Dangerous Establishments

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Dangerous Establishments Registered with the Registrar Registered No. PY/44/2018-20 of Newspapers for India under No. 10410 WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-88/2018-20 Dated : 28-5-2019 Price : ` 10-00 La Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry The Gazette of Puducherry Publiée par Autorité Published by Authority ` 10-00 Prix : ` 10-00 Price : ` 10-00 2019 } | 28 { No. 22 Poudouchéry Mardi 28 Mai 2019 (7 Jyaistha 1941) No. Puducherry Tuesday 28th May 2019 SOMMAIRES CONTENTS Page Page .. 374 Notifications du Gouvernement .. 374 Government Notifications .. 374 .. 380 Etablissements dangereux .. 380 Dangerous establishments .. 380 .. 381 Annonces .. 381 Announcements .. 381 [ 373 ] 380 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [28 May 2019 Sl. Name Register No., Sl. No. of School in which No. of the session and the mark studied last applicant year certificate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Tmt./Selvi: 1 R Rajalakshmi 436471, March 2002 — Government Girls’ Higher Secondary School, T.V. Koil, Puducherry. 2 T Mala 324678, April 1992 — Chevaliar Sellane Government Higher Secondary School, Kalapet, Puducherry. 3 D Rajalakshmi 1681237, March 2016 — Amalorpavam Higher Secondary School, Puducherry. M. KUPPUSAMY, Joint Director of School Education. ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY CHIEF SECRETARIAT (AGRICULTURE) HEALTH SECRETARIAT (G.O. Ms. No. 1/Ag., Puducherry, dated 20th May 2019) (G.O. Ms. No. 29, Puducherry, dated 21st May 2019) NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION Thiru P. Carttigueane, Deputy Director of Agriculture On attaining the age of superannuation, on deputation as Chief Seed Certification Officer, Tmt. T. Parameswari, Assistant Nursing Superintendent, Puducherry Seed Certification Agency, Puducherry, Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and is admitted into retirement on superannuation with effect Postgraduate Institute, Department of Health and Family from the afternoon of 31-05-2019. Welfare Services, Puducherry, is admitted into retirement with effect from the afternoon of 31-05-2019. (By order) (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) M. GANESAN, Under Secretary to Government M. SARATHI, (Agriculture). Deputy Secretary to Government (Health). T. M/s. , 28 May 2019] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 381 } | {, ———— BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT, PUDUCHERRY Bahour, the 17th May 2019. Dangerous Establishments NOTICE The undermentioned person has requested for permission to set up the following industry within the Bahour Commune Panchayat limits as detailed below: Sl. Name and address Address of the Industry Power No. of No. of the applicant industry site proposed required workers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Tmt. T. Elavarasi M/s. Sagaanaa Enterprises, Manufacturing 30 H.P. 10 (Proprietrix), Re-survey No. 231/8, of ice cream. 12, Mariyamman Koil Street, 12, Pudukuppam Road, Moorthikuppam, Moorthikuppam, Manapet Post, Bahour Commune, Bahour Commune, Puducherry. Puducherry. In conformity with rule 11 of the Puducherry Commune Panchayats (Grant of Licences and Permissions) Rules, 1976, promulgated in this Union Territory by the Puducherry Village and Commune Panchayats Act, 1973, objections, if any, to the setting up of the above industry, are invited to reach the Commissioner, Bahour Commune Panchayat, within fifteen days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. The objections so received within the specified period will be considered by this Commune Panchayat. G. SAVOUNDIRA RAJAN, Commissioner. AFFIDAVIT I was born to my parents namely, Joseph Louis I, John Michel Alias Devanand, son of Joseph Louis Pregassam and Mariassouceammale Alias Pregassam, Christian, aged about 50 years, residing at Papattiammalle on 29-9-1969 at Puducherry and No. 84, Jawaharlal Nehru Street, Puducherry-605 001, do I was named as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’ and hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm and state as the said birth was registered vide Registration follows: No. P/1969/04584 and in the said Birth Certificate, my I humbly submit that I am the deponent herein. name is mentioned as ‘John Michel Alias Devanand’..
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