Land and Identity in Zimbabwean Fiction Writings in English from 2000-2010
LAND AND IDENTITY IN ZIMBABWEAN FICTION WRITINGS IN ENGLISH FROM 2000 TO 2010: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS RUBY MAGOSVONGWE Town Cape Thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the School of Languages and Literature, Departmentof of African Languages and Literatures Faculty of Humanities University of Cape Town November 2013 University Supervisor: Professor Abner Nyamende, School of Languages and Literature, Department of African Languages and Literatures Co-Supervisor: Professor Zifikile Makwavarara, Department of African Languages and Literature/Post-Graduate Centre, University of Zimbabwe 1 The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derived from it is to be published without full acknowledgementTown of the source. The thesis is to be used for private study or non- commercial research purposes only. Cape Published by the University ofof Cape Town (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. University Respectvie geographical settings of fictional narratives and site visits Field visits made across Zimbabwe include the following places: Chipinge, Town and Southdown Estates: August 2010 Mutare, Mutare Central, Mutare South and peri-urban, Penhalonga Marondera, Chihota Communal Lands Harare, Mbare, Chitingwiza, Harare North/Charlotte Brooke and Harare South Bindura Gweru Bulawayo Matabeland North, Hwange, Victoria Falls 2 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Preamble Zimbabwean history has shown that land ownership and cultural identities are intertwined. Apart from it being the nexus of existence, land among the indigenous ethnic groupings, is viewed as an essential key to people’s sense of belonging and self- knowledge. Lineages trace lands previously traversed and settled upon, including forebears’ feats and foibles, which records are passed down through totemic recitations, rituals and land traditions that remind families, communities and individuals about their anchoring, bundle of duties, responsibilities and privileges within the geographical spaces that they occupy.
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