included Warren THE BOUNCE have affixed hereto the seal of said cor­ THE SEA Dec. 20, in St. Patrick's church. Inter Plunkett, Bill Daley, and Bob poration, this 6th day of December, A. D. FLOCK • ment Mt. Olivet Boulevard aervica. A late report just received 194L Sweiger, were members of the reveals that St. Stanislaus' MORTON R. SMIDT, ‘^Colorado Streamlined Broad-Breasted Turkeys JOBS WANTED Church, as was Center Gene Flick. college o f Bay S t Louis, Miss., is (Seal) President EARL W, TRUESDALE But on Jan. 3 it will be the Go­ BiirAlfRdls DOROTHEA A. SMIDT, another of the few unbeaten and Secretary. For Good Workers Earl Truesdate. a World war veteran, pher captain who will be the cyno­ died Monday Fitzaimons General bos untied Catholic grid teams in the ATTEST: of any type, permanent or odd pital. He haa been an invalid for 17 sure of 146,000 eyes, because it it nation this year. . . . Members of Dorothea A. Smidt job, call Employment Department years. only natural that the star deserves Secretary. the Willamette and San Jose State HU II Edward C. Day, Jr. He was born and reared In Hiawatha. the stares. Veeily Catholic Charities Kans. He served as a fireman third grid teams, in Honolulu for 736 Majestic Bldg, F o r LABORATORY TESTED Attorney. 1665 Grant St KEystone 6386 class with the U. S. navy in the first DAYTON FIVE HOPE TO games with Hawaiian teams when World war. He came to Denver with his REGAIN LOST GLORY the Japanese slapped us, have been Bill A lf led the individual bowl­ NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT wife in 1924. ers in the K. o f C. bowling league Estate of Jossph Sltterls, also known Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Johanna pressed into service as special po Members of the cage squad at Thursday evening, Dec. 18, with a Jos Sitterle, deceased. No. 67365. Mary Truesdale, tnd three children. Ann the University of Dayton hope that ficemen, probably for the dura Notiee is hereby given that on the 6th J. T . Upton Renovating Patty, and Earl, Jr., all of Denver. 596 series. Bill’s high total this year will see the Flyers take tion. . . . Colleges that are looking day of Jannary, 1942. I will present to the Co. Requiem Masa is beinb oRered Friday around for successful high school pushed him ahead of Joe Coursey County Court of the City and County of at 9 in St. Lohis’ church, Englewood. another step toward the glory that Denver, Colorado, my accounts (or FINAL Carpet Cleaneia That Clean Interment Mt Olivet. Olinger service. coaches to mentor their teams to take third place in the indi­ /■ once characterized the school’s vidual standings. Triple wins were SETTLEMENT of administration of said hardwood heroes. Back in 1906, would do well to consider Don estate, when and where all persons in in- PROMPT MRS. WINNIFRED A. HALLEN scored by the Chancellors and tercet may appear and object to them, if the “golden era” of U.D. basket­ Ping, who finished his 12th year PERSONAL Mrs. W. A. Halien. 31, diad Tuesday Deputies over the Grand Krights they so desire. ' REASONABLE at her home, 615 Ash street She was ball began. In 1907 the team, at Reitz Memorial Catholic high, CLEMENS SITTERLE, Executor, a graduate of Loretto Heights college. Evansville, Ind., this year. Ping’s and Trustees, respectively. CLIRORD £ DAY. Atty*., SERVICE known as the “ Saints,” won 14 The first place Wardens had one Surviving are her husband, George S. straight games. In 1911, 1912, record is even better than the one Hajestio Bldg., ■ W. H. UPTON Halien, safety engineer of the atate com established at Massillon, 0 ., by of their rare nights and copped Denver, Colo. Manager pensation fund: one daughter, Gloria E, and 1913, however, the sport Halien, agd a sister, Mrs. Mildred L. Ohio State’s Paul Brown. Reitz only two from the Guards. The NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT reached its greatest heights when Secretaries improved their aver­ 765 Tejon Streal Johns, all of Denver. the “ Saints” c^tured 35 games elevens from 1933 to 1938 won Estate of Annis McGrath, Deceased. No. LARGE EGG LARGE LUMP CLEAN NUT Funeral services are being held Friday 63 games and lost but two and age with a double win from the 66473. TAbor 5223 at 1 ;30 p.m. in St. John the Evangelist's in a row. The 1917 quint defeated Notice Is hereby given that on the 6th SFECUL g j g BARGAIN ^ A A Super I ? A C there was a stretch when the school Navigators. church. Interment Mt, Olivet the universally acknowledged pro day of January, 1942, I will present to Jfae AT. TON Value, Ton 51 a t W r TEAM STANDINGS County Court of the City and County of DabU fessional champions of the world, won 46 straight and two state TEAM— W championships. . . . When the Denver, Colorado, my