THE ma a LEDGER. Pub'io LiU ary ONE DOLLAR A YEAR AND WORTH MORE VOL XVII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 16,1909 NO. ti Ole Invite Sour Mention mi Tui'Ii Itlll'^iai-K, I'uisiu-d Onr Shot Xt'i'iili iil tu Moi l i*- KIIIVISIIII Vest id.iy l,iivv< 11 < aaniiii: factory aa>.\ Willi Mel hiHlist (.'hnrch Hoard Asks ll«-v. When Johnnie Soes J//arching Hiiiisolf Dead. (Xlit-r in Jail while Driving I'alla^' I'IMUI A liplch and Toainlors H ready"s Keiurn. From tlio,Grmiil Hapids lli-ruld Mortie Itowlson. a.uvd ;MMIII Kesolntioiis ad(jpted by the to our Htatnnont as shown l-'reepoi't, Midi.. Si'pl. 1:| — The ['.alias eannin<r factory is on patfo X o( thin pnpop. an Is years, had a narrow escaji" < Mlicinl I'.oard of the Methodist .lolin Wa.slilnirn, .incd II. is ia busy plnce these days. Apples ffiaek to School ralli'rt for by thH'oinmisHlon- from denlh nbotit I I a. in., yes- nnd toinaiocs are comine' in free- Lpiscopnl dinrch of Lowell nl cr (»f the Stato Nanking Do- (lead. Iiavinii' sliol liimscH" terdny. while driving' 1 !dwin I'al- thelourth ipiarterly conference. part intuil from all bankw nn- llinm^ii Hie licnd tojivoid .-irn'sl ly and a larue force of nien and las' dray team. He had on a September lilOO. di-r Htalt' rontrol. On Ihi- by ii posse. women are busy cnrinir nn ihem baHln of l,ln» Hhowln^ whK h li tad ol" bn rrelin I cideraniI st :i rt "d WmatKAS. We are at Hie dose tlnjic 11 be ii lot ol thing's you II have to o*et 10! win Wnshbnrii. jip-d I:;, The fruit is put up in gallon wo maki' In our HtattMiuMit tn drive across the IVre Mar- , cans made during t he winter and of t he foil rt h yen r of flie piistor. in a hurry and you'll have to ^ct them rij; h: or he and a hroinlHc of courJtoouH cousin ol" tlic dc.-id hoy. is in j.-iil i|iiet Ie I rack simI Ii 1 it" 1 he K Iiil!' - ate of Ke\". Kussell 11. P>ready, anil caivfnl Ircatmcnt. \VI»HO. ill I r.-isl iiiii'S, ;i iTcsl PI 1 ; 1 j j 1 T ;i sprine in the same factory; and mavffo marching back ayain. School needs" are well mills bill was stopped b\ the we contemplate with sorrow nnd Hi-It your laiHtni'SH. loil^ chasi' l»y t hi- possi-. '.Mr. l-'allas t Iins employs a lar^e looked after in our store and every item may be switchinir of iVei^lii enrs. In 1 reoTet the possibility of his re- Two si oi'cs and I wo ivsidi'ii'Ts force of people durinira liireepor- tiirnhej; aroimd. probal»iy !m moval to another Held of labor absolutely depended upon. won.* I'lir^larizi'd liy llii'bovs and 1 ii m 1 »f t he year. short a turn, liowlson and hi- and Iind ourselves ns farreinoved they had sot 0111 in niassai-i-i1 lln- The tine machinery ami me. load were thrown olT. nil'' or from n desire to pnrt with him Indians ri'sidiiiLi' in l In- vii-inity < )|" i ehanical lent tires of t he fiictory, Sccond Jfand floo/cs, ?/cw fiooks. nmre ol" t he hen vy barri'Is faliiiiL: and his iis we were one year neo; (Innn lake. many of w hi' h iire of the owner's npi m t he inift)rt ininte lad's Im >•!. Tin:iM;roiM:, I'esolved that we These are I lie resnllsol' reading:' individual device, nreworkine" to The City State Bank inllictinii," iniernal injuries. respectfully but enrneslly jieti- Tjab/ots, !Poncils, States, dime novi-ls and a roni|iael madf perfeci ion. Hi iw Isi m was carrieil into i he tion the Pdshop iind District Michigan i)y I he lads In ••inula Ii-1 In- hi-roi'S • >ne fent nre of 1 lie business i> Lowell, ne.'ir-by Willinms honsi- and d' ••• Superinteiident for the ret nrn of • - whatever is wanted uv h.v • , uul nistoni ol tiie "yi-llow liaeks." Their 1 he mniinlact nre of calsup. w hich tors hurried to his nid. Yo!"!'- P.rother I'.ieady to this chiiret- parlicnlar liero was Tracy. lln- is done from nmterial th.-it wns crs may rely on our g'ivin^ the low. -d price if even da\ afternoon 'n was t'enred ' hat lor his fifth year, that lieiii^ n Oreu-on handil. wlio creaii'd ;i fiirmerly wasted the smallest child comes to imv. his injuries would prove fatal: linie.honored term in Methodism rei^'ii of lei-ror in 1 In- inirl hwi-sl The canninu' factory people nre but reports this (Thnrsd.iy) for successful nnd wi o\ ed several years a.^o, and it is he- ii e'ood nalnred and cheerful lot r pn s I o rs. £ct Johnnie Como ftfarchuu, D()l„n Jfen lioved lo IM- more than a mi'IV win> seem 11» eiijiiy their w(irk: The team left In itsi'lf rati ill in siippt»rt of thi I Watches PARKER PENS ••(Miieidencc I hat .lohnnii' Wash- nnd o.ir towiismeii Lienerally we W'th Jf.j Xnt l he depot. .1 few rods away and reaflirm .-ill that wns snid in the bnrn endi'd ids lifeal'lcf the man- nppreciate the fnct that Hdwin slopped. This is t lie s;inie ti-nni I' e S () i u I io IIS of o II I Irom Si .50 up j ner of Trai-y, when In' saw i-ap- 1 alias is n 00011 man for Low- ye.nr he will be treated rijrht. !•& r LL because they EXCiEL! tha 1 last week made a dash up ile'i). w hen we askeiI f()r th * K' v 'Aui! t lire was i-erlain. fi iiirth r and Uiver -live! after Driver Iniivi year, which w.is kindly eranted. Tilis Iraucdy marked thf rlose Come in ami let us explain tli J soil had fallen off the drny.ni: The powerful areunients which of a most eventfiil dav for tin' CONGREGATIONAL ward sloppitiL!' of its ownaeeoid. woiiourcnuse from tin- P.isliop ]>riiici])les of the Lucky Curve ^ Washburn lads. Sunday. Se|itenil).>r IMorn- o£oo/c s *Driig one/ ffiook Store In lieitlier ense does the lentil and Siipei'iiilendenl at th;it time | Clocks 'i'he I wo boys diirin^ 1 he ni^ht iim* snbiect. Mnsnarimrnnesiion> and Self Filler Pens. Price SI.50 3 SIM •ill to have been at nre not only in full force and liad biir^iari/.i'd .Moore A; Shi'i»- Thiit Did Not Kusnare. or Sonic jCowcU or j(tto to SO. 00. ;? effect now bin havepiinedadded £ from SI .00 uj» ard's hardwari' store. ^i'l-nriiiLi Puz/Jine' ' Inesi ions Answered, stven«|th. < Mir love for I he Pns t wo shot ^uns. l wo rilles and a j IIee;tnline" loynlty to one's conn- tor hiis increased and we fed our 1 two bnsiiel sark of cartridLii's. try and to God. Why there will need of his furl her services more They also eiilcicd 1. !•]. Moore's not lie marriaee in the future deeply llinn ever before. I niler grocery store, where theystocked -tiiie.' nnd the lawyer's (piestion § We make a specialty of fit- 3 Mr!Imili^l Ili'Mllicrlnind llaii ;i <;.i.. | his leadership our diurdi h;is ii[) on some shoes. At Michael of the mosi ini]i()rlanl law".' Timr l.asl riniisil.n llvfuini;. been erently ble-scd iiolh inn. Rouses residence they secured 11 ere i> materinl I h.-it will interest g ting glasses properly. | t wo revolvers. The Methodist iirolherhoDil you no niiitter whiit yon believe. terially nnd spiritually. The To^ Piano Buyers story o'" the inij'r iveinenl of the The 1 hell was reported to 1 he last Thursday eNi-ninu" sui'i.Ted'd Ninm c 1 i 1 s> fiir men, •'Tii Whiit church property is fninilinrtoall. - sheriff at Hastings and hepnty in pnllini:• off n pleasant and Ivxten! Sin mid iiu Individual be Oui line fif Pianos includt's th- !<'!l(iu'inn well We need but to mention the Sherifl" Manni came to the scene. prolilable I'N cut without hin- I 'out rolled by t he ' 'pinions o known makes of hij^h yfrade instrumenl-. iInzcltnn, liiindsoine. eommodioiis n nd | Oliver, Jeweler, Optician. | While efloris were beiii^ made to dratice by .1 npilei rinvins. 1 Ii- < )t liers? comfortable parsonage. the r. C. Weaver, II. P. Nelson, l-'arrand, etc., ami can •ret some tangible clew on which 1 ieiiiLL' a boll' tile liisl iiine l!;- Lveiiine- "• Tile Senses (i! the pa hit inii' and deci ifiit iii^1 i if t lie furnish many other grood makes at less prices than the to work, I. M. Moore heard shoot- old fellow has refrained irotn Son!" The live senses and their clmreli inside and out. ihe new city dealers ask. mmmmmmmmimmmmiiumimiK ing in the woods near low 11 and opening u;» the Hood uaIcs on exercise in reference to t he soul miTmed lloor, Hie conifoi went to investigate. lie dis- such occnsions. nnd its eternnl welfare. able news and [mlpit fiirniiun the The P. C. Weaver Piano covered the two boys practieiiiLL" Alaccabee imll wns well lilled by 1 he bret hren and t heir Indies, METHODIST CHURCH.
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