Carl Nielsen Bibliography [Carl Nielsen Studies 5

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Carl Nielsen Bibliography [Carl Nielsen Studies 5 CARL NIELSEN BIBLIOGRAPHY 2009-2011 By Anne Ørbæk Jensen and Niels Krabbe Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park in (see also the Carl Nielsen Bibliography 1985- partial fulfi llment of the requirements 2011, including the titles of the present for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts bibliography, online: 2011, 94 p. Online: http://hdl.handle. en/kb/nb/mta/cnu/cn_bibliography.html). net/1903/12059. Balslev, Povl Christian: ‘Thorvald Aa- Christensen, Jean; Christensen, Jesper: gaard og Carl Nielsen’, in Povl Christian [Review of] The Carl Nielsen Edition, Se- Balslev: Thorvald Aagaard – komponist og ries III, Vols. 4-7 (Songs) and Series IV, Vol. musikformidler i den folkelige sangs tjeneste, 1 (Juvenilia et Addenda), Notes, 67/4( June Odense: Odense Bys Museer, 2009, 47-59. 2011), pp. 825-828. Barker: [Review of] Grimley modernism, Christiansen, Toke Lund: ‘Kunsten at American Record Guide 74/4 (July-August krybe ind i instrumenterne. Carl Nielsen 2011), 284-85. som instrumentalist’ [The Art of creep- ing into the instruments. Carl Nielsen as Bender, Johan: ‘Tilblivelsen af Carl Niel- an instrumentalist], in Toke Lund Chris- sens kantate til Landsudstillingen 1909’ tiansen: Mozarts øre og andre fortællinger, [The Genesis of Carl Nielsen’s Cantata for København 2010, 123-131. the Opening Ceremony of the National Exhibition in Aarhus 1909] in Publimus, Dalaker, Ingrid Loe: [Review of] Anne- (18), Esbjerg : Syddansk Musikkonservato- Marie Reynolds, Carl Nielsen’s voice: his rium & Skuespillerskole, 2010, 39 pp. songs in context, Studia musicologica nor- vegica 37 (2011), 185-88. Online http:// Brincker, Jens: ‘Carl Nielsen’, in Kompo- nistbasen, online: http://www.komponist- Dam, Anders Ehlers: ‘“Music is life”. Carl Nielsen’s Vitalist musical philosophy’, in: Chen, Shy-Luen: ‘Nielsen Symphony No. Gertrud Hvidberg-Hansen and Gertrud 5 Op. 50’. Dissertation submitted to the Oelsner: The Spirit of Vitalism: Health, Beau- 385 CCNS_V_indmad_farver.inddNS_V_indmad_farver.indd 385385 330/07/120/07/12 116.386.38 BIBLIOGRAPHY ty and Strength in Danish Art, 1890-1940, ana Petrescu (eds.): “George Enescu” Interna- Copenhagen 2011, 276-285. tional Musicology Symposium 2009, Bucha- rest: Editura Muzicala, 2011, 52-66. Drucker, Stanley; Ludewig-Verdehr, Elsa; Rosengren, Hakan and Yeh, John Bruce: Fjeldsøe, Michael: ‘Carl Nielsen: Texts ‘A study of comparative interpretations and Contexts, Manchester 2009’, Danish of the clarinet concerto by Carl Nielsen’, Yearbook of Musicology 36 (2008), 89-90. On- DMA, from University of Oklahoma. Pub- line: les/ lisher: University Microfi lms Internatio- volume_36/volume_36_087_090.pdf nal, 2009. Fjeldsøe, Michael: [Review of] Anne-Marie Fanning, David: ‘Carl Nielsen and the Reynolds, Carl Nielsen’s voice: his songs Theories of Symphonism, Carl Nielsen in context, Danish Yearbook of Musicology Studies 4 (2009), 9-25. 38 (2010/11), 109-14. Fellow, John (ed.): Carl Nielsen brevudgaven Foltmann, Niels Bo, ‘Carl Nielsens “Mas- [The Letters of Carl Nielsen], København karade” og Det Kongelige Teaters scen- 2005-, vol. 6, 1918-1920, København 2010, emusik til Holbergs komedier’ [Carl 535 p. Nielsen’s ‘Masquerade’ and the Royal Theatre’s incidental music for Holberg’s Fellow, John (ed.), Carl Nielsen brevudgaven, comedies], Fund og Forskning i Det Kongelige København 2005-, vol. 7, 1921-1923, Biblioteks Samlinger 50 (2011), 371-86. København 2011, 663 p. Grimley, Daniel: Nielsen’s Symphonic Fellow, John (ed.), Carl Nielsen Brevudgaven, Waves. Energetics, the Sinfonia Espansi- København 2005-, vol. 8, 1924-1925, va, and Music Theory, Carl Nielsen Studies København 2011, 493 p. 4 (2009), 43-54. Fjeldsøe, Michael: ‘Vitalisme i Carl Grimley, Daniel: ‘Carl Nielsen’s Carnival: Nielsens musik’, Danish Musicology On- Time, Space and the Politics of Identity line 1 (2010), 33-55. Online: http://www. in Maskarade’, in Rachel Cowgill, David Cooper and Clive Brown (eds.): Art and ide- dmo/dmo_01/dmo_01_artikel_02.pdf ology in European opera, essays in honour of Julian Rushton, Woodbridge 2010, 241-61. Fjeldsøe, Michael, ‘Related European Sym- phonists? Carl Nielsen and Vagn Holm boe Grimley, Daniel: Carl Nielsen and the idea of in Relation to George Enescu’, in Liliana Modernism, Woodbridge, 2010, xix, 314 p. Birnat, Carmen Maria Carneci and Mari- 386 CCNS_V_indmad_farver.inddNS_V_indmad_farver.indd 386386 330/07/120/07/12 116.386.38 BIBLIOGRAPHY Habbestad, Ida: ‘Et kunstnerskaps sær- Leneman, Helen: ‘Carl Nielsen: Saul trekk. [Review of] Daniel Grimley, Carl og David (1902)’, in: Helen Leneman: Nielsen and the idea of modernism, Klas- Love, Lust, and Lunacy. The Stories of Saul sisk musikkmagasin 14/1 (2012), pp. 97. and David in Music, Sheffi eld 2010, 32-35 and others. Jensen, Lisbeth Ahlgren: ‘Carl Nielsen’s Juvenilia et Addenda. Refl ections, Prac- Lindegaard, Carsten: ‘Busoni og Carl tices and Experiences, or how to Com- Nielsen’, in Carsten Lindegaard: Musik og plete a Complete Edition’, Carl Nielsen eksistens. 27 musikkronikker, København, Studies 4 (2009), 4-62. 2008, 107-111 Keller, James M.: ‘Carl Nielsen: Wind McCreless, Patrick: ‘Strange Bedfellows. Quintet, Op. 43’, in James M. Keller: The Hebrew Bible and Wagner, in Saul Chamber Music: a listener’s guide, New York og David’, Carl Nielsen Studies 4 (2009), 2011, 361-63. 107-144. Knapp, Raymond: ‘Carl Nielsen and the Nielsen, Niels Kayser: Carl Nielsen 1865- Nationalist Trap – or, what, Exactly, is 1931. Online: http://danmarkshistorien. Inextinguishable?’ Carl Nielsen Studies 4 dk/leksikon-og-kilder/vis/materiale/carl- (2009), 63-76. nielsen-1865-1931/ (2009). Krabbe, Niels: ‘The Carl Nielsen Edition’, Nørgård, Per: ‘Sibelius og Carl Nielsens Carl Nielsen Studies 4 (2009), 77-106. femte symfonier’ [The fi fth symphonies of Sibelius and Carl Nielsen], Dansk Musik Krabbe, Niels: Krabbe, Niels: ‘15 år med Tidsskrift 40/4 (1965), Reprinted in Ivan Carl Nielsen: Carl Nielsen Udgaven i in- Hansen (red.): Per Nørgård. Tilbageblik – ternationalt perspektiv’ [15 years with undervejs. Artikler 1956-2009, København Carl Nielsen; Nielsen in an international 2009, 285-88. Online: perspective], Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bib- en/kb/nb/mta/dcm/projekter/noergaard_ liotek 22/2 (2009), pp.16-25. bibliografi .html . Krabbe, Niels. The Carl Nielsen Edition 1993- Nørum, Bjarne: ‘Carl Nielsen – tidens 2009, Det Kongelige Bibliotek 2009, 23 p. hotte komponist’ [Carl Nielsen – the hot composer of today], Klassisk musikkma- Krácmar, Tomás: ‘Nielsen – Brod – gasin 13/3 (2011), 60-62. Janácek’, Carl Nielsen Studies 4 (2009), 77-87. Ohrt, Eva Havshøj: ‘Carl Nielsens “labo- ratorium” ’ [Carl Nielsen’s laboratory, 387 CCNS_V_indmad_farver.inddNS_V_indmad_farver.indd 387387 330/07/120/07/12 116.386.38 BIBLIOGRAPHY review of Anne-Marie Reynolds, Carl Ragge, Melanie: ‘New Perspectives from Nielsen’s Voice and interview with the Old Manuscripts’. The Double Reed 33/2 author], Dansk Musik Tidsskrift 84 (June (2010), 35-41. 2010), 34-37. Rasmussen, Karl Aage: ‘Carl Nielsen: et Okkels, Else Marie: Symfoniorkestret og den stridens æble’ [An apple of discord], Ma- eventyrlige musik. Carl Nielsens Aladdin-suite. gasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 22/2 (2009), Musikoplevelse og musikforståelse med aktive pp. 3-11. elever og musikken i centrum. I samarbejde med Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester Rasmussen, Karl Aage: ‘Nielsen’ i Karl [Carl Nielsen and the wonderful music], Aage Rasmussen: Musik i det tyvende århun- Herning 2010, 58 p. + 1 cd. drede – en fortælling, København 2011), pp. 68-70. Palsmar, Henrik: ‘Nielsens Tre Motetter – et bud på en 7. symfoni?’ [Three Motets – Reynolds, Anne-Marie: ‘Carl Nielsen’s an attempt at a Seventh Symphony] Dansk Folk-like Songs and the “Danish National Musik Tidsskrift 84 (June 2010), 29-33. Tone”’, Carl Nielsen Studies 4 (2009), 145-163. Petersen, Kirsten Flensborg: ‘Carl Nielsen Reynolds, Anne-Marie: Carl Nielsen’s Voice. Bibliography 2008’, Carl Nielsen Studies 4 His Songs in Context, Copenhagen 2010, (2009), 186-188. 371 p. Phillips, Katrina R.: ‘The infl uence of Carl Ross, Ryan: [Review of] Daniel M. Grimley, Nielsen’s clarinet concerto on the clari- Carl Nielsen and the Idea of Modernism, net concertos of Jorgen Bentzon and Her- Notes 68/3 (March 2012), 601-03. man D. Koppel’, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 – 192 p. Roth, Colin: ‘Carl Nielsen and the Tradi- tion of Story-Telling’, Carl Nielsen Studies 4 Quist, Robert: [Review of] Daniel M. Grim- (2009), 164-185. ley, Carl Nielsen and the Idea of Modern- ism, Scandinavian Studies 83/3 (Fall 2011), Skrede, Tori: [Review of] Anne-Marie 450-53. Reynolds, Carl Nielsen’s voice: his songs in context, Klassisk musikkmagasin12/4 Ragge, Melanie: ‘Nielsen’s Wind Quintet (2010), 96. – A New Perspective’. Horn Call: Journal og the International Horn Society 40/ 2 (Feb. Spence, Marcia: ‘Nielsen’s Wind Quintet 2010), 88-90. – A Critical Performance Edition’, 40/2 (Feb. 2010), 91-95. 388 CCNS_V_indmad_farver.inddNS_V_indmad_farver.indd 388388 330/07/120/07/12 116.386.38 BIBLIOGRAPHY Vejgaard, Maria, ‘Hyldet og glemt. Et Whittall, Arnold: [Review of] Daniel M. studie af konstruktionen og kanoniser- Grimley, Carl Nielsen and the Idea of ingen af Niels W. Gade og Carl Nielsen Modernism, Music and Letters, 93/1 (Feb. som natio nalkomponister’ [Acclaimed 2012), 110-111. and forgotten. A study of construction and canonization of Niels W. Gade and Wichmann, Malene: ‘Den glemte mod- Carl Nielsen], diss., Københavns Univer- ernist’ [The forgotten modernist], Dansk sitet 2008. Musik Tidsskrift 84 (June 2010), 24-28. White, Michael: [Review of] Daniel M.Grimley, Carl Nielsen & the Idea of Modernism, 937 (3/26/2011), pp. 67-67. 389 CCNS_V_indmad_farver.inddNS_V_indmad_farver.indd 389389 330/07/120/07/12 116.386.38.
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