CLA/032 Reference Description Dates Prisons general

CLA/032/01/001 [Call number not used. See Library ref 21.31 1975 SHE] Thesis: The London System 1666 - 1795 Copy of dissertion by Wayne Joseph Sheehan' submitted to .. University of Maryland in partial fulfillment of requirement for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 1975. (Copy in R.O) Lacks Chapter IX 'Security and Escape' pp. 348 -385. Please note: for reference only. Permission for copies etc. of the thesis should be sought from the author.

CLA/032/01/002 Journals: Accounts for diet, bedding, salaries, 1852 - 5 medicine, & c. House of Correction 1 volume

CLA/032/01/003 Journals: Accounts for diet, bedding, salaries, ?1852 - 5 medicine, & c. Debtors Prison 1 volume

CLA/032/01/004 Journals: Accounts for diet, bedding, salaries, 1851 - 5 medicine, & c. Newgate 1 volume

CLA/032/01/005 Statutes and parts of Statutes relating to Gaols 10 Jul 1823 - and Prisons 14 Aug 1850 Bound & indexed. Former reference: PD. 20.35

CLA/032/01/006 Statutes and parts of Statutes relating to Gaols 23 Mar 1824 - and Prisons 6 Jul 1865 Bound & indexed. Former reference: PD. 36.14 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/007 Circular letter sending copies of the Act, to be 9 Dec 1865 brought to the notice of the Justices at Quarter Sessions, and drawing attention to provisions of the Act. Addressed to Surrey Quarter Sessions, Newington 4 pages Former reference: PD. 7.7

CLA/032/01/008 Acts of Court of Common Council and Court of 1487 - 1643 Aldermen or Newgate & Ludgate & Compters Contains Copy Act of Co.Co. for Newgate and Ludgate 19th April & Henry. Copy Act of Co.Co. for Ludgate, 20th May. 1606. Order of Ct. of Aldron for Newgate, 11th May 1574. Order of Ct. of Aldron for Newgate, 28th March 1633. Order of Co.Co. for Newgate, 10th Jan 1643 Former reference: Misc.Ms. 23.34

CLA/032/01/009 Analysis of summary convictions and Central nd Criminal Court convictions for the years Oct. 1852 - Sept. 1853 and Oct. 1853 - Sept. 1854 Giving particulars of sex, age. group, ability to read, period of sentence, birth place and trade. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 249.21

CLA/032/01/010 Bill for the better relief of Poor Prisoners 1813 confined in the King's Bench, Fleet and Prisons Former reference: PD. 16.9

CLA/032/01/011 Contracts (copies) for Prisons and Compters 28 Sep 1838 - (supply of meat etc.) 26 Mar 1852

CLA/032/01/012 Extracts relating to foundation of Prisons nd Also contains: Extracts relating to admission of the Keepers of prisons Extracts relating to repairs of prisons Former reference: Misc.Ms. 2.13 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/013 Gaol indentures being lists of prisoners 28 Sep 1827 (debtors) delivered by the outgoing to the and 28 Sep incoming sheriffs 1828 (Whitecross St. prison ?) Transferred from Guildhall Library (mss 539, 541), June 1979 Former reference: In pamphlet box ie. GLMS 539 & 541

CLA/032/01/014 Acts of Court of Common Council and Court of 1538 - 1622 Alderman concerning keeper of Newgate and Ludgate and Compters. Copy Act of Co.Co. for Ludgate prisoners to go abroad with a keeper twice a week. Sept. 30 Hen.8. Copy order Ct. of Aldermen making further allowances to the keepers for the prisoners diet and lodging. 25 Sept. 1621. Copy Act of Co. Co. for regulating the Compters and setting the fees of the keepers. 1st Aug 1. Edw 6. Copy Act against the Sheriffs taking anything for the Keeper's places in the compters and other papers, 1421. Copy minutes of Co.Co. re keepership of Newgate, 28th April 1622. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 23.36

CLA/032/01/015 [number not used. This item is 1786 - 7 COL/CA/PCA/01/003] Rough minutes of Committee to examine the allegations of the petitions of the keepers of Newgate, Ludgate and the two Compters as to the Act for taking away liquor taps in the prisons Former reference: Misc.Ms. 184.6

CLA/032/01/016 Maintenance of prisoners account; showing 1851 - 1860 annual payments from Paymaster General, and transfers of same to Sinking Fund Account and City's Cash. 2 fos

CLA/032/01/017 Payments made to the Ministers of the Prisons: Nov 1683 Committee order of reference. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 35.5 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/018 Orders for ministers to officiate again at the 1668 - 1684 prisons, & to receive their usual salaries. (1668) Also contains: Report of committee appointed to consider the allowances made to the Ministers of the several prisons of the City, and how to ease the Chamber of the change thereof for the future. 1684. With the orders of the Court as to what their duties shall be. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 158.15

CLA/032/01/019 Turnkeys proposed Superannuation Fund nd [c1845, Former reference: Misc.Ms 249.26 from watermark]

CLA/032/01/020 Comparative Statement of endowments of nd c 1850 officers of Newgate, Gillspur St., Debtors' Prison, Borogh Compter, Clerkenwell Prison, Houses of Correction Cold Bathfields, Westminster Bridewell, Bridewell London Former reference: Misc.Ms 249.15

CLA/032/01/021 Petitions of prisoners, offices of Newgate and c 1675 - 1700 the Compters, and other persons relating to prisons life, repairs of prisons, collections, ill -health, abuse by offices, for discharge, & c Former reference: Misc.Ms. 87.1

CLA/032/01/022 Order of Ld. Mayor for extra allowance of food c. 1830 and drink to prisoners on the day of the Coronation (of William IV, 1830) Former reference: Misc.Ms. 184.8

CLA/032/01/023 Return of consumption of bread, meat, clothing 1857 and other provisions and goods in Holloway, White Cross Street & Newgate for the years 1857. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 249.28

CLA/032/01/024 Extracts, 8 Edw.4 - 1707, from the Reps, for 1707 and Letter Books in relation to the repair of the several prisons Also includes returns made to the Common Law Commissioners and other Government Departments 1828-46 Former reference: Misc.Ms.20.24 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/025/A Gaol Returns made pursuant to 4 Geo. 4. c. 64 1823 - 1846 4 Nov. 1823 - 2 Dec. 1845. Former reference: Vol. I

CLA/032/01/025/B Gaol Returns made pursuant to 4 Geo. 4. c. 64 1847 - 1868 19 Jan. 1847 - 11 Jan. 1858, & return of Roman Catholic prisoners 13 Mar. 1862, and miscellaneous returns 1849-1868 Former reference: Vol. II

CLA/032/01/026 Regulations recommended in the 2nd report of 1835 the Committee of the House of Lords touching Gaols. 3 copies Former reference: Misc.Ms. 38.2

CLA/032/01/027 Copy of regulations recommended in the 2nd 1823 - 1835 report of the Committee of the House of Lords touching Gaols Bound with 1st, 2nd & 3rd Reports of the House of Lords Committee, Prison Acts, 1823 and 1835, and London Prisons Regulations 1835. Former reference: PD.97.3

CLA/032/01/028 Regulations for the Prisons of the City of 1843 London allowed by the Secretary of State, 18 March 1843 with dietary amended 29 Sept. 1843. (Printed, with MS. extracts from Repatory at the front). Former reference: PD. 86.10

CLA/032/01/029/A Report of the Gaol Committee to the Court of 19 Jan 1847 Alderman with draft of proposed Regulations for the prisons -- Chiefly concerned with officers, including rules and fines of turn keys, extracts from Acts of Parliament concerning subordinate officers, returns of duties, names and ages of officers etc. for Newgate, Giltspur Street and the Debtors Prison. Printed 93 pages Former reference: PD. 86.11

CLA/032/01/029/B Returns of duties, names and ages of officers 1846 for the Borough Compter, MS Former reference: Misc.Ms 249.9 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/030 Prison Regulations, made under Acts of 1849 Parliament. 1 book

CLA/032/01/031 Prison Regulations (Newgate, Holloway, 1860 Whitecross St.) Former reference: PD.97.1

CLA/032/01/032 Order of Ct. of Aldermen for payment of 1710 - 1775 apothecary's file (œ4s.7.1d.) for medicines delivered to a great number of poor sick prisoners in Ludgate & the two Compters. 1770. Also contains: Extracts re attendance of surgeons & apothecaries, 1748-1775. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 158.17

CLA/032/01/033 Memorial of Dr John Ryan as to medecines for 23 Nov 1773 the cure and prevention of Gaol distemper Former reference: Misc.Ms. 25.21

CLA/032/01/034 Thomas Gibbes, apothecary: Papers 1783 Copy of letter to Mr. Templeman on state of Clerkenwell prison & especially the Debtors there. He has supplied medicines free and asks for compensation. The Judges have refered him to the Court of Aldermen. Unsigned, n.d. (Similar to petition below) Letter to Mr. Gibbs junior from Thomas Hase, Newgate, refering to a Committee of the C of Alderman deciding that the apothecary attending fellows should also attend debtors gratis. Presents Debtors' gratitude in this matter to Gibbs and his father. April 5 1783. [1st July 1783 Th. Gibbes presented petition to C of Alderman for compensation for his increased charges in attending debtors in the Clerkenwell & . Expenses increased by influx of felons awaiting transfer to ballast lighters, by destruction of Newgate & consequent transfer of prisoners, also by greater numbers of debtors & respites. Had delayed petition in hope that debtors would be transfered to a new Newgate. Rep 187 f253] Former reference: Misc.Ms 326.21 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 7 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/035 An Address to the Livery and Citizens of 24 Jun 1786; London on the proceedings of the Court of pp 37 Common Council re Mr Alderman Clarke and Mr. Dornford By J. Dornford Esq. Printed, small Sold by J. Ber Former reference: PD. 66.12

CLA/032/01/036 First Report of the Commissioners of Prisons, 1857 - 1878 with appendix. 1878 Also contains: Prison punishment and discipline, Charles Pearson's address on what is to be done with our Criminals, with his speech upon the same subject in the House of Commons 15 May 1849. Printed 1857 60pp 2 copies. 51 pp Former reference: PD.45.17

CLA/032/01/037 Returns as to the state (i.e numbers of 1808 - 1819 prisoners of various categories in custody) of the prisons and the health of the prisoners, made by the keeper and the Surgeon of the respective prisons. Giltspur St. and Ludgate 31 Jan 1808 Newgate 24 June 1812 Borough, Giltspur St. & Ludgate, Newgate, and Poultry (from 5 Sept. Debtors Prison, Whitecross St.) 17 Jan. - 12 Dec. 1815. Newgate 3 Mar. 1816 Giltspur St and House of Correction, Newgate, Debtors. 22 Jan. 1819 Giltspur St and House of Correction, 29 Jan. 1819 Former reference: Misc.Ms.189.13 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 8 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/038 Report from the Committee on the state of the 1811 - 1815 Gaols of the City of London, (House of Commons) 9 May 1814. Contains Report and Appendixes - minutes of evidence, accounts and papers 107pp. Also contains; Reports to Co.Co. of Committee appointed to consider the above report, 24 June (3pp.), 5 July (4pp.) and 29 July 1814 (4pp.) Report from the Committee on the King's Bench, Fleet and Marshalsea Prisons, re House of Commons, 1 May 1815. 268 pp. (Report and Appendixes - minutes of evidence, accounts and papers, and 2 plans: Ground and one pair stories of the New London Prison for Debtors. Office of Works, Guildhall, April 1815. William Mountague). First and second reports from the Committee on the laws relating to Peritentiary Houses. House of Commons 31 May & 10 June 1811. (First report and Appendixes - minute of evidence and papers. 121 pp.; Second report, pp. 123-131.) 1 volume

CLA/032/01/039 Report on the state of several gaols in England, 1815 visited by a Committee of Aldermen. Includes Report, Clerk of the Works to Committee of Aldermen, 9 May 1815 and Draft report. Committee of Aldermen Former reference: Misc.Ms 183.2

CLA/032/01/040 Particulars of various prisons, being data for 1813 or later reports. 1 book Former reference: Misc.Ms.218.4

CLA/032/01/041/A Report of Committee of Aldermen to Court of 26 Sep 1815 Aldermen 1 volume

CLA/032/01/041/B Report of Committee of Aldermen to Court of 26 Sep 1815 Aldermen 1 volume

CLA/032/01/042 Rough Minute Book 1814 Former reference: Misc.Ms. 249.4 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 9 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/01/043 [number not used. This item is CLA/035/02/032 26 Sep 1814 ] Proposed Rules & Orders for Newgate, based on those of Gloucester and other gaols, submitted by the Keeper to the above Committee Former reference: Misc.Ms. 249.5

CLA/032/01/044 Annual returns to the Secretary of State for 1823 - 1844 Newgate, Giltspur St., Debtor's Prison and Borough Compter made under 4 Geo.IV c.64 1823, 1824 (Borough only), 1831 - 32, 1834 - 36, 1840 - 41, 1843 - 44. Former reference: Misc.Ms 240.2

CLA/032/01/045 Minutes of Committee of Aldermen to enquire 1719 into the state and government of the Gaol of Newgate and the Compters Former reference: Misc.Ms 4.19 Compters general

CLA/032/02/001 Extracts from Liber Horn relating to the Sheriffs 1819 Compters Extracted, City Solicitor Former reference: Misc.Ms. 108.12

CLA/032/02/002 Orders for payment of œ5 a piece to the two 1676 - 1740 Sheriffs to be distributed among the poor prisoners in their respective Compter Also contains: List of prisoners discharged, and the cost thereof, made out as a file for Sir George Waterman, Lord Mayor, pursuant to an order of the Ct. of Alderman. (Rep. 77 fos. 147,1576. The Lord Mayor proposed that heard the Court should pay off the compounded debt of some small debtors, paying 59 in the £, and this List seems to be that of debtors who benefited) 1671-2. Includes: Copy order of City Lands Committee, re keepers' salaries, 17 & 0 Former reference: Misc.Ms. 158.14 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 10 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/02/003 Buther's bills for meat delivered to Wood Street 2 Dec 1712 and Poultry Compters for the poor prisoners, by order of Ct. of Aldermen Warranted by the Committee of Aldermen for providing for the poor prisoners in the two Compters. 1713-4, 1716-7. (8 Store of beef was provided each week, at a cost of 10/8d.). Former reference: Misc.Ms. 158.16

CLA/032/02/004 Committee for rebuilding the Poultry and Wood 1783 - 9 Street Compters: Minute books (The Committee began as a Committee to enquire into the state of the Compters, and was later appointed to put in execution the Act of Parliament for pulling down the old Compters and for rebuilding a Compter at Giltspur St.) 4 books Former reference: Misc.Ms. 182. 3

CLA/032/02/005 Committee for rebuilding the Poultry and Wood 1783 - 9 Street Compters: Rough minutes (The Committee began as a Committee to enquire into the state of the Compters, and was later appointed to put in execution the Act of Parliament for pulling down the old Compters and for rebuilding a Compter at Giltspur St.) Former reference: Misc.Ms. 182. 4

CLA/032/02/006 Committee for rebuilding the Poultry and Wood 1783 - 9 Street Compters: Committee papers (The Committee began as a Committee to enquire into the state of the Compters, and was later appointed to put in execution the Act of Parliament for pulling down the old Compters and for rebuilding a Compter at Giltspur St.) Former reference: Misc.Ms. 182. 5

CLA/032/02/007 Petition of the keepers of the Compters as to nd [late 17C] charges and dangers of escapes from the prisons occasioned by impressed men being brought to there by the constables to be kept secure prior to being taken before the Lord Mayor, and asking for half fees for such impressed men. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 356. 6 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 11 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/02/008 Petitions of the servants belonging to Wood nd [after 1780] Street and the Poultry Compters for some allowance in respect of the additional trouble and expences they have incurred since the 'conflagration' at Newgate in conveying prisoners from their gaols to the Old Bailey for trial and of conveying them back again, a duty that formerly belonged to the servants of the keeper of Newgate. Addressed to the Lord Mayor, Court of Aldermen, Recorder and sheriffs. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 356.9

CLA/032/02/009 Notifications to Sessions of Admissions by 1739 - 1754 Court of Aldermen of new Serjeants at Mace + Yeomen, signed by Town Clerk, (fragile.) 22 papers Former reference: Misc.Ms 322.2 Prison charities

CLA/032/03/001 Extracts, 1630-1709, re gifts of money, bread, 1630 - 1709 meat & c. to the prisoners in the different prisons. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 184.2

CLA/032/03/002 New ledger of their of John Towse, gathered 1626 - 1640 out of the Newgate Journal, letter A, 18th 1642 - 8 March 1640 With additions 1642-8. Concerns legacies for poor prisoners 1 volume

CLA/032/03/003 List of Donations to Giltspur St. Compter from 1824 - 1826 Xmas. 1824 - Xmas. 1826. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 2.16

CLA/032/03/004 Analysis of the results of an Investigation into 1849 - 1851 Prisons Charities Analysis is under the following headings:- City Companies on Body of Trustees The Charity Receipts 1849 1850 1851 Results of Investigation. Former reference: Misc.Ms.109.18 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 12 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/03/005 Papers re: Prison Charities 1850 - 1852 Including Returns of Charities Report of Gaol Committee to the Court of Aldermen, 9 Dec. 1851 Minutes of Proceedings before a Court of enquiry into Prison Charities in the City Goals, 18 Feb., 19 Feb, 6 Apr., 9 Sept., 25 Oct. 1852, and report of the city Solicitor and Mr James Widdle Mereon. PP. 1-viii, 1-251. Minutes of proceedings, 6 Apr. only (pp. 117 -192). Former reference: PD.92.24

CLA/032/03/006 Proceedings and papers of a Court appointed 1852 under 4 Geo. IV. c. 64 sec. 36 to inquire into prisoners' charities in the City of London Minutes of proceedings (evidence) taken before the Lord Chief Baron, the hard Mayor and six Aldermen, constituting the above Court, 18 + 19 Feb. 1852, 6 April 1852 and 9 Sept. 1852. Three books, each with an index to charities, trustees and witnesses. Printed Former reference: Misc.Ms. 358.9

CLA/032/03/007 Proceeding and papers of a Court appointed 1854 under 4 Geo IV c. 64 sec. 36 to inquire into prisoners' charities in the City of London Proceedings (printed) and rough notes of proceedings with a few papers of meetings held at the manxion House of trustees of charities (mainly livery Companies) to confer with the above Court, Oct-Nov. 1854. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 358.10

CLA/032/03/008 Minutes of Proceedings before a Court under 18 Feb - 25 the authority of 4 Geo.IV c.64 appointed to Oct 1852 enquire into Charities relating to Poor Prisoners in the several Gaols of the City of London with report of City Solicitors and Mr James Wilde Reprinted 1867 2 copies; 251 pages Former reference: PD.69.16 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 13 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/03/009 Minutes of Proceedings before a Court under 1852 the authority of 4 Geo.IV c.64 appointed to enquire into Charities relating to Poor Prisoners in the several Gaols of the City of London with report of City Solicitors and Mr James Wilde Reprinted 1867 Additional copy 1 copy Former reference: PD.92.24

CLA/032/03/010 Minutes Book of Prison Charities (Sub Goal) 1867 - 1869 Committee, 1867-69 Papers of the same Cttee Including returns and accounts of charities, report of Henry Charteris, accountant, and proposed Scheme for application of the prison charities to the establishment of an Industrial School for destitute children. Former reference: PD.94.1

CLA/032/03/011 Report of General Purposes Committee to 1869 Common Council, 4 June 1869 re. Prison Charities (Sub Gaol) Committee Former reference: PD.94.2

CLA/032/03/012 Bill for application of the Prison Charities of 1870 London, Middlesex and to the establishment & maintenance of an Industrial School. Former reference: PD. 94.3

CLA/032/03/013 A Short Account of the foundation of prison 1870 charities, the enquiries held respecting them, and the Scheme proposed for their future application by the Court of Aldermen and the Corporation of London Together with the Report of Mr Hawe, one of the Inspectors of Charities, and other documents. Printed. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 40.11

CLA/032/03/014 Scheme for the Administration and 8th Dec 1876 Management of the Prison Charities and the application of the income thereof. Approved by Order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division (London, C. Roworth & Sons, 1876) printed 16 pages Former reference: Misc.Ms. 40.11 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 14 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/03/015 Case, and opinion of Richard Beltell and James 4 May 1852 Wilde as to the bequest of Peter Blundell by will 1599 to certain Companies, and the application of part of the income for the benefit of poor prisoners. Chas, Pearson, C. Solr. Marked for Wilde. (Copy marked for Beltell destroyed) 10 pages Former reference: Misc.Ms. 191.8

CLA/032/03/016 Bills for bread and orders for payment to bakers 1672 - 1697 for bread delivered to Newgate and the two Compters. Micheal Dawes, bread for Newgate, 1672, 1676 -7. Anne Croker, executrix of Robert Croker, bread for Newgate. 1678. Joshua Barras, bread for Newgate, 1678-84, 1688-90. Samuel Dighton, bread for Newgate, 1686-8. Robert Atkins, bread for Newgate, 1696-7. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 162.4

CLA/032/03/017 Weekly returns of the numbers of prisoners and 1719 - 1721 bread received each day in various prisons Poultry Compter 26 June 1719 - 17 Jan 1720/1 Wood St. Compter 26 June 1719 - 16 Jan 1720/1 Newgate 29 June 1719 - 16 Nov. 1719 (showing daily figures only from 20 July 1719, with names of prisoners discharged and brought in.) Orders of Ct. of Ald. re bread for prisoners, 1719. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 31.7

CLA/032/03/018 Bills for bread and orders for payment to baker 1714 - 1721 for bread delivered to Newgate and the two Compters. Thomas Thorogood, separate bills for Woodstreet and Poultry Compters, and for Newgate, 1714-15. Thomas Bradley, the same, 1716-7, 1720-1. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 162.5 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 15 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/03/019 Receipts of the Tivenkey to Mr Dewdney for Feb 1725/6 penny loaves of Bread for the use of the poor prisoners in the Charity Wards in Poultry Compter. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 19.8

CLA/032/03/020 Vouchers for loaves for the use of the poor 1725 - 1735 prisoners in the Charity ward of the Poultry 1743 Compter. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 28.16

CLA/032/03/021 Bakers Vouchers for Bread delivered to the 1752 - 5 Compters and Newgate In the case of the Compters the number of loaves delivered is given, in the case of Newgate the number of prisoners supplied is stated Former reference: Misc.Ms. 95.9

CLA/032/03/022 Number of loaves received each day of Richard 29 Sep - 24 Dewdney for Poultry Compter; of Mr Love for Dec 1734 Woodstreet Compter, and the number of prisoners receiving bread each week in Newgate

CLA/032/03/023 Baker's Vouchers for Bread delivered to the 1741 - 1750 Compters and Newgate Former reference: Misc.Ms. 255.1

CLA/032/03/024 Bakers' Vouchers for Bread delivered to the 1762 1764 - 66 Compters and Newgate In the case of the Compters the number of loaves delivered is given; on the case of Newgate there are separate lists of the number of loaves and number of prisoners supplied. Former reference: Misc.Ms 271.4 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 16 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/03/025 Bills for bread delivered to Woodstreet and 1765 - 1774 Poultry Compters and Newgate Bill for Bread delivered to Woodstreet Compter by John Deacon from 29 Sept to 24 Dec. 1774 viz 11,776 loaves at 1d. Bill for Bread delivered to Newgate by Samuel Payne, baker, from 29 Sept to 24 Dec. 1773, and the number of prisoners in the Gaol. 19077 Loaves at 1d. Bill for Bread delivered to prisoners in Poultry Compter by John Keene, baker, from 29 Sept. to 24 Dec. 1773 viz 12311 Loaves at 1d. Bill for Bread delivered to Newgate by Lavex Oliver and William Wyatt from 25 Dec. 1764 to 24 March 1765 viz 15,698 loaves. Bill for Bread delivered to Poultry Compter by Wm. Wyatt 26 Dec 1764 to 23 Mar. 1765: 13,751 loaves. Similar Bills For Newgate and Woodstreet and Poultry Compters for 1763 and 1765/6 These bills indicate the number of prisoners confined on each day as each prisoner is allowed one loaf. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 105.9

CLA/032/03/026 Receipts of the stewards of the various prisons 1814 - 18 1827 - Poultry, Borough and Giltspur Street - 8 Compters, Newgate, Ludgate, etc. for 65 penny loaves each per month, the gift of Mrs M. Sincolt. Small note books. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 162.6 Individual prisons

CLA/032/04/001 Orders for payment out of the Coal Money of 1670 - 2 bills for work and materials for rebuilding Bridewell Former reference: Misc.Ms.136.3

CLA/032/04/002 Accounts of money received and paid for the 1813 - 51 relief of prisoners in the Fleet pursuant to 53 Geo 3 cap 113. 1 volume

CLA/032/04/003 Relief Ledger: Relief from the Counties 1814 - 44 1 volume LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 17 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/04/004 : papers concerning boundary 1745 - ?1750 Replication of the prisoners to the objections raised by the Mayor & Commonalty and several inhabitants against the petition of the prisoners for the inclusion of the New Market within the Rules or Verge of the Prison. Copy petition of householders against the prisoner's proposals Certificates of householders in favour of the proposals 1745-6 Depositions and reports. A copy of various documents in this case before Common Pleas, inc. petitions, replications, arguments of parties concerned, court orders etc. (Not complete + not in order. 17 pages. Found in Sessions Papers for 1750.) Former reference: Misc.Ms. 84.21

CLA/032/04/005 Case of the City and of Freemen and ?1786, Nov Inhabitants of the City against an order made 1825 by the Court of Common Council on 28th May 1824 for extending the Rules of the Fleet Prison Includes: Copy proceedings on an application for the enlargement of the Rules of the Fleet Prison in 1786. Also Includes map of present and proposed boundaries Former reference: Misc.Ms.173.5

CLA/032/04/006 Order by Sir William Turner (endorsed on back 31 May [1690] of session file) remanding John Trot to Fleet Prison, at the suit of the Bishop of Rochester. Endorsement 16th Feb. 1690/1. Former reference: Misc.Ms.46.2

CLA/032/04/007 Warrant from the Lord Mayor to the Keeper of 26th Mar 1705 Woodstreet Compter to keep in custody 5 persons who had riotously turned Bradshaw, Turnkey of Fleet Prison, out of his office and seized his keyes. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 8.16

CLA/032/04/008 References on an application for the removal of 1768 - 70 1780 the Fleet Prison to St. Georges Fields. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 55.15 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 18 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/04/009 [number not used. This item is c. 1770 COL/RMD/RM/01/03/003] Case and petition of the parish of St Andrew Holborn with order of Co.Co. upon the removal, 26th July 1770. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 172.12

CLA/032/04/010 A List of such persons who appear by the 1724 - 1729 Commitment Books of the Fleet Prison to have been removed by Habeas Corpus from other Prisons Also of such persons whose names are only entered in the Commitment Books without Plaintiffs Name or date and also of such persons who are in the Prison and no Commitment or Entry in the Books are to be found and also of such persons who by the Commitment Books appear to have been Discharged and yet have given Notice to take the Benefit of the Act of Parliament alledging that they are ignorant of such discharge. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 9.10

CLA/032/04/011 [number not used. This item is CLA/062/01/005 1689 - 1723 ] Fine impression of King's Bench Prison seal of 1689 on document of 1697 among receipts 1697, 1716-1723. Former reference: Misc.Ms. 150.1

CLA/032/04/012 Receipts of the receiver for Exhibition money 1717,1723 due to the Poor prisoners in the King's Bench and Marshalsea, King œ2 a year. (Marshalsea) Former reference: Misc.Ms.160.10

CLA/032/04/013 Order for Edward Smith, Steward of Southwark 1672 1759 to defend the City's rights against the encroachments of Marshal of the Marshalsea, 6th June 1672 Includes: Order of the Judges of the for Exhibition and other Charity money to be paid by the receivers to the keeper of the prison for fair distribution. 30th March 1759. Former reference: Misc.Ms.160.11 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 19 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/04/014 Une visite à Meltray en 1845 par W.H.Swingar 1845 1854 - (32pp) + Table Gœnœalogique d'une famille de 1855 Filoux, nommœe Graf-Lorchheim Also includes: The 15th & 16th Annual Reports on "Colonie Agricole et P£nitentiaire de Meltray. 1854. 114pp 1855 104pp Former reference: PD.27.12

CLA/032/04/015 Sir Rich. Glodes and John Liptrap's Indenture 28th Sep 1796 to Stephen Langston and William Staines delivering the persons charged with various causes in the Middlesex Gaol. Headings: Prisoners Names. Day of Arrest. Plaintiffs Names. Ac etiam, Sum sworn to or to be levied. Names of process with return Altornies Names. Former reference: Misc.Ms.39.1

CLA/032/04/016 Returns for the year ending Michaelmas 1856 nd from the House of Correction at Westminster; House of Correction at Cold Bath Fields; House of Detention at Cleckenwall Former reference: PD.86.13

CLA/032/04/017 Dietaries of the Surrey House of Correction at nd Wandsworth Printed 1 sheet Former reference: PD.86.14

CLA/032/04/018 Copy Return for the year ending mich. 1858 for 1858 the County Gaol, Horsemonger Lane Former reference: Misc.Ms. 249.27

CLA/032/04/019 Manuscript of Patrick Rooney Nugent, prisoner 1802 - 1803 in Tothill fields, 2 Nov. 1803, committed by Lord Pelham, 9 Jan. 1802, as insane, and endeavouring to gain admittance to his Majesty's person. (The Ms. contains an account of many inventions, some intended for the attention of the Navigation Committee and the Common Council, Copies of his committal, and affidavits on his behalf, are included.) Former reference: Misc.Ms. 183.4 LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 20 PRISONS AND COMPTERS

CLA/032 Reference Description Dates

CLA/032/04/020 Tothill Fields Bridewell Calendar Apr Session Former reference: Misc.Ms. 2.5 1782

CLA/032/04/021 Final report of the Committee of Justices, 1852 appointed to superintend the erection of the House of Correction at Wandsworth, with Receipts and Expenditure and Offices Former reference: PD. 28.1