VOL XVII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 16,1909 NO. ti Ole Invite Sour Mention mi

Tui'Ii Itlll'^iai-K, I'uisiu-d Onr Shot Xt'i'iili iil tu Moi l i*- KIIIVISIIII Vest id.iy l,iivv< 11 < aaniiii: factory aa>.\ Willi Mel hiHlist (.'hnrch Hoard Asks ll«-v. When Johnnie Soes J//arching Hiiiisolf Dead. (Xlit-r in Jail while Driving I'alla^' I'IMUI A liplch and Toainlors H ready"s Keiurn. From tlio,Grmiil Hapids lli-ruld Mortie Itowlson. a.uvd ;MMIII Kesolntioiis ad(jpted by the to our Htatnnont as shown l-'reepoi't, Midi.. Si'pl. 1:| — The ['.alias eanninready, anil caivfnl Ircatmcnt. \VI»HO. ill I r.-isl iiiii'S, ;i iTcsl PI 1 ; 1 j j 1 T ;i sprine in the same factory; and mavffo marching back ayain. School needs" are well mills bill was stopped b\ the we contemplate with sorrow nnd Hi-It your laiHtni'SH. loil^ chasi' l»y t hi- possi-. '.Mr. l-'allas t Iins employs a lar^e looked after in our store and every item may be switchinir of iVei^lii enrs. In 1 reoTet the possibility of his re- Two si oi'cs and I wo ivsidi'ii'Ts force of people durinira liireepor- tiirnhej; aroimd. probal»iy !m moval to another Held of labor absolutely depended upon. won.* I'lir^larizi'd liy llii'bovs and 1 ii m 1 »f t he year. short a turn, liowlson and hi- and Iind ourselves ns farreinoved they had sot 0111 in niassai-i-i1 lln- The tine machinery ami me. load were thrown olT. nil'' or from n desire to pnrt with him Indians ri'sidiiiLi' in l In- vii-inity < )|" i ehanical lent tires of t he fiictory, Sccond Jfand floo/cs, ?/cw fiooks. nmre ol" t he hen vy barri'Is faliiiiL: and his iis we were one year neo; (Innn lake. many of w hi' h iire of the owner's npi m t he inift)rt ininte lad's Im >•!. . Tin:iM;roiM:, I'esolved that we These are I lie resnllsol' reading:' individual device, nreworkine" to The City State Bank inllictinii," iniernal injuries. respectfully but enrneslly jieti- Tjab/ots, !Poncils, States, dime novi-ls and a roni|iael madf perfeci ion. Hi iw Isi m was carrieil into i he tion the Pdshop iind District Michigan i)y I he lads In ••inula Ii-1 In- hi-roi'S • >ne fent nre of 1 lie business i> Lowell, ne.'ir-by Willinms honsi- and d' ••• Superinteiident for the ret nrn of • - whatever is wanted uv h.v • , uul nistoni ol tiie "yi-llow liaeks." Their 1 he mniinlact nre of calsup. w hich tors hurried to his nid. Yo!"!'- P.rother I'.ieady to this chiiret- parlicnlar liero was Tracy. lln- is done from nmterial th.-it wns crs may rely on our g'ivin^ the low. -d price if even da\ afternoon 'n was t'enred ' hat lor his fifth year, that lieiii^ n Oreu-on handil. wlio creaii'd ;i fiirmerly wasted the smallest child comes to imv. his injuries would prove fatal: linie.honored term in rei^'ii of lei-ror in 1 In- inirl hwi-sl The canninu' factory people nre but reports this (Thnrsd.iy) for successful nnd wi o\ ed several years a.^o, and it is he- ii e'ood nalnred and cheerful lot r pn s I o rs. £ct Johnnie Como ftfarchuu, D()l„n Jfen lioved lo IM- more than a mi'IV win> seem 11» eiijiiy their w(irk: The team left In itsi'lf rati ill in siippt»rt of thi I Watches PARKER PENS ••(Miieidencc I hat .lohnnii' Wash- nnd towiismeii Lienerally we W'th Jf.j Xnt l he depot. .1 few rods away and reaflirm .-ill that wns snid in the bnrn endi'd ids lifeal'lcf the man- nppreciate the fnct that Hdwin slopped. This is t lie s;inie ti-nni I' e S () i u I io IIS of o II I Irom Si .50 up j ner of Trai-y, when In' saw i-ap- 1 alias is n 00011 man for Low- he will be treated rijrht. !•& r LL because they EXCiEL! tha 1 last week made a dash up ile'i). w hen we askeiI f()r th * K' v 'Aui! t lire was i-erlain. fi iiirth r and Uiver -live! after Driver Iniivi year, which kindly eranted. Tilis Iraucdy marked thf rlose Come in ami let us explain tli J soil had fallen off the The powerful areunients which of a most eventfiil dav for tin' CONGREGATIONAL ward sloppitiL!' of its ownaeeoid. woiiourcnuse from tin- P.isliop ]>riiici])les of the Lucky Curve ^ Washburn lads. Sunday. Se|itenil).>r IMorn- o£oo/c s *Driig one/ ffiook Store In lieitlier ense does the lentil and Siipei'iiilendenl at th;it time | Clocks 'i'he I wo boys diirin^ 1 he ni^ht iim* snbiect. Mnsnarimrnnesiion> and Self Filler Pens. Price SI.50 3 SIM •ill to have been at nre not only in full force and liad biir^iari/.i'd .Moore A; Shi'i»- Thiit Did Not Kusnare. or Sonic jCowcU or j(tto to SO. 00. ;? effect now bin havepiinedadded £ from SI .00 uj» ard's hardwari' store. ^i'l-nriiiLi Puz/Jine' ' Inesi ions Answered, stven«|th. < Mir love for I he Pns t wo shot ^uns. l wo rilles and a j IIee;tnline" loynlty to one's conn- tor hiis increased and we fed our 1 two bnsiiel sark of cartridLii's. try and to . Why there will need of his furl her services more They also eiilcicd 1. !•]. Moore's not lie marriaee in the future deeply llinn ever before. I niler grocery store, where theystocked -tiiie.' nnd the lawyer's (piestion § We make a specialty of fit- 3 Mr!Imili^l Ili'Mllicrlnind llaii ;i <;.i.. | his leadership our diurdi h;is ii[) on some shoes. At Michael of the mosi ini]i()rlanl law".' Timr l.asl riniisil.n llvfuini;. been erently ble-scd iiolh inn. Rouses residence they secured 11 ere i> materinl I h.-it will interest g ting glasses properly. | t wo revolvers. The Methodist iirolherhoDil you no niiitter whiit yon believe. terially nnd spiritually. The To^ Piano Buyers story o'" the inij'r iveinenl of the The 1 hell was reported to 1 he last Thursday eNi-ninu" sui'i.Ted'd Ninm c 1 i 1 s> fiir men, •'Tii Whiit church property is fninilinrtoall. - sheriff at Hastings and hepnty in pnllini:• off n pleasant and Ivxten! Sin mid iiu Individual be Oui line fif Pianos includt's th- !<'!l(iu'inn well We need but to mention the Sherifl" Manni came to the scene. prolilable I'N cut without hin- I 'out rolled by t he ' 'pinions o known makes of hij^h yfrade instrumenl-. iInzcltnn, liiindsoine. eommodioiis n nd | Oliver, Jeweler, Optician. | While efloris were beiii^ made to dratice by .1 npilei rinvins. 1 Ii- < )t liers? comfortable parsonage. the r. C. Weaver, II. P. Nelson, l-'arrand, etc., ami can •ret some tangible clew on which 1 ieiiiLL' a boll' tile liisl iiine l!;- Lveiiine- "• Tile Senses (i! the pa hit inii' and deci ifiit iii^1 i if t lie furnish many other grood makes at less prices than the to work, I. M. Moore heard shoot- old fellow has refrained irotn Son!" The live senses and their clmreli inside and out. ihe new city dealers ask. mmmmmmmmimmmmiiumimiK ing in the woods near low 11 and opening u;» the Hood uaIcs on exercise in reference to t he soul miTmed lloor, Hie conifoi went to investigate. lie dis- such occnsions. nnd its eternnl welfare. able news and [mlpit fiirniiun the The P. C. Weaver Piano covered the two boys practieiiiLL" Alaccabee imll wns well lilled by 1 he bret hren and t heir Indies, METHODIST CHURCH. bejiittiful nrt window nin the wit!. t heir various tin but is spoken of by the highest auth- ritic a- lieimr a when Acline" President I'• ready ernnd pipe orenn. they grabbed t •tr eii \ex 1 Siindnx is the linnl Sim. P.ut inlinitelygreater nnd bel- truly artistic piano and our prices for this tine instni and ran. Moon pursued them called lhe assemblau'e to order. diiy of the 1 'oiiferenee year, and ter t han these nniteriill beudits meat are cheaper than other dealers an sclline- pianos of lor a distance, but becomhiir Prof. I". .1. Martin, Dr. W. <». t he liist SimdiiN of I he present 8 ^ Report. . , J have been the spiritual tip-build, interior ijiiality. We invite inspection and v'oniparisrin. winded, returned to town and Merrill and .1. A. Mat tern were pastor"- work in Lowell. The ine' of this dinrch throu

Usually a Short Time, Mrs. I re.I ItnKer (nee I'avlH) fur- Mrs, C. Kampkln planned n eom- Sublimity. The Shifting Fashions. Corel I of lonla. and Cilen KniHt o CASCADE VILLAGE. Mrs. William Ffn -eeof ."alloy has The Ladles Aid society will meet "The honeynioon." says the Phlloso' As for (ho sublime, It is, even "In nnclcnt times ihey used to slit Saranac. Mr. ami Mrs. .lobu ICrnnt merly tif LIIHI I'urls WIIH the gut'Mt nf plele surprise last Saturday In hunur been a guest of lur brother, K. D. with Mrs. o. J. odell September 'Jit phrr of Fully, "may be dollned as that Miss Mice Mack of (Jrand Kaplds mmuiK the grcalesi geniuses, only the noses and crop pais." "Ami yet some Woman s Power leave'i nesday for MuskegDii tn visit her iniUlier. Mrs. Aloii/'i hiivls last t»f her son Lee's birthday. Winner and family lor a few weeks, Instead of September 10. brief period in a man's life during is leacidng the Sliuman sidiool, mak- f most elevated that can reach it.—La pooiile think this yonCs styles are ex- OUR COUNTRY the former's nlsler. Mrs. Charles Tiiendav wllh her bran new luiby. Mr. W. accompanied her to her bouit 1 !,v which he thinks it's a good joke when Mrs. Fmma Read spent Sunday treme."—KJAUB;' - '' 'onrnal. Miss lOtlllb Davis antl frlt-iitl iniHi Niiilil On liiiid noontiiin, ing her hume with Mr. and Mrs. Bruyore. he comes home and finds his wife Over Man Marnee. for a ahort visit. » . im. •j Sall.v Ann LaiierMiri wbti ims | turliired by astbina, bent on curing | Watterson last weel Monday with Miss Kate White of ! The new steamboat lianionlc is for Ihe (Jonmy of Kent. no one in the wide world can know the heart ajtony asked ihe anal. S been vlslllilg irleinlH In (Jraml Kap- stay In the city, keeping house fur ; not only the largest ami swiftest In the Mailer of the Estate of Frederick •be endures. The woman who from weak- tf.The roa-ls In this vlelnll.y ni'f re- lilm with Dr. King's New Dlscuvery Clyde Wattersun ,1 family of j (irand Uaplds as teadier. "1 have been down to the fails play- J. Veiler deceased. McCORDS CULLINCS. her parents tin ring their western trip. I ship of her class but Is a most hand- ness and deran^einent of her special womanly or- eelvlngn miich needetl Imprnveineut. hls anil vlelnlty has rt'I ni'lied home. that bail cured himself uf Asthma. Mc("ortls were guests 01 his parents (iodfrey Kropf and Miss Kva Wig- ing with the eddies." replied the pivtty some vesselln her outsideappearanc i Nolice Is hereby triven thiit four months Tbls wuiiderful medicine suun re- MesHrs. .1. S. Hooker, ('has. Mc- WHIT N10 Y V1L/L1C from the 20th day of August A. D.. I'JOlt, huvo ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of Vltdtora at Frank Clark'* Sumlay ,, Mrs. .lessle Kilmer enlttrtalned Mr. and Mrs. W .1 \'> attersou Sep- VERGENNES STATION. gins spent .Sunday with the former's girl with wet lingers. The old lady and Interior decorations, the scheme iN'en allowetl for creditors to present their • man. Her (tenend health suflers and she loses 11. 1 (iodfrey wants in show vou , ,„i . • ,• , > « i . v-. llevt'd and tpileklyciiretl hisnelghbur. ( arty and Marks Ruben uf Lowell Fuum riiicajro, Drlroii and (Iiaml rouic iv|n»rts nf claims against- said deceased to saltl court were Mr. antl Mr*. Frank Vamh-rntolp • ' j frlenuH from (irand Kaplds lust Sun- Knter It ciirftl his sun's wife uf a tember 12 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thomas and P. sister, Mrs. Charles llrown of Alto. was horrified. of ornamalion being lieautlful be- her |(ood looks, her attractiveness, her amiability a nice Mm Tbe Vfrm-niR's ( Alton) jtuHt oilice for examination ami adjustment, and thutali anil HOU Frank ami Mr. aud Mrs, of surreys, buggies and day. seveiv Iting truiiblf. Mllliuiis belleM* attended the ,1. H. Wltbey funeral. cluircli trials or tlimits of dismissal nf ji.isior,-. fur allep'(ic lifury Keecb Is gettlujj belter. eember A I).. I'-H) .!. and thulsaitl claims will lit* Wm. I'attereou ami daughter 'inlcU: Mr. hrugglst- -w- lieard by said court on Mtmtiay the 'JOth day specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu> ZKMO, a M it an I if pr- paratiou forex- and SbC". Trial buttle free. 'Juar- ing parties ou either side. Tui: i i: WDiild sniind DIM- wamiiiii . vleorge I-'ront »IF Siu.\riei WHB In Sears spent last Friday with their 1 In)\ uf I'• neklea"s A rnhaSnlve- I .eif"H of lOast 1'arls who suffered a serious •for the governi'.-nt. of tin.' w ila- j IT. 7000:speed I'l /, miles per hour: pas- of Ilecen.ber A. I)., I'JOil, at ten o'clock In the lales, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will Mat lie vlnlted Sumlay with Mr. nml ttrnai u:-f, ; I ops in l.ia^ in-tantly and nnteed by D. second class. She will make Hairy 1). Jewell, eases. Fezt iiia . ti. I.ouk. Wednesday. Those who were pres- Mrs. Slyvester Seeley at Lewlsvllle leviler un earth. Sold by h. ti. Luuk. K. K. Harris, ("aseade hlubwa\ ('orn furnish information as to fares, The undersigned has Dayette Lewln IH member of Henry trip In I . .1. ' tiok's auto. He came all ve who enter her('"--w!is 10 ilic nnforhniatt^ of its ^nie. bouse lor .lobn Aiitlrews In Mrs. cummlssluiier Is tlrawlng plank ami ent were Mrs. Kellogg. Mrs. (). U. Sunday. New Oats :;i schedules, etc.. or W. S. Cookson, out from the city for them. WHAT is wmv ICdltl! I'aves alisence. i; •_> opened a Livery and Feed FatterHou'H family. WEST LOWELL Substitute •'frmlom of llinuulu" nu-••linpr. ' .-md you Imve tin- I'ountaln, Mrs. Mary Fuller aud Mr. antl Mrs. S. S. Velter were at Kye Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent, LOWELL CENTER. timbers lu repair Ihe Iron bridge 11 Mrs. William llerrlngton ami tbree M, It. Thomas ami wife were mien I H Misses Neva Kuttrlck antl Kleanor Buckwheat !.!.... 70 (irand Trunk Kalhvay System, l"..") Stable in the Albert tlrei'iinmn of Orangf was (inr sehotd ciimmenced Mtmilay '"ascatle village. ideathat heresy hunters fnrco unon ilic minr money M i. to imitate the "liern" onthiws nf (lime , j l;:, r;iiuiv. The dircrl day. Philip Hartley Sunday. familiarize yourself with the business. Thnshlni; Is nearly (•iim|il"tiil In W !•'. Rule atlemletl the State fair of ('anntiiisburg are visiting tbelr Timothy - (MT-J (HI Pi-ri: MARQIJETTC respectfully solicited. Mrn, Clarence PatterHou vl«lleil her Mltbll. vllle acfotupanled her. it Is made chlell\ ul t a' il.pta- inlluence of "blood-ami thuudcr ' r- , iiii: inuilri- not oiil\ Mr. (ieo. I 'eel Is III. Mr. and Mrs. i barles Winks were 1,11 ehildren, Edna nnd Seymour, uf 1 bis nelghburhood. , a I Detroit last week. daughter ami family, Mrs. D.i Imrcb. ("lover seed per bu HOU Wlllnrd aud family la^t Wednes- Mrs. A ' \uble has had a new and eii.aiypt i 1 taken fr-'iu the eii- Mrs. \\ .1. Kennedy accompanied j the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Beef live per cwl "J r»0—I .'id Seeley Corners were guests uf Mr. Mr. and Mrs. I "rank Wit ley visited calyptuH foresLH of Inland Australia I'hargiMl but admitted. The <1 ory or ii- lessnu is uni new. i'lums- Miss Keno Van Loten of Stanton ON I Wc inoito t/nspoction day. woodsb.-d and • Istern built recently. her mother Mrs. Tower to Urand ; Charley Transoau, at Chirks vllle Mon- Beef dressed (1 (10—7 nu DIRT CARR, antl Mrs. Arthur Hreen Sunday. (10 Willi A Hush their mother. Mrs. .1 11 Wit hey. j The medical jir o-'.sslun kimws that ands of other towns ha ve inonriii tl ; mi r :'•:;!< ! ;iv I'ri cpnrt -ines vlslletl her aunt, Mrs. U. 15. Davie The lad lew t»f the M. 11. society Will Wood did the work. Kaplds where she will remain for a I day. It being her idrthday a post Veal dressed s—s'., Renieniber tbe Sunday schuul pic- The domaml fur that wunderfitl uv.-r Snndny. |eucaIypt.iH Ih an all- ilulel.v certain t ur Sheep live •'! <»«-» Patrons can bring in skim milk from their will meet at their hall Wednesday" atomach. liver ami kltlney cure. Dr. \li are pleased tu know that Mrs. germ tlest r 1 .'id vit; ! he acll vt- today. How about Lowell? Shnll w-. i.t a lew paltry dimes, last week. few days visit. i ' ^ shower was given In her honor. nic lu Arthur tireeu's gruve. Satur- Mr. and Mrs. IK A. Deiilsun and - Miss Kesle Murphy returned home ' Mrs. Nina Hartley and daughter Lambs live t 00-IJ ("• Sunday Sept. 19, '09 September l'l'for tllnner. A line pro- Kliig"s New Life Kills Is aslunmllng .lohn < hattenloti is su far Impruved principle- i. • a b.ise continue to invite a like exiM-riemMen and iinihriMi. city Calves live (10 0—.'IO separators and see if their machines are doing day, September is ilaughter Marlon of tiraml Kapld- Hyumel .de : - •. ent pie.-is- Winnie spent Tuesday and Wednes- Dr. J. P. Draper, Y. S. gram liaH been prepared Including D. ti. Luuk says he never saw the In health aslu ride tuthe hume of her last Saturday night from (irand Mr. and Mrs Seward Otian aud ant nnd i|!!l . a • 1', t ;.•• addition fathers, relleet nn these thillLls day with relatives and friends at Pork live -7 "O [like. I t"s btiause they never fall Iu spent a few tlays with relatives ai d | BOWNE CENTER. TO clean and satisfactory work. No charges made. memorial exercises. ilaughter. M rs. Stephen t .ale recent!\ . : uf Thy III' . an a a; -• -i i Kaphls. Lowell. Pork dressed 0 *'0 family visited Mr. and Mrs. .I'inies cure sunr stumaeh, cunsilpatlun. In- I attended tbe funernl '.l tlulr nn-U • and dlseii- Treats ull diseases Mrs. Fred I'attlson was In the Mrs. David Watsou of Rockford fectant ! a r^eiy ,• tl In the Lis. Those tin tbe sick list are Mrs. Lucius 1'ackartl of Norrldgewolk, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark spent fowls live 10 (Jreen at Seeley Corners Sunday. tllgesllun, blliutisnesH, jaiimllce. sick i .lohn ll. Wit hey. I'nN 11 \e and I'lint aiviby trn-iiory. I Vnin iIm forme!'• nine Fowls dressed 11 — I'- heatlachf. chills and malaria. ()nl was a ii ties t of Mr.- \. ' A uble over terlan Sys'.-m. d and other Mike MeAndrews, Mrs. Charles Maine, Is visiting his aunt Mrs. Kou- last Thursday evening with Mr. and of Horses and other Valley City ThurHday, ll Ides *-!» ("arl Love uf Mishawaka. Ind., '.•."if. Suhl by D. 1 i. Look. , Impurtam iaed. enlH are also rej)orts ol the arrest uf men whn ii" in hi lrnit mi^: i'ei;irn imme • Meason. Mrs. (iordon Frost, Mrs* Mrs. (ieorjre Lewis. £?5 Doniestic anlimds. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sin- ; Sumlay. lard and family. Wool ill BAY CITY came Monday to visit several days How to Pd'/ Your (iroccrv lilll j Includetl In 'In Hy net funiula, Ara Weeks, Mrs. Charles It. I'rauclsco. clair, September 10, a daughter. Koy t ia.le is attending I nlon high which, wittitmi drunk. The etilprits are fat in:: hnn ••-nf. .u •. .-• i-ii, :i!enr.-«.. The \ugnstus Tyler an old resident of Calls promptly ut- 7//ichigan 71/ilk 6c S'ood wit,h his uncle. William Mullen ami SEELEY CORNERS, \ t.n can enslly If you will. - the great Quilting bee at Mrs. D. A. Church's Keeping the Dollar at Work. l'a\ all your grocery bill. school In heavy tines. Tlu^seeases—like thnsr m I m' t il ttuiheedgenf dry Train will leave Lowell N Uht. Tbe answer Is. ' I'.y making your Hyumel Is a ; . werf ul, pi net rathiir 1'arl .lakeway of Amble spent sowing of advertising seed ami the Report nf the Condition cla'.r. September 1". a T'-j puuml girl. , her son (Jlennaml family September Martin .1. Downs of (irand Kaplds, ^Products Co, ZKMO stopsitclunginstnntly and will HOW 70 CURE SKIN DISEASES. i bens lay." antlseptle that - ple.'IS.iat It. IlH^ reaping of the sales harvest is often at 8:05 a, in. Return- 1; In Valley city. 1 territory—dt) not prove Itteal NJILITIU N I.IIIM: !MII I|uile ihe mn- Saturday idirtit 'ind Sunday with • cure any case of Damli" .''' or itching A nnniiier i'mhu here at temled 1 lit- It does not c utaln a particle of dramatic read t. will give an Inter- 1 —of the— Office at Residence, Joflea h^ute The germs that cause skin diseasos \ml it. henr then cackle louder. ! .. , , ., a • an anxious time for the merchant scalf ZEMO destroy? tbe dandrulf 1 ' Cocaine. upKim trary. it does shnw that eomiileie \ieiniy •, : ! ntii be ours uniil his parents, Mr and Mrs. Asa .lake- pretlve recital under the auspices of . iug, leave Bay City at (• must be drawn to the .surface of theskiu tiuarierly meetiim' nt Whltm-yvllle 1 se 1 larvell's ' ondltloti I'uwtlers. irtls Kr.-- .tt Is at .liflersun >r anv baliit-furmlug whns(i ( ai)ital is |itiij(riI necoad north of old Lowell Hotel. germ vr:d prevents falling hair. It will ur Iti.i'ar .as '!r ._ Lowell State Bank and destroyed. last Mtimi iy. tbe Inst time the dis- The best egg producer on the mar- Karracks St. Kouls. Missouri, hav- the wlmlestate and nation art v.^n: a d wlmt wi-t-nlisted way. the Ladies Aid society of Lowne( en- To the s|nan (11,|ck p. in. Phone—144 give the hair a rich glossy foloi'tmdleave No dosing tie- -loma It w hen you ZEMO,a clean liquid for external use, trict siii't'ilnlendent. 'i. D. ("base, ket A si indarti fur uver seventy Mrs. Mchols of Indiana Is visiting ter Methodist church !• rhlay evening, returns are of evt-n greater impor- At Lowell, Michigan, at the close of Ath e scalp clean antl healthy. ing j il tied t he tvmilar army. I use Hyomel .Inst : e It lu lor—a light to the (inish. will do this and will perneni'-ntly curt; j years. Nu waste and full weight. Kuslness, September 1st, tOOUas j Forsale everywhere. Write fur sam- will he with as. as this i- bis last | her sister, Mrs. Hen llunman. ()ct| 1. tance than to the bin one. He must every form of itching skin di-easc. , Kvervwhere J p I pa • Suhl bv A \. Lane has rtduruetl from his I tbrotl^h the sinali iaha alt utnes Called for by the Cotamissioner j ple, E. W. Rose Medieine Co., St. Louis, , with each out > , 1 I Mr. ami Mrs. I'ere.v tlleason of Messrs and Mesdames Lester Hod- j use rapitl-lire mediums. The same For sale everywhere. Write for sam- year in that ulli •. D. ; itiined in a ot the Banking Departraent. lu Lowell by 1). (J. Look. I druL'uist- \ -rv a Lowell Walkersvllle spent last week with money that he invests in publieity to- Harley ple, E.W.Rose Medicine Co.. St. Louis. Ourschoul comimmced last week frey and (ieo. Olmstead visited Mrs, KKSOI'KCI.S Round Trip fares Mis Helen ( lark of Kalamazuo by M. N. Henry si MI •umpl' I.* funeral service nwr u mutunl frietitj. •n: j- di enietl wnrthy day must be available fur reinvest- Farm Implements, Willi Miss Alii • 'jelb uf t aseade as their son, Charles Uleason ami wife. Colburn of Caledonia Sunday. Loans and discounts ?IM',M In Lowell by 1). (! Luuk. i out lit. ment with the shortest jiossible tie- • W — SOUTH LOWELL. vlslletl her brother. '. I' Holt and of exteiitled notice in the stuif juv-v \\ li\ --iitiiiltl sneli nclinn be Mrs. Men Huffman ami sister were iloinls, niorl},'BKcs and sticurllles l.'W.IL'ti l.'< ' LOWELL DIST. NO. 2. teat: her. Mrs. Clarence Morgan of Allegan Overdrafts l.tMU To (Irecnvillc wife at (!ascad» Springs s».|itetnber lay. Buggies and Harness Mr. ami Mrs. < >. Ktynulds nnd Andrew Kitleiiger attended the so unusual as to exeite eomm -n: ' If ii.-r- is a nnnd, sensible In Ueldlng last Wednesday. Is visiting Mrs. .las. Morgan and Hankiiii! house I.Mtl tfi Maynard SLEEPY HOL- The newspaper alone is capable of Furniture and li.vtiires. . ... 'i.Otti 00 Mabel Simpson entertained Ira state fair at Detroit last weel;. 7 ami eight. 1 Mrs William Miller attended fbureb Other i«-iil c.-late 7711 m : To Alma Sherman Keynuhls vlsltfil thflr reason for it. W' are not infnrmetj. \\ ' h;ill brttiiifr 1^. inr a" ihat an' a' that." at rarnell Sunday. Kev. ( . K. Drown dellveretl a me- tlisplay in the atlevriising columns of t'. S. Hontls l.tHtii oo To Saginaw and On the bridge in the old Enos & Bradfield of South Lowell Sumlay. ter I lessle to.iarkHotl. Konisiami I'.urn, September !t, tu Mr. antl day. "vie.- entertained a company of 11' Horn, tn Mr. and Mrs Chris Kropf, morial address before the Whitney- a live newspaper ordinarily pays its Due from banks In re And all work in connection Dollaway ifc Sou arelu (irnud Kap- Cures indigestion serve t itles H.IST b building. First consignment of Buggies and Mrs. Will I'.nrns, a ilaughter. Mary Sturgl< began t. at-hin^ tin relatives a dinner amung whom own way, with usuiious interest, on i>av City Kemeinber the Sunday stdiuol pie- Ir r. 2,. - September 1"J. a son. vllle grange Saturday evening, Sept. I' S. ami National Bank with City Water System, lds tbls week with their lluck of Star Schuul. •UT TOTII- CoMM.Wiu:il PKAUV forgets i.r fail< 111 prnlil by ilie Sum|isou- the day of juiblieaiiim.—Philadelphia Currency . 8,181 Oil Harness already here and more coming. A. .1. I'urrltt and I'eter Thunms nlcln Arthur 'Ireen's irmv.* Satur- were their cousins. Mr and Mrs. ach. 1" . Mil. .si: 1 11! > S .'ill t- 11. Gold Coin I.S42 aO goats attending the fair. Srhley eontrovVrsy. Sanijisnu failt-tl • . -ive St hley t-redil fnr ihe attended the State fair at Detroit. day. September IV Leon Gasmer liatl an operation for Ilarlev Denlson and daughter of ease or money ba i.. L • •> j 'X of tab* A Pciuliar Wrcnch Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller and son- Kecord. Silver Coin •-.(••'ti I'I.'I Phone 182 Also full line of Farm Implements Mrn. L. A. Carter visited frlemlH Nickels and cents 'J.'i.') JT .'jti, ;8 ' The Misses Nora and Mary Spencer appemlK lis at (Iraml RapldsSunday Valley ' Uy. h td ou •••ut.- h: • i.. d t JWUS. hitter's share in the Santiaun \ i 'fry.^ lit-iiuiilie tlid it fnr him. Ot the foot nr ankle may produce a were Sunday guests of Win. Stauffer Checks ami other cash lu Md'ords Friday ami Saturday. and Is reported Improving. very serious sprain. A sprain Is items 2ii2 Ol' j uf Hastings spent last week with and the result> were disaitpoiiitim: m SampMin. I't iry. by his and wife. Mr. antl Mrs, (ilen Stearns spent Dun l Tahe Our Word. more painful than a break. In all , their aunt. Mrs. Katbyrn (iuugherty. Mr. ami Mr.-. Howard Kartletl en Total pijti1.>:. > , , lint, gu at unce tu yuur drugglsi unfair treat men t nf Dr. •'nnk'^ t lainis. i- inviting history to ivjieat sprains, cuts, burns, bruises and Arthur Clark, wife and son Charlie two days last week at the Like tertalned 11 relatives Sunday In b p Cures Dyspepsia; MA IU LI'I" IKS Shantz Bros. & Palmer, .luseph Amlersun spent Sunday 1 ami purchase a buv m Dr Herrlck's scalds Kenne's I'aln KIlllug < Ml is the spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. , Odessa fair. Oapital stock paid in. \ •,:..nootv' i In Hastings. sugar mated pills. Tlieyarea i"is- or of her father's 7 ' bin Ini iy. itself. best thing in use. Kelleves the pain •,,iioo no i The Up-To-Date Tailor Shop Prentice of Freeport. Surplus ftmtl W. L. GODFREY, Mgr., Lowell, Mich. Rev, Day, who has been cutiducl Klve cureiuralldlsuniers nt Ibesiom- Kreil Kllgus ami family and \'eK a Instantly, reduces swelling. Is a per- Un. l!\en It is a popular mistake that only 1 the te.-t fur uver sixty years, ami ''On the Bridge'' < i. Look. j Clarksvllle and .lohn Thomas and SaviuK' certilicates.,.. ''1.718 i.i •J.ST.GI- 112 I will b»' no more services until further wealthy people who eat rich and The Bees antl the Candy Man. "Helpful Hints" That Hinder, Clara L'tka uf Lltiiun, ('ulo,, has their ever Increasing sale attests Mr. ami \lr- I'elertiudlrey uf Free- in (Irand Ua|>ids sehool faeiliiit- ai'- ntii •••.nal to :hf demands. 1 notice. Mrs. K. F. iienton. highly-spiced foods suffer from dys- Total iRTJO.^ KS A comniercial traveler in Xorth Da- Many of the "helprnl hints" followed been visiting relatives here the past their merit. Try a box. take une ur purl spent Sunday wllh Kalph Ford W'e have fre<|uently observed thai ihet i'y i- n misfraiile jilaif fnr pepsia, or, as il is also known", indi- Stale of Michigan, County "f Kent. ss. is here and as usual finds Van Dyke * Ladies'and Gents'Clothes cleaned and pressed. ADA NEWS. kola was eai'i'ying a large line ol" sam- by onr mothers are now proved utterly Mr. and Mrs. Scramllunow cectipy Uvu before retiring tind we are sure ami family. i gestion. The laborer in the street, I. I), (j. Mange, cashier of the above two weeks. a poor imin, and now wekmiw ihat ii i». n wt.!•«•• (MI hi> lamily. hvAST LOW K L/L named bank, do solemnly swear that the above ready with needed supplies of all ples ol" candy and snjiar. and it was useless, if not more harmful than the tenant house on the I'arker farm. yuti will feel better tumorruw. A.-k " Suits made to order, * Collars put on any kind i'.orn, to Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge i the worker in the field also finds him- statement is true lo the best of my knowledge Duncan Parks was In (irand Kap- necessary for him to drive across W, (J. Dollaway has sold bin run- fur a free sample. Suhl by !). ti I self a victim of this disorder. Among and belief. kinds for a helpful. For instance, no one now Goc Aclvicc. of coat. 'Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. "Goods Washburn, September 11 a son. Seymour Coles ami sou Holiart I>. G. MAMIE, Cashier. lds Friday, the very greatest sufferers from it are country with a team In-twecn towns. uses moist lea leaves to clean a carpet ning mare, Sllvertall, to parties frum Vof can l gel the la-si wnrk nut nl' • r j^vat hfi 'y kft-ping c. M. Dennlson has a snnilower attended the fair at Detroit last week Subscribed and sworn to before me litis nth Miss Mary I'.rutun IN the guest T I WIS . ; • nt and Ian nilt called for and delivered. 'Give me a call and i women. The driver and the traveler noticed or rng. because of the Inevitable stain- (Jreen vllle. day of Sepleinber. I'.'Oii. Miss Sadie McCullutigh. K KI:NE CENTER as a ll M antl in will cet nlotiK him on a pea-soup dioi. .\eitlier i-an a n< w-paprr tin its best fnr plant grewing In his garden bearing and visited their sister and aunt, Iiyspopsia Is Indicated by a constant .My commission expires May. I7th,.l!i|.<<. that a good many bees were about. ing. Ami sail used on a carpet col- will show you feelitiff of laziness, by loss of appetite and Frank C. Miller of lonla vlslletl at life. •ts llowers. How Is that f-ir Ada soli V Mrs. (ieorge Blake, FIJANK N. Wuni:. Pickling and Arriving at his deslination the trav- lects tlampiiess aud rusis the lacks. Mr. and Mrs. I'eter P.ergynn' visit Mrs. K. Adams and Mrs. I,. Smith you iind your town nn a pairnnngi' thai : n Vrv .-ni' t-n bln. k> to troubled sleep, by sour stomach and dis- Correct Attest Notary I'liblic the home of bis brother, Ed. inst .lohn W rltle has moved bis family Miss Courtier of Saranac Is work- tress :ift<'r oatinff, by bad complexion and eler visited a prospective customer. Nfwspapers. dampened antl lorn, an- Ing In (irand Rapids. vlslletl Mrs. Palm T In Kowell, Wetl- get bids on a thirty rent jnb. li r- allv pay- HIM tlt-eeni. K. L. liENNKTT. I Sunday. Their mot her, Mrs. Miller, The True Philosophy. lusterless eyes. TOM F. DuVLE, > I li rotors. Ho opened up the sample case and Farrel Anderson, .lohn Lynch, I nestlay Into Mrs. L (". llurtls' house. lug for Mrs. ()ra (iodfrev. There is no surer and spoetllor euro for swer the purpose much more satisfac- It's In Her to ha'. • , • ami ("HAS, McCAKTV. I was astonished lo Ibid about litio hees of Keene Is also a guest there this gtllK' Kev. .1 11. Ilennett has returned 1'earl Jones was in (irand Kaplds this trouble than Dr. Caitlwell's Syrup Canning Campaign torily. Rugs shonld he shaken from .lames and Allien Porrltt wfre In i1 A. C. Kee ami bis son ("had Lee Into ti*'Ia for it li !. a Good Work Tin: building nf the new t-iiy hall i> an imiMirlant I-M III iit I'epsin, which dyspeptics have been ushiff at work on the candy and other week. have REMEMBER *1 r-' Will C. Stone home to attend Ihe annual confer, last week to see her mot h- r who successfully for twenty years. This ffreat the sides, for the strain of the weight ("ascade Siinthiv. were gtieslH Sumlay at Milton W il- any fun at all. N« .. V ... or No Pay sweets. Tbe bees were angry at the on the end is very apt to loosen the (Juests of Mrs. Frank Ernst are. * Lowt'll history. The laying nf . .ir r -imild !••• rnm enceln lirnntl Kaphls next week. ha-just returned from Canada. herb laxative coinptiund cured Capt. Clark, MASON JARS kinson's In Saranac. 0 N - T H E - B RI D G E' of Buffalo. la., of dyspepsia and sour intemiplion, but uolmtlv was hurt. weft. i .lohn Ernst and wife of Flint, Mr. mem orated by jipprnprialt' ci,i',imini'"- !'t i:ib'Irs- ihf Masnnir Mrs. \Jary t ramton gave her hus- John ( Ary ami family visited at stomaeh Ihat he had had for forty years, icr tlo/.. ;-\5i): (Jnarts per do/., S.60; Ilie Road To Suctcs.s A C. Kee relurtied to bis home In C vrr Early P: or until the lucky day that he heard of EXCURSIONS I'iuL 'on of Frost. band M very pleasant surprise last William Buck"s of Lowell Sunday. IIPH many obstructluuH but - Klsie, Monday. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It cured 1-2 (lallotts per ilti/,, S,75, A order would be willing in takft hargt via ihe desperate as 111 health. Succtss tu j Krlday evening In honor i>f his I'lst P.M. tiodfre»' has bis new barn Joel Adams, of Montgomery, Ala., after Mrs. I". Wllklnsun of Nile-- visited l'l ino sufferinff continuously for sixteen months. day demamb) heallb, but K.leetrle at tilrthtlay. rii-'company presenred M r. completed and It Is a thing of beauty. These are only a few of the many. Hut her niece, Mrs. Kd Trask Frhlay. whet In 1 thi' Methndist ellUl'rh W pERE J^|ARQUETTE SEALFAST JARS Kit ters Is the greatest health builder Till-: serviees next Siimla_\ It is not expensive lo be cured with this rsMCLS Mrs. Llbble Lawrence of Lowell and Mrs. Cr.imlom wllh a line illira- Mr. *11111 Mrs. Bert Hayes visited grand renieily. as it can be bought at any I the worbl has ever kauwti. It cunt Cider Vinegar and 11. Ilready's pastorale. II. ably be the la-i nl llev. Ilu>>f!l ry table, mission style. at Charlie Tomllnson's near Ada drug store in a 50-cent or $1 bottle. 1'iuis, pt r (ID/,, si,1)0; (Jnarts. per do/.. SI.10. , pfls p.'rfeei aetlun uf stumaeh, liver, gave a dinner last 'I hursday tti some Your very neighbors are probably iifo- Paints and Finishes kltlneys, buwels. purllii'.«-,imleniicbe< serves well at the hands of nrr p- •pit- (Ii" f him a parked In inse iirand river bridge was open to the Saturday an.l Sunday, of the Keene ladles. 1 hose present Makes Hair Grow long users of Dr. Caitlwell's Syrup Pepsin, On the bluutl. and lutiesaml invlgurates public Tuesday. M. T. Story received at the fair at but if you want to know without exponso were: Mesdames Kee, D Moody, both morning and evening. what It will do for you personally, send Ix'uhhers, Tops, Spices, ctj., also the best of For Ihe whtile system. \'l^uruuH budy Mr. ami Mrs. S. W. Ilasklns wlio Detroit prizes as follows, -0 firsts, your name to Dr. Caldwell and ho will ba and keen brain fulluw their use. Vuu K. Wilkinson, Dell Rowcn. (Jeorue M. N Henry (in inviqordlor llidt glad to send you a free trial bottle. Ho cjin't affurtl tusllgbl Klectrlc Kliter> Jelly Factory a have been very sick are improving. seconds, 1 third, :! fourths, I silver Fruits and Vegetables For Canning. STAINS 1 J.dtls ami 1 rank 1 hudels. IF- proliibition dnesirt jirnhib i." .,!• he Ionia cnunty Is actually anxious to have you make a Sundav, Sep. 26. If weak, runtlown urHlckly, (»nly ."ide. Hakes Hair urow in Abundantly Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hurt and son cups and eight badges. From there test of his remedy. Mrs. K. Atlams received a shower soaks ciuning to 1 .nwell fnr.' If 1< i- al . Get it at If your hair Is thinning mu crad- why are saloonkeepers nppiisinL; ilT •; mn Mrs. Sarah Streetnr of McCords Sim- Mrs. M. T. Story ami daughter gency as constipation, sour stomach, in- To If it's a surface to blrlhtlay. she thanks all her friends digestion. biliousness, dyspepsia, heart- Fall "Fixing Up" PARIS-CASCADE. ually ll wun't being before the bald for remembering her. to nay the lioense fee. day. Bessie visited Kalph Story and fam- burn. torpid liver, etc.. which may como 11,8 Good be painted, enameled, sput apjiears. We are now it line with the IK-S; 'IN nn a member of tho family any day. It "If you VAN DYKE'S " Mr. and Mrs. .lidm Sllloway have ily of South Lowell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. iA. I'.all ami Mrs- Mr. and Mrs. Kewls Daller weni to The time to take i iir» nf tin' hair Is pleasant to the taste, acts gently and stained, varnished or tin- date cijiiipt nu-nl. The -.anitar- . I klKNDS of t he local npi "mn mi' .-ii'-n" an dn stiiiielhing fnr returned from a visit at UattleCreek. Mrs. P.. Buck lias returned from does not gripe. It is the great children's Delia Kail ley druve uut In tin ir atitu- Detroit and attended the state fair Is when you have hair to take care laxative tonic. Grand Rapids of. ' )rvle Kellogg ami family of Whit- (irand Kaplds where be spent the ished in any way, there's tuoblles Sunday. September I ami vlslletl friends for . plant cannot l>c initiroueil upon. (> r the cause by extending ihf t irt n'a' t Tni' laaKa i;. hnn"' If there is anything about No money brings such satis- Fur thin falling hair the best rem- neyvllle spent Sunday at S. ,1. Kell- week. your ailment that you don't an Acme Quality Kind Mrs. Miner Davis was .-t riuush 1 few tlays. edy known to tntiuklnd Is I'arlslan jicrlcnce df many years in the IHIMHC- il stand ofi si nd say'sic "em I (I'tiiP' li^hi. understand, or if you want ogg's. Kev. Deake of tiriiiid Kaphls and Injured by a euw, a re-•ent purchase. Mr. and Mrs William Kllsh of, Sage. It Is compounded onsiU-ntliic any medical advice, write to tit the purpose. ; bene lit to our cu^tnmerN Pred Wunch of Ada were dinner faction as a few cents spent in the Mrs. Davis took hiiltl ul the mpe '• k- look tllnm r recently with Mr. I principles and furnishes to the hair t 'li —tiii • * t >1 t ua ••! I'eets. to the doctor, and he will Tni;m:"s a frightful imx . n ! b .- i answer you fully. There is Train will leave and Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson and In the | root a nourishment that a. ts tjulckly LOGAN LOCALS. guests at 11. Vamlerwall's Sunday. while Mr. D. atlempteil tu reniuve iU" 1 lieri- 11 be iIiH't hill*: no charge for this service. • and prumptly and causes the hair They should be pulled aud burnetl a» . n- 11. L. (iodfrey anil family tif Lowell Lowell at 11 a. m, the calf, when the cow suddenly , aflernuun took Mrs. Wilkinson ami j to grow. Blake Thonuisoii dletl, September The address Is Dr. W, Ii. • Fall for "touching up" shabby besides "lilessings on thee, iiui'ffnnt bny visited their parents, P. M. (iodfrey Caldwell. .r»00 Caldwell bldg., dasbetl at Mrs. D. threw her mure ^ramlpa Wllklnsun for an auto ride. ' Kut remember this: It kills tbe at the home of his son, irvln datidrmf germ, the pest that ap. I and wife Sunday. Monllcdlo. 111. • than a rud, aud nruceetled tutratuple They went tu Smyrna, ("uoks for- We will pay the riiompHon, In Campbell township. R e t n r n i n , p in. • tive and wholesome home is a or muney back. for all grades of Apples. last week's issue. 11\ kf'> ad madt t lie prirr w rt mg Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kyser re- For (irand Kaplds: M0.4r», a in, * I (Mi • Mrs. CjerbetiH Is Improving slowly. It gives to woman's hair a lustre P.arl Starboard are sick and Mrs. Round Trip Rates. Atlas Wood Fibre Plaster and Mrs. K. W. Sit me was in < Irand • m 'J fpiart mason jars. Tiie turned Saturday from Saginaw and p. int 8..'>5, p iu. • She still carries her arm In a sling. and radiance that Is must fascinat- Splker Is fading. For Beldlng:10 a m. For Freeport • source of constant pleasure. ing ami oauses ll togruw abundantly. Uapids Wednesday. right lignrf i> 7ne, Flint where they have been spend- Plaster Board. Mr. Van lloiiten had a fever which Do Vou Get Up Mr. ami Mrs. H. W. Seese we re Sun- 4.00 p in. • I'arlslan Sage Is now suhl In every - To Grand Rapids 50c. Dr. Lee of r'aliiim-i is speniliiii: ing a week. •Connect at Kimdale for Detroit Mest and Strongefit IMaater In the world. resulted In abadabcess. ills ilaugh- tirst-class tuwn In America. A large Mrs. <1. P>. lialcnm and son, day guests at the homeof the bitter's • With a Lame Back? eU(;r„U8 Uott,c ,(WtH wlUHi aweek with his mnl her. Mrs. .1. 1 ter, Miss Allle. whu has been ami generous buttle costs I (ift n Li'f I'aleoin. d kaiama/.oo sister, Mrs. B, (". Smith, at Lowell, i«KAM) TRUNK JOHN KELLOGG M. Lee. VKKUKNNKS ("KNTKK • still Is very 111 shuws some Impruve. KiJucy Troutle Makes You Miserable. : the girl with the Auburn hair Is on visiletl the formrr s >ister, Mrs. j Mrs Ktlwln Portruff (jf Lowell vis- every bottle. Time Table Kffectlve April 25, i'.KMi ment. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Miss Klla Lee returned lo her li. <'. ("rawford <»ver Sunday. ited at the home of her mother. Mrs. Car! I'lerl aud inmllv vlHlted bis brother, ("hrln lllerl and family Sun- Going 10ast: C,:is a. m,, a. m, Fire Hrlek. Fire Olay. Lime, Hair, Stucco, Cement, Mrs. Mark Davis whu has lieen Swump.Root, the great kidney, liver mid ychool at Bath, near Landng W. Pord from Monday until Friday. bladder ivtnedy, be- A parly of tdi-vm nid frii'iids U.OO p. m., T.JKi* p. m. Chimney Tile and Sewer IMpe alwaya In Stock. visiting friends In (Jrantl Kaphls h is Sal uri lay. Mrs. C. Hooper visited at the home tlay. fi e.nuc of Us remark- of Mrs. (ieorge W. Parker rame Uolng West: h.^s* a. m., llM'J p, m.. Ads. as returped. Mrs. John Fallirr is visiting or her parents, Mr and Mrs, \. Ilert r.alley Hpent Suuduy In 5:00 p, m., 0:11 p, m. able health restoring from (ia-enville Sundiix in their ACME QUALITYMrs. William Tceple and ilaughter jiroperlies. Swatnii- Kartcher, at South Bowne Sunday. Lowell with bin aunt. Mre. A, W. • Dully ii her daughter, Mrs. Walter IVn-rs, touring ears and spent the day Root I'ulfdls almost Weekes ami family. PAINTS AND FINISHES Nalda visited friends In (Iraml Kap, in Detroit. Mr. Kartcher is tn poor health. Reputation with her. his recently. every wish in over- William (llasgoNV and family vlsll- MM. McKay ami KllH Thonmi coming rheumatism, Mrs. (ieorge W. Parker enb'f Mrs K. S. \\ Idle has bought etl at (irand Kaphls, Sparta and Hun of Lowell called on MR*. M. L. Ualley Mrs. Camp formurly of Cascade i jiain in the Lack, kid- tained the liirlliday < lub W eil 04 LOWELL LUMBER G0.| but nuwuftirand Kaplds win. has I nevs, liver, blatldei thr miirmi-ry sioekof MissShrt-dy Lake last week. Mrs. Kleanor Hlas- one evening hist wet k. Sihef.Tlate ti | nesday afternoon. and ha- movrtl her nwn gnnds • been serluiisly lb Is some belter. § and every part of the gnw returned home with them from Mr. and Mrs. AI. Klehmond called are the kind to use. Simply tell urinary passage. Il in i le* st nre formerly occupied •lesse Toinpsett has irtmned (inn Lake where she haspent several mi TbomaH Head and family Sunday, m that if ••••« corrects inability to ff t Last week's letter. from a six weeks stay at the by Mi.-^s Shred V. weeks. hold water ami scaldingpain in passing it, Sunday nchool at the I'.alley tdiurch f Wears" \ us what you want to do and we nr badelfects following useof li(pior,wine Northern resorts, Miss Velena Koush returned from The Pattersuns held their annual Wnrk mi the innniripal light Let us build you an inch next Sumlay at, 1(1 p. m. Those who seek perfec- \\| ivimlon ut Ramona Thursday last or beer, and overcomes that uupleasan' Glenn Conklin and Miss Flor- ami pnwrr plant is prngressing her visit In Ohio last week. tioa in silverware in- ll necessity of being comj)cllcd to go oftei MIH- 1'reda lUille.v came home from ad. in this paper; a col- will give you the proper Acme wllh more than une hundred In at- ence Hill visited at Saranar favorably. At present about 12 Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and little k variably choose forks, ll through the day, and to gut up many (Irand Hapldn Saturday to attend ' spooni and fancy serv-1 umn ad,, a page ad., or tendance. After a ride un the lake times during the night. men are emphiyed but i he nuni- Kussell of Hastings were guests at Start a Library Now Monday afternoon. the Sunday school picnic. pieces stamped with | Swamp-Root is not recomtnended fnr the home of Mrs Smith's mother, any old size ad. Quality Kind for your particular and a picnic a line prugram was en. lii-i will be nn rrased to thirty nr the renowned trademark Nothing could be nicer for yourself and family. everything but if you have kidney, liver Hirl Carr has opened a livery I'erc.v Head accompanied hlfifriend, juyetl. Addresses were given by the nmre a- sonn as they can be Mrs. N. Ford, Tuesday. Hooks are a necessity and especially iu the home or bladder trouble, il will be found just aud feed stable in the Clark barn president, Mrs Sally Ann Patterson, used tn advaulagr. Mrs. H. W. Seese, Mrs. K. Pott ruff .lohn ivttruon. to bis home In where there are growing children. purpose. Let us tell you Five the remedy you need, ll has been thor- east side. See adv. (irand Kaphls Sunday, They went whu Is In her Mill year, and by Dr. oughly tested in private practice, and has and Mrs N Fonl visited at the home M Let it tell in forceful terms: And under the Werner plan we can furnish or Warner Dolph. brother of Mrs. by way of (irand river In a canoe. complete your library, no mailer how large or how A. E. I'atterson. After other mini- proved so successful that a special ar Mrs. L. I'. Hodges has returned of Mr. and Mrs. W. Olthouse at rangemcnt has beeu made by which all IL T. Lnrd. William lleider and ROGERS BROS.tiiru What you've got to sell small, with as many or as few books as you want, Strong Reasons for Fall House hers the program closed with the from a three weeks' visit with Freeport Wednesday, ("has, Allen had the misfortune to and you can have them to read readers of this paper, who have not al- Art hur St rnbelof !! Why it's best at that price payments. Painting. BURN-CROSBYC0 J. tf. OLson of Muskegon was whieii will imlude Detroit, ( lu- to (Jrand Rapids where '."T ^!'out Swaum-Root, and how to of their uncle, James Hooper, at Bay passed. Its remark- returned in town a few davs this week I ragn, Milwaukee and Maekinaw Horn, to Mr. and Mr-, Chris K to pi SPECIAL NOTE. hndout if you havo kid- I Shore the past week. able durability has A they will reHUtne their Htudles Monday, a son. We have just issued a new complete illustrated catalog ney or bladder trouble. superintending the repairing nf , i hev will ret uni'east' l.v | won it the popular /= Miss Hertha Tlinmer spent Labur When writing mention .foe Berkey has begun making Onle (ioulds of I owell visited title "Silver Flat! =? listing such standard books as Dickens, Scott, Thack- Cold,MEDAL the dam. | bnat. Such an advertisement eray, I'oe, Muhlbach, Tissol, Shakespeare and many Day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs reading this generous elder at bis mill here and Is also over Sunday with her aunt. Mrn, [that Wears." olfer in this paper and TV Hold hy Icailinic others. J ust drop us a postal ami we'll mail you a copy (Ieorge Tininier. Tiie annual ni^thw of tin- Mni ^lv,1„ lvuK building a new house. in this paper will bring send your address to (irace Coles. ^CkV deaIem evrry- postpaid. .Miss Anna Kloostra who spent Lo el liapt'Nl .-'.uiyli will 1 .-,1 ti... IIO IIH ol vvlfl wlifrc. Snul for Dr. Kilmer & Co., lloCTX •.! .*>* Mr, and Mrs. (IeorgeClark of West , n buyers who hardly knew l I'red Malcolm, wife and daughter Vim ' («Iogn«?"C-L" last week with her sister In (Jraml Hinghamlon. N. V. The regular fifty-cent Vounc, Inst Sut- |u\n t h o w i II K all Lowell and Arthur Clark of West Hpent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. (). you existed before you j nnd one-dollar size bottles are sold by mg, Sept. JO, at H o dooli. ! mdn v nftcmoon, 11 lioinif her •J I (IctlKnii, THE WERNER COMPANY SCOTT HARDWARE CO Kaphls has returned home. Bowne were entertained Sunday i Mrnou advertised. | all druggists. Don't make any mistake ,1, Odell DepaLftment 6 Mrs. (Jerbans who broke her arm Mrs. Harry Howe and son birt Inlay. The guests numbered 1 at the home of Simon Pender. •11 MTANMA CO., but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Why N^t Now? Several eaim* from around Alton .// (laUtotlloakl Hllttr C#., when returning from Ramona 1* . Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad. Harlan of Liidington are \ i.sit- sixteen. Several pretty gifts *.•/ SuccciMir ) AKRON. OHIO and I'arnell to hear llev. Uready / Mill DEN, COW LOWELL, MICH. doing as well an can be expected. I dress, Binghamtou, N. Y.,on every bottle. ing Mr. and Mrs. KaiiHom were left as remembrances from If you have cider uppleH to ^idl nee I ant Sunday. (Cupyrlntit. LUTFJ. by W. N. U.) Vaughan and Miss Harriet hv. her friends. John KelluKtf- Ultfbeat prlcen paid. I A TEXAS CLERGYMAN What's the Matter with Baby? LOW COLONIST FARES TU ThE "I wonder what makes baby cry WEST AND NORTHWEST. Speaks Out for the Benefit of Suffer- so?" said tiie first ITlendly person. ing Thousands. "I'erhaps a pin is annoying it," veu- Union Pacific Passenger Depart- DISCOVERY OF THE POLE IS DESCRIBED BY PEARY tared another. President ment annoimci s iliat Colonist Fares Physicians Recommend Castoria Rov. G. M, Cray, rlofpy. "Or else it's hungry," said a third, will be in i-ffei't from Serf, 1". to Oet man, ol' Whltcsboro, Tox., says: "Or teething," said another. "You If., lilOU, to iti! jioinls in tiie West and vortical etlpe of tho 3 Norlii west. r^ASTOIlIA ks net with pronounccd Lvcr cn the part of physicians, pharma- passed iii> tho "Four years ago I can't do anyMiing lor that." Notice to Publishers Klacit r fringe, :i little west of Cape suiTorcd misery with "Aw, buk at tiie way lie's kicking, This year the West looks mor" The following account by Ccmmanri- Colnnihla. ^ ceutical societies and aedieal authorities. It is mod by physicians with 1 n m I) a k ICvory ami see how his little lists are doubled promising than ever. Now is tiie tine er Robert E. Peary of his successful Wli'-n the last «lodi;o came np 1 13,000 Mile np." put in Hobby. "He wants some- Tour to secure land at low prices, aud. at American Explorer's Own Story of His Thrilling and Successful thought my link linos had none crazy. movomout was onu results mort gratifying. The extended use of Castoria ia unquestionably the voyage to the notch pole was issued They yelled and COlled antl danced of pjtin. Doan's Kid- body of his own sl/.e to fight with, the same time, to visit the many inter on September 10 by the New York them •. Ives helpless. As Oolah sat down inn ihe llrsl days of the ney Pliis removed that's what he wants." esting points in the West and North- result of three facts: The indisputable evidence that it is harmless; Times Company at the request of on his si. .Iii" he remiirked. In Ksklmo: T/i£ ROLE or JJy IMiLiP/) W (JAPP/SON tour. That great iii^ :!!'<'• "Tho devil is asleep or having troilblo Hie whole d ilii en ity west, at which liberal stopover ar Commander Peary and for his protec- Ehqincbr, potfiui Till! smih-, which is Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi- Dash to the Absolute Apex of the Earth. with his wife, or we never Hhould huvo after only a short Good for Sore Eyes, rangements may be made. tion, as a book only, copyrighted and the only one ot" its Uind ifi come hack so easily." time. Although 1 do for 100 years IM-'TTIT'S KVK SAI.VIC hits A better estimate of raw lands can , exposed for sale before any part of it A few hours later wo arrived at posilively cured eye diseases everywiiero. captivity, was tin: greet- lates the food: taw—It is an agreeable and perfect substitute fer Castor Oil. not iike to have my he made now than formerly, becausc was reproduced by any newspaper Crane City, under tho hlnffs nf Capo All druggists or Howard Itros., Ihilfaio, N. V. ing wifich met tiie saluta- The work nf hunlliK ami IransiMrtInK I and wo w. ro on our way onco more Columbia, and. after putting four name used pubiicly, these lands are in proximity to new In the United States or Europe, in and across tho oiKhty-nlnth parallel. tions Irom close to the It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic supplli's u ts pn'Siviitnl coiilln'.io'islv by ' pounds of pemmlcan Into each of tho I make an exception If a girl aunnres a young man and farms that are producing wonderful order to obtain the full protection of lln in inli.-rs tif the parl\ ami tho Kskl- This march du|dioiit Capo I'ulumhla. tho air. the sky. and tho hitter wind Columhla. it was sleep, sleep, then turn Mm. Wlnalnw'H toothing Hjrrnp. northwest. Secretary ol War ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day Tho 1 itior part of S- i iomhor tho move- 1 hurniiiK tho faro till It oraokod. It was Foster-Miiburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Furchlltfren teuiblng. aoften* th). kumi, reauc«M Id right include imprisonment for any over ami sleep again. We slept glorious- Dickinson will join the party at 101 True Thrift. nt. nt of Iho loo suhj- 'i.-.l tli.' ship to a | llko the Kroat Interior ieo pap of a»mmitUou, slUy• ptin. cures wind collu. 25u • IxitU*. ly, with never a thought of the morrow When visiting a certiiin town in tlx for poisoning innocent children through greed cr ignoranco ought to end. To person aiding or abetting such viola- ;ii.-ssuro whi. h llst.-il If to port some ' Helping—Sensations of Intrepid tIr. oiiltmd. Kvon the natives eoin- No Short Haul for Him. Paso. Texas, and make the refiuiiuing or having to walk and, too, with no tion. This article is copyrighted in or f. ti ilppn-os. and it did not re- plalno.l of tho hitter air. It was as Plans are being made lor the elec- irip back to Washington. Secretary Midland. siiys a mi'dii-al mail. ' 1 w;is thought that there was to be never a "This is where you get off," said the our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by Great Britain by the London Times. o\ • r till tho foil -wIi>k sprint; koon as frozen stool. trification of the more important state told ni an extraordimiry nu-idi nl A little loiiKor sloop than tho previ- night more of hllndlng headache. railroad coadtictor. Nagel of the department of commerce Copyright. 1909, by the New York I"; I ' ' 'III r I W' Mt on a lulllf with two Commander at Climax of railways of Sweden. wln'ii in il;.- niitin ti-.nii'-. .'i. < ''oiio'ii Ks,> !i ~ a r.'.-s tho fvl.l and Pass lnv i ous one had to bo taken here, as we Cold wafer to a parched throat is noth- ' Hut 1 haven't rid fur enough," said :iml labor will he a member of tho regulating the system—not by stupefying it—and our r... rs ; • entitled ti ing compared with sleep to u numbed, leal iioiiH.'wile. . xiiibit'd, under ii-yin:- Times Company. This narrative is ,,!•.! t! .• p.-niiisnln. nia.lo tho oli. ult "f were all In need of It. Then on iiKain. the Miliville man. party on tlw nip down iii" Mississlp also copyrighted as a newspaper arti- rioinanis M irk hum inlof. ami roturnod I'p to this time, with oaoh suoeesslvo fatigued hrain and hotly. cirt nni.-taiires, :i ir.iir qui'" clianii I t His Life Work. Two days wo spent here In sleeping and "Can't help that. You can't go any pi river. During his May In crtain the information—I/aii'.j ,7w(/v -ti i: mn • u 1 f! T the loo 1 fi'iiml myself hurrying hroath- Our dons. like ourjielvoH. had not been "My friend," said tiie man, "it's tiie jive .is guests en his tr;.iu ih" Letters from Prominent Physicians hungry when we arrive.l. imt simply life- 1 REPORT 0=" THE DISCOVERY OF lossls lor\\ai'.l, foarhiK that It marked a ti's of liiose con'.mofiweaiths. HUM ( !, i |:0 . Mil t !i.' ;int lliol' I'll' two short ones, I to !i,ivo niy ov. s, hut larpoly to ulvi loinl. ami when 1 arrived at the siinimlt less wllh fatigue. They different furst time I ever rid on a railroad •rf\r THE NORTH POLE by Robert E. 1 M Which, .'i- .ill iii)||lr| liaow, rniapli • : Mai . instmo11' ns iiu- i an iml' pt n l nt rooord ami dotonninn- w-Hil l i aicli my liroath wllh relief only animals now. and the hotter ones among train, an' el" you ain't a better man lipecicd in meef S. n.'itDV Cum- cA.Vcssc-ri to Ci-;-:. Peary. Commander U. S. N.. Copy- i -U'iiiii of .voiin« 1 tloti of our ailvanoo. theni swept on with tluhfly curled falls the wL;i. of i-.l-S. Win a ilii- ami Supp ies Moved to Base. I in tin.; myself hnirylni; un In thu same limn wiiat I am I'm a-goin' to set right | who iu.- been repoii'-.l i'f iat' 1 1 right. 1 '. b> t!-e New York Tines in ih Tho .>hs. r\ if ions oompli't'd and two , \\,i\ at ih - no\t om and uplifted heads and their hind logs p " -ulei cy • lute I.' ; d n 'in. 1 p d, 11." n; 11 r iroh. liiiltu.Io hen' till I sec whar tiie road ends. I ing l ("nan .I inr ih" Company, nth in ' coplos oiio for him and tho otli. r I.nt "ii tins maroh, hy some slratiKe treading Ihe snow with plsfonllke regu- for wlii'Ii tiie uniortuiiiiie hidy had , li ll; ("ininanj of , for mo. I'.arti'lf Mart'd on iho haok larity. knmv il must «mi some're, an" I'm curi- J, su Dcs A i"es. • iiu < r Pol shlfl of ft ' llilK. this f' ir fell from me ov: rh( .ii d. . ' ' mi aiued in n,nn ii' I a vim; tiM\ - , trail in o.iiiiniaiid of my f'inrlh sup oomplcti'ly. Tho wcatlier was thick, but on.s to see whar. I lore's one more llso was to i . .1 I 1: Moines, t,. Nan-"i as Shocked by Marvin's Death. I 11' 111;. •, . ii. ., | -III. 'Ill .. v , pi'i-fintr iai: v, wiih tw o K.-ltlnuis, uii' it «a\ .• me no unoasineHS. doUiir. Now. ,;(» "l. ;ig an' let me •..ii Aiuonio. 'IV'Xas will 'i.i i's wei Pcarv D,r i:s Cook Claim. his furtlust i; • , ri- I luric d in 1 took an olisorv.i- W" r. ached II.'da In one march and Kc\) Numbers Show Prcb'uicnl's Course: Mary: Save Uiu yolks for the pud* : aionc!" UKSIDKNT W 1 M, | A M ((•me io Pn'sideni Dili.- :ii Ki i'uso in p-v vi • i Hi,-! w !,ii• 11 ind: ai."1 our position as M) the Koi'i v' It In anofl r. Wh' it we din-' •" ' 'i'ii-l'.iis 'I1C V:lli* Bartlletl Did Good Work. c*—Ifi'vorly, Miimn. .. .Sfjit. lit l-'.l |-:IMO II.*I. id Ihe meeting of the pi'" ident of ii.'' ii mil •jut l.i fh K'losevelt 1 was slaugorcd hy I lOW AUD TA FT. backed I ItONlllll. MtlHM Sl'pl. IT. til ncv, i l Iiu' f:ii,M mlsh;.|> i" Marvin. Why We Are Stronger. 2V—son Xiiltinio, Tex del. 17 When h" lofi 1 it for mom. nt •ss pill hiing ad. tip by o-C. pounds of joy- -—riiiciiKo, 111 Scpf. 1(> —I'tirl S:;m ll«ii*l«n, Tev Del. I •• I .a: in republic; wi; h Pre iib'Uf Taft, on 11 • h 'd . I h'T h' ell 1 • i ,"1IS or ll SS WHAT IS PAINT? .lis ipp. are.l MI s Ma. Iv and Ih" Pful smiles is to-day speed- ;t—>1,1(1 Immi, M il« it like* 2a—roi'iniM ritriMii Oel. IS October I'G, liirougii a comniiti'-'" oi ; only in<o I work an.l h i 1 • r the p:c\ i.'i.s f hut haaid 1 n in tl." sledge at tlb'ir pictures and si a'.nary made the ... r«Mil, Minn. .Scpi, IS-I» :il—IHiliiN, T«*\ Oel. 2::-2» outside oi" the house. Tiie wood is AVegdable Prcparaiion forAs- Slates, (I—llfs MnliifN, la St*pl, 'Jll decides to relinii lo .Mexico ('iIy via , I r.i Chan ies His Flan. • dur r,' tie .'icinvy. 1 —M., Mn .. .Oel. isr» simliaiiii^iiicFuudawfHc'i > i'in ninstan nitisi ica ol the nun stand util like Guara * 7—Oinalia. \fl» St-pi. an San Antonio, a special train will be simply a structural under layer. Thiit 1 .nl. i heal. prey thr- The trip is over two —IhiMl St. I.OIIIN, III. . . Oel. E<0 r.-.y I h. Iirunf ol the pioiio' r':; cords. S—-Denver, Col So|»l. 21 —t jipe (iir;ir«l«-nii, Mo . . Oel. is as il should be. Unprotected wood l (lie Siomaclis ana 13( ;•* J, j Risa in Tcmncrature Aids. >11- I" "iv. had at last gained its bu- months in duration, start- placed :n liis disposal iind he iind ills -t. ,i' iy M(M;llan made some further tidal t'n rami hands ph mirniiy on Quaker 24—I.OM AniceleN, Cal... .Oet. 11-12 —U iiNliliiKton. 1). . Nov. 10 National Lead Company have made The Fall is the Time ting new ones in Africa by riding on 2.%—tirand Canyon Oet. I t third r. ason. n obst-rvafiom at points. The sup- Oats they get tiie best results in work —MiildleliMvn. Conn.. . .Nov. 11 fycadonakSiia* ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice bc-r .. I have found It Bartlett Leaus 11 lc W ay. 241—Alliutiurrtine, .V Mex..Oet. 1."» —Norfolk, Vn . .Nov. i» it possible for every building owner , WO in. e'ialo in view of Pole Rcachcd at Last. pii. s remaining at the various cnehes the cowcatchers of engines, etc., nis MrmStfd- ami economy. 11' yon are convenient 27—K1 I'aNO. Tex Oet. Ill —Ilninptnn. Vn . . .Nov. 20 to be absolutely sure of pure white MdSumr. to be a thoroup'.ly reliable remedy for children's comi.'.air.t Any physi- m. runic' i ii'.l of arc- I 1 ul now madt! my live mat lies, and w-n hnuight in and on .luly IS the In ilie store, buy the regular si/." pack- to Paint, Buccessor is getting close to the soil MeetN I'reitldent Din* of Mfxleo at —WiiNhlnKlnn, 1). . . . .Nov. 21 Ku/ajrrai Flarvr. lead paint before applying. They do cian wlio has raised a family, as I Lave, will jcia mc in heartiest recom- work, ci i v. nt uri's. I hat was in time for a hasty noon "i.serva'.nin 1111..*11 l.-lf its winb-r riuiiiters and ages; if not near the store buy tin in his own environment. Moves Expeditiously. sh'iuM 1>" mendation cf Castoria" ritt-h ilij'.'t who tin "Ugh a tetiiporai y hr-in tin- clouds. v as driven out into the channel hack of large size lamily package. 2 npHE weather is settled, the this by putting upon every package Aperfprl Remedy forCrnisfij: lid hoast tl n- \i ii n Amtricaii. indicaii d our p •• ion .•.• v': 7. 1 Cap.- N'ion. Riding with the en 1 of their white lead their Dutch Boy had I •' ' ii de. ti'.iof" an .ntry from in. j .mal spine It fought Its way south In the renter ^ woovirr*r\f-di welTTr,->llI drieAfioAd our\i t by gineer, getting his 1 ion, Sour Stoniach.Dlarrhoca Just an Angel, Painter trademark. That trademark li-iurs laf(-r; of t!i" hann.-l and passed Cape Sabine picture taken leaning Worms ,Convul5ions.Fcvi:rish CASTORIA ALWAYS •rf"''t i Ready for Final Eifort. Th" pole at last. The pr.z- of three "ii Anv.'ist S. or M days earlier than in "My wife is awfully good to me." the summer sunt no flies or in- is a complete guarantee. from the cab of the uess and LOSS OF SLttP. Beara the Sitmature of lnip"st With the disapi" ai an- — of Hartleft I ' • ntu; lea; my dn-am and n...i! far J-' IV anil :'.J days earlier than tho British "Lucky man! How does she show at '-ml of ti." sec- uni'd I.- th.- pnilil.-m h-fme ni". This sects to stick to the wet paint. engine almost in the >' ars. mine it last. I .•annoi bring my- -"\p--diiion In l-T'l. Mottoes of a Queen. Fac Simile Signature of Find Much Water. Man ii uMain.-d a saiisfac- was that for wiiicli 1 had work'-d for self to reall:;. it. W.- pi.-ked up Whitney nnd his party it?" You should protect your build- act of swabbing the Her majesty, the queen of Portugal, :i. 1" in - l"ar w afh' r. years, for• wi a h I ha.I livd Uu- simple It all S'-i-m-. simpi - aad •. and • ' -s at I-'.tah. We killed sev-nfy- "She U'l; me spend all the money i /\ « Wf 'inii'iii- grease from the num- a" V.. is. The result life; for wlilt-iw i I had conserved all my place. As 11 il-If said when tiiJinng '. Id walrus for my Kskimos. whom I save by shaving myself to buy base- ing against the rains and se- pins her , it is said, to the follow- y \vi.i the d'-ad reck- bers on the side of NEW YORK. .-ii' i -;;. on Ih-- upwaid trip; for whli-h : back, when sp -akinu ol his h. ing m h'.ml'd at their homes. We met the bail tickets."-—Cleveland Leader. ing mottoes: '.a;;I'-U iiinl myself, I had trained m;.If as for a r.n | these oxclusiv I'-gions, whleh ii" mortal vere weather of the late fall and C : s i'r,: i k. M - I It Wi", ll f! • I'.al crush- .leaulo off Saunders island and took over the vehicle, stretch- Keep out of doors all you can. the s'.ight UififUti',- of inu down .-very worry about sinr.-ess ! has .-v. r p net rated »re: "If is Just its coal and cleared from Capo York on th- li" If ll.iyes h irluc .. •. winter. Paint now. ing over the observa- Breathe outdoor air, live in it, r. v. l It not worth whil. f.. I a spit.- uf my years. I felt in trim- like eV'TJ day." August -G. one month earlier than in FREE LANDS IN WVOMING, II!' ; : ' • • u ,.f I'.in : - ervations. tion platform t o in it. Don't sliut yourself up. Build : !lf f r the demands nf th.- . oming days i if (-'Uir|i.- I had my sensations that 190(5. Be sore and use a good paint—a Fr •m Cap. S .bine north t • inarch.-s the going im- and eager I" he on th. [rail. made i i ' impossihie fur hours, despite shake hands with f,. mi: h waft r that we t!. • iutif I your houses so that the air supply uarantceii UPCLT the Fooclai) .. --r.-.l good di.-ianc ss I As for my party. m\ e.iiiipnienf. nnd my iit;i r l iii^m U.e s.-nsatlons of a llfe- Message Sent to World. Chicago & North Western Railway. paint that will look well and wear ting the lug sail before tin- s. countrymen at towns is good. Throw away your portiere-, Pass British Record. mar. I - s i lead 'J'-lay-.l | my si-ppli» s. I was In shap ht-ypnd my tiiiu hut I hav'- ii" room I.-r fh'-m here. On Septeuibor fi we arrived at Indian well. Poor paint is the most ex- wind. !n:t i ttle laf-r ifii'-i- • hi illy ferri'-d i i ss niost sangiliii" dn-ams of earliest years. Tii • lirst hours at tiie pole were w here two minute and brie a-brae. Don't havt useless !,•. t.. tic ncrihward stopi-•; t Harbor, whence the message, "Stars and Send for booklet telling how to so- Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over 30 Years. My party might be rei;anle'l as an spent In taking oh.-ervafions: In going pensive you can buy. It does not Btops are billed, shout- j trill es aiioui. you. Twr CCNIALIR CC'MPANV. T7 MUWI1AV S'^rCT. r.CW YORK CfT'. Th.-re was "lean open w !• " stripes nailed In norih pole," was sent ctire 320 acres of U. S. rioverninent ideal, whirh had now come tc realization sonn- t.-n miles beyond our camp and last long, and then the work must 1 Alhert, and from there seal'' Makes Record Run. vibrating southward throng!; the crisp ing a cheery "howdy" Have it favoriie form ot" exeivj.--' mHiiiiii'miniii 1 "ii i as loyal and responsive to my will as soni• • eight miles to the rlpht of it; in lands in Wyoming free of cost, and to a poil ' ibcut ah--, is- M nl day Uartlett let himself out. I,a brad, r air. be all done over again. The best is as the special train and make the most of ir. Hide ..n the tinu'-rs of my right han I takl: i; photographs, plantim; my ll.igs. Tin- .-iilminailon of long experience, a describing various irrigation projects iPiifiii Head. t!. k weathi-r :,,! i- i I— ; ..nd n -led -iff LV deiH'slfing my records, studying tho hoii- the most economical—it covers most pulls out of the small horsehai k if you can; cyele If you can- bringing i.s h.nnv t< n •-;• nft--. ;- Mar'.in "l.fain'-d analiei Men All Tried and True. thorough knowledge of the condifions of and tiie most approved methods of sci- i Z'.ii with my f.-l.-scope fur posslblo land, the problem gained In the last expedition surface, looks best and wears long- town stalion, "Dig not i;ei a horse; do anythin.: to g'• u way si uht en hit it ad", wliloh. gave l-'our of them possess the technique of i and sean-hing for a praefkahlu place to entific dry farming. Homeseekers' From h-r we dr.ft. i s-vnl. s., hat In is v-.:;-. ...i- b-\nnd the fartii -these, fog. tiler with a new type of est. Ask your dealer. Dili" Taft is racing out in the open air. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dogs, slodj-'s. I. e. and cold as their In-rl- make a sounding. sh-dge whi.-h reduced Ihe wnrk of both rates. Direct train service from Chi- Color more ooods briohlerane! faster cnl-.r. thinolfvr (!; "--i-r • "'.•s nil fibe.-c * . - : i'i u.v • 1 Vt. candyc and th a u • aslant to fh- ' I.: irtl if Nansi-n and Al l './.zll. and lage. Two of tlu-in. Hans--i and Oofam. from coast to coast Don't overeat. Drink little iind let 1 T.-n hours after our arrival the clouds dogs and driver, and a new type of camp cago. W. K Kniskern. P. T. M., Chicago. auj asrnier.t witnoul rtpoino apart. Write lor trew tiai;Hii'.—How tj a»i.. Bit.. .1 and Mi-. Col jr$. H'iOttROC SiHUti CO . ••••»£ . • :u out 'f Hi* rent v - v."rk- t w- : id - "V-r-'d '.'i minufe.s were my companions tu the farth.-sf point j cleared before a liyhf bn-eze from our and back again. llliit little be pure. Dbu't iry to further n '• ti. an-1 sioppe- uram for In thn-e inarches, cooler which added fo the comfort nnd thne yars hefiin-. Two others. Kirinuuk ! left and from that time until our depar- increased flie hours of sleep of the The "Black-Hand" Business. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS dress too ihiuii. yet dress as well Hotne ;• - Th' n we au w-rkod ii::-. nian-li.-s We had [iass-d and Sigloi.i. wre In Clark's division, ture in the afft-rnonn of April 7 the lie was scheduled 1 members of the party, combined to make Mrs. Mart—My husband got a letter you are able. \Ve;;r . v.-rytiiing yoi; \v Mar -• ;; r- i-rd "f b ' !I. hy Nan- wiil"h had such a narrow escap( at that , weather was cloudless and flawless, to touch the extreme to i the present expedition an agreeable im- rea lake lie Italian r-'cord of S.vd. by • tim.-, and now were willing to go any- j Th.- minimum f.-mperaturo during the to-day saying something dreadful PAINTS & VARNISHES northern boundary of can to make yourself P v. Iy. St- iM.h W ind • provement upon the last in respect fo the 1 where wllh my immedlafe party, and . :ie hours was below, the maximum IJ. rapidity and effectiveness of its work and would happen if he didn't send the Write for Booklist, 601 Cana! Cleveland,Road, 0. the country and upon Opening tiT** upon Man ' irne-l hack In wi mt: to risk fht-mseives again In any We had reached the goal, but the re- Tho Doctors' Orders. ! writer a sum of money. p:'-- -iing party s-ipp.-r ng party. tin- lessened discomfort an.l strain upon the occasion, October turn was still before us. It was essential the members of the party. A lady whose husband seemed to 1" of U- ^yenne mvei Fron : s.m • ii- "He care- i 'i i,. Huh was a youni man who had that we i-'-ach the land before the m xf Mrs. Smart—My husband gets 1G, when it was pre- F! iw' y \ :• d a way i of ii'.;.' doing little but lie in til'.- Iiaminoel j nev- i S'-rve.l li- fiire in ' •ditlon, i spring tide, and wo must strain every Praise for His Aids. dunned for his bills, too. arranged that he t ci -ih and broken Gets Glimpse of Sun. party tr >iii th point comprised ; but wll" was. if posslhle. eVe more 1 nerve to do fids. and eat apples, was asked by a sym t# thi U- ,;-i"u:h on. : ami the men. s-••von slo willing and i-au'-r than the ot! rs for I had a brief talk with my men. From As tn the personnel. I have again been A dead beat always gets more credit should shake hands pathetic neighbor whiit the trouble will atioin foren »or ih. n-\t lay n -f Man • sun. n oi'.dltlon at this amp a '..I th. ap ! fh.- prin. ' Iv i;;fts -a h- :. a rill' . a shot- j now on It was to be a big travel, little particularly fortunate. Capt. Uartlett is with President Diaz :: _ « l:iK lilt" --p--i; W iter ai. ,1 ISO of a lly lev.-l I than he deserves. him was. "Doctors." she replied, sad «un. ainniiiiation, kni\ es, . .. whl-h 1 j si-ep and a hustle ev ry minute, just r.arilott -tireless, sh-epless. enthusi- of Mexico, and there- off Cape Fras-r. ivmim -1 me of 1 had pn rmseil tu . aeh of •: . m who I W" would try. 1 fold them, fo double astic. whether on the bridge or in tho ly. "No. he hasn't come into a for 2,800,000 Acres by cement relaUons Strike Ice and Fog. est north. I n-a.-li'-d the pel" wllh nn-: fur i - km-w ! niarch mi Hit- return that Is. to start .-row's nest ..r at the head of a sledge tune." A writer in To-Day's Magaziiu Danger Is Encountered. ihat tln se riches '.\ • Id enah't him to • and .-..v. r one of onr northward division in the field. between these nation- tells the story. From ' wi'St from a sr;li!."rn father The girl ! mar. l.-s. mii!;e tea and oat our luneh-on I ir. floods'-!!, the surgeon of the expe- nl neighbors, he wat to dition. not only looked after Its health "Vou see," explained the wife, "he's Register for a free homestead ()ct"l>cr 41 h to 23rd. wii.ise imai;' Illled l is hof young •'-art. | i" the iglois. then cover another march, elated to set foot on '* *t and sl.-op a f-w hours, and repeat and his own specialty of microscopes imt been having some sort of matter with The Commissioner ff the General Land Otlice at Lady 1 Her- All Followed Him Blindly. f! ' d illy took his full share of the fl-ld work of the south boundary. his stomach, and he consulted two dif- t- : - (I ; mmlence so as tin- eNP'dition as well, and was always He started from Pfi£S/0£//r D/AZ ferent doctors about it. One told him Washingtnn has designated 1 was with and iMVe lie nii'^iit Double Speed on Return. ready for any work. Beverly, Mass.. which of Mex/coj w/roM to eat a ripe apple every hour, and UK UT. that what' h.ip- As a matter of fact, we nearly did iT.ifs. Marvin and McMillan have se- TAFT will fifeET d I 'III CUV «"t tl cured a mass of s-i.-nfltic data, having d&io Is on the east coast of the other said to rest an hour after th:.-. .•.iv. i".11g iegularly on our r.-turn Le Beau and Aberdeen, S. Dak. Pacific alt with tl jo'ino v five o'.itward march-s in three madt- all the tidal and most of flic field the United Suites and made honorary eaiing. So he's trying to do both." m- return in.r-h'-s, work', and their s.-rvic-s w.-re invaluahiu his program called for president and d In ni'-. ail' that W;.a -v.-r .la t as long as we could hold tho In - very way. Troubles of People on Venus. as registration points. These citu-s are reached best All would niak. - '1. if my- a visit of several days member for life tr..!! w.- cou'.d double our speed, and Inhabitants of Venus, if there are by the Iowa Central Ky. and ut. 1 would .- to] for a hort Borup Valuable in Many Ways. at Seattle and other of the club, as w.- i'ee.l waste no time in building any, must feel it extreinely diflicult to .1 Cape ftn.'a. A ';w '--loos ev ry day. so that the time I'.orup not only made flie record as to points on the Pacific coast which is aro President Di- Coast 'pell 1 had no fault t.i find with tl . condi- • w*. were stnpp. we u lined on the return less.-nod flie the distance traveled during the jour- establish units of time. Venus always The Minneapolis St. Louis R. R. tions. My dogs wer.- Ihe host, tii" pick the west boundary of the union. Thus az and former Colonist ere-way second- . .- and we .lr.: -I tll- el. n- . . of a gab- destroying the track. ney. but to his nsistaneo and his export turns the same face toward the sun; uniey. | of Vfl with which we loft Columhla. Al- it was predestined that the executive President Roose- pe •":uun. where w t lirough •I t above the eighty-st-v.nfh paral- knowledge of photography is due what class t; cn sale daily 1 most all w. i.- puwerful male;;, hard as so the planet has no day, and the Le Heau is the (»ate\vay to tr.e lu-servati^ n and ,• in the lel was a region soni.- tlfty miles wide I believe to be the unequilod series of should set foot on the four extreme velt, and a special as | nails, in ini :! vli, Imt without a ^en.cWiib/ lack of a moon deprives it of a month. from C'.iii S-- vnember win -li caused me consider aide un.-asl- photographs tak.-n hy the expedition. lines which enclose the domain committee will the only registration point where the land- r 1:1 -e -ccn Ship Forced Aground. tluous ounce, and. what was bettor yet, Finall. it has no year, for its axis of 15 to Oct. ber 15. via the Temporarily Discouraged. i they were all In gmid spirits. n.-s. . Tw. 1 ve hours of strong east- riy. Ilenson in tiie field and I'ercy as which selected him as its head. present engrossed from the town. westerly, or mirthe-rly wind would steward were flie same as ever, inval- rotation Is perpendicular to the plane Ch'cagc U: • : Pacific tlo • lay for S'-me time in My sledges, imw that tin- r.-pairs wt-re The personnel of the president's certificates o f vat' r and ih- : t" prc-vt-nf I - | c"niplet'-d. wei-.- in u- nd efinditii'n. My make this region au open sea. uable in tin-ir respective linos. of us orbit, and the latter is almost The country is fertile and well waters!—1 aal North VVL-sit n Li:;e to In the afternoon of the 7th we start- Chief Kngineor Wardwell. also of traveling party besides the president, election to him ^,1 si-mil again took r-fuge •f malum ! siippli—s •v. ri- atriph for -1" days. ami. cirt alar. in all respects ot i . ui a few miles east : ai t. r San Franc . Los An-e- xi.'.! - - -V: -r ' I.incolr. hay. , with ti..- r. s rv.- reprosi.nt'-d hy the dogs ed on our return, having double fed the last expedition, aided by his as- consists of John Hays Hammond, before his visit. tho dogs, repaired the sledges for the the i 1 i . wh» r- W h: 11 was t: •hoiiisei-. - s. . oiiid 1" made io last jo. sistant. Scott, kept the maohinery up president of the League of Republi- Arriving at St. Any girl can hear compliments if $25.00 per acre. Ies, Per". ;• J . -d Pl. . t matt with last time, and discarded all our spare to a high state of elllcloncy and has \iiipli a> . :U \p- ri- iu' s thr' — lie,! l.y (1.,. At a litth- after midnight of April 1. Sound po;:!ts, ( clothing to lighten Hit- loads. giv.-n the lloosovt-lt tiie force and pow- can Clubs; Capt. Archibald W. Butt, Louis from Texas she cultivates the habit of talking to for.. H- we r-iiialntd f' n ll ll'-S. I I aff.-r a few hours of Miund si- - p. 1 Idf Frequent trains and low fares, ru i .:: • 1; .ti. n er which enabled it t.. negotiate appar- military aide; Wendell W. Mischler. at 7:27 a. m., herself. i"tfy tow rates. days i :ri'ig peri'nl • i' 1 e r Sledges the trail, leaving the others to hr.-ak 1 Sea 1.500 Fathoms Deep. ently Impracticable ice. on request. at i ini'•- oh nt n-n tl -ast. r again. up canip and follow. i2ue&tu>u/ assistant secretary; Dr. J. J. Richard- Monday, October PRESStD HARD Daily an ' ; . • • Mr. (Jushue, the mate, who was In Twice we v. re forced ai, ' • traveled As I cl.Mili.-.l th.- pr .-sure ridi!" haek l-'ivo miles from the pole a narrow son of Washington, D. C.; James 2S, President Taft tours in .;v : -. urtt-t charge of the Roosevelt during the ab- " Do you know of any woman wlio ever received any Coffee's Weight on Old Age, —3B—W3——BMi the I- w- had our i in^' i.•or tl.o of our Igliins 1 set anofli'-r hole in my crack filled with reci-nt lc-. througli sleeping . :- sence of Capt. Hartloft and myself, and Sloan, Jr., and L. C. Wheeler of the will be enter- t.-r ra 1 i . i v- !-. and a i'.«i- st • nurth- le If. the third since I siarf.-.l. i;v. ry which wo were able to work a lode benefit from taking Lydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- For «"tc write or asii any agent 01 the 1. ... . - M. nc- cxpe-.ic-rcccl . : ! l.nlw .: h- '1 ' wlc-- w- p.i.-' I'.oaiswain Murphy, who was put in secret service and Maj. Arthur When prominent men realize the in- MacWillan Turns Back. ve eunie m.'ii an.l •! •:,' -.f u^ was Pan and flat with a pii-kax. enabled me to make a CaMBffiG tnro THE CAR tained iit break- apolis .v M Lcuis iv. I\ nr handled on i.-r- tr; r an attempt m i-'.-t north. 1 p- I a wide helll.-d as a hoard and as hard. S'lUiniii g. All my win-. l.iiOii fathoms, charge of the station at Ht ih for the pound ?" lirooks, the president's fonlidential i fast at S i .i IJ jurious effects of coffee and the change l k .a time fu nu r.-lief of Cook, w.-re both trustworthy A Tr. 0 -r fore iter sky was s. nf down, but th.-re was no bot- messenger. Six newspaper men ac- o'clock by the Commercial club at the St. Louis ho- in health that Postum can bring, they A. E. CUTTS, General Passenger and Ticket A^ent CUi Fine Morning for Start. tom. and r.-llabl'i men. and 1 count myself If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar A DA5H and c •' rr; {. . i fortunate In having had them in my company the president throughout "mm} are glad to lend their testimony for Heavy Running Ice. It was a line niornin.: Ti wind of In pulling np the win- parted a f. w to her sex will ask her neighbors this Cjiiestion, she will be TO rne tel. At 11 a. m. he will make an address iti tho Minneapolis, Minnesota t hin th- lot two days had s id ind the fathoms front flie surface and had nnd sor\ ice. the entire trip. The party travels in Meetihci PUCE Coliseum, which holds lo.OOO people. the benefit of others. d fide Uolng was the liest iiid im - iu • Ide wire went t-i t h'- I ni. i iff w.-nt r.-. 1 surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in two private cars attached for the At "J p. m. the president will be the guest ot A superintendent of public schools in I "f any 1 had had y- • 'I he Members of Crew Lauded. illHIni liiyiltijil • 11 Ml 11 i IIP II lillll ilbniftlHIIIlHIlM 'H l_ J.. iti'JLLMlj dla meter • s w - r - and handle, ii/.iiteiiiiig th- fledges still greater part of the time to regular Ncrth Carolina says: iai i-.e and "M, an.l l.-ar, an- '•re -iur- fiirtii. r. We !ia«i no more use for them The in. mb.-rs of the crew and the this country where women cannot be found who have been Business Men's League at luncheon. In th« JelTer- - trains. Resides the regular executive affairs. 1. • \ i e 11 :iii"i roundod pi. ssure ridge.- ••"me of now. fir.-men w.-re a distinct Improveine'it restored to health by this famous old remedy, made which he was down on the bookings to "do" Mad- son hotel. He will not speak at this function, but "My motlier since her early child- I. K ap. :,r. i hunK U'. id Helps Out. whlch w.-re almost stupeiiil Thr.-e march.-s brought us back fo ov.-r those of our last expedition. 1-1 very President Taft Is preparing his message to con- ison. Portage and Milwaukee. Wis., in a single day will hurry to Kast St. Louis till.), to attend the ded- hood, was an inveterate coffee drinker Th.- hlgy si ,f th.-m. how bi; "f i At last. l -t f.-w mil.s i walk.-il ( r. were Ilie igloos while the lapfaln turned on.- ..f th. in was willing and anxious exclusively from a simple formula ti roots and herbs. gress and a small part of each day is spent in on his way to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Minn. ication of a government building there iit I p. m. and had been troubled with her heart SICK HEADACHE Hothras Tos Gooil n.-i ' l Septomber 5, d II.:. a. , i i;e. , ||,. was Sol - •I - !y n. -Dtial. .1. eitl;.r thi" ii:h st.-me ba.-k. Th*- last niarch was In the wild to b.- ..f service in .-v.-ry posslhle way. either making memoranda or mental notes on for a number of years, and com- Positively t un d hy for vou That's v. hv we want vou ly l.-.-a v y rui: "'IS |o i;,' further, hut the ei-evi. e ur up some huge hnnk. 1 set swe- p of a northerly gale, with drift- Connors, who was promof.d to be During the past 30 years we have published thousands Thence the program called tor a southern trip The president will return io St. Louis in time to !. .im of 1 • 1 W ll' for imi t . go haek from i good pace for about ten ho irs. ing snow and th.- it-.,- rocking under as bos'n in tiie absence of Murphy, proved points upon which he will elucidate in the regular to Des Moines, Iowa, and Omaha, Neb., with a sail lor New Orleans on ihe steamboat Mississippi plained of that 'weak all over' feeling 1 Tw' nty-tivo miles took nn- well be- we dashed over it. CARTER'S r "."""""- lo take CASCARETS for livcrliSj PLUS YOP. Ti" !P »0W l: and 1 iss-.-'l < iinand of the fourth sup- to li.- practically effective. of letters from these grateful women who have been cured communication due in December. long jump to Denver, Co!., which city a little over ai il p. n*. Arriving iit Cape Girardeau, Mo., at 0 iind sick stomach. Tlioy also rolleve Dl»* , , , . 1 , - • ,, Wit' 1. a m..n-r ' an.l th.-: • were no hufi- yond the eighty-eighth parallel Harncs. seaman, and Wiseman and tress from !>> -i . DOW^lS. ll S IlOt aGVeftlSmg talK— Secretary Carpenter. tl#e man who handles a year ago wasn't "nig enough to hold all the Dem- a. in., October L'i;. ihe president will be routed out ' Some time ago 1 was making an of- ITTLE F:HI.' !:i thl'-e y ars ia ireaao In the main party, Willie 1 was building my igloos a Little Trouble in Leads. Joyce, firemen, not only assisted Mar- by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never •iu.-ii..nuu IT. 'iiranjr bat nKTit—the wcii lcrfnl. much of the president's business of national im- fieial visit to a distant part of the rcn - :i I. , S* pl* i- Loss Is Serious One. In t his mu r.-h w.- encoiintoroil a iduli long l.-ad forward by the east and South of where Marvin had turned vin and McMillan in their tidal and in all that time have we published a testimonial without ocrats who wanted Wiliiam Jennings Bryan for of bed to make an address from the upper deck of IVER the ope n wat* r c\l«r wi l fur tn lirst time since the fliree southwest of us at a distance of a fuw back we came to where his party had met. orologlcnl observations on the portance, has packed away iti his grips severa' the job Mr. Taft now has. the seamboat to the people gathered on the wharr. country and took dinner with one of fur Dizzliii'^s, N:ui- lasting merit of CA3CARKTS that days after v miles. t" i .' '1 '" •! sen - Ve h-ft i'ape (••dumhia. It built several igloos while delayed hy Koosevelt. but Wiseman and Barnes the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly hundred pounds of programs which are to be car- Thence to Wolhurst, Pueblo, (Jlenwood Springs Leaving Cape Girardeau at 7 a. m., there will ho the merchants of the place. 1 no- PILLS. sea. i>r usin.-s Ba.i we want you to know by trial. Then -. in . .1 up to the .-nd -.f if : | ; isapp W is dea.l j; •mr fa-e.-. bift'-r and in- went into the field with them on their raiite In the Mouth. Coat- -m i r - i i, -. Few Handicaps Are Faced. open leads. Still further south we ried out at lue various points at which the presi- ticed ii somewhat peculiar fiavor of . a T.'n^uf rum in mo >ou 11 have faith—and join the mil- Ihis Irade-mark d pra- fi. ihie at lirst t., r--,-. . frm:. f. I'-ii'imhla, ! sasi nt. hut 1 l',ad no reason to coin- found where the cnnfaln had boon held trips to Capo Columbia, and Condon published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. and Montrose, Col. From there the president waa a live-hour run to Cairo, HI., where at ucoc Mr. : I,ay. near C.ipe Jos. pij Hi-nl .. . -l'lHI;; III I tl • powers plain. 1 wa s hot t.-r than an east.-rly A few hours' sleep and we wore on up by an open lead and obliged to and Cody covered 1.000 miles hunting dent is scheduled to stop and make a few re- routed to Salt Lake City, Utah, Pocalello, Idaho, Taft will make a second address from the boat. the coffee, and asked him concerning'journ. i.ivKii. lions who keep well by CASCA- Lliminales All ' . id f. r my win'' i ju irfers. i,ut Mere is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts They repulate the HoweU. Purcli Vegetable. lone and p 11 ti die 1 athlete I '' •' S. HI t h.-l'l > wind, either of which tin- frail again. As the going was now camp. and sledging supplies. marks. r.utte and Helena, Mont., Spokane, .North Yakima Leaving Cairo ai 1 o'clock the next stop Is b-hed- it. He replied that it was Postum. . 909 :: look h. lnK unsiiltsfai-tdr:.'. 1 w i • • c him r : at least ih- | would hav.- praefleallly horizontal, we were un- I ncertaiiity S' t us adrift In op.-n wa- l-'ortunately the movement of these that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi- There is scarcely a slate in the union through and Seattle, Wash. uled at Hickman, Ky., at 4 p. m., where the third "1 was so pleased with it. that after • rd p it the Koos v. lt Ime ii .- ••'!th p. tl.- re was i... alferna- t.-r. wh l.- this wus closing up every hampered an.l could trav.-l as long as leads was simply op.-n an.l shut, and it Supplies Left for Eskimos. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. CASCARETS toe a box for a week's ; .-r.lng in the llo-. . i ,., j which the president does not pass, livery big the meal was over, 1 bought a pack- in t': • purdiaseof ; Kid hehlnd, we pleased and sleep as little- as we took considerable wafer motion to fault As for my faithful Kskimos. I have ence with Lydia H. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write The line of travel from Spokane extends south- address from the deck of the Mississippi will be tientnu su. nl! druKK'stK. IiigRfst sellor ;. !i - mouth "f the S - ridan i 1 iu the world, yiliiou boxes a mouth. ir.; mat ri,.l«. d w ie S'-li. f Tl I'urni.-died anofli r advantage of Wished. tiie trail seriously. b ft them with ample supplies of dark, city in tho country with only a few exceptions, ward along the Pacific coast, the southern states made. Leaving Hickman at 5 p. m. an all-night run age to carry home with me, and had Genuine Must Bear : -tl. north of uur position - and ask her. j jut up t'. my .stippurting parties True, by so The weather was fine and thu going While file captain. Marvin, and as 1 rich walrus meat an.l blubber for their wife prepare some for the next meal. CARTERS t an a!-.Jute i r will be invaded In accordance with the presiden- being next to receive the president. At El Paso, will bring the party to Memphis, Tenn., at S o'clock Fac-Simile Signature . Th md: gave i di.inir It wis press!n th.- south the like that of the pr.-vious day. txc-ept found later. Horup. had b.-en delay.-ti winter, with currants, sugar, biscuits, ^• ul pur- 1 Houston, Toxsxs.—" TVbon I first began faklnfr Lydia E. Plnk- tial program. on the morning of Wednesday, October 27. The whole family liked it so well, that Put Up for Winter. Ueptl fat ho: j whi'-h v.-.- traveled, and so roh- it the beginning, when pickax.-s w.-re by open leads, we .st-enied to bear a guns, rll'.-s. ammunition, knives, hatch- Texas, one of the most notable events of the tour ity and q uul ity. \\\ 'ae'f. nnd. ; hin-' us ..1 a hundred miles of advan- re(|Ulri-d. This and a brief stop at iin- ets. traps, etc. Imm's Vegetable Coiiipouiul 1 was a total wreck. 1 had been Leaving Boston, after motoring into the city of will occur when on the sixteenth day of October we discontinued coffee and used charm and with no single bad w.-re we At Memphis the president will leave the steamer PILLS. _/ ol iHis paper de- 1 t your own • i. • ii w.i.- furth. r a>l. - d t: an leads t: otln r lead cut down our distaa-e. Uut siek for three years with female troubles, ehronle dyspepsia, Postum entirely. delayed more than a couple of hours. For tiie splendid four who stood be- highbrows, Mr. Taft and his two special trains de- President Diaz of Mexico and President Taft of and be entertained in the- city for four hours, ma- I)r.ttection. see ., il.-n? was more sn-.w on i.,. fifth and MU mn we- had made 20 rnlles in t.-n liours and side me at the polo a boat and tint Sonn Units the ice was fast and firm and a liver trouble. 1 had tried several doctor's medicines, but parted westward for Chicago, arriving in the the United States, will shake hands in a mutual "I had really been at (imes very anx- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Keaaers that it i-i on the side of .' md the new ice inside 'ir llui- •nip big |. ad a marked Eighty-Four Is Pased. w.-re half way to tin- eighty-nintli c-a.-h to r.-.iuito them for their energy king an address while there. Helena, Ark., will be anything adver- enough to .-arry us across; sometimes nothing did me any good. ious concerning my mother's condition, even* keg of white lead ; n.ii. |. tbickor. W. coucluded we were on or iu-.h- parallel. a short detour, sometimes a brief halt and the hardship ami toil they under- windy city the following day. Party chiefs there harmony carnival. reached at fi p. m. on the 27th. and an address from tijed in its columnj »hould insift upon you buy. r!. «-f dineharging th- ship wis ditit i" eighiy i ^hth parallel, unh-ss th'- The l.-e was grindltiir nudihly In every for the loati to close, sonu-tinu-s an im- went to help their friend Peary to the "For three years I lived on medicines and thought T would received him with the sort of glad hand that Chi- Along the northern line of travel "Oh, you Bill the boat is scheduled. On Thursday, October 2b, but we noticed that after using Two Rats having what they ask (or, refusing all f-ti 1 at m -- and l"-i - d In • .1 h s and 1" '.i',: wind had lost u- several miles, dir..lion, but no motion was visible. north polo. (ubilitutcs 01 imitations. MTIOMt I EM COMPANY provised ferry on an ice cake, kept the never get well, when I read an advertisment of Lydia li. Pink- cago knows now to extend. Taft's palm turned up- Taft!" became a slogan, and "Howdy Bill" was Postum for a short time, she felt so 800 I n..- supplies and eipi.p: . • t wind Id. w all niifiit and .ill n. xt Kvideiitly it was sefUiu-j l-a.-k into the only stop Is scheduled at Vicksburg, where t&g 1902 Trlnitr Building, Nn York trail witii."it dlllicuity down to the Hut all of this the dearly bought hanrs Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try it. ward iu response to the cordial greeting, after much better than she did prior to its 'In piu- j-par i - s j. . .md sea .- . i hp..;;.! and th. aracf.-r eiiullibriuni and probably sagging il.iu tenth out.vard march. years of exp.-ri.-nce, the magnificent another favorite expression of the multitude dur- president's party arrives at 6 p. m. wo r«tf jir»- A house nnd worksh [i w v- In ti • latter ri tier, At this camp, in the morning. liart- northward with its release from the strength of the Roosevelt, tiie .splen- "My husband got ine one bottle of the C'oiiipound, and it did use, and had little trouble with her >duro» m. Kill ed 11 the t» o npir. bull hoard, oovorod with sa ls, r I the let left tart- d to walk livt '•r six lull, s wind pressure. First Handicap on Return. did energy and enthusiasm of my party, heart and no sick stomach; that the lUt lilt Kit FREE NOMEStEADS fltfed v.iih stoves, and tlv- si. p w. me so much good I continued its use. 1 am now a well woman t he north lo make suiv of r' aejiing the Igloos there disappeared completely the loyal faithfulness of my Kskimos ki Hp every open to settlers, on Cheyenne Hivei and Stand- snug f' : winter in shoal water, w, ere :l and enjoy the best of health. head saving became a pleasure, and Bolivia's Mineral Wealth. headaches were not so frequent, and time. I> 1 Safe I Can't Cut Your Facc ros • d. ill O .f ' i.f . -- ighth parallel. Whib- he was Going Improves on Way. and tin- entire region was unrecogniz- —could have gone for naught but for in^r Hoek UeservatioiiN, in S.'^th Dakota. A]>- toiulH-d h'Utom at low fi'1'-. ok The Art of Saving he won riches without realizing that it her general condition much improved. out-doorx NO STROPPING NO HONING plieanta kIuhu-I rejri-ter at Pierre Oetiil>er4:b whleh i'.nrup and his t- nn took a bath, r'"' • I s-h -ted the 40 best dogs in the Again th.-rc was a few hours" sleep able. Where on tho outward jou'ney tin- faithful n.-cessaries of war fur- "I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give * e r k 1 ng The si-tileui'-nt on the stormy shuns nf and w- w- i- linally siupp.-i! hy an 1m- Bolivia is famous for its silver, but water. to Siud. Corajilete display of products of open • -..lilt • illd had th.-m d'lUbleii and we hit the trail before mldnluht. had been narrow cracks, there were nished so loyally by tli.- members and was a struggle. I know of more than This continued until she was as well the An tit ocean wus Christ ni i 11 ib- pi n t: aldi ;. a.i opening in from of us. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't also possesses considerable quantities lands, oxhibited at Gasl.elf Exposition dtirint; I picked .lilt Hv. of the lit I sledges The weather and going w. re even bet- now broad leads, one of them o» .t five friends of the Peary Arctic club. one woman who receives each night and hearty as the rest of us. reiristraii.m. Pierre nearest i».iint to lands, bard vllle W. . ampetl in a f. nip'rat n .-f i .p- I believe that If somebody could in- and -sign- -l them .-xpr. ssly t., u,,. ter. The surface, t x.-ept as interrupt.-d miles iu widfii. caught over with young regret it, for it will surely euro you."—Mrs. Dessie L. liicks, their five-cent pieces and fatten their of gold, which, however, cannot be ex- whieh are ehlefly in Pierre I.auil District, and Ilcntlng parties were sent out cn Sep gr<' s heiow. from her husband every dime he has "1 know Postum has benefited my e." pt a • n's party. 1 broke up the sev- by infri-(|uent ridges, was a level as Ice. Thanks to Dead Friend. 81» Cleveland St., Houston. vent unique ways of saving money the small bank accounts by walking in- tracted without great expense. In Rat all tilin.'s nnist i.e maile there. l'iii.|iip diver- tember 10 ai d a bear was bron-nt in on received In change through the day, self and the other members of the fam- At lln- . nd of two slmrt n i -l is w- . nt h tor mat. i iai with which to repair th.- glacial fringe from ile-cla tu Colum- I lore again fortune favored us. nnd public would have an assured future. sions every da\. Am; '• huiel a.-.-oinmodationii. tho Uiii and some de. r a day or two tam i.> n Hansen and i.!- par v in And it is no detraction from the liv- stead of riding, and making other the seventeenth century an Indian KNOWN THE WORLD ONTR A.Mrebs Pierre Kour.l uf I'rade, I'ifrrv, U. ti.-- otlit-r.i and set Kskimos at this bia. and hanh-r. no pronounced movement of the leu Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely for he is careful to avoid spending ily, but not In so marked a degree as later. m,p. mending their sh iy. . We d - ing to say that fo no single individual Men, women and children would re- petty . But the majority of near the town of La Paz found a mass w.-rk. We march, d something over t.-n having tak.-n place since the captain has flu- fine r.-sult ln-en more signally such a piece of money. These, with In the case of my mother, as she was Bis-Kit voi.-d the r.malnder nf tin- tiay to ov.-r- r.irtli-tt returned In time tu tnit,. „ hours, fin- dogs b. ing ofti n on the trot, passed, we had his trail to follow. We not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it gard saving as a game and play it working girls spend as fast as they of gold, supposed to have been de- iwrtn no .Iry, Prepare for Sledge Trip. hauling and mending sl.dges nnd hr.alc- due than to my friend, the late Morris her own savings In the same direction, a victim of long standing." •afislacfory olis.-rvation for latitude in and made 20 miles. N.-ar the end of picked up tin- old trail again north of K. .1- sup. the first pr.-sldent of the club. with ail their heart. There are penny can earn, and declare that they can- tached from the neighboring moun- rloan. throw it anyvhere Barker'S Drj.D.KELLOGCS O- c • • n i . r, the lull wnrk "f trans- ing up our damagetl .mes f a mat. rial. not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. make a respectable weekly showing.— Read "The Road to Wellville," in ADdnnisli -ISdt ibex - le .r w ather, and o'.tained f r our po- the march we rushed at-ioss a lead Mu the seventh igloos, followed it beyond Their assistance has enabled me to savings banks where newsboys and not help It. 1II«K*T IN-. ' IK n, HAIR BALSAM fei. . i ,.... i Columbia was tain by lightning. Bolivia is, on the OlMSMt and tin bait; sit.on ^T.l- and that ^how d that tin- yards wit!t-. which bii'kled under our Hi-- fifth, and at the big lead lost it tell the last o." the great earth stories, Kansas City Journal. pkgs. fi N Mnipot'im-ct. ASTHMA REMEDY li. • jki.iu'' d. Marvin with Dr. Good- Make Forced Marches. bootblacks carry their tiny savings, One reads of a man who began his hiinufe-iitlU. O. Pmmotet t !iiiuti»iu pn.wth. continued north wind Ind robbed us sledges and finally broke as the last finally. the story the world iris been waiting whole. It a backward condition, politi- "There's a Reason." Vrvn Fails to Bcitoro ar«y sail and liorui and flu- I'skimos. took I'i The next morning i put Marvin in the FOR THE of a number of mli.-s hard-earned sledge left it. to hear for 300 years—tiie story of but other children regard their penny career by regarding every dollar as a cal changes and Internal confiicts hav- Hair to it* YonUif.-.l Color. sledge loads of supplies to Cape lieiknap lead to plont-.-r the frail, with insirue- distance. Eskimos Wild with Joy. Ever rend the above letterf A new Cur»i (calp n btlr fHUii PROMPT RELIEF OF We stopp* d In sight of the eighty- the discovery of the north pole. bank at home with unfriendly eyes. worker and getting all the profit he Women make alliances with one i Ing hindered the development of its one appenrii from time to time. They and on the 27th the same party started tlons to make two t r.-ed mar. a.-s to I 'a rt let t took the

I ..'lilies I It Milt- .It Mil rns ra»*K iMBWK3R«8H|K«i ai Payne's. noorye I'urker wan lu Grant! Knp- ff- !(1m ye.' lertla.v. Why They Trade $5 slill,TS 5 IV,^ ryju Don I'arktT and Ualph riume took I Advance Showing of tn tlit* fair yostertlay. at PAYNE'S Fall Dress Goods l -~ -$ I-vir.\t!iliiu lu Hfhotd liookn and Hiipplles .it Ilenry'n tirug Htore. Onr collection ot Dress (ioods is til exceptional merit, not Kahlwarti iV: .Northhook have Hold only lor variety and cxcelIcncc of i|naliiy, i)iit for the very their Ice LIIIMLNEHN to Will WIIIIHIUH. 20 new Patterns Flannel- Wooltex Skirts Tiie W. (. T. f. meets with MFH. ette at 10c low prices quoted. i Doaaker l'ritla.\ aflcrnotin. Sept. 17. When you buy material for a dress, yon want to feel t hat 10(1 exclusive styles to select New Fall Dress Fabrics Mr. and Mrs l>. t:. Look will en- it will turn out all ri.u'hl, and yon are just as particular from. Vou need not have one like Rest quality American tertalu the Sunnhlim dub t*1l iIm even- your neighbor. I Ing. Prints at 05c whether vou want it lor street wear, a party dress or a house t laude 1 'ark er aatl I "la renee Spea ker dress. We save you all that worry, because every piece of •JO different colorings, lueludlng brown, olive, wine, navy, myrtle, wen- !a Graud UaptdH to thu f/ilr yen- Regular 7c quality Fn- t»"00ds you buy here is absolutely "'the best at the price" you ten lay. stone, pearle, taupe, castor, wal- Including the newest things in Fall Dress Goods bleached Muslin at V/OC want to pay, be it silk, velvet, wool dress ^"Oods nr cotton nut, sage, burgundy, peacock, MRH. C. I,. I'IIMUIH of Ionia Hpent goods. tans. etc. .Suntlay with her nleeL' MrH. I . K. Every woman is interested—if money saving is WllllaiuH. Foat's Spool Cotton, Rich- f\A At 50c we olier you a line, all-wool striped Panama in I- different weaves, incliidlng ' ieorge M. Tarki-r and Davltl Mange ardson's Spool Silk UnrC navy, wine, brown, ^reen and red. This Panama will out- Panamas. Serges. P.atlstes, Rroatl- worth thinking of were In ICatuu KapIdH on hunlueHH wear almost any cloth and at the same time make np nicely. cloths. Taffetas.Chevlots. Herring- taie tlay hint week. "oone Diagonals, P.edfords. etc. Appleri for evaporatlny;. .loh Rest checked Apron (ilng- Thirty-six inches wide. New weaves in plain and fancy stripes, satin Kt'llogg wauls them. Will pay the hams UOC And at 50c we olTer yon a beautiful silk-linish Brillian- highest price. tine. Full 50 inches wide and comes in navy, wine, green, $5 finish; colors, navy, Vonzo green, stone, cardi- I.iidies 1 Itiini .Innrn.'il pal lerns Regular 7c quality Outing brown, gray and black. nal, old rose, brown, slate, etc., •'•I Pa\ ne's. Flannel UOC We also have an assorlment of tlu; new satin striped Do not fall to reatl the advortlH- eiTects in the new off shades; comes inches wide and looks meuts In tills IsHUe of 'I'IIK Liintiuu. Rleaclud Toweling red f\A^ SEE II will pay you. like real dollar quality. This nulerial is very stylish. stripe border UT'C At .91.00 we olTer yon the new cm ded materials and satin C. t». Illll reiiorts that Will Klahu, Priced at 75c to $1.00 per yard wlm lias a critical coiitllllou. striped goods together with a 'arge assnrtment of plain and Is slowly ImprDvlug. Heatherbloom Pe 111 c t» a t s In fancy Worsteds ami Serges in idack s an 1 the new lall colors. The NewRugs The heal lliln week was more all colors aud 1 QQ I u the lower priced goods wr ha ve prel l.\ iilnldH. checks nml stripes Also mimv protty stylos from 25c to per yd. ! opprcHslve, ai)pareutly, than at any shades antl lots of plain colors for school .n, 1 i-vryil.'i;. v.r i;' at I.V, LTic, :!."ic yd. other time this sumiu' r. We still hnve an e\cellent asstu I iicnl nf I Imse prett \ tlI 'SM tiinghams The New Carpets 1 at li'c i he yard Your gown is Iuto. Lot us help you select it. Miss Lucllu Watts went to Kala- Smyrna Rugs, both sides nQ — ' mazou Mtuulay where she will at- alike VOC teiul the Haptlst college. THF FA Dl FS IH i.MF Jul UN \F PATTFRNS. the New Curtains Vou are cordially Invited to at tcml Again we come forwartl wit h t in best. !'hls time its patt'-rns and style books. We have obtained I Iim iigency of I he i.iidles lltuue .lonnial tmr millinery opeiilug, Sept. L'l Hau/e Fnlon Suits, long sleeves and LV). Mrs. I!. D. .Stocking. I'atterus antl their several piiblicaFons and will curry i compltM; stuck The New Draperies high n e c k, a n k I e Cf A — of the patter ns at all times wiiicli \v,.l lie renewed end. iittmt h ;is I li" new Harold 11 Her ami family and < Ieorge length OUC styles are created. « «I n C 1 o a d o m * • M. I'arker and family spent Sunday! Tlit-i' iiiilliTiis an- -tiptTitu i.. all olln i-. Tii>,> Mi- nic-i aiUant-i'il -i\li . ar.- il.- k ^iu'iH'il hy plr wht) liavr inatlc lln- arl a lit- ouk ami wii" l.tli p m •ni-lant Imifli wiih il •• j at Frank Meek wlth's lu Vergenues. i The Special Lace IcailiiiLnasliioii ccnlor.-. Tlify an-i"'iT.'i i liniiii:. • in li li in - .lraf'i,'l; an: i- uimmiral df Mrs. I'loytl I'.ouck aud her mother Fong sleeve Gauze OIT~. inalfi-ial ami yl I lit* paitMil i;iii ii' iclm i- aa- ntsu i In- R.MF htifii imssiblo with any paprr PUII.MII. luy tbe tl.iy wltn Mrs. T;. f. LOOHIIH. Curtains, 12 new fall wear. They are beauties and are selling. Call and get your t Id tlnr t^nai •••rl> Sly If 11, ml, Iciday. iiii'hul. n;; a 1 1 .a-1 Ili'int liitirnal pal Irrn. ~IKr An vpouml sou arrlvetl at the home | size before they are gone , t)f Mr. iiml Mrs. Loren Harbor in | Fong sleeve gauze Ftirset QC„ nrautl Kaphls, Sept. 1.'.. All •iolug i ''overs ^OC J. HOWARD PAYNE, Styles at 50c well. Mrs .1. S. Potter and daughter1 Prices from $8.50 to $20.00 Florence have n*turiied to .lacknou altera three wnKs' visit with Mrs. •••IIN iiiii»iiii miii iiiiiiiiiii II mir i MT IIF-TTmniininiiiiiiiiiiiBiM'iii Also a full line of Wintei Garments in Ladies', Misses' and Chil- I-. II. Hunt. I he (i. A. I!, and W. |{. enjoyed i Fawncy! (irand Trunk lioilwdi/ Svstcm Wanled vt Cunning fuclory, "If 1 were running things." said the Lowell, applfs, pears, peaches, ami dren's. Buy early and gel first choice a picnic tllnner antl a gootl time gen- Fxcurslou to tiriind Rapltis erally with Mr. ami Mrs. M. .1, I'aln- boarding house philtisopher. "I'd put t uiiiilties. Ftlwin F.-illiis. BLACK 1 Account West Mich. Stiile l-'alr. ter yest.Tiiay. a prohibitory tariff on slang. The im- September IM to Sept. 17, tickets1 For cauulugcorii. veg-etables, fruits ported English varieties are crowding good on all trains. farm F<»r Sale pickling etc., use Mrs. Price's can-i out our home prndnct." Fare from Lowell (!."ic for the rouml j Located in Lowell township i ulug compountl. Sold at Henri's, trip. ' miles north of Alto. 40 acres nnri all New Goods arriving daily. Blankets, Hosiery, drug store. Special train will be run on Sept. cleared except a 'J acre •;rove, nil for Sale Mrs. i;. 11. Fogs well of Fast Fun-1 Fi antl Ki, leaving Lowell S;1l' n. m., , fenced, house, barn, griinnry, etc, ! slug lias returuetl to her home after i lieglstered Rnmboulllet Ham arriving Grand Rapids 0:00 a. ni., rt'- iruod well uni spring pnml for ent tle ! X Underwear, Skirts, etc. Prices way down. a weeks visit with her daughter Frank Daniels. Lowell phone 1IJM tj. turn .Special leaves Hrnntl Rapidst'.::'.0 never tlry, nice ynmig npple tirchiirtl. p. m. Mrs. I . P.. Williams. )ienehes, grapes, berries. Price A. (). 111:\ in.Ata r, \geiit SI Cun. Terms .SCOO down bnlnnee on ; New Hue of wedding aud business Sleaimitial lv\pi-ess I'l'ains. long time. Kt'/ison for selling, bay • stationery just received .at Tin; Fi:ii- TEA ('ommeiieiiig Snndiiy. April L'"I fever. A. M. lliiveus. iii;u oilice. W e can print them ft»r (irand Trunk Railway Sunday fcxiursiun Lowell, R. F. D 17. I\vp 1 you "to the Mueen's taste." I '.MID. the (irand Trnnk Railway A pure uncolore Now Is the best time to paint. The Syjiteni will resume on faster Fvery Sunday until September • 1000. best paint Is monarch paint, the sehednle than litM'elofnre il?- lix- j I'Mi p.-r cent pure kind sohl aud guar- To Grand Rapltis antl Return ."ide 1 press trains between hetrnil ami JAPAN TEA E. R. COLLARl auteed by Henry ihe Druggist. Train leaves Lowell 0::'.S .a. in. H. W. JIAKES (irnntl Haven. lOasi btMintl I rain Returning leaves tirnml Hapifs The Fatly Maccabees enjoyed a IM.O p. M. A.O. Heytllaufi'. Agent. pleasant day at the t oiintry' home will It'ave (iraml Haven (1:1(1 a. Fragrant A of Mrs. .lay last Frhlay. A chicken in. daily on arrival nl Crosby licensed Embalhier , dinner and a water melon treat were Iiine Steamer, arriving Detroit for Sale or Extliande tor a rami : special features. •ind Delicious II rjr, a. m. Wesibonntl leave A well located house antl 2 lots at The Kellogg evaparator aud elder : hetroil thiiiy jo p. ni.arriving Grand Rnplds, l bh)eks out of city, .-ii Piiyne s. fiiain liaj^s at I'ayiie's. mills an; busy with a gootl force of Economici (irand Haven 10:D~i p. in., eon some distance from car Hue. AddresH I'lMininin piTis at Stnckinii's Mis. I'l-ank I'eriiin nnd diinuii- hands, .lohn is also buying aud R. F. Hatch ssti Sutton ave,, nraml packing shipping apples. AlwayH neeling'wiih (j't)sby Line Sleatn- Funeral Director Ki . il.n i • n'_ 111 l-l:ind ( ity '''j' 1 'omlliy altendeil ihe WVsl Rapids. i doing where .John Is. er for Milwaukee. i-'iM- lares, HEARD ABOUT | • i l.iiii Lfd- X, I'ridiiy, Miehii:-an lair yesterday. -• Telephowo Coils fiiven Prompt Mr. and Mrs. .1. P.. Howk leave to- train time. etc.. consult A. O. ! LEDliCR S WANTED Afteutiou. TOWN j | '•|' :• WW. I lull It'll lor Mil nisi ee morrow to visit their daughter Ill-VUFAI KF A(iKXT. Lowell .Midi. Mnnday Irom w here he u Mildred In Chicago. Merrltt Sayles OFFILH JJ Mis- W Milt W hile . ii" It mi "n t n • - - Ten copies Issue of Sept. - aud G. H. TROUI CITIZHNS I'llllNliS: ; Is carrying the mall on Route 17 IIUISB L.-O SMidiiv wii lit'r his 11\\ n In Mile ii 1 iw (Mi. eight of Issue of Aug. L'O. Will pay during Mr Hawk's vacation. Purse round -c each for good clean uncut: etqiies. 1 ' • W . 'T. I . iii"(M s w (Irniu Ijiiji's .ii 1'ii vin-V. From thf 1 let tluger. North Dakota On west side, Lowell, Saturday F. M. .lohnson. Low el?, Michigan LOWELL ilMMili l nlNnrlh l1' t-y hniiiiktM" I "ritliiy •pl. Record we learn thai Fred Ford, with small sum of money. Apply at Si lirkiii'j; sells It unit nin i • n •. IT. I i\'iM'\ i nif well 'iM ne. formerly of Alton, has dlsUn^niBhed Fedger ofllce. tf Frt'ti Scull un-. in lit Iii _• S himself there by a heroic rescue 1»''i n ' t) \| i. iind \\ rs. 1 ',;i i from drowning of a twu yeur old day. ^ •!"; .'iii' .i '-'Hi L;iii. Mnihi'riiiK boy lu Mirror lake. NO. or HANK. nrn. •• eeeee»oeo«o«io»oeoe#ee## • i hav; ' it in It mi 1'fi; nn-v -[ifM: uuila < iina d.i ..hi-! iiiv 111 iin ii* line. REPORT OF THR CONDITION Mis- Ltmle Wlllard went to Kala- oi- TIII: in Ik'ldinj:-. h. II. P.ti •1 (I rant] liapids mazoo Saturday, where nhe will i'raiik P.iiltlns i.n \ l-i Mr k M.i.- •iillt I 111 biisiiit-ss iictpijiin- teach iigiiln this year. Mrs. Wlllard will close up her hoiise .and she a,ml CITY STATE BANK Inr I 'hit;;iiiu. (>hii. f < !li| rli'.s Mr( ;i pl V \|( lilt li! v. 1 I'ling 11 .I line will leave next week to join at l.tixvi'll. Mii'liiyan. at tin* rln-r nf liiisiin ^-! Fall Styles Await You i-t 'nh Mr. and Mr>. .IkIih W.J II. .b IK 1,1 It I "•fli ill Fliifil-1 Foule lor the winter. SKPTKMBKH 1, 190 WT'FK ending l In A stray dog came to the home of A-callt'tl fur li.\ ilic Coiniiiis-ioiicr nf tlic Hank- 1 - inu' Dcitartnifiit ' i. V. Mf( . Millcll t 'I i 11";ui : II h-w air eon vt .•ind Ijuviiii: ii"\v one of our old lady subscribers. She : Leading Modes for itjv was in lt)\\ u Momi.iy " I Is. kept It for n week, advertised It In Tin. Fi.IM,lac antl then the measley KKSOt lU-'US. l'loy1 a licaitT ;• • Tlit : iIn- W'riglil linilding ftn- b.-ikery I'liniiltiio untl llxtnii'S ii,."i()tl.(KI , s 1 ti"iii» In transit ... M.iWi (ii 11 m I I nit »\v"> IKik'-iy . ti 1 lamilv ;ire ill ' l"" |"^' - 1 !nt iliiig - - ,1II kinds — Inwt'Sl bin! friini lianK- in by the Premier Pro- 11 priff.'—ShiWfll vV I'nrd. fit ies . .. . f'JT.r.-j.'i.'il William li«'i iick >)f I,ai • il '' i' i -1 • • i n i Mr-, limma 11 nil and Mr.-, l.d- Kxrhanjres f tir r 11- a r i n ^ M ini 1 IDM-V iiml ST IN I 'iiri < if S.-iiii- liuust; I'ii.S'l vi>ilinfi' old Lowll iricnds. Tin King .Milling fnnipaiiy has t S. ami National liank Mr-. 'I loniii • .a ie I -iMi 'liif \ i—i I • •' 1 .a I .1. II. hiid-1 Miif hngf sign-ads painletl t'nrr.Mif.v ti.'.HKi.Hil ducers of America I 'r. K. it. I la I on ol" < ii; IIj tiiild coin . H.iliiS.IKI it|> was in t MMIT mi. .7 7.ii 1 Miss (Ilt'iiiii> YI'IIIIL; M rs. 'ifi ir.Lif < a ivf a nil •fn mill.-, wlifi-e 1 hfy are imiieeablf T'lirfl. - anil I>I lirr NI-LT iti-ni- Itr.MII in n-iivt'lfis mi ihf I'tM-f Mar- W ' liiifstlay in • ir:iiiII.IM smilii rly 1 Ifi-t ir.-i led. I'mliviili-it iirnlits. ni'l - i:..;ri Mr. ami Mrs. < M>imi 1;. >1; . - M \l"fr ami "t i light •r In.) Depuly Sht-rilT Si-nit antl his t'iiinint'rt-ial ilt-pn-it .. !.M ir.i-.. 17 Savins-ilrpo-ii- . •I'Jl.iU S day iii \ i.-i i'f Iii I i - in wile lelt liisl wt-ek fnr ii six Wffks' Tin; Liaiiaa; iiml ihf Mifhigan l*(1 in nowInlt'i- j I hf rutMIIS. in i he (iriiliam lints. TIME for clothes selection, the fair in (Irand llit|)iil< mil il .lamiiiry 1. ami ha ve 1 heir ami hi'lii;f. T \Mi IIIMO. fa Im r b Mi.--. - I .iMvI La iiinl Miirgilift 1 inln ihf hoiisf ifefiilh' pllivl Suhsi-rilx-d ami -woin to hi-forn im- thi.- ;i|t we»'k. 1 -nliseripi inn in Tin; LiainFU ex- day of Si-ptfinhnr. I'.itr.t. and THIS 13 THE LOGICAL 1 • • i Ip' i,ii\' li'-'-ii \ isiiing 'etl frnin hr. Tnwslfv. My roniini--ioiifxpiii-.lannary I". I'.ill. m Mamls No. 1 and .1 \\ ill tln ir ftinsin. Mrs. W ill Meliraih.: ifinlfd 1 hree niniiihs: nr they 11. K. Si'iiiM.i.i 1. Miss (dciiiiis Vniing spciii fn nn Notary I'tihlif. Krnt fonnly. Mirh. PLACE lo make that selec- food sale a 1 the pnsi tiilit t i w' ln.'ti 111 i lif ir in Mm- in 1 >f 1 n iii I fiin hiivf i hf Fiirnifr fnr I he I hue fom-rl. atH'-l: nrdav. Siiinnhiy nnlil Tlmrstliiy ai iiiiniftl fnr I Df w i tl mn 1 ri'iiewiiig D. ti. I / V \\I)vk 1.. Diri'dor-. tion THIS is going to be A j 11 ighlaiid Park .-11111 while 1 Iwre fim- Tm; Iaaitn 1; .-11 this 1 ime. II. A. Pit KHAM. \ ® j iii tfiitlfd ii house piirly. BIG CLOTHING SEASON.

| Mr. ami Mrs. (' Knillin have A Partial Tl eft. W zL HAVE PREPARED riMnnieil irtiin .a irip in hfirnit "Isn't this ii hivt'ly laii' hunk?" she and '11 )lfdt 1. Ail he fnrnifr plaef asUfil. showing it in m. Such a !T with an immense S The Best Time to Paint J 1 hfV visiletl I lifir -1 MI 1 id. line leather com 1. .i.i: ! 3011 c-online opFriKb await your approval yonr.s.-lf to the 'Acts?' Why didn't you WITH YOUR .1. I ". 11 ATM I stfid the whole I'.ihlt ' - No files or dust, a dry surface and t he rluht temperaturo S (Ifn. Allifrl- ami fiimily h.ive EYES s tor paint to work well ami dry properly. J imivetl In Fhlil illltl llnuier Lee The Ebxn of Youth. You ought to find on1 The man who selects from our many different styles iiml fiimily nf Klnnlale hiiveiino - Time deals very gently with those The Cut of The Best Paint to Use is Monarch { etl inln the htMISf Vilfjitetl bv wonifii v.ho bring UP- imaginative fac- all about il right away. : gets what he knows is right, that suits him, fits him I hem. ulties into play in i-voryday life, and Neglect is the worst kind surround their care.- with a Hi lie halo and saves him money. I here are too many styles to' Mrs. Frank (Tme ami little of lolly. Taken in time The Suit.... Paint, the 100 per c. Pure Paint J of tln ir own; who i-onstanily muster tell you about each one of them. See them in our daughter P.eryl ofTnlftluareliere con rap •, soK-sacrilic.-, energy; who the ordinary errors of lor a sevoral wt-eks \ isit with vision are easy to correct. The base of Monarch Paint Is r»0 per cent carbonate of ^ bridle vanity and annlialaio sell.-" windows. Better still, come and look them over lead (pure white lead i, .'0 per cent oxldt' of /.Inc. ctunblned 9 Mrs. ( line's parents, Mr. and Family Doctor. Neglected they steadily with strictly pure Hnseetl oil ami .lapan dryer Non A Mrs. Sam l (•hainliers. grow worse. We have fading Imported colors. Making Munarch Paint theldeal ^ paint for any purpose. Monarch will eover mtire surface 9 Head Peary's own story nf his here every needed instru- and cost.4 no inort; than adulterated paints. To avoid A disfnvery of ihe Pole. Thf New ment for thu correction of » « FURNISHINGS * * disappointment antl save numey buy Monarch I'alnt. S Vtn-k Times' t-opyrighted arl- eye errors and we would ielt? ap|H*ars on amuher pagv td' /s The Best be glad to have you call The stock in this line is complete and we advise making your selections early W this Li;i»(ii:i{. lln* tlollai'-jjtM'-year and let us inyestigate e paper that's worth more moiify. in this line as well as in the suits and ov rcoats •*» s Gunrantetd by Too Good You your case. We do not Vfrne 11. Fhiin-h lorinerly nf charge for anything but If not, South linstnii. who lor a number take THE LEDGER the glasses, and as little i til years has been eonneeted with M. N. HENRY as possible (quality con- any UMIMKMI the weather bureau service in the fonvlno)•* blblmm th •Tery mpMli nor* sidered) for them. H. J. TAYLOR THE UP-TO-DATE DRUGGIST west, has reeeivftl ariolhfi* pro- motion ami is transferretl fnmi 0 Salt Lake eity to Indianapolis. p«ri*noe la tb# bnalMM. CMT* Me Mou LOWELL MICHIGAN It Pays to Visit our Wall Paper Department I w here he w ill be direelor-in-ehiel" T*A» tn FMUIT. of (lie wejiiher biire.-m in that section. {«•••••••••<