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Eastern Progress 1997-1998 Eastern Progress

10-16-1997 Eastern Progress - 16 Oct 1997 Eastern Kentucky University

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Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 16 Oct 1997" (1997). Eastern Progress 1997-1998. Paper 9. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1997-98/9

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1997-1998 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Taking a visit to Third time a ► WEATHER TODAY CHARM? Hi: 64 ► Arts Low: 37 Conditions: Clou Twisted cartoon generating loyal After foiling to Murray for two local following/11 eft straight years, the football : 55, Cloudy •AT: 56, Scattered showers team tries again Saturday/ SUN: 55, Showers Eastern Pro

Heading south Eastern spends $1.5 million to expand Alleged rape Dorm for criminal justice Room to grow first reported department first ► Eastern spent $10,666 an acre to purchase the Hobart Carnes Jr. property Aug. 29 planned project since 1994 BY JUUE CLAY BY KRISTY GILBERT ly knew the person who raped News editor Assistant news editor them, Reynolds said, which can Campus is now moving in the A 20-year-old Eastern student present more problems for the vic- only direction it could. reported an alleged rape to public tim. Surrounded to the north and safety officials Oct. 9. Some things to remember if west by the community and the The alleged rape occurred at 3 you've been the victim of a sexual Richmond cemetery to the east, a.m. Oct. 7 at a Brockton trailer. assault is to first call the police. "the south was the only way for The victim told police that the 27- This is to preserve physical evi- expansion," Eastern President year-old man had been drinking dence, Lindquist said. Hanly Funderburk said. and had forced himself upon her. If you have been raped, get Eastern increased its land She said she had repeatedly told medical attention at student size by nearly a quarter Aug. 29, him to stop, but he wouldn't, the health services, a hospital or see a when it purchased 140 acres on case report said. doctor right away. Lancaster Road from Richmond This is the first sex offense At this time, an attending physi- Planning and Zoning Chair reported on campus since 1994, cian at the hospital should collect Hobart Carnes. Jr. and his wife, specimens and make detailed Helen. said Tom Lindquist, director of public safety. notes about physical evidence Carnes has lived on that land such as cuts, bruises, torn cloth- for 75 years. He was born in the Teresa Reynolds, educator and counseling coordinator at the ing and traces of semen, a old brick homestead a rock's "Preventing Date Rape on throw from the house in which Lexington Rape Crisis Center, said that only two out of 10 rapes are Campus" pamphlet said. he now lives. A decision to pursue legal He has farmed that land reported. "Rape is the most underreport- action does not have to be made through the years, raising cattle J Residential area not right away, but evidence of the and crops alongside his brother ANE Included In purchase ed crime," Reynolds said. "And James and his cousin Kermit most rapes are acquaintance rape should be gathered because Carnes. rape." it will not be retrievable later, the The Carnes are building a Between two-thirds to three- pamphlet said. new house a couple of miles quarters of victims of rape actual- down Lancaster Avenue, and See Rape Page A6 will stay in their present house until it is completed sometime next year. ► Downtown shooting The almost $1.5 million ■ Eastern expansion has been a desired one for some time, Funderburk said. Suspect already The land has been on the master plan as something to acquire since it shared a com- mon boundary with land held on other charge Eastern already owned, PROGRESS STAFF REPORT four times striking Amry in the Funderburk said. ,- head and in the lower stomach just "We've had our eye on it for Richmond Police have ques- before midnight, Isaacs said. seven to eight years." he said. tioned at least one suspect in the Several family members were Immediate plans for part of Oct. 3 shooting of Tarek with Amry that night and at least the land include building a new Amry of Lexington, Detective one was arrested stemming from an 300-bed dormitory for the Randy Isaacs said. incident at O'Riley's, Isaacs said. Department of Criminal Justice The suspect is being held in the Brandon Dickson, a distant Training, said John Bizzack, Madison County Detention Center cousin of Amry's from Ann Arbor, commissioner of the criminal Tim MoHette/Progress on an unrelated charge, Isaacs said. justice program. The building Mich., was charged with disorderly Police received a name fitting a conduct after his group was asked would have a gym, an armory, a description of the suspect released physical training center with last week, and scheduled a poly- to leave O'Riley's after a fight earli- classroom and office space, Eastern's new property is er that evening, Isaacs said. now mostly farmland, lined by graph for the suspect, but the sus- Bizzack said. pect refused to take it on advice of Amry and his group went to The ■The best option would be to bams and fences. counsel, Isaacs said. Rock after leaving O'Riley's, and extend the Funderburk Building Amry, 20, of Lexington, was shot were also asked to leave. A fight for the dorm," Bizzack said. "It and killed in the parking lot of Great later began on the street in front of would reduce the cost to make it Don Knight/Progress Financial Federal Bank of The Rock. Isaac said. closer and attached." Richmond, just down the hill from Richmond Police increased See Land/Pag* A6 O'Riley's Grill and Bar. police said. patrols last week to 14 instead of The shooter used a nine millime- the normal four officers downtown ter gun, unusual for this area, firing to head off trouble, Isaacs said.

► Chemical weapons Seven alternatives to weapon incineration pass first evaluation incineration technology proposals Pennsylvania, and Burns and Roe ACWA program manager. which will then be presented to over budget In the last year, two BY GWENOA BONO have passed its initial evaluation Enterprises, Inc. of New Jersey. The ACWA program was man- Congress. employees at the Tooele Disposal News writer process. SBSBsaBS>B> The companies dated by Congress last year in "There are a wide range of tech- Facility in Utah have been illegally Congress moved closer to its The seven companies M^-^ will be awarded $50,000 response to pressure from anti- nologies," said Doug Hindman. co- fired or discriminated against for goal of finding an alternative to backing these proposals contracts to help cover incineration groups and communi- chair of the Kentucky raising safety concerns. incinerating the over a million tons are Arctech, Inc. of I the cost of filling in the ties with stockpiles. Demilitarization Citizen's Advisory The announcement of the seven of chemical weapons stockpile Virginia, Lockhcari festival sal missing data on their pro- Congress awarded the program Commission. possible alternatives shows that pri- located four miles from campus, at Martin Advanced Sunday posals. $40 million to identify and demon- "Some of them use chemical vate industry and the government the Bluegrass Army Depot last Environmental Systems, "I am very enthu- strate at least two technologies by Erocesses, some of them rely on can work together." said Craig week. Inc. of New Mexico, '■" siastic about the December 1998 that would dispose iological decomposition, some of Williams, spokesperson for the The Department of Defense's General Atomics of response from private of the chemical weapons. them use high energy to break Chemical Weapons Working Group Alternative Chemical Weapons , Teledyne-Commodore of industry and Took forward to work- Next spring, the ACWA program down the material." based in Berea. "Unlike the inciner- Assessment Program (ACWA) Alabama, Parsons Infrastructure ing with them in the next phase of will choose at least two of these The Army's incineration pro- ation program, the alternatives pro- announced Oct. 7 that seven non- and Technology, Inc. of California, evaluations leading to demonstra- technologies to develop a full gram, as projected, is 10 years gram is on schedule and within bud- AEA Technology, Inc. of tion." said Bill Pehlivanian, deputy demonstration of their methods. behind schedule and 700 percent get."

► insldo running scam Accent BI Activities BS last six months of university employees and students Arts B3 Eastern employees suffer fraudulent credit scheme falling victims to a fraudulent credit card scheme, said Classifieds A4 Tom Lindquist director of public safety. Perspective A2. 3 BY KRISTY GILBERT have been for as much as $13,000 with most of the Lindquist said the latest scheme has involved using Police Beat A4 Assistant news editor charges being in the form of cash advances, she said. the names and social security numbers of employees to Profiles B4 One day IsabeDe White received a telephone After learning of the fraudulent actions. White called obtain credit cards in the employees' names. The home Sports B6-8 kail informing her she was late on her credit card the major credit reporting companies, and was advised addresses given on the applications were for cities in What's On Tap B2 payment The ironic thing about this call was that to have them put a note on her credit record specifying the area. she had never applied for the eard on which the that no credit is to be issued in her name without her Bonnie Gray, director and professor of the honors A cyber success? payment was due. approval. White said. program, has also been living with the stress of improv- Experts rate Eastern's web The only problem is there still have been incidents. White, a professor in the English department n ing her credit history for about two years. site/Page At has been a victim of credit card fraud, off and on "I don't understand why credit card compn '.cs don't Around two years ago. her name and social security 1995. even check White said. "It's difficult to understand why number were used to apply for a credit card. White said she guesses that since 1995 there they still keep issuing credit" CLASS PATTERN been at least 10 cases of fraudulent apptica- White isn't the tone university employee who has for credit cards. Some of the overdue accounts been targeted. There have been five cases reported in See Credit/Page A6

», ~s> A2 Thursday. Octotos* 16.1997 ern Proi Perspective

► Editorials WORKING FOR A LIVING niversity needs to reconsider plans for hourly employees Tl hey work hard for their money — than an employee with the same position at so the university better start treat- Eastern makes after six months. And at ing them right. Western, maximum pay for a custodial Since Sept. 10, a petition has been employee reaches $8.66. passed around campus asking for sup- So what message is that sending to the port in the classified employees' fight employees — don't worry about doing your for an increase in their pay and bene- job well, just worry about getting it done? fits — changes that may Or perhaps that no matter how very well be past due. Increases hard you work, you are never going These employees have to make much more then you start- been working under in benefits ed out at? the same classification and pay, If this university wants hard- plan for almost 20 and a new working, faithful employees, then it years, and it is time should be ready to start rewarding for a change. classifica- those employees. The original plan tion plan Waiting almost 20 years for a new for classified employ- classification system for employees ees, approved in for the uni- is too long to wait 1979, does receive, versity's These changes need to be made, ongoing analysis and employees and they need to be made soon. updating, but the plan And one way to start on the road needs much more Is long to change is by bringing in an inde- improvement than just overdue. pendent firm to re-evaluate the uni- an occasional change. versity's system, bringing it up to It is time the univer- speed with other universities and sity looks into rethinking how its other similar private sector jobs. hourly employees are classified Like the one being used for the presiden- and what they are paid. tial search, a private firm looking at the A custodial position at Eastern classification system would bring into the starts out at $5.56 and increases to $5.70 picture an unbiased, neutral point of view. after a six-month period. This kind of feedback could help Eastern Plus, the work and dedication that make sure it gets the best and brightest in employees may have put into this uni- all of its positions. versity often have no play into their Increases in benefits and pay, and a new salaries, nor does their previous work classification plan for the university's experience. employees is long overdue. An employee entering a custodial These people give a lot to Eastern, and position at Western Kentucky starts the time has come for the university to off earning $5.78, eight cents more start giving a little something in return.

Greg Parr/Prograsi

► Campus Comments Night downtown requires THE ISSUE Tarek Amry. 20, of Lexington, was shot to death in described as having cuts, bruises, swelling and bleed- the parking lot of Great Financial Federal Bank in ing around his right eye. They mink they have found downtown Richmond one week ago. Amry had been the shooter, police said. The incident raises questions acting responsibly, sensibly thrown out of O'Riley's Grill and Bar and The Rock about downtown safety. Eastern students are talking prior to being shot once in the back of the head and about the shooting and here's what some had to say once in the back. Police are saying the shooting was about downtown safety, the shooting and the general There were at least two fights in or People go to the bars and some drink probably connected to the fights and the suspect is outside of downtown Richmond more than they should. And when too atmosphere of the downtown bar scene. bars the night of OcL 2. much alcohol becomes involved, people Not a surprising statement to most do things they wouldn't normally do. BRIAN SHARP / / Eastern students who know anything By going downtown, even with inten- There's nothing else to about downtown. Fights break out all the tions of just socializing, students are put do in Richmond. I LL time and patrons are thrown out of bars in a dangerous situation. My cousin doesn't allow for fighting and other reasons. Alcohol and the downtown atmosphere trunk heprobably me to go. He lives here, The difference that Thursday night have a tendency to make everything, caused the incident him- was that someone, Tarek Amry of especially problems, seem bigger than and he said it's danger- self, not that that's an ous. I think so. Lexington, ended up dying. they are. appropriate outcome. Richmond police have said they think People may get angry over things they Drunkards make it the shooting of Amry happened after he normally wouldn't they may get angrier Anytime you have alco- trouble. had been thrown out of two bars for fight- over issues they, sober, wouldn't be so hol involved I think peo- ing. They think the man who shot him angry over. Richmond ple want to show their Taiwan was part of the fights. They don't think That isn't to say students should avoid egos, their malanhood. Major there was a long-standing feud between any place where people are drinking or Occupational therapy Computer systems Amry and the shooter; they think it was there could be danger — that could be 21 Age: 23 » someone drinking and taking a fight too almost anywhere. far. It is to say be aware of your surround- In other words, it could've happened to ings, don't drink so much that your sens- TONY GRAHAM If you start getting drunk • • any number of students, and not just es aren't about you or that your emotions and invading people's Eastern students, hanging out downtown are multiplied by the alcohol. space then it's not safe. If (People go downtown) that night. Adults have to be responsible for them- 5*ou go to have a good To have a good time, to Students go downtown for many differ- selves in all situations, including being time, then it's safe. I think socialize. It was an iso- ent reasons. Some go to drink, some to responsible partiers. Know when you are it's a sad situation, and it lated incident. I think socialize and some to meet members of in a situation that has the ability to esca- basically shows that it's the opposite sex. Not many people go when people drink, some late into danger and then get out not EKU students. It's peo- expecting to get shot and killed, and not Not all tragic outcomes can be avoided, emotions come out that many go to get into a fight but there are measures that have to be ple that come from the don't normally come out That's the point People don't necessar- taken in an attempt to try. outside. I can't believe I think it contributed to somebody has to die over ily have to be going downtown looking for Remember that what may have looked Louisville it, but I think there are something stupid. Ifs a a fight to get into one, and they aren't like a regular Thursday night bar fight Major Major some other things we expecting the person they get into a fight ended in death for Tarek Amry, and that Psychology wild atmosphere, and Fire safety with to take it too far. but it can happen. maybe it didn't have to be that way. •:23 people are going to do Ag«: 21 don't know about wild things. 7

A college campus is often for input from the student body to find defined by the issues out what matters most to our readers 117 Donovan Annex. Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond. Ky. 40475 and what issues they'd like to see Tun Mollette | Editor its students are con- exposed, explored and discussed on cerned with. The Progress these pages. Jamie Neal | Manas** editor HELP Perspective pages should From campus safety to campus Atyssa Bramlage, John Ridener | Copy editors US diversity, we want these pages to run Greg Parr | Staff artist . reflect and examine the issues the gamut of student concerns. Let us The Eastern Prog— (ISSN 10S1-S324) is a member of the Associated that Eastern's student body is know about the issues that you think Collegiate Press. Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association and College drive this campus. • Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers. Inc. The Progress is published most concerned with. •very Thursday during the school year, with the exception of vacation and exami- Write us at 117 Donovan Annex, e- nation periods. Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to mail us at [email protected] or Adviser/General Manager. Dr. Elizabeth Fraas. HELP To better meet this goal, we're ask- call us at 622-1572 and tell us which Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or other signed writers ing for your feedback. We're looking and do not necessarily represent the views of the university. Student editors also CAMPUS issues are important to you. decide the news and informational content. The Eastern Progress, Thursday. October «e. 1997 Perspective A3 Student offers 10 ways for Eastern to spend money

So, Eastern does have money. depending on demand. Jerry's Kids, here's a couple of ideas, our workers to expand the hours of Even if you aren't in a fraternity or Apparently, we have $4 million lO.Food service. These people building a parking garage where" our library and computer labs, we sorority, you can agree it adds to from gracious alumni, but we get picked on enough, but I'll have to Alumni is would make the most would have fewer hordes of people social life on campus. By the way, it don't know how to spend it. Well, not agree with the students. If you sense. You could rezone it for com- trying to get stuff done before closing also helps in recruiting students to to go on a shopping spree or any- brought in actual franchises, I can muters, faculty and residents. time. school. thing but "show me the money." guarantee people would start eatingng However, that may be too complex 5. Dorms. The beds and mat- 2. Campus Lighting. When was Every year we hear complaints as on campus more. Why? If you for some people. So, here's another tresses that have been defecated on, the last time you were mugged? I students about what we need. The haven't heard somebody com- idea, let's destroy the Model base- thrown up on, or whatever, have been haven't been lately, but if Dracula food is no good." "no parking" "I Slain about the current food, you ball field, and use that to extend the replaced. However, not everyone is went to school here, he'd be in heav- almost got run over on Lancaster." aven't been on campus long t current AC parking lot. Why? Read happy. Some people don't have the en. The point is, there are still several Why don't any of these problems enough. number seven. luxury of the new stuff. Why? Money. spots on campus, like parking lots, EDKWAK ever get solved? Because we hear the 9. Intramurals. We have a 7. Athletics. The best college Well, when you improve campus liv- declining number of teams partici- that have crime written all over them. Your Turn same old excuse year after year. We teams have the best facilities. Not to ing conditions, it usually makes the 1. A crosswalk. Like I said have no money! Yet as our tuition pating in our intramural sports pro- say we don't have good teams, student want to live on campus, and grams. Could it be because we because we do. However, our athletes not move off. Twenty-four-hour open before, this is not in any order. Kwak is a junior goes up, as well as our activity fee, we However, I had to save the best for find out that this money is being used don't really have good facilities, aren't provided with the best facili- house and co-ed dorms have helped broadcasting or enough sports offered? God ties. If we could build our baseball tremendously with keeping students last. With everyone talking about a major from on... (You come up with an answer once said, "let there be light!" crosswalk or an overpass at here.) team a new field, (what's all that on campus. This is one area that has Richmond He obviously forgot to shed space behind Keene Hall?) we been established well; let's not back Lancaster. I figure it's going to take I like Eastern. I wouldn't go to col- some at night for our fields. lege here if I didn't. However, there could build a parking lot where down now. someone getting hit by a car to build We could play longer, and the old one was. Or we could 4. Student Health Services. one. comes a time when the needs of stu- have more sports if we lit give it to Model, and still dents need to be addressed. Let us How come every time you get sick, With that sacrifice, maybe they'll up the fields. destroy their old field. I also you get the same medication? It's not decide to build one at Keene Hall as not forget a basic principle: The more 8. Parking. Have recall that a new weight students who enroll, the more money the doctors; let's just get some real well. If this was a human video game, you found a spot late- training facility was being stuff in there. Also, how about some we'd all be playing Frogger. If you're the school makes. What do you do ly? No matter how built for our athletes. then with the money? variety for those free contraceptives? looking for a new extreme sport, try many times you Last time I heard, that 3. Fraternity and/or Sorority crossing these areas in between class- You use it to make the facilities rezone. someone was an excellent way of Housing. Okay. I might be a little es. But remember, always look both better, and make the university more will lose a spot. The recruiting athletes. Giving biased here. Yes. I am in a fraternity. attractive. It doesn't take an under- initial problem is money to our athletic pro- However, if Eastern really has one of ways before getting run over. paid teacher to figure that out. Would a few million dollars cover 0I issuing too many grams will pay off in the the best Greek systems in this region, The next quesjjpajfjtind tricky. tags for too few long run, and create more how does it do it without housing? all this? I doubt it. However, most of What do we s. We don't even traditions at Eastern. How do smaller schools like these things would pay themselves off Well, we don't take away 6. Academics. Morehead have houses? For being in the long run. course. Would I like to be president of 1 This is a tough one. I such a bigger school, it's a joke we Let's just put some don't want to admit don't have housing. I'm not telling Eastern and make these decisions? spective. As unlikely that I care, but I do. anyone to pay for my fraternity to Although it would never happen, became the next presid' One gripe I hear have a house. How about helping us sure. Eastern? Don't panic, consei from the students finance one, with us paying the school If Eastern wants to make a commit- administrators, I know you involves the hours of back, like 90% of other colleges do? ment toward higher education, and never select me. Let's just toss arouni the library and com- Trying to raise $1 million by your- raise its status as a university, it some ideas. How about a top 10 list of puter labs. self is hard unless you win the lottery. needs to provide more for it's stu- what we could spend money on? Of Unless! Especially during Fraternity housing adds to the cam- dents, and not worry so much about course, this is in no order, just going to finals. If we could pay pus and highlights the social scene. when the rainy day will come.

► Letters* • Rebel flag offensive racist symbol. It did represent an institution that believed not only Geekspeak I was really surprised when I that a black man was only 3/4 of read the editorial about wearing a person, but that black women Gates and the boys have a good gig going with web vocabulary the Confederate flag. In it, the were its personal home-grown writer compared the words of whores. 'm a nerd. And I'm proud." have created a bulge of new definitions that we are all going The Civil War wasn't fought — Gilbert, in "Revenge of to have to leam to understand. Some of the new ideas, how- Malcolm X to what the the Nerds." ever, can be simplified. Here's just a small collection of sim- Confederate flag stood for. over the slavery issue, but over "I Sing it, brother. plified web phrases. First of all, I don't see how you keeping the "Old South" alive. The "Old South" was nothing but Who knew that a movie made ■ For the warnings about what web browser to use: This could compare the two. Malcolm better than 20 years ago would offer page best viewed with a computer and a monitor." X was a man. racist, period. a statement that has remained as ■ For the warnings about entering personal information: He didn't oppress anyone, I am offended by the Rebel resounding as the one above. There is no "Be careful if you type on this line because it isn't secure, enslave anyone, or even try to flag, and I don't think it should be question about it — when actor Anthony Edwards breathed and any sicko in the world with a computer could be learn- keep people from using a public displayed or worn. those fateful words. Microsoft founder Bill Gates was listen- ing a lot of stuff about you." restroom. Malcolm X wasn't an Anyone who says that the ing. ■ For interface warnings: "This page unavailable because institution. Rebel flag is not a racist symbol And now look what's happened. your computer is so old we think it's a direct descendent of He was simply a man who, at needs to study a little history. I recently followed the world's money trail, and it's official the Commodore 64." TIMMOLLETTE first, believed that the races — Bill Gates owns everything. In fact he only lets you bor- The whole language phenomena is not unlike that well- Sevan Turn* should be separate, but later saw row that chair you're sitting in. And don't think he isn't known, though often misunderstood language of the upper April Graves charging interest middle class called golfinetics. It's a tough dialect to under- Mollette is a that separation wasn't the answer. stand, what with everyone speaking of shanking their birdies Harrodsburg It's Gates and his minions of computer honchos who real- senior journalism The Confederate flag is the ly control the destiny of the human race now. and buying their new mulligans. symbol of the "Old South." It is a Sophomore Gates has been the brunt of many a joke (my favorite of However, if you're caught in a discussion in which you major from which is the one about how his wife described their honey- must use lingo from the web, don't worry. There is a Paintsville and moon. She summed it up in one word — Microsoft), but he hooked-on-phonics method that is fool-proof if you find your- editor of the and the other creators of our digital world have secured the self discussing topics of geekological interests. Whatever Progress. ► To Our Readers rest of us as their unknowing worshipers by developing a you're talking about just put the prefix "virtual" or "cyber" in the newspaper and should contain new language we all must leam to communicate with. front of a couple words, and most people won't know the dif- The Eastern Progress encour- ference. ages readers to write letters to the the writer's signature, address and I'm not talking about BASIC or HTML or VRML or Geekese or Nerdonics. I mean the new phrases that line web For example: editor on topics of interest to the phone number. Letters for publica- page after web page and appear to be well-known phrases, INFORMED COMPUTER GURU BOB: Hey Tun. have university community. tion will be verified. The Progress but take on a whole new meaning in the digital realm. you had time to check out that new Unix shell we were talk- Letters should be typed, double- also gives its readers an opportuni- For example, the phrase "under construction" appears ing about? spaced and limited to 250 words. ty to voice more detailed opinions somewhere on almost every web page. This doesn't mean COLLEGE STUDENT TIM: Well Bob, my cyber-head If a letter has excessive spelling, in a column called "Your Tum." the page contains an interstate being extended into six lanes. has been aching lately, and I've been unable to virtual-use grammar and punctuation errors, Those interested in writing for It means the nerd maintaining the site wants to make things my computer thingy. the editor reserves the right to this column should contact the edi- seem harder than they are and take longer than expected to BOB: Well, did you reinstall your java_30 file like we were urge the writer to make revisions. tor prior to submitting the article. impress his boss. It's the digital way of wiping your brow and talking about? Unsigned letters, carbon copies, Letters and columns should be saying "Whew. I'm tired. Pass the virtual Gatorade, Johnny." TIM: I really cyber-wanted to Bob, but my virtual-mouse mailed to The Eastern Progress, However, the "under construction" cyber warning and reached the edge of my mouse pad, and I didn't know what photocopies and letters with illegi- to do after that I think I might need the mouse pad upgrade. 117 Donovan Annex, Eastern the "under construction" traditional road-side warning do ble signatures will not be accepted. have one thing in common. They both could be replaced Can I cyber-get that? The Progress reserves the right Kentucky University, Richmond, with "get comfortable, this will take a while." The construc- Just practice some statements like these, and you'll be not to publish letters that are Ky. 40475. tion on 1-75 generates wait times comparable with the down- able to avoid any cyber-taunting from your computer friends. judged to be libelous or in poor Letters and columns may also loading of most under-construction web sites (including But to succeed in the long run. youll need to really leam taste. be submitted by e-mail at www.geezthistakesalongtime.com) what most of that stuff means. That way you'll be able to make Letters should be addressed to progress@acs. eku.edu. The inventions of Gates and other modem-day antichrists enough money to pay Gates back for your student loan. Saying goodbye not an option when college comes calling

When I got ready to leave for this situation? Should you leave the spend a little quality time with your up our minds that we were in it for the friends had the right idea I didn't like college, I had to leave behind one you love behind, and hope that if it significant other, writing little love long haul and were willing to spend being alone and not being able to talk lots of things. Friends, family, was meant to be the two of you will notes and daydreaming about that spe- nights on the phone, the weekend to Patrick on the phone because we a few of my clothes I couldn't jam into meet in some other place, at some cial someorte during class lectures. speeding home and class time day- both had too much to do. Now. a Iftt of people out there say a ■ dreaming. Then I thought about the alterna- the back seat of my parents' car and other time where the birds are singing and everything works out just right? long-distance relationship is not even But the decision came much easier tive. my boyfriend. an option. than the actual relationship. It's true that we don't get to spend a Patrick and I had been dating only a Or do you just say "it's been fun, but don't let the door hit you where the My sisters spent countless hours Maybe we thought we would spend lot of time together, but we still get few months before it was time for me good Lord split you."? trying to convince me that staying with nights on the phone, but really we had some time, and in the end that's all that to head off to the Campus Beautiful, Of course there is always a third the same boy I dated in high school to spend nights doing homework. matters to me. and I didn't know what to do about option looming in every high-school while I was at college was just a waste Maybe we thought we would spend There are a lot of people who would him. I knew I really, really liked him, sweetheart's head — having a long-dis- of my time. To a lot of my friends, quality time together on the weekends, rather say goodbye forever than spend JACINTA FELDMAN but really most of our weekend time a little time - four years - apart and I My Tum but the question was, did he really, tance relationship. breaking up with their boyfriends was really like me? I had to sit down and do Spending nights on the phone something they had to do before they was spent at work. can understand that But there are left for college. So I began to think maybe this was- those who would rather have five min- FekJman is a some serious thinking. promising to stay faithful, waiting for What was I supposed to do? weekends so you can speed home (if But for Patrick and me. staying n't all it's cracked up to be. Maybe my utes with one person than a lifetime sophomore and together was the way to go. We made sisters were right. Maybe all my without them. Accent editor. What is anybody supposed to do in you are within driving distance) to

How to reach us ► Corrections Richmond ► EKU Campus Phone: (606) 622-1881 E-Mail: progressOacs.eku.edu Fax:(606)622-2354 Information about The Rock and O'Riley's Grill and Bar in the Oct. 9 Where to find us ■ To report a news story or idea Classified/Subscriptions story about a downtown shooting Oct. 2 was incorrect The owner of ►The Eastern Progress is located just off Lancaster Avenue in the Donovan Annex on the O'Riley's declined to comment and .owners of The Rock could not be Sonja Knight, 622-1881 west side of Alumni Coliseum. reached for comment Julie Clay, 622-1872 To suggemt a photo or Owners of The Rock, who have now commented, said Tarek Amry was Features not thrown out of the bar the night he was shot, contrary to what Jacinta Fetdman, 622-1872 Don Knight. 622-1578 * Richmond Police have said. Activities Subscriptions are available by mail at a ■ In a story about staff benefits last week should have reported that the Laetitia Clayton or Ericka Herd. cost of $1 per issue; $20 per probationary entry pay for custodians is $5.56 per hour, which goes to 622-1882 $5.70 after six months. According to the human resources office, there is semester;or $38 per year payable in no maximum pay rate for each level. Eastern Progress (118 Donovan Annex) Arts* Entertainment advance Michael Roy. 622-1882 ■ The incorrect hometown was given for Shannon Tipton in last week's "Your Turn" columns should be mailed Campus Comments. She is from Winchester. Sports Brian Simms, 622-1882 to The Eastern Progress, 117 Donovan Kentucky Slat* Annex, Eastern Kentucky University, Pollc*Po*t To | Richmond. Ky. 40475. The deadline is Display noon Monday prior to publication on Lee Potter, 622-1489 Thursday. Columns will be printed in accordance with available space.

" A"4 .NeWS The Eastern Progress, Thursday, October 16.1997 ► Progress Classifieds

HELP WANTED... Now hiring a Graphics and a Online SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, FREE T-Shlrt +$1,000, Credit Card Editor. Apply in person at The Eastern Cadillacs, Chevys, BMWs, Corvettes. fundraisers for fraternities, sororities A Progress, 117 Donovan Annex, or cal at Abo Jeeps. 4 WD's. Vfaur Area Tol Free groups. Any campus organization can 622-1881. 1-800-2184000 Ext A-7077 for currest raise up to $1,000 by earning a whop- listings. ping $5iXWtSA appfcatbn. Cal 1-800- TRAVEL.. 932-0528 ext. 65. Qualified callers EARN FREE TRIPS & CASH CLASS Hasoween Costumes from Vee Anns receive FREE T-SHIRT TRAVEL needs stodents to promote at Warehouse variety, 902 Race Street Spring Break 1998! Sell 15 tripe & travel right off of Big Hi Ave. I Accepting applications for all posi- free! Highly motivated students can earn tion*. Apply in person Madison Garden a free trip & over $10,000! Choose BIRTHDAYS... - Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, Jamaica Happy Birthday to Pat Brandenburg, j OSPREY BUSINESS CENTER la now or Fbridal North America's largest stu- Oct19. - offering a typing service. (Term dent tour operator! Cal Now! 1-800-838- Papers, Resumes, etc) For Wormatbn 6411 Happy Birthday to Stove Fowter, Get cal (606)626-1360. Ask for Alverta 21st. Win love from your wle and friencv "Spring Breek_/Take 2" Hiring Reps! Daniele _ EARN $7SO*1500/WEEK Raise al the Sell 15...Take 2 Free. Hottest money your group needs by sponsoring Destinations! Free Parties, Eats and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No Drinks. SunSplash 1 -800426-7710 investment A very little time needed. There's no obigation. so why not call for Spring Break Bahamas Party Cruise! inlomiatton today. Call 1-80U-323-8454 x 6 Days $2791 Includes Meals, Free 95. Parties, Taxes! Get a group - GO FREE! Prices increase scon - Save $50! F1IF1 VFNOOPS NFFncn P^n. springbreaktravel.com 1-600-678-6386 If you have a friend or loved wishing to provide wood, coal, kerosene, one whose birthday is LP gas, or fuel oil for the Low-Income Spring Break Cancun & Jamaica approaching, send your greet- Josephine Lane (above) Home Energy Assistance Program $3791 Book Early - Save $50! Get a ing to the Progress dassfieds reviewed for a.test with her (LIHEAP) may apply to become group - GO FREE! Panaman City $129! It's FREE Mail to 117 Dono- algebra class outside the approved vendors for both the Subsidy South Beach (Bars dose 5AM!) $129! van Annex or send via e-mal Meditation Chapel after they and Crisis component of LIHEAP. For springbreaktravel.com 1-600678-6386 to [email protected]. information, or to fi out a vendor appfca- were evacuated from the Include name and number for tbn. please contact Hannah Anderson, Earn MONEY and FREE Trips!! INDI- Wallace Building. Richmond verification. Kentucky River Foothils, P. O. Box 743. VIDUALS and GROUPS wanted to pro- firefighters searched the 1623 Foxhaven Drive, Richmond, KY mote SPRING BREAK!! Cal INTER building but couldn't find any 40476O743, orcal (606) 624-2046. CAMPUS PROGRAMS at 1-800-327- chemical leak. 6013 or htto^Avww.icptcom FUEL VENDORS NFFDED Par«nn<: Sidney Lynch (right) of the wishing to provide wood, coal, kerosene, FOR RENT... Richmond City Fire LP gas, or fuel oil for the Low-Income One, two and three bedroom apart- Department puts on an oxy- Home Energy Assistance Program ments and town houses. Call Hager gen mask before entering (LHEAP) may apply to become vendors Rentals at 623-8482. the Wallace Building to for both the Subsidy and Crisis of check for a chemical leak. LIHEAP. The Madison County vendors MISCELLANEOUS... meeting has been scheduled lor 1100 Free Cash Grants! College. am.. Wednesday. October 22. 1997 at Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. Kentucky River Foothils Central Office Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Don Knight/Progress on 1619 Foxhaven Drive in Richmond. Ext G-7077.

$1,500 weekfy potential ma leng circu- OOVT FORECLOSED homes from lars. Free information. Call 410-783- pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax, Repo's. 8274. RECs. Your Area Tol Free (1) 800-218- 9000 Ext H-7077 for current Isbngs. DRIVERS -DARTTRANSIT MUG OF Regional oppty's. in the Great Lakes area CvOs needed, or Co. drivers lease THE WEEK! purchase a truck for zero down & become an owner op. Increased com- Classifieds If this is you, hurry to pensation pkg., great miles, friendly $2 for 10 words, Wallace Building evacuated after freight, immed. settlements & home the Progress office to often 1-800-366-3278 Q1 $4 for 20 words, etc. pick up your Place your ad with us complaints of mystery symptoms Part-time Work: Thoroughbred for the next issue. FREE SURPRISE! Gymnastics cheer tumbling instructor Call 622-1881 before 624-9685 117 Donovan Annex Br LAETTTIA CLAYTON Kit Carson Drive. an ambulance, and was put on oxy- noon, Monday. Activities co-editor Richmond Fire Chief Fred gen for about 10 minutes because ►Expires Wednesday Noon* Students, faculty and staff were Brandenburg said he suspected she was feeling so sick. Needed for focal restaurant franchise. Last week's prize evacuated from the Wallace some type of chemical, but after Edmonson, who had tears in her Flexfete hours avaJable, as wel as some Building last week after some searching the building, the depart- eyes, said she did not start to feel part-time. Strong communication & plan- was unclaimed. eported a mysterious reaction to a ment came up empty handed. bad until she was evacuated from ning state a must Exp preferred. Please lossible chemical in a stairwell. "No chemicals are being used the building. subml resume and references to: P.O. At 2:45 p.m. Friday, senior (in the building)," Brandenburg "It was a weird smell," she said. Box 351, St. Abans. WV 25177 Elizabeth Barrett said she left the said. "We've just had some people "I felt like I was going to vomit" math tutoring center on the second complaining of some throat irrita- Steve Tipton, captain of the HELP!!! Work avail- floor of the Wallace Building, and tion. It's precautionary right now." Richmond Fire Department and able. Madison Garden walked to the southeast stairwell Joshua Hayes, a student and director of the disaster emergency TYPISTS needed at because a student told her some- math tutor, said he experienced the services said Friday that it was Fust Image: no computer expenence thing made her throat feel funny tight feeling in his throat like unknown what had caused the syp- required Must pass typing test with at while walking up the stairs. Barrett, but his lasted just a few toms of the students. WIN A FREE SWEATSHIRT moments. "We have made at least four least -10 wpm FULL TIME HOURS 2 weeks There's no smell, but it imme- "If you've ever smelled ammo- PAID VACATION annually PAID SICK TIME diately grips your throat and trips through the building," Tipton and Short term disability medical, dental. nia — it made your throat tighten said. "We were unable to locate bums," Barrett said. up like that, and the mucous built anything." Long Term disability, AD&D and Life Barrett said her throat was up real quick too," Haves said. Several people said the syptoms Insurance: 401-k Retirement Tuition affected within two seconds after The Richmond Police, an emer- were similar to those after being Reimbursement. Slock Purchase. walking into the stairwell. gency medical services truck and exposed to mace, but Tipton said Employee Assistance Program. She said she immediately asked the Richmond and Madison County that was "just a possibility." Paid Jury Duty and Bereave- a secretary to call for help and Disaster Emergency Services were Larry Westbrook, safety coordi- Be the first to come down to ment. 9 paid Holidays: shortly afterwards, the Richmond present in addition to the fire nator for the division of public safe- jirst gear and answer the question Apply at. Part-time hours Fire Department was evacuating department. First Imaae. available, ty, said Tuesday there was still "no correctly. the building and moving everyone One student, Elizabeth official determination of what hap- 307 Richmond Rd second shilshift to the front of the building facing Edmonson, had to sit in the back of pened." Located on the corner of 1st and Main: (Boone Square jjfc openings. Who wu the lucAUc king and whal Shopping Center). Mon.-Thurs. does his name mean? Berea 2nd Shift 8a.m. ■ 4 p.m. I.aii wecki winner: No winner. First Image „ Last weeks amwer: From the Beattyville. KY 2nd Shitt - EOE television show, CHIPS. First Image M F D V ► News Briefs (Ona win per customer, per semester, please London, KY 2nd & 3rd Shitt Compiled by Gwenda Bond Flu vaccinations No appointment is needed. ment. Those who have a cold or are Faculty and students can for students, employees allergic to eggs should not take arrange a personal consultation the vaccine. with a reference librarian who Tbe Flu vaccine will be given will help with individual research Oct. 20 through Oct. 24 from 9 needs and suggest useful a.m. to 4 p.m. for students, faculty Library research resources. and sjaff. Librarians will also help with Th.e cost will be $3 and should help available electronic database use. be paid at Billings and Appointments can be sched- Collections, Coates room 3, and The Eastern Libraries uled for selected times between 8 the paid receipt taken to Student Information and Reference a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Health Services to receive the Services Section is now offering Friday, by going to Room 204C in vaccine. research assistance by appoint- the library or calling 622-1797. ► Police Beat Compiled by Kristy Gilbert The following reports have been charged with disorderly conduct. October 3 DON' . filed.-with Eastern's division of October 5 Pricilla Howard, Powell Grill, z. public safety. Kyle L. Ritchie, 18, Hazard, reported the smell of smoke on the BLUR YOUR was arrested and charged with pos- ground floor of Powell. Upon October 9 session of marijuana. arrival a burnt piece of paper had NORMALLY GOOD Anthony L, Bcrkemier, 19, Madison County 911 System been doused with water and was Richmond, was arrested and reported to Public Safety that a discovered in an ashtray located in JUDGEMENT. i charged with possession of mari- the loading dock area. juana. fight was in progress at the McDonough Intramural Fields. Deborah Glovak, Brockton, Raymond L. Viger, 18, reported that sparks were emitting Richmond, was arrested and The fight was between two flag football teams playing in the Beta from a kitchen wall switch at 512 charged with possession of mari- Brockton. The Richmond Fire juana. football tournament. The two teams involved in the Department responded and it was fight were the Mafia and the Yellow determined that a hot wire in the October 8 metal receptacle had made contact Donald Burbrink. Dye #5. with it causing the switch to short CAN'T WRAP IT? Commonwealth Hall, reported that out. Eastern electricians were noti- his wallet had been stolen from his October 4 fied and responded to correct the vehicle while it was parked on Kit Jim Harmon, Palmer Hall, problems. DON'T DO IT. Carson Drive. Items stolen from reported that a sixth floor hallway Christopher Colburn, his wallet include $45, an ATM window had been broken. Jeffersontown, reported the theft of card, a military I.D. and a driver's Several residents who had his watch from the Stratton license. cleaned up the broken glass prior Building Gymnasium. Colburn said to the arrival of Officer Mullins he had placed his watch in his pep- October 7 were questioned about the inci- per spray pouch on his duty belt THE CROWD William J. Murrell. 23. dent There are no suspects at this during class. Colburn has searched WE'RE SMART. SAFE AND SOBER Richmond, was arrested and time. but still hasn't located his watch. EKU Substance Abuse Committee www.eku.edu/substanceabuse/

J The Eastern Progress, Thursday, October 16,1997 NCWS A5

Eastern's homepage: www.eku.edu Western's homepage: www.wku.edu University of Kentucky's homepage: www.uky.edu Web workshops offered Students, faculty and staff can attend one-hour "quickie" work- Cyber recruiting shops on a variety of computing topics. Most will be located in the Coates 11 Training Lab. Call ACTS at ext. 1986 to register. Complete Experts call Eastern's home page comprehensive, informative workshop schedule available at http://www.acs.eku.edu/training/clas BY GWENDA BOND "Running the website is a programming have gone into this at students," said reviewer Chris ty member or prospective faculty ses.htm. informative and welcoming site," McClaren, of the Sysbase member could want to know," News writer group effort," Corman said. Netscape Mail When a person types said Norma Thomas, who coordi- Computer Technology Co. "They said McClaren. Wednesday, 10/22, 10:30 a.m. http://www.eku.edu/, the nates all computer technology include fewer categories that you Eastern's home page includes Friday, 10/31. 9:15 a.m. ;Ip the last few years, the address for Eastern's website, a for the Jackson County school can find out about, and no news shortcuts to online reference Tuesday, 11/4, 1:00 p.m. Internet has morphed from a lit- photograph of two students talk- system. "Comprehensive is the of what's happening on their sources available to students as Tuesday, 11/11, 2:15 p.m. tle-used cyber community to a ing with a professor pops up, fol- word I would use to desribe campuses." well as a complete listing of the vast! new world where everyone lowed by the name of the univer- Eastern Kentucky's home page." One of the biggest things hap- current semester's course offer- VAX Mail who's anyone can be found — Wednesday, 10/22, 3:30 p.m. sity and a graphic of the Colonel Other state universities do not pening at Eastern is the search ings. Thursday, 11/6,1:00 p.m. including Eastern. mascot. fare so well under the microsope, for the next president of the uni- Someday, students may even '.Eastern's website offers an however. versity. be able to register for classes Netscape Bookmarks attractive first look at'the univer- What you see The University of Kentucky's through the Colonel Connection Tuesday, 10/28, 10:30 a.m. sity to both current and prospec- An extensive list of topics on website takes longer to down- Presidential surfing online. Wednesday, 12/3, 10:30 a.m. tive students and even potential the left-hand side shows handy load and does not contain as Eastern's new presidential "The simplicity of organiza- new! presidents, guest reviewers search page added another link tion and the variety of informa- Netscape Searches Eastern informational headings much information. The website Wednesday, 11/12, 2:15 p.m. I said: like a welcome link, how to is designed as a grid of squares, from the homepage Oct. 10. tion this site has is a solid foun- :T:he Eastern Kentucky Tuesday. 11/18, 10:30 a.m. apply, academics, administration, with a small graphic to illustrate Now, potential applicants, dation. Any future changes will Wednesday. 11 /19. 9:15 a.m. I Unversity home page first libraries, registration, athletics, each topic the site contains infor- interested faculty, staff, students probably be largely to update it, Wednesday, 12/3, 2:15 p.m. appeared Jan. 15, 1996, accord- alumni, news and events, calen- mation about. and community members can not to give it another new look," ing to Dudley Corman, systems dars, campus directory, student In contrast. Western easily access information about said McClaren. Web Editing with Netscape programmer for academic com- life, student services, university Kentucky University's site down- the search. The site had received Academic computing offers Part I [ pitting. services, Cplonel Connection, loads very quickly and features 257 hits as of Wednesday. support for Eastern faculty and Wednesday. 11/5, 10:30 a.m. ;Since the website first Tuesday, 11/18, 1:00 p.m. computing resources and only one graphic of a white build- The presidential search page students who want to put up new Part II I appeared, it has undergone a Internet resources. ing. However, it lacks a compre- includes a history and descrip- Eastern web pages. Wednesday, 11/12, 10:30 a.m. [drastic makeover to make it The page showcases informa- hensive listing of the information tion of Eastern and Richmond, a Academic computing employ- Tuesday, 11/25, 1:00 p.m. J Imbre complete, attractive and tion about current and upcoming available about Western on the list of desired presidential char- ees, including Yoder and I easy to use. Changes have even events at Eastern as well. Internet acteristics, information about Corman, teach one-hour training Intermediate Web Editing I been made in recent weeks. nominations and applications, courses for faculty, staff and stu- Wednesday, 11/19, 10:30 a.m. There are also links to the "Both the University of Tuesday, 12/2, 1:00 p.m. !The current look was created home pages of the colleges of Kentucky's site and Western and assures applicants that their dents about how to web edit and yj. Iby; Vijay Lele, data services engi- education, arts and humanities, Kentucky's site seem to be credentials will be reviewed in a get pages up and running on the Designing Web Pages |neer for academic computing, allied health and nursing, and designed for alumni or faculty to timely manner. web. That Deliver irith a few changes by Eastern's the health, recreation, physical access how their old alma matter "Eastern's page has links to No students have shown up Wednesday, 11/5, 2:15 p.m. resident web specialist Ron education and athletics page. is doing. Both sites are difficult just about everything a student for web courses yet, but Corman Wednesday, 12/3, 1:00 p.m. folder, according to Corman. "Obviously, many hours of to navigate and don't seem aimed or prospective student or a facul- said students are welcome.

Summer's Gone, But Your Tan COLONEL'S CINEMA Doesn't Have To Be! Visit Richmond's Newest Tanning Salon Showing New Releases On CHANNEL 40 Now Open! Grand Opening Special: 5:30 PM TILL ?? One month unlimited tanning just $3 5! SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Come in and sign up during the (Movies an shown consecutively) month of October ^THIin. OCTOBER O Sun'October 19 Tua«« October 28 3)Caddy Shack 1)Ransom 1)TheEnglsh Patient 2) Tin Cup 2)Slngblade 2)Things to do in 2) HunchBack of Notre Dame 3)Frfth Element 3)Fargo 4)Absolute Power 4)TheRock 3) MuppetTreasure Island anama ...» JR1. OCTOBER 10 Morr October 20 Wed* October 29 H)TinCup 1)Slngt»ade 1 )Things to do in Denver ' 2) HunchBack of Notre Dame 2)Ffflh Element 2)Fargo 3) Muppet Treasure Island 3) Absolute Power 3)TheRock 4) Caddy Shack 4)Ransom 4)TheEngish Patent ■&. Snn. October 12 Tucs * October 21 Thur s C 1) The Associate 1)Fargo tin 1)Rflh Element 2)BootyCal 2) Absolute Power 2>TheRock 3)Buletkyoof 3)Ransom 3)The English Patient Spacious. CQOI rooms. 4) Michael 4)Slnafciade 4)Things to do in Denver Mnn.Qctobar13 Wad .October 22 Fri » October 31 TRY I New Wolff System 1)BootyCal 1) Absolute Power 1)TheRock 2)Bu*etxoof 2)Ransom 2)TheEngJsh Patient 3)Michael 3)Singtiade 3)Things to do in Denver Large beds. 4The Associate 4)Rflh Element 4)Fargo T.^.QctobSfU Sun » November 2 Great Swimwear & T-shirts, 1)Bule^)roof 1)Ransom 1)Steepers 2)Mchael 2)Sino#acJe 2)Donnie Brasco 3)The Associate 3)Frfth Element 3)The River WM and all of the latest 4)BootyCal 4)Absolute Power 4)Scream Wad. October 15 Fri* October 24 MM i November 3 Tanning Products. 1)Mbhael 1)Sinaaiade 1)Donnie Brasco 2 )The Associate 2)Rfth Element 2)The River Wild Mention this Ad and get * 1 off a 3)BootyCal 3) Absolute Power 3)Scream tanning visit! 4)Buleteroof 4)Ransom 4)Sleepers Thur.* October 16 Sun'October 26 Tues . November 4 1)The Associate 1)Fargo 1)The River Wid 201 Water Street 2)BootyCall 2)TheRock 2)Scream 3)Buletoroof 3)TheEngish Patient 3)Steepers (Across tlie street 4)Mchael 4 )Things to do In Denver 4)Donnie Brasco Fri* October 17 Morr October 27 W«ri . November 5 from Subway) 1)BootyCal 1)TheRock 1)Scream 2)Bu*eteroof 2)TheEnglsh Patient 2)Steepers 3)Mchael 3)Thlngs to do In Denver 3)Donnie Brasco 626-8937 4)The Associate 4VTteRiverWjta-^M SPONSORED BY Walking distance CENTFRI UNIVERSITY CENTER BOARD RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION I I AND STUDENT ASSOCIATION from EKU!

A6 IVCWS The Eastern Progress, Thursday. October 16,1997 Fraud: Technology makes fraud easier From the front Czolowski tar- Regularly Gray said she learned of the geted Eastern's Avoiding fraudulent credit card scams campus, accord- checking ■ Obtain a copy of your credit fraudulent credit card scheme after ing to Progress ■ Do not give your name, social ReGIS history. This is the only way she contacted an agency to check files. your security number or other vital her credit history. There had been Czolowsk i credit identification information to per- that you can determine if no money charged to these credit was arrested by sons soliciting such someone is applying for credit cards. Gray said. police after he history is information on the telephone. using your name and social At this point, she wrote back to was questioned Resist using your social securi- security number. The major 20% off the credit card agencies and put a for not having a a good ty number on checks unless credit reporting companies: stop on her credit. business license absolutely necessary. Haircuts on Thursday She also specified that no credit precau- to sell the sub- CSC Credit Services for the whole month of October is to be approved without talking scriptions. tion. PO Box 674402 with her first. Also in ■ If you find that you are the vic- Houston, Texas 77267-4402 "I'm still not convinced every- September 1995, 1-800-759-5979 thing is okay," Gray said. a fraudulent home-mailer's busi- tim of this type of crime, you •CO/I nnCC Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Lindquist emphasized that cred- ness was found soliciting on should contact the credit DZf-UUDO Sunday 12:30 p.m.-6 p.m. it card fraud can affect anyone, Eastern's campus, a Progress story source immediately by tele- Experian Walk-ins welcome Richmond Mall including college students. said. phone and follow up in writing. PO Box 2104 He recommends that everyone With the advancement of tech- Allen, Texas 75013-2104 take a look at his or her credit his- nology and the easy, widespread ■ Report credit card fraud to the 1-800-682-7654 tory to make sure that nothing is access to personal information, U.S. Secret Service in Pid you forget your camera? out of order just as a precaution. individuals need to be careful with Lexington at (606) 233-2453 or Trans Union This recent rash of credit card whom and why they give out per- to your local police. PO Box 6790 fraud hasn't been the only fraudu- sonal data, Lindquist said. Fullerton, California 92834 lent scheme that has occurred on "If you do (give out personal 1-800-688-7289 Eastern's campus. information), there can be some In September 1995, a magazine ramifications. This is how people Source: Tom Undquist, public safety sales scam led by Michael R. do it," Lindquist said. Rape: Setting boundaries increases safety From the front For example, the victim will be tion of sticky situations that could yours and no one has the right to provided medical attention at lead to possible date rape are be touch you unless you want it. Pattie A. Clay Hospital which is at clear and firm, suggest your own If you need further information Also, do not shower or change no cost because of a special victim ideas about what to do on dates, on what to do if you have been your clothes to make sure that fund. Also, counseling services as meet in public places, end the raped or know some who has, call evidence is not destroyed, the well as numbers to a rape crisis date early if your date becomes public safety at 622-2821, the pamphlet said. center will be provided, he said. drunk, stay away from anyone counseling center at 622-1303 or Public safety officials will assist According to the pamphlet, who treats you badly, stay alert the Lexington Rape Crisis Center 1 the victim any way they can. some tips to help in the preven- and remember that your body is at 1-800-656-HOPE. Lindquist said. We've got you covered . We captured your fondest Eastern memories. If you forgot Land: Mattox will be student dorm again your camera, or couldn't be in From the front University Inn, was scheduled to Eastern has shared facilities in number of people trained each undergo renovations. with the department, the only year. two places at one time, don't Funderburk said a few acres Eastern decided not to spend police academy in Kentucky, Carnes said he was happy to would be reserved for the new $250,000 to renovate the inn this since 1966. The Lexington see the university get the land dorm and until there is a definite year, but opened bids for its sale, Academy is a branch of this one, instead of going to a subdivision. fret. Get a print! need for other buildings. Eastern said Earl Baldwin, vice president Bizzack said. "They'll take care of it," he will use the land as a farm. for business affairs. Frankfort will Three state agencies, the said. The new dorm would release have the final approval on the Kentucky Justice Cabinet, the They'll put up a few buildings, 5x7 $4 Mattox Hall back to the university price. To date, five bids have been Department of Criminal Justice "but it won't be houses." to house students as a first priori- received, Baldwin said. Training and Eastern's college of He looked at his wife when 8x10 $8 ty. Funderburk said. The Department of Criminal law enforcement, have shared asked how it would feel to leave Last December, 163 students Justice Training will have paid resources while training 9,000 his birthplace. were moved out of Mattox to $381,716 this year to lease Mattox students each year. house criminal justice trainees "I don't know how it will feel to Eastern Progress for its trainees and is responsible Four of the DOCJTs programs leave this land," Carnes said. "I'm while their previous residence, are ranked in the national top 10 for its upkeep. still here." 117 Donovan Annex 622-1881

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Story by Amber Allen Illustration by James Carroll A lot of college stu- ods? ed pregnancies, not many people are Methods of dents are having sex There willing to make the kind of sacrifices birth control are many that the safety of abstinence these days. They Condom: a can be seen in the different fac- requires. bars almost every tors that go "I am married so I don't have to sheath cov- day of the week into choosing worry about it. but abstinence is the ering for the meeting, matching and mating; little a method of bottom of the list for most people. penis. Effec- hormones ricocheting off every wall, birth control. Most people won't even consider absti- tiveness: 88- hormones flying, pulses racing. Is sex involved nence," said Keith Chapman, a senior 92 percent Some are doing it casually, some in a committed from Richmond. Diaphragm: a sex as shallow latex within committed relationships — monogamous research and Others put it a little more bluntly. SEX. S-E-X, and people are having a relationship, or further discov- "Abstinence sucks," said Jason cup inserted lot of it. are there several eries about HIV Lincoln, a sophomore from Mission into the vagi- But besides being whizzy-jolly fun, different partners? and other dis- Viejo, Calif. "A lot of women who na. Effective- sex happens to be a biological function Those who are not eases reveals come to college want to have sex ness: 82-94 that comes with a few complications, with a steady part- that there really with somebody, so birth control is a percent such as the fact that it serves to propa- ner would probably better idea, because abstinence is is no such thing as boring." gate the species, and you know what want to consider "safe sex." There is nance: Chart that means, yes, PREGNANCY is a dis- methods that require Other students had a more positive fwmsnstuaf no guarantee that outlook on the idea. tinct possibility. little cooperation by anyone engaging in cycte and Unprotected sex can often lead to the partner. "It's worked for me and my fiance." abstain from sexual activity even said Brandy Barker, a junior from pregnancy, said John Cassilingua, ele- Planned Parenthood with "protection" rtefcxourse on mentary school principle and part-time suggests people think Richmond. "And we believe that "unsafe days'' will not contract an because of it, our bond will be even counselor. "It's been part of the biolo- the following over STD. Effectiveness: when deciding on a stronger once we are married." 80-97 percent gy syllabus for years," Cassjlingua According to Melissa Wells, a junior from Monti- said. form of birth con- Planned Parent- Continuous trol: cello, feels abstinence is the right So what's a red-blooded, hormone- hood, "safer sex" choice because of religious reasons, as Abstinence: drenched, freedom-loving, not-yet- • Will you use it? is defined as a not having • How effective is it? well as for safety. ready-to-be-a-parent college student to means for reducing "It's biblical, and it's the only thing vaginal inter- do? The answer is simple. • Will it be easy to the chance of acquir- course. use? ing sexually transmit- that can keep you from disease or Birth control. Use it — and hope to pregnancy." Wells said. Effectiveness'. goodness that it works. • Does your partner 30 ted diseases, includ- 100 percent need to cooperate for it to work? ing AIDS. Terri Bush, a junior from Coving- varieties of sexually transmitted ton, added. "God said it and I believe Norpiant: six What's available • Does it protect against STD's? diseases ( STDs) rampant in America One way many people try to prac- small cap- • Do you need a prescription? tice "safer sex" is by using condoms. it" There are more forms of birth con- today. There is much public debate about sules are put trol available now than ever before: • How much does it cost? Some are deadly, some painful and But how safe are condoms really? Can under the • Will you use it? condoms be relied on to protect a per- the subject of abstinence and whether condoms, depo-provera injections, some merely unpleasant, but all sex- more attention should be given to the woman's arm. spermicides, IUD's (the modern ver- son from contracting an STD? ually transmitted diseases carry the "If you're sexually active, latex con- idea and to encouraging young people Effectiveness: sion of the ancient method of sticking What not to use danger of consequences such as to practice it. 99.96 percent rocks in the uterus), cervical caps, There are some methods of birth doms are your best and only preven- unsightly and irritating skin lesions, tion (against STDs)," Scott said. Hester observed that in order for Depo-Provera: implants and pills. control that are not recommended for sterility, birth defects in fetuses and college-age women. According to Teri Hester's abstinence to be an effective and Hormone You name it, it's been thought of, newborns. and increased risks of viable option in a society saturated shots are manufactured, packaged in brightly- According to the Williams College "Healthy Love," the rate of HIV/AIDS web page on birth control, the cervical cancer. transmission with condoms is even with sexually-charged messages that given to the colored foil and made the object of According to Jon Knowles. director "programs need to be implemented woman in brilliant marketing schemes. cap. the rhythm method, the IUD. and higher than their failure rate in pre- withdrawal, or "coitus interruptus," are of Sexual Health Information for venting pregnancy because of inher- that give teenagers both convincing the arm or Teresa Scott, executive director of Planned Parenthood, people who are reasons why they should want to prac- Planned Parenthood, said the two most methods most likely to be difficult for ent defects. buttock every college-age women to obtain or prac- concerned about catching something "The rubber has microscopic holes tice abstinence, and effective tech- 12 weeks. effective methods of birth control to while having sex have good reason to or pores in it. These holes are smaller niques that will enable them to prac- prevent pregency are Depo-Provera tice with any degree of reliability. Effectiveness: Proper contraceptive measures worry. than bacteria or sperm, so bacteria and tice it" 99.7 percent and Norplant. One in four Americans between the There are many repercussions to She said the pill is also very effec- require thinking ahead, Scott said. sperm don't go through the rubber... The pill: one pill Giving in to the heat of the moment is ages of 15 and 55 will contract a sexu- However, the virus that causes AIDS is the decision to have sexual relations. is taken daily tive but it "is only as effective as the Some are physical, some are psycho- not an option for responsible adults, ally transmitted disease in his or her hundreds of times smaller than bacte- that releases person taking it" lifetime. ria, so the rubber doesn't necessarily 16gical and some are social. These three are probably the most male or female, who do not wish to be estrogen and faced with the problem of unwanted Many people infected with STDs stop the virus." Hester points out that sexual rela- effective contraceptives. However, con- tionships are often entered into before progesterone. pregnancy. are unaware of their infection if they Effectiveness: doms and spermicides can be effec- "It doesn't really do any good to are not experiencing any obvious The only sure bet individuals have reached a state of tive, too," Scott said. emotional maturity. 97-99 9 percert learn how to use a condom properly ii symptoms. These people may unknow- According to Knowles and other The) IUD A small A new variety of birth control, the heat of passion," Scott said. "You ingly transmit the disease to many oth- health-care professionals, as with preg- Along with unwanted pregnancies known as "emergency birth control" nancy, there is only one 100-percent- and STDs. problems that result can be plastic device should know how to use it properly is put into the has recently emerged on the scene. before they need to be used." They itaay become aware of their sure way of preventing transmission depression, anxiety, insecurity, fear of Emergency birth control methods are isease qrfy after serious or perma- of STD's and AIDS — abstinence. commitment and fear of abandonment uterus that utilized after conception has already Keeping yourself safe nenl damage has occurred. Hester goes a step further and says "Sex isn't bad. That's actually why contains cop- occurred. The modern sexual arena is like a This is often the case with diseases that an individual truly interested in this is such a complicated problem! It per or hor- One such method is the much- vast Super Wal-Mart of social diseases ... such as chlamydia or human papillo- prevention should also avoid sexual just needs to come at the right time." mones. talked about "morning-after pill." It chancroid, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus. ma virus, which is a major cause of activities that involve contact betweeen she said. Effectiveness: releases the synthetic estrogen genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B sterility and uterine cancer in females. the mouth and genitals, such as oral "Sex is a very potent force, like 97-99.2 per- and/or progesterone hormones into virus, human immunodeficiency virus, The damage is done behind the sex. fire. Sex can be good or bad, it cent the body which prevent a fertilized human papilloma virus, molluscum scenes. But abstinence is a difficult choice depends on how it's used. Between egg from implanting in the uterine contagiosum, pelvic inflammatory dis- for some people either for the purpose two mature, faithful and committed Source: Your wall. ease, pubic lice, scabies, syphillis, Iri Safer sex of birth control or for disease preven- adults, it is a positive, wonderful Contraceptive What sort of things should be taken chomoniasis and urinary tract infec- With the advent of the HIV. or AIDS tion. thing." ' Choices by into consideration when making per- tions. virus, in the 1980s, people became Although it seems a wise choice in Jacinta Feldman also contributed to Planned Par- sonal choices of birth control meth- All of these are just a few of over concerned with the concept of "safe a world of risky diseases and unwant- this story. enthood Vote for your favorite BEER

It's not too late to cast your vote for your favorite beer! But Name: hurry, the deadline for casting votes is Monday. Just drop your ballot in the box located in 117 Donovan Annex, e-mail us with Address: your vote at [email protected]. or call 622-1872. We will run a picture of the students who submit the most Phone: unique and/or popular brews. Voters must be 21 years of age or older. Favorite Beer:

I B2 Thursday October 16. 1997 The Eastern Progress ► Movies

I niversih ' CINI MARK THI" ATRFS =1 RICHMOND MALL 8 IrVIIC H/\t-.L IXJUOLA! 130 Eastern Irftsi THE ii'.i:i--'i:i."».".: GAME Moot Wonted R 1:49. 7:20 PO ~ 1 flO, 305, 5:10. 728. 930 bust *w Oh-le R 1 40, 4:36. 7 05. » 40 MONDAY Savon fears In Tibet PO-13" 120.4.15. FRIDAY PROGRESS VANESSA L. WILLIAMS I' 7:08.030 1 NICHTLV:?:— SAT/SLN IJ« |Ttw Peacemaker R 12B.42S.7M. A haunted house based on Flu vaccines will be given LSJ *..,„ III.. •29 Dante's "Inferno" will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today >t IncfcOut b Know What You DM Laat tummar R** through the month at the through Oct. 24 at the Health |**M ant-. — **| 1:0a, 3:15. 825,7:40. t:5S MCHTLV:7:IS SAT/SUN: 1:46 7:15 TnaEdgeR 455.9 30 Corner of Barnes Mill and Services Building. Cost is $3. Davfft Advocate R~ 120.420.7:10. Goggins Lane between 7:30 Levin Spacey 10:00 and 9:30 p.m. weekdays and "Slovak Faculty Perspect- .A. Confidential Playing God R~ 125.320.520.738. 7:30 p.m. and midnight week- ives on Economics and 045 Business in the Transition NI«tm.V.-»-J« SAT/SUN: 4:00 KM Irenes good lor Sal- Sun. Movies begin at ends. Cost is $4.50 or $4 with a inn Fit Cm 17II yrw-Trnnnrt ro-rt can of food for the Kentucky Economies," a College of River Foothills Food Pantry. Business faculty seminar is at 2:15 p.m. in Combs 322. ^BUCCANEER The 4th Annual Sleepout S^bRIVE-IN for the Homeless is today Couch Crickets will play U.S 25 North 624$250 between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. The Phone 3 at 9:30 p.m. Cost is $2. Open Fri., Sat., & Sun. first 75 people to arrive (and Box Office 6:45 stay) will receive a free t-shirt. TUESDAY Showtime around 7:15 TH Local a**) Af foraaWe Enjoy a movies tor laaa tian tie price of 1 in Coerce of New Af e FroaecU Training courses for your chojoi of a vnoWng or non-smoking Whatever your New Aje need. Holiday Helpline Volunteers A breast cancer awareness amooutioco In twcomtort of your own car. seminar will be at 8 p.m. in Clay yoall find rt here! begin today and continue Kevin Kline through Saturday at St Thomas Cafe. WtHal«H«T Acccaaortaa Lutheran Church. Call 1-800- Amy Kearns/Progress ana jewelry banomaat locally. The Eastern Gospel In*Out fcaaaaTaalaaaalaanefjBj 265-9040 for more information. Joyce Wolf will perform with the University Singers tonight. Ensemble will perform at 5:50 U»I»W.II aawW t—*■ Today is the last day to Singers give workout to classics p.m. at the Meditation Chapel. AND- Can Us: *©* a»* 5W1 withdraw from a class without at mint Y HIUM/I N Music lovers can see the University 4ta.-m.taa to npa receiving a failing grade. An Oktoberfest Social ""PEACEMAKER Singers show off their vocal skills Gathering will occur at 5 p.m. in We're Open: * Cat meals MM. When tonight. A German Lunch Table 8 p.m. The concert is at 8 p.m. in Brock Case Annex Lobby. will meet from noon to 1 p.m. in Tonight Auditorium. It is free and open to the h Powell Cafeteria beside the public. Crank Williams will play Wednesdays 'BALLOON Board of Regents' Dining Room. Where The concert will feature two sections of Phone 3 at 9:30 p.m. Cost is $2. Brock TOGO nr singers singing works by Brahms, Hondel IA division* The A&sd Touch, / ^ The Haunted Forest, Auditorium and Aaron Copland. Hump Night In addition, soprano Joyce Wolf will WEDNESDAY Wide Variety of: &{ sponsored by the Richmond • LooneyTune Parks and Recreation have a solo set. Wolf, who had a concert earlier this semester, is the new solo soprano in the musk A Halloween door decorat- food & drink 'Rtan'Bags Department, starts today and department The show will end with both groups of singers runs through Halloween at ing contest starts today and • Stuffed Animals performing with 28 members of the wind ensemble. • Candy Camp Catalpa. Call 623*753 for The show should appeal to those who want a little music runs through Oct 30. Forms to specials times for each day. with a different feel. Call G22-3266 for more information. enter can be picked up at resi- • Mugs dence hall front desks and must • gourmet Cocoa The band Pound with In be turned in at Case Hall by all night! • lRo\edQift Sets Human plays at 9:30 p.m. at A softball tournament is Day Concert will be held at 8 Oct 21. There is a $2 entry fee. Phone 3. Cost is $3. being sponsored by the Sigma p.m. in Brock Auditorium. Madison Mention this ad and get Alpha Epsilon fraternity and Phi A faculty music recital free delivery on campus. Delta Theta sorority. The tour- Garden SUNDAY with flute player Richard „,..., 226 N. Second St nament is ppen to any team, Bromley will be held at 8 p.m. in 152 N Madison Ave 623-9720 SATURDAY m 623-0453 Richmond, Ky. «. cost is $40 to enter. Call 626- Gifford Theatre. 8558 or 624-2473 for informa- A festival sponsored by Stoner Boone will rock tion. Common Ground is at 2 p.m. at Don't forget "South Park" Phone 3 starting at 9:30 p.m. Irvine-McDowell Park. It is free is on at 10 p.m. on. Comedy Cost is $3. A Middle School String and open to the public. Central. THE BOTALNY B AY RicrHMONd's FJRST & FINEST HEMP STORE! Offering a r"\ ^ Porter Plaza complete line of (behind Denny's on hemp products We arc your link to campus news and events. Pick us up every Thursday. and a whole the Eastern ByPass) Eastern Progress lot more! Saliva Hikers$47.99 623-HEMP 622-18K1

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I Michael Roy, editor The Eastern Progress Thursday, October 16, 1997 B 3

TODAY in pop culture

1971: The Theme of Shaft" is released. It later wins an Oscar for Isaac Hayes, the song's writer. Arts ► Notable Quotes | BEST ALBUM ridge t o "I guess I'm not the only one b a b y I o n OUTyNGMflK' who's thought about killing Kathie Lee."— Mr. Garrison. The Rolling Stones have 's hit show will make you laugh, cry and puke played off their "Greatest Rock n" STORIES BY MICHAEL ROY Roll Band in the World" tag for so Since premiering in August, Arts editor "M MM M long, that they didn't have to pro- the show has garnered some of MMMM" duce good Most animated shows don't get the network's best ratings ever. —Kenny records. Their a TV MA (mature audiences only) The show has even been nomi- bombastic rating. nated for a Cable Ace award for "Hang up tours usually Then again, most cartoon best animated series on cable the lights. drowned out shows are not "South Park." television. String up the how their Created by and And the show does have some banners. Castrate the cows!"- music had fall- , "South Park" has big fans, both here on campus The mayor over Kathie Lee's visit. en off since become a major hit for Comedy and in Hollywood. "Some Girls." Central. Kentucky native George Albums The show concerns the adven- Clooney even guest-voiced as "You got to hold the ball like since the 80s tures of, as the ads have called Sparky, Stan's gay dog. you would hold your lover."— from Tattoo them, "four lovable scamps" com- On campus, some students Chef, acting as coach for the foot- You" to "Steel Mick Jagger rocks' ing of age in the town of South have begun watching the cartoon ball team. Wheels" have again on "Bridges Park. in groups. been so-so, to Babylon." The kids — Stan, Kyle, Jeremy Gaines, an undeclared "But now Kenny is dead. So usually having Cartman and Kenny — have gone freshman, discovered the show guns are bad."— Stan's uncle one or two from alien abductions to facing the second week of school. Jimbo, consoling his nephew great songs at best. "Voodoo the Grim Reaper in the series. "It was different Not like any- about guns. Lounge" at least found the band This definitely isn't "Peanuts." thing you see on other channels," back in form. But it lacked in com- In addition, the kids have Gaines said. "I don't need to parison to the band's classics mouths similar to George Gaines also said his favorite take that kinda "Bridges to Babylon" the Carlin's. All photos submitted character was the poor Kenny crap from you Stones' newest album,sees the The supporting characters Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone pose with Stan and Cartman. "because he dies in every scrawny weak- band making music again with a range from the sex-obsessed Chef animators," What they come episode." lings." — vigor and ambition lacking in the — voiced by "Shaft" theme writer Parker told up with was a Another viewer, Chris Allen, Cartman after Stones' work since "Exile on Main Isaac Hayes — to Mr. Garrison, "USA Today." u Because he dies show with foul- likes Cartman, "the fat little kid." an argument Street." who along with his hand puppet "but we got every episode mouthed kids "He's the one who gets picked with Kyle and The album kicks off with "Flip Mr. Hat, even tried to bump off inventive." watching Santa on," Allen, a senior physical edu- Stan. the Switch," a bluesy rocker which . The show Jeremy Gaines on his ciiiui"and Jesus cation, major said. finds the band returning to its And Kenny has never made it began life as favorite character, Kenny trying to kung-fu Allen said he would describe the blues roots. "Low Down" mean- to the end of the show because he "The Spirit of each other to show as "harsh." "Do your impersonation of while finds Mick Jagger's voice gets killed in every episode. Christmas." death. "South Park" is currently run- David Caruso's career!"— Kyle, rocking even harder than artists In a "USA Today" interview, Parker and The video even- ning at 10 p.m. encouraging his brother. half his age. The song also has Parker said that the show result- Stone were .» tually got around A new episode is reportedly in some of Charlie Watts' best drum- ed from years at Colorado State asked by an to different net- the works as a Halloween special. "How are my little crackers ming since the band's 60s hey- University with Stone. executive at Fox to create a spe- works, with Comedy Central pick- The Great Pumpkin and today?"—Chef, asking about Stan day. "We weren't there to become cial holiday greeting card. ing it up as a regular series. Charlie Brown should beware. and the gang. The album also has its slower songs, like the downbeat "Already "Oh. Rainbows are cool."— Over Me." "Gunface" with Keith Cartman, confused about what Richards' guitar work makes the CHARACTER: The Spirit of SOUTH PARK to kill Kathie Lee rainbows are really. song sound similar to past Stones' Christmas." The for revenge after songs like "Gimme Shelter" and original show that episode guide losing to Kathie "Paint It Black." launched "South Lee as a child. "Oh my Richards also sings on the Park" has the boys God. They Jamaican flavored "You Don't trying to uncover the spirit of "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Killed Have to Mean If a fun number Christmas. Instead they stumble Ride." Stan discovers to his horror Kenny!"—Kyle, that finds Richards in fine voice. onto a grudge match between that his dog Sparky is gay. Sparky every episode. Meanwhile "Saint of Me" finds Jesus and Santa Glaus which ends runs away and finds sanctuary with Jagger trying to find salvation. with Kenny's Big Gay Al. "You can fol- death. This from the man who sang Whan: 10 p.m. Wad. Meanwhile, the low your "Sympathy for the Devil." town prepares for an dreams. I'm The band's first single from the "Cartman upcoming football Where: Comedy Central proof of that"— Cartman, after he album "Anybody Seen My Baby" Gets an Anal game. George lands on an episode of Geraldo is co-produced by the Dust Probe." Space Channel 43 Clooney guest voic- about obesity. Brothers of Beck and Beastie aliens land, Kyle es as Sparky. Boys fame. The song, with plays Kick the "It's just like "Nam."— Cartman Jagger's swaying vocals, sturdy Baby with his younger brother, "An Elephant Makes Love to a trying to act like he remembers guitar work by Richards and a Biz Cartman gets abducted and Kenny Pig." To win a science fair, the Vietnam. Markie sample thrown in makes dies. boys plan to mate Kyle's elephant the song one of the Stones' best with Cartman's pig. Instead a KENNY: CARTMAN: KYLE: STAN: "Cartman doesn't know a rain (and yes, it does resemble K.D. "." The boys, on a mutated version of Stan created by forest from a Pop Tart!"—Stan the kid who the fat kid and the Jewish kid. the leader of a Marlon Brando look-alike causes Lang's "Constant Craving"). the group. As hunting trip with Stan's uncle Another good trend is that dies. Kenny is sensitive about He spends his Jimbo, have to evade an exploding havoc. the quiet one it. He is the time kicking leader, Stan "Bridges to Babylon" doesn't has faced a volcano and a monster called sound concocted just to let the who has bought most foul- his baby bro- Scuttlebutt to survive. "Death." Stan's grandfather the farm thanks mouthed of the ther, hanging sexually-con- "Now, don't be band embark on its usual big wants Stan's help to kill himself. gay."— Stan to aliens, guns, bunch and around with fused dog, a "Weight Gain 4000." While this is going on, the tours. Instead the album sounds mutant clone of ■ teaching a football team, possesses the Stan and egg- Cartman wins an environmental town's parents organize a protest 1 like it was created by the band to himself, his Sparky. give listeners a good album. a volcano and lowest I.Q. in ing Cartman essay contest and is to receive his against a cartoon show they deem "Bridges to Babylon" may even the Grim the group. He over his suicidal grand- award on TV from Kathie Lee vulgar. The Grim Reaper also Reaper. also eats weight father and his shows up and proves that Kenny is not hold a candle to "Let it Bleed" sister. Gifford. or their greatest hits albums, but it Cheesy Poofs Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison plots really marked for death. still finds Mick and the boys rock- ing out with the energy of bands PROGRESS STAFF REPORT Universe and Mitch Barrett. In additon, sponsors for volunateers are less than half their age. It also Berea alumni Hasan Davis will also also being sought. reminds listeners that they are the Local music fans can now see their read poetry during the day. The event is being coordinated by greatest rock n' roll band in the Musicians favorite acts together, as they band togeth- Chiaroscuro are co-sponsoring the con- Chiaroscuro, Berea College Campus world. r er for a good cause. cert. —Michael Roy Activities and Habitat for Humanity. The Autumn Life The event will tie The festival will benefit, according to Festival is a benefit con- Autumn Life Festival in with Habitat's card- fliers, "those less fortunate." to rock cert for Habitat for board city activity. Donations of canned food or money can BEST MOVIE When: Noon through 10 p.m ' Humanity and Bereans The group is looking be used for admission to the concert United in Utility for Rent s e v en yea Where: Berea College for volunteers to help Those who attend are advised to bring and Relief. with cardboard city. blankets and wear warm clothes in case of t i b e t The concert starts Quadrangle To participate in this cool weather. at Habitat rocking at noon and runs campaign, people will Brad Pitt fans can now see him to 10 p.m. Saturday at stay in tents and card- If it rains, the event will take place in not get upstaged by Tom Cruise, Berea College's board boxes during Phelps Stokes Auditorium. Morgan Freeman and Harrison Quadrangle. events to support For more information about this con- Ford in "Seven Years in Tibet" festival The concert will feature the bands Habitat cert, call (606) 986-9341. In this drama he plays Heinrich Peace Monkey, Rostulara, Glen E. The cardboard cities will be tried out For those who want more information Harrer, who tutors the young Dalai Quiggins, Chiaroscuro, Catawampus during Saturday's concerts. about Habitat for Humanity, call the Lama. Richmond branch at 625-9208.

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Laetitia Clayton, Ericka Herd, editors The Eastern Progress Thursday. October 16,1997 B 5 Activities Haunted Forest adds new surprises to annual event BY EWCKA HERD Activities co-editor more entertaining," Bentley said. He said the one concern to fear Once again October is back is rain. But Bentley said they have and Halloween festivals are ready a drying mixture to add on the to kick off with the Haunted ground if it's wet. He said they Forest at Camp Catalpa off have tried to make it as safe as Highway 52 East, near Lake possible by marking trails. Reba. Eastern's Lambda Chi Alpha Joe Bentley, assistant director fraternity is also playing a role in of Richmond Parks and Haunted Forest which has been Recreation said he has some new going on now for 11 years, things planned, but did not want Bentley said. to spoil the fun by telling. "Things go faster with the help "As we build, we approach new of Lambda Chi. We really enjoy things," he said. them. They keep us young with Bentley said their help," he the forest will be said. open for 11 Haunted Forest Bentlley said nights. the fraternity "On a $5 Opening Dates will help them scale, I would with setting give it 4.5. It Oct 17 -18, 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. things up and depends on the Oct22 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. even carving person's reac- Oct 23 - 25, 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. pumpkins. tion to chain Jeff Stidham, saws," Bentley Oct 27- 29, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. president of the said. Oct. 30 - 31,7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Lambda Chi's He said said their guides will lead Adults $4, kids 12 and under $1 efforts in 10 to 15 people Haunted Forest through will count as Haunted Forest starting in the community service hours for descent of the woods. them. He described the forest as hav- "Its for a good cause. It goes ing dim lights with several differ- toward Richmond foster kids," ent stations and sound effects that Stidham said. would take about 15 minutes to Bentley said Haunted Forest is walk through. a big money maker. The atmosphere in the woods He said proceeds go to three makes it spookier at night, different organizations: Toys for Bentley said. "It makes it better Tots, the DARE Program, and of than a haunted house." course. Lambda Chi Alpha. Bentley said the event's theme "Lambda Chi has earned it They focuses on drug and alcohol have put in time," Bentley said. awareness. He explained that a He said the event is a service for particular group wanted to include the community and that it is some- i Progress File Photo an educational aspect, so one sec- thing for everyone to do. tion of the forest deals with drug "I hope it's a huge sucess, that For nearly 14 years, the Richmond Parks and Recreation department has The forest is open for 11 nights where visitors are guided through the forest concerns. people enjoy themselves and be hosted its annual spook fest, Haunted Forest, to help celebrate Halloween. by tour guides. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity co-sponsors the event and has "Then it's less educational and scared," Stidham said. It is located at Camp Catalpa just off of Hightway 52 East, near Lake Reba. participated for the past 11 years. For more information call 623-8753. Citizens' group, Army reach common ground BY LAETITIA CLAYTON finally moving forward toward "There are seven proposed Activities co-editor "We have a lot to safer alternative technology for dis- alternatives (to incineration) that posing of the chemical weapons," could possibly work," she said. This Sunday is your chance to feel good about — Hille said. Hille explained the attitude learn about the chemical weapons Schindler said the festival, used to be to store the weapons that are stored just four miles about where we're which is free, will have local bands somewhere else, but now she said from campus at the Bluegrass going with this. beginning at 2 p.m. people are realizing there is no Army Depot, and also to have There is an "Activists vs. Army" "away." some fun at the Celebrating We're celebrating volleyball game at 1 p.m., clowns "You can't get rid of anything, Common Ground festival from and other activities for children you can just change it," Hille said. 12:30 to 6 p.m. at Irvine-McDowell common ground. throughout the day and a raffle for Hille and Schindler said when Park. Charly Schindler, various prizes. the Army proposed the building of The festival is to celebrate the Common Ground In addition. Schindler said there the incinerator, they said it would fact that the Army's plans to build will be a Cyber Cafe where people be torn down after the weapons an incinerator at the depot are on jy can use a computer to access other were destroyed, but they both feel hold while the Army researches communities that have stockpiled this is not true. alternative methods for disposing other stockpile sites in the conti- chemical weapons. "If we build one (incinerator), of chemical weapons, said Charly nental United States and a ninth Among the raffle prizes will be companies will be burning stuff to Schindler, a member of Common one in the South Pacific, he said. an art object donated by Debra be dispersed into the air above us Ground. "We were stupid enough when Hille. who makes mixed media forever." Schindler said. Common Ground was formed we were building them not to think sculptures. Hille added she doesn't think in 1985 by a group of Madison of ways to dismantle them," Hille, who is also a member of most people realize an incinera- tor would cover 22 acres of Laetitia Clayton /Progress County citizens when the Army Schindler said. Common Ground, had a booth at announced its plans to build the Peter Hille, who has been the Berea Fall Arts Fair last week- ground. incinerator, he said. involved with Common Ground end. Schindler said neutralization is Jammin' Schindler said there are 70,000 from the beginning, said it is She said she became concerned one method of disposal being con- nerve gas rockets, plus an important to note the Army and the with the incineration issue in 1986 sidered. "unknown number of conventional citizens are now working together when she and her husband bought "We have a lot to feel good The Bluebird Special was one of several bands that played last week- weapons" stored at the Bluegrass about — about where we are going end at The Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen Fall Fair in Berea. on this issue. property in Madison County just Army Depot "I think the most important six miles from the gates of the with this." he said. "We are cele- In addition, there are eight thing is for people to know we are depot brating common ground." We encourage letters to the editor. If vou have an opinion or idea vou would like to share WRITE US! All letters should be submitted by noon, Monday. Each letter should include your Eastern PrOgreSS 622-1881 name and phone number. Letters should not exceed 250 words. ' 117 Donovan^ [email protected] FOR SALE BY OWNER 1059BERFARD. KJLJ&S RICHMOND, KY.

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B6 Thursday, October 16,1987 The Eastern Progress Sports

Defensive end EASTERN KENTUCKY 49 David Hoelscher TENNESSEE STATE 7 wraps up Tennessee State quarterback Leon Murray in the first quarter of Eastern's 49-7 Colonels stick it win. DRILL Photos by Brian Simms/Progress ► Athlete to State; Racers next of the week

Derick Defense, Logan steal Logan show in first OVC win

Football BY LANCE YEAGER tailback Assistant sports editor NASHVILLE — Hearing the statistics Eastern's defense put up against Tennessee State's high-powered passing attack in the music city Saturday night was the sweetest melody to coach Roy Kidd's ears. The Colonels drubbed the Tigers 49-7 before 6.124 fans in Nashville's WJ. Hale Stadium. The sophomore filled in (or The stingy Colonels allowed only 31 yards of total the injured Corey Crume with offense in the second half. 126 yards rushing in the "The biggest surprise, and the most pleasant sur- Colonels" 49-7 thrashing of prise, is our defense holding that offensive football team Tennessee State. Logan carried to seven points," Kidd said. the ball 18 times and scored three State had scored no less than 28 points in a game this of Eastern's seven touchdowns. season, scoring in double-digits in 20 straight games. Logan was also named OVC "I'm really proud of our defense." said junior wide ()lfensive Player of the Week. receiver Rondel Menendez. "They stopped the pass attack, and they stopped the special teams. Menendez contributed six catches for 126 yards to an ► Sports briefs offense that played a pretty tune also. Eastern racked up 456 yards of offense and seven touchdowns, three of which were scored by Derick Logan.

Tickets to be sold See Stats/Page B8 for women's b-ball With practice beginning this weekend, it's time to start Eastern again seeking thinking hoops again. For the first time. Eastern revenge against Murray will offer season tickets to Lady Colonels games this Bea- BYBHAWS—is son. These will run from $33 to Sports editor $44. In a hallway outside its locker room, the Eastern Eastern basketball season Kentucky football team gathered after its 49-7 thumping ticket holders have first priori- of Tennessee State. ty for their previous year's The players did their usual rendition of "Cabin on the seats, but the deadline for Hill" and then listened as coach Roy Kidd gave them renewal is Oct. 22. praise for their effort. But instead of heading into the showers after Kidd's The deadline for seat applause, offensive line coach Doug Carter had some improvement requests is also words for the Colonels. Oct. 22. "We owe somebody a butt kicking next week," Carter Also new this year is the said as the hall immediately filled with yells of enthusiasm. men's/women's combo pack- That enthusiasm was for the Murray State Racers, the age which includes season tick- two-time defending Ohio Valley Conference champions. ets tor both teams. Eastern will travel to battle Murray for the 57th time Lower arena tickets are at 12:30 p.m. Saturday. $108. and upper arena seats In the past it had been Eastern who has dominated the Racers. However, Murray has won the past two deci- go for $88 in the combo pack- sions — both of which gave Murray the conference title. age. "It was real heartbreaking to see us lose again." The Eastern athletic ticket Eastern tailback Derick Logan gives Tiger safety Darrell Hmton a forearm as Hinton tries to drag him down. Logan finished the game office is located in room 129 of See Murray/Page B8 with a career-high 126 yards in Eastern's win. The sophomore was named OVC Offensive Player of the Week for his performance. Alumni Coliseum. You can reach the office at ► Cross country 622-2122. Baseball squad to conclude fall season Hands down, Colonels fall at Furman Inv. The Eastern baseball team will square off in the third senior Titus Ngeno. came in and just enough to take second game of its best-of-five Colonel Both men's and women's squads finish disappointing third 25th. Eastern's fourth- and fifth- Erdman said. Series at 3:30 p.m. today at place runners finished a sub par The women's team also had it's BY DANIEL REINHART needed a hand was because "It was tough, you take one of Turkey Hughes Eield. 43rd and 54th. worst finish of the year at the Sports writer junior runner Daniel Koech. who the top guys out and it kills us," The University of South Florida Furman Invitational finishing in The five-game series, which finished second last week, coach Rick Erdmann said. ends Saturday, will conclude won the event and Georgia came third place. Tennessee- injured his hand in agriculture Eastern's top two finishers in second. Chattanooga dominated the the fall season for Eastern. Eastern's cross country team class and was not able to run. David Kabata and Mohammad needed a hand this weekend at the Erdmann believes if Eastern women's team event outdistancing Koech had finished in the top Musse were impressive, finish- had been healthy it would have second place Berry College by 52 Schedule Furman Invitational, but didn't get five in all his previous races this ► the help it needed as the men fell to ing fourth and sixth. But with been able to overcome Georgia. points. a disappointing third place finish. year, and his absence notably the absence of Koech the team The loss of Koech gave the Football (2-3,1-0 OVC) The reason the Colonels hurt the team as it had its worst had a dramatic drop-off in perfor- Bulldogs, who held the Colonels finish of the year. mance as the third runner. off by 14 points, a big advantage See Cross Country/Page B8 vs. Murray State (5-2.3-0) 12:30 p.m.. Saturday. Murray. Ky. ► Volleyball Volleyball (1-16, 1-8) vs. IT-Martin (6-11.1-7) 8 p.m.. Friday. Martin, Tenn. Eastern plummets even farther (1-16) at Ohio vs. Murray State (12-7.6-2) Eastern vol- BY LANCE YEAGER The Colonels lost a hard-fought match 2 p.m.. Saturday. Murray, Ky. leyball coach Assistant sports editor against Cleveland State on Friday 15-11, 15-12. 10-15 and 16-14. vs. Tennessee (9-11.4-2 SEC) Geri Polvino "Stop. stop, stop," coach Geri Porvino inter- 7 p.m.. Tuesday. KnoxviHe. Tenn. instructs her rupted a drill during Monday's Eastern volley- Amy Merron (17 kills). Christy Johnson (8 players during ball practice after Amy Merron's spike past kills) and Emily Stinson (5 kills, 40 assists and a recent prac- Erin Rigsby's diving kamikaze dig attempt 16 digs) led the way for Eastern. Cross Country tice. Eastern is That's a nice hit. but that's a bad read." Merron hit .361 with 17 kills Saturday last in the Polvino instructed her team, fresh off an 0-3 against Indiana State with Eastern once again at Cincinnati Invitational Friday falling 15S. 15-8 and 15-1. OVC with its trip to this weekend's AmeriHost Bobcat Invitational in Athens, Ohio. Eastern fared no better, clashing with Ohio 1 -8 league University the same day. Golf mark. The Colonels dropped a 3-1 match to Cleveland State Friday, before being shut out The Bobcats won easily 154,15-10 and 15-8. Men at IjouisviUe. Monday and 3-0 by both Indiana State and host Ohio Merron. named to the alkournament team, led Tuesday University Saturday. the way again with 15 kills, while Jessica Olson Although the players could relax from contributed nine digs in Eastern's third Women are idle this week Don classes Monday. Polvino ran them through a straight game without the leadership of senior Knight/Progress strenuous workout in the afternoon with Chelsea Bowers who suffered a second-degree Tennis emphasis on improving play in the middle, sprained ankle in the OcL 7 loss to Morehead. and getting the ball to the setter in transition. Porvino said Bowers could be out of action Women at Louisvffle Invitational She said three rotations are knocking Eastern until the end of October. Friday through Sunday out of matches. The three losses bring Eastern's season "Now that other things have cleared up. we're mark to 1-16. The Colonels began the season 0- Men at Kentucky Invitational focusing on these three rotations," Porvino said. 8 before beating Tennessee Martin 3-1 in Friday through Sunday "If we can get better play out of the middle in McBrayer Arena Sept. 20. Since that win. these three rotations, we can turn the comer." Eastern has once again dropped eight straight Baseball Polvino said the team needs one player in Now Eastern is hoping another wiri over the particular to elevate her game. Skyhawks can break this losing streak when it Colonel Series; game three 3:30 "Kelly Smith is so capable, and she's just visits Tennessee- Martin tomorrow. p.m. today at Turkey Hughes got to take more charge of the court," she said, The Colonels will play at Murray State (12- Field, game four 3:30 p.m. tomor- "^he's making some powerful plays, but has to 7,6-2 OVC) Saturday and at Tennessee Oct21. row, game five 1 p.m. Saturday do it more consistently." The Eastern Progress, Thursday, October 16,1997 Sports B7 ► Golf

Women finish dead last at Lady Kat WEDNESDAY NIGHT BY LANCE YEAGEH "Jackie's been leading the way," two," said Martin, adding that she shot back at +6. Assistant sports editor coach Sandy Martin said. "We need all thought Eastern's 998 three-day total Mike Whitson's +10 and Brandon MARGARITAS the rest to bring their scores down." was at least 15 points higher than it Tucker's +16 rounded out the scor- Results were mixed for Eastern's Heather Faesey finished 77th should have been. ing for the Colonels. golf teams this week. with her 252. The men fared better, finishing fifth Next up for the men is a trip to While the men finished a strong Michelle Biro's 257, Julie out of 22 teams playing on the Signal Louisville Monday and Tuesday. fifth in Tennessee-Chatanooga's tour- Bourne's 259 and Colleen Yaeger's Mountain Golf Course in Tennessee. The women are off until hosting nament, the women were playing from 260 completed Eastern's scores. Campbell University won the their fall invitational Oct. 24 and 25. the rough in the Lady Kat Invitational Martin said consistency is a prob- event at eight over par. The Colonels Martin said her players have in Lexington where they finished last lem for the team, including Biro who finished at+21. been "beating a bunch of balls (18th). shot a 79 in her second round despite Once again, Andy Games led the around" in practice this week trying The women were led by Jackie a double-bogey and a triple-bogey. way finishing in a tie for 17th at +4. to gain consistency. <«8Kfi6b A Biro whose 238 three-day total "She played 16 holes really well, Kris O' Donnell tied for 22nd at +5, The scores you show in a tourna- «M» placed her 38th. but needs to eliminate those other while Eric Willenbrink was another ment are directly related to practice."

► Tennis On the corner of First and Water Streets 623-0021 Eastern ends fall stints this weekend 7-9 p.m. the Louisville Invitational this Another big eastern side of the state as it goes Men will play at weekend. plus for the to the Kentucky Invitational. They will meet seven teams at team will be On tap for them will be The UK; women to the tourney. the play of Kentucky, Cincinnati, Butler, Among the more prominent junior Ellen Indiana, Michigan State, Ohio try Louisville Inv. are Louisville, Butler, Smith, who is University, Iowa State, and UT- Sunglass BY DAMIEL PBEKOPA Cincinnati, St.* Louis, and coming off one Chattanooga. Contributing writer Memphis State. of her best "We're looking forward to "Louisville and St. Louis have outings of the seeing how we stack up against Shoppe very tough teams this year," year two teams such as Cincinnati and The fall season winds down this coach Tom Higgins said. "We're weeks ago at UK, who both have very tough llicliiiioml Mull 023-1882 weekend for the Eastern going to be playing against some Higgins' squads the Tennessee teams," Higgins said. "This is Kentucky tennis teams. pretty strong teams. The compe- will be at Louisville Tech one of our stronger teams that The men's and women's squads tition is really going to be and Lexington. Invitational. we've had, and it should be • Ray Ban • Gargoyles will head into two big tournaments. strong." "Well be very interesting to see what hap- to prepare for the spring season, Freshman Tara Williams and tough if Ellen pens." which begins toward the end of senior Heather Long will be big can keep playing the way she has Along with his teammates, • Serengeti •Bolle January. factors for the Colonels in this all season," Higgins said. Adam Doyle is "expected to do On tap for the women's team is tournament, Higgins said. The men's team will be on the well" in the tournament. • Oakley • Killer Loop • Giorgio Armani Bring this coupon to BASKETBALL CHECK EXCHANGE EKU vs. Sister Murray State Dorene TRYOUTS Looking at Brighter Days and Open tryouts for the receive Football -Psychic Readings & Tarot Card Readings EKU Men's $5 OFF Saturday Teds Basketball team will Noon 'Past-Present-Future» be held in the Alumni HOMECOMING '97 your next transaction Coliseum on It's time to build your float for the minimum $100 transaction Give* advk» On 8 TVs Saturday, October 18 1997 Homecoming Parade. (One per visit. and Butinesi Some restrictions apply.) Reading at 3 p.m. For that you need Pomp's and Madison Call For Your Psychic Reading Today! University Shopping Center at UBS we have them. (Near Social Security Office) Garden You must be a full time student to be eligible. 623-1199 152 N. Madison Ave 623-9720 V623-593V Pomp's bold, no-run colors give your float a prize-winning look no matter what the weather. ► Al) INDEX Check out all the One package will cover 4 sq. feet of 1" chicken wire using one piece for Apollo's A6 Homecoming Specials every other hole. Also flame resistant. Balloons To Go B2 They sell quick Basketball Tryouts B7 in our special Homecoming issue. Body & SoulB4 so get yours today! Botany Bay B2 Buccaneer Drive-In B2 GOOD LUCK COLONELS Captain D's B5 BEAT TENNESSEE TECH Check Exchange B7 Church Directory B8 Circuit City B8 County News Review B8 Dairy Queen B3 •ocxftsumv Disc Go Round A6 Fazoli's B8 First Gear A4 First Image A4 Gift Box B4 Don't miss out... turn to us for Hall's On The River B8 Oceanfront Tan-In House For Sale B5 everything. From the game roster to the 519 Leigh way Dr. Lane's B2 Madison Garden B2, B7 parade route. We have it all! 8993 Mall Movies B2 Mastercard Inserts Merle Norman B2 Oceanfront B7 Paco's B7 Panama Jim's A5 Papa John's B5 PC Systems B2 Peace Corps B4 Pink Flamingo B8 Pizza Hut B4 Recordsmith B3 Regis A6 Sacred Earth B2 Single Sera-Tec B2, B3 Advertisers make sure you contact your Tanning Serendipity B4 Visits Sister Dorene B7 representatives early to reserve your spot in the Substance Abuse A4 Homecoming issue! Subway (DT) A6 Sunglass Shoppe B7 Please call for Student Association A5 Eastern Progress appointment The Gym A6 UBS B7 117 Donovan Annex 622-1881 University Cinemas B2 [email protected] .edu &&66&&fefr6*&^&& * ■■

B8 SpOrtS The Eastern Progress, Thursday, October 16.1*997 ■■■■■■■MBHHHIVOT State: Washington climbs farther up record book's ladder From Page B6 The sophomore rushed for 126 yards on 18 carries. Senior receiver Bobby Washington's three catches and touchdown gave him sole posses- sion of third place for career recep- tions (122), and career touchdowns (14) receiving at Eastern. Eastern got on the board first with 5:18 remaining in the first quarter when Fuentes and Washington hooked up on a hitch-and-go pattern that the Tennessee State secondary Hiring bit on, leaving Washington wide open FOR THEO for the 26-yard touchdown pass. The Tigers tied the score when Jarrick Hillery took a short pass from HOLIDAYS Murray, twisted in a 360-degree spin sales counselors . customer service associates causing linebacker Luke Morton to cd/music specialists . warehouse associates dive and miss him, and ran across the field 66 yards for the score. Apply Today! Logan ran for two touchdowns in the second quarter to give Eastern a 21-7 halftime lead. CIRCUIT CITY And then, the Colonels poured salt into the Tigers' wounds in the second hall Logan's five-yard touchdown run with 12:05 left in the third gave Eastern a commanding 28-7 lead. (Above) Brian "Bull" Durham W A S Jonathan Butler scored on an 11- rushed for 87 yards and scored two PIPJSP clip .uid hnnq this coupon yard run. and Brian Durham darted in touchdowns in the Colonels' 49-7 Exp 11 1697 from three yards to make the score victory over State. (Below) The • c.islomw Nol ']■ >'her coupon or discount 42-7 entering the fourth quarter. Eastern football team sang the tra- s. W.islu I s . OVC, and they tore down the goal- that because we were beat up." (»2(l Uiu Mill AM-. • 623-0076 post, and acted like they won the Johnson said. "Those two games . <0 .i III 10 i> ill \l"ii s.il. In .i.in HI pin. SH national championship," junior wide came at an opportune time." receiver Brian Brenneman said. The 20th ranked Racers (5-2, JO mm*. ^&m In last year's contest, Eastern OVC) are led by the running combi- again had a disturbing visual element nation of Anthony Downs and stick in their minds — Racer kicker Wilbert Smith. F ^ Rob Hart's 36-yard field goal as time Together they account for 188 of expired to give Murray a 17-14 win. Murray's 201 yards per game. This year's game will once again "We're gonna have to play damn weigh heavily in the OVC race. good defense against the run," Kidd Both Eastern coach Roy Kidd and said. "That's where they're the W- . -gfealls new Racer coach Denver Johnson strongest" ' *'Y* * ON THE RIVER said the conference race is down to As for the Colonels (2-3,1-0), they four teams (Murray, Eastern, should have the services of all three BOONESBORO, KENTUCKY Tennessee Tech and Eastern of their tailbacks — Corey Crume, Illinois), so every game counts. Derick Logan and Brian "Bull" CENTRAL KENTUCKY'S This is a big game for us." Kidd Durham — for the first time since the said. "I want our kids to go down season opener Sept 6 at Troy State. :1aW m W ;; Ti FINEST SEAFOOD, STEAKS and REGIONAL CUISINE Featuring Cross country: Colonels miss Koech at Furman Inv. Prime Rib Fresh Seafood «It was tough. From Page B6 Erdmann was also disappointed with Steamed Shrimp senior Mandy Jones saying, "She had a very Jumbo Oysters on the Half Shell You tako one Eastern missed its third second-place fin- poor race." Fresh Catfish Filets Jones finished a season-worst 36th place. ish by three points to Berry College. Fried Clams Before this invitational she had not finished of the top guys Eastern was led by senior runner Jamie An Ever Changing Fresh Seafood Catch of the Day out and it King, who finished fourth. The rest of outside the top 10 this year. Eastern's runners were fairly consistent com- The Colonels will try to put the Furman Hall's Original Beer Cheese kills us. ing in 14th, 19th, 23rd and 36th. Invitational behind them next week when they Fried Banana Peppers Sarah Blossom turned in her worst perfor- travel to Cincinnati to run in the Cincinnati Old Kentucky Country Ham mance of the year finishing 14th. Blossom con- Invitational Friday. They will compete against Rick Erdmann, tinued her inconsistent year with this low fin- Louisville, Ohio State and Cincinnati. cross country coach ish. She was dominating in the two races she Two weeks after traveling to Cincinnati, won this year, but she has also had such poor Eastern will run in the Ohio Valley » performances as 12th and now 14th place. Conference championships. jk mance Languages 101: Italian CHURCH DIRECTORY TYinity Presbyterian Red House Baptist Church 9443 Church (PCA) 2301 Red House Rd. Sun. School 10 a.m. 128S. KeenelandDr. 623-8471 or 624-1557 Worship 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. 624-8910 Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Si mangia malissimo a scuola. Sun. 9:50 a.m. Worship 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Transportation Available Sun. School 11 a.m. Faith Family Fellowship Unitarian Universalist St Thomas Lutheran 1783 Lancaster Rd. 625-0605 Fellowship 209 St. George ( 9|qijj»| si IOCHJSS em IB poof am :iKM)B|SueJl) Church Sun. 10:30 a.m. Wed. 7 p.m. St. 626-5055 1285 Barnes Mill Rd. Sunday Service and Church Tired of the school cafeteria? 623-7254 Trinity Missionary Baptist School 10:30 a.m. Just because you're a student Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Church 2300 Lexington Rd Worship 10:45 624-9436 Sun. 9:45 a.m., First Baptist Church doesn't mean you have to eat like one. 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Wed. Youth 350 West Main at Lancaster Fazoli's features 12 authentic Italian Catholic Newman Center/ ck Prayer 7 p.m. Ave. 623-4028 Worship Sun. menu items priced under S4. St Mark Catholic Church 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m, 405 University Dr. 623-9400 Lighthouse Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. Sun. School Campus Masses: 10:15 a.m. Center 219 Moberly Ave. 9.40 a.m. S.U.B5.8 p.m. at 5:30 p.m. 623-3246 Sun. 10 a.m., BSU Center. **!$£ 608 W. Main St 623-2989 11 a.m., 6 p.m. Tues. ^fiist. St. Mark Masses: Sat. 5 p.m. 7 p.m. Thurs. 7 p.m. Sun. 830 a.m., Noon 441 Leitftway Drive, 62M8W Richmond Episcopal Church Westside Christian Church of Our Saviour 1432 Fairlane Dr. 623-0382 2323 Lexington Rd Sun. 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 623-1226 Sun. 8:30 6 p.m. a.m., 11 a.m. Sun. BUSINESS REVIEW School 9:30 a.m. COUNTY NEWS First Alliance Church is solely responsible for sales, contents and collection of the Review Section Contemporary Bible Church of God Worship 1405 Bames Mill Militant Pillar and Rd. 624-9878 Ground of the f I MAN-O-WAR FORD Sun. 9:20 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Truth 137 Pine St -i With so many of the new models being 271-1800 or tell free 1-800-529-7609, At MAN-O-WAR FORD, the business 623-9048 similar in features and price, how does this well-known firm is an authorized of customer satisfaction begins in the the prospective new car buyer know representative for famous Ford cars and showroom and continues right on through First United Methodist Tues. 7 p.m. Thurs. which automobile is best for him? Well, trucks. Their service hours are from their complete service department where Church 401 W Main St. 7 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m., as the saying goes. 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