Volume-5, Issue-7, July - 2016 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 IF : 3.62 | IC Value 70.36 Commerce Original Research Paper Biology Ethno-Medico Plants of Edible Oil Crop Fields of Selected Talukas in , North

Researcher, Biology Department, R.R. Mehta College of Science and Patel J.R C. L. Parikh College of Commerce, , North Gujarat. Supervisor, R.R. Mehta college of Science and C.L. Parikh College of Dabgar Y.B Commerce, Palanpur, North Gujarat.

ABSTRACT The present paper reveals information about some weed species which are grown in edible oil crops like Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.), Maize (Zea mays L.), Ground nut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. field in three talukas viz, Deesa, Palanpur, Dantiwada have been investigated. The weeds are harmful for the main crops and hence are unwanted for farmers. For ethano-medicinal information, regular field trips in tribal and local area and to collect information for curing different diseases through plant in selected talukas of Banaskantha district of North Gujarat. The claims are on remedies for common cough and cold, fever, cuts and wounds, burns, asthma, jaundice, diabetes, piles, snakebites, kidney stones, burns etc. Some crop land weeds are used as mosquito repellent, insect repellent and also in snake bites. The paper carried to evaluate weed diversity and uses of different parts of weed plant species in curing various diseases of the people described in the present paper. KEYWORDS : Ethno-medico plants , Weeds, Banaskantha.

Introduction Table 1 : Species wise uses of weeds from selected talu- Banaskantha district is located in the North west side of Gujarat state. ka of Banaskantha district, North Gujarat. 0 0 0 It is situated between 23 33’ to 24 45’ north latitude and 72 15’ to Scientific Local Parts 73087’ east longitude. has ancient history of use of plants in the Sr.no name/Family name used Uses indigenous system of medicine viz; Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha (Pa- The curry is prepared reek, 1998). There are estimated to be around 15,000 species of me- from crushed seeds dicinal plants in India. Plants have been main source of food, medi- and taken orally for two days to cure cough and cine and other necessities of life since ages. Tribal people of the world asthma. even today depend on all their medicinal and other needs of life on Achyranthes Leaves, The seeds crushed with the surrounding flora. Weeds are naturally grown plants, have signif- 1. aspera L. Ama- Angedi stem rice water are given to icant value in ethno-medicine. Indian farming areas hold rich collec- and cure bleeding piles. ranthaceae seed The fresh twig (stem) tion of traditionally growing crop cultivars. There are about 250 plant is used as toothbrush, species growing as weeds. The weeds are valuable and generally used to relieve pain in tooth. as a fodder, dyes, manures, fuel and materials for preparing ropes and The toothbrush also gives patience retentive carpets, bhaji, vegetables and herbal medicines by local people and memory. tribal in the Banaskantha district. Decoction of leaves is Acalypha Vinchi given for relieving the Materials and methods 2. indica L. Eu- kanto Leaves pain after snake-bite. The study was carried out in the various farms of selected edible oil phorbiaceae Leaves are taken orally crops like Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.), Maize (Zea mays L.), for fever in children. Ground nut (Arachis hypogaea L.), and Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) field of Deesa, Palanpur, Dantiwada talukas of Banaskan- The extract of the root tha district. During the regular field trips, recording of ethno-medico Amaranthus is mixed with rice water. 3. lividus L. Ama- Tandaljo Root This water is given to data were made by taking interviews with Bhagats and Vaidyas. Sen- ranthaceae nursing mother to in- iors and elder persons were also interviewed for getting knowledge. crease milk production. These consist of information which has been traditionally passed on from one generation to the next generation in the tribal communities. Identification was done by referring references Cooke (1901-1908), Amaranthus Kan- Dried root powder with Santapau (1953) and Shah (1978). Local names were collected from 4. spinosus L. talotheb- Root water (paste) is used to local inhabitants’ and checked for their genuine but these names Amaranthaceae do cure eczema should be taken in local relevance. In present work the information regarding ethno-medico values of weed species, growing in Cotton, Maize, Ground nut, and Mustard field areas were collected from the Latex with water is local people and were confirmed by marking frequent quires. Utility Argemone given orally in cough 5. mexicana L. Darudi Root, Root juice is given of important weeds and their parts as an account of ethnomedicinal Papaveraceae latex orally twice a day for a uses are given in the table 1. Names of plants are arranged alphabeti- week in piles. cally for enumeration. Decoction of leaves is Results Boerhavia given in urine trouble; A total of 25 plant species belonging to 22 genera and 15 families are 6. diffusa L. Nyc- Shatodi Leaves leaves juice extract is identified as ethno-medicinal plants which may be used by local peo- taginaceae applied externally on oedema and boils. ple. Of which 21 species and 4 species belonging to dicotyledonae Decoction of leaves is and monocotyledonae respectively. Amaranthaceae and Asteraceae given during tecting were the most dominant family which is used by local communities Leaves 7. Cassia tora L. Puvadio and troubles of children. to cure various diseases. Mostly herb species were used as various Caesalpiniacae Seed Paste of seeds is given purposes like viz. Cough, fever, jaundice, asthma, wounds and skin orally to remove ring worm. diseases etc. by local people.

GJRA - GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS X 186 IF : 3.62 | IC Value 70.36 Volume-5, Issue-7, July - 2016 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 The decoction of tender The root piece kept leaves along with under cushion pillow of buttermilk is given to the pregnanat female Celosia argen- cure urinary bladder to start labour pain to 8. tea L. Amaran- Lampdi Leaves, complaints. remove placenta during thaceae pampdi Seed The seeds are eaten delivery. Immediately early morning for few Pupalia lap- Root after birth of a child days, as they are tonic 20. pacea (L.) Juss. Dholo and or as soon as placenta and aphrodisiac. Amaranthaceae zipto leaves removed, the root The fresh leaves and should be removed branches are used in immediately. preparation of vegeta- 5-10 leaves crushed Chenopodiun Leaves, bles and bhaji. and then this mixure is 9. album L. Che- Chil Young The juice of the plant is administered internally nopodiaceae branch mixed with goat’s milk to treat injury due to and given to cure piles. thorn. To improve sexual po- Leaves are eaten early Sida cordifolia Leaves, tentiality, 5 gm powder morning for to relieve 21. L. Mahabala root of the entire dried plant urinary problems. Malvaceae is taken orally with milk Commelina Leaf decoction used once a day. 10. nudiflora L. Nanu Leaves in profuse bleeding 10 gm dried fruit Commelinace- sismuliu during menstruation. powder is taken orally ae Aerial parts are also with water twice a day used as fodder for to cure urinary diseases cattle. specially Haematuria. Infusion of roots is Tribulus The powder is also Cynodon dac- given orally and also 22. terrestris L. Zy- Bethu Whole effective for promotion 11. tylon (L) Pers. Dharo Root applied externally to gophyllaceae gokharu plant of urination and as a Poaceae stop bleeding from nerve tonic. piles. The powdered root and dried fruit are used in Paste of the roots is preparation of tonic applied on breasts to and given with milk to increase lactation. cure weakness. Cyperus ceph- Roots along with 12. alotes Vahl. Bhada Root turmeric and curd are Cyperaceae made into a paste and Tamarindus Khati The leaf juice is use are applied on face for 23. indica L. ambli Leaves for Diarrhoea and pimples and beautifi- Mimosaceae vomiting. cation. Plant is used as fodder. Decoction of whole The root tubers are Vernonia plant is applied against called ‘moth’. The moth 24. cineraria L. Shahdevi Whole spasm of the bladder. Cyperus Root is used as perfume in Asteraceae plant Flower juice is given 13. rotundus L. Chiyo tubers preparation of hair oil. against conjunctivitis. Cyperaceae The powdered moth is given to cure colic complaints and also to The leaf juice is intro- remove kidney stone. duced in ear to relieve Extract of fresh leaves earache. is given orally as hair The water boiled leaves Eclipta prostra- Xanthium or warmed leaves are 14. ta (L.) L. Mant. Bhangaro Fresh tonic. 25. strumariun L. Gadariu Leaves leaves Juice of leaves is Asteraceae placed and band- Asteraceae applied externally on aged on abdomen to burns. cure the problem of urination. Eclipta alba 15. (L). Hassk. Bhrungraj Leaves Extract of leaves is used Asteraceae for wounds and cuts. Latex is applied exter- Euphorbia nally against warts. 16. hirta L. Euphor- Dudheli Latex Aerial parts are also biaceae used as fodder for cattle.

The seed oil is applied externally on affected Moschosma part of leucoderma and 17. polystachyum Avchi- Seed 4-5 drops are taken (L.) Bth. bavchi orally regularly once in Lamiaceae a day.

The decoction of root is given to cure Jaundice. The paste of fresh Phyllanthus Leaves leaves or root is applied fraternus and on boils and inflam- 18. Webster. Eu- Bhoi amli root mation. The paste of phorbiaceae fresh leaves is applied on mammary glands swellings.

Leaves are boiled CONCLUSION: with water for 5-10 minutes, then such In the present paper ethno-medicinal information of 22 genera of 15 Phyla nodiflora warmed leaves spread families of angiosperms growing as weed species in Cotton (Gossyp- Rath Whole over affected areas on ium herbaceum L.), Maize (Zea mays L.), Ground nut (Arachis hy- 19. (L.) Greene. velyu plant the face. Repeat two Verbenaceae or three times a day pogaea L.), and Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) field of Deesa, to cure infection and Palanpur, Dantiwada talukas of Banaskantha district. Tribal and rural inflammation due to People of this region use weed as a ethno-medicinal plants for treat- acne. ments of different diseases in spite of modernization in the area. They GJRA - GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS X 187 Volume-5, Issue-7, July - 2016 • ISSN No 2277 - 8160 IF : 3.62 | IC Value 70.36 use against the treatments of diseases like asthma, jaundice, Diar- rhoea, cough and others. some weeds were used as repellent against mosquito and insects while some weeds were used for snake bite treatment.

REFERENCES 1. Cooke, T. (1901-1908). Flora of the Presidency of Bombay. I, II & III. London. Botanical Survey of India, reprinted 1958, vol.I – III, Calcutta. 2. Pareek, S. K. (1998). Medicinal plants in India: Present status and future prospects. Prospects of 3. medicinal plants Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, . pp. 5-14. 4. Santapau, H. (1953). The flora of Khandala in Western Ghats of India. Rec. Bot. Surv. India. Government of India, Delhi. 5. Shah, G. L. (1978) Flora of Gujarat state Vol. I-II, University press. Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat.