Parish News

July 2014

HOUSE CALDECOTE VILLAGE HALL Small well maintained Hall for Hire with MAINTENANCE seating for up to 50 people SUITABLE FOR PARTIES, MEETINGS OR Plastering SIMILAR GATHERINGS Tiling KITCHEN/TOILETS/PARKING Plumbing Situated on Weddington Lane opposite Painting turn for Caldecote Village Decorating Contact Miss M. Hughes 024 7639 4328 P.M.R. Motor Repairs  References on request Burbage Walk, Powell Way  First Class Job Guaranteed , CV11 5AE  Pensioner Friendly Services Telephone 024 7632 9176 Fax 024 7632 9665 Contact Mario on: 07849 315649 Servicing and Repairs 01827 701515 to All Makes of Vehicles MOT Testing MKS Decor

CJR Improvements Ltd Building and Maintenance

All Aspects of building and property maintenance work undertaken

For a Free Quotation Contact Lee Pendleton 07473 993176


Editor’s Notes

Welcome again to Fenny Drayton Parish News. This month we have a beautiful watercolour painted by Pauline Walsh – reproduced in colour as an apology from our printers for a glitch in a couple of the adverts in the last issue. May I also apologise to those advertisers (Trotters the Butchers & Lovely Cakes) for this inconvenience – you will find their adverts at the back of this issue, double their normal size as further recompense! I would encourage you to support those business that advertise here – not only do they support the Parish News (covering half our costs) but they are all local businesses that care about their reputations and so (hopefully!) can be relied upon to do a good job at a fair price. In the centre of this issue, there is a cautionary tale of one less scrupulous business…

Neil Sherry – [email protected] - 713848

To advertise and to subscribe, please contact:

Pauline Walsh - [email protected] – 715466 CAN YOU HELP? THIS IS URGENT!


We are currently having to pay for this to be done commercially



W. Smith & Sons (Nuneaton) Ltd Dr I Hussain

Avenue Road (BDS 1996 L’pool) Nuneaton CV11 4JT Camphill Dental Practice

024 7638 2124 206 Camphill Road Nuneaton CV10 0JL Funeral Directors 024 7639 4571 and Monumental Masons 24-hour Free Emergency Service FUNERAL PREPAYMENT PLANS 07771 788722 3

Fenny Drayton Church Services

6 July Holy Communion 9.00am 13 July Benefice Service, 10.30am 20 July All Age Service 10.30am 27 July Morning Worship 9.00am

Church Readings 6 July Zechariah 9, v9-12 Audrey Smith Romans 7, v15-25a Joan Holder 20 July Matthew 13, v24-30, 36-43 Maureen Bonner 27 July 1 Kings 3, v5-12 Janet Agar Romans 8, v26-39 Alan Wood

Other Services in the Benefice

Higham on the Hill 6 July Holy Communion 10.30am 13 July Benefice Service, Stoke Golding 10.30am 20 July Evening Service 6.30pm 27 July Ecumenical Service – Methodist Church 10.30am

Witherley 6 July All Age Service 10.30am 13 July Benefice Service, Stoke Golding 10.30am 20 July Evening service 6.30pm 27 July Holy Communion 10.30am

Stoke Golding 6 July All Age Service 10.30am 13 July Benefice Service, Stoke Golding 10.30am 20 July Holy Communion 10.30am 27 July Morning Worship 10.30am

Dadlington 6 July BCP Morning Prayer 9.00am 13 July Benefice Service, Stoke Golding 10.30am 20 July BCP Holy Communion 9.00am 27 July BCP Holy Communion 9.00am

Household Hints Stop celery from wilting by wrapping it in foil, when putting in the refrigerator, and it’ll keep for weeks. Iceberg or little gem lettuce lasts much longer wrapped in foil and stored in the refrigerator. 4

Church Matters from the Parishes of: Fenny Drayton, , Higham-on-the-Hill, Stoke Golding & RECTOR: Rev’d Linda Blay (01455) 213988, [email protected]

This summer marks the beginning of four years of national and international commemorations marking the centenary of the First World War. The First World War claimed the lives of over 16 million people and had an impact on the lives of everyone in every town and village in our country. One hundred years later, we are all connected to the First World War, either through our own family history, or because of the way it changed the history of our communities. Few communities were untouched by tragedy in the war, and every one of our churches played a vital role during those dark years to offer spiritual support and commemorate the lives of fallen loved ones. So many men volunteered to join enthusiastically, full of hope, and full of patriotism, full of expectation, led to believe that the war would in all probability be over by Christmas - Christmas 1914. In fact the war lasted four years, and very many of those who volunteered never came back. A whole generation was in effect wiped out. The world became a very different place. Not only did virtually every family in a village like ours lose someone in the war, but many people also lost their ability to trust others. Jesus was born into a world wracked by war and oppression, but came to tell us of the love of God who wants to give us peace. Jesus, himself, was the victim of violence, and suffered a long and painful death in the struggle for peace. St Michael & All Angels Church Management Committee (PCC) Janet Agar 01827 716035 Gina Hawthorne 01827 716159 Alan Baxter 02476 383438 Susan Kosniowski 01827 714628 Maureen Bonner 01827 715768 Michelle Nelson 01827 722182 Julia Collis 01827 713881 Audrey Smith 01827 717034 John Frisby 01827 715826 Pamela Wills 01827 720929


The way to peace for us, as we honour all who have suffered and given their lives for our nation in the war, is a way based on love, starting in the home, in the workplace, in the supermarket, over the garden fence. So as we give thanks for those who fell in war, we remember the words of St Paul: ‘Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4.32

The Prayer of St Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is despair, hope; And where there is sadness, joy. Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Wishing you God’s blessings, Linda

Community Coffee Mornings

Should you wish to join us, we meet in the kitchen area of the Church from 10:30am-12:30. ALL ARE MOST WELCOME The dates for July are: Thursdays 10th and 24th



Thank you to all who collected and everyone who donated during Christian Aid week. The total raised in the village was £370.21. This was more than last year and your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Oi, All you bikers in Fenny! Local Babysitting/Dog Walking: There must be a few of you dotted about, and it’s the time Available after school, at of year to get your leathers on weekends and school holidays. and get out. (You might want to bring your waterproofs Five years’ experience working along just in case though). with 5-8 year olds, CRB checked

If you fancy a ride out, perhaps Please contact Emma on to an evening cafe/location or 07888786786 for further a Saturday or Sunday to the details. coast the give me a call. Wayne - 07802 338781

ADVANCE NOTICE – PLEASE MAKE A NOTE FLOWER FESTIVAL IN CHURCH 27TH and 28TH SEPTEMBER 2014 The theme will be SAINTS Help will be needed making cakes and manning the tea stall and the door. Prizes for the raffle are also needed. Anyone willing to do a flower arrangement will be welcomed with open arms.

There will be a meeting on Tuesday, 5th August 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in the church for everyone interested.

Please contact Yvonne Morson on 01827 716924 or Julia Collis on 01827 713881 if you are willing to be involved in any way especially if you cannot come to the meeting.


Fenn Lanes Men’s Group

May’s meeting was a splendid evening:- Jim Norden gave a talk about trumpets through the ages. Conches, cow horns, all manner of early brass instruments - you name it, Jim had examples, and played most of them. He also told lots of stories of his career; including playing at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford and playing for the Queen, William and Kate in Cathedral. Jim and Judy played lots of favourites, old and new, making for a really good evening. Like Parliament, we now have our long summer recess. Our next series of meetings will commence on September 16th

Book Early for the In a famous assessment of the BENEFICE OUTING TO CAMBRIDGE name, the French Enlightenment Saturday, 6th September writer Voltaire remarked Coach fare £12.50 sardonically: "This agglomeration Pick up points will be arranged at which was called and which still each village calls itself the Holy Roman Contact Jan Harding 01827 717999 Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire."

Friday With Friends

Now established in our social calendars, this truly is an 'everyone welcome' event, not geared to specific age groups. If you come alone, there will be someone from the village to catch up with: if you have children, there are generally others there for them to play with - you are welcome to join us any time between 7 and 10pm and stay as long, or as briefly as you wish. Bring whatever you wish to drink and enjoy the company. We usually meet the first Friday in the month. Forthcoming date: 4th July We will be taking a break over the summer, the next gathering being scheduled for September 5th. 8

The Fenns Folk Our last meeting saw our local 'Rock Legend' telling us about the other side of his life! Over the last few years Dave Norris and his family have been making twice- yearly trips to the Goa region of India, where they have become huge supporters of a charity called Children Walking Tall. This charity aims to support children of the slums in practical ways, using a day centre called The Mango Tree. Children who attend lessons there get a free meal and facilities to play safely - and also support in whatever ways the charity can help. Dave and family have also 'adopted' a local family they found living - yes living - under an advertising hoarding on the side of the main road. They existed on the sale of baskets they made. Regular visits have made firm friends of the family, and they have now helped them move into a small hut, which is wonderful progress for a family on the edge. If you would like to know more, or think you would be able to help this work either with a donation, or with small gifts which can go out to India on the next visit, please contact Dave direct. (The Editor has his phone number). We are into the summer break for the Fenns Folk. Our season will start again on Thursday, September 25th, when we are to welcome local Solicitor, Mr Steve Evans, on the subject of 'Wit in Wills, and Improbable Probates'. Please book the date in your diary now for an informative and entertaining talk on a subject close to many people’s hearts!


SNAKES ALIVE IN CHURCH! Thanks to the foresightedness of our vicar, Linda, in encouraging the use of the church for the benefit of all the community we were able to hold a talk from the Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary. The snakes in question were Californian corn snakes. These beautiful golden snakes were able to be handled by all the children (and adults). He also brought with him a 13 year old tame Barn Owl who loved to be stroked and a European Eagle owl and Bengal owl. Roxy the Fox completed his menagerie for the afternoon- Roxy is a tame fox who Geoff has had for 13 years- she was not able to be released back into the wild so she is very domesticated. She is quite a celebrity having appeared in films and on T.V. He is sometimes spotted walking around Nuneaton with her on a lead and she too loves to be stroked. He amused us with anecdotes about some of the animals he has rescued as well as gave us information. The Children's activities were animal themed- colouring, mask making and making owl pencil pots thank to the artistic talents of Michelle and Becky. The talk was followed by afternoon tea with cakes being donated by villagers and friends. A raffle was held with prizes also being donated. These included a family ticket to Tropical Birdland, Pet vouchers, little gifts and a chocolate Owl cake made by Will Batchelor. Many thanks to Julia and everyone who helped on the teas, Alistair for selling tickets and Juliette who helped with everything! Thank you to everyone who supported the event. We were able to donate just over £200 to the Wildlife Sanctuary and £100 to Church for its upkeep. Louise Murray P.S. Geoff was delighted with the amount raised and has asked me to pass on his thanks too. If anyone is having a clear-out over the summer of old towels, sheets bedding, pet equipment etc. I will be happy to take it to the Sanctuary for the animals.


Broadband Upgrade An £18.6m project to bring superfast fibre broadband to rural has announced the first communities to benefit from the scheme, and we’re delighted to say fibre broadband will be going live in Fenny Drayton between July-September. The project will be delivered by Openreach, BT’s local network business, and will bring fibre broadband to more than 62,000 homes and businesses across the county by spring 2016. This high-speed network is available on an open, wholesale basis to all communication providers, therefore offering Leicestershire households and businesses the benefit of real choice from a highly competitive market. To get superfast fibre broadband, you’ll need to place an order with a provider who offers the service. Depending on your current broadband package, it may not cost any more to upgrade. In order to get the best deal, you’ll have to compare prices and decide which provider has the package that suits you, and then contact the provider directly to place your order. There are a number of price comparison websites which can help you do this. If you choose not to upgrade to superfast fibre broadband, you’ll be able to continue using your existing broadband service as normal. As soon as you’re able to order fibre broadband our website will be updated so please check back regularly:

Below is the back of the notice overleaf – read on to find out more…  No Thank-you – please leave

 We don’t buy at the door  I need to discuss with my husband/wife/son/daughter  I never have work done without getting at least two quotes  You have right to change your mind within seven days 11

Rogue Traders come to Fenny Drayton No, not the TV programme – but some real ones!

Despite some streets having ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ signs, early in June, some of our fellow villagers were called on by some a firm offering to do various works on their properties – including roofing repairs, replacement of gates, cleaning block paved driveways and so on. The traders concerned said they were based in Enderby, although further enquiries showed they had a Doncaster phone number. This first hit the ‘Fenny Drayton Folk’ Facebook group after one resident was disturbed early in the morning as the workmen had set to in pulling her gates apart, even though she had not agreed for them to do any work. A list of other cases from that week – including a Rookery Close resident came to the rescue of her neighbours, and a number of people reporting high pressure tactics being used to get them to have work done – perhaps unnecessarily, and almost certainly not the best deal in terms of price and/or quality. You should be aware that ‘Doorstep Selling’ rules give us a fair amount of protection: The first thing is that you have the right to say no thank-you, and to ask the trader to leave. No-one should be made to feel obliged to buy anything they don’t want, whether it’s work on their house or dusters & cleaning products! You can cut out this sign and stick it on your door – or in a window – or the larger one on page 14:


If you find this hard, play for time. ‘I need to discuss this with my wife/husband/son/daughter’, ‘I already have someone coming to do it’, or ‘I never buy at the doorstep – sorry’. But the best thing is not to engage in conversation – just say ‘no thank-you’ and shut the door! Secondly, if you are cornered into agreeing to something that you really don’t want – you have a legal right to a seven day ‘cooling off’ period if it is for more than £35. And it is a criminal offence if the trader doesn’t provide you with that information, and they need to provide contact details to let them know you have changed you mind.

Thirdly, any work that is done should be to a good standard, and at a fair price.

If you have any problems with traders coming to your house & trying to sell to you, contact a local Citizen’s Advice Bureau. They are your first point of contact and can advise you as well as involving Trading Standards if appropriate: : 0844 855 2322 : 0844 417 1025 The Parish Rooms, 2nd Floor Elizabeth House Welcome Street, St Mary's Road Atherstone Hinckley Or see If you feel threatened, you can of course call the police – either on 101 or if it is very severe on 999.

 No Thank-you – please leave  We don’t buy at the door  I need to discuss with my husband/wife/son/daughter  I never have work done without getting at least two quotes  You have right to change your mind within seven days



Witherley Parish Council – Fenny Drayton Ward

Fenny Drayton Parish Councillors – to contact with News, Views & Issues:

Robert Alexander [email protected] 768649 Alistair Brittain [email protected] 712172 Maureen Cook [email protected] c/o Clerk Ann Wright [email protected] 720966 Clerk: Anji Forsyth [email protected] 880548

Extracts from Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th May (Full Minutes are available at

A751: CRIME STATISTICS  Fenny Drayton: Burglary other than dwelling – entry gained to outbuilding by removing lock from farm gate, accessed roof using ladders and activated alarm. Chainsaw stolen. A752: CLERK UPDATE:  Telegraph pole on verge of A444, Fenny Drayton reported to BT as it appears to be dangerous. A753: UPDATES FROM VILLAGES FENNY DRAYTON:  Cllr Cook raised LCC’s inconsistent grass cutting. Clerk to Action  Cllr Cook raised the issue of speeding traffic through the village and asked Cllr Ould for advice on asking Highways and Police to have a county-wide crack down.  Cllr Ould advised PC to write to Phil Crossland at LCC for help from Highways. Action Clerk. He also suggested paying for the pair for rubber wires to be installed to monitor speed of traffic (£450).  Cllr Alexander raised the issue of possibly installing a piece of equipment for adult exercise in the playing field such as a “cross- trainer”. Examples and prices required for consideration from S106 funds.  Cllr Brittain advised the existing bench in Rookery Close can be repaired. £129.65 for recycled plastic “wood” planks were proposed by Cllr Alexander and seconded by Cllr Cook.  Grazing cattle on the Cottager’s Piece ran at a person walking across. Clerk to discover ownership of cattle, establish grazing and footpath rights.


A754: COUNTY COUNCILLOR REPORT.  County Council has to reduce its £110million budget by a third in the next 3 years.  Adult Social Care and Health is being integrated through the “Better Care Together” fund. Cllr Ould is involved with these decisions on a regular basis.  The County Council is a key partner in the Economic Action Zone at MIRA.  No.7 bus service has been voted on. It will continue under its current timetable until further consultations with interested parties have been completed.  The road traffic patterns submitted by the developers for the Barwell SUE have been proved inaccurate. Cllr Ould was initially invited to the cross parish working group for input, but subsequently not sent any minutes; resulting in him not being able to support the Public Examination nor to attend.  A resident challenged Cllr Ould over an alleged increase in crime since the switch off of most street lights after midnight. This has been followed up and no link has been established; the majority of crime has been committed during daylight hours. This is the 4th year of the switch off practice across the County and there has not been an increase in criminal activity.  For the last 5 years Cllr Ould has been elected the Chair of the F40 Lobby Group of the lowest funded councils for schools in . As a result of their efforts there has been an additional £202 allocated per child in Leicestershire.  The “Nearest Available School” Policy is now renamed the “Nearest Available Leicestershire School” Policy. Meaning if there is a Warwickshire school closer e.g. Atherstone, your child can choose a Leicestershire school if preferred. A755: BOROUGH COUNCILLOR UPDATE  Borough Council do not have a 5 year housing plan. This will impact on the number of new developments to be proposed. HBBC has incurred a 20% penalty by central Government for the failure to produce a plan.  A Fenny Drayton resident was refused bin emptying service due to an admin error by HBBC. This has been rectified.


A756: PLANNING APPLICATIONS  14/00320 Land South of Lindley farm, Fenn lanes – objections and concerns to be forwarded to HBBC planning by Tuesday 13th May.  14/00273 Condit 1 George Fox Lane, Fenny Drayton. No objections raised. A757: NO.7 BUS SERVICE – also see A745 County Councillor Update. Councillor Conway gave an update on the result of the second public consultation by the County Council. The scrutiny panel and the Cabinet have agreed with the Parish Council’s proposal to form a Community Bus Partnership (CBP) for the route. The CBP is a partnership between the County Council, the bus operator and the local communities along the route. A two hourly service between Measham and Atherstone has initially been proposed by the County Council, but missing out Atterton and Ratcliffe Culey which could be serviced by Demand Responsive Transport (DRT). The current service will remain in operation until the CBP decides how the service will operate as any draft timetables produced are not set in stone. Councillor Conway will draft a statement to explain the Cabinet’s decision which will be posted on our website, notice boards and in the parish magazines.  A letter had been received from David Hickie requesting assurance that the rural community views are taken into consideration by the parish council. This Council has consistently fought for the rights of all villages and residents to enjoy the benefits of public transport services and not just one village as is reflected in letters to LCC and MPs during the consultation process.

A758: WITHERLEY DEFIBRILLATOR – This Parish Council has purchased and installed a defibrillator for the village of Witherley, which is available 24 hours per day. It is located in the covered walkway of the Blue Lion public house, and is registered with both Warwickshire and ambulance services. 16 local people attended an awareness session in the use of the machine, although should anyone need to use it, the process is fully automated. A letter of thanks is to be written on behalf of the Council to David Payne and Vince Wetton. Action Clerk. Sign to state “Funded by WPC” to be made Action Cllr Woods. Further location signage to be obtained Action Cllr Conway. A763: AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING  Additional dog bin in Fenny Drayton  Strimming maintenance of Drayton Close


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M G Evans & Sons Funeral Directors An Independent Family Business Monumental Service Pre-Arranged Funerals Private Chapels of Rest Horse Drawn Funerals Daimler Limousines Home Visits by Request

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All garden maintenance, slabbing, fencing, hedges cut, trees removed. Also drains and gutters cleaned; and domestic cleans available.

For a free quote call Mand or Dave: 07513 787650 07592 761624 RECENTLY SEMI-RETIRED LOCAL LADY Not ready to hang up my boots yet, seeks domestic work.

All cleaning jobs, windows, ironing, shopping, fetching groceries or taking you shopping undertaken

RELIABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY Please call Karen 01827 713764


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If you know of anyone who would like to sell Avon please let me know and I’ll get them started Email: [email protected] Call or text: 07879448487

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What’s On in July

2nd 1.05-1:30pm Mobile Library Fox’s Covert 1.35-2:05pm Rookery Close 3rd 7:30-9pm Bellringing Practice Church 4th 7:30-10pm Friday With Friends Church 6th 9:00am Holy Communion Church 7th Blue Bins 10th 10:30am-12:30 Community Coffee Morning Church 10th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting Parish Rm, Witherley 13th 10:30am Benefice Service Stoke Golding 14th Black/Brown Bins 16th 1.05-1:30pm Mobile Library Fox’s Covert 1.35-2:05pm Rookery Close 18th 5pm Parish News Copy Deadline 20th 10:30am All Age Service Church 21st Blue Bins 24th 10:30am-12:30 Community Coffee Morning Church 27th 9:00am Morning Worship Church 28th Black/Brown Bins 30th 1.05-1:30pm Mobile Library Fox’s Covert 1.35-2:05pm Rookery Close

Our much loved ginger tom "Tigger" is regularly going missing for several days at a time and coming back with a very full tummy. I can only suspect he is being fed somewhere. We love our cat dearly and are concerned that he will disappear altogether if he continues to be fed elsewhere. Could we please urge anyone offering him shelter and food to send him on his way so he will come home where he belongs. Anyone who has seen him (he does wear a collar with his details on) or has any information about his whereabouts would be gratefully received.

Iain, Tessa and Thomas Cross - 20 Fox's Covert - 01827 714510