Incendiary Dialogues For more copies of this pamphlet, email:
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[email protected] (Italia) Incendiary Dialogues Incendiary Dialogues { For the Propagation } of Anarchic Sedition Alfredo Cospito, Gustavo Rodriguez Gabriel Pombo da Silva Incendiary Dialogues INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Incendiary Dialogues PRESENTATION With "Incendiary Dialogues: for the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition", we resume the editorial work of the Black International Editions project, a project of anarchic diffusion based on the free association of wills and individualities in a war where we make anarchy a practice of daily confrontation against Power and against every Authority. And we understand the need to propagate our reflections from practical experience of permanent conflict, directing our steps towards the impulsive sedition of the new anarchic insurrection. This work is taken on today by comrades from different latitudes, some who were participants of the original project and others who, in line with the founding initiative, have taken part in its continuity and update, being involved with the implementation and circulation of ideas and proposals that motivate and contribute to actions of the informal anarchic tendency. We are thus tackling a task that is still unfinished: "the elaboration of a new seditious paradigm which, while maintaining certain notes of fundamental theoretical principles, is capable of producing changes to critical methodological and organisational issues that will allow the reappearance of Anarchy in the processes of subversion of our time", to say it in the words of comrade Gustavo Rodriguez.