March Issue 2
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BRCWRT — Vol. XX, Issue 1, FEBRUARY 2013 Page 1 The Newsletter of the Bull Run Civil War Round Table — Vol. XX, Issue 2, MARCH 2013 NOTED HISTORIAN - AUTHOR MEMBERSHIP MEETING RALPH PETERS TO SPEAK ON THE "MYTHS OF GETTYSBURG AND BEYOND” THURSDAY, March 14, 2013 AT MARCH MEETING 7:00 P.M. Centreville Library By Mark Trbovich GUEST SPEAKER: RALPH PETERS Ralph Peters was born in Pottsville, Penn- sylvania and grew up in nearby Schuylkill Ha- TOPIC: ven, PA. He enlisted in the US Army in 1976, "MYTHS OF after attending Penn State University. Assigned to Germany, he attended Officers Candidate GETTYSBURG AND BEYOND” School and received a commission in 1980. Ralph is the author of the critically ac- claimed bestseller Cain at Gettysburg and a forthcoming novel on the Overland Campaign, Hell or Richmond (May 7, 2013). He is also the author of numerous books on strategic and mili- tary subjects, as well as of a series of prize- winning Civil War mysteries written under the pen-name Owen Parry. A former enlisted man and now retired of- ficer, he was the Army's lead strategic scout in the 1990s, investigating crises in the Caucasus, the Andean Ridge, Pakistan, Burma and the Bal- the most authentic and accurate novels yet pub- kans. As a journalist and researcher post- lished about our Civil War, and to interest a retirement, he covered conflicts in Israel, in Iraq broader section of the American public to learn and in sub-Saharan Africa. Ralph has contribut- more about our history. Ralph has studied the ed to a wide range of national newspapers and Battle of Gettysburg since childhood, when his journals, as well as to professional military publi- parents took him on annual pilgrimages to that cations, and served as Fox News' first Strategic hallowed ground. The combination of years of Analyst. walking those fields and painstaking research With a deep interest in the Civil War since brought us his book “Cain at Gettysburg.” childhood, Ralph always wanted to write about Ralph’s wife, Katherine McIntire Peters, is a Gettysburg and the war's climactic campaigns, reporter for Government Executive magazine. but felt he had to wait until he had fully honed his All members are encouraged to come skills as an author in order to pay full tribute to early to meet Ralph on March 14th at the Cop- the soldiers on both sides of the struggle whose per Canyon Grill (5815 Trinity Parkway in Cen- actions decided the fate of our nation. treville) at 5:00 p.m. for supper and great con- He is currently researching a novel which versation. Please come early to the library to will take his series of historical novels from the fellowship and get a good seat. Hope to see you Monocacy to Cedar Creek. His hope is to write then. BRCWRT — Vol. XX, Issue 2,1, MARCHFEBRUARY 2013 2013 Page 2 The President’s Column By Mark Trbovich Bull Run Civil War Round Table Members, March has indeed come in like a lion and I hope will go out like a lamb! Sure would like some warm Spring weather around here. Don’t despair, though, because another great lecture awaits you on March 14th as we welcome world- renowned author - Fox News' first Strategic Ana- lyst - historian Ralph Peters for his talk “Myths of Gettysburg and Beyond.” You don’t want to miss that date! January saw the start of the 2013 BRCWRT membership drive and March is the 2nd to last month to join with this drive. As al- ways, you will receive the BRCWRT through April but that will stop if you haven't renewed your membership. Don’t hesitate and join today. We need to continue to grow because Civil War preservation and education is so important in this region. The BRCWRT can’t operate without your yearly support. We truly appreciate your membership throughout the years and are grate- Historian Al Conner, the February Guest Speaker. ful to all those who have signed up this year. (Photo by Janet Greentree) I want to again thank Al Conner for the out- standing lecture on the “Union Army’s “Valley tions into two BRCWRT Executive Committee Forge” 1863: 93 Days That Saved America,” giv- positions starting in April. Dividing the two re- en at the February meeting. We heard about a sponsibilities as: Webmaster (taking control of great revival of military discipline and morale in information going on our website) and Audio/ the Federal Army after two previous years of bit- Visual (taking control of our monthly meeting au- ter defeats. We also learned about the hard- dio/visual speaker’s needs), I am asking for vol- ships suffered by the Army of the Potomac in the unteers to contact me or any other Executive winter of ‘62-63 in Stafford County. The lecture Committee member as soon as possible to fill was both informative and humorous, as Al paint- these positions. You will become a part of our ed a picture of a Civil War “Valley Forge” experi- Executive Committee, which is called out in our ence that began to turn the Federals around for by-laws and fulfills a critical role in this organiza- victories in 1863. Thank you, Al, for that won- tion. derful presentation and please come join us Also, if you know of someone who may not again. We hope to visit and tour your historic be a part of this organization but who could pos- sites in Stafford County in the near future. sibly volunteer, please let me know that ASAP. As I announced in February, Jim Meagher Again, a big thanks to Ken Jones for filling in for had to resign, due to illness, as our Webmaster Jim - we truly appreciate your efforts keeping and Audio/Visual lead for 2013. Our prayers go things running. On a very positive note, Nadine out for Jim for a complete recovery. Mironchuk, our new Newsletter editor, produced As President, I will divide these two posi- (con’t on page 4) BRCWRT — Vol. XX, XX, Issue Issue 2, MARCH 1, FEBRUARY 2013 2013 Page 3 BULL RUN CIVIL WAR ROUND TABLE UPCOMING MEETINGS Executive Committee March 2013: Ralph Peters, Historian - "Myths of President: Mark Trbovich, [email protected], Gettysburg - and Beyond" 703.361.1396 Past President: Nancy Anwyll, [email protected] April 11, 2013: Don Hakenson, Historian - “John Vice-President: Rob Orrison, [email protected], Mosby's Fairfax City Raid of March 1863, and 703.431.2869 Much More” Treasurer: Mark Knowles, 703.787.9811 Secretary: John Pearson, [email protected], May 9, 2013: Ed Bearss, Historian - “Gettysburg, 703.475.1943 Day 2 - July 2, 1863” BRCWRT 22nd Anniversary At Large: Charlie Balch, John De Pue, Brian McEnany Communications/Media: Jim Lewis, June 13, 2013: Mike Block, Historian - “Battle of [email protected] Brandy Station, VA - Largest Cavalry Battle on Membership: Rob Orrison, [email protected], American Soil - June 9, 1863” 703.431.2869 Preservation: John McAnaw, 703.978.3371 July 11, 2013: Matt Atkinson, National Park Ser- Sesquicentennial Fairfax: Ed Wenzel, [email protected] vice Ranger - “Battle Of Vicksburg, Miss. - July Sesquicentennial Prince William: Rob Orrison, [email protected] 1863” Field Trips: Kevin Anastas, [email protected] Webmaster: Ken Jones, [email protected] August 8, 2013: Angela Atkinson, Author and Newsletter Editor: Nadine Mironchuk, NPS Ranger "Battle of Chickamauga, TN - Sept. [email protected] 1863" Newsletter Team: Dale Maschino, Ed Wenzel, Ken Jones, Andy Kapfer, Janet Greentree, Jill Hilliard, Saundra Cox, Mark September 12, 2013: Ronald Nichols, Author and Whitenton and Eric Fowler Historian "Battle of Ft. Wagner, SC and the 54th The Bull Run Civil War Round Table publishes the Stone Wall. Massachusetts " General Membership meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. October 10, 2013: Bradley Gottfried, Author and on the second Thursday of each month at the Centreville Regional Library Historian "Battle of Bristoe Station, VA - Oct 14, 14200 St. Germain Drive 1863" Centreville, VA 20121-2255 703.830.2223 November 14, 2013: Gregory Mertz, Author and NPS Historian "Battle of Mine Run, VA - Nov. For specific meeting dates and information, please visit the Web site: 1863" December 12, 2013: Dr. Robert Neyland, Author NEWLETTER ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE and Historian "CSS Hunley - CW Submarine 1863/1864 " For the April 2013 issue, e-mail articles by 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 28, to Nadine Mironchuk at: In This Issue [email protected]. The President’s Column Page 2 NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENT Upcoming Meetings Page 3 SUBMISSION DEADLINE CW Blogs & Sites Page 4 For the April 2013 issue—advertisers please click on “Instructions for Advertisers” at New Members Page 4 and e-mail ads by noon, March 18 to Charlie Balch at [email protected]. Upcoming Events Page 5 Ms. Rebelle Page 6 Support the BRCWRT in its important mission to educate and commemorate the battles and events Summer Reading Page 7 of the Civil War - place your advertisement in the Stone Wall - Both Sides Tour Page 8 BRCWRT — Vol. XX, XX, Issue Issue 2, MARCH 1, FEBRUARY 2013 2013 Page 4 The President’s Column (con’t from Page 2) a wonderful February 2013 newsletter, and we are excited to have her onboard and working with us! The 2013 BRCWRT Lecture Series is set and they appear here in this issue in the lecture schedule box. Again - we established a sign-up list for our anticipated June 2013 trip to Gettysburg (to see how many are interested) and full details are forthcoming - can’t I can’t wait for June 22-23 to arrive.