
! I


Spring Commencement, 1980


The Honorable Charles H. Casey, D.V.M., West Concord The Honorable William B. Dosland, Moorhead The Honorable Erwin L. Goldfine, Duluth The Honorable Lauris D. Krenik, Madison Lake The Honorable Robert Latz, Minneapolis The Honorable David M. Lebedoff, Minneapolis The Honorable Charles F. McGuiggan, D.D.S., Marshall The Honorable Wenda Moore, Minneapolis The Honorable Lloyd H. Peterson, Paynesville The Honorable Mary T. Schertler, St. Paul The Honorable Neil C. Sherburne, Lakeland The Honorable Michael W. Unger, St. Paul

Administrative Officers

C. Peter Magrath, President Clinton T. Johnson, Acting Vice President for Finance Lyle A. French, Vice President for Health Sciences Stanley B. Kegler, Vice President for Institutional Relations A. J. Linck, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs Nils Hasselmo, Vice President for Administration and Planning Frank B. Wilderson, Vice President for Student Affairs f r "

Additional copies of this program are available from the Department of University Relations, S-68 Morrill Hall, 100 Church St. S.E., , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455.

THE BOARD OF REGENTS requests that the following Northrop Memorial Auditorium procedures or regulations be adhered to. (1) Smoking is confined to the outer lobby on the main floor, to the gallery lobbies, and to the lounge rooms. (2) The use of cameras or tape recorders by members of the audience is prohibited. (3) The sale of tickets by anyone other than authorized box office personnel is prohibited in the lobby or corridors of Northrop Memorial Auditorium. Table of Contents

page Your University...... 3 March Candidates for Degrees ...... 5 Graduate School ...... 5 College of Agriculture ...... 23 College of Agriculture and College of Business Administration ...... 24 College of Biological Sciences ...... 24 College of Business Administration ...... 25 Continuing Education and Extension ...... 26 School of Dentistry ...... 27 College of Education ...... 29 College of Education and College of Agriculture ...... 30 College of Education and College of Home Economics ...... 30 College of Forestry ...... 31 General College ...... 31 College of Home Economics ...... 32 ~wS~ool ...... ~ College of Liberal Arts ...... 33 Medical School ...... 38 Mortuary Science ...... 39 School of Nursing ...... 39 College of Pharmacy ...... 40 School of Public Health ...... 40 Institute of Technology ...... 40 University College ...... 44 March Candidates for Commissions ...... 45 June Candidates for Degrees ...... 46 Graduate School ...... 46 College of Agriculture ...... 73 College of Agriculture and College of Business Administration ...... 75 College of Biological Sciences ...... 76 College of Business Administration ...... 78 Continuing Education and Extension ...... 83 School of Dentistry ...... 83 College of Education ...... 86 College of Education and College of Agriculture ...... 91 College of Education and College of Home Economics ...... 91 page College of Forestry ...... 91 General College ...... 92 College of Home Economics ...... 93 Law School...... 96 College of Liberal Arts ...... 99 Medical School ...... 114 Mortuary Science ...... 119 School of Nursing ...... 120 College of Pharmacy ...... 121 School of Public Health ...... 123 Institute of Technology ...... 124 University College ...... 134 College of Veterinary Medicine ...... 136 June Candidates for Commissions ...... 138 Summary of Degrees Conferred, 1979-80 ...... ········· 139 Your University

CHARTERED in 18.51 by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the Universitv of .'.linnesota this vear celebrated its one hundred and twentv-ninth birthday. On~ of the great land-grant universities in the nation, the Univ~rsity of Minnesota is dedicated to training young men and women to bc our future leaders. Each year, graduates add new skills and knowledge to the existing resources of the state. They have been trained as physicians, lawyers, engineers, social workers, teachers, journalists, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, scientists, farmers, business people-to name but a few of the careers for which preparation is offered. Since its founding, the University has awarded almost 333,000 degrees, each one in recogni­ tion of the successful completion of a challenging academic program. In addition to giving collegiate instruction to more than 56,000 students annually on its Twin Cities, Duluth, .'.1 orri s , Crookston, and Waseca campuses and at the Mayo Medical and Graduate Schools in Rochester, the University offers special training for those who wish to study part-time through Continuing Education and Extension. The University also offers educational opportunities through its Agri­ cultural Extension Service, with county agents, home agents, 4-H club agents, and recreation and health consultants avai/able to provide help to Minnesotans in their own homes. In the many research laboratories on the University's five campuses, at the agricultural experiment stations throughout the state-the Rosemount Research Center, the Cloquet Forestry Center, the Cedar Creek Natural History Area near Bethel, the Horticultural Research Center and Landscape Arboretum at Excelsior, the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station, the Sand Plain Experimental FicId at Becker, and the Hormel Institute at Austin-and at the University Hospitals, University scientists are at work on experiments of great potential importance to the quality of our lives. Research projects are leading to new knowledge in such areas as learning disabilities, drug abuse, urban and environmental problems, health care delivery systems, and computer technology. The progress made in these and other areas will have a profound impact on the lives of .'.linnesotans and people throughout the world. THE UNIVERSITY continues to be a cultural center of the Upper Midwest as the home of radio station KUO .'.1, the U niversitv Theatre, the Bell ,\1 useum ofN atural History, and the local performances of th~ .\Ietropolitan Opera Company. Minnesotans have good reason to be proud of their University, not only because it is one of the leading state universities in the countrY, but also because of the extent and quality of its services to the people of the stat~, their families, communi­ ties, and organizations. The interest of '\Iinnesotans in their University is a dynamic thing, and it expresses itself in Illany ways. Their contributions have made it possible to build the Variety Club Heart Hospital and the '\layo Memorial Build­ ing. Through the American Legion and its auxiliary posts all over the state, thousands of friends have made generous donations to endow a rescarch professor­ ship in heart disease. Other contributions have built the .\Iasonic Cancer Center, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Cancer Research Center and Diehl Hall, which houses the biomedical library and medical research facilities. Generous contributions by corporations, associations, foundations, trade unions, clubs, and individuals have made hundreds of grants and fellowships available to . deserving students. Friends and supporters of the Univcrsity, who are aware of the·

3 financial impact of increased specialization, work continuously to increase the funds available for student assistance. THE 1979 LEGISLATURE appropriated $443.6 million for the University for the 1979-81 biennium. A financial statement prepared and circulated hy the University each year is available to anyone on request. COMMENCEylENT marks the conclusion only of the student's academic life at the University. As a graduate, he or she is part of its history and part of its future as well. Alumni are urged to continue their relationship with the University through the Minnesota Alumni Association and its college groups. Alumni and their hunilies and friends will alwavs he welcome here. The Univer­ sity's doors will be open to those who come hack t~ visit and to keep in touch with an important part of their lives.

The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap.


-'-~- March Candidates for Degrees

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of winter quarter, degrees will be conferred as indicated on those listed below and on others meeting the graduation requirements. Degrees are listed alphabetically within eaeh academic unit.


Doctor of Education Stephen Alan Benson, Cokato B.S. '64. \!.A. 70. University of Minnesota. \Iajor: Vocational Education. Thesis: The Feasibilitv of a High School Sponsored Community Explo;ation Program. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Brandon Smith.

Doctor of Philosophy

Carlos Alherto Carrasco Aitemani, ~lerril Boice Asav, Lovell, Wvo. Brazil B. S. '43, Uni\'crsit\ of Wyoming; !\!. E~ '50, Colo­ ~I.E. '72. Universidade de S,io Paulo: \!.E. '76. rado State College. \Iajnr: Education. Thesis: Universidade Estadual de Campinas. \Iajor: \1('­ Diploma Level Agricultural Education Follow-Up chani<:al Engineering. Thesis: Turhulent Heat Study, Instittlte ofAgrieulture and Animal Science, Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics for Air Rami)ur. \lepa!. !\Iajor Adviser: Prof. Gordon Flow in an Unsymmetrically Heated Triangular Swanson. Duct. !\Iajor Adviser: Prof. Ephraim Sparrow. Herdie Eldred Baisden, Ormond Wendy Louise Andberg, St. Paul Beach, Fla. B.A. 70. M.A. '75, University of \linnesota. \Ia­ B.G.S. '70, Rollins College. Major: Psychology. jor: Educational Administration. Thesis: Trends in Thesis: Irrational Beliefs: A Construct Validational Tort Liability of Trustees for Student Injuries in Study. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Wirt. Private Institutions of Higher Education. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Clifi"rd Hooker. George Francis Barrowclough, Somerset, Mass. Lauren Kay Andersen, Wilmington, B.S. magna cum laude 'iO, \1.5. 'n, Brown Uni­ Del. versity. ~Iajor: Ecology. Minor: Genetics. Tbesis: B.S. with honors '70, CniversitvofDelaware; \1.A. Genetic Differentiation in the Dendroica coronata '72, New York UniverSity. !\Iaj;,,: Educational Psv­ Complex. Major Adviser: Prof. Kendell Corbin. chology. Thesis: The Careers of Adult Women: Psychological Profiles From a Developmental Per­ Sara Louise Clark Bisel, Rochester spective. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Norman Sprinthal!. B. S. with honors '54, Carnegie Institute of Tech­ nology; M.A. 'i5, Universitv of~linnesota. ~Iajor: Jeffrey John Anderson, Hinsdale, Classical Area Studies. Thesis: A Pilot Studv in Ill. Aspects of Human Nutrition in the Ancient Eastern 8.S. with high honors '75, Illinois State University. Mediterranean, With Particular Attention to Trace Major: Biochemistry. \Iinor: Chemistry Thesis: Minerals in Several Populations From Different The Catabolism of Aromatic :kids in Trichosporon Time Periods. !\Iajor Adviser: Prof. William Cutaneum. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Stanley Da!(ley. McDonald. David Lerov Anton Judith Vosika Boettcher, Hopkins A.B. 75, Univc:rsitv of . !\Iajor: Biochem­ B.A. '02, !\I.A. '64, ~Iarquette l'niversity. !\Iajor: istry. Thesis: The S·vnthesis. \luclear \Iagnetic and Education. Thesis: Fluent Readers' Strategies for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Assigning !\Ieaning to Unfamiliar Words in Con­ Modified Cobalamins. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Harry text. !\Iajor Adviser: Prof. ~Iichael Graves. Hogenkamp.

5 March ,

Byong Kwon Cho, Seoul, Korea Corrine O'Neill Geiger, St. Paul B.S. '68, Seoul National University; M.S. '75, Uni­ B.A. cum laude '68, University of >,Iinne sot a; M.S. versity of Alberta. Major: Chemical Engineering. '70, University of Wisconsin. Major: Educational Thesis: Studies of Continuous Chromatographic Psychology. Thesis: Marital and Job Satisfaction as Reactors. Major Advisers: Profs. a Function ofOccupation/Family Workload Distri· and Robert Carr. bution. Major Adviser: Prof. Lorraine Hansen. Michael Scott Connolly, Appleton, Irene Anna Gennick, Warren, Mich, Wis. B.S. summa cum laude '75, Oakland University. B.S. '70, Wisconsin State University. Major: Ecol­ Major: Chemistry. Thesis: The Reactivity of Bicy­ ogy. Thesis: Biological Rhythms and Time Patterns clo[2.2.1] hept-2-yne Precursors. Major Adviser: in the Behavior, Ecology and Blood Pressure of Prof. Paul Gassman. . Rodents. Major Adviser: Prof. Philip Regal. Frank Lee Goodin, Minneapolis Daniel Emanuel Conrad, B.S. with high honors '71, University of Illinois. Major: Physics. Thesis: Effective Operators in Nu· Minneapolis clei. Major Adviser: Prof. Paul Ellis. B.S. with distinction '62, M.A. '71, University of Minnesota. Major: Education. Thesis: The Differ­ Christine Joanna Gordon, Calgary, ential Impact of Experiential Learning Programs on Secondary School Students. Major Advisers: Alberta, Canada Profs. William Gardner and Norman Sprinthall. B.A. '60, B.E. '64, Diploma in Educational Admin· istration '69, M. Ed. '70, University of Alberta. Ma· Marilyn Marie Cooper, Los jor: Education. Thesis: The Effects ofInstruction in Metacomprehension and Inferencing on Chilo Angeles, Calif. dren' s Comprehension Abilities. Major Adviser: B.A. with high distinction '67, Pennsylvania State Prof. P. D. Pearson. University; A. M. '68, University of . Major: English. Thesis: Implicatures in Dramatic Sid Groeneman, New Brunswick, Conversations. Major Adviser: Prof. >,Iartin Steinmann. N.J. A.B. with distinction '71, UniverSity of Michigan; John Patrick Cronin, Minneapolis M.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Political B.S. '68, M.S. '74, St. Cloud State College. Major: Science. Thesis: Ethnicity and Citizen Role Orien· Educational Administration. Thesis: The Use of tations in an Urban Community. Major Adviser: Adolescent Variables for Special Educators To Pre­ Prof. William Flanigan. dict the Life Adjustment Outcome of 1000 Psychi­ atric and Non-Psychiatric Children: A Twenty-Five John Osbon Gunter, Dallas, Year Follow-Up Study. Major AdViser: Prof. Wil­ B.A. '63, >,I.A. '68, North Texas State University. liam Ammentorp. Major: American Studies. Thesis: Good Players. Major Adviser: Prof. Johannes Riedel. Michael Jeffrey Faulkner, Silver Spring, Md, Ruth Mork Hansen, Edina B. S. '50, M. S. '52, University of Wi scan sin. Major: B.S. '69, San Fernando Valley State College; M.P.H. '71, University of California. Major: Hos­ Education. Thesis: An Investigation To Determine pital and Health Care Administration. Minor: Soci­ If Early Economic Experiences Can Predict Third Grade Children's Economic Knowledge. Major ology. Thesis: The Relationships of Patient to Physician to Hospital Flows on Hospital Service Adviser: Prof. Arthur Ellis. Areas for Health Planning. >,Iajor Adviser: Prof. Theodor Litman. ,Gerald William Healy, St. Paul B.A. '50, Falls College; A. M. '55, University of South Dakota. Major: Education. Thesis: Teach· Ronald Scott Ferriss, Hastings ing of Children's Literature as an Influence in the B.S. '75, University of Delaware; M.S. '78, Univer­ Development of Role-Taking Abilities of a Group of sity of >,Iinnesota. Major: Plant Breeding. Thesis: Fifth Grade Children. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Gene Influence of Genotype and Environment on the Piche. Response to Early Growth Stage Defoliation in Maize (Zea Mays L.). Major Adviser: Prof. Jon Gorden Orlin Hedahl, Whitewater, Geadelmann. Wis, Burton Robert Galaway, Duluth B.S. cum laude '68, M.A. '72, University of North A. B. with high distinction '59, Nebraska Wesleyan Dakota. Major: Theatre Arts. Thesis: The Effects of University; M.S. '61, Columbia University. Major: Creative Drama and Filmmaking on Self-Concept. Social Work. >,Iinor: Sociology. Thesis: Role Con­ Major Adviser: Prof. Kenneth Graham. sensus and Satisfactions in Foster Family Care Sys­ tems. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Sterne.

March Charles Clifford Humphrey, Charles Allen Lessman, St. Paul Minneapolis B.A. '70, M.S. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: A.B. magna cum laude '64, St. Benedict's College. Zoology. Thesis: The Biology of Hemolymph Juve­ Major: Psychology. Minor: Educational Psychol­ nile Hormone in the Adult Monarch (Danaus P. ogy. Thesi~: A Muititrait-Multimethod Asses~ment Plexippus: Lepidoptera). Major Adviser: Prof. wil­ of Personality Styles in Work Adjustment. Major liam Herman. Adviser: Prof. Lloyd LofqUist. Joseph Hon-chiu Lui, Hong Kong Ching-cheh Hung, Taiwan B.Pharm. '75, National Defense Medical Center. B.S,E. '71, National Cheng Kung University; M. S. Major: Pharmacognosy, Thesis: Cardenolide Pro­ '75, Syracuse University. Major: Chemical Engi­ duction From Digitalis Lanata Ehrh. Organ Cul­ neering. Thesis: Water Migration and Structural tures. Major Adviser: Prof. John Staba. Transformation of Oven Cooked Meat. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. H. T. Davis. Susan Mary Lund, St. Paul B.A, summa cum laude '73, M,A. '76, University of Roger Stanley Jackson, Pittsburgh, Minnesota. '.fajor: Educational Psychology. The­ Pa, sis: Group Decision Making: The Effects of Con­ B,A, cum laude '70, La Salle College. Major: Psy­ troversy and Systematic Evaluation on Vigilant chology, Thesis: A Level of Processing Approach to Information Processing. Major Adviser: Prof. Prose Learning, Major Adviser: Prof, Paul Fox. David Johnson. Jane Dean Lanphear, Brownville Christine Ann Macko, Columbus, Junction, Me, Pa, A,B, summa cum laude '76, Bowdoin College. !'>fa­ B.S. '72, University of Pittsburgh. Major: Civil jor: Chemistry. Thesis: The Iron Catalyzed Oxida­ Engineering, Thesis: The Removal of Organic Mat­ tive Decarboxylation of Alpha-Keto Acids: A Partial ter From Surface Water Supplies by Anion Ex­ Model for Prolyl Hydroxylase. Major Adviser: Prof. change Resins. Major Adviser: Prof, Walter Maier. Brock Siegel. Charles ~ichael MacMillan, Edmund Alexander Larka, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Minneapolis Canada B.A. '74, Augsburg College. Major: Chemistry. B.A. '72, University of New Brunswick; M,A. '76, Thesis: The Reaction of 3Sigma- Sulfur Monoxide University of Minnesota, Major: Political Science, With Nonconjugated Dienes: The Use of Thiirane Thesis: Majorities and Minorities: Henri Bourassa Oxides as Mechanistic Probes. Major Adviser: and Language Rights in Canada, Major Adviser: Prof. Raymond Dodson. Prof. M. Q. Sibley,

Mickey Lauria, Middlesex, N,J, ~ary O'Neil McCarthy, Hyattsville, B,A, '75, University of California; M.A. '77, Md, University of Minnesota. !'>fajor: Geography. B.A. with honor '66, M.A. '69, Michigan Univer­ Thesis: Community Controlled Redevelopment: sity; M.A. '72, University of Minnesota. Major: South Minneapolis, Major Adviser: Prof. F. E. History. Thesis: Social Change as a Prelude to Co­ Lukermann. lonialism: The Fante States, 1807-1874. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Allen Isaacman. Robert Mark Lawson, St, Augustine, Ill. Lorna Ruth Meyer, St. Paul B.S, with high honors '75, Universitv of Illinois; B. S. with distinction '63, University of Minnesota; M,S, '78, Universitv of Minnesota. ~fajor: Plant M.S. '64, Oklahoma State University; Ed.D. '76, Breeding, Thesis: Genetic Variability in Soybeans Laurence University. Major: Educational Adminis­ for Nodule Number and Weight, and Recovery of tration. Thesis: Assessing Institutional Positioning Rhiwbium japonicum Strain 110, '.fajor Adviser: for Potential New Student Markets in Lifelong Prof. Jean Lambert. Learning: Applied Metamarketing in Higher Edu­ cation Administration. Major Advisers: Profs, Don Vija Rumpe Lawson, Sauk Rapids Morgan and William Ammentorp. B,A, '69, M.A. '72, University of '.hnnesota. '.fa­ jor: History. Thesis: The Acta Fratrum Arcalium as Joseph F, Michlitsch, Edwardsville, a Source for Roman Imperial History 23 B.C. to Ill. A,D, 243, Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Kelly. B,S. with honor '69, South Dakota State Uni­ versity; M. B.A. '70, University of South Dakota. Major: Business Administration. Thesis: Organiza­ tional Responses to Perceived Environmental Un­ certainty: A Test of the Dominance of Uncertainty in the Regulatory Segment. Major Advisers: Profs. Paul Grambsch and Mary Lippitt.

7 March Eduardo Mon, Miami, Fla. Donald Laurence Pastor, Short B.S. '72. University of Florida; ~.S. '75, Pennsyl­ Hills, N.J. vania State University. Major: Chemical Engineer­ B.A. magna cum laude '73, M.A. '75, Tufts Univer­ ing. Thesis: Structure and Pathology of the Steady sity. Major: Educational Psychology. Thesis: The State. Stability and Dynamics of the Combustion of Quality of Mother-Infant Attachment and Its Rela­ an Impervious Carbon Particle. ~Iajor Adviser: tionship to Toddler's Initial Sociability With Peers. Prof. Neal Amundson. ~Iajor Advisers: Profs. Richard Weinberg and By· ron Egeland. Bjorn Erik Fredrik Mossberg, Vaxjo, Jerry Allan Pederson, Duluth Filosofie ~lagister '72, University of Lund. ~Iajor: B.S. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Educa· Physics. Thesis: Asymmetries in Large Angle Elas­ tional Administration. Thesis: A Studv of Teacher tic Proton-Proton and Proton-Neutron Scattering Morale in Selected ~linnesota 'Elementary at 2. 3 and 6 GeV/c Incident Momentum. Major Schools. Major Adviser: Prof Ronald Lambert. Adviser: Prof. Earl Peterson. Gay Helen Perkins, Louisville, Ky, Ganapathy Venkata Narayanan, B.S. '71, Cornell University. ~Iajor: Psychology. Madras, India Thesis: The Relationship Between Sex Differences B. Tech. '71. M. Tech. '74, Indian Institute of Tech­ in Measured Interests and in Job and Leisure Ac· nology. ~lajor: Civil Engineering. Thesis: Numeri­ tivities. ~ajor Adviser: Prof. ~Iarvin Dunnette. cal Operational Methods in Structural Dynamics. Norman Gene Peterson, Viborg, Major Adviser: Prof. Dimitrios Beskos. S.D. Donald Joseph Nevin, St. Paul B.A. '69, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Psychol­ B.A. '66, ~.A. '70, Miami University. Major: Ger­ ogy. Thesis: Tbe Development of a Generalizabil· man. Thesis: Franz Xaver Kroetz: The Dialectical ity Model of Job Analysis and Its Application to a Development of a Dramatist. Major Adviser: Prof Study of the State Patrol Officer Job Using a Self· Leonard Duroche. Administered Checklist. ~lajor Adviser: Prof John Campbell. Jann Adams Nielsen, Kalamazoo, Mich. Margaret Ylarie Rauch, St. Cloud B.A. '73, Kalamazoo Collegc. ~lajor: Pharmacol­ B.S. '61, ~1.S. '67, St. Cloud State College. Major: ogy. Minor: Psychology. Thesis: The Interaction of Education. Thesis: The Relationsbips Between Se­ Prostaglandins and the Effects of Morphine and lected Discourse Analysis Tasks, Previewing Strat· Amphetamine in Rats. Major Adviser: Prof. Shel­ egies and Subsequent Fifth and Sixth Grade don Sparber. Students' Performance on ~Ieasures of Reading Comprehension. Major Adviser: Prof Robert Wardjiman Notowidjojo, Yogyakarta, Schreiner. Indonesia Doktoral diploma '59, D.V.M. '60, Universitas Mark Steven Robbins, , Gadjahmada. Major: Veterinary ~Iedicine. Minor: Calif. Veterinary Surgery, Radiology, and Anesthesi­ B.S. '74. University of California. Major: Pharma· ology. Thesis: The Development of Inactivated cology. Minor: Biochemistry. Thesis: Ontogenic Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) Vaccines: Deter­ Studies on Hepatic Drug ~Ietabolism: Effect of mination of Optimum Cell Culture Techniques, Interferon Inducing Agents. Major Adviser: Prof. Adjuvants and Neutralization Methods. ~ajor Ad­ Gilbert ~Ianncring. viser: Prof. Dale Sorensen. 'Benjamin Rojas, Chile David George Ordos, Ylinneapolis Profesor de Castellano '73, Universidad de Chile. B.A. '65, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Educa· Major: Spanish. Minor: Portuguese. Thesis: La tion. Thesis: ~lodels of Motivation for Participation Prosa Narrativa de Vicente Huidobro. Major Ad­ in Adult Education. ~Iajor Advisers: Profs. Harlan viser: Prof Anthonv Zahareas. Copeland and Paul Johnson. Jane-Jane au, Taipei, Taiwan Mohamed Nagi Salem, Tanta, Egypt B.S. '71, National Taiwan Universitv: M.E. 'i4, B.Sc. '63, Alexandria Universitv; :\1.S. '71, Univer· Asian Institute of Technology. Maj~r: Chemical sity of Minnesota. Major: Education. Thesis: Engineering. Minor: Mathematics. Thesis: Mixing Toward an Undcrstanding of the Stability of Job and Chemical Reactions. Major Adviser: Prof Wil­ Selection bv Vocational Education Graduates. Ma­ liam Ranz. jor AdViser': Prof. Geor!(c Copa.

March 8 Miriam SaItmarch, Anchorage, Betty L. Spitzmiller, Ironton, Mo. Alaska A.B. with honors '66, A.M. '67, University of Mis­ B.S. '74, University of Washington. Major: Food souri. Major: English. Thesis: Ben Jonson's Non­ Science. Minor: ~Iass Communication. Thesis: The dramatic Poetry: A Study of \latter and Manner. Influence of Temperature. Water Activity. and Major Adviser: Prof. Leonard Unger. Physico-Chemical State of Lactose on the Kinetics of the Maillard Reaction in Spray-Dried Sweet Richard A. Stenberg, Thief River Whey Powders Stored Under Steady State and Falls Non-Steady State Storage Conditions. ',Jajor Ad­ B.A. summa cum laude '70, St. alafCollege; M.A. viser: Prof. Theodore Labuza. '74, University of Minnesota. '.Iajor; English. The­ sis: The Novels of Anne Bronte. Major Adviser: Gusti Sarbini, Banjarbaru, Indonesia Prof. Toni MeNaron. Ir. '68, Lambung Mankurat University; M.S. '76. University of Minnesota. Major: Plant Pathology. Mary Patricia Stickelmeyer, Thesis: Rhizosphere Effect in Relation to Biological Columbia, Md. Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Soybeans. B.A. cum laude '74, Augsburg College; M.S. '75, Major Adviser: Prof. Thor Kommedahl. Universitv of',Jiehigan. Major: Chemistry. Thesis: Infrared and Raman Relaxation Studies of LiqUids. Gerald Robert Schneck, Minneapolis Major Adviser: Prof. Bryce Crawford. B.S. '70, M.S. '72, Stout State University. \Iajor: Vocational Education. Thesis: A Studv of the Varia­ Delbert Howard Tarr, Jr" bility in Diagnostic Data Usage and Ed ncational Springfield, Mo. Prescription far Vocational Special Needs Students B.A. '60, North Central Bihle Institute; M.A. With Handicaps. \lajor Adviser: Prof. David '69, University of Minnesota. \lajor: Speech­ Pucel. Communication. Thesis; Indirection and Ambigu­ Lesley Carol Schreiber, Springfield, itv As a Mode of Communication in West Africa: A Descriptive Study. ',Jajor Adviser: Prof. W. S. Howell. B.F.A. summa cum laude '75, Lake Erie College. Major: Theatre Arts. Thesis: \lovement Training James Tsu-ching Teng, Taipei, for the Actor: Laying the Foundahon in '.Iovement Taiwan Principles. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert ~Ioultan. B.A. '66, National Taiwan University; M.S. '69, Steven Alan Sherlock University of ; M.S. '71, Unh:ersity of III i­ Bois. Major: Business Administration. Thesis: The B.A. '72, Purdue University; M.A. '74, University Impact of Several Alternative Protocols for Uncer­ of Minnesota. Major: Edn~ation. Thesis: Iroqmis tainty Assessment on Decision ',Jakers' State of City Teacher Center: A Case Study. \lajor Adviser: Information and ~lode of Inference. Major Ad­ Prof. Marion Dobbert. viser: Prof. Norman Chervany. Lawrence Joseph Shimkets, Jr., Karen Smith Thiel, South Plainfield, Orlando, Fla. N,J. B.S. with honors '74, Florida State University. ~Ia­ A.B. with honors '70, Douglass College. ~lajor: jor: Microbiology. Thesis: Th" Role of Purines in Saciology. Thesis: Puhlic Intervention and the the Developmental Cycle of Myxococcus Xanthus. Ecological Model, an Analysis of the Distribution of Major Adviser: Prof. Martin Dworkin. Family Status Characteristics Across a '.Ietropoli­ Vaithianathan Sivanandan, Sri Lanka tan Area. '.1ajor Adviser: Prof. David Cooperman. B.V.S. '65, University of Ceylon; M.S. '76, Unh'cr­ sityofMinnesota. '.lajor: \'eterinary ',Jicrobiology. Carl Leo Thurman II, Houston, Thesis: Studies on the Cellular and Humoral Ele­ Tex, ments of the Immune Svstem From Both Healthv B.S. '69, University of Houston; '.1.S. '73, Univer­ and Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (!BD\,) I~­ sity of West Florida. Major; Zoology. Thesis: Fid­ feeted Chickens. Major Adviser: Prof. S. K. dler Crabs of the Gulf of \1<'xico. Major Adviser: Maheswaran. Prof. F. H. Barnwell. Steven S. Smith, St. Cloud Maria Anna Elina Toivio-Kinnucan, B.A. with high scholastic honors '75, SI. Cloud Helsinki, State College. Major: Political Science. Thesis; Kandidate '74, University of Helsinki; ~I.S. '77, Senate Policy Alignments. 19,57-1976. \lajor Ad­ University of ~linnesata.· ~lajor; plant Breeding. viser: Prof. William Flanigan. ~linor: plant Physiology. Thesis: Plant ~Iembrane Properties Under Cold and Dehydration Stress. \lajor Adviser: Prof. Cecil Stushnoff.

9 March Albert O. Trostel III, Minneapolis Mohamed Ahmed Virji, Dodoma, B.Ch.E. '56, Cornell University; M.S. '69, Massa­ Tanzania chusetts Institute of Technology. Major: Business B.Med., B.Surg. '69, University of East Africa. Administration. Minor: Psychology. Thesis: Pri­ Major: Pathobiology. Minor: Laboratory Medi­ vatelv Held and Publicly Held Companies: A Com­ cine. Thesis: Insulin Release and Plasminogen Ac­ paris~n of Strategic Choices and Management tivator Secretion From the Islets of Langerhans. Processes. Major Advisers: Profs. Richard Gaum­ Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Estensen. nitz and Mary Lippitt. Richard Paul Walgenbach, Fond du Brian George VanNess, Bethlehem, Lac, Wis. Pa. B.S. '72, M.S. '76, University of Wisconsin. Major: B.S. '73, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Ma­ Agronomy. Thesis: Influence of Climatic and Soil jor: Biochemistry. Minor: Microbiology. Thesis: Factors on the Release of Soluble Nitrogen and The Site of Diphtheria Toxin Catalyzed ADP­ Protein From Alfalfa (Medicago Salim L.) Culti­ Ribosylation in Yeast Elongation Factor 2. Major varS. Major Adviser: Prof. Gordon Marten. Adviser: Prof. James Bodley. Bruce Alan Williams, University Luciano Magno Costalonga Varejao, Park, Pa. Vit6ria, Brazil A.B. '74, Hamilton College. Major: Political Sci­ M.E. '69, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo; ence. Thesis: Bureaucracy, Democracy and Class: M.S.M.E. '73, Pontificia Universidade Catolica. The Parliamentary Labour Party and the Problem Major: Mechanical Engineering. Thesis: Flux­ of Voluntary Political Organizations. Major Ad­ Spline Method for Heat, Mass, and Momentum viser: Prof. John Turner. Transfer. Major Adviser: Prof. Suhas Patankar. Maurine Henderson Venters, St. Paul B.A. '57, Coe College; M.P.H. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Hospital and Health Care Ad­ ministration. Thesis: Chronic Childhood Illness! Disability and Familial Coping: The Case of Cystic Fibrosis. Major Adviser: Prof. Theodor Litman.

Doctor of Philosophy MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Donald Elliot Kohan, Wilmington, Del. B.A. with distinction and high honors '75, Univer­ sity of Delaware. Major: Physiology. Thesis: Local­ ization of the Nephron Sites Responsible for Escape From the Sodium Retaining Eifects of Min­ eralocorticoids. Major Adviser: Prof. Franklyn Knox.

Master of Architecture Rex Alan Crook, North Platte, Neb. Kanwarjit Singh Hora, Minneapolis B.F.A. '71, B. S. '75, University of Nebraska. Ma­ B.Arch '72, Panjab University. Major: Architec­ jor: Architecture. Thesis: Performing Arts Com­ ture. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Clemence. plex: A Center for the Performing Arts for Eugene, Oregon. Major Adviser: Prof. Milo Thompson. Karen M. Gjerstad, Duluth B.A. '72, University of Minnesota. Major: Archi­ tecture. Thesis: Downtown SI. Paul YMCA. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Morrill.

March 10 Master of Arts Michael David Allinder, Wilmar Diego Munoz Campos, Talca, Chile B.A. '78, University of Minnesota. Major: French. Profesor de Estado en Ingles '75, Universidad de Thesis: Claude Simon: Une Instance Spatiotempo­ Chile. Major: Spanish. Major Adviser: Prof. Her­ relle. Major Adviser: Prof. Maria Brewer. nan Vidal. David Charles Aquilina, Paul J. Carrizales Cheektowaga, N. Y. B.A. '67, College ofSt. Thomas. Major: American B.A. '75, Denison University; M.T.S. '77. Harvard Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. Mulford Sibley. Divinity School. Major: Public Affairs. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Donald Geesaman. Jerome Cavanaugh, Minneapolis B.A. '62, University of Minnesota; A. M. '65, Ph. D. Mahmoud Azar, Iran '75, Stanford University. Major: Library Science. B.S. '73, Pahlavi University. Major: Agricultural Major Adviser: Prof. David Beminghausen. Education. Major Advisers: profs. Forrest Bear and Roland Peterson. Gloria Jean Cottam, , Utah Heidi Jane Bornholdt, Thief River B.S. '68, University of Utah. Major: Industrial Re­ Falls lations. Major Adviser: Prof. George Milkovich. B.S. magna cum laude '77, University of North Dakota. Major: Library Science. Major Adviser: Michael R. Curry, Hot Springs, Prof. Lowell Olson. Ark. B.A. '71, New College; B.A. '77, University of LuAnne Katherine Bowens, Sun Minnesota. Major: Geography. Thesis: Forms of Prairie, Wis, Life: A Wittgensteinian View. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. B.A. '76, University of Wisconsin. Major: Educa­ Fred Lukerman. tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Lorraine Hansen. Elizabeth plotz D<,ughton, Edina B.A. '62, State University of New York; M.A. '77, Karen Ruth Bowie, Washington, University of Minnesota. Major: Education. Major D,C. Adviser: Prof. Rosemarie Park. B.A. '76, Carleton College. Major: Art History. Kenneth W, Decker, st. Paul Major Adviser: Prof. Frederick Cooper. B.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Ancient Studies. Thesis: A Computer-Aided Course in An­ Carol Marie Boyer, Cloquet cient Egyptian. Major Adviser: Prof. Peter Patton. B.A. summa cum laude '77, University of Minne­ sota. Major: Public Afhlirs. Major Adviser: Prof. Norma Dekel, Tel Aviv, Israel John Adams. B.A. '76, Ben Gurion University. Major: Educa­ tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Raymond Kathleen Kay Boyer, Albert Lea Collier, Jr. B.A. '74, University of ~Iinnesota. Major: Recrea­ tion, Park, and Leisure Studies. Major Adviser: Michael Joseph Deraney, Grand Prof. Caroline Weiss. . Forks, N.D. Ronald Charles Brand, Minneapolis B.S. with distinction '72, Universitv of Minnesota. B.A. '75, University of~linnesota. Major: Psychol­ Major: Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: ogy. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Wirt. Prof. Dewey Force, Jr. Alfred Mark Branes, Arden Hills Priscilla Spencer Dickson, B.A. '65, Hamline University. Major: Educational Minneapolis Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Alkire. B.A. '68, B.A. '68, Washington State Col­ lege. Major: Educational Psychology. ~Iajor Ad­ Judith Gilmartin Bryden, viser: Prof. Stanley Deno. Minneapolis A.B. cum laude '59, Radcliffe College. ~Iajor: En­ Gregory John Doerning, St, Paul glish as a Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. summa cum laude '75, College ofSt. Thomas. Betty Robinett. Major: Mass Communication. :,\lajor Adviser: Prof. Harold Wilson. Roy Allen Butterfield, Bovey B.S. '66, Bemidji State College. Major: Edu­ Thomas Edward Dohm, Fort cational Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof John Lauderdale, Fla. Rynders. B.S. '73, Florida State University. ~lajor: Psvchol­ ogy. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. Dadd Weiss.

11 March Karen Ingvel Dudley, Roseville Cynthia Mary Heelan, St, Paul B.S. '60, University of Wisconsin. ~Iajor: English B.A. '65, Mount Mary College. '.lajor: Education. as a Second Language. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Amy Major Adviser: Prof. Charles Bruning. Sheldon. Paul Strand Holte, St. James Lynn Porte I Galle, St. Paul B. S. with scholastic honors '74, 51. Cloud State B.S. with distinction '68, Universitv of Minnesota. College. '.1 aj or: Educational Psychology. Major Major: Elementary Education. Major Adviser: Adviser: Prof Dewey Force, Jr. Prof. Harlan Hansen. Polly Adele Hulme, ~inneapolis LeRoy Gardner, Jr., St. Paul B.S. ma!,;na cum laude '75, Pacific Lutheran Uni­ B.A. '69, University of Minnesota. '.Iajor: Educa­ versity. Major: Anthropology. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Donald Eugene Ogan. Zander. Elizabeth Anne Ihrig, ~inneapolis Frederick Thomas Gelbmann, St. B.A. '67, University of Minnesota. "lajor: Library Paul Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Wesley Simonton. B.E.D. '74, University of Minnesota. '.Iajor: Geog­ raphy. '.lajor Adviser: Prof. Russell Adams. Masami Iwasaki, Takikawa, Hokkaido, Japan Mary Catherine Gontarek, B.A. with scholastic honors '76, 51. Cloud State Owatonna University. "lajor: English as a Second Language. B.S. '71, '.lankato State College. '.lajor: Library Major Adviser: Prof Amy Sheldon. Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Harris McClaskey. Janet Ann Jacobson, St. Paul Patricia Anne Goodwin, ~onroe, B.A. cum laude '69, St. Olaf College. Major: li­ N.Y. brary Science. Major Advist'r: Prof. Nancy Rohde. B.A. '73, Kirkland Colle!';e. ~lajor: '.lass Commu­ Douglas Neil Johnson, Coon Rapids nication. '.lajor Adviser: Prof. Irving Fang. B.A. cum laude '72,51. Olaf College. "Iajor: Recre­ ation, Park, and Leisure Studies. '.lajor Adviser: Gale Teresa Gorgonzola, Geneva, Prof Frederick Chapman. . N.Y. B.A. '73, State Universitv College, Potsdam. Ma­ M. Sue Kendall, ~inneapolis jor: Mathematics Education. '.lajor Adviser: Prof. B.S. magna cum laude '73, Old Dominion Univer­ Peggy House. sity. Major: Art History. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Frederick Cooper. Jennifer Yiargaret Graham, Edmonton, Canada Shirley Kessler, Tappen, N. D. B.S. with distinction '78, Universitv of Alberta. B.S. '67, '.loorhead State College. '.lajor: Educa­ Major: Communication Disorders. Thesis: Speech tional Psychology. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Wesley Clinician and Patient Judgements of the Speech Tennyson. Characteristics of Persons With Cleft Palate. '.lajor Adviser: Prof. Karlind Moller. Margaret Ann Bothwell LaFleur, St. Paul Steven Tandvig Granger, B.A. '67, Bethune-Cookman College. Major: Mu­ Minneapolis sic Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Arnold B.A. cum laude '71, University of Minnesota, DlI­ Caswell. luth. Major: Geography. Minor: Anthropology. Thesis: Bicycles and 51. Anthony Village. '.lajor Chi-Shing Dennis Lam, Hong Kong Adviser: Prof. Ward Barrett. Diploma '77, Hong Kong Baptist College. "Iajor: Mass Communication. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Harold Karen R. Griffith, Bloomington Wilson. B.A. S. '76, University of Minnesota. '.lajor: Edu­ cation. "lajor Adviser: Prof. Charles Bruning. Marissa Cohen Lavintman, Golden Valley Sue Ellen Harrington, ~inneapolis B. S. with high distinction '76, University ofMinne­ B.A. '73, University of "linnesota. Major: Educa­ sota. '.Iajor: Secondary Education. '.Iajor Adviser: tion. Major Adviser: Prof Harlan Hansen. Prof. Helen Jorstad. Sharon Louise Hart, ~aple Grove William John Leach, Anoka B. S. with scholastic honors '70, 51. Cloud State B. A. '72, University of Minnesota. "lajor: English. College. Major: Elementary Education. Major Ad­ Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff. viser: Prof Norine Odland.

March 12 JoAnne Deborah Liebman, Kay Marie Mirocha, Minneapolis Minneapolis B.A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: English B.A. '77. Kirkland College. Major: English. Major as a Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Betty Adviser: Prof. Rohert Solotaroff. Robinett. Clare Duane Lillis, New Brighton Barbara Ann Molinare, Marquette, B.S. '68, University of Minnesota. Major: Theatre Mich. Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Wendell Josa!. B. Mus. magna cum laude '72, North Texas State University. Major: Music Education. Major Ad­ Barbara M. Liszt, Minneapolis viser: Prof. Stephen Schultz. B. S. with high distinction '72. University of Minne­ sota. Major: Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Rob­ Lynda Marie Monick, Sioux Falls, ert Schreiner. S.D. B.A. '73, College of 5t. Catherine. Major: Home Michelle A. Madson, Dassel Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. Marian Bagley. B.A. '77, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Art His­ tory. Major Adviser: Prof. Frederick Cooper. James Louis Myott, Wadena B.A. cum laude '75, St. John's University. Elizabeth Ann Mancz, Atwater, Major: Public Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. James Ohio Jernberg. B.A. magna cum laude '77, University of Akron. Major: Ancient Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. Ellen Richard Edward Oakes, Luling, La. Herscher. B.S.B. with high distinction "76, University of~lin­ nesota. Major: Industrial Relations. Major Adviser: Douglas Bruce Marston, Winona Prof. Thomas Bergmann. B.A. summa cum laude '74, Universitv of Minne­ sota. Major: Educational Psychology.' Major Ad­ Barbara Anne Olson, Minneapolis viser: Prof. Mark Davison. B.A. '76, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Library Science. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Nancy Rohde. Michael William Martin, Winona B.A. cum laude '78, Winona State Universitv. ~Ia­ William Francis O'Neill, Watertown jor: Mass Communication. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. B.A. '63, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: English. Edwin Emery. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff. Olusegun Oluyemi Matanmi, John Vernon Pavlik, Minneapolis Oke-Opin, Kwara State, Nigeria B.A. '78, University of Wisconsin. Major: '.Iass B.Sc. '74, Ahmadu Bello University. Major: Communication. Thesis: A Uses and Gratifications Industrial Relations. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Thomas Approach to Employee Newsletter Readership. Bergmann. Major Adviser: Prof. Daniel Wackman. James Shearer McCartney, St. Paul Kathleen Ruth Perrier, St. Cloud B.A. cum laude '76, Carleton College. Major: Mass B.A. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Library Communication. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Everette Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Harris McClaskev. Dennis. Laurie Loomis Perrv, St. Paul Pamela Ann McGeehan, B.A. summa cum laude '70, University of ~Iinne­ sota. Major: German. Major Adviser:' Prof. Wolf­ Manchester, Mo. gang Taraba. B.A. summa cum laude '77, Universitvof~fissouri. Major: Public Affairs. ~Iajor Adviser:' Prof. Arthur Robert Kirkland Philips, Kingston, Naftalin. Jamaica Patricia Ann McGoff, Owatonna B.S. '72, Dip. in Ed. '75, University of the West B.A. '78, University of '.Iinnesota. ~Iajor: Public Indies. Major: Educational Psychology. ~Iajor Ad­ AlTairs. Major Adviser: Prof. James Jernberg. viser: Prof. Ruth Pitt. Stella Ann Mentel, Austin Patricia Luxem Remes, Minneapolis B.A. '71, College of St. Catherine. '.Iajor: English. B.S. summa cum laude '72, ~Iankato State College: '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Robert SolotarolI. M.S. '73, Wayne State University. ~Iajor: English as a Second Language. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Betty Robinett. Patricia Adele Repinski, Minneapolis B.A. '69, Augsburg College. '.Iajor: Education. Wendy Jeanne MilIam, Milaca '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Robert Tennyson. B.A. summa cum laude '73, UniV<'rsitv of Minne­ sota. Major: Educational Psychology.' Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Stanley DeIHl. 13 March Carol Louise Rice, Minneapolis Asako Uehara, Kyoto, Japan B. F.A with distinction '77, University of Nebraska. B.A. '65, Doshisha University. Major: Speech­ Major: Museology. Major Adviser: Prof. Frederick Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. Ernest Cooper. Bormann. Ian Keith Ritchie, North Canton, Shirley Lavone Utzinger, Ohio Minneapolis A.B. '75, Indiana University. Major: Germanic B.S. '64, Mankato State College. Major: Public Philology. Major Adviser: Prof. Anatoly Liberman. Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. John Brandl. Daniel Stuart Rivkin, Minneapolis T. Colette Wanless B.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: B.A. cum laude '76, Macalester College. "tajor: Industrial Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. George English. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff. Seltzer. James Michael Wavinak, Burnsville Carol Ann Samarzia, Minneapolis B. S. '73, Mankato State College. Major: Industrial B.S. '73, University of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. Hoyt Wheeler. English as a Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Betty Robinett. Jean Diane Williams, Woodbury B.A. magna cum laude '78, Hamline University. Gary Lee Saxton, Winthrop Major: Library Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Mary B.A. '75, St. Olaf College. Major: Recreation, Park, Maack. and Leisure Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. Leo McAvoy. Gary Paul Winter, Williamsville, N.Y. Erella Shadmi, Jerusalem, Israel A. B. with distinction '75, Rutgers. Major: Public B.A. '71, Hebrew University. Major: Industrial Re­ Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. John Adams. lations. Major Adviser: Prof. Herbert Heneman. Ann Louise Wobig, Mounds View Jacob Shemer, Haifa, Israel B.A. '73, Southwest Minnesota State College. Ma, B.A. '74, University of Haifa. Major: Economics. jor: Music Education. :\1ajor Adviser: Prof. Edgar Major Adviser: Prof. Anne Krueger. Turrentine. Vera Castelli Theisen, St. Joseph Nancy Bass Wolfram, St. Paul B.A. '71, College of st. Benedict; M. S. '73, St. B.A. '64, Wellesley College. Major: English as a Cloud State College. Major: French and Italian. Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Amy Major Advisers: profs. Arshi Pip a and Armand Sheldon. Renaud. Kazue Yano, Nagasaki, Japan Mary Lynn Towner, Minneapolis B.A. '75, Meiji Gakuin University. :\1ajor: Ameri, B.A. cum laude '74, University of Minnesota. Ma­ can Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. Roland Delattre. jor: Home Economics. Majo; Adviser: Prof. Eu­ gene Larkin. Master of Arts UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH

Karamo B. S. Barrow Jean Ann Lillesve B.S. with honors '76, Universitv of Wisconsin, Ste­ B.S. magna cum laude '71, University of Minne­ vens Point; M.A. '79, Unive~sity of Minnesota, sota, Duluth. Major: Educational Psychology. ~a· Duluth. Major: History. Major Adviser: Prof. jor Adviser: Prof. Moy Gum. Judith T rolander. Mark Mahlen Youngstrom Jack Clayton Jasperson B.A. '68, Gustavus Adolphus College. Major: En­ B.S. '66, Bemidji State College. Major: Education. glish. Major Adviser: Prof. Albert Tezla. Major Adviser: Prof. James Brutger. Master of Business Administration David Lawrence Anderson, James Carl Benson, Fairport, N.Y. B.s.C. '78, University of Louisville. :\Iajor: Busi­ Minneapolis ness Administration. :\Iajor Adviser: Prof. John B.S. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Business Administration. ,\Iajor Adviser: Prof. Charles Anderson. Purdy.

March 14 Philip Dean Bergstrom, L. Allen Jackson, Roseville Bloomington B.S. '78, Wright State University. Major: Business B.S.B. with high distinction, University of~inne­ Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Ivan Ross. sota. Major: Business Administration. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Glen Berryman. Cheryl Ann MacLean, Harper Woods, Mich. Suresh Chandra Bhargava B.A. with honor '76, ~ichigan State University. B.Eng. '67, University of Allahabad; M.S. '70, San Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Jose State College. Major: Business Administra­ Prof. Roger Upson. tion. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. John Charles Masters, Bay Village, Kerry Winfield Burnham, Ohio Minneapolis B.S. '78, Miami University. Major: Business Ad­ B.A. '77, University of~innesota. Major: Business ministration. Major Adviser: Prof. John Lere. Administration. ~ajor Adviser: Prof. Robert Zim­ mer. David Richard Michelson, Duluth B.A. summa cum laude '76, B.S. with high Maria Martha Carol Busch, st. Paul distinction '77, University of Minnesota. '\1ajor: B.A. cum laude '78, College of St. Thomas. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Eric Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Pat­ Berkowitz. rick Pinto. Kent David Miller, Jr., White Bear Wanda Jane Davies, St. Paul Lake B.A. '78, Carleton College. Major: Business Ad­ B.S. '71, University of~innesota. Major: Business ministration. Major Adviser: Prof. James Gahlon. Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Arthur Hil!. Marie Louise Deputat, Minneapolis Linda E. Nord, Minneapolis B.S. summa cum laude '73, University of Minne­ B.S. with distinction '76, UniversitvofMinnesota. sota. Major: Business Administration. Major Ad­ Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: viser: Prof. John Maurie!. Prof. Peter Rosko. Robert Stephen Ditmore, Diane Marie Nuss, Louisville, Ky. Minnetonka B.S. with high honors '78, University of Louisville. B.M.E. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Busi­ Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: ness Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. John Prof. George Benson. Schreiner. Ann Cruice Potter, Minneapolis Eric Paul Erickson, Fridley B.A. cum laude '76, Carleton College. Major: Busi­ B.S. cum laude '73, Bemidji State College. Major: ness Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Cardozo. Donald Harper. Jeffrey John Rohling, St. Paul Susan Miskell Grotevant, Austin, B.A. cum laude '76, Macalester College. Major: Tex. Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. '70, University of Texas. Major: Business Ad­ Delbert Hastings. ministration. Major Adviser: Prof. John Maurie!' David Sidney Sand Patricia Louise Harper, ~inneapolis B.Ch.E. with distinction '61, Universitv ofMinne­ B.A. '76, University of Notre Dame. Major: Busi­ sota; M.S.Ch.E. '63, University ofIlli~ois. Major: ness Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Upson. Thomas Hoffman. Stephen Michael Holly, Jacob Shemer, Haifa, Israel Bloomington B.A. '74, University of Haifa. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Gordon B.Chem. with high distinction '75, University of Alexander. Minnesota. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Eric Berkowitz. Deborah Jean Sjolander, Shoreview Eva Purdom Ingle, st. Paul B.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger B.A. '60, Agnes Scott College. Major: Business Upson. Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Glenn Berryman.

15 March Wallace Francis Stommes, Dolores Yrisarry, New York, N.Y. B.A. '75, New York University. Major: Business Ad­ Browerville ministration. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Dickson. B.S., North Dakota State University. ~Iajor: Busi­ ness Administration. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. John Anderson. David Taylor Wingfield, White Bear Lake B.Chem. with distinction '76, Universitv of~linne­ sota. Major: Business Administration .. ~Iajor Ad­ viser: Prof. Peter Rosko. Master of Fine Arts

Susan Judith Berkson, ~ichigan Janet Leah Delvoye, Oconto Falls, Wis. City, Ind. B.A. cum laude '75, University of' Wisconsin. B.A. '76, Macalester College. ~Iajor: Theatre Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Elizabeth Nash. ~Iajor: Theatre Arts. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Jean Montgomery. Marion Ruth Blong, Lake Elmo B.A. summa cum laude '75, Universitv of ~1inne­ Nancy Jane Dierauer, ~inneapolis sota. ~ajor: Music. ~Iajor Adviser: P~of. Duncan B. ~1. cum laude '78, Augsburg College. '>Iajor: Music. Major Adviser: Prof. Heinrich Fleischer. McNab. ~ark Emmett Cole, Birmingham, Brian Joel ~artin, Wayne, N.J. B.A. '77, Calvin College. ~Iajor: Theatre Arts. Ma­ Ala. jor Adviser: Prof. Elizabeth Nash. B.A. with honor '76, Auburn University. ~Iajor: Theatre Arts. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Elizabeth Nash. Jeanne-Marie Blakely Zeck, Mary Elizabeth Defiel, St. Paul Minneapolis B.A. '76, College of 51. Catherine. ~Iajor: \Iusic. B.A. '76, College of'St. Catherine. Major: Theatre Major Adviser: Prof. Duncan ~lcNah. Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Barbara ~lcIntyre.

Master of Mechanical Engineering Thomas Emil Brovold, Duluth B.C. E. '71, B.S. '73, University of\1innesota. \Ia­ jor: ,>fechanical Engineering. Project: Design of a Feedback System for an Electrohydraulic Torque ~otor. ~ajor Adviser: Prof. William Kleinhenz.

Master of Science

~ohamed Achahboun, Rif, ~orocco Mazin Elias Askar, Baghdad, Iraq Diplome d'Agronomie Generale '77, Institut D. D. S. '73, University of Baghdad. ~Iajor: Dentis­ Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II. ~laj(Jr: try. Minor: Anatomy. Thesis: A Comparative Dye Horticulture. Thesis: Influence of Growing and Penetration Study of Different Root Canal Filling Raw Products Storage Environments on Quality in Techniques. Major Adviser: Prof. James Jensen. Pickling Cucumbers Cucumis satiws L. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. David Davis. Elizabeth ~ay Batten, Walden, N.Y. Ibezim Joseph Anazia, Onitsha-U gbo, B.S. '75, State University of' New York at Albany. Nigeria Major: Wildlife. Thesis: Habitat Ecology of small B.S. '77, University of\linnesota. Major: Mineral ~ammals in Northeastern Minnesota and a Engineering. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Adrian Critique of Its Application to Assessment of Metal Mining Impacts. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Peter Dorenfeld. Jordan. Charlotte Amerley Aryiku, Ghana B.S.C. with honors '76, t:niversitv of'Ghana. \Ia­ jar: Nutrition. Thesis: Relationship Between Nutri­ tional Knowled!(e, Environmental Conditions and Food Practices of' Low Income Families. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. '>Iargaret Doyle. 16 March William Stewart Boggs, Manhattan Anthony Louis Groble, Downers Beach, Calif. Grove, Ill. B.A. '69. D. D. S. 'i3, University of Southern Cali­ B.S. with distinction '76. University of\linnesota. fornia, Los Angeles. '.Iajor: Dentistry. Thesis: His­ Major: Agricultural Economics. '.Iajor Adviser: tologic Observations of Parotid Glands in Patients Prof. Earl Fuller. With Chronic Alcoholism: An Evaluation of Twenty Patients. Major Adviser: Prof. Carl Amaridhi Harindhanavudhi, Witkop. Bangkok, Thailand B.A. with second class honors '75. Thammasat l'ni­ Cheryl Ann Buehler, Bloomington versity. Major: Agricultural Economics. \Iajor Ad­ B.S. with distinction 'i6, Iowa State University. viser: Prof. Jerome Hammond. Major: Home Economics. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Janice Hogan. Terrence R. Hudrlik, Owatonna B.E.E. 'i5, University of Minnesota. \Iajar: Bio­ Joan Mary Bulfer, Fairmont physics. \lajor Adviser: Prof. Eugene Ackerman. B.A. with distinction 'ii, University of Minnesota. Major: Nutrition. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. C. E. Allen. Jane Mary Hermes Jensen, vVhite Ali Rasim Cakmak, Ankara, Turkey Bear Lake G. D. H. 'i3, B. S. with distinction '75. D. D. S. ". B.Sc. '76, "Iiddle East Technical University. '.Ia­ University of Minnesota. !'.Iajor: Dentistry. Thesis: jor: Food Science. Minor: Chemical Engim;ering. A Study of Selected \Iicroorganisms and Gingival Thesis: Mathematical "Iodelling of Heat and '.Iass Cres'icular Fluid During Pregnancy. Major Ad­ Transfer in Oven Cooked Foods. '.Iajor Ads'iser: viser: Prof. Carl Bandt. Prof. Eugenia Davis. Lynnea Marie Carstens, New York, Laura Louise King, Montesano, N.Y. Wash. B.A. with high honor '74. Hamline Universitv. !'.Ia­ B.S. '74. University of Oregon; B.S. ·7i. Columbia jor: Environmental Health. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. University. '.Iajor: Nursing. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Harold Paulus. Kathleen Dineen. Sherry Margaret Combs, Raymond Melvin Den Kuwahara A.B. '73. Occidental College; M.A. '75, B.S. with distinction '76, LTniversity of Minnesota. State University. \lajor: Pharmacology. Thesis: A Major: Soil Science. !'.Iinor: Pla~t Physiology. Study of Behavioral Consequences of Embryonic Thesis: The Agricultural Potential of Dredged Exposure to l-Alpha-Noracetylmethadol (NLAA'.1l Materials as Evaluated by: Chemical Properties, in the Domestic Chicken. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Mineralogical Characteristics, Plant Growth and Sheldon Sparbcr. . Plant Tissue Composition. !'.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Robert Dowdy. Bonita L. Labosky, Northfield Nilceu R. X. de Nazareno, Brazil B.A. '69, Mercvhurst College; M.S. '71. University of Notre Dam~. ~fajoL Computer and Informatio~ Engenheiro Agronomo '74, Universidade Federal Sciences. 'Iajor Adviser: Prof. William Thompson. do Parana. Major: Plant Pathology. '.Iinor: Plant Breeding. Thesis: The Adult Plant Resistance of Liu-chen Lee-Yuan Thatcher. \lajor Ads'iser: Prof. Alan Roelfs. B.S. '76. National Taiwan University. \Iajor: Phar­ Mark M. Doherty, Minneapolis macology. ~1inor: Physiology. Thesis: DesPllsitiza­ hon of ~1 uscarinic Cholinergk R('('eptor-~t('diated B.S. '76, University of Northern Iowa. "Iajor: Cyclic Guanosine 3', ,5' ~lon()phosphate Forma­ Chemistry. Thesis: Study of the Kinetics and Ther­ tion in '.Iouse Neuroblastoma Cells. \lajor Ad­ modynamics of Triaryl Phosphine Oxidation With viser: Prof. Elliott Richelson. Hydrogen Peroxide. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Brock Siegel. Richard Scott Lupin, Bethesda, ~1d. B. S. '75, Guilford College. ~Iajor: Em'ironmt'ntal Karen Lupa Elisberg, Austin, Tex. Health. !'.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Conrad Straub. B.S. with high honors 'i5. University of Texas. Major: Nursing. '.Iajor Ads'iser: Prof. Sharon George Peter Marse, Jr. Rising. D.D.S. '76. Louisiana State Univcrsitv. \Iajnr: Dentistrv. Thesis: The Effects of Surgical Premaxil­ Seth Marcus Goldsmith, Merrick, lary Osteotomy on Speech. '.Iajnr Adviser: Prof. N.Y. Sharon Garber and ;>.Iichael Speidel. B.S. with honors 'i4, Rutgers. '.Iajor: Food Sci­ ence. Thesis: Mechanical Fabrication of Laminated Protein Polysaccharide Structures. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Eugenia Davis.

17 March Ira Robert Matloff, Phoenix, Ariz. Donald Richard Schreiner, B.S. summa cum laude '74. Arizona State Univer­ Moorhead sity; D.D.S '78, University of California. Major: B.S. '76, North Dakota State University. Major: Dentistry. Thesis: A Comparison of Methods Used Fisheries. Minor: Statistics. Thesis: Population in Root Canal Sealibility Studies. Major Adviser: Identification of Smelt in Western Lake Superior Prof. James Jensen. by Electrophoresis. Major Adviser: Prof. Ira Annette Joy McBeth, St. Paul Adelman. B.S.N. with distinction '77, Universitv of Minne­ Richard John Sexton, Sandstone sota. Major: Public Health. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '77, st. Cloud State University. Major: Agri­ Charlotte Pflug. cultural Economics. Major Advisers: Profs. Jean John Robert Mulhausen, Kinsey and Benjamin Sexauer. Minneapolis Zeinab Ali Shaath B.A. cum laude '78, St. Olaf College. Major: Envi­ B.Sc. with distinction '75, Cairo University. Major: ronmental Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Charles Pharmacology. ~1inor: Biochemistry. Thesis: De­ McJilton. pression of the Hepatic Cytochrome P-450- De­ pendent Monooxygenase System by Interferon Robert LeRoy Neilsen, Springfield, Inducing Agents: Role of the Spleen and Thymus. Neb. Major Adviser: Prof. G. J. ~Iannering. B.S. with distinction '77, University of Nebraska. Major: Plant Breeding. Thesis: Interference Be­ James Warren Sommerfeld, St. Paul tween Oats and Alfalfa in Mixed Seedings: The B.A. magna cum laude '73, Macalester College. Potential for Allelopathy. Major Adviser: Prof. Major: Mathematics. Major Adviser: Prof. Albert Deon Stuthman. ~Iarden. Scott Alan Nelson Min-Kyung Hong Song, Seoul, B.A. '78, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Envi­ Korea ronmental Health. 'Major Adviser: Prof. Harold \lajor: Biochemistry. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: Paulus. Studies on the Metabolism of Lanosterol by Mem­ Inane-Bound Enzvmes: Requirement for a Single Jung Han Park, Seoul, Korea Soluble Protein.' Major Adviser: Prof. Mary B.A. '72, Ewha Women's University. Major: Nutri­ Dempsey. tion. Minor: Biochemistry. Thesis: Mineral Con­ tent of Skeletal Muscle; From Undernourished William Marcus Steigerwaldt, Rats. Major Adviser: Prof. P. V. Hegarty. Tomahawk, Wis. B.S. '77, University of Wisconsin. Major: Forestry. Hung Dinh Pham, Vietnam Major Adviser: Prof. Merle Meyer. B.S. with honors '76, University of Texas. ~lajor: Biochemistry. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: Se­ Charlotte Marie Stienessen quence Analysis of Two Yeast M itochondri­ B.S. '72, University of Minnesota. Major: Hospital al RNAs. Major Adviser: Prof. Nancy Martin. + Pharmacy. Major Adviser: Prof. Hugh Kabat. Meryl Jan Phelps, St. Paul Kuohwa Tan, Taipei, Taiwan B.S. with high distinction '75, University ofMinne­ B.S. '74, National Taiwan University. Major: Food sota. Major: N ursing. ~lajor Adviser: Prof. Ida Science. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. William Breene. Martinson. Mary Ellen Tanner, Duluth Francis John Pierce B.A. '70, College of St. Scholastica. Major: Nurs­ B.S. magna cum laude '76, State University Col­ ing. Major Adviser: Prof. Stephanie Clatworthy. lege, Brockport. Major: Soil Science. Thesis: The Content and Distribution of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ann Elizabeth Tarr, Cleveland, and Zn in 16 Selected Minnesota Soil Series. Major Advisers: Profs. Robert Dowdy and David Grigal. Ohio B.A. with honors '77, College of Wooster. Major: John William Rafferty, Fridley Biochemistrv. Thesis: Effect of Corn Lectins on the Major: Environmental Health. Major Adviser: Growth and 'Development of Com Embryos in Tis­ Prof. Rexford Singer. sue Culture. Major Adviser: Prof. Finn Wold. Elizabeth C. Schmidt, Superior, Farhad Vahdat-Afshar, St. Paul D.V.M. '72, Tehran University. ~lajor: Therio­ Wis. genology. Minor: Animal Science. Thesis: Effect of B.S. with highest honors '77, Wisconsin State Uni­ Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone on Milk Pro­ versity, Superior. ~lla.ior: Nursing. ~lajor Adviser: gesterone Concentration and Pregnancy Rate. Ma­ Prof. Ellen Egan. jor Adviser: Prof. Howard Whitmore.

March 18 James Michael Valentine, Little Cornelia Long Wiseley I Falls B.A. '70, Universitv of ; B.S. with honors B.S. magna cum laude '73. University of Minne­ '73, University ofC~lorado. ~ajor: Nursing. Major sota, Duluth. Major: Environmental Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Marilyn Sime. Adviser: Prof. Harold Paulus. Christine Marie Wolohan, Saginaw, Margaret VanKempen, St. Joseph Mich, B.A. '52, College ofSt. Benedict; ~I.S.T. '70. Uni­ B.S. '76, Marquette University. ~ajor: Nursing. versity of North Dakota. ~Iajor: Geology. Major Major Adviser: Prof. Kathy Maykoski. Adviser: Prof. Frederick Swain. Merle Kiyoko Yamada, Waimanalo, William Joseph Walker, Medfield, Hawaii Mass. B.S. with high honors '73, University of Hawaii. B.A. '75, St. Louis University. ~ajor: Soil Science. Major: ~edical Technology. Minor: Biochemistry. Minor: Plant Physiology. Thesis: Agronomic As­ Thesis: Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase in Serum pects and Chemical Characterization of Combined Following Myocardial Infarction. Major Adviser: Fly Ash and Scrubber Solids. ~ajor Adviser: Prof. Prof. Walid Yasmineh. Robert Dowdy. Iris June Zwillman, Maplewood, Jeffrey Ford Williamson, N.J, Minneapolis B.S. with high honors '75, Rutgers. Major: Wild­ B.A. '74, St. Olaf College. Major: Biophysics. The­ life. Major Adviser: Prof. Peter Jordan. sis: Film Dosimetry of~egavoltage Photon Beams. Major Adviser: Prof. Faiz Khan. Master of Science UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Richard E. Herman William Arthur Lidinsky B.A. '76, Universitv of~linnesota. ~Iajor: Biology. B. M. '75, Universitv of Southern ~ississippi. ~Ia­ Minor: Chemistry.' Thesis: Peripherai Infection ;,f jor: Chemistry. Thesis: The Blood Brain Barrier; Rat Sensory Neurons by Herpes Simplex Virus in Examination of the Endothelial Cell ~Iembrane Vitro. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Ziegler. Composition of Capillaries Isolated From the Ca­ nine Brain. Major Adviser: Prof. Lester Drewes. Mark Alan Jirsa B.S. '76, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. ~1a­ Paul Jerome Squillace jor: Geology. Min~r: Internal. Thesis: The Petrol­ B.A. summa cum laude '77, Winona State Univer­ ogy and Tectonic Significance of the Interflow sity. Major: Geology. ~Iinor: Internal. Thesis: The Sandstones in the Keweenawan (Late Precam­ Geology of the New Richmond Member of the brian) North Shore Volcanic Group, Northeastern Shakopee Formation (Lower Ordovician), Upper Minnesota. Major Adviser: Prof. John Green. Mississippi Valley. ~ajor Adviser: Prof. Richard Ojakangas. George Albert Lehman B.S. with honors '75, University of Wisconsin. ~1a­ jar: Geology. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: The Geol­ ogy of a Portion of the Northeast Quarter. Cramer Quadrangle, Lake County, ~linnesota. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Donald Davidson, Jr.

Master of Science MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Lois Ann Helland, Rochester B.A. magna cum laude '71, Luther College. Major: PhYSiology. Thesis: Direct Effects of Two Types of !\Iuscle Relaxants (Dantrolene and Chlordiazepox­ ide) on Vertebrate Skeletal Muscle. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Stuart Taylor.

19 March Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering Christopher James Everts, Eau Claire, Wis. B.Ag. E. '77. University of Minnesota. Major: Agri­ cultural Engineering. '.Hnor: Civil Engineering. Thesis: Effects of Tillage and Manure on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Movement With Sediment and r Surface Runoff. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert ! Young.

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Matthew Chai-Tou Chu, Toronto, Diwakaran Avinash Ratnam, Canada Nadroga, Fiji B.A.S. '76, University of Waterloo. Major: Chemi­ B.E. with honors '74. Cni\'(Tsitv of New South cal Engineering. Thesis: Computer Control of a Wales. "Iajor: Chemical Enginee;·ing. Thesis: The Pressure Tank System. Major Adviser: Prof. Efll'('( of Wall Crowth in the Predation ofTetrahv­ George Stephanopoulos. mena Pvrifofmis on E!'i('herichia Coli. Major A.~l· viser: p~of. Arnold Fredrickson. Master of Science in Civil Engineering Ted Kirk Field, Fridlev Tedd William Mattke, Circle Pines B. S. '71, Duke University. '.I~jor: Civil Engineer- B.S. '74, B.C.E. '78, Universitv of Minnesota. Ma- ing. Thesis: Removal of Organics From Mississippi jor: Civil Engineering. Thesis: Dissolved Oxygen River Water by Alum Coagulation. ~Iajor Adviser: Transport in an Experimental Field Channel. Ma- Prof. '.Hchael Semmens. jor Adviser: Prof. Heinz Stefan. Mark John Hanson, Fairmont B.S. '77, Dickinson College. Major: Civil Engi­ neering. Thesis: Relationships Between Stratifica­ tion Phosphorous Recycling, and Dredging in the Fairmont Lakes. Major Adviser: Prof. Heinz Stefan.

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Yiuwing Au, Hong Kong Claire Thomas Hovland, Minnetonka B.E.E. with distinction '76, University of Minne­ B. S. '72, Northern Arizona University. Major: sota. Major: Electrical Engineering. Minor: Com­ Electrical Engineering. Minor: Physics. Thesis: puter and Information Sciences. Thesis: The Effect Scanning ESCA. Major Adviser: Prof. Gottfried of Transformer Half Cycle Saturation on High Volt­ Wehner. age Direct Current Converter Operation. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. Narendra Mohan. Paul Cheng-King Huang, Wu-chan, China James Joseph Bartol, St. Paul B.S. '70, Taiwan Cheng Kung University; M.S. '74, B.E.E. magna cum laude '77, University of Day­ University of Texas. Major: Electrical Engineer­ ton. Major: Electrical Engineering. Major Adviser: ing. Major Adviser: Prof. '.Ialur Sundareshan. Prof. Mostafa Kaveh. Ralph LeRoy James, Little Falls Thomas Robert Coulter, Minneapolis B.S. E. E. '74, University of North Dakota. Major: B.E.E. with distinction '78, Universitv of '.Iinm'­ Electrical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Rich­ sota. Major: Electrical Engineering. Thesis: Noise ard Kain. and ~Iultiple Scattering Effects on Diffraction To­ mography. Major Adviser: Prof. Mostafa Kaveh. Saeid Meshkat-Razavi Licence '78, Tehran Polytechnic. '.Iajor: Electrieal Mickiel Peter Fedde, Eagan Engineering. '.Iajor Adviser: Pn;f. Frederick B.S. '72, South Dakota State University. Major: Waltz. Electrical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Rich­ ard Halverson.

March 20 Rodger Herman Ness, vVolverton Edward Milton Simpson, St. Paul B.S. with honor '.57. North Dakota A"ricllltllral B.E.E. with distinction '77. llniversitv of Minne­ College. ~Ia.ior: EI('ctrical Engin('ering. ~Iajor Ad- sota. Ylajor: Electrical Engineering. .\iinor: Phys­ , viser: Prof. Richard Kaill. ics. Thesis: Ylagnetostrictive Thin Film Surface Acoustic Wave Devices. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Wil­ Jerry Turner Sewell, Niinneapolis liam Robbins. B.S.E.E. '71. llniversitv of~lissouri. '.Iajor: Elec­ trical Engineering. ~la.i;)f Adviser: Prof. Frederick Rudy Fernando Volpe, Barranquilla, Waltz. Colombia B. E. E. with distinction '76, Universitv of ~Iinne­ sota. Major: Electrical Engineering.' '\Iajor Ad­ viser: Prof. Narendra Mohan. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Nejat Cur, Ankara, Turkey Christopher Chi-Yin Leung, Hong B.S. '74, YI.S. '77, Yliddle East Technical Univer­ Kong sity. Major: Mechanical Engineering. Minor: Fluid B.M.S. with high distinction '74. University of Mechanics. Thesis: Heat Transfer Downstream of a Minnesota. Major: Mechanical Engineering. ~Ii­ Tee Which Mixes Airstreams of Different Temper­ nor: Mathematics. Thesis: Velocity and Turbulence ature. Major Adviser: Prof. Ephraim Sparrow. Measurements of Combustion Svstems Using a Laser Doppler Velocimeter. Maj~r Ad"iser: Prof. Ruben A. Figueroa, San Diego, Richard Goldstein. Calif. B.S. '74, California Polytechnic University. Major: Mechanical Engineering. Thesis: Measurement of Thermal Properties of Soils in Situ With a Thermal Needle. Major Adviser: Prof. Emil pfender. Master of Science in Medicine MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Scot Llewellyn Bradley, Spokane, James Allen Meadows III, Rochester Wash. B.A. '68, Vanderbilt University; ,\1.0. '72, Univer­ B.S. '69, University of .\Iichigan; .\1.0. '73. Tufts sitv of Alabama. Major: Medicine. Thesis: Density University. Ylajor: Medicine. Thesis: Histamine Dependence of .\Iaximal Expiratorv Flow in Receptors in Dog Airways. ~I ajor Ad viser: Prof. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. '\Iajor Adviser: Robert Hyatt. prof. Joseph Rodarte. James R. Jett, Rochester B.S. '69, Southeast Missouri State University; M.D. with clinical honors '73. Universitv of '\Ii~­ souri. Major: Medicine. Thesis: An E"aluation of Aryl Hydroxylase Activity in Lung Cancer Pa­ tients, Smoking and Nonsmoking Controls and in Subpopulations of Peripheral Blood ~Iononuclear Cells. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Fontana.

Master of Science in Otolaryngology MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE James Hubert Whicker, Omaha, Neb. B.A. '62, M.D. '66, llniversitv of North Carolina. Major: Otolaryngologv. Minot: Physiology. Thesis: An Argument for a Nasorcspiratory Reflex and Against the Nasopulmonary Reflex. '.Iajar Adviser: Prof. Clifford Lake.

March Master of Science in Pediatrics MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Douglas Stephen Moodie, Cleveland, Ohio M.D. '72, Medical College of Wisconsin. Major: Pediatrics. Thesis: Measurement of Postoperative Cardiac Output by Thermodilution at Flows Appli­ cable to the Pediatric Patient. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Robert Feldt.

Master of Science in Psychiatry MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Robert A. Gorkin, Honolulu, Hawaii B.A. '65, M.D. '74, University of Minnesota; Ph.D. '71, University of California. Major: Psychia­ try. Thesis: Transport of Lithium by Cultured Mouse Neuroblastoma and Rat Glioma Cells. Ma­ jor Adviser: Prof. Elliott Richelson. Master of Social Work Karen Dorothe Christensen, Forest Geneva Marie Mackety, Mount i' , Lake Pleasant, Mich. B.A. '69, Concordia College. Major: Social Work. B. A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Social Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Sterne. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. John Red Horse. Dana L. Elken Gregory George Schweda, St. Paul B.A. summa cum laude '74, University of Minne­ B.A. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Social sota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn. Richard Sterne.

Master of Social Work UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Debbra R. Determan Todd William Rofuth B.A. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Social B.A. '74, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Eugene Hooyman. Work. Major Advis~r: Prof. Nancy Hooyman. Dennis Gerald O'Rourke B.S. cum laude '78, Augsburg College. Major: So­ cial Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Frances Skinner. Specialist Certificate in Education Dagny Elizabeth Waldeland, Minneapolis B.A. '67, St. Olafeollege; M.Ed. '73, Vniversitvof " Minnesota. Field: Secondarv School Administra­ tion. Major Adviser: Prof. V~n ~1 ueller.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Barry Donald Amatuzio, Norman E. Haines, Potomac, Minneapolis Md., with distinction Jody Leigh Bjornson, Minneapolis Richard Zane Woldorsky

Bachelor of Science Susan Carol Bagge, A.A., Linda Dianne Horstman, Shakopee, with high distinction Worthington Brian Joseph Barth, Pine Island, Carol Ann Huss, St. Paul with distinction Margaret Susan Janssen, Mequon, Lowell Allen Baumgarn, Lake Wis., with distinction Park, Iowa, with distinction James Michael Japs, Nlinnetonka Steven Jon Beyer, Sanborn Catherine Mae Johnson, Kirk E. Cox, Milltown, Wis., with Minneapolis distinction Jay Reich Johnson, Elbow Lake Kevin D. Dahlen, A.A.S., Joseph Pau Kaliszewski, South st. International Falls Paul Laura Lee Buenger Dahlen, A. S., Valerie Jo Lundquist, A.A., Bemidji, with distinction Rochester Eugene Joseph DeGayner III, Ellen Rose Mastenbrook, Roseville Minnesota Citv Ju'dith Meridel DeGroat, St. Paul, Jusoh Bin Yaacoi) Mat, Kota with distinction Bharu, Keiantan, Malavsia Mark Allen DeVries, A.A., Mark Thomas Maust, Pr~ston Rochester Joseph Charles McCrossan, Rogers Terry]. Doyle, Burnsville, with Michael Patrick ,\lcGuire, high distinction Montgomery Karl Dale Duncanson, Mapleton Bradley Dean Mogen, Appleton, Robert Edward Engen, A. S., with high distinction Austin Phuong Kim Nguyen David D. Gordon Erie, A. S. , Michael Dillon O'Brien, St. Paul Gonvick, with distinction Karen Nina L. Olson, Nlinneapolis John Sherwood Fisher, Mora, Bruce Roger Paskewitz, A.A., with high distinction Staples Nancy Lee Foley, Anoka Ralph Vernon Pearson, Cosmos Richard Victor Frie, A.A., Lori Ann Rethwill, Le Sueur Stewartville, with high Larrv Marvin Robertson, distinction Minneapolis Jon Morris Gorder, Canby Nlarv Faith Ross, St. Paul Peter Michael Groves, Brooklvn Michele Ann Schermann, Center . Minneapolis Janet Sue Hartin, Wichita, Kan., Craig A. Schrader, Northfield with distinction Paula Joy Schulz, St. LOllis Park, Ralph Jack Hartin, Jr., Wichita, with distinction Kan., with distinction Christy Louise Schwinn, Elk Dean William Hodnett, Stillwater, River, with distinction with high distinction Kent Alan Seetin, A.A., Winnehago, with distinction

23 March •

Deborah Dorothv Sienko, Mark Dale Thompson, Swanville Richfield ' ~1arv Lee Thrower I Marlene Lanette Skrove, St. Paul Ron~ld Jay Wagner, Richfleld Kevin Dale Smith, A. S., Jackson Randall Norman Waterhouse, New Keith Delrav Sorensen, Auburn, Wis. ~1inneapohs David Jay Whittemore, St. Paul David Ylelvin Sprengeler, Plato Mary Jane Wolff~ St. Paul Judith Anna Spry, St. Paul Siu Hong \Vong, Kowloon, Hong Ronald Frank Svehla Kong Mark Francis Terhaar, Lowry, with distinction Master of Agriculture

~lohamed T. Elnaharawv, B.S., John William Urbach, B.S., B. S., St. Paul' Minneapolis


Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration Steven G. Bleskaeek, Eau Claire, Mark Thomas Y1aust, Preston Wis. John Bernard Hiehm, St. Paul William Paul Lenz, Ellsworth, Ylark William Slater, Minot, N. D. with distinction Lawrence Edward Tracy, Jr., Anthony George Ylalecha, ~1inneapolis Farmington Eric William Zaske, ~1ontrose Honald John Zweber, Elko


Bachelor of Science Jennifer Beth Aanestad, Edina Barbara Gavle Houts, Dassel ", Andrew Baertsch, Hayward, Wis., Scott Louis' Karish, A.A.S., summa CU1/! laude Coleraine Jane Elizabeth Bolla, Ylinnetonka Timothv Carl Lamev, A.A., Grand Thomas Joseph Combs, Hapicls ' yl inneapolis Heed A. Larson, Ylinneapolis Lisa Raudenbush Cortes, Susan Greiner Lawrence, St. Minneapolis, summa cum laude Louis, Mo. Baba Habit! Danhappa, Kano, James Donald Lux, St. Paul Nigeria Bruce A. McClure, Ylinneapolis Craig David Douden, Hichfield James Hoy Yloldenhauer, st. Paul David Hichard Forstner, Aitkin Jeffrey John y1urphy, Ylinneapo\is Alan Paul Goldner, Ylinneapolis Janice Fave Norwig, International Margaret Carol Gorman, st. Paul Falls Gary Allen Hendricks, Bruct', William J. Hegan, Hichfield Wis. Joseph W. Hoss, Litchfield


Bachelor of Science in Business Steven Paul Addington, Hudson, Joel Allen Grembowski, Wis. Minneapolis Lori Jo Anderson, Minnetonka Christine Karen Hager, James Alan Becker, Edina '\;linnetonka Jeffrey Paul Bentler, New David William Haggbloom, Brighton Chaska Denise Leigh Blumberg, Wayzata James Deneen Hanzlik, Barbara Jean '\;lcFarland Bolick, Minneapolis, with distinction Austin Janet Lorraine Harris, St. Louis Linda Geralvn Borchardt Park . Plymouth' ' William Fred Helmke, St. Paul Susan Kav Brown, .\I10ra Laurie Joan Hennes, St. Paul Jeffrey G~rald Budde, St. Paul Dale Roger Hesselroth, Joy Ann Buss, Minneapolis '\;linneapolis Steven James Chartraw, A.L.A., Charles Edward Hoistad, St. Paul Minneapolis Gary David Holmen, '\;linneapolis Rodney Crim, , Ill. Robert Scott Hovelson, Thomas Edmund Cudahv, A.A., Minnetonka St. Paul . William Jeremiah Hurley, B.A., David Wayne Daline, .\;Iinneapolis .\1inneapolis Daniel Edward Doll, .\linneapolis Michael Glenn Iblings, Frank Arthur Donaldson III, Worthington Minneapolis Steve William Iliff, North St. Paul Michael David Driscoll, A. A., St. Peter David Jepson, Detroit Paul Lakes Paul Dean Erickson, '\;linneapolis Lorrie Lea Johnson, St. Paul Jeffrey John Falteisek, A.A., Robyn Lynn Johnson, Fridley Maplewood Cynthia Sue Jusela, St. Paul Bruce Joseph Foley, Bloomington Jay Howard Kamin, St. Paul Patricia Ann Foley, Le Sueur, Timothy Allen Kavanaugh, with high distinction .\linneapolis Anthony George Forchas, J. Bradford Kennedy, Minneapolis Minneapolis Joseph Adam King, Hopkins Steven Christopher Forslund, Lindsey Robert Kopp, st. Paul Edina Garv W. Lahti, Roseville Walden Lee Franz, .\linneapolis Jucld Arthur Larson, Golden Mary Elizabeth Frost, .\1inneapolis Vallev Karen Jean Ganter, Ham Lake, Steven 'Seott Larson, Alexandria with distinction Dennis Henry Laufenburger, Gara Jean Gehring, Minneapolis '\;linneapolis Stephen Nichol Gerberding, Philip Cullen Lilja, '\;linneapolis Deephaven Linda [Harie Luksan, Golden Gary Allen Glockzin, Grey Eagle Valley, ~·ith distinction Thomas Edwin Goad, St. Paul '\lichael John Magee, Ortonvilk Carol '\lay Goodoien, Bloomington Joanne .\larasl'o, St. Paul Marv Catherinl' Greene, Janet Kay .\larson, \Vayzata M'inneapolis Kurt Edward .\;1 attll\'s , .\linneapolis .

25 March "1'1J

Theresa Marie McCormick, David Lee Schaffer, Inver Grove Caledonia Heights Robert Alexander McMenemy, Jr., Robert John Schaffer Bloomington Steven Lee Schectman, St. Louis John Robert McNamara, Hastings Park Victoria Allyn McNamer, St. Paul, Susan Gertrude Schwochau, with high distinction Minneapolis ; . Lori Joan McNelis, Kittanning, Stephen Paul Shanesy, '. Pa. Minnetonka Jan James Molinaro, Union Michael Joel Shapiro, Robbinsdale Grove, Wis. Douglas John Shellum, Richfield Linda Jane Morseth, A.A. Robert Joseph Simon, Minneapolis Allen Lloyd Multhaup, Hayfield Paul Christopher Sisson, A.A., St. Kay L. Nelson, Corcoran Paul Helen Louise Nyquist, Elbow Nippert Chatfield Smith, St. Paul Lake David Charles Snyder, David William Oldenburg, A.A., Bloomington, with distinction Minneapolis Sharon Louise Stewart, Burnsville, Mark Brian Olien, New with distinction Richmond, Wis. Herbert Gary Strozinsky, West Keith Edward Olson, Richfield St. Paul Richard Neil Owen, Minneapolis Eric Ralph Swanson, A.A., Ely Harold George Parsons, Terence Peter Sweenev Minneapolis Karen Marie Thielen, Minneapolis Cindy Rae Path, South St. Paul Scott Delbert Thielke, Dawson Daniel James Peot, Cudahy, Wis. Kevin James Thomas, St. Anthony Gregory Allen Peterson, A. A., Village Worthington Donald J. Thorp, Minneapolis Jay Carl Peterson, Bloomington Patricia Nkiru Uduje Robert Richard Peterson, Catherine Leaycraft van der Bloomington Schans, Minneapolis, with Debra Ann Pierce, St. Paul distinction David Poboisk, St. Paul John Thomas Veire, Lake Benton Jeffery Lee Radunz, Bloomington, George W. Vogt, Jr., Edina with distinction Thomas Otto Vujovich, West St. Steven Michael Rav, West Paul Concord . Michael Lee Wallad, Minneapolis Laurie Ann Reding, Austin Hardin Maybury Whiteman, James Edward Richard, Roseville Fairmont Suzanne Marie Roback, Brett Douglas Wines, Golden Minneapolis Vallev Timothy W. Roberts, Bloomington Marv Ann Wolfe, St. Peter Colleen Marie Rvan, Roseville William Bruce Woll, ~1inneapolis Karen Lynn Saa~i, ~1inneapolis Paul Fredrick Wolner, Cloquet, Lisa Kae Sachs, Wilmette, Ill. with high distinction

CONTINUING EDUCATION AND EXTENSION ). {I. " t Senior Accounting Certificate Paula Jean Johnson, Two Harbors Richard Paul ~1art()ne, St. Paul

March 26 I Senior Business Administration Certificate Bimbo O. Dosunmu, st. Paul Robert Conrad Spreng, White Timothy James ~assey, Mounds Bear Lake View

Undergraduate Development Certificate in Electrical Engineering-90 Credits Douglas Wayne Arntson, Minneapolis

Undergraduate Development Certificate in Engineering and Science-90 Credits William Russell Murphy, Blaine Terrence Alan Peterson, Plymouth

Undergraduate Development Certificate in Mechanical Engineering-90 Credits Fred Edmund Andrea, Fridley


Bachelor of Science Peter Joseph Brenny, Little Falls John David Miettunen, B.A., Michael John Goodoien, A.A., Hibbing, with distinction B.S., Bloomington, with high Gary Paul Nelson, B.E.S., distinction Windom Brice E. Greene, B.A., Dodge Alan Charles Perrv, B.A., Center Shakopee . Thomas John Hickey, B.A., Louis Frank Pius, A. A., Duluth Minneapolis Keith Emmett Johnson, B.A., Lynn Charles Wentz, Napoleon, Minneapolis, with distinction N.D. Steven Harris Johnson, A.A., Rochester

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Kay Jean Bezdichek, A.A., Joan Elizabeth Ostapenko, Farmington G. D. H., Minneapolis Kathryn Lois Gustafson, A.A., ~1arv Kave Wasche, G.D. H., Minneapolis M'inne~polis

Doctor of Dental Surgery Patrick Clifford Alcorn, B.A., Allen Anthony Blackford, Billings, Wabasso Mont. Douglas Allen Batdorf, B. S. , Kent Thomas Botsfc)rd, ~[arshall Mound Peter Joseph Brenny, Little Falls Randy John Berg, ~1inneapolis Charles Lee Bridgeford, B. S., East Grand Forks

27 March i..

Garv W. Christensen, B.S., John David Miettunen, B.A., Minnetonka Hibbing Paul David Craven, B.E.S., David Martin Nelson, B. S., St. Bloomington Paul Alan B. DeLaitsch, B.A., Gary Paul Nelson, B.E.S., B.S., Owatonna Windom Donald Charles Ehlers, Jr., B.A., David Carl Noren, B.A., St.

~ , West st. Paul Anthony Village Donald Merle Erickson, B.A., James Richard O'ConneII, Valley Minneapolis Citv, N.D. 1. Grant Edward Florine, B.S., Red Alan Charles Perrv, B.A., Wing Shakopee . 'I. Chris John Fondell, B.E.S., Scott Alan Polzin, Mankato Minneapolis Guv V. Reich, B.S.Pharm., Michael Ravmond Gardner, B. S., Minneapolis Minneap~lis Richard Allen Sathre, B.A., B.S., ~1 ichael John Goodoien, A. A., Austin B.S., Bloomington Kenneth John Sievers, B.S., B.S., James Lloyd Gowan, B.A., St. B.A., Duluth Paul Daniel Eugene Smoleroff, B. S., Brice E. Greene, B.A., Dodge St. Paul Center Paul David Stadem, Crookston Donald John Grote, B.A., Cannon Peter Lawrence Tavlor, B. S., Falls Hibbing . John Douglas Gustafson, B. A., Michael John Thoennes, Fridley Mendota Heights Paul Martin Trygstad, B.A., Louis Theodore Hagen III, B. S., Minneapolis Bismarck, N. D. Lorris Galen Vatnsdal, A.A., Gregory Brian Hammers, B.A., Roseau Perham Bradley Lee Videen, B.S., Steven James Hegna, B.S., Roseville Granite FaIIs James ~1ichael Wachlarowicz, Thomas John Hickey, B.A., B.S., Little Falls Duluth William Walton Wagnild, B.E.S., Jeffrey Nelson Holmberg, B.A., B. S., ~linneapolis St. Louis Park Hichard William Weisbecker, Keith Emmett Johnson, B. A., B.S., St. Paul Minneapolis Lynn Charles Wentz, Napoleon, Richard Edward Johnson, B.A., N.D. Harris Daniel Hichard Wesely, B.A., Thomas Lyle Jorgensen, B.A., St. Owatonna Paul Curtis Dean \Vevrauch, B.Phvs., Dennis Lee Kaivo, B. S., St. Paul Minneapolis . . Scott Robert Koidahl, B.A., Hobert James Whitney, Jr., Devils Duluth Lake, N.D. ~1ark Alan Legan, B. A., St. Paul Orvin Jacob Leis, B.A., Elbow Lake

Graduate Dental Hygienist Rebecca Sue Gronvold, Kasson

March 28 I COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Gary Jon Andersen, St. Paul Stafford King II, B.S., Bruce Alan Anderson, Rochester Minneapolis Lynn Marie Anderson, St. Paul, Dale John Kompelien, A. E. S., with distinction Bloomington Elizabeth J. Anderson-Stokes, Kevin Donald Lee, Columbia Minneapolis Heights Daniel Thomas Battcher, Gaylord, John Campbell Lenox with distinction Donald Ray Lewandowski, Loves Karen Jeanne Brickley Park, III. Linda Lee Brown, A.A., Richfield Mark Gregory Lex, Minneapolis, David Allan Burton, Minneapolis with distinction Ann Marie Crane, Burnsville Susan Kathleen McGintv, St. Dawn Doreen Danner, Richfield, Louis Park . with distinction Timothy Patrick McMullen, Anne E. DeVout, Roseville Minneapolis, with distinction Mary Margaret Donovan, St. Paul Robert Lee Murray, A.A., South Ardell Eileen Eyrich, A. A., St. Paul, with distinction Minneapolis Gregory D. Paulsen, Bloomington Jane Elizabeth Falk, Little Falls Cynthia Jean Pearson, B.A., Elizabeth Ann Fontana, Rochester Ogilvie Sheryl Ann Gordon, St. Louis DeNeal Marie Pederson, Park Plymouth, with distinction Phyllis Phillips Hall, St. Paul Greg Alan Peters, Green Bay, Debra Lynn Heikkila, Bridgeton, Wis. Mo. Susan Jo Poehler, ~linneapolis Kim Kathryn Heinzerling, Diane Caroline Polich, Burnsville Minneapolis, with high Nancy L. Prindle-Stratton, distinction Bloomington, with distinction Shelagh Anne Heiser, Milwaukee, Natalie Nan Pulkrabek, A.A., Wis. Bloomington Thomas Ruethin Hevwood, Joseph Andrew Rapacz, Hudson, Wis. . Minneapolis Keith Roger Hoof, ~laple Grove Jayne Sharon Rasmussen, Jeanette Elaine Howard, Luverne, N.D. Minneapolis John Patrick Raymond, B.A. Wayne Yoshio lseri, Minneapolis, Sally Nichols Rech, ~Iinneapolis with distinction Sharon Kaye Rice, Sacage, teith Christine Ann Johnson, A.A., distinction Cannon Falls Kim Marie Riher, Minneapolis Donald Phillip Johnson, ,'vluriel Geraldine Ruonavar, B.S., Monticello Burnsville Thomas G. Johnson, Hastings, Mark Allan Scheitel, Byron, UJith with distinction distinction Mary Linda Karr, St. Paul Heidi Ann Schleicher, Edina Kim Louise Keprio.\', Bloomington, John A. Schlesinger, ~1inneapolis with distinction Geraldine ~lcDowell Schmid, Barbara Jean Kiffe, Columbia ~1innetonka Heights Sandra Phvle Schultz, ~linnetonka

29 March Jill Wexler Singer, Minneapolis, Diane Marie Thomas, Roseville with distinction Steven Leo Turner, North Oaks Brian Louis Snyder, Washington, Ronald James Van Rossum, D.C. Duluth William Herbert Stolberg, Duluth Lynne Elizabeth Wicklund, Maple Barbara Alice Strasser, Apple Grove Vallev S. Deborah Wolk, Minneapolis Belind~ Sue Taylor-Henderson, r' Minneapolis I' i Master of Education Kathleen Mary Briguet, B. S., Joseph M ichae I K urcinka, B. S. , Forest Lake Minneapolis Leon Leslie Carlson, B. S., John Burton Leebens, B.S., Benson Minneapolis Jo Anne Kirsten Hoff Collins, Marian Loraine Palmquist B.S., White Bear Lake Malstrom, B.S., Anoka David John Crawford, B.E.S., Mary Jean McCollow, B.S., . Minneapolis Minneapolis :1 ... Joyce Ann Roadfeldt Crowder Linda Marie Olson, B.S., :~ [.,, Carol Emmans, B.S., Osseo Minneapolis \: Sharon Kave Grossbach, B.S., Joan Shirley Reichert, B. S., i1 Minneapolis Minneapolis Norma C. Halvorson, B.S., White Ora Dee Smith, B. A., Bear Lake Minneapolis Karen Ruth Holicky, B.S., Lavern A. Walker, B.S., Forest Le Center Lake


Bachelor of Science Steven Jon Beyer, Sanborn Alfred Anthonv Mudra, A.A., Bradley Dale Bigalke, Little Falls . John Orlin Botten, B.S., Winona Larrv Lee Sanford, Northfield Daniel Lee Chase, A.A.S., Lake Scott Thomas Sonstegard, Itasca Alexandria Kirk E. Cox, Milltown, Wis. Mark Dale Thompson, Swanville Mark Edward Drewitz, Faribault Kelly Scott Woizeschke, Windom f, Bruce L. Endersbe, A.A.S., Ii''. Lisbon, N.D. i COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND II~ COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS

Bachelor of Science

LaNet K. ~lerrill, Minneapolis Annie Pearl Wade, ylinneapo)is


Bachelor of Science Thomas Michael Bigelbach, St. L. Bryan Lunde, Bloomington Paul Thomas Hockridge McMillan, Christopher James Conway, St. B.A., Minneapolis Paul Thomas Bruce Montzka, Columbia Blair James Froseth, A.A., Heights Plummer Jeffry M. Rosales, Minneapolis Scott Perrv Helland, Roseville Scott Michael Spatafore, St. Paul Steven M~rrill Johnson, Columbia John Richard Stright, Scandia Heights Terence James Tucker Gary Wayne Kincaid, Wichita Anthonv Grover Van Rossum, Falls, Tex. Mapl~ton Robert Thomas Leibfried, Ronald Joseph Weber, Chisholm Center


Associate in Arts John Olasoji Agbaje, Aramoko­ Michael Allen Greger, White Bear Ekiti, Ondo State, Nigeria Lake Heidi Ann Augustson Thomas Zachary Guzy, Lewis, Donna Ann Blankholm, Wis. Minneapolis Timothy Mark Hilliker, St. Paul Robert Gerard Blenker Dawn Lynn Hoyos, Eden Prairie Thomas John Blunt Esther Iloya John, Ewohimi, Gail Ann Boeck, St. Paul Nigeria Barbara Ellen Brill, Minneapolis James E. Johnson, Minneapolis Lawrence H. Chase, St. Louis Randall Elmer Koenig, Park Bloomington Cheryl Ann Como, St. Paul Jeffrey Frank LeMaire, St. Louis Cheryl Lynn Cunningham, Park Roseville Timothv G. Marlow, Stillwater Gertrude Eleanor Donabv, St. Evelyn"Jean Dobbins McKissic, Paul . B.A., Minneapolis Douglas Edward Dunphy, Thomas Eugene McPhillips, St. Minneapolis Paul Karel Joleen Fagan, Minneapolis Wanda Nela Miszkiewicz, Francis Juan Ferrell, Cleveland, Minneapolis Ohio Ayisat Remi Owolabi, Nigeria Margot Elaine Gilbertson, Joyce Songeredu Papanye, Bonny, Minneapolis Rivers State, Nigeria Diane P. Glodek, Minneapolis Michael Francis Pattison, Nona Lourene Goertz, Marine-on- Minneapolis St. Croix Manou Cher Rostamkhani, Karadj, Scott Michael Goldberg Iran Eustolio Gomez, St. Paul William Robert Sadler, St. Paul Carmita Jo Green, St. Paul Richard Carl Schaff, Eden Valley

31 March Ronnie A. Scholtz, Anoka Gregory Steven Super, Peter Lewis Stahl, St. Paul Minneapolis Dale Charles Stine, Ylinneapolis Sharon Ann Tomisak, Roseville Gordon Jeffery Strege, Gerald Martin Trujillo Robbinsdale Diane Lynn Vosika, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Applied Studies Gertrude Eleanor Donabv, St. Roman Danv Kramarczuk, A.A., Paul . Minneap<;lis Diana Claire Evanson, Jane Weiss Morgan, Eagan Minneapolis David Joseph Prokash, A.A. Alice L. Johnson, Rochester Lynn Marie Raymaker, Roseville i. Robert Richard Johnson, Rochester Bachelor of General Studies Jerome Thomas Boland, St. Paul Douglas Eugene Johnson, Thomas Donald Danielson, A. A., Chambersburg, Pa. Minneapolis John David Nides, Duluth Thomas Joseph Hart, A. A., St. Mindy Jo Schneidewind, A.A., Louis Park Minneapolis David Simmons Haugen, A.A., Hien Phu Tran, St. Paul Minneapolis Carol Ann Wronski, Big Lake Sonja Rogstad Huher, Excelsior


Bachelor of Science !vlaren Sue Andersen, Vermillion, Laura Ann Gross, Minneapolis, S.D. with high distinction Marie Teresa Anderson, Onamia Peter Clark Hakensen, St. Paul Jane Gretchen Bachman, South Gayle Colleen Hennum, Cloquet St. Paul Cvnthia Lee Hufford, Shoreview Ylollie Elizaheth Backlund, Eiaine Marie Johnson, Roseville Pipestone Beth JoAnne Lerud, Twin Valley Carol Ann Becker, Roseville LaVonne Jeanette Liden, Julie Ann Bellmyer, Y1inneapolis YIinneapolis Barbara Jean Benson, Stillwater Peggy Liszewski, ylinneapolis Susan !vlarie Bovt Ann Louise Machmeier, Brooklyn Margaret Ann Broshat, Racine, Center, with distinction Wis. Stacev Shaw YlcFarland, Excelsior Valerie Ellen Faaherg Bymark, Darc}' Jo Y1cMurtry, Ylinneapolis ylound Bonnie Ylarie ylomsen, st. Paul Ylichal Lvnn Crosby, Fridlev Bonnie Jean Mosher, Fergus Falls Diana !vt." Desens, Litchfield Sonja Kay O'Connell, '\linneapolis Donna !v1arie Eiden, St. Paul Pamela Jean Oleson, Isanti Gwen Y1arie Ellehon, Edina Kim Michele Papa, West Allis, '\Iichele Tracv Fox, Hopkins Wis., with distinction

March. 32 Joanne Betty Peterson, Colleen Jane Tabaika, B.S., St. Minneapolis Paul, with distinction Renae Jane Peterson, Richfield Sandra Jean Thompson, St. Paul Twyla Joanne Peterson, Catharine Marie Ubel, St. Paul Minneapolis Susan Marie Wehrenberg, North Phvllis Owens Plummer, A.L.A. Branch M~lumebet Retta, Ethiopia Barbara B. Wetzel, Corvallis, Deborah Ann Rice, Mankato Ore. Patricia Jean Riles, Minneapolis Kathleen Elizabeth Whiteford, Claudia Frances Schulte, Mission A.L.A., Minneapolis Viejo, Calif. Karen Marie Wille, Tonka Bav Susan Rae Stalock, South st. Paul Laurie Lisabeth Winters, . Mary Kathryn Steen, Minneapolis Minnetonka Kay Arlene Steward, St. Paul Cheryl Ann Youngdahl, Barbara Jean Strand, ~1inneapolis Minneapolis Linda ~1arie Sundberg, St. Paul


Juris Doctor Manuel Jesus Cervantes, B.A., St. Salome Zusman, Lima, Peru Paul Elizabeth S. Lincoln, B.A., Minneapolis


Associate in Liberal Arts Kerrv David Adelman, Wavzata Helen Mary Olson, Bloomington Laur~ Ann Bros, Minneap~lis Kav Elizabeth Pederson, Stephen John Cutinella Minneapolis Juanita M. B. Gipp, Sabattus, Me. Sharon K. Richards, St. Paul Arthur Jay Hart, Columbia Anne Marv Rvan, St. Paul Heights Jim J. Tes~he;ldorf, Plymouth Thomas Joseph Julkowski, Blaine Todd Lorrie Werner Karen M. Markert, St. Paul Rhonda Lee Williams, Tvler Michael Gregory ~1ayne, ~1arv Ann Wolfe, B.S., St. Peter Columbia Heights Kathrvn L. Zimmerman, Kimberly Kay Novak, \1innetonka MiI~neapolis Bachelor of Arts Honors citations are prodsional and will not become final until all requirements are met for the lerel indicated Robert Scott Ahlcrona, St. Louis Vera Lucia Alves, Rio de Janeiro, Park Brazil Akpan James Akpan, Eket, Jill Leslie Anderson, A.A., Nigeria ~1innetonka John Edward Allen, Lakeville Debra Jean Asher, Minneapolis Lee Stephen Alnes, \1ahtomedi

March Michael Joseph Patrick Bailey, Catherine Ann Dallner, B.S., New Hope Minneapolis Janice Lee Baker, Brooklyn Charles Hall Darrell, Edina Center Jennifer Deakyne, Minnetonka Leona R. Barber, Minneapolis Louise DeMint-Zahareas, Daniel Martin Barnes, St. Paul Minneapolis, summa cum laude Kerrv Lvnn Bauermeister, White Regina Marie Deziel, Hamel Be'ar Lake Kathryn Anne Dodson, Madison, Joseph Michael Beasy, A.S., Wis. Hibbing Nicolai Donchenko, Minneapolis Terrence Lee Beckman, Mark Charles Dougherty, Eagan Minneapolis Kathleen Dianne Douglass, Joseph Howard Belzer, St. Louis Minnetonka Park Greg J. Dowd, st. Paul Cheryl Ann Benner, Bloomington Dorothy Jean Doyle, Lindstrom Kathleen Agnes Berg Michael Thomas Duffy, Patricia Fogarty Berg, Minnetonka, magna cum laude Minneapolis, cum laude Kathryn Marie Eastman, Eric Bland Berglund, Minneapolis Minneapolis Michael Leonard Bloomquist, Gloria Jean Eaton, Minneapolis Minneapolis Steven Arthur Eide, Minneapolis Marilyn Nanette Borell, Steve Michael Elijah, Appleton, International Falls Wis. Ann Elizabeth Borman, Fargo, Karen Lenore Ellendson, N.D., summa cum laude Minneapolis William Duane Brenna, Burnsville Naomi Jean Emerson, Minneapolis John Nels Brobjorg, Minneapolis James Louis Engler, St. Louis Glenn Perry Bruder, Richfield Park Eloise Mada Bryan, Edina Hidaat Ephrem, Asmara, Eritrea Carolyn Jo Budnicki, Minneapolis Nancy L. Erickson, Minneapolis James Edward Cadwell, Thomas Scott Evans, Faribault Minneapolis Wilma Gertrude Evans, St. Paul Catherine Jean Caldwell, Duluth Patricia Caroline Eveland, Anoka Paul John Callahan, Rochester Romulo Alberto Faria C., Barbara Ann Calvert, St. Paul Maracaibo, Venezuela Timothy Lawrence Caris, Cheryl Ann Farr, Minneapolis Minneapolis David Charles Fisher, Minneapolis Cynthia J. Carpenter, Minneapolis Jeffra JoAnn Flaitz, A.A., Susan Rae Carpenter, Minneapolis Minneapolis Kathryn Mary Carter, Ames, Iowa James Patrick Foran, Minneapolis Nancy Lynn Cartier, Edina Betty Alice Friesen, St. Paul Kirsten Anne Charlson, Thief Howard Martin Fulk, Winnetka, River Falls Ill. Mark R. Cibuzar, Golden Valley Jeanette Susan Gadeberg, Michaeleen Coleman, Minneapolis Minneapolis Andrew Allen Coolev, Meeker, Beth Ellen Gessner, magna cum Colo. ' laude Eileen Crouse, Minneapolis Cheryl Lynn Gilbert, Edina Mathew Christopher Curran, st. Todd James Glasenapp, Hastings Paul Keith Nathaniel Goeke II, Lake Diane Louise Dalbey, Crystal Benton Vera Lea Golenzer, Rochester

March Carrie Lynn Gorowsky, St. Paul Jay Lyman Johnson, St. Paul Anne Therese Gottwalt, Joseph Shane Johnson, A.L.A., Minneapolis St. Paul Dean Stuart Grau Kevin Bruce Johnson, Minneapolis Beth Ann Grossman, Minneapolis, Mary Frances Johnson, Spooner, ma~na cum laude Wis. Neal Mark Gruenberg Scott Bryce Johnson, Blaine Michael John Grund, New Robert Kwatelai Jones-Quartey, London St. Paul Marsha Gunstad, Minneapolis Dorothy Ellen Jydstrup, Andrew Eugene Hall, Minneapolis Minneapolis Constance Louise Hall, Dayton, Rachel Kaberon, Glen Ellyn, Ill. Ohio Anita Rae Kahm, St. Louis Park Marilyn Kay Halvorson, A. A., Randi D. Kallas, South St. Paul Minneapolis Caroline M. Kalweit, Wayzata Luanne Ruth Hamele, Portage, Michael Haves Kane, St. Paul Wis. Marv Linda- Karr, St. Paul Timothy Dean Hansen, Little Randolph Craig Keen, Falls Bloomington Kevin Bruce Hanstad, St. Louis Julie Ann Keil, Minneapolis, cum Park laude Joan Kay Harris, Roseville Lisa K. Keitel, Luverne Linda Jane Harris, Bloomington, Scott Ellsworth Kellar, Minneapolis magna cum laude Eleanor Kent Kendall, B. A., Douglas D. Haugen, Circle Pines Plvmouth John Stephen Hayhoe, Eliz~beth Ann Kennedv, Minneapolis Minneapolis . Mark Douglas Hedin, Hutchinson Mary Ellen Kieger, St. Paul Karen F. Heegaard, Minneapolis Elizabeth Ann Kind, Minnetonka Richard Donald Heir, St. Paul R. Judith Kind, Minneapolis, Nancy Irene Hemp, New summa cum laude Brighton Naomi Louise King-Smith, Golden Sherry Jean Henly, West St. Paul Valley Cynthia Ann Herbst, Hibbing Timothy John Kleiter, St. Paul Timothy James Highland, Jeffrey Paul Knight, Eagan Minneapolis Cheryl Kay Kopp, Minneapolis Thomas Frederick Hirsh, David Leslie Krueger, st. Paul Crookston Janice Ann Kyono, Minneapolis Curtis Joseph Holewa Arthur A. Laatsch, Minneapolis Michael Peter Holm, Plymouth Joel Ray LaBissonniere, Laurel Gene Hoppe, St. Paul Bloomington Larry William Houns, Minneapolis Thomas James Lallier, st. Paul Donald Melvin Houpt III, North Bruce William Langbein, A.L.A., Oaks A.A., Minneapolis Andrea Paige Hughes, St. Paul Mark Steven Larsen, Minneapolis Judith Patricia Hunt, Minneapolis Priscilla Joan Larsen, A.A., Shannon Marie Leslie Hurley, Minneapolis summa cum laude Greggory Glenn Larson, Roseville Bradley Arthur Huspek, St. Paul Thomas Stanchfield Lee, Wayzata Jamie Clay Hysjulien Mark Eric Linde, St. Louis Park Heidi Marie Illies, Hopkins Ross Elliot Lindstrom, Richfield Carrie Ellen Inkala, Minneapolis

35 March Leslie Angel Linsmayer, St. Paul, Vinh Thanh Nguyen, Minneapolis summa cum laude Karen Ruth Nobbe, Minnetonka Patrick Thomas Loonan, St. Paul Susan Gail Nordbye, Minneapolis Genevieve Ann Lubbers, B.A., Mary Murray Nowak, Minneapolis Hopkins David Paul Nowicki, Minneapolis Elizabeth Jeanne Madsen, Susan Pauline Oberg, Mound Minneapolis John Paul O'Connor, West Julie Ann Masden, Minneapolis Hartford, Conn. Douglas Harold Maxwell, Wayzata Timothv Mitchell O'Shea, Constance J. May, st. Paul Minn'eapolis Kevin James McCarthy, A.A., Patricia Ann Oslund, Minneapolis Minneapolis Robert Allen Ost, St. Louis Park Virginia S. McCollister, Edina Lilliam Pancorbo, Havana, Cuba Susan Lynn McConner, Chicago, Daniel Wallace Parv, Minnetonka Ill. Mary Margaret Paut Irvine, Calif. Lvnnette Mcintire, Owensboro, Karen L. Pavelka, Minneapolis 'Ky. Paulette Esther Peltier, Ronald Earl McKee, Minneapolis Minneapolis Charles Stuart McKissick, Edina James Michael Perpich, Hibbing Nancy Jean McLarnan, Moorhead John Mitchel Perrizo, Puyallup, Lola Ellen McQuirk, Plymouth Wash. Richard Lee Mechelke, Stillwater Marv Patricia Peterson, Susan Ann Meeker, Eden Prairie M'inneapolis Glenn Everett Mevers, Bvron Michael Robert Peterson, Margaret Mary Miller, B~lle Bloomington Plaine Patti Kay Petrich, Duluth Julia Ellen Milner, Kirkwood, Lori Marie Pommer, A.A., Mo. Bloomington Bill Marvin Mintz, st. Paul Gwendolyn Kay Popelka, Joseph Francis Molinaro, Kenosha, Plymouth Wis. Michael Dean Price, Brooklvn Mark Zachary Moores, North Park ' Oaks Julienne Swynny Prineas, Wayzata Julie Muehlberg, Minneapolis Jerry Allen Putnam, Anoka Thomas Patrick M ulcahv, Bahman Radjabi, Tehran, Iran Faribault ' Anthony Scott Rayner, Red Wing Elizabeth Ann Murphy, Lodi, Elizabeth Ann Reeve, Rochester Wis. Roberta Kareen Rice, Excelsior Jeffrey Joseph Nauer, St. Paul Richard Edward Ridgewell, Park Duluth Nicole Erin Nee, Fridley, cum Joel Arthur Rippel, Trimont laude David Jon Risendal, Stillwater Catherine Gayle Nelson Kristie Ann Ronning, Minneapolis James M. Nelson, Minneapolis Kenneth Samuel Rosenblum, St. Johan Walter Nelson, Minneapolis Paul, summa cum laude Kristen J. Nelson, Redwood Falls Patrice Annette Rossi, Rochester Stephanie Ann Netwal, Donna Ruden, A.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Dorothy Ann Russell, Ylinneapolis Richard Carl Neuenfeldt, Richfield Susan Lloyd Rutledge, Detroit Peter James Neuswanger, Lakes Cedarburg, Wis. Judith Ann Sachs, Minneapolis, Susanne Nevin, St. Paul magna cum laude

March 36 Karl Owen Sandberg, Minneapolis Amy Ellen Tessmer, Alexandria Mark James Saunders, Brooklyn Terrence Neal Thomas, Edina Park Debra Louise Thoreson, Richfield Brendon Stephen Schram, Fridley Linda A. Tobin, St. Louis, Mo. John Samuel Schultz, st. Paul Craig Thomas Topeff, A.A., Nancy Kay Schutta, A.A., Columbia Heights Minneapolis Jacquelyn Patricia Tri, Red Wing Lance Paul Scott, A.A., St. Paul Louis Alexander Tschudv, New Robert Emerson Seavev, Brighton . Minneapolis . Louise Marie Vahle, Tracy Michael John Seiwert, Edina Gale Rene Valtinson, Minneapolis Gene Ronald Shaw, Faribault, Steven Craig Van Deest, A. A., magna cum laude Maplewood Peggy Jill Silker, Little Falls Mary Ruth Vasaly, A.S., Theresa Ann Simon, A.A., St. Minneapolis Paul Carla Jean Vore!, Blaine Janet Margaret Skeie, St. Paul Louis Daniel Skip Wegwerth John Vernon Skinner, White Bear Ralph Charles Weichselbaum, Lake Richfield Daniel Joseph Smith Lois Elaine Welk, St. Paul Ben Smukler, Minneapolis Candyce Ann Wenborg, Edina Lisa Ann Soderlind, St. Paul Stephen Kent Wickler, Duluth Mary Lundstrom Sommer, Ronald Eric Williams, Minneapolis A. L.A., Minneapolis Wendy Melissa Williams, Golden Michael A. Spartz, Minneapolis Valley, magna cum laude Dean Carl Spaulding, Robbinsdale Patricia Lee Winters, Bingham Josef Alan Stanislav, Rochester Lake Wesley Gerald Sterger, Silver Bay James Alan Wise, Richfield George William Steuber, Blaine Robert Allen Withers, Minneapolis Katarina Anna Stickler, Rochester Elizabeth E. Woods, Minneapolis David Morris Stokes, Universitv Robert Ernest Wortmann, Forked City, Mo. . River, N.J. Barbara Lee Stone, Alexandria Suzanne Margaret Yerg-Yotti, Betty W. Strathy, A.A., Edina Houghton, Mich. Timothy Robert Stricker, Kathleen M. Zeug Minneapolis Patricia Ruth Zoller, Chicago, Ill. Patricia Ann Surma, St. Cloud Brian Anthony Zupan, Iron, Chris Marie Tarte, Minneapolis summa cum laude Kathy Ann Tatone, Fort Dodge, Iowa Bachelor of Elected Studies Linda Jo Gaarder, Minneapolis Thomas Michael O'Meara J. Daniel Myers, Golden Valley Joseph Sodd, Jr., Minneapolis Bachelor of Fine Arts Julie Anne Betlach, Owatonna Glenn Herbert Hansen, Buffalo Kathryn Ann Bulger, st. Paul Jay Gordon Huber, Minnetonka Mary Beth Calvin, Laurel, Neb. Mary Jane Longley, Minneapolis Susan Joy Dworsky, St. Paul Beckv Lvnn Mokler, A.A., Scott Lawson Frost, Minneapolis oriando, Fla. David George Gebel, ~1ilwaukee, Lois Green Porter, Minneapolis Wis. 37 March Bachelor of Individualized Studies Ann Elizabeth Bix, Minneapolis Denise R. Hull, Fergus Falls Michael Douglas Blazer, Austin Bachelor of Science Anne Elizabeth Boever, Falcon Doreen Ruby Johnson, Richfield Heights Robert Francis Lupo, Edina Dennis Allen Christenson, Deer Georgia Jula Marinkov, St. Paul Creek Ardith E. Mathieu, Brooklyn Susan Lvnn Schmidt Connellv, Center Apple'Valley . William Steven McCarthy, A.A., Brian George Danielson, Hibbing Minneapolis Edward Joseph DeCelle, St. Paul Kevin Gerard McCourt, Dorothy Jean Doyle, Lindstrom Weymouth, Mass. Catherine Ann Hawkins, Chung On Ng, Cottage Grove Minneapolis John Victor Olson, Salt Lake Thomas John Jacobi, Milwaukee, City, Utah Wis. Carol J. Winge, Minneapolis


MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science Dana Marie DeCastro, Daniel Blair Thornton, Minneapolis Minneapolis, with distinction Barbara Ann Helle, Luverne Bridget Marie Wiemken, New Susan Merie Klein, Richfield Brighton, with distinction Lori B. Opsal, Champlin, with distinction MEDICINE Bachelor of Science in Nurse Anesthesia Walter K. Scott, Eden Prairie

Doctor of Medicine David Eric Adson, B.S., David Miller Larson, B.S., Rochester Minneapolis Kurt William Carlson, B.A., Charles Tock Ledder, B.A., Edina Waseca Kurt Richard Lemke, B.S., St. Alan Scott Divine, B. A., st. Paul Cloud George Nicholas Feyda, B.A., Penny Jo Magnuson, B.A., M.A., Minneapolis Anoka James Andrew Garrity, B. S., Vicki Ann Milton, B.S.N., Moorhead Minneapolis William James Horner, Martin Neil Paisner, A. B., '.f Watertown, S. D. Minneapolis Heidi Jean Korstad, B.A., Braham John Keith Paulson, B.A., Eveleth

March 38 Kalman Wolf Pila, B.A., Douglas Mark Soderberg, B.A., Minneapolis ~inneapolis Mary Ann Schermann, B.A., Michael A. Trangle, B.A., Upsala Minneapolis Mark Luther Schlauderaff, B. A., Duane E. Warsett, B.S., Red Wing Minneapolis OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY

Bachelor of Science Nancy Elaine Hagen, Excelsior Marcee Lea Sander, Postville, Alice Graves Harris, Ada, Okla., Iowa with high distinction MORTUARY SCIENCE

Bachelor of Science Michael Kevin Jackson, New Freddie Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio Brighton SCHOOL OF NURSING

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Betsy Lane Althaus, with Elise Christine Johnson, Moline, distinction Ill. Marilyn Janice Ascher, A.A., Mary Kay Johnston, Roseville Champlin Jane Anne Meinke Kurata, B.A., Mary Lisa Buscher, Mankato St. Paul, with distinction Denise C. Christu, Moorhead Karen Joy Marienau, Montevideo Steven Louis Dahlmeier, B.A., Mary Margaret ~ason, M.S., Moose Lake Minneapolis BettyJo Dale, New Brighton Patricia Jo McKevitt, Austin Brigid Selz Fetzner, B.A., St. Sue Ellen Norgaard, A.A., Paul Lakeville Jonda Nadene Fredell, Catherine Jane Norman, Hopkins, Minneapolis with distinction Ann Marie Gengler, Slayton Susan Elizabeth Pegors, Kristine Ellen Gilvard, Becker ~inneapolis Nancy Smith Glo':vigen, B.A., St. Jane Ellen Prest-Berg, Marine-on­ Paul, with distinction St. Croix Juanita B. Godfrey, Minneapolis Lynn Marie Radecki, Green Bay, Peggy Lou Griffin, Hutchinson Wis. Beth Alair Hamper, Minneapolis Timothy Mark Rand, B.A., Sara V. Hay, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis James Eugene Heimer, Louise Andrea Ribnick, Minneapolis ~inneapolis Carolvnn Eleanor Hiatt, Evelyn Florence Ruggiero, Blo~mington Burnsville, with distinction Leilin Hsu Hilde, B.A., Mary Ann Salmen, St. Paul Cleveland, Ohio

39 March Barbara Jean Saunders, A.A., Debra Milynn Swofford, Wayzata Richfield Denise Christine Tuscany, B.A., Edith Margaret Schwartz Brookfield, Wis. Mary Lynn Shamp, Minneapolis Mary Lynn Voelz, Minneapolis, Kathleen Rose Staloch, Wells with distinction Valerie Anne Steffenson, New Judith M. Williams, B.A., St. Brighton Paul, with distinction Constance Marie Strei, Ortonville Judy Ann Yukel, Silver Lake COLLEGE OF PHARMACY

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Daniel John Aulwes, Richfield Michelle Mae Kallenbach, Turtle Michael Scott Brengman, Lake, Wis. Rochester Dennis Paul Keefe, Minneapolis ;~ Peter Hans Drogemuller, Tom Alan Larson, B. S. I!1 Caledonia Aija Ruta Liepins, St. Louis Park j fl· Phyllis E. Ehlers, Fridley Gregory Glenn Nelsen, B. A., St. } I Michael Thomas Hample, Paul Park Breckenridge Gilbert Bruce Olson, B. A., St. Susan R. Heise, Brooklvn Park Paul Gregg Frank Herrmann', Kenosha, Jeffrey B. Shapiro, B. A., Hibbing I I Wis. James Lee Stuart, Moorhead Patrick Lee Holder, B. S., Aitkin Lambert Phillip Van Kessel, B.A., Don Nicholas Johnson, St. Paul B.S., Duluth .k Mark Anthony Kalkis, Richfield Elizabeth Ann Yellovich, Eveleth SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH

Master of Hospital Administration Keith J. Petersen, B.A., Eagle Yvonne Elizabeth Speller, B.A., Lake M.B.A., Philadelphia, Pa. Master of Public Health Linda Laurel Andrews, B.S.N., Paul Kevin Mills, M. S. , Minnetonka Worcester, Mass. Jean Pearl Duncan, B.A., St. Paul Kolade Oladapo Mosuro, B.S., Janice Rae Godes, B.S., St. Paul , M.S., Nigeria Colleen Mary Halpine, B.S., Michael Thomas Osterholm, M.S., Omaha, Neb. Edina John Joseph Kehoe, B.A., Michael Gregory Seliga, B.S., Minneapolis Omaha, Neb. Carole S. Klein, A. B., Los Angeles, Calif. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Thomas F. Buckley, Fridley James Douglas Frick, International Falls

March 40 Nickolas Edward Hein, Monroe, Neal David Matthys, Minneapolis Wis. Patrick V. Reagan, Greendale, Sonja Ann Fykse Lee, Richfield Wis., with distinction Paul George Lichon, West Bend, Paul Allan Rodrian, Algoma, Wis., with distinction Wis., with distinction Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Theodore Kermit Bather, Waconia Julie Page Schenk, Troy, N.Y. James Frederick Idzorek, Mark Vincent Soutor, Henning. Minneapolis with distinction Joseph A. Menichino, Franklin Thomas Scott Teigen, Onalaska, Square, N.Y. Wis. Bachelor of Architecture Daryl Louis Blakeborough, Craig Edward Norsted, B. E. D., Shorewood Camhridge Bruce Allen Caulfield, Detroit Noushin Oshidari Lakes, with distinction Sri Etty Padmodipoetro, B.E.D., Richard I. Christensen, Racine, with distinction Wis. Leigh Michael Rolfshus, Canton Paul Dean Dahlberg, Coon Rapids Gregory B. Rounds, Grand Rapids Thomas Michael Dalman, Golden Antonio Oscar Sanchez-Vazquez, Valley B.Arch., San Juan, Puerto Rico Paul William Froncek, B.A., Todd H. Schnobrich, St. Paul Madison, Wis. Steven Fairhairn Skoglund Cary Scott Kimmel, Minneapolis Charles Willard Tarr, B.E.D., Mohammadreza Mehralian, Shiraz, Madison, Wis. Iran Dawn Marie Zirngibl, A.S., Bernard Benjamin Nelson III, Ahhotsford, Wis. Edina Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Mark Thomas Reed, Inver Grove Carl Elrod Tuura, Minneapolis Heights Rodney Gene Wolff, Maple Plain

Bachelor of Chemistry Daniel Andre Hian-Cheong, Gregory Robert Moe, Granite Minneapolis, with distinction Falls, with distinction John Anthony Miller, New Hope, Lynne Frances Taus, Berwyn, Ill., with distinction with distinction

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Kenneth Paul Anderson, Duluth Robert Allan Gravier, Iron Keith Alan Bachmann, Arlington, Mountain, ~1ich. with distinction Jeffrey Lyman Hansen, Timothy Leslie Bailey, Elk River Ylinnetonka Jeffery Thomas Davis, Prescott, Radab Kanjanavanit, Bangkok, Wis. Thailand Clyde Bernard Giaquinto, B. S., Donald Jay Kellogg, South St. A.S., Amsterdam, N.Y. Paul

41 March Brent Douglas Lindgren, Kambiz Sepehr, Tehran, Iran Minneapolis Clvde Sebastian Terwev, St. Paul Douglas Madison, Alexandria Cloud . Lawrence John Olson, Corcoran David Michael Tschida, St. Paul Donald Eugene Paulus, West Kevin Michael Wendland Bend, Wis., with distinction Bachelor of Computer Science Richard Rov Aurandt, St. Paul Lidia Ludmila Mayforth, Warsaw, Allan L. F;ink, Gilbert Poland, with high distinction Peter Douglas Hausman, Golden Lynn Ellen Neitz, Minneapolis, Valley with distinction Robert John Isch, Coon Rapids, Jerry David Peterson, Carlton with distinction Karen Frances Waggoner, Minnetonka, u;ith distinction Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Jeffrey Jay Anderson, White Bear Michael John Lyden, St. Paul Lake, with distinction Michael Wilfred Mohr, Freeport Michael Franklin Baker, Rushford Timothy James Nolte, Edina Jerry Lee Borchardt, A.S., Gary Morris Papenfuss, Arden Rothschild, Wis. Hills Paul S. Copeland, Afton John Albert Perlick, Minneapolis Milo Duane Dahl, Minneapolis, Michael August Pracht, New with high distinction Richmond, Wis. Patricia Marie D'Alessandro, Terrance Michael Reid, Duluth Richfield, with distinction Randal John Russell, Richfield, Gregory Phillip Doten, Brooklyn with distinction Center Jane Lianne Sander, Arlington, Bruce John Fredrickson, A.A., with high distinction Minnetonka Curtis Dane Smith, Minneapolis Michael Ravmond Guzik, A. A., Glenn Richard Story, Mazeppa Fridley . David Curtis Tappe, New Alan Robert Heljinstine, Anoka, Richland with distinction Craig Arnold Tieman, Minneapolis Brent H. Hoff, Barron, Wis., Alex Chanchone Toy, Minneapolis, with high distinction with high distinction Charles Edward Kingsbury, Harley A. Uber, Owatonna, with B. Math., Minneapolis distinction Daniel Richard Kinnunen, Grand Michael Clarence Weinzierl, Rapids, with distinction Shakopee James Neil Kruchowski, Mahmoud Zojaji, Tehran, Iran Minneapolis, with distinction Timothy Jene LaFleur, Greenfield, Wis. Bachelor of Environmental Design Thomas Charles Ankenv, A.A., Noushin Oshidari Stewartville . Leigh Michael Rolfshus, Canton Paul William Froncek, B.A., Steven Fairbairn Skoglund Madison, Wis. John Gray Sponsel, B.Arch., St. Cary Scott Kimmel, Minneapolis Louis Park Steven Roger Nordin, St. Paul March Bachelor of Mathematics Michael John Hardy, Minneapolis james Albert Louisell, Duluth, Paul David Kreiser, Edina, with with distinction high distinction Gary J. Taruscio, St. Paul

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering John Michael Bauer, Crystal john Kevin Kittleson, Minnetonka, Shou Ming Chien, Clover with distinction Crescent, Singapore, with Jeffrey Joseph Koss, Minneapolis distinction Jeffrey M. Krech, South St. Paul Jerome Patrick Cronin, Motley Scott Leonard Langlie, Plymouth Dean Arlan Danner, st. Paul Bruce LeRoy Larson, Edina Quy Quang Dinh, Brainerd, with jeffery Mark Lehn, Grand distinction Rapids, with distinction Linda Sue Drechsel, St. Paul, Scott William Lemke, B.A., St. with distinction Paul Mark John Fritsch, St. Paul Ronald David Maurer, B.S., Ellen Marie Frohrib, St. Paul Minneapolis, with distinction Steven John Frykman, Edina Dzoanh Dich Nguyen, Saigon, James William Gausman, St. Vietnam Louis Park Hoang Dich Nguyen Michael James Germain, New Gregg Alan Nielsen, A.A., St. Richmond, Wis. Paul Patrick Frank Gorham, Ylora Gary Michael Nies, Mayhew Lake, Donald Walter Grotz, Delano with distinction Mehdi Sattaree Haidari, Tehran, Timothy Charles Peterson, A.A., Iran, with distinction Stillwater Sandra Lynn Halvorsen, Michael Louis Rancour, Montrose Minneapolis Gregory Watson Rees, White John joseph Hmrand, Chaska, Bear Lake with distinction Paul Joseph Richtman, st. Paul Scott William Hamre, Golden Linda Marie Roth, Oakdale Valley Neil Allen Sticha, Bloomington, John Philip Hertsgaard, Grand with distinction Forks, N.D., with distinction Lynn Carol Stoakes, Edina, with Joseph Michael Jackson, Brooklyn distinction Park Donald John Swanson, Duluth Thomas Seward jaeger, St. Paul, Bruce Edward Tait, Sherhurn, with distinction with distinction Paul Alan Johnson, Champlin Paul Ernest Thompson, Duluth Raymond James Johnson, St. Paul Neil George Vasilakes, White Timothy Scott josephson, St. Paul, Bear Lake with distinction

Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering Rodney Gene Wolff, Maple Plain

43 March Bachelor of Physics Bruce Theodore Pollin, Austin

Bachelor of Science in Geology William David Christiansen, Karen Jettenberg, Minneapolis Lauderdale Todd Allen Petersen, Richfield, Clifford C. Jensen, St. Paul with distinction

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Todd Allen Petersen, Richfield, with distinction


Bachelor of Arts Nancy Gail Clune, A.A., Laurel Beth Hanson, Minneapolis, Minneapolis cum laude Kathleen Ann Erickson, B.A., Susan J. Hanni Ladwig, Comfrey, cum laude Minneapolis Richard Dean Haakana, Tonia Ann LaGrone, Minneapolis Minneapolis Ruth Marie Meger, Carlton ; :~ Bachelor of Science Steven Robert Anderson, Steven Francis Karolewski, Minneapolis Minneapolis Gwendolyn Ann Bruggeman, St. Roger A. Kittelson, Goodhue Paul Judy Kay Kraay, Owatonna Dawn Marie Christians, Amv Anne Laiderman, St. Louis Bloomington P~rk Diane Kay Ellis, Ripon, Wis. Marv Gavle Lothen, Columbia Donald Emond, Edina H~ights Giuliana Engel, North st. Paul Janet Kay Lubov, Edina Thomas R. Frev, Edina Karen Meyerhoff, Minneapolis Cecilia Mary F~ost, St. Paul, cum. Ruth Roxanne O'Gorman, laude Minneapolis Julie Ann Gleason, Minneapolis Gwen Eileen Olson, Edina John Paul Hackenmueller, A.L.A., Patricia Louise Olson, Edina Minnetonka William Donald Paul, Thomson, Terry M. Haltiner, st. Paul Ga. Michael Jerome Henry, Michael Robert Perman, Minneapolis Minneapolis Barbara Louisa Horton, Louise Roos Plummer, Zuilen, :i' Minneapolis Holland John Fredrick Humleker, Jean Marie Richgels, A.A., St. Minneapolis Paul, cum laude Leslie Ellen Johnson, Edina, cum Paul R. Sandford, Eagan, magna laude cum laude

March 44 Barry Alan Shear, St. Paul Thomas Charles Wagner, Diane Marie Shoemaker, summa Minnetonka cum laude Thomas Anthony Youngberg, St. Mark William Skeie, St. Paul Paul Maureen Patricia Trueman, Minneapolis

March Candidates for Commissions

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the dose of winter quarter, commissions will be presented to those listed below and to others meeting the requirements fiJr the Reserve Officers in the Armed Services.


Second Lieutenant, USAF Reserve Ann E. Bix, Anoka Michael W. Mohr, Freeport David R. Forstner, Aitken Glenn R. Story, Mazeppa Kenneth G. Hanson, Grand Rapids


Second Lieutenant, USAR, Signal Corps Robert G. Jeub, Edina


Ensign, USN Keith N. Goeke II, Lake Benton

Second Lieutenant, USMC Richard C. Neuenfeldt, Richfield

45 March June Candidates for Degrees

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of spring quarter, degrees will be conferred as indicated on those listed below and on others meeting the graduation requirements. Degrees are listed alphabetically within each academic unit.


Doctor of Education William Edward Holden, Owatonna B.A. '49. AugsburgCollege; ~1.Ed. '53. Macalester College. Major: Educational Administration. Proj­ ect: A Comparative Analysis of Perceived Job Satis­ faction of Secondary School Principals and ~iddle ~anagers in Business and Industry. :>'Iajor Adviser: Prof. Clifford Hooker.

Doctor of Philosophy Aloy Ikechukwu Adigweme, Enugu, Grandhi Balakrishna, Vijayawada, Nigeria Andhra Pradesh, India B.Sc. '73. University of Ibadan; ~1.S. '76. Univer­ B.S. ·n. Andhra Universitv; ~1.M.S. ';3, Univer­ sity of Minnesota. Major: Pharmacognosy. Minor: sity of Madras; M.B.A. '7,5, University of Minne­ :>.Iicrobiology. Thesis: Investigation of the :>.Iecha­ sota. ~Iajor: Business Administration. Thesis: nism of Action of5Beta-H Steroids. Major Adviser: Modeling Group Interaction and Choice Selection Prof. Yusuf Abul-Hajj. Processes in Industrial Buying. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Cardozo. Marc Christian Albertsen, Danbury, Iowa Gary Edward Ballman, Dale, Ind. B.S.F. '76, Purdue Vniversitv; M,S. '78, Univer­ B.S.'il. M.S. '76, Iowa State Univ·ersity. Major: Plant Breeding. Tbesis: Developmental Cytology. sity of '.linnesota. Major: For~stry. Thesis: Opera­ tionalizing the Cross-Country Skiing Opportunity Mutagenesis. and Fertility Restoration of Genetic Spectrum Concept. Major Adviser: Prof. Lawrence Male-Sterile Maize (Zea Mays L.). Major Adviser: Prof. Ronald Phillips. Merriam. Frank Eugene Aspen, Fosston Michael Francis Barrett, Annandale B.E.E. with distinction '71, M,S,E.E. 'ii, Univer­ B.S. summa cum laude 'il, Bemidji State College. Major: Physics. Thesis: Effects of Spin-Flip Scat­ sity of '.Iinnesota. Major: Control Sciences. Thesis: Conservatism With Robustness Tests for Linear tering on the Dynamics of the Superconducting Feedback Control Systems. Major Adviser: prof. Order Parameter. Major Adviser: Prof. Allen Goldman. . E. B. Lee. Michael McLaughlin Atkinson, St. Douglas Williamson Bierer, Erie, Paul Pa. B.S. '70, Loyola University of Los An!(eles; M.S. B.S. '69, ~.S. '72, Michigan State University, '76. University of'.linnesota. Major: Biology. The­ Major: Pharmacology. Minor: Biochemistry. The­ sis: Melanoma Cell Adenylate Cyclase: Compo­ sis: Effects of Levodopa and Related Compounds on the Renal Handling of Uric Acid. Major Adviser: nents Associated \Vith Hormone Rcsp( · .... veness. Major Adviser: Prof. John Sheppard. Prof. A. J. Qucbbemann. Olive Jean Bailey, St. Paul Keith Dean Burau, New Hope B.A. '73, Southwest Minnesota State College; M.S, B.~lus.Ed. '44, North Central College; "1.A. '72. '75, University of M innesota. Biometry and University of Minnesota. Major: >,Iusic. Thesis: ~ajor: Health Information Svstems. Thesis: Geometric The Influence of Ernst Krenek on the M IIsical Features of the Vecto~cardiogram and Diagnostic Culture of the Twin Cities. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof'. Classification. ~la.ior Adviser: Prof. Eugene Johannes Riedel. Johnson.

June Sharon Marie Burke, St. Paul Stevan Maria Dawis, Minneapolis B.A. '69, Mount Mary College. Major: Educational B.A. summa cum laude '73, UniverSity of Minne­ Psychology. Thesis: Relationships Across Domains sota. Major: Physiolo!(y. Minor: Electrical Engi­ of Development at the Elementary School Level. neering. Thesis: Steady State Adaptation in Cone Major Adviser: Prof. Norman Sprinthall. Photoreceptors. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Purple. Jackie Louise Byrd B.A. '74, M.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Kathryn June Dean, Copenhagen, Major: Educational Administration. Thesis: Design and Deliverv of Human Services: A New Theorv Denmark and Mode( With Proposed Policy Interven'­ B.A. '72, M.S.W. '75, UniverSity of Minnesota. tion Strategies. Major Adviser: Prof. William Major: Hospital and Health Care Administration. Ammentorp. Thesis: Analysis of the Relationships Between So­ cial and Demographic Factors and Self-Care Pat­ Roy Glenn Cantrell, Shamrock, Tex, terns in the Danish Population. Major Adviser: B.S. '76, Texas Tech Universitv; M.S. '79, Univer­ Prof. Theodor Litman. sity of Minnesota. Major: PIa~t Breedin!(. Thesis: Husk Leaves of Early Dent ~laize: Breeding Beha­ Mohammed Azron Dhalhar, Bogor, viour and Contribution to Grain Yield. Major Ad­ Indonesia viser: Prof. Jon Geadelmann. I.R. '68, Institut Pertanian Bogor; M.S. '73, Uni­ versity of Minnesota. Major: Agricultural Engi­ Andrew Robert Carman, Tehachapi, neering. Thesis: Use of the Buffered and Covered Calif. Plots Method for Evaluating Water ReqUirements A.B. '73, University of California, Berkeley; \!.A. of a Rice Paddy. Major Adviser: Prof. Evan Allred. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Educational Psycholo!(y. Thesis: The Effects of Applied Relaxa­ Gail M, Drauden, Minooka, Ill. tion Training on Chronic Anxiety. Major Adviser: B.A. '68, UniverSity of Iowa. Major: Psycholo!(y. Prof. Alan Anderson. Thesis: Training in Spatial Ability. Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Bouchard. Patrick James Carnes, ~inneapolis B.A. egregia cum laude '66, St. John's University; Regina Marie Driscoll, Lake Worth, M.A. '69, Brown University. Major: Education. Fla, Thesis: Educating Interactionally Impaired Adults: A.B. magna cum laude '71, University of Miami. An Analysis of Curriculum Impact on Family Envi­ Major: Psychology. Thesis: Incidental and Inten­ ronment. Major Adviser: Prof. Howard Williams. tional Learning as Measures of Selective Attention in Children Vulnerable to Psychopathology. Major Dale Edward Casper, Port Huron, Adviser: Prof. Norman Garmezy. Mich. B.A. with high honor '69, Michigan State Univer­ Raina Elaine Eberly, Chambersburg, sity; M.A. '72, M.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Pa. Major: History. Thesis: The King's Good Servants: B.S. summa cum laude '73, University of Pitts­ The Commons House in 1491. Major Adviser: Prof. burgh. Major: Psychology. Thesis: Bi;,graphical Stanford Lehmberg. Determinants of Vocational Values. Major Adviser: Prof. Rene Dawis. Theodore y, Chin, Great Neck, N,Y. B.S. '73, State University of New York, Buffalo. Brian Edward Engdahl, Brooklyn Major: Pharmacology. Minor: Biochemistry. The­ Center sis: Renal Uric Acid Synthesis: A Quantitative B.A. '75, UniverSity of Minnesota. Major: Psychol­ Analysis. Major Adviser: Prof. A. J. Quebbemann. o!(y. Thesis: The Structure of Biographical Data and Its Relationships to Vocational Needs and John Walter Christian, Plymouth Values. Major Adviser: Prof. Lloyd Lofquist. B.S. '68, Wisconsin State University; M.S. '69, Indiana University. Major: Education. Thesis: The Loren Dale Fast, St. Paul Political History of Establishing a Regional Park B.A. with highest honors '75, Bethel College. System in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Major: Genetics. Thesis: The Recognition of Anti­ Major Adviser: Prof. John Schultz. gens by Mouse Cytolytic T Lymphocytes. Major Adviser: Prof. David Fan. John A, Dani B,S. summa cum laude '75, University of Michi­ Susanne Carol Fisher, St. Paul gan. Major: Physiology. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: B.S. '62, M.S. '63, University of Minnesota. Major: Cation Binding Constants Determined From Education. Thesis: The Relationship Between the Cation Blockage of Water Flux and the Water Roles of Farm Wives and Patterns of Educational Permeability of the Gramicidin Channel. ~1ajor Participation. \1ajor Advisers: Profs. Kenneth Adviser: Prof. David Levitt. Howey and Harlan Copeland.

47 June Peter Lee Flint, Minneapolis Margarita Gangotena Gonzalez, B.A. '73, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Psychol­ Quito, Ecuador ogy. Thesis: Sex Differences in the Perception of B.A. '72, M.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Ma­ Occupational Reinforcers. Major Adviser: Prof. jor: Speech-Communication. Thesis: Rhetorical Lloyd Lofquist. Visions of Medicine Compared and Contrasted Curanderismo and Allopathy. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Murray Frame III, Ernest Bormann. Harrisburg, Pa. B.A. '68, Shippensburg State College; M.A. '70, Thomas Allen Greenfield, University of Minnesota. Major: American Studies. Richmond, Va. Thesis: The Progressive Millers: A Cultural and A.B. '70, Grinnell College; M.A. '73, University of Intellectual Portrait of the Flour Milling Industry, Minnesota. Major: English. Thesis: Standing Be­ 1870-1930, Focusing on Minneapolis, Minnesota. fore Kings: Work and the Work Ethic in American Major Adviser: Prof. David Noble. Drama, 1920-1970. Major Adviser: Prof. John Hurrell. Allan Herbert Frank, St. Louis Park B.A. summa cum laude '71, University of Minne­ John Ridderus Groenewegen, sota. Major: Psychology. Thesis: The Effects of Brantford, Ontario, Canada Contingency Contract Variables Upon Contract B.Sc. '75, M.Sc. '77, University of Guelph. Major: Compliance. Major Adviser: Prof. Roy Pickens. Agricultural Economics. Minor: Economics. The­ sis: Corn and Soybean Acreage and Yield Response Rosemary Therese Fruehling, With Emphasis on Multiple product Production, Gilbert Uncertaintv, and Commodity Programs. Major B.S. '54, M.A. '67, University of Minnesota. Major: Adviser: Prof. James Houck. Vocational Education. Thesis: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Origins and Development of Voca­ Linda Hall Harris, St. Louis Park tional Needs of High School Students. Major Ad­ B.S.Ed. with high distinction '69, A.M. '70, Uni­ visers: Prof~. Rene Dawis and Mary Klaurens. versity of Michigan; M.S.W. '75, University of Minn~sota . .'vtajor: Educational Administration. Richard Alan Fundakowski, St. Paul Thesis: Middle-Class High School Dropouts: Inci­ B. s. E. E. summa cum laude '73, Lafayette College; dence of Phvsical Abuse, Incest, Sexual Assault, M.S. '75, Rutgers University. Major: Electrical Loss, Symptomatic Behaviors, and Emotional Engineering. Thesis: Stability and Control ofCom­ Disturbance. Major Adviser: Prof. William partmental Systems With Application to Cell Cycle Ammentorp. Kinetics and Cancer Chemotherapy. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Malur Sundareshan. Timothy Lynn Hatfield, Norwood, Ohio Celia Wolk Gershenson, A.B. cum laude '67, Harvard College; M.E. '69, Minneapolis Harvard University. Major: Educational Psychol, A.B. '57, Barnard College. Major: Psychology. ogy. Thesis: Alternate Generation Education: A Thesis: An Investigation of Response Duration as a Developmental Curriculum for Secondary Function of Duration Requirement for Rein!orce­ Schools. Major Advisers: Profs. Norman Sprinthall ment: Some Results for Rats and Cynomolgus and Lorraine Hansen. Monkeys. Major Adviser: Prof. Travis Thompson. Lenas Joseph Hedlund, Rochester Robert Francis Gibson, Lake Elmo B.A. '73, St. Cloud State College; A.M. '7,5, Uni­ B.A. '56, M.A. '60, University of Minnesota; B. S. versitv of South Dakota. Major: Chemistry. Thesis: '58, Wisconsin State College. Major: Educatiop. Study of Polymer Solvent Interactions in the Sys, Minor: History. Thesis: Attitudinal Determinants tern Poly (ethylacrylate)IChloro!orm by NMR. Ma­ of Communi tv Conflict in School Curriculum Deci­ jor Adviser: Prof. Wilmer Miller. sions. Major 'Adviser: Prof. James Mackey. Martin Van Hershberger, Lemon Terry Lee Gilbertson-Ferriss, Grove, Calif. Hastings B.S. '69, M.S. '71, San Diego State College. Major: B.S. with high distinction '75, Colorado State Chemistry. Thesis: The Photophysics of Indoles University; M. S. '77, University of .'vlinnesota. and Biological Applications. Major Adviser: Prof. Major: Horticulture. Thesis: Freesia hybrida Corn Rufus Lumry. Development and Flowering in Relation to Tem­ perature and Growth Regulator Substances. Major Bryan Ralph Higgins, Savanna, Ill. Adviser: Prof. Harold Wilkins. B.S. cum laude '70, ~t.A. '76, University o! Minne­ sota. Major: Geography. Thesis: Visions of People: A Look at Imagination, Philosophies of the Land, and the Well-Being of People. Major Adviser: Prof. Fred Lukermann.

48 June Frederick William Hotzman, James Lee Jorgensen, Minneapolis Reading, Pa. B.A. '61, Carleton College; M.A. '70, University of B.A. magna cum laude '75, West Chester State Minnesota. Major: Theatre Arts. Thesis: Metasta­ College; M.S. '77, University of Delaware. Major: sio: Revaluation and Reformulation. Major Ad­ Agronomy. Minor: Plant Physiology. Thesis: viser: Prof. Charles Nolte. Effects of Plant Water Stress on the Response of Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), Wild Mustard Abdemannan Z. Kapadia, Bombay, (Brassica kaber) and Common Lambsquarters India (Chenopodium album) to Foliar Applications of 2, B.Tech. '73, Indian Institute of Technology; 4-D and Dicamba. Major Adviser: Prof. Ricbard M.S.I.E. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Behrens. Mechanical Engineering. Thesis: Data Reduction Techniques for Aerosol Size Distribution Measur­ Cynthia Ilana Howarth, , ing Instruments. Major Adviser: Prof. Benjamin Wash, Liu. B.S. '71, M.S. '74, University of Washington. Major: Environmental Health. Thesis: Factors Kathy Jean Karlson, Seabrook, Md, Which Discriminate Between Technically Accept­ A. B. '69, Grinnell College; M.A. '74, University of able and Technically Unacceptable Research Pro­ Minnesota. Major: American Studies. Thesis: Ja­ posals. Major Advisers: Prok Charles McJilton maicas of Remembrance: Emily Dickinson and the and Conrad Straub. Female Experience in America. Major Adviser: Prof. Mulford Sibley. Robert Alexander Hummel, Adelphi, Md. Hyder Mohammad Khan, B.A. with honors '75, University of Chicago. Major: Hyderabad, India Mathematics. Thesis: Variational Inequalities for B.S.Ag. '69, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Univer­ the Hodograph Method in Fluid Mechanics. Major sity; M.S. '74, University of Illinois, Chicago Cir­ Adviser: Prof. David Kinderlehrer. cle. Major: Entomology. Minor: Biochemistry. Thesis: Avian Eggshell Thinning, DDT, DDE and Hersch Izek, Minneapolis the Role of Mitochondria. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '72, M.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Ma­ Laurence Cutkomp. jor: History. Thesis: Roosevelt and the Polish Question, 1941-1945. Major Adviser: Prof. David Suk Ki Kim, Tosung, Kangwon, Kieft. Korea B.E. '73, M.E. '75, Korea Universitv; M.S.E.E. Diane Arlene Johnson, Robbinsdale '79, University of Minnesota. Major: Electrical B.A. '65, B.S. '68, M.A. '72, Universitv of Minne­ Engineering. Minor: Mathematics. Thesis: Noise sota. Major: Educational Psychology. ~1inor: Psy­ in Silicon FET's and Amorphous Silicon Resistors. chology. Thesis: An Alternative Approach to the Major Adviser: Prof. Aldert van der Zie!. Training of Psychotherapists: An Evaluation. Major Adviser: Prof. Lorraine Hansen. Brian Wiley Klepinger, Littleton, Colo. Frederick Ian Johnson, , B.A. '60, Cornell College; ~I.A. '62, University of Tex, Chicago. Major: Social Work. Thesis: The Leader­ B.A. cum laude and with distinction '72, M.S. '75, ship Behavior of Executives of Social Service Orga­ University of Pennsylvania. ~ajor: Economics. nizations as Related to Managerial EfI"ctiveness Thesis: An Analysis of Brazil's Sugar Program, and Employee Satisfaction. Major Adviser: Prof. 1953-1975. Major Adviser: Prof. Anne Krueger. George Hoshino. Lois Elizabeth Bishop Johnson, Victoria Pawlik Knutson, Minneapolis Minneapolis B.S. '74, M.S. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: B.Chem. with distinction '75, M.S. '78, University Plant Pathology. Thesis: The Relationship Between of Minnesota. Major: Biochemistrv. ~1inor: Chem­ Fusarium Oxysporum F. SP. Medicaginis and istry. Thesis: Ste~oid Substrate St~reospecificity of Corynebacterium Insidiosum in Alfalfa Roots. Ma­ Purified Rat Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Major jor Adviser: Prof. Roy Wilcoxson. Adviser: Prof. Frank Ungar. Jennette Cook Jones, Minneapolis Maria Marton Koretz, Syracuse, N.Y. B.A. '49, Wellesley College; M.A. '70, Universitv A.B. '68, Syracuse University; M.S.Ed. '71, State of Minnesota. Major: Anthropology. Thesis: Tal~­ University of New York College. Geneseo; !\I.A. mone, A Maritime Communitv in Tuscan\': A '75. University of Rochester. ~lajor: Biometry and Problem in Societal Fragment~tion. !\1ajor' Ad- Health Inf(Jrmation Systems. Thesis: The Eflects of viser: Prof. Robert Spencer. . Censoring on Parameter Estimation in Survival Analvsis. ~Iajor Advisns: profs. Ann Goldman and Eug;'ne Joh;"on.

49 June Evangelos Konstantinou Kranakis, Johannes Wahani Pieter Mandagi, Athens, Tomohon, Indonesia Diploma '73, National and Capodistrian University I.R. '67, Sam Ratulangi University. Major: Agricul­ of Athens. Major: Mathematics. Thesis: Recursive tural Economics. Thesis: A Simulation Model for I Analo!,:ues of Large Cardinals. Major Adviser: Prof. Indonesia With Economic Projections and Re­ Wayne Richter. gional Distribution of Growth From 1972 to 1985. Major Adviser: Prof. Philip Raup. David John Kruzich, St. Cloud I B.A. '67, st. Cloud State Colle!,:e; M.S.W. '69, Ardin Herman MarSchel, Arizona State University. Major: Social Work. The­ Minneapolis sis: An Examination of Client and Program Related B.Phys. with distinction '69, University of '-finne­ Variables as Predictors of Alcohol Treatment Out­ sota; M.S. '74, Johns Hopkins University. Major: comes. Major Adviser: Prof. Hamilton McCubbin. Biochemistrv. Minor: Chemistrv. Thesis: Studies on the Natu;e of the Active Sites in Escherichia coli Carol Elizabeth Fyrand Lacey, St. Elongation Factors Tu and Ts. ""ajor Adviser: Prof. Paul James Bodley. B.A. '66, Concordia College; M.A. '69, University of Minnesota. Major: American Studies. Thesis: Thomas Joseph McCoy, Janesville, Justice for Children: Visions and Realities in Twen­ Wis. tieth-Century America. Major Adviser: Prof. Mul­ B.S. '73, M.S. '76, University of Wisconsin. Major: ford Sibley. Plant Breeding. Thesis: Cytogenetic Stability of Tissue Cultures and Regenerated Plants of Oats Gary Richard Langer, Falcon (Avena Sativa L.l and Corn (Zea Mays L.l. Major Heights Advisers: Profs. Howard Rines and Ronald Phillips. B.A. '68, St. Johns University; M.A. '72, Univer­ sity of Minnesota. Major: Psychology. Thesis: Rela­ James Arthur McDonell, Wausau, tion of Test-Taking Strategy and Selected Factors Wis. to Outcome on Objective Tests. Major Adviser: B.S. '75, University of Wisconsin. Major: Chemis­ Prof. Rene Dawis. try. Thesis: Biosynthesis of Pyrrolidine Alkaloids Employing Carbon-13-Nitrogen-15 Labels; Stud­ Denis Joseph Lichter, Kenosha, ies on an Unusual Example of Magnetic Nonequi­

). Wis. valence. Major Adviser: Prof. Edward Leete. B.A. '74, M.S. '76, '-Iarquette University. Major: Psychology. Thesis: The Prediction ofJob Satisfac­ Denise Marie McGuire, Minneapolis tion as an Outcome of Career Counseling. ~1ajor B.A. '75, College of St. Catherine. Major: Bio­ Adviser: Prof. Rene Dawis. chemistry. Minor: Nutrition. Thesis: The Effect of Growth' Hormone and Thyroxine on Arginine­ Meryl E. Lipton, Chippewa Falls, Glycine Amidinotransferase in Kidneys of Hypo­ Wis. physectomized Rats. Major Adviser: Prof. John B.A. '68, Queens College; M.S. '69, Yeshiva Uni­ Van Pilsum. versity. Major: Educational Psychology. Thesis: The Differential Dose Effects of Methylphenidate David James McLean, Roseville on Hyperactive Children and Their Mothers. Ma­ B.S.Phar. '74, Ohio State Universitv: M.S. '77, jor Adviser: Prof. Frank Wood. University of Minnesota. Major: Sociai and Admin­ istrative Pharmacy. Minor: Pnblic Health. Thesis: Robert Bruce Litterman, Cost of Treatment Patterns Within a Multispecial­ tv Group Practice. Major Adviser: Prof. Albert ~inneapolis Wertheimer. B.A. '73, Stanford University. Major: Economics. Thesis: Techniques of Forecasting Using Vector Autoregressions. Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Haile Mehansho B. S. with distinction '69, Haile Selassie University; Sargent. M.S. '72, University of Arizona. Major: Biochemis­ Margaret Elizabeth Litzow, Maple try. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: Transport and Me­ tabolism of Vitamin Br; in the Small Intestine, Liver Grove and Erythrocytes of the Rat. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '70, Lake Forest College; M.A. '74, Univer­ Lavell Henderson. sity of Minnesota. Major: Horticulture. Minor: Plant Breeding. Thesis: Genetic Breakdown of Philip Mark Meneely, Incompatibility in Raphanus sativus. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Peter Ascher. Punxsutawney, Pa. B.S. summa cum laude '71, Geneva College. Ma­ jor: Genetics. Thesis: Lethals, Steriles, and Defi­ ciencies in a Region of the X Chromosome of Caenorhabditis elegans. Major Adviser: Prof. Rob­ ert Herman.

June 50 Bonnie Schoenfelder Mikkelson Timothy Edward O'Connor, St. Paul B.S. '69, Bethel College; M.S.Ed. '71, B.S. cum B.A. cum laude '73, M.A. '75, Creighton Univer­ laude '73, Bemidji State College. Major: Educa­ sity. Major: History. Minor: Slavic and East Euro­ tional Psychology. Thesis: The Construing of pean Languages. Thesis: The Politics of Soviet Friendship and Its Relationship to the Develop­ Culture: A. V. Lunacharskii-Revolutionary Ro­ ment of the Ego. Major Adviser: Prof. Norman manticism and the Soviet Intelligentsia. Major Sprinthall. Adviser: Prof. Theofanis Stavrou. Beverly Ann Mills-Novoa, Richard David Olson, Minneapolis Minneapolis B.A. '67, Bethel College; M.A. '69, Ball State A.B. '76, Earlham College; M.A. '78, University of University. Major: Educational Psychology. The­ Minnesota. Major: Educational Psychology. The­ sis: An Investigation of the Behavior of Selected sis: A Study of Selected Variables Afiecting the Variance Ratio Statistics Under Randomization for Career Progression of Women in Higher Education the Case of Disproportionate Subclass Numbers. Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Lorraine Major Adviser: Prof. Raymond Collier. Hansen. Curtis Alan Parvin, Prudenville, David Lynn Morris, Rosemount Mich, A.B. '70, Indiana University. Major: Child Psy­ B.S. with high honor '74, Michigan State Univer­ chology. Minor: Psychology. Thesis: Infant Attach­ sity; M.S. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: ment and Problem-Solving in tbe Toddler: Biometry and Health Information Svstems. Thesis: Relations to Mother's Family History. Major Ad­ Evaluation of Analysis Techniques in Evoked Re­ viser: Prof. Alan Sroufe. sponse Research. Major Adviser: Prof. Eugene Johnson. Charles Clinton Mosher, Minneapolis Sharon Kay Patten, Waseca B.S. with distinction '78, M.S. '79, University of B.A. cum laude '66, St. Olaf College; M.S.W. '68, Minnesota. Major: Geophysics. Thesis: Signal M.A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Social Processing Techniques Applied to a Small Circular Work. Minor: Public Affairs. Thesis: An Analysis of Seismic Array. Major Adviser: Prof. Harold Public Income Transfers Received bv Older Home Mooney. Care and Nursing Home Clients' Utilizing the Concepts of Horizontal Equity and Functional Elsa Jean Brochmann Nlurray, Las Capacity. Major Adviser: Prof. George Hoshino. Vegas, Nev. B.A. '74, University of . Major: Biochemis­ Mitchell Bruce Pearlstein, try. Thesis: The Effects of Zinc Deficiency on Bone Minneapolis Metabolism in the Rat. Major Adviser: Prof. Leon B.A. '71, State University of New York, Bingham­ Singer. ton; M.A. '79, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Educational Administration. Thesis: Selected Patricia Ann Ness, Nlinneapolis Jewish Responses to Afilrmative Action Admis­ B.S.N. '66, Marquette University; M.S. '72, Uni­ sions: Toward a Conceptual Understanding. Major versity of Minnesota. Major: Education. Minor: Adviser: Prof. Samuel Popper. Nursing. Thesis: Effects of Two Methods of Teach­ ingCommunication and Interview Process Skills to Robert Louis Peiffer, Jr., Chapel Inservice Teachers. Major Advisers: Profs. Gordon Hill, N.C. Mork and Norman Sprinthall. B.S. '69, D.V.M. '71, University of Minnesota. Major: Veterinary Medicine. Thesis: Physiologic Kermit Lyol Netteburg, Berrien and Anatomic Aspects of Aqueous Humor Outflow Springs, Mich. in Beagles With Inherited Glaucoma. Major Ad­ B.A. '67, Union College; M.A. '70, University of viser: Prof. George Mather. Colorado. Major: Mass Communication. Thesis: Cameras in the Courtroom: Is a Picture Worth a David Stephen Pellegrini, Beth Thousand Words? Major Adviser: Prof. Donald Ayres, Pa. Gillmor. B.A. cum laude '74, Tuns University. Major: Psy­ chology. Thesis: The Social-Cognitive Qualities of Richard Anthony Nigro, Stress-Resistant Children. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Philadelphia, Pa. Norman Garmezy. B.A. '70, St. John Fisher College; '.1.A. '72, Du­ quesne University. Major: American Studies. The­ sis: The Limits of Vision: I. F. Stone, Reluctant Progressive. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Mulford Sibley.

51 June Reece Loren Peterson, Lincoln, Rusdu Saracoglu, Ankara, Turkey Neb. B.S. '71, Middle East Technical University. Major: Economics. Thesis: Two Essays on Interest Rates B.A. '70. University of Chicago; M.A.T. '71, Brown and Inflation. Major Adviser: Thomas Sargent. University. Major: Educational Psychology. The­ P~of. sis: An Exploratory Study of Teacher Training for Mainstreaming. Major Adviser: Prof. Maynard Ellen Schiferl, Beltsville, Md. A.B. '71, Grinnell College; M.A. '74, University of Reynolds. Minnesota. Major: Art History. Thesis: The Ro­ Grace Irene Ramseyer, St. Louis manesque Painted Altar Frontals of : A New Methodology for Dating. Major Adviser: Prof. Ali­ Park son Stones. B.S. '54, Marquette University; B.S. '64, '.1.A. '66, University of Minnesota. Major: Education. The­ Paul Charles Schubert, Duluth sis: Perceived Roles of Paraprofessionals in Special B. Phys. with distinction '69, University of Minne­ Education Settings. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert sota. '.1ajor: Physics. Minor: Astrophysics. Thesis: Keller. Superfluid Densities and Critical Velocities in Small Channels for Pure 4HE and Mixtures of'HE Patrick Thomas Redig, Alexandria and 4HE. Major Adviser: Prof. William Zimmer­ B.A. '70. St. Cloud State College; D.V.M. '74, man, Jr. University of Minnesota. Major: Veterinary Physi­ ology and Pharmacology. Thesis: The Differential Elinor Nelson Schussheim, Diagnosis and Treatment of Aspergillosis in Birds. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Duke. Brooklyn, N.Y. B.A. magna cum laude '74, Marshall University; Louis Edward Riesenberg M.A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Educa· tional Administration. Thesis: Organizational and B.S. '71, Iowa State University; M.A. '76, Univer­ sitv of Minnesota. Major: Education. Thesis: An Process Characteristics Determining Collective Bargaiuing Outcomes in Public Education: A Com·. Investigation of the Agricultural Education Back­ parative Case Analysis. Major Adviser: Prof. Tim ground for Accident Involved and Non-Involved Farm Tractor and Machinery Operators in Minne­ Mazzoni. sota. Major Advisers: Profs. W. F. Bear and Gary Philip Jay Snyder, Superior, Wis. Leske. B.A. cum laude '73, Wisconsin State University. Ingrid Maria Ritchie, Tishomingo, Eau Claire; M.A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: English. Thesis: Stories and Storytellers in Okla. Dickens. Major Adviser: Prof. William Madden. B.S. summa cum laude '71, Southwestern State College; M.S. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Annalee Fay Sower, St. Paul Environmental Health. Thesis: A Regional Ap­ B.S. with distinction '75, M.S. '78, University of proach to Analyzing the Atmospheric Impacts of '.1innesota. Major: Animal Science. Thesis: Isoleu· Copper-Nickel Smelting in Northeastern Minne­ cine Requirement of the Weaned Pig as Related to sota. Major Adviser: Prof. Harold Paulus. the Level and Source of Dietary Crude Pro­ tein Equivalents. Major Adviser:' Prof. Steven Charlotte Pence Rogers, Cornelius. Minneapolis B.S.Ed. with honors '62, M.S.Ed. '70, Western Jane Eileen Stoller, Metuchen, N.J. Illinois University. ~1ajor: Educational Psychol­ B.A. with honor '71, Northeastern University. ogy. Thesis: An Examination of the Relationship Major: Educational Psychology. Thesis: The Effec­ Between Ego Development and Self-Esteem. Ma­ tiveness of the Educational Program Audit: A jor Adviser: Prof. Norman Sprinthall. Meta-Evaluation Technique. Major Adviser: Prof. Wayne Welch. Theresa Marie Rothweiler, Cottage Grove Krich Suebsonthi, Bangkok, B.S. '51, Loretto Heights College; M.S. '72, Uni­ Thailand versity of Minnesota. Major: Education. Minor: B.A. '69, M.PaLSc. '73, Chulalongkorn Univer­ Nursing. Thesis: Formulation and Validation of the sity. Major: Speech-Communication. Thesis: The Foundational Organization Nursing Test (FONT). Influences of Buddhism and Islam on Family Plan· Major Adviser: Prof. Howard Williams. ning in Thailand: Communication Implication. Ma­ jor Adviser: Prof. William Howell. Jessie Lou Rousselow, Upland, Ind. B.A. summa cum laude '62, Northwestern College; M.A. '65, University of Minnesota. Major: Speech­ Communication. Thesis: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Movement Towards an Alternative The~tre in the , 1947-1969. Major Adviser: Prof. J. V. Jensen.

June 52 r Jocelyn Reyman Tager, Champaign, Christopher Guyon Willard, St. I Ill. Paul , A.B. '68. Case Western Reserve Universitv; M.E. B.A. '74, University of Rhode Island; M.S. '76. '72, University. ~ajor: Educatio~al Psy­ University of Minnesota. Major: Biometry and chology. Thesis: An Investigation of the Relation­ Health Information Systems. Thesis: A Systems ship Between Jane Loevinger's Levels of Ego Framework for ~anagement of Clinical Research Development and Family Interaction. Major Ad­ Data. Major Adviser: Prof. Lael Gatewood. viser; Prof. Thomas Hummel. Joyce Marie Bredahl Wong, Donavon Hal Taylor, Springville, Minneapolis Utah B.A. with honor '65, M.A. '67, Michigan State B.S. magna cum laude '75, Univer­ University. Major: Educational Psychology. The­ sity; M.S. '78, University of~innesota. Major: Soil sis: A Staff Development Model for Adult Women: Science. Thesis: Utility of Laboratory-Packed Three Sequential Interventions and Follow-Up Samples for Assessment of Sand-Soil-Peat Mixtures Data. '.>!ajor Adviser: Prof. V. L. Erickson. for Sports Turf Areas. Major Adviser: Prof. George Blake. Joseph Mackie Wunderle, Jr., Minneapolis Arthur Albert Tienken, St. Paul B.S. with distinction '71, Universitv of Maine; B.A. '74, Universitv of London; M.A. '71, Univer­ M.S. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Ecol­ sity of '.>!innesota. \1ajor: Spanish. Thesis: Benja­ ogy. Thesis: Breeding Ecology of tbe Bananaquit min Subercaseaux and the Quest for Chile. '.>!ajor (Coereba Fla~eola) on Grenada. Major Adviser: Adviser: Prof. Hernan Vidal. Prof. Kendall Corbin. Donald Ralph Timmons, Ames, Kwon Sang Yoon, Seoul, Korea Iowa B.S. '63, M.S. '68, Seoul National University. B.S. '53, M.S. '57, University of Wisconsin. Major: Major: Botany. Thesis: Ultrastructural Studies on Soil Science. Thesis: Effect of Fertilization Method the Basidium and Basidiospore Formation of Bole­ and Supplemental Irrigation on Nitrogen Utiliza­ tus Rubinellis. Major Adviser: Prof. David tion and Leaching Losses. Major Adviser: Prof. McLaughlin. William Larson. James Maxwell Young, Minneapolis Cathleen Marie Urbain, Elmwood B.A. magna cum laude '73, 1\1 .A. '76, University of Park, Ill. '.>!innesota. Major: Education. Thesis: How Bright B.A. magna cum laude '69, University of Minne­ the Vision: Social and Educational Structures in sota. Major: Psychology. Thesis: Differing Effects Modern Utopian Literature. Major Adviser: Prof. ofIntermittent Food Deliverv on Schedule Related Arthur Harkins. Behavior in Guinea Pigs and Rats. Major Adviser; Prof. Travis Thompson. Darlene Erna Weingand B.A. with highest honors '72, Elmhurst College; M.A. '73, Rosary College. '.>!ajor: Education. Mi­ nor: Library Science. Thesis: A Delphic Perspec­ tive on Lifelong Learning: in Minnesota-Focus on the Public Library as Provider. Major Advisers: Profs. Howard Williams and Arthur Harkins.

Doctor of Philosophy in Otolaryngology Timothy Tae Kun Jung, Seoul, Korea B.S.Ag. '66, Seoul National University; M.D. '74, Lorna Linda University. \1ajor: Otolaryngology. Minor: Anatomy. Thesis: Studies on Prostaglandim; in Experimental Otitis Media. Major Adviser: Prof. Sung Juhn.

53 June Doctor of Philosophy in Psychiatry Abbas D. Nahas, Sands Point, N.Y. M.D. '60, Damascus University; '"I.S. '67, New York University. Major: Psychiatry. Thesis: Assess­ ment and Prediction of Readmissions of Child Psychiatric Population to Inpatient Services. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Wirt.

Master of Architecture Richard Frederick Burt, Boston, Eric Louis Odor, Columbus, Ohio Mass. B.A. '74. Denison University. Major: Architecture. A.B. '75, Middlebury College. Major: Architec­ Thesis: United States Embassy in Beijng. Major ture. Thesis: Hazenlleld Center: Housing in Ver­ Adviser: Prof. Valerius Michelson. mont. Major Adviser: Prof. Rogel' Clemence. Nur-ul-amin Rehemtula, Toronto, William David Chilton, Minneapolis Canada B.A. '76, Iowa State University. Major: Architec­ B.E.D. with distinction '74, B.Arch. '75, Univer­ ture. Thesis: Sjelen: An Ecumenical Contem­ sity of Minnesota. Major: Architecture. Major Ad­ plative Community. Major Adviser: Prof. Rogel' viser: Prof. Roger Clemence. Clemence. Dale Tremain, Palo Alto, Calif. Kambiz Dabirian A.B. '76, University of California. Major: Architec­ Fogh Licence '75, National University of Iran. ture. Thesis: Symphony Hall. Major Major: Architecture. Thesis: Village Housing in Adviser: Prof. Gunter Dittmar. Massooleh, Iran. Major Adviser: Prof. Leonard Parker. Michael Erland Walijarvi, Edina B.A. cum laude '74, University of Minnesota. Hong-Chul Kim Major: Architecture. Thesis: Pre-Fabricated Me­ B.E. '71, Hanyang University. 'vlajor: Architec­ dium Density Housing. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger ture. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Clemence. Clemence. Ellen Ann Luken, West Bcnd, Wis. Lawrence E. Wilz, Willowbrook, B.F.A. '71, St. Mary's College. Major: Architec­ Ill. ture. Thesis: The Fargo-Moorhead Cultural and B.S. '77, Universitv of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Heritage Center. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. John '"Iajor: Architecture" Thesis: YMCA and JA Center Rauma. f"r the West Suburban Area of Minneapolis. Major Adviser: Prof. Leonard Parker.

Master of Arts Jean Ann Aaro Cihan Bilginsoy, Ankara, Turkey B.A. cum laude '76, St. Olaf College. Major: B.S. '76, Middle East Technical University. Major: Industrial Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. Hoyt Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. Craig Swan. Wheeler. Jane Elizabeth Borland, Moorhead Lynne B. Ackerbcrg, \1inneapolis B.A. cum laude '68, University of North Dakota. A. B. '63. Antioch College. Major: English as a Major: Librarv Science. Major'Adviser: Prof. Joan Second Language. '"Iajor Adviser: Prof. Betty Leigh. Rohinett. \1atthew Cannon Brennan, Jane Louise Altobelli, Minneapolis Minneapolis B.A. '74, UniversityofMinnesota. Major: Industrial A.B. with honors '77, Grinnell College. Major: Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Mahoney. English. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff. Joan Catherine Bachman, Zumbrota John Frederick Brug, New Ulm B.A. with high honor '73, Hamline University. B.A. '67, Northwestern College: B. D. magna cum Major: English as a Second Language. Major Ad­ laude '71, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Major: viser: Prof. Amy Sheldon. Ancient Studies. Thesis: Research on the Pottery of North Syria in the 2nd Mill B.C. Based Primarily on Pottery From Tell Hadidi. Major Adviser: Prof. Ellen Herscher.

June 54 Gary Francis Capistrant, Severna Steven Bruce Dickel, Crookston Park, Md. B.A. '77, Miami University. Major: Speech­ B.A. '71, University of Minnesota. Major: Public Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. George Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. Nancy Anderson. Shapiro. Joanne Carol Carlson, Wayzata Richard Lewis Dieterle, Novato, B.A. '52, Carleton College; M.A. '71, College of St. Calif. Thomas. Major: English. Major Adviser: Prof. Rob­ B.A. with distinction '72, Sonoma State College. ert Solotaroff. Major: Philosophy. Major Adviser: Prof. Marcia Eaton. Denise Louise Carolan, Baltimore, Md. Holly Anderson Dolid, St. Paul B.S. '77, University of Wisconsin. Major: English B.A. magna cum laude '73, University of Minne­ as a Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Betty sota. Major: English. Minor: Latin. Major Adviser: Robinett. Prof. Robert Solotaroff. Jerald Scott Carveth, Minneapolis Diane Snow Elwood, Minneapolis B.A. with honor '73, Michigan State University. B.S. '64, University of Minnesota. Major: Public Major: Classical Area Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. John Brandl. Jackson Hershbell. Ann Melrose Engh, Minneapolis Robert Peter Chiovoloni, Groton, B.A. cum laude '71, St. Olaf College. Major: Conn. Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. magna cum laude '75. University of Denver. Dewey Force, Jr. Major: English. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff. Dean Curtiss Erickson, Minneapolis B.A. '71, North Park College. Major: Educational Edith Black Chisholm, Minneapolis Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Tim Mazzoni. B.A. '57, University of Colorado. Major: Educa­ Patricia Louise Fahey, St. Paul tional Psychology. ~1ajor Adviser: Prof. Norman Sprinthall. B.S. '67, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Second­ ary Education. ~ajor Adviser: Pr~f. Eugene Patricia Katherine Cummings, St. Gennaro. Paul Catherine Jane Fisher, Minneapolis B.A. '72, University of Minnesota. Major: Library B.S. with high distinction '73, University ofMinne­ Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Joan Leigh. sota. Major: Home Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. Eugene Larkin. Lois Ann Danielson, St. Paul B.S. with distinction '50, University of Minnesota. Dean W. Fosdick, St. Peter Major: Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: B.A. '66, University of Minnesota. Major: Mass Prof. Virginia Bruininks. Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. George I· Hage. John Olawale Dasuki, Iwo, Oyo State, Nigeria Steven Harold Frantz, New B.Ed. '73, University of Ibadan. Major: Educa­ Brighton tional Administration. Major Adviser: Prof Tim B.A. cum laude '72, Augsburg College. ~1ajor: Mazzoni. Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Lor­ raine Hansen, Susan Dean, Northfield B.A. with high honors '74, University of Northern John Philip Froelich Iowa. Major: Elementary Education. Major Ad­ B.S. '72, St. Cloud State College. Major: Music viser: Prof. Barbara Taylor. Education. Major Advisers: Profs. Peter Roll and Edgar Turrentine. Janis White Dees, Minneapolis B.Mus. '63, Lawrence College. Major: Music. Sally Ann Frutiger, Afton Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Laudon. B.S. '77, University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Major: Psychology.' Major Adviser: Prof. James James DePietro, Nyack, N.Y. Overmier. B.A. '75, University of Oregon. Major: Mass Com­ munication. Major Adviser: Prof. George Hage. Judith Bartholomew Gagnon, St. Paul B.S. '64, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Home Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. Joan~e Eicher.

I I 55 June J Ruth Ann Gessner, Inver Grove Elizabeth Anne Holmes, Salem, Heights Ohio B.A. '50, st. Olaf College; B.S. '70, University of B.A. summa cum laude '78, Kent State University. Minnesota. Major: Education. Major Adviser: Major: French. ~Iajor AdViser: Prof. Joseph Prof. Alton Raygor Waldauer. Abdul Muana Kpana Ghandi, Joseph chang-cheing Hsia, Taipei, Sumbuya, Sierra Leone Taiwan B.A. '78, University of Minnesota. Morris. Major: B.B.A. '72, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences. Public Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. George Warp. Major: Business Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Charles Hopkins. Steven Arthur Gield, Forest Hills, N,Y. Louise Lievense Huebner, A.B. magna cum laude '78, Harvard College. Ma­ Minneapolis jor: Mass Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '44, Cornell College; B.S. '63, University of Arnold Ismach. Minnesota. Major: Elementary Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Johnson. Barbara Ruth Glenn, St. Paul B.A. '55, Bethel College. Major: Art Education. Kathleen Watts Ibrahim, St. Louis Major Adviser: Prof. Michael Day. Park B.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: English Charlene Marie Grant as a Se(:ond Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Betty B.A. '78, University of Minnesota. Major: French. Robinett. Major Adviser: Prof. Maria Brewer. Margaret Mackenzie Ipsen, Barbara Bofenkamp Grebis, , N.Y. Northfield B.A. '78, State University of New York, Albany. B.A. '68, College of St. Benedict. Major: Educa­ Major: French. Minor: Germanic Philology. The, tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Norman sis: Style in Chretien's Yrain. Major Adviser: Prof. Sprinthall. R. F.' Akehurst. Patricia Lynn Gunderson, Rochester Ralph David Jacobson, Malaga, N.J. B.A. summa cum laude, St. Olaf College. Major: B.S. '70, Albright College; M.C.P. '72, M.A. '73, History. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Theo!anis StavTOu. Ohio State University. Major: Industrial Relations. Major Adviser: Pro( Tho~as Mahoney. Susan Hargarten Hamilton, Minneapolis Shawn Cecilia Jarvis, Minneapolis B.S. '73, Mankato State College. Major: Educa­ B.A. cum laude '77, University of Minnesota. tional Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Cary Major: Cerman. Major Advise;: Prof. Gerhard Alkire. Weiss. Howard Louis Hardie E. Diane Johnson, Kiel, Wis, A.B. '75, University of California, Berkelev. Ma­ B.A. magna cum laude '78, University of Wiscon' jor: History. Major' Adviser: Prof. Paul M~rphy. sin. Major: Library Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Joan Leigh. Karen Kay Hasse, Eagan B.A. summa cum laude '73, University of Minne­ Janet Kielb Johnson, Minneapolis sota. Major: Home Economics. Major Adviser: B.S. '72, University of Minnesota. Major: Ele­ Prof. Richard He\,. mt'ntary Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Ronald Lambert. Gerald Lee Hegna, Le Sueur B.S. with high distinction '72, lIniversity ofMinne­ Judith Olsen Johnson, Roseville sota. ~Iajor: Educational Administration. Major B.A. '71, Bethel College. Major: Elementary Edu­ Adviser: Prof. Cary Alkire. cation. Major Adviser: Prof. Norine Odland. Janet Reichl Heidinger, Minneapolis Rodney Allen Johnson, Elk River B.S. with distinction '68, Universitv of Minnesota. B.S. '71, B.A. '72, University of Minnesota. Major; Major: Educational Psychology. Thesis: Difl'er­ Educational Administration. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. ences Between Good and Poor Reader Recall of Tim Mazzoni. Difflcult and Easy Passages on Listening and Read­ in)'; Tasks. Major Adviser: Prof. S. J. Samuels. Mary Susan Johnston, Wayzata B.A. cum laude '71, Moorhead State College. Major: English. Minor: Comparative Literature. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Solotaroff·.

June 56 Lloyd Raymond Julson Peggy Diane Loumos, Racine, Wis. B.A. summa cum laude '78, Concordia College. B.S.E. '73, Wisconsin State University. Major: Major: Industrial Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. Business Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Judith Patrick Pinto. Lambrecht.

Moira Anne Keane, Minneapolis Robert B. Lucke, Portala Valley, B.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Speech­ Calif. Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. George Shapiro. B.A. '77, University of California. Major: Public Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. John Brandl. Gregory P. KeIrn, St. Paul B.A. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Indus­ Hazel Ann Lutz, Minneapolis B.A. '71, Universitv of Chicago. Major: Anthropol­ trial Relations. Major Adviser: Prof. Hoyt Wheeler. ogy. Major Advise~: Prof. William Rowe.

Lori Jean Klein, St. Louis Park Leslie Eve Martin, Akron, Ohio A.B. magna cum laude '76, Brandeis University. B.A. '78, University of Minnesota. Major: Library Major: Mass Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Harris McClaskey. Donald Gillmor. Judith Lynn Knutson, Waconia B.S. '69, Mayville State College. Major: Educa­ Jane Kalal Mathisrud, Minneapolis B. S. with distinction '72, University of Minnesota. tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Dewey Force, Jr. Major: Library Science. Major Adviser: Prof. Nancy Rohde. Laura Coffin Koch, Minneapolis Ira Jewel Hill Mayer B.A. '69, American University. Major: Mathemat­ B.A. '52, Millsaps College; B.S. '59, University of ics Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Post. Minnesota. Major: Educational Psychology. Major Patricia Kovel-Jarboe, Minneapolis Adviser: Prof. Virginia Bruininks. B.G.S. '72, University of Michigan: M.S. '74, Simmons College. Major: Speech-Communica­ Melissa L. Meyer, Cincinnati, Ohio tion. Major Adviser: Prof. Ernest Bormann. B.A. magna cum laude '77, University of Cincin­ nati. Major: Historv. Major Adviser: Prof. John Carol Gay Lange, Minneapolis Howe. B.A. '66, College of St. Scholastica. Major: Home Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. Paul Rosenblatt. Ignacio De Miguel-Anasagasti, Madrid, Spain Delary Francis Laqua, Williston, Licenciado (Law), Licenciado (Econ) '78, Universi­ N.D. dad Complutense de Madrid. Major: Economics. B.S. '72, Minot State College. Major: Music Edu­ Major Adviser: Prof. Craig Swan. cation. Major Adviser: Prof. Stephen Schultz. Debra Lunn Millard, Minneapolis James Clayton LiaBraaten, Coon B.A. cum laude '73, Kenvon College. Major: Home Rapids Economics. ~Iajor Advi~er: Prof. Marian Baglev. B.S. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Indus­ Victoria Tiffany Munro, Lake trial Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Stephen Miletich. Woebegone B.A. magna cum laude '77, B.S. '78, Universitv of Michael Thomas Lien, Delano Minnesota. Major: Criminal Justice Studies. Th,,­ sis: A Study of Delinquency Prevention. Major B.S. with distinction '71, University of Minnesota. Ad"iscr: Prof. Linda Heath. Major: Music Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Stephen Schultz. Gail Mercer Newman, Minneapolis Olga Nietta Loffredi, Rio de Janeiro, B.A. with distinction '76, Northwestern Univcr­ sitv. ~vtaior: German. Thesis: ~\ilusic, Kosmos, and Brazil Ni;:hts i,; the Works of Wilhelm Heinrich Wacken­ Bachelor '75, License in History '77, Universidade roder. Major Adviser: Prof. Wolfgang Taraba. Federal do Rio de Janeiro. "'Iajor: Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Maynard Solveig Nelson Nilsen, Minneapolis Reynolds. B.A. '67, St. Olaf College. Major: Librarv Sdence. !'.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Joan Leigh. Constance Adams Logan, Minneapolis B.A. '74, Universitv of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Educa­ tional Psychology: Major Adviser: Prof. Alan Anderson.

57 June Laura Ann Noell, Fargo, N.D. Frances Laurie Robins, Calgary, B.S. with honor '78. North Dakota State Univer· Canada sity. Major: Industrial Relations. "Iajor Adviser: B.S. witb distinction '78, University of Alberta. Prof. Rene Dawis. Major: Communication Disorders. Minor: Child Psychology. Thesis: A Study of Ellicited Speech Joan Marie Patterson, Minneapolis Errors in Normal Speakers. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '74, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: Home Richard McDermott. Economics. Majl;r Adviser: Prof. 'Hamilton McCubbin. Daniel Edward Rohe, St. Paul B.A. cum laude '73, Ohio Statl' University. Major: Mary Alyce Pearson, Urbana, IiI. Psychologv. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Athelstan. A,B, '63, University of Calilornia, Berkeley; A. ,,1. '64, Stanl,)rd University. Major: Public Affairs. "Ia­ Darlene Bertha Lund Ross, jor Adviser: Prof. Tom Dewar. Minnetonka B.S. '63, University of Minnesota. '.Iajor: Indus­ Peter Darwin Pearson, Minneapolis trial Education. l\lajor Adviser: Prof. David Pucel. B.A. '70. St. Mary's College; B,S. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Educational Administration. Virginia Anna Brady Russell, Major Adviser: Prof. Ronald Lambert. Minneapolis Jeffry Ross Penwarden, St. Paul B.S. '56, University of Minnesota. Major: Educa· tional Psychology. Major Adviser: Prof. Wesley B.S. '66, Universitv of Wisconsin; M.A. '73. Uni­ versitv of Minnesota. Major: Educational Psvchol­ Tennyson. ogy. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Warren Shaffer. . Mohammad Taghi Saghafi, Ghazvin, Brian Alvin Peterman, Ylinneapolis Iran B.S. with high honor '75, Wheaton College, Major: Major: Mass Communication. Major Adviser: Prof. Mathematics Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Rob­ Robert Lindsay. ert Jackson. Elizabeth Jill Sandell, St, Paul Julia Therese Philips, State College, B.A. summa cum laude '74, UniVl'rsity of Minne· Pa. sota. Major: Educational Administration. Major B.A. cum laude '76, University of California. Ma­ Adviser: Prof. Garv Alkire. jor: "Iathematics. Major Ad"iser: Prof. Donald Lorilee R. Sandmann, Lake Elmo Kahn, B.S. with distinction '73. University of Minnesota. Dominique Claudine Poiriei, !\Iajor: Education. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. Harlan Copeland. Quimper, Licence '75, Universite de Haute-Bretagne. Major: Sheryl Anne Sarkissian, Minneapolis French, Thesis: Nathalie Sarraute. Major Adviser: B.A. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Educa· Prof. Maria Brewer. tional Psychology. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. William Edson. Shirley Lorraine Poliquin, Minneapolis Katherine Lyn Schafer, Ylinneapolis B.A. cum laude '73, University of ~1innesota. B.S. with distinction '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Englisb. Major Advis':r: Prof. Robert "Iajor: Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: Solotarolf Prof. Dewev Force, Jr. Catherine Helen Pouliot, Prior Lake Dennis Lee Schroeder, Marshall B.A. summa cum laude '79, Universit~' of Wise on­ B.S. '69, South Dakota State University. Major: sin, Eau Claire. Major: Library Science, "Iajor Agricultural Education. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Adviser: Prof. Lowell Olson. Leske. Eric Charles Radtke Michael James Seavey, Portland, B.A. cum laude '72, Universitv of Wisconsin. Ma­ Yle. jor: Public Affairs. Major Adviser: Prof. James B.A. magna cum laude '76, University of ~laine. Jernberg. Major: Public Affairs. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. James Jernberg. Marv Katherine Remole, Minneapolis Ames Sheldon, Minneapolis B.A. '75, Universitv of Minnesota. Major: '.Iass B.A. '70, Bryn Mawr College. Major: American Communication. ~1ajor Adviser: Pf(;r. James Studies. Major Adviser: Prof. "I ulford Sibley. Brown.

June 58 Robert Alexander Simon, Los Margaret Raymonde Thomas, Angeles, Calif. Minneapolis B.A. magna cum laude '78, University of Califor­ B.S. with distinction '78. Universitv of~linnesota. nia, San Diego. ~Iajor: Child Psychology. Thesis: Major: Recreation. Park, and L~isurc Stndies. The Development of Causal Reasoning in the ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Caroline Weiss. Narratives. Major Adviser: Prof. Thomas Trabasso. Ann Marie Thompson, Burnsville Dorothy Pamer Sinha, Minneapolis B.S. with distinction '72, UniversitvofMinnesota. B.A. '76, College of Wooster. Major: Library Sci­ Major: Speech-Communication. ~Iajor Adviser: ence. Major Adviser: Prof. Harris McClaskey. Prof. Leonard Bart. Janice Ann Smith, St. Paul Phyllis Foster Tingstad, Lake Bluff, B.A. '72, Macalester College. Major: English as A IlL Second Language. Major Adviser: Prof. Bettv Robinett. B.S. '.58, University of Wisconsin. Major: Ednca­ tion. Major Adviser: Prof. Harlan Copeland. Ruth Borchardt Stoeckel, Rochester B.S. with honors '77, University of Iowa. Major: Kathleen Ann Triden, Minneapolis B.A. summa cum laude '65, Augsburg College; Communication Disorders. Thesis: Effects of M.A. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Com­ Training on Ratings of Nasality. Major Adviser: Prof. Clark Starr. munication Disorders. Thesis: Rating the Natural­ ness of Stutterers' Speech. Major Adviser: Prof. Roch Taddonio, Denver, Colo. Richard Martin. Classical B.A. cum laude '78, St. Louis Universitv. Joseph Milton Volker, Granada Major: French. Major Adviser: Prof. Arma,;d Renaud. Hills, Calif. B.A. '76, University of California, Irvine. Major: George Kiu-Bun Tan, Hong Kong Educational Psychology. Major Advisers: Profs. B.Soc.Sc. '74, University of Hong Kong. ~Iajor: James Rest and Donald Zandl'r. Educational Administration. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Samuel Popper. Kathryn A. Winkler, Rochester Major: English as a Second Language. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Betty Robinett.

Master of Arts UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Marion Gilbertson Agre, Duluth Kayla Alice- Else, Des Moines, Iowa B.A. '77, Universitv of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: B.M.E. '72, M.M. '74, Drake University. Major: Educational Psych~logy. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. ~Ioy Educational Psychology. Major Adviser: 'Prof. 'Ar­ Gum. mas Tamminen. Barbara Jeanne Anderson, Duluth James Steven Iverson, Hudson, B.A. '75, University of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: Wis. Educational Psyeh~logy. Major Adviser: Prof. ~Ioy Gum. B.A. '68, UniverSity of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: English. Major Adviser: Prof. Joseph Duncan. Paul Dennis Blomdahl, Duluth Rebecca Elaine Nolda, Willow River B.S. '72, Universitv of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: Art. Major Advisl'r: Prof. Lois Brush. Major: Education. M~jor Adviser: Prof. William Gemeinhardt. Timothy Harold Rosenfield, Duluth Richard Gerhardt Draeger, Duluth B.A. magna cum laude '77, University of Minne­ sota, Duluth. Major: History. Major Adviser: Prof. B.A. '77, University of \Iinnesota, Duluth. Major: Ronald Hueh. Educational Psych,;logv. Major Adviser: Prof. May Gum.

Master of Business Administration Mark Whitney Alsup, Minneapolis John Allen Anderson, Richfield B.A. '73, Hamline UniverSity. "Iajor: Business B.A. with high honors '75, Bethel College. Major: Administration. "Iajor Adviser: Prof. Gordon Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Alexander. John Lere.

59 June l - Christopher Guy Bremicker, St. Louise A, Kioski, Minneapolis B.S. '74, University of\Visconsin. ~1ajor: Business Paul Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Donald B.A. '72. University of"linnesota. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. W. B. Harper. Erickson. Jean M, Krusemark, St. Paul Brian Alan Brommel, Arden Hills B.A, '72, Colle!,:e ofSt. Catherine. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. B.S.B.A. ma)!nacum laude '75. Universitv of North Dakota. Major: Business Administration. "1aior Stephen Herbert Kuhlmey, Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Brooklvn Park James Ryan Bryant, Colorado B.S.I.E. '74, Northwestern University. :\Iajor: Springs, Colo. Business Administration. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. B. S. '76, Iowa State Universitv. Major: Business Administration. :\Iajor Adviser:·Prof. Paul Benson. Stanley King Yiu Lam, Hong Kong Elsa Gonzalez, Houston, Tex. B.S.B, '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Busi­ ness Administration, :\Iajor Adviser: Prof, Gordon B.B.A. '73, Stephen F, Austin Stale Universitv. Davis. Major: Business Administration. f\.1ajor Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Ylargaret Mary Lynch, St. Paul Larry Robert Gottschalk, Minneapolis B,A. '76, University of Minnesota. :\Iajnr: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Orville B.A. '62, Hiram Colle)!e, Major: Business Adminis­ tration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Walker, J1'. Nairn Gudulluoglu, Turkey Rebecca M, Ylarek, Minneapolis B.A. cum laude '72, St. Mary's Colle!':e. Major: B. S. magna cum laude '76, Brooklyn College. City Business Administration. \'Iajor Adviser: Prof. University of New York. !\lajor: Business Adminis­ tration. ~ajor Adviser: Pn;r. Gary Dickson. Roger Upson. Sheila Mary Hickey, Minneapolis Robert Gaylord Ylellem, B.S. '77, Purdue Universitv. :\Iajor: Business Minneapolis Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard B.A. '76, St. Olaf College. Major: Business Admin­ Gaumnitz. istration. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Hansen. Thomas Ervin Hitch, Ylinnetonka Raymond Lee Meycr, St. Louis A. B. '76, "liddlebury College. :\Iajor: Business Park Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Grover B.S. '74, University of Wisconsin. Major: Business Cleveland. . Administration, :\Iajor Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Harold David Huber, Rochester Mary Margaret Miller, St. Paul B.S.B.A. '71, University of North Dakota. :\Iajor: B.B.A. '78. University of Wisconsin. :\Iajor: Bo,i­ Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. I1('SS Administration. ~lajor Adviser: Prof. Paul Roger Upson. Jessup. Carolyn Mitz Jacobson, Milwaukee, Gloria Rawlings O'Ylcara, Yledina Wis, B.S. with distinction '76, University of\Visconsin, B.S. '75, University of Wisconsin. Major: Business Kenosha. Major: Business Admini~tratioll. Major Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Arthur HilL Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Frederick David Johnson, James Dean Palmer, Minneapolis B.S. '77, University of~linnesota. \Iaior: Business Minnetonka Administration. \Iajor Adviser: Prof. Roger B. 5, B.A. with general honors '61. Drake Univer­ Schroeder. . sit\', ~laior: Business Administration. ~'l~ior Ad­ vi;er: p~of. Donald Harper. Ravmond Leonard Schuller, Sharon Linnea Johnson, Minneapolis Burnsville B.A. magna cum laude '76, "Ioorhead State Col­ B. S.:\\. with distindion '7.3. University of Minne­ le~e. ~laj()r: Business Adlllinistration. ~lajor Ad­ sota. ~laior: Business Administration.' ~la.ior Ad­ viser: Prof. John Walton. viser: Pr~)f. Roger Upson. Rita Lucille Johnston, \Vayzata B.A. ',57, College of St. Teresa. "Iajor: Business Administration. ~Iajor Ackisl'r: Prof. P. B. Bensoll.

June 60 Kenneth Allan Silver, Golden Valley James Joseph Weisbecker, St. Paul B.A. '69. University of Minnesota. Major: Business B.A. '78, College of St. Thomas. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Schroeder. Robert John Strachota, St. Louis Park John William Westrum, Apple B.A. cum laude '75, College of St. Thomas. Major: Valley Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. B.B.A. '53, University of Minnesota. Major: Busi­ Roger Upson. ness Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Roger Upson. William Evans Tanner, Columbus, Ohio Eugene Winter, Minneapolis B.S. cum laude '78, Ohio State University. Major: Diploma '71, College of Marine Engineering, Len­ Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. R. ingrad. Major: Business Administration. Major Ad­ G. Berryman. viser: Prof. Gordon Alexander. Kenneth Paul Thomsen, Minneapolis B.A. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Orville Walker.

Master of Business Administration UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Ted W, Kruchowski, Cloquet Richard L. Swenson, Grand Rapids B.M.E. with distinction '73, University ofMinne­ B.S. '63, Houghton College; M.S.T. '66, Cornell sota. Major: Business Administration. Major Ad­ University. Major: Business Administration. Major viser: Prof. Anthony Herbst. Adviser: Prof. Theodore Breu.

Master of Business Taxation William M, Jensen, Chippewa Falls, Wis, B.B.A. '70, Wisconsin State College, Eau Claire. Major: Business Taxation. Major Adviser: Prof. Frederick Jacobs.

Master of Civil Engineering Daniel Willard Cook, Oconto, Wis. B.C.E. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Civil Engineering. Project: Analysis and Design of a Stormwater Drainage System. Major Adviser: Prof. Charles Bowers.

Master of Electrical Engineering Todd E. Holt, Roseville B. E. E. with distinction '74. University of Minne­ sota. Major: Electrical Engineering. Project: Mea­ surement of the Electromagnetic Air Gap Torque Produced bv a Synchronous Motor During Asvn­ chronous O'peration. Major Advisl'r: Prof. ~I~h­ moud Riaz.

Master of Fine Arts Mark David Avery, Sheridan, Wyo. Mary Victoria Benson, Milwaukee, B.A. summa cum laude '77, Eastern Washington Wis, State College. Major: ~I usic. Major Adviser: Prof: John Anderson. B. \1. summa cum laude '78, 5t. Norbert College. Major: Music. Major Adviser: Prof. Clifton Ware. 61 June Douglas P. Calisch Rosalind Leibovitz Laskin, Duluth B.F.A. '76, University of Illinois. Major: Studio B.A. cum laude '76, University of Minnesota, Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Wayne Potratz. Duluth. Major: Music. Major Adviser: Prof. Roy Schuessler. Gabrielle H. Cody A.B. '78, Mount Holyoke College. Major: Theatre Thomas Harold MacRae, Minneapolis Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Lee Adey. B.A. '70, University of Minnesota. Major: Studio Arts. Minor: Art History. Major Adviser: Prof. Timothy John Darr, Bloomington Raymond Hendler. B.A. '77, Carleton College. Major: Studio Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Warren MacKenzie. Bruce Andrew Manuel, Maple Lake B.A., B.S. '74, Moorhead State College. Major: Marcia Ellian Gardner, Washington, Theatre Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Wendell Josal. D.C. B.A. cum laude '78, Mankato State University. Todd Byron Murken, Oshkosh, Wis. Major: Theatre Arts.· Major Adviser: Prof. Lee B.F.A. magna cum laude '78. Case Western Re­ Adey. serve University. Major: Theatre Arts. Major Ad· viser: Prof. Barbara Mcintyre. Linda Ann Gehringer, Detroit, Carl Thompson Oltvedt, Minneapolis Mich. B.F.A. '78, University of Minnesota. Major: Studio B.A. '76, Oakland University. Major: Theatre Arts. Arts. Minor: Art History. Major Adviser: Prof. Major Adviser: Prof. Barbara Mcintyre. Thomas Cowette. John Albert Howarth Judith Marie Rose, Baldwin, Wis. B.A. cum laude '73, University of Minnesota. B.M.E. cum laude '71, Wisconsin State Univer· Major: Music. Major Adviser: Prof. Roy Schuessler. sity. Major: Music. Major Adviser: Prof. Eileen Michael Duane Koerner, Cullom, Ill. Davis. B.F.A. cum laude '76, Illinois Wesleyan Univer­ Connor H. Smith IV, Charlotte, N.C. sity. Major: Theatre Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. '76, East Tennessee State University. Major: Robert Moulton. Theatre Arts. Major Adviser: Prof. Elizabeth Nash.

Master of Planning Henrique Flomo Tokpa, Sinyea, Liberia B.S. '76, Cuttington University College. Liberia. Major: Planning. Major Adviser: Prof. Dean Abrahamson.

Master of Science Carolyn Weil Arndt, Hopkins Philip Hamilton Berger, Shaker B.S. '78, University of Wisconsin. Major: Medical Heights, Ohio Microbiology. Major Adviser: Prof. James Prince. B.A. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Plant Pathology. Minor: Microbiology. Thesis: The Re· Durgaprasadrao Atluru, Vijayawada, tention of Infectivity of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus India in Aphids (Implication for Long-Distance Disper· B. V.S. '71, M.S. V.S. '74, Andhra Pradesh Agricul­ sal). Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Zeyen. tural University. Major: Veterinary Medicine. Thesis: In Vitro Studies in Leukemic and Normal Kim Robert Boggio, Point Pleasant, Cattle: B-Lymphocyte Differentiation Using Poke­ N.J. week Mitogen Stimulation. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. with honors '78, Rutgers State University. D. W. Johnson. Major: Forestry. Thesis: Influence of Ammoniacal Copper Arsenite (ACA) and Chromated Copper John Luther Bengtson, La Grange Arsenate (CCA) on the Weatherability of Aspen Park, Ill. Waferboard. Major Adviser: Prof. Roland B.A. '75, Carthage College. Major: Ecology. The­ Gertjejansen. sis: Aspects of the Social and Reproductive Behav­ ior of tbe Crabeater Seal. Major Adviser: Prof. Stephen Charles Bosacker, Hamel Donald Siniff. B.A. cum laude '76, Macalester College. Major. Soil Science. Major Adviser: Prof. George Ham.

June Anne-Marie Brodeur-Duquette, St. Janet Diane Edwards, Minneapolis Paul B.S. magna cum laude '73, St. Olaf College. Major: B.S. magna Cum laude '77, Fitchburg State Col­ Public Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Charlotte lege. Major: Public Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Pflug. Marla White. Eric Samuel Ekman, International Daryl Eugene Brown, St. Paul Falls B.S. with distinction '76, University of Minnesota. B..S. with distinction '74, D.D.S. '76, University of Major: Forestry. Minor: Statistics. Thesis: Influ­ Minnesota. Major: Dentistry. Thesis: Evaluation of ence of Selected Process Variables on the Proper­ a Histochemical Quantitative Technique for Analy­ ties of Paper Birch Wafer-Type Particle Boards. sis of Rabbit Masticatory Musculature-Control Vs. Major Adviser: Prof. Roland Gertjejansen. Increased Vertical Dimension of Occlusion. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Bevis. Jose Edgardo Lopez Campos, Quezon City, Philippines Leon Andrew Ernster, St. Paul B.A. '74, Ateneo de Manila University. Major: B.A. '71, Hamline University; D.D.S. '74, Univer­ Agricultural Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. sity of Minnesota. Major: Dentistry. Thesis: Endo­ Glenn Nelson. dontic Medicaments: Antimicrobial Properties in Vivo. Major Adviser: Prof. James Jensen. Patricia Elida Carlson, St. Louis Park Joan Marie Evans, Minneapqlis B.S. '74, University of South Dakota. Major: Nurs­ B.A. '70, Gustavus Adolphus College. Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Evangeline ing. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Maykoski. Gronseth. Theodore Alan Feitshans, Perry, Ga. Patricia Ann Cellitti, Fridley B.S. '78, Cornell University. Major: Agricultural Economics. Thesis: A Linear Programming Model B.S. '74, University of Illinois, Chicago. Major: of Dairy Cattle Feeding Alternatives. Major Ad­ Public Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Charlotte Pflug. viser: Prof. Vernon Eidman. Barbara Jane Christ, Kutztown, Pa. WaIter Francis Fortier, Jr., Nashua, B.S. '77, Pennsylvania State University. Major: N.H. Plant Pathology. Minor: Genetics. Thesis: Genetic B.A. cum laude '73, University of New Hampshire. Interaction of the Host-Parasite System of Beans Major: Medical Microbiology. Major Adviser: Prof. and Bean Rust. Major Adviser: Prof. James Groth. James Prince. Marilynn List Chuckna, Burnsville Robin Lee Gaustad, Shakopee B.S. '72, College of St. Teresa. Major: Nursing. B.S. '75, Winona State University. Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Isabel Harris. Major Adviser: Prof. Ellen Egan. Michael A. Colson, Minneapolis Paulette Denise Genes, Munhall, Pa. B.Phys. '76, University of Minnesota. Major: Bio­ B.S. '74, Point Park College. Major: Computer and physics. Major Adviser: Prof. Russell Hobbie. Information Sciences. Major Adviser: Prof. wil­ liam Munro. David Owen Cramer, Grand Rapids, Mich. Janet Lea Grant, West Palm Beach, D.D.S. '78, University of Michigan. Major: Den­ Fla. tistry. Thesis: Effects of Orthodontic Appliances on B.S.N. '63, M.Nurs. '69, Emory University. Ma­ the Indigenous Microbial Ecology of the Human jor: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Diane Kjervik. Oral Cavity. Major Adviser: Prof. Frank Worms. Kevin Robert Green, Roseville Gregory Linden Daussin, B. S. with distinction '77, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis Major: Medical Microbiology. Major Adviser: Prof. Grace Ederer. B.S. '75, George Mason University. Major: Ento­ mology. Thesis: Trophic Relationships of a Five Species Assemblage of Carnivorous Stoneflies (Ple­ Frederick Leonard Groya, Norridge, coptera: Perlidae) With a Review of the Taxonomy, III. Biology and Ecology of the Perlidae. Major Ad­ B.S. '77, University of Illinois. Major: Agronomy. viser: Prof. Edwin Cook. Minor: Plant Physiology. Thesis: Factors Affecting the Establishment and Growth of Alfalfa in Ira David Davis, St. Louis Park Permanent Grass Sod. Major Adviser: Prof. Craig B.A. cum laude '77, University of Minnesota. Sheaffer. Major: Genetics. Major Adviser: Prof. Burton Shapiro.

63 June John Arthur Haarstad, Norwood Richard Michael Keller, Rockville B.A. cum laude '68, Carleton College. Major: Centre, N,Y, Ecology. Thesis: Temporal Organization in Drag­ A.B. '76, Cornell University. Major: Computer and onfly Communities. Major Adviser: Prof. Huai­ Information Sciences. 'rlajor Adviser: Prof. Wil­ Chang Chiang. liam Thompson. Larry Herman Hageman, Nancy Arlene Klapes, Lynnfield, Naperville, Ill. Mass, B.S. with honors '78, University of Illinois. Major: Major: Environmental Health. \1inor: Epidemiol­ Agronomy. Thesis: Effect of DPX-4189 on Selected ogy. 'rlajor Adviser: Prof. Donald Vesley. Barley, Oat, Spring and Durum Wheat Cultivars. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Behrens. Patricia Thiele Knack, Minneapolis B,Math. with high distinction '74, University of Anne Margrethe Halvorsen-Cameron, Minnesota. Major: Statistics. \1ajor Adviser: Prof. Stockmarkness, Morris Eaton. Candmag '77, Universitetet I Trondheim. Major: Biology. Thesis: The Uptake and Cellular Location Kathleen Barrett Kolias, st. Paul of Lead in Plants Grown on Lead-Contaminated B.S. with distinction '59, University of Minnesota. Soil. Major Adviser: Prof. William Cunningham. Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Isabel Harris. Demetrios p, Harbatsis, Ioannina, Linda Ray Neal Kreisman, Ashland, Greece Diploma '73, National and Capodistrian U niver­ Ore, sity. Major: Mathematics. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: Food Gebhard Fuhrken. Science. Thesis: The Application of Reaction Kinet­ ics to Prediction of Shelf Life of Dehydrated Foods. Thomas G, Hayes Major Adviser: Prof. Theodore Labuza. B.S. cum laude '75, Fort Lewis College. Major: Chemistry. Thesis: Studies of Highly Reduced Kuniko Kubono, Tokyo, Japan Vanadium Carhonyl Anions. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. '70, Tohoku University. Major: Computer and John Ellis. Informational Sciences. Major Adviser: Prof. WiI· liam Munro. Paul Anthony Iaizzo, White Bear Karen Lilevjen LaBat, Appleton Lake B.S. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: B.S. '78, University of Minnesota, Duluth. Major: Home Economics. ~1ajor Adviser: Prof. 'rlargaret Physiology. Minor: Anatomy. Thesis: The Effects of Fatigue on Physiological Action Tremor of the Grindereng. Ankle. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Pozos. Mary L. Scully Langenfeld, Mark Paul Johnson, Eden Prairie Watertown, S,D, B.A. magna cum laude '76, Concordia College. B.S. '77, Bemidji State College. Major: Public Major: Lahoratory Medicine. Minor: Pathohiol­ Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Charlotte Pflug. ogy. Thesis: Retinohlastoma and Its Association With a Deletion in Chromosome 13: A Survey Elizabeth Ann Elchek LaVelle, Using High Resolution Chromosome Technique;. Apple Valley Major Adviser: Prof. Walid Yasmineh. B. S. with high distinction '74, University of Minne· sota. Major: Nursin!(. Thesis: Effects of Barriers on Pennie Lou Jucht, Freeman, S, D. Conduction of Cold for Use in Emergency Depart· B.S. with high honor '69, South Dakota State ment Treatment of Sprains. Major Adviser: Prof. University. M.S. '71, University of Colorado. Ma­ Mariah Snyder. jor: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Dineen. Gregory James Leeson, Rockford, IlL B.S. '78, University of Illinois. Major: Physics. Daniel Karunakaran, Madras, India \1inor: Electrical Engineering. 'rlajor Adviser: B.\'.S. '77, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. Prof. Marvin Marshak. 'rlajor: Veterinary Microhiology. Thesis: Epidemi­ ological and Experimental Studies on Avian Influ­ Anna Marie Lieske, Chicago, Ill. enza Infection in Turkeys. Major Adviser: Prof. B.S. '75, College of St. Teresa. Major: Nursin~. Richard Shope. Major Adviser: Prof. Elaine Manstleld. Elaine Renee Katz, St. Paul Weslev Elder Lindahl, Chicago, IlL B.A. magna cum laude '75. State University of New B.A. su~ma cum laude '76, North Park Colle~e. I: York, Buffalo. ~Iajnr: \1edical Microbiologv. \Iajor ~1ajor: Mathematics. Major Adviser: Prof. John Adviser: Prof. D;mna Blazevic. ,. Baxter. IJ 64 i'-: June I' i: I' Jennifer A. Lodermeier, Goodhue Jean A, O'Leary, Buffalo Lake B.S. '78, University of San Francisco. Major: Nurs­ B,S.N. with distinction '77, University of Minne­ ing. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Dineen. sota, Major: Public Health. Major Advi;er: Prof. E. C. Pflug. Carlos Marcelo Lomer, La Plata, Argentina James Steven Parks, Hillsdale, Ind. ingeniero Agronomo '74, Nadonal de la Plata. B.S. '76, Purdue University. Major: Plant Breed­ Major: Plant Breeding. Thesis: Selection Criteria ing. Thesis: Visual Selection for Yield Among for Grain Protein, Grain Yield, and Nitrogen Trans­ 5, Lines df Maize. Major Adviser: Prof. Jon location, and Their Relationships in Three Spring Geadelmann. Wheat (Triticum Aesti~um L.) Crosses. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Robert Busch. Robert John Pawlosky, Minneapolis B.S. '76, University of Michigan, Major: Chemis­ Jean E. Magney, Minnetonka try. Thesis: A Synthesis ofl-Aminocyclopropane-l_ B.S. with high distinction '52, University ofMinne­ Carboxylic Acid and Its Oxidation to Ethylene. sota. Major: Anatomy. Thesis: The Effect of a Major Adviser: Prof. Edward Leete. Mammosomatotropic Tumor (METW15) on the Hemopoietic System of the Rat. Major Adviser: Patricia Ann Peschman, Minneapolis Prof. Jonathan Parsons, B,S. '75, University of Wisconsin. Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Ida Martinson. Marilyn A, McCubbin, Minneapolis B.S.N. '60, University of Nebraska. Major: Public Michael Andrew Peterson, San Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Marilee Miller. Carlos, Calif. B.S. with honors '78, University of California, F. Thomas Milton, Grand Rapids Davis. Major: Plant Breeding. Minor: Plant Physi­ B.S, with distinction '76, University of Minnesota. ology. Thesis: Inheritance of Five Ineffective Ni­ Major: Forestry. Major Adviser: Prof, Lewis trogen Fixation Traits in Alfalfa. Major Adviser: Hendricks, Prof. Donald Barnes, Melinda Moeur, St. Paul Sophia Petrou, Lake Charles, La. B.A, with departmental honors '76, Scripps Col­ B.S. '75, McNeese State University, Major: Envi­ lege. Major: Forestry. Major Adviser: Prof. Alan ronmental Health, Major Adviser: Prof. Orlando Ek. Ruschmeyer. Deborah Roxanne Monicken, Minot, David Joseph Pizzuto, Wolcott, Conn. N.D. B. S, magna cum laude '77, University of Connecti­ B.S.Nurs, '71, University of North Dakota, Major: cu!. Major: Medical Microbiology. Major Adviser: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Ellen Egan, Prof. Donna Blazevic. Stephan Peter Nelson, Worthington James Harold Powers, Twin B.A. '72, Macalester College. Major: Agricultural Bridges, Mo. Economics. Major Adviser: Prof. John Waelti. B,S. with honors '77, Montana State University. Major: Mechanics. Major Adviser: Prof. Theodore Jeanne Louise N ivard, Philadelphia, Wilson. Pa. B.S, with distinction '76, Pennsylvania State Uni­ Gregory Charles Pratt, Minneapolis versity. Major: Veterinary Microbiology. Thesis: B.S. magna cum laude '77, University of Minne­ Pathogenesis of Haemophilus Somnus in the sota. Major: Plant Pathology. Minor: Statistics, Chicken Embryo. Major Adviser: Prof. Gilbert Thesis: Interactive Effects of Ozone and Sulfur Ward. Dioxide on Soybeans, Major Adviser: Prof. Sagar Krupa. Virginia Louise Norman, Grand Forks, N,D, Mary Frances Pynn, Eau Claire, Wis, B.A, '69, M,A, '74, Universitv of North Dakota. B.S.N. summa cum laude '74, Wisconsin State Major: Nursing. Thesis: The Client's Self-Percep­ University, Eau Claire. Major: Nursing. Major tion of Level of Wellness and Health Locus of Adviser: Prof. Marilyn Sime. Control Beliefs: An Initial Phase of Nursing Inter­ vention. Major Adviser: Prof. Mariah Snyder. Ruth F, Ramirez, Kinnelon, N,J. B. of Universal Studies '76, North Dakota State Sharon Lee Nygaard, Minnetonka University, Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. B, S, with distinction '77, University of Minnesota. Isabel Harris, Major: Forestry, Major Adviser: Prof. Edwin White.

65 June Joel Kim Ransom, Pocatello, Idaho Pamela Ann Sonstegard, Marshall B.S. cum laude '78, Brigham Young University. B.A. '69, Gustavus Adolphus College. Major: Major: Agronomy. Thesis: Common Water Plan­ Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Ellen Egan. tain Competition in Wild Rice. Major Adviser: Prof. Ervin Oelke. Gail Shumway Spanier, Commack, N,Y. Kathleen Theresa Reist, Buffalo, N.Y. B.S. '77, Cornell University. Major: Genetics. B.S. '71, State University of New York, Buffalo. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Herman. Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Dineen. Jane D, Spencer, Minneapolis B.S. '70, Mankato State College. Major: Public Blake Steven Rowe, Springfield, Ore, Health. Major Adviser: prof. E. C. Pflug. B.S. '78, Oregon State University. Major: For­ estry. Major Adviser: Prof. Paul Ellefson, Paulette Spencer, Kansas City, Mo, B.S. '73, University of Missouri, Columbia: Jack D, Sahl, Claremont, Calif. D.D.S. '78, University of Missouri, Kansas City. B.A. '77, LaVerne College. Major: Environmental Major: Dentistry. Thesis: In Vitro Comparison of a Health. Major Adviser: Prof. Rexford Singer. Hydrophilic and a Hydrophobic Fissure Sealant. Major Adviser: Prof. Louise Messer. Nemattolah Samari-Kermani, Kerman, Iran Susan Helen Strohschein, B.S.E.E. '75, University of Kansas. Major: Com­ Minneapolis puter and Information Sciences. Minor: Electrical B.S. with distinction '68, University of Minnesota. Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Schneider. Major: Public Health. Major Adviser: Prof. E. C. Pflug. Patricia Margaret Samuelson, Minneapolis Sukhum Sujarit, Thailand B.S. with distinction '73, University of Minnesota. D.V.M. '67, Chulalongkorn University. Major: Major: Nursing. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Theriogenology. Major Adviser: Prof. Bradley Dineen. Seguin. Nancy Putnam Sather, Minneapolis Wilaiwan Suphabphant, Rayong, B.A. magna cum laude '65, Beloit College. Major: Thailand Ecology. Thesis: Vegetation of a Portion of the B.S. '71, Chiengmai University. Major: Veterinary Regional Copper-Nickel Study Area, Northeastern Microbiology. Thesis: Pathogenicity and Immunity Minnesota. Major Adviser: Prof. Herbert Wright, Studies of a Gal E Mutant of Salmonella Typhimu· Jr. rium in Chickens. Major Adviser: Prof. Benjamin Pomeroy. Rachid Sayoud, Skikda, Algeria Diplome '73, Institut de Technologie Agricole Ruth Carol Yerby, Bloomington Mostaganem. Major: Plant Pathology. Thesis: B.A. '78, College of St. Scholastica. Major: Nutri· Studies on Net Blotch of Barley Caused by Pyreno­ tion. Major Adviser: Prof. Annette Gormican. phora teres (Died.) Drechs. Major Adviser: Prof. Roy Wilcoxson. Cheryl Kay Vergin, Minneapolis B.S. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: Medical Lynn Sharon Scruby, Winnipeg, Microbiology. Major Adviser: Prof. Grace Ederer. Canada B.N. '68, McGill University. Major: Public Health. James Alex.Wiegand, Hales Major Adviser: Prof. E. C. Pflug. Corners, Wis. B.S. '76, Iowa State University. Major: Food Sci· Scott Gordon Sederstrom, Morris ence. Minor: Statistics. Thesis: EvaluationofImpe­ B. S. with high distinction '77, University ofMinne­ dance Measurement as an Indication of Microbial sota. Major: Plant Pathology. Minor: Agronomy. Load of the Shelf Life of Milk. Major Adviser: Prof. Thesis: Studies on Soybean Seed Quality in Minne­ Sita Tatini. sota. Major Adviser: prof. B. W. Kennedy. Thomas Richard Williams, Richfield Dale L. K. Smeltzer, Stowe, Vt. B.M.E. with distinction '76, University of Minne, B.S. magna cum laude '77, Bates College. Major: sota. Major: Mechanics. Major Adviser: Prof. Plant Pathology. Minor: Forestry. Thesis: Studies Philip Hodge. of the Biology and Epidemiology of Sweetfern Rust (Cronartium comptoniae Arth.). Major Adviser: Prof. David French.

June 66 William James Williams, Brookings, Gerald Joseph Wittenberg, S.D. Vancouver, Canada B.S. '74, South Dakota State University; B.S.Med. D.M. D. '77, University of British Columbia. Ma­ '76, University of South Dakota; M.D. '78, Univer­ jor: Dentistry. Minor: Anatomy. Thesis: The Effect sity of Minnesota. Major: Anatomy. Minor: Bio­ of the LeFort III Osteotomy on Local Blood Flow medical Engineering. Thesis: Human Carpal in Monkeys. Major Adviser: Prof. Maurice Meyer. Ligaments: Anatomical Variation and Bio­ mechanical Properties. Major Adviser: Prof. Mary Kay Zagaria-Sammond, David Hamilton. Minneapolis B.S. '69, College of St. Catherine. Major: Public Mark McCarty Wilson, Minneapolis Health. Major Adviser: Prof. E. C. Pflug. D.D.S. '77, University of Minnesota. Major: Den­ tistry. Thesis: Microbial Flora Associated With Peter Tibor ZoItai, Roseville Phenytoin Induced Gingival Enlargement. Major B.S. '78, University of Minnesota. Major: Food Adviser: Prof. Carl Bandt. Science. Minor: Business Administration. Major Adviser: Prof. Larry McKay. William Virgil Winnie, Newington, Conn. Linda Louise Zurfluh, St. Louis, Mo. B.S. '72, B.S. '77, University of Massachusetts. A.B. '77, Washington University. Major: Botany. Major: Entomology. Minor: Agronomy. Thesis: Thesis: Auxin-Induced Changes in the Patterns of Seasonal History of Macrocentrus grandii Goidan­ Protein Synthesis in Soybean Hypocotyl. Major ich and Eriborus terebrans (Gravenhorst), Two Adviser: Prof. Thomas GUilfoyle. Parasites of the European Corn Borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hbn.). in Minnesota. Major Adviser: Prof. Huai-Chang Chiang.

Master of Science UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Melchizedek A. N. Wabuke-Bunoti, Stephanie R. Wurdinger, Kaukauna, Mbale, Nigeria Wis. B.Ed. '72, Makerere University. Major: Zoology. B.A. '74, University of Wisconsin. Major: Geology. Minor: Chemistry. Thesis: Thyroid Gland Devel­ Minor: Internal. Thesis: The Structural and Petro­ opment in the Pre-Hatching Fathead Minnow. graphic Relationships of Archean Rocks Near Pimephales promelas, Rafinesque. Major Adviser: Morse, East-Central Ashland County, Wisconsin. Prof. Conrad Firling. Major Adviser: Prof. James Grant.

Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering Michael Carl Hirschi, Anoka Stephen Barry Schenk, Sauk Rapids B.Ag.E. with distinction '78, University ofMinne­ B.Ag.E. with distinction '78, University ofMinne­ sota. Major: Agricultural Engineering. Major Ad­ sota. Major: Agricultural Engineering. Thesis: A viser: Prof. Curtis Larson. Study of an Electrostatic Method of Separating Hulled and Unhulled Wild Rice Kernels. Major Adviser: Prof. John Strait.

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Kenton Lee Shultis, Reedsburg, Wis. B.S. '77, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Major: Chemical Engineering. Thesis: Detennin- ation of the Oxygen Permeability of Artificial Mem- branes by Cas to Liquid Transfer Methods. Major Adviser: Prof. Kenneth Keller.

June Master of Science in Civil Engineering Amy Juliann Gray, River Falls, Wis. Mark Dean Selby, Richfield B.C.E. with distinction '78, University of Minne­ B.Ag.E. with distinction '78, University ofMinne­ t.. sota. Major: Civil Engineering. Major Adviser: sota. Major: Civil Engineering. Minor: Business I· Prof. Edward Bowers. Administration. Thesis: Statistical Investigation of ! Empirical Sediment Transport Equations. Major I; Carlos Alberto Jaramillo, Medellin, Adviser: Prof. Charles Song. Colombia Civil Engineer '78, Universidad Nacional de Co­ lomhia. Major: Civil Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Charles Song.

Master of Science in Dentistry MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Jonathan Peter Wiens, Lincoln Park, Mich, B.A. '70, Eastern Michigan University; D.D.S. magna cum laude '73, University of Detroit. Major: Dentistry. Thesis: A Comparison Study of Selected Elastomers Subjected to Accelerated and Outdoor Weathering. Major Adviser: Prof. William Laney.

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering William Gene Bliss, Sioux Falls, S.D. Donald Reginald Singh, Jabalpur, B.S. with highest honor '75, South Dakota State India University. Major: Electrical Engineering. Major B. E. '72, University ofJabalpur. Major: Electrical Adviser: Prof. Larry Kinney. Engineering. Minor: Mathematics. Thesis: Har· monic Generation Along Schottky-Contact Micro­ Wayne Leslie Herivel, Rochester strip-Line in the Microwave Region. Major B.s.E. '70, University of Michigan, Dearborn. Adviser: Prof. Keith Champlin. Major: Electrical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Halverson. Eric Kar-Wing Sit, Hong Kong B.Eng. '78, McMaster University. Major: Elec­ Vijay Sourirajan Iyengar, trical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. K. S. Hyderabad, India Kumar. B.T. '78, Indian Institute of Technology. Major: Electrical Engineering. Thesis: Distributed Micro­ Eric Benton Sorensen, Minneapolis processor Architectures. Major Adviser: Prof. B.s.E.E. cum laude '77, Washington State Univer­ Larry Kinney. sity. Major: Electrical Engineering. Minor: Com­ puter and Information Sciences. Major Adviser: Haksong Park, Seoul, Korea Prof. Narendra Mohan. B.E. '68, M.E.E. '72, HanyangUniversity. Major: Electrical Engineering. Thesis: lIf Noise in Radia­ Jeffrey Mark Wisted, Roseville tion Hardened Silicon on Sapphire MOSFETs. B.S.E.E. with distinction '74, Iowa State Univer­ Major Adviser: Prof. Aldert van der Zie\.. sity. Major: Electrical Engineering. Thesis: De­ sign, Fabrication, and Analysis of an I2L Circuit. Joanne Dwyer Rowen, Rochester Major Adviser: Prof. Raymond Warner. B.S.E.E. '72, University of Wisconsin. Major: Electrical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Rich­ ard Kain.

June 68 Master of Science in Ceo-Engineering Michael James Costello, White Bear Lake B.Geo.E. with distinction '74, University of Min­ nesota. Major: Geo-Engineering. Mina'r: Archi­ tecture. Thesis: Geologic, Hydrologic, and Architectural Aspects of Reclaiming a Sand and Gravel Mine Into Earth Sheltered Housing. Major Adviser: Prof. Donald Yardley.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Sumanta Acharya, Balasore, India Peter Brent Hogerton, St. Paul B. Tech. '78, Indian Institute of Technology. Ma­ B.S.E. '76, Tulane UniverSity. ~lajor: Mechanical Ijor: Mechanical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Engineering. Thesis: An Experimental Study of Suhus Patankar. Mass Transfer by Natural Convection at Moderate Raleigh Numbers in a Horizontally Oriented Elec­ Paul Frederick Emerson, trochemical Cell. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Minneapolis Goldstein. B.M.E. with distinction '76, University of Minne­ sota. Major: Mechanical Engineering. Minor: Richard Paul Merry, White Bear Computer and Information Sciences. Major Ad­ Lake viser: Prof. Perry Blackshear. B.~1.E. '75, UniverSity of Minnesota. Major: Me­ chanical Engineering. Major Adviser: Prof. Wil­ John Scott Harris, LaCrescent liam Kleinhenz. B.M.E. with distinction '72, Universitv ofMinne­ sota. Major: Mechanical Engineering. Thesis: The Transition From Natural-Convection-Controlled Freezing to Conduction-Controlled Freezing. Ma­ jor Advisers: Profs. Ephraim Sparrow and James Ramsey.

Master of Science in Medicine MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Wayne Franklin Middendorf, Randall Stoner Vollertsen, Rochester Boston, N.Y. B.A. with highest distinction '70, M.D. '74, Uni­ B.A. '70, Wabash College; M.D. '74, Indiana Uni­ versity of Iowa. Major: Medicine. Thesis: Interac­ versity. Major: Medicine. Thesis: Receptor Distri­ tion of Platelets With Immune Complexes. Major bution and Innervation of Smooth Muscle in Adviser: Prof. Frederic McDuffie. Baboon Airways: Evidence for a Non-Adrenergic Inhibitory System. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Hyatt.

Master of Science in Otolaryngology Joseph Benjamin Carter, Minneapolis B.S. with distinction '71. Worcester Polvtechnic Institute. Major: Otolaryngology. '.finor: Commu­ nication Disorders. Thesis: '.fasking Effects of Combination Tones in Normal and Hearing Im­ paired Listeners Using a Forward Masking Iso­ trope Technique. Major Adviser: Prof. David Nelson.

69 June Master of Science in Otolaryngology MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Winston McFarlane Campbell, Nassau, Bahamas M.B.B.S. '72, University of the West Indies. Ma­ jor: Otolaryngology. Thesis: The Nasal Cycle in Swine. Major Adviser: Prof. Eugene Kern.

Master of Science in Pathology MAYO GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Philip Alan Tisdall, Calgary, Canada M.D. with distinction '76, Uuiversity of Alberta. Major: Pathology. Thesis: Identification of Clinical Isolates of Mycobacteria With Gas-Liquid Chroma­ tography Alone. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Scott.

Master of Social Work Rachel Rubin Adler, Minneapolis Francine Byrd Chakolis, Minneapolis B.A. witb distinction '65, M.A. '66, Nortbwestern B.S. '78, Augsburg College. Major: Social work University. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Major Adviser: Prof. Philip AuClaire. Prof. Constance Philipp. Sherry Evonne Cheeley, Bronx, N.Y. David Paige Ashling, Minneapolis A. B. '76, Oberlin College. Major: Social Work. B.S. '73, Mankato State College. Major: Social Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Beulah Compton. Connie Clawson, Minneapolis Joanne Laurie Faltz Bailey, St. B.S. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: Social i Francis, Wis. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Annalee Stewart. I B.S. cum laude '76, University of Wisconsin, Mil­ waukee. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Kathleen Connolly-Piumbroeck, Helen Yesner. Minneapolis B.S. magna cum laude '74, Wisconsin State Uni· Leslie A. Bjugan, Minneapolis versity, Oshkosh. Major: Social Work. Major Ad· B.S. '49, Moorhead State Teachers College; M.A. viser: Prof. William Stewart. '71, University of Minnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Anita Pauline Davis, Minneapolis B.A. cum laude '73, Moorhead State College. Edwin Richard Bonnie, Rhinelander, Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: prof. Philip Wis. AuClaire. B.S. with high honors '72, M.A. '73, University of Wisconsin; A.M. '77, Universitv of South Dakota. Haddie Derechin, St. Paul Major: Social Work. Major Ad;iser: Prof. Richard B.A. '52, University of Mauitoba; B.S. '76, Univer· , sity of MinnesOta. Major: Social Work. Major Ad· Sterne. viser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Carolyn Evelyn Brunner, Ylinneapolis Rita Kirsch Dungey, Chaska B.A. '75, University of Minnesota. Major: Social B.A. '73, University of Minnesota. Major: Social Work. ~lajor Adviser: Prof. Annalee Stewart. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Annalee Stewart. Mary L. Castor, St. Paul B.A. '70, College ofSt. Teresa. Major: Social Work. Mary Stevenson Dunnavan, Major Adviser: Prof. Beulab Compton. Minneapolis B.A. '74, University of Minnesota. Major: Social Raquel Ortcncia Cervantes, St. Paul Work. Major Adviser: Prof. George Hoshino. B.A. '74, Macalester College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Beulah Compton. Doris Telfair Ely, Minneapolis B.A. '77, Roosevelt University. Major: Social ( Work. Major Adviser: Prof'. Richard Sterne. June 70 r

I Susan Jennifer Emlet, Falls Church, Nancy B. Larson Lasater, Va. Mi~neapolis A.B. '78, Princeton Universitv. ~Iajor: Social B.A. cum laude '74, Macalester College. Major: Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Esther Wattenberg. Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. George Hoshino. Elizabeth Roberts Flavell, Minneapolis Richard Lee Leir, Rapid City, S.D. B.A. summa cum laude '74, Lawrence Universitv. B.A. '71, Dakota Wesleyan Vniversity. Major: Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Hel~n Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Robert Yesner. McClelland. Eva Foucault, Minneapolis Cindy Ravich Libman, Eagan B.S. '74, Loyola University. ~Iajor: Social Work. B. S. with distinction '77, Vniversitv of Minnesota. Major Adviser: Prof. Ht'len Yesner. '.Iajor: Social Work. Major Advise;: Prof. Annalee Stewart. Thomas Dale Fuller, St. Paul B.A. '78, University of ~Iinnesota. Major: Social Bonnie Lee Liesenfeld, St. Paul Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Annalee Stewart. B.A. magna cum laude '72, Augsburg College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Esther Ellen Louise Gabrielson, Wattenberg. Bloomington B.A. '75, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Social Jean Lindgren, Minneapolis Work. Major Advis~r: Prof. Beulah C,;mpton. B.A. '68, Vniversity of "'Iinnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Douglas B. Gourneau, Belcourt, N.D. Bob James Lorinser, Jr., Willmar B.A. cum laude '78, St. John's University. Major: B.S.S. W. '75, University of North Dakota. ~ajor: Social Work. Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Beulah ~ajor Compton. Pamela Sue Luinenburg, Fridley Cheryl Paulette Hample, St. Paul B.A. '73, Calvin College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. George Hoshino. B.A. '75, University of Minnesota. ~Iajor: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. William Stephen Maxwell, Jan Marie Heberlein, Portage, Wis. Minneapolis B.A. with hOllor '75, Hamline VniVl'rsity. Major: B.A. '72, Lawrence University. Major: Social Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Beulah Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn. Compton. Elisabeth Ann .'v1olstad, .'v1inneapolis Jamie Loyce Hubbard, Minneapolis B.A. '68, Michigan State Vniversitv. Major: Social B.A. '76, University of ~Iinnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. William Stewart. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Mary K. Moriarty, Robbinsdale Miriam Peters Ingebritson, B.S. '77, University of Minnesota. ~ajor: Social Minneapolis Work. '.Iajor Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn. B.A. '70, Valparaiso University. Major: Social Work. Major Advist'r: Prof. Beulah Compton. Donald G. Nikkola, Minneapolis B. S. '71. University of Minnesota. ~ajor: Social Marilyn Tate Johnson, St. Paul Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Philip AuClaire. Major: Social Work. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Beulah Compton. Elizabeth E. Olstad, St. Paul B.A. '69, St. Olaf College. Major: Social Work. Lucy Nora Kanson, St. Paul ~ajor Adviser: Prof. Armalee Stewart. B.A. cum laude '69. State Vniversitv of New York Jean Luise Bonney Perkins, College, New Paltz. Major: Socia" Work. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Beulah Compton. Greenfield B.S.Ed. '64, Kent State University. Major: Social Nancv Kristine Larson, Salem, Ore. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Richard Sterne. B.A. ~agna cum laude '73, North Park Colleg,'. Major: Social Work. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Helen Ganet Bayrd Popper, .'v1inneapolis Yesner. B.A. '77, Vniversity of ~Iinnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn.


... Mary Kay Ratzlaff, Minneapolis Michaeleen Mary Swanson, B.A. cllm laude '74, Augsburg College. Major: I Minneapolis Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn. B.A. '74, College of St. Catherine. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. William Stewart. Michael Robert Robin, Minneapolis B.A. '78, Universitv of Minnesota. ~lajor: Social Marylee Susan Temple, Minneapolis Work. Major Advis~r: Prof. Richard Sierne. B.S. '76, Augsburg College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Dale Kunkel. Ava Mary Rudnicki, Little Falls B.A. '75, st. Cloud State College. Major: Social Isabelle Munoz Torres, Chicago, Ill. Work. Major Adyiser: Prof. William Stewart. B.A. '78, University of :\Iinnesota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Gina Rachel Schuchman, Chicago, Ill. Paul Traugh, Grand Forks, N. D. B. Ph. '74, Grand Valley State College. Major: B.A. cum laude '68, M.A. '69, Ph.D. '72, Univer­ Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Beulah sity of California, Davis. Major: Social Work. Major Compton. Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Claudia Ann Simon, Minnetonka Beth Ann Welton, Bemidji B.A. cum laude '76, Moorhead State Universitv. B.S. summa cum laude '77, Bemidji State College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. :\liria~ Major: Social Work. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Richard Cohn. Sterne. Eileen E. Spellacy-Leir, Minneapolis Alice Cape Winge, Buffalo B.A. '73, College of St. Benedict. Major: Social B.A. '50, University of North Dakota. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Annalee Stewart. Terrence R. Stark, St. Paul Ruth Ellen Wolf, Minneapolis B.A. '67, Hamline Universitv: M.A. '73, Universitv B.A. cum laude '76, Rockford College. Major: of Illinois, Chicago Circle.' Major: Social Work. Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Major Adviser: Prof. Philip AuClaire. Christine R. WoHan, Minneapolis Sandra M. Stein, Minneapolis B.A. '76, Luther College. Major: Social Work. B.S. magna cum laude '78, University of Minne­ Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn. sota. ~Iajor: Social Work. :\lajor Adviser: Prof. Helen Yesner. Ellen Renee Zemel, , Wis. B.A. '78, University of Wisconsin. \lajor: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Miriam Cohn.

Master of Social Work UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, DULUTH Carole Cochran, Aurora Richard Thomas Pingry, Virginia B.A. '78, Moorhead State University. Major: Social B.A. '74. Collq;e of 5t. Thomas. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Gary Askerooth. Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Willard Dodge. Richard L. Deeringer, Monroe, Wis. Christine Torraca, Cape Elizabeth, B.S. '75, University of South Dakota. Major: Social Me. Work. ~Iajor Adviser: Prof. Nancy Hooyman. B.A. summa cum laude '78, University of Maine. Major: Social Work. ~Iajor Advise~: Prof. Irl Phillip Howard Norrgard, Cloquet Carter. B.A .. B.5. '74, Moorhead State College. Major: Social Work. Major Adviser: Prof. Irl Carter.

Specialist Certificate in Education Shabtay Hadjby, Natanya, Israel B.A. '73, University of ~Iinnesota; M.A. '75, Col­ lege of St. Thomas.' Field: Counseling. Major Ad­ viser: Prof. Lorraine Hansen.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Debra Jean Asher, Minneapolis Richard Carlton Lillehei, Jr., Barbara Jo Bald, Bloomington Minneapolis Michael Joseph Fenelon, B.S., Terry Lynn McDonald, Milwaukee, Wis. Minnetonka Gary Michael Fishbeck, St. Paul Karen Yvonne Nagengast, St. David Allen Hedlund, Paynesville Michael Donald Vernon Jensen, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Science Brian David Abramson, Mary Ursula Choromanski, New Meadowlands Hope David Wayne Albrecht Roy Allen Christman, Hallock Lisa Chloie Allison, Duluth Evelyn A. Clark Daniel Frederick Anderson, Matthew Gordon Cole, Mound Brandon Brenda May Collias, Bloomington Robert Wayne Anderson, St. Paul Donna Carol Dahlstrom Compton, Constance Monica Athman, st. Minneapolis Cloud Gregory Philip Corcoran, A.A.S., Charles E. Aug, A.A., Preston Lewiston James Raymond Axt, Brookfield, Loretta Anne Cosgrove, Wis. Minneapolis Adejoke A. Ayanwale, Ibadan, Betsy Lynn Cross, Blacksburg, Va. Nigeria Myron Norbert Czech, Little Falls Abdelaziz Baameur Mary Beth Czupryna, Minneapolis Deborah Modupe Babafemi, Craig Glenn Davidson, A.A., Nigeria Roseau Sherie Sidonia Bartsh, Blake Roger DeCamp, Chokio Bloomington Kenneth P. Dehkes, West St. Suzan Marie Baumann, A.A., Paul A. S., Austin Philip Erich Doren, Littlefork Kimberly J. Beck, Willmar Gregory James Eiden, B.A., Lisa Marie Behnken, A.A., Bloomington Rochester Kathleen Ella Eisentrager, Afton Fred Lloyd Bengtson, St. Cloud Fred Joseph Eller, West st. Paul Kimberly Kay Benson, Roseville Elizabeth Anne Ernst, Richfield Kurt Lorimer Bjorklund, St. Keith Richard Ess, Minneapolis Cloud Kathryn Mary Ferrin, Fullerton, Anne Beth Bonestroo, A.A., Lake Calif. Elmo Richard George Fish, Richfield Elizabeth Griggs Cammack, B.A., Shannon Matthew Fitzgerald, St. Paul, with distinction Dilworth Bret Alan Cardwell, Little Canada David Friedl, Minneapolis Jeffrey Paul Carlen, Brooklyn Park Brenda Lynn Froehling, Duluth Matthew Michael Cashman, Linda Lorraine Giesen, New Owatonna Prague Thomas Lee Chisholm, Elk River

73 June Victoria Lynn Gould, Maple Ivan Chester Lilienthal, A. S., Grove Plato Lester Dave Grafstrom, Jr., A.A., Daniel Joseph Lippert, Blomkest Salol David Jon Little, Springfield William John Grealish, Sheryl Ann Ludwig, A. S., Maplewood Willmar Ronald Clarence Grogg, Plymouth Donald Allen Luedke, New Mark Stephen Guck, Elk River Nancy Jean Gustafson, St. Paul David Lee Maloney, Austin Mark Douglas Haroldson, Windom Vincent Joseph Marier, Chisago Kanda Susan Hazelwood, A.A., City Kasson David Michael Markoe, Jr., William Warren Herberg, Jr., St. Stillwater Peter Suzanne Marie McMonigal, Bruce William Hinrichs, Clara Burnsville Citv Lynne E. Medgaarden, A.A., Randy Hans Hoberg, Young Austin America Kent Daniel Mellen, Wavzata Paul Charles Holthaus, Monticello Gina Renee Miller, St. Paul Jeannette Marie Hupf, Randolph Barbara Ellen Mitchell, St. Paul Cheryl Lynne Illgen, Crystal Phyllis Rae Montgomery, Richfield Philip James Jacobs, Olivia Margaret Helen Muzetras, Peter Charles Jacobson, Moorhead Minneapolis Mark Steven Jensen, Albert Lea Julia M. Nault, Chicago, Ill. David Robert Johnson, Edina Robert J. Neitzke, Wadena David Roger Johnson, Red Wing Neal A. Nelson, Crookston Renee Ellen Johnson, Fridley Carolvn Maxine N iemand, Richard George Johnson, Mo~tevideo Minneapolis Jay O'Donnell, St. Paul Jonathan Whitney Jones, Paul Conrad Oie, White Bear Minneapolis Lake Susan Marie Jorgensen, A.A., Paul John Olberding, Spring Edina Vallev Rita Ann Kalis, Wells Dara Lynn Olson, Willmar Michael James Keenan, Glencoe Thomas Eugene Paschke, Blue Richard Russell Keiser, Earth Whitewater, Wis. Lawrence George Petersen, Clear Calvin Victor Kerr-Anderson, Lake Minneapolis Randv Edwin Peterson, Wadena Edward W. Koehn, B.A., Upsala Carla' Jean Puttkammer, Delano Jodi Lynn Koska, Minnetonka Carvl Ann Radatz, Lewiston Michelle Marie Krenz, Roseville, Richard M. Reinhold, J r., White with distinction Bear Lake Roxanne Marie Krenz, Faribault Thomas Henry Ries, New Ulm i,1 Gregg Allan Kulberg, Hector C. Paul Rivituso, B. S., Thomas John Landwehr, st. Paul Minneapolis Daniel Louis Langseth, A. A., Raequel Lee Roberts, Coon Worthington Rapids Jody Marie Larson, Bemidji John Edmond Roby, St. Paul Susan Colleen Lawrence, Monica Marv Roetzier, A.A., Litchfield Rochester' Steven Robert Lee, B.A., Benson Timothy Kevin Rosinger, Brainerd

June 74

"I'i\ Dale Wayne Rozeboom, Murdock Brian Joel Steffenson, Anoka Donna Marie Rued, A.L.A., David Joseph Stellpflug, Rochester Mendota Heights Deborah Adamek Stenzel, Staples Michael Nils SandageI', Hills John Linc Stine, Roseville Kay Louise Sargent, Minneapolis David Lee Stougaard, Fairmont Carla Jean Schafer, Buffalo Lake Peter Alan Swanson, Stillwater Joseph Patrick Scherber, A.A., Susan Marie Tarasar, Minneapolis Minnetonka Paul Bradley Telander, Mora Michael Allan Schmitt, Somerset, Cynthia Lucille Tennis, Hayward Wis. Catherine Ann Terwilliger, Daniel John Schneider, Victoria Roseville Teresa Evelyn Schoeder, Reeder, Mark Ellsworth Thompson, N.D. Starbuck Debra Jo Schons, Bloomington Cynthia Kay Thury, St. Paul Park Donn Michael Schrader, Richfield Michael David Trojan, St. Paul Julie Ann Schuh, Winona Joseph Edward Van Oss, Edina Michael Leo Schulte, Caledonia Peter Holman Velguth, Hinsdale, Kevin John Shimota, Foley III. Marilyn Gale Sjotvedt, St. Paul Thomas Roger Wachman, St. Paul John Howard Skoglund, B.A.B.A., Leslie Dale Westendorp, Willmar Minneapolis Edwin Lloyd Smith, Bloomington Brenda Anne Williams, Charles Bolton Soule, Wayzata Minneapolis Kenneth John Starcznski, Orono Jerome Douglas Woetzel, Dassel Dawn Marie Stavish, Little Falls Daniel T. Zilverberg, Hopkins Anastasia Mae Steffen, Osseo

Master of Agriculture Richard Duane Frasch, B.S., Merry Jo Louise Parker, B. S., Chanhassen Brooklyn Park Keith Robert Martikainen, B.A., David Carl Ruzek, B.S., Austin Virginia John Edward Schabinger, B.S. Bette Jane Packer, B.A., Cedar Philip M. Schneider, B.A., St. Paul


Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration Joel Matthew Alwine, Burnsville Mitchell Howard Johnson, Scandia Joel James Dahlgren, Slayton Edward W. Koehn, B.A., Upsala Theresa Marie Deblon, Austin Mark Alan Krinke, Bloomington David Edward Decker, Brooklyn Kathryn Ann Kubicek, Lake Center Crvstal Randy Lee Demmer, Hayfield Dua~e John Laffrenzen, A.A., Jeffrey Louis Dosh, B. S. , Reading Roseville Gary Leonard Lager, Caledonia Ashar Hamid, Peshawar, Pakistan Jerry Michael Lehnertz, Duane Alan Hastad, Madison Rollingstone

75 June Barbara Lynn Meyer, Maple Plain Dale Edward Staupe, Preston Roger Allan Norris, St. Paul Kurt John Stoudt, Hastings Benjamin Adams Pomeroy, St. Theodore Andrew Takala, Iron Paul Kathy Lou Westlund, St. Paul Scott Harder Rahn, Bingham Lake Jeffrey C. Wilcox, Rosemount David Mark Richter, Watertown Cletus William Willems, Cologne


Bachelor of Science James R. Ackerman, Lakeville Marianne Elizabeth Beck Goins, Jack Martin Anderson, Roseville, St. Paul magna cum laude Gary Shawn Goldstein, Golden Paul W. Anderson, Minneapolis, Valley, cum laude summa cum laude Sheryl Lu Gregg, Wayzata Elizabeth Ann Angermeyr, Morton Connie Jean Gross, Brooklyn Park Sandra James Aubitz, Bloomington Gordon Samuel Haber, Portland, Bradley Douglas Barfield, Ore. M oOT'head, magna cum laude John Thomas Harty, Rochester Keith Hoyt Berge, Rochester, David William Heesch, summa cum laude Chamberlain, S. D. Vernon William Berglund, Stanford P. Hill, Racine, Wis. Bloomington, summa cum laude Susan Jane Holt, Minneapolis Jefferson Carter Brand, Jr., Park Tom Stuart Housenga, Rapids, summa cum laude Minneapolis Dawn Marie Buzzell, St. Cloud, Cynthia Lynn Jackson, New summa cum laude Hartford, N. Y. Patrick J. Casey, B.A., Owatonna Edward Mark Javinsky, St. Louis Winston Cavert, Minneapolis Park Lap John Chan, Hong Kong Marc Kevin Jenkins, White Bear Daniel Chun-On Chen, Hong Lake Kong, magna cum laude Andrew Raymond Johnson III, Jody Lynne Christensen, St. Buffalo Louis Park Lane Parker Johnson, Steven John Christianson, St. Paul Minneapolis, cum laude Mark Steven Citsay, Albert Lea Steven Thomas Johnson, Patricia Marie Coleman, Fridley Bloomington Nancy Ann Collins, Minneapolis Stuart Phillip Kajander, Cloquet James Arnold Curtis, Princeton James Harold Kappler, St. Paul Daniel Richard Dahl, A. A. , Gregory John Kemmitt, Brooklyn Fridley Park Nejat Kazim Egilmez, Istanbul, Richard Lester Kiesling Turkey Elizabeth Jeanette Knabe, Duluth, Mark Kenneth Erickson, Richfield magna cum laude Robert Victor Erickson, William Nicholas Kremer, Jr., Cambridge, magna cum laude Wheaton Alan Roderick Felix, Little Falls Timothy Walters Krienke, De Hallie Angela Finucane, St. Paul Pere, Wis., summa cum laude I Patricia Ann Flannery, Michele Jean Kuehl, Richfield I Worthington, magna cum laude < 1:, June ! f U Christine Ann Kuepfer, Jane Anne Porterfield, Waukesha, Wis. Minneapolis Todd Robert Langevin, A.A., Sharon K. Potter, Minneapolis Zumbrota Annette Cecile Potts, st. Paul Jeffrey Stephen Larson, Robert Edwin Pruitt, Roseville, Minneapolis summa cum laude Oren Isaac Levin, Minneapolis, Darrell Wayne Randle, Anoka, magna cum laude summa cum laude Stephen Robert Linne Bruce Patrick Rave, Fairmont John Theodore MacDonald, Aitkin Elena Marie Retsinas-Lohmann, Peter Ehrlich MacKay, B.E.S., Minneapolis Bloomington Daniel James Rifkin, St. Paul, Arthur Jeffery Madsen, Jr., summa cum laude Minneapolis Kirk Douglas Robarge, Racine, Ronald Henry Mason, Wis., cum laude Minnetonka, summa cum laude Mark Donald Roening, Crystal Ross Joseph Mazal, B.S.Chem., Brian Joseph Rudie, Minneapolis Minneapolis Alan Reed Samuelson, Timothy Armstrong McAfee, St. Minneapolis Paul, summa cum laude Steven Howard Sanford, James Kenneth McCormack, Minneapolis Minneapolis Daniel Gilbert Scheller, Coon Lisa Anne Miller, St. Paul Rapids Susan Elizabeth Mogck, Edina, Marjorie Ann Schmidt, New Hope magna cum laude Marcia Anne Seidl, Wausau, Wis. Mark Mulhollam, White Bear Steven M. Semlak, St. Paul Lake Daniel Jacob Sherman, Riverdale, Linda Louise Mummah, Brooklvn N.D. Center . Todd Scott Smith, A.A., Crystal Thomas Arthur Nachicas, William David Somers, Richfield, summa cum laude Minneapolis Daniel Scott Nelson, Minneapolis Laurie Jean Sommer, Minneapolis Thomas Dean Nelson, St. Paul Jennifer Joan Sorenson, Kenneth Duane Ness, Detroit Minneapolis Lakes Daniel Edward Stepan, St. Paul Taiwo Olubunkola Okanla, Ibadan, Park, summa cum laude Nigeria Wendy Carol Sternad, Wayzata Mark Warren Olsen, Owatonna Steven Franklin Stoddard, Nancy Lorene Ott, Moorhead, Faribault magna cum laude Laurie Lee Stodola, St. Paul Suzanne Marie Pate, West St. David Eric Stoltenberg, Waseca Paul Bryan L. Strelow, Cottage Grove Randall Kurt Petersen, Rochester, Edward W. Szalapski, Jr., St. magna cum laude Paul, summa cum laude Bonita Jean Peterson, Minneapolis May Lee Tang, Cottonwood Veronica Rae Petty, Minneapolis, Jeffrey L. Tate, Burnsville, magna summa cum laude cum laude Michael Allen Pfenning, Roseville Laszlo Steven Tekler, St. Paul Christina Mary Pieper, Jan Louise Nelson Thurgood, Bloomington, summa cum laude Glenwood John Wayne Plifka, Minneapolis Bridget Mary Tierney

77 June Gregory Alan Trost, St. Paul Susan Kim Wells, Medford, Wis. Kevin Paul Varner, St. Paul Mark Steven Wilke, A.A., Pradeep Venkatasetty, Burnsville Rochester, cum laude Scott Allen Vogelgesang, Kim Marie Winston, A.A., Rosemount Minneapolis Craig Allen Wallace, Owatonna Amy Karen Zander, St. Paul, Lee Richard Walus, Columbia summa cum laude Heights Michael David Weinberg, Yonkers, N.Y.


Bachelor of Science in Business Mark Everett Abell, Minneapolis Alan Edward Bernick, St. Paul, Timothy Briggs Ahern, with high distinction Minneapolis Melissa Ann Berset, Minneapolis Karen Diane Amiot, A.A., St. Ralph Victor Berthene Paul Kathleen Amy Bianco, Silver Bay G. Peter Ammentorp, Jr., Golden Mark John Bjorkman, Minneapolis Valley Gregory Scott Blackwood, Alan Jay Anderson, Albert Lea Minneapolis Bruce T. Anderson, Bloomington Bradley Edward Bohlmann, Edina Christopher Clarke Anderson, Daniel Hugh Bonner, Grand New Brighton Rapids Cindy Jean Anderson, Timothy George Bourdon, Duluth International Falls William James Brand, Jerome Allen Anderson, A. A. , Bloomington Crosby David Wayne Brasch, Coon Michael Eugene Anderson, Rapids Minneapolis Charles Alan Braun, Blaine, with Patrick Joseph Anderson, Marine- distinction on-St. Croix Mary Anne Brecht, Edina Rebecca Jean Anderson, Austin Thomas Jolm Bregmann, Scott Lee Anderson, Minneapolis Bloomington Bradford Alan Arthur, Apple Charles Irwin Broadnax, Valley Milwaukee, Wis. Robert Daryl Auld, Plymouth David Sylvester Broughton, Fereshteh Azad, Tabriz, Iran Bloomington Robert Alan Baker, Minneapolis Carol Rae Brown, B.S., Crvstal Ann Ballard, St. Paul Bloomington D~Von William Bangerter, Jr. Loren Wayne Brown, Lake Elmo Kristin Louise Barry, Minneapolis Sam Earl Bruce, Minot, N.D. Thomas D. Barta, New Prague Lee John Brundell Michael Robert Baxter, Osseo Scott Richard Brunfelt, A. S., Britt Sandra Kay Becker, Olivia Jay Allen Brunkhorst, Eagan Harold Bradlev Benson, Gretchen Marie Buhler, Racine, Bloomingto~ Wis. Maureen A. Benson, Minneapolis Randal Harry Burich, Rochester Michael Allen Bernatz, Rochester Laurella Marie Burk, Plymouth

June 78 Michael Monahan Burns, Eden David Joseph Divine, Mendota Prairie Heights Robert William Campbell, Jr., Greggory W. Dolinsky, Columbia Anamosa, Iowa Heights Diane Marie Carney, Minneapolis Jeffrey Robert Domler, St. Paul Dennis Lynn Carstens, A.A., Arthur John Dordel, Jr., Tomah, Mounds View Wis., with distinction Christine Casper, Bloomington Loren Howard Dorshow, St. Paul Kent Donald Caulfield, Detroit Kathleen Ann Drannen, St. Paul, Lakes with distinction Cheryl Ann Champion, Elaine Sandra Drexler, Los Altos Minneapolis, with high Hills, Calif. distinction Steven Patrick Dunphy, Sandra Kay Hoyoss Chanco, St. Minneapolis, with distinction Paul Timothy John Dwyer, St. Paul Chris Carl Christiansen, Roseville James Ward Eisler, Edina Daniel Gregory Chrysler, Lee Richard Eklund, A.A. Rochester Steven Paul Elvester, St. Paul­ Judith Ann Clare, Willmar Garv Dale Embretson, Golden Amy Marie Clark, A. A. , Valley Bloomington Duane Ray Erickson, Delano Peter Jon Clements, Bayport Eric Erickson, Bloomington Jeffrey Daniel Coatta, Minnetonka Craig Michael Fahey, Coon Thomas Arthur Collison, A.L.A., Rapids St. Louis Park Bradley Peter Farness, A. A., Betty A. Countz, St. Paul Robbinsdale Lisa Erin Crawford, Minneapolis Brian Alan Faust, Waukesha, Wis. Paul Ralph Cullen, Excelsior, with Joel Reed Feder, Minneapolis high distinction Keith Kevin Feickert, St. Paul Lauren Wayne Dahl, St. Paul Ward Larson Feldmann, Eden Bruce John Danielson, Prairie Minneapolis Vivian Helen Fickling, New Mark James Danielson, Hampton, Iowa Minnetonka Leah Beth Fischer, St. Paul Ted Albert Davies, J r., St. Paul Brian Lee Fitterer, Fargo, N.D. Bruce H. Deger, B.S., White Timothv Francis Floeder, St. Paul Bear Lake Jane F;iendly Foreman, Redwood Theresa Marie Deggendorf, Falls Fridley Kenneth Alan Frame, Coon Timothy Mark Delaney, Edina Rapids, with distinction John Arthur DeWolf, Minneapolis Dale G. Fujimoto, A.A., Stephen Michael Dick, Hopkins Minneapolis Julie Ann Diedrick, White Bear Gloria Aurora Gavino, Minneapolis Lake Sandra Michele Gelb, St. Paul Van V. Dierauer, Minneapolis, D. Kenneth George, A.A., with distinction Roseville Mary Jean Diesen, Esko David Jerome Gierok, A.A., St. Stephen Neil Dieter, Minneapolis Paul Michael Dimopoulos, Roseville Peter Marshall Gill, Albert Lea Steven Lawrence Dittel, Timothv M. Goertz, Circle Pines Maplewood Donna 'Lynn Goetz, Richfield

79 June Victoria Marie Granger, Kirsten Diane Jacobson, Edina Bloomington, with distinction Theresa Ann Jacobson, Hallock Debra Ann Gray, Edina Linda Rae Jagnandan, Mankato John Allen Greenberg, Nancy Jean Jansen, Minneapolis Minneapolis Paul Wood Jansen, Bloomington Ruth E. Grigori, A.A., Brooklyn Elaine D. Jensen, Edina Park, with distinction Carrie Ann Johnson, Arden Hills Marka Guider, St. Paul Eric Brian Johnson, Minneapolis Scott Dale Gunner, Minneapolis Gary Deane Johnson, Bloomington Charles Albert Haik, St. Anthony Joann Elizabeth Johnson, st. Paul Wade Douglas Hampe, A.A., Kent William Johnson, st. Paul Bloomington Richard Carl Johnson, Osakis Todd James Hanson, Canby Terry Morris Johnson, Duluth Michael Robert Harlev, Anoka Sheryl Lynn Kamenow, St. Louis Andrew Avery Harlo~, Park Burlington, Wis. Stephen Patrick Karl, Minneapolis John Porter Harmon, Burnsville Michael Joseph Karpen, Blaine Kim Alan Haukos, Glencoe William Edward Karsten, Daniel Jay Hawn, Maplewood Brooklyn Center Monique A. Heggelman, Mound Lennie Mark Kaufman, St. Paul, Bradley James Helmeke, Fargo, with high distinction N.D. Douglas Harold Kellam, Kay Patrice Hendrickson, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Debra Jean Kellermann, Roseville David Matthew Hill, Virginia Joseph Alan Kellogg, St. Paul Mark Allan Hodsdon, Coon Jeffrey George Kick, A.A., Rapids Brooklyn Park Robert J. Holmsten, St. Paul John Theodore Kimmes, Miesville, Mark Douglas Holter, with distinction Bloomington Mark Allen Kinning, Stillwater Christine Maren Honaas, Michael Paul Kircher, ~ew Minnetonka Brighton Charles Matthew Hoolev, Kent Louis Kitzmann, Rochester Stillwater . Thomas Wayne Kjos, Madison Kenneth E. Horstman, Bangor, Charles Duane Klein, Wis. Bloomington Scott Dean Hough, St. Paul Peter Mathew Klein, Eagan J ames Richard Householder, J r. , Mark James Kleinschmidt, Minnetonka Minneapolis, with distinction John Paul Hovelsrud, Brooklyn Margaret Ann Klis, Minneapolis Center Darrel Lee Kloeckner, Bayport Polly Ann Hoye, Mendota Paul Edward Kloster, Minneapolis Heights Terrance James Knarr, Mound Mark John Hudson, A.A., Katharine Deirdre Knight, Rochester Minneapolis Jeffrey Alan Huss, Minot, N. D. Steven Erling Knutsen, Brooklyn Chiang Hwa, Roseville Park Richard Francis Iaquinto, Debra K. Korell, Richfield Columbia Heights Lorrie Ann Kozak, Eau Claire, Mark Allan Iverson, Burnsville Wis. Deen Natalie Jacobson, Golden Steven Von Krantz, Minneapolis Valley Gregory Todd Kraut, North St. Paul June 80 r I Margaret Jean Krusell, St. Paul Kathryn Adele Massmann, Gary Alan Kubes, A.E.S., Glenwood Shakopee Keith A. Mattson, Vadnais John David Kvam, Minneapolis Heights David Joseph Kvasnicka, Mankato Deborah j. Matuska, St. Paul, Jon Joseph LaFleur, Rapid City, with distinction S.D. Duane Carl McCall, Rush Citv Douglas Lee Lambert, Edina Molly Jean McClellan, B.A., . Donald Jay Lamoureux, Dunseith, Minneapolis N.D. William George McDowell, Michael Gerald Landreville, Minneapolis Virginia, with distinction Terence Robert McTigue, Bradley Scott Langfus, Brooklyn Mankato Park Joni Lee Meilahn, Owatonna James Michael Lapinski, Wayzata Christopher Ralph Merz, St. Walter Charles Larsen, Edina Louis Park Judith Marie Larson, Rockford Sharri An Meuwissen, Minneapolis Michael James Lauesen, Morton Mary Margaret Miller, St. Paul Grove, Ill. Nancy Jean Mjolsness, Red Wing Gerald Dean Laver, Liberty Greg Allen Mohwinkel, St. Paul Center, Ohio, with distinction James Henry Moldan, Gibbon Mary Claire Lebens, St. Paul james Wendell Morgan, jr., Chin P. Lee Woodbury, with distinction Diane Marie Lee, South St. Paul James Arthur Mortensen, A.A., Paul Steven Legrid, Anoka Minneapolis David Lee Lengas, St. Cloud Julie Ann Mortensen, A.A., Kathy Pauly Lenzmeier, Eagan Bloomington Edward Andrew Leschke, Willmar Barbara Ruth Neal, Minneapolis Kon Yuen Leung, Hong Kong jack Robert Nelson, Minneapolis, Jeffrey Paul Levine, Minneapolis with high distinction James Douglas Lewis, A. L. A., Sandra Mae Nelson, White Bear Roseville Lake David Alan Lingbeck, jasper, with Huong Thi Nguyen, Brooklyn distinction Park Joyce Denise Loney, st. Paul John Jeffrey Nikolai, Minneapolis William Earl Loots, Lisle, Ill. Brian Richard Nordling, A.S., Judith Mary Luchau, Rochester Virginia, with high distinction Daniel Arthur Lundberg, Avon Emily Jean Nordling, Pequot Terese Marie Lvnch, St. Paul Lakes Bruce D. Mach~cek, Minneapolis Todd Charles Norton, Minnetonka Diane Marie MacMullan, William Carl Nygren, St. Paul, Minneapolis, with distinction with high distinction Gary Allen Magnuson, Marsha Lee Nyman, Lake Elmo Bloomington Philip Coleman Ochs, A. A., Vincent Saint John Manning, Bloomington B. E. S., Minneapolis Duane Olaf Oftelie Brian William Manthev, Faribault Kathy Joan Olson, Hopkins Lawrence Joseph Marko, Brian Jay Opp, Albert Lea Northfield Steven Richard Osman, Janet Lee Martin, St. Paul Minneapolis Patricia Ann Mason, St. Paul, Teresa Marie Pagani, A. A., Edina with high distinction

81 June Jeffrey Jay Pederson, St. Louis Michael Joseph Seiter, Park Minneapolis Ann F. Peterson, Hastings Nancy Elizabeth Seitz, Duluth Barbara Jean Peterson, Detroit Juliet Balian Seropian, St. Paul Lakes Kerry Jon Severson, Red Wing Michael Clair Peterson, Rockford Richard Craig Shamblott, Duluth Larry Wayne Pierce, Bethal, Kan. Joseph James Sias, Edina Steve Joseph Pierce, St. Paul Preetmohinder Singh Sidhu, Thomas Karl Pilz, Minneapolis Minneapolis Gregory Matthew Pizzano, Kenneth Brian Siegman, Boonton, N.J. Milwaukee, Wis. Paul Matthew Plasha, Coon Mark Joseph Simones, Prescott, Rapids Wis. Karen Ann Potretzke, Kathleen Florence Skow, A.A., Bloomington Minneapolis David Alexander Pratt, Edina Richard Henry Smith, Minnetonka Douglas J. Proctor, Wayzata William Patrick Snoke, B.A., St. Kathleen Ann Proulx, North st. Paul Paul Joseph Leo Snyder, A.A., Byron :1 Lori Anne Raduenz, St. Paul Jeffrey Scott Soderholm, Barbara Jean Regel, New Brighton Rosemount Scott David Reitan, Minneapolis Jay Alan Sorensen, Richfield Deborah Lucy Rischall, B. A., St. Mark Edward Southerst, New Paul Brighton, with distinction Richard Patrick Rivers, Mendota Martha Marie Stapel, Edina Heights Barbara Lynn Stapf, Minneapolis Elaine Shriver Robertson, Robert Paul Stecklein, Falcon Richfield Heights Gary William Roettger, Stillwater Mark Thomas Steiner, St. Paul Steven Eric Roller, Roseville Cary Brien Stewart, Stillwater Nancy Jean Rooney, West St. Sharon Lvnn Stillo, White Bear Paul Lake . Thomas J. Rose, Edina John Fred Stockberger, Ray Samuel Rosenbaum, South St. Minneapolis Paul, with distinction William joseph Stodola, A.A., Elk Andrew David Ross, St. Louis River, with high distinction Park Jody Ann Storlie, Blaine Ruth Inez Ruschke, Roseville Joni Lee Summers, Roseville Thomas Charles Russ, Roseville Jon Henry Sweeney, Roseville Victor Cowl Rutstein, Lilvdale Dale Michael Theisen, Roseville Shawn Michael Ryan, Lo~g Lake Keith Kenneth Theisen, Brooklyn MaryAnn Rylicki, St. Paul Center William Gordon Sangster, Fridley Kathryn Jean Thelen, Roseville David Charles Schept, St. Louis Susan Jean Thomsen, Minneapolis Park Michael George Thurmes, North Karen Marie Scheuring, St. Paul, St. Paul, with distinction with distinction Paul Steven Tollefson, Edina Diana Lea Schutter, Anoka Thomas Ray Torgerson, Willmar Barbara Lynn Score, Bloomington Gail Ann Toussaint, Spooner, Michael Thomas Seeman, Fridlev Wis. Kathl,een Mary Seiter, - Kathleen Lucy Trettel, B.S., Minneapolis Bowlus

June 82 Sharon Elizabeth Tupy, Edina, Durwin Russell Ward, Mabel r with high distinction Elizabeth Jane Weddell, Barbara Jean Turner, Coon Rapids Mahtomedi David Charles U toft, Plvmouth Ruth Marie Werness, Hopkins Mary Agnes Vaccari, Hibbing Laura Ann Whitehead, Edina Michael Steven Vaughan, A.A., Denise Elizabeth Wiederkehr, St. Prior Lake Paul Gregory Frank Vedder, Gail Ann Williams Minneapolis Robert Henry Witta, Minneapolis Sheryl Kay Venable, Edina Patricia Ann Wolf, Stillwater Gary Norbert Volbert, St. Louis Sabrina Marie Wong, Burnsville, Park with high distinction Timothy John Vossberg, Michael Andrew Wozniczka, Lauderdale Richfield Mark Robert Vukelich, St. Paul Shirley Wai Yin Yau, Hong Kong Richard Edward Waclawik, Keri Ruth Youngberg, New Hope Bloomington, with high Lawrence D. Zaiger, A.A., White distinction Bear Lake Scott A. Wallace, St. Paul Susan Lynn Zeitler, A.A., Bradley Howard Wallin, Roseville, Rosemount with distinction Gregory Alan Zinn, Mound Gary Michael Wanzong, Minneapolis


Senior Accounting Certificate Thomas P. Arnold, St. Paul Robert D. Eichenlaub, St. Louis Park

Senior Business Administration Certificate Jay Howard Toberman, St. Louis Park


Bachelor of Science Gary Carl Anderson, B.A., Peter N. Cannon, Duluth, with Aurora, with distinction distinction Stephen Douglas Barker, Anoka Robert Eugene Conlin, Jr., B.A., Christine Diane Baylon, St. Paul Minneapolis Norman Vernon Eid, Fertile Scott Marlin Bosacker, B.A., C. Brent Haworth, Duluth Waseca, with distinction Steve Larry Jabs, A.A., Jordan Scott Jeffrey Buhrmann, B.S., Duane Paul Jeske, B.A., Edina Duluth David Allen Katz, B. S., Jane Ann Busch, Cross Plains, Minneapolis Wis., with distinction 83 June Bruce Bowman Kinder, B.S., Gregory David Liska, Minnetonka Racine, Wis. John Robert Miller, Hutchinson, Mary Ann Krempasky, Spokane, with distinction Wash. Kathleen Gail Swanson, with Gregory Gayle Lecy, A.A., Echo, distinction with high distinction Kyle David Tidstrom, Ashland, Kevin Brian Lee, Minot, N.D., Wis., with high distinction with distinction Mark Frederick Yseth, B.A., Matthew Lande Lehman, Pipestone Minnetonka, with high distinction

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Donann Bottolfsen, A.S.D.H., Margaret Maloney Cotter, Superior, Wis., with high G.D.H., Eagan distinction Anne Marie Niccolai, G.D.H., Bonita Marie Cook, G.D.H., Kenosha, Wis. Roseville

Doctor of Dental Surgery Dean Richard Anderson, B. S., Jean Louise Esser, B. S., Fond du Long Prairie Lac, Wis. Garv Carl Anderson, B. A., Aurora Roger Gene Ettel, B.S., Roseville Pat;ick Thomas Ballard, B. S., St. Ronald Wayne Forsberg, B.A., Paul Braham Randy John Berg, Minneapolis Philip William Gervais, Fergus Don Russell Blakeslee, B. S., Falls Roseville Frederick John Haas, B. A. , Scott Marlin Bosacker, B.A., Minneapolis Waseca Roger Allen Haertel, B.S., ; Scott Jeffrey Buhrmann, B.S., Fairmont !: I I, Duluth C. Brent Haworth, Duluth G. Michael Callinan, B.A., St. Robert Gustav Herold, B.E.S., I' Paul St. Cloud James M. Caple, B.A., B.S., Mark Thomas Hetzer, B.S., Bloomington Cedarburg, Wis. Kurt William Carlson, B.E.S., Steven Max Hillberry, B.S., Santa Lindstrom Maria, Calif. Henry Camilo Cisneros, J r., Los Johnson H. Ho, B. S., Hong Kong Angeles, Calif. Steven Robert Jacobsen, B.A., Kevin A. Connor, Hibbing B. S., Minneapolis Edward Dean Deutschmann, Thomas Lee Jaeger, B.A., B.A., B.A., Windom Bloomington Steven Michael Diekman, B. S., Stephen William Jaksa, B.S., Mahnomen White Bear Lake Michael Dowdall, B.A., St. Paul Mark Joseph Johnson, B.A., st. Gary Lee Erickson, Deer River Paul Jay Peter Erickson, A.A., B.A., Thomas John Kvanbeck, B.S., Fergus Falls Minneapolis

June Paul Joseph Leon, Aberdeen, L. Robert Ostlund, B. A., S.D. Minneapolis Philip Jeffrey Lingle, B. S., Gary Alan Palmquist, B.A., Red Princeton Wing F. Robert Luhrs, St. Paul David Richard Perell, B. S., Peter Scott Lund, B.F.A., Hibbing Minneapolis Tony Lee Pilgrim, B.A., Verndale Gary Lee Mattson, B.E.S., Steven M. Pitcher, B.S., B.A., Owatonna St. James Justin Luxmore Mavurudza, B.A., Darla Joy Roelofs, B.S., White Umtali, Zimbabwe Bear Lake Mark John Narum, B.A., St. Paul Richard Allen Sathre, B.A., B. S., David Martin Nelson, B.S., St. Austin Paul Stephen George Snell, B.S., Dennis Lee Nierengarten, B.S., Minneapolis St. Cloud Douglas Paul Sundberg, B.A., Stephen Donald Olson, B.S., Minneapolis Cloquet Douglas Michael Van Thorre, Jo Ann Chandlee Omlie, B.S., B.A., Minneapolis . Minneapolis Curtis Dean Wevrauch, B. Phvs., Minneapolis ' ,

Graduate Dental Hygienist Mary Elizabeth Ammon, Brooklyn Jean Ann Kocina, New Prague Center Marv Rossbach Kramer, Muriel Denise Anderson, St. M'aplewood Cloud Karen D. Larson, A.L.A., Renee Marie Andreucci, Kenosha, Anaheim, Calif. Wis. Lu Ann Lewis, North Branch Barbara Jean Breitbach, Coon Rita Lynn Madsen, A.A., Rapids Kalispell, Mont. Sandra Jean Drier, Arkansaw, Beth Ann Manning, Thermopolis, Wis. Wvo. Jane Carol Egan, La Crosse, Wis. Mary Agnes McDonald, Roseville Rita Kay Grebe, Wausau, Wis. Judy Ann Mikkola, Eveleth Kathryn Anne Green, Minneapolis Sarah Lee Nordstrom, B.A., Judy Marie Hatfield, A.A., A.S., Minneapolis Anoka Claudia Marie Nyman, Grand Rebecca Ann Hinrichs, Columbia Rapids Heights Susan Jeanne Polis, Las Vegas, Nev. Suzanne Marie Humbert, Hastings Sheila RaNae Postma, Lincoln, Jane Marie Ivancie, A.L.A., St. Neb. Paul Ann Louise Rayner, A.A., Jane Carol Jacobson, A. A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Elizabeth K. Rice, Omro, Wis. Valerie Joanne Jenkins, Roseville Annette Diane Sangren, Apple Lynette Anne Johnson, Hastings VaIley Nathalie Lili Johnson, Richfield Christal Ann Schulz, White Bear Sharlet Ann Johnson, Albert Lea Lake Laurie Elizabeth Jones, Duluth Luann Jo Sims, Wausau, Wis. Lynn Marie Kelby, Wheaton, Ill. Lauri Ellen Smith, Edina

85 June r 'j ; ,: Barbara Ann Snow, Duluth Colleen Marie Tucker, Jody Marie Stefonek, New Minneapolis Richmond, Wis. Barbara Kay Veath, Barrington, Kathryn Ann Stewart, Rochester Ill. Marsha Heath Tayler, Edina Karla Mae Vollbrecht, Minneapolis Lisa Colette Tourtillott, Naples, Darla NeSmith White, Fla. Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science Theodore Todd Aarrestad, Sharon F. Bialy, Brooklyn, N.Y., Brainerd with distinction Bonnie Jean Adams, A.A., Cindy L. Bijold, Proctor Minneapolis, with distinction Scott Alan Borchers, Verndale, Cynthia Ann Anderson, Edina, with distinction with distinction Carl Eugene Borg III, B.A., Mary Jo Anderson, st. Paul Plymouth Thaddeus Arlan Anderson, A.A., Jane Holland Borochoff, Coon Rapids Minneapolis Robin Rae Arundel, Minneapolis Michele Mary Bouska, Virginia Jane Patrice Atkinson, Minneapolis Susan Elizabeth Bowman, Sharon Kaye Auen, Minneapolis Sterling, Ill. Julie Ellen Ayers, Richfield Richard Joe Bragg, B.S., M.A., Karen Louise Backlund, Hallock St. Paul Dean David Bangerter, Marie Brom, St. Paul Rosemount, with high distinction Bruce David Brotten, Columbia Peta Claire Barrett, Elk River, Heights with distinction Marvin Henry Broz, Roseville James William Bartsch, St. Paul, Barbara Jean Bruns, B.A., with distinction Minneapolis Martha Marie Bear, Arden Hills Lisa Esther Burg, Duluth Roxanne Irene Beasley, St. Paul Gregory Anthony Burns, Winona Park, with distinction Claudia Kave Cacv, st. Paul Christine Annette Beaumont-Hill, Karen A. Callaha~, Apple Valley Little Falls Carol Jean Casler, B.A., A.A., Richard A. Beck, Colbv, Wis. Lakeville Debra Dell Becker, A.A., Sherry Lynn Castner, Phillips, Minneapolis Wis. David Bruce Bentz, Anoka Jerry Mark Chapman, Victoria Paula Marie Bergin, Bloomington Sharon Louise Clark, Minneapolis, Eric Donald Bergquist, South St. with distinction Paul Tracy Downer Cole, Golden Deborah Ruth Berman, St. Paul, Valley with distinction Ann Collins, B.A., Minneapolis Patricia Lee Best, Minneapolis, Lawrence O. Connellv, Burnsville with high distinction Shaun Marie Connor: Hibbing Lise Carol Bevard, A.A., Barbara Moore Cope, B.A., Minneapolis, with distinction Richfield

June 86 Leslie Gail Cryer, Shakopee, with Wendy M. Gutenkauf, A.A. S., distinction Columbia Heights Marjorie May Culbertson, Thomas J. Hallsten, Minneapolis Defiance, Ohio Joan Annette Hamness, St. Paul David Richard Dahl, Bloomington Stephen Richard Hard, Falcon Denise Aimee Davis, Brainerd Heights Nora Catharine Dereli, B. A., Lindsay Ellen Hart, North St. Minneapolis Paul Mona Catherine Dougherty, A.A., Daniel James Hauge, B.A., B.S., White Bear Lake Minneapolis Julie Ann Edin, New Richmond, Ann Beth Haugejorde, Wis. Minneapolis, with distinction Joann Kay Ellefson-Goodman, St. Ardis B. Adamson Haugen Paul Dawn Marie Haugen, Albert Lea Debra Marie Euerle, A.A., Laura Louise Hawley, Delano Bloomington Teresa Lynn Fairbanks, North Dale Edward Heebl, Richfield Branch Mary Kathryn Henrikson, . Scott Alan Farnes, Albert Lea Minneapolis Frances Mary Feders, St. Paul Karen Lee Hermansen, Richfield Patricia Ann Feuerstein, B.S., Denis Rav Hildreth, B.A., Minneapolis Minne~polis Gregory Steven Finck, A.A., Rachel Faith Hoffman, Omaha, Crosby Neb. Cheryl Ann Flaten, Bloomington, Heidi Jo Holte, Minneapolis with distinction Brian Edward Hovila, Richfield, Harold Stewart Fleetham, with distinction Minneapolis Mary Therese Huber, B.F.A., Susan Lee Forsberg, B.A., Charles Citv, Iowa Fridlev Patrick Allen 'Huttner, Deephaven David Richard Francour, Harlan James Jackson, B.A., Marinette, Wis. Grand Forks, N.D. Aparna Ganguli, B.S., M.S., Virginia Lee Jacobson, B.A., Calcutta, India B.F.A., Coon Rapids Kristin Marie Gates, Northfield Lucretia Margaret Jeffers, Lake Michael William Gaughan, St. Geneva, Wis. Louis Park Mary Therese Jelinek, New Mindy Sharon Geisser, St. Paul Prague Wendy Geller, Minneapolis, with Beth Ann Johnson, St. Paul distinction Jewel Lynn Johnson, Braham Thomas George Geskermann, Jill Shirley Johnson, Wayzata Brookfield, Wis. Laura Ann Johnson, Richfield Margaret Esther Giesen, New MariLeighJohnson, St. Paul, with Prague, with distinction high distinction Christine Mary Glende, Roseville Carl· E. Kaproth, Minneapolis Linda Ann Glowa, B.A., Richfield Shirlev Mae Kerkow, B.A., Jeffrey William Goll, B. A., Peoria, Sca~dia Ill. Cindy Kaye Klein, Brainerd, with Ann Desiree Gustafson, Brooklyn distinction Center Barbara Chamberlin Klobe, Kathleen M. Gustafson, Plymouth B.F.A., Minneapolis

87 June Timothy Joseph Knaeble, Golden Mark Robert Muchow, Valley Minneapolis Terry James Knop, Delano Zohra I. Munshi, B.A., St. Paul ~ " Mary Elizabeth Kohl, Wausau, Kristie Sue Nelsen, Fridley Wis., with distinction Craig Allan Nelson, Minneapolis Barbara Jean Korenchen, St. Debra Ann Nelson, Minneapolis Louis Park, with distinction Scott D. Nelson, Owatonna, with Sherri Ann Kreuser, South St. distinction Paul Sheila Ann Nelson, Columbia Sheri Ann Kuntz, West St. Paul, Heights with high distinction Jennifer O'Donnell Nieting, A.A., Mary Jane Kuphal, B.A., Gaylord St. Paul Paul Eugene Kyllo, Goodhue Terry M. Nolan, B.A., Monika Lacis, Brooklyn Park Minneapolis Diane Marie Laferriere, st. Paul Kathleen Ann O'Keefe, A.A.S., Lorraine Mable Lalim, A.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Bradley John Olson, Minnetonka Jean Marie Lang, Forest Lake Katherine Ann Olson,

~l James Phillip Larson, Minneapolis Bloomington ~i Randee Michelle Lasman, St. Kimberlv Ann Olson, New P U Louis Park, with distinction Brighton il Sarah Ann Leiser, New Brighton, Martin Edward Opem, New II with distinction Hope, with distinction ~: Patricia Garner Lockley, Summit, Steven Carl Overholser, South St. ,," Miss. Paul Jean Nelson Lund, Rochester Victoria Kathrvn Palazzari, Barbara Ann Luy, Minneapolis, Eveleth ' with distinction Joni Marie Palmer, A.A., Coon Catherine Jean Maddox, Rapids, with distinction Minneapolis, with distinction Kevin William Panzer, Brainerd Elaine Marie Marks, B.S., Pollv Perkins, Alexandria , Northfield Kris'tine Kay Perszyk, St. Paul i, Arlene Frances McAlpine, Tucson, Carlynn Joan Petermann, B.S., Ariz. , N.D. Teresa Lynn McDermott, North Cynthia Kaye Peters, Brooklyn St. Paul Center, with distinction Thomas Michael McGovern, A.A., Betty Faye Peterson, A.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Bethanie Raye Meier, Rolla, N.D., Jodi Ann Peterson, Maple Plain with distinction Lorrie Jean Peterson, Waseca, Mavis Maureen Meixner, with distinction Owatonna Sonja Reckdahl Petters, Terrv Ann Mervhew, st. Paul Minneapolis, with distinction Rob~rt Herbert'Miller, Anne Marie Pheneger, Roseville Hoopeston, Ill. Daniel Louis Platt, Osseo, with Timothy Oliver Mogck, St. Paul distinction Catherine Rose Moran, James Russell Podratz, Minneapolis Minneapolis, with distinction Michael Gene Morris Heidi Jo Pond, Buffalo James Wade Morrison, Sally Ann Quinlivan, B.A., St. Minneapolis Cloud

June 88 Lisa Jane Raduenz, St. Paul Warren Dean Starr, Cottage Debra Jean Ralph, B.S., Hopkins Grove James W. Reineke, B.A., Martin Allan Stein, Coon Rapids Faribault Marv Elizabeth Stetson, A.A., Sonja Kay Rix, Fremont, Neb., H~vt Lakes with distinction Lind~ Gasch Stewart, Long Lake Cynthia Marie Robb, Cottage Susan Carol Stillwell, Ellsworth, Grove Wis. Ann Elizabeth Robinson, David Marvin Stright, Scandia, Minnetonka, with high with distinction distinction Mary Bernadette Suchy, St. Paul, Kimberly Saphrone Robinson, with distinction Brooklyn Park Vickie Leah Swanson, Jamestown, Sharon Florence Robinson, N.D. Columbia Heights Beth Marie Swiggum, B.A., Leta Gay Roden, B.S., Wayzata Richfield Janet Marie Rogde, Princeton Stanley Allan Sytsma, Hutchinson Jane Louise Rohrer, B.A., Victor, Marv Yelland Theisen, A.A., Iowa B;ooklvn Center Lenore Ann Rypkema, B.A., Cindy L~a Thompson, Rochester Minneapolis Ceil Ann Trowbridge, Comstock Paula Gail Sandler, Minneapolis Martha Susan Vogel, Roseville, Carol Marie Sandvick, with distinction Minneapolis Marcia Helen Voronyak, Mounds James Palmer Sanoden, B.A., View Tokyo, Japan Craig John Voth, B.A., Red Wing Brenda R. Savage, Le Sueur Sandra J. Waki, Minneapolis, Lynn Lorraine Sawitzke, Richfield with distinction Barbara Carol Scheel, B.A., Kathleen G. Walden, Cross Stillwater Plains, Wis. Sandra Lee Schlieff, B. S., New Nancy Jo Walker, White Bear Brighton Lake Rosanne Marie Schober, St. Paul Jacqueline Anne Washleski, Alina Schroeder, with distinction Robbinsdale Jeffrey James Schulte, Mound Sandra Ann Waterman, Terry L. Schultz, Lakeville, with Minneapolis high distinction Robert Gerard Weber, B.S.B., Diane Marie Scovill, St. Paul Appleton, Wis. Cynthia Marie Shaughnessy, St. Pamela S. Welter, Chaska Louis Park Diana Louise Westerberg, Edina Laura Jean Sheak, Minnetonka Mamie Lynn Wheaton, Excelsior Colleen Lucille Sheehan, Mary Ellen Wieland, Redwood Minneapolis, with distinction Falls Sani Louise Siebold, Oakdale Kathleen Williams, Duluth Lynn Marie Smaagaard, White Alexa Eloise Wolfe, Bemidji Bear Lake Deborah Ann Wondra, Shelley Ann Smith, Osseo Bloomington Sheryl Lynn Soul, A.A., Arthur Chew Wong, Bloomington Woodbury Garv Alan Wood, Anoka Mark Edward Stangl, St. Paul, Pm,{ela Jeanne Young, Richfield, with high distinction with distinction Barbara Aria Stanley, Minneapolis

89 June Patti Lynn Zenk, Montevideo Wendy Sarah Zieve, Milwaukee, Wis.

Master of Education Lualhati S. Abuan, B. S., San Ruth Vinnie Kinney, B.A., St. Antonio, Philippines Paul Sylvia Berry Adams, B.S., Golden Richard C. Kittock, B.S., Delano Valley Paul James Krocheski, B.A., Mary Teresa Barrett, B. S., Eagan Mahtomedi Elizabeth Kay Wedin Krueger, Corinne Clausen Bloedel, B.S., B.S., Bloomington Cottage Grove Sandra Marie Kuntzman, B. S., JeanMarie Ziegler Burtness, B. S., Minneapolis Minneapolis John Forbes Litecky, B. S., St. Richard Arthur Byrne, B.A., B.S., Louis Park Minneapolis Thomas Kurt McGrail, B.S., Judith Ann Christensen, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Leanne Gavle Miller, B.S., Jack Unger Dean, B.A., B.S., Minneap~lis Minneapolis Melissa Helen Nides, B.A., Richard Roman Dehlinger, B.A., Duluth St. Paul Sandra Kaye Odegard, B.A., Gerald Richard Dreyling, B. S., Minneapolis Arden Hills Sally Lou Ohly, B.S., Minnetonka Kathleen Ann Gardner, B.S., Gerald Keith Prior, B.S., Anoka A.A., Minneapolis Beverly Sue Proulx, B. S., North Janice Margaret Gregory, B.S., Branch St. Paul Tauriette Cecilia Ray, B. S., Richard Allen Gresczvk, B. S., Mobile, Ala. Minneapolis . Susan Marie Ritter, B.A., I,· Marcia Ann Griffith, B.A., Bloomington f: i Richfield Sheila H. Rose, B.S., Minneapolis Rebecca Lynne Grover, B. S., Judith Kay Rykken, B.S., Minneapolis Bloomington Mary H. Hanson, B.S., Blaine John Erik Savre, B.S., Roseville Arlene Marie Henfling, B.S., Mary Pat Schouweiler, B. S., Minneapolis Minneapolis Marilyn Kay Henson, B.A. Linda L. Seaton, B.S., B.A., Julia Gudrun Ingvarsdottir, B.A., Verndale Reykjavik, Iceland Carol Frances Stehly, B.S., White Donovan Richard Johnson, B. S., Bear Lake Minneapolis Regina Faye Trousil, B.A., Anoka Jean Marie Whitney Kelly, B.A., Joyce Avis W. Waibel, B.S., Minneapolis B.S., Shoreview


Bachelor of Science Jon Arvid Anderson, Pine City Alvin Lawrence Schoenbauer, Gerald Lee Dammann, Sanborn New Prague Paul N. Friesen, Pitt Joseph Bruce Schroeder, Franklin Daniel LaVerne Hoffman, A.A.S., William A. Scrimgeour III, Lester Dexter Prairie David Howard Levine, B.S., Corinne Mary Seltz, st. Paul Medford, Mass., with distinction JoAnn Smykalski, Silver Lake Myron D. Oftedahl, Eagle Bend Deborah Adamek Stenzel, Staples Randall Lee Pingel, B.S., Fort Keith Jean Waller, Onamia Dodge, Iowa Lee David West, A.A.S., Margaret Mary Retka, Le Sueur Lewiston Jonathan Scot Rowe, B.S., Stephen James Ziegler, B.A.B.A., Nashwauk, with distinction Bemidji Samsudin Mohd Salleh, Rengam, Malaysia


Bachelor of Science Donna Kathaleen Armstrong, Jeanne Marie Gignac, Deerfield, West Concord Ill. Darlene Ann Blanchette, Anoka Jan Leslie Horswell, Hutchinson Brenda Jane Nelson, Cambridge


Bachelor of Science Scott Eugene Aksamit, Dennis Bert Gonczy, Plymouth Minneapolis Alfred Carl Grundner, Inver Keith Warren Anderson, Grand Grove Heights Rapids Marlin K. Hage Michael N. Baker, Baltimore, Md. Ralph Eric Hansen, Staten Island, David Banta, Wyoming N.Y. Steven Paul Benson, A. A., William Leigh Haugan, A.A., St. Minnetonka Paul Elizabeth Lee Berg, Waconia Robert L. Heisel, Virginia Ronald Scott Carlson, A. A., White Jane Alyce Hess, White Bear Bear Lake Lake Susan Ann Cutler, st. Paul Keith Lee Jacobson, Bloomington Barbara Ann Ehrlich, Minneapolis Kelly Dennis Patrick Fahey, South St. Lawrence ~artin Killien, A.A., Paul, with distinction Hibbing ~81 June John Charles Korzeniowski, Gaylord Palmer Paulson, Culver Blaine, with distinction Philip G. Pennington, Burnsville, James Robert Lehikoinen, Cloquet with distinction John Edward Lenarz, Brooklyn Barbara Louise Peterson, Hibbing Park, with distinction Michael John Rask, Biwabik Peter G. Lindemanis, Minneapolis Marthe D. Rath, Bayport L. Bryan Lunde, Bloomington Douglas George Rowlett, Steven Alan Moberg, Long Prairie Minneapolis, with distinction Brian David Murray, Bloomington Ronald William Severs, Sawyer Gail Deanna Nord, Fosston Blaise Richard Taylor, Duluth Terry Micheal Novak, Hibbing Bradley Louis Thompson, Richard John Novitsky, Grand Richfield Portage Mark Daniel Waldoch, White Colleen Lynette Oftedahl, Lake Bear Lake Elmo Peter Raymond Willis, St. Paul Okune I. Ojong, Ikom, Nigeria Daren C. Wysocki, North St. Charles Douglas Owens, Mankato Paul


Associate in Arts C. Patricia Adams, Minneapolis Elizabeth Anne Lewis, Golden Jon Matthew Benson, St. Paul Valley Janene Amy Bentsen, Minneapolis Karen Ann Lund, Edina Nicholas Boosalis, Niata, Greece Lorraine Ann Lunzer, St. Paul Alan T. Brown, Michigan City, Gary Alan Lussier, Minneapolis Ind. Roxann X. MacDonald, Hui-Shu Susan Chien Minneapolis James A. Clymer, Minneapolis Cheri Ann McConnell, Donald Alan Coder, Minneapolis Minneapolis Linda Pauline Cox, Middleton, Jeffrey Michael Nelson, Brooklyn Wis. Park Lois Juanita DeLeon-Miller, Lien Kim Nguyen, Saigon, Oakland, Calif. Vietnam Ronald Brian Dick, St. Paul Veronica Olametan Ogunbameru, Pamela Jane Hartzell, Burnsville Okitipupa, Nigeria Lai Hung Ho Bonnie Kav Olson, St. Paul Carole Margaret Hofstedt, St. John Edw~rd Pearson, Paul Bloomington Virginia Ann Jacobs, Anoka Pamela Peltekos, Minneapolis Beverly Ann Johnson, Minneapolis Allan Gunnar Rauma, Minneapolis Brad Clark Johnson, Cochrane, Ricardo Sanchez Resendez, st. Wis. Paul Beth Marie Kowahl, Minneapolis Evelyn Jean Dies Rhambo Diane Lynn Krawetz, West St. Ingrid Jessaline Scott, Minneapolis Paul Susan Kathleen Shivers, Helen Marv Lane Minneapolis Joan Eilee~ Larsen, Mound Beth Marie Tantanella, Theresa Eileen Leahv, Minneapolis Minneapolis .

June Bachelor of Applied Studies Barbara Ann Beck, A. A. , Roman Dany Kramarczuk, A.A., Finlayson Minneapolis Jean H. Calverley, Anoka Joseph Gerald Lentsch, Jr., St. Thomas Michael Coleman, A.A., Paul Minneapolis Dana Alan Randolf Maanum, Ethnelda L. Daley-Brown, Minneapolis Minneapolis Toni Jean McCloney, Minneapolis Mercedes Anne Dolan, Cedar Lynn Marie McClung, A.A., Rapids, Iowa Apple Valley Mary Ellen Dubovich, A.A., Lloyd Arthur Nelson, A.A., Bovey Waupaca, Wis. Jerilyne Marie Evenskaas, A.A., Steven Fredrick Peterson, St. Minneapolis Paul Lawrence Michael Flaherty, A.A., Roekchai Phatrayanon, Bangkok, Minneapolis Thailand Wayne D. Frederickson Dennis Micheal Roach, St. Paul Deborah Gail Gasman, Hopkins Elizabetta Scibora, St. Paul William Roger Hanson, A.A., Marco Zbigniew Scibora, St. Paul Lake Lillian Herman Talbert Todd, South St. Donald K. Harkcom, Jr., Paul Minneapolis Michael D. Torres, Minneapolis Patricia Ann Haupt, Richfield Mary Jo Ann Villella, Eden Carole Margaret Hofstedt, St. Prairie Paul Donald Robert Westerhausen, Sr., Ann Boehme Kispert, Eden A.A., Apple Valley Prairie

Bachelor of General Studies Jeff Phillip Anderson, A.A., Deborah Lee Katzmark, West St. Lakeville Paul Maria Socorro Calimlim, Reid Severin Leighton Minneapolis Russell Arnold Olson, Mounds Maureen C. Coskran, Burnsville View Cathleen Ann Fisher Robin Daniel Ostebo, North St. Kenneth Craig Haughton, Paul Minneapolis Sheryl Judine Sinn, St. Paul Linda Lee Horvath, A.A., White Carole Prahl Stier, A.A., Richfield Bear Lake Becky Lee Strand, A.A., Virginia Jeffrey Lee Howard, A. A. , Ronald Jerome White, Merrifield Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science Natalie Lynn Aiello, Racine, Wis. Sandra K. Anderson, Maple Plain Adele Carlson Anderson, Arden Susan Elaine Anderson, Hills, with distinction Minneapolis

93 June Darla L. Ankeny, A. A. , Susan J. Ecklin, St. Croix Falls, Stewartville Wis. Barbara Kay Askvig, Bloomington Hadassa Eckstein, Givataim, Israel Grace Louise Atkins, Edina, with Susan Blaha Edberg, White Bear distinction Lake Cheryl Ann Auge, Roseville, with Timothy James Edison, distinction Minneapolis Tammy Rae Aultman, Minneapolis Carol Rose Enck, New Hope Pamela Jean Baez, Verona, Wis. Kristi Ann Erickson, Hudson, Carol Jean Beneke, Glencoe Wis. Sharon Shear Benepe, St. Paul Jane Kathryn Erie, Crookston, Delores Mae Bengtson, A.L.A., with distinction Maple Grove Cathy Jean Falkowski, Burnsville Patricia Louise Bennett, A. A., St. Kimberly Jo Forbord, Roseville Paul Kent G. Forrest, Burlington, Wis. Irit Shpringer Bensira, B.A., Peggy Ann Fort, A.A., Coon Israel, with distinction Rapids Cynthia Lee Bjerk, Benson Heather Marie Friend, Big Flats, Andrea Catherine Blum, N.Y. Minnetonka Cheryl Anne Gapinski, Stephanie Carr Bonander, Minneapolis Minneapolis Colleen Ann Giles, South St. Paul Joanne Marie Bovy, Brooklyn Lori Jo Goerner, Darwin Center, with high distinction Pamela Kay Gordon, Willmar Margaret Lynn Brown, Austin, Susan Merina Gruber, Belgrade with distinction Julie Annette Hall, Hastings Terri Lynn Brown, Hastings Kristin Jean Hall, Redwood Falls Karen Ann Brummer, Stillwater Nancy Olivia Hall, Burnsville Nita Kathryn Cantrell, St. Paul, Lars Rottb~ll Hansen, Minneapolis with high distinction Ruth Marie Haubrich, New Vim Colleen Erin Cavanaugh, A. A. , Sharon M. Heide, Racine, Wis. Bloomington Susan Jeanette Hintzman, Laura Lai Kuen Chan, Hong Brooklyn Center Kong Helena Tak-Hang Ho, Minneapolis Martha Elizabeth Cook, Faribault Mary L. Holland, St. Paul Nancy Ann Cooper, Edina Karen Arlene Imbertson, Fridley Carol Ann Countryman, Apple Martha Louise Jacobsen, Valley Minneapolis Cynthia H. Daggett, Minneapolis Beverly Jean Johnson, Joanne Ellen Dahlstrom, Stillwater Minneapolis, with distinction Shaleen Ann Degendorfer, Gail Ann Johnson, Albert Lea Richfield Kathlyn Mary Johnson, A.A., Mary Elizabeth Dejager, Fridley Maplewood Linda Sue Johnson, Columbia Cheryl Ann Drews, Wausau, Heights Wis., with distinction Sharon Ann Johnson, B.A., St. Elaine A. Duevel, Rovalton Paul Diana Lynn Dunster, . Minneapolis Carol Ann Julkowski, Savage Rebecca Lynn Earnhart, Colfax, Janet Marie Kaehler, st. Charles Wis. Patricia Ann Koester, Paula Louise Eaton, Bloomington Cumberland, Wis.

June Mary Beth Krull, Ham Lake, with Mary Catherine Prchal, high distinction Minneapolis Susan Joan Kruskopf, Orono Lori S. Quade, Minneapolis Diane Lynette Landaas, A.A., Cindy Lee Reishus, Minneapolis Albert Lea Sharon Marie RoJf, Bloomington, Julie Marie Larsen, Minneapolis with distinction Barbara Lynn Larson, Edina Cynthia Louise Sampson, Carol Ann Lensink, Minneapolis Minneapolis Diane Elizabeth Lentsch, Toni Marie Sampson, Windom Minneapolis Colleen Rita Sauer, Albany, with Elizabeth Anne Likins, Whitefish distinction Bay, Wis. Herbert Frederick Schoening II, Patricia Ann Lilledahl, Le Sueur Minneapolis Mary Linnea Lowe, Crosby Laura Anne Seifert, Minnetonka Patricia Kay Lutter, Hopkins Marcia Ann Shovers, Racine, Wis. Lloyd Ellen May, Denison, Tex. Mary Kathleen Sinclair, Patricia Ann May, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mary Brown McCary, Excelsior Joan Diane Slettehaugh, Ruby Carol Meyer, Gaylord Minneapolis Deborah Kay Meyers, St. Paul Lorna Ann Springston, Vera Micevic, Duluth Minneapolis Kristen Ann Miller, Minneapolis Brian John Stieler, Albert Lea Cheryl Frances Miskulin, Margaret Ann Stoltz, Minneapolis Chisholm Laurel Ann Swanson, Little Linda Margaret Moline, Eagan Canada Carolyn Marie Moritz, Coon Heidi Ann Swisher, A.A., Anoka, Rapids, with distinction with high distinction Susan Marie Nellett, Hammond, Cindy Sue Thompson, A.A., Ind. Bloomington Valerie Ann Nelson Valerie Jean Thorp, North Barbara Ann Neuman, Branch, with distinction Minneapolis Barbara Louise Thorsell, st. Paul Frank Mark Novosel, Bloomington Sharon Lee Tongson, Minneapolis Jacqueline Ellsworth O'Keefe, Roberta Lee Turnblom, AL.A., A.L.A., Fridley Centuria, Wis., with high Kristin Anne Olsen, Maplewood distinction Evangeline Marie Olson, Kenneth Lee Wachowiak, Stevens Minneapolis, with distinction Point, Wis. Julie Lutes Olson, Minneapolis Gail Frances Weig, Stillwater Dawn Renae Oltmans, Lamberton Karen Jean Westerman, Olubola Olufunmilayo Olufeko Minneapolis, with distinction Catherine Jean Parthun, Becida Linda Jayne Wheeler, St. Paul Katherine Marie Paulos, Roseville, Diane Kay Wilkes, White Bear with distinction Lake Ingrid Ann Peterson, Trimont Katherine Jo Willson, Edina Mary Jo Plutt, Virginia Joan Frances Winsor, St. Paul Mary Jo Polunc, Minneapolis Garnett Rae Woldt, A.A., Jean Louise Poupore, Brooklyn Center, with Hermantown distinction Susan Kay Young, Rochester


Juris Doctor David Anthony Aguilar, B.A., Roderick Cecil Cosgriff, B.A., Tucson, Ariz. Bingham Lake David Alan Allgeyer, B.A., Dorothv Cass Cottrell, Coon Owatonna Rapids Donald Michael Amundson, B.A., Eileen A. Crowley, M.A., B.A., Minnetonka Minneapolis Amy Adair Anderson, B.S.B., Douglass Cutcliffe, B.A. magna Minneapolis cum laude, Mahtomedi Bradley John Anderson, A.A., Kevin Mark David, B.S., A.S., B. S., Excelsior Webster, Mass. Bryan Nordal Anderson, B.A., Scott DeLisi, B.A., St. Paul Duluth Robert M. Dewev, B.A., M.A., Julie Kay Anderson, B.A., Minneapolis . Lindstrom Robert Paul Dodd, B.A., Ward Rollin Anderson, B.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Joseph Steffen Dreesen, B.A., George Edwin Antrim III, B.A., Yankton, S.D. Breckenridge Michael Joseph Dwyer, B.A., St. Gregory J. Barnier, Anoka Paul Sandra Henkels Bartholow, B.A., John Robert Eastling, A. B., St. Louis Park Atherton, Calif. Charles Lightner Bathke, B.A., Peter Reed Ehrhardt, B.A., St. Paul Albert Lea Kathrvn Lee Bauermeister, B. A., Richard Sulo Eskola, B.A., White Bear Lake Minneapolis Katherine Marie Baumann, B.A., Audrev L. Estebo, B. A., Clear North Mankato Lak~, S.D. William Robert Baumeister, Richard John Fadgen, B.S.B., B.S.B. with distinction, Lake Fridlev Elmo Brian Vi~'lCent Faller, B.A., Nancy Susan Bender, B.A. Minneapolis summa cum laude, St. Louis Lawrence Jeffrey Field, B.A., Park Minneapolis Michael David Bernatz, B.A., Teresa Elaine Field, B. A., Chatfield Minneapolis Mark George Berry, B.A., Joseph M. Finley, B.A., st. Paul Minneapolis Shelley Ann Fitzmaurice, B.A., Robert William Bigwood, B.A., Minot, N.D. Fergus Falls Paul Ralph Fjelstad, B.A., Keith John Broady, B.A., St. Paul Northfield Michael Lowell Brutlag, B. S., Marv Patricia Foarde, B.A., St. Minneapolis L~uis Park Paul William Bucher, A.A., B.A., Jeffrey Howard Frank, B.A. Zumbrota Neil Christian Franz, B.A. summa Philip Diehl Bush, B.E.S., M.A., cum laude, Crystal Minneapolis Susan Emilv Gaertner, B.A., st. James Robert Cauley, A.B., M.A., Paul . Brookfield, Wis.

June r Judith Rubinow Gartner, B.A., Jeffrey Harry Arvid Johnson, Edina B.A., Duluth Karen Jeannine Garvin, B.A., Alison Ethel Jones, B.A., St. Paul M.A., Ph.D. Jerome Hubert Kahnke, B.A., St. Bruce Jeffrey Gary, B. S. B., St. Paul Louis Park Karen R. Kane, B.A., B.S., Harvey Charles Ginsberg, B. A., M.A., Ph. D., St. Paul Hibbing David Allen Kastelic, B. S. B., Ely Mark Edward Glennon, B.A., Douglas Paul Kempf, B.A., Park Forest, Ill. Bloomington Gayle M. Goff, B.A., Benson Bruce Myles Kennedy, A.B., Albert Turner Goins, B. E. S., Minneapolis White Bear Lake Michael Ronald Kimitch, B. S., Corey Lee Gordon, B.A., St. Minneapolis Louis Park Timothy Lorens Kingstad, B.A., Vitauts Modris Gulbis, B.A., A.A., Williston, N.D. Minneapolis Julie N. Klocke, B.A., Litchfield Rosemary J. Gunderson, B.A., John Carlton Knoepjler, B.A.; St. Stillwater Paul, cum laude Max H. Hacker, B.S., Fort John Lester Krenn, B.A., Anoka Branch, Ind. Philip Edward Lake, B.S., B.A., Teri Lynn Hacker, B.S.B., White Bear Lake Mounds View Margaret Gene LaMarche, B.A., Katherine Gay Hadley, B.A., Kewaskum, Wis. Columbus, Ohio Bruce Robert Larson, B.A., Margaret Hope Haining, B.A., Minnetonka Alexandria Daniel Walter Latham, B.Ch.E., . Patrice Haley Halbach, B.A., St. M.B.A., Richfield Paul Wendy Willson Legge, A.B., Paul W. Hartley, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Sally Heinz Leighninger, B. A., Jay Thomas Hartman, B.A., Elk St. Paul River Lyn Diane Lewis, B.A., St. Paul Ruth M. Harvey, B.S., Stephen Alan Libera, B.S., Burlington, Iowa Winona Robert Glenn Haugen, B.M., Susan Gail Loitz, B.A., Hopkins Rootstown, Ohio Natalie J. Hauschild, B.A., Jordan Woodard Lorence, B.A., Hendricks Mound Susan Jean Helf, B.A., Carolyn Marie Martin, B.A., Minneapolis Saginaw Patrick Bernard Hennessy, B.A., Margaret Elizabeth Martin, B.A., Lewiston Christiansted, Virgin Islands Thomas More Hollenhorst, B.A., Sandra Jean Martin, B.A., Edina Rochester James B. McCreary, B.A., Lucinda Louise Hruska-Claeys, Minneapolis B.S., M.A., Richfield William Earl McGee, B.A., St. Charles Michael Hurley, B.A. Paul summa cum laude, Edina Michael John McNamara, B.A., Jeffrey W. Jacobs, B.A., Long Minneapolis Lake David Richard Michelson, B.A., Sara D. Jay, B.A., Minneapolis B.S., Duluth

97 June Mary E. Miller, A.A., B.A., David Bruce Potter, B. A., Woodbury Springfield Bruce Wilson Mooty, B.A., Edina Richard Charles Pranke, A. A. , Julie Brunner Morris, B.A. B. A., St. Paul Robert Perkins Morrison, B.A., Stephanie Jean Prem, B.A" Edina Owatonna Fafaa W. Dan Princewill, B.A., Cecil Edwin Naatz, B.S., B.A., Buguma, Nigeria Brownsdale Thomas Franklin Pursell, A. S., Charles Nathan Nauen, B.A., B. S., Crystal Lake, Ill. Sioux Falls, S. D. Paul Jansen Quast, B, S. B., St. Daniel Roe Nelson, B.A., Paul Minneapolis Carol Merlin Queensen, B.A., James William Nelson, B.A" Plymouth Moorhead Keith Alan Queensen, B.E.S., Karen M. Nelson, B.A., Madison Edina '] Neil George Nelson, A.A., B,A., S. Todd Rapp, B.A., Cannon Rose Creek Falls Joseph Arthur Nilan, B.A. summa Kellv Scott Rask, B. A., cum laude, Minneapolis M'inneapolis Roselyn Jean Nordaune, B.A., Ann Remington, B,A" Madison, Montevideo Wis. I. Timothy Chris Nornes, B.A., Andrew Floyd Resner, B.A., Owatonna Rochester Laura K. Nyquist, B.A. Larry B. Ricke, B.A., St. Paul Mark Dennis Nvvold, A.B. Megan Korfhage Ricke, A.B., St. summa cum limde, Alexandria Paul Timothy James O'Connor, B.S., Carla M. Riehle, B,A., M,A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Thomas Emil Oechsler, B.A., Ronald Eugene Ritland, B.A., St. Minneapolis Paul Marsha Rae Olsen, B.A. with Nancv Ann Kida Roach, B.A., high distinction, Minneapolis M,A., Flint, Mich. Jon Alan Olson, B.A., Merry Ann Rosenberg, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Pamela Faith Olson, B.A., Thomas H. Rutten, B.A., Fargo, Farmington N,D, Melvin Allen Owens, B.A., Victoria A. Sandberg, B.A., Muskegon, Mich. Minneapolis Thomas Lvon Owens, B.A., Gregory Theodore Sangalis, B,S., Minneapolis Bloomington Penny Lynn Parker, B.A., St. James Allen Scharfer, B.A., Paul Wilmette, Ill. Christopher Jay Pattock, B.A., Jeffrey Lance Schlesinger, B.S., Golden Valley Mound Pamela Peglow, B.A., Iowa Falls, Judith Gilbert Schotzko, Blue Iowa Earth Toni Lee Peterson, B.A., st. Anthony Alan Schumacher, B.A" Cloud Madison, Wis. Gary Dale Pihlstrom, B.A., Gary Richard Setterberg, B,A., Minneapolis Burlington, Iowa Catherine Ann Polasky, B.A., Ann Jerry Turner Sewell, B.S., Arbor, Mich. ' Minneapolis

June 98 Robin L. Sjaastad, B.A., John Raymond Tunheim, B.A., Bismarck, N. D. Newfolden Jerome M. Soderberg, B.A., William Jerome Utermohlen, Minneapolis B.A., Mankato Robert Berans Spelhaug, B.A., Donald Wayne Vagstad, B.A., Chatfield Minneapolis Peter N. Spiller, B.A., Oostburg, Peter Hendrik Van Veen, B.A., Wis. Edina Aaron Sylvester Springer, B.A., Barry Guy Vermeer, B.A., Rock Albert Lea Rapids, Iowa Frederick James Steimann, B. A., James Noel Voeller, B.A., Minot, Faribault N.D. Eric Jon Stenshoel, A.B., John Brooks Waldron, B.A., Minneapolis Mound Sheldon Robert Strouts, B. E. S., Linda Kathryn Watts, Sauk Rapids St. Louis Park Ruth Ann Webster, B.S., New Mary E. Stumo, B.S., Coon Ulm Rapids Gregory Fremont Wersal, B.A., Ann S. Suh, B.A., M.A., New Redwood Falls Brighton Catherine Joanne Wertjes, B. A. , Suzanne Kay Tank, B. A., St. Bricelyn Cloud Paul Eugene Widick, B.A., M.A., Cynthia Ann Trangsrud, B.A., St. Joseph Hopkins Timothy M. Wilson, B.A., Constance Lee Triplett, B. A. , Plymouth Grand Forks, N.D. Peter James With off, B.A., Steven Wavne Truchinski, B.A., Cloquet Brooklyn- Center Judith Marilyn Wolf, B.S., M.A., Virginia Anne Trueman, B.A., Ph.D. Buffalo Jeanne Catherine Young, B.A., St. Cloud


Associate in Liberal Arts Fatai Olalekan Akanbi, Ode-Omu, Elizabeth Hamblin How, St. Paul Nigeria George Walter Jenista, Oak Marcia Rose Aspenson, Stillwater Harbor, Wash. Wilma Roos Bender, Minneapolis Amy Louise Johnson Robert Allan Brown, Jf., Gail Marie King, North Oaks Minneapolis Susan A. Lee, Minneapolis Brian Charles Constans, Mendota Thomas Andrew Lionetti, Heights Minneapolis Debra Lynn Dearborn, St. Paul Bambie Lea Lohse, Litchfield Dorothy Reinertsen Doescher, Beth Lee Mullinax, Fridley Minnetonka Joseph Patrick, South St. Paul Scott Edward Engle, St. Louis Todd Alan Strobel, A.A., Park Bloomington Dianne M. Fredrickson Sandra Gayle Swanson, Deerwood Carolyn L. House, Minneapolis

99 June Audrey Adrienne Whitcomb, Frank R. Woolcott, Maple Grove Minneapolis Bachelor of Arts Honors citations are provisional and will not become final until all requirements are met for the level indicated Stuart Peter Aase, Minot, N. D. Mary Theresa Antolak, Edina Kanayo B. Abanukam, Awo- Laurie Ellen Bonniwell Arias, St. Omamma, Nigeria Paul Ellen Luanne Abeln, Minneapolis, David Alden Arndt, Brooklyn cum laude Park Dorian Adams, Roseville Michael Lloyd Arneson, Jeffrey Alan Aderman, Milwaukee, Minneapolis Wis. Victoria Rae Arnold, Milwaukee, Kathy L. Ahlers, Oakland, N.j., Wis. cum laude Donna Darlene Ashbridge, A.A., Edwin Albert Ahrens, St. Paul Apple Valley Marjorie H. Ahrens, Hudson, Jeanne Sharon Astren, Wis. Minneapolis Robin Jeanine Alexander, Henry Elkins Atwood II, Minnetonka Deephaven Dennis Gene Allen, Rochester Theresa Gail Aubin Ahrens, Julie Renee Alstad, Roseville Stillwater Susan Ann Altenbach, Cedarburg, JoAnn R. Augustin, Austin Wis. Evie Ausen, Minneapolis Denise Joy Amundson, St. Louis James Joseph Babcock, Apple Park Valley Julie Kathryn Amundson, Elbow Paul Raymond Bach, Valley City, Lake Ohio Jeanne Marie Andersen, St. Louis Rebecca Lael Bach, Minneapolis Park Travis Bailey III, Minneapolis Todd Laurence Andersen, Crystal David Hunter Bailly, Minneapolis Bradley L. Anderson, Austin Geralyn Rose Baker, Glencoe Cynthia Jane Anderson, Mark R. Baker, A.A., White Bear Minneapolis Lake Cynthia Louise Anderson, William Clifford Baker, St. Paul Minneapolis David Keith Banner, Rockford, Evelyn Glenys Anderson, Ill. Plymouth Steven John Barker, Minneapolis Jack Lee Anderson, New Hope Gail Irene Barry, Bloomington Jonathan Paul Anderson, Rebecca Ann Bart . Shoreview Mark Edward Basham, Grand Kristopher John Anderson, Rapids Minnetonka Lynne Marie Batzli, Tonka Bay Steven Quincy Anderson, Brian Morgan Baumgartner, Lakeville Bloomington Susan Kay Anderson, Minneapolis, Virginia Stalpes Bayer!, A. A., magna cum laude Pierz Christine Louise Andreasen, Kathy Ann Beebe, St. Paul Waverlv Steven Paul Belau, Rochester Christine' Marie Andrews, st. Paul

June 100 Lynn Mari Belgea, St. Paul, Phillip Mark Bradbury, Golden magna cum laude Valley Patricia Ann Bell, A.L.A., Anne Marie Bradley, Minneapolis Pittsburgh, Pa. Grant Edward Bratrud, Patti Joan Bell, Minnetonka Minneapolis Carol Ann Bellin, B.A., Richfield Barbara Ellen Braun, Minneapolis Robert Wayne Bellin, Minneapolis Linda Ann Bream, St. Paul, Kenneth Patrick Bemis, summa cum laude Minneapolis Jeffrey Scott Brechlin, Duluth, Dana Marie Benassi, Minneapolis summa cum laude Kathleen Ann Benner, Fergus Allison Claire Brewer, A.A., Falls Anoka Cathy Anne Benson, Minneapolis David Owen Brink, Minneapolis Karen JoAnn Benson, Minneapolis Sandra Jean Bristol, Plymouth, Laura McLellan Benson, Long cum laude Lake Frederick Webb Brooke IV, Mary Jo Benson, Minneapolis Manila, Philippines Mariann L. Bentz, Minneapolis Brian Lewis Brown, Minnetonka Jodie Kay Berg, Hanley Falls Gail Helen Brown, St. Louis Park Rondi Beth Berg, Minneapolis James Mark Brown, Fergus Falls Terriel Ann Berggren, St. Paul, Michael Patrick Brown, South St. summa cum laude Paul Elizabeth Rene Bergman, Gerald Walter Bryant, Inver Minneapolis Grove Heights Alexander L. Bernstein, Odessa, Donald John Buckrey, St. Paul Soviet Union Paulette Marie Bullock, David John Betzler, Silver Bay Minneapolis Lori Ann Bice, Brooklyn Center Lois Burck, St. Paul Anne E. Biebel, Appleton, Wis. Mitchell Sim Burke, East Grand Laurie Lynn Blair, Hopkins Forks, summa cum laude Michael Gerard Blee, Minneapolis Diana Marie Burns, Minneapolis Susan Ellen Block, Rochester Jeffrey Dana Bursh, Edina Rebecca Ellen Blodgett, Lake Jerry Craig Bursh, Edina Forest, Ill. Danielle Rae Butcher, Isanti Sandra Rae Boehm, St. Paul, Michele Lissa Calvit, B.A., Port- summa cum laude au-Prince, Haiti Marguerite Elizabeth GUilfoyle Ave Maria Campbell, Minneapolis Boeser, Minneapolis Bradley William Capouch, Pisek, Timothy Roy Bogen, Bloomington N.D. Nancy Lee Bolin, Minneapolis Julianne Lucille Cardinal, Kathryn Ann Bonde, A.A., St. Maplewood Louis Park Julie Ann Carley, Minneapolis, Laurel Jean Bonte, St. Anthony summa cum laude Village David James Carlson, Crystal, Paula Jean Bormes, Minneapolis magna cum laude Barbara Stahnke Bowen, B.A., Bruce Leroy Carter, Burnsville Minneapolis Maureen Anne Casey, Edina Dennis Keith Bowman, Detroit Carolyn Myrna Castano, Lakes Minneapolis Roddy Paul Boyat, Minneapolis Robert John Caven, Minneapolis Jane Marie Boyer, Minneapolis Wendy Lee Chalgren, Edina Helen Margaret Boyne, St. Paul

101 June Katherine Gracen Chase, Allen Robert Desmond, J r. , Minneapolis Minneapolis Laura Ann Chauss, Minnetonka Donn David Dexter, Jr., St. Paul, Maurice Anthony Chenier, magna cum laude Chicago, Ill. Ann Elizabeth Dilley, A.A., Susan Lynn Chernausek, Northfield Hutchinson Nancy Jane Disch, St. Paul Benjamin David Cherryhomes, Norman Lynn Dittman, Custer, Minneapolis S.D. Mary Ellen Childs, Branch, Wis., John Francis Docherty, Edina summa cum laude Bruce David Dockter, Brooklyn LeAnn Carol Clemens, Columbia Center Heights Joseph Leland Dodds, Lorraine Marie Coan, Crystal Minneapolis, summa cum laude Michael James Cochrane, Jeannie Bernadette Dolezal, Minnetonka Minneapolis Richard Alan Cohen, St. Louis Kathleen Ann Donnelly, New Park Ulm Mark Robert Colombo, Stillwater Timothy Francis Dornfeld, Julie Rae Condecon, Brooklyn Bloomington Center Tracey Elaine Downey, Fridley Thomas Hathaway Conley, B.A., Diana Kay DuBois, St. Paul Mankato Judith Anderson Dutcher, Kathleen Ann Connair, Bloomington Minneapolis Susan Cramer Duxbury, William Shawn Conwav, Golden Bloomington, cum laude Valley . Jeff L. Dzick, Carlton, cum laude Kathryn Ellen Corbett, Mankato Michael Kent Earl, Minneapolis Kirk Brian Corson, Preston Paula Louise Eaton, A. A. , Judy Marlene Coughlin, Edina Bloomington Jennie Cruz, Humacao, Puerto Tori Ann Eberlein, Minneapolis, Rico magna cum laude Heidi Ann Cunningham, La Diane Renee Ebert, St. Paul Crosse, Wis. Beverly Jean Ecklund, B.A., Martha Kyle Cunningham, White Minneapolis Bear Lake Leslie Kim Edelstein, St. Paul, Annamarie Audrey Daley, cum laude Lewiston, summa cum laude Rickey Lynn Edgcumbe, Sioux Ann Marie Daly, St. Paul City, Iowa Brian James Daly, St. Louis Park Page Edmunds, Orono Peter H. Daniels, Burlington, Patricia Ann Egan, Minneapolis Wis. Lale Egecioglu Vickie Lynn Davidson, Todd Jeffrey Egeland, Two Minneapolis Harbors, magna cum laude Jennifer Victoria Davies Rae C. Eglinton, Houston Mark Robert Davis, Minneapolis Michael Ghebre Egziabher, Addis Nancy Ann Davis, Robbinsdale Ababa, Ethiopia Vicente John-Patrick Dawis, MaryAnn Frances Eibs, Minneapolis Minneapolis Greg Allan Delaney, Duluth, Bruce Martin Eisert, Rochester magna cum laude Rosalie Sharon Elliott, Beloit, Daniel DelCaro, Biwabik Wis.

June 102 Renee Helen Ellis, Bloomington Barbara Jane Foster, Park Ridge, David Carl Elmeer, st. Paul Ill., summa cum laude Gweneth K. Eng, B.S., Odin Katherine Louise Franklin, St. Stephen Louis Engel, Prior Lake Paul Heidi Anita Engelen, Evanston, Patrick Gerard Frawley, Ill. Minneapolis Cullen Charles , St. Paul Kathleen K. Fredriksen, David L. Engler, Minneapolis Minneapolis Cynthia Kay English, Minneapolis Douglas Guthrie Frey, B.A., St. Leane Marie English, Arcadia, Paul Wis. Joan Whitney Frey, Shorewood, Nancy L. Engstrom, St. Paul magna cum laude John Arthur Erickson, B. A., Ann Marie Fronk, Edina Minneapolis Mary Gay Fuller, Minneapolis Kathleen Jane Erickson, Edina, Jennifer Ann Furru, Minneapolis magna cum laude Glen Norman Gakemeier, Roger Curtis Erickson, Savage Minnetonka Scott Rodney Erickson, Richfield, Joseph Milton Gallagher, La summa cum laude Crosse, Wis. Valerie Sue Erickson, Cloquet Lynn Marie Gallegos, St. Paul Raul Emilio Espinosa, Rochester, Anne Marcia Gardner, St. Louis magna cum laude Park, summa cum laude Patricia K. Ewer, Minneapolis Carlton Renaud Garner, Julian Timothy Faile, A.A., Birmingham, Ala. Kershaw, S.c. Scott Geoffrey Gates, Minneapolis, Patrick Henry Farley, St. Paul magna cum laude Thomas Arno Farrell, Fonda, Michael Angelo Gavino, Iowa Minneapolis Jane Susan Feinberg, St. Louis Robert Kennon Geiger, Park, summa cum laude Minnetonka Dean Alan Feller, A.A. Craig Douglas Gelderman, Barbara Jean Felt, Burnsville, A. L.A., Minneapolis magna cum laude Cynthia Anne George, South St. Susan Gail Ferguson, St. Louis, Paul Mo. David Montgomery George, Curtis Alan Field, Minneapolis Minneapolis David Alan Fingerman, Richard Bryan Gerrish, Minneapolis Minneapolis Margaret Mary Fink, Edina Cynthia Marie Gessele, Detroit John Edward Fischer, Whitefish Lakes, summa cum laude Bay, Wis. Beth Ann Gilleland, St. Paul Randy Earl Fisher, Shaw, Miss. Cheri Michele Gillman, Edina Sheila Mary FitzPatrick, A.A., St. Gary D. Gimmestad, Minneapolis Paul Patricia Kay Gladchild, Robert Arnold Flaa, Stillwater Minneapolis Matthew Leo Fling, Bloomington, Kevin Michael Godfrey, Jackson, magna cum laude Mich. Edward J. Y. Fong, Bloomington Kristine Marie Gorder, Margery Georgia Forchas, Minneapolis Minneapolis Elizabeth L. Gradie, Putnam, Jermaine Clair Foslien, Conn. Minneapolis Phillip Jon Gratz, Minneapolis

103 June Michael George Gray, Mary Alice Hausladen, Winsted Minneapolis Janene Lee Hawkins, Fridley, Patricia Jane Grazzini, magna cum laude Bloomington Barbara Swendseen Hayhoe, Linda Kathryn Grecula, st. Paul Edina Robert Bradley Grohnke, Edina Christopher Francis Heck, Steven Robert Grosshans, Bloomington Minneapolis Dawn Jean Hedenberg, Duluth Gregory Shih-Ping Gum, Duluth Jon Clay Hegvik, Anoka Gregory Maurice Gunderson, Eau Jean Marie Hei, St. Paul Claire, Wis. Catherine Lorraine Heibel, A.A., Lynn Marie Gustafson, A.A., Minneapolis Brooklyn Park Julie Ann Hein-Elijah, Black Nancy Lee Guttormson, Creek, Wis. Minnetonka Judith Kay Hellander, A.A., Anna Lynn Haak, Minneapolis Willmar Andreas Stylianou Hadjipolycarpou, Jon Christian Helmrich, Plymouth Vyzakia, Cyprus Clare Marie Henkes, Racine, Wis. Janice Grace Hagen, Stevens Kevin Leo Hennessv, St. Paul Point, Wis. Karen Jean Herken~att, Mary Therese Hajduk, Rosemount Minneapolis Mark F. Herman, Luverne James Granger Half Suzanne Herman, Merrick, N.Y. Kimberly Anne Hall, Stillwater David Allen Hiebeler, Mary Ellen Hallberg, Blaine Bloomington Rick James Halling, Rochester Jeanne Ann Hilpisch, White Bear Laura Linn Hammerlund, ~aple Lake, summa cum laude Plain / Maxine Hines, A.L.A., Cora Jane Hamzavi, Minneapolis Minneapolis Paul David Hancq, Raleigh, N.C. Gary Alan Hochman, Milwaukee, Douglas Osborn Hands, Edina Wis. Bruce Carre Hannum, Shorewood, Regina Mary Hoffman, Rochester cum laude Kathleen Ann Hogan, St. Paul Margaret Marie Hansen, Elizabeth Ann Holden, Sheboygan, Minneapolis Wis., summa cum laude Nancy Ann Hansen, Superior, Lori Ann Hollenkamp, Woodbury Wis. Mark Gordon Holtz, A.A., White Cindy Lee Hanson, Windom, Bear Lake summa cum laude Charles Matthew Hooley, Stephanie Lee Hanson, Stillwater Minneapolis, magna cum laude Richard William Hoops, Green Laurie Jean Harkins, St. Paul Bay, Wis. Jeffrey Allyn Harkman, Cokato Paul D. Hovde, Chisago City Deborah B. Harris, st. Paul David Eric Hovinen, Hopkins Marcy Lynn Harris, Bloomington Diane Kathleen Howland, William Michael Hart, A.A., Minneapolis, magna cum laude Austin Deborah Marie Hudson, Elk Michael Francis Harty, Kenyon River Joseph Gerard Hauer, Fond du Jeffrey John Hunsberger, i. Lac, Wis. Minneapolis Karen Annette Haug, Plvmouth Kathleen Alice Hurd, Beresford, Joel Edward Haugen, M'inneapolis S.D.

June 104

! fil I' Mary Ann Hutchins, Bloomington Scott Warren Johnston, St. Paul Michael Palmer Hydeen, Thomas Jay Jollie, Green Bay, Minneapolis Wis. Vincent Louis Hyman-Pena, St. Kurt Douglas Jones, Gillett, Wis. Paul Michael John Jones, st. Paul Eric Eugene Inman, Minneapolis Patricia Margaret Jones Basil Ivanov, Minneapolis Rick Dale Joppru, Minneapolis Ronald Allen Iverson, Forest Jeanette E. Jordan, A. A., Munich, Lake, summa cum laude West Germany Thomas R. Jackson, Mahtomedi Nancy J. Joyer, Minneapolis Philip Douglas Jacobsma, Jennifer Louise-Wilcox Jude, Pipestone Mound Kirsten Diane Jacobson, Edina Alice Ann Jungkunz, White Bear Stephen Roy Jantscher, Richfield Lake John Gerard Jarvis, Minneapolis Brian William Junker, Stephen Paul J arzyna, Richfield Minneapolis, cum laude Faith Marie Jaspersen, st. Paul Craig Martin Jurchisin, Burnsville George Ellis Jenkins III, A. L. A., Joseph Morris Kane, A.A., Ridley Chicago, Ill. Park, Pa. Dawn'l Marie Jennings, New Rhea Lee Kaner, Minneapolis Hope Nancy Meryl Kaplan, Minneapolis, JoAnna Mary Jents, St. Paul cum laude Julie Ann Jersild, Janesville, Wis. Tammy Karol, Toronto, Ontario, Bonnie Lou Jetty, Minneapolis Canada Nancy Kathryn Johansen, Tyler Jeanne E. Kass, Dubuque, Iowa, Patrick Franklin Johns, cum laude Minneapolis Ann Nelson Katzman, Aileen Renee Johnson, Coon Washington, D.C. Rapids Terry James Katzman, Dale Arnold Johnson, Minneapolis Minneapolis David Ekard Johnson, Minnetonka John R. Kauffman, Richfield Gloria Jean Johnson, Virginia Juanita M. Kaufman, Minneapolis James Robert Johnson, Sherburn, Perri Lynn Kauls-Olson, Roseville cum laude Janet Kay, Medford Jay L. Johnson, St. Paul Catherine Mary Keane, Jody Lynn Johnson, Wayzata Minneapolis, summa cum laude Kathleen Margaret Johnson, St. Sharon Ann Keene, Coon Rapids Paul Sarah Gwynn Keith, Chapel Hill, Kathleen Susan Johnson, A.A., St. N.C. Louis Park William Fraser Keith, Rochester Linda Kathleen Johnson, Coon Virginia Anne Kelley, Edina Rapids Kathleen Louise Kelly, Blaine Michael James Johnson, Two Richard Lester Kiesling Harbors Julie Kyoungnan Kim, Mounds Paul Arthur Johnson, Bloomington View Sharon Louise Johnson, Kenneth Miles King, Richfield Minneapolis Donald George Kirchner, West Susan Kaye Johnson, Coon Rapids St. Paul Wendelin Kaye Johnson, Detroit Peggy Jean Kist, Minneapolis Lakes Susan Jane Klinger, Afton Donald Charles Johnston, Jr., John Christopher Klippen, Maple Richfield Lake, cum laude

105 June ~ "' " Susan T. Klos, Minneapolis Scott Robert Lebo, New City, Judy M. Kohler, White Bear N.Y. Lake Emilie A. Lee, Minneapolis Bonita Jane Kollodge, Minnetonka James Whaley Lee, Winona Kiki Koras, Willmar Jeffrey Andrew Leiviska, Virginia Michael Thomas Kramm, St. Paul Konnie Marie LeMay, Duluth Thomas John Kraus, Waseca Katherine J. Lenaburg, Valley James Stuart Krause, Wadena, City, N.D. summa cum laude Lily Leong, St. Louis Park Jodie Kay Kreckow, A.A., Karen Andrea Leppke, Evanston, Minnetonka Ill. Sandra Kave Krell, A. A., Blaine Alayne LaRae Leslie, Cresco, Thomas John Kroeck, Wayzata Iowa Mark James Krystosek, William John LeVoir, Edina Minneapolis Theresa Kathleen Levy, Barbara Kucera, Germantown, Minneapolis Wis. Michael Leopold Libera, Joseph Frederick Kueppers, St. Minneapolis Paul Marcia Marie Lindahl, St. Paul Aaron Dov Kula, New York, N.Y. Bryan Robert Lindberg, Anoka Victor Kylochko, Chisholm Mark Thomas Lindblad, St. Paul Suzanne Marie Lahr, St. Paul Kevin John Lindholm Beverly Carlson Lamb, St. Paul Todd Stewart Lindley, Golden Sharon Lee Lamkin, Minneapolis Valley Julie Marie Landwehr, Golden John Leonard Lindstrom, Webster Valley Steven Anthony Locke, Randall Scott Lane, White Bear Minneapolis Lake Gregory Paul Lokken, St. Paul Thomas Anton Lang, Hopkins, Marv Ellen Lonev, st. Paul cum laude Ann~ Pauline Lu~kes, A.A., St. Nene Shukurat Lanval, Kano, Paul Nigeria Mark Steven Ludwig, Isanti Ernesto Ricardo Larrea, St. Louis Sandra J. Luepke, La Crosse, Park Wis. Brenton Greg Larson, A. E. S., St. Helen Marie Lukasewych, A.A., Louis Park Minneapolis Eric Hugh Larson, Minneapolis Christopher William Lund, Katherine Lynn Larson, A.A., St. Rochester Paul Kristine U. Lundsgaard, Golden Rick Charles Larson, Bloomington Valley, cum laude Sheryl Lynn Larson, Minneapolis Jo M. Lynch, A.A., Bloomington Steven George Larson, Eau Mary Kathleen Lynch, Milwaukee, Claire, Wis. Wis. Marion Gibbons Lassonde, A.A., Linda Lee Maher, Minneapolis Bloomington, magna cum laude Jennifer Lee ~lahowald, New James I. Laurence, Minnetonka, Prague magna cum laude Thang Dong Quoc Mai, St. Paul, David G. H. Lawrence, New summa cum laude Brighton James Alan Malley, Minnetonka Ian Graham Leask, London, Douglas John Malmberg, A.L.A., England Minneapolis

June 106 Marv Patricia ~alone, West St. Kam Ilese ~etcalf, Minneapolis Paul David Frederick Mever, Gil Mann, Minneapolis, magna Minneapolis . cum laude Gary Lee Meyer, Champlin William Ring ~anny, Cleveland, Jan Patrice Meyer, Willmar Ohio Karen Michele Meyer, Madison, David Sidney ~argolis, St. Louis Wis., summa cum laude Park David Joseph Meyers, A.A., Marie Bissonnette Margulies, Worthington Bloomington George Lawrence Mikan, Jr., David Lee Markowitz, Rochester Edina Matthew John Markus, Waseca Michael M. Mikeworth Brian Jerome Martin, Plainview Alan Scott Milavetz, Golden Jeffrey Martin, A.L.A., Warba Valley Linda Jean Martin, Minneapolis Karla Mae Miller Lisa Ann Martin, Edina Nancy Louise Miller, Minneapolis Kurt Daniel ~artinez, South St. Norman Gerard Miller, Mound Paul Scott Arthur Miller, Auburn, Michael Patrick Mason, A.L.A., Wash. St. Paul Susan Amy Miller, New Brighton Susan Kay Mattson, Edina Mary Elizabeth Millett, Winona Carol Lynn Maurer, Pine Bluff, Bradley Alan Mjolsness, Ark. Minneapolis Kimberly Ann ~axwell, Excelsior Daniel Paul Monson, Golden Stephen Robert Mayer Valley Patrick John McCann, St. Paul Theresa Ann Monsour, St. Paul, Cynthia Lee McCollum, magna cum laude Minnetonka Mary Ann Montgomery, B.A. Sally E. McConville, Edina Daniel Bruce Moore, Minnetonka Lawrence Reed McDonough, Kimberlai Anne Moore, Spooner, B.S., Bloomington Wis. Steven Joseph McEllistrem, West Lynn Marie Moore, Burnsville, St. Paul magna cum laude Leila McGrath, St. Paul Patricia Blanche Moran, Peggy Ann McKee, ~inneapolis Vancouver, Canada Gary Kenneth McKinley, Red Julie Mae Morgan, Red Wing Wing Nathan Grant Morris, St. Paul Terry Patrick McNiff, A.E.S., Los Eric Daniel Morrison, West St. Angeles, Calif., summa cum Paul laude Terry Ladon Morrow, Minneapolis Rickie Dean McVenes, Redwood Julie Ann Morse, Champlin Falls Kathy Lynn Evans Morton, Paul Vincent Medin, A.S., Plainview Willmar Stephanie Fay Mueller, Chaska, Frank J. Mee, Minneapolis summa cum laude Marilyn Frances Meiners, Austin Robert Allan Mullikin, Apple George Earl Meinz, St. Cloud Valley Mona Jean Melling, Minneapolis Sherry M. Mulrooney, Michelle L. Menken, Minneapolis, Minnetonka magna cum laude Patricia Marie Murray, Golden Maureen Ann Messer, Valley Minneapolis

107 June Gregory Thomas Murtha, Carla Jean Olsen, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mark Warren Olsen, Owatonna Fred Michael Mutchler, Deborah June Olson, St. Paul Minneapolis Karen Jean Olson, Omaha, Neb. Gary Norman Myran, Minneapolis John William Oman, Minneapolis David Roland Nagel, Minneapolis Rosalia Roberta O'Neill Barry Howard Nash, Minneapolis Philip Marc Orenstein, Russell John Navratil, St. Louis Minneapolis Park, magna cum laude Samuel Okeowo Orogun, St. Paul Janice A. Nelson, st. Louis Park Barry Roger O'Rourke, St. Paul Jennifer Nelson, Minneapolis Mark Alan Osborne, Mayville, Joseph Brandon Nelson, A.A., Wis. Cedar Lori J. Otteson, Appleton, Wis. William George Nelson, Mary Margaret Ourada, Buffalo Minneapolis James Carter Overholser, St. John Philip Ness, St. Louis Park Paul, magna cum laude Kenneth Duane Ness, Detroit Mojisola Victoria Oyedele, Ibadan, Lakes Nigeria Mary C. Ness, Edina Jill Marie Paaso, Duluth Robin Russell Ness, Hector William Burns Paine, St. Paul Matthew Jon Neubert, Lake City G. Christopher Park, Minneapolis Valentin Likolehua Neuhaus, Ann Melinda Parrish, Minneapolis B.A., Kohala, Hawaii Gregory Jon Path, South St. Paul, Reubenna Jean Neukom, cum laude Minneapolis Louis LeRoy Peak, Jr., New Kathleen Cecilia Newhouse, Albany, Ind. Rosemount Roberta Marian Pedersen, David Paul Nicoli, Valley City, Milwaukee, Wis. N.D. Luke Molberg Pederson, Cindy Larson Nidetz, Brooklyn Minneapolis, summa cum laude Park David Marshall Pence, Craig Lee Nielsen, Minneapolis Minneapolis Lindsay Allis Nielsen, Minneapolis, Mary Pamela Percich, St. Paul magna cum laude Deborah Lynn Perkins, A.A., Brian Louis Nilles, Rollingstone White Bear Lake Daniel James Nolan, Minneapolis Michele Edna Perkins, Evelyn Mae Nordley, Scandia Minneapolis James Thomas Novak, st. Paul Pamela L. Perkins, Minnetonka Paul Novak, Hometown, Ill. Denise Diane Persons, Lawrence Ralph Oby, Hastings Minneapolis Kathie Ann O'Connell, New Helena Peskova, Minneapolis Richmond, Wis. Judith Ann Peters, St. Paul Stephen O. Ohimor, Ughelli, Patrice Marie Peters, Golden Nigeria Valley Cynthia Anne Ohmann, St. Paul Judy Ann Petersen, Anoka Mary Ann Oknich, Roseville Stephen Keith Petersen, Shirley S. M. Okrent, Rosemount Minneapolis, magna cum laude James V. Peterson, Fargo, N.D., Michele Marie Olafson magna cum laude Richard Douglas O'Leary, Edina Kevin Lewis Peterson, Brainerd Richard Ralph aleen, Milaca, Marilyn Kay Peterson, summa cum laude Minneapolis

June lOS Winston Phillip Peterson, Cokato James Wright Robertson III, George Constantine Petros, Edina Minneapolis Michael John Robertson, Judith Sylvia Pilz, Minneapolis Minneapolis D. Scott Pitman, Newport Larry Bruce Robitz, Minneapolis Maybeth Gerard Pizzi, Trudy Kay Roelike, Belgrade Minneapolis Maureen Earley Roen, New Scott Louis Pious, summa cum Richmond, Wis. laude Gavle Frances Roessl Margaret Poepp, Minneapolis Robert Richard Roos, St. Cloud Janet Barbara Poore, St. Paul Elaine Bernice Roseland, Maple Leslie Carol Poore, A. L. A., Grove Maplewood Janice Fay Rosen, Golden Valley Charles Edward Pratt, Wayzata Joyce E. Rosenbaum, B.A., Paul Donald Prior, St. Paul Minneapolis Dawn Lorine Pugh, Mound Sue Ellen Rosenbaum, Craig Allan Pulkrabek, New Minneapolis, magna cum laude Brighton Sara Ellen Rosenbloom, New Ulm Jane Elizabeth Purcell, Roseville, Ann Auxier Rosenstein, Sioux summa cum laude Falls, S.D. Cheryl Joy Purmort, Minneapolis Aviel Isaiah Roshwald, Golden Sharon Ann Quinn, St. Paul Valley, summa cum laude Hope Lee Radebaugh, Evanston, James A. Roth, Minneapolis Ill. Daniel Brian Rouse, Minneapolis William Charles Radichel, Susan Diane Rowland, Mankato Minneapolis Bernard G. Raidt Susan L. Rucker, Minneapolis Thomas Lee Rank, A.A., St. Paul Diane Marie Ruffenach, A. A. , Jean Marie Ranweiler, New Ulm Robbinsdale Paul Edward Rasmussen, Bagley, Colleen Cecelia Rush, st. Paul summa cum laude Steven Harrison Russell, Deborah Louise Ratelle, Dodge Minneapolis Center Brenna Marie Ryan, St. Paul Natalie S. Reciputi, Minneapolis John Michael Ryan, Jr., Karen Anne Reed, Wheaton, Ill. Bloomington Ann Marie Reichow, Minneapolis Alan Dale Ryhti, Crystal Robert Joseph Reilly, Brooklyn Deborah Ann Sagstetter, North Park St. Paul Joan Eileen Rice, Minneapolis Patricia Lynn St.Cyr, A.A., Catherine Richter, B.A., Tacoma, Minneapolis Wash. Mariko Ann Sandberg, Martin John Rieder, Delano Minneapolis Shelley Ann Ritala, Biwabik, Melissa Ann Sanders, Marshfield, magna cum laude Wis. Deborah Lucynda Roach, South Santosh Sangarasivam, Kokuvil, St. Paul Sri Lanka Mark Douglas Robarge, Racine, Linda S. Sangrene, A.A., Wis. Minneapolis Kenneth Lee Robbins, Wilmette, David Alan Santella, Minneapolis Ill. Nancy Dee Scheu, Minneapolis Craig Douglas Roberts, Mankato Rebecca Susan Schipper, Lindstrom

109 June Kevin Lee Schluck, Minneapolis Kristen Kay Smith, Fridley, Dana Alexandra Schneider summa cum laude Anita Louise Schroeder, A.A., Matthew George Smith, Stillwater, A.S., Kinney magna cum laude Kurt Alfred Schroeder, st. Paul Tracy Ellen Smith, B.F.A., Austin Timothy Gordon Schultheis, Bette Sue Sodd, Minneapolis Minneapolis Vicki Lynn Sorenson, Austin Frederick William Schultz, Edina Joan D. Spangler, Morgan Teresa Mae Schultz, Brookings, Lynn Ellen Speaker, Kenosha, S.D. Wis. Thomas John Schumacher, St. Sandra Lee Sproat, Clarendon Paul Hills, Ill. Mary Joan Schwab, St. Paul Alana Therese Srp, A.A., Oakland Mary Lee Schwab, Richfield Rebecca L. Stack, Minneapolis Sandra Schwinkendorf, Edina Stanley Paul Stapuk, South St. Steven Patrick Scott, St. Paul Paul Joyce Patricia Secrist, A. L. A. , Elizabeth Helen Starr, Lake Park Minneapolis David Lee Steensgard, Diane Catherine Seeler, Richfield Bloomington Colleen Mae Seltz, St. Paul Pamela Ann Stegemeyer, Allen Lee Senstad, Carlos Minneapolis, cum laude Howard Stillman Shapiro, Gary Michael Stelzner, South St. Minneapolis Paul Timothy Mason Sheehy, Debra J. Stevens, Windom Bloomington Mark Irwin Stewart, Madison, Eula Margaret Sheffier, A. A., Wis. Forest Lake Denise Elizabeth Stinson­ Susan Jean Sherry, Fridley Bernstein, Crystal Bay Thomas Edward Shetka, St. Paul Monica Anne Stoch, Hoyt Lakes, Hollie Bea Shutter, B. A., magna cum laude Madison, Wis. Leslie Anne Stone, Boulder, Colo. joseph john Sicora, Minneapolis, Richard S. Stone, Green Bay, magna cum laude Wis. William John Simmer, St. Paul Guy Francis Strauss, Sauk Centre John Terrance Simmons, Carol L. Strecker, Duluth Birmingham, Mich. Scott E. Strickland, Minneapolis Kathy Lee Simon, St. Paul Vicki Jane Stromme, Minneapolis Kathryn V. Simonett, Apple Anita Louise Stuart, Minneapolis Valley ,Mark Withers Stuckey, Kathleen M. Simons, Chaska Minneapolis Carol Filbert Singh, Minneapolis, Lynn Carol Studley, Duluth summa cum laude Richard Michael Sturtz, Ted D. Skogman, Cambridge Minneapolis Colleen Marie Slater, North St. Beverly Ann Sullivan, Minneapolis Paul Marva Mae Sullivan, St. Louis Pamela Sue Slette, Minneapolis Park, summa cum laude Eileen Mary Slettebo, Edina Sean Barry Sullivan, Fridley Elizabeth Jane Sloan, North Oaks Patricia j. Sullwold, Roseville, Sheryl Lynn Sloane, St. Paul cum laude Scott Charles Slocum, Edina Catherine Ann Sutmar, St. Paul Julie Anne Smith Mary Agnes Sutton, Minneapolis

June 110 Sara Kay Swanlund, Newport Charles Macbeth Upham, Randall Douglas Swanson, Apple Minneapolis Valley Renee Marie Valois, Roseville, Sara Elizabeth Swanson, summa cum laude Owatonna, summa cum laude Kathleen Marie Vaughan, Randal Arthur Swart, Minneapolis Maplewood Kate Cottingham Sweetser, Douglas H. Velenchenko, Crystal Minneapolis Thomas George Voracek, John Andrew Taft, Richfield Owatonna Cynthia Lee Taylor, Eden Prairie Timothy Virgil Votava, Thief River Karin Linda Teder, Minneapolis Falls Hubert Balthazar Temba, D.S.J., Toni Ann Voytovich, St. Anthony Minneapolis Village Lori R. Tenenbaum, Golden David James Wagner, Mitchell, Valley S.D. Cynthia J. Theis, Excelsior Kathryn Ann Wakaruk, Kristen Kay Thiesse, Mankato Minneapolis Patrick James Thill, Marshfield, Martin Edward Waldera, St. Paul Wis. Arnie S. Wambold, Edina Phyllis Jean Thomas, St. Paul Kari Jo Wangensteen, Duluth Stanley Eric Thomas, Grand Debra Ruth Warne, Minneapolis Marais Wendy Jane Warren, Rochester Rebecca Ann Thommen, Joseph Martin Waters, Madison, Bloomington Wis., summa cum laude Barbara Jean Thompson, A.L.A., Linda A. Watson, B.A., Scandia Minneapolis Gordon Douglas Weaver, New Susan Marie Thompson, Brighton Minneapolis Allen Richard Webb, New Prague Lisa Thomquist, Milwaukee, Wis. Anne Elizabeth Webber, St. Paul, Brian Phillip Thysell, Moorhead summa cum laude Gerald Lorenz Tiegs, A.A., Le Mark Douglas Weber, St. Paul, Sueur summa cum laude Laura Jane Tiemann, St. Paul Ronald Joseph Weber, Crystal Laura Marie Tierney, Stillwater Donna Marie Webster, Nancy Jane Tomlinson, Minneapolis Minneapolis Susan Dunn Wehmann, South Scott Lee Tonneslan, Fridley, cum Haven laude Barbara Lynn Weigent, Richfield, James Patrick Tonsager, Wayzata, summa cum laude magna cum laude Leny Emmerzael Wendel, Huong Tran Rockanje, Netherlands, magna Donette Joan Triantaphyllithou, cum laude Deer River Joseph Anthony Wenker, Freeport Ceil Ann Trowbridge, Comstock Linda Rose Werthauser, St. Paul Joan Trygg, St. Paul Laura Jane Westin, Edina Reynee K. Tung, Mahtomedi Nichole Eve Westman, Bernadette M. Tursich, Lakeland, Minneapolis Fla. Anita Louise Westover, Forest Kathryn Louise Tyra, Golden Lake Valley Penny Ann Wheeler, Mendota Michael Peter Tysdal, Minneapolis Heights John Richard Ullery, Slayton Dale Robert Whitby, Minneapolis

111 June l Joseph Carl Wickert, Milwaukee, Terese Mary Winkler, Rochester Wis. Wendy Jane Witt, Appleton, Wis. Scott Alan Wier, New Brighton, Ellen Ann Wold, Madison, Wis. magna cum laude Wai-Lin Sandy Wong, A.A., Hong Russell Kevin Wierimaa, A. A. , Kong Hibbing Paul John Wychor, Columbia Theresa Jane Wilberg, Anoka Heights Robin Williams-Johnson Elizabeth Zarling, Edina Charlene Diane Wilmar, St. Paul Sharon Osborne Zaycheck, Robert Allen Wilson, Rushford Minneapolis John P. Winbauer, A.A., Paul James Zech, Edina Bismarck, N.D. Kathryn Leslie Zoesch, Kathe Maureen Wingert, Dover, Minneapolis summa cum laude Eileen Marie Loy Zurek, St. Louis Park

Bachelor of Elected Studies Kay Maureen Costello, A.A., Gregory James O'Leary, St. Paul Grand Rapids William James Pederson, James Chester Durda, Golden Minneapolis Valley Thomas John Stockhaus, Pearl Naomi Gerrard, Reinholds, Minneapolis Pa. Thomas Walter Tabaka, Claudia Ann Gowan, Rochester Minneapolis Grace E. Jaeger, Minneapolis, Gary Kenard Thaden, Minneapolis summa cum laude Daniel I. Untiedt, New Hope Thomas John LaVelle, Roseville

Bachelor of Fine Arts Cindy Anderson, Minneapolis Julie Ann Miller, Crookston Mary Elizabeth Berg, Brookings, Susan A. Milnor, Minneapolis S.D. Linda Christine Miza, Minneapolis Paul Brokken, Duluth Jeffrey Michael Nelson, Brooklyn David Robert Chapman, Park Bloomington Martha Kay Nelson, Wayzata Ruth Evalin Erick, South St. Paul Thomas Peter Novak, St. Paul Susan Marie Flaskerud, Julie Ann Olsen, Lauderdale Minneapolis Robert Dale Reed, Winthrop Robert Mark Fornell, St. Paul, Daniel Larrv Richardson, summa cum laude Milwauke~, Wis. Lauren Susan Green, Minneapolis Kurt John Simon, Minneapolis, Steven Paul Hanson, A.A., summa cum laude Minneapolis Norma J. Simone, B.A., St. Paul Gale Beatrice Holmquist, Buffalo Steven Morris Smith, Winnebago, John Charles Ilg, New Prague, Neb. summa cum laude Karen Lee Torkelson, Crookston Christopher Samuel Kachian, Barbara Kaye Wanquist, Roseville, Waukesha, Wis. summa cum laude

June 112 Bachelor of Individualized Studies Diane Marie Helland, Superior, Lizabeth Jane Killoran, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. Sarah Leslie Hess, White Bear Jeff B. Palmer, Wayzata Lake Robert Thomas Reiersgord, Bennett David Horn, Glenview, Minneapolis Ill. Michael Jon Wagener, Waconia Sachi Ann Yagyu, Fridley

Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Carol Albrecht, Julie Ann Johnson, Cambridge Mankato, magna cum laude Vicki Rae Kaskinen, Minneapolis Deborah K. Amazi, Minneapolis Linda Louise Koblas Meribeth Allyn Arndt, Stephen William Kuehne, Minneapolis Burnsville Michael Nelson Baker, Baltimore, Nene Shukurat Lanval, Kano, Md. Nigeria Gerald Floyd Beasley, Anoka Kevin Peter Larson, Park River, Michael Lawrence Billig, Little N.D. Falls, cum laude David William Lundblad, Duluth Kathleen A. Bochert, A.L.A., William Blanchard Lydon, St. Minnetonka Paul Timothy Charles Cook, Grand Joel Harvey Mack, St. Paul, Forks, N.D. summa cum laude Sally Jane Cowell, West St. Paul Jeanne Dorothy Neff Madson, St. William Dennis Davison, Little Paul Canada Michele Renee Madson, Austin Holly Jo Dodds, Spring Park Diane Elizabeth Mathieson, White Elizabeth Anne Edwards, Bear Lake Minneapolis Susan Lvnn McConnell, Austin Clarice L. Erickson, Maple Grove Henry Covington McNair, Lonnie Marie Erickson, B. Math, St. Paul Bloomington Marilyn Frances Meiners, Austin Darryl Lawrence Finn, Janet Lyn Miller, Minneapolis Minneapolis Debra Jo Nissen, Waseca Ann Elizabeth Folkestad, Kasson, Carol Ann O'Brien, Corcoran magna cum laude Christopher Peter Pearson, Harry Evans Gallaher, Evergreen, Roseville Colo. Cathy Jo Prokosch, New Ulm Douglas Edward Haaland, A.A.S., Barbara Lynn Richards, Gilbert Maple Grove Jolene Ann Robin, New Hope Brian Philip Hairston, Columbus, Randv David Rosvold, South St. Ohio Pa~l Scott Allyn Hawkinson, Beth Ann Stockinger, Minneapolis Minneapolis Brian Frederic Thompson, A.A., Curtis Dean Woo Hom, Fergus Richfield Falls, magna cum laude Margaret Mary Ulrich, Richfield James Justin Hunziker, Kathleen Marie Winjum, New Minneapolis Hope Peggy Luing James, Bloomington Margaret Mary Zan miller, St. Lynn Lucille Jenkins, St. Paul Paul


MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science Becky Ann Benesh, Ada Karla Marie Lundell, Minneapolis, Pamela Joy Benke, Hutchinson, with distinction with distinction Paula Jean Masek, North St. Paul Linda Diane Berglund, Cheryl Marie Mattson, Plum City, Bloomington Wis. Laura Catherine Bergmann, Edina Elizabeth Kimberley Neuvar, Susan Dale Eliszewski, White White Bear Lake Bear Lake Marilyn Claire Olson, Minnetonka Carol Louise Gilkerson, Susan Angeline Piasecki, Minneapolis, with high Minneapolis distinction Kathryn Louise Rantala, Proctor Jayne L. Gillen, Maple Grove Debra Cathleen Rodahl, Oakdale, Elizabeth Anne Haberkorn, Edina with distinction Michael P. Halloran, A.E.S., Monica Lee Rosin, A.A., Shakopee, with distinction Minneapolis Terri Lynn Johnson, A.A.S., Judith Marie Rued, Aitkin, with Fairmont, with distinction distinction Lynn Marie Knutson, Slayton Kimberly Ann Smidt, Minneapolis Linda Rose Kolupailo, St. Paul, Linda Marie Thompson, with high distinction Lindstrom Carol Jean Lahti, Fridley Hoang Yen Thi Tran, Elizabeth Ann Lindeke, St. Paul, Bloomington, with distinction with high distinction Kathleen Ann Wessel, Green Bay, Janice Carole Lohman, New Wis., with high distinction Hope, with distinction Anthony Blair Williams, Wausau, Connie Jean Luebke, Albert Lea, Wis., with distinction with distinction

MEDICINE Bachelor of Science in Nurse Anesthesia Lenore J. Methven, St. Paul Doris Mae Pearce, St. Paul

Doctor of Medicine Kip Loring Abrahamson, B.A., Robert Artwich, B.S., M.A., Minneapolis Stambaugh, Mich. Craig Howard Anderson, B.A., Thomas Hutton Avre III, B.A., Minneapolis Minnetonka . Kimberly Ann Anderson, B.S., St. David Robert Bachman, B.A. Paul Berne B. Bahnson, B.A., B.S., Sioux Falls, S. D.

June 114 Gary Michael Bakker, B.A., Pedro De La Rosa, A. B., Los Bloomington Angeles, Calif. Susan Diane Bannick, B.A., Glenn Leroy Detlefsen, B.A., Walnut Grove Burnsville Kristin Ann Benson, B.A., John Steven Dickhudt, B. M. E., Mankato St. Paul Larry Robert Bergstrom, B.A., William Robert Dike!, B.A., Foley Minneapolis Ronald Vernon Beyer, B.A., Kenneth Lee Dirlam, B. S., Holloway Redwood Falls Barbara Bezdicek, B.Chem, B.S., Richard Allen Dysart, B.S., M.S., Lakefield Springfield Louis Stewart Binder, B.S., George Frederick Edeburn, B.A., Golden Valley Wadena Karl Luther Blomquist, B.A., Mark Edwin Edstrom, B.S. cum Milaca laude, Minneapolis Steven Edward Bondow, B.S., Kathleen Marie Egan, B.A., Neenah, Wis. Robbinsdale Dirk LeVan Boysen, B.S., Mark Richard Elstad, B.S., St. Bemidji Paul David Parker Brockway, B.A., Robert Erik Engebretson, B. S., Minneapolis Edina Michael Howard Broderdorf, B. S., Winslow Engel, B.A., Cambridge, B. S., San Diego, Calif. Mass. Kathleen Dwver Brooks, B.A. Victoria Anne Erhart, B.A., summa cu~ laude, St. Paul Minneapolis Christopher Charles Brown, B.A., Patricia Mills Erkel, B.A., St. Paul M.P.H., Monticello Melinda Gee Brown, B.A., South John Joseph Esslinger, B. S., Pasadena, Calif. Mendota Heights Ronald Wayne Brummer, B.S., Juanita Gricelda Estrada, B.A., Cloquet San Diego, Calif. James Robert Burke, B.S., West Randall Graydon Ewald, B.A., St. Paul Minneapolis Jay Edward Carpenter, B. S., Lucia Guye Fellows, B. S., Edina Minneapolis Mark Catlin, Rochester Martin Gonzalez Flores, A.A., Ruby Celeste, ~.S., M.S., B.S., B.A., San Diego, Calif. Minneapolis Mark Ellis Friedland, B.A., St. Michele Ann Chase, Spring Valley Paul Robert Lee Colbert, B.A., Edina William John Gall, B.A., B.A., Patricia Marie Cook, B. S., Eagan St. Paul Colleen Jo Cooper, B.S., Chaska Chris T. Garcia, B. U. S., James David Cumming, B.S., Albuquerque, N.M. Hudson, Wis. Thomas Scott Gerst, B. S., Kirk Victor Dahl, B.E.S., Minneapolis Minneapolis Timothv Maurice Gold, B.S., Henry Carl Dahlman, B. S., Mandan, N.D. Minneapolis Michael H. Goldstone, B.S., Myriam Villareal Dawis, B.A., Grafton, N.D. Minneapolis Jesse SeNovio Gomez, Jr., B.S., Harlingen, Tex.

115 June Dale Gordon Grahn, B. S., David Carl Houglum, B. S., Minneapolis Duluth Joseph Leo Graif, B.A., Christine Klingner Huberty, B.A., Minneapolis West St. Paul John David Gray, B. S., Long Kent Owen Hustad, B.A., Prairie Alexandria James Randolph Grinols, B.A., St. Robert Joseph Jeddeloh, B.A., Paul Waseca John Douglas Griswold, B.S., Scott David Jenkins, B.A., Sauk Centre Minneapolis Dean Alan Gruner, B.A., B.A., Bruce Michael Johnson, B.A., St. White Bear Lake Paul Carlos Olivarez Guerrero, B.A., JoAnn Evelyn Johnson, B.S., Bakersfield, Calif. McGregor, N.D. David Delos Gulden, B.A., Paul Jennings Johnson, B. S., Watertown, S.D. Rochester Jeffrey Patrick Gunderson, B.A., Paul Russell Johnson, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Gayl Lucia Gustafson, Minneapolis Robert Wayne Johnson, Lake Roberta Ruth Hallquist, B. S., Bronson Litchfield Frederick William Kahn, B.A., Edward George Hames III, B.A., Cook St. Paul Christopher Harry Kang, B. S., Jerrold Lee Hansmeier, B.A., Sanger, Calif. Foley Karen Elizabeth Karn, B.S., Steven Mark Harder, B. S., Ortonville Morgan Charles Edward Kelly, B.A., St. James Edward Hartert, B.A., Paul Winona Wayne Gerald Kelly, B.A., Douglas Paul Hartzler, B. S. , Madelia Cambridge Maureen Louise Kemper, B.A., I, Mark Louis Hedlund, B.A., Minneapolis Paynesville Kenneth Norman Kephart, B.A., Richard Joseph Heesen, B.A., Hopkins Osseo Jerome Andrew Kessler, B.A., Brian Arnold Henjum, B.A., Maplewood Morris Robert Alan Ketroser, B.A., Christine K. Frieburg Hernandez, Minneapolis B.A., Marine-on-St. Croix Patti Ann Kile, B.A., Minneapolis Jose L. Hernandez, B. S., El James Adams Kirkham, B.A. cum Paso, Tex. laude, Windom Ronald William Hewitt, A.S., B.S. Terry Ervin Klemek, B.A., summa cum laude, Hibbing Henning Arlinda K. Hildebrand, B.S., Robert A. Knight, B.A., Dodge M.A., Mitchell, S.D. Center Christopher Edward Hines, B. S., Gary Harold Knudsen, B.A., Staten Island, N.Y. Minneapolis Bruce Allan Homa, B.A., Michael Thomas LaBerge, B.A., Bloomington New Hope Richard Robert Horecka, B.A., Ave Maria Lachiewicz, B.A., Owatonna Edina

June 116

\ Gary Leslie Lamson, B.A. summa Becky Lynn Murray, B.S., Pine cum laude, Richfield Island Stephen Samuel Lane, B.A., Dean Robert Myers, B.A., Minneapolis Litchfield David Alan Lang, B.A., Inver James Murray Mylrea, B.A., St. Grove Heights Paul Penny Irene Langland, B.S., st. Bradly Jon Narr, B. S., St. Paul Paul David Lowell Nash, B.A., Bradley Allen Langley, B.A., Fairmont Moorhead Brian Ward Nelson, B.S., Arden Richard Merrill Launer, B.A., St. Hills Paul Bryan Raymond Ney, B.A., Thomas Alan Leaf, B.A., St. Paul Minneapolis Dennis Lee, B.A., Bloomington Kristin Lee Nichol, B.A. summa James Tse-ming Lin, St. Paul cum laude, Austin John Robert Lindell, B.A., South Larrv Burton Okerlund, B. A., St. Paul St~nchfield Louis Joseph Ling, B.Chem., Eric Peter Olson, B.S., Long Maplewood Lake Joseph Lu, B.A., Fergus Falls Lloyd V. Olson, B. S., Minneapolis Jean Olive Lundgren, B.A., Stephen Craig Olson, B.S., White Minnetonka Bear Lake Myron J. Malecha, B. S., Isanti John Claude Pastorius, B.A., St. Richard Lawrence Manka, B.S., Paul Randall Paul David Peterson, B.A., Michael Philip Martin, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Michael Warren Pettinelli, B. S., David Gerald McAlpine, B.S., St. Virginia Paul John David Pirsch, B. S., Willmar John Riley McCarten, B. S., Thomas Michael Pisansky, B. S., Alexandria Minneapolis Dorothy Ann McElrath, B.A., Jerome Francis Potts, B.A., Chicago, Ill. Bloomington Fergus Eoin McKiernan, B.A., St. Lee Alan Prchal, B. S., Golden Paul Valley William Loring Merlin, B.A., Francisco Javier Prieto, B. S., Minneapolis Evanston, Ill. Gregory Evan Meyers, B.A., St. Cynthia Ann Rask, A. B., Hibbing Paul Brad Y. Rasmusson, B. S., St. Kari Ann Miller, B.A., St. Paul Paul Mark L. Miller, B. S., Minneapolis Timothy John Regan, De Graff Robert George Milligan, M. S . , Stephen John Reinarz, B.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Lauren Mary Monda, B.A., B.S., Murrav Newmver Rice, A.B., M.A., East Grand Forks Min~eapolis . Robert Cates Moravec, B. S., Petro via Morgan Rich, B.S., Minneapolis Wilson, N. C. Richard John Morgan, B.S., Fraser MacDonell Richards, B.A., Ellsworth st. Paul Christopher Lee Morris, B. S., Rifat Baseem Rifat, B. A., Minneapolis Clarkfield

117 June Jay Gordon Robinson, B.A., Christopher Mark Tad, B.A., st. Minneapolis Paul James Lowell Ross, A.B., M.S., Robert Steven Telste, B.A., Quincy, Mass. Minneota Michelle Debra Rossmann, B.A., L. C. Tennin, Jr., B.A., Vance, Minneapolis Miss. Edwin Hurlbut Ryan, B.S., St. Christine Lynn Terrell, B.A., Oak Paul Ridge, Tenn. JohnAlbertSt.Cyr, B.A., B.S., M.S., Nancy Kay Thorvilson, B.A. Minneapolis magna cum laude, Edina Jorge Arturo Saldivar, B.S., EI Robert Lyons Tiel, B.S., Paso, Tex. Minneapolis Paul A. Salmen, B.A., St. Paul Juris Egils Treibergs, B.A., Thomas Dean Sandager, B.E.S., Minneapolis Jackson Paul Nathan Trites, B. S., Anoka Michael Thomas Sanville, B.A., Ishik Ceylan Tuna, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Clay David Schulte, B.A., Kevin Neil Turnquist, B. S. summa Hutchinson cum laude, White Bear Lake Elizabeth Lafortune Shaffer, B. A., John Edward Tveite, B.A., Grand Duluth Rapids Michael Edward Shinn, B.A., Mark David Vaaler, B.A., Red Cottage Grove Wing William Thomas Simonet, B.A., Carleton Thomas Vangsness, Jr., St. Paul B.A., St. Paul Robert Allen Skjonsby, B. S., Gerald Keith Wahl, A.A., B.S. B.A., Fargo, N.D. summa cum laude, Rochester LeAnn Marie Snow, B.A., William Martin Wallin, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Arne Charles Sorenson, B. A., Linda Louise Walling, B.A., Moorhead M.S., St. Paul Mary Alma Steinberg, B.A., Linda Mary Wallner, B.S., Kewaskum, Wis. Minneapolis Mark Phillip Stesin, B. E. S., St. Jacqueline Wilhelmina Walter, Louis Park B.S., Wanamingo David George Stilley, B.S., Robert Samuel Warren, B.A., St. Minneapolis Paul Susan Lalli Streitz, B. A., Duluth Joseph Albert Wegner, B.S., st. John Charles Strickler, B.A., Paul Deephaven Edward Stanley Wegrzynowicz, Kathryn Ann Strom, B.S., B.A., B.A., Minneapolis Williston, N.D. Shawnee Dee Weir, B.A., Chapel David Frank Stroncek, B. Ch. E., Hill, N.C. Columbia Heights John King Weiser, B.A., Steven Wayne Sumey, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis John Joseph Weitz, B.S., St. Lola Sutherland, B.S., Hallock Cloud Philip Harold Swanson, B.A., Dennis Robert Weslander, B.A., Minneapolis Coon Rapids Valorie Jean Sweeney, B.S. magna Chester B. Whitley, B.A., Ph.D., cum laude, Buffalo Lake Minneapolis

June 118 John George Wintermute, B.S., James Ross Wood, B.A., St. Paul Minneapolis William James Wittman, B.A., Richard Thomas Zera, B.A., Olivia Minneapolis

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Bachelor of Science Abigail Vivian Wille, White Bear Lake

PHYSICAL THERAPY Bachelor of Science Patricia Ann Andrie, Wadena Philip Murel Lundquist, B.A., Randy Lee Brehmer North St. Paul David Dwight Engelhardt, Kelly Marie Mallick, Moorhead Roseville Alice Mary Mangen, A.A.S., Mary Ellen Hallberg, Blaine Sleepy Eye Barbara Marie Hentges, B.A., Jane E. McManus, St. Paul Minneapolis Jean Renae Omodt, B.A., Mary Gerard Hildreth, Rochester Minneapolis Carol Ann Opat, Wayzata David L. Hillman, B.A. Marcia Lynn Overgaard, Luverne, Barbara Louise Hokkanen, Ann with distinction Arbor, Mich. Barbara Louise Poole Robin Sue Jabens, White Bear Michael Edward Sandmann, B.A. Lake Peggy Kaske Skanse, Minneapolis, Susan Roberta Kodadek, B.A. with distinction Heidi Jo LaBore. Oakdale Pamela Jean Slupe, Windom Marie Allene Larson, Preston Gail Marie Smida, Chanhassen Dawn Elizabeth Leland-Heino, Sheryl Ann Thorn, Blooming with high distinction - Prairie Laurette Diane Linhardt, New Mary Julianna Wahlin, B.S. Brighton


Bachelor of Science Chris Arthur Anderson, Escanaba, Marcus Paul Cunnick, B.A., Mich. Davenport, Iowa Thomas John Anderson, Bradley Craig Fischer, Chatfield Alexandria F. Thomas Fuhrman, Estherville, Alvin E. Blau, A.A., Reading Iowa William David Bliss, Norfolk, Cynthia Wagner Hanson, Hastings Neb. Dana D. Hetland, Osakis, with Peter J. Burla, St. Paul, with high distinction distinction Timothy James Hoff, St. Charles

119 June Thomas Gerard Kenning-Furey, William John Rhiel, Durand, Wis. B.A., Frazee Stephen Paul Shelley, Little Falls Bruce Walter Mach, A.S., Fond Steven Lawrence Smidt, A.S., du Lac, Wis. Minneapolis, with distinction Mark Timothy McGuire, Waseca Thomas L. Smith, Niles, Mich. Stuart Elef Moen, B.S., M.A., Ricky Lee Swanson, A.A., Rapid City, S.D., with Decorah, Iowa distinction


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kathie Louise Adam, Brooklyn Judith Kay Howe, A.A., Crosby Park Roxanne Carolyn Iacarella, Fridley Kathleen Ann Anderson, Eagan Mary Adeline Jerde, Minneapolis Rosemary Ann Bakker, Hancock Nancy Kathryn Johansen, Tyler Sheryl Lynn Becker, Sauk Rapids Judith Allison Johnson, St. Paul, Donna Kay Beene, Fort Worth, with distinction Tex., with distinction Sharon Louise Johnson, Joanne E. Brewer, Minneapolis Minneapolis Jeanne Marie Campbell, Mary Margaret Karalus, A.A., Minneapolis Brooklvn Center Susan Carol Collins, B. A., Kathleen'Marie Karjala, St. Paul, Minneapolis with distinction Wendy Elizabeth Doane, B.S., Jacqueline Ann Keinath, Hudson, Wis. Minneapolis Grace Maria Doolittle, Marcia Marie Knaak, B.S., Minneapolis, with distinction Minneapolis, with distinction Kim Louise Ekenstedt, Gail Leslie LaRowe, Clara City Minnetonka Suzanne Congdon LeRoy, St. Paul Mary Jean Fagerlee, A.A., Kathy Jean Leu, Minneapolis Ii Minneapolis Jeanne Marie Lins, Excelsior f·; Shirley Feldmann Wanda Susan Magadanz, Kathleen Mary Gibbons, St. Paul, Minneapolis with distinction Ann Michele Melchild, Le Sueur Tammy Rae Govig, Montevideo Susan G. Morey, Suring, Wis. Martha Jean Griffin, Benson Kris Ann Muske, Edina Louise Carol Gustafson, Golden Betty Ann Nelson, Duluth Valley Cathleen Anne Nevers, Duluth Janet Michelle Hawkinson, Pine Becky Jo Olson, Minneapolis Citv Cheryl Ann Pickering, Laur~ Kay Helling-Christy, B.A., Minneapolis New Hope Jean Elizabeth Rice, Bloomington Carol Lynn Hendrickson, Kristine Ellen Roberts, Embarrass Minneapolis Nancy Louise Hessel, Apple Janet Sue Roesler, St. Paul Valley Julie Yvonne Sampson, St. Paul Marv Catherine Hoffman, Pamela Joy Sellers, Minneapolis M'inneapolis Julia Marie Simmons, RoseMary Houlihan, Minneapolis Rhinelander, Wis.

June 120 Catherine Anne Streed, Barbara Jean Tomczyk, A.A., Lindstrom, with distinction Minneapolis Jill Munro Tall, Milwaukee, Wis. Jill Susan Wicka, Edina Julia Marie Thompson, White Bear Lake


Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Lyla Lynn Aaland, Minneapolis Mary Carol Huston, Minneapolis Abdulla Mohammed Al-Ziyab, Jeffrey Paul Johnson, Duluth Kuwait, Kuwait Susan Hengy Johnson, B.A., Gary Lee Anderson, International Minneapolis F.alls Thomas P. Johnston, Green Bay, William Richard Axness, B.A., Wis. Minneapolis Karyn Marie Juricich, Hibbing Steven Martin Basiago, Gregory Donald Kaiser, st. Paul Minneapolis Mary Helland Kamrath, B. M., Jean Adele Batzli, Edina Barron, Wis. Christine Ann Belland, St. Paul Kimberly Dickens Kellerman, St. Vyke Luther Breen, Benson Paul Steven Ray Carlson, B.A., Jean Marie Kelly, Madelia Bemidji Gordon Lee Kohs, St. Cloud Michael Arthur Cusick, Duluth Barbara Louise Kokotovich, Cynthia Annette Dahl, St. Paul Duluth Mark William Dawald, Thomas P. Kujawa, Chatfield Bloomington Robert M. Lammi, Virginia Margaret Ann Dieser, Austin Claudia Jeanne Laudon, Moorhead Susan B. Dresser, B.A., Winona Kevin Donald Lokkesmoe, Gerald Bruce Dubbels, Aitkin Stillwater Jason Charles Dziuk, Foley Jill Mamel, A.A., Bloomington Cynthia Boddy Ellefson, Jean Ann Martin, Greenleaf, Wis. Worthington Kathleen Helen Mattila, Ely Jerry Bryce Ellefson, st. Paul Marcia Lynn Michals, Minnetonka Mark Steven Foster, Eau Claire, Marti Renae Moen, New Richland Wis. Todd R. Montgomery, B.S., West Kathleen Joanne Froehlke, Eden Concord Prairie Catherine Mary Morlock, Berrien Julie Ann Geason, Barron, Wis. Springs, Mich. Kevin Kenneth Graner, Kellogg Arthur Theodore Neish, St. Paul Dan John Hagen, B.S., Grand Kevin Ronald Nelson, St. Croix Rapids Falls, Wis. Stephen John Haus, St. Cloud Kristal Fae Nelson, Woodbury Joel Allen Hentges Randy Thomas Nicoski, B.S., Neil Richard Hirschorn, St. Paul Sartell Therese Ann Houle, Hugo Patricia Joan Novotny, Sleepy Eye Steven Thomas Huff, B.A., Edina Kathryn Lynn Nygren, Eau Douglas S. Hum, Crystal Claire, Wis. Daniel Roman Husak, B.S., Robert Scott Nystrom, A. A. , Minneapolis Brainerd

121 June L Elizabeth Helen Omundson, David Alan Szatkowski, Bloomington Washburn, Wis. Catherine Annette Oslund, Juanita Ann Thelen, Mahnomen Minneapolis Dung Van Tran, Hanam, Vietnam Dale John Otto, St. Paul Paul Gustaf Troselius, B.A., Red John Mathew Patrias, B. A., Wing Minneapolis Mark John Trumm, Alexandria James Joseph Reisdorf, St. Cloud Diane Lynn VandeVegt, Hastings Daniel Eugene Schaber, St. Mary Susan Voelker, Hastings Charles Michael Paul Wagner, Jordan Sandra Marie Shirek, Minneapolis Cvnthia Rae Weisman, Ann Louise Skaar, Hayward . Minneapolis Steven Lee Stadther, A.A., Paula Jean Wiebold, St. Paul Richfield Stephen Lawrence Wilke, Mark Edward Steigerwald, Marinette, Wis. Brownsdale Cheryl Marie Wilmot, Watertown Karen Ann Stephenson, Edina Koon Kau Wu, Yuen Long, Hong Kong

Doctor of Pharmacy Danial Edwin Baker, B.Pharm., Donald James Kellerman, Spokane, Wash. B.S.Pharm., Aitkin Thomas Wui-Fen Chin, Janet Lynn Kinney, B.S.Pharm., B. S. Pharm., Toronto, Ontario, Elgin, Ill. Canada Peggy G. Kuehl, B.S.Pharm., Thomas Daniel Davis, B.S.Pharm. Canton, S.D. Dominique Marie DeVos, Thomas Edward Lackner, B. S. Pharm., Brussels, Belgium B.S.Pharm., St. Paul Dorothy Frances Elking, Richard Louis Lalonde, B.S.Pharm., M.S., Dayton, B.S.Pharm., Ottawa, Ontario, Ohio Canada Paul Albert Eros, B.S.Pharm., Tom Alan Larson, B.S., St. Louis Brandon, Manitoba, Canada Park Susan S. Fish, B.S., B.S.Pharm., Gary Milavetz, A.S., B.S.Pharm., Minneapolis Virginia Gilles Louis Fraser, B. S. Pharm., Mark Douglas Millikan, Lewiston, Me. B.S.Pharm., Muncie, Ind. David Earl Gangeness, Donald Stewart North, B.S., B.S.Pharm., Bemidji B.S.Pharm., Canandaigua, N.Y. Amparo Gutierrez, Medellin, Joanne Lillian Raymond, Colombia B. S. Pharm. with distinction, Joseph Francis Heissler, Minneapolis B.S.Pharm., Normal, Ill. Keith Allen Rodvold, B.S.Pharm., Rosemarie Helmink, B. S. Pharm., Two Harbors Saskatoon, Canada Sandra Ann Smilanich, B.S.Pharm., Cottage Grove

June ..


Master of Hospital Administration Donna Nehls Ahlgren, B.S.B., Blaine Richard Pieper, B.S., M.A., Burnsville Rigby, Idaho Thomas Nathan Arnfelt, B. S. B., Kenneth E. S. Platou, Cottage Grove Minneapolis Debra Lynn Biegert, B.A., Stephen Warren Porter, B.A., St. Minneapolis Paul George Harris Creel II, B.A., Daniel John Reiner, B.A., Duluth New Orleans, La. David Alex Rosenquist, B. S., Malekeh Eftekhari, B. S., Tehran, M. A., Tiskilwa, Ill. Iran Jane Geiger Salland, B.A., James Patrick Fridlington, B.A., Minneapolis Santa Monica, Calif. Fredrick Wayne Slunecka, B.S., Patrick Joseph Giordano, A.A.S., Miller, S.D. B.A., Kansas City, Mo. Steven Calvin Smith, B.A., Scott Winans Goodspeed, B. S., Minneapolis North Hampton, N. H. Joseph D. Strahan, B.A., Neelam Sekhri Hogan, B.A., Minneapolis India Barbara Steinhaus Strehlow, B.A. Andrew Raymond McCulloch, cum laude, Northfield B.A., Portland, Ore. Sr. Carol Ann Votruba, B.S.B., Catherine Marie Murphy, B.S., Saginaw, Mich. St. Paul Robert Eldon Wessman, B.A., Kevin Mark Olsen, B.A., Cokato , Minneapolis Soheil Zebarjadi, B. S., B.A., Minneapolis

Master of Public Health Susan Abderholden, B.A., Katherine Louise Brown, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mary Gross Ashby, M.A., B.A., Richard Lee Broyles, B.S., D.O., Pullman, Wash. Indianola, Iowa Evelyn Ann Ayers, B.S.N., st. Gary Eugene Bruggeman, B.S., Cloud Thief River Falls J. Michael Bacharach, B.S., Sharon E. Buhr, B. S., st. Paul Minneapolis Mary Heather Dulac, B.S., Michael Delor Barrett, B.S., Bethesda, Md. Navarre Thomas C. Erickson, B.A. Marcia Fay Sylte Belisle, B.A., Debra Kay Giel, B.A., Burnsville Minneapolis Georgia K. Birkett, B.E.S., Samuel SmelIie Graham, M.B., Galena, Ill. Ch.B., Thunder Bay, Ontario, Natalie Gail-Finn Birnbaum, B.S., Canada Superior, Wis. Winifred Lee Graham, B.S.N., Mary Margaret Bliesmer, B.S.N., Minneapolis St. James Garv Sondermann Grubb, B.A., Alexander Samuel Bozanich, B.A., M.D., St. Paul St. Cloud

123 June Robert Darryl Holan, B.A., Kevin Joseph Rabbett, A.S., B.S., Pompano Beach, Fla. Climax Dennis Dean Johnson, B.A., Alan Quenton Radke, B.A., Nelson M.D., Tracy Janice E. Koepke, B. S., St. Paul Christine Carole Reisdorf, B. S., Carol Elaine Larson, B.S.N., New St. Paul Ulm Rebeca Rico-Hesse, B.S., Saltillo, Patricia Jean Lawrow-Murphy, Mexico B.A., Minneapolis Kathleen Marv Schmitz, B. S., St. Sarie Lou Leff, B.S., Milwaukee, Cloud ' Wis. Leonard George Schuchman, James Thomas Lowe, Jr., B.A., B. A., St. Paul D.D.S., Ruidoso, Nuevo, Mary Martha Sontag, B.A., Mexico M.S.W., St. Paul Vera Luba Mandybur, G.D.H., Holly Eugenie Symchych, B.A., B.S., Minneapolis Minneapolis Carol Ann Manteuffel, B.S.N., Earnest Eugene Tate, B. S., Greelev, Colo. Minneapolis Anastasia'Tenzutuo Navele, B.S., Mary Jean Harper Thomas, B.S., Nandom, Ghana St. Louis, Mo. Evan Llovd Nelson, B.S., Stella L. Thomas, B. S., Brooklyn Albuqu~rque, N.M. Park Ann Marie Nesje, B.S.N., Carleton Thomas Vangsness, Jr., Stillwater B.A., St. Paul Nancy Evans Olson, B.S.N., Susan Rose Weber, B.S., New Crvstal Brighton Gloria Lee Parsons, B.A. David John West, B.A., Ph.D., Janet Lee Pederson, B.A., Winona Appleton Jacqueline Joyce Weum, B.S.N., Laura Joan Pitt, B.A., St. Paul Cook Constance Norgaard Pries, M.D., Thomas Eric Will, B.A., D.C., Minneapolis St. Paul Thomas Gerald Quick, B. S., Maplewood INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Richard Dale Bartos, A.A., Thomas Andrew Konicke, Bloomington Milwaukee, Wis. Michael John Cahill, Eau Claire, Lee Allan Kralicek, B.S.B.A., Wis., with distinction Gascoyne, N.D., with high Dale Leonard Finnila, Wright distinction Michael James Franklin, St. Paul Barrv Michael LaFond, Monticello Michael Roy Geisen, St. Paul Scott Phillip Millis, Black River Richard Bryan Gerber, Odessa Falls, Wis. Theresa Ann Helm, Gerald F. Schloegel, Roseville Elizabethtown, Pa. Matthew Claire Taylor, Richfield Stephen Charles Hoefer, Sioux Paul Earl VanVoorhis, St. Paul Falls, S.D. David Daniel Weise, Bloomington Ricky Allen Holcomb, Clinton, Wis. June 124 Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Kim Marie Brynildson, Royalton Monte Scott Greiner, Truman Steve Mark Copeland, St. Paul, Thomas William Koch, Maple with distinction Plain

Bachelor of Architecture Barbara Jo Andersen, B.A., Gregory E. Lewis Minneapolis Craig Joseph Mevissen, B.E.D., Mary Golla Anderson, B.A., Minneapolis Hibbing Richard Alan Morse, B.A., Spring Paul Bradley Anderson, Dresser, Valley Wis. Joseph Anthony Nicola Susan Elizabeth Becker, B.A., David Bruce Noma, Minneapolis Milwaukee, Wis. Mark William Pearson, Wayzata Jeffrey Gene Carlstrom, North Jerry Brad Perkins, Cottage Grove Mankato Lynette Marie Pollari, Minneapolis Tricia Jeane Croyle, B.A., Detroit Jerry Allen Putnam, B.A., Anoka Lakes Paul Anthony Ragozzino, Edina James Edward Davy, St. Paul, James Gregory Rasche, Milwaukee, with distinction Wis., with distinction Donald Williamson De Coster, St. Ronald Charles Reigle, Paul Kewaskum, Wis. Joanne C. Dircz, Minneapolis, Dennis Daniel Robie, A.A., with distinction B.Des., Tampa, Fla. Timothy Joel Dray, B.E.D., Thomas Urban Schneider, St. Elmore Paul, with distinction Mark Charles Engman, Madison, Timothy John Sessions, Sun Wis. Prairie, Wis. Charles Mark Eyberg, Golden John Anthony Strachota, Valley Milwaukee, Wis. Steven Randall Fuller, Eau Mark Wayne Tremmel, Claire, Wis. Marshfield, Wis. Michael Jon Gordon, Worthington Thomas Andrew Troller, Madison, Jerry Leonard Hagen, B.E.D., Wis. Minneapolis Mark Andrew Ugowski, Oak James Alan Hiltz, B. E. D., Anoka Creek, Wis. Robert Miles Jones, Barnes, Wis. Charles Louis Ziegler, Hales Hamid Mostafavi Kashani, Tehran, Corners, \Vis. Iran Mark R. Zingg, Verona, Wis. Edward Jay Kuharski

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Annette Kay Ahart, Coon Rapids Mark Charles Berens, White Bear Mark Veselinovich Alexander, Lake Glencoe Mark Roy Bergstrom, Minneapolis AI-Nasser Nurali Amlani, Don Merle Bloomdahl, Maple Minneapolis Grove Roger Dale Anderson, St. Paul

125 June Kent Richard Brittain, Richfield, Gene Richard Meier, Plato with distinction John Anthony Miller, New Hope Eugene Erwin Bruesehoff, Eden Dai Thi Minh, St. Paul Prairie William Robert Myers, Fridley Eva Denise Csathy, Minneapolis Gregory Lynn Neve, Austin Scott Francis DeMuth, New Nhung Thi Ngoc Nguyen, Saigon, Brighton Vietnam Bruce Clayton Digerness, St. Sarah Joy Peterson, White Bear Louis Park Lake Tho Quang Dinh, Brainerd Scott William Peterson, Bagley, Richard Leroy Dobbs II, with distinction Minneapolis Craig H. K. Phelps, Minneapolis David Edward Erlandson, North Bryce Richard Plocharz, St. Paul, with high distinction Minneapolis Robert Alan Fagerstrom, Valley Daniel Edward Podkulski, City, N.D. ~endota Heights Patricia Ann Fleming, B.A., St. Craig Robert Postier, A. A., Paul Rochester Jeffrey Alan Gardner, Rochester Kevin R. Proops, Plymouth Joseph Christopher Gitzen, St. Vincent Patrick QUigley, Paul Bloomington Terri Lynn Gravley, Brainerd David Robert Reif, White Bear Christian R. Hadland, B. A., Lake ~inneapolis Richard Scott Remes, New Cbristopher Raymond Heaser Prague, with high distinction Daniel James Hilliard, Green Bay, Marlene Carol Richter, St. Paul Wis. Julie Kay Rodgers, Minneapolis David Richard Hirschev, Coon ~arv Therese Rosauer, Little Rapids . C~nada Alden Lee Hoffman, St. Paul David Alan Sams, Edina Vicki Lynn Howard, A.S., La Stephen Charles Sanders, Crosse, Wis. Bloomington George John Iwaszek, B. S., St. ~anoug Vahe Sarkissian, B.A., Paul Minneapolis David Bruce Johnson, Minneapolis James E. Sax, Donnelly, with Erik D. Johnson, Minneapolis distinction Raymond Patrick Johnston, White Curtis Scott Schauer, Green Bay, Bear Lake Wis. James Gerard Juetten, Sun Mark Stephen Schumacher, Prairie, Wis. Excelsior Daniel Joseph Kingston, St. Paul Rebecca Jane Sly, Farmington Brvan M. Knickerbocker, Julie Ann Smith Woodburv Guy Harry Super, ~inneapolis Randall Robert Kooiman, Eden Roger Neil Thiesfeld, B.S., Prairie Glencoe Christopher C. Li, Moorhead Thomas Frank Uhlemann, B.A., Linda Jo Long, Ronan, Mont. ~inneapolis ~ary Ann Kay Loots, B.Chem., Pradeep Venkatasetty, Burnsville Minneapolis Robert Morris Weisman, Tulsa, Randall Scott Malloy, Hastings Okla. John Edward ~ason, River Peter Thomas Weyandt, St. Paul Forest, III.

June 126 Ki-Ming Judy Wong, Fridley, with Timothy Edward Wright, distinction Minnetonka

Bachelor of Chemistry Mary Christine Andrews, Duluth Steven Jay Martin, Bloomington Kathleen Marie Brendemuehl, M. Gene Parrish, South St. Paul Hopkins John Michael Pietz, Lakefield Nanette Ann Flaten, A.A., West David Allen Roise, Minneapolis, St. Paul with distinction Kathleen Mittelstaedt Getman, Kathleen Carol Russell, Bloomington, with distinction Minneapolis Nicholas Conrad Lehman, Pauline Arabanos Spadaccini, Minnetonka, with distinction Minneapolis Lily Leong, St. Louis Park Jamey Paul Weichert, Austin Tuan Dongquoc Mai, Saigon, Eve Gail Zoebisch, Ardmore, Pa. Vietnam

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Lori Jean Almquist, St. Paul Thomas Wesley Hellen, South Darrel Lee Baker, Duluth Milwaukee, Wis. Darab Bouzarjomehri, Tehran, David Paul Herr, St. Paul Iran Mark Anthony Hoffman, Austin Sohrab Bouzarjomehri, Tehran, Gary Elmer Hokkanen, Crystal Iran William J. Holzemer Bruce C. Braaten, A.S., Virginia, Dan Judson Hotek, Buffalo with distinction Christopher James Hughes, A.A., Bruce Jeffrey Brand, B.S., St. Hamel Paul, with distinction Mahmoud Jabbari-Asl, Tehran, Michael Scot Brennan, Mankato Iran Dean M. Brown, St. Paul Mark Allen Jensen, Hutchinson David Mark Burkholder, Diane Mary Jochum, Fridley, with Roseville, with distinction high distinction Mark Henry Cackoski, Chisholm Carl Lee Johnson, B.S., John Martin Charnes, Duluth Minneapolis Paul W. Chase, Minneapolis Gayle Scott Johnson, Wanamingo, Richard David Dalton, Minneapolis with high distinction Jerry Sterling Doriott, Siren, Wis. Gregory Dean Keil, Roseville, Paul Anthony Dvorak, Webster with distinction Gregory Wayne Eggers, Prescott, Evagoras Leonidas Kyriakides, Wis. Kato Amiandos, Limassol, Arthur L. Forte, B.S., Eveleth Cyprus Jeffrey Bruce Galush, St. Paul, William John LaFerriere, with distinction Robbinsdale Robert William Gamble II, Cloquet Thomas Milton Lamb, St. Paul Norman Peter Gartner, New Hope Robert Charles Ledeboer, B.A., Michael Robert Gorham, Mora, Raymond, with high distinction with distinction Mark Anthony Lehnert, Rapidan James Michael Graupmann, Kon Lim Leung, Hong Kong, with Rochester, with distinction distinction Daniel Alvedo Haak, Minneapolis

127 June David Allen Lother, C. E.T., Ann Louise Pflug Zumbrota Kenneth Howard Podpeskar, A.A., Michael Paul McCarthy, Gilbert, with distinction Minnetonka Perry Johnston Power, Monroe, David Earl McCleary, Rochester, Wis. with high distinction David John Prusak, Eveleth Michael Marcus Moravec, Debra Ann Rice, A.A., Austin Ladysmith, Wis. Michael James Riley, B.A., Gary Vernon Nagel, Montevideo, Baltimore, Md. with distinction Jack Arnold Salmela, B.A., Michael E. O'Brien, St. Paul Duluth Eric James Pederson, West St. Judson Alan Sather, Anoka Paul Douglas John Schwartz, Stillwater Jan Steven Perlowski, Minnetonka Jeffrey Arthur Shopek, Minneapolis Gerald Michael Peterson, B. S. , Steven Howard Tharaldson, B.S., Virginia Roseville Eduardo Arenas Petil, B.E.D., Brian Kelly Trygg, St. Paul Richfield Mary Patricia Tyson, Milwaukee, Thomas L. Petron, Breckenridge Wis.

Bachelor of Computer Science Donald Anthony Andrie, Wadena, Dennis Albert Krein, Minneapolis, with high distinction with distinction Wayne Raymond Asp, Anoka Clinton Alan Lee, St. Louis Park Keven Ray Bachman, Isle Donald Grant Lee, St. Paul Kathy Lynn Becklin, Cambridge Carl Stanley Lestor, Jr., Roseville John Leonard Borowicz, Barbara Jean Lussky, A.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Duane Michael Cloud, St. Paul Hamid Sharif Naraghi, Tehran, Todd Steven Dayon, Richfield Iran Christopher Mark Eastes, Golden Steven Ken Oyanagi, St. Paul Valley Brian Christopher Peterson, White Stephen Paul Erler, Falcon Bear Lake Heights Lloyd Andrew Rachor, Crystal Daniel Eugene Ethier, St. Paul Stephen James Rawlins, Harley Homer Grantham, Morris Minneapolis Peter Allen Hanke, Burnsville Kevan Flint Rehm, Glen Ullin, James Scott Haugdahl, Minnetonka N.D., with distinction Douglas Owen Havlik, Minnetonka Rhonda Sue Richardson, Walker Steven Harold Hebl, St. Paul Kent Raymond Schnaith, Andrew Gee Joe, Duluth, with Maplewood distinction Jon Lewis Spear, Grafton, N.D. Karl Wardell Jorgenson, Robin Ann Swanson, Mountain Minneapolis Iron Leonard Kampa, B.S., David Chiwai Tam, A.A., Hong Bloomington Kong Jay Irving Kennedy, Madison, Timothy Paul Temple, Shoreview Wis. Jerald Ben Tongen, B.S., Douglas Edward Keskey, Sebeka Minnetonka

June 128 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Eugene Charles Almendinger, Paul Edward Jensen, Sleepy Eye New Brighton Jeffrey Nelson Judd, Rochester Bryan Lee Baillie, B.Phys. Anthony Matthew Julik, Coon Virginia Susan Becker, Minneapolis Rapids, with high distinction Timothy John Bogart, B.E.S., Ronald Varner Kalin, B. A., Lakeville Minneapolis Craig Marshall Carlson, Trimont Thomas Frederick Keefe, Austin Kay Lynn Carter, New Brighton Susan Ann Kempf, Prior Lake Joseph Martin Charboneau, Kevin James King, B. E. S., Minneapolis Deerwood Michael Dean Christian, Waltham Dean Allen Klein, Pine Island Bryan Thomas Comstock, Mankato Gary Michael Koob, St. Paul, David James Connolly, with high distinction Bloomington Charles David Kramer, Tulsa, Thomas Philip Coursolle, St. Paul Okla. Raymond Scott Cummings, Gregory David Kramer, North St. Minneapolis Paul Joy Deborah Elliott, Winona Karl Matthew Kropp, St. Cloud Bruce Arlen Erickson, st. Paul Martin Kubik, Gunflint Trail Thomas Mark Erickson, Sister James Allen Kutzner, St. Paul Bay, Wis. Paul Walker Latham II, A.S., Wallace James Erikson, Spicer Robbinsdale Mark Gerald Lauby, Burnsville James Daniel Eskolin, Superior, Bang Trong Le, Danang, Vietnam Wis. Tuan Quang Le, Minneapolis Steven John Finnes, Granite Falls Jose Elias Lopez, St. Paul, with Glenn William Flekke, New high distinction Brighton Bruce Arthur Maki, Palo Michael Thomas Frankenberg, Jeffry Virgil Marshik, Crystal Blaine Thomas Michael McConville, David Merle Gilchrist, M.A., Eden Prairie B.A., Rochester Terrance Lee Mullen, Proctor Priyantha Neomal Guneratne, Steven Allen Murphy, Coon Colombo, Sri Lanka Rapids, with distinction Mark David Hagen, Albert Lea, William John Murphy, North St. with distinction Paul, with distinction Alan Lee Haggerty, Shoreview Hamid Sharif Naraghi, Tehran, Donald Francis Haselbauer, B.A., Iran M.A., Minneapolis, with Thomas Edward Nigon, Rochester distinction David Paul Olson, Richfield Jeffrey Squire Haviland, Sergeant John Conrad Olson, Minneapolis Bluff, Iowa Arlen LeRoy Overvig, Center Steven Robert Heaney, South St. City, with distinction Paul Terry Joseph Palmer, Cloquet Shervin Hojat, Tehran, Iran Jay Martin Personius, Fairmont Donald Paul Holmstrom, Brooklyn Kathleen Anne Petersen, New Center, with distinction Brighton Stephen Jerome Hudalla, North Daniel Julius Phipps, East St. Paul Hartford, Conn. Choong Ho Hyun, Minneapolis

129 June , Kevin Thomas Pope, South Todd Charles Steeves, North Orange, N J., with distinction Branch David James Rauch, Manitowoc, Patrick Louis Sullivan, Wis., with distinction Minneapolis Paul Douglas Roll off, New Ulm Hien Ho Tong, Rochester Kristine Diane Sawyer, Adrian Chanchall Toy, Bloomington, with high Minneapolis, with distinction distinction Gregory Jerome Trettel, Albert Richard Frank Schiferl, Lea Abbotsford, Wis., with high Kevin D. Vanderwerf, Sleepy Eye, distinction with distinction John Phillip Schmitz, St. Paul James Micheal Van Hove, Marla Kathryn Schneider, Coon Luverne, with distinction Rapids Timothy Robert Voltz, Faribault Brian William Schoenherr, St. Loran Joseph Wappes, Cloquet, Paul with distinction Michael Everett Schultz, Timothy Sean Weir, Virginia Minneapolis Phillip James White, Minneapolis Ronald Paxton Sheets, B. A., David Gunnar Wick, St. Louis Ph. D., Minneapolis Park Kent Douglas Siefkes, Comfrey, John Robert Wilson, B.S., St. with high distinction Paul Joel Edward Sivula, Minneapolis Daniel Zenk, St. Paul Mark Hyland Smith, St. Paul Donald James Ziebarth, Le Sueur Christopher David Sonnek, North Michael T. Zuroski, Fridley, with St. Paul distinction Thomas John Speak, North St. Paul, with distinction

Bachelor of Environmental Design Barbara Jo Andersen, B.A., Michael Coleman McDonough, Minneapolis South St. Paul Paul Bradley Anderson, Dresser, Joseph Anthony Nicola Wis. David Bruce Noma, Minneapolis Garv Allen Bieniek, Little Falls Peter Meyer Olson, Minneapolis Holiy Elizabeth Breymaier, Jerry Brad Perkins, Cottage Grove Minneapolis Timothy John Sessions, Sun Mark Charles Engman, Madison, Prairie, Wis. Wis. Mark Wayne Tremmel, Loren Bernard Finseth, B. A., Marshfield, Wis. Underwood Melanie Anne Zettel, St. Paul Emmanuel Anastasios Ginis, Charles Louis Ziegler, Hales Athens, Greece Corners, Wis. Hamid Mostafavi Kashani, Tehran, Iran

Bachelor of Ceo-Engineering Keith R. Anderson, Brooklyn Sara Kav Loomis, Pavnesville Center Paul Le~lie Peterson,- Dawson Ross Joseph Caulum, Onalaska, Donald James Sedgeman, Gilbert Wis. June 130 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Edward Daniel Boehm, New Mark Howard Schriever, Auburn, Wis. Rochester Karen Beth Caswell, Rock Rapids, Daniel Mark Solien, Moorhead, Iowa with distinction David John Frahke, Le Sueur Doris Marie Sullivan, B.A., with Stephen Edward Garbier, Carroll, distinction Iowa Jeffrey Lavell Westbrook, Jerry Lynn Guthrie, A.A.S., Minneapolis Cedar Falls, Iowa Conrad Robert Zeltmann, Thomas Richard Oslund, Minneapolis, with distinction Minneapolis

Bachelor of Mathematics Charles Ray Budd, Bloomington Hamid Sharif Naraghi, Tehran, Bonnie Sue Hautamaki, Golden Iran Valley, with distinction Virginia Margaret Pitterle, Eau Lois Ann Lutz, B.S., White Bear Claire, Wis. Lake Michael Scott Steinbach, Owen Vincent Mibus, St. Hettinger, N.D., with high Anthony distinction John Robert Miller, Pipestone, Bruce Edward Wagar, with distinction Minneapolis Robert Gene Moore, Inver Grove Ki-Ming Judy Wong, Fridley, with Heights distinction

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Paul Lyle Aasgaard, Wadena Steven Dean DeVinnv, A.A., Gary Richard Anderson, Mendota Rochester . Heights William Edward Dietrich, Golden Mark Steven Anderson, Virginia Valley Paul Henrv Andre, St. Louis Park Willard Burnap Donoho, Fergus Joseph E. 'Arnold, Kimball Falls Cyrus Askarinam Robert John Doppelhammer, Jerome Dean Atherton, A.A., Mound, with distinction Dayton, Ohio Terry John Duesterhoeft, Philip Clarke Barner, Minneapolis Hutchinson Rick Royal Bean, Wisconsin Kenneth Ronald Elnes, Duluth Rapids, Wis. Mahmood Fatemi, Ahwaz, Iran Barbara B. Kuehn Belew, B.A., Lon Warren Fiedler, Plymouth Minneapolis Steven Jerome Flanagan, A. S., Glenn Allen Benson, Rochester Aurora Timothy J. Boatman, Fridley David Loren Flaten, B. S., Karl Ohrmundt Braun, B. S., Minneapolis Grand Rapids Dean John Forchas, Minneapolis John Charles Bullemer, Gibbon Michael William Forkev, Mankato Harvey Franklin Burt, Minneapolis Richard Allan Gengler: Slayton Michael Edward Cecchini, Scott James Goepfert, Roseville Friendly, Md. James Edward Graf, Caledonia, Hung The Dao with distinction

131 June Martin Edward Greimel, Chris Martin Olson, Duluth Minneapolis, with distinction David John Olson, Cameron, Wis. Jeffery William Groenke, St. Douglas Brian Olson, Oakdale, Michael with high distinction Keith Warner Gustafson, Prior Kevin Jahn Olson, St. Paul Lake Douglas James Olszewski, Tracy Hagen, Chaska Bloomington Carolyn Rae Hall, Minneapolis Loizos Kyros Panayiotou, Richard David Harwood, Limassol, Cyprus Brookfield, Wis. Debra Anise Parker, A.A., St. William R. Haugh, st. Paul Paul David Wayne Higgins, Columbia Bruce J. Parson, Duluth Heights James Robert Peters, St. Paul Richard John Hosch, North St. Bradley James Peterson, Hoyt Paul Lakes Carol Anne Ice, Kwajalein, Craig Francis Peterson, Waseca Marshall Islands David John Peterson, Woodbury Theodore William Jagger, White Mark Stephen Peterson, Lake Bear Lake Elmo Jerry William Jensen, Blaine David Michael Picka, St. Paul, Kirk Darrell Johnston, Green Bay, with distinction Wis. Fred Stephen Pribyl, A.A., Maple Thomas A. Kari, Babbitt Lake Patricia B. Keady, White Bear Michael Patrick Regan, Lake, with distinction Minneapolis Alan Charles Kernik, Roseville Richard Allen Reishus, William Richard Kolbeck, Bloomington Maplewood James L. Reuter, Kenneth, with Daniel Arthur Kvamme, Brooklvn distinction Park . Michael Dale Rowan, Tomah, Edward ~atthew Lackner, St. Wis. Paul Andrew Thomas Ruff, Bloomer, John Paul Leschke, Willmar Wis., with high distinction David Carl Longren, Plymouth Michael Patrick Ryan, Cottage Bruce Eugene Lyman, Northfield, Grove with high distinction Luke Roger Rynda, New Prague Gary Jay ~anthey, Edina Gail Carla Sanpore, Minneapolis Robert Sutherland McDuffie, New Andrea Marv Schmidt, Faribault Brighton, with distinction Nathan Scott Shubat, Hudson, William Edwin ~cIntosh, Wis. Minneapolis Todd Michael Smiland, Roseville, Maureen Beth McKenzie, with distinction Roseville Carl Werner Stiewe, St. Paul, Thomas Kevin Mehrkens, with high distinction Bloomington David Marsh Stoen, A.A.S, Emil Moffa, Edina Minneapolis Garv Lee ~oline, Duluth Douglas Darrell Storms, B.A., Ray;nond Frank Morrison, Eagan Aitkin Terence Dennis Neavin, St. Paul Jan Peter Thimmesch, Caledonia Thinh Huu Ngo, St. Paul John Lee Thorne, Anoka Craig Archer Nielsen, Steven James Tupy, Webster, with Bloomington distinction

June 132 John Ludwig Utermoehl, St. Paul Akbar Yarveicy, Kermanshah, Iran Vicki Anne Vaillancourt, Eagan Heidar Yarveicy, Kermanshah, Wayne Roman Vohnoutka, New Iran Prague Bruce David Zierwick, Dean Atchison Walen, Minneapolis Bloomington David Bruce Williams, Bloomington Michael Lynn Zumbrunnen, Jeffrey Alan Witzmann, St. Paul Burnsville, with distinction John Gordon Wotzka, Little Falls

Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering Dean Robert Anderson Steven Carl Nelson, A.A., Inver Helen M. Buettner, Grand Island, Grove Heights Neb., with distinction Thomas Brian Rivard, White Bear Steven Edward Melin, West St. Lake Paul Peter Thomas Weyandt, St. Paul

Bachelor of Mineral Engineering William Matthew Cizek, St. Paul Henrv Carlile Osmundson, Adams Andrew Lambert Dehler, A.S., Bruc~ Ravmond Pforr, Hillman, with distinction Minneipolis Benjamin Henry Gardeski, A.S., Steven Kenneth Richardson, A.S., Hibbing, with distinction Parkville Robert Gene Klobuchar, Hibbing Mark David Werner, A.A., Richard Mark Mergens, A.A., Aurora, with high distinction Stillwater

Bachelor of Physics Timothy James Bandli, Rice Lake, Robert Edward Higashi, Wis. Minnetonka Earl Thomas Benser, Bloomington Keith Bernard Jochum, Glencoe Lawrence Scott Berkner, Ely, Carol Lynn Neese, Minneapolis with distinction Bradford Grant Orr, Plymouth, Cynthia Anne Blaha, St. Paul, with high distinction with high distinction Lawrence LeRoy Overacker, David Carlton Cook, Bloomington, Minneapolis, with distinction with distinction Mary Beth Poferl, Winona, with Mohamed Mahmud Ennami, high distinction Tripoli, Libya David Chiwai Tam, A.A., Hong Mark Alan Gogins, Roseville, with Kong distinction

Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics Cynthia Anne Blaha, St. Paul, Lawrence LeRoy Overacker, . with high distinction Minneapolis, with distinction Robert Edward Higashi, Mary Beth Poferl, Winona, with Minnetonka high distinction Carol Lynn Neese, Minneapolis David Chiwai Tam, A.A., Hong Kong

133 June Bachelor of Science in Geology Michael Eugene Berndt, St. Louis Kevin James Miller, South St. Park, with distinction Paul Wendy Leanne Engstrom, St. James Cooper Ohman, Anthony Village Minneapolis Sara Kay Loomis, Paynesville Kenneth Paul Olson, Bloomington Mia Kathleen Rogers, Deephaven

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Michael Eugene Berndt, St. Louis Park, with distinction

Bachelor of Statistics Kenneth Robert Adams, St. Paul Shane Phillip Pederson, Fulda, with high distinction


Bachelor of Arts Walter Henry Bera, Minneapolis Thomas Howland McNeill, St. Kristin M. Cashman, Owatonna Paul Lynn Althea Eklund, Biwabik, Kim Eleanore Olson, Minneapolis, summa cum laude cum laude Gayle Marie Hardin, Mound Kathleen M. Palen, St. Paul, cum William John Koski, Plymouth laude Wendy Ann Malinsky, A.L.A. Michael J. Sarafolean, St. Paul Bernard Peter Marks, Manchester, Richard John Sorensen, New England Brighton Nancy Ellen Martin, A.A., Patricia Ann Swanson, St. Louis Bloomington Park, summa cum laude Ramona Lea McCabe, Madelia, Joan Marie Trenda, Hopkins magna cum laude Karen Youso, Foley, summa cum laude

Bachelor of Science Minoo Alahyari, Kermanshah, Iran Arlynn M. Blanz, A.A., Donald Lewis Alberty, A.L.A., Minneapolis, cum laude San Juan, Puerto Rico Eugene Thomas Bohmert, A.A., Joan Margaret Appelquist, St. St. Paul Paul Kathleen Roberta Bopp, Duluth Wendell L. Avery, Corpus Nancy Halvorson Bradshaw, Christi, Tex. Minneapolis, magna cum laude Nancy Jean Bartz, Minneapolis Janet R. Broling Robert Lee Benson, A.A., White Stephen Eugene Calvit, Baton Bear Lake Rouge, La. Wendy A. Benson, A.A., Wayzata Marjorie Crosby, Wayzata

June 134 Mary M. Culligan, G. D. H. Joyce Ann Markham, Minneapolis Gregory Joseph Cylkowski, St. LuAnne B. Martell, St. Paul Paul Candice Emily Mattson, Cotton Brian Jeffrey Dahlgren, Loretta Mae Mattson, St. Paul, Minneapolis cum laude Dorine Mary Damm, Medford, Katharine Anderly McGlynn, Wis. Minneapolis JoDell Arlene Darst, A.A. Timothy Sean Meehan, Wayzata John Joseph Delaney, Jr., Edina Sally Stiles Miller, St. Paul Kirk Richard Dornfeld, Osseo, Maurice Patrick Murphy, Jr., magna cum laude Golden Valley John Stuart Fisher, Trimont, Rich Evan Murphy, Medford, summa cum laude Ore. Robin Mary Fisher, A.A., Karen L. Myers, Eau Claire, Minneapolis Wis. Todd Richard Green, Minneapolis Mary E. Kramer Nelson, Austin Janet Melissa Guthrie, Roseville, Humphrey B. A. Nwaobia, Alulu, cum laude Nigeria Tamara Ann Hahn, Crystal Joan Marie Olseen, A.A., Oakdale Keith Edward Hall, Detroit, Jan Rhea Olsen, Canby Mich. Sally Kreiser Olson, A.A., Sharon Lvnn Hansen, A. A., St. Minneapolis, cum laude Paul . Kenneth Dean Osborn, Belle Sharon Jane Hanson, Minneapolis Plaine Judith Ann Harris, Minneapolis Carol Anne Patterson, A.A., Carla Kay Hemmingson, Roseau Bethel, cum laude Gregory Phillip HolI, Brooklyn Richard Allen Post, Cottage Grove Center Kathleen Elizabeth Provo, A. S., Adel Joanne Hoseck, Minnetonka Robbinsdale Jean Kimberly Howell, G.D.H., Robyn Kay Rannow, A.A., Mequon, Wis. Colby, Wis., magna cum laude Barbara Ellen Hudler, Cloquet Maureen Helen Reeder, Beth Elaine Johnson, Red Wing Montgomery, cum laude Karen Sue King, Minneapolis Richard Anthony Roehlen, A.A., Thomas Jean Kinsella, South st. Paul Minneapolis, cum laude Patricia Ann Seleen, Lakefield, Theone Larson Klausler, New magna cum laude Brighton, magna cum laude Lee Masefield Smith, Minneapolis Cynthia Marie Kommers, Mari S. Stack, Minneapolis Minneapolis Linda Lou Stone, Lake Elmo Anita Hochfeld Kunin, Mark Harrison Taylor, Richfield Minneapolis, magna cum laude Irene Carol Vondrasek Thayer, Rudy August Labbe, A.A., A.L.A., Minneapolis, cum laude Minneapolis Joan Yvonne Tolzmann, Waldorf Cherry L. Langheinz, Baton Herman William Tott, A.A. Rouge, La. Theresa Ann Vanderbeek-Gillette, Darcel Denise Lewis, Minneapolis A. L. A., St. Paul Jean Mary Lindquist, Minneapolis Kathleen M. Vanderwall, St. Paul Patrick Timothv Lund, Duluth Donald M. VoId, Richfield Dan E. MacD~nald, Richfield Karen Doreen Vrchota, Roland Victor ylarcoux, Winnipeg, Minneapolis, cum laude Canada Scott Jonathan Wardell, Edina

135 June Joanne Mary Weaver, Jackson, Scott Frederick Wells, Mich. Minneapolis Dawn Marie West, Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science Debra Kay Aksamit, Andover Katherine A. Langness, B. S., Bruce Douglas Armstrong, B.S. Maplewood John Terrance Aslakson, B.S., Paul Lester Larson, Madison, Robbinsdale Wis. Leonard W. Brehmer, Jr., Ross Dana LeClaire, Coon Rapids Minneapolis Robert Roy Leder, Gleason, Wis. Tanya Marie Deines, A.S., Joan Candell Ludwigson, Rice Lyman, Neb. Lake, Wis. Ronald Wayne Divine, Alexandria Kathy Ruth Magnusson, St. Paul James Gerard Donahue, Waseca I. Barry Miller, B.A., B.S., Joseph William Edhlund Minneapolis Steven Jeffrey Ekholm, B. Chem., Sue Ann Miller, Ord, Neb. Richfield Donald Ernest Niles, Nashotah, Timothy Joe Engel, B. S., St. Paul Wis. Mary-Beth Esser, Menomonee Daniel Steven Oakes, Minneapolis Falls, Wis. Donald Alfheim Olson, Thief Dennis Lee Foss, Ettrick, Wis. River Falls Leslie S. Goldblatt, B.A., St. Steven K. Olson, B.S., B.A., Louis Park Ormsby Martha M. C. Grieshaber-Otto, Bennett Jay Porter IV, Edina B.A. Linda Jean Secor-Mehoke, B.A., Margaret Anne Hagen, Woodbury Kewaskum, Wis. Ricky Lee Harries, Jackson Judith M. Spring, Maple Grove Georgene Jerilyn Holasek, B. S., Bruce Scott Stephens, Minong, Waconia Wis. Karen Marie Homme, Granite Lloyd Arthur Van HofWegen, Falls B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., Sioux Lana Ann Hurd, Waukesha, Wis. City, Iowa Mark David Johnson, Bloomington Marvin James Johnson, B. S., Embarrass

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Marv Atwell, B.S., Verona, Wis. Elizabeth Porter Boynton, B.A., David Alex Barno, B.S.V.S., Wavzata Spring Lake Park Leon~rd W. Brehmer, J r., St. Roger John Bergh, B.S., Duluth Anthonv Rande Ann Blanchard, B.A., Kathleen 'Marie Brown, B.S., Burnsville Dundas Rick Lee Bohlman, B.A., Granite Barbara Lee Brunholzl, B.S.V.S., Falls Byron

June 136 Sarah Anne Carlson, Watertown Marcia Rooker Lee, B.S., M.S., Gary Alan Conboy, B. S. magna Lewiston, N.Y. cum laude, New Brighton Reid Ross Loken, Emmons Paula Lerum Davis, Austin Ellen F. Lucey, Janesville, Wis. Ronald Wayne Divine, Alexandria Kenneth Fraser Lvon, B. S., Gemma Evann Drees, Red Lake Phoenix, Ariz. . Falls Martha Ann MacLean, Elkhorn, David Bentley Duxbury, B.A., Wis. B.S., White Bear Lake Aleda ~arie Tvsver Mertz, B.A., Joseph William Edhlund, B.S., Chanh~ssen Stillwater Catherine A. Miller, B.S.V.S., Marta W. Engel, St. Paul Oconomowoc, Wis. Cornelia Ellen Farnum, B.A., David C. Morfitt, B.S.V.S., Tenafly, N.J. Windom Susan Lynn Fehrer, B.S., Nancv Alice ~orrison, B.S., St. Milwaukee, Wis. Pa~l Dennis Lee Foelker, B. S., Fort Robert Jay Murtaugh, B.S.V.S., Atkinson, Wis. st. Paul Dale Robert Gilbertson, B.A., Michael Richard Nelms, B.S.V.S., B.S.V.S., Brooklyn Center A. A., Rochester Barbara Jean Gilligan, B. S. V. S., Burr William Nussdorfer, Jr., Stevens Point, Wis. Sparta, Wis. John Theodore Haugo, B.A., Daniel Steven Oakes Litchfield Bryan Emmett Ogden, B.S.V.S., Michael Albert Heimann, B.A., Bloomington Lamberton Kathrvn Harue Okuma, David John Hill, North St. Paul Mi~neapolis Vincent Otis Hill, Stanton, Neb. Daniel Scott Patton, B.A., B.S., Richard James Hillmer, B.S., Waseca Janesville, Wis. Sara Garlid Patton, B.S.V.S., Jeffrey George Hinueber, B. S., Prescott, Wis. White Bear Lake LouAnn M. Pfeifer, B.A., Adell, David Richard Imboden, B. S., Wis. Austin Susan ~ary Poirot, B. S., Mary Ann Johanning, B.S., Hempstead, N. Y. Highland, Wis. Ron Harvey Pumphrey, Valentine, Larry Dean Johnson, ~ountain Neb. Lake Steven David Quady, Buffalo Timothy David Johnson, B.S.V.S., Pauline ~argaret Rakich, B. S., Fridley South St. Paul Lyle Keith Keuner, B.S.V.S., Robert E. Raymond, Loup City, Wannaska Neb. Richard Alan Kiekhaefer, B.A., Donald Charles Roepke, Circle Barnum Pines Michael C. Kieler, B.S.V.S., Mark Stanton Rusley, B.A., B.S., Hazel Green, Wis. Fargo, N.D. Scott James Krug, B.S., Charles Edward Russell, B.A., Milwaukee, Wis. Bismarck, N.D. Steven William Kurtz, B.S., Kay Esther Schnarsky, Fargo, N.D. Wauwatosa, Wis. Julie Ann Larson, B.S.V.S., Lee Ann Schrader, B.S., Sparta, Wis. \Vauwatosa, Wis.

137 June Patricia Cole Schultheiss, B. A., Kenneth William Swanson, B.S., Roseville Barnum Terry Vincent Sieker, Manitowoc, Patricia Ann Taylor, B. A., Wis. Litchfield Darcy Jo Smith, B.A., Duluth Lloyd Arthur Van HofWegen, Frances Olivia Lepp Smith, A. A., B.s.E.E., M.S.E.E., Sioux B.S., Webster City, Iowa Julie Katherine Smith, B.S., Stephen Dirk Vork, B.S., Wauwatosa, Wis. Sandstone Charles Gordon Soderholm, David Warren Wetherill, B.A., B.S.V.S., Worthington B.S., St. Paul Margaret Ruth Souby, B.A., Mary Anthony Wieland, Dazey, B.S.V.S., Grand Forks, N.D. N.D.

June Candidates for Commissions Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of spring quarter, commissions will be presented to those listed below and to others meeting the requirements for the Reserve Officers in the Armed Services.


Second Lieutenant, USAF Reserve Steven Q. Anderson, Lakeville Gerald D. Laver, Liberty Center, Darrel L. Baker, Duluth Ohio Edward J. Baxter, Duluth Gary N. Myran, Minneapolis Duane M. Cloud, St. Paul Jay M. Personius, Fairmont Vickie L. Davidson, Fargo, N. D. Perry J. Power IV, Monroe, Wis. Dale L. Finnila, Wright Michael P. Ryan, Cottage Grove Katherine L. Franklin, St. Paul Jon L. Spear, Grafton, N.D. Keith B. Jochum, Glencoe


Second Lieutenant, RA, Infantry Kenneth M. King, Richfield

Second Lieutenant, RA, Military Intelligence Scott A. Miller, Park Rapids

Second Lieutenant, RA, Signal Corps Robin A. Swanson, Mountain Iron

June 138 Second Lieutenant, USAR John P. Breedlove, Minneapolis

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Chemical Corps Russell K. Wierimaa, Hibbing

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Infantry Paul C. Holthaus, Monticello

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Transportation Corps Maurice P. Murphy, Jr., Minneapolis


Ensign, USN Dennis K. Bowman, Detroit Richard A. Gengler, Slayton Lakes Peter A. Hanke, Burnsville David S. Broughton, Bloomington Michael D. Rowan, Warrens, Michael R. Geisen, St. Paul Wis.

Second Lieutenant, USMC Keith R. Anderson, Brooklyn William S. Conway, Golden Center Valley Matthew C. Taylor, Richfield

Summary of Degrees Conferred by the University During the Academic Year 1979-80

Conferred July, August, and December, 1979, and March, 1980 ..... 6,134 Conferred June, 1980 (subject to completion of requirements) ...... 5,597 Total degrees conferred (1979-80) ...... II, 731 *

·Includes l,Z9H conferred at Duluth, 260 at \Ioni ... , 210 at Crookston, 272 ,It \\'awcd. and 67 ,it \LI\().

139 June Academic Costume

, Academic costume--cap, gown, and sometimes hood-may be worn by anyone with a college degree, or by a candidate whose degree is soon to be awarded. Characteristics of costumes show their wearers' highest degrees and, often, the Gelds of major interest and the institutions by which the degrees are granted. All bachelors' and masters' gowns are black and untrimmed. The bachelor's gown has a long pointed sleeve, the master's a closed sleeve with an arm slit. Doctors' gowns in the United States are usually black, with velvet front facings and sleeve crossbars. Some universities, especially those abroad, prescribe colorful crimson, bright red, or other colors, set off by black or colored facings. At commencements, degree candidates wear the gowns for the degrees they are about to receive. Hoods are worn only by those who already possess degrees. Anyone who has a University of Minnesota degree may wear the Minnesota hood-black with a maroon chevron on gold. The length and shape of a hood identify the most advanced degree its wearer has earned, and the hood's velvet edging shows the degree's field: dark blue for philosophy, light blue for education, green for medicine, lilac for dentistry, orange for engineering, russet for forestry, , drab for business, olive green for pharmacy, purple for law, gray for veterinary medicine, golden yellow for science, white for liberal arts. Caps-usually tasseled mortarboards-show by tassel color the nature of degrees awarded at University of Minnesota commencements. Doctors' tassels may be , black or gold; masters' are black. Bachelor's degree candidates at Minnesota, however, indicate their fields of study by their tassel colors: College of Agriculture ...... maize College of Biological Sciences ...... golden yellow College of Business Administration ...... drab Continuing Education and Extension ...... orange and drab School of Dentistry ...... lilac College of Education ...... light blue College of Forestry ...... maize General College ...... crimson and white College of Home Economics ...... maize Law School ...... purple College of Liberal Arts ...... white Medical School ...... green School of Nursing ...... green College of Pharmacy ...... olive School of Public Health ...... green Institute of Technology ...... orange University College ...... old gold and white College of Veterinary Medicine ...... gray Gold shoulder fourageres are worn by candidates who are honor students. After receiving their degrees, holders may wear the academic costume on any appropriate occasion, but they always wear the black tassel, and omit the shoulder Insignia. Appropriate academic costumes can be obtained anywhere that academic ceremonies are conducted. Spring 1980 Graduation Events

College of Agriculture, 7 p.m. June 10 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Biological Sciences, 7:30 p.m. June 14 North Star Ballroom, St. Paul Student Center College of Business Administration, 2 p.m. June 15 Northrop Memorial Auditorium School of Dentistry, 7:30 p.m. June 6 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Education, 7:30 p.m. June 12 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Forestry, 3 p.m. June 7 Mall south of Green Hall General College, 5 p.m. June 6 Mississippi Room, Coffman Memorial Union Graduate School, 7 p.m. June 14 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Home Economics, 7 p.m. June 6 St. Paul Gymnasium Law School, 5 p.m. June 13 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Liberal Arts, 5 p.m. June 8 Northrop Memorial Auditorium Medical School, 2:30 p.m. June 6 Northrop Memorial Auditorium Mortuary Science, 8 p.m. June 6 Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union School of Nursing, 2 p. m. June 7 Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union College of Pharmacy, 7 p.m. June'6 Willey Hall School of Public Health, 2 p.m. June 14 Terrace, Coffman Memorial Union Institute of Technology, 7 p.m. May 28 Northrop Memorial Auditorium University College, 1:30 p. m. June 7 North Star Ballroom, st. Paul Student Center College of Veterinary Medicine, 2 p.m. June 14 Northrop Memorial Auditorium UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA

Fall Commencement, 1980


The Honorable Charles H. Casey, D.V.M., West Concord The Honorable William B. Dosland, Moorhead The Honorable Erwin L. Goldfine, Duluth The Honorable Lauris D. Krenik, Madison Lake The Honorable Robert Latz, Minneapolis The Honorable David M. Lebedoff, Minneapolis The Honorable Charles F. McGuiggan, D.D.S., Marshall The Honorable Wenda W. Moore, Minneapolis The Honorable Lloyd H. Peterson, Paynesville The Honorable Mary T. Schertler, St. Paul The Honorable Neil C. Sherburne, Lakeland The Honorable Michael W. Unger, St. Paul

, . ! Administrative Officers

C. Peter Magrath, President Clinton T. Johnson, Acting Vice President for Finance and Operations Lyle A. French, Vice President for Health Sciences Stanley B. Kegler, Vice President for Institutional Relations Kenneth H. Keller, Vice President for Academic Affairs Nils Hasselmo, Vice President for Administration and Planning Frank B. Wilderson, Vice President for Student Affairs

Additional copies of this program are available from the Department of University Relations, S-68 Morrill Hall, 100 Church St. S. E., University of Minnesota, i! Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. J THE BOARD OF REGEr\TS requests that the following Northrop Memorial Auditorium procedures or regulations be I adhered to. (1) Smoking is eonfined to the outer lobby on the main floor, to the gallery lobbit-'s, and to the lounge rooms. (2) The use of cameras or tape recorders by memhers of the audience is prohibited. (3) The sale of tickets by anyone other than if authorized box office personnel is prohibited in the lobby or corridors of Northrop Memorial Auditorium. I ,I \ I Table of Contents

Your University...... 3 July Candidates for Degrees...... 5 College of Agriculture ...... 5 College of Agriculture and College of Business Administration...... 5 College of Biological Sciences ...... 6 College of Business Administration...... 6 School of Dentistry ...... 7 College of Education ...... 7 College of Education and College of Home Economics...... 8 College of Forestry ...... 8 General College ...... 9 College of Home Economics ...... 9 Law School ...... 10 College of Liberal Arts ...... 10 Medical School ...... 12 College of Pharmacy ...... 13 School of Public Health ...... 13 Institute of Technology ...... 14 University College ...... 15 College of Veterinary Medicine ...... 15 July Candidates for Commissions ...... 16 August Candidates for Degrees ...... 16 College of Agriculture ...... 16 College of Agriculture and College of Business Administration ...... 16 College of Biological Sciences ...... 17 College of Business Administration ...... 17 Continuing Education and Extension ...... 18 School of Dentistry ...... 18 College of Education ...... 18 General College ...... 20 College of Home Economics ...... 20 College of Liberal Arts ...... 21 Medical School ...... 24 Mortuary Science ...... 24 School of Nursing ...... 24 College of Pharmacy ...... 25 School of Public Health ...... 25 Institute of Technology ...... 26 University College ...... 28

August Candidates for Commissions ...... 28

December Candidates for Degrees ...... 29 College of Agriculture ...... 29 College of Agriculture and College of Business Administration ...... 30 College of Biological Sciences ...... 30 College of Business Administration ...... 31 Continuing Education and Extension ...... 33 ' School of Dentistry ...... 33 I College of Education ...... 35 College of Education and College of Agriculture ...... 37 College of Education and College of Home Economics ...... 37 College of Forestry ...... 38 General College ...... 38 College of Home Economics ...... 40 Law School...... 41 College of Liberal Arts ...... 41 Medical School ...... 47 Mortuary Science ...... 48 School of Nursing ...... 48 College of Pharmacy ...... 49 School of Public Health ...... 49 Institute of Technology ...... 49 University College ...... 53

December Candidates for Commissions ...... 54 Your University

CHARTERED in 1851 by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota this year celebrated its one hundred and twenty-ninth birthday. One of the great land-grant universities in the nation, the University of Minnesota is dedicated to training young men and women to be our future leaders. Each year, graduates add new skills and knowledge to the existing resources of the state. They have been trained as physicians, lawyers, engineers, social workers, teachers, journalists, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, scientists, farmers, business people-to name but a few of the careers for which preparation is offered. Since its founding, the University has awarded over 333,000 degrees, each one in recogni­ tion of the successful completion of a challenging academic program. In addition to giving collegiate instruction to nearly 59,000 students annually on its Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, Crookston, and Waseca campuses and at the Mayo Medical and Graduate Schools in Rochester, the University offers special training for those who wish to study part-time through Continuing Education and Exten­ sion. The University also offers educational opportunities through its Agricultural Extension Service, with county agents, home agents, 4-H club agents, and recreation and health consultants available to provide help to Minnesotans in their own homes. In the many research laboratories on the University's five campuses, at the agricultural experiment stations throughout the state-the Rosemount Research Center, the Cloquet Forestry Center, the Cedar Creek Natural History Area near Bethel, the Horticultural Research Center and Landscape Arboretum at Excelsior, the Lake Itasca Forestry and Biological Station, the Sand Plain Experimental Field at Becker, and the Hormel Institute at Austin-and at the University Hospitals, University scientists are at work on experiments of great potential importance to the quality of our lives. Research projects are leading to new knowledge in such areas as learning disabilities, drug abuse, urban and environmental problems, health care delivery systems, and computer technology. The progress made in these and other areas will have a profound impact on the lives of Minnesotans and people throughout the world. THE UNIVERSITY continues to be a cultural center of the Upper Midwest as the home of radio station KUOM, the University Theatre, the Bell Museum of Natural History, and the local performances of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Minnesotans have good reason to be proud of their University, not only because it is one of the leading state universities in the country, but also because of the extent and quality of its services to the people of the state, their families, communities, and organizations. The interest of Minnesotans in their University is a dynamic thing, and it expresses itself in many ways. Their contributions have made it possible to build the Variety Club Heart Hospital and the Mayo Memorial Building. Through the American Legion and its auxiliary posts all over the state, thousands of friends have made generous donations to endow a research professor­ ship in heart disease. Other contributions have built the Masonic Cancer Center, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Cancer Research Center and Diehl Hall, which houses the biomedical library and medical research facilities. Generous contributions by corporations, associations, foundations, trade unions, clubs, and individuals have made hundreds of grants and fellowships available to deserving students. Friends and supporters of the University, who are aware of the

3 ] financial impact of increased specialization, work continuously to increase the funds available for student assistance. THE 1979 LEGISLATURE appropriated $443.6 million for the University for the 1979-81 biennium. A financial statement prepared and circulated by the University each year is available to anyone on request. COMMENCEMENT marks the conclusion only of the student's academic life at the University. As a graduate, he or she is part of its history and part of its future as well. Alumni are urged to continue their relationship with the University through the Minnesota Alumni Association and its college groups. Alumni and their families and friends will always be welcome here. The University's doors will be open to those who come back to visit and to keep in touch with an important part of their lives.


" 'I i Jl ir~ ~ "'

',,:,f' I"

The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap,

4 July Candidates for Degrees

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of first summer session, degrees will be conferred as indicated on those listed below and on others meeting the graduation requirements. Degrees are listed alphabeti­ cally within each academic unit.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Jean Denise Eckstrom, St. Paul David Allen Hedlund, Paynesville

Bachelor of Science Thomas L. Ahlberg, A.A., Worthington James Richard Kellogg, Minnetonka Mark Stephen Bauman, Godhra, James Richard Kelly, Duluth Gujarat, India Margaret Edith Luesse, Navarre Kim Elizabeth Berg, Spring Valley Franklin Jose Marcano DeLossie Ruth Boldt, Mahtomedi William Jules Max, Minneapolis Jane Frances Choromanski, New Hope, John Gregory McPherson, Minneapolis with high distinction Marcia Rose Melgaard, Mentor Ann Schevenius Copeland, Salisbury, Scott Curtis Meyer, Bloomington, with Zimbabwe distinction Jorja Ann DuFresne James Michael Pearce, Minneapolis William Fed Fernandez, Venezuela Thomas Paul Petersen, Jr., St. Paul Jose E. Gaibor, Riobamba, Ecuador Linda Marie Peterson, Minneapolis David Joseph Garibaldi, Cumberland, Ric Masao Roderick, Minneapolis Wis. Holly Diane Smith, Minnetonka Hassen Mohammed Gonji Charvey Eugene Spencer, Frederic, William Peter Huber, Minneapolis Wis. George Edwin Johnson, Maplewood Adama Tounkara, KoungheuI, Senegal Kristi Lee Johnson, Minneapolis Master of Agriculture Usha Bedi Bhatia, Roseville Francis Stephen Zaworski, Jr., B.A., Buffalo


Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration Jayne Marie Gosewisch, New Prague Randy Richard Schoeneck, Eden William Gustav Hard, St. Paul Prairie Brian Leroy Sund, Edina


Bachelor of Science Darold Wayne Carlson Greg John Larek, A.A., Rochester Steven Robert Carlson, Mound Dana Westbrook Pope, B.A., Linda Joy Cohen, St. Louis Park Minneapolis James A. Hammarback, Ada, summa Seung H wan Ro cum laude James Philip Utz, La Crescent Daniel Richard Huff, New Brighton Paul Kermit Wallin, Chanhassen Frederick Wilhelm Hund, St. Paul


Bachelor of Science in Business Pamela Janssen Bassett, Bloomington Mary Ann Hyska, Minneapolis Randal Jordan Becker, A.A., Claudia Jean Johnson, Minneapolis Worthington David Richard Johnson, Minneapolis John Charles Bekavac, Maplewood Glen Michael Johnson, St. Paul Michael Gary Bien, Minneapolis Leslie Ann Karnauskas, Minneapolis Scott Lee Birchfield, A.A., St. Paul Sandra Ann Kinney, Burnsville Annette Helen Boulay, Appleton, Wis. John Kenneth Kjellander, Bloomington Jane Ellen Boyum, Inver Grove Gregory Scott Kneisl Heights Jerome Howard Kosel, St. Paul Colleen Louise Brandt, Maplewood, Jeffrey Craig Lee, B.S.Pharm., with distinction Litchfield Steven Dale Chaffee, A.A., Brooklyn Laurene Debra Lee, Fridley Center John Phillip Lembrick, A.A., Austin Jimmy H. Chan, B.A., Hong Kong Wayne Michael Loos, Minneapolis Marie Eve Copie, Bordeaux, France Tracy Lynn Louder, Cincinnati, Ohio Joseph Thomas Cox, Edina Rick John Marko, Bloomington Lezlie Kay Dekko, Edina Kevin Lee Menk, Minneapolis Guillermo Arturo De Paz, San Cathy Lyn Munson, Bloomington Salvador, EI Salvador Tyler Jay Norenberg, Center City Douglas Jerome Dolinsky, Columbia Jay Edward Olson, Richfield Heights . Phillip John Palan, Woodbury Fredric Charles Driver, St. Paul Bruce Alan Pastorius, St. Paul Edward E. Engstrand, Jr., Bradley Franklin Pearson, Minneapolis Minneapolis, with distinction Dale Steven Pearson, Bloomington Catherine Louise Fleming, Karen Leanne Pedersen, Alden Minneapolis Ann F. Peterson, Hastings Judy Ann Giader, St. Paul Brad Gordon Pfahning, Farmington Alana Glunz-Fiala, South St. Paul Ronald Joseph Pidde, Bloomington David Alan Gotlieb, St. Paul, with Svlvia Marie Posz, A. A., St. Louis Park distinction J~nine Marie Quitter, St. Paul Jennifer Leatha Hacker, Iowa City, Ronald Alan Richardson, A.A., Iowa Minnetonka Diane Edna Helling, Minneapolis Randall Joseph Rossin, St. Louis Park Mark G. Herreid, Brooklyn Center Diane Louise Rutherford, Mendota David Nelson Holtze, Brookfield, Wis. Heights, with high distinction

July 6 Dean Francis Sandifer, B.S., Paul Joseph Trenda, Hopkins Minneapolis Kerry Dan Vermeer, Edina Mark Kenneth Shepard, Oakdale Robert Eldon Versen, Jr., Edina Rosanne Gail Solz, Minneapolis Richard Michael Wessel, Green Bay, Gregory Neil Stewart, Minneapolis Wis. Albert Magnus Swintek, Minneapolis David William Wigdahl, New Brighton Timothy John Terbilcox, White Bear Nancy Jean Windyk, Minneapolis Lake Robert Langdon Winston, Minneapolis Michael John Teresi Paul Eugene Zadach, A.A., Timothy Lawrence Tilsner, St. Paul Minneapolis Lois Marie Tollefson, A. A., Brooklyn John David Zalewski, Milwaukee, Wis. Park


Doctor of Dental Surgery Eric Milton Hansen, B.A., B.S., Missoula, Mont.

Graduate Dental Hygienist Katherine Louise Germ, Hibbing


Bachelor of Science Sheila Faye Alpert, B.F.A., Duluth Kimberly Ann Lamphere, Minneapolis Cindy Kay Bennett, Columbia Heights Susan M. Lazarz, A.A., Osseo Roberta Josephine Betts, Grand Rapids Jean Marie Meyer, New Ulm Twila Maureen Bowman, Minneapolis Kevin William Naddy, Bloomington Stephanie Starr Coklas, A. A., Scot Thomas Newton, Minneapolis, Bloomington with distinction Nancy Jean Culver, White Bear Lake Peggy Ann Peterson, Fridley, with Ellen Frances Rank Debe, Minneapolis distinction Mollie Marie Edwards, Minneapolis Vicki Lynn Schulz, Bloomington Dennis Charles Foreman, B.A., Katherine Marie Semple, Circle Pines Minneapolis Caroline Ruth Sommers, Menomonie, Mary Kaye Guenther, Excelsior Wis. Nancy Susan Heinen, A.A., Plymouth James Charles Stewart, Richfield Ann Eaton Johnson, St. Paul Mary Nell Strunk, Shakopee Patricia Rose Kleinschmit, Brooklyn Janice Louise Sullivan, Brooklyn Center, with distinction Center Janet Mary Kline, St. Cloud Harold Robert Tollefson, Fridley Charles David Knier, Waite Park, with Michael Matthew Tschimperle, Chaska distinction Cathy Ann Wickstrom, Blaine Robert Charles Kraemer, A.A., White Linda Ann Wiessner, B.A., Bear Lake Minnetonka I Cathy Suzanne Krogstad, Wells

7 July Master of Education William Leroy Acree, B.S., John Warren Nelson, B.A., Coon Hopkinsville, Ky. Rapids Patricia R. Arnold, B.S., Minneapolis Kathleen Ann Eckberg Ness, B.S., Carol Fischbein Berg, B. S., Anoka Minnetonka Janet Louise Nietz, B.A., St. Paul JoAnn Kay Donovan-Connoy, B.S., Alice Marie Rasmussen, B.S., Anoka Rogers Janice Carol Roadfeldt Reinke, B.S., Sharyl Leah Fearing, B.S., Apple Brooklyn Park Valley Jane Lorraine Rogalla, B. S., Brooklyn Carol Sue Ganske, B.A., New Brighton Park Sr. Maryl Gardner, B.S., Manitowoc, Janice Marie Rumppe, B.S., Wis. Bloomington LaVonne Fae Gilbertson, B.S., Marjorie Jean Schneider, B.S., Bloomington Farmington Maureen Lois Grant, B. S., St. Paul Douglas Byron Smith, B. S., Douglas Louis Hanson, B.S., Willmar Minneapolis Elaine C. Harff, B.S., Osseo Kenneth Joseph Stager, B.S., Duluth Andrea Hill, B.S., Eau Claire, Wis. Patricia Jean Steichen, B. S., Forest Greg A. Holey, B.S., Minneapolis Lake Lynda Marie Kelley, B.A., Minneapolis Cynthia Louise Thomas, B.S., Chaska ana Lea Lentz, B.S., St. Paul Joyce Una-May Thompson, Port Maria, Stephanie Kay Lenz, B.A., Roseville Jamaica Claudia Lee Manke, B.S., St. Paul Terri Lynn Tucker, B.S., Maple Grove Lorene Gale Marengo, B. S., Sara A. Vegge, B.S., Brooklyn Center Minneapolis Walter Eugene Wayne, B.S., Marilyn Joy McNutt, B. S., St. Paul Minnetonka M. Joy Wilson,B.S., Bloomington


Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Ann Lones, Pine City


Bachelor of Science Brad Jeffrey Grove, Bigfork Donald Purdy Schofield, Wilton, Conn. Cheryl Ruth Gustafson, Maplewood Janet Kay Siebrass, Mankato James Grant Haygreen, Roseville Mark Jeffrey Weber, Hibbing Dorothy Jean Peterson, New Brighton Raymond John Zittlow, Remer


Associate in Arts Mary Elizabeth Bell, Junction City, Lucinda Ann Ochoada, Minneapolis Kan. Cynthia L. Oczak, St. Paul Barbara J. Benjamin, Onamia James Paye, Minneapolis Louise Anne Bray David Gamliel Raskas, St. Paul Julie Ann Brazman, St. Paul Linda Sue Rosoff, Minneapolis Janet Betty Goldman, St. Paul Joseph John Same, Circle Pines Sandra Judith Goldman Linda Kay Shamla, Glencoe Nanci Lynn Hayner, Bayport James P. Smith, St. Paul Randy Gene Hensel, Richfield Priscilla Belle Soule, Minneapolis Mark Harold Hoglund, St. Paul Donald John Tomczak, Park Falls, Wis. Wade William Koska, Minneapolis Richard William Wagner, Stillwater Lyle W. Lasley, Jr., Minneapolis Rose Marie Warnken, Bloomington Rosemary Anne Malchow, Minneapolis Lynda Yellow Bird-Ament, Sidney Owen Molina, Waihee, Hawaii Minneapolis

Bachelor of Applied Studies Ann E. Asch, Minneapolis Lenore Kathleen Loonan, St. Paul Joann Lee Becker, A.A., St. Paul Janice Fay Peroutka, St. Paul Mary Pat Boutell, A.A., Minneapolis Cheryl Denise Rice, Wayzata Grace Evelyn Carlock, A.A., Jerome Warren Willy, A.A., Columbus Minneapolis Township

Bachelor of General Studies Robert Alan Cannella, Eagan Paul David Stoddart, Edina Nancy Jane David, A.A., Cottage Winnie Marie Sudduth, Minneapolis Grove David Scott Thompson, Tonka Bay Allen John Grimm, New Brighton Gwendolyn Lee Voegtle, A.A., Cathy Marie Lattin, A.A. Minneapolis James Clark McLaughlin, Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science Maria Elizabeth Amplatz, St. Paul, Karen Marie Farnberg, Redwood Falls with distinction Cynthia Louise Kuelbs, Anoka, with Judy Marie Armstrong, A.A., high distinction International Falls, with distinction Donna Ellen Ludford, Minneapolis Joan Ellen Bordwell, St. Paul Barbara Joyce Luehmann, Lewiston Jill Clarette Chatelain, Crystal Nancy A. Madich, A.A., Bloomington Claire Patricia Connors Jane Adele Marttila-Odle, Mounds Diana Lynn Cook, St. Paul View Patricia Elaine Coughlin, Minneapolis Susan Louise Miller, Edina Christine Anne Creamer, Minnetonka Nadine Kaye Muetzel, Sioux Falls, Kathleen Agnes Crumley, Minneapolis S.D. Kari Rae Erickson, Minneapolis Terri Ann Nielsen, Bloomington

9 July Merrilee R. Olson, Richfield Glenda Kay Thien, Tipton, Iowa Carol Ann Slinkard, New Prague Susan Mary Ward, Minneapolis Barbara Lee Tesch, Bloomington


Juris Doctor Allen C. Wells, B.A., Flint, Mich.


Associate in Liberal Arts Lizann Dolny, St. Paul Sandra Joan McReavy, St. Anthony Rebecca Ann Hill, Eden Prairie Richard Alan Stein, Long Lake Nancy Theresa Kilpeck, Richfield

Bachelor of Arts Honors citations are provisional and will not become final until all requirements are met for the level indicated James Adeyemi Adekayode, A.A., Karen Marie Cantine, Minnetonka Lagos, Nigeria Scott D. Carpenter, Minnetonka James Dean Ahrens, Minneapolis Michael James Carr Daniel Moshe Alter, Minneapolis Joel Anthony Cich, Minneapolis Bruce Peter Anderson, Minneapolis Jurene Anne Clessler, A. S., Patrick Shawn Axell, Duluth Minneapolis Chomilo Christopher Azouma, Akum, Patrick James Connor, Minneapolis Mezam, Cameroon Marie-Eve Copie, Bordeaux, France Elam Baer, Lake Park Stephanie Kay Cotton, St. Anthony Elizabeth Lee Baker, Minneapolis Village, magna cum laude Pamela Lee Baker, Minneapolis, magna Edward L. Cound, St. Paul cum laude Jean Marie Cronin, Minneapolis Ann Renae Beck, Walters Bruce Edward Delong, B.A., St. Paul Steven R. Berggren, St. Paul Margaret Marie Dolezal, Minneapolis Kristen J. Bergstrom, West st. Paul Jamie Lea Douthit, Long Lake Jean Catherine Bingham Joy Eleanor Ecker, A.A., Minneapolis Donald Kennedy Blackwell, Beth Diane Erdahl, Golden Valley Minneapolis Mark Edwin Felker, Marshfield, Wis. Allison Diane Blomer, Anoka Warren Blair Ferguson Patricia Agnes Mary Bloodgood, James William Fitzpatrick, Minneapolis Minneapolis Lisa Ann Boelter Shannon Mae Fitzpatrick, White Bear Ellen Bralower, Wilmette, Ill. Lake, summa cum laude Richard H. Branchaud-Linsk, Patrick James Flanery, Minneapolis Minneapolis Joseph Edward Flynn, Stillwater Robert Louis Buchwald, Minneapolis Jennifer Kay Fort, Crosby Kristine Louise Burton, St. Paul Linda Helen Fossom, Hopkins George Edward Byers Peter Daniel Gfrerer, St. Paul

July 10 Randall Alan Gillenwaters, Joan Marie Moen, Burnsville Minneapolis Joel Lawrence Mondshane, St. Louis James Butler Gilles, Eden Prairie Park Jean Carol Gorman, South St. Paul Valerie Ann Muhe, Walthill, Neb. Harlan Mador Goulett, Minneapolis Nnamdi Ndubisi, B.A., Obosi Harold Richard Gray, St. Anthony Viadnitsha, Nigeria . Village David Paul Ness, Minneapolis Michele Mari Grubba, St. Paul Kenneth Craig Ness, Lakeville David Gordon Gustafson, Edina Stephanie Blaine Nielsen, Minneapolis, Linda Anne Harklau, Oconomowoc, summa cum laude Wis. Mary Agnes Ann Nimis, A.A., Mendota Paul Arnold Hartquist, St. Paul Heights Delores Ann Hegland, Appleton Peter John Oberg, Minneapolis Dean Donald Heuer, Minneapolis, Okechukwu F. Onah, A.A., Nigeria summa cum laude Tierney Louise Orth, Bloomington Robert Wilson Holin, Jr., Columbia Gene Alan Pearson, Waukesha, Wis. Heights Allison Sue Peck, Glenburn, N. D. Helen H. Hu, Edina Susan Delight Peterson, Minneapolis Dennis Lloyd Jackson, St. Paul JudyAnn Catherine Plante, St. Paul Catherine Huei-Hsing Jan, Taichung, Kenneth Jerome Porten, St. Paul Taiwan Daniel Barry Premack, Minneapolis Jeffrey Lee Johnson, Coon Rapids William Joseph Remes, Minneapolis Richard Paul Johnson, Jr., Anoka Rick Edward Rentz, Minneapolis Steven Jay Kaplan, Golden Valley Kevin James Reynolds, Minneapolis Rita Mae Kelner, A.A., Minneapolis Rosanne Elizabeth Robillard, Kristin Joan Knutson, Golden Valley Minnetonka Julie Ann Kogan, Highland Park, Ill. Kathleen Sue Rogness, ,Golden Valley Peter Gerald Krause, Minneapolis Carmen Guillermina Rollin, Eden Russell Scott Krieg, Minneapolis Prairie Jayne Eva Krumm Pamela Kay Ronning, White Bear Lake Terri Ann Kruse, Plymouth Bennett Cable Rosene, Wauwatosa, Susan Margaret Lerberg, A. A., Wis. Minneapolis Karla Rae Salo, Richfield Sofya Liberman, B.S., Minneapolis Michael George Schneider, Inver Frank Wilbur Lilja, Pine City Grove Heights Anne Limbach, Minneapolis George Anthony Schwam berger, Diane Lynn Lingen, Minneapolis Minneapolis Diane Cathleen Lund, Minneapolis Mark William Schwartz, A.A., White Matthew Allen Lykken Bear Lake Steven Lee Madsen, St. Louis Park Pamela Ann Seitz, Forest Lake Michael Peter Malasko, Minneapolis Monica Jane Skordahl, Minneapolis Orrin Mann, Golden Valley, summa Gary Francis Sorum, Minneapolis cum laude Robert William Sotebeer, Edina Laureen Mary Maple, Bloomington Sallie Stephenson, B.A., A.S., Sue Ellen Mather, Woodstock, Ill. Minneapolis Lynn R. McKee, Glencoe Kathryn Tabata, Brooklyn Center Jeanie Annette Mellem, Le Sueur Anne Louise Talsma, Bloomington Lynne Susan Mengelkoch, Minneapolis William Lawrence Tantzen, Gregory James Meuwissen, Minneapolis Minneapolis LuAnne Tczap, Minot, N.D. Bennett N. Miller, Rochester Thomas Chris Thompson, Minneapolis Clyde Evan Miller, A.A., Isle Carol Jan Titrud, Excelsior

11 July Michael Gene Trom, Salt Lake City, Lori Jo VanHove, Cedar Falls, Iowa Utah Stephen James Wellman, Montevideo Bradley Arthur Truesdell, A.A., John Warren Wicks, Excelsior St. Paul Thomas Chauncy Willette, Delavan, Randy Peter Tuttle, St. Paul cum laude Alex George Uhler, West St. Paul Monica Joan Winker, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Elected Studies Mari Elizabeth Nehls, Minneapolis Anne Kristine Smaby, Minneapolis Deborah Kaye Rogers, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Fine Arts Eric D. Chelberg Kenneth Robert Knowles, Sunnyvale, Josephine Anne d'Angelo, A.A., Erie, Calif. Pa. Gayle Frances Riippa, Minneapolis Jan Marie /Erickson, Minneapolis Georgios Stavrou, Cyprus Jill Catherine Hanson, Edina, summa Ron Stoyke-Riley, A. L.A., St. Louis, cum laude Mo. Mark Elison Hoversten, B.L.A. Douglas Allen Ward, Minneapolis Daniel Glenn Johnson, Webster Groves, Mo.

Bachelor of Individualized Studies Steven Richard Hickory, Minneapolis Kathleen Ann Nelson, New Brighton Susan Lynn Johnson, Center City

Bachelor of Science Sheila Anne Aiello, Detroit, Mich. Timothy Wayne Harkonen, Duluth Brian Walter Anderson, Brainerd Danis Zel Hill, Burnsville Brian L. Blackard, A.L.A., Patricia Ann Merchant, St. Paul Bloomington Jane Elizabeth Ringgenberg, Golden Katherine Lynn Brown, Siren, Wis. Valley Scott Douglas Carlson, Houston James Stanley Sovell, Minneapolis Kevin John Haertzen, Edina


MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science Katherine Ann Knott, St. Paul

L !

July 12 ,

MEDICINE Doctor of Medicine Roderick Benjamin Brown, B.A., Gregory Thomas Quinlan, B.A., Mankato Minneapolis Mary Linda Jurisson, B.S., Minneapolis

PHYSICAL THERAPY Bachelor of Science Patricia Jane Whitney, Two Harbors


Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Jimmie Lee Johnson, B.A. Darwin Paul Leis, Elbow Lake


Master of Hospital Administration John William Herman, B.A., Edina Charles Stoudamire, B. S., Portland, Ore.

Master of Public Health Frances B. Berger, B.S., St. Paul Patricia West Milhous, B.S., Fraideh Brisibe, D.V.M., Ojobo, Minneapolis Nigeria Michael John Murray, B.S., Fond du Joseph Charles Campbell, B.B.A., Lac, Wis. Minnetonka Charles Donald Oppman, B.S., New John Victor Caron, B.A., D.M.D., San Orleans, La. ,Diego, Calif. Cecilia Omolola Popoola, B. S., Nigeria Lou Erickson, B.S.N., St. Louis Park Thomas Charles Rice, B.S., Nancy Kathrine Hansen, B.S., St. Paul Minneapolis Walter F. Jackson, B.S., M.B.A., Henry Louis Schmulling, A. B., Boston, Mass. Hickory, N.C. Beryl K. Levine, B.F.A., Chicago, Ill. Khalil Sharifzadeh, D.V.M., Lar Fars, Randolph Jay Lipchik, B.A., Iran Milwaukee, Wis. Marlene Cecilia Voita, B.S., Afton Nancy Lee Meyer, B.S.N., Fairmont J. Pamela Weiner, B.A., Minneapolis


Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Gregory Paul Bernard, White Bear Thomas Dean Pierce, A.S., Willmar, Lake with distinction Richard Ralph Heisler, Minnetonka

Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Bader A. Alossaimi, Kuwait, Kuwait Stephen Michael Kalis, Wells

Bachelor of Architecture Dianne Therese Blair, B.E.D., B.A., Mark Charles Forbes, Minneapolis Madison, Wis. Richard Edward Ness, Bloomington Louise Augusta Brodman, B. F. A., N. Y. Elizabeth Dotha Ooten, B.S. Peter Conrad Olds Erickson, Stillwater Steven Mark Rengel, St. Cloud Nicole Elaine Fisher, B.A., Minneapolis

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering John Ralph Kaysen, Eagan Marcia Ann Tudor, St. Paul

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Lee Henry Berget, Minneapolis Ronald Holt Lipscomb, Durham, N.C. Mark Robert Huston, Duluth

Bachelor of Computer Science John Robert Enright, Golden Valley Patti Neuhaus Lorence, Glencoe Thomas Chapman Fix, Burnsville Cheuk Kwan Yue, with distinction

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Jack Thomas Chandler, A.A., Robert Edward LeChevalier Rochester Mark Eugene Lee, St. Cloud Terry Dean Cossette, Robbinsdale Joel Francis Mades, ~inneapolis Brian Weslie Lackie, Richfield Patrick J. Wraneschetz, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Environmental Design Richard Edward Ness, Bloomington Steven Mark Rengel, St. Cloud

Bachelor of Mathematics Thomas W. Aldritt, Deephaven Peter M. Ramstad, Minneapolis Timothy Harlan Halvorson, Eagan Daniel Charles Roloff, Stillwater Cynthia M. Kleist, Richfield, with high distinction

July 14 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Oludare Olusegun Akinyemi, Lagos, Thomas Edward Koehler, Minneapolis, Nigeria with distinction Bader A. Alossaimi, Kuwait, Kuwait Christina Marie Leonard, Minneapolis Thomas Edward Eibs, Minneapolis John Clarence Nordstrom, St. Paul Jannette Louise Fortner, Cromwell David Stephen Warwick, A.A., Richfield

Bachelor of Physics Gary Lee Peterson, Prior Lake, with Jeffrey Ralph Wiebusch, Lake City distinction

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Janet Marilynn Miciek, New Hope


Bachelor of Arts Amy Marie Campbell, Edina Joanne Elaine Risser, New Brighton, James B. Hayden, Minneapolis summa cum laude Charlanne Davies Karapetian, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Science Gary Michael Acromite, Lincoln Park, Ralph James Luchsinger II Mich. Patrick Michael McDermott, St. Paul David Neil Bengston, Minnetonka, Patricia LeClair McNulty, Minneapolis magna cum laude Elgene Moore Meadows, Minneapolis Jennifer Jane Branstrom, Edina Michael P. Neaton, st. Paul James Bryce Clark, st. Paul Margaret Rose Reed, A.A., Mary Kay Conway, St. Paul, magna Minneapolis, summa cum laude cum laude Richard Del Rubenstein, Milwaukee, Darla De Saute!, St. Paul Wis. Rita Ann Ehlen, Anoka Donna Ryan Stolte, Minneapolis Daniel Felix Flahertv, Le Center Joanne Susan Swanson, Minneapolis Peter Juster Gleeke( Edina Marilyn Kay Tarasar, Minneapolis Walter Jay Gould, Bloomington Hubert Dieter Wagner, Minneapolis David Edward Gray, Dallas, Tex. JoAnn Zaleskas, Harveys Lake, Pa., Dawn Lvnn Hovos, Eden Prairie cum laude Frank Thomas Kalgren, Minnetonka Alex Zentner, Minneapolis Geri Caryl Kulenkamp, A. A., cum laude COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE

Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science Neil Scott Rechsteiner, B. S., St. Paul 15 July July Candidates for Commissions

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of first summer session, commissions will be presented to those listed below and to others meeting the requirements for the Reserve Officers in the Armed Services.


Ensign, USN Ricky A. Holcomb, Clinton, Wis. Steven A. Murphy, Coon Rapids

August Candidates for Degrees

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of second summer session, degrees will be conferred as indicated on those listed below and on others meeting the graduation requirements. Degrees are listed alphabetically within each academic unit.


Bachelor of Science Byron Andrew Adams, A.A. Jill Danelle Pokorny, St. Peter Margaret Lyn Benson, St. Paul John David Thompson, Spicer Gary Austin Halstead Maria del Carmen Tirones, La Billy Marshall Hargis, White Bear Victoria, Araqua, Venezuela Lake Renee S. Tomczak, Minneapolis William Glenn Morrissey, Nicholas H. Verstegen, B.S. Bloomington Nan Marie Wille, Randolph Diane Lynn Olsen, B.S., Coon Rapids Master of Agriculture Robert A. Henson, B.A., Buffalo


Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration Annamarie Audrey Daley, Lewiston Robert Brian Daugherty III, Edina


Bachelor of Science Adewunmi Olorunfemi Abraham, Paul Cas sian Kramm, St. Paul Lagos, Nigeria Bruce Raymond Merry, Minneapolis Henry George Amon, Jr., St. Paul Bruce Carl Meyer, A.E.S., Richfield Paul Anthony Arbisi, Minnetonka Robert Harold Miller, Wauwatosa, Nancy Jeanne Boman, Bloomington Wis., summa cum laude Scott Prentice Carroll, St. Paul Barbara Ann Nelson, Bird Island David Mark Choquette, A.A., A.S., M. Gene Parrish, South St. Paul Hibbing Alice Elaine Pearson, A.A.S., John Charles Demarest, St. Paul Shawano, Wis. Lauren A. Fithian Kristi Lynn Peterson, St. Paul Carolyn Ruth Fletcher, Minneapolis Carlos Enrique Quintela Almeida, Daniel Richard Huff, New Brighton Santa Cruz, Bolivia Suzan Marlene Jacobsson, Brooklyn Alan John Rebertus, St. Paul Center Rocco John Russo, B.A., Brian Lindsey Johnson, st. Paul Minneapolis Jenny Crable Jones, Minneapolis Deborah Jean Weisman, St. Paul


Bachelor of Science in Business Laurence James Altman, Hibbing Jay Lynn Foster, B.S., M.A., Roger Frank Ames, A.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Daniel James Fowler, Minneapolis Brent Gerard Blackey, Minneapolis Robert G. Friederichs, Foxhome Gregory Charles Bowyer, A.A., Stuart Warren Gale, St. Paul Crystal Raymond Glenn Garrison, st. Paul Pamela Jay Boyer, Richfield Laurel M. Graves, Apple Valley Sue K. Budd, Minneapolis Kurt Richard Hanson, Anoka Curtis Charles Cameron, B.S., Lynn Marie Fladebo Harris, Isle White Bear Lake Audrey Jane Harrison, A.A., Crystal Andrew Willard Carlson, David Keith Hogan, Isanti Minneapolis Karen Marie Iverson Paul Edwin Carlson, Stillwater Cathryn Elizabeth Jacobs, Edina Perka Sin-Wai Chan, Hong Kong Carol Ann Keiran, Minneapolis John Edward Corbey, Mankato Chune Hee Kim, Seoul, Korea Jodette Rene DuBois, Edina David Raymond Klym, B.A., Deborah Jo Eddy, New Hope Bloomington Michael Thomas Eidem, St. Louis Cynthia Ann Laszewski, Roseville Park Peter Michael Lehrke, Rockford, Ill. Jeri Lea Elsner, A.A.S., Mound Elizabeth S. Lofy, Minneapolis Jeffrey D. Felix, White Bear Lake Garry Neal Lowenthal, A.L.A., Valerie Cindy Fletcher, Mappsville, Billings, Mont. Va. William Schuyler Lyon Guy Flickinger, A.A., Minneapolis Rand Everett Mattsson, Minneapolis Thomas A. Folz, Lake Elmo James Wayne Mauck, Bloomington

17 August .' James Ivan May, Minnetonka Lisa Marie Rodby, Minneapolis Pamela Jean Mayer, Nicollet Douglas Keith Roderick, Jeanne Paula McAlpine, Brooklyn Minneapolis Park Deborah Kay Roesler, Minnetonka Timothy Andrew ~urphy, West St. Janet E. Rooney, Minneapolis Paul Joel Alan Savat, Columbia Heights Bruce Kevin Nelson, Grand Forks, Jane Marie Schroeder, Neenah, ND., with high distinction Wis. John Robert Nicklay, Cottage Grove Clementine Theresa Scott, B.S., Barbara Jane Olson, B. S., Eden Ylinneapolis Prairie John Roger Slifer, St. Paul Ronald Marvin Peterson, Joanne Marie Swanson, Edina Minneapolis Renee Suzanne Thane, Maplewood Virginia Marlaine Peterson, Elisabeth Joy Trach, Minneapolis, Rochester with distinction Kim Thoa T. Phan Ellen Jo Trach, Minneapolis, with Scott M. Potter, Minneapolis high distinction Susanne Grace Prozinski, Little Walter Gregg Ullrich, Stillwater Falls, with high distinction Ellen Elizabeth Usenik, St. Paul Carole Jo Quinn, A.A., Golden Sheila Marie Volf, Otho, Iowa Valley Brian David Walcker, Hopkins Janice Kay Rector John Kipling Wallace, Minnetonka Kenneth Raymond Reinartz, South Alexander Da-Chang Wang, Taipei, St. Paul Taiwan Leslie Ann Rodby, Minneapolis Scott Thomas Winkel, Minneapolis


" Senior Accounting Certificate ,. Paul Douglas Armour, Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science Timothy Francis Berger, Renville, Joseph Robert Kuth, B.A., Duluth with distinction Doctor of Dental Surgery John J. Baden, B.A., Litchfield Keith Curtis Kajander, B.A., Cloquet


Bachelor of Science Karen Marie Allison Burton Lee Bernstein, St. Louis Gail Diana Beall, Minneapolis Park

August 18 Von Frederic Borg, A.A., Little Larrv Duaine Nelson, New London Canada Mitchell Jay Norman, A.A., Blaine Jack Burch, St. Paul Willard Samuel Osman, B.A., John Thomas Collen tine, Racine, Minneapolis Wis. Jon Brian Oyanagi, St. Paul Julia Ann Connaughty, Eden Prairie Michael Arlin Patrick, Minneapolis Winifred Ann Couture, with Suzanne Annette Quinn, Crystal distinction Shira Cafri Schwartz, A.D., Judith Ann Daul, Stratford, Wis. Minneapolis Paula Jean Dvergsten, Minneapolis Anna Hilda Sevy, B.A., Mounds Mary Alice Einerson, B.A., View Montevideo Susanne Foothorap Vigeland, B.A., Barbara Noel Ellis, Walker Minneapolis Susan Elizabeth Gale, Kokomo, Ind. Kristin Marie Wales, Lake Elmo Loretta Jean Holm, B.A., B.A., Pamela Hope Warm, Minneapolis Minneapolis Lynette Marie Warner, Minneapolis Nanita A. E. Holte, Edina Elizabeth Kay Waters, Jackson Denise Rene Hoover, Champlin Barbara Lynn Weigent, Richfield, Mary Patricia Katz, St. Paul with distinction Thomas Malcolm LeVasseur, B.A., Christine Kay Wichterman, Minneapolis Robbinsdale Margaret Marie McEvoy, St. Paul Friedrich Oswald Zobrist, Joanne Marie Mooney, St. Paul Minneapolis Robin Elizabeth Neese Master of Education Jule Ceres Adelsheim, B.S., John Kenneth Johnson, B.A., B. S., Minneapolis Detroit Lakes Meredith Louise Anderson, B. S., Suzanne V.S. Kirchhoff, B.A., Eden Prairie Plymouth John Leonard Baufield, Champlin Rosemary Krentz, B.S., Forest Lake Michael Barry Bierbaum, B.S., Karen Ann Lemons, B. S., Brooklyn Center Minnetonka Cheryl LaVell Bird, B.S .. White Anne Karen Lofboom, B.S., White Bear Lake Bear Lake Judy Fay Brewer, B. S., Plymouth Thomas Dean Lofboom, B.S., Susan Jane Carson, B.S., White Bear Lake Minneapolis Barbara Sue Meyers, B.S., Kenneth Donald Comer, Jr., B.S., Philadelphia, Pa. Minneapolis Lawrence D. Miller, B.A., A.A., E. Lorraine Dalgliesh, A.B., Bloomington Calgary, Alberta, Canada Cheryl Anne Naddy, B.A., Sherman Allen Danielson, B.A., Bloomington Stillwater David Carroll Nelson, B.S., Edina Mary Pritchard Ehling, B. S., Helen Louise Ayers Nelson, B.S., Minneapolis Shoreview Barbara Jean Fair, B. S., Champlin David Martin Notaro, B.S., Mounds Russell David Fawbush, B. S., View Robbinsdale Roxanne Marie Novak, B.S., Barry Douglas Fox, B. S., Chaska Ladysmith, Wis. Karen Marie Froelich, B. S., Dayton

19 August Charles Lee Ohlenkamp, B. S. with Kathleen Mary VandePutte, B.S., high distinction, Burnsville Golden Valley Joyce Scholl Partyka, B.A. JoAnn Helen Wall, B.S., Holmen, Victoria Louise Peck, B.S., Blaine Wis. Kathryn Anne Post, B.S., Edina Curtis A. Watkins, A.A., B.S., James Arthur Schiebe, B.S., Apple Rosemount Valley Walter Dwight Weaver, B.S., Joseph Lloyd Shafer, Lakeville Minneapolis Patricia Mary Smuda-Behr, B.A., Katherine Glynn Westerberg, B.S., Minneapolis Minnetonka Craig Alan Storie, B.S., Zimmerman Josephine R. Whitman, B.A., Gregg William Taragos, B. S., Salinas, Calif. Bloomington Dale Edwin Zellmer, B.S., St. Paul Mary Kathryn Theis, B. S., Shakopee


Associate in Arts Donna Kay Christianson, Hawley Cathleen M. Casey Olson, ::, Thomas Donald Danielson, Minneapolis , Minneapolis Frances Eileen Selden, Hudson, Theresa Lynn George Wis. :1 Ronald Loren Greenberg, St. Paul Laurie Ann Steinke, Minneapolis Cheryl Lynn Matson, Hopkins Helen Stenzel, Minneapolis ;1 Charlotte Ann McGregor, June Marie Tuzinski tl Minneapolis John Kenneth Utke, Minneapolis i.1 Elizabeth Ann Norman, Richfield Frank Casimir Warpeha

'II i Bachelor of Applied Studies Marcia Lou Anderson, Hartford, John Leslie Nelson, A. A., Ortonville S.D. Cathleen M. Casey Olson, Randall Bridges, A.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Geoffry Collin Craig, Minneapolis Lawrence James Schaaf, Columbia Diane Danielle Harrington, A. A., Heights Minneapolis Tracy Ann Strom, A.A., Fridley Nancy Adams Moe, Minneapolis

Bachelor of General Studies Yvonne Boylton, St. Paul Frances Kay Clarke, St. Louis Park Sharon Ann Bryant, Minneapolis Charles Edward Olson, Hopkins


Bachelor of Science Kathryn Lee Alexander, Patricia Louise Finnegan Anderson, Bloomington Pine City August 20 Denise Dawn Banker, Minneapolis Juel Kay Peterson, Clearbrook Diane Leslie Benham, Circle Pines Karen Ruth Pettit, A.A., Kathleen A. Blakeslee, Reedsburg, Minneapolis Wis. Margaret Joann Richter, Minneapolis Nanilee Susan Boyce, Mankato Catherine Ann Saari, Rochester Sherry Marie Bunge, Shakopee Therese Lynn Sandbach, Racine, Jill Concetta Geisenhoff, St. Paul Wis. Sherrie Falteisek Herzfeld, St. Paul Deborah Schultz, St. Paul, with Sally Anne Hobbs, Minneapolis distinction Bonnie Jo Kosowski, South St. Paul Ava Rachel Scott, Minneapolis Natalie Lynn Legried, New York Paula May Sotirin, New Berlin, Mills Wis. Carol Ann Lensink, Minneapolis Mary Ellen Wallin, Minneapolis Kathryn Ann Lucas, St. Paul Brenda Lee Rambow Wiles, St. Hilde Opsahl, Minneapolis Paul Cathy Colleen Paver, Blaine Elizabeth Zengel, Wausau, Wis.


Associate in Liberal Arts Laurie Jo Hamer, Minneapolis Charles Samuel We If, Fridley Jerry Gregory Lamecker, New Ulm Barbara M. Williams, St. Cloud Carolyn Marie Olsen, St. Paul Thomas George Wilson, St. Paul Kimi Marie Pfeffer, Minneapolis Charles F. Wolf, Plymouth

Bachelor of Arts Honors citations are provisional and will not become final until all requirements are met for the level indicated Beth Ann Aase, Crystal Karen Louise Broderick, A. S., Deborah Soland Abeln, Hopkins Syracuse, N. Y. Anna Mary Aguilar, St. Paul Oliver Emanuel Brown, Beaumont, Sheri Ruth Alexander, Oklahoma Tex. City, Okla., magna cum laude Jane Elizabeth Bungum, Jacqueline T. Alfonso Minneapolis T. Gregory Amann, Minnetonka Tedi Borgendale Carlson, Coon Lynn Marie Anderson, Bloomington Rapids, summa cum laude Travis Bailey III, A.L.A., Nolwandlhe N. Chinamano, Minneapolis Salisbury, Zimbabwe Karen E. Baker, Minneapolis Thomas Michael Chopp, Grand Jeanne Marie Barger, Bloomington Rapids Edward Joseph Baxter, Duluth Thomas Phillip Christenson, A. A., Trude Lynn Bearman, St. Louis Edina Park Frederic Jeffrey Cohen, Minneapolis Eileen Ann Beery, Wayzata Edward Joseph Conlin, B.S.B., Jolene Rae Behnke, Cedarburg, Minneapolis Wis. Ann Marie Conroy, Mahtomedi Steven Michael Bettendorf, St. Paul Donna Sande Dahlgren John Michael Brandtjen, St. Paul Renee Donna Dempsey, Plymouth

21 August Mary Elizabeth Dierberger, A.A., Kathleen Susan Hill, St. Paul West St. Paul Susan Kay Hitchcock, Fridley James Matthew Douglass, Iowa Dianne Marie Hodges, A.A., City, Iowa Minneapolis Paul James Droegkamp II, Linda Louise Hogan, Minneapolis Ylinneapolis Leslie Camille Iddings, A.A., Karen Mae Drury, Bemidji Appleton, Wis. Kerry Dale Elder, A.A., Torrington, Andrea Gail Jackson Wyo., summa cum laude Anna Mae Joyce Johnson, A.A., Michael David England, St. Paul Minneapolis John Michael Felling, St. Paul Elaine Marie Johnson, St. Paul Linda Darlene Fraser, Blaine Jeffrey Vaughn Johnson, Douglas Edward Friberg, St. Paul Minneapolis, summa cum laude William David Frishberg, Karl Robert Jurisson, Fridley Ylinneapolis Sandra Lee Katz, Minneapolis Daniel Emerson Furry, Minneapolis James Mark Keller, St. Peter Lisa Ann Fusaro, Minneapolis, Kevin Cole Kennedy, Columbia summa cum laude Heights Joseph John Gall, A.A., St. Paul Helga Rosenow Kessler, Steven Richard Gauthier, Cottage Minneapolis, summa cum laude Grove Jane Etta Kline, St. Paul Angelo Gentile, Duluth Kim Louise Korzenowski, Renee Swicord Gherity, Minneapolis Minneapolis Carroll Marie Gleize, St. Paul James Nicholas Kurtti, Bruce Laura Graves, West Palm Beach, Crossing, Mich. Fla. Steven Rainey Lageson, A. A., David L. Grosser Rochester Jane Louise Grunklee, Delano, Karen S. Landowski, Fond du Lac, summa cum laude Wis. Ann Marie Haines, Fridley Cynthia Green Larson, St. Paul Patricia Kelly Hall, Minneapolis E. Howard Larson, Austin Kurt Edward Halva, St. Paul Peter Allen Lavanger, Wayzata Susan Marie Hankinson, Silver Bay Barbara Leask, Minneapolis Michael William Hanneman, Bruce Jay Legan, St. Paul, cum Wadena laude Joan Mae Hansen, Minneapolis Audrey Elaine Lerdahl, Maplewood Margaret M. Hanson, Ylinneapolis Kim Alison Lieberman, A.A., St. Kevin P. Haroian, Milwaukee, Wis. Cloud John Charles Hawthorne, David John Lubinski, Minneapolis, Minneapolis summa cum laude Sylvia Corrine Hawthorne, John Douglas Lutter, Hopkins Minneapolis Yukiko Maeda, Japan Shawn Kimberly Hayth, Cuyahoga Scott Lee Mahaffey, Ylinneapolis Falls, Ohio John Ries Mahoney, Jr., Cynthia Ellen Heiden, A.A., Minneapolis, cum laude Rochester Carol Diane Malley, Deephaven Timothy H. Hennessey, Brooklyn James Robert May, Albert Lea Park Teresa Daly McCormick, St. Paul M. Christine Hickey, Milwaukee, Mary R. YlcYlahon, A.A., Hastings Wis. Cheryl Anne Merski, Erie, Pa. Kathleen Marie Benson Hickman, Christopher James Mezzenga, Hopkins Excelsior

August 22 Terry Neil Miller, Minneapolis Diana Jane Sandberg, St. Louis Susan Millicent Mindrum, St. Paul Park Marjorie Ellen Moore, Minneapolis Joseph A. Schneider, Minneapolis Jill Marie Morgan Catherine Rochelle Scholer, Elizabeth Ann Morrison, Butterfield Minneapolis Shira Cafri Schwartz, A.D., Verla Seetin Neslund, A.A., Minneapolis Alpharetta, Ga. Kenji Sekihara, Hadano-shi, Patricia Gail Norton, Minneapolis Kanagawa, Japan Cathy Ann Olson, Willmar Stephen Roger Setterberg, Willmar Julie Ann Olson, Eveleth James R. Stack, St. Paul Meredith Dallas Olson, Edina Mary Ann Stanik, Oak Creek, Wis. Noreen Sue Olson, St. Paul Timothy Michael Stanko, Joan F. O'Rourke, Minneapolis Minneapolis Julie Maureen Osterberg, Detroit Constance Marie Stapleton, Lakes Minneapolis Elizabeth Maria Pabian, Minneapolis Mary Lucille Sullivan, Minneapolis Roger Harvey Parish, Burnsville R. Stephen Tillitt, Alexandria Laurie Jo Patterson, Westbrook Ann Louise Torseth, Minneapolis David Robert Petrie, South St. Paul Mary Lyn Uhl, Minneapolis Lorelei Mae Poths, Spooner, Wis. Gemma M. Valdettaro, Rochester Judith Marie Priadka, Minneapolis William Lee Verrall, Bloomington Patrick James Quigley, Brooklyn Johanna Romanov Vohnoutka, Center Burnsville Angela Kae Ramker, Minneapolis Karla Katherine Wagner, Charlotte Carol Ratzlaff, San Minneapolis Francisco, Calif. Felicia Weiner, New York, N.Y. Laurene Beth Reilly, St. Paul John Rainer Weis, PayneSVille, cum Joel Henry Rhyner, Schofield, Wis. laude Patricia Steiger Richardson Keith Elliot West, Edina Janette Emily Ridley, Stillwater Cassandra Marie Wickland, Marie T. Rigert, Minneapolis Minneapolis Lucy Jane Rosendahl, St. Paul Tatsuroh Yamazaki, B.A., M.A. Elizabeth I. Ryan, Mount Prospect, III.

Bachelor of Elected Studies William Boyd Bailey, Minneapolis, Paul Donald Engel, A.A.S., New magna cum laude York, N.Y. Lawrence Theodore Bigelow, Edina William W. Wolpert, Golden Valley

Bachelor of Fine Arts Joy Ann Baleisis, B.A., Minneapolis Joel Lee Sydnes, Aitkin James Francis PeckeIs, Minneapolis Mary Jean Waller, Northbrook, Ill.

Bachelor of Individualized Studies Jeffrey Thomas McMorrow, Wendy L. Phillipps, Minneapolis Burnsville

23 August Bachelor of Music Nancy Jean Setterlund, Mound

Bachelor of Science Sandra Leslie Allen, Edina Jon R. Nichols, Minneapolis Majid Ayish Almajid, Hofuf, Saudi Donna Mae Notermann, Shakopee Arabia, cum laude Alan Jeffrey Oden, A.E.S., Sharon Lei Bisson, A.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Joanne Susan Ring, Minneapolis Karin Jean Cunningham, St. Paul Veaton Alexander Sedlar, Alice Jean Foster, A.L.A., Minneapolis Bloomington Nancy Anne Todd, Burnsville Martha Louise Johnson, Minneapolis Samuel Barlee Tody, Konobo, Kevin Scott Ketelsleger, Liberia Bloomington Paul Anthony Vaccaro, Minneapolis Kathleen Sue Kiewel, Crookston


MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Ann Eyrich, Rochester, with high distinction

MEDICINE Bachelor of Science Leslie G. Lofgren, St. Paul


Bachelor of Science Richard E. Carlson, A.L.A., St. Alan Jay Roble, Spring Grove Paul Albert B. Skinner, Jr., B.S., John Norman Patterson, B.A., Cumberland, Wis. Redfield, S.D., with high Michael James Sullivan, West St. distinction Paul Grant Jay Robinson, B.S., Danube SCHOOL OF NURSING

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Dayton Charles Carlson, Tomi Jane LaBerge, Minneapolis Minneapolis Patti Ann Perrault, Minnetonka Daniel James Christenson, Nancy Louise Sorensen, A. D., Minneapolis Edina Timothy Penn Johnson, B.A., Minneapolis August 24 I COLLEGE OF PHARMACY

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Charles Douglas Davis, Morristown, Peter Onwukwe Onyenemezu, Orlu, Tenn. Nigeria Cary Steven Miller, Lewistown, III. David J. White, St. Paul


Master of Hospital Administration Christine Marie Campion, B.A., Edward Jerome Mehl, A.S., B.A., Woodbury Fergus Falls Marvin Lewis Dehne Donald Glen Miller, Springfield, James Bernard Dixon, B.A., New Ohio Brighton Barbara Mae Portnoy, B.A., William James Heath, B.B.A., Minneapolis Saginaw, Mich. LeRoy Edward Rheault, B.A., Kenneth Walter Klaasmeyer, B.A., Yankton, S.D. Broken Bow, Neb. Gerald Keith Spinner, B.A., Thief James Alfred Mattes, B. S., Lincoln River Falls City, Ore. Rex Allan Wheeler, B.A., Valparaiso, Ind.

Master of Public Health Elizabeth Eghsapeth Aghbashian, Harry J. Hedges, B.S., D.V.M., B. S., Milwaukee, Wis. Fort Wayne, Ind. Gwen Marie Borlaug, B.S., Ji Yong Kang, M.S., Ph.D., Seoul, Washburn, N.D. Korea Michael James Bradley, D.V.M., James Walter Kleinbrook, B.S., B.A., Hollandale New London, Wis. Michael Ernest Coker, D.V.M., Richard David LeBurkien, B.S., B.S., Dickinson, Tex. Minneapolis Cynthia Joan Cooper, B. HEc., Bobby James Lorinser, Jr., A.S., Victoria, Canada B.A., M.S.W., Willmar Paul B. Dungan, B.A., D.V.M., Mary E. MacDonald, B.S., M.S., Hancock, N. Y. Cable, Wis. Patrick Dobbs Ellison, D.V.M., Barbara Ellen Merz, B.A., Fridley Minneapolis Daniel G. Feldt, B.S., M.S., Alice Carol Murphy, B.S.N., Oconto, Wis. Minneapolis Robert Allen George, D.V.M., John Asibo Opuda, D.V.M., , Ind. Makerere, Uganda John Robert Grundtner, B.S., St. Alice Sieber Packer, B.S.N., Paul Minneapolis Julia Undine Halberg, B.A., St. Laddawalaya Ratananakorn, D. V. M. , Paul Bangkok, Thailand Roberta Mary Hall, B.A., M.A., Maureen o. Salladay, B.S., Winnebago, Neb. Ravenna, Ohio

25 August Laura S. Saunders, B. S., Westfield, Curtis Kei Tanabe, D.D.S., Apple N.J. Valley Sonja Gail Savre, B.A., Columbia Ray Yip, B.A., M.D., Minneapolis Heights Wayne David Schlosser, D.V.M., B.S., Joliet, Ill.


Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Massoud Rahmani, Iran Phuong T. Than, Los Angeles, H. Bahram Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran Calif., with distinction James Edwin Vas atka, Bloomington

Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering Jeffrey Lee Pearson, Mora

Bachelor of Architecture Anthony Scott Desnick, St. Paul Dick Charles Freimuth, Duluth

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Steven Paul Findell, Princeton Steven Joseph Semmer, Minneapolis, Anand Gupta, with distinction with distinction Donald Edward Nimis, Anoka Maribeth Ann Wahlborg, St. Paul Dwight Meryl Rueter, Marshall John Lindsey Wright, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Chemistry Indulis Roberts Rutks, St. Paul

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Frank Oyibo Achebe, Ogidi, Nigeria William Lee Murphy, Robbinsdale Steven Lyle Henry, Tomah, Wis. Peggy Ann Ottensmann, Coon Lauran Burton Larson, Ellsworth, Rapids Wis. James Edward Tolaas, B.S., Stillwater, with high distinction

Bachelor of Computer Science Abdul Rasaq Bello, B.S.A.E. Timothy Jay Hoffmann, Edina Toshiaki Hine, Tokyo, Japan Harry Ivor Rubin, Golden Valley

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering David J. Beck, Inver Grove Heights Thomas Lloyd Carlson, Hopkins David Emmett Bocchi, St. Paul Karen Lynn Ericson, Minneapolis Gerald LeRoy Bonde, Nerstrand Steven B. Foust

August 26 Douglas John Hines, Excelsior Aghajan Mehdie Ranjbar, Shiraz­ Gene Casey Hoffman, B.A., St. Fars, Iran Paul Paul Rueben Rasmusson, Isle Richard James Holzemer, St. Paul Ryan George Rosandich, A.S., Nghi Si Huynh, Saigon, Vietnam Virginia, with high distinction John Michael Kruse, Columbia Thomas Claude Schoen, Brooklyn Heights Park Gary Michael Lee, Fridley Jay William Schrankler, St. Paul, David P. McCallum with distinction Dat Quy Ngo, Saigon, Vietnam Mark Ronald Sikkink, Gilbert Arthur Kent Osman, Rochester Michael T. Zuroski, Minneapolis, Mark Edward Plooster, Minneapolis with distinction

Bachelor of Environmental Design Dick Charles Freimuth, Duluth Yvone Eileen Hobbs, Golden Valley, with distinction

Bachelor of Geo-Engineering Tracy Luther Mogg, Roseville

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Patricia Alexandra Megarry, B.A., St. Paul

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering James Richard Allen, St. Paul Mark William Liggett, Minnetonka Thomas Leger Armitage, Scott Anthony Marek, New Prague Minneapolis, with distinction Lito Cruz Mejia, Orion, Bataan, David Robert Asplund, Lake Philippines Geneva, Wis. Nazanin Mokri, Tehran, Iran Richard Anton Chlebecek, David Elias Soenen, Minneapolis Minneapolis, with distinction Steven Paul Verdon, B.S., Dean Roy Duffy, A.A., st. Paul Minneapolis Paul A. Fischer, Minneapolis, with Edward August Viren III, Grand distinction Marais Dennis Charles Johnson, A.A., A.S., Litchfield

Bachelor of Physics Daniel Martin Berkey, Minneapolis Bruce David Wold, Apple Valley

Bachelor of Science in Geology Debra June Everett, Coon Rapids

Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Gary James McKay, Pine Island

27 August -=-=------=--=---.-~------.


Bachelor of Arts Roger Paul Boleman, Morris Mary Joan Eggenberger, St. Paul

Bachelor of Science Rebecca Marie Banwart, A.S., Linda Marie Priebe, Minneapolis, Ottosen, Iowa cum laude Jacquelyn Ann Brown, St. Paul Beverley Marie Rhode, St. Louis Vickie Lee Carlson, Minneapolis Park Timothy joseph Evans, Prior Lake, Gregory D. Rosendahl, Minneapolis cum laude Mary Patricia Rynda, Montgomery Marlene A. Hodges, A.A. Sf. Paul, Frank Ludvig Suber, Blaine cum laude Susan jane Swanson, Minneapolis, Ronald Steven Karon, cum laude cum laude Debra Louise Keeney, A.A., Spring John Merle Treiber, A.A., South Lake Park Mound, Kan. Susan H. Kowsary, Norwood Shirley Ann Vanier, A.A.S., Sarah jane Miracle, A.A., Zimmerman Beaumont, Calif., cum laude Carol Jane Woodbury, Nlinneapolis Milly L. Oberbroeckling, Nanda Yueh, A.A., Shanghai, Minneapolis China, cum laude Reed E. Palmer Peggy A. Zimmerman Bradley James Peterson, Richfield

August Candidates for Commissions

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close of second summer session, commissions will be presented to those listed below and to others meeting the requirements for the Reserve Officers in the Armed Services.


Second Lieutenant, USAR, Armor Frank L. Suber, Blaine

28 August December Candidates for Degrees

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close offall quarter, degrees will be conferred as indicated on those listed below and on others meeting the graduation requirements. Degrees are listed alphabetically within each academic unit.


Bachelor of Landscape Architecture John Albert Koepke, Bloomington James L. Robinson, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Science Joseph Francis Alfano, Richfield Daniel Elmer Kerestes, Holdingford Douglas Arthur Anderson, Willmar Denise D. Kinstetter, Elm Grove, Dudley M. Anderson, Sacramento, Wis. Calif. Michael James Klingelhutz, Mary Alice Andrews, A.A., Coon Chanhassen Rapids Robert Lloyd Knisely, Beloit, Wis. Robert Earl Banken, A.A., White Susan M. Schrimpf Kyllo, A.A., Bear Lake Goodhue Jennifer Leah Bechthold, Buffalo Michael Joseph Lauer, Albany Deborah Ann Belair, Roseville Grace Imelda Loo, Kowloon, Hong Nina Louise Bergquist, Minneapolis Kong Kevin John Betts, Fairmont Brigid Marie Mahoney, Edina Marc Duryea Cabot, Minneapolis James Alroy Mattson, Austin Kevin James Cavanaugh, B.A., st. John Arthur McMurry, Chaska Paul Helen Sue Miller, Minneapolis David Bruce Chadbourn, Craig Arden Nelson, Springfield Minneapolis Michael Joseph O'Leary, Granite Alan Arthur Cords, Kenosha, Wis. Falls Earl William Crane, Minneapolis Sally Anne Overturf, St. Paul LorRae Ellen Douty, A.A., Dexter Lorin Neal Pohlman, A.A.S., Kevin Lee Edberg, White Bear Caledonia Lake Dennis Paul Randall, B.A., Apple Debra Leigh Erickson, Waupun, Valley Wis. Laura Nye Robinson, Brooklyn Park Linda Ann Felton, Eau Claire, Wis. Elizabeth Kay Ryan, A.A., Ely Milissa Ann Frost, st. Paul David Ronald Schad, Stillwater Kathleen Anne Gombkoto, St. Paul Jeffrey Paul Schroeder, Mankato William Paul Hansen, Luverne Scott Thomas Sonstegard, B. S., Gerald Hohn, St. Paul Alexandria Susan Elizabeth Holl, Tonka Bay Richard Lee Stay, Princeton David K. Ivy, Rochester Anne Mary Torborg, Minneapolis Dorothy Ann Johnson, A.A., Conrado Jose Villalobos L., Woodbury Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela Gregory Donald Johnson, Dassel Michael Ernest White, White Bear Dale Gordon Kaisersatt, Lake Montgomery

29 December Mark Craig Williams, Duluth Joseph Emmett Zachmann, Julie Nora Winger, Edina Minnetonka

Master of Agriculture Chew-Wah Chung, B.S., Malaysia Charles Henry Schmidt, B.S., James Anthony Dosedel, B.S., Marietta Anoka Humberto Martinez Suarez, B.S., John Morawski, B.S., B.S., Guanajuato, Mexico Roseville


Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration James Walter Dedon, Minnetonka Steve Douglas Larson, Elbow Lake Lloyd Allan Dombek, Ivanhoe James Alroy Mattson, Austin Bruce Allen Frodl, Owatonna Bernadette Louise Sloot, Winthrop Deborah Madeline Kobe, A.A., Mary Beth Wittrock, Owatonna Virginia


Bachelor of Science Patricia Marie Beach, A.A., Jeffrey Evan Nerenberg, Brooklyn Center, cum laude Minneapolis Christine Ann Brueggemann, Lizabeth Ann Peckham, Minneapolis Bloomington Donn Jeffrey Engstrom, Minneapolis Karen Louise Piros, Birmingham, Judith Marie Erickson, B.A., Mich. M.F.A., M.A., Moorhead Donald Kevin Price, St. Paul Lisa Marie Ferm, Maple Grove Seung Hwan Ro Carol Linae Gilson, Minneapolis Amy Frances Skaar, Golden Valley Carrie A. Hoffman, Madison, S. D. Richard Henry Slettehaugh, B.S.B., James Michael Klicka, Burnsville Minneapolis Karl Philip Lacher, Roseville Barbara Jean Tall, New Brighton Robert Allen Low, Minnetonka Nancy Sangita Tandon, Minneapolis Cynthia LoAnn Marquardt, White Ashang B. Utubaku, Obudu, Nigeria Bear Lake Kimberly K. Washburn, White Bear Kevin Anthony Mazzu, Bloomington Lake Sarah Cole Mooney, B.A., St. Paul, summa cum laude


Bachelor of Science in Business Robert Erdman Adam, Edina Sharon Lee Eklund, St. Paul Charles John Allen, Wayzata James Robert Engstler, Houston Robert George Andersen, Edina Jeanne M. Falbo, A.A. Carol Stephanie Anderson, Paul Kevin Farrell, St. Paul Minneapolis Janet Diane Feldman, Minneapolis Elizabeth Dedon Anderson, Patricia L. Forester Roseville Eva Maria Foster, Sidney, Ohio Lori Beth Anderson, Duluth Barry Benjamin Fox, Duluth Mary Jo Anding, Minneapolis David John Frankenberg, st. Paul John William Askew, Jr., st. Paul Karrie May Frantz, Golden Valley Cheryl Rene Becker, Rogers Ronald Lee Freeman, A.A., Milo Douglas Berg, J r., Minneapolis Kandiyohi Mary Jane Berkeland, New Brighton Paul Joseph Frey, Greenwich, Theodore Richard Bjork, Maplewood Conn. Steven Lair Block, Austin Steven Robert Galarneau, Brett David Boos, A.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Joseph Michael Gamble, Sharon Kay Branger, Minneapolis Minneapolis Rachel Elise Buller, Duluth Debra Kay Garofalo, St. Paul Ann Patricia Burgr, Bloomington Mary Sue Gilbertson, Sioux Falls, Linda Ann Burich, B.A., B.S.N., S.D. Minneapolis Virginia Ann Green, Minneapolis Daniel William Burnes, St. Louis Neal Anne Gustafson, Bloomington Park Carolyn Jean Hansen, Spring Lake Kathleen Mary Bye, Minnetonka Park Ronald James Carlson, Minneapolis Mark Alan Hanson, Clara City Michael James Caulfield, Jeffrey Allen Haynes, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mark Adrian Heaner, A.A., Nannette Marie Chesla, Minneapolis Bloomington Matthew John Chorzempa, St. Carol M. Heitzman, St. Paul Anthony Village Gerald Michael Hersman, Hopkins Joan Isabel Christian, St. Paul Roderick Joseph Hofschulte, Omaha, Wendy Lee Cohen, Edina Neb. Ronald Fred Comee, Bloomington Jeffrey Scott Holland, St. Paul Brad L. Cook, Northfield, with Keith Brian Howe, Fridley distinction Deborah Ann Hum, St. Louis Park Brian James Cook, Minneapolis Thomas Michael Hunt, A.A., White Lynn Robin Corson, Minneapolis Bear Lake John Robert Dalsveen, Rosemount Sandra Kay Indahl, Mosinee, Wis. Mary Alice Davis, St. Paul Gregory John Jepson, Cottage Mary Elizabeth Davy, Stevens Grove Point, Wis. Jeffrey Soon-ho Jee, Busan, Korea Gerald Steven Dodd, Duluth Jeffrey Allen Johnson, St. Paul Mary Lea Donlin, White Bear Lake Jerry Raymond Johnson, Curtis Roger Ebeling, Bloomington Minneapolis Steven Marshall Edgett, Crystal, Kendal Ann Johnson, Edina with high distinction Robert Gordon Jones, Minneapolis

31 December William B. Katz, St. Louis Park Jeffrey Girard Mattsson, Minneapolis Dale Gordon Kick, A.A., Thomas Michael McCullough, Bloomington Minneapolis Jerome Thomas Kilkelly, St. Louis James Michael McKay, Redwood Park Falls Kristine Ann Killeen, St. Paul Sheila Geraldine McNary, Rochester Mark Allen Kimball, Minneapolis Kent Robert Mears, Slayton Michael Barry Klein, St. Paul Keith Allen Meyer, Duluth Robert William Kleinschmidt, Dennis Gerard Miller, Hudson, Fridley Wis. Joan F. Kneeskern, Minneapolis James C. Moore, A.A., Brooklyn Elizabeth Elaine Holm Kraut, Park Mounds View Wendy Kay Mootz, Le Sueur Duane James Krautbauer, John Richard Morris, Jr., Wayzata Bloomington Barbara Kay Most, Minneapolis Maris Kurmis, Minneapolis Michelle Leanne Mueller, Kathryn Ann Lacher, A.A., Minneapolis Brooklyn Center William Thomas Murtaugh, Mark Gordon Langmade, Heron Minneapolis Lake Gary Robert Nelson, St. Louis Park David Christopher Larsen, Richard Steven Nelson, Hibbing Minneapolis, with distinction Gary Lee Ness, Minneapolis Lori Jean Larson, Minneapolis Julie Ann Nitti, West St. Paul Warren Lee Larson, A.A., Brooklyn Lori A. Noethe, Bloomington Park Tami Marie Norberg, Mankato Mark Joseph Laumann, Bloomington Steven Lee Nygren, A.A., David Roy Lawless, Racine, Wis. Bloomington Paul Leibovitz, Minneapolis Ogbonnaya Christopher Obidiegwu, Timothy John Lesnar, St. Paul A.A., Agulu, Nigeria James Michael LeVasseur, White Mark Kevin Oja, Cottage Grove Bear Lake Thomas Sheridan O'Keefe, Joanne Martinkovic Lilly, A.A., Minneapolis A.S., Minneapolis Adrianne Kathy Olson, Minnetonka Vicki Lee Lindman, Columbia Bradley Jon Olson, Duluth Heights Christine Ann Olson, Minneapolis Dean Carter Lockwood, Champlin Gail Lenore Olson, Mounds View Lillian Ingrid Lundeen, St. Louis Paula Jean Pearson, St. Paul Park Edith Marie Philippi, Avon Kristin Lee Lundgren, New Jeffrey Lawrence Piehl, Minneapolis Brighton Joseph Vladimir Plumbo, st. Paul Gregory Edward Lunzer, Ann Christine Porter, St. Louis Minnetonka Park Terrence Michael Lyons, Howard Jeffrey Post, St. Paul Milwaukee, Wis. Michael Dale Propp, West St. Paul Joseph Michael Mahoney, Eileen A. Radziej, Minnetonka Minneapolis Bruce Walker Regis, Stillwater, with Joan Marie White Mallory, distinction Plymouth, with distinction Thomas Allen Renshaw, Brooklyn Anthony Jude Maniaci, A.A., Center St. Paul Charles Rinkey, St. Louis Park Paul Richard Martin, Minneapolis W. G. Ted Roberts, Jr., Excelsior Donald Stephen Mathers, Duluth

December 32 Paul Christian Rogind, Farmington Thomas Paul Umhoefer, Marshfield, Hills, Mich. Wis. Debra Lucille Sabatini, Concord, Margaret Angela Utke, Minneapolis Calif. Michael John Van Lanen, De Pere, Michael John Sander, Mendota Wis. Heights Robert Carl Varshal, Rochester Ann Marie Schmidt, Marietta john D. Villas, Minneapolis, with Jeffrey Paul Schmidt, Sleepy Eye distinction Robert john Schuck, Sf. Paul, with Michael William Wachs, Minnetonka high distinction Steven Joseph Wagner, West Eliot Schuetz, Montevideo St. Paul Casey John Scott, St. Anthony John Eugene Wall, Jr., New Hope Robert John Seiberlich, Maplewood Paul Edward Way, Coon Rapids jay Howard Silver, St. Paul, with Walter Zenon Wdowychyn, distinction Minneapolis Pamela Ann Smith, Edina James Michael Weber, Montevideo Penny Marie Smith, Edina Sheryl Beth Weber, Minneapolis Thomas Anthony Spicola, Edina Joseph Martin Weyandt, St. Paul Janice A. Spoden, West St. Paul Jacquelyn Ann White, Blaine Michael Jon Stevens, New Brighton Thomas Gerard Wicks, Watertown, David J. Stewart, New Brighton S.D. Shizuko Rose Sugimoto, B. S., Mary E. Wolf, St. Paul Columbia Heights Timothy Jon Worms, St. Paul William Newell Swenson, B.A., Stephen Richard Yingst, A. L.A., Duluth Golden Valley James Robert Thielen, St. Paul Dorothy Catherine Zak, A.A. Jeffrey Joseph Thomas, Roseville Deborah May Zorich, Brooklyn Park James Edward Thompson, Brooklyn Center


Senior Business Administration Certificate Adewunmi Abayomi Olufeko, Minneapolis

Undergraduate Development Certificate in Electrical Engineering-90 Credits Dean Paul Beilke, Eagan


Bachelor of Science Paul Daniel Anderson, Virginia, Kevin Robert Hallstrom, B.A., with distinction Mora, with distinction Paul Arthur Biederman, B.A., Jan Peter Jachimowicz, B.A. cum Minneapolis, with distinction laude, Edina

33 December Thomas F. Lange, B.B.A., Stephen Paul Whoolery, Brainerd, Minneapolis with high distinction Kevin Clyde Potter, B.S., Eau Paul K. Zollinger, St. Paul Claire, Wis.

Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Judy Ann Danielson, G.D.H., Dawn Marie Rischmiller, G.D.H., Golden Valley Eden Prairie Mary Sue Haese, Mishicot, Wis. Lisa Diane Webb, A.S., Edina Martha Anne Lord, Neenah, Wis.

Doctor of Dental Surgery Michelle Louise Bergsrud, B.A., Lisa Peter Howard, B.A., B.S., Minnetonka Minneapolis Paul Arthur Biederman, B.A., James Frederick Johnson, B.E.S., Minneapolis B.S., Grand Rapids Anthony Charles Braunreiter, B.A., Steven Harris Johnson, A.A., B.S., Chinook, Mont. Rochester R. Richard Capp, B.A., Anaconda, Todd Allen Johnson, B.A., B.S., Mont. Fridley Mark Earl Conover, B.S., Arden Michael Richard Juba, B.S., Crystal Hills Wayne Allan Lawhead, Minneapolis Lawrence John Cook, B.S., Scott Charles Mason, B.S.B., Mora Farmington Edward John Miller, B.S., Butte, Laura Mayer Eng, B.S.D.H. Mont. David Kent Foster, B.S.Chem., St. Donald Casper Moen, B.A., Butte, Regis, Mont. Mont. Kevin Robert Hallstrom, B.A., Arnold David Rutman, B.E.S., Mora B. S., Minneapolis Rollin David Herman, B.S., Joel Norman Schieck, B.A., Austin Brinsmade, N.D. Paul K. Zollinger, St. Paul Bradley Allan Holmberg, B.S., North St. Paul

, " Graduate Dental Hygienist Janice Lynn Arndt, Shoreview Kathleen Marie Grimm, Bemidji Lauri Ann Becker, Minneapolis Susan Marie Hanson, Willmar Deanne Caryl Blazek, Antigo, Wis. Lori Jean Hearden, St. Paul Brenda Diane Carlson, Cottage Jill Ann Helms, Minneapolis Grove Lori Jo Johnson, Minneapolis Beth Ann Colling, St. Paul Robin Faye Johnson, Dalbo Carrie Ann Colling, St. Paul Sue T. Kato, Salt Lake City, Utah Julie Ann Ellingson, Coon Rapids Susan Ann Lee, Baraboo, Wis. Ellyn Mary English, Arcadia, Wis. Claire Mary Mealhouse, Anoka Sandra Kay Fetter, Brooklyn Park Susan Ann Meiske, St. Paul Susan Starr Gerling, Little Falls Sally Diane Miller, Manawa, Wis. Katherine Louise Germ, Hibbing Lisa M. Murray, Hartford, Wis. Karen Lee Gregersen, Madison, Heidi Lynn Nyquist, Minneapolis Wis.

December 34 1

Christine Kay Patterson, Whitehall, Diana Lynn Storniolo, Milwaukee, Wis. Wis. Elizabeth Ann Polnasek, Union Cynthia Lee Stutzman, St. Paul Grove, Wis. Angela Marie Tinker, Brooklyn Ellen Prozumenshikov, Hopkins Center Constance Ann Reinhart, Vicki Rae Vandersloot, Bloomington Germantown, Wis. Sandra Jean Westbrock, Sauk Catherine Susanne Schroeder, Centre Minnetonka Sheila Lynn Wilkens, Minneapolis Patricia Lee Seidenzahl Claudia Jean Steffens, Golden Valley


Bachelor of Science Mark Alan Adams, Wayzata Beth Cumming Geelan, Minneapolis Dana Ann Allison, Minneapolis Steven Thomas Getchell, Osseo, Nancy Rose Anderson, Duluth with distinction Cynthia Dixon Bahmer, B.A., Mary Martha Gilbert, Minneapolis Shakopee Colette Gail Glader, St. Paul Nona Stevenson Balfe, Brooklyn Patti Sue Goldberg, St. Paul Park Thomas William Greve, A.A., Gerald William Barte, Woodbury Minneapolis, with distinction Mary E. Beaudoin, Hartford, Wis. Lori Elizabeth Haedt, St. Paul Benita Jo Berning, Burnsville Kathleen Julie Hectorne, South St. Ronald Kevin Brown, Minneapolis Paul, with distinction Kathleen Jeanette Burgess, Oronoco Cynthia Marie Heigl, Edina Judy Lorraine Byland, st. Paul Roger Alan Hinkley, Wauwatosa, Gene Allen Carlson, St. Paul Wis. Kathleen Joanne Carlson, Mary Patricia Holloran, Excelsior Minneapolis Nai Ching Liu Hwong, Taiwan David John Chatelaine II, Brooklyn Patricia Ann Irons, A.A., B.A., Park Apple Valley Norma J. Collins, Minneapolis Thomas Jude Jagiela, Minneapolis Sharon Ferne Connor, Edina Elizabeth Headley Johnson, Mary Louise Crumlett, A. E. S., Minneapolis Richfield Michael Roger Johnson, Minneapolis Janet ~1arie Czaia, Minneapolis E. Daniel Karjala, St. Paul G. Jean Drivdahl, Blue Earth Karen Schmidt Kelleher, B.M., Deborah Jane Falkum, Richfield Westmont, N.J. Julie Kay Fedyk, Minneapolis Kathleen Marie Keller, Shoreview Karine Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Isanti Mary Joan Kongsvik, St. Paul Alane Evan Fliesen, Milwaukee, Joanne Kosciolek, Minneapolis Wis. Lori Lynn Krumholz, B.S., St. Paul Sherry Pelzer Fuhrman, Estherville, Cheryl Lynn Kuehn, St. Louis Park Iowa Sharon L. Landavazo, Minneapolis Bonnie Ruth Fuller, Golden Valley Nancy Lee Larson, Madison, Wis. William Joseph Gangl, A.A., St. Debra Kay Lewison, A. S., St. Louis Paul Park

35 December Kristi Anne Lindenberg, Mankato Leone Esther Snyder, A.A., Jay Robert Lowinske, New Ulm Sturgeon Michelle Marie Marcott, David Roy Spidahl, Fergus Falls, Minneapolis with distinction Kristine Marie May, Marshall Marlene Ann Stabenow, Eau Claire, Pamela Faye May, Bloomington Wis. Leeann Karen McClish, Crystal Margot Jane Stensrude, Minneapolis Martha Ann Minor, Thief River Pamela Pankonin Stewart, A. S. , Falls Windom Joan Marie Moerke, St. Paul Ana Maria F. Sulaica, Crystal City, Kari Jane Mortenson, Dodge Center Tex. Susan Kay Nygren, Luck, Wis. Thomas Michael Suppes, St. Paul Lisa Anne Oden, Minneapolis Kathleen Gorman Tipler, Little Christine Ann Paulos, Roseville Canada Mark Allen Pechmann, St. Paul Kimberly Louise Toops, Burnsville Vicky Lee Peterson, Northfield Earl Duane Torkkola, Deer River Elizabeth Mary Pierce, Minneapolis Julie Teresa Tyler, Minneapolis Ann Marie Plunkett, St. Paul Gary John Uthe, A.S., New Nansi Gearhart Price, B.A., Brighton Northfield David Martin Van Schooten, Julienne Swynny Prineas, B.A., Princeton, Neb. Wayzata Jody Leigh Vasilakes, North St. Dena Ann Roberts, Queens Village, Paul N.Y. Jane Ellen Vernon, A.A., Shoreview Christine Margaret Robinson, Dawn Marie Weimar, Fridley Osceola, Wis. Michael Vern Welton, Minneapolis Barbara LeAnn Rohde, White Bear Sybil Lunn Wickstrom, B.A., Lake B.F.A., Minneapolis LeeAnn Marie Sammon, Austin, Margaret Anne Wienbar, New Hope with distinction Susan Kathryn Windeck, Chippewa Marilee Carlson Sanborn, Monticello Falls, Wis. Vicki Rae Schmidlin, St. Paul Joyce Marilyn Winge, Buffalo James Joseph Schreiber, Edwin Lloyd Francis Worrell, Blue Minneapolis River, Wis. Eric Edwin Sisler, Burnsville Kenneth Roger Wypyszynski Marian Edith Smith, B.A., Tom Jorgenson Young, Minneapolis Minneapolis Rebecca Jo Zabel, Edina John Christopher Snoddy, Atchison, Kan.

Master of Education Pamela Joyce Archer, B.S., New Jacqueline Leigh Clancy, B. S., St. Brighton Paul Lilian Helen Bernas, B.P.E., Timothy John Doble, B.A., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Minneapolis Elaine Raspel Borth, B.S., Jan Katharine Egeness, B.S. Minneapolis Marjorie Ellen Engel, B. S., Marjory Ann Marcks Brinkman, Minneapolis B.S., North st. Paul Ronald Alan Filstrup, B.A., White Richard Lee Burt, B.S., Rosemount Bear Lake Kay Diane Carlson, B.S., Fridley

December 36 John Timothy Flanagan, B.A., St. Katherine Elaine Nelson Paul Suzanne Norris, B.A., St. Paul Rita Rae Hastings, B.S., New Joan Leigh Paulson, B.S., Forest Brighton Lake Elizabeth Ann Heinz, B.S., St. Paul Howard Carl Peterson, B.S., Tim Michael Herbst, A.A., B.S., Burnsville Maple Grove Diane Marie Pokorney, B.A., st. Karen S. Holden, B.S., Plymouth Paul Deanna Sue Hollrah, B.S., St. Paul Frances Charlene Rongstad, B. S., Daniel Scott Johnson, B.S., North St. Paul Minneapolis Cheryl June Sather, B. S., Madison Philip Aldridge Johnson, B.A., B.S. Patricia Snyder Scheller, B. S., Coon Steven Duane Johnson, B.S. Rapids Gregory James Killilea, B.S., La Joan Carolyn Schultz, B. S., Chaska Crosse, Wis. Robert Roy Shattuck, B.S., Victoria Hilda King, B. S., Shoreview Ortonville Emmaline Catherine Therres, B.A., Kathleen A. Kress, B. S., Roseville Chaska Judy Mary MacIntyre, A.A., B. S., Stephen Forrest Twitchell, B.S., Minneapolis North Branch Bruce Robert Moore, B.A., Nancy June Wells, B.S., Minneapolis Minneapolis Michael Linden Myers, B.S., Colleen A. Welty, B.S., Bloomington Minneapolis


Bachelor of Science David W. Gaffaney, B.A., Craig Alexander Swanson, A. A., Alexandria Thief River Falls Jerry Robert Hovi, A.A., Virginia Susan Kay Swanson, White Bear Philip Francis Sebring, Granite Lake Falls


Bachelor of Science Tanell Dawn Gerloff, Minneapolis Sandra Sue McClure, Lake Park, Jamie Louise Manning, Eden Iowa Prairie Joanne Esther Runquist Susan Mary Theil, Willmar


Bachelor of Science Daniel LeRoy Anderson, Clarkfield Bradley Brooks Nielsen, Minneapolis George Robert Bard, Edina William Clayton Norman, A.A.S., Ann Louise Bartz, St. Paul Grand Rapids Susan M. Strain Billings, Byron Thomas Charles Pence, Minneapolis Marna Claire Butler, Brooklyn David Ikuo Sakoda, Minneapolis Center James Wood Sandusky, B.S., La Richard G. Ditlev, Jr., Bloomington Grange, Ill. Dale Patrick Dose, Lake City James Francis Simones, Plymouth Mark Jerome Holien, St. Paul Thomas Orrin Wichelmann, St. Brad Donald Johnson, Minneapolis Louis Park


Associate in Arts Richard David Aldag, Minneapolis Thomas Patrick Hartmann, MaryAnn Alencich, Star Prairie, Minneapolis Wis. Carrie Lee Hattenberger, North St. Peter James Aschenbrener Paul Thomas J. Bangsberg, Moorhead Darrel Mark Held, Minneapolis Elizabeth Susan Beck, St. Paul Eleanor May Holmquist, White Robert Kane Bergloff, Bloomington Bear Lake Peter James Bodin, Minneapolis Gretchen Lorraine Huber, Shakopee Sharon Lois Boesch, Minneapolis Allan Earl Hunting, Minneapolis David Blanford Boies, Jr., Giau Kim Huynh Minnetonka Kelvin Jenkins, Long Beach, Calif. Angelo Christopher Braye, David James Johnson, Grove City Minneapolis Lynn Paul Jorgensen, Benson Patricia Marie Burns, St. Paul Taylor Gerald Kendle, St. Paul Peter Vincent Burns, Minneapolis Patricia Mary Keyes, A.A., St. Paul Luis Tonarelli Caire, EI Paso, Tex. Victoria Rose Kimmel, Minneapolis Brian James Campbell, Minneapolis Bernard Robert Kriske, Bloomington Mark Andrew Dahl, St. Louis Park Laura Kvernstoen, Minneapolis Mary Ruth Danforth, Mahtomedi Laura Lynn Lagoon, Forest Lake Louis Patrick Danna, St. Paul Byron Charles Landon II, A.A., Nemat O. Davatgarzadeh Castle Rock Valerie Ann DeCora, St. Paul Jean Fiona Leake Joseph Patrick Delaney, St. Paul Mark Anthony LeChevalier Shirley Ann Donnohue, Minneapolis Daniel Gerard LeMay, st. Paul John Richard Doody, St. Paul Sharon Kay Letofsky, Minneapolis Kurt Alan Freeman, Bloomington Randy Wayne Lucas, St. Paul Park Anne Marie Gangl, St. Paul Catherine Elizabeth Marr, James Edward Garvey, Minneapolis Bloomington William Andrew Glad, Minneapolis H. Cresson Masseth, Wayzata Mark Douglas Gordon, Minneapolis Patricia Ann McDonald, Woodbury John William Gullberg, St. Paul John Gerard Merriam, Crystal Elizabeth J. Hartinger, St. Paul Bonnie Ann Nagel, St. Paul

December 38 Jeffrey Kenneth Nelson, New Hope Patricia C. Schaeppi, Minneapolis Lauren L. Nelson, St. Paul Delbert Walter Schoeber!, Adrian Robert Paul Nikolai, Eagan Jimmy Donovan Shadier, A.A., Tanya Rene Nygren, Minneapolis Minnetonka Minnie L. Oakgrove, Minneapolis Sheri LeAnn Shannon, Minneapolis Debbie Ann O'Connell, Minneapolis Verdella Sims, St. Paul Kevin Howard Orenstein Paula Renail Sivels, St. Paul James Olakunle Osifuye, Lagos, Kathy A. Small, Minneapolis Nigeria Margaret Elaine Solomon, St. Louis Paul Russell Ostby, Elk River Park Lyman Edward Parkhurst, St. Paul Myrna Lee Stedman, Minneapolis Michelle Mae Paskoff, St. Louis Michael Fredrick Swensen, Virginia Park Julie Ann Travers, St. Paul Larry Pebbles Eric Edwin Turnquist, Wayzata Terry Ann Pence, Minneapolis David John Vanzo, Plymouth Robert Herbert Petersen Nanette Lee Vermes, Minnetonka Cheryl Ann Peterson, Brooklyn Michael P. Vik, Fridley Center Katherine Monteforte Waara, Susan Marie Plaster, Minneapolis Minnetonka Kenneth Ivy Polta, West St. Paul Tina Marie White, Waterloo, Iowa Gloria Alison Rial, Lake St. Louis, Donald Williams, St. Paul Mo. Denise B. Wilson, Minneapolis Peter William Riola, B.S., D.B.A., Deborah Ann Winston, Minneapolis Brooklyn, N.Y. John Joseph Wolf, Minneapolis Stuart Evans Roberson Steven William Woods, Minneapolis Philip Steven Rosendale Cathy Lynn Zweig, St. Louis Park Mark Allen Russell, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Applied Studies Esther Susan Bear, A.A., St. Paul Patrick Thomas Matthews, st. Paul Ruth Ann Bird, Owatonna Evelyne Charmant Morisset Teresa Jean Fourniea, Bloomington Ann Theresa Rukavina, Minnetonka Roger M. Hoy, Minneapolis Gary Anthony Thompson, Little Linda Mary Kruse, A.A., Canada Minneapolis Mark Alan Watson, Lafayette, La.

Bachelor of General Studies Debra Sue Bank, A.A., St. Louis Craig Jeffrey Kirtland, Boise, Idaho Park Susan Joy Nelson, Bloomington Anne Marie Butscher, Milwaukee, Patricia Ann Oren, St. Louis Park Wis. Steven Eugene Pettman, A.A., Tze-Leung Cheung, A.A., Hong Brooklyn Park Kong Shirley A. Rudd, Bellevue, Wash. L. Lawrence Michael Grady, Darin Beth Smania, Edina Hibbing Susan Elaine Triplett, A.A., St. Curtis John Haerle, Minneapolis Louis Park

39 December --


Bachelor of Science Victoria Ese Akemu, Nigeria Ruth Mary Kemp, White Bear Lake Betsy Jane Appin, White Bear Lake, Anne Walleser Kepple, Albert Lea with high distinction Patti Ann Kittleson, Blooming Ching-Yuen Amy Au, B.Arch., Prairie B.L.Arch., Hong Kong Carol Jeanne Klitzke, Fridley Martin Ernest Backus, Forest Lake Deborah Ann Kokott, St. Paul, with Mary Margaret Beckman, Houston distinction Kjersti Jean Birkeland, White Bear Pamela Ann Kotnour, Hopkins Lake, with distinction Debra Kay LaVictoire, Minneapolis Jacqueline Lee Bohrman, Alison Sue Lima, Robbinsdale Hutchinson Deborah Ann Linder, St. Paul Jillane Marie Cannon, Brooklyn Carol Ann Markstrom, Burnsville Center Judith Lane Mashburn, Minneapolis Nancy Andrea Clerc, Crystal Kathleen Ann Mathews, Mankato Kevin David Crowley, Golden Diane Canniff Meyer, Bloomington Valley, with distinction Jeffrey Lee Miller, Green Bay, Wis. Judith M. Dahlseid, Olivia, with Judith Leslie Miller, St. Louis Park distinction Suzann Michele Mork, Edina Beth Helen David, Potosi, Wis. Maureen Clare Mortinson, Nancy Elaine Deno, New Hope Bloomington Donna Lyn Diamond, St. Paul, with Michelle Rae Musech, Minnetonka distinction Colleen Joan Nelson, Anoka Ann Elizabeth Ebsen, St. Paul, with Gayle Ann Nelson, Minneapolis distinction Terri Lea Nelson, Long Prairie, Magdalene L. Eduvie, Nigeria with distinction Kathryn Wegleitner Erickson, st. Laurie Lynn Nielsen, Redwood Paul Falls Linda Sue Erlich, Minneapolis Teresa Ann Nuessle, Minneapolis Barbara Jo Fintel, Minneapolis Kathleen Petra O'Fallon, Mary Megan Gady, New Brighton Minneapolis Yongna Ge, Jenju, Korea Colleen Kay Olson, Columbia Penalope Ann Grace, B.A., Edina Heights Marsha Kay Guenther, Minneapolis Kathleen Dawn Oren, Minneapolis, Diana Lee Gulden, B.A., with distinction Minneapolis Janice Marie Palenberg, Mandan, Sharon Joy Gustafson, Fridley, with N.D. distinction Mona Nyleen Pederson, A.A., Jill Marie Hamburger, st. Paul Minneapolis Margaret Mary Hamburger, St. Paul Sharon Ann Peske, St. Paul, with Dianne Lynn Hannasch, distinction Minneapolis Mary Jeanette Pierro, Hopkins Susan Kay Harris, Mendota Heights Jean Louise Pontzer, B.A., with Priscilla Wagner Henn, Golden high distinction Valley, with distinction Nancy Jean Reimers, Trimont Rebecca Marie Hullett, Northfield Cynthia Lynn Ridge, st. Paul Anastasia B. Ilstrup, A.A., St. Paul Lynda Jo Roberts, Portsmouth, Judy K. Ingram, Bloomington N.H. Ann Louise Johnson, Richfield Susan Lynn Panayotoff Rose, Big Lake December 40

j Nancy Lynn Rouch, Minneapolis Deborah Karen Teuber, Hutchinson Shairi Lynn Wick St. Clair, Margaret Mary Ulrich, Richfield, Minnetonka with distinction Debra Tean St. Dennis, st. Paul Lorri Osvold Utoft, Minneapolis Carol Ruth Sallstrom, Winthrop Kimberly Jo Vennerstrom, St. Paul Gloria Jean South, Albert Lea Joy Anne Wabuke, Uganda Marta L. Stahl, A.A., Minneapolis Martha Lynn Wells, St. Louis Park Lisa Karen Stauffer, Minneapolis Mary Jo Wickstrom, A.A., Isanti Susan Dawn Stohler, Orchard Lake, Betsy Jean Wong, Minneapolis Mich. Jill Marie Yentz, Wauwatosa, Wis.


Juris Doctor Nancy Sue Cole, B.A., Oglesby, Ill.


Associate in Liberal Arts Raquel Trevino Church, St. Paul Mary Granning Nelson, Golden Kathryn G. Dahl Valley David Anthony Karpinski, St. Paul Terrence Jerome Palmer, Roseville Howard W. Kern, St. Paul Gary Alan Peterson, Edina Lillian Ingrid Lundeen, St. Louis Cynthia Marie Ryg Park Seini Talaau Taufeulungaki, Patricia Holly Muehlegger, St. Paul Haateiho, Tongatapu, Tonga Brian Daniel Mundt, Forest Lake Donald Martin VanLith, Buffalo

Bachelor of Arts Honors citations are provisional and will not become final until all requirements are met for the level indicated Susan Jean Adams, Minneapolis Charles Palmer Armstrong, Edina Carl Nichols Allen, Excelsior Clifford R. Backman, Minneapolis Rilwan Olasukanmi Alowonle, A.A., Anne Phillips Baker, St. Paul Lagos, Nigeria Susan Marie Bakhtiari, New Michael Stephen Amann, Brighton Minnetonka Nancy Kemp Barnes, West Bend, Charles Wayne Anderson, Roseville Wis. Cole en Patricia Anderson, Laura Marie Beck, Bloomington Minneapolis Stephen Thomas Behling, Ellen Marie Anderson, St. Paul Minneapolis Michelle Marie Andrus, Rochester Scott Gordon Benson, Minneapolis Denise Joan Anklan, Roseville Beth Ellen Berg Kimberly Ann Ankner, Excelsior Lindsay Brook Bergstrom, Golden David Lee Appelbaum, St. Louis Valley Park Julia Granham Berrisford, St. Paul, magna cum laude

41 December Katherine Ann Billings, St. Paul Christopher Karl Dietz, Pine Island Thomas Daniel Billings, Minneapolis Paul Meredith Ditmanson, Mary Lou Birch, A.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Susan Adams Blackshear, Mankato Elizabeth Clark Dohm, Duluth David Arthur Bohnenstingel, Golden Henry Jeremiah Dolan, Minneapolis Valley Paula Ann Dominic, Columbia Bruce Marshall Borich, St. Paul Heights Markus Josef Bosch, Bregenz, James Thomas Dooley, Minneapolis Austria Caroline Olutayo Banjo Dosunmu, Bonita Jeanne Bradford, Burnsville A.A., Lagos, Nigeria Nancy Provo Brantingham, Maple Rita DuCharme, St. Paul Plain Brett Scott Edgar, St. Louis Park Deborah Marie Brisch, Manitowoc, Candyce Kay Eelkema, st. Paul Wis. Robert Edward Eelkema, St. Paul Irene Brooks-Zurcher, Montreal, JoAnn Marice Egerman, Canada Minneapolis Juana Del Carmen Brousset, Lima, Richard Joel Eidem, Fridley Peru Loveday Eze Ekeh, Minneapolis Laurie Mae Bushbaum, Minneapolis Barbara Ann Elfstrom, St. Paul Laura M. Cady, South St. Paul Danna Sue Elling, Norwood Kathleen Therese Campbell, Emilie Louise Enzmann, Minneapolis International Falls Gregory D. Cardelli, Minneapolis Marcy Anne Erickson, Mound Craig Alan Carlson, Minneapolis Paul Arnold Erickson, Topeka, Kan. Mary Eileen Casey, Minneapolis Sandra Sue Eubanks, Dallas, Tex. Faith Ann Chalmers, Cataingan, Natalie Feldman, St. Paul Masbate, Philippines Marjorie Grace Ferguson, Prior James Sheng-Shin Chen, Taipei, Lake Taiwan John McLaughlin Field, Edina Teresa Lai Chak Chen, Kowloon, Jill Marie Figge, St. Paul Hong Kong Ann Teresa Filiatrault, Anoka James Henry Chenevert, A.A., Bruce Raymond Fillipi, Warren Minneapolis Ronnie James Finley, South St. Margaret Helen Chutich, Anoka Paul Timothy James Clarkson, Sylvia Wasdahl Flaa, Wayzata Minneapolis, cum laude Thomas Foley, Minneapolis M. Clare Clifford, Neenah, Wis. Kay Ellen Ford, Lino Lakes Louis Moore Colescott, Madison, Ruth Anne Ford, A.A., Minneapolis Wis. Robert Arthur Frame, st. Paul Karen Elizabeth Cooley, A.D., Pamela Dana Frasch, Chanhassen West St. Paul Stephen John Gallos, Minneapolis Mary Kathryn Cosgrove, Joseph Francis Garceau, St. Paul Minneapolis James Michael Garvey, Golden Shelly R. Cottrill, Hopkins Valley David Arthur Crist, Minnetonka David Houston Gee, Edina Carla Dale Cruzan, Bloomington James Winslow George Charles William Jackson Curry, Jr., Marcella Ann George, New A. L. A., Bloomington Brighton Richard Emmett Daly, St. Paul Heidi Re Gesell, St. Paul Marianne Alexa Darby, Winona Margaret Elizabeth Gibson, Edina Evelyn Lorraine Diamond, Richard John Greelis, Golden Valley Minneapolis James Edward Gresham, Edina

December 42 Mark Calvin Grube, Minneapolis Elizabeth Carlin Keller, Minneapolis Michael Guglielmo, Buffalo, N.Y. John Anthony Kerans, Minneapolis Patrick Joseph Guider, A. L.A., St. Cheryl Jean Kienietz, A.L.A., Paul Minneapolis Stephen James Guter, Jr., St. Paul Bradford Dean Kissell, St. Louis Judith Ann Haglund Haines, A.A., Park Minneapolis Paul Corcoran Kolars, Edina Paul Edmund Haines, B.S.B., Constance Mae Kosiak, Minneapolis Virginia William Bradford LaBelle, Golden Thomas James Hall, Maple Grove Valley Chloe Jane Hamilton-Lewis, A.A., Ann Marie Lachowitzer, St. Paul

I A.S. Gregory David Lackens, , Ernest Martin Harper, Jr. Minneapolis Kristie Helene Harrison Jane Ellen Lahay, Roseville Barbara Louise Haugen, Shorewood Karen A. Lamorie, Bloomington Ellen Hawley, Minneapolis, summa John Marshall Lampert, Credit cum laude River Samir Hayo, St. Paul Oluwatoberu Khadiza Lanval, Kano, Virginia Taylor Hegseth, Nigeria Minneapolis James Eric Lawson, Mankato Mara Jeanne Heilig, Edina Sandra K. Lien, A.A., Brooklyn Marlys Ann Heimerl, New Brighton Center Jane Elizabeth Helland, Minneapolis Gregory Carl Linde, Eden Prairie Mary Kim Hellier, Minnetonka Gregory Gail LipeJt Sonseere Ann Henton, St. Paul Karen Marie Ludescher, Rosemount Patti A. Highland, Minneapolis Jonathan Emil Lundberg, St. Paul Barbara Ann Hillenbrand, Golden Park Valley Thomas Joseph Lundeen, Mary Catherine Hillenbrand, Minneapolis Golden Valley Carol-Jean Swanson Lundy, White Lisa Jean Holden, Mankato Bear Lake Brandon Lee Holscher, Minneapolis Carrie Louise Lyman, Minneapolis Charles Philip Holst, Minneapolis Peter John Madden, Minneapolis John Oden Hunn, Minneapolis Dawn Marie Madson, Rochester Sheilah Katherine Hurley, St. Paul Hamid Mahmoodi, B.A., Tehran, Orwell Tamunowupele O. Imbu, Iran Port Harcourt, Nigeria Martin Paul Malecha, Faribault, Peter Christopher Jenson, St. Paul summa cum laude Douglas Ellis Johnson, Minneapolis Lori Beth Malinsky, St. Louis Park Erik Richard Johnson, A.A., Joanne Mamel, A.A., Bloomington Minneapolis Ronald Vernon Mason, Jr., Gregory Ward Johnson Minnetonka Jennifer Rae Johnson, Edina Linda L. Matons, Rochester, N.Y. Kimberly Ann Johnson, Minnetonka John Andrew McConnell, Plymouth Philip Aldridge Johnson, B.A., B.S. Mary Moynihan McCoy, Thomas Gregory Johnson, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mary Ann McGee Warren Richard Johnson, Stillwater Jane McGeever, Philadelphia, Pa. Kimberly Jean Jordan, Minnetonka Jan Urban Mclndoo, Minneapolis David Lee Kaput, Cottage Grove Janet Sydney McLouth, Corfu, N.Y. Karen Allbright Katz, Minneapolis Carolyn Waters McMaster, Wayzata Megan Maureen Kavanaugh, Edina

43 December Karen Lee McNaughton, Sheryl Ann Orth, St. Paul Minneapolis Debra Suzanne Osgar, Minneapolis Timothy Patrick McNulty, Cynthia Ann Ostrem, Lanesboro Minneapolis Margaret Mary Otto, Lester Prairie Nancy Louise Melhorn, Mankato Deborah Frances Owen, Newton, Thomas Bryce Menard, Plymouth Iowa Rodolfo Mendizabal, Mexico Sarah Marie Palmer, Arlington Donald Peter Micheletti, Hibbing Heights, Ill. Patricia Linnea Milbrath, William David Parrill, Minneapolis Minneapolis Allyson Phyllis Perling, , Ga. Daniel J. Mlaker, Chisholm Jacqueline Lee Permuth, Peoria, Ill. Kris Alan Moen, White Bear Lake Barbara Ann Peterson, Mora Patricia Lynn Moen, Beloit, Wis. Brian Arthur Peterson, Minneapolis Marion Gisele Morgan, Madison, Christine Lu Peterson Wis. M. Lynn Peterson, Minnetonka Shin Morita, Ishioka, Japan Sara Beth Peterson, Delano John Felice Mulhern Thomas Eugene Petschl, New Katherine Mulligan Brighton Debra McKillop Nadig, Minneapolis Julia Kay pfaffe-O'Neill, Minneapolis Frederick William Nelson, Bryan David Phillips, Monticello Edgerton, Wis. Eugene Phillips, Jr., A.A., St. Paul Jeffrey Manning Nelson, North St. Ann Kathryn Pieri, Minneapolis Paul Jehonatan Pobiel, St. Louis Park Joan Marie Nelson, Robbinsdale Barbara Louise Pokela, Minneapolis I; Roberta Lynn Miller Nelson, Charles Paul Porter, Elm Grove, Minneapolis Wis. II Jeffrey Gene Neuberger, Kathleen Ann Post, Mount Horeb, r Minneapolis Wis. ~ Joni Marie Newberger Laura Pottratz, Pierre, S.D. Jean Marie Newell, Minneapolis, Leonidas D. Papaleonidas Pountzas, summa cum laude Patras, Greece Jacquelyn Ann Nichols, Minneapolis Marianna Barbatsis Priest, John Charles Nolander, Jr., A.A., Minneapolis Albert Lea Kathleen Louise Proctor, Eau Roger Willard Norberg, Lake Claire, Wis. Forest, Ill., cum laude Susan Marie Puetzer, Milwaukee, i' Julie Anne Northenscold, Wis. I Minneapolis Carol Ann Radermacher, James Alan O'Brien, Minneapolis Minneapolis Thomond Robert O'Brien, Jr., St. Kathryn Ann Graves Ray, Paul Minneapolis Jeffrey James O'Connor, West St. Grace Elizabeth MacMartin Paul Raymond, Edina Rebecca Ann Oelke, Waseca Molly Reidhead, Wayzata Richard Gerald O'Fallon, Sharon Lynn Reynolds, Cedarburg, Minneapolis Wis. Barbara Jean Ohs, St. Paul James W. Rinck, A.A., St. Paul Ikemefuna M. Okolue, Nnobi, Severt Scott Rise, Sioux City, Iowa Nigeria Jon Scott Roesler, Minneapolis Gail S. Olson, Minneapolis David Eugene Rollwagen, Peter Eric Olson, A.A., Minneapolis Bloomington

December 44 Anthony Reno Rossini Randall Mark Stiles, Fort Dodge, Richard Jay Rotenberg, Golden Iowa Valley Jill Vaughan Stoneman, Hibbing Lauren Mari Rowe, Burnsville Wendy Ann Strang, Eau Claire, Nancy Lee Rowe, Elgin, Ill. Wis. Nicholas Jon Ruiz David Edward Studer, Minneapolis Pamela Kim Ruona, Detroit Lakes Carol Jean Stuttgen, A.A., Elk Betty Anne Russell, Le Sueur River David Douglas Ryan, Hibbing Michael Scott Sudit, Golden Valley David Earl Sainio, Mountain Iron Sarah Jean Sullivan, B.A., Green Jesus Alberto Santiago, A.A., Bay, Wis. Chicago, Ill. Marie Anne Svang, Minneapolis Renee Eileen Satrang, Minneapolis Carol Sue Swenson, Brooklyn Laura D. Sawyer, Roseville Center Robert James Schedin, Maplewood Jill Marie Swift, Minneapolis Diane Marie Scherber, Minneapolis Eri Takahashi, Iwanuma-shi, Japan Anthony Leon Schlinsog, Hastings Eric Charles Tangen, Moorhead Debra Rae Schneider Cindy Lee Terhune, Paris, France Mary Elizabeth Schommer, Joyce Ann Thielen, Minneapolis Minneapolis Paul Charles Thielen, St. Paul Sheila Mary Schwarz, St. Paul Lucille Burnquist Thompson, Ann Marie Seashore, Minneapolis Minneapolis Robert Mayer Segal, Minneapolis, Russell Lawrence Thompson, summa cum laude Minneapolis Denise Lynn Shaffer, Edina Susan Ann Thompson, Minneapolis James William Shearer, Minneapolis, Tommy Thompson, Wisconsin Dells, magna cum laude Wis. Deborah Jo Shumansky, Burnsville Joseph Alexander Thomson, Janet Siegel, Minneapolis Excelsior Sarah Lee Siegel, Minneapolis Kate F. Thomson, Minneapolis Judy Yi-Ling Siew, Bellevue, Wash. Joycelyn Hegstrom Tierney, Claire Elizabeth Simonson, Plymouth Minneapolis Jane Alice Tombers Elizabeth Catherine Simpson, Cynthia Lynn Tousignant, Minneapolis Bloomington Linda Alison Smith, St. Paul Daniel Gordon Tulledge, Pine Colleen Mary Smyth, Lester Prairie Island Michael Eric Sobel, St. Paul, Patricia Marie Tushie, Bloomington summa cum laude Matthias Akomaye Udie, Obudu, Michael Jay Solender, St. Louis Nigeria Park Lynn Marie Underwood, Richard Kraft Sorenson, Jr., A.A., Minneapolis St. Paul Lorrie Jane Ursu, Regina, Lawrence Frank Spading, A.A., Saskatchewan, Canada Richfield Scott Vaillancourt, St. Paul David Joseph Spanovich, South St. Kathy Lynn VanBockel, Brooklyn Paul Park Karen Kay Starry, South St. Paul Jane Theresa Vanderpoel, St. Paul Mary E. Staszewsky, Minneapolis Linda June Vanderwerf, Redwood Randal Jay Stelmazek, A.A., Falls Minneapolis Ronald Jon Vargas

45 December Richard Lee Varnum, Morris, cum John Patrick Wheelihan II, laude Minneapolis Jeanne Cecile Veenendaal, Edina Carole Avery Whittaker, A.A., Cheryl Ann Vennerstrom, Willmar Plymouth Lisa Anne Vissering, St. James, Wendy Elizabeth Wiberg, Faribault N.Y. James R. Wick, Duluth Kitti Kristine Vogel, Fairmont Richard Edmund Williams, Lori Anne Vosejpka, St. Paul, Minneapolis summa cum laude Mark Richard Witte, St. Paul Scott Thomas Voves, New Vim Mary Lou Wolf, Austin Michael Frank Watkins, Rochester Gretchen Fay Wolfangel, Spring Roderick Wayne Wattman, Lake Lake Park Oswego, Ore. Kathryn M. Wombacher, South St. Nancy Lynn Wefler, Evanston, Ill. Paul Dorothea Maria Weisman, Diane Kay Wong, Minneapolis Minneapolis Mark James Wuollet, Minneapolis Jack Edward West, Jr., Mound Mitchell James Wylie, New Hope Jeanine Nelson Westling Terry Michael Zats, St. Paul Deborah Marie Wheaton, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Elected Studies Mary Elizabeth DesMarais, Marva Stavig Randa, North Oaks Minneapolis Donna Marie Waters, Chaska Brian Dean Lambie, New Hope

Bachelor of Fine Arts Anne Marie Appel, Minneapolis Mary Louise LaCrosse, B.A., Susan Buffier, Excelsior Mound Carol Jean Christopherson, Crystal Carol Jean Scanlan-Mikhchi, A.A., Corinne Barbara Cooperman, Rochester Minneapolis Lee James Weimer, Rochester Todd Elliot Grande, Minneapolis Charles Joseph WelJ, A.A., Fridley, Jeffrey Lee Jones, Minneapolis summa cum laude Robert Alan Kapsch, B.A. James Robert Zicopula, Minneapolis Anne Augusta Kress, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Individualized Studies Paul Edward Bergquist, Rosanne Oakes, Minneapolis, summa Minneapolis, summa .fum laude cum laude Colleen Ann McCann, Minneapolis Steven Patrick Thaxton, Kimberly Cherry Mock, Bemidji Bloomington

Bachelor of Science Marcella Harper Ardito, Walker Brenda Ann Carter William Thomas Bailey IV, Edina, Margaret June Falk, A.A., St. Paul cum laude Martin Gillis Hahn, Rochester Peter John Brandli, Circle Pines Leslee Kim Halsted, Minneapolis

December 46 Blake Bristoi Hatchett, Minneapolis Rena Louise Perwien, St. Paul David Micheal Hopperstad, Gregory Eugene Reiva, Chanhassen Bloomington Duane Allen Roman, Robbinsdale John Michael Kimmel, A.A., Margaret Ruth Schultz, Minneapolis Minneapolis David Charles Schumacher, Oluyemisi Kehinde Okanla, Ibadan, Woodbury Nigeria Kathy Lynn Strunk, Minneapolis Margaret Rose Olson, A.A., Carlis Digre Voytilla, A.A., St. Paul Bloomington


MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science Elizabeth Ann Eyrich, Rochester, Siew-Kam Loong, Ipoh, Perak, with high distinction Malaysia Anh Vu Hoang To, Minneapolis

MEDICINE Bachelor of Science in Nurse Anesthesia Joann Laurel LeVahn, B.S.N., Wesley Clay Weaver, Durham, Minneapolis N.C.

Doctor of Medicine Glenn Edmond Burleson, B. S., Wayne Larry Feyereisn, New Brighton B.S.Pharm., Faribault Michael Gene Carlston, B.A., Thomas Lloyd Gaston, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Kathleen Dawn Collins, B.S., Dan Alan Nichols, B.A., Richfield Rochester Paul Anthony Stahler, Jr., B.S., Paul Steven Dwan, B.S., Pacific M.S., Jordan Palisades, Calif. Patricia Ann Wood, B.S. summa Jeffrey Evan Faaberg, B.A., Mound cum laude, St. Paul

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Bachelor of Science Judith Mary Babst, Minneapolis Cheryl Lynn Bergseid, White Bear Susan Lynn Arkins Bane, B.S., St. Lake Paul Deborah Jean Betzold, Chisholm Julie Dawn Bass Lilly Pauline Bresina, Zumbrota Germaine Barbara Bauer, Carlton Carol Jean Cleven, Minneapolis Lynne Marie Berg, Red Wing Kim Corrick, New Hope Lynne Ardith Bergman, A.L.A., Elin Schold Davis, Crystal Robbinsdale, with distinction Patti J. Fries, St. Paul

47 December Theresa Marie Guthrie, A.A., Cheryl Marie Matz, Waseca Fargo, N.D. Carol Lynn Orr, A. S., Aberdeen, Lisa Hambleton Heille, Blaine S.D. JoAnn M. Hector, B.A., Beverly Joy Petersen, A.A., Anoka Minneapolis Marcia Lynn Potter, St. Paul Joann Faith Hedin, Willmar JoAnn Rosenthal Paula Kaye Hentges, St. Charles Mary Lee Lenor Slattery, St. Paul James Frederick Ilika, A.A. Jacqueline Josephine Smith, A.A., Susan Louise Johnson, Mountain Cottage Grove Lake, with distinction Dianne Lynn Timmer, Minneapolis Mary Helen Loe, B.A., Minneapolis, Terri A. Weaver with high distinction


Bachelor of Science Michael Theron Smith, St. Paul


Bachelor of Science in Nursing Noemi Adame, Minneapolis Pamela Kay Gorres, A.S., A.A., Lynn Ann Almquist, Plymouth Murdock Beverly Ann Barten, B.A., Margaret Louise Guthrie, St. Paul Minneapolis Lori Lee Hertle, Austin Julie Ann Becker, Minneapolis Stephanie Marie Huber, Reina Leigh Berryman, Minneapolis, Minneapolis with distinction Kay Dianne Hudson, A.A., Vadnais Janet Marie Bruning, Stillwater Heights Kathryn Colestock Burke, West St. Mary Therese Jancaric, South St. Paul Paul Lori Jean Lund Cleaveland, Shirley Mae Kedrowski, A.A., Eden Robbinsdale Prairie Sally Lyn Clement, West Bend, Phillip Michael Korkowski, B.A., St. Wis. Paul Alice Clark Cooney, B.A., Karen Farley Lewis, Minneapolis Minneapolis Dawn Bjork Lundgren, Arden Hills Patricia Ann Gores Cooper, B.A., Nancy McClellan Lynn, B.A., Baldwin, Wis. M.P.H., Minneapolis, with Ann J. Eide, Minneapolis distinction Diane Elizabeth Ek, Columbia Lynn Watland Mueller, Brainerd Heights Susan Ann Muske, Edina Katherine Mary Farnes, Sauk Susan L. Ness, Fergus Falls Rapids Terri Merth Pejsa, A.A., B.A.S., St. Mary Ann Fautsch, Spring Lake Paul, with distinction Park Catherine Ann Ricker, Plymouth

December 48 Dana Denise Riniker, B.S., Michael Paul Thieke, B.S., Minneapolis Chatfield Laurie Sampson, Lomira, Wis. Stacy D. Truax, Minneapolis Ellen Dwyer Schnobrich, A.A. Edward Angus Vivian, Roseville Jeanine Therese Sheridan, Linda Carr Welter, B.A., Bloomington Minneapolis Kathleen Smith, B.A., M.Ed., Colleen Mary Whelan, B.A., Minneapolis Minneapolis Cynthia Majel Stensland, Roseville, Patricia Anne Wilbert, Seattle, with distinction Wash., with distinction


Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Katherine Ann Keaveny, Wayzata

Doctor of Pharmacy Abdulaziz Abdulraheem Saddique, B.S.Pharm., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Master of Hospital Administration Roy Ernest Barraclough, B.A., Allen Stewart Nohre, B.A., M.A., Ogden, Utah Minneapolis Robert Lee Coats, B.S.I.E., Madison, Wis. Master of Public Health Julie Metier Danskin, B.S., Susan Marie Krebs, B.A., St. Woodbury Louis, Mo. Corinne Sue Dille, A.A., B.A., Carl Joseph Michaud, B.A. Litchfield Laddawalaya Ratananakorn, D.V.M., France Emery Bangkok, Thailand L. Ronald French, A.B., M.A., St. Sandra Comeaux Stewart, B.S., St. Paul Paul Debra Lynn Thorne Haugen, B.S., Ramses Barsoum Toma, Ph.D., Golden Valley Grand Forks, N.D.


Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Richard Harry Brechwald, Mound Danny Richard Marshall, Peter Oliver Dille, Litchfield Robbinsdale

49 December Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering David Bryan Drache, B.A., Baker, Seow Phang Loong with distinction Scott Bryan Swenson, Elbow Lake

Bachelor of Architecture Lowell Burnette Anderson, Jr. Katherine Jane Leonidas, B.A., Thomas Arthur Barbeau, St. Paul Duluth John Christopher Bottkol, B.A., Joseph Gerard Metzler, Green Bay, Minneapolis Wis. Barbara Ann Burnett, St. Paul Larry Forrest Orr, St. Paul Kevin Scott Conley, Minneapolis Mark M. Quackenbush, Sparta, James Verner Dahlberg, Plymouth Wis. Guy Benjamin Davidson, Duluth Kurt Gundersen Schroeder, B.A., David Robert DeVos, Milwaukee, La Crosse, Wis. Wis. John Anthony Strachota, Milwaukee, Paul Joseph Gannon, Minneapolis Wis. John Smiley Gelderman, Pipestone Gail Ann Swenson, Hibbing John Bruce Hawkins, B.A., Shi Ming Tam, Hong Kong Minneapolis Robert Alan Torson, Moorhead Howard Michael Kent Wade Van Valin, Rome, Wis. Chong Hyung Kim, Minneapolis Thomas Gregory Winterer, St. Paul Dean Michael Koll, Sleepy Eye Kim Thomas Larson, Lewistown, Mont.

Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Jeffry Allan Cox, A.E.S., David Gerard Schnell, Plymouth Minneapolis, with distinction Jeffrey Alwin Schultz, Eagan Michael Daniel Delmore, Hopkins Robert Lawrence Scouten, Eckelson, Paul Martin Gerver, White Bear N.D. Lake Mark Alfred Smeltzly, A.E.S., Karl Arden Haigley, Baltimore, Md. Richfield James Andrew Hougo, St. Paul James Thomas Williams, James Jerome Perrault, Monticello Bloomington

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Craig William Anderson, St. Paul Kenneth William Horns, Thomas Harold Berkas, Minneapolis Minneapolis Bruce C. Brong, Nazareth, Pa. Thomas Hallman Hornseth, Spring Scott Thomas Brown, Faribault Lake Park Paul Donald Burley, Superior, Wis. Bruce Alvin Johnson, A. S., Lawrence Peter Falk, Minnetonka Chisholm James Michael Ganske, Sleepy Eye Mark Thomas Johnson, Fairfax David Arthur Gotham, Bloomer, Station, Va. Wis. Ronn Craig Johnson, Buffalo Steven Charles Heikkila, Silver Bay Wayne Armon Johnson, Battle Lake Anthony James Heppelmann, B.A., Stephen Warren Jones, Brainerd Bellechester, with distinction Bardia Kamrad

December 50 Carol Jean Mordorski, St. Paul, Paul Roger Sorensen, Minneapolis with distinction Michael Louis Tardy, Duluth Thomas Richard Peick, St. Paul Van-Anh Hoan Thai Bonnie Cote Pepin, St. Paul, with Kevin Joseph Ward, Anoka distinction Ronn Allison Winkler, Minneapolis, Bertrand Walter Pridham, Madison, with distinction Wis. Terrence Leo Zoller, Stillwater Jonell Marien Sawyer, New Brighton

Bachelor of Computer Science Daniel Dale Dassow, Cottage Grove Mohammad H. Khazraeinazmpour, Mark James Everett, Pipestone Tehran, Iran Sharon Kay Gustafson, Cottage Robert Douglas Krutz, Jr., Richfield Grove Alan Richard North, Montevideo Theodore C. Johnson, Minneapolis Timothy John Schljt:hte, West St. Paul

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Daniel Walter Backman, Virginia Bruce David McNeil, A. E. S., St. Mark Anthony Bellrichard, Austin Louis Park Roger Rob Benson, Minnetonka Brent Warren Nelson, Mankato John Edward Borell, Minneapolis Charles E. Pierog, West Bend, David Mark Dahlberg, Grantsburg, Wis. Wis. Kevin Douglas Prest-Berg, B.S.B, Andrew Gerhard Dammel, Ellendale St. Paul Douglas Duane Darbo, Hoyt Lakes Richard Joseph Rovinsky, Chi Hong Do, Minneapolis Minneapolis Leslie Allan Flugum James Arthur Schwarz, Brooklyn Ronald Andrew Hagen, Cloquet Center Brian Keith Harrington, Minneapolis Gregory Thomas Sullivan, Mercer Alexander Wayne Hietala, Island, Wash. Embarrass, with high distinction Galen Juliet Sylvester, Benson Gregory Joseph Lesch, Inver Grove Abdolghafoor Toorani, Gonbad- Heights Kavoos, Iran Richard John Marchetti, Duluth Dan V. Tran, B.S., Saigon, Vietnam Brian Wayne Maus, Minneapolis, Michael Rodney Vogt, Alexandria with high distinction Robert Lee Werner, Brooklyn Park

Bachelor of Environmental Design David Robert DeVos, Milwaukee, Dean Michael Koll, Sleepy Eye Wis. Robert Alan Torson, Moorhead John Smiley Gelderman, Pipestone

Bachelor of Ceo-Engineering Jeffrey Arthur Anderson, Champlin Steven Robert Lehman, B.A., Eric Hamilton Berlin, Minneapolis Willmar Wade Leon Srock, Ely

December Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Dennis Carl Anderson, Duluth Jerry Duane Starkey, Minneapolis Rebecca Jean Krinke, Minneapolis Bachelor of Mathematics

Michael Steven ~akowesky, St. David Griffiths Martin, B. Phys., Paul M.A., Minneapolis Jill Marie Myers, Minneapolis

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Ridvan Ferhan Alemdaroglu, James Steven Kueffer, St. Paul Istanbul, Turkey Kevin Richard Lindquist, Fridley Richard F. Anderson, Bloomington Kurt Addison Linscheid, Rochester Bradford Alan Bailey, ~inneapolis Jeffrey Harry Maki, Hudson, Wis. Brian Lee Benson'~La Crosse, Wis. Cheryl Lynn ~arkuson, Savage Jonathan Carl Boomgaarden, Pitt Padraic Sean ~cGuire, Minneapolis R. Jerome Brandt, St. Paul Larry James Mestad, Faribault Randy Jay Coleman, Richfield Jacques Michel Mezin, A.S., Paris, James William Comb, Edina, with France distinction Glen Leonard Ney, Mahtomedi Paul Cort Cross, St. Paul Tracy James Niebeling, Red Wing Bradford John Ernst, St. Paul Steven Jay Norby, Brooklyn Park Kurt Fraser Fredrickson, Bigfork David Mark Oakes, Cloquet Gregory L. Hammes, Schofield, Leslie A. O'Keefe, Minneapolis Wis. Jeffrey John Olsen, St. Paul Gregory Wayne Hansen, A.L.A., Daniel David Oss, Minneapolis White Bear Lake Timothy A. Palmer, Cloquet, with Alexander Harry Hatzikos, Athens, distinction Greece Timothy Gene Paulson, B.S., Terrance Joseph Hayden, Willmar Minneapolis Jeffrey Jay Hertz, St. Paul Mark Steven Pfeifer, Inver Grove Steven Kent Hjermstad, Burnsville Heights David E. Hull, A.S., Hoyt Lakes Hien Huy Phan, St. Paul John Powers Hulstrand, A.A., Coon Eric William Pieper, Maple Grove, Rapids with distinction Keith Paul Jagger, Roseville Thomas Paul Raetz, St. Paul Dennis L. Johnson, Lake Crystal John Michael Riley, Fargo, N.D. Kevin Dale Johnson, Silver Bay Frederick John Roegge, Edina, with Marshall Brian Johnson, Duluth distinction Thomas Earl Johnson, South St. Paul Norbert Roelike, Minneapolis Paul Rodge Michael Rosandich, Virginia Michelle Parvin Kalantari, Edina Craig Alan Schibonski, Sauk Rapids Todd Arthur Kappauf, Rochester Barbara Jean Schulte, B.A., Maurice Anthony Khawam, Mankato Minneapolis Philip Thomas Schumacher, St. Wayne Victor Klassen, New Ulm Michael Dennis R. Kliegle, Pine City Bhola Singh, Minneapolis Stuart Paul Kretzschmar, Sean Dillon Smith, Roseville Minneapolis Juliane Marie Sorem, Bloomington Steve Kent Sorem, Winona

December 52 Stanley Marvin Spaeth, Plymouth Patrick Anthony Wippler, B. S., George Thomas Strand, Edina Cloquet Dale Donald Wendorff, Hutchinson William Joseph Zerull, Edina

Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering Howard Palmer Wilson, Oshkosh, Wis.

Bachelor of Mineral Engineering Anthony Neil Harkonen, Angora

Bachelor of Physics Daniel Lincoln Berman, St. Louis Carol Ann Westerlund, Landau, Park, with high distinction with distinction

Bachelor of Science in Geology Timothy Mark Heren, New Rick Jon Palm, Baudette Brighton Bachelor of Science in Geophysics Rick Jon Palm, Baudette

Bachelor of Statistics Roger Alan Van Hoven, St. Paul


Bachelor of Arts Stephen Thomas Hagen, Duluth Susan Vivian May, A.A., Laree Joy Johnshoy, Starbuck Bloomington Bernard Donovan Martinek, Edina

Bachelor of Science Jane Anne Bauer, Minneapolis Paulette Ann Lagermeier, G.D.H., Cynthia Jean Biedron, Minneapolis Bloomington Thomas Micheal Borer, Brooklyn Andrea Lee Lambrecht, Roseville, Park magna cum laude Ruth Ellen Brown, G.D.H., Big Carole Lapidos, St. Paul, cum laude Bend, Wis. Carole Ann Levenson Jeff Furru, A.A., Minneapolis Paul Arthur Maas, Minneapolis, Nancy Jill Hopkins, Golden Valley magna cum laude Debora Lynn Hubred, St. Louis Gloria Dean Scales Morrow, Idabel, Park Okla. Boris Huggar, Minneapolis Carolee Leona Nelson-Hall, Carolyn Marie King Minneapolis

53 December Barbara S. Navy, Hopkins, magna Robert David Powers, Inver Grove cum laude Heights Jack Matthew Orth, A.A., Mark B. Schlattman, Maplewood Minnetonka Dennis Craig Taylor Roy Allan Peterson, Minneapolis James Hunter Thomas, Roseville Mary C. Young, Burnsville

December Candidates for Commissions

Subject to the completion of all curriculum requirements at the close offall quarter, commissions will be presented to those listed below and to others meeting the requirements for the Reserve Officers in the Armed Services.


Second Lieutenant, RA, Adjutant General Corps Ruth M. Kemp, White Bear Lake

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Corps of Engineers Mark T. Johnson, Fairfax Station, Va.

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Medical Service Corps Marlene A. Stabenow, Eau Claire, Wis.

Second Lieutenant, USAR, Military Intelligence Gregory W. Johnson, Duluth


Ensign, USN John A. McConnell, Wayzata Frederick J. Roegge, Edina Kris A. Moen, White Bear Lake Second Lieutenant, USMC Ronn C. Johnson, Buffalo Eric C. Tangen, Moorhead

December 54 Academic Costume

Academic costum~ap, gown, and sometimes hood-may be worn by anyone with a college degree, or by a candidate whose degree is soon to be awarded. Characteristics of costumes show their wearers' highest degrees and, often, the fields of major interest and the institutions by which the degrees are granted. All bachelors' and masters' gowns are black and untrimmed. The bachelor's gown has a long pointed sleeve, the master's a closed sleeve with an arm slit. Doctors' gowns in the United States are usually black, with velvet front facings and sleeve crossbars. Some universities, especially those abroad, prescribe colorful crimson, bright red, or other colors, set off by black or colored facings. At commencements, degree candidates wear the gowns for the degrees they are about to receive. Hoods are worn only by those who already possess degrees. Anyone who has a University of Minnesota degree may wear the Minnesota hood-black with a maroon chevron on gold. The length and shape of a hood identify the most advanced degree its wearer has earned, and the hood's velvet edging shows the degree's field: dark blue for philosophy, light blue for education, ! green for medicine, lilac for dentistry, orange for engineering, russet for forestry, I drab for business, olive green for pharmacy, purple for law, gray for veterinary I medicine, golden yellow for science, white for liberal arts. Caps-usually tasseled mortarboards-show by tassel color the nature of degrees : awarded at University of Minnesota commencements. Doctors' tassels may be i black or gold; masters' are black. Bachelor's degree candidates at Minnesota, I however, indicate their fields of study by their tassel colors: College of Agriculture ...... maize College of Biological Sciences ...... golden yellow College of Business Administration ...... drab Continuing Education and Extension ...... orange and drab School of Dentistry ...... lilac College of Education ...... light blue College of Forestry ...... maize General College ...... crimson and white College of Home Economics ...... maize Law School ...... purple College of Liberal Arts ...... white Medical School ...... green School of Nursing ...... green College of Pharmacy ...... olive School of Public Health ...... green Institute of Technology ...... orange University College ...... old gold and white College of Veterinary Medicine ...... gray Gold shoulder fourageres are worn by candidates who are honor students. After receiving their degrees, holders may wear the academic costume on any appropriate occasion, but they always wear the black tassel, and omit the shoulder insignia. Appropriate academic costumes can be obtained anywhere that academic ceremonies are conducted. Fall 1980 Graduation Events

College of Agriculture, 8 p.m. Dec. 4 Earle Brown Continuing Education Center College of Business Administration, 8 p.m. Dec. 13 Coffman Memorial Union, Great Hall School of Dentistry, 3:30 p.m. Dec. 12 Coffman Memorial Union, Great Hall College of Education, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 15 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Forestry, 4 p.m. Dec. 5 Earle Brown Continuing Education Center, Shingle Creek Room General College, 5 p.m. Dec. 12 Coffman Memorial Union theater-lecture hall Graduate School, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14 Northrop Memorial Auditorium College of Home Economics, 7 p.m. Dec. 9 St. Paul Student Center theater College of Liberal Arts, 1 p.m. Dec. 7 Northrop Memorial Auditorium School of Nursing, 2 p.m. Dec. 7 Willey Hall Auditorium