Vegetation and Floristics of Butterleaf National Park, Butterleaf State Conservation Area and the Bezzants Lease Dr John T. Hunter May 2011 23 Kendall Rd, Invergowrie NSW, 2350 Ph. & Fax: (02) 6775 2452 Email:
[email protected] A Report to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service & the Nature Conservation Trust of NSW i Vegetation of Butterleaf & Bezzants Lease Summary The vegetation of the Butterleaf National Park and State Conservation Area and Bezzant’s Lease is described and mapped (scale 1:25 000). Nine communities and three sub-associations are defined based on classification (Kulczynski association). These eight communities and three sub-associations were mapped based on ground truthing, air photo interpretation and landform. The communities described and their status is: Floristic Community Area Reservation Status C1a: Eucalyptus radiata – E. Not listed as a community of concern though 1,875 ha campanulata – E. obliqua likely a unique association within the area. C1b: Eucalyptus obliqua – E. Not listed as a community of concern. 263 ha brunnea – E. saligna C1c: Eucalyptus campanulata Not listed as a community of concern. 250 ha – E. obliqua – E. saligna C2: Eucalyptus acaciiformis – Likely to be included as an Endangered Angophora floribunda Ecological Community within the Montane 8.7 ha Peatlands and Swamps determination of the TSC Act. C3: Eucalyptus caliginosa – Not listed as a community of concern though E. bridgesiana – E. 433 ha likely a unique association within the area. laevopinea C4: Eucalyptus nova-anglica Would fall within the Endangered Ecological – E. acaciiformis – E. 39.8 ha Community New England Peppermint subtilior Woodland on the TSC and EPBC Acts.